parasites of society. Heroes of our burden

In life, there are many situations and coincidences of circumstances that cause discontent and irritation. As a natural reaction, thoughts arise about what is happening with society and what all this will lead to.

Year after year, we repeat again and again the words that the legislation is imperfect, the fulfillment of the obligations of the governing structures is not fulfilled. And when will the year begin when it will be possible to say that the legislation already meets the needs and that strict observance of obligations is in progress? And will such a time begin at all?

If we take, for example, the program on the ORT TV channel “Let them talk”, then one gets the feeling that there are no solutions, and this program will live forever. The opposing sides do not find a proper solution to the problem, but only divide people into two or even three camps.

But is there a solution somewhere? How can you even get close to that decision? Now I'll try to figure it out!

I’ll take it on a global scale right away, why bother with trifles. And it will be called social control of consciousness.

Social management of consciousness consists of three components: Myth, Scam, Blackmail.

A fictional story, a situation that is elevated to the rank of a social idea (direction), and to which one must strive. Additionally, the illusion of goodness and the common good is created.

Game situation, the process of Myth promotion in all spheres of human activity.

Punishment for non-compliance with the rules of the game (scams and rejection of the myth). Punishment, both by law and public opinion.

An example of social management

The most obvious example of creating another myth is the creation of the Police structure. The police myth was created by a government team and placed in the game space (scam) through review on the appropriate site. During the game (scam), different aspects of good (myth) and evil (blackmail and punishment for non-performance) were considered.

And not so long ago, another myth of kindness received an official status and launched into reality. But whatever one may say, it is also a myth in Africa. There is no benefit from it and cannot be by definition.

You can make a substitution, call the myth a national idea, a scam - a structure, blackmail - a responsibility. But the meaning is still the same. And what is left for the common people to do? Unless to joke about it and compose jokes.

So the jokers took up the traffic cop and called him the Police Inspector of Road Traffic Regulation, abbreviated as PIDAR. And the management of traffic cops by the State Unified Inspectorate, abbreviated GEI. So if a traffic accident happens, then you will need to call the Gays and call Pidar to him for disassembly.

Happy, with tears in my eyes. And there is no power that could save us all from a large number of myths that have fallen upon us in recent times.

At times, some myths are destroyed, but others are quickly put in their place. So the myth of supporting entrepreneurship and getting rid of the pressure of the Tax Inspectorate swept through. It was possible to shout at the top of my lungs - Hurray !!! But not much time passed, and the pressure came with greater force from the Pension Fund. Now again I have to spit and shout - Nightmare, Bastards!

But the paradox will happen again. The next election will again be won by the President with United Russia, even though they have created and continue to create these myths. And also to replace one with another, inventing new types of blackmail.

Accepting the inevitability of such a situation, one can only bitterly regret and wait for the end of the current mythologists of power according to new extended terms. But do we have the patience? Continuing to believe in the myth of tolerance of the Russian people...

Under the onslaught of a large number of myths, a person no longer notices that he has lost two-thirds of his component that determines the meaning of the word Man.

And so there was a substitution of the concept of "second half". Now he is looking for his other half in another person, instead of finding it in himself and becoming self-sufficient.

A self-sufficient person will be able to take care of himself and his family, unlike a half-hearted person who will wait for the next favor from the government and social security.

Where did the other half go? Yes, actually it is, only atrophied as unnecessary. It is Intuition and Super Consciousness.

If most of the population had the control of the SuperConsciousness, then they would have noticed another myth and showed their disrespect to the structures for the impending deception with blackmail.

And knowing about this, the power structures took control of our SuperConsciousness into their own hands and, moreover, with the help of it create some subtle entities that work against us (zombie and neutralize). And in support of their myths
(on the material and mental plane) continue to promote the illusion of virtue from the police, medicine, education, which have been most degraded.

According to the higher universal laws of the existence of various processes (in business, power, management), there are three stages: development, normalization and degradation.

At this stage, there is a process of degradation in the Ministry of Internal Affairs, Education, Medicine. The current authorities are trying to prevent further degradation is not the best way.

Thus, they are renaming the Police to the Police, they are looking for money laundering in medical care and medicines, they are imposing on us an alien myth called the Unified State Examination. And soon new myths of social management will appear, and there will be even less sense from them than from the old ones.

After all, the universal law shows the essence of things. And the bottom line is that a new direction begins to develop among like-minded people. Further, upon reaching their level of development, like-minded people should be replaced by specialists and professionals for normalization.

Further, at a certain time, the process of degradation begins. Degradation can be avoided only by replacing obsolete specialists with new like-minded people who will continue the process of development to a higher level.

And our current leadership only reduces, crushes, breaks, renames, introduces new rules of scam and blackmail.

In the near future, before the start of elections to the authorities, the struggle of myths will begin. It is impossible to do without a myth, every party will have it. And everyone will accept the myth that he likes best.

And the life of an ordinary person will only get worse. The schools will prepare consumers. In secondary and higher educational institutions, they teach an outdated program that the employer will ask you to completely forget about. Businesses will be forced to hide their income and the number of workers, as entrepreneurs will not agree to pay for the collapse of the Pension System, which is forced to raise an unreasonable payment, just to attract the votes of pensioners in the next elections.

Now it is already possible to weep from grief, knowing such a future. But for a moment you can stop crying and find out where the “Wind of Change” can still blow. And is man so helpless?

The wind of change begins with one person who will be able to turn his gaze to the Super Consciousness. Having realized and learned to manage it, he will free himself from the influence of harmful subtle entities created in defense of social myths.

Rallies, strikes and hunger strikes are yesterday, an unworthy choice for a person who wants to really change the situation, and will get off the ground.

The Collective Superconsciousness of like-minded people is a new level of protection of their rights and freedoms.

Are you ready to become a like-minded person on a new level? Or, as before, you continue to endure and keep your head down, waiting for someone to do it for you? How many years are you willing to endure bullying?

One of the amazing phenomena of modern mass culture of the late XX - early XXI centuries is the advertisement of the image of a vampire, a mythical creature that feeds on human blood.

If initially the image of a vampire was the embodiment of evil and was suitable only for horror films, then the latest "blockbusters" present us with a completely different image of a vampire - the image of an almost positive hero, an object of love for young girls. Vampires are endowed with superpowers, elements of nobility are attributed to them, and in the famous vampire saga they generally become angelic.

In modern Russia there are about 2 million of them with a population of 143,030,106 people, and in 1990 there were 780,000 of them in the USSR with a population of 293,047,571 people.

This is a federal, regional, municipal employee holding a position in the administration, receiving a salary for this position (official salary), plus for a class rank, plus for the conditions of municipal service, plus for the complexity of work, plus monthly bonuses (without producing any material values ), plus material assistance, which is issued from non-budgetary funds, especially the management of 2-3 official salaries (for renting non-residential premises, municipal land, from markets, etc.).

To such officials do not include: deputies, teachers, doctors, cultural workers and they do not have the status of an employee.

Studying the analytical data of VTsIOM, Levada-Center, FOM, the weekly "Arguments and Facts" and other independent sources, I came to the CONCLUSION that in:

Here is one of the most popular illustrations of the "arrangement" of our public utilities:

So the summary of this article is:

The glorification of vampirism means an attempt to change the paradigm of mass consciousness towards justifying the existing social order, which is already based on an anti-Christian worldview and morality.

Perhaps the article will continue.

The direction of thought is correct, but from my point of view there are several "BUT":
1. Hollywood is an education aimed almost exclusively at making a profit and it is unlikely to pursue other goals. Hollywood shows only what consumers want to watch - that is, Hollywood is a kind of mirror that reflects our tastes. Recently, Hollywood has increasingly offered a spectacle with more and more mind-blowing special effects, while the plot, in proportion to the effects, is becoming more and more uncomplicated.
2. An official is a mouse and unnecessary archaism? Taxes - in vain the blood sucked out of people?
But how without these attributes of society? Let's imagine - there are no officials and taxes in Partenit. Everyone will immediately begin to build shacks that are life-threatening and similar to our village outbuildings. Moreover, their builder will start everywhere - in Victory Square, in the middle of the city beach, on the square in front of Yuzhny. And in the summer, merchants of all stripes will come to the village and arrange a bazaar and a flea market from Ali Mountains to the beach. They will sell all kinds of rot and rags, and there will be no one to protect the interests of local entrepreneurs, since the police (sorry - the police) are supported by taxes that have been canceled.
Yes, there are probably more officials and civil servants now than is objectively necessary, but if you fundamentally deny the entire modern system of social management, then offer your new model - only without utopias.

On the first point I can agree, but this is only our assumption.
Hollywood films are made from scripts, and many scripts are written from books. But from what motives books are written is an interesting question.
Although I agree that the "conspiracy theory" is unprovable.

This is a private example.
As for taxes, there is a biblical rule for this. tithes.
Residents have the right to contribute 10% of their income to solve all public problems.
This money will be enough if there are no officials and embezzlers.

As for social services, such as public utilities, police, etc. - all these are hired services that should work for hire for a good salary, so that it does not provoke taking bribes. 10% is enough for this.

Further. According to your example - "let's imagine that there are no officials and taxes in Partenit"
You write "Everyone will immediately start building shacks that are life-threatening and similar to our village outbuildings" - well, the laughter lies in the fact that such shacks are being built in Partenit, despite the fact that we have a lot of officials !!
Do you see the irony?
The fact that lawlessness still continues, only now it is for bribes and bribes to officials.
In the end, this money, which went to the embezzlers for a bribe, could be spent on the infrastructure around these houses, and on the houses themselves, so that they would be beautiful and attractive. Since no one in their right mind would build a terrible building and invite vacationers there. They won't go to him. They are terrible because the money goes to taxes and bribes.

And no matter what they build in the Victory Square (and they are building anyway!), we need a public council, a council of elders, but not officials at all. The officials are just the opposite, secretly already distributed all the land in the village.
It is officials who can do it secretly!
But with a public council and an open city plan, you can't do that.
And the open plan of the city is possible only in the absence of officials - then there will be no one to hide it!
The violator of the will of the public council disobeys - the hired police come and explain to him intelligibly.

There is such a party in Ukraine, 5.10, so they nicely and intelligibly explain how 10% will be enough for all state needs, when there are no officials as a parasitic class.

I reserve the right to accept or not accept what I do not agree with in the article or that I cannot understandVladimir Invisible

" Usually, broken people or those who never had a core hate those who dared to go against the current and did not betray themselves. Unfortunately, when a person internally turns into a slave, he ceases to be a man, he only has animal instincts and hatred not for his enslavers, because they tremble with all their heart before them, but hatred for those who could stand."

Who is unable to createI'm used to taking someone else's brazenly,Who is "his" is always among strangers.He blames others for his evil.In the mask of goodness, he is the messiah of all,He is omnipresent, arrogant in speeches ...He keeps his ears open for everythingAnd strikes the weak with the Spirit,Cruel, ruthless, cynical,He is a Chameleon, super artistic.And everything that gets in the wayWill he destroy or kill.

By whom, when and for what purposes was the blocking generator installed in the bowels of Midgard-Earth?How does this relate to human development?

After the disaster that happened at willDark Forcesand the stupidity of white outcasts, the Supreme Observers decided to put a "fuse" -blockinggenerator. It blocked the ability to operate with reality in a person, at the planetary and higher levels, until a person reaches that stage of development, at which he will be able to fully understand the consequences of his actions and realize full responsibility for them. This was required due to the fact that almost all entities on Midgard-Earth have several bodies. Upon entering the physical body, genetics and the level of development of the essence were mixed, which made it possible to operate with reality at very high levels. It was very dangerous. Such people, having not received enlightenment with knowledge, but having the ability to control reality, could lead to yet another catastrophic consequences.

Therefore, upon entering the physical body, the entity's bodies were deactivated. Now, in order to be able to operate with reality, it was necessary to go through the following ladder of development:The level of a rational animal is the complete reactivation of the etheric (second) and astral (third) bodies - any person is able to operate with reality at the level of only his own physical body.The level of a person is the complete reactivation of the first mental (fourth) body - a person has the opportunity to actively interact with the surrounding reality (in a very limited amount).In order to get rid of the blockage of this generator, a person must evolve six material bodies of the essence. This is possible only if a person develops correctly, harmoniously. It was about this that the Seven Great White Teachers (Rishis) spoke, who, after the conquest of Dravidia (Ancient India) by the Aryans, transferred the alphabet of the Slavic-Aryan Vedas to the DRAVID and NAGs (ancestors of modern Hindus).Blocking generator in the bowelsMidgard-Earthwas established by the Light Hierarchs after the second planetary catastrophe in order to avoid similar catastrophes in the future.This generator blocked the manifestation of the genetic abilities inherent in a person, until he accumulates six material bodies of the essence and completes the planetary cycle of development. Thus, only a harmoniously developed person, spiritually mature, enlightened by knowledge and aware of the degree of responsibility for all his decisions and the consequences of such decisions, could reveal and use his genetic abilities to the full extent.The blocking generator was a kind of "fool-proof", whose natural qualities and capabilities are not supported by awareness and enlightenment with knowledge, which in the case of the leaders of Antlany led to the second planetary catastrophe.

--- – this site contains Knowledge. Unique Knowledge, which, until now, has not been available to everyone. This is Knowledge about the Mysteries of Life, about the structure of the Universe, about Essence, Mind and much more…


First way how they achieve success - the use of information weapons (spiritual opium - religion).

Second way- genetic Jewish expansion: « ... and your offspring will be like the sand of the earth; and spread to the sea, and to the east, and to the north, and towards noon; and all the families of the earth will be blessed in you and in your seed » (Genesis 28:13-14).

third way— waging financial wars and usury.

Fourth way- pitting peoples against each other (religious and world wars).
Here is the most striking example: two days after the attack of Nazi Germany on the USSR, June 24, 1941, US Senator Harry Truman (later President of the United States) announced to the New York Times correspondent the position in this war of the ruling elites of America - the Jews with a capital letter. “If we see that Germany is winning, then we should help Russia, and if Russia is winning, then we should help Germany, and in this way, let them kill as many as possible ...”(Published in The New York Times in the issue of June 24, 1941. Quoted from the book SOVIET-AMERICAN RELATIONS DURING THE GREAT PATRIOTIC WAR 1941-1945. MFA, vol. 2, Moscow, Publishing house of political literature, 1984, p. .64).
Here he is - Harry Truman, who said the words: « let them kill as many as they can…”

Fifth way— Narcotization and alcoholization of society.

The so-called « Russian Orthodox Church » .
It has long been no secret to anyone that the head of the Russian Orthodox Church, Kirill Gundyaev, earned his billions, including on the excise-free sale of alcohol and cigarettes.

It’s tempting to ask, after looking at such “news”: gentlemen, priests who call themselves followers of Christ, where is your true Christian struggle against the distributors of vice and the temptations of the devil?

Haven't you read in the Gospels: “Put on the whole armor of God, so that you can stand against the wiles of the devil, because our battle is not against flesh and blood, but against principalities, against authorities, against the rulers of the darkness of this world, against spirits of wickedness in high places” (Eph. 6:11-12).

To whom, if not to the clergy, are these words addressed in the first place?
You, and not someone else, must first of all rise up against the wiles of the devil, against principalities, against authorities, against the world rulers of the darkness of this age!
Rise, not go hand in hand with them! Doesn't the latter prove that the ROC is not a Christian church at all, but a false church?!

sixth way- feeding the peoples of genetically modified products that destroy human genetics and provoke cancer.

seventh way — ...

The meanness and arrogance of these enemies of the human race is boundless, and their crimes are not subject to amnesty, which is why Christ wrote this “ recipe» to save mankind from the Jews, conveying to the people the words he had heard from God.
“Snakes, offspring of vipers! how will you escape from being condemned to hell? Wherefore, behold, I am sending unto you prophets, and wise men, and scribes; and some you will kill and crucify, and some you will beat in your synagogues and persecute from city to city; may all the righteous blood shed on the earth come upon you, from the blood of the righteous Abel to the blood of Zechariah the son of Barahiah, whom you killed between the temple and the altar. Truly I say to you that all these things will come upon this generation…”(Matthew 23:33-36).

Now that you have read and reviewed all of this, I want to say something particularly important.

Probably among the adult population there is not a single person who has not heard about the Jewish HOLOCAUST. This is such a myth about the murder of 6 million Jews.
Today, many people on earth are sure that the author of the idea of ​​the Holocaust was Adolf Gitler, instigator of World War II.
In fact, it is wrong to think so.

The myth of the HOLOCAUST did not appear at all after the defeat of Nazi Germany in May 1945, when many of the crimes of Nazi fascism became known.
The world media raised the idea of ​​the Holocaust as a shield in 1906, less than a year after the first revolution in Russia, which turned out to be unsuccessful.
At that time, many Russian people counted on the implementation of peaceful reforms in the Russian state. And only the Jews thirsted for blood. In their attempt to make a revolution in Russia in 1905, the common people, the Russian peasants, responded in their own way. Then very many of them were outraged by impudence and arrogance. revolutionaries and socialists, and since 9/10 of them were Jews, then the blow of popular anger hit them, which resulted in a wave of Jewish pogroms that swept through the cities and towns of Russia. Tsar Nicholas II even had to write the Supreme Manifesto on this occasion in order to bring down the intensity of passions.

The second time the Jewish media wrote about the Holocaust was 6 million Jews in 1919.
In 1917, as you know, Lenin and Trotsky, with the financial support of Jewish bankers, managed to carry out a coup d'état, after which they provoked and unleashed a Civil War in Russia, promising the hungry and ruined people "Liberty, Equality and Fraternity" . Moreover, they promised to give the land to the peasants, the factories to the workers, and to transfer power in the country to the soviets. This was how the ideological split of society was made, followed by the fratricidal Civil War that began in 1918.
The world Jewish behind the scenes was very worried about its outcome, because the Russians could at any moment change their minds, see clearly and destroy their internal enemy - the Jewish Jews.
During the most dramatic period of the Civil War, the representatives of the world Jewish backstage obviously lost their nerve and they decided to raise in the media kipish in support of their compatriots, they say, the Russians in Russia are once again trying to kill and starve to death 6 million Jews! And if so, then the United States and all civilized countries should help the Jews.

For the third time, the Jewish media wrote about the genocide of 6 million Jews in 1921, when the outcome of the Civil War in Russia was not yet completely clear.
Who does not take my word for it - here is the written evidence.

A logical question arises: how then to regard all the statements of the Jews about 6 million Jews who were allegedly poisoned in the gas chambers of concentration camps by Hitler's soldiers?
If the Second World War began in 1939, ended with the defeat of Germany in 1945, and the myth of the murder of 6 million Jews appeared in the world media in 1906, then all the stories about the murder of 6 million Jews in gas chambers are a monstrous lie! Or, in another way, disinformation that saves the Jews.

Answer to the question "How is this possible?" I found in the Russian encyclopedia. There is an amazing Hebrew word HUTSPA and an explanation is given.
That's what it means. Hutspa (from Yiddish חוצפּה hutspe - impudence, goes back to Hebrew חֻצְפָּה, in English hutzpa, chutzpa, hutzpah, chutzpah, German chuzpe, Polish hucpa, Czech chucpe, Italian chutzpah) is a property of character inherent in Jews, approximately defined by Jews Russian words "impudence", "borzost" or "impudence". For the Jews themselves, chutzpah means special courage and is seen as a positive quality, so chutzpah wearers behave as if they don’t care about the possibility of being wrong. The concept of "chutzpah" is absent among other peoples. It belongs only to the Jews.
Other definitions that often refer to the concept of “chutzpah” are super-arrogance, shamelessness, impudence, impudence, rudeness, intolerance towards others, impudent and arrogant hypocrisy. Often these definitions are used with the prefix super- and other words that emphasize the excess of any norms and going beyond the established: “super-impudence”, “super lie”, “extraordinary impudence”, “extraordinary impudence”, “unheard of lies”, “unprecedented audacity”, "outrageous shamelessness", "unprecedented dishonesty", etc.
An example of chutzpah: ... a Jewish boy guilty of killing his parents asks the judge for mercy on the grounds that he is an orphan.

X good example, isn't it?
It allows you to understand the mechanism of HOW the Jews managed to pervert the prophecy of Christ about the HARVEST, which clearly states that in the end
Jews doing iniquity expects fiery furnace .
Reversing the meaning of the prophecy, the murderers of the nations came up with a myth for the whole world
about the HOLOCAUST 6 million« poor and unfortunate» Jews , which no one has actually ever killed in such numbers!
Particular emphasis in this myth was placed on fiery furnaces, which were used in concentration camps such as Auschwitz, Auschwitz and Buchenwald to burn the corpses of people who died of infectious diseases.

During the years of the revolution, which the Jews organized in Russia in 1917, chutzpah, how extreme shamelessness and super-arrogance, was their main weapon in the fight against the Russian people.
Researcher of the Tambov uprising B.V. Sennikov in his book "The Tambov uprising of 1918-1921 and the depeasation of Russia in 1929-1933" described the actions of the Judeo-Bolshevik commissars, who used the power of Chinese mercenaries to fight the Russian peasantry. The incident that took place in a small village called Kozlovki is the most striking unimagined example of Jewish chutzpah.

“A “flying detachment” came there, whose task was to establish Soviet power and, as usual, to rob rural shops and a tea establishment. Arriving at the place, the communists herded everyone to the church for a gathering. The commissar of this detachment in a pince-nez with a black beard, a seemingly kind uncle, groaning, climbed onto a cart with a machine gun and addressed the assembled peasants with a speech. He said that from now on they will have Soviet power, from which they will get nothing but good, and therefore they will need to create a council of local residents. Then he asked the assembly to name him all respected people. The peasants, after talking among themselves, decided that if there were good and respected people in this council, then let there be a council. And they began to call the names of all respected people. When everyone had been named, the commissar, in an affectionate voice, invited all those named to go out to the cart. When everyone left, the Chinese immediately encircled them and, clicking the bolts of their rifles, began to push them back to the church wall. A command was given and a rifle salvo sounded. A woman's heart-rending cry was heard among the people, and then all the other women began to wail. The men, shocked by what had happened, could not recover from such meanness of the commissioner. It turned out that they handed him over to death everyone they respected. The women were the first to rush at the Chinese and the rest of the detachments, and then the peasants came to their senses, grabbing the shafts and stakes. Disorderly shots rang out, but the masses of the people had already crushed the Red Guard. The commissar rushed to the machine gun, but his belt was skewed. The brutalized people, taking away the rifles from the Chinese, hammered them with shafts and stakes, trampling underfoot to the howls and screams. In addition to those shot, several women and one four-year-old child were killed. Soon the entire detachment was destroyed by a brutal crowd, and the commissar, barely alive with gouged out eyes, was dragged by the peasants to the goats for sawing firewood and thrown at them. Holding the head and legs of the commissar, screaming in pain, they cut him in half with a cross-section saw. As the Russian proverb says: "What goes around comes around".

Today is the best day, today is the battle with fools.

Group "Time Machine"

In order to understand why people experience difficulties with Transurfing, you need to understand how our society works. Let's start with some not-so-pleasant questions. Not often, but sometimes I receive letters from people, apparently offended by something, whose expectations Transurfing somehow did not justify.

You are on the right path! Chop the loot while your name is in fashion and well known.

That's it, short and clear. It is in this format that I propose to write letters of similar content to me, because if from the very beginning the message pretends to be hostile, and if it is longer than two or three lines, then it remains unread to the end and is immediately sent to where it belongs - to basket. And it turns out that all your work goes down the drain. And so, if succinctly and to the point, then your arrow reaches the target, and I immediately fall, defeated to smithereens.

Actually, I don't really want to touch this topic. The provocations of individual pendulum puppets can be ignored, but if there is a phenomenon, it cannot be dismissed so easily. But there is a phenomenon, and one of its manifestations is as follows: I receive letters from people who are sincerely convinced that my work should not be paid. For example:

Well, first of all, I didn't freely distribute my books. Although, if someone needs the text, I send it. Secondly, if you have such beliefs that you need to work for free - go and work for free. It's so simple, isn't it weak? Or will we be cunning and dodge?

This is how the worm behaves - it will crawl out of its mink, turn its head, wince - look, they have spread commerce here! The cook feeds him, the musician entertains him, but he does not like it - if everything was given for free, then everything would be fine and fair, as it should. And in the meantime, he will lay out the sausage in his store, and try it - ask! And what, compared - my specific sausage with your creative crap.

I deliberately descend to primitivism in order to explain things that seem obvious. The fact of the matter is that there are people who do not understand simple things.

Those huge sums that the famous author allegedly rakes in, as it is drawn in the imagination of the worms, in fact do not exist - everything is much more modest. At the same time, the ratio of labor intensity of writing work and material return is absolutely disproportionate. Who has not tried to do this business, it is impossible to imagine.

For that matter, there is nothing wrong with commerce itself - business is business. And everyone treats business very reverently and tenderly when it comes to their own business. But on someone else's business, they are always ready to hang labels of self-interest, deceit, and dishonest play. And besides, what kind of commerce can we even talk about here if I raise such uncomfortable topics as eating live plant foods? Is this a popular topic? May God be with you. Another thing is meat!

If I lost confidence in any author I used to read, I would turn around abruptly and leave, and never again approach or touch what he does. And you (I am addressing the authors of such letters) are still trampling around here? What for? Please exit! I have always said that I do not invite anyone with me.

Now, in fact, most of my work is not paid in any way. Working with the mail of readers who turn to me with requests for help in a specific life situation takes a lot of my time and effort. Here I really help free of charge those who are able to help, to the best of my ability, as far as I can. But let's not get anything from my books at all? Then I will have to go earn money, do something else, and then there will be no time left for what I do. And that's it, let's get this over with.

Sounds wild and absurd, doesn't it? But don't the claims of the worms sound wild? But these are also people who are among us, and whom society has recognized as quite sane. Why does such a phenomenon take place?

After the tsarist regime, under which the bureaucratic system developed to the point of pathology, the Bolsheviks hoped: “We will destroy it to the ground, and then ...” And they destroyed it, but nothing came of it - immediately after that the bureaucracy flourished even more than before, in all its monstrous splendor.

Lenin, watching what began to happen after the revolution, clutched his head in despair, not knowing what to do. Most of all, he was worried not by the crisis and devastation, not by the resistance of the "unfinished counter", and not even by fools and roads, but by the rapid growth of the bureaucratic system, which developed by itself, according to some of its own laws, and which could not be dealt with by any directives. .

But even taking into account historical heredity, it remains incomprehensible and surprising to me how modern educated people can quite sincerely believe that they have someone must while they themselves are not obliged to give anything in return. In short, "how many years the taiga has been walking - understand no" (© Dersu Uzala).


The system begins its development with the formation of a bureaucratic apparatus.

Dear Reader!

As you know, books about Transurfing are in "supposedly free" access on the Web. However, nothing is free or given. You either get a cheap knockoff like you get at a flea market, or you cater to the interests of random people. I must warn you: if you download e-texts of books from illegal sources, I cannot guarantee that these are all my texts. Anything can be inserted there, and it is already being done. Reading the originals from the publisher, or picking up "used copies" that are lying around on the net is a matter of your choice and your responsibility. If you need text please email me and I will send it. I don't refuse anyone if they ask me. I don't need your compensation, take it as a gift. I only care about one thing - that fake under the Transurfing brand does not get to you.

Social Constraints As members of a particular society, we are subject to a number of mutually agreed upon filters, the most significant of which is our native language. The more specific our language and the more differences we are able to notice, the richer

From the book The Way to Wealth. How to become both rich and happy author Sinelnikov Valery

Social subsidies This sector is used by pensioners, the disabled and some types of "beneficiaries". I do not consider this sector very important in terms of generating income, since it is directly dependent on the state and the government in particular. But you don't need it at all

From the book Biographical Sketch author Sivananda Swami

From the book Divine Nectar author Sivananda Swami

Social Proverbs # See the good; listen to the good; speak good; and do well. To love is to serve. Small deeds do great things. Time is more precious than money. Do not increase the number of friends. Good manners are the best letter of recommendation. Who

From the book Mindfulness in Action. The Enneagram, Coaching, and Developing Emotional Intelligence by Sikora Mario

From the book Liberation [Skill System of Further Energy-Informational Development. Stage I] of the author