The predicate in the impersonal sentence is expressed. Exercises on the theme "Impersonal sentences"

in 8th grade

Target Lesson: To form in students the concept of impersonal sentences.


1. Introduce the concept of a one-part impersonal sentence.

2. To teach to distinguish impersonal sentences from other types of one-component sentences, to determine the ways of expressing the predicate in an impersonal sentence, the meaning of impersonal sentences.

4. Develop memory, speech, thinking of students.

5. To cultivate interest in the subject, an active attitude to the process of cognition, an attentive attitude to the language, to speech.

Lesson type : lesson explaining new material.

Equipment : textbook, computer, projector, interactive whiteboard or handout didactic material.


I. Organizational moment (introductory speech of the teacher).

Hello guys! Let's start our lesson. We use this sentence very often. What is special about this proposal? (this sentence is one-part, it does not have a subject)

Today in the lesson we will talk about one-part sentences.

And we'll start with a little warm-up.

Continue saying:

1. The main member of the sentence, answering the question of what the subject of speech does, is ...... ( predicate) .

2. If there are two main members in the proposal, then this proposal .... ( two-part).

3. The subject can be easily restored in sentences .... ( definitely personal).

4. In indefinite personal sentences, the predicate has the form .... (3 l. plural ).

II.Knowledge actualization.

Read the sentences and complete the one-part sentences: (writing on the board)

a) Winter cold is hosting in the forest.

b) You walk through the winter forest and admire its beauty. (generalized-personal, narrative with a generalized meaning; the predicate is expressed by the verb of the 2nd person, singular)

c) Snow sparkles and shimmers in the moonlight.

d) Look, Vasya, with the spirit of the house: you are taking the gentleman ( definitely personal, the predicate is expressed by the verb 2-lit., singular.)

e) Since then, Khorem has been nicknamed him (indefinitely personal, the predicate is expressed by the verb of the 3rd l., pl., pr. vr.)

f) Yermolai threw several spruce branches into the fire.

d) There was a whirlwind outside the window. (impersonal, predicate is expressed by an impersonal verb). Students find it difficult to determine the type of sentence.

Tell us about those one-part sentences that you already know, according to the scheme: (the diagram is written on the board)

Explain name (definition)

Predicate form

Use in speech

Pay attention to the last sentence. Is it possible to answer the question who performs an action or experiences a state in the form of I.p.? ( No).

III. Learning new material

Such offers are called impersonal. Today we will talk about impersonal sentences. Let's formulate the objectives of our lesson. (Tasks are formulated by students independently, under the guidance of a teacher)

We must find out:

- definition of an impersonal sentence;

- ways of expressing the predicate in an impersonal sentence;

-meanings of impersonal sentences;

- the role of impersonal sentences in the text.

Impersonal sentences are the most diverse and most common group of one-part sentences. Look at the handout. You have offers. Read them.

1. Thinks mainly about the end of the world. 2. Howled, sang in the distance thickly, piercingly. 3. At heart it was easy and joyful. 4. About bears, like devils, you can talk endlessly. 5. There is no sleep, there is the appearance of it. 6. The room was smoky. The sun has set and I have to go home.

Let's draw conclusions.

What are the features of impersonal proposals? (They do not and cannot have a subject)

Together with the teacher, the students come to the conclusion that the sentences report such an action or state that cannot be attributed to the person expressed by the subject, that is, there is no subject and cannot be.

And now you have to find out how the predicate is expressed in these sentences. Let's take a look at the textbook. The textbook-theory of V.V. will help you. Babaitsev paragraph 183, pp. 189-190.

Independent work with handouts in order to analyze the table "Methods of expressing the predicate in an impersonal sentence."

In these sentences, indicate the grammatical foundations and indicate how they are expressed, using the tables on your tables and the textbook material.

1. Impersonal verb (with -sya and without -sya)

Thinking about the end of the world.

2 A personal verb in an impersonal sense.

Howled, sang in the distance thickly, piercingly.

3. The word category of the state on -o

My heart was light and happy.

4. Combination of a verb or word of the state category in -o with an infinitive

About bears, like devils, you can talk endlessly.

5. Negative word or construction expressing negation.
There is no sleep, there is the appearance of it.

6. Brief passive participle of the middle gender with suffixes –n-, -en-, -t-.

The room was smoky.

7. Infinitive (modal word combined with an infinitive)

The sun has set and I have to go home.

Let's draw conclusions.

What are the features of impersonal proposals? (They do not and cannot have a subject).

- How can the predicate be expressed in an impersonal sentence? ( Impersonal verb, personal verb in impersonal usage., With infinitive (modal word combined with an infinitive).

Let's see if you can distinguish impersonal sentences from other one-part sentences. Let's do a test.

1. Specify the type of one-part sentence:"Quiet around."

a) impersonal

b) definitely personal

c) denomination

d) indefinitely personal

2. Find an impersonal offer.

a) There is no winter without snow.

b) Hoarfrost covered all the trees.

in) In winter, everyone loves a sheepskin coat.

G) Winter night is the longest.

3. Find an impersonal offer.

a) I see pine trees and clouds high above my head.

b) The fields and forests smelled of winter cold.

c) What splendor and tranquility

d) In winter, you will not hear the birds singing.

4. Find an impersonal offer.

a) The tree has already been decorated.

b) I see a snowy meadow.

c) The breeze blows.

d) You like to ride, love to carry sleds.

5. Find a complex sentence that includes a one-part impersonal sentence.

a) Winter got angry: she decided to freeze everyone.

b) A wonderful picture, how dear you are to me: a white plain, a full moon.

in) Winter sings - haunts, the shaggy forest cradles the pine forest with the bells.

G) The morning is clear, frosty, and I can’t sit at home.

Both test and validation can be done in different ways.

Well done, let's continue the work and recall the tasks that we formulated at the beginning of the lesson. ( Still need to knowmeanings of impersonal sentences; the role of impersonal sentences in the text.)

Can we guess which texts most often use impersonal sentences? I offer you the following work. It is necessary to read the text, determine the style, speech, topic of the text. Write out impersonal sentences, analyze the members of the sentence. You can work alone or in pairs.Text on cards

1. My heart felt so good, so joyful! The heart beats loudly and rushes into space, and one wants to rush somewhere and fly. Some wonderful thoughts are crowded in my head, from which it takes my breath away. I want to be kind, good; I want to do something extraordinary, so that everyone would be surprised, so that everyone would feel as good as me.

2. In the afternoon it became unbearably stuffy. There was a storm in the air. The clouds floating across the sky were getting darker. It was getting hard to breathe. The flowers in languor drooped with tender heads and subsided in motionless expectation of rain. Finally, in the distance, like the growl of an approaching beast, the first muffled rumble of thunder was heard. There was a moment of languid calm, and the rain drummed muffledly on the boards with which the gardener was quickly covering the glass of the greenhouse. The greenhouse became as dark as night.

So, let's look at the recorded sentences and conclude: where can we find impersonal sentences most often?
(In literary texts, to convey the state of man, describe the state of nature).

Which sentence sounds better? "Evening Comes" or "Evening"; "I wanted to cry" or "I wanted to cry"?

Let's draw a conclusion about the role of impersonal sentences in speech. (Impersonal sentences have a special expressiveness; succinctly depict the state of nature and man; convey a personal attitude, perception of reality)

IV. Summing up the lesson, homework (reflection).

The lesson is coming to an end. Have we answered the questions posed at the beginning of the lesson? What new did you learn? What have you learned? Where will you use the acquired knowledge?

At home, I suggest that you complete the exercises and compose a text on the topic “Autumn Day” only from impersonal sentences.

Synopsis of the Russian language lesson

in 8th grade

on the topic "Impersonal offer"

Target Lesson: Continue to form in students the concept of impersonal sentences.


1. Expand and deepen the concept of one-part impersonal sentences, give an idea of ​​the functional and stylistic possibilities of impersonal sentences.

2. To develop the ability to distinguish impersonal sentences from other types of one-component sentences, to determine the ways of expressing the predicate in an impersonal sentence, the meaning of impersonal sentences.

3. To form the ability to use impersonal sentences in speech and writing.

4.Develop memory, speech, thinking of students.

5. To foster interest in the subject, an active attitude to the process of cognition, to promote the development of ideas about the richness of the expression of thoughts, the beauty of the Russian language.

Lesson type : a lesson in consolidating new material and forming skills and abilities.

Equipment: textbook, computer, projector, interactive whiteboard or/and handout didactic material (tests, texts).


I. Organizing time.

Good afternoon guys. Today we will continue our study of the topic "Impersonal Offers" and we will start by checking the homework.

II. Updating knowledge, checking homework.

First, let's answer the questions I'm going to ask you. The answer must be one word: YES or NO.

1. Is an impersonal sentence a one-part sentence? ( YES)

2. Is there a subject, i.e. the person performing the action in an impersonal sentence? ( NO)

3. Are the concepts of an impersonal verb and an impersonal sentence related? (YES)

4. Do impersonal verbs change in persons and numbers? (NO)

5. Is it possible to restore the subject in an impersonal sentence? (NO)

6. The predicate in impersonal sentences can be expressed by the words no, was not? (YES)

How else can the predicate be expressed in an impersonal sentence? (An impersonal verb, a personal verb in impersonal usage., With a catchy category of state, a combination of a verb or a word of a category of state - an infinitive, a negative word or a construction expressing negation, a short passive participle, infinitive (modal word combined with an infinitive)

- What do impersonal sentences mean? (FROM state of man, state of nature)

And now let's listen to your essays on the theme "Autumn Day", consisting only of impersonal sentences (works of several students are heard and evaluated).

III. The main part (deepening of knowledge, formation of skills, development of skills)

What texts use impersonal sentences? ( in texts of fiction)

Today we have to reveal the richness of the meanings of impersonal sentences and their functional and stylistic possibilities, using the texts of the works of the great Russian writer I.S. Turgenev.

A conversation can be held about the writer, based on the knowledge of students, you can prepare messages with several students in advance, you can limit yourself to the word of the teacher.

At the lessons of literature, which were devoted to the work of I.S. Turgenev, we studied his stories from the collection "Notes of a Hunter". Remind me what(“Bezhin Meadow”, “Burgeon”, “Two Landowners”, “Yermolai and the Miller’s Woman”, “Khor and Kalinich” ).

I.A. Goncharov wrote about Turgenev's "Notes of a Hunter": "How vividly told - lovely! .. Turgenev is a true artist, creator ..." And behind this high assessment is Turgenev's ability to tell about Russia as you see it. He has an amazing skill in describing Russian people and Russian nature.

Let's touch this wealth and see how many possibilities for expressing thoughts and feelings are fraught with one-part impersonal sentences.

During the lesson, we will turn to examples from the works of this wonderful Russian writer. And here is the first task.

Read the sentences. Find the extra sentences, justify your answer. Write down the sentences, indicate the way the predicate is expressed. ( Students work independently, then a check is carried out, maybe a check in pairs or a frontal check).

Assignment on the board or cards:

There was no wind. ( weather conditions )

Meanwhile, it was completely dark outside. . (state of nature )

And in other matters, let's now move on to another landowner. (O\L)

I was sorry to part with the old man . (human condition )

It's so dark and quiet all around. ( state of the environment )

After all, it is wrong. ( action evaluation )

I myself happened to notice in him involuntary signs of some gloomy ferocity. ( designation of randomness of action )

Let's pay attention to the meaning of the sentences. Please note that the sentence may contain an assessment of the action, the action occurs without a producer, occurs independently of someone's will, i.e. spontaneously. impersonal proposals provide an opportunity to express most subtly and accurately such actions and states that occur spontaneously, on their own, and inside us - against our will, to express the modal attitude of the speaker to the reported.

Let's turn to the text .

The text can be presented in various ways: with omissions of punctuation marks, with omissions of spellings, in a deformed form.

- Read the text.

Students read a passage of text on their own, then one reads aloud.

From which work of I.S. Turgenev this passage?("Bezhin Meadow")

What is this passage talking about?(The narrator lost his way, got lost ....

Let's write the first sentence, parse it.

One student works at the blackboard.

Is there a one-part sentence in this complex sentence?(Yes, ... there was no road ... , this sentence indicates the absence of something).

Tell me, are there any other impersonal sentences in this passage? (Yes, now you need to take it to the right again.)

- What does this sentence express, what does it mean?(The sentence has the modal meaning of obligation).

- And where is this sentence, in what part of the text?(at the end of the paragraph, closes the SSC)

- The functioning of impersonal verb sentences is associated with the formation of the integrity of the text. Such proposals can act as a means of coherence in the SCS, i.e. to realize internal connections in the disclosure of a micro-topic, creating a semantic integrity of the text. The first sentence gives an assessment of some phenomenon or action, which is then revealed, and the last sentence completes the STS by organizing the text, dividing it into semantic parts.

Impersonal sentences are woven into the literary text as a necessary part of the narrative. Impersonal verb structures at the beginning of the narrative can express the general visual background of the phenomenon, which is further described in detail, the general state of the psychophysical perception of a person, give an assessment of a phenomenon or action, which is then revealed. Impersonal structures can contain a result, show the completion of the process, a conclusion about the state, feelings of the hero. Read the passage again.

IV. Summing up the lesson

What have you learned about impersonal offers? What conclusion can we draw? (Impersonal sentences are very diverse in meaning. With the help of impersonal sentences, one can give an expressive description of the physical or moral state of a person. Often, impersonal sentences are used in artistic speech to describe landscapes, the environment where events take place, to express various shades - necessity, opportunity, etc. With the help of them, the action can be given a touch of spontaneity. in the works of I.S. Turgenev, impersonal sentences are used in the speech of the narrator, in the dialogues of the characters. This makes their speech more expressive. Impersonal sentences participate in the organization of the text).

As the final stage of the lesson, I offer you the following task. Carefully read the sentences from the works of I.S. Turgenev and fill in the table, indicating the numbers of proposals. An additional plus if you indicate next to which story this sentence is from.

type of a sentence

Proposal number


Definitely personal

Vaguely personal


    They brought us straw, hay... N/L

    A boy of about fifteen was sitting as a coachman and with difficulty kept a well-fed stallion. D

    In general, Arkady Pavlich is considered one of the most educated nobles and the most enviable suitors of our province ... B

    Meanwhile, supper was served. N / L

    Arina returned with a small decanter and a glass. D

    There was no wind... B

    Yermolai was ordered to deliver a couple of quails to the master's kitchen. B

    If you'll excuse me, I'll stay overnight in your hay shed. O/L

    I opened my eyes and saw Kalinich. D

    I was sorry to part with the old man. B

    And come visit me. O/L

    Arkady Pavlich lowered his head and looked thoughtfully at him from under his brows. D.

    I was bought off. N / L

Work can be limited in time, checked by the teacher after the lesson, or selectively during the lesson.

VI. Homework.

Perform an exercise in which you need to replace an impersonal sentence with a synonymous construction, write out impersonal sentences from Turgenev's story "Asya" (6-7).

The predicate is an integral part of almost any sentence. Regardless of how it is expressed and expressed in principle, it defines the subject. This member of the sentence can denote both an action and some sign of an object, answer various questions (from the banal and well-known "what did you do?" to the more difficult to perceive "what?"). All this shows that there are different ways of expressing the predicate. So what are they, and what affects the division of predicates into different types?

Ways of expression

As you know, the ways of expressing the subject and the predicate can be different. The first, for example, can be expressed:

  • noun or pronoun ( Man / He appeared);
  • infinitive ( Working hard is our duty);
  • phraseologism (Augean stables - this is the most accurate definition of this room) etc.

The same can be said about the predicate. Limiting this member of the sentence to only a verb would be a huge mistake. It can be presented:

  • noun ( Knowledge is power);
  • numeral ( Three times five is fifteen);
  • adjective, and even in comparative form ( Under it, a stream of lighter azure);
  • and verbs in all their manifestations - in different moods and types, verbs in combination with particles, infinitives, and so on.

That is, in principle, it is already clear that the diversity here is colossal. The table below will help to better imagine the ways of expressing the predicate:

Ways of expressing the verb predicate

simple verb

Compound verb

Compound noun




Auxiliary verb + inf

Nominal part

Beginning and end verb

Verbs of intention, will, desire

Emotion verbs

Impersonal verbs

Short adjectives




Lexically weakened verb





Numerals, number combinations



Simple verb predicate

Let's start with the first type. The simple verb predicate is probably the most common. It is expressed by verbs in any form, namely:

Simple verbal predicate - nuances

There are certain nuances here. Very often, the future tense of the indicative mood is not perceived as a simple verbal predicate - it also consists of two words. But this would be the same mistake as not considering PGS (this is how the name of this type of predicate is abbreviated) as a verb in combination with a particle.

Another controversial point is the distinction between a phraseological unit (although it would be more accurate to say here - a non-free phrase) and a compound nominal predicate. The former is easily replaced by a single verb ( We were ordered - We were ordered. Why did you hang your head? - What are you sad?), whereas with a compound nominal predicate such a trick will not work, the only thing is that you can replace the linking verb with the word "was" ( He sat sad - He was sad).

Compound verb predicate

Let's move on to the next type of predicate - the compound verb. Here everything is as simple as in a simple one - there is an auxiliary verb, and the infinitive adjoins it ( He wanted to study). The only nuance in this case is the clear selection of this very auxiliary verb, because it can be represented not only by him:

  1. Phrasal verbs of beginning and end of action ( Stopped bickering / Started acting)
  2. Modal verbs of intention, ability, will, desire ( We were going to visit. I can run. I wish to be free. I want to run away)
  3. Emotion verbs (Afraid of falling in love. Hates to lie)
  4. Some impersonal verbs Worth noticing. Should think)
  5. Short adjectives, the full form of which is either completely absent or has a different meaning ( Glad to meet you. Feel free to invent. We are free to choose)
  6. Some nouns ( Master of lies. Walker)
  7. Can and can't You can note. Can't be recognized b)
  8. Phraseologism ( Burning with a desire to come)

Ways of expressing the predicate with examples is the best way to understand this albeit not very confusing, but still voluminous topic. The main thing in a compound nominal predicate is to understand the mechanism of its formation. This is a verb (or something that replaces it) plus an infinitive. Believe this formula - and you will succeed.

Compound nominal predicate

We continue to study ways of expressing the predicate with a compound nominal predicate - the most unloved among schoolchildren. Such unpopularity is due to the fact that sometimes it is very difficult to distinguish it from a simple verbal predicate. But first things first.

verb link

A compound nominal predicate includes two parts - a verb copula and a nominal part. Separately, it should be noted that if we are talking about the present tense, then the verb connective can be omitted ( He is beautiful). The verb copula is most often represented:

Yes, sometimes it is very difficult to single out an independent predicate with secondary members. A short test "Ways of Expressing the Predicate" will help us at least a little deal with this difficult topic.

  1. What's the point of wandering around here! - It is pointless to wander through the parks.
  2. Lying motionless on a hill. - How long can you stay here?
  3. He could live as an ascetic, desiring nothing. - And how are you going to live here?

These sentences present different ways of expressing the predicate, try to figure out what types of predicate are presented in each sentence.

Nominal part

We continue the topic "Compound Nominal Predicate" by studying its nominal part. It can be expressed:

  1. noun ( Was an actress)
  2. The name of an adjective in all its forms - short and full, degrees of comparison ( We are very glad to see you. Voice perfect).
  3. Communion in all its forms - also short and full and still passive and real (K nigga read. young man reading)
  4. Pronoun ( The sky is yours)
  5. A numeral name and any combination with numbers (Seven five - thirty-five. The height of the building is two hundred meters)
  6. adverb ( I'm a little like her)
  7. Interjection ( Your thoughts are on guard!)
  8. Phraseologism and non-free phrase ( His soul is a secret for me with seven seals.)

As you can see, the ways of expressing the predicate differ enormously - if there is really nothing to remember in a simple verb, then you will have to tinker with the compound nominal. But with the right will, everything will be fine.


Ways of expressing the subject and predicate is the topic of long and detailed scientific lectures. The most important thing in all this is to realize that the main members of the sentence are expressed can be different parts of speech, sometimes not even single ones, that they can have different types and sometimes at first glance it is very, very difficult to understand what is in front of you. The only teacher here is practice, and besides this, it will help to understand the ways of expressing the predicate of the table, which can be constantly supplemented with examples.

Among simple proposals for the presence of main members, there are two-part and one-component. In two-part sentences, the grammatical basis consists of both main members - the subject and the predicate, in one-part sentences - only one.

It is important that the main member of one-part sentences is neither subject nor predicate, because it combines the functions of the two main members of the sentence.

The following types of one-component sentences are distinguished:

  • definitely personal
  • vaguely personal
  • impersonal
  • infinitive
  • nominative

Definitely personal sentences are such one-part sentences in which the main member and indicates a certain actor and is expressed in the personal form of the verb (1 or 2 person). Nr: I love thunderstorm in early May- here the form of ch.-skaz. indicates a specific person - the speaker himself. The main members of the defined-personal. suggestion most often expressed by ch. 1l. and 2l. units or plural. present or bud. time, as well as pov. inc., eg: I'm going on the way to. we sit, think, write. Don't cool your heart, son! Such one-part sentences are synonymous with two-part sentences: I'm going on the way to - I'm going on the way to. They are used in official speech, in business style and in thin. literature.

Vaguely personal sentences are such one-part sentences in which the action expressed by the forms of the predicate refers to an indefinite person. For example: In the door knocking (someone undefined). The main term is most often expressed in the form 3 l. pl. h. present or bud. time, ch. pl. h past. time, ch. in exiled inclination. For example: You are waiting in the audience. You handed over book (to be given). If I asked, I would agree.

impersonal such one-part sentences are called in which the main member denotes an action or state that exists independently of the idea of ​​a person, for example: Already it was getting light. It was frosty and clear . In impersonal sentences, natural phenomena are called ( Freezes), physical and mental states of a person ( I'm bored), state of the environment, assessment of the situation ( Cold. Think well on the steppe roads), modal relations ( I wantedthere is) and others. The predicate in the impersonal. the preposition is expressed by an impersonal verb ( It's getting light), a personal verb in an impersonal meaning ( It's rattling in the attic), the words of the state category ( How good is it all around!), a brief passive participle past. time ( Decided to go on a tour.), negative word ( There is no rest). Most often used in thin. lit. (accuracy, conciseness).

infinitive- these are sentences in which the main member is expressed by an independent infinitive and denotes a necessary, inevitable or desirable action, for example: You start! They differ from the impersonal in that in the impersonal. the infinitive is dependent, and in infinitives it is independent: To you tell about it?- inf. and To you should(need) tell about it?- impersonal.

Nominative (naming)- these are sentences in which the main member is expressed in the nominative case of the name and denotes the existence of objects, phenomena, states, for example: Night. The outside. Flashlight. Pharmacy(Block). The main member combines the meaning of the subject and its being. There are the following types of sentences: nominative existential: Night. The outside; nominative demonstratives: Won asterisk; nominative emotional-evaluative: Well, what a neck! What eyes!(Krylov).

1. Impersonal sentences and ways of expressing the predicate in them “V” - knew; "-" what he learned does not coincide with what he knew; "+" – new information; "?" - doubtful or insufficient information, you need to find out more 1. The difference between two-part sentences and one-part sentences; 2. Groups of one-part sentences; 3. Ways of expressing predicates in definite personal and indefinite personal sentences; 4. Impersonal sentences and their role in the text; 5. Ways of expressing the predicate in impersonal sentences

Definitely personal Verb in the form of 1-2 person singular. or many numbers of the present and future tense, indicative mood and imperative mood (you can substitute the pronouns I, WE, YOU, YOU) I love winter holidays. Read the fairy tale by G. H. Andersen "The Snow Queen". Indefinitely personal Verb in the form of 3 persons plural. numbers of the present and future tense (you can substitute the pronoun THEY), pl. numbers of the past tense and in the conditional mood. What matters is the action itself, not who does it. Already rated. There was a knock on the frozen window.

Impersonal sentences do not and cannot have a subject. They do not name the one who performs the action. In impersonal sentences, the states of nature, the environment, the mental, physical state of a person, his mood are expressed. With their help, you can express the impossibility or inevitability of action, the denial of something

Loneliness of a person in the city 1 group 2 group 3 group 2, 3.62, 3, 42.5, 6.7 definitely personal, impersonal impersonal, indefinitely personal, impersonal impersonal and definitely personal You feel - 2 l., unit. h., present. temp., vyv.n.; It seems - Lonely - the word of the state category Enough - personal ch. in the absence of sign; They do - 3 liters., pl., present. vr., ex. n.; No Need to feel, Need to stop, think, Need to meet, talk - + bunch You will become - 2 l., unit. h., bud. temp., vyv.n.

Urbanization - (from lat. urbanus urban) the process of increasing the role of cities in the development of society agglomerations of other Greek urban agglomerations Urban agglomeration - (from Latin agglomero I attach, accumulate) a compact cluster of settlements.

The main ways of expressing the predicate in an impersonal sentence 1. An impersonal verb (with -sya and without -sya) Do not sleep in a stuffy room. It's evening. I'm lucky with my friends. 2. Personal verb in an impersonal sense. 2. Caplet with bird cherry. Howled, sang in the distance thick and piercing. 3. Indefinite form of the verb (infinitive) 3. There is nowhere to go further. Words do not understand. Be silent! 4. The word of the state category on -o4. It's cloudy outside the window. It's easy on the soul. 5. The combination of a verb or a word of the category of state in -o with an infinitive 5. It is not often necessary to wake up from silence. Problems need to be talked about. 6. Indeclinable by a word, coinciding in form with a noun, in combination with an infinitive 6. It's time to build a fire and cook fish soup. 7. Negative word or construction expressing negation. (noun in r.p. with neither or not, the word is not) 7. There is no sleep, there is the appearance of it. Not a cloud in the sky. 8. Short passive neuter participle with suffixes –n-, -en-, -t-. 8. The lobby is painted.

I love, streets, wander, city, vacationers, in, native, evening, among. They look, and, not, beauty, at, rejoice at, it. And, I want, but, joy, to sing, this, from, on, calmly, soul, and, easily. I like to wander in the evening among vacationers through the streets of my native city. They look at its beauty and are not overjoyed. And I want to sing from this joy, but my heart is calm and easy.


Continuation. For the beginning, see No. 39, 43/2003

Single sentences.
Incomplete sentences

Definition of a one-part sentence

In Russian, all simple sentences are divided into two types according to the nature of the grammatical basis - two-part and one-component. Two-part sentences have a subject and a predicate. Dissuaded grove golden birch cheerful language.(S. Yesenin) Poet you may not be , but must be a citizen . (N. Nekrasov) One-part sentences have only one main member, and the second is not needed to understand the meaning of the sentence. Late autumn. In the yards tourniquet dry leaves. Everything before getting dark. In school, the main member of a one-part sentence is called, like the main members of two-part sentences, the subject or predicate. Linguistic scholars usually use the term "the main member of a one-part sentence."

All one-part sentences are divided into sentences with the main member - the subject and sentences with the main member - the predicate (otherwise they are called, respectively, nominal and verbal one-part sentences).

It is important to realize the difference between one-part sentences and incomplete ones, in which there can also be only one main member. Compare: 1) - Dry leaves are burning in the yards. 2) - What do the janitors do in autumn? - Dry leaves are burning in the yards. In the first case, it is reported that a certain action is being performed, and who performs it is not important. This is a one-part proposal. In the second case, an action is reported that is performed by a certain subject - janitors. Subject wipers omitted, but easily recovered from the preceding sentence. Hence, the second sentence is a two-part incomplete.

Name sentences

One-part sentences in which the main member is expressed by a noun in the nominative case or a syntactically indecomposable phrase are called nominal. Cinema. Three benches.(O. Mandelstam) Twenty first. Night. Monday. The outlines of the capital in the mist.(A. Akhmatova) Green laurel, reaching to shiver. The door is open, the window is dusty.(I. Brodsky) Such sentences are said to express the meaning of beingness. It is thanks to this meaning that a word or phrase "turns" into a sentence.

Denominative sentences may have some additional grammatical meanings, such as specific demonstrative (expressed by the particle here: Here is the mill); emotional evaluation (expressed using special particles what, like this, well, what the, this etc.). It is important to distinguish nominal sentences with particle here from two-part with pronoun this is. Here is a chair- one-part denominative sentence; This is a chair- two-part, where this is- subject, and chair- a compound nominal predicate with a zero connective.

The teacher should pay special attention to students on how the word order in a sentence can affect its composition. Yes, in the proposal Warm day the subject and the definition expressed by the adjective in front of the word being defined are easily detected. This is a one-part denominative common sentence. In the proposal The day is warm there is a subject and a compound nominal predicate with a zero link and a nominal part expressed by an adjective after the subject. This is a two-part uncommon sentence.

Another case is more complicated. Sentence It was boring to listen to him is considered to be one-part impersonal with a compound verbal predicate, where instead of an auxiliary verb - the word of the category of state boring and linking verb. But if you put the infinitive in the first place - listen to him was boring, it can be considered as a subject, then it was boring- a compound nominal predicate, where the nominal part is expressed by a short adjective (cf. Listening was boring.)

In Russian, there are sentences in which, at first glance, there are no main members at all: Snow! Trees! Noise, noise!(In meaning: How much snow (trees, noise)!) Not a speck of dust. They are not taught in the curriculum. The grammatical meaning of beingness seems to make it possible to classify these sentences as nominal ones. But the only member of such a sentence cannot be considered as a subject, because it is expressed by a noun not in the nominative, but in the genitive case. Many linguists call such sentences genitive (according to the Latin name of the genitive case), and those sentences that we call denominative - nominative (according to the Latin name of the nominative case), combining both into the type of “nominal one-part sentences”.

When the only main member of the sentence is expressed by a noun in the nominative case, and the minor members depend on the main one and make up a phrase with it ( Early morning; end of the alley; House on the outskirts etc.), no one doubts that this proposal is one-part.

But there are also controversial cases. If the minor member has a circumstantial or object meaning (I have a blues; There is a holiday in the house), some scholars consider the sentence to be two-part with a missing predicate on the grounds that neither the circumstance nor the object can refer to the subject. Other scholars consider such sentences to be denominative, with a special minor term that refers to the entire sentence, extending it as a whole, and is called the determinant.

An exercise

Are the highlighted sentences nominal?

A wonderful man, Ivan Ivanovich!.. What apple and pear trees he has right under his windows! He loves melons very much. This is his favorite food.

- Tell me, please, what do you need this gun for, what is exposed to weather along with the dress? .. Listen, give it to me!
- How can you! This gun is expensive. You won't find these guns anywhere else. I, even as I was going to the police, bought it from a turchin ... How can I? This is a necessary thing...
- Nice gun!

Answer. Name suggestions: What apple and pear trees he has right under his windows! and Good gun! Sentence Listen, give it to me!- one-part, but not denominative, because the main member in it is not the subject, but the predicate. In all other selected sentences, there is both a subject and a predicate, i.e. they are bipartite.

One-part sentences with the main member - predicate

One-part sentences with the main member - the predicate are divided into definitely personal, indefinitely personal, generalized personal, impersonal. These types differ in two main features: a) in terms of the extent to which the idea of ​​the agent is expressed; b) according to the morphological forms of the verb used as the main member of the sentence. In other words, different types of one-component sentences make it possible to imagine with varying degrees of specificity who performs the action, or contain an indication that there is no such producer at all, it is impossible to imagine it.

At the same time, each type of sentence has its own forms of the verb-predicate, and they do not intersect, i.e. by the form of the verb, one can determine the type of a one-part sentence (the exception is generalized personal sentences, which will be discussed separately).

Definitely personal suggestions

Definitely personal such one-part sentences are called in which the actor is not named, but is thought of as a completely specific person - the speaker himself or his interlocutor. In other words, in definitely personal sentences, the subject is easily restored - the pronoun of the 1st or 2nd person (I, we, you, you). This is possible because the predicate in a definite personal sentence is expressed only by the verb of the 1st or 2nd person of the indicative or imperative mood.

Forgive me fever of youth and youthful fever and youthful delirium.(A. Pushkin) Linen on the river rinse, my two flowers grow.. . (M. Tsvetaeva) I laughed, "Oh prophesy We're both in trouble."(A. Akhmatova) Let's glorify, brothers, the twilight of freedom...(O. Mandelstam) Don't come close to her with questions.(A. Blok) Come , let's have a drink guilt, let's have a bite bread or plums. tell me me news. bed you in the garden under clear skies and I will say what the constellations are called.(I. Brodsky)

It is important to note that in definite-personal sentences, the predicate cannot be expressed by the verb in the past tense or in the conditional mood, since in these forms there is no person meaning (cf. Approached. I didn't get excited...(A. Akhmatova) In the first sentence, it is impossible to restore the subject. You? She is? This means that this sentence is not definitely personal, but a two-part incomplete one. You can only find out which subject is missing from the following lines: She sat down like a porcelain idol in the position she had chosen long ago.).

An exercise

Find one-part sentences in the text, determine the type of each of them.

Steppe again. Now Abadzekhskaya stanitsa is widely spread on the horizon - its pyramidal poplars are turning blue, the church is turning blue. The air trembles with heat. The faces of the Solovyov girls take on an expression that is calm to the point of severity - they hide their fatigue. But finally, the village of Abadzekhskaya enters our lives, surrounds us with white huts, front gardens with mallow.
Here we made the first halt. A river bank, a low hedge, someone's gardens. Bathing in familiar water from an unfamiliar shore. Everyone is happy with the transition and pleasantly surprised that I am not tired, and I am the most. We collect brushwood, make a fire, the girls cook conder - either soup, or millet porridge with lard. (E. Schwartz)

Answer. Name suggestions: Steppe again. A river bank, a low hedge, someone's gardens. Bathing in familiar water from an unfamiliar shore. Definitely a personal suggestion: We collect brushwood, make a fire(part of a complex sentence).

Indefinitely personal sentences

vaguely personal one-part sentences are called, where the actor is conceived as an indefinite person who is not interested in the speaker. Such sentences are used when it is necessary to show that the action itself is important, and not the producer of the action. The predicate in such sentences necessarily has a plural form (although this does not mean at all that there are many implied figures), it will express in the present and future tenses. incl. and in command. incl. - form of the 3rd person pl. h.

After all, only here cherish nobility!(A.Griboedov) We have scold everywhere, and everywhere they accept.(A.Griboyedov) Let me will announce old believer...(A.Griboyedov) But without asking her advice, the girl lucky to the crown. And at the table they have guests wore dishes by order. When would left me at will, how briskly I set off into the dark forest! Just like you lock up, they will imprison on the fool's chain and through the bars like an animal to tease you will come . (A. Pushkin) led away you at dawn...(A. Akhmatova) And let them take it away lanterns...(A. Akhmatova)

An exercise

Find in the text all the sentences in which the predicates are expressed by verbs in the plural form. Which one is indefinitely personal? Try changing the rest of the sentences to be vaguely personal.

Once the goddess Eris tossed three inhabitants of Olympus - Hera, Athena and Aphrodite - an apple with the inscription: "The most beautiful." Each goddess, of course, hoped that the apple was meant for her. Zeus ordered Paris to judge the dispute.
By birth, Paris was a Trojan prince, but he did not live in a palace, but among shepherds. The fact is that his parents Priam and Hecuba, even before the birth of their son, received a terrible prophecy: because of the boy, Troy will die. The baby was taken to Mount Ida and thrown there. Paris was found and raised by shepherds. Here, on Ida, Paris judged the three goddesses. He recognized Aphrodite as the winner, but not disinterestedly: she promised the young man the love of the most beautiful woman in the world. (O. Levinskaya)

Answer. Indefinite personal offer: baby carried to the mountain I go and threw there.
Possible modifications of the remaining proposals: In Troy, even before the birth of the royal son, they received a terrible prophecy. Paris was found on Mount Ida and raised as a shepherd.

Generalized personal sentences

Among one-part sentences with the main member - the predicate, there are those in which the actor is conceived as a generalized person, i.e. action is related to each person, to everyone; especially often such a meaning in proverbs: Soldiers not born (i.e. no one can be born a soldier right away). Easily not take out and fish from the pond. Quiet you are going- farther you will.

As can be seen from the examples given, the predicate verbs in these sentences are in the same form as in definite personal or indefinite personal sentences. Nevertheless, sentences with such a generalized meaning are often distinguished into a special type - generalized-personal suggestions.

impersonal proposals

impersonal such one-part sentences are called in which the action is not comparable with any actor; in other words, there is no producer of action at all, it cannot be imagined.

to me can't sleep, no fire ... About Lensky's wedding, they have long it was decided. How fun, shod with iron sharp feet, slide on the mirror of stagnant, smooth rivers! And it’s a pity for the old woman’s winter ... But how any me in the autumn sometimes, in the evening silence, in the village visit family cemetery ... How long will I walk in the world, now in a carriage, now on horseback, now in a wagon, now in a carriage, now in a cart, now on foot? Where are we swim? (A. Pushkin)

The grammatical indicator of impersonality is the form of the 3rd person singular. hours (for the present and future tenses, as well as for the imperative mood): smells hay. Today it will be hot. Let you sleeping, like at home;

unit form h. neuter (for the past tense, as well as for the conditional mood): boat swept away to the middle of the river. Her would take and further, if not for the snag;

infinitive: To be rain.

As can be seen from the examples above, impersonal sentences convey the state of nature and the environment, the state of man, the inevitability, desirability, possibility and impossibility of something.
Impersonal sentences are very diverse in ways of expressing the predicate.
A simple verbal predicate in an impersonal sentence can be expressed:

a) impersonal verb (It's getting dark);
b) a personal verb in an impersonal form (Wind blew away hat. Wed Wind blew away hat - two-part preposition, subject - wind));
c) a verb to be with a negative particle or word No (Parcels No and did not have) ;
d) a verb in an indefinite form (This not to be).

In a compound verbal predicate, the following can act as an auxiliary verb:

a) impersonal verbs should, I want to, lucky etc. (I had to all do again);
b) personal phase verb ( Getting dark );
c) instead of an auxiliary verb, short passive participles and special words of the state category are often used it is impossible, it is possible, it is necessary, it is a pity, it is time, sin and so on . (Allowed is free carry one piece of luggage. Can be closed Door. It's a pity was to part. It's time to leave in field. It's a sin to complain for lack of time).

A compound nominal predicate in an impersonal sentence consists of a nominal component - words of the state category or short passive participles of the past tense - and a linking verb in an impersonal form (in the present tense - a zero link). (Us it was fun. It's getting lighter and quiet. Evenings in the city dangerous. In the room tidied up.).

Word No

What part of speech does the strange word belong to? No? It does not change, it cannot have an auxiliary verb or a connective, it is impossible to put a question to it ... Meanwhile, we find that this word can act as the main one - and the only one! - a member in a one-part impersonal sentence.
Dictionaries say that No can be a negative particle opposite in meaning to the particle Yes(– Have you already read the book?Not .). But when this word turns out to be a predicate in an impersonal sentence, we will call it an invariable verb form ( No - means does not exist, does not exist). This word is not found in any Slavic language, except for Russian. How was it formed?
In the Old Russian language there was an expression not e (st) that, where that - adverb with meaning here. From this expression first appeared the word no, and then final at disappeared, began to speak and write No, although in colloquial speech you can meet no so far (no one no at home).

Often there are sentences with several main members - subjects or predicates. (Fog, wind, rain. It's getting dark, it's getting cold, getting stronger blowing from the sea.) It seems that such subjects or predicates can be called homogeneous. But it is more correct to assume that we have complex sentences in which each part is a one-part sentence.


1. Highlight the predicates in impersonal sentences.

About this tenant it would be necessary to tell in more detail, because in the first place suspicions fell on him. But they fell a little later, about an hour later, and at that moment he was standing at the entrance, listening to music and was beyond suspicion. However, he stood dejectedly ... Suddenly he straightened his shoulders, raised his head more proudly and walked straight towards us. However, it was not easy for us to reach. (Yu.Koval)

Answer.Needless to say, it wasn't easy to get there.

2. Find one-part sentences in the text. Determine the type of each of them, highlight the predicate.

Since my mother is always busy with laundry, she always needs a lot of water, and we don’t have a tap in the yard. And my mother, and Marusya, and I have to get water in the distant backyards of one of the neighboring houses in order to fill the insatiable barrel to the top. You bring four buckets, and your eyes turn green, and your legs and arms tremble, but you need to carry the fifth, sixth, seventh, otherwise your mother will have to go for water, and we want to save her from this - me and Marusya. (K. Chukovsky)

Answer. Will you bring four buckets - definitely-personal (or generalized-personal). pour an insatiable barrel to the top; In eyes turns green, need to bear fifth, sixth, seventh, otherwise have to go for water to mom - impersonal.

3. Find the wrong statements.

1) In one-part sentences, there cannot be a predicate expressed by a verb in the conditional mood.
2) In an indefinitely personal sentence, the predicate is necessarily expressed by the verb in the plural form.
3) There are one-part sentences with the main member - the predicate, in which there are no verbs.
4) In definitely personal sentences, the subject is easily restored - the personal pronoun of the 1st, 2nd or 3rd person.
5) In impersonal sentences, the verb-predicate cannot be used in the plural form.
6) If there is no subject in the sentence, and the predicate is expressed by the verb in the form of the feminine or masculine singular. h past. vr., this sentence is two-part incomplete.

Answer. 1, 4.

4. Find in the text: a) a one-part indefinitely personal sentence; b) one-part impersonal sentence.

1) The hardest thing was in the Sumerian writing depict abstract concepts, proper names, as well as various auxiliary words and morphemes. 2) The rebus principle helped with this. 3) For example, the arrow sign was used not only for the word arrow, but also for the word life that sounded the same. 4) Constantly applying the rebus principle, the Sumerians assigned to some signs not a specific meaning, but sound reading. 5) As a result, syllabic signs arose that could denote some short sequence of sounds, most often a syllable. 6) Thus, it was in Sumer that the connection between sounding speech and written signs was first formed, without which real writing is impossible.

Answer. a) - 3); b) - 1).

Incomplete sentences

Incomplete is a sentence in which a member (or group of members) is omitted. The omitted member of the sentence can be restored from the context or clear from the speech situation.

Here is an example of incomplete sentences in which the missing subject is restored from the context.

Walked, walked. And suddenly in front of him from the hill the master sees a house, a village, a grove under the hill and a garden over a bright river.(A.S. Pushkin.) (Context - previous sentence: In a clean field, the moon in a silvery light, immersed in her dreams, Tatiana walked alone for a long time.)

Examples of incomplete sentences whose missing members are restored from the situation.

Husband knocked down and wants to look at the widow's tears. Unscrupulous!(A.S. Pushkin) - the words of Leporello, a response to the desire expressed by his master, Don Juan, to meet Dona Anna. It is clear that the missing subject is he or Don Guan .

Oh my goodness! And here, with this coffin!(A.S. Pushkin.) This is an incomplete sentence - Dona Anna's reaction to the words of the protagonist of "The Stone Guest": Don Juan confessed that he was not a monk, but "unfortunate, a victim of hopeless passion." There is not a single word in his remark that could take the place of the missing members of the sentence, but based on the situation, they can be approximately restored as follows: “ you dare to say it here, with this coffin!

May be missed:

    subject: How firmly she entered her role!(A.S. Pushkin) (The subject is restored according to the subject from the previous sentence: How has it changed Tatiana!);

He would have disappeared like a blister on water, without any trace, without leaving descendants, without delivering to future children either a fortune or an honest name!(N.V. Gogol) (Subject I restored by addition from the previous sentence: Whatever you say, he said to himself, to me perhaps it would not have been possible to look at the light of God more!)(N.V. Gogol);

    addition:And so I took it! And I fought so hard! And I fed it with gingerbread!(A.S. Pushkin) (Previous sentences: How Tanya has grown! How long have I, it seems, baptized you?);

    predicate: Only not to the street, but from here, through the back door, and there through the yards. (M.A. Bulgakov) (Previous sentence: Run!);

    several members of the sentence at once, including the grammatical basis:How long ago?(A.S. Pushkin) (Previous sentence: Are you composing Requiem?)

Incomplete sentences are often found in complex sentences: He is happy if she puts a fluffy boa on her shoulder ...(A.S. Pushkin) You Don Juan reminded me how you scolded me and gritted your teeth.(A.S. Pushkin) In both sentences, the subject missing in the subordinate clause is restored from the main clause.

Incomplete sentences are very common in colloquial speech, in particular, in dialogue, where usually the initial sentence is detailed, grammatically complete, and subsequent remarks, as a rule, are incomplete sentences, since they do not repeat already named words.

I am angry with my son.
For what?
For a bad crime.(A.S. Pushkin)

It happens that students mistakenly consider incomplete sentences in which not a single member is omitted, for example: He is a genius, just like you and me(A.S. Pushkin), saying that they are also incomprehensible without context . It is important to explain that the incompleteness of a sentence is primarily a grammatical phenomenon, and it is the grammatical incompleteness that causes the semantic one. In the given example, the ambiguity is caused by the use of pronouns. Students should be reminded that pronouns always need contextual disclosure.


1. Find incomplete sentences and restore the missing members.

And Tanya enters the empty house where our hero recently lived. ... Tanya is far away; The old woman told her: “But the fireplace; here the gentleman sat alone ... This is the master's office; here he rested, ate coffee, listened to the clerk's reports and read a book in the morning ... " (A.S. Pushkin)

Answer. Tanya ( goes) further ... Old woman ( He speaks) her...

2. Find parts of complex sentences that are incomplete sentences and highlight them.

You are tolerant if you do not clench your fists when you are contradicted. You are tolerant if you can understand why you are so hated or so intrusively and troublesomely loved, and you can forgive all this for both. You are tolerant if you are able to reasonably and calmly negotiate with different people, without hurting their vanity and in the depths of your soul forgiving them for being different from you.

An apologist is a person who is ready to extol an idea he once liked even when life has shown its falsity, praising the ruler, no matter what mistakes he makes, glorifying the political regime, no matter what outrages were created under him in the country. Apologetics is a rather ridiculous occupation if done out of stupidity, and vile if done by calculation. (S. Zhukovsky)

Answer. 1) ... if you are able to reasonably and calmly negotiate with different people, without hurting their pride and in the depths of your soul forgiving them for being different from you; 2) ... if done out of stupidity; 3) ... if by calculation.

All other subordinate clauses that do not have a subject are complete one-part sentences.

Let us recall once again that incomplete sentences should be distinguished from one-part sentences in which the missing subject or predicate does not need to be restored to understand the meaning. In a complex sentence But it is sad to think that youth was given to us in vain, that cheated on her all the time that she deceived us...(A.S. Pushkin) the third part is an incomplete sentence with a missing subject we, which is restored by the addition us from the previous subordinate clause. The subordinate part of the sentence Just look to didn't see you. (A.S. Pushkin), by the nature of the grammatical basis, is a one-part indefinitely personal sentence: the action itself is important here, and not the one who performs it; the grammatical form of the verb (pl. past tense) here does not mean that there should be many producers of the action, it is an indicator of an indefinitely personal meaning. In other words, the proposal so that didn't see you - complete.

Punctuation in an incomplete sentence

In an incomplete sentence, a dash can be placed at the place where the predicate is skipped, if a pause is expected when pronouncing the sentence: ...Then Baron von Klotz was a minister, and I was his son-in-law.(A.S. Griboyedov) In the absence of a pause, a dash is not put: ...Well, the people in this side! She to him, and he to me.(A.S. Griboyedov)

Elliptical proposals

There are sentences in Russian called elliptical(from the Greek word ellipsis, which means "omission", "lack"). They omit the predicate, but retain the word that depends on it, and the context for understanding such sentences is not needed. These can be sentences with the meaning of movement, displacement ( I - to the Tauride Garden(K.I. Chukovsky); speech - thoughts And his wife: for rudeness, for your going words(A.T. Tvardovsky) and others. Such sentences are usually found in colloquial speech and in works of art, but are not used in book styles (scientific and official business).

Some scientists consider elliptical sentences to be a kind of incomplete sentences, while others consider them to be a special type of sentences that adjoins incomplete sentences and is similar to them.