The development of phonemic hearing: the simplest and most effective exercises. How to develop phonemic awareness with exercises

Ekaterina Mikhailovna Pashkina

Chief Physician of the Central Clinical Hospital of Omsk

Reading time: 4 minutes


Article last updated: 09/17/2018

5 years is considered the beginning of the period of senior preschool age. At this time, parents and educators in preschool institutions should actively engage in their physical, psychological, emotional and speech development. Not many people know that one of the main components of the full development of speech is the formation of good phonemic hearing.

What is phonemic awareness?

A phoneme is a sound that gives a word a specific meaning. The presence of phonemic hearing implies the recognition of sounds of different parts of speech, necessary to understand the meaning of what was said.

Phonemic hearing is an ability that is given from birth. With its help you can:

  • recognize the presence of a particular sound in a word;
  • to distinguish between words that consist of the same sounds, for example, rocket-carriage, linden-saw, pendant-clown, bar-slave, march-scar, etc.;
  • distinguish words that differ in only one sound: scythe-goat, bunch-cloud, vase-base and others.

In the future, at school age, children should be able to correlate the sound with the image of a letter on paper and vice versa, to know that a particular letter sounds exactly like that.

The process of development of phonemic hearing in children of 5 years

Young children are not able to distinguish between correct and incorrect pronunciation. But they are growing and developing. If adults regularly work with the baby (read children's books, teach poetry with him), then he gradually learns to pronounce words correctly. In the preschool period, children actively learn the spoken language, which is why it is so important to teach them coherent speech, the basics of grammar, and to enrich their vocabulary during this age period.

It is worth noting that the earlier the process of learning native speech begins, the freer the child will use it in the future.

Most children by the age of 4 correctly pronounce all sounds, except for [P] and [L] and their soft pairs. At the age of 5, they can already pronounce correctly all the sounds of their native speech. Children already have a fully developed articulatory apparatus. But the problem of incorrect pronunciation of individual sounds may lie precisely in the poor development of phonemic hearing. Often in children of 5 years old, whistling and hissing sounds are poorly distinguished by hearing, for example, [S] and [Sh].

A 5-year-old child must distinguish between individual sounds in words, distinguish them from each other, determine their positions (at the beginning, in the center, at the end) and be able to establish the sequence of arrangement in words.

If phonemic hearing is poorly developed, the child remembers, repeats and writes what he hears, and not what he was actually told. In this case, the baby does not pronounce sounds correctly, which leads to problems in communicating with other children. The child begins to be teased, he can become an outcast.

Only thanks to a well-developed phonemic hearing, a preschooler will be able to learn to read and write in the future. Therefore, when children enter school, they must distinguish sounds by ear and correlate them with the image on paper.

If the development of phonemic hearing does not reach the desired level, then the kid at school confuses letters while reading, skips them and does not notice it himself. In a letter, the child replaces deaf letters with voiced ones and vice versa (goat-spit, rose-dew, steam-bar, mountain-bark), changes soft to hard and vice versa (carrot-carrot, lala-lala). A constructive and consistent process of teaching literacy is impossible without the ability to analyze each sound in a word and distinguish it from others.

Checking the degree of development of phonemic hearing in children of 5 years

You can find out whether phonemic hearing is well developed in a child on your own. There are two simple ways to do this:

Show the baby cards that depict objects, animals or phenomena that are similar in pronunciation. Their names should differ in only one sound: kom-scrap-som-house, mountain-bark, cloud-bunch, etc. The adult says the names, and the child chooses the pictures. To obtain a true result, the following conditions must be met:

- the teacher or parent only calls the image in the pictures, and the child only shows;

- images are called in a different sequence, sometimes repeated;

— additional explanations during the test should not be given;

- an adult should not look at the called picture, the child can notice it;

- when pronouncing, the inspector must cover his mouth with his hand (or something else), so that the child determines all sounds only by ear;

- it is necessary to observe how the child points to the pictures: confidently or not, whether he looks inquiringly, or maybe he chooses pictures at random.

The kid should repeat groups of syllables or words with sounds that can cause problems: ta-da-ga, tsa-cha-scha, ot-ots-ot, etc.

Classes for the development of phonemic hearing for children 5 years old

All classes for the development of phonemic sound for children aged 5 should be carried out in a playful way. The duration is 15-20 minutes.

It is necessary to conduct classes when the baby feels well: full, not sick and in a good mood. You should not put pressure on the child and force him to study against his will.

    1. "Sounds from the Box" For the game, several boxes are taken and filled with various contents: seeds, cereals, peas, beads, buttons, nuts and others. The child must shake the boxes and guess their contents.
    2. What object is making this sound? Objects made of various materials are taken: a glass cup, a plastic toy, a wooden ruler, a pewter spoon, etc. First, the child observes how the adult knocks on each of these objects, which at the same time make different sounds. Then the baby closes his eyes, the adult knocks on each object, and the child must guess them by the sounds they make.
    3. "Zhmurki". The baby closes his eyes and moves to sound signals: rattles, bells, handclaps, snapping fingers and others.
  1. "Listen and show." Cards are laid out in front of the child with the image of words similar in sound: mouth, cat, current or juice, sleep, catfish, house, etc. The parent names the object (or animal), and the baby must show a card with it.
  2. "Right or wrong." The teacher calls the same word several times, but with an error in one letter: procodile, crocodile, crocodile. When the baby hears the correct word, he should give some kind of sign, for example, clap his hands.
  3. "Whose voice?" Children include audio recordings of sounds that various birds and animals make, and they must guess them.
  4. "Guess the musical instrument." Children's musical toys are laid out in front of the baby: a piano, a trumpet, a whistle, a rattle, a drum. He listens to the sounds they make, remembers them. Then the objects are hidden behind the screen and the child must guess which one sounds now.
  5. "Catch the sound." One sound is given (for example, “sh”), which the baby must “catch”. The adult lists different sounds, and the baby should clap his hands when he hears the right one. Then the teacher pronounces different words (cat, skin, fur coat, already, heat, ball, etc.). The child claps his hands when he hears a word with a given sound.

The game allows you to teach the child so that he was interested in this process.

Thus, the development of phonemic hearing in 5-year-old children is inextricably linked with their speech development and the ability to read and write correctly in the future. Kindergarten teachers should teach children correct pronunciation and the ability to distinguish sounds, but parents themselves can conduct game exercises aimed at developing phonemic hearing with their children.

Well-developed phonemic hearing is "responsible" for the correct perception of phonemes in sounding speech in children from 4-5 years old. It is thanks to him that we can determine:

  • what specific sound is in the word;
  • in what place of the word the sound is located - at the end, in the middle or at the beginning;
  • how many sounds in a word - different and the same, in what sequence they are.

Sometimes children, even without any problems with sound pronunciation, simply “do not hear” one or another sound, replacing it with another.
Disorders of phonetic hearing lead to a lag in the development of speech, problems with the perception and pronunciation of sounds and, as a result, a deterioration in the level of social communication of the child and a decrease in learning ability.

The good news is that this process can be influenced. Speech therapists in their work use various techniques to develop phonemic hearing. A lot of exercises can be done with a child and at home, as part of independent work.

The development of phonemic hearing includes work in several areas at once:

  • recognition of non-speech sounds;
  • distinguishing the pitch and timbre of spoken sounds;
  • distinguishing in speech words that are close in their sound;
  • determining the length of a word and the number of syllables;
  • correct definition of phonemes in a word.

Games and exercises for developing the perception of non-speech sounds

In classes with preschool children, various musical instruments, all kinds of “sounding” objects and toys are widely used. It is important that the child learns to easily identify what sound he hears.

  1. "What sings." The child is invited to listen to the sounds of musical instruments - a children's pipe, drum, piano, xylophone. It is necessary to determine the sound of which instrument he heard.
  2. "Magic Boxes" Pour different fillers into cardboard boxes - peas, cereals, sand, metal buttons or paper clips. Let the child listen with his eyes closed to one of the boxes rattling, and then find it among the others by the sound.
  3. It is very interesting to find out how the world around us sounds. Try with the children to determine by the sound what is happening - water is flowing, the cabinet door is opening, the vacuum cleaner is buzzing, etc.

Practicing perception of volume level and intensity of sound

In tasks of this type, the child learns to correlate the strength of sound with the distance to its source, to focus on timbre and loudness.

  1. "Zhmurki" is the most famous variant of this game. Blindfold your child and ask to find you while listening to your handclaps. From the one who "squints", you can evade, change locations.
  2. "Hide from the wolf." Children are bunnies who play in the clearing to the music. Quiet music means that everything is calm, loud - a wolf is coming, you need to hide.
  3. "Let's draw the sound." Have your child draw the length of the sound. Take a tambourine, baby piano or pipe. If the sound is long, you need to draw a long line on the piece of paper, and vice versa.
  4. It is very helpful to just dance to the music. Ask what the child wanted to express in the dance, what feelings the melody evoked in him. Or ask them to draw an illustration for a piece of music.

Exercises for the ability to distinguish between words that are similar in sound

  1. "What did I say?" Lay out pictures of different objects in front of the child. Name words that sound similar (lak-rak-poppy, mouse-bear), the child should show a card with the desired picture.
  2. "Fix the mistake." Children love to correct adults. Ask them to find mistakes in your words - “We have hats on our feet, we will put slippers on the street”, etc.
  3. “Rhymes” - when reading poetry, pause at the end of the quatrain, let the child complete the sentence himself. Many riddles are built on the same principle.
  4. "Applause". Show the picture and ask the child to clap their hands if you name it correctly. For example, hat-hat-gag.

Games for learning the perception of the length of words and distinguishing syllables

  • "Who's extra?" An adult pronounces the same syllables, adding one similar one at the end (pa-pa-pa-ba, ta-ta-ta-cha).
  • "Repeat after me!" Pronounce the syllables with your palm or paper in front of your mouth so that the child cannot "count" the sound from the articulation. His task is to correctly repeat what he heard (sha-sha-zha, si-zi-si). Perhaps a chain of three syllables will seem difficult for children with impaired auditory memory, in which case you can start with two syllables, gradually complicating the task.
  • “How many syllables” - together with an adult, children must count the number of syllables in a word. Say the words in chorus, slowly, marking each syllable with a clap of your hands.

Phoneme Discrimination and Development of Analysis and Synthesis Skills

  1. One of the most common games on this topic is the selection of words for a certain letter. Whoever can come up with the most words wins.
  2. Another option is a kind of game of cities. We need to come up with a word that begins with the last letter of the previous one (bus - plum - orange).
  3. "Collect the word." The adult says the letters of the word separately (P-Y-B-A), and the child must name the whole word. And you can play and vice versa, so that the children name the letters.
  4. Card games. From a set of pictures, the child must find an image of an object in which the given sound is at the beginning of the word, at the end, in the middle. For example, R - River, tigerR, sailor.
  5. “What is the general sound” - the adult says a few words, and the child must say what sound is in all the words (cat, hat, club - sound Sh).

The development of phonemic hearing in children is an important task. However, when planning classes, you need to remember that they need to be carried out in a playful way, not to tire the child and be sure to praise for success. In addition to the development of phonemic hearing, attention must be paid to and. Start with the exercises that he can do, gradually complicating the tasks. Good mood and interest is the best motivation.

The educational and methodological manual "Development of phonemic hearing in children 4-5 years old" corresponds to the Federal State Educational Standards (FSES DO) to the structure of the main general educational program of preschool education. It includes the theoretical foundations of the author's approach to this topic, the characteristics of the speech development of children 4-5 years old, methodological recommendations, approximate comprehensive thematic planning, as well as the planned results of mastering the program.

The development of phonemic hearing in children 4-5 years old. Teaching aid for the workbook "From word to sound". Kolesnikova E.V.

Description of the tutorial

Acquaintance with a variety of words, modeling, short, jerky lines_
Circle only those animals that Kolobok met in the forest. Name them. You named many layers and they all sound different.
C Tell me the words at the end of the poems (authors N. Polyakova, 6. Shul-zhik) and answer the questions, Connect the rectangle with the object that you name. This is how we label words.
Among fat pigeons
Skinny jumped ... (sparrow).
Who jumped among the fat pigeons? (skinny sparrow)
Dropped a squirrel bump
Bump Knocked ... (bunny). ‘-
Who dropped the bump? (Squirrel.) Whom did the bump hit? (Bunny)
Draw water from the shower to the mouse and the frog.
What was the name of each animal? Which animal was not circled and why? (Squirrel, because Gingerbread Man did not meet her in the forest.) (Specify that Gingerbread Man met many animals in the forest and they are all called by different words.)
Children stand in a circle. You toss a ball to a child and ask them to do one of the following exercises; the child does it, throws the ball to you.
Name some toys you know. Name a word. (Ball, pyramid, tumbler, nesting doll, cubes.) Name the fruits. What word did you remember? (Apple, pear, orange, tangerine, lemon.) Name the vegetables. (Cabbage, tomato, potato, carrot, cucumber.) (And so on, with variations of your choice.)
Draw the attention of the children to the fact that they named the word, highlighted it with their voice, the words sound different and denote different objects.
Dunno wrote poetry, but he can’t come up with the last word, let’s help him.
Among the fat pigeons, the squirrel dropped a bump,
A skinny (sparrow) jumped. The bump hit (the bunny).
Dunno, like you, can’t write, so I drew a rectangle under each item. So we will denote the words for now. Connect the object that was named at the end of the poem with a rectangle.
Have the children solve the riddle:
This rain is not easy, It is without clouds, without clouds.
The rain is warm and thick. Ready to go all day long. (Shower.)
Name those who in the picture are washing in the shower. (A frog, a mouse, a piglet.) Say that the mouse and the frog do not have water, and they also really want to wash themselves, you need to help them - draw some water from the shower.
Two types of self-control can be used. Self-control by verbal instruction
Dunno asks children to check their drawings. They should have a hare, a wolf, a fox and a bear circled (if these animals are circled, then everything is done correctly). The rectangles had to be connected with a sparrow and a bunny (if the rectangles are connected with these objects, then everything is done correctly). If everyone has water, then the children did everything correctly.
If everything is done correctly, offer to paint the ball in the lower right corner in green, if there are one or two mistakes, then in yellow, if everything is done incorrectly, paint in red.
Tell the children that these colors are the same as those of a traffic light, and they mean: green - everything is in order, you can turn the page; yellow - correct mistakes and you can also turn the page; red - try to do everything again and be more careful; as soon as you correct the mistakes, you can turn the page. Self-control according to the model (carried out when working with a small subgroup of children) You have the same notebook as the children, in which you yourself do everything correctly. The sheet is shown to the children, and they must compare their work with the sample. Self-assessment is carried out in the same way as with verbal self-control.
Acquaintance with a variety of words, modeling,
find differences in two similar drawings_
Program content
Help children understand the term "word" and its correct use. Continue familiarity with the simplest modeling, depicting the word in the form of a rectangle.
Familiarize yourself with a variety of words.
To develop the attention and visual functions of children by finding differences in two similar drawings. Develop fine motor skills.

Build skills of self-control and self-esteem.
“CALL IT CORRECTLY” Tell the children:
Let's help Dunno name each picture with one word. (Toys, fruits and dishes.) Name the objects in the first picture. (Yula, locomotive, hare, nesting doll, ball.) How can you call all these items in one word? (Toys.)
Teach Dunno to draw a dotted rectangle under each picture and name the word so that he remembers. (Toys.)
Invite the dots to draw a rectangle under the picture with toys. Tell,
that's how we denoted the word "toys".
Similar exercises - with the second and third pictures.
Familiarity with the manifold layer, modeling, finding differences in two similar drawings
Name each picture with one word. Draw a dotted rectangle under each picture. So you marked the words that you called.
draw as many circles in the rectangle as you can find differences between the pictures. (Four.) Name the differences
Play the game "Meet Friends". (According to the text, the child performs the following exercise: alternately, starting with the little fingers, according to the text of the poem, connects the fingertips of the left and right hands, and then, depicting horns, puts forward the little fingers and index fingers at the same time.)
Two kittens met And greeted: "Meow-meow."
Two horses met And greeted: "I-go-go."
Two tiger cubs met And greeted: “Rrr.”
Two bulls met And greeted: "Moo-oo-oo." Look, what horns, I gore, I gore!
Dunno says that the pictures are the same. And what do you think? (No.) Draw as many circles in the rectangle as you can find differences between the two pictures. Tell Dunno how the pictures differ from each other.
How many circles were drawn in the rectangle and why? (Four because there are four differences between the pictures.)
Name these differences. (In the picture on the right there is a hedgehog, but in the picture on the left there is none; in the picture on the right there is one mushroom, and in the picture on the left there are two; in the picture on the right there are no cones on the tree, but in the picture on the left there is; in the picture on the right there is no sun, but in the picture on the left.)
Learn with the children a poem for the game "Meeting Friends", while doing the following exercise with them: in turn, starting with the little fingers, according to the text of the poem, the children connect the fingertips of the left and right hands, and then, depicting horns, put forward the little fingers and index fingers at the same time .
First, children learn to perform this exercise at tables, and then standing in a circle.
Two kittens met And greeted: "Meow-meow." Two puppies met And greeted: "Wow-wow." Two horses met And greeted: "I-go-go." Two tiger cubs met And greeted: “Rrr.” Two bulls met And greeted: "Moo-oo-oo." Look, what horns, I gore, I gore!
(children connect little fingers)
(children put their ring fingers together)
(children connect middle fingers) (children connect
index fingers)
(children point out
fingers and little fingers, depicting a bull)
See p. thirteen.
Note. Many children, as a rule, fail to alternately connect their fingers, and the most difficult for them is to put the little finger and index finger forward. Invite the children to evaluate for themselves who succeeded and who did not.
Comparison of words by sound, acquaintance with the length of words (long and short), modeling, drawing needles for hedgehogs
Program content
Introduce the length of words (long and short). Continue to introduce a variety of words. Recognize that words may sound similar.
Develop the ability to solve riddles. Develop attention, logical thinking. Learn to understand the poetic comparisons underlying the riddle.
Continue to acquaint with modeling, the word is indicated in the form of a rectangle, form an idea of ​​​​the syllable as part of the word, introduce the division of the word into syllables using the word model.
Develop graphic skills by drawing short lines (needles for hedgehogs). To form interest in speech activity, independence, initiative in solving cognitive problems.

An adult has a bear in his hands, and there are many different objects on the table (chestnuts, acorns, a cone, a mushroom, a nesting doll). The adult asks to name them and clarifies that the words sound different. But there are words that sound similar. The bear gives an example of such words (crow - crown, watering can - bench, etc.). Next, the children need to find an object on the table whose name is similar to the word "bear" (bump). The bear asks the children to connect objects in the picture whose names sound similar and name them. (Onion - beetle, sled - banks.)
Comparison of the layer by sound, familiarity with the length of words (long and short), modeling, drawing needles for hedgehogs
rsh Match the objects whose names sound similar
Tell me what the beetle can do (fly, crawl, buzz).
Say the name of each item in syllables. Clap your hands as soon as you say part of the word. How many times he clapped, so many syllables in a word. Divide the rectangle under each picture into as many parts as there are syllables in the name of the drawn object.
Listen to the lines from the poem by M. Plyatskovsky and complete the tasks.
There is a sweet word - candy.
Name "sweet" words. (Ice cream, cake, pastry, etc.)
There is a quick word - rocket.
Name "fast" words. (Airplane, train, etc.)
There is a prickly word - a hedgehog.
Name "thorny" words. (Needle, Christmas tree, nail, etc.)
There is a fluffy word - snow. Name "fluffy" words. (Pillow, cat, chicken, etc.)
What word do you remember? I draw needles for hedgehogs.
The bear invites the children to guess the riddles that he has prepared for them. Once the children have guessed the riddle, they can circle the dots on the rectangle, so they will “write” the name of the object.
We do not sleep for a day, mustachioed muzzle,
We don't sleep at night. The coat is striped.
And day and night He often washes,
We knock, we knock. (Hours.) But they don’t know about water. (Cat.)
They beat him, but he does not cry. Not an alarm clock, but a call, Guess who he is?
Only higher, higher jumps. (Ball.) Not the receiver - says. Of course, (phone).
Suggest to name the objects under which there are rectangles. (Ball, watch, cat, phone.)
What are the names of these items? (In different ways.) Tell the children that words can be clapped, walked.
Offer to say the word "ball" and clap your hands. How many times did they clap? (One.) Say the word "clock" and clap your hands. How many times did they clap? (Two.)
Say the word "cat" and clap your hands. How many times did they clap? (Two.)
Say the word "phone" and clap your hands. How many times did they clap? (Three.)
Tell the children that how many times they clapped their hands, there are so many syllables in a word. Say that a rectangle is drawn under each object - this is how we denote the word. A rectangle can be divided into as many parts as there are syllables in a word. If the word has one syllable, the rectangle does not need to be divided.
Divide the rectangles under the pictures of the cat and the clock into two parts. (Very often, children draw two lines in a rectangle. Point out to them that you need to draw one line in the middle of the rectangle - and it will have two parts.) Which object has three syllables in its name? (Telephone.)
Divide the rectangle under the phone into three parts (tell the children that you need to draw two lines in the rectangle).
If they clapped once, then this word is short, if they clapped 2, 3 times, then these are long words.
See p. fifteen.
Tell the children:
Listen to the lines from M. Plyatskovsky's poem "There is a sweet word - candy."
Name "sweet" words. (Ice cream, cake, pastry, yogurt, candy.)
"There is a quick word - rocket"
Name "quick" words. (Airplane, train.)
"There is a prickly word - a hedgehog"
Name the "prickly" words. (Hedgehog, needle, awl, nail.) “There is a fluffy word - snow”
Name "fluffy" words. (Pillow, cat, chicken.) Remind me again that there are many words and they sound different.
The bear drew hedgehogs, but forgot to draw needles. Help him finish painting the needles for the hedgehogs. SELF-CONTROL AND SELF-ASSESSMENT OF THE PERFORMED WORK
Acquaintance with the variety of words, their sound is loud, loud, quiet; sun drawing
Program content
Continue to introduce the sounding word. Practice identifying similar-sounding words.
To develop the auditory perception of children by comparing words by sound (loud, sonorous, quiet).
To develop the ability to listen to a poem, to select words that are not only close in sound, but also suitable in meaning.
Continue to develop graphic skills by drawing rounded and straight lines (sun).
To form interest in speech activity, independence, initiative in solving cognitive problems.
Develop the skills of self-control and self-esteem.

The development of phonemic hearing in children 4-5 years old.

Consultation "Phonematic hearing - the basis of correct speech"

Description of work: The consultation is addressed to speech therapists, parents, preschool teachers, helps parents of preschoolers and younger students understand what phonemic hearing is and why it needs to be developed. The consultation contains some games and exercises aimed at developing phonemic hearing. The purpose of play exercises is to teach the child to listen and hear.

The ability to focus on sound is a very important feature of a person. Without it, one cannot learn to listen and understand speech. It is also important to distinguish, analyze and differentiate by ear phonemes (the sounds that make up our speech). This skill is called phonemic awareness.
A small child does not know how to control his hearing, cannot compare sounds. But it can be taught. It is especially necessary to develop phonemic hearing for children with speech problems. Sometimes the baby simply does not notice that he pronounces the sounds incorrectly. The purpose of game exercises is to teach him to listen and hear. You will soon notice that the child began to hear himself, his speech, that he is trying to find the correct articulation of the sound, to correct the defective pronunciation.

Games for the development of auditory attention

"Guess what it sounds like"
An adult behind a screen rings a tambourine, rustles paper, rings a bell and invites the child to guess what object produced the sound. The sounds should be clear and contrast so that the baby can guess them, sitting with his back to the adult (if there is no screen.)
"Guess what to do?"
Give the child two flags. If an adult rings a tambourine loudly, the child raises the flags up and waves them, if it is quiet, he keeps his hands on his knees. It is recommended to alternate loud and quiet sounding of the tambourine no more than 4 times.
"Where did you call?"

The child closes his eyes, and the adult quietly stands to the left, to the right, behind the baby and rings the bell. The child should turn to face the place where the sound is heard and, without opening his eyes, show the direction with his hand. After the correct answer, he opens his eyes, and the adult raises and shows the bell. If the child is wrong, then guess again. The game is repeated 4-5 times.
"Guess Who Said"
The child is first introduced to the fairy tale "Three Bears". Then the adult pronounces phrases from the text, changing the pitch of his voice, imitating either Mishutka, or Nastasya Petrovna, or Mikhailo Ivanovich. The child picks up the corresponding picture. It is recommended to break the sequence of characters' statements in the fairy tale.
Games for the development of phonemic hearing
"Is that what it sounds like?"
The adult offers the child to arrange the pictures in two rows: in each row there should be images whose names sound similar. If the child does not cope with the task, the adult helps him by offering to pronounce each word clearly and distinctly (as far as possible). When the pictures are laid out, the adult and the child together name the words. Note the variety of words, their different and similar sound.
Examples: onion-meadow, rose-rose, fruit-raft, firewood-grass.
"Who is attentive"
An adult names a number of vowel sounds. The child must raise the corresponding symbol. At the initial stage, the game can be played with one symbol, then with two or more, as the child masters the skills of sound analysis and synthesis. Symbols are pictures with images of the position of the lips when pronouncing a vowel sound.
"Sound Songs"
An adult invites the child to compose sound songs like: “AU” - children scream in the forest. Or "IA" - how the donkey screams. Or "UA" - this is how a child cries. How are we surprised? "OO!" Etc. first, the child determines the first sound in the song, singing it drawlingly, then the second. Then, with the help of an adult, he lays out a diagram of symbols, keeping the sequence, as in a song. After that, he “reads” the diagram he has drawn up by symbols.
"Who is first?"
The adult shows a picture representing a word that begins with a stressed vowel "a", "o", "u", or "u". The child clearly names what is drawn in the picture, emphasizing the first sound with his voice, for example: “U-u-rod”. Then selects from the sound symbols the one that corresponds to the initial vowel in the given word.
"Spell the Word"
An adult tells the children a fairy tale about an evil sorceress who bewitches words, and therefore they cannot get out of her castle. Words do not know what sounds they consist of. Children must identify each sound in a given word in order, only then the word is released from the castle of the sorceress. For example, we disenchant the word "fox": le, and, s, a.
An adult invites the child to imagine that he is a magician and turn one word into another. “I will give you a word, and you change one sound in it so that you get a new word.” For example: house-smoke, cat-whale, dream-som-juice, daughter-dot-barrel.
Kolesnikova E.V. The development of phonemic hearing in children 4-5 years old. "Juventa", 2007.

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phonemic hearing(phonemics) - distinction (analysis and synthesis) of sounds (phonemes) of parts of speech, which is a necessary basis for understanding the meaning of what was said. When speech sound discrimination is not formed, a person (child) perceives (remembers, repeats, writes) not what he was told, but what he heard.

The development of phonemic hearing in children is necessary for their successful learning to read and write. Children often confuse similar-sounding phonemes, which in some cases hinders the development of coherent speech. In the future, the development of phonemic hearing is necessary for the successful teaching of foreign languages.

For the development of phonemic hearing in speech therapy and neuropsychology, special exercises are used. We bring to your attention the exercises developed by Tumakova G.A. - the author of the teaching aids "Introducing the preschooler to the sounding word" and "Learn while playing. Games and exercises with a sounding word. In the article of the magazine, the author tells how to conduct classes on the development of phonemic hearing in preschoolers.

How does the word sound

Mom with a child developing activities. One of the indispensable conditions for a child's success in future schoolwork is a developed phonemic ear, that is, the ability to distinguish sounds in a stream of speech.

In games and exercises, a child of four to six years old must be shown that the word sounds, that it consists of sounds.

You can conduct these classes in this way.

1. Adult says:

You already know what the words sound like. Listen to how they sound DIFFERENTLY in Agnia Barto's poem:

Say louder the word "thunder" -

The word rumbles like thunder.

Say quieter: "six mice",

And immediately the mice rustle.

Say "cuckoo on a bitch"

You will hear "coo-coo".

The adult then continues:

Words sound because they are made up of sounds. Sounds are different, listen: grroomm, zzaashshuurshshaat. Repeat with me so that different sounds can be heard ... Good. And now pronounce the word naughty yourself so that different sounds can be clearly heard: shshaalluunniishshkaa. Now remember a word yourself and pronounce it just as clearly.

2. - What kind of animal is this? (Show a picture of a mouse or a mouse toy.)

Mouse. A small animal that lives under the floor.

And who is this? (the picture shows a bear).

This is a bear, a big animal, he lives in the forest and in the North.

You are right, these are different animals and they are called differently, although these names sound similar. Listen carefully: the mouse is the mouse. Do you hear how they differ? Now say it yourself. It works well…

3. - Here are two more words, they are different, but similar in sound: mmmak - rrrak. Pronounce them the same way. And now you name one word, and I will pick up another, similar in sound, to it. Begin.

- The car.

- Bath…

Anna. And now I will name the words, and you will select similar ones in sound. Jackdaw…

- Candle...

- Blacksmith...

- Well done.

4. - And now we play differently. We are looking for two words that are dissimilar in sound. Here are the ones I know: the house is a cannon. What about your words?

The book is catfish.

Well, mine are like this: hot - soup ...

- Beetle - bread.

5. Listen, what name I will call, and you remember another, similar in sound: Irina - Marina. Listen again: May - Paradise - Taya. Attention: Cole...

6. Picture Lessons - Look at the pictures. Here is a picture of a bird. What word can be added to sound similar, think. Didn't remember? I'll help you: titmouse. Listen to what happened: a titmouse bird. We can say: the bird is small. And who is in this picture?

Runaway Bunny.

Sounds good: runaway bunny.

Other pictures are also considered, to the names of which the child must pick up a rhyme: a starling-singer, a fox-sister, a white-sided magpie ...

7. - I will throw the ball and say, for example, the word rubber, and you remember the word that sounds similar, for example, basket, and throw the ball to me. Started to play! Cricket!

- Spider!

- Needles!

- Parsley!

- Animal! Beanbag! Clapperboard!

8. And now we will throw the ball to each other only after we remember the word ending in the sounds ok. Let's start ... hammer!

- Wet!

9. And now we will name dissimilar, different-sounding words. I will say: goal, and you?

Okay, let's continue: poppy ...

Your child has learned to listen to the words, to pronounce them so that their constituent sounds are clearly audible. The next stage is the ability to distinguish words by the number of sounds (short - few sounds in a word, long - a lot of sounds).

With a child, you can conduct such activities.

1 . - There are short words: already, house, tea. Listen again: he, the ball. If you step under these words, then just one step and you have time to do it while a short word sounds. Let's do it together: ball, he, ball, already. And if you take a long word, then it is pronounced longer and more steps will be required. Listen and look: a sloth, a needlewoman, a teacher. These words are pronounced like this: llee-nnii-vvii-tszaa, rruukoo-deell-nnii-tszaa, vvoosspii-taaa-teell-nnii-tszaa. Heard how many sounds in these words?

2. Let's see what items are in this room...

You can arrange them in advance so that objects with both short and long names are visible. The child must find two objects at once: the name of one must be long, the name of the other must be short. For example, the ball is a truck. Then you do the same, then the baby again, etc.

3 . - Now you need to remember the familiar short words ... Now remember and name only long words.

4. - I will call different words - long and short. The rules of the game are as follows: when I say a short word, you clap your hands, and when I say a long word, don't clap. Listen: cheese, teacher, carousel, juice, house. Ivanushka, whale, black-eyed, sun, cat. Correctly understood the task, you are attentive ...

Then the adult changes roles with the child.

5. - The new task will be more difficult. We will turn short words into long ones, we will change them. For example. Let's turn the short word cat into a long one. Think how to do it? Now say.

- Kitty.

Very good, and I also offer such a long word: kitten. Kooteennoochcheek, that's how long this word sounds, is it longer than the short word cat? Let's change the short word foxes, turn it into a long one. I wonder what those words will be?

Fox, fox, fox, fox...

6. - Now we will remember short words similar in sound. What are words similar to poppy?

Cancer, varnish, poppy, tank, just like ...

Good. And they sound similar and all are short. You can offer your own words, even those that do not exist, but they should be similar in sound and just as short. We begin to select words for the word nose.

Pos, mos, grew, braid, cable, state, phos ...

Everything is correct. How about a table?

Paul, count, goal, tol, bol, they say, lol, dol ...

Is football a good word or not? You explain correctly: it sounds like it, but the word is not short.

7. - And what long words will sound appropriate for the long word hare?

Chicken, foal, goat...

A variety of exercises can be carried out "based on the drawing." Here are the possible areas of study:

1. drawing lessons. Awareness of the sound side of the word:

Name the objects drawn in the picture so clearly and clearly that you can hear how the words sound.

Mmiishshkkaa, mmaashshiinnaa.

Name words that sound similar.

Jackdaw-stick, tire-machine.

What other words sound the same as mouse-bear?

- Donut-bump.

These words can also be matched with invented words that do not exist - even if they sound similar (dvishka, velmishka).

What words sound the same as the word jackdaw?

Stick, jump rope.

Look at the picture and find two objects whose names do not sound the same.

Tire, stick.

What sounds are heard in these words? Think of other words with the same sounds. Are these words short or long?

2. Understanding the syllable side of a word:

Say the word jackdaw in parts.

How many parts are in this word? What is the first part? What is the second? Now say the word stick in parts. Name the first part.

Name the second one.

Think about what part of the words jackdaw and stick are the same?

Say the word machine in parts and name each part separately ... Remember the words with the first part ma. And what words can you name with the second part shi? And with a part on? Look at all the pictures and name the words that have only two parts in the name. And now - only three parts ... You said that the word stick has two parts. How can this word be changed so that it has three parts?


Say the word stick again in parts and draw as many cells on a piece of paper as there are parts in this word. Now the task will be more difficult: answer in one word from two parts to my question: “Who is Jackdaw?”

Bird, bird.

And now your answer should consist of a word in which there will be three parts: What kind of Jackdaw?

Black-on-I, pain-sha-I.

And what tire?


Finally, a literary game: - Think of a story about how one day the car got angry with the tire.