Regulation and correction of the management process. Control of the educational process

An important condition for increasing the efficiency of the educational process is the systematic receipt by the teacher of objective information about the progress of students' educational activities. The teacher receives this information in the process of monitoring this activity.

Control in the pedagogical process is considered as a procedure for evaluative activity, which includes actions using a variety of pedagogical measures and measurement methods to obtain information about the progress and learning outcomes.

Control is the broadest concept in scope. It encompasses and includes all other concepts as integral structural components. The starting points for control are observation and examination. In the process of observation and verification, the material to be inspected is identified (detection) and measured (measurement). As a result of observation and verification, primary information is accumulated, it is taken into account (accounting). Subsequently, this information is subjected to analysis-synthesis, comparison. At the same time, its meaning and significance are revealed, an evaluation (assessment process) of this information is carried out from the point of view of control tasks. The evaluation results receive an external or internal expression, a verbal comment. In the future, based on the meaning, significance and significance, this information becomes a kind of signal to continue the pedagogical process in the same direction or to make corrections to it. It all depends on whether the results of the assessment correspond to the previously planned educational tasks or differ from them.

The evaluation results can be expressed in terms of points - marks.

Thus, analyzing the meaning of students' knowledge control activity, it is possible to identify its specific elements and their rather rigid interconnection, dependence and sequence, i.e. manufacturability.

Pedagogical control is based on the basic principles of didactics and the principles of pedagogical control, built on the basis of general didactic and practically repeating them: scientific character and efficiency, systematic and comprehensiveness, objectivity, fairness and publicity, the connection of control with training, education and upbringing.

The general principles of diagnosing learning include:

1. Objectivity - consists in the scientifically substantiated content of diagnostic tests, diagnostic procedures, equal, friendly attitude of the teacher to all students, accurate assessment of knowledge and skills adequate to the established criteria.

2. The principle of systematicity - the need for diagnostic control at all stages of the didactic process, from the initial perception of knowledge to their practical application.

The principle of visibility (publicity) consists primarily in conducting open tests of all trainees according to the same criteria.

Now let's move on to the next question on the merits - consider the basic principles of knowledge testing.

First of all, it is necessary to agree on what is to be understood by the principle of verification. Since we are talking about the principles of testing students' knowledge, and not about the principles of teaching in general, it is obvious that these principles should be understood only as theoretical provisions that, based on certain patterns underlying the administration of specific testing functions, should serve as guiding principles in practical activities of the teacher in the implementation of these functions. Those provisions that cover the range of phenomena that go beyond these limits, for this reason alone, cannot be considered principles for testing knowledge.

The principle of verification is such a theoretical position that applies to all verification, i.e. and to its content, and to methods, and to forms, and not just to any one of its sides or parts: methodological, organizational, etc. In this latter case, we may have a methodological principle of verification, an organizational principle, etc., but not a principle of verification as a whole.

The first of these principles is objectivity of the check, i.e. such a statement of the test, which is able to establish the true, valid knowledge of the student (students) on this program issue (issues).

The second principle of verification is its regularity, i.e. uniformity and sufficient frequency.

The principle of the regularity of checking students' knowledge is based on the indicated pattern: the more regular the check, the stronger its second specific function is manifested - to educate and strengthen students' sense of responsibility for their educational work, their discipline in this work. Hence the meaning of this principle. Only by following it, it is possible to practically effectively implement this important specific function of verification and thereby significantly raise the level of the entire learning process as a whole. Only such a test can keep students in a state of constant business tension, not allowing them to weaken their will to learn. On the contrary, it is worth allowing irregularity in this matter, as students in some periods will be overstrained by efforts, while in others they will feel free from responsibility for their educational work; great stress is quickly replaced by their small business activity, bordering on idleness.

The pedagogical literature deals with the main functions pedagogical control: diagnostic, teaching, organizing, educating. The diagnostic function is determined by the very essence of pedagogical control, aimed at identifying the level and structure of trainees' readiness. The problems of pedagogical diagnostics, as the most important component of pedagogical control, are widely covered in the studies of V.S. Avanesova, V.P. Bespalko, K. Ingenkamp, ​​V.V. Karpova, L.V. Makarova, D.Sh. Matros, V.I. Mikheeva, T.A. Rodygina, V.S. Cherepanova and others.

The regulation of the process is carried out not only taking into account the final product, but also on the basis of information about the process of obtaining this final product. Such management allows us to distinguish the following structural components:

1) indication of the purpose of management;

2) establishment of the initial state - a controlled process;

3) determination of the program of influences, providing for the main transitional states of the process;

4) ensuring the receipt of information on a certain system of parameters about the state of the controlled process (providing systematic feedback);

5) ensuring the processing of information received through the feedback channel, the development of corrective (regulatory) actions and their implementation.

The application of this structural scheme involves the development of two types of education quality management programs: basic and corrective (regulatory). The main program is compiled at the level of designing the learning process, taking into account all its features. The regulation program is developed only in the course of the learning process based on the analysis of data received via the feedback channel.

There are the following types of control:

Preliminary identification of the level of knowledge ( function - determining the knowledge of the most important elements of the course, aimed at filling gaps);

Current check (thematic) ( function - contributes to the strengthening of knowledge);

Recheck (thematic) (function - contributes to the strengthening of knowledge);

Periodic check on the oral section or topic of the lesson ( function - systematization and generalization);

The final test is held at the end of each quarter and at the end of the academic year;

Comprehensive check (function - diagnosing the quality of the implementation of interdisciplinary connections).

Control technologies are ways of ordered activities of a teacher and a student, during which the assimilation of educational material and the mastery of the required knowledge, skills and abilities by students are revealed.

Until recently, the most common way to control the knowledge of students in the domestic higher school was, until recently, an oral survey.

There are frontal, individual, combined survey.

Written verification along with oral is the most important method of control of knowledge, skills and abilities of the student. The application of this method makes it possible in the shortest possible time to simultaneously check the assimilation of educational material by all students of the group, to determine the direction of individual work with each.

Practical testing allows you to identify how students are able to apply the knowledge gained in practice.

Self-control and self-examination. Self-control activates the student's cognitive activity, fosters a conscious attitude to testing, and contributes to the development of skills to find and correct errors.

Along with the traditional forms of pedagogical control (oral and written examinations and tests, oral and written surveys, control and laboratory work, colloquia, seminars, term papers, etc.), it is advisable to use didactic tests and test tasks in the educational process.

The organization of an effective system of intra-university pedagogical control involves pedagogical measurements as the main means of substantiating assessments. An analysis of the works devoted to the problems of pedagogical measurements allows us to conclude that the issue of improving pedagogical assessments and pedagogical scales is topical and that it is expedient to apply the methodology of pedagogical qualimetry when organizing a system of pedagogical control at a university (G.G. Azgaldov, V.I. Mikheev, N.M. Rozenberg, A. I. Subetto, A. N. Fomicheva, V. S. Cherepanov and others).

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Control of the educational process. Technolaboutgeepedagogical regulation and correction of educationalaboutprocess

The implementation of control and diagnostics ensures the identification and elimination of shortcomings in the work of the school, prompt response to negative trends in the pedagogical process, consolidation and development of success, support for useful initiatives of teachers and students.

The control and diagnostics involve the collection and preliminary processing (systematization) of information about the state of the controlled system, about the changes taking place in it, about the course of the controlled process (Yu. A. Konarzhevsky, T. I. Shamova, P. I. Tretyakov, etc.).

Control of learning as part of the didactic process and the didactic procedure raises problems about the functions of verification and its content, types, methods and forms of control, about measurements, and, therefore, about the criteria for the quality of knowledge, measuring scales and means of measurement, about the success of learning and the failure of students.

Types of control.

Preliminary (introductory) control is aimed at identifying the state of the object of study before the start of a certain segment of the pedagogical process. For example, preliminary control can be carried out to identify the level of formation of certain educational skills before the implementation of a certain technology.

Current control is a systematic test of the assimilation of knowledge, skills and abilities in each lesson. It is operational, flexible, diverse in methods, forms, means.

Thematic control is carried out after major sections, programs, current training. It also takes into account the data of the current control.

The final control is carried out on the eve of transfer to the next class or stage of education. Its task is to fix the minimum of preparation, which provides further training.

All types of control are interconnected, only the use of all types of control allows you to obtain reliable information about the educational process and the development of the child's personality.

Regulation and correction The pedagogical process is closely related to control and diagnostics. The need for regulation and correction is due to the fact that a holistic pedagogical process is based on contradictions: on the one hand, it strives for organization (organization is given to it by the purposeful activities of teachers and students), and on the other hand, to disorganization due to the influence of various external and internal factors, which should be taken into account. is not possible in advance. The reasons for the disorganization of the pedagogical process can be, for example, the introduction of new forms, methods and content into its structure, a shift in the spatio-temporal framework of a particular activity, changes in the contingent of teachers and students.

Efficiency (timeliness and optimality) of regulationania educational process is based on analysis. In turn, the analysis of the situation is based on the data obtained as a result of monitoring and diagnostics. Thus, the regulation of the pedagogical process should be carried out as the final link in the chain "control and diagnostics > analysis of the results of control and diagnostics > regulation and correction".

In particular, T. I. Shamova, as one of the effective forms of regulation and correction in school management, proposes days DRC(diagnostics, regulation and correction), including the following main stages:

1) conducting a micro-study;

2) analysis of the results of the micro-survey and identification of trends;

3) development by a pedagogical council (a group of the most competent teachers in this matter) of a program of regulation and correction;

4) making a management decision on the implementation of the developed program.

Among the requirements for the regulation of the educational process and the correction of the assimilation of educational material, the following stand out:

accounting and correction by the teacher of his own errors made in the previous management cycle (for example, in preparing and conducting a lesson, a system of lessons on a topic, section, during the academic quarter, half a year, year);

regulation of relations within the student team in the learning process;

pedagogical support, psychological and therapeutic impact on children experiencing difficulties in performing certain tasks;

work on the mistakes made by students in solving cognitive and practical problems;

differentiation of educational tasks, taking into account the individual pace of learning, gaps in the system of knowledge and experience of a particular student, etc.

Regulation and correction are usually considered not as independent technologies, but as elements of other technologies, stages of the educational process. For example, in a lesson there may be a stage of correcting the assimilation of new material, and in the course of group problem work, it is necessary to regulate the interaction of pupils. In both examples, regulation and correction are subsidiary to other activities.

However, there are several aspects of the pedagogical process in which regulation and correction are the main activities: correctional educational control school

regulation and correction as functions of school management;

regulation and correction of the student's relationship to the school, an individual teacher, relationships in the student team;

prevention and elimination of didactic causes of academic failure (P.I. Pidkasisty);

correction of negative influences on the student of the family, teachers, other students;

self-correction of activity and behavior as a function of self-management;

stimulation of self-education of schoolchildren (PN Osipov) as a way of developing their experience of self-regulation and self-correction.

Some of these areas correspond to the pedagogical technologies described below.

Communication training technology. Training is widely used in psychology and pedagogy mainly as a form of correctional work. S. D. Polyakov believes that communication training can be used as a technology of education, noting that the development of communication training as an educational technology is largely due to the need to correct the negative impact of the environment on the child (to correct relationships) that often arises in the educational process.

The main correctional and educational tasks of communication training: the removal of psychological barriers in communication, the destruction of individual and group negative attitudes, prejudices, the creation of positive images of "I" and "We".

In the most general form, communication training includes the following technological steps:

introductory part,


basic exercise,

final reflection.

Introduction training is the word of the leader-trainer about the essence and rules of the training. The objectives of the introductory part: to acquaint students with the rules of communication training, to motivate them to be active and open during the training. Basic rules of training:

participation rule (everyone must participate in the exercises);

the “here and now” rule (at the training, you need to talk only about what is happening in the lesson);

feedback rule (each participant in the training has the right to find out the opinion of others about himself, to receive an assessment of his actions, provided that he makes such a request; without the permission of the participant, his actions and words cannot be discussed and evaluated);

the circle rule (equality of rights for all participants, the integrity of their group during the training; this is usually emphasized by placing the training participants in a circle);

magic word rule (for example, the participant can refuse to say something or perform an action in turn by saying the "magic" word "I skip").

Warm up is a few simple psychophysical exercises (usually 2-3). The main task of the warm-up is to take the first steps towards an atmosphere of trust, towards the consciousness of “We” through psychophysical exercises. In psychophysical exercises, movements, changes in postures, facial expressions, etc. are combined with observation of one's mental state, its comprehension, description, and discussion. During the warm-up, external actions and internal (mental) processes and states are usually discussed at the end of the stage. For discussion, the facilitator invites the training participants to use unfinished sentences such as “During the warm-up, I felt ...”, “Doing the exercise (which one), I noticed that ...” or similar questions.

Basic exercise is performed in several steps and takes up most of the training time. The lead-coach can also participate in the performance of the main exercise (for some exercises, the participation of the coach in the exercise is a mandatory or desirable condition).

Final reflection- the final stage of communication training. At the beginning of this stage, the facilitator asks to remember and name everything that was in the lesson, not forgetting a single stage or exercise. Then he invites the pupils to express their opinion about the lesson in the form of I-statements: “I realized that ...”, “I think that ...”, “I felt that ...”.

Dialogue "teacher - pupil" as a technology of pedagogical correction. Substantiating this pedagogical technology, S. D. Polyakov points out that the stages of the “teacher-pupil” dialogue are identified and described by L. B. Filonov as the stages of establishing a trusting contact with a teenager and correcting his attitude towards the teacher. This attitude needs to be corrected if the pupil demonstrates distrust, to some extent expressed readiness for aggression directed at the teacher.

In the technology of the dialogue "teacher - pupil" there are six stages.

1. Stage of accumulation of consents. The purpose of the stage is to increase the number of consents: affirmative positive reactions of the pupil, both verbal and non-verbal. To do this, the teacher uses the following methods:

neutral statements that do not touch the problems of the student (preferably without interrogative intonation);

asking for obviously needed help;

polite and respectful treatment of the pupil;

harmless humor aimed at neutral things and phenomena, etc.

A sign of the possibility of moving to the next stage: agreement with the teacher does not cause internal resistance in the pupil.

2. Stage of search for interests. Purpose: creation of a positive emotional background for communication "teacher - pupil". The main way is to appeal to the real interests of the teenager. Some tricks:

emphasizing the peculiarities, originality of the teenager's statements (“You thought it up great (noted, said, did)”);

request for details (“Remind me, please”);

fixation of emotional coincidences (“I liked it too”);

providing an opportunity for the pupil to demonstrate his competence (addressing a question, the answer to which the teenager probably knows);

non-verbal methods of "joining" the state of the pupil (gestures, facial expressions, speaking rhythm, posture, etc.).

A sign of the possibility of moving to the next stage: the pupil's designation of his interests in front of the teacher.

3. The stage of acceptance of special qualities. Purpose: reaching the level of relative personal openness of the contact. It is important to remember: special qualities do not mean only "bad". Fundamental rules:

demonstrate acceptance of both the pupil in general and the qualities declared by him in particular;

it is impossible to object, argue, otherwise evaluate the qualities declared by the pupil;

no doubt can be shown in the presence of these qualities.

A sign of the possibility of a transition to the next stage: the appearance in the teenager's statements of critical remarks about himself or signs of self-criticism (self-irony, slight doubt about the correctness of his act, etc.).

4. The stage of finding out "dangerous" qualities(qualities unfavorable for interaction). The content of the teacher's activity at this stage consists of careful inquiries about the details of situations in which a teenager presents himself in an unfavorable light, as well as a discussion of the past and possible consequences of the pupil's actions.

A sign of the possibility of moving to the next stage: the pupil's stories about the past events of his life, about the people around him.

5. Stage of joint analysis. Another name: the stage of revealing the personal identification of the pupil. Personal identification is the identification of oneself with other people, both attractive and antipathetic. In other words, at this stage, the teenager will have to “see his qualities in other people”, “look at himself from the outside”. The content of the teacher’s activity is to support speaking, discuss by the teenager the topic of the significance of people and their role in the events of his life, help in analyzing actions and relationships . Possible actions of the teacher:

analysis by the teacher in communication with a teenager of his motives and intentions when committing certain actions;

joint analysis of the reasons for the failure of a teenager to do certain actions;

please compare yourself to the average person and discuss this comparison together.

The completion of this stage is the conclusion that self-control and self-management of one's actions and behavior is necessary and the teacher offers the teenager assistance in mastering the methods of control and self-control.

A sign of the possibility of moving to the next stage: the pupil's acceptance of the assistance offered by the teacher in developing rules and methods of control and self-control.

6. Stage of action selection. Joint development of rules and methods of action with the pupil in a given situation and in life in general. The logic of actions: from specific problematic situations for a teenager to a general program of self-education.

The main sign of the achievement of the result of the technology is the desire of the student to communicate with the teacher who has applied this technology, to discuss their affairs and problems with him.

Possible (intended, but not guaranteed) effects: joint activities of a teacher and a student based on common interests, educational assistance from a teacher, a change in a teenager's social circle or a teenager's position in the previous social circle, etc.

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Control of the educational process. Technology

pedagogical regulation and correction of the educational process

The implementation of control and diagnostics ensures the identification and elimination of shortcomings in the work of the school, prompt response to negative trends in the pedagogical process, consolidation and development of success, support for useful initiatives of teachers and students.

The control and diagnostics involve the collection and preliminary processing (systematization) of information about the state of the controlled system, about the changes taking place in it, about the course of the controlled process (Yu. A. Konarzhevsky, T. I. Shamova, P. I. Tretyakov, etc.).

Control of learning as part of the didactic process and the didactic procedure raises problems about the functions of verification and its content, types, methods and forms of control, about measurements, and, therefore, about the criteria for the quality of knowledge, measuring scales and means of measurement, about the success of learning and the failure of students.

Types of control.

    Preliminary (introductory) control is aimed at identifying the state of the object of study before the start of a certain segment of the pedagogical process. For example, preliminary control can be carried out to identify the level of formation of certain educational skills before the implementation of a certain technology.

    Current control is a systematic test of the assimilation of knowledge, skills and abilities in each lesson. It is operational, flexible, diverse in methods, forms, means.

    Thematic control is carried out after major sections, programs, current training. It also takes into account the data of the current control.

    The final control is carried out on the eve of transfer to the next class or stage of education. Its task is to fix the minimum of preparation, which provides further training.

All types of control are interconnected, only the use of all types of control allows you to obtain reliable information about the educational process and the development of the child's personality.

Regulation and correction The pedagogical process is closely related to control and diagnostics. The need for regulation and correction is due to the fact that a holistic pedagogical process is based on contradictions: on the one hand, it strives for organization (organization is given to it by the purposeful activities of teachers and students), and on the other hand, to disorganization due to the influence of various external and internal factors, which should be taken into account. is not possible in advance. The reasons for the disorganization of the pedagogical process can be, for example, the introduction of new forms, methods and content into its structure, a shift in the spatio-temporal framework of a particular activity, changes in the contingent of teachers and students.

Efficiency (timeliness and optimality) of regulation educational process is based on analysis. In turn, the analysis of the situation is based on the data obtained as a result of monitoring and diagnostics. Thus, the regulation of the pedagogical process should be carried out as the final link in the chain "control and diagnostics → analysis of the results of control and diagnostics → regulation and correction".

In particular, T. I. Shamova, as one of the effective forms of regulation and correction in school management, proposes days DRC(diagnostics, regulation and correction), including the following main stages:

1) conducting a micro-study;

2) analysis of the results of the micro-survey and identification of trends;

3) development by a pedagogical council (a group of the most competent teachers in this matter) of a program of regulation and correction;

4) making a management decision on the implementation of the developed program.

Among the requirements for the regulation of the educational process and the correction of the assimilation of educational material, the following stand out:

    accounting and correction by the teacher of his own errors made in the previous management cycle (for example, in preparing and conducting a lesson, a system of lessons on a topic, section, during the academic quarter, half a year, year);

    regulation of relations within the student team in the learning process;

    pedagogical support, psychological and therapeutic impact on children experiencing difficulties in performing certain tasks;

    work on the mistakes made by students in solving cognitive and practical problems;

    differentiation of educational tasks, taking into account the individual pace of learning, gaps in the system of knowledge and experience of a particular student, etc.

Regulation and correction are usually considered not as independent technologies, but as elements of other technologies, stages of the educational process 1 . For example, in a lesson there may be a stage of correcting the assimilation of new material, and in the course of group problem work, it is necessary to regulate the interaction of pupils. In both examples, regulation and correction are subsidiary to other activities.

However, there are several aspects of the pedagogical process in which regulation and correction are the main activities:

    regulation and correction as functions of school management;

    regulation and correction of the student's relationship to the school, an individual teacher, relationships in the student team;

    prevention and elimination of didactic causes of academic failure (P.I. Pidkasisty);

    correction of negative influences on the student of the family, teachers, other students;

    self-correction of activity and behavior as a function of self-management;

    stimulation of self-education of schoolchildren (PN Osipov) as a way of developing their experience of self-regulation and self-correction.

Some of these areas correspond to the pedagogical technologies described below.

Communication training technology. Training is widely used in psychology and pedagogy mainly as a form of correctional work. S. D. Polyakov believes that communication training can be used as a technology of education, noting that the development of communication training as an educational technology is largely due to the need to correct the negative impact of the environment on the child (to correct relationships) that often arises in the educational process.

The main correctional and educational tasks of communication training: the removal of psychological barriers in communication, the destruction of individual and group negative attitudes, prejudices, the creation of positive images of "I" and "We".

In the most general form, communication training includes the following technological steps:

    introductory part,


    basic exercise,

    final reflection.

Introduction training is the word of the leader-trainer about the essence and rules of the training. The objectives of the introductory part: to acquaint students with the rules of communication training, to motivate them to be active and open during the training. Basic rules of training:

    participation rule (everyone must participate in the exercises);

    the “here and now” rule (at the training, you need to talk only about what is happening in the lesson);

    feedback rule (each participant in the training has the right to find out the opinion of others about himself, to receive an assessment of his actions, provided that he makes such a request; without the permission of the participant, his actions and words cannot be discussed and evaluated);

    the circle rule (equality of rights for all participants, the integrity of their group during the training; this is usually emphasized by placing the training participants in a circle);

    magic word rule (for example, the participant can refuse to say something or perform an action in turn by saying the "magic" word "I skip").

Warm up is a few simple psychophysical exercises (usually 2-3). The main task of the warm-up is to take the first steps towards an atmosphere of trust, towards the consciousness of “We” through psychophysical exercises. In psychophysical exercises, movements, changes in postures, facial expressions, etc. are combined with observation of one's mental state, its comprehension, description, and discussion. During the warm-up, external actions and internal (mental) processes and states are usually discussed at the end of the stage. For discussion, the facilitator invites the training participants to use unfinished sentences such as “During the warm-up, I felt ...”, “Doing the exercise (which one), I noticed that ...” or similar questions.

Basic exercise is performed in several steps and takes up most of the training time. The lead-coach can also participate in the performance of the main exercise (for some exercises, the participation of the coach in the exercise is a mandatory or desirable condition).

Final reflection- the final stage of communication training. At the beginning of this stage, the facilitator asks to remember and name everything that was in the lesson, not forgetting a single stage or exercise. Then he invites the pupils to express their opinion about the lesson in the form of I-statements: “I realized that ...”, “I think that ...”, “I felt that ...”.

Dialogue "teacher - pupil" as a technology of pedagogical correction. Substantiating this pedagogical technology, S. D. Polyakov points out that the stages of the “teacher-pupil” dialogue are identified and described by L. B. Filonov as the stages of establishing a trusting contact with a teenager and correcting his attitude towards the teacher. This attitude needs to be corrected if the pupil demonstrates distrust, to some extent expressed readiness for aggression directed at the teacher.

In the technology of the dialogue "teacher - student" there are six stages.

1. Stage of accumulation of consents. The purpose of the stage is to increase the number of consents: affirmative positive reactions of the pupil, both verbal and non-verbal. To do this, the teacher uses the following methods:

    neutral statements that do not touch the problems of the student (preferably without interrogative intonation);

    asking for obviously needed help;

    polite and respectful treatment of the pupil;

    harmless humor aimed at neutral things and phenomena, etc.

A sign of the possibility of moving to the next stage: agreement with the teacher does not cause internal resistance in the pupil.

2. Stage of search for interests. Purpose: creation of a positive emotional background for communication "teacher - pupil". The main way is to appeal to the real interests of the teenager. Some tricks:

    emphasizing the peculiarities, originality of the teenager's statements (“You thought it up great (noted, said, did)”);

    request for details (“Remind me, please”);

    fixation of emotional coincidences (“I liked it too”);

    providing an opportunity for the pupil to demonstrate his competence (addressing a question, the answer to which the teenager probably knows);

    non-verbal methods of "joining" the state of the pupil (gestures, facial expressions, speaking rhythm, posture, etc.).

A sign of the possibility of moving to the next stage: the pupil's designation of his interests in front of the teacher.

3. The stage of acceptance of special qualities. Purpose: reaching the level of relative personal openness of the contact. It is important to remember: special qualities do not mean only “bad”. Fundamental rules:

    demonstrate acceptance of both the pupil in general and the qualities declared by him in particular;

    it is impossible to object, argue, otherwise evaluate the qualities declared by the pupil;

    no doubt can be shown in the presence of these qualities.

A sign of the possibility of a transition to the next stage: the appearance in the teenager's statements of critical remarks about himself or signs of self-criticism (self-irony, slight doubt about the correctness of his act, etc.).

4. The stage of finding out "dangerous" qualities(qualities unfavorable for interaction). The content of the teacher's activity at this stage consists of careful inquiries about the details of situations in which a teenager presents himself in an unfavorable light, as well as a discussion of the past and possible consequences of the pupil's actions.

A sign of the possibility of moving to the next stage: the pupil's stories about the past events of his life, about the people around him.

5. Stage of joint analysis. Another name: the stage of revealing the personal identification of the pupil. Personal identification is the identification of oneself with other people, both attractive and antipathetic. In other words, at this stage, the teenager will have to “see his qualities in other people”, “look at himself from the outside”. The content of the teacher’s activity is to support speaking, discuss by the teenager the topic of the significance of people and their role in the events of his life, help in analyzing actions and relationships . Possible actions of the teacher:

    analysis by the teacher in communication with a teenager of his motives and intentions when committing certain actions;

    joint analysis of the reasons for the failure of a teenager to do certain actions;

    please compare yourself to the average person and discuss this comparison together.

The completion of this stage is the conclusion that self-control and self-management of one's actions and behavior is necessary and the teacher offers the teenager assistance in mastering the methods of control and self-control.

A sign of the possibility of moving to the next stage: the pupil's acceptance of the assistance offered by the teacher in developing rules and methods of control and self-control.

6. Stage of action selection. Joint development of rules and methods of action with the pupil in a given situation and in life in general. The logic of actions: from specific problematic situations for a teenager to a general program of self-education.

The main sign of the achievement of the result of the technology is the desire of the student to communicate with the teacher who has applied this technology, to discuss their affairs and problems with him.

Possible (intended, but not guaranteed) effects: joint activities of a teacher and a student based on common interests, educational assistance from a teacher, a change in a teenager's social circle or a teenager's position in the previous social circle, etc.

Consultation for managers educational institutions

Keywords displaying the content (content) of the consultation: regulation and correction of the management process, days of diagnostics of regulation and correction, rationalization of management processes.

Brief summary of the content of the consultation.

Consultation for managers on the issue of regulation and correction of OS management processes.

Consultation request: How to regulate and correct OS management processes?

advisory text.

Regulation and correction are a necessary control function. Thanks to them, the orderliness of the education management system is maintained, the factors of disorganization are eliminated.

Regulation is defined by us as a type of activity based on making adjustments using operational methods, means and influences in the process of managing the pedagogical system to maintain it at a programmed level.

The effectiveness of the management process can be increased when each function in the management cycle system begins to function, i.e. will begin to interact with other types of management activities. For example, the work of conducting an expert: the OU turns into a short-term loan agreement template function only if the data of the expertise (or control) serve as the basis for the function of pedagogical analysis, and through it for the function of regulation and correction, the implementation of which, in turn, should lead to an improvement in the result (expertise or control) of management as a whole.
For the process of managing education as a whole, the contradiction between its statics and dynamics is characteristic. In order to transfer the education system to a qualitatively new state, it is necessary to maintain its relative stability for a certain time.

It is impossible to give the opportunity to internal and external disruptive influences to change the system so that it loses its main system features. But at the same time, the transfer of the education system to a new state requires a change, further development of these features in the direction of their improvement.
The transition of the education management system to a new state is carried out on the basis of progressive trends, taking into account modern tasks. An example of such progress will be the development on the basis of ordinary general education schools of various specialized schools with in-depth study of individual subjects of lyceum schools, gymnasium schools, "school-university" complexes and others with special curricula and programs.
In the management cycle, the initial contradiction is between the functions of the organization and regulation. The function of the organization to a certain extent reflects the purposeful functioning of the education system in specific conditions. The task of the correction regulation function is to maintain a particular level of organization of the system in a given situation. But as soon as the situation changes, the regulation function disturbs the stability of the organizational structure, bringing it into line with the new conditions.

For the modern process of education management, to a certain extent, the contradiction between the fact that the subject of management is able to theoretically comprehend the requirements for updating its management activities, and the fact that in most situations he does not know how to achieve this in practice is characteristic.

In this case, there is a large field of activity for the organization of regulation and correction. A person-centered approach plays a special role in these processes. Correction is impossible without establishing the causes that cause deviations in the expected, projected results. Signs of such deviations can be unreasonably drawn up plans and errors in them, weak forecasts, lack of necessary and timely information, errors in the decisions made, poor execution, shortcomings in monitoring and evaluating the final results.

The effectiveness of organizational regulation is measured primarily by how rationally it is possible to organize the processes to be managed with its help.
Organizational regulation in the education system is based on the principles of social management and the legal norms of the state.

Thus, the organizational structure (managing and managed subsystems) optimally regulates the external and internal aspects of the management system of organizing the activities of the OS. Such a structure contains the number, types and appointments of management bodies, the number of levels of management and the direction of subordination in the management structure. It is the basis for the distribution of areas of activity (distribution of tasks).
The distribution of areas of activity, based on goals, includes the division of management into complexes of specific sub-goals for each of the management subsystems at any level, to be performed in each case by a certain link.

The distribution of areas of activity in the management system should be supplemented by the distribution of functions focused on jobs, taking into account the personality-oriented approach to organizing activities.
In the functional plan, the content and scope of official powers are precisely defined. This is reflected in a document (order) that has legal effect. In order to increase the efficiency of the activities of governing bodies, improve relations in the context of its renewal, the Regulations on the Education Management Body are being developed.

The purpose of the work on the rationalization of management activities is to improve the quality of management, more efficient use of education specialists, and the opening of existing reserves.
Days of diagnostics of regulation and correction held in the educational institution contribute to the solution of issues of rationalization of management processes.

The task is operational diagnostics, development of measures to regulate the processes of maintaining the OS control system at a given level or transferring it to a higher one.

Methodology day of the Democratic Republic of the Congo on the problem "The health of students in the daily routine of the educational institution"
Purpose: to identify the state and level of health of students in the daily routine.


  1. Determine student well-being.
  2. Evaluate and identify positive and negative trends that affect the well-being and health of students.
  3. Outline management decisions on the regulation and correction of factors affecting the well-being and health of students.

Object of study: UVP system in OS.

Subject of study: conditions and factors stimulating and preventing an increase in the level of well-being and health of children in the daily routine of the educational institution.

Working hypothesis: If sanitary and hygienic standards are created in the educational institution, systematic physical culture and health work is carried out with parents to comply with the unity of requirements for the daily routine, regular preventive examinations by medical workers, healthy lifestyles are promoted, rational nutrition is organized, then all this improves the well-being and health of students.

Research methods:
observation (microstudy No. 1);
questionnaire survey (micro-survey No. 2),
timing (microstudy no. 3).

Program DRC Day

  1. Instructing participants: a) students of the class; b) subject teachers, class teachers, medical personnel, deputy director for UVP.
  2. Approximate distribution of online payday lenders bad credit functional responsibilities: Deputy Director for UVP is responsible for organizing research and processing materials; class teachers - for conducting a survey among students and parents; school doctor - for the objectivity of medical indicators; Deputy for AHS and school doctor - for the analysis of the sanitary and hygienic state of the school; all information is processed by an expert board appointed by the head of the school.
  3. Approximate dates for the DRC day: from 8.00 to 17.00.
  4. Analysis of materials and identification of trends.
  5. Making management decisions based on the results of the work of the expert commission.
  6. Meeting of the teachers' council or teachers' council.

Microstudy #1.

Making observations

  1. Analysis of the class journal: a) the total number of absentees; b) of them due to illness,
  2. Analysis of the school doctor's documentation: a) type of disease (ARI, influenza injury, etc.), number of students; b) exemption due to illness from physical education: for a long time or temporarily.
  3. Analysis of the sanitary and hygienic state of the school: a) sports hall; b) dining room; c) a classroom; d) recreation. The following are taken into account: the quality of cleaning, lighting, thermal and air conditions, selection of furniture.

Score in points: 3 - optimal level; 2 - acceptable; 1 - low.

Microstudy #2.

Questionnaire 1. "My health"

Target: to reveal the attitude of schoolchildren to their health, their understanding of the importance of physical improvement.

Put the appropriate score next to the position with which you agree: 3 - yes, 2 - partially, 1 - no.

  1. How often do you miss classes due to illness or other reasons?
    a) due to colds; b) due to the lack of hardening; c) for other reasons.
  2. Do you do physical exercises in the morning?
  3. Do you attend physical education classes regularly?
  4. Are you in physical education class?
    a) with full dedication; b) without desire; c) just not scolded.
  5. Do you do sports for a long time?
    a) in the school section; b) in a sports school.
  6. Assess the degree of fatigue in the lessons today: a) in mathematics; b) in physical education; c) on history; d) in chemistry; e) in physics.
  7. Were there physical breaks in your lessons?

Microstudy #2.

Questionnaire 2. For parents

Target: to study the opinion of parents on the impact of the school day regimen on the health of the child.

  1. How often more does your child:
    a) every month b) once a year or less; c) once a quarter.
  2. Assess the significance (importance) of physical exercise for your child's health.
  3. Assess your child's exercise performance.
  4. Assess their compliance with the daily routine at school.
  5. Assess your child's progress at home.
  6. Assess the impact of physical education lessons on your child's health.
  7. Assess your child's participation in extracurricular sports activities.

Doctor's observation of the state of individual parameters of the state of the child's body.
Morning End of school day
1. Pulse
2. Pressure
3. Feeling good

Sample micro-study topics:
- "Reasons for the absence of students on the day of the DRC";
- "The degree of fatigue of students in various lessons: the average score, the sum of marks in subjects, etc.";
- "The state of the sanitary and hygienic regime in the school premises";
- "Doctor's observation of the state of individual parameters of the state of the body of students."

  1. Afanas'eva T.L., Eliseeva I.A., Nemova N.V. Certification of pedagogical and leading personnel in education. M., 2000.
  2. Intraschool management: issues of theory and practice / Ed. T.I. Shamova. M., 2005.
  3. Eroshin V.I. School economics. M., 2005.
  4. Zvereva V.I. Organizational and pedagogical activity of the director of the school. M., 2007.
  5. Zvereva V.I. School self-assessment. M., 2009.
  6. Konarzhevsky Yu.I. Intraschool management. M., 2009.
  7. Management in school management / Ed. T.M. Shamova. M., 2002.
  8. Tretyakov P.I. The practice of modern school management. M., 2005.
  9. Management of the development of innovative processes at school / Ed. T.I. Shamova, P.I. Tretyakov. M., 2005.
  10. Shamova T.I., Tyulyu G.M., Litvinenko E.V. Evaluation of managerial activities of school leaders. Vologda, 2005.
  11. Shishov S.E., Kalney V.A. Monitoring the quality of education at school. M., 2004.

1.6. Internet resources:

Regulation and correction are a necessary control function. Thanks to them, the orderliness of the management system of the preschool educational institution is maintained, the factors of disorganization are eliminated.
Regulation is defined by us as a type of activity based on making adjustments using operational methods, means and influences in the process of managing the pedagogical system to maintain it at the predicted level.
The effectiveness of the management process can be improved if each function in the management cycle system begins to interact with other types of management activities. For example, work on the implementation of the examination of a preschool educational institution (or intra-garden control) turns into a function only if the data of the examination (or control) serve as the basis for pedagogical analysis, and through it for regulation and correction, which will lead to the assimilation of the results (examination or intraschool control) management cycle as a whole.
For the process of managing a preschool educational institution as a whole, the contradiction between statics and dynamics is characteristic. In order to transfer the preschool education system to a new qualitative state, it is necessary to maintain its relative stability for a certain time.

It is impossible to give the opportunity to internal and external disruptive influences to change the system so that it loses its main system features.
But at the same time, the transfer of the preschool education system to a new state requires a change, further development of these features in the direction of their improvement.
The transition of the DOW system from the old state to the new one, carried out by the subject of management (control system), is carried out on the basis of progressive trends, taking into account the modern tasks facing it. An example of such a promotion based on the regulation of the activities of preschool educational institutions will be the development on the basis of ordinary kindergartens of various types of preschool educational institutions with a priority direction of activity (intellectual, artistic and aesthetic, physical, etc.), the creation of complexes "Primary school - kindergarten", child development centers, work preschool institutions on different programs and technologies.
In the management cycle, initially there is a contradiction between the functions of organization and regulation, the function of the organization to a certain extent reflects the purposeful functioning of the DOW system in specific conditions. The task of the regulation and correction function is to maintain one or another level of organization of the system in a given situation. But as soon as the situation changes, the regulatory function disrupts the stability of the organizational structure, bringing it into line with the new conditions.
For the modern process of managing a preschool educational institution, to a certain extent, the contradiction between the fact that the subject of management is able to theoretically comprehend the requirements for updating its management activities and the fact that in most situations it does not know how to achieve this in practice is characteristic.
In this case, there is a large field of activity for the organization of regulation and correction.
A person-centered approach in these processes plays a special role. Correction is impossible without establishing the causes that cause deviations in the expected, projected results. Signs of such deviations may be unreasonably drawn up plans and errors in them, weak forecasts, lack of necessary and timely information, errors in decisions made, poor execution, shortcomings in monitoring and evaluating the final results.
The effectiveness of organizational regulation is measured primarily by how rationally it is possible to organize the processes to be managed with its help.

Organizational regulation in the education system is based on the principles of social management and the legal norms of the state.
So, the organizational structure (managing and managed subsystems) optimally regulates the external and internal aspects of management in the system of organizing the activities of the preschool educational institution. Such a structure contains the number, types and appointments of management bodies, the number of levels of management and the direction of subordination in the management structure. It is the basis for the distribution of areas of activity (distribution of tasks).
The distribution of areas of activity, based on goals, includes the division of management into complexes of specific sub-goals for each of the management subsystems at any level, to be performed in each case by a certain link.
The distribution of areas of activity in the preschool education system should be supplemented by the distribution of functions focused on jobs, taking into account a student-centered approach to organizing activities.
In the functional plan, the content and scope of official powers are precisely defined. This is reflected in a document (order) that has legal effect.
In order to increase the efficiency of the activities of a preschool institution, improve relations in the context of its democratization, the team develops the charter of the preschool educational institution.
The purpose of work on the rationalization of management activities is to improve the quality of management, more efficient use of specialists, and the opening of existing reserves.
The days of diagnostics, regulation and correction (DRC) held in the preschool educational institution contribute to the solution of issues of rationalization of management processes. Their task is operational diagnostics, development of measures to regulate the processes of maintaining the control system of the preschool educational institution at a given level or transferring it to a higher one.

More on the topic Regulation and correction of the management processes of preschool educational institutions:

  1. Methodology for the days of diagnosis, regulation and correction (DRC)
  2. Self-control and evaluation of the results of the effectiveness of the management of preschool educational institutions