When are quotation marks used. MY adept travel notes

In Russian, when typing text, there are different ways to display quotation marks. This punctuation mark is paired and serves to highlight quotes and various titles. In another way, the “herringbone” quotes are also called “French”, as it is assumed that they were invented by the Frenchman Guillaume Le Be.

How to put quotes "Christmas trees"

IMPORTANT! Ways to print Christmas tree quotes in popular programs:

word: in order for the Christmas tree quotes to be displayed in the text of the document, you need to check if the layout for the Russian language is enabled in the lower right corner of the screen, and with this layout, press and hold the SHIFT button; then press the number button 2 - the sign “. After that, the word is written, which will be displayed in quotation marks. Next, press and hold the SHIFT key again, and press button 2.
REFERENCE! The SHIFT key must be held, not pressed one or more times, and simultaneously with SHIFT, press 2 (SHIFT + 2).

excel: since this editor is not a text editor, the method for Word will not work. The easiest method in this case is to copy the "Christmas tree" quotation marks from Word and paste it into Excel. If the document already has quotes of a different type (English double quotes, for example), then you need to hold down CTRL, press H (CTRL + H) and replace the sign with the symbol " or " copied from Word.
Photoshop: similar to Excel - copy the desired character ("or") from Word.

Other ways to print Christmas tree quotes

IMPORTANT! To display Christmas tree quotes in the program you need, there are other methods:

Using keyboard shortcuts (ALT+0171). In any editor (Word, Excel, Photoshop, etc.), hold down ALT, and on the keyboard on the right, press the numbers 0171 in turn.
HELP! The NumLock indicator should be on. ALT + 0171 - for the sign „, and ALT + 0187 - for the sign “.

Using HTML code: If you are writing HTML code, then use the codes " and " for the Christmas tree quotes, respectively.
Using symbols without a keyboard: in Word and Excel, click "Insert" - "Symbol"; select the required sign.

What other quotes are

Christmas tree quotation marks are far from the only type of quotation marks; there are also:

"German quotation marks" ("paws");
"English doubles";
‘English singles’;
"Polish quotation marks";
"Swedish back"
REFERENCE! For the " sign, you can use the keyboard shortcut ALT + 34 on the NumLock keyboard.

In everyday life, the quotation marks "Christmas trees" are often called "Russian", referring to their use with the layout for the Russian language. SHIFT + 2 is the easiest keyboard shortcut to type these quotes in text editors.

When typing texts, for example, in the MS Word editor, it is quite often necessary to solve the problem of choosing certain types of quotes in order to follow the uniform rules for formatting the text. Agree that the text, which is interspersed with Christmas tree quotes “example”, German quotes “example”, English double “example” and single “example” quotes, will not look very neat and will characterize the person who typed him as not enough punctual. Herringbone quotes are used by default by the text editor MS Word in the Russian keyboard layout. However, there may be nuances that I would like to talk about in this article.

As already noted, the Christmas tree quotes are installed in Word automatically in the Russian keyboard layout when you press the keys Shift + 2 . If this option does not work for you, then check the Word settings by following these steps.
  • In the main menu, select the "Tools" section and in the list that opens, select "AutoCorrect Options".
  • In the AutoCorrect settings window that opens, go to the "AutoFormat As You Type" tab and check the box next to Replace straight quotes with double quotes when typing.
  • Click the "OK" button to save the changes.
Check if the format of quotes has changed after the changes.

In the new Fluent interface, which has been used in Word since MS Office 2007, this is done in a slightly different way.

  1. Click the MS Office button in the top left corner of the text editor, and then click Word Options.
  2. In the Word Options dialog box, click on Spell Check, and then click on the AutoCorrect Options button.
  3. Go to the "AutoFormat As You Type" tab and activate the item Replace straight quotes with double quotes when you type.
If the settings did not give the desired result, then quotes can be set in the following way:
  1. To set an opening quotation mark, press the keyboard shortcut in the Russian keyboard layout ctrl + yo and then combination Shift + b(letter B).
  2. To close the Christmas tree quote, press the keyboard shortcut ctrl + yo and then press Shift + Yu.
Another way to set Christmas tree quotes is to use the numeric keypad. You can use it to put quotes like this:
  1. To set an opening quote, press the left alt 0171 . If everything is done correctly, then all the dialed digits will be replaced by an opening quote « .
  2. For closing herringbone quote, press left alt and without releasing the keys on the numeric keypad, type 0187 . After entering, all dialed digits will be replaced by a closing quote » .
It is very important to type numbers from the numeric keypad, otherwise the numbers will not be automatically replaced with quotes.

If quotes need to be put once, then you can simply copy them to the clipboard, for example from this article, and paste them into the document being edited.

Punctuation is one of the most difficult sections of the Russian language, not only for foreigners, but also for Russians themselves. Today's topic will be devoted to such a punctuation mark as quotation marks. We will find out why quotation marks are needed and how to use them correctly in writing.

Some facts about the origin of quotation marks

Quotation marks are a relatively young punctuation mark. They appeared in Russian punctuation around the end of the 18th century. However, before that (from about the 16th century), quotation marks were used as a musical sign. It is also interesting where the word "quotation marks" came from. Here, the opinions of linguists differ, but most scientists agree that this word comes from the verb "kavykat". Translated from one of the southern Russian dialects, this word means "to limp", "to hobble". Why such a strange association? Everything is simple - in the same dialect, "kavysh" means "gosling" or "duckling". Hence the "quotation marks" are squiggles, traces of goose or duck feet.

Types of quotation marks and their use in Russian punctuation

In total, there are several types of quotation marks, and they are named after the name of the country from which they originated, as well as by similarity with objects. The first of the two types of quotation marks used in Russian is called the French “Yolochki”, the second type of quotation marks, also used in Russian written speech, is called the German “paws”. More about the rules for using Christmas trees and paws a little lower, but for now we’ll talk about two more types of quotation marks that are not customary to use in Russian punctuation, but, nevertheless, many mistakenly use them. These are English ‘single’ and ‘double’ quotes. According to the norms of Russian punctuation, only French Christmas trees and German paws can be used. Herringbones are used as regular quotation marks, and paws are used as "quotes 'within' quotation marks", as well as when writing text by hand.

Rules for using quotation marks in a sentence

Let's introduce one more definition of quotation marks. We call quotation marks a paired punctuation mark, with the help of which certain types of speech and word meanings are distinguished in writing. What are these types of speech? First, these are quotes from some sources. In Russian, in many cases it is more literate to use quotation marks instead of the copyright sign - (c). Secondly, with the help of quotation marks, direct speech is highlighted in the text. If we talk about words in quotation marks, then there are also two rules for their formulation. Firstly, the names of various organizations, enterprises, firms, brands, varieties, etc. are distinguished with quotation marks. Secondly, with the help of quotation marks, you can give the word an indirect, that is, figurative meaning, including the opposite and / or ironic. For example, the word "clever" in quotation marks can mean a person who is either stupid or has committed some kind of ridiculous or thoughtless act. We are sure that now it will not be difficult for you to write an essay on the topic "Why quotes are needed." Read about other punctuation marks in our other articles!

The article brought to your attention describes the main ways of how to type quotes on the keyboard. Based on the strengths and weaknesses of each of the methods, recommendations are given for their use in each specific case.

Types of quotes

First, let's figure out what quotes are. Conventionally, they are divided into two types: “paws” (their second name is “German”) and “herringbones” (they are also called “French”). In the first case, these are two commas located along the top border of the text. Most often they are used in manual writing of the text. The second option, called "herringbones", is pairwise grouped signs less (open the text) and more (close it). Use this option for professional text design in specialized applications such as brochures, books, or


There are the following ways to put quotes on the keyboard:

  • Using special keyboard shortcuts.
  • Using a specialized symbol window in the word processor "Word".
  • Using the symbol table.
  • Using the ASCII code table.

Each method has both strengths and weaknesses. Based on their ratio, it is possible to give the correct recommendations regarding their use.

Keyboard and languages

There is no separate key on the keyboard for the quotation marks themselves. It is natural - not so often such a character is typed. For these purposes, a combination of them is used. Moreover, it changes depending on the active language at the current moment. The dialing algorithm in this case is as follows:

  • We move the cursor to the place where you want to enter such a character.
  • We determine the current active language (this can be done with the help in the lower right corner of the screen).
  • Hold down the Shift key and don't release it.
  • If Russian is active, then press "2". In the English version, the Russian "e" is used.
  • After that, release both keys and this sign should appear in the workspace.

This is the easiest and most versatile way to put quotes on the keyboard. It works in all, without exception, applications. But it has one major drawback. So you can type only the classic "paws", but the "Christmas trees" cannot be entered. If this option is suitable, then you can use this method.

and "Word"

Another option for entering such characters is to use the Word word processor. You can use the previously given keyboard shortcuts in it. Only in the case of the English language, the symbol """ will appear, and for Russian - "Christmas trees". But there is an alternative input method. To do this, perform the following steps:

  • In the open window of the word processor "Word" go to the "Insert" tab.
  • In the field "Symbol" we find the drop-down menu of the same name.
  • Next, select the "Other Symbols" item.
  • Using the navigation keys, we find the desired variant of quotes and highlight them with a marker.
  • Press "Tab" until the marker goes to the "Run" button.
  • Next, press "Enter".
  • Move with the help of "Tab" to the "Close" button and press "Enter" again.

This is a more complicated way of how to type quotes on the keyboard. In addition, special software is required - a word processor "Word". But at the same time, the user has the opportunity to choose the type of quotes.

symbol table

Another answer to the question "Where are the quotes on the keyboard hidden?" is the use of the symbol table. In this case, you must perform the following procedure:

  • We launch this utility. The easiest way to find it is with the search bar. In it, we type: “Symbol table”. Then press "Enter".
  • At the end of the search, we find this program in the list and launch it (for example, by clicking the mouse or pressing the "Enter" key).
  • In the window that opens, use the navigation keys to find the desired quote option (German or French) and copy it to the clipboard using the "Ctrl" and "C" keys.
  • At the next stage, we go to the application we need. If it was already running, then use the keyboard shortcut "Alt" and "Tab". Otherwise, open it through the Start\Programs menu.
  • The next step is to perform the insertion procedure. To do this, press "Ctrl" and "V".

The key combinations indicated earlier must be pressed only on Otherwise, you will not succeed.

ASK codes

Another method is based on the use of ASK codes. In this case, quotes on the keyboard are typed using special sets of numbers. The algorithm for entering such characters is as follows:

  • Turn on the Num Look key if it is not active (its LED should be on).
  • Hold down the "Alt" key on the right side of the keyboard and do not release it.
  • On the numeric keypad, we type the character code. Before entering a digital code, you must press "+" and "0". The code for """ is "34". "French" quotes use "171" to open and "187" to close.
  • Release "Alt" - and you're done.

A universal method, while quite simple. And besides, there is the possibility of choosing the type to be typed. There is only one drawback in this case - it is the need to remember special codes. And this is not always convenient.

Within the framework of this article, the main ways of how to put quotes on the keyboard were described in detail. When working in the word processor "Word" it is most rational to use standard keyboard shortcuts. At the same time, we do not forget that “paws” are introduced in the English version, and “herringbones” are introduced in Russian. But in all other cases it is better to use a symbol table or ASK codes. So you can choose exactly the sign that you need.

Paired punctuation is mainly used to convey an ironic meaning or to emphasize quotations, direct speech and references. It happens that the author encloses words or phrases in quotation marks, since the term used by him is not known to everyone, or he tries to emphasize the meaning of the phrase in an unusual sense, thereby probably ridiculing some character from his story. In the variations below, the user will be able to choose the appropriate way to write the punctuation mark and easily put quotes in Word. There are several types that have individual names and have a place in any text document.

Types of quotes

These types of paired signs are the main ones:

  • "French" - also called "Triangular", most of all known under the term "Christmas trees", sometimes they are called "Angled quotes";
  • “English doubles” or ‘Singles’ are known as the “paws” located at the top.
  • "German" - have a second name - "unfolded paws";

Sometimes the "word" is enclosed in upper even characters.

Single and double sign - "Herringbone"

When working with a text editor, you often have to put different characters and punctuation marks. It is believed that printed quotation marks must be used in documentation, and in a handwritten document already in the form of double commas. It’s not always possible to put quotation marks in Word the first time, although if you remember the key combination correctly once, then the next time, for example, inserting a Christmas tree quotation mark will not be so difficult.

Option 1: Single angle quotes

They are set using the key combination Shift + "B" and "U". To make it open:

  1. Change the keyboard layout to English "Shift + Alt";
  2. Hold down the "Shift" button and press the letter "B";
  3. Write the required word.

To add a private one:

  1. Change keyboard layout to English;
  2. Hold down the "Shift" button, press the letter "U";
  3. Added single corner signs.
  4. Change the layout to Russian and continue working.

Option 2: Paired punctuation mark "Herringbone"

You can put up a "Christmas tree" in the following ways:

Method 1

The easiest and most memorable way is the key combination "Shift + 2". Need:

  1. Set the mouse pointer to the desired location;
  2. Switch the method of entering letters to the Russian keyboard (if necessary), using the combination "Shift + Alt";
  3. Hold down the "Shift" key and press the number "2" on the top numeric keypad.
  4. Enter the appropriate word and repeat steps 2 and 3.

Note! Pay attention to the cursor, it must be separated from the previous word by a space, otherwise it will not be an opening quotation mark, but a closing one.

Putting spaces and checking for their presence is mandatory.

Method 2

Paired quotes "Christmas trees" can be put through the code. Be sure to turn on the "Num lock" button.

1) To open a double quote:

"- hold the "Alt" button and dial four digits "0171". Work with the numeric keypad, which is located to the right of the alphabetic keypad.

Attention! Don't forget to activate the "Num LOCK" button.

2) To close the sign:

"- also hold "Alt" and type "0187".

The difference lies only in the codes, the main thing is not to confuse and then double Christmas trees can be easily printed.

Method 3

This way of writing double triangle quotes is quite simple. Through the "Symbol" function in the Word, a huge number of characters are inserted and the triangular punctuation mark is no exception. Do the following:

  1. Open the "Insert" section in the main menu, click on the "Symbol" and "Other Symbols" buttons;
  2. In the "Symbol" pop-up window, specify in the "Set" field - "Additional Latin-1";
  3. Select the desired double quote and click on "Insert";
  4. Ready!

Method 4

If you want to surprise others, then this method is definitely for you. Necessary:

  1. Switch to English layout (Shift+Alt);
  2. Type the letters "ab" and press the "Alt" and "X" buttons at the same time - as a result, you will get an opening symbol (");
  3. The closing symbol is put like this: "bb" and pressing the "Alt" and "X" buttons - as a result () the symbol is ready.

Uppercase single and double quotes “Paws”

The traditional quotation marks in Russian writing is considered to be a paired punctuation mark similar to “paws”. If you need to specify the meaning of a word, a translation from another language, or an excerpt from a quote, upper and lower commas help. And how to put such signs we will consider a little lower. There are two ways to make quotes commas in Word:

Option 1: ‘Single legs’

Single 'quotes-commas' are done like this:

  1. Place the mouse pointer where you need a single character;
  2. Switch to English letter input (Shift + Alt);
  3. Turn on "Num LOCK";
  4. Hold "Alt" and enter numbers (0145) - open the quote, and close it (0146). Use the number pad to dial numbers.
  5. The result is in the picture below.

Option 2: “Double”

It can be done in several ways:

Method 1.

You need to know the character code and add quite a bit of manipulation with the keyboard shortcut. Follow the steps:

  1. Hold down the "Alt" key and type to open "0147" and close "0148".
  2. You will get the upper “quotation marks-commas”.

Attention! You need to work with the numeric keypad, which is located to the right of the letter keypad.

Method 2.

Let's learn how to insert quotes with commas using the letter "E". For this you need:

  1. Set the mouse cursor to the desired location;
  2. Enable English layout with a combination (Shift + Alt);
  3. Hold "Shift" and click on the letter "E". Pressing the letter "E" again will add a closing quotation mark in the form of commas.
  4. Ready! Compare the result with the picture below.

Option 3. Deployed

There is another easy way to make quotes with commas in Word. Only they will turn out in a position deployed from each other. The symbol will open at the bottom and close at the top. Here's what you need for this.