Troops dra. Limited contingent of Soviet troops

Exercises military men Military women
1st and 2nd age groups 3rd and 4th age groups 5th and 6th age groups
3 km or 1 km run - + -
Pull-ups on the bar or complex strength exercise + -
100m run (shuttle run 10x10 - in the absence of conditions for 100m run) -
5K cross-country skiing (5K cross for snowless areas) + - - +
General control exercise on a single obstacle course (special control exercise on an obstacle course - for personnel of surface ships and submarines; turns on loping - for flight personnel) +

The VSK includes only those exercises that reflect the level of development of strength, speed and general endurance of military personnel, as well as the level of their possession of such applied motor skills as skiing and overcoming obstacles. All these exercises are taken from the content of physical training and quite fully characterize the level of versatile physical fitness of the personnel of various branches of the Armed Forces. There are two requirements for servicemen of all categories (Table 6).

Table 6

Requirements of the Military Sports Complex

In the absence of conditions for swimming in uniform with a weapon, it is allowed to perform an exercise in sportswear. Female military personnel, regardless of age, in order to fulfill the requirements for the level of their sports preparedness, may have a sports rank or a referee category in any sport. The replacement of the cross-country ski race by 5 km cross-country and the cancellation of swimming are carried out when it is completely impossible to provide training for personnel in cross-country skiing or swimming. The list of units for which the cancellation of sailing is allowed is determined by the commander of the military troops from the circle (group of troops, fleet, separate formation).

All military personnel are involved in the implementation of the exercises and requirements of the VSK, except for those involved in the physical therapy group and those released for health reasons.

All military personnel perform the exercises and requirements of the VSK for one year, and those who did not complete them within the specified period - pass them again. Officers, ensigns, midshipmen, long-term servicemen and female military personnel confirm the fulfillment of the exercises and requirements of the VSK annually. The performance of VSK exercises is counted, as a rule, in the process of control exercises, checks, during competitions for the superiority of a company (individual platoon) and higher. The right to evaluate the performance of exercises and requirements of the VSK is granted to inspectors from among the company commanders, their deputies and above, as well as to referee teams.

Military personnel who have completed all the exercises and requirements of the VSK in accordance with the standards established for the corresponding age group or category are presented for awarding the “Warrior-athlete” badge:

I degree - if all exercises are performed by a serviceman with an "excellent" rating, and all requirements are met;

Golden color - if the exercises and requirements established for the badge "Warrior-athlete" of the 1st degree are performed by a military serviceman for two consecutive years, and by an officer, ensign, midshipman, long-term military serviceman - for three years in a row;

II degree - if half or more of the exercises were completed by the serviceman for the mark "excellent", and the rest - for "good", and all requirements were met.

The specific content of sports classes in the units and the duration of their conduct are determined by the respective commanders, depending on the tasks assigned and the level of preparedness of the servicemen. Usually they do not differ in their structure from practical training sessions in physical training.

Sports and military sports competitions to the greatest extent express the specific essence of sport: competitiveness and striving for the highest results. Therefore, mass sports work as a form of physical improvement of military personnel is unthinkable without holding any kind of competition.

Sport competitions are held mainly in classical sports included in the state sports classification. They are organized in accordance with the approved rules, the same for all competitions in a particular sport, regardless of the composition of the participants, the place and time of their holding. Participants perform in the established sports uniform and in specially equipped places.

Sports competitions in their content in most cases are not directly related to the performance of combat techniques and actions characteristic of the personnel of the corresponding branches of the military (navy forces) and special troops. However, with their skillful use, they solve not only general, but also special tasks of physical training. To do this, sports competitions are held, first of all, in sports related to the development and improvement of the most important physical qualities and applied skills for a particular military specialty.

Military sports competitions are carried out using the most applied physical exercises for military personnel of the corresponding type of troops from physical training programs, exercises of the Military Sports Complex, sports included in the Military Sports Classification, as well as military professional techniques and actions.

Military sports competitions are aimed at educating servicemen the will and desire for victory, improving the ability to perform a variety of professional techniques and actions, endure high physical exertion and mental stress in the conditions of wrestling. They should contribute to the formation and maintenance of a high moral-political, military-special, mental and physical readiness of military personnel for combat activities, as well as the combat coherence of military units. These competitions are organized according to special rules approved by the chairman of the Sports Committee of the Ministry of Defense or according to the conditions and programs drawn up by commanders and officers - specialists in physical training and sports.

Participants in military sports competitions perform in military uniforms, often with personal weapons, and in some cases with military equipment. In the process of military sports competitions, military personnel perform exercises and requirements of the VSK, rank standards and requirements for military applied sports and exercises. The results of these competitions make it possible to determine the quality of assimilation of the content of the physical training program and the state of sports work in military units and subunits.

In the practice of physical training and sports, various types of sports and military sports competitions are used.

Depending on the content, competitions can be single combat, all-around and complex.

single combat- these are competitions in any one of the exercises or sports, for example, running 100 meters, overcoming an obstacle course, boxing, etc.

All-around include a number of exercises from one sport (gymnastic all-around, athletics decathlon) or from several different sports (military triathlon, modern pentathlon, Nordic combined, etc.).

Complex competitions (spartakiads) are organized in several sports, followed by summing up the overall summary of the performances of teams or divisions. Spartakiads are usually held on a unit scale and above and allow a large number of personnel to participate in competitions.

Depending on the characteristics of the organization and the tasks to be solved, the following types of competitions are held.

Championships for individual exercises and sports ensure the identification of winners, prize-winners, the determination of places occupied by other participants or teams. Championship competitions in the same exercise or sport are held no more than once during the training period.

The championship, in which the title of "Champion" is awarded to the winner according to the regulations, is called the championship. Championships are held, as a rule, once a year.

Friendly competitions are arranged for the purpose of additional competitive practice, strengthening friendly sports ties between athletes of various parts or with sports organizations of other departments.

Leveling competition have an educational and training orientation and are carried out in such a way as to equalize the chances for the victory of participants or teams of different levels of preparedness. This creates an incentive to fight.

The equalization of chances is achieved by the fact that stronger participants or teams give their obviously weak opponents the so-called "handicap" or "handicap" in points, balls, meters, kilograms, etc. To equalize the chances of winning for participants of different ages, you can use the age coefficient, for example, for 32 years the coefficient is 3.2, and for 45 years - 4.5.

Competitions "from the sheet" are carried out to suddenly check the preparedness of athletes, mainly in those sports where, first of all, the quality (technique) of performing exercises is assessed. The content (program) of the competition is communicated to the participants shortly before their start.

Classification competition are specially organized to fulfill, confirm or increase sports categories. Superiority is not defined in them.

Qualifying competition aim to select the strongest contenders from a large number of participants to participate in the final, where they compete for prizes. The criteria for admission to the final may be the best results, the best places in the preliminary competitions or a predetermined standard. This allows you to reduce the time of the competition, make them more spectacular.

Qualifiers are held to determine the best athletes to participate in larger competitions. Such competitions are also held for the acquisition of national teams.

Cup competitions are usually held in sports games, as a rule, according to the system with elimination after defeat. Cups are challenge prizes and are played annually.

match meetings are organized between teams of subdivisions, units, formations and with civil sports organizations on the basis of mutual agreement. Representatives of the meeting teams stipulate the program of the competition, the composition of the participants and other conditions. Match meetings are usually traditional,

Short time competition are held when there is not enough time available to hold the competition according to the official rules. To do this, for example, in sports games, the time of each half (period) is significantly reduced, in chess - the time to think about moves, etc.

Mass competitions are held in the most accessible sports and exercises with the participation of the entire personnel of the units.

relay races differ from other types of competitions in that in them representatives of one team (subdivision) alternately, at their stages, perform the established exercises, techniques or actions. Actions in the stages can be the same (4 X100 m relay) or different (combined relay in swimming in different ways). Military-sports combined relay races are especially popular in units.

Depending on the nature of the offset, competitions can be personal, team and personal-team.

Individual competition are held to identify the best athletes, they record the result of each participant and, in accordance with this, the occupied place is determined. Individual superiority is determined: by sports results (measures of weight, distance, time, number of hit targets, etc.); by points (points); by victories; according to the occupied places in different exercises.

Team competition are aimed at determining the place of teams or divisions both in individual sports and exercises, and in the complex standings. The team championship is determined by the results of the whole team or by individual indicators of team members. The sports results of the team as a whole, for example, in competitions in sports games, are recorded by the number of points scored, and in relay races - by the shortest time shown by the members of each team at all stages.

Team results according to the individual indicators of athletes can be determined in one of the following ways: by the sum of sports results of qualifying participants; by the sum of points scored by the qualifying participants; by the amount of points received by the qualifying participants; by the amount of occupied places; by the sum of points for the places occupied by the team members; according to the average sports result of the participants or the average sum of points.

Individual-team competitions- these are such competitions in which, simultaneously with the winners and personal places occupied by each participant in individual sports or exercises, the places of teams (divisions) are also revealed.

Depending on the dates and venues, competitions can be face-to-face and absentee.

Face-to-face competitions give the opportunity to compete at the same time in the same place.

Correspondence competitions are held in different places without direct contact of participants, teams or units.

Depending on the composition of the participants, the competitions are open and closed.

Open competitions provide for the possibility of participation in them of all willing athletes or teams.

Closed competitions are held with the participation of athletes and teams only of this unit or military unit.

One or another type of competition is established in the plans and regulations approved by the relevant commanders and chiefs. For refereeing each competition in the military unit, a referee team is appointed. The results of the competitions are recorded in the protocols, which are kept for one year.

A fairly well-organized system of sports and military-sports competitions has developed in the army and navy for the championship of subdivisions, military units, formations, associations, districts, groups of troops, fleets, types of aircraft. In addition, a large number of competitions for the championship of the army and navy are held annually. Army and navy athletes actively participate in all-Russian and international competitions of the highest rank.

Military personnel can take an active part in competitions held by local sports and sports organizations. Permission to send athletes for training and participation in them is given: by the commander of a military unit - if the period of the business trip does not exceed 5 days; by the commander of the formation - if the period of the business trip does not exceed 15 days; Commander of the troops of the military district (group of troops, fleet, separate formation) - if the term of the business trip does not exceed 30 days.

Athletes of the army and navy are prohibited from playing for teams of voluntary sports societies and sports organizations of other ministries and departments of the country.

Reviews of sports work are complex correspondence competitions in which the quality of mass sports in subdivisions, units, military educational institutions, formations, associations, military districts and types of the Armed Forces is compared annually according to objective and identical indicators for all. Long-term experience of holding reviews has convincingly shown their important role in increasing the level of sports and physical fitness?: military personnel.

Reviews of sports work are aimed at stimulating the activities of commanders and chiefs, officers-specialists in physical training and sports of a public sports asset in order to improve the quality of sports training of military personnel. Their traditional tasks are:

involvement of all servicemen in regular sports and increasing their level of physical fitness;

improving the quality of leadership, organization, provision and conduct of sports work with personnel, strengthening the training of badges "Warrior-athlete" and athletes-rated athletes;

identification of the best subdivisions, units, military educational institutions, generalization of advanced experience and its dissemination.

Conducting reviews is effective only if they provide not only quantitative, but, above all, qualitative indicators, the main of which are: 1) the readiness of military personnel for the Military Sports Complex; 2) preparedness of personnel in military applied sports. At the discretion of the relevant commanders and chiefs, other indicators can be determined during the reviews: the results of the participation of athletes in various competitions, the state of the material base for sports, the quality of propaganda work, etc. A certain number of points is set for each of the indicators, and the overall championship in the review usually determined by the sum of points scored by subunits or military units in the course of a practical test under the terms of the review.

Achieving high results in mass sports reviews is not an end in itself, but an important means of improving the physical condition of servicemen. Therefore, their implementation is linked with the tasks of combat training, aimed at strengthening military discipline, at instilling in soldiers a sense of responsibility for the honor of their subunit and unit.

Sports holidays and evenings widely used in the army and navy. They are usually timed to coincide with officially established holidays, unit anniversaries and other significant dates for military personnel.

Sports holidays and evenings are important for educating and improving the level of physical fitness of personnel. They contribute to the promotion of physical culture and sports, the organization of cultural leisure for military personnel, members of their families, workers and employees, the removal of mental fatigue caused by intense military service, and the strengthening of friendly ties with the civilian population.

The content of sports holidays usually includes mass performances of military personnel, demonstration performances of the best athletes, sports and military sports competitions, games and entertainment. In summer, the holiday is usually held at the stadium, where there are necessary conditions for mass performances, competitions and spectator accommodation, it is also possible to hold a holiday at a water station with the inclusion of swimming, diving, water polo in its program. In winter, the holiday program may include cross-country skiing, slalom, ski jumping, hockey.

The content of sports evenings usually provides for: announcement of the commander's order based on the results of sports and military sports competitions; presentation of prizes and diplomas to the winners; awarding sports badges; reports, lectures and conversations of specialists in physical training and sports, coaches, athletes, doctors; demonstration sports performances; demonstration of sports films; games and entertainment; advice on physical training and sports.

Thus, in connection with the specific features and diversity of its content, mass sports work is one of the important forms of physical improvement of military personnel.

deployment of formations and units of the DRA army.
(as of 1979)

The RA Armed Forces consisted of regular troops (land forces, air force and air defense forces) and auxiliary troops (military units of the Ministry of Internal Affairs and the Ministry of State Security).
Commander-in-Chief of the Armed Forces - Head of State - Chairman of the Revolutionary Council, Chairman of the Supreme Council for the Defense of the Motherland.
Direct leadership is entrusted to the Minister of Defense.
General management was carried out by the Ministry of Defense. The General Staff was in charge of: general operational command and control of troops, issues of mobilization, combat and operational training.

Ground troops.

Combat strength: infantry divisions (pd) -10, mountain infantry divisions (gpd) - 1, separate brigades -4, artillery brigades (abr) - 1, separate regiments - 11.
The highest tactical formation is an army corps of various combat strengths (2-3 infantry divisions, corps units, units of combat, technical and logistic support and maintenance). The divisions were consolidated into three army corps, covering the main operational areas with Pakistan: 1st AK - Jellalabad (Khyber Pass), 2nd AK - Kandahar, 3rd AK - Gardez. The leadership of the ground forces of the Kabul garrison was carried out by the Ministry of Defense of the DRA through the command of the Central Army Corps - CAC.
The regular strength of the ground forces as of 1979 is about 150 thousand people. The staffing of the units at the end of December 1979 was about 60% (according to the memoirs of advisers, the units remote from the headquarters of the divisions were completed no more than 40 - 50%).
Organizationally, the infantry division consisted of 3 infantry (motorized) regiments, an artillery regiment, separate tank, reconnaissance, engineering and engineer battalions, a communications battalion, an anti-aircraft division, combat, rear and technical support units.
Infantry regiment of three battalions (3 companies each) composition. The regular strength of the infantry regiment was about 130 officers and 1.5 thousand soldiers, the division was about 7 thousand people.
The tank brigade consisted of 3 tank battalions, an infantry fighting vehicle battalion, and auxiliary companies, platoons and services: remrota, vehicle fleet, fuel and lubricants service, fin. service, etc. The staff strength of the brigade is up to 750 people.
Air Force and Air Defense Forces.
Consisted of three types of troops: air force (Air Force); anti-aircraft artillery and anti-aircraft missile troops (ZA and ZRV); radio engineering troops (RTV). The Commander-in-Chief of the Air Force and Air Defense exercised leadership through the Air Force Commander (the headquarters of the combat and auxiliary aviation commands) and the Air Defense Commander (the headquarters of the Air Defense Command). The Commander-in-Chief of the Air Force and Air Defense was also subordinate to the flight technical school (LTSH), which was later transformed into the Air Force and Air Defense School.

Combat line-up:

Air Force: aviation regiments - 6;
Air defense: - ZRA and ZRV: anti-aircraft missile brigade -1, anti-aircraft artillery regiment - 2 (77 zenap: 100 mm guns -12, twin 23 mm ZPU-2 automatic installations - 16), individual divisions ZA - 4.
- RTV consisted of a regiment and 2 separate radio engineering battalions.
The total number of Air Force and Air Defense at the end of 1979 was about 120 fighters and fighter-bombers, about 30 bombers, 20 transport aircraft, 25 helicopters, about 15 thousand people.
In Bagram, an aircraft repair plant (ARZ) operated, specializing in the MiG-17, and the training base of the LTS was located in Kabul.
The Bagram air garrison was considered the most combat-ready.
With the intensification of the organized actions of the rebels, the importance of air travel increased. In this situation, in order to provide for the Afghan army, as well as to solve priority economic tasks, a military-technical aviation detachment of 10 An-12 aircraft arrived at the disposal of the advisory apparatus. It was led by experienced pilots Mamatov, Ishgiuratov and others. The detachment was based at the Bagram airfield.
In order to organize interaction with ground forces and increase the effectiveness of the combat use of aviation for the period of hostilities, it was practiced to send aviation representatives and command and control groups to divisions and corps.

Acquisition of aircraft.

The mobilization and recruitment of troops is entrusted to the mobilization department of the General Staff of the Ministry of Defense. There were no special territorial bodies responsible for the organization of conscription, registration of military personnel and reservists. The call (by trapping) of those liable for military service was entrusted to the commanders of formations and units. By the spring of 1979, the work of recruiting centers was organized, but this did not solve the problem of recruiting troops and the system of "catching" existed along with the call.
Mobilization opportunities - about 1 million people.

Combat training.

The training of officers was carried out at the Harbi Pukhantun Joint Military School, officer courses, at the Polytechnic Institute, at the Military Medical Faculty of Kabul University, in educational units and subunits and military educational institutions of the Soviet Union and other foreign countries. The military lyceum (like the Suvorov School) prepared boys in grades 5-12 for officer service.
Combat training of units was carried out according to training programs developed by Soviet military specialists and advisers, which were copies of the programs of the Soviet Army of the 60s, without taking into account the characteristics of the terrain and the level of educational training of personnel. The educational material and technical base was practically absent.
Regimental and divisional artillery are practically incapable of performing fire missions from closed firing positions.
On the territory of the 4th tank brigade there was a training center - the so-called. "courses -B". The courses provided training for specialists of tank units.
The training of flight and technical personnel was carried out mainly in the USSR (pilots - in Kyrgyzstan and the Kuban, engineers - in Ukraine). The training of helicopter pilots on the Mi-25 and Mi-24 was carried out in the USSR, additional training was carried out on the spot by an instructor group of 3 pilots and 4 engineers. Afghan pilots gained combat experience in the difficult conditions of the civil war. Realizing that they were fighting against their own fellow citizens, they were far from always fully aware of the tasks and goals of this struggle. Many of them evaded assignments for various reasons, including religious ones. Taking advantage of the lack of control over the results of strikes, some pilots reported on the accomplishment of the task, but in fact they dropped deadly cargo in deserted areas. Often the bombing was carried out from heights below the minimum allowable, and the bombs fell to the ground without exploding. However, in general, the Air Force and Air Defense were loyal to the new leadership. Cases of hijacking aircraft and the direct transition of aviators to the rebels in 1978-1979. did not have.

Armament and military equipment.

The Afghan army was adequately equipped with Soviet-made military equipment. In service consisted of:
- tanks of various modifications (T-34/85, T-55, T-62) - about 600 units, incl. T-62 - 92 units;
- armored vehicles (BTR-60, BRDM, BMP-1, BTR-152) - about 300 units;
- artillery pieces - caliber 76 mm and above - about 1500 units.
To increase the mobility of the "K" regiments, they were armed with ZIL-157 vehicles.
A significant part of the weapons and military equipment was out of order due to the low level of technical training of personnel, gross violation of the rules of operation and the frequency of maintenance. The personnel neglected her savings. At the slightest malfunction, it was left unattended, no measures were taken for restoration, or it was dismantled, plundered and was unsuitable for further operation.

Organization of life.

Units and subunits were located in military camps. In large garrisons (Kabul, Herat, Kandahar), units were located in the barracks. The barracks were low adobe buildings. Soldiers slept on wicker beds. Cooking (soup-shurpa and rice for the main course with gravy) was carried out at food stations. Officers and soldiers ate separately. Meat was included in the diet of officers daily. The soldiers were supposed to eat meat twice a week.
In remote garrisons, in addition to the barracks, soldiers could be located in dugouts and small tents. Most of the soldiers had no beds. Soldiers slept on the floor or in yards on mattresses and bedding brought from home during the call. Dining room, kitchen, bath were absent. The soldiers cooked their own food on fires in small cauldrons.
The officers were treated at the Charsad Bistar Central Military Hospital.

Moral and psychological state.

The attitude of various categories of officers to the April Revolution was ambiguous. The materially secure part of the officer corps immediately after the April Revolution left the army and took a wait-and-see position. Some of them (mostly senior officers) occupied secondary economic or staff positions that did not correspond to their rank, since the salary of an officer was determined not by the position held, but by his rank. Some officers emigrated or went over to the side of the counter-revolution.
The lack of unity in the PDPA had a negative effect on the relationship between the officers, of which they were members. Most of the officers, especially junior officers, members of the PDPA (Khalk faction) unconditionally supported the revolution and had high hopes for its results. Having seized power, the Khalkovites accused the Parchamites of passivity and evading active struggle. Following such an accusation, they began to diligently root out their allies from the party and the state apparatus. Repressions followed, up to the physical destruction of the Parchamists, which forced the members of this faction to go underground and hide their affiliation with it.
Intra-party struggle in the form of arrests and shake-ups of army personnel (at least 10 during 1978-1979) led to command positions (including the Ministry of Defense, command of corps, divisions and brigades) a significant number of officers (mainly on the basis of family ties or personal loyalty management) who do not have the appropriate knowledge and skills. The number of officers was reduced by almost 10 times, the army by more than 2 times. The command staff of the army broke up into separate groups, depending on the commitment to party leaders. Many openly opposed the PDPA.
The soldiers expressed their dissatisfaction with the land reform.

Fighting troops.

Under the conditions of the unfolding armed opposition to state reforms, the army was entrusted with the protection of a large number of objects (county centers, infrastructure facilities), which could be carried out only if small garrisons were created with a force from a platoon to a battalion. The units allocated for protection were at a considerable distance from each other and had no communication not only among themselves, but also with the headquarters of their units. The RA government, in essence, controlled only the centers of the provinces, relying on the garrisons stationed there. In a number of county and even provincial centers, the garrisons were blocked by the rebels - Urgun, Asadabad, Khost. In the places of permanent deployment of the divisions, up to two infantry battalions remained, which accompanied the cargo necessary to maintain the vital activity of the units. Often such detachments had to fight their way through the territory controlled by the rebels. The small number and dispersion of the garrisons did not allow for combat training and educational work. At the same time, such conditions were favorable for the impact of enemy propaganda on personnel.
Projectionism and a dependent position of the leadership of the republic and the passivity of the military authorities led to the fact that by mid-1979 the regular army of about 100 thousand people actually went on the defensive against the disunited and poorly armed opposition detachments, numbering about 25-40 thousand people.

State border protection.

Total border length approx. 5,529 km, including from the USSR approx. 2,350 km
There were no border troops as a branch of service or type of armed forces. There was no single body responsible for organizing border protection and managing border battalions in the country. As part of the infantry divisions, there was a department of the border service, which was responsible for protecting only a separate section of the border. One or two border battalions were subordinate to him, which served on the main roads connecting Afghanistan with other states and through which the crossing of the state border was officially allowed. In total, there were about 15 border battalions in the Armed Forces, staffed by 30-50%. Small battalions, not equipped with means of transportation and communications, could not protect the state border and it was not controlled (except for the checkpoint).
To a large extent, the protection of the state border was entrusted to the tribes living along it, for pay and benefits. In addition, the state provided them with weapons and ammunition. After the April Revolution, the new government stopped funding and providing border tribes. The spread of compulsory conscription to the border tribes was considered by them as an encroachment on centuries-old traditions and threw the tribal armed formations into the ranks of the opposition. The tribal militias ceased to fulfill the traditional role of border guards.

Parts and divisions of the Ministry of Internal Affairs.

In August 1978, with the help of advisers from the Ministry of Internal Affairs, instead of the previously existing police and gendarmerie, the formation of "Tsarandoi" and the local government apparatus began. It was planned to assign duties to combat banditry on Tsaranda (units were created following the example of our Alpha - their training was entrusted to employees of the Balashikha school), the protection of communications (roads, bridges, tunnels and other government facilities). In addition to these functions, it was planned to entrust the protection of the state border.
Already in the spring of 1979, the formation of the Main Directorate for the Defense of the Revolution began, to which operational battalions were subordinate (it was planned to create 12 battalions with a total number of 9-10 thousand people, BRDM - 72 units, 82 mm mortars - 72 units), a training regiment for training personnel of the Ministry of Internal Affairs .
As of October 1979, several units (companies of 60-80 people each) of "Tsarandoy" (with a total number of about 1600 people) were created, which were entrusted with the duties of combating banditry, but in fact were engaged in the protection of local authorities (at the level of provincial centers) . They were armed with PPSh assault rifles and carbines. Up to 2 battalions of "Tsarandoy" performed tasks for the protection of facilities in Kabul.

Soviet-Afghan military cooperation has been developed since 1955 (Treaty on military-technical and economic assistance). The supply of equipment required the presence of Soviet military specialists and consultants. The agreement prescribed their stay on the territory of Afghanistan, as well as the direction of Afghan military personnel to study in the USSR.
Since 1972, the number of Soviet military specialists and consultants has been about 100 people.
The training of national military cadres was organized in the USSR and locally. The provision of economic assistance and the training of Afghan military personnel allowed the USSR to become the largest supplier of financial resources and technical assistance. Gradually, Afghanistan found itself in the sphere of Soviet influence. With the coming to power of M. Daud, consultants were admitted to the Moscow Region and the military command and control bodies of the Ground Forces: MO - 11, in army corps -3, in divisions 21 (3 consultants for each division completed at least 50-60%). Lieutenant General L. Gorelov was appointed chief military adviser from October 1975 to December 4, 1979.
By 1978, there were more than 2,000 Soviet technical and economic specialists in Afghanistan.
Immediately after the Saur Revolution (April 27, 1978), at the request of the Afghan leaders, the number of Soviet specialists began to increase sharply. The signing of an intergovernmental agreement on military advisers (in May 1978) made it possible to change their status (instead of advisers-advisers), tasks and number (up to 400 people). Almost immediately after that, advisers were sent to Afghanistan to form the Main Political Directorate of the Armed Forces of the DRA. Major General V. Zaplatin was sent as an adviser to the head of the main political department of the Afghan army. By August 1978, political bodies of corps, divisions and brigades were created.
In January 1979, 409 specialists and advisers were working in Afghanistan.
By the end of June, their numbers increased dramatically: almost 2,500 soldiers. advisers and 2000 advisers from other departments and power structures of the USSR.
The Tsarandoy Soviet apparatus was subordinate to the KGB representation in Afghanistan.
KGB officers also worked under cover of the diplomatic apparatus. In addition, advisers from the central apparatus of the KGB, incl. teachers of the Balashikha school (KUOS).
It should be noted that there is practically no information on the activities of the Main Intelligence Directorate of the General Staff during this period in Afghanistan. At the same time, the military analysts of the General Staff correctly assessed the situation in Afghanistan, which indicates the presence and effective work of the GRU residency.
Before the PDPA came to power, the Soviet apparatus was inviolable. For an encroachment on the life of a military adviser, all the relatives of the assassin were to be destroyed. Beginning in March 1979, the position of advisers (many living there with their families) in outlying provinces was very precarious. They are exposed to both shelling and the risk of being captured by the rebels and the possible betrayal of their sub-Soviet. Moral and psychological pressure from isolation and remoteness from the center. However, they performed their duty conscientiously.
Ground troops.

1 AK (headquarters - Kabul):
- 7 pd (Kabul, Rishkhor garrison - southwestern outskirts of Kabul): 38, 45 (Pulo-Alam), 75 (Pulo-Allam) bp, 3 ap (Kabul), 170 rebate (Kabul); 8 pd: 32, 71, 76 p; 11 pd (Jalalabad): 66 pp, 77 pp, 7 ap; 190 ap (Kabul).
2 AK (Kandahar):
- 5 pd; 7 brigade; 43 gpp; 191 app; oreadn
3 AK (Gardez)
- 12 pd (Gardez): 67 pp (Gardez); 25 pd (Gardez): 18 pp (Khost), 59 ap; 32 gpp; 192 ap

Parts of central subordination:
- 18 pd (Mazar-i-Sharif); 17 pd (Herat); 14 pd (Ghazni): 15, 58 pp, pp (Urgun); 20 pts (Baglan): 10 pts (Puli-Khumri), 31 pts ((Kunduz, units scattered), 24 pts (Faizabad), 27 pts??, 4 ap (Nakhrin); 9th rpd (Asadabad): 30 gpp (Asmar), gbp 69 (Asadabad), gbp 55 (Barikot);

- 4, 15 brigade (Kabul, Puli-Charkhi); 88 Abr (Kabul); brigade "Commandos" (subdivisions are located in Kabul, Kandahar, Jalalabad, Khost); 26 pdp (Kabul); 157 pdp (Bamiyan); 517 pdp (Maldanishahr); 52 ops (Kabul); 10 SAP engineers regiment; 21 security regiment; 1 Guards regiment (Kabul).

Air Force and Air Defense

Air Force: 373 Tap (Kabul); 322 IAP (Bagram); 355 apib (Bagram); 335 glanders (Shindand); 366 IAP (Kandahar); 393 UAP (Mazar-i-Sharif);
Air defense: - 99 zrb (3 divisions S-75 "Dvina", 3 divisions S-125 "Pechora", 2 technical divisions), 77 zenap: 100 mm guns -12, twin 23 mm automatic installations ZPU-2 - 16), separate divisions FOR - 4.