Ukrainian military ID 956 131 a designation. What is a military registration specialty (VUS)

    Military registration specialty (VUS)- a category of military registration, indicating the military specialty of a serviceman (conscripted) and his belonging to the type of the Armed Forces, the type of troops (forces) or service. The VUS has a valid and conventional name (code), which facilitates military registration ... Dictionary of military terms

    This article lacks links to sources of information. Information must be verifiable, otherwise it may be questioned and removed. You can ... Wikipedia

    This is a military faculty, where specialized training of officers is conducted. Upon admission to it, young people enter into a contract with the Ministry of Defense, and upon completion they will have to serve three years as officers of the Armed Forces or, in agreement with the Ministry of Defense, in ... ... Wikipedia

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    VUS- vacuum device military registration specialty military registration desk All-Russian Teachers' Union (1917 1918) auxiliary amplifying station auxiliary communication center rectifier universal standard viscoelastic system (oil) ... Dictionary of abbreviations of the Russian language

    VUS- military accounting table military. Dictionary: S. Fadeev. Dictionary of abbreviations of the modern Russian language. S. Pb.: Politekhnika, 1997. 527 p. VUS auxiliary amplifying station Dictionary: S. Fadeev. Dictionary of abbreviations of the modern Russian language. S. Pb.:… … Dictionary of abbreviations and abbreviations

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  • Judicial protection of the rights of servicemen, Collective of authors. The textbook was prepared in accordance with the thematic plan and curriculum for the training of specialists in the military registration specialty VUS 850100 "Judicial work" at the military department at ...

VUS in a military ticket, what is the decoding of the abbreviation?

An army is always needed, no matter how peaceful the country is, but for a clear organization of the military structure, especially if unforeseen situations occur, there is a list of military registration specialties or abbreviated VUS.

We will talk more about VUS in a military ID in this article.

Military specialty

Each serviceman has his own specialization, therefore, the military ID has a designation, that is, an encrypted code value of military specifics, which has been going on since the days of the USSR.

Deciphering the abbreviation VUS is the military registration specialization of a serviceman, it does not matter whether he is currently in the service or has already retired from the reserve, is retired.

VUS is designated as codes representing in the majority six digits and a letter. If you learn to decipher each specialty, such a system is not difficult, very convenient and understandable:

  • in the first three digits, the number of the military registration specialty is encrypted;
  • the next three digits are the code name of the position;
  • if an alphabetic symbol is indicated at the end, then there are features of military service. For example, the letter A denotes coastal units of the Navy.

A complete list of Russian military specialties was compiled by the government, and then officially proclaimed first in 1993, when decree No. 600-33 was issued, and the next decree with minor additions and changes in 1997 under number 707-35. In 2007, a new resolution - No. 854-43 made some adjustments to past documents.

To whom is assigned

VUS begin to assign, based on the existing education of privates or sailors, but can be assigned after training in the training unit.

If training takes place in a military institution, then the number is given at the very beginning of training, and then after graduation, but if training takes place in an educational institution with a military department, then military specializations are noted at the end of the institution.

The cadet in this situation receives not only a specialty, but also an officer position.

According to the legislation of the Russian Federation, those persons who have received the rank of officers, having completed higher courses at universities and having high school marks, should no longer be called up: in this case they are considered to be dismissed from the reserve.

A military ID is important not only in an emergency military situation. In civilian life, it is often used as the main document for any situation.

A military ID must be issued to every male citizen who has reached the age of a military officer.

And even if the military service did not take place, he must have such a document, because it contains all the most important information about the person, and, of course, credentials as a soldier.

It is important to know: The VUS makes it possible to constantly monitor the registration of citizens liable for military service, which is why it is so important and is equated with the main documents that Russian citizens have. Its safety must be observed.

In the army, the list of all specialties is strictly classified information, which is stored in the Ministry of Defense of the Russian Federation. A complete list is not published in the mass press, therefore some data can only be deciphered by the highest officials of the state.

The entire list of VUS, which can be seen on military tickets, is conditionally divided into special categories. All figures give an idea of ​​the specialization and position of a serviceman, not only as a military man, but also as a civilian.

Figures help to understand what the position, features of the service and duties of military specifics include. For example, 100182 is deciphered as follows: the first three digits "100" refer to the specialization of "shooters".

The second three marks belonging to the position, that is, the commander of the rifle squad, the commander of the parachute platoon of the Marine Corps.

170203 - mechanic commander. For reconnaissance, the initial code set will be 106. The mortar commander has the code 030405.

The commander of artillery reconnaissance is recorded on the military ID using the code set - 146182. The head of a motorized rifle platoon is marked with the number 021000.

When a whole team is subordinate, it is rather difficult to manage it, especially in the case of martial law - not only professional skills are needed, but psychological abilities also play a big role.

Therefore, different types of troops have their own senior staff: for example, 70204 is the commander of a communications platoon, 01001 is the commander to whom the sapper staff is subordinate.


Many military specializations correspond to civilian ones. These are a security guard, a coach, a draftsman, operators, an administrator, a tourism specialist, a driver working for a hundred, etc.

But there is also a special feature. For example, an operator must be able to control equipment, have the skills to control military equipment, and make quick decisions.

For example, the title "engineer for the repair of automatic equipment and tanks" is contained under the number 20300.

Without reliable communication, the troops will suffer heavy losses, so each unit and company must communicate with each other.

The directory of the Armed Forces of Ukraine contains the positions of signalmen, for example, this also includes a radio telegraph operator who has knowledge of codes and ciphers. Belonging to communication is "121000".

The driver's military position requires the management of armored vehicles and railway vehicles, you need to be able to drive any vehicle.

121702 is the APC driver, and 180994 is the excavator driver.

A reconnaissance officer who works in certain dangerous conditions has special assignments, and a sapper is also subject to such difficult conditions, performing complex tasks that require special training.

01001 is the commander of the engineering platoon, and 10003 is the commander, under whose leadership is the engineering platoon.

If you need an assistant commandant at the railway station, then the number will be assigned to him 260101.

In the army, office clerks are also needed in any department, their number is 901566. And such a position as a cartographer-tablet operator - 671567 - is necessary for studying the area.

For successful combat, the gunner-operator is indispensable, he corresponds to the code 121282.

The brave machine gunners were assigned the number 101. The code worn by the landing force is 213182.

In civilian life, a military ticket plays the role of an important document, representing its owner as a civilian, but if mobilization is announced, coded records will greatly facilitate the work of the military commissariat.

The main measure of conducting military records is the collection of data on a citizen liable for military service, which have informational value for the armed forces when mobilization is announced. It is perfectly possible to imagine that it is practically impossible to distribute a large stream of conscripts according to the needs of military units. To avoid the loss of precious time, military registration documents, in particular, a military ID, contain not only personal anthropometric data, but also information about the education received.

It is known that certain specialties are simply necessary for the army in wartime conditions, therefore their owners are under special attention from accounting authorities, and the specialty itself (VUS) is entered in encrypted form in a personal file, personal card and military ID.

A military specialty can be obtained during military service, at the end of an educational institution with a military department, or in ordinary civilian life. One way or another, not only an officer, but also a private can possess one of the specialties.

Deciphering the record of the military specialty

A specially allocated column of a military ticket contains a record of the specialty, position and special features. All this is subject to coding, as it is a military secret. Often, citizens who have received a military ID take the initiative to decipher the records. This procedure is available for, you only need to understand the basic principle of encoding a record.

Information about the VUS consists of three parts. The first two parts are represented by combinations of three digits, and the third part is written as a letter. In a military ticket, the first three digits indicate specialization, for example, VUS 999 indicates its absence. There is no need to memorize all the VUS codes, because in order to find out what this or that combination means, it is enough to open a table with specialization encodings.

According to statistics, a significant proportion of citizens are sent to the reserve with VUS 998 or 999. They differ in that in the first case the citizen is fit for combat, and in the second case he has category “B”. The presence of a driver's license is considered a registration specialty at number 838, and the well-known construction battalion will lead to the entry "166" on a military ID.

The presence of a certain specialty directly indicates that a soldier has the right to occupy an established position. For example, the combination 097 encodes the position of deputy platoon commander. If the private retired from the Armed Forces and at the same time did not hold a position, then the code “000” will be entered on the military ID.

If we consider the encoding of the VUS according to all the rules, then the letter of the Russian alphabet must be added to the sequence of numbers. The letter "A" means service in the ground forces, "D" - in the Airborne Forces, and "C" - the Ministry of Emergencies. Finding out your personal sign of service is not difficult. To do this, you can enter the appropriate query in any search engine. Our task is to review VUS 999000a.

Find out: How can I get a military ID for a girl, a woman

Decoding example

So, the entry "999000a" appeared in the military ticket. First you need to decide what the first three digits mean. It was not by chance that we gave an example with such code. He points out that the young man did not receive a specialty, at least useful for the army, besides, he is also considered to be of limited fit. That is, with such an entry in a military ID, he will not be sent to attack the enemy, but first they will be forced to acquire certain skills at organized training camps.

The next three zeros indicate that the person liable for military service has not held any position and cannot hold it yet. This is understandable, since without a specialty, they will not put them in a position. The letter means that a citizen will get into the ground forces during mobilization. This encoding is more than sufficient.

Regulates the activities of the military, as well as civilians associated with the service.

A military registration specialty (VUS) is assigned to each active, retired or retired serviceman of the armed forces of the Russian Federation, as well as other troops, forces, special services and formations . The specialty is always indicated on the military ticket. For example, the record VUS - 212 956 means "parachute stacker of parachute and airborne equipment."

This is what a military ID looks like (Fig. 1)

The list of military specialties in Russia is regulated by the Decree of the Government of the Russian Federation of December 12, 2007 "On approval of the list ..." and two more government decrees . But these documents are kept under the heading "Secret". Therefore, one has to rely only on random sources.

Indicative list

All VUS can be conditionally divided into several groups. The first 2-3 digits of the VUS number indicate the type of troops, and the last 3 - the direct type of activity.

Military specialties

01 Rocket Troops

02 Motorized rifle, tank troops, airborne troops and marines

021600 Commander of rescue units, civil defense units

03 Artillery and rocket troops

04 Air Defense

05 Aviation and air defense forces

061800 Pilot

07 Navy

071404 Use of search and rescue vessels

08 Space Forces

10 Engineering Troops (mine clearance, construction of pontoon bridges)

101900 The use of engineering units of the civil defense troops for the disposal of ammunition

11. Chemical, biological and radiation protection of troops

17 Railway Troops

178543 Operator

18 Road troops

22 Operation and construction of military infrastructure facilities

220256 - Aircraft and engine mechanic

25 Supply of clothing and food

250300 - Organization of food supply
250400 - Organization of clothing support

26 Transportation (railway, water, air, road and pipeline transport)

262256 Electrical Mechanic

29 Mobilization work

290400 Mobilization, recruitment and military registration work in military commissariats

31 Financial support

310200 Organization of banking services for troops

36 Psychological service

360202 - Information and educational work

39 Other specialties
390200 Fire safety

390800 Service dog breeding

Military-civil specialties

80 Military-humanitarian and pedagogical profile

808200 Sociological work
808500 Teaching of the humanities and socio-economic disciplines

82, 83, 84 Repair and operation of various equipment

(84)0791 Chief driver

85 Legal Profile

850300 Legal support for military activities

90 Medical, pharmaceutical and veterinary profile

901300 - Surgeon

902000 - Therapist

902009 - Nutritionist

902100 - Pediatrician

905600 - Hygiene

905000 - Neurologist
902500 Epidemiologist

909100 Veterinary and sanitary support

Combined Arms Specialties

(100) Rifle units
(101) Machine guns
108 Cavalry

113 Tank

121 Combat infantry vehicles

167 Pontoon crossing facilities

171 Logging

200 Search for victims

202 Robotics

203 Rescue work

Operation, repair and storage of equipment (specialties of the rear)

837 Use of motor vehicles

841 floating cars

854 Tractors

866 Food Service
867 Clothing service
869 Troop nutrition
870 Bakery
872 Baths, laundries and dry cleaners
873 Tailoring and repair of clothing items
874 Tailoring and shoe repair

Various specialties

900 Staff Specialties
901 Financial Service

902 office work
903 Drawing and graphic works
904 Special Communications
906 For the repair of special communication equipment
907 Physical fitness and sports
908 Road Commandant

909 Commandant's office and checkpoints

912 Clubs and Libraries
914 military seal
917 Military bands
918 Ensembles and theaters

922 Typographic works

956 Construction work
958 Heat and gas supply, ventilation and air conditioning
959 Refrigeration equipment and installations
960 Water supply and sewerage
962 Mining hoists and lifts

971 Welding
976 Painting work
978 Woodworking

Military personnel without military training

998 Eligible for military service (with minor restrictions)
999 Limited serviceable

To have every man in our country, regardless of whether he served or not. This document confirms that a man who has reached the age of 18 is registered with the military registration and enlistment office. This is an additional identity card, which is equivalent in legal force to a passport. The document may be requested when applying for a job, applying for a loan and in other cases. But not everyone knows what the numbers in the VUS line on a military ID mean. The decoding of which, we will disassemble and explain.

VUS stands for military registration specialty. In a military ticket, it is written in the format of a digital code, each code designation corresponds to a certain specialty acquired for. Absolutely all specialties are divided into groups and have a corresponding numerical designation.
Specialization can also be determined by the results of training at the military department at the university. It can be assigned when assigned to one or another unit for service at the recruitment point. This means that if a conscript has the right to drive with one category or another, then he is defined as a driver, and the corresponding code entry is indicated in the document.

Note! A military ID, but without a specialty designation, is also issued to those who are unfit for service due to health reasons.

The need for higher education specialties

Data about this fit into the military ID and into the personal file of the person liable for military service. Such a position is listed in the documents not only of men, but also of women who have chosen the profession of a signalman or medical worker for themselves.

The need for such numbering also plays a role for people who are in reserve, including health groups and employment orientations. Thanks to them, the military administration, in the event of mobilization, can quickly transfer data on the number of people with a particular profession to the General Staff. This means that it will be possible to very quickly determine which branch of the army to send a soldier to.

Position groups

There are certain groups of positions for the HQ, the division into which comes from knowledge, skills and experience.


This includes those who have good team building capabilities and learning skills. The code that corresponds to this group appears in those who have succeeded during the period of service or while studying at the military department. In addition, it can be assigned to people with a specialty:

  • trainer;
  • instructor (parachute jumping, tourism, hand-to-hand combat);
  • safety engineer;
  • airport dispatch service specialist;
  • educator;
  • administrative position.

That is, such a position can be given to those who can organize and train a group of people in certain skills. To do this, you just need to know the features of psychology and be able to influence.

Note! Number 034097 speaks of the acquired specialty - the castle platoon commander.


This VUS involves working with a huge amount of equipment that is in service with the army. This, of course, requires specific skills. Namely:

  • ability to work with CT;
  • programming;
  • maintenance and adjustment of equipment;
  • adjustment of industrial equipment.

Accordingly, such an entry in a military ID is received by those who have the skills of this type of work. In the event of hostilities, even someone who studied at a university as a technician will be made an art installation operator. Additionally, any operator must have the following qualities: be able to assess the situation, be responsible, and make decisions quickly.


This person is responsible for communication between departments. Necessary skills - the ability to work with modern communications: telecode, satellite communications, telephony, telegraph. Required personal qualities:

  • excellent memory;
  • logical thinking;
  • mathematical mindset, which will greatly help in working with the encoded signal.

Another very important specialty, without which the list would not be complete, is the driver. Often such a VUS is recorded for those who have studied driving courses and do not have a higher education. The main tasks are the transportation of people and cargo.

Note! Persons with knowledge of tractor equipment and experience are considered especially valuable personnel.

Such a record can count on:

  • driver;
  • driver of self-propelled and vehicles;
  • navigator.

In some cases, in order to assign these specialties, you must have an appropriate diploma of training at a university in the USSR or the Russian Federation.

special purpose

Certain types of troops require specialized training, and therefore skills. The code designation of narrowly focused specialists has:

  • rescuer;
  • diver;

All these people are tagged:

  • good health;
  • high level of physical training;
  • psychological resilience.

How to decrypt the code?

The specialty code contains many numbers. Under each group one or another designation is hidden. In general, any VUS code will mean:

  • type of army;
  • position;
  • specialization.

This data is encrypted based on the information below.

Important! There is no encryption of certain codes in the public domain, but by contacting the military registration and enlistment office you can find out which specialty you have been assigned. This is useful to know, because based on it, you can get a more suitable civil position.

So, let's analyze the code based on the available information. the first 3 digits are the specialization. Decryption:

  • 100, 101 - shooter, sniper;
  • 106 - scout;
  • 998 - fit for service, but did not fit the training in the army;
  • 999 - limited serviceable;
  • 166 - engineering troops.

The next 3 digits indicate a particular position. For example:

  • 037- driver;
  • 001 - accumulator;
  • 203 - lifeguard;
  • 385 - specialist in water-blasting works;
  • 837 - the driver, regardless of the brand and type of equipment;
  • 000 - no position.

Also, at the end, a letter is indicated, it also has its own designation. For example, A is the ground forces, M is the marines, E is the flight personnel, X is reconnaissance, P is internal troops.


Based on the data that can be found in the public domain, it is difficult to independently determine what VUS means. To do this, you should look at the military registration and enlistment office and contact the duty officer for a transcript.