Regulations on umk in vocational education. Regulations on the educational and methodological complex (TMC)

1. General Provisions

1.1. Training and metodology complex discipline is an obligatory component of the main educational program and is a set of educational and methodological documentation used in the process of teaching an academic discipline at a university.

1.2. WMC is the basic element educational program and is compiled for each academic discipline. The TMC is designed to ensure the completeness and quality of educational and methodological work in the discipline, improve the provision of students with educational and methodological documentation, improve the efficiency of managing the educational process and monitoring its quality.

1.3. Basic principles in the formation of teaching materials : compliance of the content and volume of the material with the requirements of the State Educational Standard, the educational standard within the hours provided for by the curriculum; the completeness of providing students with educational and methodological materials for all types of work and assignments in the discipline; accessibility of teaching materials for students.

2. The structure of the educational and methodological complex of a typical teaching materials includes the following materials.

2.1. An extract from the state educational standard of the specialty containing a description of the discipline.

2.2. The work program of the discipline

2.3. List of basic literature (basic textbook)

2.4. Teaching aids for:

practical exercises;


Laboratory work;

(if there are appropriate forms of classes in the curriculum)

2.5. Methodological aids (materials) for organizing independent work:

Individual tasks;

Settlement and graphic works,

2.6. Materials for knowledge control:

Materials for intermediate control (tests);

Materials for final certification (list of examination questions)

2.7. A map of the teaching and learning discipline of the discipline.

3.1. The work program of the discipline is a normative document, which is a systematized list of the main parts, sections and topics of the academic discipline, indicating the number of hours allotted for studying the planned forms of organizing the educational process (lectures, seminars, laboratory and other classes), which also contains the rating layout of the discipline and developed according to the forms and rules of the educational institution.

3.2. As the main literature (basic textbook), a textbook, study guide, lecture notes issued by any publishing house in Russia with the appropriate stamp can be used, containing all the minimum necessary information, sufficient to be able to master the discipline in accordance with the state standard and available in the university library in quantities that meet licensing and accreditation standards.

If the available publications do not contain information about some sections of the discipline being studied, then 2-3 editions can be offered as a basic textbook, containing material in the aggregate that reflects all sections of the discipline.

3.3. A textbook (lecture summary) is an educational and theoretical publication, as a rule, partially replacing or supplementing a textbook and having the corresponding imprint.

3.4. Educational and methodical manual - an educational publication containing systematized materials on the methodology of independent study of an academic discipline, topics and methods of various practical forms of consolidating knowledge, presented in a form convenient for study and assimilation. Varieties of teaching aids can be guidelines for independent study of the course (discipline): guidelines for the implementation of control, term papers, theses, preparation for the State Examination, the performance of settlement and graphic work, etc.

4. Map of the teaching materials of the discipline.

The map is compiled to fully characterize the educational and methodological support of the discipline and includes a list of all elements of the teaching materials, their presence, the form and timing of submission in case of their absence. A sample map is attached.


Specialty (direction of training) ... All

Chair … .......

Documents that make up the UMC



Case variant

Electronic variant

Working programm

At the department, in the methodological room of the university

Basic textbook, study guide, lecture notes (published)

Suslova T.I.

Actual problems of the theory and practice of modern culture: Textbook for universities / - Tomsk, TUSUR publishing house, 2004 - 178 p.

In library

Collection of tasks for seminars

File ***.doc

on the website of the department

"Agreed" "Approve"

Chairman U(P-E)S College Principal of the College

Entrepreneurship #11 Entrepreneurship #11

A.I. Paramonov __________ V.V. Sheptuha

"___" __________ 2014 "____" __________ 20 ...


on the requirements for the preparation of an educational and methodological complex of an academic discipline, a professional module

Moscow 2014


1.1. Regulations on the requirements for the preparation of an educational and methodological complex of an academic discipline, a professional module is intended to introduce uniform requirements for the educational and methodological support of academic disciplines, professional modules (hereinafter referred to as UD, PM), which ensure the development of the main professional educational programs of specialties / professions of the college.

1.2. The level of educational and methodological support of a discipline, a professional module, provided for by these Regulations, is one of the conditions that allow achieving the required quality of training of specialists.

1.3. This Regulation governs the process of preparing educational material, both in terms of content and form, in order to create conditions that allow for the effective organization and conduct of training sessions.

1.4. These guidelines for the development of an educational and methodological complex regulate the composition, structure, requirements for the content and design of the educational and methodological complex of all disciplines of the curriculum in the implementation of the main educational programs of secondary vocational education in full-time (part-time, part-time) forms of education.

1.5. This Regulation is mandatory for structural subdivisions (departments, departments) that carry out educational activities in the main educational programs of secondary vocational education.

The regulation was developed in accordance with Federal Law "On Education in the Russian Federation" of December 29, 2012 N 273-FZ, Letter of the Deputy Head of Rosobrnadzor No. 02-55-77 of April 17, 2006 (Educational and methodological complexes), Order of the Ministry of Education and Science of the Russian Federation of June 14, 2013 No. 464 “On approval of the procedure for organizing and implementing educational activities for educational programs of secondary vocational education”, Federal state educational standards of secondary vocational education / primary vocational education.


Training and metodology complex - a system of normative and educational and methodological documentation, teaching and control tools necessary and sufficient for the qualitative organization of basic and additional educational programs, according to the curriculum.

Working programm- a program for the development of educational material that meets the requirements of the State Standard and takes into account the specifics of preparing students in a chosen direction or specialty.

Coursework (project)- independent educational work of students, performed during the course (semester) under the guidance of a teacher. Includes a complex of research and calculation works on the established subject.

Summary of material by topic - a brief summary of the lesson material, requirements for knowledge and skills for each topic.

UMK - educational and methodical complex;

GEF - Federal State Educational Standard;

Didactic material - cards, assignments, tables, drawings, diagrams, questions or assignments for use by students in the classroom;

MDK - interdisciplinary course;

PC - professional module;

SRS - independent work of students;

KIM - control and measuring materials (for disciplines);

KOS - control and evaluation tools (for MDK and PM).


Educational and methodological complexes for disciplines, professional modules are formed in order to systematize educational, educational, methodological, normative, methodological, methodological materials that ensure high-quality teaching of an academic discipline, a professional module.

The development and use of teaching materials in the educational process is aimed at solving the following main tasks:

    methodological support and advisory support for the educational activities of students in all forms of education;

    normative and methodological support for the activities of the teaching staff in the implementation of a specific discipline, professional module;

    ensuring the integrity of the educational process and an integrative approach to its organization in the implementation of the Federal State Educational Standards of secondary vocational education (NPO) in the specialty (profession);

    ensuring the requirements for methodological support of the educational process.


5.1. Educational and methodological complex (TMC) of a discipline, professional module - an ordered and structured set of educational and methodological materials that contribute to the effective development of educational material by students in a particular discipline / module, as part of the main professional educational program that contributes to the implementation of the goals and content of the educational standard of the specialty / profession .

5.2. When developing a teaching materials discipline, a professional module, the following structure should be followed:

1. Title page of UMK(Attachment 1)

2. Content(Annex 2)

1 BLOCK - Normative and educational and program documentation

2 BLOCK - Educational and methodical documentation


3 BLOCK - Methodological kit for educational and industrial practice

4 BLOCK - A set of control and evaluation materials for the discipline, professional module


6.1. The teaching materials are developed by a teacher (team of teachers) of the department, which ensures the implementation of the discipline, professional module in accordance with the curriculum for training students in the specialty/profession. The teacher is responsible for the quality preparation of teaching materials that meet the requirements of the Federal State Educational Standard, for the educational and methodological and technical support of the relevant discipline, module, including for providing the educational process with educational and methodological material.

6.2. Teaching and methodological and educational materials included in the teaching materials should reflect the current level of development of science, provide for a logically consistent presentation of educational material, the use of modern methods and technical means of intensifying the educational process, allowing students to deeply master the educational material and gain skills for its use in practice.

6.3. When implementing a discipline, a module, teachers make changes to the materials of the teaching materials in order to improve the quality of teaching, to include new materials in the teaching materials.

6.4. For disciplines included in the curricula of several specialties:

If a discipline for different specialties is included in the same cycle of disciplines (OGSE, EH, GPD or SD), then one TMC of the discipline for different specialties is developed. The difference in the volume of hours, reporting form and content is indicated in the text of the TMC;

If the discipline for different specialties is included in different cycles of disciplines, then for each specialty a separate TMC of the discipline is developed, taking into account the specific requirements for knowledge and skills of students in the corresponding cycle of disciplines.

6.5. The developed teaching materials are considered at a meeting of the department that provides teaching of this discipline, and is agreed with the deputy. director for educational and methodological work and is approved at a meeting of the Academic (Design and Expert) Council).


7.1. The current control over the content and quality of the preparation of teaching materials is carried out by the methodologist of the department and the head of the department (department). To this end, in accordance with the requirements of employers and regulatory documentation:

Reviewed, reviewed and submitted for approval the work program for the relevant discipline, module;

The educational and educational-methodical materials submitted by the developers of teaching materials are considered;

Timely ordering of basic and additional educational and educational-methodical literature for the library is ensured;

At the stage of adjusting the materials of the teaching materials, periodic monitoring of their compliance with the modern level of development of science, methodology and technology for the implementation of the educational process is carried out.

7.2. Deputy director for educational and methodological work periodically monitors the availability of teaching materials for all disciplines, modules (1 time per year), included in the main professional educational specialty/profession program, and their compliance with the requirements of this Regulation.

8. The order of consideration and approval of the teaching materials of the discipline

8.1 The teaching materials developed by the teachers of the department (department) with the protocol of discussion are submitted for consideration To the Scientific (Design and Expert) Council.

8.2 The Academic Council considers the documentation of the teaching materials (conducts their examination).

8.3. After approval, the electronic version of the teaching materials is posted on the College website (by decision of the U(P-E)S).

8.4. The originals of the teaching materials should be kept at the department-developer.

9. Organization of content and quality control

developments of UMK

9.1. Control over the implementation of the development procedure and the state of the teaching materials is assigned to the head of the department (department).

9.2. Deputy director for educational and methodological work exercises general control over the availability and development of teaching materials for disciplines of the departments (departments) of the College.

Application No. 1

The form of the title page of the teaching materials of the discipline/module



state autonomous professional

Moscow educational institution

"College of Entrepreneurship No. 11"



(index, name of discipline/module)

the main professional educational program of the specialty __________________________________________________________

(code, name of specialty)

basic (advanced) training


Scientific (design and expert) Council


protocol No. ____ dated "___" __________ 2014


A.I. Paramonov

"____" ____________ 2014

Developed taking into account the requirements of the Federal State Educational Standard in the specialty of secondary vocational education SPECIALITY

Director of Department


"____" ____________ 2014


Deputy Director for UMR GAPOU KP No. 11

E.Yu. Safonova

"____" ____________ 2014


Application №2

The form of the content of the teaching materials of the discipline/module

1 Regulatory and educational and program documentation

1.1. Typical program of discipline, professional module (if available)

1.2. The working program of the academic discipline, professional module (with internal and external reviews).

1.3. Calendar-thematic plan of the academic discipline, professional module

2 Educational and methodical documentation

2.1. The main set of general methodological documentation

2.1.1. Lecture notes (brief content of the material) on the academic discipline, professional module.

2.1.2. Guidelines for students on the implementation of laboratory and practical work (classes).

2.1.4. Didactic materials (may be included in paragraphs 2.1.1 and 2.1.2.) (at the discretion of the developers of the teaching materials).

2.2. Methodical set for course design(if provided by the curriculum)

3 Methodological kit for educational and industrial practice

3.1 Work program of educational, production (undergraduate) practice;

4 A set of control and evaluation materials for the discipline, professional module

4.1. Control and measuring materials for academic disciplines;

4.2. Control and evaluation tools for MDK and PM.

Regulations on the educational and methodological complex of the academic discipline intended for the implementation of secondary (complete) general education in the Shatkovsky Agrotechnical College

A common part.

1. This “Regulation on the educational and methodological complex of the discipline intended for the implementation of secondary (complete) general education” (hereinafter referred to as the “Regulation”) has been developed taking into account the following documents:
. federal state educational standards (FSES) of primary vocational education (clause 7.9) and secondary vocational education (clause 7.11), which apply to professions and specialties with secondary (complete) general education;
. "Methodological recommendations for the development of work programs for educational subjects in the professions of primary vocational education" - ed. Bekhtereva L.G. - GOU DPO NIRO FPO, Nizhny Novgorod, 2006
. "Recommendations for the development of work programs for academic disciplines in the specialties of secondary vocational education" - Letter of the Ministry of Education of Russia No. 12-52-91 in / 12-23 of 06/24/1997.
. "Recommendations on the implementation of the educational program of secondary (complete) general education in educational institutions of primary vocational and secondary vocational education in accordance with the federal basic curriculum and exemplary curricula for educational institutions of the Russian Federation implementing general education programs" (letter of the Ministry of Education and Science of Russia dated 29.05. 2007 No. 03-1180), (hereinafter referred to as Recommendations, 2007), defining the profiles of received professional education, basic and profile general education disciplines and their volume parameters, as well as the recommended distribution of professions of primary vocational education and specialties of secondary vocational education according to the profiles of received vocational education .
. Exemplary general educational programs for NGO professions and specialties of secondary vocational education, approved and recommended for use in practice in institutions of non-governmental education and secondary vocational education by the Department of State Policy and Legal Regulation in the Sphere of Education of the Ministry of Education and Science of Russia on April 16, 2008
. "Comprehensive educational and methodological support of the educational process in secondary vocational schools" - Method. allowance - ed. Shchepotin A.F. - Moscow, NMC SPO, 1999
. "Manual for managers and teachers of educational institutions of NGOs and SPO: Methodology for creating an educational and methodological complex in the specialty (profession) in educational institutions of primary vocational education and secondary vocational education" - N. Novgorod, RZATT publishing house, 2010.
. "Recommendations for planning, organizing and conducting laboratory work and practical exercises in educational institutions of secondary vocational education" - the Ministry of Education of Russia dated 04/05/1999.

2. This Regulation is intended to introduce uniform requirements for the educational and methodological support of general educational disciplines included in the curricula implemented at the Shatkovsky Agrotechnical College (hereinafter referred to as the Technical School), equipping the educational process with educational, methodological, reference and other materials that improve the quality of training of specialists and workers.

3. The regulation governs the process of preparing educational and methodological equipment for disciplines, maintaining continuity in the study of disciplines and interdisciplinary communication, as well as organizing and maintaining students' independent work.

4. The requirements for the structure and design of the components are the same for all disciplines.

The structure of the educational and methodological complex.

1. Educational and methodological complex (hereinafter - EMC) is a set of educational and methodological materials that contribute to the effective assimilation and implementation by students of the material of the discipline included in the main professional educational program in the specialty or profession.

2. The structure of the teaching materials includes legal and educational blocks.

The legal block consists of:

  • extracts from the curriculum containing this discipline,
  • exemplary program for the discipline,
  • discipline passport,
  • regulations on the organization of independent work of students, regulations on the organization and conduct of laboratory and practical work (if provided) and other external and internal regulations.
The educational and methodical block includes:
  • the work program of the discipline and calendar and thematic planning,
  • lesson plans of the teacher, development of open training sessions,
  • lecture notes and recommendations for students on the implementation of practical and laboratory work (in paper and electronic versions),
  • methodological recommendations for the study of the discipline,
  • methodological recommendations for students on the implementation
    independent work,
  • didactic teaching aids, including tests, task cards, etc. (in paper and electronic versions),
  • materials of the current, intermediate and final control (a set of control and measuring materials),
  • materials for extracurricular work with students.
The order of development of educational and methodical complex.

1. The teaching materials are developed by the teacher of the Technical School, who trains in this discipline, on the basis of the Federal State Educational Standard and the curriculum for the specialty or profession. The subject-cycle commission of general education disciplines is responsible for the preparation of the teaching materials.

2. Program and teaching materials included in the teaching materials should reflect the current level of development of science, provide for a logical sequence of presentation of the material, the use of modern methods and forms of work, technologies aimed at enhancing the mental activity of students and the application of mastered competencies in further work.

3. The preparation of the teaching materials and its improvement is included in the individual plan of educational and methodological work of the teacher of the Technical School.

4. The development of teaching materials begins with the design of the work program and the corresponding calendar and thematic plan in accordance with the number of hours allotted by the curriculum and an exemplary program.

5. Work programs are designed to implement the requirements of the Federal State Educational Standard of secondary (complete) general education within the framework of the main professional educational programs of the NISPO implemented at the College.
A working curriculum is a document of an educational institution developed on the basis of an exemplary curriculum or an author's program by introducing changes and additions to the content of the subject, the sequence of studying topics, the number of hours, the use of organizational forms of education, etc.

5.1 The structure of work programs in general educational disciplines for the professions of non-profit organizations and specialties of secondary vocational education includes the following components:
- Title page
- Explanatory note
Thematic plan
- The content of the discipline
- Applications.
- Reviews.

5.2 Requirements for the elements of the work program

"Title page" must contain: (Appendix 1)
- Name of the educational institution
- Name of the discipline
- Specialties (professions) for which the program is designed
- Year of the program.

In the text of the "Explanatory Note" indicate: (Appendix 2)
- on the basis of what program (approximate, author's) the work program for the discipline was developed, for which specialty or profession,
- the number of hours in the study of the discipline in accordance with the curriculum: maximum load, theoretical training, laboratory and practical work, the amount of time for intermediate certification,
- justification of the changes made in relation to the exemplary program,
- forms of organization of independent work, forms of its verification and reporting of students on its implementation,
- basic visual-demonstration and didactic materials, technical means,
- forms of current, intermediate, final control of knowledge in the discipline and in what terms,
- general requirements for learning outcomes in the discipline and the development of general competencies,
- the level of consideration of the program, its approval and review.

AT "
Thematic plan" should be reflected (Appendix 3):

- titles of sections and topics,
- the number of hours allocated for the study of each topic.

The "Content of the academic discipline" should reflect (Appendix 4):
- topic name
- formed competencies,
- didactic units of the topic,
- a list of practical (laboratory) classes,
- types of classroom and extracurricular independent work of students,
- forms of control,
- a list of teaching aids used: literature, TCO, visual and didactic aids.

The "Review" reflects the implementation of the requirements for the work program. There should be two reviews of the work program: external and internal. The reviewer can be a teacher who conducts training in this discipline, who has the appropriate education and a qualification category of at least 1st, or an education system specialist in charge of this discipline.

5.3 In accordance with the work program, a calendar-thematic plan (hereinafter - CTP) is being developed (Appendix 5).

6. Based on the results of the development of the work program and the KTP, a Passport of the discipline is drawn up, which indicates (Appendix 6):
- scope of the program,
- the place of the discipline in the structure of the main professional educational program (i.e. the cycle of disciplines),
- goals and objectives of the discipline - requirements for the results of mastering the discipline,
- the recommended number of hours for mastering the discipline program,
- volume of academic discipline and types of academic work,
- conditions for the implementation of the discipline program,
- monitoring and evaluation of learning outcomes,
- staffing of the educational process.

7. The methodological part develops the Provisions necessary for the work of the teacher, which are mandatory for execution. The teacher gets acquainted with the Regulations against signature.

8. Development of educational and methodological block:

8.1. lesson plans of the teacher, the development of open training sessions - are supplemented and adjusted annually,
8.2 lecture notes and recommendations for students to perform practical and laboratory work on electronic media - are adjusted annually (Appendix 6),
8.3 guidelines for the study of sections and topics of the discipline - are supplemented annually,
8.4 guidelines for students to perform independent work - are adjusted annually (Appendix 7),
8.5 didactic learning tools, including tests, task cards, etc. in paper and electronic versions - supplemented annually,
8.6 materials of current, intermediate and final control - are developed annually (Appendix 8).
8.9 materials for extracurricular work with students - supplemented annually. Konkina Natalya Viktorovna, SBEI SPO "Shatkovsky Agrotechnical College"