Rostec International Fireworks Festival where it takes place. International Fireworks Festival Rostec

On August 19 and 20, 2017, an international fireworks festival was held in Moscow. It was held in the Brateevsky cascade park. The participants were 8 pyrotechnic teams from different countries. On August 19, Austria, Armenia, Romania and Japan performed. August 20 - Russia, China, Croatia and Brazil. The performances were judged by a professional jury. Spectators could also vote via SMS right during the performance of the teams.

We visited Brateevsky Park on August 20th. I must say right away that the impressions are twofold. The show itself is amazing, but the organization is disgusting. We had a large company: 4 adults and 3 children. Seats were taken on stand A. It is located close to the river.

So, a story in three acts.


The fireworks show was scheduled to start at 21:30. We (me, husband and son 3.5 years old) met with friends (also with children 3.5 and 7 years old) at the Borisovo metro station at 20:00. The option with a car was immediately dismissed, realizing that there would be problems with parking.

The number of people near the subway was already alarming. With the general flow, we went towards the park. There was no direct access to the park. Borisovskie Prudy Street was completely blocked. The cordon, the National Guard - everything is serious. The flow of people was directed along the blocked street towards the Brateevsky bridge (in the opposite direction from the park). From the bridge it was already possible to go towards the park. Apparently, in this way they tried to stretch the crowd and avoid queues at the entrance. By the way, there were free toilets along the way. I had to go long and far. It's good that everyone was excited. We arrived on a positive note, but the crowd of people personally strained me.

At the entrance to the park, tickets are checked and bracelets are put on according to the ticket price. Children go free. You need to go through a metal detector and then show the contents of all the bags.

The road from the metro to the park took us almost an hour! In the park, the density of visitors has increased dramatically. There were no signs to be seen. In which side of the podium is not clear. I had to ask representatives of the National Guard several times where to go. The crowd is very difficult to navigate. People occupied all the space: they sat and lay on every lawn. The closer we got to the intended location of the stands, the more difficult it was to move forward. I was afraid to step on someone's feet, on their hands, and even on their heads. Several times we ran into fences and had to find another way. By some miracle, we still found the entrance to the stands area. It took us 30 minutes to do this. We had to practically run to our sector. We saw the first salute salute in the form of the Russian flag on the raid. While the presenter greeted the audience, we managed to reach the desired sector and take our seats.


As soon as we sat down, the performance of the pyrotechnic team from Russia began almost immediately. The tension after the crush and wandering disappeared. From the podium And the best view, you can see everything was fine.

Fireworks were launched directly over the Moscow River from the opposite bank. Each performance lasted 10 minutes, was accompanied by music and was very spectacular. Between the performances of the pyrotechnic teams, the presenter entertained the audience with stories and various interviews. Each number was evaluated on a 100-point scale.

The children were delighted and the adults too. Our son clapped and squealed with delight for the first two performances, then got tired and just silently watched attentively. I didn’t make any attempts to leave, and this is already a big praise for the whole event.

Each foreign team must use one musical composition dedicated to Moscow. Probably due to the fact that the theme of the festival is Moscow on seven hills. Most of all, we were amused by the Chinese with the song Podmoskovnye Evenings in Chinese.

It was the best fireworks I have ever seen. I liked the performance of China and Brazil the most. However, none of these teams won a prize. The rating system remained a mystery to us. Well, at least the Chinese team won the audience award.


After the performance of the last team, it was announced that Russia was the winner. People began to leave the stands while the host announced the results. We sat until the last, as it seemed to us. When the stands were almost empty, we also decided to advance. Volunteers stood at the exit from the stands area, pointing the direction to the Borisovo metro station. We didn't see any more volunteers. After a couple of minutes, the crowd condensed so much that the children had to be carried in their arms for safety. They all walked shoulder to shoulder. It was a moment when I was really afraid that we could all be crushed here if there was a sudden panic. At some point, the crowd split up, and some of the people went across the lawns, but in the end everyone ran into the fence and went back to the general crowd. No direction, no control, no one told people where to go to get out of the park.

We nevertheless got out of the crowd and out of the park and ended up on the still blocked Borisovskie Prudy Street. Went around again. When we reached the Brateevsky bridge, the fences were removed along the entire street. The crowd poured through all the streets and courtyards towards the subway. We decided not to stand in line for the entrance to the metro and stood for half an hour on the street in the yard. Then we quietly entered the subway.

The road from the stands to the metro in the end took us more than an hour.


The fireworks were incredible, amazing, spectacular. Everyone was deeply impressed by what they saw. Children are happy, adults are happy. The organization of this whole event is simply disgusting.

Will we go again? Don't know. I would like to, but in such a crowd with children it is very scary. For safety reasons, you should come much earlier, when there is not yet such an influx of spectators. And leave, 40-60 minutes after the end of the show. Perhaps then it will be possible to avoid the crush. And take tickets unambiguously only to the stands.

MOSCOW, July 25 - RIA Novosti. The second international fireworks festival "Rostec" ended in Moscow. Over the course of two days, eight of the world's best pyrotechnic teams dazzled audiences with their art and technical prowess, with a panel of judges choosing the best of them.

"The event is unique. This is the first festival of this kind, since we have completely changed the format for any fireworks festivals since last year. We turned it from a simple evening holiday into a large full-day family festival," the executive producer of the Rostec festival told RIA Novosti. Kirill Kosenko.

According to him, all over the world such festivals consist only of an evening pyrotechnic show. “We decided to go further and turn it not just into a spectacle, but into a big daytime celebration,” Kosenko explained.

According to the executive producer, about 300,000 people were able to enjoy the spectacular show during the first day of the festival alone. “Yesterday we were visited by about a hundred thousand, this is only here, in the park. In the district, in the whole district, on all sides of the river, there were still about two hundred thousand,” Kosenko explained.

Festival in Brateevsky Park

For the first time, the fireworks festival was held in the Brateevsky Cascade Park, where seven thematic entertainment venues, various master classes and sections were located as part of the daily program. In addition, the "flower ship" cruised around the park all day - a festive carnival show, where a flower-decorated platform in the form of a ship with artists on board drove around the park, leaving a trail in the form of confetti.

“I generally consider this place to be unique: there is a straight long embankment and a wonderful slope. Yesterday people were wonderfully located on all slopes, put blankets, watched and it was clearly visible to everyone and very convenient,” said Kosenko.

“We plan to use this place more than once and more than one year, maybe even be based here,” the producer added.

© Ruptly A grandiose fireworks show at the Rostec festival in Moscow. Shooting from a drone

Participants and winners

In total, eight teams participated in the festival: representatives of Russia, Kazakhstan, Malta, Portugal, Azerbaijan, China, France and Estonia. Each team was given only 9 minutes to prove their skills and surprise the audience with a colorful program.

"It's great that teams from different countries are represented here, and this, among other things, is an exchange of experience. These are different European countries that show their technique, their art, and these are very famous teams in the world, so it's great to talk with them," — told RIA Novosti the captain of the French team of pyrotechnics Michael Weber.

Adu Vaarman, a representative of the Estonian team, explained that the preparation of the program takes place on a special computer program that simulates visual effects. All of them are worked out separately and assembled into a single composition. A separate place is occupied by the selection of music. This year it was subordinated to the previously designated theme of the festival - the Year of Cinema.

The best programs were chosen by the jury of the festival, which included both professional pyrotechnicians and famous cultural figures: TV presenter Yuli Gusman, actors Irina Medvedeva and Fyodor Dobronravov, head of the Department of National Policy, Interregional Relations and Tourism of the City of Moscow Vladimir Chernikov, president of the Russian Pyrotechnic Association Nikolai Varenykh and others.

The best pyrotechnic shows of the festival were chosen as a result of the voting. The Grand Prix was won by a team from China. “This is the only team from which you cannot recognize a single musical theme. If everyone else understands that we both watched films and listened to music, then we did not watch Chinese cinema and it is very difficult to recognize a familiar melody,” said Kosenko.

The first place was taken by a team from Kazakhstan, the second and third by Azerbaijan and Russia, respectively. Separately, the jury awarded the pyrotechnicians from Portugal with the Audience Choice Award.

fireworks show

The most colorful part of the closing of the festival began only at sunset at 21.30. During the waiting time, the guests of the holiday managed to get wet more than once in the rain, which now and then suddenly began.

“If you remember what happened on Friday, many people had a question, will there be a festival at all? We did absolutely everything to make it happen. Of course, the landscape suffered a little because of the rains, there is flooding. regulate, especially considering the fact that a three-month rainfall has fallen," Kosenko said.

Heavy rain again covered Moscow on Friday, flooding the roadway in the city center. Rainy and hot weather persisted until the end of the week, jeopardizing the festival. But thunderstorms bypassed him and only slightly frightened the guests who were hiding under the crown of trees growing in the park. But in the evening the sky cleared up, so the guests could fully enjoy all the colors of fireworks.

For an hour and a half, colorful patterns appeared in the sky: flowers and fiery fountains illuminated the sky so brightly that even the dark night receded for a moment, and it seemed that dawn was about to come. Each team amazed the audience with their pyrotechnic skills, and they in turn thanked them with their applause.

The organizer of the festival was the company "Pyrotechnic Technologies" with the support of the Moscow government. The International Information Agency "Russia Today" is the general information agency of the festival.

On August 18-19, the world's best pyrotechnic teams will paint the sky of the capital with millions of lights: Moscow will host one of the brightest and largest summer events - the Rostec International Fireworks Festival.

This year, leading pyrotechnicians from Austria, Andorra, Bulgaria, Great Britain, Greece, Italy, Slovakia and the USA will surprise the audience and fight for the title of the best.

Also, within the framework of the festival, for the first time in Russia, viewers will see a multimedia show of 120 dynamic fountains dancing to the rhythm of classical and modern music, a light show, projections on water screens, combined with art laser design and the use of the latest technologies. The length of the installation will be 500 meters. The height of the jet of fountains will reach 40 meters. The producer of the show is one of the best show designers in Austria, Michel Anton.

This is the fourth time the event has been held with the support of the Moscow Government. Last year, the festival attracted more than 700,000 spectators.

“Once again, Moscow will become the center of attraction for the leaders of the world market of pyrotechnic displays. Tens of thousands of volleys are waiting for the guests of the festival in the Brateevsky Cascade Park, - said the head of the Department of Sports and Tourism of the city of Moscow, Nikolai Gulyaev, - I am sure that masters of pyrotechnics from different countries will find something to surprise the sophisticated Moscow audience this year.

Volunteer year and charitable activities

In the Year of the Volunteer, the theme of the festival is dedicated to goodness and magic. It will be revealed at different levels: from the daytime program to pyrotechnic shows.

“For the Rostec company, which includes most of the pyrotechnic enterprises in Russia, the fireworks festival is not only a platform for demonstrating the technological capabilities of Russian pyrotechnics, but also a chance to give a real holiday to residents and guests of the capital,” comments the Assistant General Director for Social Projects of the State Corporation “ Rostec”, Chairman of the Board of Directors of the company - the organizer of the festival “Pyrotechnic Technologies” Yulia Voronova. - We pay great attention to the social component of the event. The partners of the festival this year were the charitable foundations Line of Life, Old Age in Joy, Penetrating the Heart, the Konstantin Khabensky Foundation and the Vera Hospice Foundation. To support the foundations, a number of volunteer and charitable activities will be held at the site.”

Art objects and day program

Traditionally, during the days of the festival, the Brateevsky Cascade Park turns into an interactive open-air museum with many art objects. This year they are being developed by the legendary artist and experimenter Andrey Bartenev. All art objects will be tactile, you can interact with each of them: hug, climb on it, take a picture. Passing through the art labyrinth, the audience will meet a cat in the sun, a bear with a bunch of flowers, an elephant and many other exhibits that will charge with solar energy and joy. Some of them are over 5 meters high. The main symbol and art object of the festival will be a sunbeam.

On August 18 and 19, Brateevsky Cascade Park will open for guests at 14:00. During the day, all visitors will be able to take part in mobile and board games, compete in bossball (similar to volleyball, but on inflatable mats), curling, and go through an obstacle course. For the youngest visitors of the festival, there will be a large animation zone, "quiet parties" in the dome cinema, a children's dance zone and much more. And lovers of intellectual leisure will be able to take part in quizzes or relax while watching their favorite films and cartoons on the big screen in the open air. And, of course, as always, many creative master classes will be held on the site.

Music program

Musicians will perform on the main stage from 18:30 to 20:30. On August 18, the headliners of the concert program will be the Dances Minus and Chizh & Co groups with their favorite hits of several generations. On the second day of the festival, guests will be treated to a performance by the Zveri group, which will perform the best works from various albums.

fireworks show

The competition program of the fireworks show starts at 21:00. Every day, viewers will be able to see four performances: on August 18, Austria, Bulgaria, Italy, the USA will present their program, on August 19 - Andorra, Great Britain, Greece, Slovakia. The technical details of the performances will be monitored by a competent international-class jury. It included titled pyrotechnicians from the USA, Romania, Portugal, Canada and Spain. The spectacle of the show will be judged by an amateur jury - composer and producer Igor Krutoy and film director Pavel Chukhrai. Together with them, the audience will be able to vote for the best performance. According to the results of SMS voting, the winner of the Audience Choice Award will be selected.

The teams will present programs consisting of two parts: a business card of the participant - fireworks in the colors of the national flag to music with national flavor - and a free program on the theme of goodness and magic. Performances will be accompanied by a laser and water-light show specially created for the festival.
The online broadcast of the fireworks show will be conducted by Rossiya Segodnya MIA, Yandex and the VKontakte social network.

Entrance to the festival for children up to 7 years old is free (accompanied by adults with tickets).

The organizer of the festival is the Pyrotechnic Technologies company.

You can get acquainted with the program and purchase tickets from today on the festival website

This year, on August 18-19, one of the brightest and largest events of the summer will be held in Moscow in the Brateevsky Cascade Park -. The world's best pyrotechnic teams will paint the sky of the capital with millions of lights. Leading pyrotechnicians from Austria, Andorra, Bulgaria, Great Britain, Greece, Italy, Slovakia and the USA will surprise the audience and compete for the title of the best.

Also, within the framework of the festival, for the first time in Russia, viewers will see a multimedia show of 120 dynamic fountains dancing to the rhythm of classical and modern music, a light show, projections on water screens, combined with art laser design and the use of the latest technologies. The length of the installation will be 500 meters. The height of the jet of fountains will reach 40 meters. The producer of the show is one of the best show designers in Austria, Michel Anton.

The event is held with the support of the Moscow government for the fourth time. Last year, the festival attracted more than 700,000 spectators.

“Once again, Moscow will become the center of attraction for the leaders of the world market of pyrotechnic displays. Tens of thousands of volleys are waiting for the guests of the festival in the Brateevsky Cascade Park, - said Nikolai Gulyaev, head of the Moscow Department of Sports and Tourism. “I am sure that masters of pyrotechnics from different countries will find something to surprise the sophisticated Moscow audience this year as well.”

Volunteer year and charitable activities

In the Year of the Volunteer, the theme of the festival is dedicated to goodness and magic. It will be revealed at different levels: from the daytime program to pyrotechnic shows.

“For Rostec, which includes the majority of pyrotechnic enterprises in Russia, the fireworks festival is not only a platform for demonstrating the technological capabilities of Russian pyrotechnics, but also a chance to give a real holiday to residents and guests of the capital,” commented Assistant General Director for Social Projects of Rostec State Corporation, Chairman board of directors of the company - the organizer of the festival "Pyrotechnic Technologies" Yulia Voronova. – We pay great attention to the social component of the event. The partners of the festival this year were the charitable foundations Line of Life, Old Age in Joy, Penetrating the Heart, the Konstantin Khabensky Foundation and the Vera Hospice Foundation. To support the foundations, a number of volunteer and charitable activities will be held at the site.”

Art objects and day program

Traditionally, during the days of the festival, the Brateevsky Cascade Park turns into an interactive open-air museum with many art objects. This year they are being developed by the legendary artist and experimenter Andrey Bartenev. All art objects will be tactile, you can interact with each of them: hug, climb on it, take a picture. Passing through the art labyrinth, the audience will meet a cat in the sun, a bear with a bunch of flowers, an elephant and many other exhibits that will charge with solar energy and joy. Some of them are over 5 meters high. The main symbol and art object of the festival will be a sunbeam.

On August 18 and 19, Brateevsky Cascade Park will open for guests at 14:00. During the day, all visitors will be able to take part in mobile and board games, compete in bossball (similar to volleyball, but on inflatable mats), curling, and go through an obstacle course. For the youngest visitors of the festival, there will be a large animation zone, "quiet parties" in the dome cinema, football training sessions with gifts from the "Ball School", a children's dance zone and much more. And lovers of intellectual leisure will be able to take part in quizzes or relax while watching their favorite films and cartoons on the big screen in the open air. And, of course, as always, many creative master classes will be held on the site.

In addition, musicians will perform on the main stage from 18:30 to 20:30. On August 18, the headliners of the concert program will be the Dances Minus and Chizh & Co groups with their favorite hits of several generations. On the second day of the festival, guests will be treated to a performance by the Zveri group, which will perform the best works from various albums.

fireworks show

The competition program of the fireworks show starts at 21:00. Every day, the audience will be able to see four performances: on August 18, Austria, Bulgaria, Italy, the USA will present their program, on August 19 - Andorra, Great Britain, Greece, Slovakia. The technical details of the performances will be monitored by a competent international-class jury. It included titled pyrotechnicians from Canada, Spain, USA, Romania, Portugal. The spectacle of the show will be judged by an amateur jury - composer and producer Igor Krutoy and film director Pavel Chukhrai. Together with them, the audience will be able to vote for the best performance. According to the results of SMS voting, the winner of the Audience Choice Award will be selected.

The teams will present programs consisting of two parts: a visiting card of the participant - fireworks in the colors of the national flag to music with national flavor - and a free program on the theme of goodness and magic. Performances will be accompanied by a laser and water-light show specially created for the festival.

The online broadcast of the fireworks show will be conducted by Rossiya Segodnya MIA, Yandex and the VKontakte social network. Entrance to the festival for children up to 7 years old is free (accompanied by adults with tickets). The organizer of the festival is Pyrotechnic Technologies. You can get acquainted with the program and purchase tickets from today on the festival website Ticket prices start from 500 rubles.