Tale of a soldier's overcoat. Soldier's overcoat

Soldier's overcoat

The master spoke to the soldier; the soldier began to praise his overcoat:

When I need to sleep, I will spread my overcoat, and I will put the overcoat in my head, and I will cover myself with the overcoat.

The master began to ask the soldier to sell him an overcoat. So they bargained for twenty-five rubles. The master came home and said to his wife:

What item did I buy? Now I don’t need any feather beds, pillows, or blankets: I’ll lay down my overcoat, and I’ll put my overcoat in my head, and I’ll put on my overcoat.

His wife began to scold him:

Well, how will you sleep?

And sure enough, the master laid down his overcoat, but there was nothing to put and dress in his head, and it was hard for him to lie down.

The gentleman went to the regimental commander to complain about the soldier. The commander ordered to call a soldier.

They brought a soldier.

Why did you, brother, - says the commander, - deceived the master?

No, your honor, - the soldier answers. The soldier took his greatcoat, spread it out, put his head on his sleeve, and covered himself with the hem.

Where it’s good, - he says, - he sleeps on his overcoat after the campaign!

The regimental commander praised the soldier and gave him another cup. And the barin said:

Whoever works and gets tired, he sleeps on a stone, and whoever does nothing, he will not fall asleep on a featherbed!

Soldier's overcoat

Once, sometimes in autumn, in the village of Loskutki
A detachment of military men was passing by... The twilight is already close.
We scattered all over the district - we need to spend the night somewhere.
A soldier asked to come into the house: “Will there be a bed?”

The house was a master with a mistress: “Come in, just knocked.
There is no extra bed. Sleep on the bench,” he muttered.
The soldier made a bed on a bench and an overcoat with his head
He took cover. It became quiet, only snoring sounded from time to time.

In the morning, the master came out sleepy: “What, soldier, didn’t you sleep hard?”
- I myself, having an overcoat, did not ask this question.
Serves immediately as a pillow, blanket and mattress,
And in the campaign warms, and the weight is just right for me.

The master began to ask the soldier: “Sell me your overcoat,
Useful for the housework, I give twenty-five rubles!
Bargained. The master was glad, he began to boast to his wife:
“Look what I bought. I will have a dream

Sweet, soft until dawn, I can sleep without worry.
- Yes, an overcoat with your height will not cover bare legs.
At once the smile flickered. He laid his overcoat on the floor,
He began to lie down like a soldier. Exactly - a small hem.

He will hide his forehead - his legs are naked, he will hide his legs - his chest is naked,
And small in stature, and narrow in the waist.
The gentleman hurries to the regimental commander with a complaint:
- He deceived the soldier: you can’t warm the soul with an overcoat.

The commander called the soldier: "You have introduced the master into deception."
– No way, see for yourself how I warm myself at night.
He spread his overcoat, covered himself, with his head on his sleeve:
“I sleep sweetly on the campaign,” says the soldier, standing up.

- Well done, soldier, savvy, - the commander is stingy with praise, -
“Here’s a nickel for a cup and you can eat hot soup.”
The boss says to the master: “It’s not about the overcoat:
You will trample thirty miles in a day, you will sleep to the sound of trumpets.

You don’t need a bed on a hike: that’s the bed you cling to.
If you enjoyed laziness, you won’t fall asleep on a feather bed. ”

The master spoke to the soldier; the soldier began to praise his overcoat:

- When I need to sleep, I will spread my overcoat, and I will put my overcoat in my head, and I will cover myself with an overcoat.

The master began to ask the soldier to sell him an overcoat. So they bargained for twenty-five rubles. The master came home and said to his wife:

What item did I buy? Now I don’t need any feather beds, pillows, or blankets: I’ll lay down my overcoat, and I’ll put my overcoat in my head, and I’ll put on my overcoat.

His wife began to scold him:

- Well, how are you going to sleep?

And sure enough, the master laid down his overcoat, but there was nothing to put and dress in his head, and it was hard for him to lie down.

The gentleman went to the regimental commander to complain about the soldier. The commander ordered to call a soldier.

They brought a soldier.

- Why did you, brother, - says the commander, - deceived the master?
“No, your honor,” the soldier replies. The soldier took his greatcoat, spread it out, put his head on his sleeve, and covered himself with the hem.
- Where it’s good, - he says, - he sleeps on his overcoat after the campaign!

The regimental commander praised the soldier and gave him another cup. And the barin said:

- Whoever works and gets tired, he sleeps on a stone, and whoever does nothing, he will not fall asleep on a feather bed!

The instructive tale "The Soldier's Overcoat" is a fun and informative work that will tell young readers and parents that a person devoted to his work, putting all his strength and soul into it, will get tired so that he can fall asleep even on solid ground, hiding in his own clothes, and for a lazy person, a cozy pastel will seem tough.


The main character of the tale is an ordinary soldier who is serving. He praises his overcoat to the master, saying how good it is, how comfortable it is to sleep under it: you can lay it on the ground, at the same time put it under your head, and even cover yourself from above. The rich man was amazed at the incredible properties of the soldier's clothing, which he really wanted to get it for himself. They began to bargain, agreed on a price that suited both - 25 rubles. The master took a valuable purchase.

He brought it home, unfolded it and began to proudly show off to his wife what a useful little thing he had acquired. The wife strongly doubted that she was so functional. I didn’t believe it, argued and scolded for a useless purchase. The husband decided to prove that he had made a profitable acquisition, began to repeat what the soldier showed him, saying the same words. He laid it on the floor in the house, lay down, but there wasn’t enough clothes for more: there was nothing to put under his head, and even more so there wasn’t enough to cover himself. It's hard and cold to sleep. The master was furiously angry that a simple man deceived him and recovered back to the camp. He came to the military commander, told how it was, complained that the serviceman lied when buying, sold a useless thing. The commander-in-chief became angry, ordered to call the soldier who had bargained for the rich man's overcoat. A serviceman came, and the boss immediately began to scold the peasant for lying to an important person. The soldier listened to the angry speech of the commander and master, calmly objected to this that he did not lie, but only spoke the truth. He took his outer clothing and began to show by example how he does with his overcoat. He spread it on the damp earth, lay down on it, put his sleeve under his head, and covered himself with the floors. He lies and says how well he sleeps when you return from a long trip and work hard for glory. The regimental commander liked this act, praised the serviceman for his intelligence and gave a few coins as a reward to celebrate. And the master’s boss said that the one who works gets tired so much that it doesn’t matter where he sleeps, and the one who doesn’t do anything will lie hard on the soft feather bed.

What does a fairy tale teach?

An interesting and original fairy tale "The Soldier and the Overcoat" will be an excellent lesson for children, telling them about the importance of work. He works hard, puts his soul into his occupation and gets tired so much during the day that you can fall asleep even on solid ground, covered with outerwear. And a lazy person who did not make an effort to achieve his goal will always be dissatisfied with everything. The tale is easy to read and remember, and the large print allows young readers to read it on their own. The valuable lesson that the work will present will help the children to work harder in the future, to be honest and responsible.

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Summary: Anyone who gets tired of a big and difficult job, and any short rest will be pleasant, such a truthful morality is brought to our attention by the Russian folk tale The Soldier's Overcoat. On one of the nice sunny and warm days, a simple soldier and a rich fat gentleman met each other. A dialogue began between the interlocutors, the soldier began to praise his warm and gray overcoat in front of the master. If necessary, you can put it instead of a pillow under your head and you can also hide with it, instead of a blanket. Nowhere can you sleep as sweetly and soundly as on a warm overcoat. The master listened to the servant for a long time and offered him to buy him such a warm, soft and necessary overcoat. As a result, the brave soldier agreed to sell him his overcoat. Only the master did not sleep softly on her, but hard. A disappointed gentleman came to complain to the general himself that he had succumbed to deceit on the part of the serviceman and that he had sold his overcoat to him for 25 rubles. He called the poor soldier to him for interrogation. The serviceman lay down on his beloved and native overcoat and it was comfortable and cozy for the soldier to rest on it. He looked at the pleased soldier, praised him and even poured him some wine. And for the master he gave a harsh remark that he who really gets tired will be comfortable to rest not only on his overcoat, but also on a hard stone. You can read the fairy tale Soldier's Overcoat online for free here. You can listen to it on audio. Leave your comments and write your suggestions and feedback.

The text of the fairy tale Soldier's overcoat

The master spoke to the soldier; the soldier began to praise his overcoat:

- When I need to sleep, I will spread my overcoat, and I will put the overcoat in my head, and I will cover myself with the overcoat.

The master began to ask the soldier to sell him an overcoat. So they bargained for twenty-five rubles. The master came home and said to his wife:

What item did I buy? Now I don’t need any feather beds, pillows, or blankets: I’ll lay down my overcoat, and I’ll put my overcoat in my head, and I’ll put on my overcoat.

His wife began to scold him:

"Well, how are you going to sleep?"

And sure enough, the master laid down his overcoat, but there was nothing to put and dress in his head, and it was hard for him to lie down.

The gentleman went to the regimental commander to complain about the soldier. The commander ordered to call a soldier.

They brought a soldier.

- Why did you, brother, - says the commander, - deceived the master?

“No, your honor,” the soldier replies. The soldier took his greatcoat, spread it out, put his head on his sleeve, and covered himself with the hem.

- Where it’s good, - he says, - he sleeps on his overcoat after the campaign!

The regimental commander praised the soldier and gave him another cup. And the barin said:

- Whoever works and gets tired, he sleeps on a stone, and whoever does nothing, he will not fall asleep on a feather bed!

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