Features of the love lyrics of Mayakovsky Lilichka. The originality of the love lyrics of V.V. Mayakovsky MKO Zubkovskaya secondary school Sapsay Ekaterina Sergeevna

At the time when Vladimir Mayakovsky began his creative activity, a discussion broke out in literature about whether writers should address the theme of love. Mayakovsky writes and dedicates the poem "I Love" to Lila Brik. In it, the feeling of love is reflected by the poet in a different way than in classical poetry of the 19th century. For Mayakovsky, love is a deeply personal experience that has nothing to do with the opinion of the inhabitants about love. The poet called the first part of the work “Usually so” in order to oppose his own poetic perception of the feeling of love to the ordinary perception of the feeling of love. This is the main conflict of the lyrical in its genre dominant poem. According to Mayakovsky, love is given to every person from birth, but ordinary people who love “between services, other incomes” “bloom, bloom - and shrivel”:

Love is given to any born, - But between services, incomes, and other things From day to day, the soil of the heart hardens.

Finally, the lyrical hero meets a woman who

She came - Businesslike, For a roar, For growth, Glancing, I saw just a boy. Took, Took away the heart And just went to play - Like a girl with a ball.

The conflict in the poem is based on the inseparability of feelings of love. It reaches its highest tension in the chapter "You". The poet gives his heart to his beloved and is happy. In his opinion, happiness does not lie in keeping feelings like capital in a bank, but in giving them to another person without wanting anything in return. Love is selfless, therefore it is eternal. Mayakovsky had a firm conviction that "if you love me, then you are mine, with me, for me, always, everywhere and under any circumstances, even if I am wrong, unfair, or cruel." Love must be unshakable, like a law of nature. “It cannot be that I am waiting for the sun, but it will not rise. It can't be that I bow to the flower and it runs away. It can’t be that I hug a birch, I’ll say: “Don’t.” Love is not scary

No quarrel, No miles. Thought out, verified, tested. Lifting solemnly the line-fingered verse, I swear - I love Invariably and truly.

Mayakovsky's love lyrics include two poems created at the end of 1928. These are “Letter to Comrade Kostrov from Paris about the essence of love” and “Letter to Tatyana Yakovleva”. The first of them is addressed to the editor of the Komsomolskaya Pravda newspaper, in which the poet, who ended up in Paris, worked. The second poem was not intended for printing - it is a personal message that was given to the beloved woman. In the first "Letter ..." Mayakovsky reflects on the essence of love, its innermost meaning. The poet wants to understand himself, to take a fresh look at the world. Love is so strong that it turned everything in him, created him anew. "Letter ..." is a poetic monologue. The poet's love is "human, simple":

Raises the square noise, the carriages are moving, I walk, I write poems in a notebook.

Love makes it possible to feel the unity of the ordinary, earthly and beautiful, high, and poetry - to express this.

In this "Letter ..." the poet claims that the word of a man in love is capable of

Raise, and lead, and draw, which are weakened by the eye.

"Letter to Comrade Kostrov ..." - one of the most lyrical works of V. Mayakovsky about love. The poet talks about the meaning of love in his life. His feelings take on a “universal” scale, therefore Mayakovsky uses metaphors and neologisms to express them: “From the pharynx to the stars, a light-gold-born comet soars” or “The tail of heaven is spread by a third.”

In "Letter to Tatyana Yakovleva" love appears as its dramatic side. For some reason, mutual love did not bring happiness to the lovers. The poet promises to pacify the feeling of jealousy. If the poem "Letter to Comrade Kostrov ..." has a global, even philosophical character, then the second one is more personal in content. Mayakovsky's soul is open in him, passion and impotence, jealousy and dignity are nearby: material from the site

You do not think, squinting just from under straightened arcs. Come here, come to the crossroads of my big and clumsy hands. Do not want? Stay and hibernate, And we'll lower this insult to the common account.

The form of the monologue gives confidence to the verse, gives the poetic narrative a deeply personal character. The ultimate frankness of the hero comes through in the words about “dogs of brutal passion”, about jealousy that “moves mountains”, about “measles of passion”. Each line of the poem is filled with the power of feeling, like all Mayakovsky's love lyrics, powerful and passionate. The poet was forever wounded by love. The reader cannot but be shocked by the power of this love, which, against all odds, affirms the invincibility of life. The poet had every reason to say:

If I wrote something, if I said something, it’s the fault of the eyes-heaven, my beloved eyes.

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On this page, material on the topics:

  • originality of Mayakovsky's lyrics briefly
  • features of love lyrics c. in. Mayakovsky
  • features of Mayakovsky's love lyrics
  • Mayakovsky's love lyrics
  • essay on general characteristics Mayakovsky

1. Love in early work.
2. Mayakovsky's muse.
3. Publicity of feelings.

To love is from the sheets
insomniac torn, break loose,
jealous of Copernicus, him,
and not the husband of Marya Ivanna,
considering him a rival.
V. V. Mayakovsky

Love lyrics occupy not the last place in the work of V. V. Mayakovsky, whom we are accustomed to perceive as a poet of the revolution and a master of propaganda slogans. The poem "A Cloud in Pants" (1915) is a love poem and is dedicated to an unrequited feeling for the heroine M. A. Denisova, who did not come on a date, with whom he was in love in Odessa. The title contains a metaphor for a gentle male soul. Surprisingly, for many years this poem was considered revolutionary, anti-bourgeois. But it is not at all dissatisfaction with social order that makes the hero curse the world, but the simplest jealousy. The tense hero waits for his beloved from four to ten o'clock, she eventually comes and says that she is getting married. "Fire of the Heart" turns into revenge for taking away love

You put love on violins.
Love on the timpani lays rough.
And you can't twist yourself like me,
to have one solid lips!
...Want to -
I will be mad from meat
— and like the sky, changing tones —
want to -
I will be impeccably gentle,
not a man, but a cloud in his pants!

Most of the love poems are dedicated to L. Brik, whom Vladimir Vladimirovich met in 1915. She became a significant figure in his life. No one else - neither T. A. Yakovleva, nor V. Polonskaya - took such a place in the poet's heart as she did. For many years, the woman became Mayakovsky's muse. The poet dedicated the first volume of his collected works, published in 1928, to her. “Except for your love, there is no sun for me ... / Mayakovsky wrote to me in the poem “Lilichka! Instead of a letter.

“She knew how to be sad, feminine, capricious, proud, empty, fickle, in love, smart, and whatever,” said V. B. Shklovsky about Brik.

The meeting was fateful, Lily's marriage to O. Brik was more of a tender friendship than passionate love. Mayakovsky brought down on his beloved his boundless unbridled feeling, accompanied by jealousy, which is quite justified in the current love triangle.

square arshins of housing.
in room -
and dog

It was in such conditions that love existed, and Mayakovsky's poems were created. He did not want to share the woman he loved with anyone, but he was doomed to do so. As aptly noted, his lyrics were fueled by unhappy love.

It is not always possible to talk about the absolute coincidence of the lyrical hero of poetry with the author, but in this case there is no substitution - we read about what Mayakovsky really felt, and not an abstract lyrical hero. His love is so great that he crowns his beloved with a crown for centuries.

My love
like an apostle during it,
a thousand thousand I will smash the roads.
A crown has been prepared for you for centuries,
and in the crown my words -
a rainbow of convulsions.

Mayakovsky's love is a feeling that knows no peace: "I hope, I believe, shameful prudence will never come to me." She screams all over, now from delight, now from pain, the poet splashes out emotions, not holding back or hiding them. He is a maximalist, so there are no semitones in feelings. Or love, or not, or now, or never. Mayakovsky's feeling of love takes on unusual forms: from the defenseless "meek little darling":

Will there be love or not?
Which -
big or tiny?
Where does the body have such a large:
must be small
humble darling -

to a love-hulk striking in its size, which is either love, or hatred, or despair, or tenderness:

More than possible
more than necessary -
as if
looming like poetic delirium in a dream -
the lump of the heart has grown in bulk:
bulk love,
mass of hatred.

Of course, such a romantic as Mayakovsky, who understands the “tram language” and knows how to play the nocturne “on the flute of drainpipes”, could not love otherwise. He boldly declared his love to the whole world. From his love, falling like a waterfall, from such a violent manifestation of feelings, Brik got tired, which made the poet rush about, get lost and worry. This feeling for her was very uneven, they never managed to create a model of a modern family without prejudices - without jealousy, without dependence on each other, free from the influence of everyday life. Relations with the Parisian Yakovleva, according to others, were calm, but short-lived. They say that he failed to go to Paris again, not without the help of Brikov (Lilya was furious when she discovered a poem for her rival), and Yakovleva soon got married. There are lines dedicated to her. They have notes of happiness.

You are the only one for me
straight growth,
get close
with an eyebrow,
about this
important evening
more human...

Mayakovsky was such a person who could not keep feelings in himself, splashed them out in his poems and, due to his publicity, made them public. After all, it was not just an intimate feeling, but the feeling of a poet-citizen. Hyperbolization of feelings is characteristic of Mayakovsky's entire work, and the love drama acquires a public character in this perspective. Thus, according to the researcher S. L. Strashnov, the poet joined “to the integral whole - the mass or the unity of the people, no matter how abstract and illusory it may be. Hence .., Mayakovsky's desire to socialize it (love lyrics) in every possible way, turning love from a personal feeling into a public topic. The poem "I Love", written in 1921-1922, says that love occupies an important place in a person's life, it is given to everyone, but few people notice that over time the heart becomes stale and "love will bloom, bloom - and shrink." To save love, the poet hides it in his beloved.

in you -
wealth into iron -
I go
and rejoice in Croesus.

The poem ends with the conclusion that his love is timeless. These are Mayakovsky's most positive lines about love.

The poem “About This”, filled with lyricism, reveals to us the torments of jealousy, the suffering from unhappy love. Having outlined the main theme of the poem - “for personal reasons about the common life”, the poet talks about morality, life and love of a new person. His lyrical hero fights for ideal love. Critics called the poem a sensitive novel, over which schoolgirls cry, while the author spoke directly about his idea - this is a poem built on associations, about how everyday life vulgarizes the relationship between a man and a woman. The poet believed that in the life of a new person, love should be cleansed of philistinism.

“Love is life, this is the main thing. Poems, deeds, and everything else unfold from it. Love is the heart of everything. If it stops working, everything else dies, becomes superfluous, unnecessary. But if the heart works, it cannot fail to manifest itself in everything, ”Mayakovsky said about love, the eternal theme of works of art.

Love lyrics by Vladimir Mayakovsky


1. Introduction

2. To whom he dedicated his poems

3. Features of Mayakovsky's love lyrics

4. Conclusion


Vladimir Mayakovsky is one of the most outstanding and extravagant poets of the 20th century. Starting as a futurist, he created his own and unique literary style that cannot be confused with any other.

Despite his great popularity in society, Vladimir's life was not easy. He went through many hardships and mental anguish. He especially got from the fair sex - women. It was they who were the medicine and poison for the Lighthouse.

They caused him a lot of pain, but without them the world would not have seen a number of beautiful works of art. It is about the love lyrics of this poet that will be discussed.

To whom did Mayakovsky dedicate his poems?

Vladimir had an extremely unusual appearance. Roughly speaking, he was a tall man with rough features. However, behind the harsh appearance, a vulnerable and sensitive heart was hidden. This is what he attracted women to whom he dedicated his poems. The poet did not fall in love often. Unlike Yesenin, he was extremely selective. You can name only four chosen ones who were able to conquer "".

The first was Maria Denisova-Schadenko, a well-known sculptor in the USSR. They met in Odessa in 1914 and a long romance began. The poet dedicated more than one poem to her. One of the best is “It was in Odessa”. However, they could not be together for a long time. Different social status, public mores - all this quickly separated this unusual couple. As a result, Mary married another.

The theme of separation and a broken heart is reflected in the first major work of the poet, Cloud in Pants. All wounds heal sooner or later. Mayakovsky survived the parting and immediately found his main muse -. The relationship between these people was passionate, crazy, but beautiful. Lily was an unusual woman who always strove for freedom. Vladimir, on the other hand, liked such free-thinking, but he suffered from it.

There is no doubt that Mayak was head over heels in love. It is enough just to read the best work of the poet “Lilichka! instead of a letter." The poet simultaneously enjoyed and suffered from these relationships. He repeatedly talked about the essence of love in his poems (“I love”, “About this”, and so on). Often the author comes to the conclusion that true love is closely associated with suffering. After all, a truly lover is ready for anything, for the sake of the object of his adoration.

Relations with Lily were too fickle, so the couple broke up. For a long time the poet wandered in splendid isolation. However, in 1928 he met Tatyana Yakovleva, who became Mayakovsky's new lady-in-waiting. They were the perfect couple. As the poet himself wrote in “Letter to Tatyana Yakovleva”, she was the only girl to match him. Unfortunately, Tatyana married another man. Another story of relationships ended tragically for our “bull”. Vladimir's last relationship was with. Many believe that they were just good friends. However, the beautiful poem “Unfinished” was dedicated to her.

Features of love lyrics

The poet dedicated the same wonderful verses to these beautiful ladies. Their main distinguishing feature is sincerity and sincerity. The poet was not shy about his feelings, so he put all of himself into them. Each work is a real ode to the beloved. All these works are filled with incredibly powerful metaphors. What is the phrase “I’ll take you all the time someday - alone or together with Paris.” Love poems have an unusual and complex rhythm. The author never aspired to poetry in their classical style. He has always experimented with sound. That is why, all love lyrics have short but catchy stanzas.


Love is an amazing feeling. She brought a lot of pain to Vladimir Mayakovsky, but she also forced him to create. If not for all these women, no one would ever know about the rich inner world of this good-natured giant of a man.

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Love in the life and lyrics of V.V. Mayakovsky The work was done by Semenova Galina Dmitrievna, teacher of the Russian language and literature, MBOU "Srednekibechskaya secondary school" Kanashsky district of the Chuvash Republic

WAS MAYAKOVSKY HAPPY IN LOVE? "What is love?" - for Mayakovsky. “Do we, the inhabitants of the 21st century, need to express this feeling? And if necessary, how? Who are they, the muses of the poet, to whom he dedicated his poems?

The main works of Mayakovsky related to love lyrics: The poem “A cloud in pants”, “Flute is the spine”, “I love”, “About this”, Poems: “Love”, “Lilichka”, Letter to Comrade Kostrov from Paris about the essence of love " , “Letter to Tatyana Yakovleva”, etc.

Maria Denisova is the first with whom Mayakovsky's love lyrics are associated. He fell in love with her in Odessa in 1914 and dedicated the poem "A Cloud in Trousers" to the girl. It was unrequited love and the poet's first strong feeling, which is why the poem turned out to be so poignantly honest. This is a real cry of a lover, who waits several painful hours for his beloved girl, and she comes only to announce that she is marrying a more prosperous person.

In Odessa, Mayakovsky even painted a portrait of his beloved Maria, but on it the young beauty looks more like not an intelligent girl, but rather a girl from the worker-peasant class. And although the poet’s life paths diverged from Maria (she, a famous sculptor in the future, left for Switzerland a few weeks later, then the First World War began), she wrote letters to him until the poet’s death, and he even helped her with money after her return.

Mayakovsky was both lucky and unlucky with women at the same time. He was fond of, fell in love, but most often did not meet full reciprocity. Biographers of the poet unanimously call him Lilya Brik's greatest love. It was to her that the poet wrote: “I love, I love, in spite of everything, and thanks to everything, I loved, I love and I will love, whether you are rude to me or affectionate, mine or someone else's. I still love it. Amen". It was her who he called "The Brightest Sun." And Lilya Yuryevna lived happily with her husband Osip Brik, called Mayakovsky in letters "Puppy" and "Puppy" and asked "to bring her a little car from abroad." Brik appreciated the genius of her admirer, but all her life she loved only her husband Osip. After his death in 1945, she will say: “When Mayakovsky shot himself, the great poet died. And when Osip died, I died"

Another statement of Lily Yurievna is also noteworthy. Upon learning of Mayakovsky's suicide, Brik said: “It's good that he shot himself with a big pistol. Otherwise, it would have turned out ugly: such a poet - and he shoots himself from a small browning. His love for her is romantic, sublime, all-consuming. Mayakovsky writes the poem "Flute-Spine", in which the heroine is the subject of a deal. She is entangled in bourgeois prosperity, she can be sold, stolen, repurchased. There is nothing strange in this allegory, image, because Lilya Brik took care of him as a governess in her youth, studied at a private gymnasium, lives in a bourgeois environment even now.

: - Look, even here, dear, smashing everyday horror with verses, protecting your favorite name, I bypass you in my curses.

The complex love of Mayakovsky and Brik was tested more than once, but only for her the poet's feeling was immeasurable beyond time and events. In 1925, Mayakovsky's relationship with Lilya Brik became purely friendly. Lily writes that she no longer loves him. And he adds that this recognition is unlikely to make him suffer, since he himself has recently had two strong hobbies. Nevertheless, they carefully care for each other until the end of (his) life. Moreover, the influence of Lily Brik is so strong that she takes the liberty of not allowing him to marry. When his relationship with Natalia Bryukhanenko was made public in 1927, Lilya wrote to him: "Volodya, I hear rumors from everywhere that you are going to get married. Don't do it..." It is not known whether Lily Brik's request influenced his decision or not, but Mayakovsky never married.

Slutsky and Voznesensky brought their poems to her court, she unmistakably guessed the great ballerina Maya Plisetskaya in the young debutante, and from the very first words she understood the phenomenon of Parajanov. She died an eighty-six-year old woman, committing suicide because of unhappy love. But despite the seemingly sharp differences in the lives of Mayakovsky and Lily Brik, the deaths of both are terribly similar: unsuccessful love, illness and suicide.

"YOU" Came - businesslike, behind a roar, behind growth, looking, I saw just a boy. I took it, took my heart away and just went to play - like a girl with a ball ...

"SO WITH ME" Fleets - and then flock to the harbor. The train - and then drives to the station. Well, and me to you and even more - I love you! - pulls and tends ... So I'm coming back to you, my love. This is my heart, I admire mine ... Earthly takes the earthly bosom. We return to the final goal. So I'm reaching out to you steadily, barely parted, barely parted.

"CONCLUSION" Neither quarrels nor versts will wash away love. Thought out, verified, tested. Raising solemnly the line-fingered verse, I swear - I love invariably and truly!

Natalia Ryabova 1907-1992

Natalia Bryukhanenko 1905-1984

Sofia Sergeevna Shamardina (1893-1980) Sofia Shamardina met Vladimir Mayakovsky in the autumn of 1913, and the poet literally enchanted the eighteen-year-old medical student with his poems. 1913 Petersburg. Night. The horse's hooves clatter loudly and measuredly on the pavement. Mayakovsky is sitting in the cab with a girl next to him. Delicate thin oval face, something poetic in all her appearance. From the memoirs of S.S. Shamardina: “Mayakovsky held my hand in his pocket and mumbled something. Then he says: “Poems are obtained. Only it's not like me - about the stars: Listen! After all, if the stars are lit, Does it mean that someone needs it? But in 1914 there was a break with Mayakovsky, and the next meeting would be in 1915. “And it was not from me that Mayakovsky learned about my pregnancy and about physically premature birth (late abortion). /I had a sore throat/ Sofya Sergeevna Shamardina is a friend of Mayakovsky, a bright, interesting, talented person (she wrote poetry, poems). Mayakovsky confessed to his friends that Sonka was his only love and only she would like to marry then. But, alas, this was prevented by another Russian poet - Igor Severyanin.

Forgive me, comrade Kostrov, with the inherent spiritual breadth, that I will squander part of the stanzas allotted for Paris for lyrics. Imagine: a beauty enters the hall, trimmed in furs and beads. I took this beauty and said: - Did you say it right or wrong? I, comrade, am from Russia, I am famous in my country, I have seen prettier girls, I have seen slimmer girls. ... Do not catch me on rubbish, on a passer-by pair of feelings. Well, I'm forever wounded by love - I can barely drag myself.

I don’t measure love by a wedding: I fell out of love - sailed away. I, comrade, do not give a damn about the domes. Well, go into details, throw some jokes, well, beauty, I'm not twenty, - thirty ... with a ponytail. Himself until the last knock in the chest, as if on a date, idle. I listen: love will buzz - human, simple. Hurricane, fire, water approach in a murmur. Who will be able to cope? Can you? Try...

What was this woman? A woman who sensitively guards her primacy in the soul of a poet. Easily referring to his hobbies, she did not tolerate even a hint of something deep. The public reading of poems dedicated to Tatyana Yakovleva forever remained in her eyes the most terrible betrayal. And after the death of Mayakovsky, all letters from Tatyana Yakovleva to him were burned by Lily Yuryevna personally.

Ellie Jones

IT IS POSSIBLE to talk a lot about the beloved of the great poet, of whom there were, to put it mildly, quite a few. But time still puts everyone in their place. And today Mayakovsky's main woman is probably his daughter. Yes, yes, the poet who never married has a daughter, Patricia Thompson, a New York professor. Her mother, Ellie Jones, fell in love with Mayakovsky in Moscow at one of the poetry evenings in 1923. True, then Ellie was called Elizabeth Petrovna Siebert. A year later, she married the Englishman John Jones, went with him to America and there in 1925 and met the poet. As a result of that meeting, Patricia was born, who saw her father only once in her life - in 1928 in Nice. Patricia does not speak Russian, but she loves Mayakovsky's poems very much, although she reads them in translation. Patricia Thompson

Mayakovsky's romance with Yakovleva began in Paris on October 25, 1928. He had already heard about the elegant Russian Parisian, and had long dreamed of meeting. Friends specially invited Tatyana Yakovleva to one house so that their meeting would take place. And as it usually happened with Mayakovsky, he fell in love immediately and strongly. I fell in love with her memory for poetry, with her "absolute" pitch, with the fact that she is not just a Parisian, but a Russian Parisian. She was born in 1906 in Penza, and in 1925, at the call of her uncle, she left for Paris. They agreed instantly, and their relationship immediately became known in the poet's inner circle. Yes, they did not hide it, they appeared everywhere together, and people on the street turned around after them. It was a really beautiful couple, Mayakovsky - tall, powerful, big, Tatyana - also a beauty, slender, to match him. Tatyana Yakovleva

For forty days in the autumn of 1928, Mayakovsky was undividedly happy. Despite the passionate love of both, Yakovlev's persuasion of Mayakovsky to become his wife and go to Moscow was evasive. Mayakovsky is forced to leave Paris for two months in Russia to oversee the production of The Bedbug. A flurry of letters, telegrams, and translations begins. He dedicates poetry to her and publicly reads them (Lilya Brik is furious). But already in the spring of 1929, he very clearly begins to realize that in this love he is not the only one for Tatiana. Of course, he guessed before, but he always hoped for the power of his captivating charm. And again he is wrong. Tatyana has at least three more admirers, and she is not going to sacrifice them for the sake of a single man, even if it be Mayakovsky.

But the place of the First Woman also remains occupied in the soul of the poet. However, in his letters to Lila Brik, he tries to lull her vigilance: "I'm going to Nice and Moscow, of course, in a pleasant and pleasant solitude." Although Brick is aware of all the details by Elsa Triolet. Lily comes up with an unmistakable step, she is brilliant, as always. On the initiative of Osip Maksimovich, Mayakovsky met Veronika Polonskaya in May 1929. His double romance begins: in letters - with Yakovleva, in life - with Polonskaya.

Whether in the kiss of hands, whether in ruin, in the trembling of the body of those close to me, the red color of my republics must also blaze. I don't like Parisian love:...

Veronika Polonskaya Veronika Polonskaya, the daughter of a famous silent film actor, a young actress of the Moscow Art Theater, charming, beautiful, simple and sincere, easily fell in love with Mayakovsky. After the first inevitable bewilderment, she suddenly got used to him and became attached herself. “I regularly yearn for you, and in recent days not even regularly, but more often,” Mayakovskaya writes to Yakovleva in Paris. At the same time, regularly, and even more often, he has Polonskaya. In July, the poet travels to the south, sends letters to Yakovleva, meets Polonskaya there in Khosta, and when they part for a while, she is bombarded with telegrams. So the controversial lines "I'm not in a hurry and lightning telegrams ..." can apply to one or the other.

In the autumn, Mayakovsky is busy with a trip to Paris, apparently to meet Yakovleva. At that time, Polonskaya dearly loves, calls her "daughter-in-law" and makes plans for the future with her. Rumors about his marriage reach Yakovleva, and in January she herself is getting married. Mayakovsky is so worried that he immediately demands from Polonskaya to legalize their relationship.

And now the most important thing is becoming clear. The whole trouble is that Veronika Vitoldovna Polonskaya did not belong to Mayakovsky alone. Moreover, she was married and could not confess to her husband in treason. And again this terrible regularity, the eternal curse of non-possession, haunting Mayakovsky's whole life. Veronika Polonskaya cannot (or does not want to) divorce her husband, does not leave the theater, as Mayakovsky demands.

Usually noisy and cheerful, he turns into an evil and gloomy bore. He thinks he looks funny and ridiculous. It turns out that for him it's scary - to be funny! Delirium, fury, in general, inherent in him by nature, become the essence of his existence. Polonskaya is horrified, she asks him to see a doctor, but Mayakovsky laughs wildly in response, again and again arranges terrible sadomasochistic scandals.

Mayakovsky is now a completely sick person, and not temporarily sick, but always sick, constantly, on the verge of insanity. His condition is rapidly deteriorating: a sharp change of mood, an obsessive thought of suicide, eternal boring nit-picking of everyone around him. The last impetus in making a final decision could be Polonskaya's refusal to leave the theater and her husband. Many of her contemporaries, by the way, accused her of this.

There were other hobbies, friendships in the life of the poet. And although they did not leave a noticeable mark on his soul, who knows how these relationships influenced Mayakovsky's creativity, experience, and character. Sofia Shamardina, Marusya Burliuk, Natalya Ryabova, Galina Katanyan. All of them left memories and notes about Vladimir Mayakovsky. Was Mayakovsky happy in love? If we consider that happiness is a moment, then, undoubtedly, Mayakovsky lived a happy life. But if you remember his despotic demands on his beloved, as well as the fatal pattern of non-possession of them, then you can hardly envy him. Love for Mayakovsky is "... this is the life and heart of everything. If it stops working, then I'm dead." If I wrote something, if I said something, it’s the fault of the eyes-heaven, my beloved eyes.

Loved Mayakovsky always unevenly, hard, tragically. Everyone knows that his greatest love was Lilya Brik. But there were much more women in the life of the poet. There were three fatal women who noticeably left a mark on his heart, life and death. And he always wanted one thing - to completely possess his beloved. However, none of his main loves - neither Lilya Brik, nor Tatyana Yakovlevna, nor Veronika Polonskaya - ever belonged to him completely. It was in this constant non-possession that the whole tragedy of the poet's love lay.

State budgetary educational institution of secondary vocational education of the Arkhangelsk region

"Arkhangelsk College of Construction and Economics"

Lesson summary

in literature in grade 11

"The originality of love lyrics

V. Mayakovsky"

Prepared by the teacher

Russian language and literature

Telezhkina Margarita Veniaminovna

Arkhangelsk 2014

Lesson topic:"The Originality of Vladimir Mayakovsky's Love Lyrics". Lesson type: learning new material. The purpose of the lesson: to deepen students' ideas about Mayakovsky's love lyrics, to acquaint them with its originality and the addressees of love works. Lesson objectives:
- provide during the lesson the study, repetition and consolidation of knowledge on the topic, - to form general educational skills (analyze a lyrical work, draw conclusions, work with texts, prepare messages, argue one’s opinion),
- to form cognitive interest, memory, thinking, - develop listening and speaking skills
- develop a sense of collectivism, a responsible attitude to the lesson, mutual assistance, - to develop the creative activity of students. Teaching methods and techniques: a) organization and implementation of educational and cognitive activities: - reproductive (the word of the teacher, speeches of students), - problem-search (work on the text) - visual (presentation) - creative reading - heuristic (answers to questions on text analysis) b) stimulation and activation of learning: - encouraging students, creating an emotional mood. Forms of organization of cognitive activity of students: - frontal - individual. Lesson plan:
    Introductory speech of the teacher. Analytical conversation on the poem "A cloud in pants" (1915). Features of futurism. The role of the Brik family in the life and work of Mayakovsky. Analysis of the poems "Letter to Comrade Kostrov from Paris about the essence of love" (1928), "Letter to T. Yakovleva" (1928). The fate of T. Yakovleva. Acquaintance with the last love of Mayakovsky-Veronika Polonskaya. Features of Mayakovsky's love lyrics. Test. Summing up the lesson. Homework.
DURING THE CLASSES. Epigraph of the lesson:

If I

what he wrote




this is to blame

heaven eyes,




"Good!" (1927)

Despite his courageous appearance, Mayakovsky was a very gentle and caring person. Energetic, impetuous, he knew how to conquer others. ON THE. Lunacharskaya wrote: "He suddenly smiled somehow very young and boyishly shyly. And from this smile his interlocutors immediately disappeared any stiffness." In his ebullient, creative life, everything was in sight, and even relationships with women. And women in his life and work played far from the last role: these are Maria Alexandrovna Denisova, and Lilia Yuryevna Brik, and Tatyana Yakovleva, and Veronika Vitoldovna Polonskaya. Quickly sensitive, delicate, ignited was Mayakovsky with his beloved. Lilia Brik: "Mayakovsky experienced everything with hyperbolic force - love, jealousy, friendship." And it was these women who inspired the poet to create many lyrical works. One of them is the poem "A cloud in pants" (1915)

- Write in the notebook the topic of the lesson, the epigraph, the title of the poem. - After meeting with whom Mayakovsky wrote this poem? (M.Denisova, Odessa, January 1914) To whom is the poem dedicated? (L. Brik) - What other works are dedicated to L. Brik? ("Lilichka", "About it", and in 1928 dedicated to her all the works included in volume 1 of the poet's collected works). How many parts does a poem have? (4 parts - tetraptych: 1-"Down with your love" 2-"down with your art" 3- "down with your system" 4- "Down with your religion" and intro Mayakovsky is a rebel, opposes bourgeois society) How do you understand the meaning of the title of the poem? ("The 13th Apostle" - the censor threatened hard labor, then Mayakovsky wrote: "Well, I will be, if you want, like a madman, if you want, I will be the most gentle, not a man, but a cloud in his pants." With these words, he expresses his rebellious essence, shocking). - What is the introduction about? - Let's analyze part 1 of the poem. - How does the author emphasize the reality of what is happening with the lyrical hero? (details: Odessa, time, Maria, mother and sisters). - What is the state of mind of the lyrical hero? (boiling, shocked, upset). - What upset him so much, shocked him? What does he call himself? What do you want this "lump"? (simple human love). - The love of this "mass" should be a "small, meek lover." Why? (the neologism "love" - ​​a baby - emphasizes the power of feeling, touching tenderness). - What metaphors emphasize the ultimate state of the hero? (examples from text) The lover has entered. What methods are used to convey the psychological state of the hero? (through external calmness. Internal suffering, the rupture of the soul are emphasized by transference, antithesis: one must restrain oneself, speak clearly, slowly, measuredly). - How did you understand the phraseological unit: "The heart jumps out of the chest"? How does it sound in the poem? ("I'll jump out! I'll jump out! I'll jump out! I'll jump out! Collapsed. You won't jump out of the heart!" CATASTROPHE! The feeling of love is ruthlessly broken. Beloved seduced by luxury, she was stolen. And love is impossible in the world of buying and selling) - What happened to Mary? - Are the lyrical hero and the poet himself similar? - What features of futurism did you find? Notebook entry. (1st topic: against philistine love 2. poem-declamation: "art should awaken and excite" 3. "building a ladder" highlights the meaning of words, their meaning and significance 4. the use of neologisms (lyubenochek, golden-eyed, newborn, curly) 5. metaphor, hyperbolization of the image, antithesis, "I" is opposed to the whole world). - Listen to a message about the role of the Brik family in Mayakovsky's life. - Read the poems "Letter to Comrade Kostrov" and "Letter to T. Yakovleva" - When and where did Mayakovsky meet T. Yakovleva? How did their relationship develop? (listen to the student's message). - How do poems differ in emotional mood from "Clouds in Pants"? ("I'm forever wounded by love, barely dragging ...") - Find the lines that explain the meaning of love. ("For us, love is not heaven and dens, We love buzzing about that is back at work the heart is a tired motor ... " "Love will buzz-human, simple...") - What does the poet reject and what does he affirm in the understanding of love? How has his lyrical hero changed? (Rejects philistinism, vulgarity. The lyrical hero has become more mature, more restrained, close to the poet. Love is a conversation about human life, about struggle and work. Love, life, creativity are inseparable.) V. Mayakovsky wrote: “Love is life, this is the main thing ... Both poems and deeds unfold from it. Love is the heart of everything. If it stops working, everything else dies, becomes superfluous, unnecessary. But if the heart works, it does not may not show up in everything. - Listen to a message about V. Polonskaya. - Read the suicide letter of V. Mayakovsky. - Write conclusions in a notebook