Daniel Goleman. Emotional intelligence needs a balance between the emotional "feeling brain" and the rational "thinking brain"

If you want to manage others, learn to manage yourself.

This edition includes the leading ideas of Stephen Covey, Daniel Goleman, Edgar Schein, Kenneth Blanchard - those who have become recognized and undisputed leaders in matters of personal and professional growth....

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Have you ever wondered why every person strives for happiness, but only a few achieve it? Most of us understand happiness as success or endless pleasure, but success is always followed by failure, and joy is always followed by sadness. Life, as you know, is full of injustice, illness, grief and inevitably ends in death - is it even possible to be happy here? According to Buddhists, it is possible, but only here and now, and only if you jump off the emotional swing of success and failure. How do Buddhists manage to be aware of the hardships of life, yet be happy and maintain the famous Buddhist sense of humor? The Dalai Lama talks about this in a book co-authored with Daniel Goleman. In simple stories and dialogues, the Dalai Lama explains what we can do to establish harmony in our own lives and in the world around us, in order to change it for the better for ourselves and future...

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Harvard Business Review is the world's leading business magazine with a long history. Readers are invited to read ten of the best leadership articles in the history of the magazine from experts from leading business schools and practitioners.

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In the book "Focus. About attention, absent-mindedness and success in life ”psychologist and journalist Daniel Goleman offers an innovative look at the most valuable resource in our time, fraught with the secret of successful work and self-realization - attention. Combining advanced theoretical research with practical examples, the author examines the phenomenon of attention in various aspects, offering a serious and long overdue conversation about this little-studied and underestimated ability of our consciousness. In order to survive in today's world full of all sorts of distractions, the ability to sharpen your focus is essential, - convincingly shows ...

  • March 21, 2014, 10:33 am

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Emotional Intelligence in Business” is a kind of continuation of the bestseller “Emotional Intelligence”: developing the theme of EQ – why in order to succeed, it is so important to have a set of competencies that determine the ability to manage one’s feelings – Goleman immerses the reader in everyday work. The book is full of amazing stories of triumphs and failures and compelling evidence of how the presence or absence of emotional intelligence determines the level of success.

What to do if EQ is not enough for career growth? Goleman sure: learn! He gives practical recommendations for developing emotional intelligence, and these chapters should not be missed by any manager or company leader.

Emotional Intelligence in Business may be the most important business book you...

But what is "emotional intelligence"? Can it be measured? What is the difference between "ordinary" intelligence and "emotional" and why the owners of the first often give way to the owners of the second under the sun?

Do you want to know the answers and learn how to deal with discouragement, anger, short temper, depression and become more successful? Read this book. It will be useful not only for students and teachers, but also ...

Daniel Goleman; USA, Stockton; 03/06/1946 -

Daniel Goleman's books on psychology are known far beyond the US. Their total circulation around the world amounted to more than 5 million copies. Goleman's books have been translated into more than 40 languages ​​of the world, and the scientist himself has received many prizes and awards. He is considered one of the founders of such a branch of psychology as emotional intelligence, which, thanks to the books of Professor Golulman, has become widely known.

Biography of Daniel Goleman

Daniel Goleman was born in 1946 in the small town of Stockton, California. His parents were professors at the local college. His father was a teacher of the humanities, and his mother was sociology. Thanks to a scholarship he received as a gifted child, he graduated with honors from Amherst College. Then, again thanks to a scholarship, he was educated at Harvard. Here he received his Ph.D. While still in preparation for writing his doctoral dissertation, and also for some time after that, he spent a lot of time in India. Here he had a spiritual mentor, the experience of communication with which formed the basis of his first book. It came out in 1977 and was called The Varieties of Meditative Experience. This book was later published under the title The Meditative Mind.

In the 1970s, Daniel Goleman was a lecturer at Harvard University. He later began working for the journal Psychology Today, and beginning in 1984 became one of the psychology experts at The New York Times. Daniel Goleman gained particular fame in 1995. Just at this time, his book "Emotional Intelligence" was published. For more than a year and a half, she has been at the top of the New York Times bestseller rankings. Daniel Goleman's next book, Healing Emotions, comes out two years later, another one a year later, and another one three years later. At the moment, the writer has already 15 books, many of which have become bestsellers. In addition to literary activity, the writer, like him, is actively engaged in practical psychology. He is a member of the board of directors of the Mind and Life Institute, researches emotional intelligence at Rutgers University and is engaged in educational activities. Daniel Goleman's latest book, The Power for Good. The Dalai Lama on how to make your life and the world a better place” was released in 2015.

Books by Daniel Goleman at Top Books

Reading Daniel Goleman's books is becoming popular in our country as well. So the book "Emotional Intelligence" took high places in ours. At the same time, interest in it is only growing, and therefore, in the next ratings of our site, we may well see it among.

Daniel Goleman book list

Destructive emotions
Healing emotions. Conversations with the Dalai Lama on Mindfulness, Emotions and Health
Varieties of Meditation Experience
The brain and emotional intelligence
Simple truths. Psychology of self-deception

The power of good: The Dalai Lama on how to make your life and the world a better place
Social intelligence. New sciences of social relations
Triple focus. A new approach to education
Focus. About attention, absent-mindedness and success in life
Environmental analytics. How Knowing What We Buy Can Change Everything

Emotional leadership. The art of managing people based on emotional intelligence

Emotional intelligence in business

The name of Daniel Goleman is usually associated with criticism of the traditional view of IQ (intelligence quotient). He summarized research on how the brain works and used it to promote and popularize the concept of emotional intelligence (EI).

In Emotional Intelligence at Work (1998), Daniel Goleman defined emotional intelligence as the ability to understand one's own feelings and those of others, motivate oneself, and manage emotions in relationships with oneself and others.

Daniel Goleman was born in 1946. He graduated from Harvard and received his doctorate in psychology there. His bestseller Emotional Intelligence (ACT, 2008) was published in 1995, followed by Emotional Intelligence at Work in 1998. Goleman also wrote for a long time on psychology for the New York Times.

He is currently President of Emotional Intelligence Services in Sudbury, Massachusetts, which, in alliance with the Hay Group, offers courses in the development and assessment of emotional intelligence. Daniel Goleman is co-chair of the Emotional Intelligence Research Society at Rutgers University. Goleman's interest in EI came from the realization that a high IQ is not a requirement for success in life.

Daniel Goleman points to the relationship between business acumen and EI. In the second work, he singled out 25 EI competencies, or traits of external behavior, and analyzed how EI affects success and failure.

Key Ideas by Daniel Goleman

Emotional intelligence and the brain. In Emotional Intelligence, Goleman talks about the implications of brain evolution for our feelings and behaviors. He describes how, over the course of millions of years of evolution, the human brain developed three main regions.

  • brain stem- located at the base of the brain and is a continuation of the spinal cord. Regulates physiological functions and instinctive reactions. The most primitive part of the brain.
  • hippocampus- developed later than the brain stem and is slightly higher. Contains the amygdala, which was described by Joseph LeDoux in the 1980s. It is responsible for emotional reactions to visual and other information. Under certain circumstances, the amygdala is able to literally "capture" the brain, taking over the reactions of a person before he has time to think something, and makes him immediately react. Mammals or humans who have had their amygdala removed do not experience any feelings. It catalyzes impulsive actions that can overpower rational thinking and reasoning.
  • New cortex (neocortex)- a large, well-developed upper region of the brain, which covers the centers of thinking, memory and speech.

In the course of evolution, emotions and thinking abilities - the two main functions of the brain responsible for behavior - ended up in different zones. In addition, the emotional centers receive information earlier than the thought centers and will provoke a very quick and in some situations strong reaction. Then the results for a person can be catastrophic.

As long as we are not aware of the situation and in control of our feelings, we may allow inappropriate emotional responses that block consideration of other possibilities. But emotions also have their own "wisdom" that we must learn to use; especially for intuition.

When people encounter stimuli that cause intense fear, anger, or despair, for example, the first impulse comes from the amygdala. Until the intellect kicks in, the brain goes into survival mode, stimulating instinctive responses that may or may not be right.

Today we have little need to fight for survival or avoid the dangers that primitive man faced. But some instinctive reactions are useful in certain circumstances; therefore, we must understand that the primitive reaction in the emotional center precedes the rational evaluation and reaction. Emotional intelligence assumes that we understand it and know how to use it, as well as control our reactions.

EI structure. To describe the functioning of EI, the scientist proposed a system of five elements: introspection, self-regulation, motivation, empathy and social skills. Each of these elements has certain features.

  • Introspection- understanding how your emotions affect behavior; orientation to one's own values ​​when making decisions; assessment of one's own strengths and weaknesses and the ability to learn from experience (self-assessment); confidence in yourself and in your abilities, values ​​and goals.
  • Self-regulation- mood management; stress control, positivity and purposefulness; calmness and ability to think rationally under pressure; possession of emotions; reliability and self-control.
  • Motivation- the ability to enjoy problem solving; striving for achievement; responsibility; initiative; optimism; personal preferences when choosing goals.
  • Empathy- the ability to take a different point of view; openness and honesty; moving away from stereotypes about other people; knowledge of culture.
  • social skills- skills of influence, for example, the ability to persuade; ability to communicate, including with colleagues; ability to listen, cooperate, resolve conflicts; the ability to inspire and lead; the ability to initiate and manage change; the ability to understand the feelings of others.

Daniel Goleman argues that people with these characteristics are more likely to succeed in leadership positions. As an example, he cites data from various sources that confirms that top managers with higher levels of EI perform better. And he describes several funny situations illustrating the manifestation of EI in the workplace.

Emotional Competence Questionnaire. Daniel Goleman believes that EI can be developed. For its assessment and development, in collaboration with the Hay Group, he developed a questionnaire on emotional competencies. It reduces the five original components of EI to four.

#1 Introspection:

  • understanding one's own feelings and their meaning;
  • a realistic view of their advantages and disadvantages;
  • confidence in yourself and your abilities.

#2 Composure:

  • control of emotions;
  • honesty and reliability;
  • flexibility and dedication.

#3 Social competencies:

  • empathy, the ability to perceive the thoughts and point of view of another;
  • understanding and feeling group dynamics and interpersonal relationships;
  • focus on the needs of others, especially when it comes to the client.

#4 Social Skills:

  • helping others in their self-development;
  • the ability to influence people;
  • excellent interpersonal communication skills;
  • the ability to change management style;
  • the ability to resolve disputes and disagreements;
  • the ability to strengthen and build relationships;
  • group work skills.

Leadership styles. With Hay/McBer, Daniel Goleman has also explored leadership styles. He presented the results of his research in 2000 in the Harvard Business Review. Based on the responses of 3781 leaders, the researcher concluded that leaders get the best results using a combination of six management styles, each of which has characteristics and addresses different components of EI.

  • Persuasive leaders demand constant obedience. They are motivated, initiate change and strive for success.
  • Authoritative leaders inspire people to strive for a goal. They initiate change and have empathy skills.
  • Cooperating leaders build relationships. They have excellent empathy and communication skills.
  • Democratic leaders actively encourage the group to participate in decision making. Excellent communicators, listeners and negotiators.
  • Pace-setting leaders set high standards. Initiative, motivated, striving for success.
  • Learning leaders expand and develop staff capabilities. Good listeners, effective communicators and motivators.

Researchers believe that the six leadership styles presented are good in various situations and directly affect the working atmosphere of the organization, which, in turn, determines its financial results.

The suggestion that success largely depends on communication skills is not new; therefore, Daniel Goleman was often criticized for presenting well-known ideas with a new sauce. Goleman himself does not hide the origins of his ideas and admits when he refers to the work of his colleagues. In 2001, Charles Woodruff analyzed Goleman's concept of EI and summarized:

  • Daniel Goleman contradicts himself when he writes that EI is inherent in everyone and bestowed by nature, and at the same time claims that this ability can be developed;
  • measurement of EI based on a questionnaire cannot be called sufficient, especially in terms of reliability;
  • the manifestation of EI or competencies proposed by Goleman, such as self-confidence and leadership, are by no means new and are long-studied factors of high achievement.

No matter how justified the criticism, Daniel Goleman has undoubtedly greatly enriched management theory in matters of EI. He took some rather complex ideas about human behavior and biological evolution and translated them into a simpler and more understandable form.

As a result, many people have embraced his key principle: that we can use the intellect to better manage our own emotions and use emotional intuition. Agree, a very useful theory for life and work.

Sep 26, 2017

Emotional intelligence. Why it might mean more than IQ Daniel Goleman

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Title: Emotional Intelligence. Why it might mean more than IQ
Author: Daniel Goleman
Year: 2013
Genre: General psychology, Social psychology, Foreign psychology

About Emotional Intelligence. Why it might mean more than IQ Daniel Goleman

Daniel Goleman is an internationally recognized expert in the field of psychology. It is on his account that the derivation of such a concept as "emotional intelligence" is listed. Published the book "Emotional Intelligence. Why it might mean more than IQ” back in 1995, it is still a bestseller and also a guide for many. The author says that in addition to that intellect, which is usually spoken of in wide circles, there is another - emotional. Few people know about him, few even want to figure it out, but it is he who plays a decisive role in most life situations.

Emotional intelligence plays a significant role in all areas of life, including the most important: family and work. Daniel Goleman answers a lot of questions that plague readers. What it is? How can it be detected and measured? What is the difference between "ordinary" intelligence and "emotional" intelligence? Why is it so important to be able to control yourself and manage your emotions? How to profitably use your emotional outbursts? How to quickly deal with emotions that you do not like and that you want to get rid of as soon as possible?

Since the writing of the book “Emotional Intelligence. Why It Might Matter More Than IQ” has been translated into more than 40 languages ​​and has sold over 5 million in the US alone. It reveals various manifestations of emotional intelligence, which were written from real people, as well as from the author's personal life. An analysis of this concept and its manifestations indicates that people with emotional intelligence are often much more successful than just smart and intellectually developed individuals. Why is this so, and is it a pattern?

Daniel Goleman will tell the reader about why a person needs emotions in general and why they occupy an important part of life. He will show examples when powerful, smart people in high positions do things that are absolutely reckless and even stupid. Is this a coincidence? Or is emotional intelligence taking over? Thanks to the book "Emotional Intelligence. Why it can mean more than IQ ”the reader knows himself even better and deeper. He learns how to get rid of mental trauma, as well as how to independently manage his temperament, not succumbing to his provocations. The book will be very useful both for personal development and for parents and the whole family.

On our site about books, you can download the site for free or read online the book “Emotional Intelligence. Why it might mean more than IQ by Daniel Goleman in epub, fb2, txt, rtf, pdf formats for iPad, iPhone, Android and Kindle. The book will give you a lot of pleasant moments and a real pleasure to read. You can buy the full version from our partner. Also, here you will find the latest news from the literary world, learn the biography of your favorite authors. For novice writers, there is a separate section with useful tips and tricks, interesting articles, thanks to which you can try your hand at writing.

Quotes from the book "Emotional Intelligence. Why it might mean more than IQ Daniel Goleman

People with high IQs turn out to be stunningly poor pilots of their private lives.

The earliest warning sign that a marriage is in danger is, as Gottman established, harsh criticism.

It is the combination of moderate talent and the ability to keep going in the face of defeat that leads to success.

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