Atrocities of Ukrainian nationalists during WWII. Atrocities of the Ukrainian Nazis in Novosvetlovka

On September 12, 1939, at a meeting on Hitler’s train, the head of military intelligence and counterintelligence, Canaris, was given the task: “... to prepare Ukrainian organizations working with you and having the same goals, namely, the destruction of Poles and Jews.” Under the "Ukrainian organizations" meant the Organization of Ukrainian Nationalists (OUN). No sooner said than done. Two months later, 400 Ukrainian nationalists began training in the Abwehr camps in Zakopane, Komarna, Kirchendorf and Gakeshtein. In 1941, these thugs will become the core of the Ukrainian Insurgent Army (UPA), which, according to the Act of the Proclamation of Ukrainian Statehood of June 30, 1941, “will enter the war on the side of Germany and will wage it together with the German army for as long as it is on all fronts of the modern war won't win."

On the day of the adoption of the Act of Proclamation, the Ukrainian battalion “Nachtigal”, which broke into Lviv together with the German advanced units, under the command of Roman Shukhevych, shot more than three thousand Poles from Lviv, including 70 world-famous scientists. And during the week he brutally killed about seven thousand more Jews, Russians and Ukrainians.

  • Banderlogs chose as their idol the sadistic dwarf Stepan BANDERA, who, due to rickets suffered in childhood, grew by only 1 m 57 cm. His classmates recalled how he caught and strangled cats to temper his character. Photo by Oscar Jansons/Komsomolskaya Pravda

While Lvov was being cleared of corpses, Metropolitan Andrei Sheptytsky held a service in the courtyard of the Svyatoyursky Cathedral in honor of "the invincible German army and its chief leader, Adolf Hitler." With the blessing of the head of the Ukrainian Greek Catholic Church, the mass destruction of civilians in Ukraine by Bandera, Nakhtigalev, Upovtsy and warriors of the SS division "Galicia" began. The nationalists got down to business so vehemently that already on July 5, 1941, Hitler, shocked by the report of their atrocities, ordered Himmler to "put things in order with this gang." In the end, the Germans simply dispersed the leaders of the OUN, and Stepan Bandera was sent to rest for a couple of years in the Sachsenhausen concentration camp, however, in a cozy block for privileged prisoners. They released him only in the middle of the war, when the Red Army went on the offensive. And then the UPA, left without German control, showed itself in full force. Thousands of Ukrainians died a terrible, martyr's death every day. The nationalists seem to have broken the chain. Each murder they turned into a sophisticated torture, as if competing with each other in their brutality. Later, when the investigative teams of the NKVD investigated the crimes of Bandera, they compiled a list of the 135 most frequently used OUN-UPA fighters to torture the civilian population: nail into the skull.* Punching with a sharpened thick wire through and through from ear to ear.* Crushing of the head, putting it in a vise and tightening the screw.

  • Having occupied Lvov in the summer of 1941, Bandera massacred Poles and Jews. Women were raped before being shot and led naked through the streets

* Sawing the torso in half with a carpenter's saw. * Cutting the belly of a woman with a long-term pregnancy and inserting instead of the removed fetus, for example, a live cat and sewing up the belly. * Cutting the belly and pouring boiling water inside. * Tearing out the veins from the groin to the feet. entrails. * Inserting a glass bottle into the anus and breaking it. * Cutting the abdomen and pouring food inside, the so-called fodder flour, for hungry pigs, who vomited this food along with the intestines and other entrails. * Nailing the tongue of a small child to the table with a knife, which later hung on it. * Hanging on a tree with legs up and singeing the head from below with the fire of a fire lit under the head. * Driving oak stakes between the ribs. * Nailing hands to the threshold of the dwelling. And then even worse ...

For some reason, they forgot in Russia ...

Chopped to pieces with axes

The testimonies about the atrocities of the militants of the Ukrainian rebel army were published in full, but for some reason not in Russia and Ukraine, but in Poland. They believe that their crimes have no statute of limitations and are surprised that the “bloody Stalinist regime” allowed thousands of former policemen to live quietly until retirement and receive benefits from the current government of Ukraine on an equal basis with the participants in the war, the liberators of their land from the Nazis.

* Two teenagers, the Gorshkevich brothers, who tried to call for help from the partisans, had their bellies cut, their legs and arms cut off, the wounds were abundantly covered with salt, leaving them to die in the field. which was nailed to the boards of the table with a bayonet. The monsters put a half-eaten sauerkraut in his mouth. * Upovtsy muzzled the two-month-old baby Joseph Fili, tore him by the legs, and put the parts of the calf on the table. The bandits robbed them and brutally killed them. They cut them with saws, strangled them with strangleholds, chopped them into pieces with axes. In total, 140 gypsies were killed, including 67 children.

* From the village of Volkovya one night, Bandera brought a whole family into the forest. For a long time they mocked the unfortunate people. Seeing that the wife of the head of the family was pregnant, they cut open her stomach, pulled the fetus out of it, and instead pushed in a live rabbit.

  • ... and in Poland the victims of Ukrainian nationalists are remembered very well

At night, from the village of Khmyzovo, a village girl of seventeen years old, or even younger, was brought to the forest. Her fault was that she, along with other rural girls, went to dances when a military unit of the Red Army was stationed in the village. "Kubik" saw the girl and asked "Varnak" for permission to personally interrogate her. He demanded that she confess that she was "walking" with the soldiers. The girl swore that it was not. “And I’ll check it out now,” “Cube” grinned, sharpening a pine stick with a knife. In a moment, he jumped up to the prisoner and with the sharp end of the stick began to poke her between her legs until he drove a pine stake into the girl’s genitals. * Bandera came to our yard, grabbed our father and cut off his head with an ax, our sister was pierced with a stake. Mom, seeing this, died of a heart attack.* My brother's wife was Ukrainian. Because she married a Pole, 18 Bandera raped her. Waking up, she went and drowned herself in the Dniester.* Before the execution, the nationalists accused the teacher Raisa Borzilo of promoting the Soviet system at school. The Bandera people gouged out her eyes alive, cut off her tongue, then put a noose of wire around her neck and dragged her into the field. In the alley, they "decorated" the trunk of each tree with the corpse of a child who had been killed before. The corpses were nailed to the trees in such a way that the appearance of a “wreath” was created. * We witnessed how the OUN people completely slaughtered entire hospitals of the Red Army, which at first they left in the rear without guards. They carved stars on the body of the wounded, cut off their ears, tongues, genitals.

  • With the criminal connivance of Russian diplomacy, the official authorities in Ukraine in recent years, starting from the presidency of Viktor Yushchenko, sang the exploits of the Nazis, so is it any wonder their coming to power

Got a living heart

“We had five parents, we were all inveterate Bandera. During the day we slept in the huts, and at night we walked and drove around the villages. We were given tasks to strangle those who sheltered Russian prisoners and the prisoners themselves. Men were engaged in this, and we, women, sorted out clothes, took away cows and pigs from dead people, slaughtered cattle, processed everything, stewed it and put it in barrels. Once, in one night, 84 people were strangled in the village of Romanov. They strangled older people and old people, and small children by the legs - once, hit their heads against the door, and that's it. We felt sorry for our men, that they suffered hard during the night, but they would sleep off during the day and the next night - to another village .... In Novoselki, Rivne region, there was one Komsomol member Motria. We took her to Verkhovka to the old Zhabsky and let's get a living heart. Old Salivon held a watch in one hand, and a heart in the other, to check how much longer the heart would beat in his hand .... A Jewish woman was walking with a child, ran away from the ghetto, they stopped her, beat her up and buried her in the forest. We were given an order: Jews, Poles, Russian prisoners and those who hide them, to strangle everyone without mercy. They strangled the Severin family, and the daughter was married in another village. She arrived, but there were no parents, she began to cry and let's dig things out. Bandera came, took away the clothes, and closed the daughter alive in the same box and buried it. And her two small children remained at home. And if the children came with their mother, then they would be in that box ... "From the diary of Nadezhda VDOVICHENKO Bandera

Heroes of Babi Yar Like today, once the Bandera people were already the masters of Kyiv. They entered the city on September 23, 1941, and on September 28 they shot 350,000 Kyivans in Babi Yar, including 50,000 children! Among the 1,500 punishers at Babi Yar, there were 1,200 policemen from the OUN and only 300 Germans! In general, 5 million 300 thousand civilians died at the hands of the Nazis in Ukraine. But out of this number, Bandera brutally tortured: 850,000 Jews, 220,000 Poles, 500,000 Ukrainians, 450,000 Soviet prisoners of war, and about five thousand of their own "insufficiently active and nationally conscious" members of the UPA.

The Savior of the Nation It is a paradox, but it was Stalin who turned out to be the man who civilly resolved the national question in Western Ukraine. Without cutting off heads and disemboweling children, by exchanging populations. The new communist government, established in liberated Poland, did not allow full-scale actions of revenge on the Ukrainians. On July 6, 1945, an agreement "On the exchange of population" was concluded between the USSR and Poland. 1 million Poles went from the USSR to Poland, 600 thousand Ukrainians - in the opposite direction, plus 140 thousand Polish Jews went to Palestine.

Just a fact On March 17, 1951, the UPA appealed to the US government to provide assistance to the Ukrainian rebels in the fight against the USSR.

  • bullying victims

Upvoting the post again!

The events described took place more than half a century ago.
This post was not created to incite hatred towards Ukrainians, forcing them to project a long-standing evil onto modern people. It only shows what atrocities accompanied fascism and how FEAR makes animals out of people.

Volyn massacre (Polish: Rzez wolynska) (Volyn tragedy, Ukrainian Volyn tragedy, Polish: Tragedia Wolynia) is an ethno-political conflict accompanied by mass destruction (Bandera) by the Ukrainian Insurgent Army-OUN (b) of the ethnic Polish civilian population and civilians of other nationalities, including Ukrainians, in the territories of the Volyn-Podolia district (German: Generalbezirk Wolhynien-Podolien), until September 1939 under the control of Poland, began in March 1943 and peaked in July of the same year.

In the spring of 1943, large-scale ethnic cleansing began in Volyn, occupied by German troops. This criminal action was carried out not by the Nazis, but by the militants of the Organization
Ukrainian nationalists who sought to "cleanse" the territory of Volhynia from the Polish population. Ukrainian nationalists surrounded Polish villages and colonies, and then proceeded to kill. They killed everyone - women, the elderly, children, infants. The victims were shot, beaten with clubs, chopped with axes. Then the corpses of the destroyed Poles were buried somewhere in the field, their property was robbed, and finally the houses were set on fire. In place of the Polish villages, only burnt ruins remained.
They also destroyed those Poles who lived in the same villages with the Ukrainians. It was even easier - there was no need to collect large detachments. Groups of OUN members, several in number, passed through the sleeping village, entered the houses of the Poles and killed everyone. And then the locals buried the killed fellow villagers of the “wrong” nationality.

In this way, several tens of thousands of people were killed, whose only fault was that they were not born Ukrainians and lived on Ukrainian soil.
Organization of Ukrainian nationalists (Bandera movement) /OUN(b), OUN-B/, or revolutionary /OUN(r), OUN-R/, as well as (for a short time in 1943) independent-powerful /OUN(sd), OUN-SD / (Ukrainian Organization of Ukrainian Nationalists (Banderi Rukh)) is one of the factions of the Organization of Ukrainian Nationalists. Currently (since 1992), the Congress of Ukrainian Nationalists calls itself the successor to the OUN (b).
In the course of the “Map” study conducted in Poland, it was found that as a result of the actions of the UPA-OUN (B) and the Security Council of the OUN (b), in which part of the local Ukrainian population and sometimes detachments of Ukrainian nationalists of other movements took part, the number of Poles who died in Volhynia amounted to at least 36,543 - 36,750 people whose names and places of death were established. In addition, the same study counted from 13,500 to more than 23,000 Poles, the circumstances of whose death were not clarified.
A number of researchers say that the victims of the massacre were probably about 50-60 thousand Poles, during the discussion about the number of victims on the Polish side, estimates were made from 30 to 80 thousand.
These massacres were a real massacre. An idea of ​​​​its nightmarish cruelty of the Volyn genocide is given by a fragment from the book of the famous historian Timothy Snyder:
“The first edition of the UPA newspaper, published in July, promised a “shameful death” to all Poles who remained in Ukraine. The UPA was able to carry out its threats. Within about twelve hours, from the evening of July 11, 1943 to the morning of July 12, the UPA attacked 176 settlements .... During 1943, UPA units and special detachments of the OUN Security Service killed Poles both individually and collectively in Polish settlements and villages, as well as those Poles who lived in Ukrainian villages. According to multiple, corroborating reports, Ukrainian nationalists and their allies burned houses, shot or drove inside those who tried to escape, and killed those who could be caught in the street with sickles and pitchforks. Churches full of parishioners were burned to the ground. In order to intimidate the surviving Poles and force them to flee, the bandits exhibited beheaded, crucified, dismembered or disemboweled bodies.

Even the Germans were amazed at their sadism - gouging out eyes, ripping open stomachs and brutal torture before death were commonplace. They killed everyone - women, children ...

The genocide began in the cities. Men of the “wrong” nationality were immediately taken to prisons, where they were later shot.

and violence against women took place right in broad daylight for the amusement of the public. There were many people among the Bandera people who wanted to stand “in line” / take an active part ...

She was lucky .. Bandera forced to go on her knees with her hands up.

Later, the Bandera people got a taste for it.

On February 9, 1943, Bandera from the gang of Pyotr Netovich, under the guise of Soviet partisans, entered the Polish village of Parosle near Vladimirets, Rivne region. The peasants, who had previously provided assistance to the partisans, warmly welcomed the guests. After eating plenty, the bandits began to rape women and girls.

Before they were killed, their chests, noses and ears were cut off.
Men were stripped of their genitals before they died. Finished off with blows of an ax on the head.
Two teenagers, the Gorshkevich brothers, who tried to call real partisans for help, had their stomachs cut open, their legs and arms cut off, their wounds were abundantly covered with salt, leaving the half-dead to die in the field. In total, 173 people, including 43 children, were brutally tortured in this village. When the partisans entered the village on the second day, they saw in the houses of the villagers piles of mutilated bodies lying in pools of blood. In one of the houses on the table among the leftovers and unfinished bottles of moonshine lay a dead one-year-old child, whose naked body was nailed to the boards of the table with a bayonet. The monsters put a half-eaten pickled cucumber into his mouth.

LIPNIKI (LIPNIKI), Kostopil County, Lutsk Voivodeship. March 26, 1943. A resident of the Lipniki colony - Yakub Varumzer without a head, the result of a massacre committed under cover of night by terrorists of the OUN-UPA (OUN-UPA). As a result of this massacre in Lipniki, 179 Polish residents were killed, as well as Poles from the surrounding area seeking shelter there. They were predominantly women, old people and children (51 - aged 1 to 14), 4 hiding Jews and 1 Russian. 22 people were injured. Identified by name and surname 121 Polish victims - residents of Lipnik, who were known to the author. Three aggressors also lost their lives.

PODYARKOV, Bobrka County, Lviv Voivodeship. August 16, 1943. The results of torture inflicted on the mother of Kleshchinskaya, from a Polish family of four.

From the village of Volkovya one night, Bandera brought a whole family into the forest. For a long time they mocked the unfortunate people. Then, seeing that the wife of the head of the family was pregnant, they cut open her stomach, tore out the fetus from it, and instead they pushed in a live rabbit. One night, the bandits broke into the Ukrainian village of Lozovaya. Over 100 peaceful peasants were killed within 1.5 hours. A bandit with an ax in his hands broke into the hut of Nastya Dyagun and hacked to death her three sons. The smallest, four-year-old Vladik, cut off his arms and legs.

One of the two Kleshchinsky families in Podyarkovo was tortured to death by the OUN-UPA on August 16, 1943. The photo shows a family of four - a wife and two children. The victims' eyes were gouged out, they were hit on the head, their palms were burned, they tried to cut off the upper and lower limbs, as well as the hands, stab wounds were inflicted on the whole body, etc.

The girl in the center, Stasya Stefanyak, was killed because of her Polish father. Her mother Maria Boyarchuk, a Ukrainian, was also killed that night. Because of the husband .. Mixed families aroused special hatred of the Rezuns. In the village of Zalesye Koropetskoye (Ternopil region) on February 7, 1944, there was an even more terrible incident. The UPA gang attacked the village with the aim of massacring the Polish population. About 60 people, mostly women and children, were herded into a barn, where they were burned alive. One of those who died that day was from a mixed family - half Pole, half Ukrainian. Bandera set him a condition - he must kill his Polish mother, then he will be left alive. He refused and was killed along with his mother.

TARNOPOL, Tarnopol Voivodeship, 1943. One (!) of the trees of the country road, in front of which the OUN-UPA terrorists hung a banner with the inscription translated into Polish: "The road to independent Ukraine." And on each tree on both sides of the road, the executioners created the so-called “wreaths” from Polish children.

“The old ones were strangled, and small children up to one year old by the legs - once, hit the head on the door - and it's ready, and on the cart. We felt sorry for our men, that they suffered hard during the night, but during the day they would sleep off and the next night they would go to another village. There were people hiding. If a man was hiding, they were mistaken for women ... "
(from the interrogation of Banderovka)

Prepared "wreaths"

But the Polish Shayer family, a mother and two children, was massacred in their house in Vladinopol in 1943.

LIPNIKI (LIPNIKI), Kostopil County, Lutsk Voivodeship. March 26, 1943. Children in the foreground - Janusz Beławski, 3 years old, Adele's son; Roman Belavsky, 5 years old, son of Cheslava, as well as Jadwiga Belavska, 18 years old and others. These listed Polish victims are the result of a massacre committed by the OUN-UPA.

LIPNIKI (LIPNIKI), Kostopil County, Lutsk Voivodeship. March 26, 1943. The corpses of Poles, victims of the massacre committed by the OUN-UPA, brought for identification and burial. Standing behind the fence is Jerzy Skulski, who saved a life thanks to the firearms he had.

POLOVETS, region, Chortkiv county, Tarnopol voivodeship, forest called Rosokhach. January 16 - 17, 1944. The place from which 26 victims were pulled out - Polish residents of the village of Polovtse - taken away by the UPA on the night of January 16-17, 1944 and tortured to death in the forest.

“..In Novoselki, Rivne region, there was one Komsomol member Motrya. We took her to Verkhovka to the old Zhabsky and let's get a living heart. Old Salivon held a watch in one hand, and a heart in the other, to check how long the heart would beat in his hand. And when the Russians came, the sons wanted to erect a monument to him, they say, he fought for Ukraine”
(from the interrogation of Banderovka)

Belzec, region, Rava Ruska county, Lviv voivodeship June 16, 1944. You can see the open stomach and entrails, as well as a brush hanging on the skin - the result of an attempt to chop it off. OUN-UPA case.

Belzec, region, Rava Ruska county, Lviv voivodeship June 16, 1944.

Belzec, region, Rava Ruska county, Lviv voivodeship June 16, 1944. Place of execution in the forest.

Lipniki, Kostopil district, Lutsk voivodeship. March 26, 1943. View before the funeral. Polish victims of the night massacre committed by the OUN-UPA brought to the People's House.

In Poland, the Volyn massacre is very well remembered.
This is a scan of the pages of a book. The list of ways in which the Ukrainian Nazis dealt with the civilian population:

. Driving a large and thick nail into the skull of the head.
. Ripping off the hair from the head with the skin (scalping).
. Carving on the forehead "eagle" (the eagle is the coat of arms of Poland).
. Eye gouging.
. Circumcision of the nose, ears, lips, tongue.
. Piercing children and adults with stakes through and through.
. Punching with a pointed thick wire through and through from ear to ear.
. Cutting the throat and pulling the tongue out through the opening.
. Knocking out teeth and breaking jaws.
. Tearing of the mouth from ear to ear.
. Plugging mouths with tow when transporting still living victims.
. Rolling the head back.
. Crushing of the head by placing in a vise and tightening the screw.
. Cutting and pulling narrow strips of skin from the back or face.
. Breaking bones (ribs, arms, legs).
. Cutting off women's breasts and sprinkling salt on wounds.
. Cutting off the genitals of male victims with a sickle.
. Punching the belly of a pregnant woman with a bayonet.
. Cutting the abdomen and pulling out the intestines in adults and children.
. Cutting the abdomen of a woman with a long-term pregnancy and inserting instead of the removed fetus, for example, a live cat, and stitching the abdomen.
. Cutting the abdomen and pouring boiling water inside.
. Cutting the stomach and putting stones inside it, as well as throwing it into the river.
. Cutting the belly of pregnant women and spilling broken glass inside.
. Pulling out the veins from the groin to the feet.
. Inserting a hot iron into the vagina.
. Insertion of pine cones into the vagina with the top side forward.
. Inserting a pointed stake into the vagina and pushing it up to the throat, right through.
. Cutting the women's front part of the body with a garden knife from the vagina to the neck and leaving the insides outside.
. Hanging victims by the insides.
. Inserting a glass bottle into the vagina or anus and breaking it.
. Cutting the belly and spilling feed flour inside for hungry pigs, which pulled out this feed along with the intestines and other entrails.
. Chopping off / cutting off with a knife / sawing off of hands or feet (or fingers and toes).
. Cauterization of the inside of the palm on the hot stove of a charcoal kitchen.
. Sawing the body with a saw.
. Sprinkling of bound feet with red-hot coal.
. Nailing hands to the table, and feet to the floor.
. Chopping a whole body into pieces with an ax.
. Nailing the tongue of a small child to the table with a knife, which later hung on it.
. Cutting a child into pieces with a knife.
. Nailing a small child to a table with a bayonet.
. Hanging a male child by the genitals on a doorknob.
. Knocking out the joints of the legs and arms of the child.
. Throwing a child into the flames of a burning building.
. Breaking the baby's head, taking it by the legs and hitting it against a wall or stove.
. Planting a child on a stake.
. Hanging a woman upside down on a tree and mocking her - cutting off her chest and tongue, dissecting her stomach, gouging out her eyes, and cutting off pieces of her body with knives.
. Nailing a small child to a door.
. Hanging on a tree with feet up and singeing the head from below with the fire of a fire lit under the head.
. Drowning children and adults in a well and throwing stones at the victim.
. Driving a stake into the stomach.
. Tying a man to a tree and shooting him like a target.
. Dragging the body along the street with a rope tied around the neck.
. Binding the legs and arms of a woman to two trees, and cutting her stomach from the crotch to the chest.
. Dragging on the ground mother with three children connected with each other.
. Pulling one or more victims with barbed wire, pouring cold water on the victim every few hours in order to come to his senses and feel pain.
. Buried in the ground alive up to the neck and later cut off the head with a scythe.
. Tearing the body in half with the help of horses.
. Tearing the body in half by tying the victim to two bent trees and then releasing them.
. Setting fire to a victim doused in kerosene.
. Laying around the victim with sheaves of straw and setting them on fire (Nero's torch).
. Putting a baby on a pitchfork and throwing him into the flames of a fire.
. Hanging on barbed wire.
. Ripping off the skin from the body and filling the wound with ink or boiling water.
. Nailing hands to the threshold of the dwelling.

By decree of the Presidium of the Supreme Soviet of the USSR, Hero of the Soviet Union pilot Lieutenant Colonel B.F.Safonov was awarded the second Gold Star medal. 19 commanders of the Navy were awarded the title of Hero of the Soviet Union. Battle greetings to the new Heroes - the brave defenders of our homeland!

SOUTHERN FRONT. June 15th. (Special correspondent TASS). Soviet citizens who crossed the front line talk about the terrible events that took place the other day in the village of Bolshaya Berezka, Seredino-Budsky district, Sumy region. A gang of SS thugs killed 62 residents here in one day. The Nazis subjected their victims to exceptional torture. They first gouged out their eyes and cut off their noses.

In front of their parents, the Nazis pinned the children praying for help with bayonets, and then threw them into the fire. One six-year-old girl tried to escape from the fascist executioners. An officer chased after her, shooting on the move. The girl managed to run around the hut twice. At this time, another officer jumped out to meet the child and killed the girl with a point-blank shot. The Nazis dug up the body of a previously killed Soviet citizen and, cutting it into pieces, scattered it around the village.

Fascist cannibals poured the blood of civilians on the once flourishing resort town of Berdyansk. Recently, all the families of Soviet activists received a note with a proposal to arrive in the morning at Merlikova Balka. They were allegedly called in order to be sent to the rear. When the old men, women, children, taking with them the most valuable things, gathered at the appointed place, they were surrounded by German submachine gunners. Having divided all the arrivals into groups, the Nazis forced them to dig a ditch. Everyone immediately knew what they were.

Heart-rending cries of women, crying of children were heard. Then the German submachine gunners opened fire. Like beveled people fell into the ditch. Some of the wounded tried to get to their feet, but were again hit by bullets. More than 800 Soviet citizens were shot that day. The executions of the inhabitants of the city continue to this day.

The German fascists also mark their hostility with bloody revelry, gallows in other cities of the occupied regions of Ukraine. In Zhytomyr, Korosten, Ovruch, the Germans, according to eyewitnesses, arrested all former employees of Soviet organizations and institutions. Most of them .

Famine reigns throughout the cities. The Germans export all food and livestock to Germany. From Gremyachsky district, Chernihiv region, 1900 heads of cattle were sent within a few days of May. In the entire region, the collective farmers did not have a single cow left. Many people are dying of starvation. Typhoid fever and other diseases are rampant.

The invaders are trying to intimidate the Ukrainian people by systematic extermination of the population, terror. But no atrocities and cruelties will save the Nazis from retribution.
________________________________________ _________________________________
("Red Star", USSR)
("Red Star", USSR)**
("Red Star", USSR)


In Finland, women are not allowed to mourn. But the whole of Finland wears mourning in the heart - for the soldiers who died for Hitler. Once upon a time people lived in Finland. Now there are no people in it: only cannon fodder remains. Finland was once a small country. Now it has become a large German slaughterhouse. There is a famine in Finland, the widows of soldiers dream of an eighth piece of bread. Only Hitler's lackeys eat in Finland: they throw bones from the German table with this. And the Finnish lackeys, having eaten in an empty and hungry country, dream.

Finnish fascist Karl Gadolin told us exactly what lackeys dream about. Here is a quote from the "work" of this German lackey, entitled "The New Order and the East", published by "Dagensbecker".

“We are going to unite Europe under the sign of Germanism ... We hope that the Russian state tradition will be destroyed. A large leading layer of Germans must be sent to Russia ... Eastern Karelia must be annexed to Finland. The Arkhangelsk region must be annexed to Germany as a colony .Ukraine should be annexed to a great German state... Crimea will become a popular European-German resort... The North Caucasus, we hope, will become a European colony of Germany... An important detail remains - Finland would like it to be completely destroyed, but such artificial destruction is hardly feasible... Most likely, Leningrad will be a "free" port like Danzig or Shanghai under German control. The predominant language in Leningrad will, of course, be German... management ... Moscow will lose the right to ... The German administration can choose Gorky as a residence ij or Ryazan. Around Kazan and Astrakhan, the formation of vassal units is possible. Siberia will gradually be occupied by German troops ... To ensure the strength of the new order, Germany will have to flood the entire territory between the Gulf of Finland and the Black Sea with the Germans, Germanize everything, up to the Volkhov and the upper reaches of the Volga and Dnieper ... "

The footman dreams luxuriantly. On paper, he famously cuts Russia. Finnish soldiers are dying in Karelia. And the lively Karl Gadolin is already offering Hitler both the North Caucasus and Siberia. It is not difficult to bring it on paper, but it is unlikely that such generosity will particularly please the Germans. They, perhaps, will shout at the daydreaming footman: “Why write books about the transformation of Siberia into a German colony, it’s better to go to war! ..”

The Finnish serf understands that even in the most daring dreams, you need to give everything to the master, and beg for crumbs for yourself. Karl Gadolin gives Russia to the Germans, and asks for himself only East Karelia. And in passing, the small bastard Gadolin admits that it would be nice.

We know that last spring Hitler dreamed of Kamchatka, even of the South Pole. After the winter, the demoniac became bored. He now yells about "defending Germany." Steep mountains rolled the German Sivka. The Siberian will laugh when he hears that the Germans are going to "occupy Siberia", he will laugh and say: "Ours drove these Krauts from Kalinin and Yelets, but how they drove - in Siberian way."

Karl Gadolin writes that it would be nice to make a resort for SS men from Crimea and. He proposes to destroy Moscow, turn Leningrad into Danzig and populate Russia with Berlin sausages. The Finnish serf was late: the Fritz dreamed about this last summer. Now they are looking not so much at Siberia as at the English Channel. Now they think not about Gorky, but about Cologne.

Foreign troops never visited Leningrad, and from St. Petersburg the Russians dictated peace conditions to defeated Berlin. Our whole country is fighting for Leningrad: Siberia, the Volga, the Caucasus, and Ukraine. The defenders of Leningrad, who beat the Germans every day, will not bypass Hitler's Finnish lackeys with a well-aimed bullet. They will remember the dreams of the reptile Gadolin, and with particular fury they will rush to the Finnish servants:

You wanted to demolish Leningrad from the earth? Get it!

And the Germans will indeed populate the space from the Gulf of Finland to the Black Sea, but not on the ground, but underground - that's where they belong. // .


GENEVA, 14 June. (TASS). Here the following curious fact became known, characterizing the relationship between Germans and Italians. In early May, at the insistence of the Germans, the Italian newsreel film "Victory in Libya" was removed from the screen in Stockholm. This film, depicting mythical victories over the British in Libya, was intended to prove that they were achieved by the Italians, and not by the German troops under the command of Rommel. The film was shown for only one day.

The incident serves as an illustration of the chatter of Hitler and Mussolini about the "eternal friendship" between Nazi Germany and fascist Italy.
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("Red Star", USSR)
* ("Red Star", USSR)
("Red Star", USSR)*

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From the Soviet Information Bureau *

The captured commander of the Junkers-88 bomber of the first group of the 77th German squadron, Walter Ferlor, said: “The Russian infantry shoots accurately. You can run into rifle fire along the entire front line. I have experienced this myself twice. Russian shooters shot down my plane once. I then escaped by parachute and wandered through the forests for four days until I got to the area where the German troops were located. Another time, my car was hit by partisan fire, and I was no longer able to return to my place. German aviation is now suffering heavy losses. In one month, our detachment of 8 aircraft lost 5 aircraft.

The captured corporal of the 2nd German Panzer Division Hermann Salinger, an Austrian by nationality, said: “There used to be a lot of Austrians who believed that Hitler wanted to help Austria. Now we are convinced that he brought the Austrian people only misfortune and hunger. Even the German soldiers now do not believe in victory. And how to believe, if only 15 tanks remained in our division out of 140. I was taken prisoner under the following circumstances. In one battle, our company was surrounded. Many of my comrades died. I surrendered and."

The letters that Finnish soldiers receive speak eloquently of the famine that now reigns in Finland. His mother writes to junior sergeant Ahti Laikhorinna: “I was at Senni's. She ran out of potatoes. They don't give bread. She says she eats bran." Elma Autio from Turku writes to Corporal Väine Autio: “You can't buy anything here. There are no potatoes, and bread is almost impossible to get. Try to bring us at least a kilo of flour.” The letters to the soldiers at the front show the abyss of misfortune that the criminal clique of Ryti-Tanner-Mannerheim plunged the Finnish people into.

In the Kharkov direction, our troops inflicted heavy damage on them during the battles with large enemy forces. Tank unit under the command of Comrade. Kulish destroyed up to three enemy motorized infantry battalions and two artillery batteries. The soldiers under the command of Comrade. Gorbatov, repelling enemy attacks, destroyed 250 German soldiers and officers and took prisoners. On one of the sections of the Kharkov direction, our gunners destroyed 15 German tanks.

On one of the sectors of the Kalinin Front, the enemy, after artillery preparation, went over to the attack four times. Units commanded by TT. Isaev and Yakushin, each time let the Germans come close and then opened fire on them from all types of weapons. The Nazis invariably rolled back to their original positions and suffered heavy losses. In another section, the artillerymen of the unit commanded by Comrade. Volkov, destroyed the German battery of heavy guns and dispersed the enemy cavalry detachment.

Master of super-accurate fire comrade. Dorzhiev, who destroyed 181 Nazis during the war, trained and educated a group of snipers. June 12 snipers - students of Comrade. Dorzhiev - shot down a German plane. Sniper tov. Ilyin for a month.

Our planes scattered leaflets over the location of German troops with the text of an agreement between the USSR and Great Britain on an alliance in the war against Nazi Germany and its accomplices in Europe, as well as with the text of an agreement between the governments of the USSR and the United States of America.

United partisan detachments under the command of Comrade. V. (Leningrad region) in five days destroyed 1,355 German soldiers and officers, knocked out 12 enemy tanks, blew up 8 vehicles with infantry, destroyed 2 automatic guns and one mortar battery. The partisans captured 4 German tanks, 3 mortars, 2 heavy machine guns, 17,000 rounds of ammunition, 300 boxes of shells and other military property.

Captured in one of the sections of the Leningrad Front, the commander of a platoon of the 1st division of the 11th artillery regiment of the 11th German infantry division, Lieutenant Werner Skuse, said: “I was going to go on vacation. But the unexpected advance of the Russians overturned all my plans and hopes. After a crushing artillery bombardment, the Russian infantry, under cover of tanks, moved in an avalanche to our positions. I hid in a dugout with 50 soldiers in it. While the artillery fired, we all considered ourselves doomed. I have never experienced anything like this during the entire war. Some soldiers wanted to run wherever their eyes looked, but someone in time guessed to throw out a white flag. Following this, 50 terrified soldiers began to crawl out of the dugout one after another. In other dugouts and trenches, they surrendered without a single shot.

Nazi scoundrels in one day slaughtered 62 residents of the village of Bolshaya Berezka, Sumy region. Before being killed, the fascist monsters mocked and mocked their victims, including defenseless women and young children.

On the site of the guards unit, where the commander of Comrade. Karpov (Kalinin Front), the German infantry, with the support of aviation and tanks, tried to attack our positions. The guards repulsed this attack of the Nazis. Leaving over 200 dead on the battlefield, the Germans turned back. Our mortars, artillerymen and infantry snipers showed themselves well in this battle. Mortar calculation comrade. Shukbaeva with the very first shots destroyed an easel machine gun and up to 30 Nazis. Artillerymen of the unit comrade. Semibalamut was knocked out by a German tank and an automatic cannon with well-aimed fire. A sniper, Red Army soldier Bryukhanov, shot down a German Junkers-88 aircraft with a rifle. Guardsmen of the unit comrade. Tamarina with group fire.

Snipers of the unit, where the commander of Comrade. Mikhailov, 20 Nazis were destroyed during the day. Particularly good results were shown by the Red Army soldiers TT. Denisenko, Ponomarenko and Karachentsev.

A soldier of the second motorcycle company of the 6th regiment of the Bersaglieri of the Celere division of the Italian expeditionary force A. Martinelli said: “In winter and early spring, German propaganda widely advertised the upcoming offensive of the German army. Then the Italian soldiers still had some hopes for a speedy end to the war. Now they have lost all hope and believe that any German offensive is doomed to failure. Italian soldiers do not believe in a German victory. Many Italian soldiers began to think about the events taking place. They are looking for a reasonable and dignified way out of a difficult situation and ".

The captured soldier of the veterinary company of the 83rd German infantry division, Alfred Yehn, said: “On May 21, 1942, the commander of the sapper company of the 33rd division, Oberleutnant von Beyerwitz, said that he was convinced of the hopelessness of the war against Russia, and therefore did not want to fight anymore. He was immediately arrested and sent to the rear under reinforced escort. The soldiers saw how with.

The bloody terror of the Nazis did not break the fighting spirit of the French people. The French patriots are intensifying their struggle against the German invaders. In the suburbs of Paris, 6 electric masts were destroyed. In Ivry, three German trucks are burned. At the Jena bridge in Paris, unidentified persons threw a grenade at a German outpost. In the vicinity of the Vilette slaughterhouse, patriots threw a bomb at a German detachment. The explosion killed 6 soldiers. Many are injured.

The German infantry, with the support of tanks, launched an offensive against the positions of Commander Simashin's unit (Kalinin Front). Artillery, mortar and rifle-machine-gun fire of our soldiers cut off the German infantry from the tanks. Having lost 4 tanks and a large number of killed and wounded, the Nazis retreated to their original positions. On the same day, the enemy unsuccessfully tried to attack the unit of commander Chikarkov. Our fighters overturned and defeated the Nazis with a decisive counterattack. Left on the battlefield.

In the Kharkov direction, our tankers inflict heavy damage on the enemy during the fighting. In one of the sections, the tank of senior lieutenant Kazakov broke into the Germans, destroyed 10 vehicles, dispersed and partially destroyed up to an infantry battalion. The tank crew, consisting of Lieutenant Korolkov, Sergeant Simonov and Bondarenko's turret commander, knocked out 3 German heavy tanks from an ambush. Having then entered into battle with the enemy, the crew of our tank knocked out another 5 German tanks. The tank crew, consisting of senior lieutenant Danilov, senior sergeants Sobol, Krasnoshchekov, Red Army soldiers Soslov and Anosov, repelling enemy tank attacks, burned 6 and knocked out 4 German tanks.

Soldiers of the unit comrade. Zabrodkin shot down four German planes with group fire of small arms.

During the period from January to June 1942, the Lazo partisan detachment, operating in the German-occupied areas of the Smolensk region, destroyed 86 German vehicles, 500 carts with various cargoes, blew up and burned 5 warehouses with ammunition and uniforms. The partisans destroyed more than 3 thousand Nazi invaders, captured more than 500 rifles, 32 machine guns, 11 mortars, 150 revolvers, food supplies and uniforms.

Below is an excerpt from the notebook of the murdered German non-commissioned officer Artur Goltz: “... In my company of 188 people who left France at the end of May last year and started the Russian campaign on June 22, 9 people remained ... Every day new victims. Killed: Sergeant Major Helmut Wittenstein, Corporal Martin Raumer and old friend Rudolf Reichardt. I am the only one left of the old people. I survived everyone. There were so many healthy and strong guys and they were gone. But the company exists. Every month replenishment is poured into it.

The Nazi scoundrels expelled all the inhabitants from the village of Sukhinkino in the Leningrad Region and carried out a mass robbery. The bandits took things from the collective farmers, and then set fire to the village from all over. // .

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On awarding the Hero of the Soviet Union Lieutenant Colonel Safonov Boris Feoktistovich with the second Gold Star medal

For the exemplary performance of the combat missions of the Command on the front of the fight against the German invaders, which gives the right to receive the title of Hero of the Soviet Union, to award the Hero of the Soviet Union, Lieutenant Colonel Safonov Boris Feoktistovich, with the second Gold Star medal, build a bronze bust and install it on a pedestal
in the recipient's home country.
Newspaper "Red Star" No. 139 (5203), June 16, 1942

In the ranks of the Ukrainian rebels - mostly radical nationalists from Galicia. These are three regions: Lviv, Ivano-Frankivsk and the south of Ternopil. During the Great Patriotic War, a whole division of Ukrainian volunteers from these places - it was called "SS-Galicia" - fought on the side of the Third Reich. Today guys from the same region are also against Russia. What are radical Ukrainian nationalists capable of? In the USSR, many documents on this topic were classified, and not only documents - the topic itself was banned so as not to cast a shadow on the Soviet idyll of a friendly family of peoples. What is happening in Ukraine now needs to be explained with the help of historical examples.

One March morning in 1942, a detachment in the form of SS troops drove into the village of Velevshchina in northern Belarus. His fighters spoke, however, not in German, but in pure Ukrainian language. The 201st police battalion was commanded by the then little-known future hero of Ukraine, Roman Shukhevych. Punishers, having arrived, immediately got down to business. Shukhevych himself set an example.

"They shot both children and adults. Some of them were thrown alive into the pit," said Natalya Sadovskaya, a resident of Velevshchyna.

The 201st battalion was by no means the only Ukrainian formation that participated in the destruction of the inhabitants of Belarus. By the beginning of 1942, the Nazis had formed several dozen Ukrainian police battalions. And in total during the war years, more than 20 thousand Ukrainian nationalists participated in punitive operations against civilians in Belarus.

Seconded punishers did not shy away from the bloodiest work - they raped, killed and robbed. On their account, thousands of villages burned in Belarus. Khatyn has become a mournful symbol of the war crimes of Ukrainian nationalists.

It was already burned by other Ukrainian punishers - from the fraternal 118th police battalion, formed in Kyiv in the fall of 1942.

"Ukrainian nationalist organizations in this battalion are from the Bukovina kuren. A monument to the Bukovina kuren has been erected in Chernivtsi, and this is another evidence of what is happening in Ukraine. They took part in punitive operations, and now they are praised as if they were heroes," noted the chief archivist of the National Archives of Belarus Vyacheslav Selemenev.

By that time, the heroes from the 118th Ukrainian battalion had already become famous for the murders of Jews and the mass execution at Babi Yar. So trained punishers came to Khatyn.

The inhabitants of Khatyn - from young to old - were herded into a barn, overlaid with straw and set on fire. 149 people died in the fire, 75 of them were children. Those who tried to escape from hell were machine-gunned by the battalion's chief of staff, Grigory Vasyura.

The case of SS Hauptsturmführer and punisher Grigory Vasyura, a native of the Cherkasy region, is still classified as "top secret". In total - 17 volumes. Under the yellow roots are the crimes not only of Vasyura himself, but also of dozens of other Ukrainian nationalists.

After the war, Vasyura became the deputy director of one of the large state farms in the Kiev region, he liked to speak to young people as a war veteran and even demanded an order for himself. Then the punisher was exposed.

The trial of Grigory Vasyura took place in 1986 at the Dzerzhinsky KGB Club of Belarus. All meetings were open, any resident of the republic, in which every third Belarusian died during the war, could attend them.

According to the verdict of the court, Vasyura was shot, but many Ukrainian punishers evaded responsibility. Another battalion executioner - Vladimir Katryuk - fled to Canada, where today he lives in perfect health and breeds bees.

However, after the liberation of Belarus, tens of thousands of punishers did not emigrate anywhere. In the north of the republic, they organized a bandit underground. Among the most odious organizers of the Ukrainian gangster underground in Belarus was a certain Taras Borovets.

"By the time of the liberation of Belarus in July 1944, about 12-14 thousand members of the armed underground continued to operate on its territory. From 1944 to 1952, the region was a war zone. We are talking about thousands of dead civilians, military personnel, police officers," - explained the head of the department of the Institute of National Security of Belarus Igor Volokhonovich.

The Ukrainian gangster underground in Belarus was completely liquidated only by the mid-1950s, but the spiritual heirs of the nationalists all these years did not leave hope for a historical revenge.

1997 Center of Minsk. Nationalists from Ukraine under the flags of UNA-UNSO are trying to arrange mass riots in Belarus, calling for a coup d'etat. Methods worked out: clashes with the police, mass fights, overturned cars. The leader of the radical nationalists Oleg Tyagnibok praises the punishers from the police battalions operating on the territory of Belarus.

“At one time, one of the founders of the Ukrainian Insurgent Army, well-known to all historians, Roman Shukhevych, aka Taras Chuprinko, stated the following: “We must be infinitely cruel. Only through cruelty can we come to power. If we destroy half of the population of Ukraine out of 40 million inhabitants, history will forgive us," said Georgy Sannikov, in 1952-1956 - an employee of the KGB of the Ukrainian SSR, a participant in the anti-terrorist operation in Western Ukraine.

On the territory of Belarus, UNA-UPA carried out two and a half thousand acts of sabotage. Most of the punishers evaded responsibility, and some still live safely on the territory of different states, including Ukraine.

The frightening extremism of the unrest in Ukraine, which the West prefers to ignore, is increasingly spoken about in Israel. Shock squad nationalists sometimes openly display their anti-Semitic beliefs.

"When you see what is happening in Ukraine, it's hard to believe. Under no circumstances should you forgive anti-Semitism. Never," said Naomi Blumenthal, a member of the Israeli Knesset.

"In the history of Ukraine there were Babi Yar, Treblinka and many other places where Jews were killed. It is imperative to support the police, which must suppress such manifestations and establish order and law," said David Frenkel, a former prisoner of the ghetto and the Bergen-Belsen camp. .

"When I hear about such manifestations of anti-Semitism, I remember the words of the Prophet: "We are all responsible for each other." The pictures of what is happening in Ukraine speak for themselves. We were sure that this horror would never return. Freedom and democracy are not anarchy and permissiveness," said Chief Rabbi of Israel David Lau.

The Ukrainian military is not appeased. Buildings are being destroyed in Lugansk, fires are raging, electrical, gas and other communications are torn. Residents of the city are left without the most necessary, without what it is impossible to live without: without food, without water, without electricity ...

This situation in Luhansk is familiar to many people firsthand. These facts of the Lugansk genocide were also confirmed by the head of the Luhansk People's Republic Valery Bolotov. In a statement to the media made on July 28, the head of the republic stated the following: “Women and children of the peaceful cities of the Luhansk region are dying under the fire of artillery and aviation. People are leaving their jobs and homes in an attempt to escape the killer invaders. As a result, shops are closed, carriers are unable to deliver goods, food manufacturers have suspended work. The enemy is systematically destroying the infrastructure of cities and towns, striking at schools and hospitals, plants and factories. But the enemy is especially careful to destroy substations, water intakes and gas communications, thereby trying to aggravate the humanitarian catastrophe. But the republic is ready for such a development of events. Humanitarian corridors for the supply of food and medicine are constantly working. We have enough flour for baking bread. Fuel and diesel generators are being imported, and high-capacity gas generators are on the way to provide the population with electricity, and, consequently, water and heat. We are constantly working towards stabilization in the humanitarian sphere and will not allow civilians to suffer from the actions of the aggressor.”

The situation with Lugansk is very reminiscent of the blockade of Leningrad, when the vile enemy, faced with the heroic resistance of the defenders of the cradle of the revolution, began to systematically destroy city blocks, killing civilians with air raids, shelling and starvation. The similarity of the situation is repeated by the fact that it is almost impossible to leave Lugansk. Any trip around the city and the roads of the republic is associated with great danger. The Ukrainian military, followers of the German Nazis, shelled the checkpoints of the militia, through which pass the main routes through which the population can leave Luhansk. Many eyewitnesses testify that the route from the Gaevoye quarter and almost to Alchevsk is damaged by mines and shells, GRAD rockets.

July 25th. A friend just got shot. Miraculously, she survived. The shells hit near the corner pharmacy opposite the railwaymen's recreation center. They're bombing the flyover...

Another July 25th. A high-explosive shell flew into a quiet courtyard in Novy Gorodok, where mostly old women remained. I would like to ask the "valiant" Ukrainian soldiers with whom you are fighting with .... ? Today there is a funeral in this yard, this is how we live ...

26 July. At a public transport stop, during the shelling of the village of Yubileyny, on Artyoma Street, 5 people were killed. Among the dead are acquaintances of the author of these lines - Igor and Natasha. Ordinary Luhansk citizens, kind and decent people... The Ukrainian military has completely orphaned another child.

July 27th. Bombed sq. Dimitrov. In the courtyard of house 35, four people were killed, windows were broken in several apartments.

Reports dated July 28 cite the fact that a shell hit a minibus on Kirov Street. The driver was killed and two people were injured.

These are just a few tragic episodes from the life of military Lugansk. And there are thousands of them...

The best evidence of the crimes of the Ukrainian army against Lugansk and Luhansk residents is the sparse lines from the website of the Lugansk City Council. As of July 28, civilian casualties amounted to 93 dead and 407 wounded. This included one dead child and four injured. Damage of varying degrees was caused to 97 apartment buildings and 286 houses from the private sector. The social sphere of Luhansk is also being destroyed. Artillerymen of the Ukrainian army, carrying out the criminal orders of the Kyiv junta, shot 23 schools, 3 university buildings, 4 colleges, 9 student dormitories, 21 kindergartens, the Luhansk bus station was actually destroyed, and pharmacy warehouses were shelled.

80% of the Luhansk markets that supplied the population of Luhansk with food, clothing and footwear are not working. Fuel disappears in the city, and public transport stops working accordingly. Since the beginning of the shelling, in Luhansk, 11 trolleybuses, 5 trams, 5 utility buses, 48 ​​fixed-route taxis have been damaged. 18 kilometers of contact wire of trolleybus and tram lines were damaged.

A blatant act of vandalism was the shooting of a nursing home. As "terrorists" turned out to be frail old people who are well over 70 years old, many of them cannot move independently. 5 old people died, one remained alive, wounded as a result of shelling. The children of the war, they could not even imagine that they would accept death from the Ukrainian “liberators”, who, at the cost of the blood of the elderly and children, achieve the ephemeral “unity” of Ukraine.

All the above facts irrefutably prove that the troops of the junta are fighting not so much with the militia of the LPR, but with the people of Lugansk, many of whom have never seen weapons in their lives. All of the above acts of the Ukrainian military can be qualified as the return and execution of criminal orders, the terror of the civilian population, the genocide of Luhansk citizens.

I would like to believe that the war criminals of Ukraine, shedding the blood of innocent people and taking their lives, will sooner or later be brought to justice and the punitive hand of justice will overtake them. And this court will be modeled on the Nuremberg Tribunal. The Ukrainian fascists will be presented with irrefutable evidence of their guilt, and the court will reward them according to their deserts.

I would like to note that Lugansk does not give up, Lugansk continues to live in spite of all the troubles and grief that has fallen on it. According to reports from the press center of the LPR, the leadership of the republic is making every effort to avoid a humanitarian catastrophe. All the necessary foodstuffs are brought into the retail chains, according to the possibilities of wartime. Emergencies are eliminated: electricity, water and gas supplies are returned to quarters and streets. Today, we can say with confidence that the municipal services of the city of Luhansk no less courageously oppose the Ukrainian-fascist army than the LNR militias. After all, very often you have to get to damaged objects under shells flying overhead, and there is a constant risk that there will be new shelling.

Long live the valiant defenders of Lugansk! Blessed memory of the fallen Luhansk citizens!