Student years are the best years of life. About the Statement that student years are the best in life ()

If for someone student years are the best in life, I have nothing against it. For me, these are not the best and not the worst years, this is just one of the episodes of my life. To thump and seek adventures on my own ..., sorry, the head is not my element, but in everything else I don’t see something so super-unique. Determining your attitude to your student years is a purely individual thing, and the statement under discussion is just one of the common stereotypes, I hate stereotypes. Student life has its objective difficulties. Maybe in the old days, when the whole country believed in a bright future, there was some kind of romance in all this. Now, when every man is for himself (unfortunately), all this "romance" can only evoke longing.

Irinia, 01/04/12
Here I do not like these stamps about "the best years of life". Student - well, if you study in absentia, that is, from session to session - then maybe. What's cool about being in a hospital? Half a day you fool around in class, then another half a day at home on assignments. A colossal load, nerves, a lot of everything that needs to be done. As for me - only for nihilists who, instead of classes, sit in taverns, these can be the best years of their lives. For someone who wants to know at least something, and not just have a diploma, these are years of trouble.

Angelina Bradopitova exSM, 01/04/12
for some it might. for me, to some extent. Of course there were some funny moments that are nice to remember, but basically - some nerves. the session is a huge stress, very high energy costs, because I'm not a nerd, but an ordinary average student, so I study everything the night before the exam. but I start to worry even before the session and then I leave for a long time. before you have time to hand over one, the thought comes: "and soon a new one ..." and this puts pressure on the brain, so whatever I do, it does not bring me joy at all. so being a student is not the best time for me.

Naf Nafych, 01/04/12
Not that I was opposed to such a statement, but I don’t consider them the best in my life either. I won’t deny that there are people for whom the student life passed like a song, and I even have many of those among my relatives and friends, but if we talk about my personal life directly, then my student years were not the best of the lived. I will say more that for me personally, my school years were much more vivid and memorable than boring studies at the university. I didn’t have a particularly warm relationship with my classmates, but they weren’t cold either. In my student life, I certainly had problems, but the vast majority of these problems I myself generated and I will not deny this. Another thing is that I did not find anything interesting in student life for myself. Every student's day is a study week with lectures and practical exercises, preparation for passing modules during the semester, as well as passing tests and exams at the end of the semester. In a word, household dullness.

Unsleep, 21/08/13
Student years are good for being in cheerful companies of young people and learning something that is really interesting. BUT not everyone has the MONEY to look into all sorts of cafes, even travel around their own city - everything that is so advertised not only by the media, but also by parents in their memories. Not all students find happiness in getting drunk. Favorite subjects are more likely to cease to be such when a teacher with low qualifications and a negligible amount of published work walks around the classroom like an audiobook, not answering questions, but only demanding rigorous memorization. To take a step towards the best years of life, students go to work. After all, it is extremely difficult to be a happy beggar in our time. But in this case, they have no time left for fun, but even for sleep. They have job responsibilities and HEADS. And this is no student years. The sun doesn't shine the same for everyone.

Kwan Chang, 25/08/14
I will not argue that student years are the worst in a person's life, but by no means the best. Yes, many of their friends find it during these years, and often their love. And in my student life at the moment, many interesting events have taken place and are taking place. But still - this is study, often intense, dependence on the university, for example, the opportunity to go on vacation only during the holidays. When combined with work, there is very little time left, while the choice of work itself is limited to those that can be combined with study. And for most out-of-town student years, life means living in a hostel, on a few square meters with several people in a room, bedbugs, mice, eternal noise and a shower one per floor, if not per building. In general, not the worst time (compared to school, or, conversely, late old age), but not the best either.

Student life is a wonderful time in the life of every young man and girl. It is the student years that are the most interesting and unforgettable. This time is filled with romance, carelessness. It is known that students live happily from session to session. Student life brings a lot of joy.
First, a person rejoices that he has become a student, then - new acquaintances and friends.
About 400 people study at our Krasnobakov Forest College. And many students show themselves from the best side: who dances, who sings, who goes in for sports and wins prizes. Students never stand still, but only move forward. The activity of student life directly depends on the work of the student council. What is the Student Council? The Student Council is a public association of students, which is a voluntary, self-governing, non-profit formation, created on the initiative of college students, based on their common interests. The mission of the student council is to educate in the spirit of tolerance, democracy, mutual exactingness, a healthy moral and psychological climate, morality, control and organization of educational activities, increase the efficiency and success of studies, and enhance the creative activity of students. The Student Council is the official representative of the student body in front of the administration. Its functions include: defending the interests of students, solving everyday issues (not only in college, but also in the hostel), helping to organize student holidays, always being aware of all events. The Student Council is the voice of today's active youth.
In addition, the Student Council has other tasks:
Conducting various competitions to strengthen the team spirit of college students;
Attracting students to various types of activities in the college, such as volunteering, cultural events, sociological surveys;
Conducting surveys, round tables to identify the main problems of students;
Promoting a healthy lifestyle among students.
At the moment, Natalya Sekerina, a 3rd year student, is the chairman of the student council at KBLC. She says: “Participation in the work of the student council is first of all a great life experience that will always come in handy in life. You will be able to realize yourself in various areas of college life, whether it is holding concerts or preventive work among college students. It is also a wide circle of communication, work with different people, which teaches you to find an approach to each student. Of course, this is a difficult job that requires a lot of effort and free time, but it's all right when the work pays off.»
The life of students is fun, especially when they are rehearsing for various events. This is such a frantic rhythm, where you have to have time to master the material in academic disciplines and “not pick up” bad grades, as well as prove yourself during preparations for events: KVN, general class hours, holiday programs, contests, competitions and others. The guys from the KVN team of our college are very mobile and responsible. Several times they defended the honor of the college on different stages: in the native walls of KBLK, in the city of Vetluga, in the Republican Center for Children and Culture of the Republic of Kazakhstan. Red Bucks. Rehearsals were not easy for comedians, because humor is a serious matter, although at first it seems easy and carefree. It is necessary to work out every joke, miniature to such a level that it is understandable to the audience. Despite the difficulties, KVN workers cope with their tasks.
And how much more is worth experiencing! Student years are an adult and full life, which has not yet entered the rut of mediocrity and hopeless everyday life. This is the triumph of youth and health, the realization that all roads in the world are open to resolute and purposeful conquerors of the impossible. There are truly endless opportunities to choose your path.
It is this period that is the most significant and expensive in terms of accumulating knowledge, increasing the level of erudition. Student life is a great chance to see the world, it's time to make new acquaintances and find strong friendships for many, many years to come.

Student years. January 24, 2013 in the assembly hall of the National University "Lviv Polytechnic" a meeting of students and teachers with the Vice Prime Minister of Ukraine Konstantin Grishchenko took place.

Rector of the National University "Lviv Polytechnic", Professor Yuriy Bobalo introduced the guest as an outstanding diplomat, who graduated with honors from the Moscow State Institute of International Relations in 1975, held various diplomatic positions, and was the Minister of Foreign Affairs. “This is not the first time Konstantin Grishchenko has been at the Lviv Polytechnic - he has been giving lectures to international students for a long time,” Yuriy Bobalo noted.

Speaking to the student and teaching audience of a higher educational institution, Konstantin Grishchenko noted: “The Polytechnic brilliantly combines the best educational traditions with the high dynamics of educational processes. Even during the short time spent at Lviv Polytechnic, I felt the spirit of Europe, which fills this glorious educational institution, the spirit of creative work, freedom of speech, self-reliance. By participating in international scientific and technical cooperation, European educational and research projects, student exchange programs, Lviv Polytechnic does no less than the Ministry of Foreign Affairs and other departments for Ukraine's entry into the European scientific, technical and humanitarian space.

In his speech, Konstantin Grishchenko shared his own vision of reforming education, in particular higher education. He spoke in favor of reducing the number of universities, primarily through the voluntary association of universities, academies, institutes that train students of related specialties in one region. “Our higher education institutions should not be diploma factories. We cannot wait 50 years until this system is self-regulating,” he stressed.

Students of the National University "Lviv Polytechnic" had the opportunity to ask the guest a question. Among other things, they inquired about the process of creating bills that regulate higher education in Ukraine. Providing an answer, Konstantin Ivanovich noted that the long passage of the draft law on higher education in the Verkhovna Rada is due, in particular, to differences in views on the reform of higher education among the rectors and deputies. The Vice Prime Minister stressed that he would support only the bill that would provide the widest possible academic and economic autonomy to higher education institutions, but along with a clear formula for the responsibility of leaders for the quality of education.

During the meeting, students were interested in the prospects for studying and internships abroad. “The government, the relevant Ministry are taking care of expanding such programs. But priority should be given to those specialties that the labor market of Ukraine needs. First of all, it concerns technical and engineering specialties. A good education can also be obtained in Ukraine, if there is a desire to study...”, Konstantin Grishchenko replied.

They say student years are the best in life. What do you remember from your student years? What was the most important thing at that time?

Our correspondents asked these questions to the residents of the city and the region on the streets of Sergiev Posad on the eve of the Student's Day. And everyone immediately started smiling!

- I was not a student, I was a cadet. The impressions are very good. It was very hard to serve and study, but only positive moments come to mind. Student's Day was not celebrated, somehow it was not necessary.

Student life is great! It is dear to communication with other people, obtaining interesting knowledge in the specialty of interest, all sorts of entertainment events that are held by students after class. But at school I was better and more fun. There were no worries at school.

Anna Gavrilovna:
- The happiest time! I only remember him. We got married when we were students, the wedding was in Moscow on April 1st. We got stuck in a traffic jam, it was raining, and our guests said: "It's the first of April, there won't be a wedding, they won't come." But we threw such a wedding, for two days! And still together.

- For me, the main thing was the very atmosphere of the student body, life in the hostel and informal communication with teachers. At a lecture, you talk to him like a teacher, and after class you can talk about an abstract topic.

- I liked that I had many friends, communication with peers, everything was close, everything was close. And I liked studying. Student's Day was celebrated, they gathered in a group, went to a cafe, somehow there was enough money!

Nina Leonidovna:
- The main thing is youth, interest in life, everything is still ahead. It was interesting to study. I studied at a music school, famous artists came to us, invited us to rehearsals at the theater. And at the school we put on concerts. This is the best time, and then the prose of life.

“For me, the most important thing is learning, getting knowledge. Communication with friends, as such, no. I am a third-year student, I study part-time and work, there is absolutely no free time, and a taxi is waiting for me!

“Communication is probably the most important thing. That all the time together. Although our group is not very friendly, we celebrate some holidays together. I like college much more than school. And we are older, and there is more freedom.

Natalya Petrovna:
- I studied at the medical institute in Vitebsk, lived in a hostel. We had a lot of fun, we cooked food in the common kitchen, ate it together, prepared for classes together, sat in the library, went to evenings and concerts, participated in all events, made a huge newspaper on six sheets of Whatman paper ... It was a stormy, stormy life !

- KVN, sports events, student team will be remembered. When you do not see someone for a long time, for example, after the summer holidays, it is interesting to talk. Yes, and I like studying quite well. The session, however, is nervous, there is not enough time.

— I am in my first year of study, for me the main thing so far is study. Passed the first session. I realized that either the exams are still very far away, or they are already tomorrow. The prospect of future work, however, scares. It is not known whether you will have to work in your specialty.

Alexander Alexandrovich:
“Student life is different. If students live in a hostel, their life is very difficult. It seems to them that everything is easy, they broke free, but in fact it is difficult without parents. It is better if the student studies full-time and often comes home. Then he is always in sight. Student life is free, some become unmanageable.

- I studied in Moscow on a correspondence course. We rarely saw each other, we came together twice a year, walked around Moscow, celebrated the passing of exams. Exams were fun, and learning was fun, everyone was happy with each other.

— I'm still in school, but my friends are students. It seems to me that on Student's Day everyone should have fun, posters should hang: “Hurrah! Student's day!" There should be some institutions open specifically for students, some events should be held so that they feel good. You can organize a holiday at each university.

- I remember my studies and, of course, my group. The group was friendly, and I went to university with more pleasure than to school. We met only once so far, more, unfortunately, it did not work out. And it's been two years since graduation. Student's Day has always been celebrated by a group, right at the university.

It was fun, there were no worries. Only exams, and no more worries. Well, cook food, but everyone has such worries. Most importantly, it was fun. And the group was not very friendly, but the holidays were celebrated with friends. And Students' Day too. There are many students, let them have their own holiday.

Raisa Vasilievna:
- It was fun, everything pleased: both deuces and fives. I studied here, at the film school, it was very good. Good teaching staff and good principal. We often went to Moscow, did laboratory work there, climbed all over Moscow. They were young, they liked everything!

- I really enjoyed studying. I studied at the Ivanteevsky Technical School as a fashion designer, we went to Leningrad and Moscow to various exhibitions. I didn’t live in a hostel, I went home every day, so it’s hard for me to say about student life. Of course, there were friends, but now they have all parted.

photo by Eliana GUNINA.
Postcard from

Student years are the most wonderful time of life. You remember these years later with nostalgia and the desire to return for a couple of minutes and relive everything anew. It seems that only 5 years have passed, and the end of the university is already practically visible behind the mountain of the New Year. At such moments it becomes sad that time cannot be stopped and that it mercilessly erases pleasant memories of the "unhappy" student life. One of these memories happened in the 1st year. We were lucky to rattle when settling into the hostel in the "aquarium" on the 5th (last) floor - the wall of such a room was made of glass blocks, and walking along the corridor it was clear what the living "fish" were doing. The area of ​​​​such a room was large by the standards of the commandant and settled there for 6-7 people. So we settled 6 people. Relations immediately began friendly, all with a sense of humor, great guys. Lived day after day, from podkol to podkol. And it's April 1st. What are you, such a great razdnik, something must be done! The entire set of pranks on duty had long been used up on simple days, and something terribly magnificent was required here. Fortunately, the Internet was at hand then, and I devoted my free time to searching for that great joke. It turned out that the Internet does not shine (or at least did not shine) with an abundance of knowledge on this topic. However, I found one entry that tells you to put a thread under the sheet with a snake. And when a person settles down to sleep, this thread should be pulled out. Allegedly, there is a feeling that cockroaches are crawling under you. Well, we discussed this joke in a narrow circle and, in the absence of another, began to implement the plan.
They chose a victim - she turned out to be Alexander, or simply Sanyok, a man with a good sense of humor and a constant object of our jokes. One person tactfully takes him away to smoke, two more look skeptically at our preparations, but the three of us do everything according to the recipe: we lift the sheet, lay out the thread with a snake, bring the end to my bed, cover everything neatly with a sheet, and then with a bedspread, that is, attach original look. It should be noted that our beds were then already bunk, with good mattresses, for which special thanks to the administration of the university. Sanya and I slept on the second tiers of adjacent beds. Well, here comes the X hour, we go to bed. Contrary to custom, they all lay down together, insofar as everyone wants to be participants and observers. Evening conversations ended, someone, as usual, said "that's it, hare shit ... it's time to sleep" and silence fell. The expectation that arose in our room could be touched with hands, it seemed so palpable. I decided it was time, and began to pull the thread. Until then, I did not know that a person can jump down a parabolic trajectory from the second shelf from a horizontal position, turning over in the air to a standing position. Nevertheless, I saw it with my own eyes - Sanya jumps out of bed, seemingly touching the ceiling, and in the dark runs to the switch. The five of us neigh like horses, our laughter was heard probably a couple of floors down. I hurriedly pull out the remnants of the thread so as not to be noticed. Turning on the light, our hero runs to the bed and gets up in his tracks. Somehow calming down, we ask - what happened? Answer: "Yes, some crap crawled under me. Cockroaches or bedbugs, hell knows." Even more laughter breaks through us - THIS IS IT! JOKE GOOD!!! The comrade from the Internet did not lie! Sanya, in a state of shock and fear, simultaneously lifts the sheet, examines everything, and, making sure that there is nothing, goes to bed. As you can imagine, the dream was delayed for at least an hour. Everything seems to be done on April 1st.
But the next day it was decided to continue the experiment. Everything repeats: "Let's go smoke?", Bedspread, pillow, sheet, thread, sheet, pillow, bedspread, we sit and wait. Unfortunately, there was no repeated somersault - he just got up and quietly went to the switch, and turning on the light, he stood by his bed, not even making out.
Nevertheless, under the conversations it turned out that again, the bastards were crawling somewhere.
And for some reason, the route again runs through his bed. The rest of the evening passed in a discussion of such a strange phenomenon (yeah, strange))) and its causes. It has been argued that Alexander simply smoked too many cigarettes in his short life. I pick up:
- Yeah, I read somewhere that smoking causes necrosis of the skin and nerve endings. And the brain continues to send signals to them, but only fragments of information come in response, which the brain itself supplements and causes such unpleasant sensations.
After a pause, our hero said:
- I'm quitting smoking!
You won't believe he didn't smoke for a whole week! I was in a panic, how are we going to lay out the thread now ?! As it turned out in vain, he went to the end of the corridor for company, to breathe smoke. Therefore, the preparatory phase was not affected.
On the sixth day, inspiration dawned on us - what if we start not 1 thread, but 3 at once? No sooner said than done.
Only we did not foresee the possibility of tangling the threads and put one on top of the other. As a result, the threads were wound into one lump and not a cockroach, but a cockroach crawled under Sanka, according to tactile sensations, the size of slippers. The number "flying a person out of bed" and a march to the switch were repeated. And then a misfortune happened - the threads got tangled, formed a lump, and different people have ends, and everyone pulls! I understand the deplorability of the situation and let go of my end. And right before Sanya's eyes, the lump begins to move! He's like yelling:
— Look! Look! Crawling!!!
We come and look. He pokes his finger at some kind of bump, which is frozen in the middle of the bedspread. We stand like this for about half a minute. He brings his finger to this lump, touches it with his finger and at this moment one of the accomplices pulls the thread. You should have seen how he rushed from his bed for a broom ... We just rolled on the floor ... With a broom in his hands, he tears off the sheet and looks for his offender.
He looks at the mattress with an uncomprehending look and picks up the threads from it.
"Well, that's it, the operation failed" - flashed through my head, but Sasha raises the threads in front of his eyes, examines them, and throws out with the phrase
- Some threads ... The Chinese will do it
Despite the fact that the threads were black, and the mattress is absolutely white! After examining the mattress, putting the broom in place, he goes back to sleep, already sure that it was not because of smoking, and that he threw it in vain.
Then there were a bunch of all sorts of crazy ideas that he took seriously, and we played along with him and played our roles. They turned the mattress over, since bedbugs and cockroaches live only on one side of it (PPC, what kind of nonsense?!))) They changed mattresses, since its weight could disable the springs, which begin to behave like a pig. He switched to three meals a day, because his biorhythms could go astray (before that, we ate once a day, because such a horde took 5 liters of soup at a time, and we had to cook ourselves). And a bunch of other stuff that you can't remember now...
The apogee of the whole was his catchphrase, which later became:
- O! O! Creeped...
After which we again neighed like a herd of horses. In the middle of the third week, events froze and stopped developing. Therefore, it was decided to reveal the whole secret to the object. 2 mobile phones were pre-prepared for video recording. We waited until he lies down, zakimarit a little. We looked at each other and went to "please" him.
- Saaaaaaaaaaaa! This is a raffle program!!! 2 weeks, 2 weeks brain...your!
And some more words. I need to watch the video, it's still stored somewhere. To which he replied:
- Back off! Let's sleep well! They don't crawl for the first time today...