List of spaceships in the Stargate. Why are the ships in Star Wars so ridiculously easy to steal? spaceship fold


After several years of searching for extraterrestrial technology, people, with the help of allies, were able to build their own combat spaceships.


The X-301 Interceptor was the Tau'ri's first attempt at a warship based on Goa'uld technology. This interceptor was created from two death gliders obtained during Apophis' failed attack on Earth. The ship was modified by Area 51 technicians and equipped with an Earth-based fire control system and weaponry taken from an Earth fighter, leaving only Goa'uld propulsion technology.

The vessel was designed for two pilots. The ship was designed to attack the Ha'taki, so it was equipped with a stealth mode and two missiles enriched with naquadah, these missiles were also equipped with a device to read the frequency of energy shields, which allows it to penetrate them.

Although the first tests were successful, the next stage of testing - in outer space - failed when the return device worked. As a result, the fighter deviated from the course and headed for the planet Apophis. Two of the ship's pilots, Jack O'Neill and Teal'c, were captured because the navigation and control system was not working. This rendered the ship unusable, and the Tau'ri decided to build the ships themselves.

X-302 (renamed to F-302 after testing)

The F-302 fighter is the second Tau'ri space combatant, but created from terrestrial materials based on received extraterrestrial technologies. It is also the first Tau'ri spacecraft to be equipped with a hyperdrive, making it the first Tau'ri capable hyperspace-entry vehicle. Unlike its predecessor, the X-301, the fighter was built using alien technology, but based on Earth fighters.

Externally, the ship also resembled a death glider. Three types of engines were installed on the fighter: a jet engine for flying in the atmosphere, a rocket engine for accelerating and going into space, and a hyperdrive, which made it possible to fly faster than the speed of light. Unlike the X-301, the 302 was equipped with inertia dampers, which allowed the pilot to accelerate and maneuver at high speeds without experiencing serious physical exertion. Inertia dampers allow the F-302 to make sudden stops in place or sharp turns at high speeds. This makes the F-302 one of the most maneuverable fighters.

Hyperdrive 302 is rarely used due to the fact that the hyperdrive generator is powered by unstable naquadria, making the hyperspace window unstable. Perhaps the hyperdrive was not included in the serial package.

Battle cruiser "Prometheus"


Unlike the 302s, which were designed as interceptors, the 303rd, aka Prometheus, was created as a response to the Goa'uld Ha'thaks. This is the first major combat ship of the US Aerospace Forces. Yet it is still much smaller than the ships of the Goa'uld. The ship has 15 decks, and the ship can also accommodate up to 100 people. In addition to everything, the ship is equipped with hangars for 302s.

The 303rd was built on Earth and looks like an ordinary Earth warship with a long bow and a pronounced bridge near the stern.

"Prometheus" was able to move both at sub-light speed and in hyperspace. But its hyperdrive was unstable, powered by a naquadria generator. During the first test, the ship was accidentally transported to an unknown location.

As weapons, the Prometheus had many linear guns located throughout the hull, and rocket launchers, where nuclear missiles enriched with naquadah were stored.

Daedalus-class battlecruiser

Apollo, Daedalus-class cruiser

304, also known as the Daedalus-class battlecruiser, is the second Tau'ri intergalactic warship crafted from terrestrial materials based on alien technology (mostly Ancient and Asgardian technology). As of 2009, there are five ships of this class (there would have been six if the Korolev, owned by Russia, had not been destroyed in the first battle with Ori): Daedalus, Apollo, Odyssey, Sun Tzu and "George Hammond" ("Phoenix" in an alternate universe). Four of the five ships are under the command of the US Air Force, "Song Tzu" belongs to the People's Republic of China. In the battle with the Wraith, this ship was critically damaged, and it is not known what became of it.

Although the Daedalus was called the same type as the 303rd Prometheus, the 304th is strikingly different from the 303rd both externally and technologically. While the Prometheus was built using Goa'uld technology, the 304's design included many Asgard technologies, such as a hyperdrive that allows access to the Pegasus galaxy, an energy shield, and a transporter.

Although the Asgard initially refused to install their weapons systems on 304, they changed their minds when they decided to commit mass suicide. In 2007, the Azgards installed their computer and all the information and history of their civilization on the flagship of the Earth "Odyssey" and the latest weapon - a plasma-beam weapon. Later, Daedalus and Apollo were equipped with these weapons. Apparently, all subsequent ships were also equipped with such weapons.


Alteran Colony Ship

Alteran ship leaving the Celestis

This huge spaceship was one of the first ships capable of crossing intergalactic space, built by the Alterans when they were in their home galaxy. On this ship, the Alterans fled from the Ori to avoid war with them.

The colony ship was built inside the mountain on which the village of Alteran, Orthus Mallum, was located. Upon takeoff, the ship destroyed the top of the mountain, resulting in a massive collapse and the death of the village, although the tunnels in which the Alterans hid their developments and technologies survived.

After the Alterans left their home planet Celestis and the galaxy, the Ori declared this event their victory over evil and built their city near the "Source of Evil" (literal translation of the name of the village of Alteran) - the golden city of Celestis (Celeste).

This ship is the oldest of all known Ancient ships, being over 1 million years old, even older than Destiny. It is not known for certain what propulsion system was installed on the ship, but it can be assumed, given the age of the ship, that it has a FTL engine similar to that installed on the Destiny. There is also speculation that the ship may have been equipped with a hyperdrive to cross huge distances, given that the ship took off in the same way as Atlantis. Considering that the ship took off like Atlantis - rising slowly from the mountain, and then rapidly gaining altitude, as well as the size and role of the ship (colony), it is possible that this ship is the technological ancestor of ship-city.

paddle jumper

The Gateship, more commonly known as the Paddle Jumper, is a small spaceship created by the Ancients. About 20 such ships were in two hangars of the ship-city of Atlantis; now used by the expedition to Atlantis for various purposes: reconnaissance, combat, rescue operations. Gateships have retractable engines that propel the ship; to pass through the stargate, these engines are hidden in the hull. Jumpers are also equipped with powerful weapons of the Ancients: drones. There are about a dozen on board. For protection, these small ships are equipped with a concealment device that makes the ship invisible, but can be converted into an energy shield. To open the gates, the gate ship has its own dialing device. The ship can pass through the shield of Atlantis.

The Gateship is controlled via a neuro-interface, creating a telepathic connection between the operator and the ship's system. A person without the ATD gene cannot control ship systems.

Name Paddle Jumper/Jumper ( Puddle from English Puddle, Jumper - Jumper) is a pun on the ability of a ship to pass through a stargate's event horizon, which is like a round puddle (the Goa'uld call this process "threading"). The term was coined by John Sheppard, an experienced pilot and chief officer in Atlantis, who did not like Dr. McKay's and Lieutenant Ford's name "gate ship".


The Shuttle is a small, short-range spacecraft used for close-range research on the Ancients' research vessel Destiny.

Externally, the Ancients' shuttle looks more like a space shuttle built by the Tau'ri than any other alien vessel. It can be described as a miniature version of Destiny, with an elongated nose and wings where the engines are. The shuttle is larger than the Jumper, and can accommodate a total of 17 people: five crew members and 12 passengers. When the Tau'ri arrived on the Destiny, both shuttles docked to the ship were in a deplorable state: the paint was peeling off, and one of the shuttles was depressurized. Later, when one of the shuttles was returned with a complete refurbishment, the exterior of the shuttles was seen to be gray with red and orange sections, while the ship's interiors are mostly light blue with gold accents.

In the bow of the ship is the cockpit, which controls all the systems of the ship. There are three seats in the cockpit: a pilot's seat with a flight control interface, an additional navigation console and a weapons control console, and two navigators' seats. In the stern there is a passenger area, where on the sides of the vessel there are two benches for 12 passengers. You can get into the ship just like in the Jumper - through the door in the stern of the ship, through which the shuttle docks with the Destiny.

The shuttle is capable of flying at sublight speeds, but not at superluminal speeds. Its sub-light speed is below that of Destiny. The shuttle is equipped with two wing-mounted energy cannons that appear to be as powerful as Destiny's secondary cannons. The shuttle has an energy shield and a stealth mode that has yet to be demonstrated.

Stargate Builders (Siders)

Seeder in combat with drones

The seeder ship is similar in appearance to the Destiny, but its length is only about half of the Destiny, and the mass is about a third of the Destiny. This ship is flatter and lacks the habitable pyramidal superstructure of the Destiny; the wings of the ship are hollow at the back, like those of a shuttle. The docking lock, which is located at the stern of the ship, allows the Destiny to dock with the Sower using the lock on the bottom. The docking gateway combines the power and data transmission channel. Seeders were designed to produce and install stargates on planets that may have the resources needed to continue the mission of Destiny, as well as on planets worth exploring. The stargate manufacturing facility appears to run the length of the ship, and can accommodate many of these devices at once. Data on these planets is relayed to Destiny via a subspace link; based on this information, a route is laid for the Destiny and data on planets where the ship can resupply.

Seeder is equipped with a FTL engine, like the Destiny. But unlike the Destiny, the seeders are equipped with ten propulsion modules, not sixteen (most likely due to the size of the ship). Like the Destiny, the Seeders are armed with pulsed energy cannons for defense, although they do not appear to be equipped with offensive weapons. Only smaller caliber guns are known to exist, so it is not known if the Siders have a main caliber gun like the Destiny. Seeders have vast energy reserves, and their power supplies can be even more powerful than the zero point module. If this energy is channeled into the stargate, then, in theory, it could be enough to establish a stable wormhole for gigantic distances, at least to establish a wormhole to the Milky Way from where Destiny is located. The corridors on the ship are very narrow, so that people can only walk along them in formation one at a time. Pipes and mechanisms also interfere with fast movement around the ship. There is a small control room at the stern of the ship, which is reminiscent of the control center on the Destiny. From here you can steer the boat manually.


Cruiser Ori

Cruisers Ori

The ship is equipped with a powerful intergalactic hyperdrive, which allows it to cross very large distances in a fairly short time. The ship has the same ion cannons as the O'Neill-class battleships. Also, "Daniel Jackson" is equipped with an invisible field, which allows you to hide the ship. Like any other Asgard ship, it is equipped with a transporter to move from planet to ship and vice versa.

A ship of this class, owned by Thor, is equipped with a planetary-scale Replicator Splitter.

Ship Vanir

Ship Vanir

The Vanir Ship are spaceships built by the Vanir (a faction of the Asgards) in the Pegasus galaxy.

These ships are about the same size as the Prometheus. The ships are equipped with electromagnetic fields, which allowed the ships to pass through the raised city shield of Atlantis without any effort or damage. Most likely this technology was somehow borrowed from the Ancients, since the ships of the gate can also penetrate the city shield. After this incident, the shield was reconfigured to prevent such occurrences. Ships can vertically disembark soldiers and later hoist them aboard via a wireless lift.

The only known room on the ship is a brig equipped with a laser grid that "stings" whoever touches it. The ship is capable of interstellar hyperspace travel, as well as opening hyperspace windows in planetary atmospheres. Their weapons and shields are far inferior to the ship systems of their counterparts in the Aida galaxy: they can easily be destroyed by the comparatively backward (compared to Lantian ships) Nomad ships, even if the Vanir have a numerical advantage.


death glider

death glider

Double Goa'uld fighter. It is shaped like a mythical winged scarab. It is used for shelling ground targets, as well as for air and space combat. Since they don't have a targeting system, they have a much harder time hitting small targets. He is armed with two plasma cannons (also called stick cannons). Since gliders do not have hyperdrives, they are usually launched from large pyramidal ships, but can also take off from any surface. They exist in several visually distinguishable modifications, with a high probability depending on who they belong to.

Gliders can fight both in the atmosphere of the planet and in outer space. Like other starships, the gliders are equipped with inertia dampers, although like the F-302 Tau'ri they are not very effective at high speeds. Also, gliders can be launched from under the water, although they were not designed for such purposes.

The gliders are equipped with loudspeakers, which suggests that the pilot may first threaten the victim before opening fire. So these fighters have a scanning system that allows them to detect other ships, while the pilots communicate using small intercoms on their cheeks.

When Teal'c rebelled against the System Lords, the gliders were given a return program that would return the glider to Apophis' home planet if the glider fell into enemy hands.

needle threader

needle threader

The Needle Threader is a type of Death Glider built by the Goa'uld specifically for passing through stargates (similar to the Leaper of the Ancients). But unlike the Jumpers, it is not equipped with any automatic systems that would simplify the passage through the stargate. There were also not very many pilots who could successfully perform this maneuver, and because of this, this type of glider was discontinued.

The cockpit of the Needle Threader can fit two people: a pilot and a shooter, although as a normal glider, it can be controlled by one person. Whereas a normal death glider has two downward-curving wings, the Needle Threader instead of wings has a kind of cylinder that surrounds the ship and is connected to it by small wings. The ship is equipped with two energy cannons, similar to those mounted on standard gliders. The range of destruction of these guns is only 70 meters. This short range is because the Goa'uld used these ships to clear the area around the gate. The ship is powered by a small naquadah reactor, and the hull is made of trinium. The needle threader is only 4 meters long.



The Tel'tak is a pyramid-shaped ship with an elongated prow. The stern part of the vessel turns into a pair of a kind of wings, which are interrupted in the middle of the vessel, and then continue all the way to the bow. On the ground, the wings are retracted inside the ship and released again in the air. The vessel is divided into two main sections - the main deck, where the main entrance is located, and the cargo compartment with a ring conveyor. The two sections are separated by a bulkhead which can be opened if more cargo space is required. Tel'tak's primary role is to transport cargo and passengers.

The basic model of Tel'tak is equipped with a hyperdrive, concealment device, transport rings, and four escape pods. Standard models are not armed or protected by energy shields. These ships are very maneuverable due to their small size. Their speeds, both subluminal and superluminal, are far below those of Ha'tak and Al'kesh.

Tel'taks are often upgraded to make them more versatile. Shields are the most common addition that makes a ship more resistant to enemy fire. Pulse cannons are also sometimes placed on ships, although this is quite rare.

transport ship

The Goa'uld transport ship is a ship capable of transporting hundreds of Jaffa warriors at a time. The length of the ship is approximately 2 times the length of the al'kesh. Apparently, it is used as a purely landing craft. It has energy shields and transport rings, whether there are weapons is unknown. The ship appeared in SG-1 only a couple of times.


Al'kesh, like most Goa'uld ships, vaguely resembles a pyramid. From the stern to the bow are two large wings. Al'kesh can move at sub-light speeds thanks to four sub-light engines mounted on the ship's wings. The ship is also equipped with a hyperdrive, which allows the ship to open windows into hyperspace. The ship's systems are controlled by standard Goa'uld crystals. Al'kesh's bridge has room for two pilots, as well as a control sphere for the ship.

Al'kesh is equipped with two energy cannons mounted on a rotating turret on the bottom of the ship. The ship can also drop plasma bombs, which are powerful enough to pierce the ground and destroy the Tok'ra crystal tunnels. The destructive power of Al'kesh's weapons far exceeds that of the death glider's weapons, and Al'kesh also has an energy shield, so he lags behind only in maneuverability. The effectiveness of the shields is debatable, as even a few Tau'ri missiles or death glider shots can deplete them. Al'kesh is equipped with an invisibility device. Al'kesh is often used for combat and is usually covered by several gliders.

To move troops and equipment both from the ship and back, and around the ship, the ring transporters of the Ancients are used. The transporter is located in a large room, which can also be used as a storage room. The cargo hold is large enough to hold several stargates. Some Al'keshi have been modified to move items using Asgard transporters. Al'keshi can also serve as a "space train", transporting cargo attached like wagons. The length of Al'kesh is 35 meters.


The Ha'tak is a starship of the Goa'uld fleet. Serves as lead ship and heavy cruiser. Ha'tak is one of the most powerful ships in the Goa'uld fleet, but compared to the Aurora-class battleships of the Ancients, O'Neill-class Asgard battleships and Ori cruisers, they are quite primitive. After the fall of the Goa'uld, these ships, as well as their other technology, were used by the Free Jaffa Nation and the Lucian Alliance.

The ha'tak consists of two sections: the main section is a golden tetrahedron built into the center of the vessel, reminiscent of an Egyptian pyramid. All major systems of the ship are concentrated in this place, such as the glider hangar and command centers. Surrounding the pyramid is a large, triangular superstructure that wraps around the pyramid in the middle. Weapon systems are located in the outer superstructure. The oldest class of Ha'tak, such as the one used by Ra, is about 10,000 years old.

Ha'tak's armament is extensive: the ship is equipped with 60 pulse cannons, pitted throughout the superstructure. The ship uses them to carry out both close combat and bombardment of targets from orbit. There are also many death gliders aboard the Ha'tak, which are used as fighters. Ha'tak is equipped with powerful shields and an interstellar hyperdrive.

The Ha'tak can land on virtually any type of terrain, but its hollow interior is designed to land on a pyramid (the mountains can serve as a landing pad if there are no pyramids).

Ra's Mothership

Cheops-class ship

The Ha'tak type is used by the Ra family (his son Heru-ur also used this type). It looks like an ordinary pyramid, the top of which opens into the atmosphere of the planet.

This ship belongs to the Cheops class, but is also known as the pyramid ship. This ship is a sort of prototype for the Goa'uld ha'taks. Unlike conventional Ha'tak, this ship is capable of fully deploying. Like the later Ha'tak, the Cheops-class ship has a death glider hangar, but how many fighters it stored is unknown.

The hull of the hive, like any other Wraith ship, is made up of organic matter. As a result, ships are literally grown. Also, the Wraith ships do not have energy shields, instead the hull itself regenerates the damage received. Since these ships do not have shields, they could teleport nuclear bombs without any problems, but the Wraith quickly developed a defense code that blocked the enemy's teleporters.

Despite its enormous size, the Hive can enter the planet's atmosphere and land. In this position, the ship can be for centuries. The hive even comes into contact with the nature of the planet, growing grass and trees.

Like any spaceship, the Hive is equipped with a hyperdrive. But this system has a drawback: the Hive or cruiser must fly in hyperspace in jumps, periodically leaving hyperspace, as the hull must heal the "wounds" inflicted by hyperspace radiation.

Wraith Cruiser

The Wraith Cruiser is a relatively small ship (roughly the size of the Daedalus) that usually escorts the Hive. During battles or harvesting, the cruiser acts as support for the Hive. In the event of the death of the latter, the cruisers usually leave the scene of the battle, going into hyperspace.

Sometimes cruisers themselves go to harvest on planets whose inhabitants cannot withstand their power. Cruisers are also used as patrol vessels, surveying Wraith territories for incidents or other dangers. Like other Wraith ships, cruisers are not protected by an energy shield, but rely on an organic hull to heal "wounds" on its own.

During battles, one Hive is usually accompanied by three cruisers. Although these ships are hyperdrive-equipped, they go into hyperspace thanks to the Hive. Cruisers are also known to have a hangar for Arrows to help harvest or fight both the Hive and the cruiser. Like the Hive, the cruiser is controlled by a neuro-interface, reacting only to Wraith DNA.

Supply ship

Downed Wraith supply ship

Wraith supply ships are ships used by the Wraith to transport people in cocoons to other parts of the Wraith fleet. Typically, these ships were used to supply food to the Wraith during long battles, allowing them to continue fighting for food.

On such a ship there can be thousands of cocoons with people. In 2004, the Expedition to Atlantis discovered one of these ships on one of the planets of the Lantian solar system. This ship was shot down by a Lantean weapons satellite during the Wraith's siege of Atlantis. This ship was carrying people to feed the Wraith fighting the Lantheans. After the ship crashed onto a planet without a stargate, it began transmitting a distress signal, which the Terrans picked up as they arrived at the last Lantian combat satellite for research. Since no other such vessel was seen, most likely after the war with the Lantheans, they were no longer produced.

Some time later, Todd's delegation arrived on the reconnaissance ship on the Daedalus, and landed in the F-302's hangar. When Todd took over the Tau'ri ship due to suspicions of activating the Attero Device, he attempted to use the Daedalus to destroy the Device. After the failure, Todd and his delegation escaped on a patrol ship.

Arrow of the Wraith

Arrows are Wraith fighters. Their main task is to harvest and supply food supplies to the Hive or cruiser. Arrows are small enough to pass through stargates, for which they have a dialer on board. But mostly Arrows are fired from Hive hangars and cruisers, but it is not known how many Arrows are in such ships.

During harvest time, the Arrows harvest people with a transport beam in an attempt to capture as many people as possible. Then these people rematerialize on the Hive or somewhere else.

During battles, Arrows usually serve as fighters, destroying other similar ships or protecting their own mother ship. Arrow pilots willingly sacrifice themselves by aiming Arrows at objects or by intercepting enemy fire (such as Ancient Ones' drones), acting as a kamikaze. Also, if the Carrier Hive is destroyed, Arrows will usually go for ramming.

The arrow has a unique energy shield. This shield acts as the cover of the Arrow's cockpit, but it is not transparent and therefore inside it is presented in the form of a huge display that displays all the necessary information.


patrol ship

patrol ship

The Replicator Patrol Ship is a ship of unknown design that has been used by the Replicators at least twice.

This ship was first encountered by SG-1 after the battle in the Vorash system, when a star explosion sent their ship into an unknown galaxy. The new ship of Apophis also got into that galaxy. Since he was far superior in terms of technology, the patrol ship attacked his vessel. The firepower of this ship was far superior to that of the new Apophis ship, as the ship was equipped with some kind of beam weapon that disabled the ship with a few shots, and this ship also destroyed all of the mother ship's pulse guns with defensive shots. SG-1 escaped the ship behind the sun of the local star system and did not see the replicator ship defeat Apophis. But when SG-1 returned to the battlefield, they found that the patrol ship had disappeared and the replicators had boarded Apophis's ship.

Either the patrol ship had been abandoned somewhere, or it had gone to where the rest of the replicators were based.

A ship of the same class was discovered near the planet Hala, the planet of the Asgards, where they locked the replicators in a time expansion device. This ship guarded the planet, as it was covered in replicator blocks. Since the Prometheus was too primitive for them in terms of technology, the replicators did not touch it. The ship was most likely destroyed when the Asgardians turned the sun of Hala into a black hole.

The original builder of the ship is not known, but it can be assumed that it was a highly developed civilization, since the ship had powerful energy shields, beam weapons, and most likely a hyperdrive. It is also possible that the ship was built by the replicators themselves from modular blocks, based on assimilated technologies.

spider ship

spider ship

The Spidership is a small ship used by the Milky Way Replicators during their conquest of the galaxy. Used as a support vessel.

These vessels were made up of a huge number of modular Replicator units. Outwardly, this vessel resembled a huge mechanical spider. The ship had seven legs. These ships can be constructed from replicator blocks by the replicators themselves, which combine to form one larger version of themselves, except that this replicator can fly in space and hyperspace, suggesting that the ship has a hyperdrive. Whether this ship is armed or only used to transport replicators is unknown.

The first ship of its class first appeared on the new Asgard home planet Orille when a newly created weapon - the Replicator Splitter - was used against this mechanical race. A huge number of replicators have combined to create a ship for flight in hyperspace. The Replicators were thus able to escape the effects of the Disintegrator, but most of their brethren were destroyed.

Several of these ships were used during the assault on Dakar when RepliCarter discovered the Superweapon and sent several of her ships to capture it and prevent SG-1 from using it to destroy the Replicators.

The spidership landed on Dakar and unleashed a swarm of spider replicators that attempted to take out the Rebel Jaffa and the Tau'ri people who were defending the installation. But when the weapon was activated, this ship, like all replicators in the Milky Way, was destroyed.


Cruiser Fifth/Repli Carter

The Replicator Cruiser was designed by the humanoid Replicator Fifth, the same design that RepliCarter created her cruiser from.

Only one room is known on the ship, which was used for various purposes. Five used this room to hold Samantha Carter captive while he tortured her and tried to win her over to his side by telling her his feelings. A replica of Samantha Carter was also created in this room. Here, she tortured Dr. Daniel Jackson in order to find out what weapon could prevent her from taking over the galaxy.

Five used this vessel to escape the planet Hala, where the Replicators were imprisoned in a time expansion field. When he captured Samantha Carter, he directed his ship to Orilla. There, in orbit, the ship was destroyed by the Asgard fleet, led by the O'Neill-class Valhalla, as soon as it emerged from hyperspace.

Five later recreated the ship to reach the Milky Way. The ship was destroyed by a Replicator Splitter in orbit around the Alpha Side when Fifth was betrayed by RepliCarter.

Ori) and shoots orange energy pulses.

On board the ship there are many fighters that can fight. The ship's main weapon fires yellow energy pulses, which alone are not very effective against the Destiny's energy shields, but several simultaneous hits can cause serious damage to the Destiny. The weapon does not have a high rate of fire. The ship is equipped with an energy shield that can withstand the Destiny's main gun.

Nakai's ships use an intergalactic hyperdrive system. It differs from the hyperdrives of the races of the Milky Way and Pegasus in visual and sound effects when entering and leaving hyperspace: instead of a colorful spatial disturbance, ships create a bright white flash when entering and leaving hyperspace.


Fighter Nakai

The Fighter is a small spacecraft approximately 60 feet long and 30 feet wide. This small oval-shaped fighter. The fighters are launched from Nakai's mothership, which can carry at least a dozen fighters. The fighter is equipped with a single energy weapon mounted on the port side of the vessel near the bow. Its effectiveness is unclear: a few starfighters could deplete Destiny's shields fairly quickly (although Destiny's shields were weakened due to Destiny firing back), but a single shot at the Ancients' shuttle had little to no effect. Fighters are also equipped with energy shields, which are rare for a ship of this size, but its effectiveness is negligible against Destiny's turrets and shuttle guns. A fighter can survive a FTL separation from a ship, but not a FTL surge unless docked to a ship.

In addition to its functions as a fighter, the ship is equipped with a circular laser located on the bottom of the fighter, which allows it to dock with another ship by cutting a circular hatch in the other ship's hull. The crew of this ship is not known. A fighter jet can hold at least two people, although it can accommodate more people.

Unknown enemy of Ursini

Command ship of unknown race

control ship

Control ships are ships built and used by an unknown alien race. These ships serve as aircraft carriers and carry hundreds of berserker drones.

Control ships are large ships that were apparently built for the sole purpose of ferrying and controlling combat drones. Unmanned fighters are fixed on the ship's hull in an inactive state and are launched to destroy any alien technology. From the looks of it, the control ships are not equipped with any offensive or defensive systems, relying solely on the sheer number of drones and their firepower for protection. The Destiny's main weapon was able to destroy one such ship with only a few shots, and apparently the ships are not equipped with energy shields.

Each control ship controls its own armada of drones, and without its commands, the drones cannot operate. In addition, a control ship can only control its own specific drone armada and cannot extend its influence to the drones of another command ship, even if it is destroyed and its drones are inactive. In turn, drones can operate autonomously if a task is loaded into them. Apparently, the control ships can communicate with each other, given that they could coordinate their actions during the blockade of all available stars.


berserker drone

Drones are automated ships created by an unknown alien race in a second galaxy visited by earthlings on Destiny. They are controlled by control ships. According to Ursini, the race that created them most likely died out long ago.

These fighters are unmanned and extremely maneuverable. Piloted by a large control ship, their sole purpose is to destroy any technology other than their own. They surround the target and attack it from different directions. Although drones are quite primitive in their tactics, they can develop new ones. To hit the most vulnerable areas of the target, the drones change their attack tactics, split into groups to attack multiple targets, and also protect the control ship from potential threats.

There are at least three types of drones. The first two are about the size of an Ancient shuttle, while the third is small enough to fit in a shuttle and be lifted by several people. Drones are equipped with energy cannons. Although their effectiveness alone is not sufficient to break through the shield of the Ancients, in a group of several they can deplete the shield in a few minutes. Also, a single shot from a drone cannon can disable a first-generation stargate. Apparently, the drones are not protected by shields, and they can be destroyed with a single shot from the Destiny gun.

UAVs can move both in space and in the atmosphere. They can detect an object by sound, by radio signals. Drones can detect a stargate via a subspace signal when the gate is activated.


Ship Ursini

Ship Ursini

The Ursini spaceship is a type of spacecraft built and used by an alien race known as the Ursini.

The Destiny expedition encountered the damaged Ursini spaceship drifting through space within an unknown galaxy. The entire ship was severely damaged as a result of a battle with an unknown race. After reviewing the data from the KINO, Colonel Everett Young and Dr. Nicholas Rush went to the ship. Even though the ship's bridge was destroyed, Rush managed to find the control panel and activate the life support system. By doing this, he accidentally activated the ship's sublight engine (albeit for a couple of seconds). Thus, the ship began to move away from the "Destiny". Ultimately, Colonel Young and Dr. Rush returned to Destiny.

Dr. McKay. The new "Daedalus" jumped uncontrollably from one universe to another. In one of the universes, the team stumbled upon an unknown, advanced race attacking Atlantis with a large spaceship. The size of the ship is approximately three times the size of the Daedalus. Protected by a shield, much inferior in strength to the shields of the Daedalus (probably does not have a shield). The alien weapons were disabled by two shots from the Asgard Plasma Beam Cannon. The ship has two fighter bays with 10 fighters each.

This ship's weapons, while similar to those of the Wraith, are different from other pulse weapons technology. Unlike the weapons of other races, the shots of the guns of these aliens outwardly look like a fireball, and not a clot of energy. The main weapons are two pulse-plasma cannons with a fairly high rate of fire.

alien fighter

Fighter used by aliens in an attack on another Daedalus (Dedalus Variations series). A fairly fast and maneuverable fighter, armed with 2 impulse cannons. Apparently, the ship is used not only for conducting air and space battles, but also for ramming actions, and, unlike Wraith arrows, it not only pierces the hull of an enemy ship, but also delivers its pilot on board to carry out actions of sabotage and destruction of the enemy crew. The landing force can reach from three or more "cyborgs". The fighter is similar to the Wraith Arrows, although it is somewhat larger, with one engine and four small wings. The ship is made of common materials and appears to have a very strong hull (since it pierced the Daedalus' trinium hull), but several such ships were destroyed by the rail guns mounted on the Daedalus-class Tau'ri.

Daedalus." These ships can fly in hyperspace and are equipped with energy shields and energy weapons.

Nomads live aboard these ships, making them a space-dwelling race. As such, their ships are designed to provide residents with as much comfort as possible, although the number of people living on ships is unlikely to be large due to the small size of the ship. Since the Nomads don't have the resources to build new ships, their current fleet is all they have.

Since the Nomads are a space-dwelling race, they rarely land their ships for repairs. Thus, their ships are being repaired right in space. All ship systems are based not on crystals, but on more primitive wires and chips.


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Describes chemical elements, materials, isotopes, atomic and subatomic particles that only exist in works of fiction (usually fantasy or science fiction). Some of the items of descriptions listed ... ... Wikipedia

The following is a list and description of episodes from the American science fiction television series Stargate SG 1. The series aired from July 27, 1997 to March 13, 2007 and contains 10 seasons (214 episodes). Contents 1 ... ... Wikipedia

A typical stargate in an open area in an inactive state Contents 1 Stargate ... Wikipedia

The following is a list and description of episodes from the American science fiction television series Stargate SG 1. The series aired from July 27, 1997 to March 13, 2007 and contains 10 seasons (213 episodes). Review 1. Seasons ... ... Wikipedia

Hive ship First appearance Awakening. Part 1 Last appearance Enemy at the gates Status In service Wraith affiliation Launched about 10,000 years ago ... Wikipedia

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An incredible plan to send humans to another star in the next 100 years has received the backing of former US President Bill Clinton today.
The 100 Year Starship project, which was developed by the US military, involves the development of huge ships to send people to other star systems.
Next week there will be a meeting to discuss the project and start preparing for its implementation. This is the first serious attempt to create a ship capable of reaching the nearest stars.

The problem of creating a spacecraft capable of overcoming interstellar distances is considered unsolvable at the current level of science and technology. Despite this, there is an organization with the beautiful name "Tau Zero Foundation", which on the main page of the site makes the following policy statement:

Imagine the historic moment when the first Earth-like planet was discovered in the depths of interstellar space. Like an inaccessible treasure, it will draw us like the light of a distant beacon. Is this not the future home of humanity? What forms of life already exist there? What will happen when we get there? Based on today's technology, traveling to the stars is a very long-term undertaking. While the existing space agencies are fighting to send astronauts beyond the earth's orbit, and commercial firms are helping people experience the excitement and thrill of space travel, so far no one has risen to the challenge of reaching other habitable worlds.

The Tau Zero Community Foundation is a volunteer group of scientists, engineers, entrepreneurs and writers who have agreed to work together towards practical interstellar flight and use the search for a solution to this problem in order to expand your knowledge of science, technology and our place in the universe. By publishing the latest achievements and yet-to-be-finished results, we give students the starting material to start their own discoveries. By showing how terrifying and incredible this challenge is, we hope to increase our focus on protecting our Earth's habitability as travel to the galaxy is planned. As we strive to reach for the stars, we will benefit from every step along the way. You could help us in this endeavor. With sufficient support, we will be able to award grants and scholarships on a competitive basis. Help us create a future worth fighting for, where humanity can survive and grow into the skies. Let's make this dream a reality together.

The founder of the Tau Zero Foundation, Mark Millis, worked at NASA in the 90s and was involved in futuristic interstellar spacecraft projects there. NASA pays some attention to spacecraft projects that use physical principles that do not yet exist. Within reasonable limits, projects that look absolutely fantastic are supported. It's called Horizon Mission Methodology. Sometimes it is useful to get off the ground and fly without wings, as happens in a dream. However, it looks like things are getting serious!

Widely known in narrow circles, the organization DARPA - Defense Advanced Research Projects Agency, together with NASA, which does not need to decipher, established a 100-year research project towards the creation of an interstellar spacecraft at the beginning of last year. It's called "100 Year Starship" and it's really about promising scientific research that can last 100 years. To ultimately result in knowledge that will help fulfill the dream of Alpha Centauri!

It was supposed to create an autonomous organization of the same name by the symbolic date of November 11, 2011 and provide it with a grant of $ 500,000. In addition to scientific and technical issues, the task was to actively involve the film industry and the media in promoting the idea of ​​interstellar flight. Mankind undoubtedly needs a new meaning of being, so the efforts of DARPA & NASA in this direction are important and interesting. However, with a beautiful date 11/11/11. didn't work out a bit. Only in early January of this year, DARPA decided on the leader of the 100 Year Starship project: astronaut Mae Jemison, who became the first black woman in space in 1992, was chosen as the captain of the project. Her personal foundation, the Dorothy Jemisson Foundation for Excellence, received $500,000 for a start-up project. DARPA's somewhat unexpected choice seems sensible, given the mission of 100 Year Starship: raising extrabudgetary funding to ensure the ship's 100-year voyage to distant horizons. But in addition to finding sources of funding, the new organization faces the task of strategic planning of scientific research. In this respect, Mae Jemison's abilities have yet to stand the test of time.

Astronaut Mae Jemison. Snapshot of the early 90s

"We will go on a journey through time and space."

"If you can hear my voice trembling, know it's because this project is monumental. And I'm very proud to be a part of this project. And our DARPA trusted team is dedicated to making interstellar travel a reality."

Project "Daedelous" ("Daedalus") - the first complete development of an interstellar ship of the British Interplanetary Society (1970). Icarus Interstellar, partner of 100 Year Starship, is developing the Icarus project as a successor to the Daedalus. Ongoing research will no doubt be discussed at length in Houston.

Project Daedelous is the first serious attempt to create a ship capable of reaching the nearest stars. The weight of such a ship is 50,000 tons, it is powered by nuclear fusion, its speed is 12% of the speed of light.
The project involved the construction of a powerful two-stage unmanned spacecraft with thermonuclear engines in orbit around Jupiter. According to calculations, Daedelous was supposed to fly to Barnard's Star (one of the nearest stars) in 50 years, without slowing down, pass it along a flyby trajectory, collect information about the star and planets, and then transmit the research results to Earth via radio channel. The real merit of the Daedelous project was that it broke the stereotype of starships as something distant and super-fantastic.

The 100 Year Starship project and Icarus have teamed up to create a common fund for the development of the Daedelous project.

Adam Crawl, director of the Icarus Interstellar Project, said: "Project Icarus will produce complex structures and engage in research for the common goal of establishing the technical base needed for successful interstellar flight."

The team began work on the project with an assessment of the task. At the moment, a list of what needs to be done has already been drawn up.

Such a journey will require a revolutionary way of generating energy, its storage and control systems, advanced propulsion systems, a radical advance in the field of closed loop, life support systems, as well as a new look at human development, health, behavior and learning, advances in robotics, automation, intelligent systems and manufacturing technologies.

Programs to create a human presence on the Moon, Mars or anywhere else in our solar system will be the first steps on the way to other stars.

The Houston event will run September 13-16, 2012 at the Hyatt Regency. Detailed information is available on the 100 Year Starship project website (

No one can confirm or deny with certainty the fact of the existence of extraterrestrial civilizations. Skeptics are convinced that if inhabited worlds with powerful technologies existed in the Universe, their representatives would have visited the solar system long ago and would have made themselves felt. It remains only to wait for the brothers in mind, who will fly to Earth on their ultra-fast starships.

Other researchers believe that in the near future it is not necessary to wait for the arrival of alien guests. Moreover, earthlings, in the current state of science and technology, will also not be able to go far beyond the solar system. The fact is that the closest stars to the Earth, in the region of which one could expect a meeting with an alien mind, are located at a distance of several tens of light years from the Sun.

The most modern spacecraft of earthlings is not able to cover the distance even during the lifetime of several successive generations. The principles of jet propulsion, underlying the current rocket science, allow you to move at an acceptable speed only within the "home" star system. And even then such trips can stretch for years and even decades.

The interstellar unmanned vehicle Voyager, which has already left the solar system, will be able to reach the nearest star in only 17 thousand years.

And yet, specialists in the field of space exploration are already purposefully working on projects of spacecraft capable of interstellar travel. No one knows exactly what the first human-controlled spacecraft that will go to other stars will look like. Today, we can only talk about the general principles of building interstellar spacecraft, based on the achieved level of technology development.

spaceship of the future

Apparently, the power plant will become the main element of the interstellar ship. Experts still consider rocket engines using thermonuclear reactions to be the most promising designs. Back in the 70s of the last century, such a ship called the Daedalus was developed. It was assumed that he would take on board about 50 thousand tons of fuel. The dimensions of the ship were to exceed the dimensions of tall skyscrapers.

A manned interstellar transport will have a part suitable for human habitation. During a long flight, the crew and possible passengers will have to lead the most ordinary life. There are projects that provide for the creation of a state of artificial gravity on the ship.

It is quite possible that part of the useful area of ​​the spacecraft will be occupied by greenhouses, where plants suitable for human consumption will grow.

The appearance of an interstellar ship should not at all resemble a modern space rocket or orbital station. It will be a functional complex, consisting of many parts that have the most bizarre shape. Apparently, such a massive ship will not have to start from the surface of the planet. It is more convenient to collect it in near-Earth orbit, from where it will go on a journey.

The appearance of the ship will not remain unchanged during the flight to the stars. The laws of the development of technology say that sooner or later the stage of creating dynamic and self-developing systems begins. This means that the interstellar craft will be able to change its appearance during the flight, discarding systems that have worked out their own and adapting to changing conditions. But the construction of such a technological "miracle", apparently, will take place only in the distant future.

Rogue Jedi

Why are the ships in Star Wars so ridiculously easy to steal?

In both cases, we often see ships being exceptionally easy to steal, as they appear to rarely get locked out and don't require keys, passwords, etc. for them to fly.

A few examples:

  • In the series " Knights of the Old Republic» Blackhawk is infiltrated or hacked by a stowaway, a maid, and a gang of outlaws, respectively.
  • AT "The Phantom Menace" Anakin and R2-D2 are able to jump on the star gunner, who apparently has such a weak security system that by chance flies away.
  • In the pilot movie Star Wars: The Clone Wars» Anakin and Ashoka can easily take over "Twilight" if the door is already open.
  • In the episode " Twilight if a student" from " Star Wars: Rebels» Chopper can enter and control the Eighth Brother's ship and

    Maul can steal TIE Advanced.

  • AT "Return of the Jedi" Luke can take the Imperial Shuttle and fly away.

    (Anakin was dead at this point, so he couldn't help.)

  • AT "The Force Awakens" Finn and Poe were able to steal an Elite TIE-Fighter (although this one was at least wired, it still clearly didn't have better security systems than a pen in a can). We also learn that the Millennium Falcon has been abducted four times since return of the jedi .

Why are the ships in " Star Wars" locked? And why can anyone fly them? Won't there be people like Khan, who obviously takes great care of his ship, adds some advanced security systems, or at least makes the ship require keys or something?


I guess the biggest hurdle would require knowing how to even start a thing. This doesn't seem to be a problem in the SW universe, where any random scavenger can just hop on a completely unknown spaceship and instantly learn how to start it, how to operate it, and how to maintain it. In real life, if you don't train on a type of aircraft, you will have difficulty simply turning on the engine on an unfamiliar aircraft, even if you are a professional pilot otherwise. And we're not even talking about spaceships.


Locks don't really help people trying to steal your car. Or burglary of your house. Their effect is mainly psychological - they prevent "honest people" from messing around. They can also help you get better insurance :P But any intruder will be able to bypass most practical locks very quickly without much effort. The limitation of car theft is the ease with which you can turn stolen cars into cash, and it doesn't get any easier. Even for your personal use, it's only a matter of time before someone notices that the dude has parked a prototype TIE fighter in the local cantina...


Probably the plan for the uprising was to steal death star, not destroy her!


In the Phantom Menace, the ship already had predetermined coordinates, and R2-D2 likely had the codes needed to start it, as those starfighters were supposed to have astromech on their socket.


There is a slight counterpoint to a certain part of the premise of your question. Finn can access TIE Fighter. He could start it. But he could not fly. That's why he saved Po. Finn needed Poe to fly the fighter.



Many of your examples are military. In a real army, many cars don't require a key to start. They rely on base security to prevent unauthorized use. I'll try to find a link later, but I read about an incident last year where a man somehow got into a military base and took a tank for a fun ride using the start button.

Other things, such as construction equipment, also usually don't require keys to start, so even civilian spaceships can be considered more construction equipment than a car. The equivalent of cars Star Wars" there would be a ground speeder, which probably has stronger theft protection since we see open top speeders parked on the streets in movies.


The "won't start" security is a design flaw in a warship as it is an additional point of failure (key loss, wrong keys, key port, key management ports, key detection system failures) that can cost lives.


Yes, specifically in a combat situation, if the driver dies, then someone else should be able to drive the vehicle in an emergency without looking in his body (which may be inaccessible) for keys.


When I was a kid, I caused a momentary panic by starting a hummer that was constantly on display at some Independence Day parade.


The launch code for US nuclear weapons is "00000000". Keep it. Anyone who breaks into a secure nuclear facility can launch a nuclear weapon by entering this code. Don't let that knowledge fall into the hands of ISIS.


@emory This is amazing! I have the same combination in my luggage!

Anthony H

Let's start with a real analogy...

From what I can remember from my flight training experience, all the school planes were parked unlocked with keys. I never had to pick up a key to enter or run it. I must assume that the area had sufficient access control that it would be unnecessary and a source of inconvenience to secure the aircraft by locking it out and removing the keys. On the other hand, private and unattended aircraft have always been locked up by their owners.

Now let's extend this to other "fleet craft" scenarios...

Presumably the ships of the fleet are always "visited" in some way (security patrols, under dispatcher supervision, etc.) so locking them down would be an unnecessary precaution and inconvenience, assuming all known penetration routes are protected in some way.

AT Star Wars or any other history of the universe...

A typical scenario is that a fleet infiltrator finds some way to evade surveillance, or uses the Force to force a guard etc. to not notice him until it's too late.

As for Khan's ship, you can go with an in-universe explanation like: it's like a lot of real people who don't lock their houses or cars for various reasons - they don't expect anything to happen while it's left unattended; You could also go with an out-of-universe explanation: the scenes depicting the collision and destruction of the castle could ruin the film's intended pace.


Who would steal a piece of garbage anyway? Oh wait xD


It is possible that only Han or Chui could start the engines due to the specialized know-how of all modifications.


@Joshua - The spaceships you have to launch are the worst...


"so locking them out would be an unnecessary precaution" - AIUI, even military ground vehicles in real life don't have an ignition key.


Of course Khan won't block Falcon. Those five extra seconds could cost Han and Chewie their lives on any normal day of running from evil criminals, law enforcement or mobs!


What makes cars so hard to steal?

Not much, physically. There are some decent security systems, but before ~2000 all that was required was a basic knowledge of wiring and circuits, or just a pry bar on ignition.

The reason they don't get stolen the most is because their difficulty with registering or selling said car is quite high - you can cut it for parts or use it for recreation, sure, but you'll never get close to it. up to the full market value of the stolen car.

And our cars don't have galactic beacons yet

Which, since it's hinted that all ships are handing over their signature and location when Khan swoops in to intercept the Millennium Falcon at "The Force Awakens", this further perpetuates the cycle of why there's no reason to try to steal - every ship can be found and restored before the thief gets too far, and they're likely to have a small resale value in the same way that a stolen Ferrari doesn't get $400,000, how could I get a clean title.

Such a situation would make theft unlikely, especially with something like the Galactic Empire being able to easily harass, seize and recover a ship. So why block them?

Also, they make handy plot devices when people need to run and don't necessarily look for resale value on a ship or have the skills and/or support to avoid capture.


IMHO the best answer so far...

David Richerby

"You'll never get close to the full market value of a stolen car." You don't have to: it doesn't mean you paid for it.

@DavidRicherby True, but you took a pretty big risk to get it.

Crow T Robot

The Falcon having a galactic locator beacon makes the scenes in the Empire where he hides from the Star Destroyer's hull rather odd, and I'm sure Khan will always hide from at least one person, which makes him a bad idea in General.


If the ships pass on their signature and location, why can't the Khan find the MF when she's still docked on Jakku? Why did he have to ask who had it?


Imagine that you have to distribute the keys to X thousand military personnel in an emergency, and then they also need to find their fighter. Or parking management. If you can get on the first available fighter and start right away, you'll just be able to react faster.


Most of the cases you mentioned have one main point. It's not that stormtroopers are bad marksmen, it's just that every time you pay attention, they are up against opponents who are much better shots. Likewise, it's not that ships are so easy to steal, it's just that every time you pay attention, thieves have something going on that works for them.

Most of the examples given are from Grand Theft Auto:

  • In the example, KotOR Ebon Hawk was stolen by a criminal gang. Given the predominance of starships in the Star Wars galaxy and the danger of planets being abandoned when they are on the run from the law, ship hijacking should be a common skill for any criminal.
  • In the case of young Anakin, only one thing can be said: The Force was with him. Yes, that's a lame excuse for what George Lucas made too comedic, but in all seriousness, one could say for once that it's nothing short of that.
  • Jedi can be considered a form of special agent. As peacekeepers for the Republic, they are sent on a wide variety of missions requiring expertise in all sorts of non-Force skills, from martial arts to mechanical understanding of spaceships and other technology. Given their frequent underworld encounters and the occasional undercover mission, knowledge of shipping should also be part of their repertoire.
  • Chopper is a rebellious astronomer droid and war veteran. The Chopper was also frequently used to infiltrate Imperial Star Destroyers - alone - to hack into their systems. Considering that astromechs were known to be capable of interfacing with friendly and hostile systems, it would probably not be too difficult for such a person with Chopper's experience and knowledge to get a ship even to an Inquisitor's ship.
  • Maul is a former Sith Lord and Sidious trained him well. What else can I say?
  • The Death Star hangar was supposed to be considered a safe place, free from the presence of the enemy (Luke was considered captive and alone), and being in the middle of a battle, it is likely that the starships could be unlocked for quick access. Also, during Luke's escape, a general evacuation order was issued, so no one was particularly worried about the Rebels escaping - everyone knew what happened to the last Death Star, if an evacuation order was issued during the battle with the Rebels, better follow it.
  • Finn is the best stormtrooper in his party and he should have gone to officer school. He either has or can easily get access codes for TIE Fighter. Poe is one of the best starfighter pilots in the galaxy - I wouldn't be surprised if he learned about First Order technology, or if he just knows how to recognize the controls.
  • By the time Rey and Finn were in control of the Millennium Falcon, it had been stolen and re-stolen, changing hands so many times, no one knew exactly what it was anymore. As a smuggler, I would suggest that Khan's modifications to the ship should not be explicit - meaning there is no specific blocking of the ship other than that of a regular Corellian freighter on the surface - it all depends on the risk/reward ratio. , eventually.

Like I said, in all the examples you've given, there's some specific reason why a normal ship block isn't particularly effective. It may be that ships are ridiculously easy to steal - this may simply be due to the fact that we've seen instances where the thief had an above-average evasive or hacking ability, or the defensive structures simply didn't exist back then.

If the authorities/shipowners really intend, they go so far as to block the ship. At times like these, astronomers are also helpful in breaking codes.

Martin Carney

One more thing to add to this: ships, especially (relatively) larger ships like " Millennium Falcon", often served as a crew home. At any given time, there is a chance that someone is on board and will be able to try to fight off the hijacker. In such cases, it is more like stealing a mobile home than a car, without first checking that the owners were not inside.


In addition to the correct answer above, also consider the following reasons why they are easy to steal in your examples.

No AAA in space

One of the reasons ships in Star Wars might not have locked doors is because if you've locked yourself out of your spaceship in the middle of nowhere, you can't call AAA to open it for you. You would just starve to death cursing yourself.

Stealing a ship would be dangerous

Another reason people might feel okay leaving their ships unlocked is that very few people will be willing to take the risk of actually stealing a ship due to the inherent risks: ships in Star Wars are widely known to have built-in long range computers. communications systems, dangerous and potentially ruddy astromech droids, covert tracking devices, and/or poison gas systems. (There's no reason why they couldn't integrate self-destruct systems like the Imperial Probe Droid had in "The Empire Strikes Back", but if the owner can just turn off the life support with the remote or track you down and kill you, why bother?)

Also, your examples are mostly highly trained Jedi command ships, while in this case it may have been their last resort. These are not ordinary people waltzing into a vessel. These Jedi are highly experienced and trained in all sorts of specialized operations that will drastically reduce the risks associated with hacking and stealing a random ship and successfully piloting it. The same can be said about organized crime groups.

It's just a graphics device

That being said, I think what you noticed might just be a classic example deus ex machina, similar to the usual trail where in movies and TV the house keys are always under the rug and the car keys are always behind the sun visor. In other words, it is merely a convenient plot device for entertaining viewers, and should probably not be interpreted as a statement about what should actually look like Universe star wars .

In other words, even if we don't actually see Anakin prepping the wiring for the car he takes, do you have any doubt that he could connect it? The writers want their stories to show up well on screen, so they skip roles like this (although I'm not sure how much that helped "The Phantom Menace").

If I were preparing a role-playing campaign for " Star Wars", I wouldn't let players use your examples as an argument for why they steal random ships, just like I wouldn't let them use the bad aim of stormtroopers in the movies as an excuse why they shouldn't just get shot . It's really a trail and nothing more, IMHO.


It's not just a plot device; in industry, racing, construction, the military, etc., it's not uncommon to leave keys in equipment all the time and use start buttons. No one wants to spend 30 minutes stalking a crane operator who left his keys in a cafe.


deek - I prefaced my answer with "In addition to the correct answer above", which means I included the meaning you just said in my answer. That being said, several examples of easy theft (such as the Millennium Falcon in chapter 7) do not fall into the category you mention (industrial, racing, construction, military).


Most of the answers attempt to compare modern era technology with that of the interstellar age. Even today, image recognition technology can automate human recognition, and it goes without saying that by then, a machine capable of moving faster than light will by default have the means to recognize and at least detain unwanted visitors.

The truth is much easier. Star Wars doesn't actually take place in the interstellar era. It takes place in the 1950s, just with a little more magic. Do you think it's not? The return of the Sith was set in World War I.

Technology determines what you can do and what problems you need to deal with. These problems, therefore, change our perception of reality and the way we think about life.

There is a significant difference between our world today and what it was in the 1940s, the problems we are dealing with now may have similarities, but they are completely different tasks. For example, not to start a debate, but the whole issue of the migration of Middle Eastern peoples to Europe was not possible even 30 years ago. No, unless you were dealing with an extremely well organized military backed by significant government funding. The resources and methods of distribution simply did not exist to support this for a large number of unorganized, unarmed and untrained men and women.

TL/DR: Because 1960s California cars used to leave keys in the ignition.

Today, space flights do not belong to fantastic stories, but, unfortunately, a modern spaceship is still very different from those shown in films.

This article is intended for persons over 18 years of age.

Are you over 18 already?

Russian spaceships and

Spaceships of the future

Spaceship: what is it

On the

Spaceship, how does it work?

The mass of modern spacecraft is directly related to how high they fly. The main task of manned spacecraft is safety.

The SOYUZ descent vehicle became the first space series of the Soviet Union. During this period, an arms race was going on between the USSR and the USA. If we compare the size and approach to the issue of construction, then the leadership of the USSR did everything for the speedy conquest of space. It is clear why similar devices are not being built today. It is unlikely that someone will undertake to build according to a scheme in which there is no personal space for astronauts. Modern spacecraft are equipped with both crew rest rooms and a descent capsule, the main task of which is to make it as soft as possible at the moment the landing is carried out.

The first spaceship: the history of creation

Tsiolkovsky is rightly considered the father of astronautics. Based on his teachings, Goddrad built a rocket engine.

Scientists who worked in the Soviet Union were the first to design and launch an artificial satellite. They were also the first to invent the possibility of launching a living creature into space. The States are aware that the Union was the first to create an aircraft capable of going into space with a person. The father of rocket science is rightly called Korolev, who went down in history as the one who figured out how to overcome gravity and was able to create the first manned spacecraft. Today, even kids know in what year the first ship with a person on board was launched, but few people remember the contribution of the Queen to this process.

The crew and their safety during the flight

The main task today is the safety of the crew, because they spend a lot of time at flight altitude. When building an aircraft, it is important what metal it is made of. The following types of metals are used in rocket science:

  1. Aluminum - allows you to significantly increase the size of the spacecraft, as it is lightweight.
  2. Iron - perfectly copes with all the loads on the ship's hull.
  3. Copper has a high thermal conductivity.
  4. Silver - reliably binds copper and steel.
  5. Tanks for liquid oxygen and hydrogen are made from titanium alloys.

A modern life support system allows you to create a familiar atmosphere for a person. Many boys see how they fly in space, forgetting about the very large overload of the astronaut at the start.

The largest space ship in the world

Among warships, fighters and interceptors are very popular. A modern cargo ship has the following classification:

  1. The probe is a research ship.
  2. Capsule - cargo compartment for delivery or rescue operations of the crew.
  3. The module is launched into orbit by an unmanned carrier. Modern modules are divided into 3 categories.
  4. Rocket. The prototype for the creation was military development.
  5. Shuttle - reusable structures for the delivery of the necessary cargo.
  6. Stations are the largest spaceships. Today, not only Russians, but also French, Chinese and others are in outer space.

Buran - a spaceship that went down in history

Vostok was the first spacecraft to go into space. After the Federation of Rocket Science of the USSR, the production of Soyuz ships began. Much later, Clippers and Rus began to be produced. The federation places great hopes on all these manned projects.

In 1960, the Vostok spacecraft by its flight proved the possibility of man entering space. On April 12, 1961, Vostok 1 orbited the Earth. But the question of who flew on the ship Vostok 1, for some reason, causes difficulty. Maybe the fact is that we simply do not know that Gagarin made his first flight on this ship? In the same year, the Vostok 2 spacecraft entered orbit for the first time, in which there were two cosmonauts at once, one of whom went beyond the ship in space. It was progress. And already in 1965 Voskhod 2 was able to go into outer space. The history of the Sunrise 2 ship was filmed.

Vostok 3 set a new world record for the longest time a ship spent in space. The last ship in the series was Vostok 6.

The American shuttle of the Apollo series opened new horizons. After all, in 1968, Apollo 11 was the first to land on the moon. Today there are several projects for the development of spaceplanes of the future, such as Hermes and Columbus.

Salyut is a series of interorbital space stations of the Soviet Union. Salyut 7 is known for having crashed.

The next spaceship, whose history is of interest, was Buran, by the way, I wonder where he is now. In 1988 he made his first and last flight. After repeated analysis and transportation, Buran's path of movement was lost. The last known location of the Buran spacecraft is in Sochi, work on it has been mothballed. However, the storm around this project has not yet subsided, and the further fate of the abandoned Buran project is of interest to many. And in Moscow, an interactive museum complex was created inside the model of the Buran spacecraft at VDNKh.

Gemini - a series of ships of American designers. They replaced the Mercury project and were able to make a spiral in orbit.

American ships with the name Space Shuttle have become a kind of shuttles, making more than 100 flights between objects. The second Space Shuttle was the Challenger.

One cannot but be interested in the history of the planet Nibiru, which is recognized as a warden ship. Nibiru has already twice approached a dangerous distance to Earth, but both times the collision was avoided.

Dragon is a spacecraft that was supposed to fly to the planet Mars in 2018. In 2014, the federation, citing the technical characteristics and condition of the Dragon ship, postponed the launch. Not so long ago, another event happened: the Boeing company made a statement that it had also begun development work on the creation of a rover.

The first reusable station wagon in history was to be an apparatus called Zarya. Zarya is the first development of a reusable transport ship, on which the federation had very high hopes.

A breakthrough is the possibility of using nuclear installations in space. For these purposes, work began on the transport and energy module. In parallel, developments are underway on the Prometheus project - a compact nuclear reactor for rockets and spacecraft.

China's Shenzhou 11 launched in 2016 with two astronauts to spend 33 days in space.

Spacecraft speed (km/h)

The minimum speed with which you can go into orbit around the Earth is 8 km / s. Today there is no need to develop the fastest ship in the world, since we are at the very beginning of outer space. After all, the maximum height that we could reach in space is only 500 km. The record for the fastest movement in space was set in 1969, and so far it has not been possible to break it. On the Apollo 10 spacecraft, three astronauts were returning home after orbiting the moon. The capsule that was supposed to deliver them from the flight managed to reach a speed of 39.897 km / h. For comparison, let's consider how fast a space station flies. As much as possible, it can develop up to 27,600 km / h.

Abandoned spaceships

Today, for spacecraft that have become unusable, a cemetery has been created in the Pacific Ocean, where dozens of abandoned spaceships can find their last shelter. spaceship disasters

Disasters happen in space, often taking lives. The most frequent, oddly enough, are accidents that occur due to collisions with space debris. On impact, the object's orbit is displaced and causes crash and damage, often resulting in an explosion. The most famous disaster is the death of the manned American spacecraft Challenger.

Nuclear engine for spaceships 2017

Today, scientists are working on projects to create an atomic electric motor. These developments involve the conquest of space with the help of photonic engines. Russian scientists are planning to start testing a thermonuclear engine in the near future.

Spaceships of Russia and the USA

The rapid interest in space arose during the Cold War between the USSR and the USA. American scientists recognized worthy rivals in their Russian colleagues. Soviet rocket science continued to develop, and after the collapse of the state, Russia became its successor. Of course, the spacecraft that Russian cosmonauts fly are significantly different from the first ships. Moreover, today, thanks to the successful developments of American scientists, spacecraft have become reusable.

Spaceships of the future

Today, there is increasing interest in projects that will enable humanity to make longer journeys. Modern developments are already preparing ships for interstellar expeditions.

Where are spaceships launched from?

To see with your own eyes the launch of a spacecraft at the start is the dream of many. Perhaps this is due to the fact that the first launch does not always lead to the desired result. But thanks to the Internet, we can see how the ship takes off. Considering the fact that those watching the launch of a manned spacecraft should be far enough away, we can imagine that we are on the takeoff site.

Spaceship: what is it like inside?

Today, thanks to museum exhibits, we can personally see the structure of such ships as the Soyuz. Of course, from the inside, the first ships were very simple. The interior of more modern options is designed in soothing colors. The device of any spacecraft is sure to scare us with a lot of levers and buttons. And this adds pride for those who were able to remember how the ship works, and, moreover, learned how to manage it.

What spaceships are flying now?

New spaceships with their appearance confirm that fantasy has become reality. Today, no one will be surprised by the fact that the docking of spacecraft is a reality. And few people remember that the world's first such docking took place back in 1967...