A fairy tale about a pony: is it easy to find true friendship. Golden Oak Library - My Little Pony Story: Backstory

October 10, 2010 on the American television channel The Hub (which is currently called Discovery Family) premiered a new children's animated series My Little Pony: Friendship is Magic.

In Russian, the first season was released 2 years later - on January 2, 2012, the first episode was shown on the children's TV channel Karusel. The title was officially translated as "My Little Pony: Friendship is Magic".

The first season included 26 episodes, and then no one could have imagined that the show would become so cult: despite the fact that the cartoon My Little Pony was originally aimed at little girls aged 4 to 6-7 years old, it attracted a wider audience. and got a lot of adult fans.

At the moment, the series consists of 7 full episodes, most of which include 26 episodes. The only exception is season 3, which has only 13 episodes.

Several full-length cartoons have also been released and an official mobile game has been created.

History of creation

The animated series about ponies was released in 2010, but the history of the entire franchise begins much earlier. In 1983, Hasbro began producing toy plastic ponies, which later became the prototypes of modern My Little Pony characters. The design of the dolls changed from time to time, and now they can be divided into 5 generations. For more successful sales, several cartoons were also created.

In 2009, the company bought out most of the shares of the television channel Discovery Kids, and it was decided to release a new series based on the old series of toys. The main role in the creation of the show was played by animator and screenwriter Lauren Faust, who had previously also been involved in the development of cartoons that became successful.

Faust wanted to create something new and different that didn't fit the standard of typical cartoons for girls. The main ideas that she intended to embody in the new project were not a primitive plot and realistic "imperfect" characters.

After the success of the first season, she took part in the creation of the cartoon for a very short time - during the development of the second season, she served as a consulting producer, and then left the project.

World structure

The characters of My Little Pony live in a magical land called Equestria, where everything is subject to magic. In addition to the ponies themselves and other ungulates, this world is inhabited by griffins, manticores, dragons, as well as ordinary animals - cats, dogs, rabbits, squirrels and others.

According to Wikipedia, all My Little Pony characters (meaning ponies as the main characters) can be divided into 3 types: unicorns, pegasi and ordinary (earth) ponies. There are also alicorns that combine the features of a unicorn and a pegasus, but there are only a few representatives of this species.

Basically, the action of the cartoon and the game My Little Pony takes place in a small provincial town called Ponyville, however, other locations were also shown: Canterlot (the capital of the country), Cloudsdale (heavenly city standing on the clouds), Mainhattan, Applelusa, Las Pegasus, Crystal Empire and others. From this we can conclude that Equestria occupies a very large territory.

main characters

The main characters of My Little Pony can be considered 6 heroes. It is noteworthy that among them there are representatives of all existing pony races - 2 unicorns, 2 pegasus and 2 earth ponies.

The plot is built around the unicorn Twilight Sparkle (in Russian translation - Twilight Sparkle). She is one of the best students of Princess Celestia, diligently studying magic. Twilight loves books more than interacting with other ponies, and wanting to fix that, Princess Celestia entrusts Twilight with an important task. Twilight must travel to Ponyville and oversee the preparations for the summer festival.

In Ponyville she meets new friends - unicorn Rarity, pegasus Fluttershy and Rainbow Dash, earth ponies Applejack and Pinkie Pie. Each of them has its own unique character, but despite the fact that they are so different, the ponies find a common language, and a real friendship develops between them. Together, these My Little Pony characters save the world from an attack by Nightmare Moon (Moon Pony), the main antagonist of the first season.

Minor characters

The universe of the animated series is huge. In addition to the main characters, there are more than a hundred minor characters in the list of My Little Pony characters.

In almost every episode, Princess Celestia appears - the ruler of Equestria. She gives the heroes various tasks and helps them if something goes wrong. At the end of the episode, Twilight writes a letter to the princess telling her about the lesson in friendship she learned in that episode.

Relatives and friends of the main characters also often appear. For example, members of the Applejack family - Big McIntosh, Apple Bloom, Granny Smith and others (as a rule, their mission and talent are associated with the names of My Little Pony characters, and in this case it is farming and growing apples).

As you move along the plot and the release of new seasons of heroes, there are more and more. The list of My Little Pony characters is constantly growing, and gradually the viewer gets to know other inhabitants of Equestria.


As you can understand from the name, the main idea of ​​this animated series is friendship, and everything connected with it. In each episode, the characters are faced with a problem that they can solve only by uniting and making joint efforts.

Together with the characters, young viewers - the target audience of the cartoon - learn the ability to make friends, find a common language, empathize and help those who really need it.

All ponies have different personalities: one of them is erudite and well-read, another is elegant and knows a lot about fashion, the third is a little shy and loves animals, and so on. This was the main goal of Lauren Faust - to make each heroine truly unique, but not an ideal person.


In addition to the cartoon, the My Little Pony franchise includes a series of toys, the official mobile game for IOS, Android and Windows Phone, comics and even books.

The first book on the fourth generation of toys was released on the day the series premiered. It was a 24-page picture book that described all the same events that happened in the first two episodes. Included with the publication were two toy ponies.

Later books were published several times a year, and many of them also included toys.

Pony comics began to be released some time after the start of the second season. Issues, divided into story arcs, told about the adventures of heroes not shown in the show.

Game by Gameloft

On November 8, 2012, the official game My Little Pony: Magic Princess was released, developed and published by Gameloft. Initially, the application was only available for iOS and Android operating systems, but later appeared in the Windows Phone store.

By definition, the game is "shareware". This means that you don't have to pay to download and most of the options, but you can deposit real money into the game, which will allow you to purchase special items and power-ups in mini-games.

The list of characters in the game "My Little Pony: Magic of Princesses" includes all the same characters that are found in the original series: Twilight Sparkle and her friends, Princess Celestia, the Apple family, Mr. and Mrs. Cake and others.

According to the plot, Nightmare Moon managed to capture Equestria and plunge it into eternal darkness. Only Twilight Sparkle managed to escape - she and her dragon Spike will have to liberate the country and help their friends.

The principle of the game "My Little Pony: Magic Princess" is a standard "farm": the player needs to build buildings, collect income, buy characters, play mini-games and discover new territories.

Full length cartoon

On October 4, 2017, the premiere of a full-length cartoon about ponies called My Little Pony: The Movie took place (the official translation into Russian is “My Little Pony at the Movies”). The picture received the slogan "Meet the next generation of heroes."

According to the plot, the full-length cartoon is practically not connected with the series. A new antagonist appears - the Storm King, who captures the capital of Equestria, Canterlot, with the intention of depriving all ponies of the ability to use magic. Not even Princess Celestia can stop it. Twilight Sparkle and her friends are the last hope of the whole country: only they can stop the Storm King and restore peace and tranquility to Equestria.

The cartoon showed a new race - sea ponies. When developing their appearance, the creators were inspired by mythological creatures called hippocampus - these are sea horses with fish tails and having some resemblance to mermaids.

"Equestria Girls"

Ponies hit the cinema screens long before the release of "My Little Pony Movie" - June 16, 2013 in the US and Canada began showing the cartoon "My Little Pony: Equestria Girls" ("Equestria Girls").

Unusually, the main action of the cartoon takes place in the human world, where Twilight Sparkle travels to find her princess crown stolen by Sunset Shimmer.

After passing through the mirror, which acted as a portal, Twilight Sparkle finds herself in the world of people, namely, in Canterlot High School. When moving, the pony's appearance changes, and now she looks like a teenage girl.

In high school, Twilight meets characters very similar to her acquaintances from the pony world. It has its own princess Celestia, who is called Director Celestia. Also, Sparkle reacquaints herself with her friends - more precisely, girls who look like them.

A year later, the second part of the cartoon "Equestria Girls: Rainbow Rocks" was released. Twilight Sparkle is sent back to the human world to solve another problem - a leak of Equestrian magic, which can cause irreversible consequences.

Fans of the animated series

Immediately after the release, the cartoon became a success, receiving positive reviews from critics and parents.

As mentioned earlier, the pony animated series won the hearts of not only children, but also an older audience. A certain culture of cartoon fans has formed, who have called themselves "bronies" (which is a combination of two words - "pony brother").

The series turned out to be of such high quality that its ideas turned out to be close even to adults who fell in love with the characters and were waiting for the release of a new episode even more than the target audience - the children themselves.

Bronies began to create their own creative works on the series - stories, drawings, video clips, independently translate recently released series into other languages. Fans share their creativity on special resources.

After some time, Bronikon was organized - a meeting where fans of the cartoon gather and communicate, share their impressions and have a good time.

Next season release

At the moment, 7 full seasons and half of the eighth have been released. All the characters of "My Little Pony: season 8" the viewer will be able to see again in August 2018. The title of episode 14 is Marks for Effort.

The 9th season of the animated series was also announced - the premiere is scheduled for October 1, 2019. The title of the first episode is currently unknown.

Once upon a time there was Tim the mouse and Kwak the frog. And they were good friends. They lived in a big nice forest on a huge beautiful planet Earth.

Hello Uncle Dub! - Tim and Kwak said in chorus, lifting their muzzles and smiling cheerfully.

Hello, guys, - the ancient Oak rustled in response. - How are you doing? What new did you learn about our vast world?

Uncle Oak, every day we learn something interesting about our beautiful planet. But there is so much more that we do not yet know,” Kwak replied.
Maybe someday we'll know as much as you do, Uncle Oak. It's so interesting! Tim said.

I am happy for you guys that you are interested in living on our wonderful planet! She is so beautiful that it is impossible not to admire her marvelous beauty, enchanting sounds and unusual aromas. It's nice to wake up in the morning and see how everything around wakes up with the sunrise. It's nice to feel the living breath of the Earth.

But not everywhere is as good and calm as in our lovely forest. The people who inhabit our planet are building large stuffy cities where it is impossible to enjoy the wonderful aromas of nature. In such cities, because of the terrible noise, neither the singing of birds nor the murmur of water is heard. Humans are generally strange creatures. They look like insatiable monsters, ready to take everything for themselves. They cut down forests, disfigure the Earth, trying to get minerals - and in those places it is already impossible to admire the beauty of the planet. They do not feel the pain they inflict on her, inflicting terrible wounds. Where the Earth is covered in asphalt, it is impossible to feel the breath of the planet, so it seems to people that it is inanimate and cannot be hurt when iron fangs pierce it.

Uncle Oak, are all people terrible monsters? - the frog was alarmed.
No, guys, among them there are those who care not only about themselves, but also about the world around them. These people carefully keep in their hearts a sacred spark called love. They are creators who do not allow terrible monsters to destroy our beauty.
So not everyone on Earth is as lucky as you, Tim and Kwak. You're lucky! You can enjoy everything that our planet gives us. And some people don't have it at all. Let me tell you a story about a little horse - a pony.

Tell me, tell me, the friends rejoiced.

They made themselves comfortable and prepared to listen. And the ancient giant began his story:

- In one big and noisy city, people built a zoo to keep animals in cages and show them to everyone.

Horrible! - exclaimed the frog, - who wants to live in a cage!?

No one volunteers to go there, Kwak. People are catching animals all over the planet and putting them in cages. So, in this zoo lived a little pony. People called him Tiny because when he was caught in the wild steppes, he was a tiny tiny horse. It was scary and bitter for the little one to find himself without a mother in a terrible place where strange strangers stare at him all the time, where there is no emerald grass and a cheerful Sun.

Over time, the pony learned to eat what was brought to him, ceased to be afraid of people always passing by him, got used to his small stuffy cage in which he was planted. The little pony grew, but the older he got, the more sadness was seen in his eyes. Longing for his homeland lived in his soul - a beautiful and free steppe. His heart was tormented by bitter resentment for those who took away his freedom. Every day the little horse got worse and worse.

One morning the pony could not get up, he did not have the strength to enjoy life. "What happened with me?" he thought and tried to get up, but his strength left him, and he buried his muzzle in the crumpled hay. “It's all because of the people who put me in this hateful cage,” he said and wept bitterly.

He lay like that all day and all the next day. He didn't eat anything because he didn't feel like it. People were worried about Tiny's condition. A veterinarian came to see him, a man with large round glasses. He examined the pony and said that he could not help him, the pony was dying.

The woman who always fed Tiny and cleaned his cage was very upset. She fell in love with the little horse, because it grew up before her eyes. She decided to take Baby to her home. Her family lived outside the city, they had a large wooden house with carved architraves, which was built by her grandfather almost a hundred years ago. There was a large green lawn in front of the house, and behind it was a beautiful old garden.

The woman thought: “Baby will be fine with us, maybe we can save her”? Her little daughter of eight years old, whose name was Annushka, often visited her mother at work. She also loved the little horse and often asked: “Mom, let's take Baby to our home!”.

And Annushka's dream came true. The zoo authorities allowed the pony to be taken away and helped to transport the horse home. When Anya saw the pony in the yard of her house, she was so delighted that she ran with all her might to Tiny and hugged him tightly by the neck. But looking into his eyes, she felt that her little friend needed help.
Mom, what's wrong with him?

He fell ill, Annushka, - her mother answered her, - maybe we can cure him?
Of course it will! - the girl said hotly, - because I love him so much! And she pressed her cheek against the horse's neck, stroking its short mane.

Kroshka lived with Annushka for several days, but his condition did not improve. The girl arranged for him in the entrance hall a soft, cozy bed of fragrant hay, gave him fresh milk to drink, but he still did not eat anything and only lay motionless with his eyes closed. Longing and resentment still lived in the heart of the little pony and therefore he did not get better.
And then one morning, when a ruddy dawn broke out in the east, Annushka came to her horse to wish her good morning. Seeing that Tiny was not recovering and he was not getting better, she put her arms around his neck and wept softly:

“My little horse, I love you so much!” Please do not die!

Large tears fell on the muzzle of a pony. Little didn't understand what was going on. He raised his head, dusted himself off and fluttered his black eyelashes.

Baby, my sweet Baby, I'm so glad you're awake!

The pony opened his eyes wide, sat up in his fragrant bed and smiled at the girl.

“I’ll bring you fresh milk and sweet carrots,” Annushka said happily and ran to the kitchen, while Tiny remained sitting with a satisfied face.

He took a deep breath of fresh air, and it reminded him of his home. He looked out the window at the flaming dawn, and it seemed to him like those wonderful dawns in the steppe that they met with their mother. Tiny got up, then got to his feet and slowly walked towards the exit. Annushka, who ran out of the house, gasped! She was glad that the strength returned to the little pony again.

Together they went out into the street and froze, looking at the rising glow of a fresh morning. The sun's rays spread across the sky like a magic crown. The bird choir heralded the beginning of a new day. An amazing melody resounded over the meadows and copses, carried away into an unknown height. The mysterious moment of awakening was approaching.

The first rays of the sun burst out from behind the horizon, illuminating everything around and melting the remnants of sadness in Kroshka's soul, and flashing bright sparks of delight in Annushka's heart. Friends stood enchanted by the magic of sunlight. Their little hearts were filled with quiet tender joy, they were happy.

- How beautiful! – said the girl and looked at the pony. “I love you so much, my sweet horse.

I love you too," the pony smiled.

Can you speak? - Annushka exclaimed joyfully and hugged Kroshka by the neck. - You will no longer be sick and blues?

No, I won’t,” the pony told her. - When you see this majestic Sun, it is impossible to mope. Come on, you and I will meet the dawn every morning, as we once met with mom.

We will definitely! Annushka said.

All day long the girl and the pony played on the emerald lawn: Annushka read Kroshka a book about the steppes and savannahs, they tumbled in the grass, admired the clouds floating in the sky, dreamed and had fun with all their hearts. There was no trace of Tiny's disease. Tiny was very glad to be here, next to this amazing little girl with the gentle name of Annushka.

In the evening, when my mother returned from work and saw how cheerfully the sick pony was frolicking yesterday, she could not believe her eyes.

Annushka, what happened?

Nothing special, mommy! It’s just that Baby and I met the dawn today and the gentle sunbeams melted black sadness and resentment in his soul, we drove them away forever, and now he is healthy! Baby even ate all the semolina, can you imagine mom?
Mom hugged her daughter and her little friend. She was very glad that Baby got better. It was incredible, but a miracle happened!

You have a good mother,” said the pony. My mother was also very kind.

Mom, did you hear? Baby said you were kind!

No, Annushka, I didn't understand what he said.

But don't you hear what he says? Annushka wondered. “Because I understand him!
I always knew that you were a special girl for me, - my mother kissed her daughter on her rosy cheek.

Since then, the little pony has remained to live in an old house with carved architraves. When Annushka became an adult, she went along with Kroshka on a long journey to the endless steppes, where a little pony was once born. And there, among the expanses of the steppe, they found Kroshka's mother. It was a touching meeting.

Pony always remembered his mother and dreamed of returning to his home. And Annushka helped his dream come true. The little one was happy.

Annushka stayed with Kroshka's family for several days and went home. She promised to come to visit her good friend - a pony. Here is such a story, - summed up Uncle Oak.

Tim and Kwak simply beamed, as if they had found their homeland and their beloved mother. They were happy for the little pony, for the kind girl Annushka, who grew up and became, of course, a real beauty: after all, only beautiful people can do such wonderful things!

"Children's animated series" called My Little Pony Friendship Is Magic was released on American television in 2010. Since then, the series has gained immense popularity. This was not unusual until I stumbled upon the shocking beings of his adult followers...

About the cartoon

The world in which all events take place is inhabited by many magical intelligent zoomorphic mythical creatures such as: ponies, griffins, dragons, etc. Events unfold in a magical land called Equestria, where ponies live. These horses have different abilities, so some ponies have a magic horn that allows them to conjure, while others have wings that make it possible to fly and walk on the clouds, there are also ponies that have a horn and wings at once. Such ponies are called "alicorns" and rule the country. The rest of the ponies were deprived by artists of additional body parts, but they are physically stronger than others. Equestria is ruled by two sisters, Celestia and Luna, who live in a luxurious castle.


In medieval (Christian) painting, the horse is one of the symbols of lust...


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In the story, the unicorn Twilight Sparkle (Twilight Sparkle) comes to Ponyville on the instructions of her protégé, Princess Celestia. Twilight is absorbed in learning and does not find time to communicate with other ponies, but coming to ponyville with her assistant, the little dragon Spike (Spike), where she finds best friends.

In total, Twilight has five friends and each is unique in its own way.


Rainbow Dash Watches the weather. She is devoted to her friends, and never leaves them in trouble, however, like everyone else. She has a bad character of a tomboy and a hooligan. Everything is decided by "fists". Has no talents, stupid:


Apple Jack (Applejack) Farmer. Engaged in the cultivation of apples and the production of alcohol. Never lies. Represents a rude hillbilly:


Fluttershy Forester. Takes care of animals. Timid and kind, but sometimes behaves loosely and obscenely:


Rarity. She sews dresses. Arrogant, capricious, but in the cartoon personifies generosity. He loves fashion and outfits, obsessed with appearance and luxury.


Pinkie Pie. Bakes sweets and amuses other ponies. Mischievous and very stupid:


Twilight. Librarian, now a princess. Practices witchcraft. Shown as a smart and well-read character:

Throughout the cartoon, together they save their horse world, or solve various everyday problems, most often completely trifling.

It looks like an ordinary children's musical cartoon with bright colors, which determines its success and children's delight. But if you carefully read the series, you will notice the following:

The first thing you should pay attention to is the universal matriarchy. In the cartoon, Equestria is ruled by alicorn princesses. All the main characters of the cartoon are female characters. There are practically no male characters in the cartoon, even background ones. All that "men" can do is guard and carry burdens. The exceptions are so insignificant that they do not deserve mention.

We already wrote that there are four types of ponies. These are alicorns, unicorns, pegasi and just ponies. However, different ponies occupy different positions in society depending on what type they belong to. What is the division into lower and higher castes.

The cartoon demonstrates the routine and approval of drinking alcohol. Moreover, absolutely all adult ponies drink alcohol. So, for example, in episode 2 of season 15 of series, all the ponies rush to drink cider, which is not enough for everyone, including the main characters.

The main characters live separately from their parents, and many seem to have none at all. For those heroes whose parents exist, the turbulent life erased their memory. In the cartoon, even children's characters live without their parents! Apple Bloom and Sweetie Belle live with their sisters, the main characters.

In the cartoon, shots that are not at all childish content flash by. But not everyone is noticeable when watching a cartoon, but it’s not in vain that animators are working on this.

- Too bright, saturated colors, fast frame changes are not good for the psyche of small children.

Are there any positive points in this animated series? Yes, they are present. So, for example, the main characters avoid conflict situations, solving all their problems together.

The cartoon demonstrates the impact on the characters of various bad qualities, such as stubbornness, greed and pride, but according to the plot, the main characters get a lesson and try not to do this anymore. And it could be a good cartoon if it weren't for the destructive ideas put into the mind of a child.


Oddly enough, the cartoon has become popular mainly among teenagers and infantile men - usually they are reserved and unsociable people. The series also gained popularity among sexual perverts.

Since the cartoon itself was originally filmed exclusively for girls, the enthusiasm for it by adult guys is alarming. Fans of the animated series formed a whole community more reminiscent of a sect, calling themselves "Brony" (Brony - a fusion of the words brother - brother and pony - pony). Over 35,000 people are registered on one of the main Russian-language community armor sites, and this figure is growing steadily.

They explain their love for the children's animated series by the presence in the animated series of an indescribable plot of the animated series, excellent humor, an excellent musical component and deep ideals of friendship, which, in their opinion, this animated series cultivates.

However, there is a suspicion that they are actually attracted to childish, infantile images of characters that they find sexually attractive. Usually they prefer to hide it, but some openly write about it. You can often see ponies in stockings and explicit poses. Here are screenshots from many popular brony communities from the VKontakte social network:

And, of course, they don't stop there. Here, for example, is a clipping from one site popular among armor:

And here is the Tabuna library, pay attention to the genres:

Genre "Erotic" implies a detailed description of sex scenes involving a pony, or a pony and a person, regardless of gender and age.

The genre "Horror" implies any action of a violent nature described in detail in the story. Up to sadism with a detailed description of the dismemberment, bullying and suffering of the characters.

Many similar stories are present on the site "Book of Fanfiction". The site "Book of Fanfiction" is a huge collection of stories on completely different topics and genres. There are a lot of kids on this site. The site freely contains stories marked as a genre: "Sex with minors", that is, pedophilia. The complaint to Roskomnadzor did not produce any results.

There is also a collection of stories with exclusively pornographic content. And many more sites like this...

In the social network "VKontakte", there are many pornographic groups dedicated to the cartoon My Little Pony. They are very popular among the armor community. This is evidenced by the number of subscribers, such groups:

All this information is absolutely free access, and is not blocked by special anti-porn programs. Anyone can join such a group, it is enough to apply. It is easy to stumble upon this content when simply viewing pictures in Yandex. It is impossible not to notice that among the participants in these groups there are many minors. They usually do not write about their real age, or they write false data about themselves. Here are some of their accounts:

The relation of the Brony community to Christianity is evidenced by these reports:

Adult "bronies"

Among the adult representatives of the My Little Pony community there are people who have not yet lost their minds, but there are very few of them. Usually "bronies" rarely publish their real photos, because they are very ashamed of their appearance, but among those who post them, there are many people with an infantile and effeminate appearance.

Here are the American armors:

Russian armor:

It is known that there are many pedophiles among adult "armor", this is evidenced by images and stories of similar content, where instead of people the main characters are ponies.

Among the children's premieres of autumn.

If your voice is there too, or if your child has already put you in front of the need to go to the movies, we advise you to familiarize yourself with a short list of facts useful for watching this cartoon. True, according to the first reviews, the plot of the cartoon does not depend on the series "Friendship is a miracle", and you do not need to watch the latter for a normal understanding of what is happening. But since this is still not an original cartoon, but a movie franchise with a rich history, the following will come in handy. Briefly, to the point and with 100% effect on the part of the child - “mom, do you know who it is ?!”.

They are so different, but still together

The main characters are six friendly young ponies, each unique, amazing and diverse in its own way. As you may have already noticed, everyone here is called “ponies”, but inside these magical horses are divided into ponies, unicorns, pegasi and alicorns. Yes, these are those with a horn and wings at the same time. Alicorns are the recognized elite and always-forever princesses. No, no one has seen the alicorn boys yet.

Now you have to sprinkle names (and even in two translations!), But you don’t need to memorize them - just take these characters for granted. By the way, your daughter probably has her own favorite. And this is a great way to learn a little more about the inner world of a child.

Also, ponies have special insignia - that is, pictures on the croup - they get in the process of growing up, and these are damn important symbols.

Twilight Sparkle (Twilight Sparkle). The main character, diligent and kind, loves to study, order and clear planning. Suffering from an overly corrosive conscience and anxiety, at times skeptical and cynical. Sparkle has a cutie mark with a star, because she is a mega-super-cool magician, one of the best in her magical land called Equestria (you don’t have to remember the name). Her “element of harmony” (a mega-super weapon based on the friendship of all heroines) is, in fact, magic.

Oh yes. First, Sparkle is a unicorn, and from the finale of the third season, an alicorn, which automatically raises her to a host of princesses. She was made the Princess of Friendship by the most important pony in the world - Celestia (also a princess, of course!), And this is an exceptional case, in fact, ponies are born with a set of horns and wings put to them.


In a word, fashionista. A unicorn fashion designer whose business is as beautiful as it is amazing (because ponies almost never wear clothes!). Rarity is still a treasure, her character is spoiled and pampered, but she is very generous, and she embodies generosity.

The distinction is crystals, she simply adores them, after all, these are the best friends of girls ©.

Rainbow Dash (Rainbow Dash)

She is speed. She is the most athletic, magnificent and unceremonious, a Pegasus who made flying the meaning of life. Rainbow is overly self-confident (read - she's still impudent), loves adventure books, stupid practical jokes and dreams of flying in big sports, but always stays with friends.

Represents loyalty. You already guessed about the insignia.


Just a "cutie", a timid, shy animal lover. A Pegasus that is afraid of flying, afraid of dragons, afraid of everything. However, Fluttershy has a core inside. With all the external introversion and naivety, sometimes she is very surprising.

The insignia is butterflies, she is the personification of universal kindness and all the brightest and best that is in people. Excuse me, pony.

Pinkie Pie

A pony whose calling is parties, fun and all the rest of the positive. She herself is a walking, or rather, jumping positive, demolishing everything in her path with her unbreakable optimism.

Pinky is a professional party organizer, embodies joy and laughter, the distinction is balloons. Weehu!


No, this is not the name of alcohol, but the real name of the pony. There should be something about an apple farm, hard work, perseverance, physical strength and again an apple farm, but we'll just say that it's unrealistically cool. And strong.

You can exhale, the main characters are over. Let's just add that they all live in a town called Ponyville, regularly save the world, use a special "friendship magic" with the help of the aforementioned "elements of harmony", and are also single hardworking girls in their 20s. No, there are also male characters in the series. Sometimes.

Ponies are much older than you think

These big-eyed bright horses appeared in 2010, but during your childhood they were also there, just different. And only for girls 6-10 years old. Lauren Faust is the legendary author of a reboot that worked (rare).


This is what ponies look like from the 80s. Those are still chubby. Nevertheless, many of the external and internal features of the heroines of the old series migrated to the new one.

"Armors" exist

This is how fans of the series call themselves, that is, it is a “fandom”. And yes, there are a lot of grown men among them. They will come to cinemas with the children and you. Fear not - the "bronies" are extremely peaceful creatures and try to honor the covenants of friendship promoted in the series.

And if more globally: the "fandom" of ponies is able to compete with similar communities in "Star Wars" or "Harry Potter". Yes, dear, before us is a real cult.

Ponies make the world a better place

Follows from the previous point. "My little pony" consistently pulls people out of depression, helps to find friends and love in reality and further down the list. In general, life changes dramatically - we have already talked about one such case.

By the way, according to the majority of child psychologists, everything is very safe in ponies, they are recommended for the competent development of the child's personality. Of course, sometimes there are radically opposite opinions that they kill children. You, of course, decide who to listen to. But we are in solidarity with psychologists and consider the series to be very good. All in the name of friendship magic!

They are very poorly localized here.

With us, they talk like flat cardboard boxes. It's just that "My little pony" was extremely unlucky with our localization, especially with the translation of names - you yourself could already notice this. The debate about whether Sparkle or Twilight is the main character's name will rage for decades to come.


By the way, according to the first reviews, the film was a little more fortunate - at least dubbing did not cause nausea in early domestic viewers, on the contrary.

There are other animals there

Do not ponies alone this universe is alive. A variety of dragons, cats, donkeys, dogs and other animals are found there at every step, and in the film there will be even more of this goodness. At the same time, some animals are reasonable, like the ponies themselves, and some are not, just pets. I wonder what is the relationship between the upright talking cat from the movie and the cat Opal, Rarity's favorite?

It is especially good here with mythological creatures, both from our legends, like griffins and manticores, and self-invented. Yes, Discord, we're talking about you too.

The ponies themselves are also constantly divided into crystal, werewolf ponies, and the writers still know which ones. In the film, we will see mermaid ponies - a great addition, don't you think? By the way, there is also another world where the same heroines appear as people. But this is quite already, do not hammer your head.

The series is much more dramatic than you think.

And you may well like it. At least the storylines are episodes 1-2 and 25-26 of each of the seven seasons. Everything in between is autonomous, daily routine adventures in the name of friendship, affecting the plot only in so far as. But what a range of topics! Especially in the later seasons, extremely important and very mature things are discussed. About fame and fashion, deceit and business, power and crime, the importance of being yourself and so on.

The coverage of genres and locations is also impressive. At the same time, in the plots, everything always goes according to plan and not according to patterns, there are secrets that are carefully transferred from season to season, "chips", twisted and inventive scenarios. In general, the series really interesting to watch for adults too.

More precisely, especially for adults, because it is for this category of viewers that My little pony has a lot of delicious things hidden in it. Subtle hints and cunning references, your own Doctor Who, all kinds of Easter eggs and topical irony. However, you can not remember this point: the feature film was oriented to the children's audience. But there is a chance that some of this joy will be left to parents.

And here's Aria Cadance, a dramatic moment from the season 2 finale, with a werewolf villain pretending to be a princess. Just listen, watch and enjoy a kind of "children's" series.