Teaching with passion. Public review of knowledge in the Russian language of primary school students

One of the important didactic conditions that ensure the assimilation of knowledge is their systematic testing and evaluation.

Testing, as repeatedly confirmed by school practice, provides the teacher with the opportunity to find out the quality of students' knowledge, the level of mastery of the skills being formed. This, in turn, makes it possible to establish the readiness of students to study new material, as well as to evaluate the effectiveness of the methods and teaching methods used, and to make adjustments to the methodology. For students, verification is important because, firstly, it serves as a kind of reinforcement for the correctness of emerging knowledge or a brake on incorrect connections, and secondly, the very fact of verification psychologically sets up for quality work, develops self-control.

In school practice, verification is carried out orally and in writing; the current thematic and final accounting of knowledge is applied. In the didactic and methodological literature, the purpose of each type of accounting is quite clearly defined.

In teaching the Russian language, oral and written forms of control are clearly differentiated, although in the primary grades of the school the Russian language is not specifically marked “oral” and “written”. The mark is general, taking into account knowledge of grammatical definitions, spelling rules, the ability to analyze words, sentences and apply knowledge in written speech (in dictations, presentations, essays, etc.). Control over the correctness of the performance of written work by students should be systematic. In grade I, the teacher checks all written (class and home) work of students. In grades II and III, all works are checked at the initial stage of studying a new topic, the rest of the work is checked selectively.

The main types of written test papers in the Russian language are dictations, presentations, essays, grammar, word-formation, lexical and spelling tasks, control cheating.

Examinations of the final accounting are carried out once a quarter, i.e. in grade I, three control dictations with assignments are held during the year, in grade II - four dictations with assignments and four presentations, in grade III, along with presentations, control essays can be held . In addition, at least 8-10 test dictations, about 6-8 test papers with grammar, word-formation, lexical tasks, four test presentations or compositions are held in each class during the year. The volume of verification work (number of words):

When checking test papers, the teacher is guided by the following standards: the mark "5" is placed for the dictation, in which there are no spelling errors, "4" - for the dictation, in which 1-2 spelling errors are made, "3" - for the dictation, in which 3- 5 spelling mistakes, "2" - 6-8 mistakes; for work in which more than eight spelling errors, "1" is put.

When evaluating presentations and essays, the actual reliability of what is stated, the completeness of the transfer of content, the correct construction of sentences and the accuracy of the use of words are taken into account.

Russian language lesson

The effectiveness of teaching the Russian language is directly dependent on the quality of the lessons, since in the Soviet school the lesson was and remains the main form of organization of the educational process.

General didactic requirements for the lesson, widely covered in the pedagogical literature, receive a particular methodological specification in relation to the lessons of the discipline in question. The main requirements that Russian language lessons must satisfy can be briefly formulated in the following provisions:

I . The acquisition of new knowledge, their application in speech practice and the education of schoolchildren merge into a single process. It is no coincidence that in the last decade, special attention has been paid to the organization of educational activities of students in the classroom, the ideological, political, aesthetic, artistic value of the language material used in the classroom, the ideological aspect of language learning, and the general focus of the entire class team on achieving the goal. In itself, educationally interesting language material does not solve the educational tasks of the lesson, as well as, for example, rational methodological techniques used by the teacher in relation to language material that does not meet the value characteristics. Everything is brought up in the lesson, including the teacher's friendly attitude towards children, relations between students, the teaching method chosen by the teacher for this lesson, the types of tasks that students perform, the language material on the basis of which the study of grammar, word formation, spelling, etc. is carried out.

The necessary moral qualities are brought up by a lesson in which an atmosphere of creative collective search is created. For example, in a lesson in grade III, when studying the topic “Past tense of the verb. Spelling of verbal suffixes ”the teacher organized the activities of students in the following way (we give a fragment of the lesson).

1. Creative dictation.

What verb should be used? (Students discuss, write down.)

There was an assault on Berlin. Terrible... (rumbled) Soviet guns. From breaks and min. .. (shuddered) the earth. Huge stone buildings. . . (collapsed) and burned with a crack, like straw. (N. Bogdanov.)

When choosing the most appropriate verb, work is carried out on a group of synonymous words:

1) roar, roar, roar.

2) shudder, shake.

3) collapse, collapse. (In parentheses in the text is the verb used by the author.)

What tense are the verbs in? Prove it.

2. Observations on the spelling of suffixes in past tense verbs.

Explain the spelling of the verbs in the sentence: In peaceful Berlin, wonderful houses, schools, hospitals have been built and are being built.

Students explain the spelling of the present tense verb ending: indefinite form - what to do? build, the verb in -it, means II conjugation, in the 3rd person plural ending -yat. Students find it difficult to write the verb in the past tense. (A search situation is being created.) There is a note on the board:<…>

Collectively, a generalization-conclusion is made about past tense verbs: the same letter is written before the suffix -l as before -t in an indefinite form.

Students write down with commentary: In peaceful Berlin, wonderful residential buildings, schools, hospitals have been built and are being built. The Soviet people and the inhabitants of the GDR are great friends. They have done a lot to protect the world.

Find past tense verbs, explain their spelling.

What did you learn new in the lesson?

At the Russian language lesson, special attention is paid to fostering love for the native language, respect for the word. Therefore, the texts for the lesson are carefully selected. Lexico-stylistic work occupies an important place in the process of language learning. Poems are often heard in the Russian language lesson; along with adapted texts, highly artistic author's texts are used.

The whole process of teaching the Russian language is aimed at forming the foundations of a scientific worldview in schoolchildren.

The lesson of the Russian language also brings up such qualities necessary for every person as accuracy, independence, and initiative.

N. G. Kazansky and T. S. Nazarova rightly write: “Each lesson is active in educational terms. It can have both positive and negative educational influence, but it never fails in educational terms”1.

II. Clarity and internal logic of the lesson, its purposefulness. The logic of the lesson, in which new material is studied, is largely due to the interaction of the sides of the studied linguistic phenomenon, its linguistic essence. It is important for the teacher to see these relationships and gradually reveal them together with the students in the course of completing a series of tasks.

If the lesson aims to consolidate grammatical knowledge, the formation of spelling skills, then the logic of the lesson will reflect the system of exercises, which, as you know, is built taking into account the complication of the conditions in which students' activities take place. The first exercises in the lesson can be performed collectively, as the sequence of actions is worked out when writing a particular spelling. Later, the independence of students increases. The relationship between the exercises performed in the lesson is also due to the nature of the skill being formed.

The purposefulness of the lesson is created by the correspondence of the educational material to the topic and objectives of the lesson.

All educational material of the lesson, including material for observing linguistic facts, material for spelling and various kinds of speech exercises, must strictly correspond to the purpose of the lesson. For example, in grade II, the topic of the lesson is "Generalization of knowledge about nouns." Grammar, lexical and spelling exercises are interconnected in such a way that they allow to systematize the features of a noun as a part of speech and the spelling of these words.

III. The lesson of the Russian language is, first of all, a lesson in the development of speech and thinking of students. This requirement is due to the specifics of the subject itself, the social function of which is revealed in the communicative function of the language. In order for a Russian language lesson to be socially significant, it must necessarily be aimed at developing students' ability to grammatically correctly, stylistically accurately, consistently express their thoughts and convey others' thoughts.

The orientation towards the development of speech in a Russian language lesson requires the use of such methodological techniques when studying grammatical material that lead younger students to realize the role of each part of speech or part of a word in our language, to understand, for example, why it is necessary to be able to distinguish between the gender of a noun, its declension , be able to find the root, prefix, suffix in the word, know how the tense of the verb is recognized, how (with what part of speech and part of the word) the connection of words in the sentence is established, and much more. In other words, grammatical theory in the lesson is studied from the point of view of its practical application for the formation of accurate and grammatically correct speech skills, for the development of conscious writing skills. Such a general focus of grammar lessons on the development of children's speech finds concrete expression in the content of the lesson and in the types of tasks that are used in the lesson.

An important circumstance that makes it possible to connect the study of grammatical, word-forming, spelling material with the development of speech in the classroom is the management of the mental activity of students. The process of developing the speech of schoolchildren is inseparable from the development of their thinking.

The modern lesson of the Russian language is characterized by purposeful work on the development of students' thinking. This means that in the process of studying a certain grammatical or spelling material, work is carried out on mastering certain mental actions that best ensure the assimilation of this material. For example, in order to form the concept of “related words”, it is necessary to master such mental operations as comparing words according to their lexical meaning and morphemic composition (commonness in meaning and the presence of the same root). Practice shows that the ability to compare words, taking into account these two factors, is formed much faster if special work is carried out on the method of comparison, which is included as an integral part in the study of the material.

The foregoing gives reason to emphasize that when preparing for a lesson, the teacher determines not only the range of knowledge that will be mastered, but also the mental actions that students need to master in order to assimilate this material. This is reflected in the selection of types of tasks and the specific material of the lesson, and also to some extent determines its structure.

In recent years, theoretical knowledge has become much more important in language teaching. This is explained by the fact that it is theoretical knowledge that allows students to consciously master the language. The strengthening of the role of theory does not mean that it is necessary to memorize more grammatical definitions in the lesson. On the contrary, the modern lesson is characterized by the rejection of the formal reproduction of knowledge. Strengthening the role of theory means paying more attention to the disclosure (albeit in an elementary form) of the laws of language, that is, to the assimilation by schoolchildren of the connection between linguistic phenomena.

For primary school students, a step towards the realization of such connections is the search for an answer to the question: why is this so? Why, for example, does the word friendly change by gender, number, and case, while the word friend changes by number and person? Why is the suffix in the word interesting -о, and the ending in the word interesting -о? Why can the nouns area and street in the same case and number have different endings? Why is it possible to form all three tense forms from the verb build, and only the past and the future, etc., from the verb build?

A feature of the modern lesson is also the fact that theoretical knowledge is acquired in an active way, students are directly involved in their “discovery”, that is, the so-called search path of knowledge is used.

The effectiveness of Russian language lessons is also greatly influenced by the following factors: the proportionality of oral and written work in the lesson (about three-quarters of the lesson should be written work); control over the educational work of schoolchildren, good information content of feedback (use for this purpose signal cards with letters and numbers, punched cards, etc.); timely prevention and correction of errors of all kinds (spelling, punctuation, lexical, stylistic); use of technical teaching aids.

Types and structure of Russian language lessons . According to the most accepted point of view in Soviet didactics (Danilov M.A., Esipov B.P., Kazansky N.G., Nazarova T.S., Sorokin N.A. and others), the type of lesson is determined by its didactic purpose. Depending on the didactic purpose, there are lessons for studying new material, lessons for consolidating knowledge, generalizing lessons, accounting and control and combined. Each type of lesson has a specific structure. Thus, there is a very definite interdependence between the didactic purpose of the lesson, its type and structure. The didactic goal of a particular lesson is determined based on the tasks of studying the topic as a whole and the place of this lesson in the general system of lessons on the topic. The type of lesson, and therefore its structure, is not chosen by the teacher arbitrarily, but taking into account the number of hours provided by the program on the topic, and the specifics of the material being studied. For example, the program provides 20 lessons for studying the topic “Adjective name” in grade II. Of these, three lessons in their type are lessons for studying new material, and the lessons aim at mastering knowledge and include grammar, spelling and speech exercises, two lessons are generalizing and four lessons are accounting and control. The number of lessons of one type or another is determined by the amount of knowledge that students must learn in the process of studying the topic. The teacher, in accordance with the program, highlights the key questions of the topic (otherwise, subtopics) and assigns a certain number of lessons to each of them. Thus, each new subtopic has its own cycle of lessons of different types. In general, all the lessons included in the topic interact with each other, although each cycle has a relative independence. The topic necessarily provides for lessons of a generalizing type (moreover, a repetitive-generalizing lesson can be at the beginning of the study of the topic in order to summarize what students already know and introduce them to the topic, and at the end of the study of the topic in order to establish connections). In the process of studying the topic, accounting and control lessons are held (usually they take place after studying each subtopic and at the end of the topic).

Before designing the structure of the lesson, the teacher determines the type of lesson (see Sample Lesson Planning in the Teacher's Books Teaching First Grade, Teaching Second Grade, Teaching Third Grade). There should not be a stencil in the construction of the lesson. In recent years, the question of the combined lesson has been widely discussed. It was considered expedient to abandon the rigid and mandatory division of the lesson into stages: survey, explanation of new material, consolidation, homework.

As rightly noted in the literature, the first step in this direction was taken by the teachers of the city of Lipetsk and the Lipetsk region, who moved away from the stencil in the construction of the lesson and applied a version of the lesson in which the acquisition of new knowledge and the consolidation of previously learned merge into a single process; The survey is carried out throughout the lesson. However, this does not mean that the lesson steps inherent in any combined lesson are not needed. So, in the practice of teaching, lessons fully justify themselves, in which such a staging of work is observed, such as: checking homework, repetition, explanation of new material, consolidation, homework. However, firstly, such an order of work in relation to each topic is not always rational, and the teacher has the right to creatively decide from what stage: explaining new material, doing an independent exercise, or checking homework - to start the lesson; secondly, the internal connection between the stages of the lesson, the content of the work at each of the stages is of great importance. Repetition can be carried out in such a way that the explanation of the new material will be a logical continuation of the work begun. The mastery of the teacher is to merge all the stages of the lesson into a single process, to abandon the formal rowing.

For example, the topic of the lesson in grade III is "Declination of adjectives." The main goal of the lesson is to introduce the peculiarities of the declension of masculine, feminine and neuter adjectives in the singular, with the method of case recognition.

The lesson begins with independent work on words that have an unverifiable vowel at the root (the first stage of the lesson). The teacher dictates words from the "Glossary", students form adjectives with the same root from them and write them down together with nouns that are suitable in meaning. They indicate stress in words, underline the vowel at the root.

Work option: (ticket) - ticket office, (room) - indoor plant, (camp) - camp line, (library) - library book, (road) - road sign, (frost) - frosty morning. Checking the spelling of words is carried out using signal cards.

On the same lexical material, students perform a task that is a repetition and is associated with a new topic: determine the number and gender of adjectives. How to find out the gender of adjectives? How do adjectives change? Prove that singular adjectives change by gender.

Second stage of the lesson- familiarization with the declension of adjectives.

Visual dictation.

In the camp

The pioneer camp woke up early. The kids are going on a long hike today. To the sounds of the pioneer horn, they rush to exercise.

Underline the adjectives together with the nouns they are associated with, indicate their gender and number.

Why do the adjectives pioneer, pioneer have different endings, although their gender and number are the same? (Different cases.)

Determine the case of nouns and, by the case of the noun, find out the case of the adjective associated with it.

Decline the pioneer tie, pioneer link, pioneer song. (The work is done collectively.) What kinds of adjectives decline in the same way?

I. Generalization What have you learned about adjectives? (Changes by case. The case of the adjective is determined by the case of the noun. Masculine and neuter adjectives decline the same way.)

Read the output in the textbook.

(Bread, water, house.) Why do you think so? (The subway was built much later than man built his own house, etc.)

II. Observation of parts of speech, their signs.

How words come to us.

Each word has its own life. The word begins to live together with the subject. People will invent a new machine, get a new substance, find a new plant and immediately give it a name. So a new word will appear in the language. Some words live hundreds of years.

Why does each item have its own name? (If objects did not have names, it would be very difficult to communicate with each other, to convey our thoughts. We would then need to show the object or its drawing. Words, being the name of objects, allow us to communicate, talk with each other at a distance, even when we do not see our interlocutor.It is very convenient.)

Are words only the names of objects? (No. There are many words in the language that are the names of features, their actions, etc.)

What large groups are all words in grammar divided into? (Part of speech.)

List the parts of speech you know. Write three words for each part of speech.

Compare them according to the plan: 1. What do they mean? 2. What questions are answered? 3. How do they change? 4. What member of the proposal are most often?

What parts of speech are similar?

III. Oral exercises in recognition of parts of speech using signal cards.

IV. Creative work.

Composition (business) according to the weather calendar. An example topic is "Weather in April". Possible plan:

1. The height of the sun.

2. The length of the day.

3. Temperature.

4. Precipitation.

What parts of speech are used in the essay? D. h. Textbook exercise.

Control and accounting lessons and lessons of work on mistakes are peculiar. The lesson of knowledge testing aims to find out how students can apply theoretical knowledge in practical activities. In accordance with the purpose of verification, the types and content of verification tasks are determined. These can be dictations, presentation and special grammar tasks.

Questions and tasks

1. The meaning of spelling rules and their classification.

2. What are the main components of the process of working on a spelling rule? Illustrate this with a specific example.

3. How to maintain the mental activity of students in the process of learning spelling rules?

4. Why is it necessary to compare and contrast rules? Give examples.

5. What is the role of exercises in the formation of spelling skills?

6. Describe the methodological conditions that contribute to the formation of spelling skills.

7. What knowledge and skills form the basis for the formation of spelling skills of checked unstressed vowels, deaf, voiced and unpronounceable consonants in the roots of words? What is the sequence of work on the formation of these skills in grades I and II? Analyze for this purpose textbooks "Russian language" and a manual for teachers.


1. Actual problems of methods of teaching the Russian language in primary school. M., 1977.

2. Bogoyavlensky D.N. Psychology of mastering spelling. 2nd ed., M., 1966.

3. Zhuikov S. F. Psychology of mastering grammar in elementary grades. M., 1964.

4. Zhuikov S. F. Formation of spelling actions (in younger students). M., 1965.

5. Kanonykin N. P., Shcherbakova N. A. Methods of teaching the Russian language in elementary school. L., 1955.

6. Methods of grammar and spelling in primary grades. Ed. N. S. Rozhdestvensky. M., 1975.

7. Education in the first grade (M., 1973).

8. Education in the second grade (M., 1974).

9. Education in the third grade (M., 1975).

10. Ramzaeva T. G. Russian language lessons in the first grade (M., 1971).

11. Russian language lessons in the second grade (M., 1972).

12. Lessons of the Russian language in the third grade (M., 1977).

13. Rozhdestvensky N. S. Teaching spelling in elementary school. M., 1960.

14. Rozhdestvensky N. S. Properties of Russian spelling as the basis of its teaching methodology. M., 1960.

15. Rozhdestvensky N. S., Kustareva V. A. and others. Methods of primary teaching of the Russian language. M., 1965.


Control over the level of achievements of students in the Russian language is carried out in the form of written work:

  • dictation,
  • grammar tasks,
  • control write-offs,
  • statements,
  • test tasks.

Dictation serves as a means of testing spelling and punctuation skills.

Grammatical analysis is a means of checking the degree of understanding by students of the studied grammatical phenomena, the ability to produce the simplest language analysis of words and sentences.

Control cheating, like dictation, is a way to check the learned spelling and punctuation rules, the formation of skills and abilities. It also checks the ability to copy from printed text, detect spelling, find sentence boundaries, set parts of the text, write out one or another part of the text.

The presentation (training) checks how the formation of the skill of writing is going; the ability to understand and convey the main content of the text without missing significant points; the ability to organize a written retelling, observing the rules of the native language.

Test tasks are a dynamic form of testing aimed at establishing the level of formation of the ability to use one's knowledge in non-standard learning situations.

Classification of errors and shortcomings that affect the reduction of the assessment.

  • violation of the rules for writing words, including gross cases of skipping, rearranging, replacing, inserting extra letters in words;
  • incorrect spelling of words that are not regulated by the rules, the range of which is outlined by the program of each class (words with unchecked spelling);
  • lack of studied punctuation marks in the text (at the end of a sentence and a capital letter at the beginning of a sentence);
  • the presence of errors in the studied spelling rules; errors on the same rule, made in different words, are counted as two errors;
  • significant deviations from the author's text when writing the presentation, distorting the meaning of the work;
  • the absence of the main part of the presentation, the omission of important events reflected in the author's text;
  • the use of words in a meaning that is not characteristic of them (in presentation).

For one mistake in the dictation are considered:

a) two corrections;

b) two punctuation errors;

c) repetition of errors in the same word, for example, in the word knives it is written twice at the end of s,

d) two minor errors.

The following errors are considered minor:

a) repetition of the same letter in a word (for example, potato);
b) when transferring a word, one part of which is written on one side, and the second is omitted;
c) the same word is written twice in a sentence;

d) an unwritten word.

a) the absence of punctuation marks at the end of sentences if the next sentence is capitalized;

b) no red line;

c) minor violations of the logic of events of the author's text when writing the presentation.

For a mistake in dictation do not consider:

a) errors in those sections of spelling and punctuation that were not studied either in this or in previous classes;

b) a single case of replacing one word with another without distorting the meaning.

A reduction in the mark for the overall impression of the work is allowed in the cases indicated above.

Texts of dictations are selected of medium difficulty with the expectation that all children can complete them. Each text includes a sufficient number of studied spellings (approximately 60% of the total number of all words of the dictation). The text should not have words for rules that have not been studied to date, or such words are written out in advance on the board. It is inappropriate to include in dictations and words, the spelling of which is under study.

Coherent texts are offered as a dictation - either author's, adapted to the abilities of children, or compiled by a teacher. The subject of the text should be close and interesting to children: about nature, friendship, children's lives, home country, travel, etc. Sentences should be simple in structure, different in purpose of the statement and consist of 2-8 words with the inclusion of syntactic categories that are studied in elementary school (homogeneous sentence members).

Organization and conduct of dictation.

The text of the dictation is dictated by the teacher in accordance with the orthoepic norms of the Russian language in the following sequence. First, the text of the dictation is read by the teacher in its entirety. Then separate sentences are dictated sequentially. Students start writing a sentence only after it has been read to the end by the teacher. Sentences of 6 - 8 words are repeated by the teacher during the recording process again. After writing down the entire text, the teacher reads the entire dictation, making short pauses after each sentence.
To check the performance of grammatical analysis, control works are used, the content of which includes 2-3 types of grammatical analysis.
It is advisable for well-performing students to offer an additional task of increased difficulty, requiring language development, ingenuity and erudition.
Final examinations are carried out after studying the most significant topics of the program, at the end of the academic quarter, half year, year, and, as a rule, check the preparation of students on all topics studied.
35-40 minutes are allotted for conducting tests, including grammar tasks, in the 1st grade - no more than 35 minutes.

When assessing the performance of a grammar task, it is recommended to be guided by the following:

  • the main evaluation criteria are the assimilation of rules and definitions discovered by the student;
  • the ability to independently apply them in writing and in language analysis;

the ability to give examples of a given rule or definition.

Rating "5 " is set if all tasks are completed without error, the student discovers a conscious assimilation of concepts, definitions, rules and the ability to independently apply knowledge when doing work.

Rated "4" it is set if the student discovers a conscious assimilation of rules and definitions, is able to apply knowledge in the course of parsing words and sentences, correctly completed at least 3/4 of the tasks (if 1-2 mistakes were made).

Grade "3" it is set if the student discovers the assimilation of the definitions of a part of the studied material, correctly completed at least half of the tasks in the work (if 3-4 errors were made).

Grade "2" it is set if the student reveals poor knowledge of the educational material, does not cope with the majority of grammar tasks (if 5 or more mistakes are made).

When assessing the current and final test written work of students, which is a copying of the text (from a textbook, blackboard, etc.), the following assessment standards are applied:


1 class

Grade 2

3rd grade

4th grade

1 fix

1-2 mistakes and

1 fix

1 mistake and

1 fix

1 mistake and

1 fix

1 mistake and

1 fix

3 mistakes and

1 fix

2 errors and

1 fix

2 errors and

1 fix

2 errors and

1 fix

4 mistakes

3 mistakes

3 mistakes

3 mistakes

The mark "5" is given for the dictation, in which there are no mistakes and corrections, the work is written accurately in accordance with the requirements of calligraphy (observance of the correct style of letters, inclination, their equal height, width, etc.).
In the 4th grade, an excellent mark is allowed with one correction of a graphic nature.

Grade "4" is given for the dictation, in which no more than two mistakes were made; the work is done cleanly, but slight deviations from calligraphic norms are allowed.

Grade "3" is given for dictation if 3-5 mistakes are made; the work was done carelessly, there are significant deviations from the norms of calligraphy.
Grade "2" is given for the dictation, in which there are more than 5 or more mistakes; the work is poorly written.

Organization and conduct of presentations, essays.

In grades 1-4, work is carried out to test the ability of students to coherently express thoughts in writing: educational presentations and essays. It is recommended to allocate at least one hour for these works. The frequency of carrying out creative work of a teaching nature is approximately once every 10-15 days.
The volume of texts of presentations should be approximately 15-20 words more than the volume of texts of dictations.
In grade 4, elements of description and reasoning are introduced. When choosing topics for essays, it is necessary to take into account their connection with life, closeness to the experience and interests of children, the availability of content, the feasibility of constructing a text and its speech design.
The main criteria for evaluating presentations (essays) are a fairly complete, consistent reproduction of the text (in a presentation), the creation of a text (in essays), speech design: the correct use of words and the construction of phrases, sentences, spelling literacy. When checking presentations and essays, 2 marks are displayed: for content and literacy.
Rating "5 "is put for the correct and consistent reproduction of the author's text (exposition), for a logically consistent disclosure of the topic (essay), if they do not have shortcomings in the use of words, in the construction of sentences and phrases, and also there are no spelling errors (1-2 corrections are allowed).

Rated "4" put if the work is correct, the author's text (statement) is sufficiently fully transmitted, the topic (essay) is revealed, but the sequence of presentation of thoughts is slightly violated, there are single (1-2) factual and speech inaccuracies, as well as 1-2 spelling errors, 1-2 fixes.
Grade "3" it is put if the work has some deviations from the author's text (statement), some deviations from the topic (essay), some violations are made in the sequence of presentation of thoughts, in the construction of 2-3 sentences, the dictionary is poor, 3-6 errors and 1-2 fixes.
Grade "2" it is set if the work has significant deviations from the author's text (statement), from the topic (essay): the omission of important episodes, the main part, the main idea, etc., the sequence of presentation of thoughts is broken, there is no connection between parts, separate sentences, the dictionary is extremely monotonous , more than 6 mistakes were made, 3-5 corrections.
Considering that presentations and essays in the primary grades are educational in nature, unsatisfactory marks are given only during the final control presentations. Teaching presentations and essays are performed in the classroom under the guidance of a teacher. It is necessary to alternate presentations based on the texts of the textbook and unfamiliar texts read by students (grades 2-4).

Vocabulary dictations are held as ongoing testing and control work (once a quarter). The content of dictionary dictations consists of words, the spelling of which is not regulated by the rules.

Volume of vocabulary dictations:

  • 2nd grade 8 - 10 words,
  • Grade 3 10 - 12 words,
  • Grade 4 12 -15 words.

Evaluation of vocabulary dictations:

Rating "5" is put for the error-free performance of the work;

Score "4" is given if 1 mistake, 1 correction;

Grade "3" is given if 2 mistakes are made, 1 correction;

The score "2" is given if 3 - 5 mistakes are made.

Test evaluation.

The test form of verification allows you to significantly increase the amount of controlled material in comparison with the traditional control work (dictation with a grammar task) and thereby creates the prerequisites for increasing the information content and objectivity of the results. The test includes tasks of medium difficulty.

Checking can be carried out both for the entire test, and separately for sections. The completed work is evaluated by marks "pass" or "fail". It is considered that the student has found sufficient basic training ("pass") if he gave at least 75% of the correct answers.

As one of the evaluation options:

  • "HIGH" - all the proposed tasks are completed correctly;
  • "MEDIUM" - all tasks with minor errors;
  • "LOW" - individual tasks completed.

Students should be prepared in advance to do the work. To do this, allocate 10-15 minutes at the end of one of the previous lessons. It is recommended to write down on the board 1-2 tasks similar to those included in the test and complete them together with the students.

The final grade is given at the end of each quarter and at the end of the academic year. It is derived taking into account the results of oral and written tests of the level of literacy, the degree of mastering the elements of grammar and mastering the skills to coherently express thoughts in oral and written form. Of particular importance in deriving final grades is the assessment of written work. The final grade should reflect the student's actual performance, and not be derived as an average of all grades.

Optimization of the learning process in Russian language lessons as a means of improving the quality of students' knowledge

Target my job is to improve the quality of students' knowledge of the Russian language.

To achieve this goal, it was necessary to solve the followingtasks:

    identify pedagogical conditions for optimizing the learning process in Russian language lessons;

    check in practice the positive impact of these conditions on improving the quality of knowledge, developing interest in the subject;

    to summarize the didactic material on the Russian language, lessons, extra-curricular activities aimed at solving the set goal of the work;

    compose a system of games and tasks aimed at developing attention, memory, and thinking of schoolchildren.

To solve the tasks set, a technology for implementing pedagogical conditions for optimizing the educational process in Russian language lessons is needed. This technology includes 3 stages: 1 - preparatory, 2 - main, 3 - adjusting.At the first stage I studied the literature on the topic, analyzed programs and textbooks in the Russian language. At the same stage, a diagnosis of the intellectual development of students was carried out, a survey was carried out to identify students' interest in the Russian language. The most effective pedagogical conditions were determined and indicators for optimizing the educational process in the Russian language lessons were selected, according to which I later evaluated the effectiveness of my work.

The second stage is the main one. At this stage, I applied the planned pedagogical conditions in practice, monitored and evaluated the work on their integrated application in the learning process.

The third stage is the adjustment . It evaluated the results of work on the implementation of the developed technology, analyzed the causes of positive and negative changes, planned further actions to eliminate negative signs, and corrected the content of the technological stages. But due to the fact that at the second stage, intermediate monitoring of the evaluation of work and analysis of the results were carried out, it can be said that the main and regulatory stages proceeded in parallel.

I studied the pedagogical literature on the topic, analyzed my work experience and the experience of my colleagues, which allowed me to formulatepedagogical conditions optimization of the educational process in Russian language lessons:

First pedagogical condition use of gaming technologies. A characteristic feature of this technology is the modeling of vital situations (practice-oriented situations) and the search for ways to solve them. The leading method is the game. Organizational forms can be business games, role-playing and story games - travel, didactic game. From experience I can say that it is the game that serves as a transitional bridge to learning, the environment in which cognitive activity is easier and more interesting. Game tasks have a positive effect on the development of ingenuity, resourcefulness, ingenuity. I use the game both as a teaching method and as a means of organizing students at all stages of the lesson.I was selected set of games for Russian language lessons . All games are divided into blocks. Each block has its own focus: on the development of the memory of schoolchildren, on the development of attention, thinking. Our classification of didactic games in the Russian language is based on the thematic principle:games are divided into sections of linguistics ; at the same time, each has games that help to work out the communicative aspect.

1. Phonetic games ( phonemic discrimination of words, stunning and voicing)

2. Lexico-phraseological games (on the meaning of words (crosswords, crosswords, chainwords); systemic relations in vocabulary (“proportions”, “third (fourth) extra”, “associations”).

3. Games on morphemics and word formation

Games that develop the ability to divide a word into morphemes and identify ways of word formation (“from one root”, “root and tree”, “find each other!”; “new device”, “neologisms”)

In a similar way, games are selected that help to masterspelling, morphology, syntax . Among the intellectual and educational games for the search for logical patterns, games inriddles. Students love to solve riddles. They are interested in both the process itself and the result of this kind of intellectual competition. I think guessing riddles by schoolchildren is a creative process, and the riddle itself is a creative task that activates thinking. At Russian language lessons, I teach children to make riddles using the signs of objects. I compose crossword puzzles from guess words for the right rule, I do vocabulary work, vocabulary dictations. Writing from memory is very effective, as children are happy to memorize and write riddles, even very voluminous ones. Students use riddles when compiling booklets, baby books, working in creative groups. They learn to compare folk and author's riddles and compose them themselves. If students are usually reluctant to complete tasks on cards, then these cards are very popular with children and improve the quality of knowledge, develop interest in the subject, and activate mental activity and cognitive activity.

Second pedagogical condition - use of research technologies (problem-search). “This technology requires the implementation of a pedagogical model - “learning through discovery”. The leading method is problem-based learning”. Problem-based learning forms the basis of developmental learning, but tasks presented in the same form lose their positive effect, so I try to diversify them so that they awaken the thoughts of students, arouse the desire to learn something new, encourage self-education, self-development. These can be tasks for comparison, grouping, classification. I often use tasks of varying degrees of difficulty. First, the task is offered at a more difficult level. For those who cannot cope with the task on their own, I give cards that offer a different measure of assistance in completing the task, i.e. its individualization. Performing such tasks, students compare, compare, analyze, draw independent conclusions. At the same time, they can refer to reference literature, which makes the learning process the most effective. With such an organization of the problem lesson, there is no initial division into “strong” and “weak” - the tasks are the same for everyone. The final result is the formulation of the rule at one of the levels of problematicity - an indicator of the independence and activity of the students' mental activity.Problem tasks can be given using charades, riddles.

Third pedagogical condition solving non-standard linguistic problems, riddles, jokes, creating algorithms.

In elementary school, children can already select and create texts, find and solve non-standard linguistic problems, and derive algorithms. I teach children not only to write algorithms, but also to simplify them. For example, when studying the topic: “Unstressed endings of nouns 1, 2, 3 declensions”, children make up an algorithm.

Algorithm for writing unstressed noun endings

1,2,3 declensions

The above algorithm seems concise, but it is not. In order to perform the 3rd "step" of this algorithm, you need to remember the following table.

Unstressed endings of nouns 1,2,3 declensions in the genitive, dative, prepositional cases

In this lesson, the children solved the problem of reducing this algorithm. To do this, they declined the 1st declension noun - country, 2nd declension - village, which always have stressed endings. As a result of the comparison, they came to the conclusion: it is enough to check the nouns of 1-2 declensions with the word land. A rational algorithm appears, as shown in the following table.

Algorithm for writing unstressed endings of nouns 1,2,3 declensions

After such work, students correctly write the endings of nouns, are able to apply the algorithm in a difficult situation, for example, during a dictation, when very little time is allotted for thinking.

Fourth pedagogical condition use of information technology.

I believe that an important role in the formation of a certain set of knowledge in children, in awakening their desire for self-education, the realization of their abilities is assignednew information technologies introduced into the educational process, starting from its earliest stages. I try to use the computer at different stages of the lesson: during the explanation of new material, to consolidate what has been learned, for training, practicing what has been learned, for testing, testing knowledge. In the beginning, I taught with one computer. Tasks for children were displayed on the big screen. Gradually, as students mastered the computer, more and more tasks were performed on computers by the children themselves.

The main problem for me was the logic of including the computer in the lesson. If grammatical analysis, text editing can be relatively independent components of a lesson, then spelling work on a computer is closely related to direct writing in a notebook. Spelling involves a conscious motor skill, but writing a letter and simply pressing a key with that letter are two different things.

Of course, spelling work on the computer also plays a positive role: by inserting a missing letter into a word, the student determines the type of spelling, remembers the corresponding rule, and selects test words. But I always remember that such work cannot replace the usual dictation or creative writing. I try to develop tasks of various levels of complexity. Sometimes, to individualize learning, I conduct a frontal survey, during which the whole class works with signal cards, showing a paired consonant at the root of a word. I give words of a more complex structure. At this time, I invite students to the computer who make mistakes in this spelling. The task is the same, but the level of difficulty is lower, the words are less difficult. Of particular importance is the environment that allows the student to experience a sense of success in achieving learning goals. A low-performing student has a genuine desire to start work. He is at the computer, it is like encouragement, like trust. This approach leads to the humanization of learning, causes a desire to learn even in a poorly performing student, and develops interest in the subject.

With the help of a computer, children enjoyed creating riddles, fairy tales, and stories. Even those students who were not all right with calligraphy, who were afraid to make mistakes, took an active part in the creative work. The computer helped to overcome all fears, self-doubt, caused a positive attitude towards the language and the subject being studied.

I would like to say that the widespread use of computers at school makes it possible to fully implement the principle of "learning with passion", and then even such a subject as the Russian language, which is not very beloved by some schoolchildren, has equal chances to become loved by children, which happened in my class.

Fifth pedagogical condition - use of non-traditional types of lessons . As children grow older, as they accumulate knowledge, the type of non-traditional lesson also changes. If for students in grades 5-6 such types of lessons as a fairy tale lesson, lesson-game are interesting and effective, then for students in grades 7-9 I choose other lessons: lesson-seminar, lesson-conference, lesson-session of the Academic Council and others. Non-traditional lessons, unusual in design and organization, appeal to students more than regular lessons with a strict structure and established mode of operation. For many of these lessons, not only the teacher prepares in advance, but the whole class, and sometimes the parents.

Sixth pedagogical condition interdisciplinary integration . On the basis of interdisciplinary connections,integrated lessons which, in turn, stimulate students' interest in the subject. To determine the impact of integrated lessons on the quality of students' knowledge, an experiment was conducted in 5 grades. The task was to compare the quality of knowledge gained in the integrated lessons of the Russian language and music, history and ordinary lessons in a parallel class. Diagnostics was carried out in the form of monitoring knowledge, skills and abilities obtained after studying several topics. It can be seen from the graph that the quality of knowledge of the Russian language in the 5th grade after the integrated lessons increased by (from 72% to 88%)12%, and in the 5th grade - only (from 68% to 72%) by 4%. In the 5th grade, where the lessons were held in the traditional form, the quality of knowledge remained almost unchanged.

Taking into account that both classes have approximately the same level of development, it should be noted that in the integrated lessons the children were more interested, more attentive, more focused, more active, which was reflected in the quality of knowledge.

Seventh condition use of block diagrams, supports . For a better understanding of the material, I usesupport schemes, who, using the same method of projects, create creative groups or individual students

I use flow charts extensively. Each student receives a flowchart with textual material, which is the source for work, and various tasks are given in it. Working according to the flowchart, students perform tasks according to the plan, answer questions, choose the correct answers. The block is the core around which the lesson is built using a variety of techniques and teaching aids. The lesson can go according to the scheme, the exchange of impressions is possible, the main thing is that all students work: they analyze, group, classify, generalize. I note that flowcharts allow you to avoid oversaturation and voids in the lessons, give the lessons harmony, clarity.

So, I tried to solve the teaching of the Russian language in the aspect of the language competence of the child's personality, which involves studying the patterns of functioning of language units in speech for the purpose of communication. In other words, norms and rules are important not in themselves, but as one of the tools with which a child can effectively use natural language, successfully solving certain communicative tasks and thereby forming directly as a linguistic personality.

The effectiveness of the experience

Thus, based on the work done, it is possible to make the followingfindings:

I The most effective pedagogical conditions for optimizing the learning process in Russian language lessons were identified:

    Use of gaming technologies.

    Use of research technologies.

    Solution of non-standard linguistic problems.

    The use of information technology.

    Use of non-traditional types of lessons.

    Interdisciplinary integration.

    Use of block diagrams, schemes-supports.

II.Comprehensive their application in practice has allowedimprove the quality of knowledge In Russian.

III Schoolchildren of this class have significantly increased their intellectual activity, verbal memory, and selectivity of attention.

IVWere picked :

    Didactic material on the Russian language.

    Russian language games aimed at developing memory, attention, thinking.

    A complex of multi-level tasks for students on the main topics of the Russian language program has been selected.

    Planning integrated lessons for 5th graders.

Pupils of this class have good knowledge, which they are not accustomed to receiving ready-made. They are active participants in the learning process, that is, the work to optimize the learning process in Russian language lessons has gone beyond the scope of one subject and has made it possible to form the ability of an individual, which is most in demand in the third millennium, to learn all his life, the ability to self-development.

Norms for assessing knowledge, skills and abilities

students in Russian

Increasing demands on the upbringing of young people, the formation of a sense of responsibility, organization and discipline in them require a decisive eradication of the manifestation of formalism in assessing students' knowledge, overcoming percentage mania.

An objective, correct and timely assessment of the knowledge, skills and abilities of students is of great educational importance. It helps to increase the responsibility of schoolchildren for the quality of education, the observance of educational, labor, social discipline, develops students' exactingness towards themselves, their correct self-esteem, honesty, truthfulness, while the manifestation of liberalism, overestimation and underestimation of the assessment of students' knowledge give rise to their dissatisfaction, contribute to education self-conceit, arrogance, lead to a reassessment of their capabilities, the formation of a dependent psychology in some schoolchildren, a consumer attitude to life.

In order to overcome formalism, liberalism and percentage mania, it is necessary to analyze their depth and strength when assessing knowledge, to check the ability of schoolchildren to freely and quite consciously apply the theoretical material being studied in solving specific educational and practical problems, and strictly follow the established standards.

The "Assessment Standards..." are designed to provide the same requirements for the knowledge, skills and abilities of students in the Russian language. They establish:

1) unified criteria for assessing various aspects of proficiency in oral and written forms of the Russian language (criteria for assessing spelling and punctuation literacy, the language design of a coherent statement, the content of the statement);

2) uniform standards for assessing knowledge, skills and abilities;

3) the volume of various types of control work;

4) the number of marks for various types of examinations.

Students are required only for those skills and abilities that they have worked or are working on at the time of the test. At the lessons of the Russian language are checked:

1) knowledge of the received information about the language;

2) spelling and punctuation skills;

3) speech skills.

I. Evaluation of students' oral responses

Oral questioning is one of the main ways to take into account students' knowledge of the Russian language. A student's detailed answer should be a coherent, logically consistent message on a specific topic, showing his ability to apply definitions, rules in specific cases.

When evaluating a student's response, the following criteria should be followed:

1) completeness and correctness of the answer;

2) the degree of awareness, understanding of what has been studied;

3) language design of the answer.





1) fully presents the studied material, gives the correct definition of language concepts;

2) reveals an understanding of the material, can substantiate his judgments, apply knowledge in practice, give the necessary examples not only from the textbook, but also independently compiled;

3) presents the material consistently and correctly in terms of the norms of the literary language.


The student gives an answer that meets the same requirements as for grade "5", but makes 1-2 mistakes, which he corrects himself,

and 1-2 shortcomings in the sequence and language of the presentation.


The student discovers knowledge and understanding of the main provisions of this topic, but:

1) presents the material incompletely and allows inaccuracies in the definition of concepts or the formulation of rules;

2) does not know how to substantiate his judgments in sufficient depth and convincingly and give his own examples;

3) presents the material inconsistently and makes mistakes in the language of the presentation.


The student reveals ignorance of most of the relevant section of the material being studied, makes mistakes in the formulation of definitions and rules that distort their meaning, randomly and uncertainly presents the material. A score of "2" indicates such shortcomings in the preparation of the student, which are a serious obstacle to the successful mastery of subsequent material.


The student reveals complete ignorance or misunderstanding of the material.

The mark (“5”, “4”, “3”) can be given not only for a one-time answer, but also for the sum of the answers given by the student during the lesson (a lesson score is displayed).

II. Evaluation of dictations

Dictation is one of the main forms of checking spelling and punctuation literacy.

For dictations, it is advisable to use coherent texts that must meet the standards of the modern literary language, be accessible in content to students in this class.

The dictation, which aims to test the preparation of students on a particular topic, should include the main spelling or punctograms of this topic, as well as ensure the identification of the strength of previously acquired skills.

Final dictations , held at the end of the quarter and year, check the preparation of students, as a rule, on all topics studied.

Control dictation

For control dictations, one should select such texts in which the spelling and punctograms studied in this topic would be represented by at least 2-3 cases. Of the previously studied spellings and punctograms, the main ones are included: they should be represented by 1-3 cases. In general, the number of spelling and punctograms to be checked should not exceed the ratio presented in this table.


Text volume

(number of words)

Number of spellings

Number of punctograms

Number of words with unchecked and difficult to check spellings



no more than 5 words



no more than 7 words



no more than 7 words



no more than 10 words



no more than 10 words

The text of the control dictations can include only those newly studied spellings that have been sufficiently fixed (at least in two or three previous lessons).

Until the end of the first quarter (and in the 5th grade - until the end of the first half of the year), the amount of text recommended for the previous grade is preserved.

When evaluating the dictation are corrected, but don't teachtyuyutsya spelling and punctuation errors:

To not rude errors include:

    in the transfer of words;

    to the rules that not included in the school curriculum

    on the not yet explored regulations;

    in words with unverifiable writings on which special work has not been carried out;

    misspellings, misspellings that distort the sound image of a word, for example: "murmurs"(instead of works),"dulpo"(instead of hollow), "meme"(instead of Earth).

    in exceptions to the rules;

    in writing a capital letter in compound proper names;

    in cases of separate and merged writing not with adjectives and participles acting as a predicate;

    in writing s and and after prefixes;

    in cases of difficult distinction not and neither

(Wherehe just didn't apply! Wherever he goessaid, no one could give him an answer. Neitherwho else is not ...; none other than; nothing elsenot...; nothing but and etc.);

    in proper non-Russian names


    in cases where one punctuation mark is replaced by another;

    in the omission of one of the combined punctuation marks or in violation of their sequence.

It is also necessary to take into account repeatability and uniformity errors. If the mistake is repeated in the same word or in the root of words with the same root, then it is considered as one mistake.

same type errors per rule are counted if the conditions for choosing the correct spelling are contained in grammatical (in the army, in a grove; prick, fight) and phonetic (pie,cricket) features of this word.

Not considered the same errors on such a rule, in which, in order to find out the correct spelling of one word, it is required to choose another (reference) word or its form (waterwater, mouthmouth, sadbe sadcuttingsharp).

The first three errors of the same type are counted asone error, each subsequent similar errorcounted as independent. If 2 or more errors are made in one unchecked word, then all of them are considered as one error.

The concept of similar errors does not apply to punctuation errors..

If there are more than 5 amendments(correcting incorrect spelling to correct) the score is reduced by one point. Excellentrating is not set in the presence of 3 correctny and more. The dictation is evaluated with one mark.



spelling / punctuation errors

Additional tasks

(phonetic, lexical, orthographic, grammatical)


0/0; or 0/1 (non-rough); or 1/0 (non-rough)

all tasks completed correctly


2/2 ; or 1/3 ; or 0/4 ;

3/0 (if any of them are of the same type)

done right

at least ¾ tasks


4/4 ; or 3/5 ; or 0/7 ;

in grade 5 allowed: 5/4;

6/6 (if have Xia errors are of the same type and not gross)

done right

at least half of the assignments


up to 7/7; or 6/8; or 5/9; or 8/6

not done

more than half of the tasks


no task completed

With some variability in the number of errors taken into account when grading a dictation, one should take into account the limit, the excess of which does not allow this grade to be set. Such a limit is

for a score of "4" - 2 spelling errors,

for grade "3" - 4 spelling errors (for grade 4 - 5 spelling errors),

for a score of "2" - 7 spelling errors.

AT complex control work , consisting of a dictation and an additional task, two grades are given for each type of work. Spelling and punctuation errors made during the performance of additional tasks are taken into account when deriving a grade for the dictation.

Control vocabulary dictation checks the assimilation of words with unchecked and difficult to check spelling. When evaluating the control vocabulary dictation, it is recommended to be guided by the following:





Evaluation criteria

control vocabulary dictation




no mistakes




1-2 mistakes




3-4 mistakes




5-7 mistakes




with more errors

III. Evaluation of essays and presentations

Essays and presentations are the main forms of testing the ability to correctly and consistently express thoughts, the level of speech training of students.

Compositions and presentations in grades 5-9 are carried out in accordance with the requirements of the section of the program "Development of coherent speech skills". With the help of essays and presentations, they check:

1) the ability to reveal the topic;

2) the ability to use language tools in accordance with the style, theme and task


3) compliance with language norms and spelling rules.


Approximate amount of text for detailed presentation

Approximate volume



100 - 150 words

0.5 - 1 page


150 - 200 words

1 - 1.5 pages


200 - 250 words

1.5 - 2 pages


250 - 350 words

2 - 3 pages


350 - 450 words

3 - 4 pages

Volume of texts final control detailspresentations in grades 8 and 9, it can be increased by 50 words due to the fact that preparatory work is not carried out at such lessons.

The teacher should treat the indicated volume of essays as an exemplary one, since the volume of a student's essay depends on many circumstances, in particular, on the style and genre of the essay, the nature of the topic and intention, the pace of the students' writing, and their general development.

Any essay and presentation is evaluated by two marks: the first is put behind content and reChevoe decoration, the second literacy, i.e. for compliance with spelling, punctuation and language norms. Both grades are considered grades in the Russian language, except when work is being carried out that tests students' knowledge of literature. In this case, the first mark (for content and speech) counts as the Literature mark. The content of the essay and presentation is evaluated according to the following criteria:

    compliance of the student's work with the topic and the main idea;

    completeness of the disclosure of the topic; the correctness of the factual material;

    presentation sequence.

When evaluating the speech design of essays and presentations, the following is taken into account:

    variety of vocabulary and grammatical structure of speech;

    stylistic unity and expressiveness of speech;

    the number of speech errors.

Literacy is assessed by the number of mistakes made by the student - spelling, punctuation and grammar.

Main evaluation criteria creative work

(composition, presentation)


(0 lack of content0 speech defect)


0 orff. err.–0 item osh. -0 gr.osh.


2. There are no actual errors.

4. The work is distinguished by the richness of the dictionary, the variety

syntactic constructions used,

accuracy of word usage.

5. Achieved stylistic unity and expressiveness of the text.

1 lack of content and- 1 - 2 speech defects


1 – 0 – 0

or 0 - 1 - 0

or 0 - 0 - 1


3. There are minor violations of the sequence in the presentation of thoughts.

4. The lexical and grammatical structure of speech is quite diverse.

5. The style of work is distinguished by unity and sufficient expressiveness.

In general, work is allowed:

2 defect in contentzhania- 3-4 speech defects


2 – 2 – 0

or 1 - 3 - 0

or 0 - 4 - 2


1. The work allowed significant deviations from the topic.

2. The work is reliable in the main, but there are some factual inaccuracies in it.

3. Separate violations of the sequence of presentation are allowed.

4. The vocabulary is poor and the syntactic constructions used are monotonous, incorrect word usage occurs.

5. The style of work is not uniform, speech is not expressive enough.

In general, work is allowed:

4 defect in contentzhania- 5 speech defects


4 – 4 – 0

or 3 - 5 - 0

or 0 - 7 - 4

in the 6th grade: 5 - 4 - 4


1. The work does not correspond to the topic.

2. There are many factual inaccuracies.

3. The sequence of presentation of thoughts in all parts of the work is broken, there is no connection between them, cases of incorrect word usage are frequent.

4. The dictionary is extremely poor, the work is written in short sentences of the same type with a weak connection between them, there are frequent cases of incorrect word usage.

5. Stylistic unity of the text is broken.

In general, the work allowed:

6 lack of content- before 7 speech defects


7 – 7 – 0

or 6 - 8 - 0

or 5 - 9 - 0

or 8 - 6 - 0

as well as 7 grammatical errors


AT work allowed:

7 lack of content - 8 speech defects

there are more

7 – 7 – 7


1. When evaluating an essay, it is necessary to take into account the independence, originality of the idea of ​​the student's essay, the level of its compositional and speech design. The presence of an original idea, its good implementation allow you to increase the first mark for the essay by one point.

    If the volume of the essay is one and a half to two times more than specified in these "Norms ...", then when evaluating the work, one should proceed from the standards increased for the mark " 4 » for one,

and for the mark 3 » into two units. For example, when assessing literacy 4 » is set at

3 spelling, 2 punctuation and 2 grammatical errors

or at ratios: 2– 3– 2; 2– 2– 3;

« 3 » is set at the ratios: 6– 4– 4; 4–6–4; 4–4–6.

When grading " 5 » Exceeding the volume of the essay is not taken into account.

    The first assessment (for content and speech) cannot be positive if the topic of the statement is not disclosed, although for other indicators it is written


    For evaluation essays and statements provisions on similar and non-rough errors, as well as corrections made by the student, given in the section "Evaluation of dictations".

IV. Evaluation of educational works

Educational work (various exercises and dictations of a non-control nature) are evaluated more strictly than control work.

When evaluating training work, the following are taken into account:

1) the degree of independence of the student;

2) learning stage;

3) scope of work;

4) clarity, accuracy, calligraphic correctness of writing.

If possible errors were prevented in the course of work, grades "5" and "4" are given only if the student did not make mistakes or made, but corrected the mistake. At the same time, the choice of one of the assessments with the same level of literacy and content is determined by the degree of accuracy of the recording, underlining and other design features, as well as the presence or absence of typos. In a work exceeding the volume of dictations for a given class in terms of the number of words, 2 corrections of errors are also acceptable for a mark of “4”.

The first and second work, both classroom and homework, is checked when reinforcing a certain skill or skill, but may not be evaluated at the discretion of the teacher.

Independent work performed without a preliminary analysis of possible errors is evaluated according to the standards for control work of the corresponding or similar type.

V. Derivation of final grades

A final grade is given for the academic quarter and academic year. It is unified and reflects in a generalized form all aspects of the student's preparation in the Russian language: the assimilation of theoretical material, mastery of skills, speech development, the level of spelling and punctuation literacy.

The final grade should not be derived mechanically, as an arithmetic mean of previous grades. The decisive factor in determining it should be considered the actual preparation of the student in all respects by the time this assessment was made. However, in order to encourage students to take their studies seriously throughout the school year, the results of their current performance must be taken into account when deriving final grades.

When deriving the final grade, priority is given to grades that reflect the degree of proficiency in skills (spelling, punctuation, speech). Therefore, the final mark for literacy cannot be positive if during a quarter (year) most of the control dictations, essays, presentations for spelling, punctuation, speech literacy were rated with a score of "2" or "1".

The assessment standards for oral answers and written work of non-Russian students of grades 5-9 studying in public schools according to programs and textbooks for Russian schools may increase by 1-2 errors that are acceptable for the corresponding assessment, or be assessed in accordance with the "Knowledge Assessment Standards , skills and abilities of students of national (non-Russian) schools in the Russian language, approved by the Ministry of Education of the Russian Federation.

List of used literature:

    Gats I.Yu. Methodical notebook of a teacher of the Russian language. – M.: Bustard, 2003.

    Knowledge assessment standards,skills students In Russian: Secondary school programs. - M., 2001.

    Programs for educational institutions: Russian language. 5-9 cells, 10-11 cells. / compiled by E.I. Kharitonova. – 3rd ed., stereotype. – M.: Bustard, 2010.

Non-rough errors - not significant for the characteristics of literacy. When counting errors, two non-rough ones are counted as one.