How to develop the speed of thinking in children. How to increase the speed of thinking: practical recommendations

Recently, I began to notice that I do not have time to react when something happens around. You need to somehow influence the surrounding situation that has arisen, but in your head it’s like some kind of brake. I can't figure out quickly what to do. Decisions come only after some time, when they are no longer relevant.

I thought about what is the reason for this and how to improve speed of thought

The main reason for the loss of speed

It turned out to be too much information for me. I overloaded my head with films, lectures, new knowledge, reading books... The brain was constantly thinking about something, processing, evaluating, analyzing how to apply it, what is the use of using it, is it worth doing it... Even when resting, the head automatically thought in this direction. Thus, the working memory of the head was regularly clogged, which led to a drop in mental speed.

How to increase your speed of thinking

To increase the speed of the brain, he began to unload his head. Namely:

  • Watched less movies
  • Watched less educational videos
  • Started doing more sports

1. Fewer movies

It freed my head from thinking about the plot, useful moments, what this film gives, what I would do in the place of the hero ... and similar thoughts. After watching movies, a couple of times I noticed very accurately: the head after the movie is like in a sleepy state, the speed of thinking decreases significantly. I become like a vegetable. Yes, the movie is pleasant, interesting, somewhat useful. And at the same time efficiency goes away. Attention is spent on the video tape. There is no focus. In addition, at films have a number of negative influences

Accordingly 🙂 Reduced the number of movies watched. Increased the stock of available attention. Which led to an increase in the speed of response, to an increase in the speed of thinking. Eh, I really want to watch a movie 🙂 Soon, in 2017, it will be released. Well, sometimes I will allow myself. Occasionally. I'm not an iron man, and I don't want to be one

2. Fewer educational lectures

  • The principle is the same. The only difference is that after the lectures, I loaded and thought - how to apply it, how effectively to apply the recommended practices ... I thought, thought, thought ... Then again I continued to watch seminars, webinars, lectures ... I thought again, pondered, calculated ... And the result was very little. For there was almost no time and energy left for practice
  • Knowledge without practice is worth nothing. And knowledge put into practice is already wisdom 🙂 . In order not to be in the category of permanent students, he began to pay less attention to knowledge. Focus more on practicing what you already know
  • Plus, the effect of accumulating reaction speed is added. When nothing happens, and the head is free, the brain goes into the “well, at least something happens, I want to solve problems” mode so much that when this something happens, the brain almost starts to give solutions in batches. Very fast. This is what the reserve of attention, the reserve of reaction speed means
  • lecturers. There is a category of people - lecturers. No matter how you meet them, they pour smart quotes, links, retell something, tell ... So that they don’t have the same overload as from an educational program 🙂, I do the following: I don’t listen to them 🙂
  • I rarely allow myself to look. When really needed. And I also watch lectures or read books so that at least some minimal flow of educational information is

3. More sports

Especially outdoors. More began to move. It cleanses the brain with oxygen. Maybe you know the feeling when you run and think about something. Feeling that while running, the speed of thoughts begins to increase. You have time to figure out a lot more, more answers come

Oxygen, fresh air, movement. Anything similar. It helps speed up the brain. And how to accelerate the ability to react, quickly find answers and solutions

A universal mechanism for increasing the speed of thinking and attention

Consists of two actions:

  1. Remove attention from the superfluous and unnecessary
  2. Give attention to the priority

I remove attention from films, series, minor matters, exclude unnecessary communication, computer games, mindless surfing on the Internet and the like.

I'm focusing on what's first. To what really needs to be done, and not put off until later

What helps you speed up your brain?

Have you ever, replaying in your head the negotiations that have just been held or your participation in a stormy discussion, admit with annoyance that, unfortunately, only now, after some time, the necessary argument for partners or an exact replica in defiance came into your head to your opponent? And the train, as they say, has already left. What determines the speed of decision-making, and how to develop the speed of thinking?

Let's look at a simple comparison. Have you noticed how the speed of the information flow differs between a movie in the cinema and a series on TV? Directors, when shooting a film, have a good idea of ​​the environment in which the audience will watch it, and depending on this, they choose the appropriate speed for the development of the plot. In the cinema, you are completely involved in what is happening on the screen.

The pace of information presentation is so high that in order to facilitate perception, the rest of the stimuli are removed by turning off the lights in the hall. On the contrary, at home you watch the series at a measured pace, you have the opportunity to run to the refrigerator for something tasty, get distracted by a phone call, and still stay up to date on the events taking place on the screen.

The brain of different people also works at different tempo-rhythms.. Someone easily navigates the information flows that fall on him like frames of an action movie, while someone is able to process only the speed of the soap opera tempo. The speed of processing incoming information available to a person is called the speed of thinking.

The development of the speed of thinking is one of the directions for the development of a disciplined mind.

The speed of thinking is determined by the speed of the main nervous processes - excitation and inhibition. These are psychophysiological characteristics, and they cannot be influenced by a simple effort of will. But what can really be done is by training your mind to increase the speed of information processing.

So, here are 10 effective exercises for developing thinking speed.

  1. Scenario "What if..."

When preparing for a complex negotiation or meeting where you are required to respond quickly to a rapidly changing situation, think through possible scenarios in advance. Ask yourself what you will say in response to such and such a question, or how you will act in such and such a situation, or how you will parry your opponent's remark.

Such training is useful in that it encourages you to build probabilistic models of the future in your head. Use the preventive calculation of possible events as a simulator, because by imagining the situation, you can arbitrarily speed up or slow down the speed of your reasoning.

As long as your vocabulary is littered with this verbal husk, the tempo of your thoughts will be slower than the tempo of which you are actually capable of.

  1. Practice thinking in another language

When you have the opportunity to reason outside of rigid time frames, force your brain to reason in a foreign language, not your native language. The process you initiate is similar to how Tibetan monks are trained. Performing various physical exercises with a load, they will then be able to perform the same exercises without load many times easier and faster.

The same principle works here: by forcing the brain to build the logic of reasoning in a non-native language, you train it so that it can then do the same in its native language much faster.

  1. Reading with a stopwatch

Read a chapter of any book as quickly as possible. Record the time it took you to read. Now time again and quickly retell the main information you just read. Do this exercise regularly, each time trying to reduce both the time for reading and the time for retelling what was read. So you develop both the speed of perception and the speed of reproduction of information.

  1. speed alphabet

Put a piece of paper with the letters of the alphabet in front of you. Come up with 3 words as quickly as possible, starting with each letter of the alphabet: three words for "a", then three words for "b", and so on until the letter "i". Gradually increase the number of words to come up with up to 10.

To make this exercise more difficult, use the stopwatch again. Measure how long it takes you to pick up 30 words. Then try to reduce this time by speeding up the pace of the task.

With Wikium, you can do exercises to develop the speed of thinking according to an individual program

  1. Dear calls

Sometimes money for international calls on a mobile phone leaves very quickly abroad. Imagine that every second of your conversation is worth a lot of money. Remembering a conversation that you just had with someone, make it a rule to mentally repeat it in such a way as to minimize its time. Think about how you could clear this conversation of unnecessary informational noise - unnecessary phrases and questions that you could do without.

Practice engaging in business dialogue with someone if the situation allows. Imagine that you are talking on such a phone, where calls are very expensive. Try to speed up the dialogue, speak and think faster than you usually do. Focus only on the main thing, select only the most accurate words, do not get distracted from the topic, speak and respond quickly.

  1. Set Your Priorities

To train quick thinking, use the practice of prioritization. Everything that you deal with, make contacts with, surrounds you, you can rank from important to optional and useless. The habit of ranking structures your personal information space.

Just as it is easy for you to find the things you need where they are in a certain order you know, it will be easy for you to find the information you need to make a decision. Although this recommendation can hardly be classified as a developmental exercise, following it means preparing your brain in advance for quick decisions.

  1. Read humorous stories

Not only stories. You can also make a rule to watch humorous drawings. A sense of humor is always associated with a high speed of response to a situation. Plus, the ability to see an unobvious contradiction and designate it in the most vivid and precise formulations is connected here. All this together is the speed of thinking.

Do not just read or memorize witty anecdotes, but strive to understand what is the essence of the joke, why does it cause laughter?

Gathering a collection of puns will do no less good for your mind. By accumulating such an unusual experience of responding, you train your brain to give out something similar at the right time.

  1. "Upside Down"

This exercise is similar to exercise 3, but is much easier to perform. And besides, it's more fun. When you pick up a magazine or a book or a newspaper, turn it over so as to change the top and bottom and scroll through, looking at the drawings and photographs placed there.

Try to understand what is shown there, and do it as quickly as possible. This is how you train your brain to recognize non-obvious signals, to navigate in the situation of “shifters”. And, most importantly, not to be satisfied with the first answer, but to delve into a deeper assessment of the situation. You can place "upside down" a complex intricate picture on your computer desktop.

  1. Changing speeds

Since we are talking about the speed of thinking, it is worth practicing in controlling the speed of your processes. Do the same thing, changing the speed of its execution. For example, you can brush your teeth at different speeds, drink a glass of water, read a letter received by mail. By deliberately speeding up and slowing down your actions, you accustom your brain to work in different tempo-rhythms. Slow execution, try to gradually make it even slower. And, on the contrary, speed up the fast execution every now and then.

These exercises will not work if they are not done regularly.. Doing one task every day will stimulate your brain to develop in the right direction.

If you really intend to get serious about solving the problem, how to develop the speed of thinking of the exercises suggested here will help you.

  • respond quickly to a problematic situation,
  • do not regret that the right decision came to mind late,
  • protect your brain from early aging and devastating diseases such as Alzheimer's.

Has it ever happened to you when, recalling a past conversation, you come up with a lot of witty answers and wonder how they didn’t come to your mind before? Or are you simply lost, not knowing what to do in a non-standard situation?
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All this is correctable. I already wrote that our brain, like any muscle in the body, can be trained. Therefore, do not ignore the speed of thinking. Today we'll talk about just that.

  1. Facial expression. Have you noticed that emotional people are the fastest thinkers? Watch such a person. His face does not remain a passionless mask, it is alive and moving. Everything is very simple - during the thought process, the facial muscles tense up and thoughts are accompanied by facial expressions. With a cold face not warmed up by gymnastics, it is harder to think. Check it out!
  2. collect. The collection of coins, of course, is a profitable investment, but now we are not talking about it. Collect behavior patterns, aphorisms, all kinds of answers and solutions. After all, most situations can be described by any algorithm. The more options in your mind solutions, the easier and faster you find a way out of this situation.
  3. Speed ​​of decisions. How often the result depends on the speed of the decision. But in addition to speed, correctness is also necessary. This is the most difficult quality to make quick and correct decisions. This is where communication will help you. Communicate more with a variety of people, go to meetings, to different companies, do not avoid non-standard situations. Firstly, it will remove the fear that fetters an unprepared person in the face of surprise. And secondly, it will develop your experience.
  4. Practice. Do exercises to develop reaction speed (for this you need a partner): catch an unexpectedly thrown object, put your finger on the open palm of another person and have time to pull it away before he squeezes his hand. Dig into your memory - you can remember many similar games from childhood.
  5. Oxygen- a necessary thing for the brain. Its deficiency usually leads to an inhibited reaction. Therefore, do not forget to be outdoors more often and make sure that the room in which you are located is ventilated. If you feel that the presence of oxygen does not help and the “bowler does not think well”, the reactions are slow, then it's time to see a doctor.
  6. Self improvement. I can't help but highlight this item. The more a person learns new things, is curious, develops, the more actively his brain works, the speed of thinking and flexibility increase. Again - there is an accumulation of experience, which is so necessary for decision-making. Develop observation, use various senses, associations for memorization, focus on trifles.

From the foregoing, you can see that just letting emotions in and observing the world with wide eyes, you can increase the speed of your thinking and get out of any situation with dignity.

During the day, just a huge amount of information collapses, and success in a career, relationships, and just a feeling of happiness often depends on how quickly the brain processes it.

A flexible and sharp mind is not given from birth, it, like the body, needs to be constantly trained. The answer to how to develop the speed of thinking and improve the quality of the brain is to perform very simple daily actions.

It sounds strange, but the banal observance of the daily routine allows our brain to work much more efficiently. A properly constructed ritual of repetitive actions (waking up at the same time, training, a full breakfast, work) allows the brain to either relax or speed up its work.

Starting your morning with pleasant emotions can lay the foundation for effective thinking for the whole day.

You can not neglect the rest, trying to do everything at once, a healthy and sound sleep can be one of the answers to how to increase the speed of the brain. During hard work, you need to take breaks, every half hour to be distracted from the task and switch to more pleasant activities. For example, do some exercises, listen to your favorite song, or even chat with colleagues. Often a little rest helps the brain find the correct and unusual solution.

Small children are interested in every little thing, they want to know everything and find answers to any question. Growing up, a person ceases to be more and more interested in the world around him, driving himself into narrow gray everyday life. And this gradually reduces the efficiency of the brain.

One of the ways to develop the speed of thinking will be the return of interest in life. We need to learn to be curious again, to discover new tastes every day, not to be shy to ask questions and look for answers to them.

  1. Change your usual route and go to work a different way.
  2. Do not dismiss the child's strange questions, but together find the answer why the grass is green and the shape of the clouds is constantly changing. Open an encyclopedia, look for an answer on the net, ask friends. The main thing: to think, clarify, analyze, this is what is food for the mind.
  3. Do not be afraid to try new tastes, smells, sensations. The analysis of new impressions stimulates the work of brain cells.
  4. Try to attend new exhibitions, presentations, follow the latest in the art world. This will help you see the world around you from an unusual perspective.
  5. Try to look for unusual explanations and make non-standard decisions. Looking at the situation from an unfamiliar, and maybe even absurd angle, it will be possible to develop the area of ​​\u200b\u200bthe brain responsible for processing new information and memory.

food for the brain

Thanks to the research of nutritionists, it has long been no secret that food for the mind can be not only spiritual, but also material food. The use of the “right” products will help to carry out a significant correction of brain processes and make thinking work faster.

  1. Chicken eggs contain a lot of protein, as well as lecithin and choline, which are responsible for the quality and speed of nerve impulses in the brain.
  2. Salmon and other types of oily fish contain a lot of myelin, thanks to which brain cells transmit information to each other.
  3. The liver contains a record amount of iron that the brain needs for productive work.
  4. Walnuts are rich in serotonin and omega-3 acids. This improves the quality of the brain and affects how to develop the speed of thinking. A handful of nuts a day can do wonders for the body.
  5. Unsweetened apples strengthen and heal blood vessels, allowing the blood to quickly enrich the brain with oxygen and preventing the risk of a stroke.

Regular exercise is also a great way to develop the speed of thinking. Physical activity increases brain activity, increasing the number of gray cells in the brain. Probably, every person felt how after a run it clears up in the head and thoughts become clearer and more orderly.

Fatigue and depression greatly affect the functioning of the brain, reducing its activity. You need to try to find new ways to deal with stress: meditation, yoga, dancing, walking in the park.

There is a direct connection between the number of numbers that a person can hold and process in his head, and the successful functioning of the brain. If you do such simple exercises for the speed of thinking and memory every day, changes will quickly become noticeable.

  1. After leaving the store, close the total amount with your hand and try to add up the cost of all purchases in your mind.
  2. If the work is not connected with constant calculations, the chief accountant should, for example, abandon the calculator and try to count in his mind. Or remember the school and re-learn how to count in a column.
  3. Try to remember the phone numbers of at least close people.
  4. Leaving the house in the morning, try to keep in memory the numbers of five oncoming cars as long as possible.

Our brain is made up of over 100 billion nerve cells, and they are constantly interacting with each other to process information. If you do not “throw” him new data for reflection, then the brain will make decisions based only on old experience. Accordingly, no development.

Thinking about how to develop the speed of thinking, it is worth finding new, interesting activities for yourself. For example, start learning a foreign language or sign up for a new psychology seminar.

A good exercise in thinking speed is to change the dominant hand. For example, a right-handed person may try to write or tie shoelaces with his left hand, while a left-handed person, on the contrary, stir tea with his right hand.

You can also periodically turn off one of the senses: move around the room with your eyes closed, watch a movie without sound, only with subtitles.

The love of poetry will help to increase the speed of thinking, and not only writing poetry, but also memorizing rhyming lines. You can even learn the lyrics to your favorite song. Most importantly, our brain develops by analyzing words and rhymes.

Experts also recommend reading a lot to stimulate the brain. But when deciding how to increase the speed of thinking through reading, it is important to choose the right what to read. Thoughtlessly browsing the news on social networks will not improve the functioning of brain cells. Historical books, philosophical works, textbooks, scientific papers, only intellectual publications will help stimulate the brain.

Moreover, you should not chase the number of books you read, it is much more important to thoughtfully comprehend their content and find application for new knowledge in real life.

It is very useful for the development of connections between brain cells to solve logical problems and puzzles. People who think quickly and effectively achieve their goals more often.

Instead of mindlessly flipping through the news feed on the network, you can find many tasks for the development of logical thinking.

What other exercises are there, how to develop the speed of thinking? You can play chess, the game of intellectuals trains brain cells well. Or solve crossword puzzles, this will not only help you start thinking faster, but also enrich your vocabulary.

It is customary to have a negative attitude towards computer games, but they do not always bring only harm. Calculating the strategy of the game, you need to make decisions for your character as quickly as possible. The brain gets used to the dynamics and in real life the analysis of a difficult situation is much faster.

There are a lot of options for how to develop the speed of thinking. The main thing is not to stop and find exercises that will be pleasant and interesting to do.

Strict observance of the daily routine allows our brain to function as efficiently as possible. A series of daily rituals (getting up early, having a full breakfast, work or other activity, the right ritual of going to bed) help the brain to tense up and relax during the day.

The correct and frequent change of tension and relaxation of brain activity helps to improve the quality of thought processes, speed up the adoption of important decisions, find an acceptable alternative, etc.

The brain activity of a person who strains his brain too much or relaxes too much is significantly reduced, which leads to lethargy, a quick loss of interest in something, absent-mindedness, apathy.

go in for sports

Playing sports at the level of the layman is very useful for brain function.

The more active a person is physically (training in the gym, individual or group classes, daily morning exercises), the more active the brain is.

Therefore, devote time to your physical development! Do it systematically. This will help improve memory, increase concentration.

Show interest in life

It is a well-known fact that the more we strain our brain, the better it works. This is a kind of muscle that can be trained. Get yourself a rule. Every day, ask yourself the question “Why?” 5 times:

  • Why is the earth round?
  • Why is the grass green?
  • Why are children crying?

It is quite difficult to answer such seemingly banal questions. This will take some effort and time. Open an encyclopedia, read an article, search for information on the Internet, or ask a friend. Thus, you will not only replenish your knowledge base and cultural level, but also develop the speed of your thinking.

To develop the speed of thinking, constant food is needed: to think, learn, clarify, analyze, etc.

Develop yourself and take an interest in the space around you! The area of ​​expertise you work with doesn't matter. The main thing is to ask yourself questions.

And do not forget to alternate tension and relaxation in the brain.

Eat right

Compliance with the diet. Its quality is an extremely important factor in the functioning of the brain.

Vegetable food with minimal heat treatment, less fat and cholesterol, alcoholic beverages - affect not only the feeling of vivacity of the whole organism, but also the work of those parts of the brain that are responsible for memory and spatial perception.

Eat more fruits and vegetables, lean meat and fish, drink plenty of pure water and this will become the basis for streamlining thoughts, increasing the speed of decision making.

Crossword puzzles

A wonderful way to develop thinking is to use a variety of logical games and tasks. Finding them in modern life online is quite simple. For every taste.

Solving crossword puzzles also stimulates the development of the brain, like riddles.

There are special printed or online publications for smart people, where you can choose a task for every taste and entry level.

Develop fine motor skills

The development of thinking is directly related to the development of fine motor skills. Therefore, games and creativity using manual labor are so popular in early children's institutions today.

Beadwork, modeling from plasticine, painting small details of the picture - all these activities are very effective.

Change your dominant hand

A very useful exercise for developing thinking and increasing its speed is changing the dominant hand.

If you are right-handed, try writing with your left hand. If you're left-handed, try darning the sock with your right hand.