Mercury retrograde in the natal chart. Retrograde planets in the natal chart

1. The ability to think deeply, extraordinary, the ability to notice such details that are not always subject to the owner of ordinary Mercury;

2. Amazing sense of humor;

3. Patience, attentiveness, perseverance. Such people are best at any job that requires such skills. It doesn't matter what the range of duties specifically relates to: financial reporting, software, teaching, etc. By the way, the teachers and tutors are always very good. One might even say the best. First, they know how to wait, adjusting to the pace of the student. Secondly, they have a lot of examples in stock: starting from the most elementary, ending with very deep reflections;

4. Development of contact skills, the ability to convey your ideas to other people, the thirst for acquiring new knowledge. The desire to know more remains with them for life. And we are not talking about the desire to show off the mind, erudition, education. They want to know for real. These are different things.

Of the professions, according to my observations, the owners of retromercury are least suited for trade in its purest form. Still, this is a very specific area that requires a quick response, the ability to "sell" sometimes not the best product. Although there were rare exceptions to the rule.

Since the question has been received in personal mail many times, what is the advantage of the period of retrograde Mercury for the owners of it, - I answer.

At such a time, the thinking of the vast majority of people slows down, so much so that many feel "stupid". Sometimes it is difficult to make even elementary mathematical calculations. It is even more difficult to pass a difficult intelligence test. At interviews, the owners of ordinary Mercury begin to make mistakes, which makes them even more worried and make many other mistakes.

Owners of retrograde Mercury during such a period do not feel any discomfort. They continue to live at their usual intellectual pace from childhood. Therefore, against the background of confused and mistaken opponents, they are able to declare themselves in the most favorable and brilliant perspective.

Conclusion: owners of retroMercury can and should go to important job interviews during the retrograde motion of Mercury in the sky. At this time, they are much more likely to improve their professional level. But it is better to move to a new place of work after waiting for the planet to turn in the usual direction. This is quite possible, given the need for a two-week working off after a letter of resignation at the current place.

In other words, the owners of retromercury can take any action aimed at an intellectual result at any time, including during the period of retrograde Mercury. But we are talking about personal and intellectual results. Making a package of documents, in which many other people take part, can hardly be called only one's achievement.

In those days, when I was just starting to study astrology, one of the owners of retrograde Mercury said: “I'm not a brake! I'm slow gas!

An interesting indicator of the natal chart (birth chart) are retrograde planets. People often ask how these planets affect them and how they affect their lives? What does it mean when there are a lot of retrograde planets in the natal chart? And what does it mean if there are no retrograde planets in the natal chart at all? Let's try to understand this topic of Astrology. A planet is considered retrograde when it moves backward, that is, in the opposite direction to itself.. The direct movement of the planet (along the course of the zodiac circle or counterclockwise) is called direct, and the movement of the planet in the opposite direction (against the course of the zodiac circle or clockwise) is called retrograde. If you think astronomically, then none of the planets can so easily take and stop, change the nature of its movement. The retrograde effect occurs only for an earthly observer. because the planets revolve around the sun at different speeds. At moments, our planet can overtake other planets and a visual impression is created that these planets are moving in a backward retrograde direction.

The second important theoretical point concerns the retrograde of different planets in the natal chart. First of all, you should pay attention to retrograde personal planets. in a person's natal chart. The personal planets are Mercury, Venus and Mars. Already secondary attention should be paid to the retrograde of Saturn and Jupiter in the natal chart. But the retrograde of the higher planets (Uranus, Neptune and Pluto) will have less effect, this is due to the fact that they become retrograde quite often, they spend a long time in retrograde and it is quite difficult to track the effect of retrograde on them. As you understand, the Sun and the Moon are never retrograde planets in the natal chart - this is also an important point that is worth remembering.

So, what do retrograde planets give us in the natal chart (birth chart) of a person? What does the very retrograde of the map give us? Retrograde in fact gives introversion, such a person is predominantly oriented inward according to the function of the planet, which is retrograde in his natal chart. Accordingly, if there are many retrograde planets in the natal chart, then in many functions such a person will be introverted. That is, focused primarily on their inner experiences and sensations, and also focused on the events of their inner life. A retrograde planet in the natal chart shows the peculiarity of a person, his difference from the general movement of life. and general social trend. For example, people with Mercury retrograde in their natal charts tend to think a little differently than most people. And people with Venus retrograde have some special tastes in relationships, special tastes in clothes and style. Often retrograde planets in the natal chart are indicators of karma, but the topic of karma is too complex and voluminous to bring it up now. You can read more about karma on the page:.

Besides, retrograde planets in the natal chart often encourage a person to broadcast their past experience to your current events. That is, relatively speaking, the past for such a person can play a much greater role than the current state of affairs and than the future. With a large number of retrograde planets in the natal chart, a person can constantly turn around to what he had in the past. He thinks that in the current situation everything will turn out exactly as it was in a similar situation before. It is very difficult for such a person to take into account the present, that is, the present moment.

Unfortunately, this focus on the past can also play out in a negative way. For example, a person with retrograde Jupiter had some teaching experience in a past incarnation, the experience of teaching, and now in this life a person is actively broadcasting this experience. Although in fact it may not have the necessary skills and knowledge for this, or does it when it is inappropriate. The influence of past experience is very active on a person, when there are many retrograde planets in the natal chart, it is difficult to live "here and now".

It is difficult for a person to follow the general social trend, retrograde planets in the natal chart constantly turn him either inward to observe his internal processes or turn him into the past (into some significant situations in the past).

In other words: according to the functions of a retrograde planet, a person turns out to be a little distant from society, from the outside world. Such people can feel their exclusivity, feel their unusualness, simply due to the fact that they think differently, their internal process is built differently.

Curiously, with a large number of retrograde planets in the natal chart, transit periods of retrograde can be felt in the manner of: “oh, finally everything fell into place.” For example, if you have Mercury retrograde in your natal chart, periods of transiting Mercury retrograde will affect you a little differently than most people. Because for you, in connection with your natal Mercury, such a situation is normal. This is also worth considering when you predict some events for yourself or try to implement your projects.

Retrograde planets in Hillary Clinton's natal chart

And now the most interesting thing: let's see in practice how we can use retrograde planets in the natal chart, what can they tell us? As an example, let's take the natal chart (birth chart) of Hillary Clinton, a famous American politician. She is the wife of the 42nd President of the United States, Bill Clinton. At one time, Hillary was almost the most influential woman in America, she played a significant role in politics and in governing the country. In the natal chart of Hillary Clinton (it is located on the right side of the text), we see that the planet Mercury is retrograde. In other words: at the time of Hillary's birth, Mercury was in a retro phase, in its retrograde motion. In the natal chart, it is customary for astrologers to designate retrograde planets with the English letter "R". In our example, on the chart you can see that this letter is next to the symbol of the planet Mercury. "R" is short for "Retrograde", translated as "retrograde".

What can Mercury retrograde tell us in Hillary Clinton's natal chart? It is always necessary to consider the retrograde of Mercury through the prism of the Sign of the Zodiac in which it is located. This rule applies to all retrograde planets in the natal chart. In our example, Mercury is in the Sign of Scorpio, so we need to combine the characteristics of Mercury retrograde with the qualities of the Sign of Scorpio. The retrograde of Mercury in Scorpio, first of all, emphasizes such qualities of Hillary Clinton's character as: criticality, causticity and sarcasm in communication. As you can see, with such qualities, it is not easy to communicate with Hillary. She has a really sharp "Scorpio" tongue, which can hurt the interlocutor very painfully. If we add here the stubbornness and sharpness of Scorpio, then the picture is not very rosy. Hillary Clinton is not an easy person to communicate with. But there are also positive aspects: retrograde enhances the insight of Scorpio, makes the mind deeper and more inquisitive. Thanks to such qualities, Hillary is able to penetrate the most complex, latent questions and find answers to them. This is the thinking of a detective or an investigator, it allows the secret to be made clear. People with such a retrograde Mercury in the natal chart are hard to deceive, they are quite insightful and deep in their reasoning.

Mercury in Astrology symbolizes communications (information exchange) and Hillary Clinton is likely to have difficulties in this topic. Mercury in Scorpio is already difficult in itself to build harmonious communication, and retrograde still additionally creates problems and barriers in this area. Hillary will find it difficult to express her thoughts and be understood by the people around her. In childhood and adolescence, there may have been some speech defects.

Upon completion, you can add: the retrograde of Mercury in the natal chart adds introversion and self-deepening (immersion in oneself) to a person. A person with a retrograde Mercury is more thoughtful than a person with a direct (direct) Mercury. Other retrograde planets in the natal chart can be viewed in a similar manner.

Retrograde planets in everyday life

For example, a client once approached me with the question of buying an apartment. She picked up an apartment for herself and wanted to buy, so the question was: is it possible to buy this apartment? Such questions are often asked to astrologers, with the help of astrology people play it safe and want to avoid situations when the apartment turns out to be legally unclean. Or there may be some other "pitfalls" that will come out in a few years, astrology allows you to see such things. I looked carefully and say that you can buy a clean apartment, but it looks like the sellers can change the conditions. And indeed, a few weeks later, the client called me and said: the sellers changed the conditions and significantly increased the price. After that, she looked after her next apartment and everything was already fine there. So what was the point here? This was a significant situation in Astrology - a period of retrograde (retrograde) movement of the planet Mercury. All things that are done during this period are very often canceled.. This does not mean that all cases are canceled immediately and simultaneously, a global catastrophe arises - no, this does not happen. But there is a high percentage of failures or changing conditions, so astrologers specifically pay attention not only to retrograde planets in the natal chart, but also monitor transit retrograde periods. If, in our example, the client had the planet Mercury retrograde in her natal chart, then transiting Mercury would not have created such a difficult situation with the apartment.

Here is another story: a familiar astrologer, knowing that there would be a period of retrograde Mercury, went to buy a refrigerator. I carefully chose not to make a mistake, because during this period a large number of errors occur and there is a risk of buying not what you need. Chose a refrigerator, ordered delivery. The next day, deliverymen come, lower the refrigerator from the car and it turns out that the refrigerator is not at all the one that our astrologer friend ordered. But these are still the mildest examples of how retrograde planets can appear not only in the natal chart, but also in their real (transit) movement. You already understood that during periods of retrograde planets, there is often confusion of various kinds. There are situations when the thing bought at this time breaks. This is especially dependent on the period of Mercury retrograde. As in the natal chart and in transits (in the real movement of the planets), the most significant are the retrograde periods of the three personal planets. These planets are Mercury, Venus and Mars. The higher planets: Uranus, Neptune and Pluto are also retrograde, but their retrograde does not matter as much as the retrograde of personal planets in the natal chart or transits. Astrologers always warn: in the period of the backward planet, in matters that are under the control of this planet, you need to be especially careful. It is advisable not to start new business related to this planet.

Here is a simple example: my neighbor was doing a major renovation in his apartment. So thorough and serious that he redid the entire apartment, even made a separate room from the balcony, and heated it. Such a major overhaul lasted for half a year and partly this period coincided with the period of retrograde Mercury. As a result, after a while it turned out that everything that was done during the period of retrograde Mercury had to be redone. It was just wiring work, and so after six months it turned out that the wiring was done poorly and needed to be completely redone. It had to be completely changed because everything was done very badly. Conclusion from this story: when planning your daily activities, look at the astrological forecast and note the periods of retrograde planets.

Mercury is the planet closest to the Sun, responsible for our thinking, speech, mind, information that we perceive and express to the world, both in writing (books, writing) and orally. Also, one of its traditional meanings is our brothers / sisters.
Mercury is the symbolic ruler of the 3rd house.
Today we will talk about retrograde Mercury in the natal chart.

Since I myself am the "happy" owner of Mercury, moving backwards, and having studied quite well, from the point of view of an astrologer, all its pluses and minuses, I will share my experience with you. Mercury is in the retrograde phase of movement for about 1/3 of the entire time, so there should be a lot of people who "understand" me and become interested - WHAT IS THE REALLY CRACK HERE :)))

Mercury retrograde in your natal chart can most likely mean a "delay" in thinking. How to understand? You can think for a very long time about something that others seem to comprehend much faster. For example, the solution of the same mathematical problem. Here we are not talking about the abilities of this or that person in mathematics, but how this person represents the conditions of the problem. With retrograde Mercury in the radix, in this case, a person will sit, starting from the very beginning, for a long time sorting out each thought and thinking HOW IT WAS SO, actually everything happened and, as a result, will come to the result later than others. In common people, you can be called a "brake" .. (I know from myself);)) Roughly speaking, this or that information reaches you for a long time. And that doesn't mean you're stupid, quite the contrary. We just have a non-standard perception of information from the outside.

I would even call people with backward Mercury talented, since the way of thinking is really unusual, and such people can most often only be envied, because they know how to form/express/show their thoughts in a more interesting way. (Well, this is from my point of view and my own experience).

Any retrograde planet in the radix forces its owner to work on the theme of the planet and the house in which it stands during his life, although such a planet shows that the native can successfully realize himself precisely in the area of ​​​​the value of the retro planet.
Such planets “step back”, and even from the point of view of karmic astrology, they force you to “go back”, correct the “unfinished” task in this life, in this incarnation, which you may not have done in a past life.
Oddly enough, people with such a "Mercury problem" in the natal chart are most eager to show themselves as speakers, writers, poets, translators, journalists. They try to show themselves in the Mercurian regions. This is the right way - after all, a retro planet needs to be worked out, although much more difficulties may arise than for people with the same planet in direct (direct) movement.
For example, with a very problematic retro-Mercury in my natal chart (in Aries, in the 1st house), back in my school years, I participated in all kinds of poetry reading competitions, oratory competitions (and, oddly enough, won first places). Now I work and live by what I write, teach, work with my voice and will continue to do this, since my Mercury and I are already nowhere without each other))))

Retrograde Mercury is a feature of thinking, a non-standard worldview.

Another problem with the owners of retrograde Mercury is that when we start to think, write, or say something - very often we try to put everything on the shelves (thinking that it will turn out better) ... and no matter how we try, nevertheless it doesn't work. Starting to talk about one thing, we can drift away to a completely different topic, forget what we actually started talking about and eventually end the whole thing in a completely different area))
It's even funny, but in real life it interferes unrealistically.

Disharmonious Mercury (and even if it is retrograde) - can make it difficult to learn foreign languages; deceit; talkativeness; speech problems (such as stuttering) or memory problems. Or, for example, I know from my own experience, you can start talking, and then, as if abruptly in the middle of a sentence, you forget what you were talking about, and you are overtaken by some "stupor")) funny.
* True, deceit / talkativeness rather gives the aspect of Jupiter-Mercury. (Jupiter magnification of Mercury speech).

Here is what I took away for myself from this, and shared with you the most striking examples. If you have a retrograde "Lord of the Mind" in your natal chart, then I would advise you to develop your speech, thinking, oratory or writing skills, even if your work, for example, has nothing to do with this. For myself. Speech therapist, tongue twisters, writing poetry and much more, everything that you personally like. The main thing is not to stand still and develop.

P.S. - As always, I look forward to your questions on the topic in the comments!) Have a good mood!)

The influence of retrograde planets is somewhat similar to the influence of direct planets that have negative aspects, although the retrograde phase cannot be considered completely negative. It has its own characteristics that you just need to know and consider.

A retrograde planet allows you to return to abandoned cases, complete them, correct any mistakes or shortcomings, try other options for solving the problem.

If any decision is made during the period of retrograde or stationary phase, it must be implemented only in direct motion, and not earlier than the planet reaches the same degree from which the retrograde motion began.

Transiting Mercury goes retrograde about three to four times a year. Since the speed of perception is affected by the speed of the planet (and before the start of the retrograde movement and after it ends, it always “slows down” its course), we can say that people with retrograde Mercury in the natal chart are slower than those with it straight.

Retrograde Mercury in the natal chart also indicates caution and discretion in communication. Such people make a decision after long deliberation, and after a while the decision can be changed. But on the positive side, people with Mercury retrograde are able to benefit even from small things that people with direct Mercury may not pay attention to.

If Mercury retrograde is not damaged in the natal chart, then this is an indication of shallow-rooted negative character traits that can be corrected before the next retrograde movement of this planet, and most often indicates developed mental abilities. The position of Mercury in front of the Sun speaks of wit; “in the rays of the Sun” indicates strong subjectivism, and the position behind the Sun indicates a penchant for mysticism, the occult sciences and vocal talent.

If it is damaged, it may indicate an ordinary mind and imbalance of character, as well as negligence, negligence, difficulty in making decisions, as well as mental or speech problems. This can also indicate difficulties in learning, lack of practicality, nervousness, constant craving for movement. Such people are characterized by restlessness, a critical mind and a painful concern for trifles. It is difficult for a person to adapt to a rapidly changing situation. On the other hand, the negative aspects of Mercury give great mental energy, as well as a chance to fight with oneself, as it makes one learn method, order, and the ability to finish what has been started to the end. This position is precisely the source of energy that a person must use to redeem or mitigate his karma.

The turn of Mercury from a “reverse” movement to a direct one in progressive charts marks a bright turn for the better, the end of a period of stagnation.

During the period of Mercury retrograde, negotiations may stop, signing of agreements and contracts may be postponed, and those that are nevertheless signed will be revised later. Important and serious decisions should be postponed until transiting Mercury passes the degree from which it began its retrograde movement.

Retrograde Mercury has the greatest influence on those people in whom it is the dominant of birth, as well as on those who are engaged in "Mercury" affairs, for example, journalists, correspondents, for press workers, teachers, intermediaries, as well as people who are by birth activities are on the move.

If people with retrograde Mercury in the natal chart in a progressive horoscope, retrograde coincides with the years of study at school or university, then the educational process is difficult. If Mercury retrograde falls in later years, then this is reflected in the sphere of communication. People become more indecisive, slow.

If Mercury is direct in the natal chart, then, as a rule, during the retrograde movement of Mercury, negative character traits begin to appear due to Mercury specificity, therefore, for the entire period of the retrograde movement of transit Mercury, one should, if possible, stop engaging in Mercury affairs. But it should be remembered that more errors will appear in the calculations than usual, the number of problems with vehicles, communications, and electronic devices will increase. Lost letters, keys, small items. Appliances may fail. There are people with whom there was no contact for a long time. The danger of misinterpreted information and errors of dispatching services is sharply increasing. Problems can also arise in the field of trade. What is bought during Mercury retrograde may turn out to be unnecessary, unsuitable, defective, and the defect is detected after Mercury begins its direct movement.

But during the period of Mercury retrograde, there is an opportunity to return to those things that were postponed, forgotten, or failed. There is an opportunity to do it again, but taking into account the identified errors.

Start a new business or course of study;

Register an enterprise, open a store, salon, etc.;

To get a job;

Sign contracts, agreements, agreements, securities;

Engage in the purchase or exchange of an apartment, rent or lease real estate;

Buy or sell household appliances, vehicles;

lend or borrow money;

Go on a trip to new places;

Make new friends, sort things out.

Complete previously started cases and solve "old" problems;

put things in order in desktops, papers, documents; revise old archives, reread books;

revise old contracts and terms of cooperation;

meet old friends, renew old acquaintances;

look for new premises to move into after the rotation of Mercury;

edit and rewrite what was once written.

One or more planets are RETROGRADE.

From an astronomical point of view RETROGRADE Planet can be explained as follows: when it seems to an observer from the Earth that the Planet began to move back, in the opposite direction. In fact, of course, this does not happen - the Planets always move in the same direction, just at some point the speed of the Planet slows down and a feeling of reverse movement is created.

To make it clearer RETRO movement of the planets can be compared to two moving objects - a car and a bicycle. The speed of the car, of course, is greater than the speed of the cyclist. Therefore, when a car overtakes and overtakes a cyclist - it seems to a passenger sitting in a car that the cyclist is moving backwards - although he is also riding, his speed is simply much less than the speed of the car. Same with the planets.

it RETRO movement of the planet, fixed in the natal chart at the time of a person’s birth, will have a very great influence on him - on his psychology and on events during his life on the topic of this Planet.

RETROGRADE there are all planets except for the Sun and Moon.

For those who are not at all familiar with the symbols of Astrology, I will explain - in the natal chart RETROGRADE Planets are indicated by the Latin letter R, which stands next to the icon planets.

So what does a RETROGRADE Planet mean for those who have it in?

1. First, this means obsession person in the same area, on the same problem. For example, if your card:

  • , then you are fixated on the topic of relationships, on the topic of love, on the topic of money,
  • means you are fixated on ,
  • can give fixation on the topic of his authority, high social status, teaching activities, on the topic of travel.

2. Secondly, RETROGRADE Planet means the need for multiple repetition the same situation (“repetition is the mother of learning”). For example:

  • makes a person study, study and study again. Repeat and repeat. A person with needs to explain the studied material several times. Such a person will not always hear you the first time. Therefore, do not be surprised if your child (or another loved one) needs to repeat everything 10 times. It's most likely on his map. With such people, you need to be much more patient, you need to explain the same topic to them more than once.
  • a person with will constantly come across the same types of partners - all alcoholics, all athletes, all brunettes with blue eyes, all much older or much younger. All relationships can develop according to the same scenario. It's like a vicious circle in which you walk for many, many years.
  • RETRO Neptune- in the worst case, a repetition of the topic of alcoholism, mental disorders. At best, it repeats the theme of psychology, spirituality, artistic and musical creativity (it can go to study these professions several times, quit and return to these activities several times, constantly rewrite musical works, redraw your paintings, achieving the best result).

3. RETRO Planet may indicate personal mistakes in past lives and mistakes of ancestors on the topic of the Planet. Therefore, in this life they give obstacles in achieving anything. For example:

  • mistakes in relations with brothers, sisters give - it is difficult to establish contact with them,
  • mistakes in love give - therefore it is difficult to love and be loved, it is difficult to achieve harmony in relationships with partners,
  • mistakes in the topic of career give - therefore, in this life there will be obstacles on the career ladder, obstacles with government agencies,
  • if you made mistakes abroad, in teaching, in achieving a high social position, then your chart will contain - therefore, there will be difficulties in being a teacher, obstacles in achieving a high social status, difficulties in relations with foreigners,
  • etc.

4. RETRO Planet in its properties it is similar to Ketu (the Setting Node). It means that Planet karmically overloaded- this means that you have already gained quite a lot of experience on the topic of this planets in their past incarnations. Therefore, in this life you need to “slow down” in this topic. It is necessary to switch to other areas of life, to do those things that are indicated by ordinary direct messages. planets.

But, if you still show great activity on the topic RETRO Planets, then you will have more obstacles and restrictions. There will be a stupor that will not let you move on. Think - if there is a certain wall in your life that you cannot "break through" - maybe you shouldn't do it? Maybe you just RETRO Planet in a card that directly says: "you can not be active here." Then you just need to move away from this topic and come to terms with what is - then there is a chance to get what you want, only a little later. For example:

  • if you - in past incarnations you were too active and assertive in achieving your goals - therefore now you need to pacify this activity,
  • if you have - let go of the topic of partnerships, do not be active in love, in making money,
  • if you have - you already had a lot of experience in your career, so do not try to build it too actively,
  • if you have RETRO Uranus- you had a lot of friends, you were a very freedom-loving and independent person, so the topic of friendship and freedom has already been worked out, switch to other areas.

5. On this topic RETRO Planets one must "go with the flow without oars." If the life situation is something offers - take it, no - do not persist. For example:

  • if a person is offered to get acquainted with, to establish partnerships, it means “you need to take it”, if not, you don’t need to persist in this matter,
  • if a person with is offered travel, then it means “you must take it”, I invite everyone with RETRO Jupiter to free trips ,
  • if a person with is offered a promotion up the career ladder, it means “you must take it”. If they do not offer - do not persist, do not go ahead.

6. RETRO Planet does not mean a ban on manifestation in her area. It only says that according to the functions of this planets personal initiative of a person should be reduced to zero. Gotta be "number two" in this area. For example:

  • says that it is better not to take the initiative on the topic of love. Wait for someone to come up to you and show interest. In partnerships (personal and business), it is better to give the initiative to your partner.
  • - offers to wait until you are asked to teach, when you are invited on some foreign trip when you are offered a promotion.

7. RETRO Planet doesn't say it will never happen. She just tells us what's going on Retro Planet will be late in our life - we must be patient, wait and not relax ahead of time. For example:

  • a person with may start learning late,
  • too late to become a teacher will start traveling ,
  • RETRO Neptune will begin to master the profession of a psychologist at a conscious age.

8. RETRO Planet tells us that the theme of this Planet is necessary let go, do not bother, do not demand everything from her at once - then the situation itself will take you to the right place.

  • for example, you can’t bother with the topic - the situation will turn out the way it should (with the right behavior).

9. As well as RETRO Planet can be a positive foundation from our ancestors with the least amount of effort. For example:

  • in a person with RETRO Uranus one of the ancestors could be an Astrologer, so he will receive the invisible support of the clan in this profession,
  • in a person with RETRO Pluto there will be support of ancestors in all professions associated with the risk to life.

All of the above factors need to be considered not only on the topic RETRO Planets, but also which House she manages. For example:

  • if the Ruler of the 1st House - RETRO, then all of the above will refer to the topic of self-development and appearance,
  • if RETROGRADEN Ruler of the 2nd House - to the topic of money,
  • RETROGRADE Ruler from the House - to the topic of contacts, study, car,
  • if Ruler of the 4th House RETRO, then it will be related to the topic of ancestors, place of residence,
  • RETRO Ruler of the 5th House - will indicate the theme of children and creativity,
  • if the Ruler of the 6th House RETRO- the topic of work, health will be relevant,
  • 7 Houses - the theme of marriage, courts,
  • 8 Houses - the theme of sex, risk, crises,
  • 9 At home - the theme of travel, abroad, teaching,
  • 10 House - career,
  • 11 Home is the theme of friends,
  • 12 Home is the theme of spiritual searches, solitude.

Important! I am often asked “What do Retrograde Nodes mean and how to act on them”? I draw your attention to the fact that knots it's the other way around... Retro phase for Nodes is their normal movement. Knots show what evolutionary task has already been completed (according to South Node) and what needs to be done in this life (according to North Node). Much worse if Nodes Direct. If in your horoscope Nodes in Direct Phase- this means that in past incarnations you did not fully fulfill your evolutionary task of South Node. So now you need to do TWO evolutionary tasks - both on the South and on the North Node.

In the comments below you can write - what Planet you in RETROGRADE And how did it play out in your life?

If you also have Retro Planets and you cannot yet interpret them yourself, but you want to find out specifically for yourself:

  • what are the functions Retro Planet You overspent in past incarnations,
  • what issues did you pay too much attention to in past incarnations,
  • in what areas of life do you get a restriction,
  • in which areas of life you should not show your initiative, should not be active,
  • where complete external passivity is needed,
  • what exactly Retro Planets mean to you
  • how should you behave with Retro Planets, so as not to aggravate the situation.
  • what illnesses and unpleasant situations in life will make you understand that you are not behaving correctly Retro Planet.

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