Trubchevsk Pedagogical College official. Awards, honorary titles

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Full-time, Correspondence

Form of study:

State Diploma

Completion document:

State. License Series 32 No. 000211 Reg. No. 1809 dated April 12, 2011


State. accreditation: series OP No. 011955. Reg. No. 2973 dated 06/20/2011


College Characteristics

general information

The main task of today's college is to adopt modern methods, and, of course, to give our graduates excellent knowledge, develop their broad outlook, and increase their rating in the labor market. The second task is to preserve, increase, improve its material and technical base in order to survive in modern conditions.
In the 80-90s, a special composition of the teaching staff was formed: D.I. Azmanov, L.A. Vladimirova, L.I. Kukhtina, S.G. Merkulova, Z.G. Nikultseva, Z.F. Potapova, T.N. Peshkova, G.N. Korytin, G.V. Kostyukov, G.V. Stenin.
Having received higher education, teachers returned to the college: L.I. Gomonov, A.M. Romaneev, N.N. Romaneeva, V.G. Mistryukov, L.G. Korotchenkov, S.I. Filippova, E.N. Zhilina, Ryzhkina N.M., Ivolga N.A., Golovacheva N.A.
A significant contribution to the activities of the team is made by the long-term pedagogical work of teachers O.V. Amchislavskaya, L.S. Ilyushkina, A.A. Karpekina, V.D. Kagramanova, V.N. Kochanova, T.A. Obydennova, A.I. Serova, L.A. Krivosheenkova, V.F. Gorbachev.
With the advent of a young, energetic director, candidate of pedagogical sciences SV. Yashchenko, a strategy is being developed for the transition of the teaching staff to a new stage of development: the range of educational services is expanding, new specialties are being opened, taking into account the needs of the region: correctional pedagogy; law and organization of social security, informatics.

One of the main directions of the pedagogical process is the unity of educational and educational activities. The basis of the educational process, led by SI. Filippova, it is necessary to develop the student's personal qualities and his professional orientation. The life of college students is interesting and varied. She realizes her creative potential by participating in the literary drawing room (headed by N.V. Ushakova, V.N. Kochanova), music evenings (headed by E.N. Bykova, O.V. Lmchislavskaya, A.G. Korotchenkov), in stage productions of Russian fairy tales, giving them a modern interpretation. The victories and laureates of our students for many years in the city and regional festivals of artistic creativity "Student Spring" confirm the skill and versatile talent of future teachers. The team of witty KVN students successfully participates in the city competition, and in 2001 took 3rd place among the teams of educational institutions of the region.
Contribute to professional and personal growth annual competitions of teaching skills, "Freshman's Day", "Teacher's Day", celebrated as Self-Government Day, when senior students conduct classes in 1-2 courses; the work of circles of a subject orientation (video studio, pedagogical skills, the folklore ensemble "Trubezh", STEM, "Museum Affairs", guitarists, etc.).
One of the most fun holidays is Bow Day, when everyone, including male teachers, decorates their costume with a bow. Instructive, from our point of view, is the experience of instilling patriotism and citizenship among the youth. accumulated by the student public organization "Fakel" (chairman N.A. Ermakova). Having arisen at the initiative of college students, it has grown to the scale of the district. "Fakel" conducts charity events in orphanages, boarding schools, collects parcels for soldiers - former students, participates in the environmental, local history and folklore expeditions "Columbus" and "Trubezh", involves teenagers of the city in the entertaining world of military-patriotic games. The Trubchevsky Pedagogical College accumulates the cultural and educational student and youth life of the entire region, thereby causing respect for its activities and the desire to get an education here.

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Studying programs

  • Teaching in elementary grades
  • Preschool education
  • Applied Informatics (by industry)
  • Physical Culture
  • Law and organization of social security

Admission conditions

College enrollment for budget places is carried out in the following order:

Out of competition in case of equality of the average score of the certificate of applicants, persons with benefits established by the legislation of the Russian Federation are enrolled upon presentation of the relevant documents, namely:

Persons who graduated from an educational institution with a medal (certificate, diploma with "honours");

winners and prize-winners of the All-Russian Olympiads and other similar events of the All-Russian level (for winners) held under the auspices of the Ministry of Education and Science of the Russian Federation;

· orphans and children left without parental care, as well as persons under the age of 23 from among orphans and children left without parental care;

Disabled children, disabled people of groups I and II, who, according to the conclusion of the institution of the state service of medical and social expertise, are not contraindicated in studying in educational institutions of this profile;

Citizens under the age of 20 who have only one parent - a disabled person of group I, if the average per capita income of the family is below the subsistence level established in the corresponding subject of the Russian Federation;

military personnel undergoing military service under a contract (with the exception of officers), whose continuous duration of military service under a contract is at least three years in accordance with the Rules for the training of military personnel undergoing military service under a contract (with the exception of officers) in state and municipal educational institutions higher and secondary vocational education and at preparatory departments (courses) of federal state educational institutions of higher vocational education, approved by Decree of the Government of the Russian Federation of February 7, 2006 N 78 (Collected Legislation of the Russian Federation 2006, N 2, art. 789; 2007, N 37, article 4452);

· Persons who have had radiation sickness and other diseases associated with radiation sickness, evacuated from the exclusion zone, resettled from the resettlement zone, and also living in the territory affected by the Chernobyl accident.

Out of competition, citizens of other categories provided by law are also admitted to the college.

  • Extra

Currently, Russian students are undergoing their social, age and professional formation in difficult economic conditions and a radical change in spiritual values. The situation in which future specialists are formed is ambiguous and contradictory. On the one hand, the changes taking place in Russian society have significantly expanded the possibilities of life choices, on the other hand, the socialization of students takes place in the context of the instability of society as a whole and the protracted crisis of customary norms and values. That is why the educational system faces fundamentally new tasks. Hence the need for a qualitatively new formulation of the educational process. The most important mission of which is the formation of highly moral, creatively working professionals - citizens of Russia. Such formation is impossible without the self-active position of the students, when they not only conscientiously carry out the proposed assignments determined by the plan of the educational work of the educational institution, but they themselves see the pressing social problems and look for ways to solve them.

To resolve this problematic situation in the Trubchevsk Vocational Pedagogical College, a public student organization "Torch" was created 6 years ago on the initiative of students. As a legal entity on February 22, 2001, it was registered with the Department of the Ministry of Justice of the Russian Federation for the Bryansk region. The structure of the organization and the procedure for the work of Fakel is determined by the Charter adopted by the founding conference of the Trubchevskaya district public student organization Fakel on November 28, 2000. The number of members of the organization at the moment is 80 people, aged from 14 to 30 years. The activity of the organization is covered in its own monthly printed organ "Your Newspaper".

The main goals of the association are:

  • formation of a personality with an active civic position;
  • patriotic education;
  • formation of ecological culture;
  • formation of labor needs;
  • acquisition of socially valuable experience through work in the structures of the organization;
  • participation in the development of decisions of the college administration regarding the living conditions and study of students;
  • orientation towards a healthy lifestyle.

The proposed program contributes to the creative development of the personality of a future specialist by means of solving interconnected pedagogical and social problems:

  • the formation of a sense of patriotism, the development of political culture;
  • orientation of youth towards the ideology of goodness, justice and mercy;
  • introducing students to the national culture, the historical heritage of Russia, the Bryansk region, the Trubchevsky district;
  • solution of youth problems in the social, legal and cultural sphere;
  • stimulation of the development of the creative potential of young people;
  • development of club and leisure activities as a special form of student life.

Full Name: Arbuzov Vitaly Nikolaevich

Education, specialty: Higher. Moscow Institute of Agricultural Engineers, specialty - teacher of technical disciplines, 1980.


2019 - CPC under the program of additional professional education "Operation of agricultural machinery" at the Institute of additional professional education of the Bryansk State Agrarian University.

General work experience: 47 years old

37 years

Full Name: Danchenko Liliya Nikolaevna

Education, specialty: Higher. Tiraspol Pedagogical Institute, specialty - Biology and Chemistry, 1972.

Position(s) held: Deputy Director for Academic Affairs.

Teaching disciplines, modules: Chemistry.

Academic degree, title (if any): Honored Teacher of the Russian Federation.

Data on advanced training and (or) professional retraining (if any):

2017 - Training courses on labor protection for managers and specialists of FGBOU VO Bryansk State Agrarian University

2017 - CPC Improving the professional competence of a chemistry teacher in the context of maintaining and implementing the Federal State Educational Standard of Secondary Vocational Education BIPKRO;

2018 - CPC in the direction "Didactic opportunities and modern technologies of distance learning", Institute for Advanced Studies and International Relations of the Federal State Budgetary Educational Institution of Higher Education Bryansk State Agrarian University;

2018 - CPC of protection category "B" in the direction "Providing first aid to victims at work", Institute for Advanced Studies and International Relations of the FSBEI HE Bryansk State Agrarian University.

Awards, honorary titles:

Honorary Diploma of the Ministry of Agriculture

General work experience: 46 years old

Work experience in the specialty: 46 years old

Full Name: Dolgorukova Olga Olegovna

Education, specialty: Higher. Bryansk State University I.G. Petrovsky, specialty - Geography, 2004.

Position(s) held: Teacher.

Geography, Ecological fundamentals of nature management, Protection, reproduction and rational use of natural resources, Metrology, standardization and certification, Metrology, standardization and quality assurance, Labor protection PM.02 Breeding and selection of dogs, PM.03 Training and use of dogs by breeds and types of services

Data on advanced training and (or) professional retraining (if any):

2015 - KPK ANO "Training Center for Environmental and Technological Safety" FSBEI HE Bryansk State Agrarian University;

2016 - CPC vocational training in the profession "Dog Breeder" Trubchevsky branch of FGBOU VO Bryansk State Agrarian University;

2016 - Professional retraining under the program "Cynology" of the CPC Institute for Advanced Training of Personnel in Agribusiness and International Relations of the FGBOU VO Bryansk State Agrarian University, 2017 - Training courses on labor protection for managers and specialists of the FGBOU VO Bryansk State Agrarian University;

2017 - Internship - Trubchevsk Agrarian College-branch of the Federal State Budgetary Educational Institution of Higher Education "Bryansk State Agrarian University" as a Cynologist;

2017 - KPK Improving the professional competence of a geography teacher in the context of maintaining and implementing the Federal State Educational Standard of Secondary Vocational Education BIPKRO;

2018 - CPC in the direction "Didactic opportunities and modern technologies of distance learning", Institute for Advanced Studies and International Relations of the Federal State Budgetary Educational Institution of Higher Education Bryansk State Agrarian University;

2018 - CPC of protection category "B" in the direction "Providing first aid to victims at work", Institute for Advanced Studies and International Relations of the FSBEI HE Bryansk State Agrarian University;

2019 - CPC under the program of additional professional education "Ecological fundamentals of nature management" at the Institute of additional professional education of the Federal State Budgetary Educational Institution of Higher Education Bryansk State Agrarian University.

Awards, honorary titles:

Certificate of honor of the Central Committee of the trade union of workers of the agro-industrial complex of the Russian Federation

Honorary diploma of a colleague of the Committee on Agriculture and Food of the Bryansk Region

Medal "In honor of the feat of partisans and underground fighters"

General work experience: 23 years old

Work experience in the specialty: 23 years old

Full Name: Dolbonosov Alexey Alekseevich

Education, specialty: Higher. St. Petersburg Veterinary Institute, 1994 Specialty - Veterinary Medicine, qualification - Veterinary Doctor. Moscow Veterinary Academy. Academician K. I. Skryabin, specialty - Teacher of veterinary and agricultural technical schools and schools, 1997

Position(s) held: Teacher.

Teaching disciplines, modules: PM.01 Implementation of zoohygienic, preventive and veterinary-sanitary measures, PM.02 Participation in the diagnosis and treatment of diseases of farm animals, PM.01 Organization and conduct of all types of hunting, PM.05 Performance of work in one or more professions of workers, positions of employees, PM.04 Tests and competitions of dogs

2015 - KPK ANO "Training Center for Environmental and Technological Safety" FSBEI HE Bryansk State Agrarian University;

2015 - KPK Institute for advanced training of agribusiness personnel and international relations under the program "Organization and conduct of all types of hunting" of the Federal State Budgetary Educational Institution of Higher Education Bryansk State Agrarian University;

2017 - Training courses on labor protection for managers and specialists, Bryansk State Agrarian University;

2017 - Internship at the State Budgetary Institution "Trubchevskaya District Veterinary Station for the Control of Animal Diseases" as a Veterinarian;

2019 - CPC under the program of additional professional education "Diagnostics and treatment of diseases of farm animals" at the Institute of additional professional education of the Federal State Budgetary Educational Institution of Higher Education Bryansk State Agrarian University.

Awards, honorary titles:

General work experience: 23 years old

Work experience in the specialty: 22

Full Name: Erokhov Alexander Ivanovich

Education, specialty: Higher. Bryansk State University named after Academician I.G. Petrovsky, specialty Geography, 2007.

Position(s) held: Teacher.

Teaching disciplines: Physical Culture.

Data on advanced training and (or) professional retraining (if any):

2016 - CPC professional retraining under the program "Education and Pedagogy";

Bryansk Institute for Advanced Studies of Education Workers,

2017 - KPK Improving the professional competence of a physical education teacher in the context of maintaining and implementing the Federal State Educational Standard of Secondary Vocational Education BIPKRO;

2018 - CPC in the direction "Didactic opportunities and modern technologies of distance learning", Institute for Advanced Studies and International Relations of the Federal State Budgetary Educational Institution of Higher Education Bryansk State Agrarian University;

General work experience: 19 years

Work experience in the specialty: 18 years

Full Name: Zhivoderov Alexander Nikolaevich

Education, specialty: Higher. Trubchevsk Pedagogical College, specialty - teaching in primary grades with an additional specialization in Computer Science, 1996. Bryansk State University Academician I.G. Petrovsky, specialty - History and Law, 2004.

Position(s) held: Teacher.

Teaching disciplines: Informatics, Information technology in professional activities, Working with information on the Internet, Fundamentals of architecture, design and operation of computing systems, Technical means of informatization, Computer networks, PM.01 Operation and modification of information systems

2015 - KPK ANO "Training Center for Environmental and Technological Safety";

2015 - CPC "Information Systems and Technologies" Institute for Advanced Training of Agribusiness Personnel and International Relations of the Federal State Budgetary Educational Institution of Higher Education Bryansk State Agrarian University;

2016 - CPC professional retraining under the program of additional professional education "Information Systems and Technologies", Institute for Advanced Training of Agribusiness Personnel and International Relations of the Bryansk State Agrarian University;

2017 - Improving the professional competence of an informatics teacher in the context of maintaining and implementing the Federal State Educational Standard of Secondary Vocational Education BIPKRO;

2017 - Internship - Russian Orthodox Church. Moscow Patriarchy. Bryansk Metropolis. Klintsov diocese. Trubchevsky Church Deanery District by position System Administrator;

2018 - CPC in the direction "Didactic opportunities and modern technologies of distance learning", Institute for Advanced Studies and International Relations of the Federal State Budgetary Educational Institution of Higher Education Bryansk State Agrarian University;

2018 - CPC of protection category "B" in the direction "Providing first aid to victims at work", Institute for Advanced Studies and International Relations of the FSBEI HE Bryansk State Agrarian University.

General work experience: 22

Work experience in the specialty: 20 years

Full Name: Zuykova Olga Alexandrovna

Education, specialty: Higher. BGU them. Academician I.G. Petrovsky, was awarded the qualification of a teacher of history and a foreign language (English) in the specialty History with an additional specialty Foreign language (English).

Position(s) held: Teacher of general education disciplines.

Teaching disciplines: Foreign language (English), social studies.

Data on advanced training and (or) professional retraining (if any):

2017 - BIPCRO on the additional professional program "Improving the professional competence of an English teacher in the context of the introduction and implementation of the Federal State Educational Standard of Secondary Vocational Education", 16 hours;

2017 - BIPCRO on the additional professional program "Improving the professional competence of a history teacher in the context of the introduction and implementation of the Federal State Educational Standard of Secondary Vocational Education", 16 hours;

2017 - BIPCRO on the additional professional program "Content and practical mechanisms for the implementation of the Federal State Educational Standard of basic general education (in the work of a teacher of foreign languages)", 16 hours;

2018 - CPC of protection category "B" in the direction "Providing first aid to victims at work", Institute for Advanced Studies and International Relations of the FSBEI HE Bryansk State Agrarian University.

General work experience: 11 years.

Work experience in the specialty: 11 years.

Full Name: Kondratova Valentina Mikhailovna

Education, specialty: Higher. All-Union Institute of Correspondence Education, 1986, specialty - Zootechnics, qualification - Zooengineer; Moscow Veterinary Academy. Academician K.I. Scriabin, specialty - Teacher of veterinary and agricultural technical schools and schools, 1989.

Position(s) held: Teacher.

Teaching disciplines, modules:
Biotechnology of reproduction, Technology of branches of the agro-industrial complex, Documentation support for management, Fundamentals of animal husbandry, PM.04 Procurement, primary processing, processing and marketing of hunting and fur farming products, PM. 05 Performance of work in one or more professions of workers, positions of employees, Biology of game animals, Animal husbandry, Biology of dogs

Data on advanced training and (or) professional retraining (if any):

2015 - CPC under the program "Testing and competition of dogs" Institute for advanced training of personnel in agribusiness and international relations FSBEI HE Bryansk State Agrarian University;

2017 - Training courses on labor protection for managers and specialists of FGBOU VO Bryansk State Agrarian University;

2017 - Internship at the GKU BO "Trubchevskoye District Department of Agriculture" as a livestock specialist;

2018 - CPC of protection category "B" in the direction "Providing first aid to victims at work", Institute for Advanced Studies and International Relations of the FSBEI HE Bryansk State Agrarian University;

2019 - CPC under the program of additional professional education "Performance of work by the profession of workers 15830 Operator for artificial insemination of animals and birds" at the Institute of additional professional education of the Federal State Budgetary Educational Institution of Higher Education Bryansk State Agrarian University.

Awards, honorary titles:

General work experience: 46 years old

Work experience in the specialty: 41 years old

Full Name: Lavrinenkova Anna Nikolaevna

Education, specialty: Higher. FGOU VPO Bryansk State Agricultural Academy, specialty - Veterinary Medicine, qualification - Veterinarian, 2007.

Position(s) held: Chairman of the cyclic methodological commission, teacher.

Teaching disciplines, modules:
Anatomy and physiology of animals, Veterinary pharmacology, Fundamentals of veterinary and zoohygiene, fundamentals of genetics, Latin language, Pathomorphological characteristics of diseases Clinical diagnostics and therapy, Veterinary surgery, Diseases of dogs, Fundamentals of genetics, Fundamentals of microbiology, Chemical analysis

Data on advanced training and (or) professional retraining (if any):

2017 - CPC under the program of professional retraining "Education and Pedagogy", BIPKRO;

2018 - CPC in the direction "Didactic opportunities and modern technologies of distance learning", Institute for Advanced Studies and International Relations of the Federal State Budgetary Educational Institution of Higher Education Bryansk State Agrarian University;

2018 - CPC of protection category "B" in the direction "Providing first aid to victims at work", Institute for Advanced Studies and International Relations of the FSBEI HE Bryansk State Agrarian University;

2019 - CPC under the program of additional professional education "Anatomy of farm animals" at the Institute of additional professional education of the Federal State Budgetary Educational Institution of Higher Education Bryansk State Agrarian University.

General work experience: 11 years

Work experience in the specialty:
- 2 years 10 months

Full Name: Lopatkin Valentin Vladimirovich

Education, specialty: Higher. Bryansk State Pedagogical Institute. Academician I.G. Petrovsky Pedagogical Institute, specialty - Mathematics and Physics, qualification - Teacher of Mathematics, Physics and Informatics, 1994.

Position(s) held: Deputy director for educational work, chairman of the cyclic methodological commission, teacher.

Teaching disciplines:
Mathematics, Informatics, Fundamentals of algorithmization and programming, Maintenance of computer equipment, Elements of mathematical logic

Data on advanced training and (or) professional retraining (if any):

2015 - KPK Institute for Advanced Training of Agribusiness Personnel and International Relations. "Information technologies in the professional activity of a teacher";

2016 - CPC professional retraining under the program of additional professional education "Information Systems and Technologies" Institute for Advanced Training of Personnel in Agribusiness and International Relations FSBEI HE Bryansk State Agrarian University4

2017 - KPK ANO "Training Center for Environmental and Technological Safety";

2017 - Training courses on labor protection for managers and specialists of FGBOU VO Bryansk State Agrarian University;

2017 - KPK Improving the professional competence of a physics teacher in the context of maintaining and implementing the Federal State Educational Standard for Secondary Vocational Education, BIPKRO;

2017 - KPK Improving the professional competence of a mathematics teacher in the context of maintaining and implementing the Federal State Educational Standard for Secondary Vocational Education BIPKRO;

2017 - KPK Improving the professional competence of an informatics teacher in the context of maintaining and implementing the Federal State Educational Standard for Secondary Vocational Education, BIPKRO;

2017 - Internship in the Council of People's Deputies in the city of Trubchevsk as a System Administrator;

2018 - CPC in the direction "Didactic Opportunities and Modern Technologies of Distance Learning", Institute for Advanced Studies and International Relations of the Federal State Budgetary Educational Institution of Higher Education Bryansk State Agrarian University;

2018 - CPC of protection category "B" in the direction "Providing first aid to victims at work", Institute for Advanced Studies and International Relations of the FSBEI HE Bryansk State Agrarian University.

Awards, honorary titles:

General work experience: 24 years

Work experience in the specialty: 24 years

Full Name: Malaev Nikolay Mikhailovich

Education, specialty: Higher. Bryansk State University named after Academician I.G. Petrovsky, qualification - Teacher of physical culture and sports and teacher of life safety, 2005.

Position(s) held: Teacher.

Teaching disciplines: Physical culture, Fundamentals of life safety, Life safety.

Data on advanced training and (or) professional retraining (if any):

2017 - Training courses on labor protection for managers and specialists of FGBOU VO Bryansk State Agrarian University;

2017 - KPK Improving the professional competence of a physical education teacher in the context of maintaining and implementing the Federal State Educational Standard of Secondary Vocational Education, BIPKRO;

2018 - CPC in the direction "Didactic opportunities and modern technologies of distance learning", Institute for Advanced Studies and International Relations of the Federal State Budgetary Educational Institution of Higher Education Bryansk State Agrarian University;

2018 - CPC of protection category "B" in the direction "Providing first aid to victims at work", Institute for Advanced Studies and International Relations of the FSBEI HE Bryansk State Agrarian University.

General work experience: 14 years old

Work experience in the specialty: 8 years

Full Name: Pireeva Svetlana Ivanovna

Education, specialty: Higher. Bryansk State Agricultural Institute, 1991, specialty - Zootechnics; Moscow State University of Economics, Statistics and Informatics, 2008, specialty - Finance and credit.

Position(s) held: Teacher.

Teaching disciplines, modules:
Statistics, Marketing, Finance, money circulation and credit, Insurance business, Fundamentals of banking, Audit, PM. 01 Keeping and caring for dogs.

Data on advanced training and (or) professional retraining (if any):

2015 - CPC "Standards of secondary vocational education: modern requirements for the quality of training of specialists" at the Bryansk Institute for Advanced Studies of Educational Workers;

2017 - Training courses on labor protection for managers and specialists of the Federal State Budgetary Educational Institution of Higher Education Bryansk State Agrarian University;

2015 - Institute for Advanced Studies and International Relations of the Federal State Budgetary Educational Institution of Higher Education Bryansk State Agrarian University under the program of additional professional education "Finance, money circulation and credit";

2015 - CPC under the program "Keeping and caring for dogs" Institute for Advanced Training of Agribusiness Personnel and International Relations of the Federal State Budgetary Educational Institution of Higher Education Bryansk State Agrarian University;

2017 - CPC under the program of professional retraining "Education and Pedagogy", BIPKRO;

2017 - Internship under the program of the Trubchevsk Agrarian College - a branch of the Bryansk State Agrarian University as a Cynologist;

2018 - CPC in the direction "Didactic Opportunities and Modern Technologies of Distance Learning", Institute for Advanced Studies and International Relations of the Federal State Budgetary Educational Institution of Higher Education Bryansk State Agrarian University;

2018 - CPC of protection category "B" in the direction "Providing first aid to victims at work", Institute for Advanced Studies and International Relations of the FSBEI HE Bryansk State Agrarian University;

2019 - CPC under the program of additional professional education "Breeding and selection of dogs" at the Institute of additional professional education of the Federal State Budgetary Educational Institution of Higher Education Bryansk State Agrarian University.

Awards, honorary titles: Honorary diploma of the Department of Agriculture of the Bryansk region.

General work experience: 34 years

Work experience in the specialty: 22

Full Name: Pisareva Tatyana Ivanovna

Education, specialty: Higher. All-Union Agricultural Institute of Correspondence Education, 1995, specialty - Agronomy; Moscow Psychological and Social Institute, 2006, specialty - Finance and credit.

Position(s): Lecturer.

Teaching disciplines, modules: Taxes and taxation, PM.03 Conducting settlements with the budget and extra-budgetary funds, PM.05 Implementation of tax accounting and tax planning in an organization, Fundamentals of investment activity, Tax control, Tax law, PM.04 MDK.04.02 Drawing up and use of financial statements, Technology industries of the agro-industrial complex, Economic analysis, Organization, planning and production management in the agro-industrial complex PM.04 Determination of the value of real estate

2015 - CPC under the program "Taxes and Taxation" Institute for Advanced Training of Agribusiness Personnel and International Relations of the Federal State Budgetary Educational Institution of Higher Education Bryansk State Agrarian University;

2016 - CPC under the program of additional professional education "Land and Property Relations" Institute for Advanced Studies and International Relations of the Federal State Budgetary Educational Institution of Higher Education Bryansk State Agrarian University;

2017 - Training courses on labor protection for managers and specialists of FGBOU VO Bryansk State Agrarian University;

2017 - CPC under the program of professional retraining "Education and Pedagogy", BIPKRO;

2017 - Internship under the program "Determining the value of real estate" Trubchevsky branch of the State Unitary Enterprise "Bryanskobltekhinventarizatsiya" as an Economist;

2018 - CPC of protection category "B" in the direction "Providing first aid to victims at work", Institute for Advanced Studies and International Relations of the FSBEI HE Bryansk State Agrarian University.

Awards, honorary titles:

Honorary diploma of the Federation of Trade Unions of the Bryansk region

Honorary diploma of the Bryansk Regional Duma.

General work experience: 34 years

Work experience in the specialty: 22

Full Name: Pyrkina Zoya Matveevna

Education, specialty: Higher. Vitebsk Veterinary Institute, specialty - Veterinary, 1977;
Moscow Veterinary Academy. Academician K. I. Skryabin, specialty - Teacher of veterinary and agricultural technical schools and schools, 1986.

Position(s) held: Teacher.

Teaching disciplines, modules: PM.02 Participation in the diagnosis and treatment of diseases of farm animals, PM.04 Carrying out sanitary and educational activities, Standards for the main breeds of dogs.

Data on advanced training and (or) professional retraining (if any):

2017 - Training courses on labor protection for managers and specialists of FGBOU VO Bryansk State Agrarian University;

2018 - CPC in the direction "Didactic opportunities and modern technologies of distance learning", Institute for Advanced Studies and International Relations of the Federal State Budgetary Educational Institution of Higher Education Bryansk State Agrarian University;

General work experience: 49 years old

Work experience in the specialty: 39 years

Full Name: Rozanova Antonina Nikolaevna

Education, specialty: Higher. Pskov State Pedagogical Institute, 1973, Teacher of Geography and Biology Smolensk State Pedagogical Institute Teacher of History and Social Studies, 1979

Position(s) held: Teacher.

Teaching disciplines, modules:

Data on advanced training and (or) professional retraining (if any):

2017 - Training courses on labor protection for managers and specialists of FGBOU VO Bryansk State Agrarian University;

2018 - CPC in the direction "Didactic opportunities and modern technologies of distance learning", Institute for Advanced Studies and International Relations of the Federal State Budgetary Educational Institution of Higher Education Bryansk State Agrarian University;

2018 - CPC of protection category "B" in the direction "Providing first aid to victims at work", Institute for Advanced Studies and International Relations of the FSBEI HE Bryansk State Agrarian University.

General work experience: 47 years old

Work experience in the specialty: 47 years old

Full Name: Romaneev Mikhail Mikhailovich

Education, specialty: Higher. Smolensk State Institute of Physical Culture, specialty - Physical Culture and Sports, 1980.

Position(s) held:

Teaching disciplines: Physical Culture.

Data on advanced training and (or) professional retraining (if any):

2017 - KPK Improving the professional competence of a physical education teacher in the context of maintaining and implementing the Federal State Educational Standard of Secondary Vocational Education, BIPKRO;

2018 - CPC in the direction "Didactic opportunities and modern technologies of distance learning", Institute for Advanced Studies and International Relations of the Federal State Budgetary Educational Institution of Higher Education Bryansk State Agrarian University;

2018 - CPC of protection category "B" in the direction "Providing first aid to victims at work", Institute for Advanced Studies and International Relations of the FSBEI HE Bryansk State Agrarian University.

Awards, honorary titles:

Honorary Diploma of the Ministry of Education and Science of the Russian Federation

Honorary Worker of Secondary Vocational Education of the Russian Federation, 2016

General work experience: 39 years

Work experience in the specialty: 37 years

Full Name: Regeda Alexander Ivanovich

Education, specialty: Higher. Gomel State University, specialty - History, 1978

Position(s) held: Teacher.

Teaching disciplines: Social science, History Political science and sociology, Law Land and housing law, Legal support of professional activity, Legal support of professional and entrepreneurial activity, Legal support of veterinary activity.

Data on advanced training and (or) professional retraining (if any):

2016 - CPC "Modern approaches and trends in historical and social science education in the framework of the implementation of the Federal State Educational Standard and the historical and cultural standard", BIPKRO;

2017 - Training courses on labor protection for managers and specialists of FGBOU VO Bryansk State Agrarian University;

2018 - CPC in the direction "Didactic Opportunities and Modern Technologies of Distance Learning", Institute for Advanced Studies and International Relations of the Federal State Budgetary Educational Institution of Higher Education Bryansk State Agrarian University;

2018 - CPC of protection category "B" in the direction "Providing first aid to victims at work", Institute for Advanced Studies and International Relations of the FSBEI HE Bryansk State Agrarian University.

Awards, honorary titles:

General work experience: 42 years
Work experience in the specialty: 33 years

Full Name: Rezutina Irina Igorevna

Education, specialty: Higher. Bryansk State Engineering and Technology Academy, specialty - Woodworking Technology, 2004. Moscow State University of Economics, Statistics and Informatics, specialty - Finance and Credit, 2009.

Position(s) held: Deputy director for practical training and student employment, lecturer.

Teaching disciplines, modules: Fundamentals of Accounting, Accounting and Taxation, PM.01 Documentation of business operations and accounting of the organization's property, 1C: Accounting, preparation and use of financial statements, PM.06 Performance of work in one or more professions of workers, positions employees PM.04 Preparation and use of financial statements

Data on advanced training and (or) professional retraining (if any):

2015 - CPC under the program of additional professional education "Accounting" Institute for advanced training of personnel in agribusiness and international relations of the Federal State Budgetary Educational Institution of Higher Education Bryansk State Agrarian University;

2016 - CPC under the program of additional professional education "Land and property relations";

2016 - Institute for Advanced Training of Agribusiness Personnel and International Relations, Bryansk State Agrarian University;

2017 - CPC under the program of professional retraining "Education and Pedagogy" BIPKRO;

2017 - Training courses on labor protection for managers and specialists of FGBOU VO Bryansk State Agrarian University;

2017 - Internship at LLC "Trubchevsky Dairy Plant" as an Accountant;

2018 - CPC in the direction "Didactic Opportunities and Modern Technologies of Distance Learning", Institute for Advanced Studies and International Relations of the Federal State Budgetary Educational Institution of Higher Education Bryansk State Agrarian University;

2018 - CPC of protection category "B" in the direction "Providing first aid to victims at work", Institute for Advanced Studies and International Relations of the FSBEI HE Bryansk State Agrarian University.

Awards, honorary titles: Honorary diploma of the Department of Education and Science of the Bryansk region

General work experience: 24 years

Work experience in the specialty: 12 years

Full Name: Salikova Tatyana Semyonovna

Education, specialty: Higher. Bryansk Institute of Transport Engineering, specialty - Dynamics and strength of machines, 1982

Position(s) held: Teacher.

Teaching disciplines and modules:
Operating systems, Design and functioning of the information system, Methods of information processing and management in the agro-industrial complex, Useful features of Word, Automated systems for processing economic information, Distributed information processing systems, Rules for the operation and use of computers in hunting farms, PM.03 Performing work on one or more occupations of workers, positions of employees, PM.02 Participation in the development of information systems

Data on advanced training and (or) professional retraining (if any):

2015 - KPK ANO "Training Center for Environmental and Technological Safety";

2016 - CPC professional retraining under the program of additional professional education "Information Systems and Technologies" Institute for Advanced Studies and International Relations of the Federal State Budgetary Educational Institution of Higher Education Bryansk State Agrarian University;

2017 - Training courses on labor protection for managers and specialists of FGBOU VO Bryansk State Agrarian University;

2017 - CPC under the program of professional retraining "Education and Pedagogy" BIPKRO;

2017 - Internship in the Council of People's Deputies in Trubchevsk as a System Administrator;

2018 - CPC in the direction "Didactic Opportunities and Modern Technologies of Distance Learning", Institute for Advanced Studies and International Relations of the Federal State Budgetary Educational Institution of Higher Education Bryansk State Agrarian University;

2018 - CPC of protection category "B" in the direction "Providing first aid to victims at work", Institute for Advanced Studies and International Relations of the FSBEI HE Bryansk State Agrarian University;

2019 - CPC under the program of additional professional education "Information technologies in the professional activities of a teacher" at the Institute of additional professional education of the Bryansk State Agrarian University.

Awards, honorary titles: Honorary Diploma of the Ministry of Education and Science of the Russian Federation.

General work experience: 37 years

Work experience in the specialty: 24 years

Full Name: Samkova Elena Leonidovna

Education, specialty: Higher. Bryansk State Agricultural Academy, specialty - Zootechnics, 2002; BIPKKA professional retraining under the program Economics and accounting in the agro-industrial complex, BSAA, 2006.

Position(s) held: Teacher.

Teaching disciplines and modules:
Biology, PM.04 Tests and competitions of dogs MDK 04.01. Theoretical and practical foundations for organizing tests and competitions of dogs

Academic degree, title: Candidate of Agricultural Sciences.

Data on advanced training and (or) professional retraining (if any):

2016 - CPC professional retraining under the program "Education and Pedagogy". Bryansk Institute for Advanced Studies of Education Workers;

2016 - CPC: under the program of additional professional education "Cynology" Institute for Advanced Training of Personnel in Agribusiness and International Relations of the Federal State Budgetary Educational Institution of Higher Education Bryansk State Agrarian University;

2016 - CPC under the program of additional professional education "Economics of the organization" at the Institute for Advanced Training of Personnel in Agribusiness and International Relations of the Federal State Budgetary Educational Institution of Higher Education Bryansk State Agrarian University;

2017 - Training courses on labor protection for managers and specialists, Bryansk State Agrarian University;

2018 - CPC in the direction "Didactic opportunities and modern technologies of distance learning", Institute for Advanced Studies and International Relations of the Federal State Budgetary Educational Institution of Higher Education Bryansk State Agrarian University;

2018 - CPC of protection category "B" in the direction "Providing first aid to victims at work", Institute for Advanced Studies and International Relations of the FSBEI HE Bryansk State Agrarian University.

General work experience: 10 years

Work experience in the specialty: 10 years

Full Name: Sidorenko Ludmila Mikhailovna

Education, specialty: Higher. Bryansk Agricultural Institute, specialty - Agronomy, 1987; Moscow Agricultural Academy. K.A. Timiryazev, specialty - Vocational training of special and technical disciplines, 1995; Moscow Academy of Management and Agribusiness, specialty - Management, 1997.

Position(s) held: Methodist.

Teaching disciplines and modules:
Management, Fundamentals of economics, marketing and management, Fundamentals of economic theory, Fundamentals of management and marketing, Organization of the tax system, Tax legislation, PM.05 Management of activities for the provision of services in the field of cynology.

Academic degree, title: Candidate of Economic Sciences.

Data on advanced training and (or) professional retraining (if any):

2015 - CPC under the program of additional professional education "Management of activities for the provision of services in the field of cynology", Institute for Advanced Training of Agribusiness Personnel and International Relations of the Bryansk State Agrarian University;

2015 - CPC under the program of additional professional education "Management", Institute for Advanced Training of Personnel in Agribusiness and International Relations of the Federal State Budgetary Educational Institution of Higher Education Bryansk State Agrarian University;

2016 - CPC professional retraining under the program of additional professional education "Land and Property Relations", Institute for Advanced Studies, International Relations and Culture, Bryansk State Agrarian University;

2017 - CPC for occupational health and safety. Center for Training in Occupational Safety and Ecology, Bryansk State Agrarian University;

2017 - Internship in the GKU BO "Trubchevskoye District Department of Agriculture" as an Accountant;

2018 - CPC in the direction "Didactic opportunities and modern technologies of distance learning", Institute for Advanced Studies and International Relations;

2018 - CPC of protection category "B" in the direction "Providing first aid to victims at work", Institute for Advanced Studies and International Relations of the FSBEI HE Bryansk State Agrarian University;

2019 - CPC under the program of additional professional education "Fundamentals of Economics, Management and Marketing" at the Institute of Additional Professional Education of the Federal State Budgetary Educational Institution of Higher Education Bryansk State Agrarian University.

Awards, honorary titles: Honorary Diploma of the Ministry of Education and Science of the Russian Federation.

General work experience: 30 years

Work experience in the specialty: 23 years old

Full Name: Sukonkin Alexander Nikolaevich

Education, specialty: Higher. Bryansk State Agricultural Academy. Specialty - Economics and management of agricultural production, qualification Economist, 1998.

Position(s) held: Director, teacher.

Teaching disciplines:
PM.02 Accounting of the sources of property formation, performance of work on the inventory of property and financial obligations of the organization.

Data on advanced training and (or) professional retraining (if any):

2016 - Training courses on labor protection for managers and specialists, Center for training on labor protection and ecology of the Federal State Budgetary Educational Institution of Higher Education Bryansk State Agrarian University;

2016 - CPC for fire safety FGBOU VO Bryansk State Agrarian University;

2017 - CPC under the program Ensuring environmental safety by managers and specialists of general business management systems ANO, Training Center for Additional Education "Promtekhstroy";

2017 - CPC under the program of officials and specialists of civil defense and RSChS for the position of "Specialist of civil defense" of the UMC for Civil Defense of the Bryansk region;

2017 - coursework according to the program of the head of the organization, UMC for civil emergency situations of the Bryansk region;

2017 - CPC for occupational health and safety, Center for Training in Occupational Health and Ecology, FGBOU VO Bryansk State Agrarian University;

2017 - Additional professional training program in the direction of "Education and Pedagogy" (training profile pedagogical activity in vocational education) State Autonomous Institution of Additional Professional Education "Bryansk Institute for Advanced Studies of Educators";

2017 - Internship at LLC "Trubchevsky Dairy Plant" as an Accountant;

2018 - CPC in the direction "Didactic opportunities and modern technologies of distance learning", Institute for Advanced Studies and International Relations of the Federal State Budgetary Educational Institution of Higher Education Bryansk State Agrarian University;

2018 - CPC of protection category "B" in the direction "Providing first aid to victims at work", Institute for Advanced Studies and International Relations of the FSBEI HE Bryansk State Agrarian University.

General work experience: 20 years

Pedagogical: 3 years 8 months

Full Name: Stelmakhova Elena Petrovna

Education, specialty: Higher. Bryansk State University named after Academician I.G. Petrovsky specialty - Philology, qualification Russian language and literature, 2003.

Position(s) held: Teacher.

Teaching disciplines:
Russian language, Literature, Russian language and culture of speech, Philosophy, Culture of business communication, Business communication and business correspondence, Psychology of communication.

Data on advanced training and (or) professional retraining (if any):

2017 - Training courses on labor protection for managers and specialists of FGBOU VO Bryansk State Agrarian University;

2017 - KPK Improving the professional competence of a teacher of the Russian language and literature in the context of maintaining and implementing the Federal State Educational Standard for Secondary Vocational Education, BIPKRO;

2018 - CPC in the direction "Didactic opportunities and modern technologies of distance learning", Institute for Advanced Studies and International Relations of the Federal State Budgetary Educational Institution of Higher Education Bryansk State Agrarian University;

2018 - CPC of protection category "B" in the direction "Providing first aid to victims at work", Institute for Advanced Studies and International Relations of the FSBEI HE Bryansk State Agrarian University.

General work experience: 20 years

Work experience in the specialty: 17 years

Full Name: Titova Ludmila Alekseevna

Education, specialty: Higher. Novozybkov State Pedagogical Institute, specialty - Physics and Mathematics, 1974.

Position(s) held: Teacher.

Teaching disciplines: Physics, Fundamentals of Radiation Control, Mathematics, Elements of Mathematical Logic, Probability Theory and Mathematical Statistics.

Data on advanced training and (or) professional retraining (if any):

2017 - Training courses on labor protection for managers and specialists of FGBOU VO Bryansk State Agrarian University;

2017 - KPK Improving the professional competence of a physics teacher in the context of maintaining and implementing the Federal State Educational Standard for Secondary Vocational Education, BIPKRO;

2018 - CPC in the direction "Didactic opportunities and modern technologies of distance learning", Institute for Advanced Studies and International Relations of the Federal State Budgetary Educational Institution of Higher Education Bryansk State Agrarian University;

2018 - CPC of protection category "B" in the direction "Providing first aid to victims at work", Institute for Advanced Studies and International Relations of the FSBEI HE Bryansk State Agrarian University.

Awards, honorary titles: Honorary Diploma of the Ministry of Agriculture of the Russian Federation.

General work experience: 43 years

Work experience in the specialty: 43 years

Full Name: Tsibulya Tatyana Viktorovna

Education, qualification: Higher. Bryansk State University named after Academician I.G. Petrovsky, specialty - Philology, 2002; Bryansk State Agricultural Academy, specialty - Economics and management at agricultural enterprises, 2011.

Position(s) held: Teacher.

Teaching disciplines:
Foreign language, Fundamentals of entrepreneurship, Organization and planning of production, Business planning, Analysis of financial and economic activity, Regulatory documentation.

Data on advanced training and (or) professional retraining (if any):

2015 - CPC under the program of additional professional education "Organization and planning of production" Institute for Advanced Training of Agribusiness Personnel and International Relations of the Federal State Budgetary Educational Institution of Higher Education Bryansk State Agrarian University;

2017 - Training courses on labor protection for managers and specialists of FGBOU VO Bryansk State Agrarian University;

2017 - KPK Improving the professional competence of a German language teacher in the context of maintaining and implementing the Federal State Educational Standard for Secondary Vocational Education, BIPKRO;

2017 - Internship in the direction of "Economics and management of agricultural production" State public institution of the Bryansk region "Trubchevskoe district department of agriculture";

2018 - CPC in the direction "Didactic opportunities and modern technologies of distance learning", Institute for Advanced Studies and International Relations of the Federal State Budgetary Educational Institution of Higher Education Bryansk State Agrarian University;

2018 - CPC of protection category "B" in the direction "Providing first aid to victims at work", Institute for Advanced Studies and International Relations of the FSBEI HE Bryansk State Agrarian University;

2019 - CPC under the program of additional professional education "Economics of the organization" at the Institute of additional professional education of the Federal State Budgetary Educational Institution of Higher Education Bryansk State Agrarian University.

General work experience: 23 years old