Theories and dreams of Yitzchak Adizes. The implementation of the solution is faster if there is a personal interest in it

The world is changing at a tremendous speed. Who will succeed today? We offer you 27 quotes by Dr. Itzhak Adizes, which are worth thinking about in particular. You may not like some of them, but it definitely makes sense to think about them.

  1. The more changes that occur, the more threats to our authority, power or influence. The more changes that occur, the more we feel that we are losing control of our own lives.
  1. When people grow old, the first symptoms of this do not appear in their actions or physical condition. Aging begins in the mind of a person simultaneously with a change in his goals and attitude to life.
  1. If you can successfully solve problems, they cease to be problems and become opportunities, because in reality any problem is an opportunity ... When problems become smaller, the strength of the organization declines. A sign of aging. And, of course, failing to solve problems that get bigger means you die.
  1. Who will succeed? Someone who adapts to change faster than others.
  1. A person cannot change, but he can become unbearable or more flexible, and the latter is often enough to cooperate with him.
  1. The more significant the success of the organization, the more arrogant its founders.
  1. If two people agree on everything, one of them can be dispensed with.
  1. In fact, inaction is often more costly than action. This is well illustrated by a phrase that can be heard in America: "If it seems to you that education is too expensive, think about what it will cost to not have it."
  1. If every morning, when you wake up, you ask yourself the question: “Am I happy?” - you will soon become the most miserable person in the world.
  1. The problem is not that we are not free to choose how we feel, but that we are used to feeling bad.
  1. It is easier to hire a HUMAN and give him knowledge than to hire someone who has knowledge and make him a HUMAN.
  1. The success or failure of a team is determined by how its members communicate and interact.
  1. Fortunately, with experience comes maturity, and with it comes humility.
  1. I have met many entrepreneurs who were lucky enough to be fired. If they had not been moved from their place, they would never have taken up a new business.
  1. Despite the proliferation of management schools, the growth of financial incentives, an avalanche of management books, and a plethora of consultants, finding or training the "perfect manager" is still as unrealistic as meeting a unicorn.
  1. The reason why you got married may well be grounds for divorce.
  1. The “duck theory” of management: a duck floating on water looks calm and unruffled, but its paws work very, very quickly under water.
  1. Building a company or career is akin to mining gold. If you continuously dig, without being distracted by fixing the roof and walls of the adit, one day you will be filled up in the mine.
  1. The people or things you love don't always bring you pleasure. Rather, on the contrary.
  1. Don't try to find the perfect spouse. Look for someone whose faults you can live with.
  1. For relationships to be trusting, your mind must be present in them and must be directed to the person who is nearby.
  1. Similarity does not mean unity. It's just a resemblance.
  1. There can be no long-term wins until you are willing to take the risks of short-term losses.
  1. Growth companies employ believers. Skeptics work in aging companies.
  1. The only way to avoid conflict is to have no problems. But we can only have no problems if we stop the changes - and this can only happen in the event of death.
  1. You cannot be a good parent if you are afraid of raising children. It is the same with a company - you will not become a leader if you are afraid to manage people.
  1. Our main capital is health, family and good friends. As long as we have these three gifts of God, money can come and go. If you lose health, everything else doesn't matter. If you lose your family, it is tantamount to death. Good friends will always help you find a way out of any crisis.

The Books Brief Library has several book reviews by the management guru, Dr. Yitzhak Adizes. We recommend reading them all.

Regularly shares his life notes. We have selected 10 of the most impactful quotes to help you set yourself up for a productive 2016.


It's not enough just to get paid for your work! The highest turnover in the service sector among consultants. They are simply paid money without expressing gratitude. Like prostitutes. Hello leaders! Wake up! If you only pay your employees in cash and fringe benefits, then you are paying them with Stone Age currency and they feel left out. No wonder they don't want to work with you. Their deepest need - something that has developed and taken root over millennia - is not satisfied. And this sometimes reverberates in our companies, resulting in low productivity and a decline in morale. Mom taught us to always say thank you. And she was right.

Slow down!

The busier our everyday life, the less love in them. But without love, everything in a person's life falls apart. So for starters, just moderate the speed. There are those who do exactly the opposite: in pursuit of success, they work harder and harder, hoping that such a race will bring them happiness. This is fundamentally wrong.

It's time to change tactics. And the sooner the better, - the source.
No wonder Islam says: "The devil is in vanity." Have you ever met a person who fell in love while catching a bus or working 80 hours a week. Usually people fall in love on vacation, walking along the beach at sunset, having a candlelit dinner accompanied by light music. Change the pace of life to be happier.


Have you noticed that lovers look younger? And people full of hatred look older than their years. Love creates. Hatred destroys. Love will help you live longer.

Do you like your job? Your spouse or spouse? Your car? Your house? City? The country? Parents? Your shoes? Everything counts. All these things take and give you energy.

Stop doing things that negatively affect your body and mind. The more love in your life, the longer you live and the younger you feel.

How to save a family

Plant the most beautiful garden you can create. Stop following him, and over time he will become overgrown with weeds. Stop maintaining your car. Don't use it. Don't do anything to him. After a couple of years, the car won't start.

It is your responsibility to "keep up" anything that is subject to change. Your house. Automobile. Garden. And of course, family. If you do nothing, you will come to an inevitable break. You don't have to do anything on purpose to ruin your marriage. It will disintegrate itself... under the influence of change. But how exactly to "support the family"? Go on a honeymoon once a year on your wedding anniversary. Without children. Without friends. Only double.

Choose the most romantic place possible. Where you both want to go back, or where both of you dream of visiting. Get out of the house for the weekend. Relax. Do nothing. Talk to each other, promising yourself that you will solve all the problems later. Just be with each other. "recharge batteries".


When a person is whole, he does not draw a line between what he has to do and what he would like to do. When you are whole, you are one, you are at peace with yourself: what you want to do, what you should do, and what you actually do are all the same.

Three day weekend

My boldest suggestion is to introduce a mandatory three-day weekend. One day, such as Sunday, will be "Sabbath": on this day, any shops will be legally closed. No shopping today. Then the families will have time to get together, take a walk with the neighbors. To imagine what it's like, look at Israel during Yom Kippur. You will understand how important this is for the soul and that it needs to be done more than once a year. Someone will say that my proposals can lead to a slowdown in economic growth. And there is! Not only do we need to change objectives, but we need to rethink how we measure our success. It is time to link it to social indicators such as crime reduction, teenage pregnancy rates, school leaving rates, literacy rates, divorce rates and other indicators of quality of life as opposed to standard of living.


To live a healthy life, you need to have a goal. People who make plans for the future endure illness more easily than those who give up.

energy diet

Ask any person what gives more strength - meat or vegetables, he will answer - meat. People believe that meat provides more energy because it has more calories than vegetables. But if you apply a business approach, it becomes clear that it is not revenue that counts, but profit, which means that you will have to take into account expenses.

The same principle works in the diet as in the business world: meat gives a lot of energy, that's for sure, but think about how much energy it takes to digest and assimilate it? How much will you have left to do? Almost nothing. That is why after a heavy meat meal you feel so sleepy. On the contrary, vegetables contain few calories, but little is spent on their assimilation, which leaves plenty of energy for your affairs.

How to train willpower

In one experiment, three groups of people were invited in turn to a room with chocolate cakes. The first group was reminded of the guilt they would experience after eating the cake. The second was asked to think about how proud they would be of their willpower if they could resist the temptation. The third group was given no instructions. And here is the result: those whose pride the experimenters appealed to ate the least.

Conclusion: a sense of pride helps to resist temptation better than a feeling of guilt. Shame and guilt consume the strength needed to fight temptation. Pride gives energy. This fact has some bearing on the resistance to such common human weaknesses today as overeating, procrastination, and laziness.

Never assume

When solving a problem, always start from scratch. With a fresh head Don't assume anything. Let the task itself speak to you. Allow yourself to act blindly, as I did when I turned the puzzle over while trying to put it together. A decision that you have an open mind about will reveal itself to you. It will become clear on its own. Just open up to him. If a married couple is having marital problems, ask the children what is going on. Surprisingly, their answer is right on target.

At the end of May, Minsk will host the forum "Change Management according to the methodology of Yitzhak Adizes". On the eve of the big weekend, we have selected some of Dr. Adizes' powerful aphorisms from his books and speeches - about change and problems, management, leadership, trust and love. Meditate on them in a calm environment in relation to your company and life.

  1. Problems that are manifestations of disintegration as a result of change need to be addressed. However, any decisions that leaders of organizations make to overcome these problems give rise to new changes, which means new disagreements, leading to new problems. The purpose of any form of organizational leadership—management, leadership, parenting, or government—is to solve today's problems and prepare for tomorrow's. And that means change management.
  1. If you can successfully solve problems, they cease to be problems and become opportunities, because in reality any problem is an opportunity ... When problems become smaller, the strength of the organization declines. A sign of aging. And, of course, failing to solve problems that get bigger means you die.
  1. You cannot be a good parent if you are afraid of raising children. It is the same with a company - you will not become a leader if you are afraid to manage people.

No wonder Islam says: "The devil is in vanity." Have you ever met a person who fell in love while catching a bus or working 80 hours a week. Usually people fall in love on vacation, walking along the beach at sunset, having dinner with candles to the accompaniment of light music. Change the pace of life to be happier.

Writes about interesting and useful things. He studies Adizes and not only. He believes that everyone can do the thing that brings him pleasure. You just have to really want it.

1. The better our solution and the more effective its implementation, the better we will be able to manage

To govern, to order, to educate or rule means to enforce them, to be a democrat and then become a dictator. This is very difficult, not only when managing a business, but also when managing family and personal affairs. This is one of the reasons why the management process is so difficult. The better our solution and the more efficient its implementation, the better we can .

2. At this stage, many companies go bankrupt...

As organizations mature, they focus more and more on “scoring,” on measurable results. They forget who their customers are and what needs they have to satisfy. They begin to focus solely on profit. At this stage, many companies become, not in spite of the focus solely on profits, but because of it.

3. Some people are like cancer cells in the body of an organization, and some organizations are like cancer cells in the body of society.

As soon as you begin to exist solely for yourself, you become like a cancerous tumor. Cancer cells use energy not to achieve functional. They serve no one but themselves. Some people are like cancer cells in the body of an organization, and some organizations are like cancer cells in the body of society.

4. There are no perfect leaders

People have been chasing the myth for years, raising salaries, increasing stock option packages, and providing other types of special rewards to company executives. And all this is done in search of an impeccable and perfect managerial talent. There are no ideal leaders. Nothing is perfect in itself if it undergoes change.

But if the PAEI manager exists only in textbooks, doesn't that mean that all organizations are bound to be mismanaged? No. It is necessary to have not just one omnipotent genius, but a complementary team, that is, a team of specialists who complement each other.

5. So you learn from your mistakes...

Good experience comes from good decisions. Good decisions are based on good judgments, and good judgments are made after bad experiences. In other words, through analysis, you get feedback. So you are learning from .

6. The quality of the solution depends on...

The quality of the decision depends on whether it is accepted and on whether there is mutual respect between the members of this team.

7. The bridge to the island of Happiness is built not only from expectations.

If you can't give yourself what you promised, then you are really putting yourself in a difficult position. The bridge to the island of Happiness is built not only from expectations. I didn't say you shouldn't strive for anything. Strive is okay. Just don't have high expectations. The more you have, the greater your frustration will be and the more difficult it will be for you and other people.

8. Anyone you need has power over you

The more civilized (developed) a society is, the more powerless an individual feels in it. Anyone you need - no matter for what reason - has power over you. The strength of his power will depend on how important it is for you to get what you want from him.

9. The implementation of the decision is faster if there is a personal interest in it

To implement decisions, we need to achieve a unification of powers, power and influence. We need to combine the different interests of the different people needed to put our decisions into action. The implementation of the solution is faster if it has .

10. With the wrong structure and process in place, even people with good intentions start behaving disrespectfully and destructively.

Managers often make a fundamental mistake when trying to change organizational culture. They ignore the process and focus exclusively on people. If the organization lacks teamwork, they fire staff and replace them with new ones who are assumed to be able to show respect and trust. But this approach doesn't always work.

With the wrong structure and process in place, even well-intentioned people start behaving disrespectfully and destructively. It is the environment that forces them to change their behavior.

11. Not surprisingly, business schools are often accused of being out of touch with real life, and the consultant profession is called the second oldest profession.

Too many consultants talk about but don't know how to create them. They give rise to hopes, and if these hopes do not come true, then people become skeptical about management theory and consultants. Not surprisingly, business schools are often accused of being out of touch with real life, and the consultant profession is called the second oldest profession.

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