A man with a closed heart how to help him. Loan love, or what to do if your heart is closed to love

We humans see the world in a very strange way. Our sense organs perceive it in approximately the same way for all people. Approximately because, for example, color anomalies perceive it differently. But we have another way of perception, which is inherent in all living things. We perceive the world around us with our whole being, or sometimes they say that we perceive with the heart, but usually this way of perception remains at the subconscious level. But, despite its unconsciousness, the results of this band of perception significantly change the picture of the vision of the world. We can see the world, but not perceive it, in other words, not be open to this world. To be open-hearted means to direct your perception only to the world or to the interlocutor and at this time not to perceive yourself. Let me try to explain: when we perceive the external world, being open to it, then this kind of perception can be compared with a look from the center into the external world. When we are closed to the outside world, then we perceive ourselves from the outside world, i.e. from the periphery to the center. Moreover, we perceive the periphery with the help of the senses, but at the same time we do not try to be with it, we are separated from it, it is for us as a background against which we exist. This can also be compared to photography, where we can focus on some object, and then everything else will be the background, or we can make this object the background, and everything else will look sharp. In other words, when I am open, this means I am for the world (or for my interlocutor) and at that time it seems that I do not exist, and when I am closed, then the world is for me, and therefore I want to be significant in front of him, I want for him to consider me. We can say that openness or closeness is both a system of relations and at the same time a way of perception. I repeat once again, in the case when we are open to the world, then between us, the perceivers and the world, there is no our person, our ego, which constantly cares about how we look in front of this world or in front of some person. If we are closed, then we perceive ourselves and therefore during this period we try to impress the world that surrounds us, or the person with whom we communicate. For us at this time it is important how we look and not only outwardly, but also what our significance is. But, since significance most often relies on an external factor that does not really need to be aware of the real spiritual qualities of a person, such a closed person can play his own significance in front of other people. At the same time, sometimes they play on the weaknesses of these people, sometimes on their naivety or even stupidity. People like to be significant and if they perceive the world, being closed from it, then at this time they are content not with sincere attitudes towards them, but with hypocrisy. We know that hypocrisy is a form of lying that hides true inner attitudes and intentions. But to hide, you have to be closed. Consequently, hypocrites cannot perceive the world in its entirety, because they are closed people. And only when we are closed, we are concerned about the question, what will people think of us? The human soul flourishes when it is open to the world, absorbing the experience of communicating with the world, matures, grows, becomes richer, and becomes poorer, if it is separated from the world by a wall of significance built by the ego.

The human mind is molded into certain standard forms from birth. It is necessary that people see the world in the same way, which allows them to communicate with each other, and somehow understand each other. The subconscious perception of the world bypasses the human mind and therefore it is individual and non-standard. If people perceived the world only in this way, then they would be completely alone in this world, and they would not understand each other. Moreover, the subconscious perception of the world, depending on the state of a person, is not the same, and therefore what the sense organs perceive, every time our internal state changes, changes its significance and meaning of what we perceive. When we, being closed, communicate with each other, we very often do not take into account the state of the other person at all, and hence the mutual misunderstanding.

Mostly closed people are divided into two categories: active and passive. For the active, interests in the sphere of material services are characteristic. Their relationships with people are often superficial and formal. They can be kind, but not from the heart, but because it is customary, or in a certain situation, it is so beneficial. They can be altruists if altruism is beneficial for them: they gave a person a ruble, but then they got two. Since it is very important for them to be significant, and there are only two ways for this - power or money, people of a closed type strive to have one or the other, or better, all together. The more selfish a person is, the more his heart is closed. Closed people prefer to use certain rules for communication, because for them a closed heart does not give clues. More precisely, they do not hear these tips. People with a closed heart like to follow certain rules, because they, these rules, are like an interesting chess game for them, when you can, having seen the enemy’s weak point, unexpectedly make a winning move and beat the enemy. If we look at people with a closed heart who consider themselves religious, we will see that they strive to comply with all the rules established by religious dogmas. For them, their external expression is important, and not their internal content.

But this does not mean at all that people with a closed heart do not worry about anything. Every person's ego, whether their heart is closed or open, can experience many states, such as frustration, anger, indignation, disgust, surprise, and many other emotions that their ego can turn on. But they lack the emotions coming from the heart. They cannot love wholeheartedly and devotedly, they cannot sympathize, but only regret, and this looks to them like altruism, which others should know about. They can be good husbands and wives, good in the sense of "correct." If he is cheating on his wife or she is cheating on him, then this does not mean at all that their marriage is breathing its last. They can remain the same as before, the right spouses and nothing inside will tell him that he did wrong. There are many other symptoms born of a closed heart and it is important to know them in order to get rid of this closedness, because spiritual work cannot be done with a closed heart.

But there is a category of people with a closed heart, which can be classified as passive. Usually these are weak people who suffer from loneliness, because, in their opinion, no one understands them and the world is full of hardships and dangers. They, not finding support within themselves, seek support among close people or completely go into work that does not require communication with people. People with a closed heart are unhappy people, although the active part of them does not think so at all. But those who are passive are twice as unhappy. These include people like Belikov and a large group of autistic patients.

People with an open heart live not only with their hearts, but also with their minds, but still more with their hearts. Such a person will never strive for power, and go head over heels towards this goal. He can love unselfishly, and sacrifice himself for the sake of love. He is disinterested in relationships, and does not seek to be a leader. And this person can have a paternal or maternal, caring attitude towards his comrades or loved ones, without pretensions to their gratitude. They are pleased to do good to people, even when they are not asked about it. Usually people with an open heart are able to listen, they are able not in the sense that they do not interrupt the speaker, but that during the period when they listen, they are on the side of the speaker. And therefore, during this period, they do not have their own opinion, which people usually keep ready in such periods, in a hurry to express it, sometimes without even listening to their interlocutor. At this time, they absorb the speaker, and not only the meaning of his words, but also his state in which he is at this time. If such people choose a profession, then it is not at all for selfish reasons, but one in which it can be most useful to people. In practice, they do not choose these professions, but they like them. These people are gullible, and therefore they are often deceived and at the same time suffer mainly from people with a closed heart, for whom deceiving a person who lives with a heart is not a sin, but a step towards increasing their own well-being. People with an open heart, but of a weak type, are extremely vulnerable and may even be not what they were told or done, but what state this person was in. You can hurt them deeply with a calm word, behind which there is hostility, distrust or irritation. For them, cooperation is a big problem, because in most cases people of a closed type are hypocrites and communication with such people for open and at the same time weak people is painful.

People of the open weak type are highly susceptible and therefore they painfully endure unspoken lies and, of course, explicit lies. Not only do they not aspire to be leaders, administrators, they will do everything to prevent this from happening to them. Such people need a person who would be a support for them, or a job that would not be associated with communication and strict rules.

But, of course, in any society there are many people who can be classified as a mixed type, or who at different times seem to move from one category of people to another. It is precisely this type of people who, among those who have power and money in their hands, are the most humane, just and most persistent warriors on the spiritual path.

And now the question arises: what to do to open the heart? For spiritual work, the heart cannot be closed, because the spiritual path is always the path of the heart. We have already mentioned that when a person, listening to another, forgets about himself and his opinions, even forgets about his attitude towards the interlocutor, he perceives him with his whole being - this is a way of opening his heart. When you use objects of inanimate nature, then be careful with it, knowing that in it, as in the whole world around you, the Divine is hidden. Using objects, you not only use, you communicate with them. This is even more important when you connect with nature. Be so open to her that you feel like you are merging into her. Be aware of her attitude towards you. The animal and plant worlds always have an attitude towards you when you are near them. They may be afraid of you, love you, but they cannot be indifferent. Be aware of their attitude towards you.

To be open is also to accept the other as he is, because only the mind separates, believing that for communication there must be rules and conventions that must be observed. But accepting another as he is is possible only when you do not adhere to conventions. And this is possible only with an open heart. Mother, a comrade-in-arms of Sri Aurobindo, said that the Russian nation carries within itself a symbol of brotherhood between peoples. And, apparently, she accepts all peoples, because her heart is open to everyone. We are here starting to talk about the heart of the nation, which can be open or closed. For example, we can cite many of our former fraternal republics, after secession, in which the persecution of foreign speakers began, only in Russia this did not happen. And another example: in Kabardino-Balkaria, 90 percent of Russians, and only about ten percent of them in the government. Are there many Russians in our government? And who really rules Russia? And if we talk about the Chechen Republic, then the flight of people of other nationalities from it is an obvious example of the closeness of the heart of this nation. But the Chechens did not flee from Russia to Chechnya, the Ukrainians to Ukraine, and the Georgians to Georgia, and Boris Nikolayevich and Chubais to Israel. That is why Mother said that Russia is a symbol of the brotherhood of peoples.

Ayurvedic canons say that the basis of human youth is the energy of ojas, which is associated with the heart. And if a person's heart "closes" - the main energy channel of life is blocked. Remember the state of being in love: a person feels strong, generous, and obstacles make way for him. This, in fact, is the state of openness of the heart.

But where does this state go? Why does the heart close again?

Most often this happens due to the fact that a person falls into the sin of idealizing the spiritual, which is the beginning of the chain. "Idealization of the spiritual" occurs when a person, having become a member of some party or religious community (or others), begins to think that he is, as it were, superior to others in this situation. There is a feeling of superiority, a certain inner rightness - this may be subconsciously, without being aware of this, and as a result, he begins to look down on other people. And this, often subconscious, pride instantly closes his heart. More precisely, the heart center of anahata is the center of communication with the outside world. He begins to evaluate, meticulously compare others with his ideal, criticize. Next, the center of hormone regulation at the middle link, the liver, is blocked and begins to falter. Well, on the subtle plane, the closure of the heart center makes life “dead”, mechanical. So they reached a certain position in life, got a good job, got married, had children ... And then - inertia, everything flows according to certain repetitive rhythms. A person with a closed heart loses a sense of empathy - the ability to feel the feelings of others. He begins to look for profit for himself. The system of adaptation to the surrounding world is broken. And the next stage - there is a program of fear and diseases are growing. For example, many women systematically have "inexplicable" headaches - and they always accompany the fear program! Or there are some pathologies of the type of vegetative neurosis. And the reason is a violation of adaptation. Once upon a time you did not accept what was given to you. Because only a person with an open heart is able to accept everything - both good and bad,

How to open the heart?

You can't open it with drugs or surgery. It must mature in order to open. And everyone approaches this in their own way. Some try to listen sensitively to people, to life, to events, not to rush to pronounce a “verdict” on all this, while others follow some, perhaps more stringent methods. The main thing is to understand, to believe that you need to open your heart. Then we ourselves will seek, reflect, ask God about it ... We need to try to at least go beyond the limits of personal egoism, try to understand, “hear” another soul, perceive what another person has, maybe even behind words and deeds .
There is a whole science - aphrodite, which helps to open the heart through love between a man and a woman. Communication between a man and a woman should begin with the fact that they simply feel the flow of energy through their hearts, from one to another without words. Then - the stage of touches, simple touches, the process is slow and gradual. And if a couple immediately has a sexual passion, it can destroy everything. After all, sexual energy is very important. It is no coincidence that everything in the universe in terms of energy is based on the interaction of two energies - female and male. For healthy development there must be an exchange of these energies. But sex with a closed heart leads to the fact that a man gives his energy, and a woman cannot give her energy. And as a result, giving, but not receiving anything in exchange, a man begins to age (because men have a shorter average life expectancy). And a woman, experiencing stagnation of unspent energy, and still receiving male energy, becomes ill as a result. This is where mastopathy, fibromyomas and other female diseases often come from here. And people do not understand what is happening. And contact through the heart is lost! Lost understanding of each other. Here, in the opening of the heart, lie the main roots of a person's youth, and not in the fact that we will take some kind of elixirs.

Divine Love is the basis of the Universe, it is the sun within the sun. It comes from a single source and is the most powerful force in the world. It is present at the cellular level of every person and is waiting for its release from the shackles of consciousness. It is in it the TRUTH. God is love.

Love is not just a word or a feeling. It is the source of energy and energy itself. You can invoke it, store it, store it, send it, and focus it for many uses. She is always available and will never let you down. You are endowed with the ability to co-create, for you are the conductor of the Divine Energy of Love, which you draw from your Higher Self.

By sending love to other people or objects, you can multiply your co-creation abilities and significantly improve your life. Love has a very strong positive impact on the events in your destiny, on relationships with people with whom you interact.

By sending love to another person, you have a huge impact on his attitude towards you, on his perception of you. With the help of love, you can dissipate the energy of conflict, hatred. By sending love to another, you can, if not make this person fall in love with you, then certainly make him your good friend and comrade-in-arms. By sending the energy of love to a sick person, you contribute to his recovery and spiritual purification.

Having filled the rooms in which you live and work with love, you will amazingly remove all the accumulated negative energy and make the room cozy and pleasant to stay in. People will tell you about its special inspiring atmosphere.

By sending love backed by your intention and desire to certain events and situations, you contribute to their positive resolution.

Enveloping plants with your love, you give them vitality and they begin to actively grow and bloom. Giving your love to animals, you make them healthy and cheerful, they respond to you with their devotion.

Sending love is not difficult at all. To do this, you need to use the power of imagination, mentally activate our desires and intentions, open all your energy centers (chakras) and send love to other people, situations or objects.

As you begin to radiate love through all of your energy centers, you will notice that something special is happening. The world around you will change dramatically. People will literally be drawn to you, they will want to become your friends, they will fall in love with you , sympathize with you. The whole secret of charisma is in love: the more you love and radiate love into the world, the more energetically attractive you become.

The expression of love, the message of love, is the most powerful manifestation of our Divine Spirit.

Live with an open heart. When the heart is open, you can receive love and give it to others. In this case, you will be uncritical, kind and will feel compassion for all people in this world. You will celebrate life and feel the adoration of Heaven. You will be filled with courage, for love is the antidote to fear.

To open your heart means to stop loving selectively, giving your tenderness and care to some and depriving others of it. Recognize the unity and Divinity of all human beings and honor the Divinity in everyone. Expand your consciousness beyond the limited notions of romantic love and personal attachments. Become more and more comprehensive and include all manifestations of the universal Divine love.

People with closed hearts are easy to identify - they have a dull look, cold impenetrable energy, harsh treatment of others, bitterness. These people are under the control of their Ego and the manifestation of Divine love is suppressed in them. These are deeply unhappy people.

To open your heart, you need to do a lot of work on yourself. It includes: getting rid of negative beliefs; forgiveness of our offenders; unconditional acceptance and forgiveness of oneself; getting rid of accumulated fears, psychological trauma; creation of favorable conditions for life; healing the body through exercise, healthy eating; awareness of one's Divine nature, pacification of the Ego, and the final stage - the ability to consider everything and everything from the position of the Higher Consciousness, understanding the higher meaning of what is happening, the awareness of universal unity.

We are collective, and at the same time we are united in our Divine Source of energy - Love. This is the common thread that binds us all together.

We are all different, but we came to this planet with one common goal - to increase the level of enlightenment of the planet, through the manifestation of our Divine essence and the transformation of negativity into love. Remember this in your daily life.

Below are a few advice on how to fill your life with love and keep your heart open:

Always be kind and sympathetic, do not offend people. Never condemn anyone, and even more so do not curse or wish evil on people. If you feel that it is hard to restrain yourself, pray and ask for help in making your heart soften.

Consciously send love and light to everyone with whom life brings you, especially those who are very different from you or are not pleasant to you. Perhaps the message of your love will serve as a catalyst for the spiritual growth of these people.

Loosen the grip of the Ego, treat with humor its demands and arrogance. Learn to distinguish between true desires that come from the soul and false desires that come from the Ego. Give up your sense of self-importance in favor of God and focus entirely on living your Divine Spirit, harmony and love.

Engage in active meditation on beauty and love. The essence of this exercise is to notice and enjoy the beauty of this world around you, to notice the perfection and harmony of nature, to see Divine wisdom and love in everything. Meditate on beauty, inspire yourself to love this world.

- Remember that in this world there is nothing more important than the love of God! Never kill the feeling of love that lives in you, to whomever it arises, keep it carefully, protecting it from the attacks of the Ego.

Love is long-suffering
Love does not envy
Love is not exalted
Not proud
Doesn't mess around
Not looking for his
Not irritated
Thinks no evil
Does not rejoice in iniquity
And rejoices with the truth;
covers everything,
Believes everything
Whole hopes
Everything endures.
Love will never end…

A closed heart is the worst of prisons (c) Pope John Paul II

Who are they talking about "a man with a closed heart"? Many will come to mind the image of a cold and prudent egoist or a disappointed, “beaten by life” loner.

But it is not so. In fact, closed heart problems are much more varied and paradoxical, and are very common.

Perhaps you even have them?

Read the article and find out what a closed heart is, who has it and what are its effects.

So. closed heart is a BLOCKED heart chakra.

It's not only energy deficit in this zone (which is most often called the closed heart), but also excess energy in the region of the heart.

In both cases, a person's heart is closed from real contact with his feelings and from adequate interaction with other people.

This is fraught with various negative consequences. Let's consider both cases.

1. Lack of energy in the heart and its consequences

When the heart chakra is deficient, the flow of energy through it is severely restricted.

Cardiac chakra remains empty, constricted and useless.

This is a classic manifestation of a "closed heart". Such a person does not understand his feelings as if he doesn't feel anything at all.

This has a devastating effect on his health, relationships with others and worldview.

1.1. Rejection of love

This is the main problem of the "deficit". As a result of any injury, you disappointed in love. And, more precisely, that you can fall in love or someone will fall in love with you.

At some point, it was so painful that you decided - it's better than nothing. However, it could be in such a deep childhood that the decision is forgotten. There is only coldness and emptiness in the chest.

People with a deficiency in the heart chakra find rationale for this state of affairs. For example, “Love is evil”, “Love is fiction”, “Sex is not a reason for dating”, “Women are mercantile and love only money”, etc.

1.2. Fear of deep relationships, loneliness

You can formally not be alone and, it seems, meet someone and even live.

But it will only appearance of relationship, for social status, sex, or other benefits.

There is no sincerity, trust, understanding in such relations.

A person with a deficiency in the heart chakra, by the way, usually suffering in this situation.(understanding it or not). After all We all have a basic need for love., and if it is not there, it is very bad for any person.

But he, most likely, will blame the partner for this and the fact that "true love happens only in fairy tales."

This often leads to real loneliness and even isolation from people.

See also Debunking the Myth of Halves and What's Behind It

1.3. Coldness, detachment

Because of these qualities, it is difficult for people with a lack of energy in the heart chakra to build trusting relationships.

Due to a misunderstanding of other people's feelings, you consciously or unconsciously manipulate people(especially those who have excess energy in the heart chakra).

This may help you achieve some career or personal goals, but it does not make you happier.

1.4. Judgment and criticism of others

It seems that in your troubles blame others. They behave incorrectly and unworthily, and because of this, all the problems.

But you know exactly what they need to do.

If you noticed this in yourself, you have a closed heart ...

1.5. Self intolerance

Alas, the root of judging others lies in not accepting yourself.

Sometimes it's even hard to admit it. But people with a lack of energy in their hearts do not love themselves, they scold, they constantly try to prove to themselves and others that they are “worth something”.

This may help in career achievements, but, again, it does not satisfy and does not make you happy.

1.6. Depression

An extreme form of a closed heart. You don't see the point in life, you have nothing to lean on, everything seems gray and empty.

There may be dependence on alcohol, computer games and other ways of escaping reality.

1.7. congestive health disorders

Energy moves poorly, which means that blood and oxygen do not enrich this zone enough.

Health problems in such people are associated with "stagnation", "containment" and "inhibition".

These are hypertension, heart failure, atherosclerosis, risk of heart attack, etc. Feel emptiness and cold in the heart.

2. Excess energy in the heart and its consequences

With excessive activity (hyperactivity) of the heart chakra the energy is too messy to function normally.

A suitable metaphor for this case: a traffic jam, when the movement of cars is blocked due to their large number.

It would seem that since the chakra is moving so actively, is the heart open? But no, this delusion.

If a deficient chakra can be called a stagnant swamp, then an overactive chakra is a whirlpool, a turbulent flow that is difficult to control.

From this flickering, it may seem that the life of such people is rich and interesting. But, in fact, "hyperactive" people suffer no less than "deficient".

2.1. Fixation on love and, as a result, its loss

This is the main sign of a closed heart of a hyperactive type. You propagandize that love is everything, that for the sake of love you are ready for anything, that love-love-love ...

Eventually, your love is suffocating and obsessive, partners simply run away from such relationships, and you suffer again and again.

2.2. Constant need for love, approval

We said that the energy in such a chakra does not hold. You always receive love from the world and loved ones, but it "leaks through your fingers."

From this, it always seems to you that you have little love, and you demand more and more ... No matter how much love you are given, it will fly like a pipe, and you will experience constant hunger for love.

Also, you will be insecure and need constant approval from the outside. You overreact to criticism- if a person made at least one remark to you, you think that he does not approve of you, which means that he does not love you.

2.3. Demanding, thirst for possession, jealousy

This point follows from the previous ones. You believe that you have invested a lot of love in your partner (a suffocating lot), but he gives “not enough”.

This gives you a permanent irritation, jealousy(suddenly he takes away the love due to you to the left?), desire is completely own a partner.

2.4. Weak boundaries, sacrifice

One of the options for "willingness for love for anything." You give your partner or people "all of you", sometimes neglecting their time, desires, interests.

You expect the same “love” in return, but alas. Usually people of a scarce type are attracted to you, who manipulate you to complete exhaustion.

Healthy partners, on the other hand, can’t stand it very quickly, because they don’t need a victim nearby.

2.5. Health problems

In "hyperactive" people, a whole range of diseases of the heart, lungs, and blood vessels can occur. The most common are asthma, arrhythmia, varicose veins, angina pectoris. Feel "too enlarged" heart, pressure inside.

Debunking the Myths of the Closed and Open Heart

In materials on the Internet people with a closed heart are often condemned, they are called callous, prudent and hypocritical.

And, allegedly, they manipulate people with an “open” heart all the time for their own benefit.

This is an imprecise approach.

In fact, a person with a really open heart is very difficult to manipulate He is sensitive to his feelings and honest with himself and others.

Any manipulation does not stand up to his courage, sensitivity and sincerity.

And the victims of manipulators are people with a closed heart of a hyperactive type. We wrote above that sacrifice is in their nature, and they always attract tyrants, deceivers, etc. to themselves.

It is not worth blaming the coldish "deficit" for all mortal sins. They, in fact, have a hard life (although this does not relieve them of responsibility for some actions).

It's important to understand this: what will you do if you see yourself or your loved ones signs of a closed heart.

The best way is to admit that there is a problem and, by reinforcing and harmonizing the vibrations of love.

If you think that the problem is not with you, but with your partner, we pay attention that people are attracted in a compensatory manner(for example, the manipulator and his victim). That is, there is something in you that attracted this person.

But. As soon as you start working on your heart, automatically the energy of the relationship in a couple will change This means that your partner will also begin to change (or you will simply get out of a frankly destructive relationship).

But, most importantly, you yourself will feel more whole, calm and filled with love. I wish each of you, dear readers, to learn live by heart and trust yourself!

P.S. How to live with your heart - you will learn from. Get the Best Heart Chakra Practices Now!

How to open your heart?The heart is the source of joy and love or sorrow and disappointment. When the heart chakra is open, it is clear, you experience unconditional love, happiness, acceptance. You radiate and receive love.

When there is a block in the form of sorrows, disappointments, fears, only these feelings are available to you.

The opening of the heart has always occupied the most important place in any esoteric and spiritual practices. Why? Through the heart, that is, love, there is a connection with God, with the Universe. If this contact exists, then you easily receive the gifts of life and rejoice!
In the context of August, unconditional love (which lives in the heart) makes it easy for you to connect with the portals of abundance. In general, through love you can easily connect with any form of Divine energies.

BUT all of us periodically (someone constantly) heart closes. Sadness came, the relationship collapsed, apathy overcame and ... the flow of natural unconditional love of the heart was blocked! Together with him, access to the blessings of life was also closed.

Do we open our hearts? The practices are simple, the main thing is to do them. And drive away the sadness of the heart.

1. Practice Heart Breathing

Retire, relax. Let go of all negative emotions.

Take a few deep breaths in and out to calm your mind.

You take a deep breath. As you inhale, imagine how you inhale a stream or beam of golden color into the heart area.

As you exhale, imagine how a ray of your love comes out of your heart! It can be white, gold or pink.

Do this Heart Breath at least 8 times per set, at least 2 times a day. The more often, the better.

2. Breath of Gratitude

We continue the theme of opening the heart. Unconditional Love is the greatest Power, the highest vibration. New energies of August. And in general, 2017 opens up great opportunities for abundance and prosperity. But to connect to them you need high vibrations!

Love is such a vibration. And when combined with gratitude, it works wonders!

I offer a simple, ancient and powerful practice of Heart Breathing + Gratitude. This technique triggers the opening of the heart, the power of gratitude, and unconditional love at the same time.


Retire, calm your thoughts. Take a few deep breaths in and out first.

Now let's start the Breath of Gratitude.

Take a deep breath. As you inhale, mentally say: "Good."
Deep breath. As you exhale, mentally say "I give."

Feel your heart open up, you take bla go, and give goodness.

3. Mudra for the Heart

The manifestation of unconditional love and the proper functioning of the heart can be hindered not only by negative emotions, but also by physical heart disease or a weak heart due to excess weight, improper sleep, through the measured use of coffee or alcohol.

In such cases, mudras for the heart should also be used.

For this case, as well as for those who are often worried, nervous, experiencing increased stress, I recommend doing the Dragon Temple Mudra.

It not only helps with physical problems of the heart, but also calms the heart, gives peace and serenity, relieves stress.