Speech culture. Appeal

Throughout life, each person has to face different difficulties. It can be minor troubles at work, a quarrel with a loved one, illness or the loss of someone close. And in these difficult circumstances, it is so important to know that there is someone nearby who will not regret warm words of support. After all, one spoken word can heal a bleeding wound or, conversely, cause even more harm. Published on the web portal

Today, unfortunately, people underestimate the importance of spoken words. But it is in them that a huge power is hidden, which is capable of both giving life to a person and taking it away. The Bible says, “Death and life are in the power of the tongue, and those who love it shall eat of its fruit.” Prov.18:22 As you can see, the tongue has power, and despite the fact that it is a small member, but it is he who controls everything.

Why is it so important to express words of support in difficult times?

The fact is that when a person is supported and told that together they will cope with any problem, that there are those who love him and will help him next to him, then by this they strengthen the one who is in a difficult situation and give him strength. However, the lack of understanding and support can kill even the slightest hope that everything will be fine.

Words of support to the sick

Unfortunately, in life it also happens that illnesses come into our lives. Some of them are easily cured, others have more serious consequences, and still others lead to death. And when we learn about the illness of a person close to us, it plunges us into shock and bewilderment. However, what does the patient himself feel at this moment? Of course, he suffers more than others. Different thoughts may arise in his head, and it is at this moment that words of support to the patient can help him feel that he is not alone, and that there is still hope.

Faced with such a circumstance, everyone understands that something needs to be said, but most often people cannot find the right words, but begin to show pity. This is the last thing the patient needs. Our participation and a kind word is what the patient needs. This is what will help him not worry so much, knowing that he is still loved.

What words of support can be spoken to the patient?

  1. You need to tell your loved one that you love him and no matter what happens, you will always be there.
  2. Speak compliments, praise for some merit, even the most insignificant. For the patient, this merit can be a real feat.
  3. You don’t need to talk about the disease itself and how shocking the news has become for you, it’s better to distract the patient with some good news or, in extreme cases, a funny anecdote.

Any sick person needs words of support and attention. This will help him recover faster and recover faster.

Condolence support words

The loss of a loved one is perhaps the greatest test for everyone. And in this difficult period, a person needs to be given help and attention so that he can go through this path and begin to live a full life again. In this case, instead of words of support, words of condolence would be appropriate. However, condolences can be different. For example, let's compare two options.

  1. "My condolences! Everything will be fine!" - such support seems completely indifferent and sounds more like a formality. How can everything be good if everything is very bad?
  2. Or: “Accept my sincere condolences! Know that you can always count on my help. If you need something, I'm always there!" - from such words it really becomes warmer in the soul. After all, knowing that there are people who are ready to help in any situation helps to cope with many difficulties.

So, what are the words to speak in difficult circumstances?

  • First of all, these should be thoughtful words. What we say can change a person's life for better or worse. After all, every word we say will surely bear fruit.
  • If a person himself is in a difficult situation, then there is no need to dwell on his condition and constantly tell everyone how bad everything is. After all, these words will bear fruit. Difficulties will be encountered more than once on our path, so we must learn to extract something positive and good even from the worst. And that's exactly what to talk about.

The Bible says, “I said, I will watch my ways, lest I sin with my tongue; I will bridle my mouth as long as the wicked is before me. Ps.38:2

Our unbridled words can be a blessing or a curse to someone. Therefore, even expressing words of support to someone in difficult times, it is worth controlling yourself. Unfortunately, very often it turns out that you wanted the best, but it turned out as always. Therefore, sometimes it is better to keep silent than to say some stupidity that hurts a person to the core.

Words of faith in difficult times

There are circumstances in which words of unbelief cannot be spoken. Understand that what we say in our life is what we have.

Jesus did just that.

One day a man approached Him, the head of the synagogue, whose daughter was dying. Imagine his grief. The girl he raised with love lies with a disease for which this man had no cure. He turned to God.

22 And behold, one of the rulers of the synagogue, named Jairus, comes, and, seeing him, falls at his feet 23 and earnestly asks him, saying: My daughter is at death; come and lay hands on her that she may be well and live. 24 Jesus went with him. A multitude of people followed Him and pressed Him.

The Lord God always answers the need of man. Jesus went after the leader of the synagogue. But an event happened on the road that made Jesus stop. Time is very precious. The daughter is dying, the head of the synagogue is terribly worried. And Jesus at this time is talking to a woman who was healed by touching Him.

35 While he was still speaking these things, they come from the ruler of the synagogue and say, Your daughter is dead; What else do you trouble the Teacher? 36 But when Jesus heard these words, he immediately said to the ruler of the synagogue, Do not be afraid, only believe. 37 And he did not allow anyone to follow him, except Peter, James and John, the brother of James.

See how important words are. The man still believed. But they came from home and said that their daughter had died. Jesus' first reaction was to say, "Don't be afraid, only believe." And the ruler of the synagogue obeyed. He did not utter a single word of disbelief in the most difficult circumstances. He did not fight in hysterics, did not shout at subordinates and did not get angry. He gave the situation to Jesus. And when Jesus said to him the words "Do not be afraid, only believe" - ​​he did it. He did not give in to fear. He submitted to faith.

38 He comes to the house of the ruler of the synagogue and sees confusion and weeping and crying loudly. 39 And he went in and said to them, Why are you troubled and weeping? the girl is not dead, but asleep. 40 And they laughed at him. But having sent them all away, He takes with Him the father and mother of the maiden and those who were with Him, and enters where the maiden was lying. 41 And taking the maiden by the hand, he said to her: “talifa kumi,” which means: maiden, I tell you, get up. 42 And the maiden immediately got up and began to walk, for she was about twelve years old. Those who saw it were astonished. 43 And He ordered them severely that no one should know about it, and told them to give her something to eat.

There are some amazing things in this story.

The way Jesus behaved.

In the East there is a profession - a mourner. At mournful events, such people are invited. But Jesus sent them out despite being laughed at. And then Jesus spoke words filled with faith and what He proclaimed happened. He didn't ask his daughter to get up. He proclaimed it "girl, I tell you, get up." And it happened.

But most of all I want to draw your attention to this man.

Indeed, the situation is terrible. A beloved child dies. Nothing can be done. Since he is the head of the synagogue, he is not a poor man, and he has tried everything he can. But nothing helped.

But notice his behavior around the Lord.

During all this time, he only said the words once. And they were words of faith. "come and lay hands on her so that she may be well and live." He spoke words of faith when he came to Jesus. And when it was very difficult, he just kept silent. But during all this time he never uttered a word of disbelief, a word of fear or doubt. HE did not lament: “Aaaaaa, Jesus, my daughter is already dead, lying in the house. How am I going to live now? But you didn't come."

He was silent. And believed.

Sometimes faith is expressed in words. But there are times when it's hard to even say. But shut up and keep believing. And this faith materializes in the fact that you will see the result of faith.

Earlier we talked about the fact that. Today we will talk with the subscribers of the site about what words should be used more often in order to catch luck by the tail.

To find the joy of life, get rid of problems and achieve success, you do not need to make a titanic effort, Kluber writes. The main thing is to believe in yourself and give yourself a positive attitude. This can be done with the power of the word.

Even in ancient times, people realized that words spoken with conviction and repeated repeatedly can have a strong influence on the life and destiny of a person. It was noticed that the frequent use of words with a sharply negative meaning leads to aggravation of problems, and, on the contrary, the predominance of “positive” words in speech gives a person such strength that he gets out of the most difficult life situations and achieves good luck.

Our wise ancestors used this observation to make conspiracies truly effective, says JoInfoMedia journalist Nastya Art. And modern psychologists have confirmed the connection between what we say and our sense of self and luck. The thing is that the words we often utter are deposited on the subconscious and cause a special reaction of the body, affecting our behavior and life in general.

Therefore, if problems haunt you, it's time to think about what words you say most often. Here is a list of 10 words that will help get rid of problems and attract good luck.

10 correct words

Luck. Yes, luck loves to be called by name. But you need to use this word confidently and only with a positive attitude. No "Oh, if only luck smiled at me ...". Instead, you need to say "I believe that luck will smile at me today."

Happiness. Happiness is what you strive for. Remind yourself of this goal every day and look to the future with confidence: “I will definitely achieve my happiness.” By repeating this word, you will bring your goal closer to yourself, and after a while you will really feel like a happy person.

Love. The ability to love yourself and the world around you is the key to good luck, which does not like hardened people. Remind your loved ones about your feelings, and don't be afraid to confess your love to the world. Say, "I love this world for its beauty and the possibilities it opens up for me." And the world will hasten to answer you in return.

well-being. The word consists of two parts, and if we rearrange them, we will see the combination "receive good." If you use this word often, and especially if you wish the well-being of other people, you will really begin to receive the benefit of life and turn your luck around.

Gratitude. If you disassemble this word by its components, you get the combination "to give good." Fortune turns its back on those who are only able to receive without giving anything in return. Therefore, for your successes, thank - uttering the word "thank you" - close people, fortunate circumstances, those who have provided you, albeit insignificant, but help, and next time luck will again refuse you its favor.

Success. So that all your undertakings are crowned with success, say this word more often. Thus, you will program yourself for good luck and achieve what you want.

Confidence. Confidence is one of the fundamental feelings of successful people. If you believe in yourself, then Fortune will give you favor. Frequent repetition of this word will help you feel confident in your abilities, convince yourself of your own faith, even if at first you had doubts.

Confidence. In order for circumstances to develop successfully, you need to trust life. Before an important task for you, talk about trust more often: “I have confidence in relation to life. I know life's circumstances will be in my favor."

Health. The key to success is physical and mental health. Negative words, discussions of diseases and constant complaints about well-being not only attract problems, but also worsen the condition of the body. But the word "health" in positive combinations will contribute to the fact that you will always feel good.

Hope. Hope makes a person gather strength into a fist and move on even in the most difficult situations. Say "I hope for the best", and luck will surely hear you and justify your hope.


Absolutely all spoken words carry a certain energy flow, it affects the person to whom the statement is addressed. A rude word can spoil a person’s mood, make him unhappy, deprive him of self-confidence. Good and kind words have a positive effect not only on people, but also on plants and water.

It turns out that there are words that bring good luck. Repeating daily the phrases: “I am happy!”, “I am lucky!”, “I am rich!”, “I am loved!”, “I am healthy!”, presenting at this moment his future successes, a person builds a specific program for himself. Thus, programming their actions only to achieve the desired result. Such words must be pronounced confidently, in the present tense. By doing the exercises constantly, soon the desires are realized in reality.

In order for good luck to always accompany, it is recommended to clear your mind of negativity. In every little thing and thing surrounding in Everyday life look for positive moments, only in this case luck will be nearby. In life, unforeseen situations arise that are associated with solving complex problems. Saying the words “Everything will work out”, “Everything is fine” with confidence, a person is making efforts to achieve the goal.

It turns out that it is very easy to make loved ones happy. It is enough just to say words more often about how you love them, cherish and appreciate that they are. Pronouncing words sincerely, a person receives positive emotions from relatives, which allows him to be self-confident. A confident person is always lucky.

Given the statistics, optimists are much luckier than pessimists. A positive-minded person, always joyful when communicating with people, utters only words that make people happy. Therefore, the reaction of people is set to positive. As a result, such people are accompanied by good luck and success. A person who constantly complains about all the hardships of life and the lack of money attracts only bad things with words. In such a case, what he complains about comes into his life even more.

If you get out of bed in the morning and say out loud: “Today will bring me only good things”, “What I have in mind will definitely turn out”. A person excludes negative thoughts from consciousness and at the beginning of the day tunes in to positive emotions. This method of pronunciation of words gives real results.


Any negativity, even the smallest, comes back to the person. You need to learn to think before you speak and control the flow of your emotions.

Useful advice

Scientists have learned that ordinary water can also bring good luck and success. In advance, you need to tell this water that it is the best, relieves all ailments and brings good luck. Then it must be drunk throughout the day. If flowers are watered with such water, they will grow better.

Many years ago, people noticed that some objects and actions bring good luck, while others bring misfortune. Someone believes in omens, someone does not, however, they began to bring a horseshoe home for good luck back in the 5th century. People believed that if you nail it over the front door with the ends up, it will bring wealth, and if you place it with the letter “c”, then happiness will settle in the house.

Some happy omens were born along with bad ones. For example, to find a trifle, especially on, bad. You can't pick up these coins. However, if you find a nickel that lies heads up, then this is considered a lucky omen. Take a nickel, and perform the following ritual at home: put a candle on the coin, light it and, looking at the fire, repeat your very desire. When the candle burns down by two thirds, put out the fire and hide it together with the coin in a secluded place. And when the wish comes true, light the candle again and let it burn out completely, and throw away the nickel at the crossroads.

Finding an old rusty nail is also a good omen. It is believed that it is with such a nail that a horseshoe should be nailed for good luck. People said that only an old nail knows how to keep happiness in the family. Another lucky find is an ancient key. If you bring it into the house, then it will close the doors to any troubles.

Several happy signs are connected with people. It was considered lucky, for example, to meet a chimney sweep. Today, this sign is not very relevant, but if you are lucky enough to meet a person of this rare profession, consider happiness in your pocket! Touching the belly or hump of a hunchback is also a good omen. Moreover, you need to touch the hump so that its owner does not feel anything. If you succeed, you can safely go to the casino - you will be very lucky!

Accidentally finding a clover with four leaves means catching happiness. This sign came to Russia from Ireland. There it is believed that the quatrefoil is about the lost paradise. If you are lucky enough to find one, the clover must be picked, dried, and always carried with you. The three-leaf clover is also considered to bring good luck. Trinity. The shamrock is used to ward off witches and evil spirits, to protect against black magic and.

Each person understands happiness in their own way. For one it is wealth, for another it is children, for the third it is health. You can be happy without noticing these signs. However, if they give you self-confidence, follow them and do not be afraid to seem superstitious.


  • signs find the key

For some, luck itself is knocking on the door, while someone is haunted by trouble. Why is it that some people are lucky in life, while others are plagued with problems like from a cornucopia?
Or it happens that a person is lucky in terms of career, money. But in his personal life - complete calm.
A person can attract good luck. But for this you need to be ready to let her into your life.

You will need

  • sheets of paper, pencils, a symbol of good luck


Be an optimist. Luck is a capricious lady and she does not smile at everyone, but only at optimists. Because they believe in it. Luck does not like pessimistic people. Only a positive attitude can attract into your life.

Make a plan for your success. Write what exactly you want to achieve in life, what heights you want to achieve.

It was often possible to notice that before some important business, old people whispered something, uttered some words. Why did they do it? Yes, just wishing good luck and good. And now even with scientific point of view, this is explained quite simply by saying kind words, a person programs his actions. And there is no black magic here, but there is an impact of the word, sound on our life.

A variety of conspiracies, whispers can be read not only by healers, but also by you. Often, short conspiracies were uttered so that there would be money in the house, there would be prosperity, to attract good luck, and there would be success and prosperity in work. A person can come up with these conspiracies himself to adapt to any life situation.

Getting out of bed and touching the floor with your foot, you can say the following whisper:

“I get up, I go towards my happiness!”

You can remember the reminder of grandmothers that when leaving home, and especially if you have to return from the road, you need to look in the mirror.

Mirrors are generally credited with magical great power. A lot of guesswork and beliefs are associated with them. And don't be skeptical about it. Simply, try not to dismiss the age-old tradition and say, looking at your reflection in the mirror:

“Let my reflection be a good luck reflection!”

And be sure to smile sincerely.

Almost everyone starts their day by washing or showering. These obligatory actions can be used to attract good luck and good mood. Try saying a simple whisper while washing your face:

“I wash myself with clean water, I gain strength!”

Tune in a good mood and say what you want to wish yourself on this day. As experts explain, it does not matter what words you utter, it is important that they bring light and goodness so that they do not bring trouble to anyone. Then such wishes, uttered with hope and confidence, will surely be fulfilled, will bring you good luck.

The main thing is to be sure of it. Let many now call it self-hypnosis. What difference does it make what you call your actions, the main task of these words is luck!

Evening whispers

In the evening, before going to bed, many also wash or take a shower. During the day, you can pick up a lot of negativity, pick up a bad, someone's negative impact, so it will be good if you say such a whisper:

“I wash away the negative, I erase the insults, I wash away the longing.”

Often grandmothers advised their granddaughters to say these words when they go to bed:

“The blanket and sheet are my protection, and the pillow is my girlfriend! Everything I plant for her will come true!”

Closing your eyes, it’s good to wish yourself for the coming dream:

“Let it be in a dream and in reality, it will be the way I want!”.

Whispers for different occasions in life

When you leave home, and ahead of you is a very important matter or a meeting on which much depends, you can read different conspiracies, among which there is a simple but effective one:

“The Lord gave me the way, and the evil spirit gave me anxiety. The Lord will conquer evil and free from evil. God is holy and God is strong. Amen".

Often, old people before an important matter, in order to attract good luck to their side, said that they should call their Guardian Angel. You can do this with these words:

“My angel, Guardian, come to me and never leave me, wherever I go (went). Amen".

Try to have time to pronounce these same words when a responsible and anxious moment in life comes and trouble will not happen to you.

If you don’t get along at work and the boss often gets angry and angry with you, then, looking at his door, whisper softly:

“I’m on this side, you’re on that side, you shouldn’t scream in front of me, be silent. All are equal before the Lord. Amen".

Such words help a person gain honor and respect at work, especially if you say them before entering the office of the authorities:

“I’m going to court, they carry the coffin in front of me. As that dead man is silent, he won’t say a word against me, the servant of God (name), so that (name of the boss) was silent, he didn’t say a word against me. Angels in front of me, angels behind me, angels on top, angels on the sides. In the name of the Father and the Son and the Holy Spirit. Amen".

How to keep unwanted people away from home?

Some people notice that after visiting their house by some people, everything starts to fall out of hand, it doesn’t go well, quarrels and quarrels begin in the family, in order to drive such people away from home and again attract good luck, after they leave, you need to sweep the threshold of the house with a broom and read whisper:

“I escorted you away, I warded off trouble. Truly."

Conspiracies to keep money and luck in the house

So that the money is always in the house and not transferred, it is recommended that when you have a rather large amount with you, say these words:

“I bring wealth, I go with money. I hold my hands tightly. I carry not for strangers, but for my own. Amen!".

If you are in need and you do not have enough money, then you should drink holy water and say this whisper:

“Holy water, and I, Thy servant, O Lord, am rich. Help in need, amen! To increase your income on the day of the new moon, you need to pour water into a bucket (its size does not matter), throw a coin into it and splash some water on the threshold, saying: “Water with water, money with a river. Amen!".

As you can see, any conspiracy to have money is a wish for prosperity for yourself. It will attract money and prosperity to you, and such a whisper:

“Just as there are a lot of stars in the sky, as there is enough water in the sea, so is my wallet, so that there is a lot of money and always enough. Amen".

In order for the money to be for a planned purchase, you should say to your wallet when you leave the house:

“Everything bad is forgotten, everything planned is bought. Amen. Amen. Amen".

You need to repeat this 7 times. And in order to attract money into the house, there are words that are pronounced on a broom. It is necessary to get up before the first rays of the sun appear, take a new broom, which has not been done before, and, sweeping the crossroads on foot, say:

Purse conspiracy

“Like dust follows a broom, so let big money follow me. Key. Lock. Language. Amen".

There are special whispers, conspiracies that are pronounced near the temple in order to have money. After the service, when people leave their church, they must cross themselves and say quietly:

"God! How many people here prayed to you, So much money would cling to me (name). Amen".

It is clear that it is advisable to do conspiracies on major holidays, when there are especially many people in the temple.

For whispers to work, the following rules must be observed:

Conspiracy in the temple

  • pronounce words clearly and distinctly, although it is possible and quite quietly;
  • believe sincerely what you say;
  • invest your energy and strength in words.

Only in this case, the words that you utter will help you, wishing yourself happiness, health, good luck, family warmth and all the best. When reading conspiracies to attract good luck and money, think about the good, do not wish harm to anyone, do not compare, do not envy. It is important that you remain neutral. Just speak the words.

And also remember that conspiracies, whispers are effective when you don’t tell everyone about them and boast about them. This is all done quietly, imperceptibly, while pronouncing these words, try not to attract too much attention, do not boast later that money or something else good has thus attracted to yourself. No wonder old people uttered conspiracies in public quietly or in private, when no one was around. Then money, and love, and prosperity, and good luck will be in the house.

Since ancient times, special properties have been attributed to mirrors. Every day we approach the mirror with a different mood. To attract love and good luck, it is important to know what words to say in front of a mirror.

Since ancient times, people have attributed inexplicable properties to the mirror and the reflection in it. Many ancient legends are associated with the mirror. It also appears in many folk beliefs. In the end, this energetically powerful object is in everyone's house and interacts with a person daily.

There are words that should never be spoken in front of a mirror. After all, the words and phrases uttered by you when looking at your reflection should carry positive and faith in the best. All the examples of words that the experts of the site site have collected in this article are a kind of foundation that makes up happiness. If you believe this, you will be surprised at how much your life will change.

10 words that will make you love yourself

Of course, the most important rule is that you should never scold yourself in the reflection and do not use words that carry negativity in front of the mirror. Even if you are not satisfied with something in yourself or in your life, forget about it, look at your reflection and confidently and loudly pronounce phrases in which the following words must be present:

  • the beauty;
  • health;
  • happiness;
  • love;
  • joy;
  • wealth;
  • cheerfulness;
  • strength;
  • achievement.

How can you use these words when looking at your reflection in the mirror? Words should be pronounced looking at yourself. These affirmations are a kind of creative visualization with which you can bring into life whatever you want.

The beauty. Every person dreams of being beautiful and happy. But often, looking at yourself in the mirror, you involuntarily begin to see flaws - even those that others do not attach importance to. To love yourself, it is not necessary to experiment with your appearance - it is enough to accept your natural beauty. Try to say:

"I am the most beautiful" or "I am beautiful and gorgeous."

Believe me, even such short phrases, spoken loudly and confidently, can materialize. And after a while you really feel beautiful. And minor flaws in appearance will become your hallmark, giving you charm.

Health. Good health is essential for every person. And the desire to be healthy is common to everyone. Repeat in front of a mirror:

"I feel great."

Soon you will notice that minor ailments have ceased to bother you, and visits to the doctor will become a rarity.

Happiness. Of course, the very concept of “happiness” is individual for each person. For someone, happiness is love, for someone it is wealth, and for someone it is the fulfillment of a cherished desire. Stand in front of a mirror and list all the things you need to be happy. And most importantly - know: how strong your desire is, the closer you are to its fulfillment.

Love. Of course, love is a necessary element of happiness, whether it is love for relatives, friends, or love for your chosen one. Someone suffers from unrequited love, others are in search of their man. Looking at your reflection, say:

"I want to love and to be loved".

Be sure: after some time you will find your mutual love.

Joy. No matter how it sounds, but many in life do not have enough joy. Bad mood, apathy, failures at work and in personal life kill the mood, and with it the joy.

"I enjoy every moment of my life."

Over time, the constant struggle with your mood will stop tormenting you, and there will be much more joyful moments in life.

Mind. If you think you don't know enough about your co-workers and friends, or if you failed to keep up the conversation one day, don't put yourself on the list of stupid people. Tell your reflection:

"My mental abilities are better than those of others."

Convince yourself of this daily, but don't forget to evolve.

Wealth. The desire to live richly and not deny yourself anything is no longer shameful for anyone. Sometimes a person tends to want what he cannot afford. It is at this moment that he thinks about his financial situation and its improvement. To do this, still standing in front of the mirror, repeat:

"I want to make a lot of money", or another option: "I want to make good money."

The repetition of this thought and the efforts made will help you achieve material stability.

Cheerfulness. Probably few of us get up in the morning with the words "I love my life and everything suits me." But if you say this simple phrase every day in front of a mirror, soon you yourself will feel love and a different attitude towards your life.

Strength. Very often a person feels powerless in relation to external problems and internal experiences. Tell yourself

"I'm not afraid of anything".

You will feel a surge of strength and be able to overcome your fears. And ill-wishers will be able to get a rebuff from you.

Achievement. The goals set must be achieved. But sometimes there is not much idea how to do it. Do not get upset and give up. Say in front of a mirror:

“I will achieve all my goals. I'm not afraid of any obstacles".

Concentrate on your goals and soon they will come true.

Mirrors have special energy properties. The 10 words discussed in this article are just a support. Do not forget that standing in front of a mirror, you are not talking to him, but to yourself. Therefore, do not be afraid and deceive yourself. Be confident in your words and speak sincerely. Follow our adviceand don't forget to press the buttons and