Transit aspects of Saturn to the planets of the natal chart. Transiting Venus Oppositions

Let us analyze what the transit of the Sun through Saturn and its aspects means in astrology.

  • Unfavorable aspects of the transiting Sun and natal Saturn

Depressed, depressed state. Inhibition of the physiological functions of the body, a decrease in physical strength and resistance to disease. Depression and somatic suffering.

Various difficulties of a financial and material nature, losses and damages in all affairs and enterprises, failures and malfunctions everywhere. Cooling and alienation to loved ones, disappointment in hopes and desires. Family worries and troubles, or even dramas and comedies, illness or fear, distrust of oneself and other people.

Breaking up with a loved one, divorce or separation. Accident, injury, injury, or illness to a man's spouse, father, brother, or other relative. Fatal blows or vicissitudes of fate. Death or violent death (if such an aspect is present in the main horoscope).

A rush of "demonic art". Influence of the occult. Avoid new affairs and enterprises, new beginnings. The threat of disputes, conflicts, discord, disasters and crimes, human casualties, natural disasters. material losses.

  • Favorable aspects of the transiting Sun and natal Saturn

An opportunity to strengthen the social and material base. A short period of increasing perseverance, endurance, perseverance, patience, diligence in all matters, ideas, plans. A solid foundation is being created for the continuation of long-begun business.

Seriousness and self-control help success in any business, it is very useful on this day to draw up a work plan, actions for a long time to come. You can make a successful and profitable purchase and sale of land, real estate.

It is good to establish any society or group, to conclude agreements, contracts, alliances and connections. It is good for women to carry out an engagement or marriage. It is good to receive patronage and help from older people.

It is good to visit authorities, state institutions and departments, bosses, it is good to start new business, new enterprises. Under this aspect, work is going well, where endurance and perseverance, concentration of thought are required.

A good day for drawing up long-term plans, for teamwork, for household affairs and matters related to property, for agriculture and construction, for acquiring your own house, apartment, for concluding new agreements and contracts, for engagement and marriage (in female horoscopes) , for the organization of any events, for the realization of idealistic aspirations. Compound. May have a favorable or unfavorable influence, depending on the position and aspects of the Sun and Saturn in the main horoscope.

Transit of the Sun through Saturn and its aspects

Let us analyze what the transit of the Sun through Neptune and its aspects means in astrology.


The nature of the impact of this transit depends on the position and mutual relations of the Sun and Neptune in the main horoscope.

  • Unfavorable aspects of the transiting Sun and natal Neptune

Chaos of feelings and thoughts. Hence: mistakes, delusions, self-deception, unpleasant experiences. All this can lead to catastrophic consequences in that area of ​​life, which is indicated by the position of the planets and their aspects.

There may be a delay in marriage or widowhood (in female horoscopes), or separation, or illness. Maybe it's a threat of crime, accident or death. In any case, on this day, extreme caution is needed at home, in the family, in transport. Caution on the street. Avoid social gatherings, avoid traveling by boat or plane.

  • Favorable aspects of the transiting Sun and natal Neptune

Soul harmony. Deepening of perception, depth of thinking, inspiration. A good time for creative and mental activity in the field of science, technology, art, the occult. Trips will go well (especially by sea). A very good time for social events: holidays, entertainment.

Good for marriage, love, engagement, wedding, family reunions, for new alliances and acquaintances, for communication with foreigners, for visiting authorities, government agencies and departments. Economic issues, issues of pedagogy, negotiations, travel, recreation, housing affairs (receive, change, move) are successfully resolved.

Saturn transits

The transit of Saturn 4th house represents the end of one phase and the beginning of another; the period of growth before entering the 7th house represents your personal progress to the point where your accomplishments first come to public attention. The transition from quadrant 7 to quadrant 10 (ascension) represents the most public part of your career, culminating in quadrant 10. Between 10 and 1 houses, you consolidate the position achieved in quadrant 10 and try to act towards ensuring confidence in the future, and no further progress. With the transition through the border of the 1st house (ascendant), a period of obscurity begins. This is the most difficult time, especially if you have approached the Ascendant "with banners flying", for then a period of obscurity will almost certainly bring difficulties that will plague you until Saturn reaches the border of sector 4 and provides you with the opportunity for a new beginning. . If in the near future
It will repeat again between 2033 and 2040, but those born between 1912 and 1939 are unlikely to live to see that time. For those born between 1938 and 1958, the transit will be between 2039 and 2046, and for those born between 1957 and 1971 between 2045 and 2052.
If Saturn is expected to enter a period of obscurity in your horoscope, try to voluntarily step back and care more about current well-being than change.

Transit Saturn with natal Sun

Saturn transiting conjunction with your Sun

During this period, you reap the benefits, get what you worked for and what you deserve. This law is absolute and just in all respects. If success comes to you in this transit, then you have definitely earned it, and if failure befalls, then, undoubtedly, for one reason or another, it was destined for you. You may have to dig deep to find the reasons why you deserve what you have, but you will find them if you look. At its best, this period is the crowning achievement of constructive effort and can be a dizzying time at the peak of success and popularity. And at worst, it marks the end of the path, wrongly chosen from the very beginning, which deservedly ends in defeat. In any case, this is the period of culmination, when the chickens of ambition are counted in autumn. If they are well fed and cared for, they begin to lay the golden eggs of success and honor. And if the chickens were starving and picking up crumbs in the neighbor's garden, you can't even make a decent broth out of them. If all is well, don't let success go to your head. Don't tempt fate. Remember, this is the climax and after it you should slow down. And if everything is unsatisfactory or bad - if difficulties and obstacles haunt you during this period - then you need to carefully review your ambitions and plans with an eye to some realistic and affordable achievement and ignore, as far as possible, past failures. If deep down in your soul you manage to forget the success or failure that the transit in question brought, you will be able to smoothly and gracefully switch to other achievements.

Calculation of a horoscope from an astrologer.

Saturn transiting opposition to your Sun

This is one of the most difficult periods in life, but if you understand it correctly, it can be the most fruitful in terms of personal development. This is a time when the world seems complex, tough and antagonistic. You are temperamental and probably consider yourself offended. You are not easy to get along with. This period may be preceded or accompanied by financial difficulties. The level of vitality is low, and your desire to declare to others about your personality, your will, your ideas and your feelings can lead to quarrels, conflicts and breakups. In the absence of any alternative, you withdraw into yourself and spiritually isolate yourself from others. Real or imaginary health problems are possible, more often of a mental and mental than physical origin. You are going through a period when both circumstances and your personality interfere with the ego's drive to express itself. You rebel against this state of affairs, and it is your rebellion, not external events, that makes this time difficult. You come into contact - perhaps for the first time - with some earthly realities, practical problems of human relationships and individual shortcomings of your own personality and refuse to admit what you see. As a result, the character is strengthened and the horizons of the personality are expanded; but in this transit, you are unlikely to notice this, because you will be closed in yourself and begin to feel sorry for yourself, feel that you are misunderstood and treated. It will take some time before you realize that the reasons for ill-treatment with you are in you and you can put an end to it when you want - by resigning yourself to the status quo, by learning to adjust to the circumstances and accept people as they are. In the end, you will understand that you can only control yourself, and the meaning of everything external is determined by your interpretation.
Naturally, people with an innate tendency to introspection, under such influence, will quickly get to the bottom, experience the depth of despair and depression, find the root of the problem in themselves and immediately uproot it once and for all. They will be reborn with a deep understanding of themselves that will never let them down, and a stronger self-confidence that will stabilize their lives forever.
People who are less introspective will have a harder time because they are not quite ready to put the blame on themselves. For them, the described period can last longer than the actual transit time and drag on for many years. Such people are constantly at war with the world - if not openly, then with internal indignation. Life for them loses its charm and turns from an exciting adventure into a tedious road to an ill-conceived goal.
Try to know yourself during this transit. When you yourself become a person whom you understand and with whom you no longer need to fight, it will be easier for you to live in the world in general and you will turn into a useful and progressive citizen.

Horoscope astrology zodiac.

Saturn Transiting Upper Square Your Sun

This is the time of results, which reward the work done in the past. It can represent high prestige and income if your previous efforts were reasonable, or it can be a time of crushing hopes if they were unrealistic and their implementation was inconsistent. In the first case, you should be congratulated. So you somehow felt the rhythm of what was happening and made it work for us. During such a period, you should just not tempt fate too much. This is the time to consolidate what has been achieved. Stop and do not interfere with the natural course of events. This is the peak of accomplishments, and you must be ready to realize that the path further leads only down. So make your descent voluntary. Choose a new goal and never try to move in the same direction. If your income has been rising so far, now turn your attention to something else besides money. If power is concentrated in your hands, give it up and seek something else. In order to continue the progress already made in another area of ​​activity, make your goals less public and material than before. Let them be more personal. And in the second case, you can be sure that you were moving in the wrong direction for you or your efforts were not consistent. Look for the roots of your difficulties. Review your goals and methods; make them less material and ambitious, bring them closer to your ideals. To achieve maximum success in the years following this difficult period, now objectify your own desires; moderate your demands on the world and other people, but demand more of yourself.

Saturn transiting the lower square with your Sun

This is a period of new beginnings. It is usually accompanied by the breaking of old ties and new commitments or new maturity. Such a transit may represent leaving the parental home; leaving school and starting a career; marriage as a rupture of old ties and the formation of new ones; business failure and new beginning. This period is always slow. The foundation of a transformed life is being erected in a direction that requires serious personal restructuring. It takes a lot of effort, and therefore the transit can be tense, full of conflicts and resentment that events are not developing the way you want. He will not satisfy you if you expect miracles that are not expected. During this period, concern will not add to your height of position, nor the speed of advancement. You need to come to terms with the status quo and slow down the pace of fulfilling your own desires so that it matches the pace of what is happening in the world. If you are willing to go for it, the transit time will not be wasted for you. Gradually and patiently implemented enterprises with a carefully planned perspective usually reach their logical conclusion in 7-14 years. Otherwise, they should be discarded. To catch the pace and rhythm of what is happening now is to really move towards the highest success in the future. While rebellion and anticipation lead to exhaustion and despair, the need to start again later, under less favorable conditions.

Training course of the Munich Institute of Parapsychology. Transits

-/+ Transits of Saturn through the radix-position of the Sun, as a rule, have negative effects. If, nevertheless, Saturn and the Sun in the radix form a very harmonious aspect, then the long-term aspirations of the native (in different areas) can be successfully completed, especially those aspirations that will be indicated by the house to which Saturn will show its relationship.
Although the transits of Saturn have a particularly tangible effect through the conjunction and opposition of the radix, there is no particular reason to fear them here: the more favorable and positive the lifestyle of the native during this phase, the less likely it will be for these transits to influence the entire fate of the native.
+ Increasing one's own self-control during this period of harmonious transits will allow the native to exercise complete control over his emotions and mood. In his essence, a craving for constancy appears, he freely manages to master himself in situations where he used to "explode", and patiently wait for a moment in cases where before he acted spontaneously and thoughtlessly. His "best self" begins to manifest itself: there is no longer a desire for change, fewer actions in a state of passion, and more and more the desire for harmony is manifested. Negative manifestations no longer threaten.
Partnership / love and marriage:
+ The partnerships and acquaintances made during these transits are usually planned for a long period and usually develop slowly and with diplomatic caution. In such relationships, the position of passive expectation will be more outweighed, and the desire to contact, depending on the predisposition, will not be shown too openly. If houses V, VII or XI are to be affected, then the native intends to establish continuous contacts, which may allow for a difference in age, in which the life experience of one of the partners will be especially highly valued.
Work and business contacts:
+ If there is a relationship with the V house, or if the MC aspect is formed in the radix, then the native shows a desire to expand his power both at work and in business contacts. These inhibiting influences do not necessarily have to bring a loss, but rather, on the contrary, they can help the native to take a wait-and-see attitude in order to make the right decision.
Material sphere and finance:
+ Material success during these transits is achieved primarily through endurance or hard work. During this harmonious transit, it is possible to conclude transactions with hard capital (stocks, bonds, debt obligations, hard currency).
+ There is an acceleration of the process of recovery of all diseases, as well as a pronounced surge of vital energy. The process of spiritual development that emerged during these transits acquires a positive psychosomatic significance.

L.A. Filippov. predictive astrology

A period of severe spiritual trials, a test of the spirit for strength, when the spirit becomes free and presented to itself. A period of alienation from others, a break in contacts with loved ones, mutual misunderstanding in communication. This period is especially difficult for sociable people, it leads to a state of pessimism and despair. For people of a high spiritual level, this period gives new spiritual growth, the opportunity to retire, philosophically comprehend and learn everything that happens around, take stock of their activities and come to complete self-knowledge.
These periods are perceived as very significant, remembered for a lifetime (repeated two or three times in a lifetime, until the fourth - rarely anyone survives). This conjunction is more difficult to bear in the signs of Aries and Cancer (the fall and expulsion of Saturn), and Leo (Leos grow old).
Unfavorable period for health, especially for men, as well as
in old age - life-threatening. In a female horoscope, it can give the death of a father, husband or patron. For everyone, this period can be the beginning of chronic diseases, heart disorders, paralysis.

Pavel Globa. Backhaul connections

At best: leads to awareness, destruction of the established circle, suffering, but this suffering leads to spiritual growth. A person receives spiritual gifts: he sums up the results of his activity, he has complete self-knowledge, there is an opportunity for solitude, creative work, and knowledge of the world. This is a period of testing the spirit for strength, when it becomes absolutely free, left to itself.
In the worst case: transit brings pessimism and despair. This period tends to be very heartbreaking and the events it sets are always remembered as very significant. Aries, Cancers, Lions, Pisces react especially hard to this transit. A person is separated from contacts with other people, a persistent circle of misunderstanding, alienation is established around him, ties with loved ones are broken, he is lonely and cold in communication with others.

Larisa Nazarova. Transit aspects

The sun is the ego. The sun requires improvement, limits the manifestation of the EGO. Lonely Spirit in need of self-management and improvement. The aspect is a test of the Spirit for strength. Transit manifests itself in two ways: either there is a rejection from society and a person remains lonely, misunderstood, but as if on his own; or he becomes a lone creator, working according to a prepared program, fenced off from the hustle and bustle, from contacts with other people. With evil planets, deep loneliness and health problems.

Transit - Business

The aspect is observed once every thirty years and brings, first of all, an increase in your social and professional maturity. This is a good period for gaining independence in all areas of life. But the effect of the aspect is also such that it actualizes the mistakes of past years and puts fives for exemplary behavior. This is a period of great personal responsibility and the opportunity to get much closer to your life goal. In the manufacturing sector, you have large, often exorbitant responsibilities. In business affairs, tangible costs and losses can be expected, often due to one's own intemperance and unrealistic past period. You will feel the impossibility of creative self-expression, the introduction of progressive methods and ideas. However, this period also contributes to the recognition of your merits and career advancement, serious achievements. It will seem to you that some people and circumstances simply test your patience, endurance and restraint. This period can last from one to three months. It is favorable for changing the place or nature of work, profession, but in the presence of other negative aspects, it can mean dismissal, removal from office.

Transit - Health

This period is accompanied by a decrease in vitality, endurance and resistance of the body, a depressed, depressed state. This is a period of depression and exacerbation of many diseases, especially those associated with age-related disorders. Haunted by fears and incomprehensible pains. Teeth and their treatment can bring a lot of unpleasant experiences and troubles. There is a high probability of falls from a height (even a small one), fractures, injuries, accidents. You may become a victim of an accident or natural disasters. For a woman, this transit can also mean all of the above for her husband, father, brother, boss, deterioration in their health.

Transit - Love and family

A period fraught with all sorts of failures and sorrows in family and personal life. You feel the desire for loneliness, the unbearability of close, familiar contacts. Your professional duties interfere with entertainment and social life. In certain situations, it may indicate a break in love relationships, separation from a spouse or loved one, the beginning of a divorce process. But in certain cases (especially for a woman) it can mean the emergence of a close relationship with a much older person, as well as the strengthening of a love relationship. Usually, you are haunted by disappointments and alienation from loved ones and family, quarrels, conflicts. Communication with children brings neither joy nor the desired results. Participation in their affairs will seem like a burden to you.

Transiting Sun conjunct natal Sun

This transit is favorable for rest, a person's vital activity increases. He feels a surge of strength and energy, feels happy, strives for entertainment, from which he receives maximum pleasure. This time is good to use for procedures for healing the body and cleansing it, physical exercises will be useful. Health during this period depends on how a person followed him during the year. Therefore, if a person gets sick during this transit, then this clearly indicates that he did not take good care of his health and it is necessary to pay more attention to this aspect. At this time, a person's self-confidence increases, his mood rises, if a person is sick, then his health improves.

Transiting Sun conjunct natal Moon

This transit must be used to improve health. You can go on a diet, do cleansing procedures. Physical and breathing exercises, walks in the fresh air are useful. For a person suffering from a serious illness, this period is characterized by a poor emotional state. The mood worsens, depression is possible. Such conditions can lead to loss of strength, so it is advisable to support the patient during this period and not let him become discouraged. This transit is very favorable for women, as during this period they become more sweet, gentle and generous, as well as more emotional. During this transit period, there is a high probability of conception. The conjunction of the transiting Moon with the natal Sun has the same meaning, but does not last very long.

Transiting Sun conjunct natal Mercury

With this transit, a person has a desire to lead a healthy lifestyle. There is a growing interest in proper nutrition and diets that contribute to the healing of the body. During this period, it is good to carry out procedures for cleansing the upper respiratory tract, lungs, and also to begin a set of breathing exercises. A slight malaise is possible in sensitive and excitable people.

The conjunction of the transiting Mercury with the natal Sun has the same effect, but for a shorter duration.

Transiting Sun conjunct natal Venus

This transit makes a person more sensual and romantic, he feels a surge of strength, his mood rises, he is attracted by everything beautiful and harmonious. During this period, a person develops favorable relations with others, he is optimistic. Women during this period become especially attractive and graceful. This time is favorable for hardening the body, visiting the pool, for physical exercises. A good period for the treatment and prevention of colds, gynecological diseases. Favorable period for outdoor activities. It is good to go on a hike at this time, go on an excursion, which will help increase the vitality and energy of a person. With unexpressed Venus and the Sun, there is a high probability of contracting venereal diseases.

The conjunction of transiting Venus with the natal Sun has much of the same meaning.

Transiting Sun conjunct natal Mars

With this transit, a person’s vital activity increases, he becomes more self-confident. During this period, there is a desire to lead an active lifestyle, play sports, but care must be taken, as bruises and injuries to the head, face, neck are possible. A person can injure himself, so you need to be careful with sharp objects. Headaches and toothaches may occur. If the Sun is afflicted, then the person becomes rude and aggressive, sharp and even ready to rush into a fight on a minor occasion. Sexual desires also increase, and with the affected Sun, aggression in sexual relations can be shown. With unexpressed Mars and the Sun, it is advisable to stay away from the fire, since there is a high probability of getting burns.

The conjunction of transiting Mars with the natal Sun has the same effect, but has a longer duration.

Transiting Sun conjunct natal Jupiter

With this transit, a person becomes more generous, he is friendly and in contact with people. At this time, it is advisable to carefully monitor your diet, do not overeat, as rapid weight gain is possible. Try not to overload the liver. It is good to carry out cleansing procedures or start a course of treatment to improve the liver. Women can conceive or have a child. With negative aspects, a person may experience disturbances in the functioning of the liver and arterial system. The conjunction of the transiting Jupiter with the natal Sun has the same effect, but lasts longer.

Transiting Sun conjunct natal Saturn

With this transit, the vital activity of a person, the body's resistance to diseases can decrease. Exacerbations and complications of chronic diseases are possible. During this period, a person is waiting for severe trials, disappointment in various life situations. He must control himself, try to be hardy and patient. In connection with a difficult period, a person may develop depression, he will feel depressed inside himself, strive for solitude, entertainment and holidays will be a burden for him. All this can seriously affect the character and health of a person, he becomes quick-tempered and intolerant of anything. During this period, it is better to postpone going to the dentist, as dental treatment and prosthetics can lead to poor results. Bruises, falls, sprains, various injuries are possible. For this period, hard physical labor is recommended, as this can help get out of depression and survive this time more calmly. The connection of transiting Saturn with the natal Sun has the same effect, but in time it has a longer duration.

Transiting Sun Sextiles

Transiting Sun sextile natal Sun

During this transit, a person's vitality increases, he feels good. If a person is sick, then his health improves. This transit is suitable for the treatment and prevention of heart disease. This period is favorable for short trips.

Transiting Sun sextile natal Moon

With this transit, a person’s vital activity increases, he is cheerful and energetic. During this period, a person has to communicate and meet a lot, love relationships may arise. Such activity of a person can affect his emotional state, he becomes nervous, loses a lot of physical strength. During this transit, a person may have a wrong opinion about the state of his health, so it is better to conduct an examination, as well as start any course of treatment a little later. The transiting Moon in sextile with the natal Sun has almost the same effect, but does not last very long.

Transiting Sun sextile natal Mercury

This transit is well suited for short trips related to health and relaxation. Useful walks in the fresh air and breathing exercises. This period does not have a special effect on the state of health. Transiting Mercury in sextile with the natal Sun has the same meaning, but its effect is shorter.

Transiting Sun sextile natal Venus

During this transit, a person enjoys communicating with the beautiful, he is in a good mood, he is full of optimism. At this time, short trips associated with rest and health are favorable. A good period for carrying out procedures to improve the body, physical exercises are useful. This time is favorable for the treatment of the throat, thyroid gland, larynx, neck, as well as diseases of the kidneys and the reproductive sphere. Transiting Venus sextile the natal Sun has the same effect.

Transiting Sun sextile natal Mars

During this transit, a person becomes more energetic, self-confident, in his abilities. The intellectual activity of man is increasing. A good time for sports, you can go hiking, go on a trip, which will increase vitality and activity in a person.

Transiting Mars sextile natal Sun has the same meaning but lasts longer.

Transiting Sun sextile natal Jupiter

During this transit, you need to monitor your diet, try not to overeat, as a person can gain excess weight. People with liver diseases feel better during this period, but it is advisable not to overload the liver. It is good to start a course of improvement of the biliary system. For women, a good time to conceive, perhaps the birth of a child. Transiting Jupiter sextile natal Sun has the same effect but lasts much longer.

Transiting Sun sextile natal Saturn

At this time, it is desirable to outline a treatment plan and conduct examinations. People who are sick with chronic diseases may feel better during this period. Favorable time to visit the dentist. Transiting Saturn in sextile with the natal Sun has the same effect, but in time it has a longer duration.

Squares of the transiting Sun

Transiting Sun square natal Sun

During this transit, a person does not feel well. An accident, acute situations, injuries or bruises are possible with him. Since current diseases are aggravated, people with chronic diseases should especially pay attention to this transit and take preventive measures in advance so that their condition does not worsen.

Transiting Sun square natal Moon

This transit creates difficulties for a person emotionally. He has problems in relationships with others, a person becomes nervous, lazy, everything upsets him. All this is reflected in the state of the gastrointestinal tract and the cardiovascular system. Colds are possible. The transiting Moon in square with the natal Sun has the same meaning, but does not last very long.

Transiting Sun square natal Mercury

With such a transit, a person becomes very emotional, problems arise in communication, which leads to nervous strain, fatigue. During this period, a person may be careless and inattentive to his appearance. Possible deterioration of health in people with chronic diseases of the upper respiratory tract, lungs.

Transiting Mercury in square with the natal Sun has much the same meaning, but does not last long.

Transiting Sun square natal Venus

During this transit, a person’s mood may worsen, he becomes nervous, emotionally unbalanced. Due to the increased interest in sexual relations, there may be a possibility of contracting sexually transmitted diseases. During this period, it is undesirable to do cosmetic procedures, you should not start treatment of the thyroid gland, organs of the genitourinary system. Transiting Venus in square with the natal Sun has the same effect.

Transiting Sun square natal Mars

During this transit, a person becomes impulsive, he has poor relationships with others. This period is characterized by overstrain of a person, both emotional and physical. A person loses strength, his health deteriorates. At this time, there is a danger of injury, bruising, and accidents are possible. Characterized by aggressiveness in sexual relations. This transit is unfavorable for people with a weakened cardiovascular system, so they should avoid stressful situations. Transiting Mars square natal Sun has the same meaning but lasts for a longer period of time.

Transiting Sun square natal Jupiter

During this transit, a person does not feel well. You should limit yourself in food, try not to overeat, do not abuse alcohol, as the liver becomes vulnerable. People with chronic liver and gallbladder disease may have an exacerbation. There is a risk of high blood pressure, hypertensive crises, strokes. Transiting Jupiter square natal Sun has basically the same meaning, but lasts for a longer period of time.

Transiting Sun square natal Saturn

This transit is characterized by a decrease in vitality in a person, a tendency to depression. During this period, it is better not to overwork, as there is a high risk of exacerbation of any chronic disease with a threat to life. The state of the musculoskeletal system worsens, bruises, fractures, accidents are possible.

Transiting Saturn in square with the natal Sun has the same meaning, but lasts much longer.

Trines of the transiting Sun

Transiting Sun trine natal Sun

During this transit, a person feels good, his activity and vitality increase. This is a favorable period for a person, he is surrounded by love and harmony. A good time for sports, for treatment and for complexes to improve the body.

Transiting Sun trine natal Moon

This transit is favorable for the health and emotional state of a person. In sick people, health improves, mood rises. A good period to start treatment, conduct wellness activities. The person is optimistic, enjoys food, communication.

The transiting Sun in trine with the natal Moon has the same effect.

Transiting Sun trine natal Mercury

This transit is well suited for walks in nature, for trips related to the improvement of the body. A person feels good, this is a favorable time for communication and relaxation. This period does not have a significant impact on human health. People suffering from chronic diseases of the upper respiratory tract and lungs can feel relief during this period.

Transiting Mercury in trine with the natal Sun has the same meaning.

Transiting Sun trine natalVenus

During this period, a person feels good, he is energetic, optimistic. The charm and attractiveness of a person increase. Sick people feel better during this period. This is a good time for cosmetic and wellness treatments. You can start treatment of the thyroid gland, organs of the genitourinary system. Transiting Venus in trine with the natal Sun has the same meaning.

Transiting Sun trine natal Mars

During this transit, the vital energy of a person increases. It is good to play sports, exercise is useful, walks in the fresh air. Caution is needed for people suffering from cardiovascular diseases, they do not want to overexert themselves.

Transiting Mars trine natal Sun has basically the same effect, but takes longer to pass.

Transiting Sun trine natal Jupiter

At this time, a person feels a surge of vitality, the body's resistance increases. This period is favorable for trips related to recreation or recovery. It is advisable not to overeat and not to abuse alcohol. For people with chronic liver disease, improvement is possible. A good time to start treating diseases of the biliary tract and liver. Favorable period for conception. Transiting Jupiter trine natal Sun has the same meaning but lasts longer.

Transiting Sun trine natal Saturn

This transit is favorable for clarifying the diagnosis and drawing up plans for the treatment and improvement of the body. People suffering from chronic diseases noticeably improve their well-being. This period is favorable for visiting the dentist.

Transiting Saturn in trine with the natal Sun has the same effect, but in time it has a longer duration.

Transiting Sun Oppositions

Transiting Sun opposite natal Sun

This transit is characterized by a deterioration in health, mood, a person feels weak during this period. Chronic diseases are on the rise. This period is dangerous with unforeseen exacerbations, accidents. Possible injuries, bruises. You can carry out cleansing procedures of the body.

Transiting Sun opposite natal Moon

During this transit, a person's vital energy decreases, he feels a lack of physical strength. Possible depression, emotional imbalance, tension in communication, accidents. A person may have an upset gastrointestinal tract. A bad period for people with chronic diseases, there is a deterioration in well-being, nervous breakdowns, bad mood. The transiting Moon in opposition to the natal Sun has the same meaning, but does not last long.

Transiting Sun opposition natal Mercury

In such a transit, a person becomes restless, he has difficulties in communicating with others, which leads to overwork, there may be nervous breakdowns. In people with chronic diseases of the bronchopulmonary system, the state of health worsens.

Transiting Mercury in opposition to the natal Sun has much the same meaning, but lasts longer.

Transiting Sun opposition natal Venus

This transit does not have a great impact on human health. Basically, it affects the relationship between people. Possible deterioration of the condition of people with diseases of the endocrine and genitourinary systems. There is a risk of contracting venereal diseases. Transiting Venus in opposition to the natal Sun has the same meaning.

Transiting Sun opposition natal Mars

This transit is characterized by an overstrain of a person in an emotional and physical relationship. The state of health worsens, injuries, bruises, accidents, nervous breakdowns are possible. This period is unfavorable for people with diseases of the cardiovascular system, there is a risk of strokes, heart attacks. Transiting Mars in opposition to the natal Sun has the same meaning but lasts for a longer period of time.

Transiting Sun opposition natal Jupiter

During this transit, a person feels worse. You need to try not to overeat and not abuse alcohol. Chronic diseases of the liver and gallbladder are exacerbated. Severe instability of blood pressure, impaired blood circulation of cerebral vessels are noted.

Transiting Jupiter in opposition to the natal Sun has basically the same meaning, but over a longer period of time.

Transiting Sun opposition natal Saturn

This transit is characterized by a decrease in the vitality of a person, as well as the body's resistance to diseases. There may be problems with the cardiovascular system, teeth, bones, joints, back. Chronic and skin diseases are exacerbated. Transiting Saturn in opposition to the natal Sun has the same meaning but lasts much longer.

Moon transit connections

Transiting Moon conjunct Natal Moon

With this transit, a person may experience problems with the gastrointestinal tract. This is due to the manifestation of the emotional instability of a person during this period, as he becomes very sensitive and can flare up because of any little thing. It is advisable to pay attention to the ailments associated with this period, as they may disturb a person over the next month.

During this transit, a person has to communicate a lot, solve problems that arise, mainly related to household chores, travel, and receive a lot of new information. He feels increased agitation, feels torn. Healthy during this period will be influenced by a properly selected diet, walks, short trips associated with recreation. This transit can help a person realize the need for proper nutrition, various health procedures. Catarrhal diseases, disorders of the digestive tract are possible. Transiting Mercury in conjunction with the natal Sun has the same meaning.

Transiting Moon conjunct natal Venus

With this transit, a person feels good. This is a period of calm, harmonious relations with others. With this transit, sexual desire increases. Good time to conceive. A person strives to create comfort around himself. He is attracted to tasty food, which is why overeating is possible. During this period, the endocrine and genitourinary systems, the throat are vulnerable. With negative aspects, a person becomes lazy and relaxed, cannot cope with his bad habits, is prone to gluttony, drunkenness. Transiting Venus in conjunction with the natal Moon has the same effect, but lasts longer.

With such a transit, a person becomes more quick-tempered, irritated and touchy. Even a small negative event can greatly affect the mood and cause discontent and anger. This condition is especially evident in women. During this period, a person often begins to conduct violent activities related to cleaning or repairing the apartment, it is advisable to be careful, as the risk of injury is high. Due to emotional breakdowns, a person may experience diseases of the gastrointestinal tract, insomnia. The period is unfavorable for surgical operations. Transiting Mars conjunct natal Moon has the same effect but lasts longer.

With this transit, a person has a balanced emotional state, he is calm, feels good. With a negative aspect, a person becomes suspicious, overeats, and can gain weight dramatically. Possible skin diseases, poor functioning of the liver.

Transiting Jupiter in conjunction with the natal Moon has the same meaning, but lasts much longer.

With this transit, a person has a bad mood, he constantly feels sorry for himself, eats practically nothing, tries to be alone, engages in self-abasement. A person can be very tired mentally and physically, so in order not to exhaust his body, he needs to devote more time to rest. At this time, digestion may worsen, constipation, exacerbation of chronic diseases, and kidney disease are possible. During this period, all surgical operations are contraindicated, you should not start an examination or a complex of medical procedures.

Transiting Saturn in conjunction with the natal Moon has the same effect, but has a longer period.

Transit Moon Sextiles

Transit Moon sextile natal Moon

In this transit, a person is emotionally calm, balanced. It is good to spend one-day fasting, or improve the ongoing diet. This time gives sick people confidence, improves their emotional state.

Transiting Moon conjunct natal Mercury

During this period, a person has to communicate a lot, do household chores, take care of the cleanliness and order in the house. This is a good time to start a diet. Long walks, breathing exercises, good water procedures are useful.

Transiting Mercury in sextile with the natal Moon has the same effect, but lasts longer.

Transit Moon sextile natal Venus

During this transit, a person feels good, he has harmonious relations with everyone. He is emotionally calm, balanced, sensitive and receptive to everything beautiful. Good time to conceive. Transiting Venus in sextile with the natal Moon has the same effect, but longer.

Transiting Moon conjunct natal Mars

With such a transit, a person becomes more emotional, energetic. It is good to use this transit for sports, physical activity. There is a healthy appetite, a desire to eat spicy food, therefore, a load on the stomach and poor health in connection with this is possible.

Transiting Mars in sextile with the natal Moon has the same effect, but lasts longer.

Transiting Moon conjunct natal Jupiter

With this transit, a person is optimistic and cheerful. At this time, it is desirable to give preference to healthy food, you can not starve and overeat. It is good to carry out a complex of recreational activities.

Transiting Jupiter in sextile with the natal Moon has the same meaning, but lasts a long time.

Transiting Moon conjunct natal Saturn

With this transit, a person is calm and balanced. At this time, it is good to carry out a complex of therapeutic and cleansing procedures associated with the removal of stones and salts from the body. Recommended massage, complexes for the treatment and strengthening of the skeletal system, spine, ligaments, joints.

Transiting Saturn in sextile with the natal Moon has the same effect, but longer in time.

Squares of the transit moon

Transiting Moon square natal Moon

With this transit, you should not overeat and abuse alcohol, problems with the gastrointestinal tract may occur. A person during this period may be emotionally depressed and uncommunicative.

Transiting Moon square natal Mercury

During this transit, a person's nervousness and excitability increase, which leads to a deterioration in his physical condition. Psychosomatic illnesses are possible.

Transiting Mercury in square with the natal Moon has the same effect, but lasts longer in time.

Transiting Moon square natal Venus

With such a transit, a person becomes touchy, problems arise in communicating with others. During this period, sexual activity increases, a person is prone to overeating, which can affect health. Vulnerable throat. The condition may worsen in people with diseases of the endocrine and genitourinary systems. Transiting Venus in square with the natal Moon has the same meaning, but lasts longer.

Transiting Moon square natal Mars

With such a transit, a person becomes irritated, emotionally unstable. Due to nervous breakdowns, an upset of the gastrointestinal tract is possible. The imbalance and negligence of a person during this period can lead to an accident, injury, bruises, cuts. Possible complications during pregnancy.

Transiting Mars in square with the natal Moon has the same effect, but lasts longer in time.

Transiting Moon square natal Jupiter

With this transit, a person becomes lazy and slow. Due to the tendency to overeat during this period, you can quickly gain weight. Possible poor functioning of the liver, stomach problems.

Transiting Jupiter square natal Moon has the same meaning but lasts longer.

Transiting Moon square natal Saturn

During this transit, a person has a bad emotional state, depression. The state of health is deteriorating, there may be problems with the kidneys, spine, and digestive tract. You can carry out cleansing procedures, therapeutic fasting.

Transiting Saturn square natal Moon has the same effect but lasts much longer.

Trines of the transiting moon

Transiting Moon trine Natal Moon

During this transit, a person feels good, his well-being and emotional state improves. This is a good time for communication.

Transiting Moon trine natal Mercury

During this period, a person communicates a lot, takes care of cleanliness and order around him. This time is well suited for health procedures, diet, breathing exercises, and outdoor walks. Good time to get tested.

Transiting Mercury in trine with the natal Moon has the same effect, but lasts longer.

Transiting Moon trine natal Venus

During this transit, a person has a good mood and well-being. He is calm, emotionally balanced, enjoys communication, beautiful things and entertainment. Good time to conceive.

Transiting Venus trine natal Moon has the same effect.

Transiting Moon trine natal Mars

With such a transit, a person's vital energy is added. It is good to use this time for sports, great physical activity. It is advisable not to overeat, as in connection with this, a deterioration in well-being is possible. Transiting Mars trine natal Moon has the same effect.

Transiting Moon trine natal Jupiter

During this transit, a person feels good. This is a favorable time for travel related to recreation or recreation. You should not overeat and starve. The period is suitable for the treatment of liver diseases, allergic diseases and hematopoietic organs. Good time for conception, pregnancy.

Transiting Jupiter trine natal Moon has the same meaning but lasts longer.

Transiting Moon trine natal Saturn

With this transit, a person is calm and emotionally restrained. It is good during this period to engage in the removal of stones from the body. Useful procedures associated with the treatment and strengthening of the skeletal system, spine, ligaments and joints.

Transiting Saturn in trine with the natal Moon has the same effect, but longer in time.

Transit Moon Oppositions

Transit Moon Opposition Natal Moon

During this transit, the person becomes nervous, sensitive, prone to depression. Exacerbations of diseases of the gastrointestinal tract due to overeating and stress are possible.

Transiting Moon opposition natal Mercury

During this transit, a person becomes emotionally unbalanced, irritable, he has problems in relationships, and nervousness increases. A person ceases to follow the diet, which causes problems with digestion. During this period, he is prone to colds.

Transiting Mercury in opposition to the natal Moon has the same effect.

Transiting Moon opposition natal Venus

With such a transit, a person becomes very touchy and emotionally sensitive, seeks pleasure, abuses alcohol, and is prone to gluttony. All this affects human health. Increased interest in sexual relationships can lead to sexually transmitted diseases. Throat and vocal cords are vulnerable.

Transiting Venus in opposition to the natal Moon has the same meaning, but lasts longer.

Transiting Moon opposition natal Mars

This transit is characterized by emotional instability, irritability, imbalance of a person. Outbursts of aggression, abuse of spicy or hot food leads to digestive problems and exacerbations of diseases of the gastrointestinal tract. During this period, accidents, injuries, bruises are possible. Transiting Mars in opposition to the natal Moon has the same effect, but lasts longer.

Transiting Moon opposition natal Jupiter

In this transit, a person becomes too sentimental, slow. At this time, he is prone to overeating, alcohol abuse. In a short time, a person can gain excess weight. Exacerbations of liver diseases, stomach problems are possible. Transiting Jupiter in opposition to the natal Moon has the same meaning but lasts longer.

Transiting Moon opposition natal Saturn

During this transit, a person is likely to experience depression, a decrease in vitality, and a deterioration in health. There are problems with the stomach, digestion, the removal of fluid from the body slows down. Chronic diseases are exacerbated: renal ailments, hypertension, osteochondrosis, sciatica. It is good to carry out cleansing procedures, take natural diuretics.

Transiting Saturn in opposition to the natal Moon has the same effect but lasts much longer.

Mercury transit connections

Transiting Mercury conjunct natal Mercury

With such a transit, a person becomes more active, is constantly in motion. This period does not have a special effect on the state of health. A person can change his diet, reconsider his attitude to his health. It is good at this time to take long walks in the fresh air, as well as to conduct a set of breathing exercises.

Transiting Mercury conjunct natal Venus

With this transit, a romantic nature wakes up in a person, so he strives for greater communication with the opposite sex. His interest is directed mainly towards enhancing personal attractiveness, he is more concerned with his appearance. This transit does not have much effect on human health. Colds are possible.

Transiting Venus conjunct natal Mercury has the same effect but lasts longer.

Transiting Mercury conjunct natal Mars

During this transit, the person becomes more active. This is a good period for sports. He becomes sharper, irritable, nervous, more aggressive. There are problems in communicating with people, quarrels, possible involvement in a fight, getting bodily injuries. There are various injuries that may require surgery. There is a danger of inflammatory processes, infectious diseases.

Transiting Mars conjunct natal Mercury has much of the same meaning.

Transiting Mercury conjunct natal Jupiter

This transit is favorable for travel for the purpose of recovery. A good time for walking in the fresh air, any breathing exercises, wellness treatments will be useful. With such a transit, the birth of a child is possible. Transiting Jupiter in conjunction with natal Mercury has much the same meaning, but lasts longer.

Transiting Mercury conjunct natal Saturn

With such a transit, a person takes his health more seriously. During this period, stressful situations are possible, which can adversely affect the state of physical and mental health of a person. He may feel tired, stressed, anxious.

Transiting Saturn in conjunction with natal Mercury has the same effect but lasts longer.

Transit sextiles Mercury

Transiting Mercury sextile natal Mercury

This transit does not have a special effect on human health. This time is well suited for short trips related to relaxation and health, outdoor walks and breathing exercises are useful.

With this transit, a person is surrounded by a harmonious environment, a good time for love relationships, short trips. This transit does not have much effect on human health. You can carry out breathing exercises, wellness procedures.

Transiting Venus sextile natal Mercury has the same effect but lasts longer.

Transit Mercury sextile natal Mars

During this transit, a person becomes more energetic. This time is suitable for physical activity and sports. Due to increased activity, a person can get bruises, cuts. Transiting Mars sextile natal Mercury has the same effect but lasts longer.

Transit Mercury sextile natal Jupiter

This transit is favorable for examinations, since during this period the diagnosis will be more accurate. Good time for travel, walks. It is possible to improve the well-being of seriously ill people.

Transiting Jupiter sextile natal Mercury has much the same meaning, but lasts for a longer period of time.

Transit Mercury sextile natal Saturn

With such a transit, a person takes the state of his health and diets more seriously. Monitors proper nutrition, hygiene, tries to adhere to a certain regimen. Transiting Saturn sextile natal Mercury has the same effect but lasts longer.

Squares of transiting Mercury

Transiting Mercury square natal Mercury

During this period, a person becomes nervous, impatient, problems arise in relationships. People with diseases of the lungs and respiratory tract, including asthmatics, may feel worse. With bad aspects, accidents and injuries are possible.

Transit Mercury sextile natal Venus

This transit does not have much effect on human health. Do not abuse sweet, starchy, fatty foods. Colds are possible.

Transiting Venus square natal Mercury has the same effect but lasts longer.

Transiting Mercury square natal Mars

During this transit, a person becomes irritable, impulsive, problems arise in communicating with people, with health. Injuries and accidents may occur. The risk of inflammatory processes of the respiratory tract is high. There is a danger of infectious diseases and eating disorders.

Transiting Mars square natal Mercury has much the same meaning, but lasts for a longer period of time.

Transiting Mercury square natal Jupiter

At this time, a person’s mood may worsen, nervousness may appear due to failures and problems that have arisen. A bad period to start treatment, examinations, trips. Possible exacerbation of liver disease.

Transiting Jupiter square natal Mercury has much the same meaning, but lasts for a longer period of time.

Transiting Mercury square natal Saturn

During this transit, "a person has difficulties in communication, heavy duties, overstrain, he is in constant anxiety, which affects his mental and physical state. Problems with teeth, skeletal system, skin, gastrointestinal tract may occur. Lung diseases are exacerbated , there are nervous disorders.

Transiting Saturn square natal Mercury has much the same meaning, but lasts much longer.

Trines of transiting Mercury

Transiting Mercury trine natal Mercury

This transit does not have a special effect on human health. Good time for communication and creative activity. Useful walks in the fresh air, breathing exercises.

Transiting Mercury trine natal Venus

With this transit, a person feels good, a good time for trips related to relaxation or health. This transit does not have a special effect on human health. It is good to carry out complexes of breathing exercises, various wellness procedures. Transiting Venus trine natal Mercury has the same effect but lasts longer.

Transiting Mercury trine natal Mars

During this transit, a person becomes more energetic and active. A good time for physical activity, which helps to improve a person's well-being.

Transiting Mars trine natal Mercury has the same effect but lasts longer.

Transiting Mercury trine natal Jupiter

This transit is characterized by good mood and optimism. It is common for a person to experience relaxation and peace at this time, which contributes to good health and improved health in sick people. A good time to conduct examinations and make an accurate medical diagnosis. Favorable walking, breathing exercises. Transiting Jupiter trine natal Mercury has much the same meaning, but lasts much longer.

Transiting Mercury trine natal Saturn

With such a transit, a person becomes more attentive to himself, begins to take health and personal hygiene more seriously.

Transiting Saturn trine natal Mercury has the same effect but lasts longer.

Opposition transit Mercury

Transit Mercury Opposition Natal Mercury

During this transit, a person becomes restless, problems arise in communication, in decision-making. People with lung disease may feel worse. Accidents and injuries are possible due to inattention and negligence.

Transiting Mercury opposition natal Venus

This transit does not have much effect on health. There may be problems with well-being due to the fact that a person does not show proper prudence in nutrition, diet, ceases to take care of himself. Colds are possible. Transiting Venus in opposition to natal Mercury has the same effect but lasts longer.

Transiting Mercury opposition natal Mars

During this transit, a person becomes susceptible to infectious diseases and inflammatory processes. At this time, irritability, impulsivity, problems in communication are characteristic. Injuries and accidents are possible. Transiting Mars in opposition to natal Mercury has much the same meaning, but lasts for a longer period of time.

Transiting Mercury opposition natal Jupiter

During this transit, a person becomes distracted, inattentive in relation to his health. Problems may arise due to malnutrition, diet. Exacerbations of liver diseases are possible. A bad period to start treatment, examination.

Transiting Jupiter in opposition to natal Mercury has much the same meaning, but lasts much longer.

Transiting Mercury opposition natal Saturn

This is a difficult transit for a person. Difficulties arise in relationships with people, a lot of hard work, which leads to an overstrain of the nervous system, depression, nervous breakdowns, and a general weakening of the physical condition of a person. There may be problems with the teeth, skeletal system, skin, gastrointestinal tract. Transiting Saturn in opposition to natal Mercury has much the same meaning, but lasts much longer.

Backhaul connections Venus

Transiting Venus conjunct natal Venus

With such a transit, a person feels in harmony with the outside world. This period is well suited for body care and cosmetic procedures. This transit does not have a special effect on human health.

Transiting Venus conjunct natal Mars

During this transit, a person spends a lot of energy on love affairs and romantic relationships. During this period, he becomes tactless, rude, irritable, but at the same time he is very vulnerable in feelings. If a person was sick, then he is on the mend, chronic diseases are easier. You can carry out cosmetic procedures.

With negative aspects, a person manifests sexual aggressiveness, diseases of the genital organs are possible.

Transiting Mars conjunct natal Venus has the same effect but lasts longer.

Transiting Venus conjunct natal Jupiter

With such a transit, a person feels good, he is happy, he has a good mood, a desire for new love relationships. With negative aspects, he becomes lazy, prone to overeating, the liver becomes vulnerable, a person develops sexual preoccupation. Transiting Jupiter conjunct natal Venus has the same meaning but lasts much longer.

Transiting Venus conjunct natal Saturn

With such a transit, a person seeks solitude, he becomes restrained and constrained. During this period, a person may receive psychological trauma in the event of a break or loss of a loved one. Constant feeling of loneliness. Good time to visit the dentist. Procedures for the treatment of diseases of the spine and joints will be effective.

Transiting Saturn conjunct natal Venus has the same effect, but its duration is much longer.

Transiting Venus Sextiles

Transiting Venus sextile natal Venus

This transit does not have a special effect on human health. This period is suitable for body care and cosmetic procedures. Good time to conceive.

Transiting Venus sextile natal Mars

With this transit, sick people feel much better, chronic diseases are easier. You can carry out cosmetic procedures. A good time for love relationships and conception.

Transiting Mars sextile natal Venus has the same effect but lasts longer.

Transiting Venus sextile natal Jupiter

It is good to go on a trip related to rest or recovery during this transit. The person feels good and is optimistic. Sick people feel better. A good time to start treatment or for an examination.

Transiting Jupiter sextile natal Venus has the same meaning but lasts much longer.

Transiting Venus sextile natal Saturn

With such a transit, there may be an improvement in the course of certain diseases of the musculoskeletal system. The time is favorable for the treatment of these diseases, for preventive procedures, for visiting the dentist. Transiting Saturn sextile natal Venus has the same effect, but its duration is much longer.

Squares of transiting Venus

Transiting Venus square natal Venus

With such a transit, a person becomes lazy, looks bad. Cosmetic procedures should not be carried out at this time. Colds are possible.

Transiting Venus square natal Mars

At this time, a person has problems in sexual relations, inflammatory processes of the genital area are possible. There may be problems in the work of the cardiovascular system. Transiting Mars square natal Venus has the same meaning but lasts longer.

Transiting Venus square natal Jupiter

During this transit, a person becomes lazy, prone to overeating, alcohol abuse. Exacerbations of liver diseases are possible.

Transiting Jupiter square natal Venus has the same meaning but lasts much longer.

Transiting Venus square natal Saturn

With such a transit, a person may experience depression, bad relationships with others. Exacerbation of certain diseases of the musculoskeletal system is possible. This time is unfavorable for their treatment and procedures, as well as for visiting the dentist.

Transiting Saturn square natal Venus has the same effect, but its duration is much longer.

Trines of transiting Venus

Transiting Venus trine natal Venus

This transit does not have a special effect on human health. Good health, harmonious relationships with others. This time is suitable for body care and cosmetic procedures. Good time to conceive.

Transiting Venus trine natal Mars

During this transit, the well-being of sick people improves, chronic diseases are easier. You can carry out cosmetic procedures. A good time for love relationships and conception.

Transiting Mars trine natal Venus has the same effect but lasts longer.

Transiting Venus trine natal Jupiter

During this transit, a person has harmonious relationships with others. A good time for trips related to recreation and health. In people with diseases of the liver, gallbladder, well-being improves. A good time to start treatment or for an examination. It is advisable not to overeat during this period. Favorable time for conception.

Transiting Jupiter trine natal Venus has the same meaning but lasts much longer.

Transiting Venus trine natal Saturn

With such a transit, a person feels calm, he is emotionally balanced. During this period, improvement in the course of some diseases of the osteoarticular apparatus is possible. This time is favorable for their treatment and preventive procedures, visits to the dentist. Transiting Saturn trine natal Venus has the same effect, but its duration is much longer.

Transiting Venus Oppositions

Transiting Venus Opposition Natal Venus

With such a transit, colds, problems in sexual relations, and diseases of the genital organs are possible. Inappropriate time for treatment and examination of the endocrine system, for cosmetic procedures.

Transiting Venus opposition natal Mars

During this transit, a person has problems in sexual relations, aggression towards a sexual partner appears. Probably the occurrence of acute inflammatory diseases. The genitals and throat are most often affected. An unwanted pregnancy is possible. Transiting Mars in opposition to natal Venus has the same meaning but lasts longer.

Transiting Venus opposition natal Jupiter

During this transit, a person is prone to overeating, alcohol abuse, and sex. Exacerbations of liver diseases are possible. Transiting Jupiter in opposition to natal Venus has the same meaning but lasts much longer.

Transiting Venus Opposition Natal Saturn

During this transit, a person has a feeling of loneliness, a bad emotional state, cooling in relationships. Depression may develop. Possible worsening of the course of some osteoarticular diseases. This is a bad time for their treatment and visits to the dentist. Transiting Saturn in opposition to natal Venus has the same effect but lasts for a longer period of time.

Transit connections of Mars

Transiting Mars conjunct natal Mars

With such a transit, a person is energetic, feels in good physical shape. Increasing activity in sexual life. With negative aspects, a person is quarrelsome, behaves aggressively, scandalously. He is internally tense, can use physical force against the people around him. Inflammatory processes, injuries, accidents, minor bruises are likely. Bad period for operations. Possible complications during pregnancy.

Transiting Mars conjunct natal Jupiter

With such a transit, a person tries to realize his plans, he is in constant tension. Due to the nervous situation, irritability, functional disorders in the body are possible. It is possible to increase pressure, the appearance of pain in the liver, exacerbation of chronic diseases. Due to emotional experiences, problems with the gastrointestinal tract may appear. Unwanted pregnancy or pregnancy complications are possible. With negative aspects, surgical intervention is undesirable. Possible injuries, fractures. Transiting Jupiter conjunct natal Mars has the same meaning, but longer duration.

Transiting Mars conjunct natal Saturn

With such a transit, a person will need great patience and endurance. This period is characterized by emotional experiences, depression, and a decrease in volitional activity. The course of chronic diseases is complicated. Possible colds, respiratory diseases, allergic reactions, skin problems, accidents, injuries. Complications during pregnancy.

Transiting Saturn conjunct natal Mars has the same meaning but lasts much longer.

Transiting Mars Sextiles

Transiting Mars sextile natal Mars

During this transit, a person is energetic, feels in good physical shape. This time is suitable for a planned operation, as well as the treatment of chronic inflammatory diseases. A suitable period for the provocation of sluggish inflammatory processes and subsequent treatment.

Transiting Mars sextile natal Jupiter

During this transit, a person is prone to overeating, alcohol abuse, which increases the load on the liver. Complications of liver diseases, digestive problems are possible. A good period for sports, walks in the fresh air.

Transiting Jupiter sextile natal Mars has the same meaning, but longer.

Transiting Mars sextile natal Saturn

With this transit, you can begin the treatment of chronic diseases. A good time for the prevention and treatment of diseases of the skeletal system, joints, ligaments, allergic diseases. Transiting Saturn sextile natal Mars has the same meaning but lasts much longer.

Squares of transiting Mars

Transiting Mars square natal Mars

This is a difficult transit for a person. He becomes aggressive, imprudent, impulsive. At this time, accidents, injuries, burns are possible. Danger of infectious diseases, inflammatory processes. The course of chronic inflammatory diseases of any localization is complicated. This period must be used to treat inflammation. Surgical operations are contraindicated. Possible complications during pregnancy.

Transiting Mars square natal Jupiter

At this time, a person is tense, irritable. Possible functional disorders in the body, exacerbation of chronic diseases of the liver, digestive system, trauma. Possible complications during pregnancy or unwanted conception.

Transiting Jupiter square natal Mars has the same meaning but lasts longer.

Transiting Mars square natal Saturn

This is a difficult transit for a person, a poor emotional state, physical weakness, and poor health. At this time, there may be accidents, injuries, fractures, complications during chronic diseases, problems with teeth, skin (abscesses, inflammation, allergic reactions). Transiting Saturn square natal Mars has the same meaning but lasts much longer.

Trines of transiting Mars

Transiting Mars trine natal Mars

During this transit, a person feels in good physical shape, he is energetic, full of vitality. A good time for sports, physical activity. It is possible to carry out planned operations and therapy of chronic inflammatory diseases.

Transiting Mars trine natal Jupiter

During this transit, a person feels good, full of enthusiasm, self-confident. Good time for sports, walks in the fresh air. There may be a load on the liver due to overeating and drinking alcohol, so during this period it is better to limit yourself to food. Favorable period for the treatment of the liver.

Transiting Jupiter trine natal Mars has the same meaning but lasts longer.

Transiting Mars trine natal Saturn

This transit is suitable for starting the treatment of severe chronic diseases, especially chronic inflammatory processes of the musculoskeletal system (arthritis, radiculitis). A good time for the prevention and treatment of the skeletal system, joints, ligaments, allergic diseases. Transiting Saturn trine natal Mars has the same meaning but lasts much longer.

Transiting Mars Oppositions

Transiting Mars opposite natal Mars

During this transit, a person becomes aggressive, emotional, accidents, injuries, burns are possible. High probability of infectious diseases, inflammatory processes. The course of chronic inflammatory diseases is complicated. During this period, they cannot be ignored and treatment must be carried out. Surgical operations are contraindicated, complications during pregnancy are possible.

Transiting Mars opposite natal Jupiter

During this transit, a person is very irritable, unbalanced, in constant tension. Chronic diseases of the digestive system and liver are exacerbated. There is an uncontrolled appetite. Possible injuries, fractures, bruises. Transiting Jupiter in opposition to natal Mars has the same meaning but lasts longer.

Transiting Mars opposition natal Saturn

During this period, a person experiences great physical and emotional stress. Chronic diseases are on the rise. There may be accidents, injuries, fractures, problems with teeth, skin. Possible complication during pregnancy.

Transiting Saturn in opposition to natal Mars has the same meaning but lasts much longer.

Jupiter transit connections

Transiting Jupiter conjunct natal Jupiter

With such a transit, a person is optimistic. During this period, a person allows himself a lot, tends to overeat. Possible weight gain. It is good to start a course of treatment for liver diseases. For women, a good time to conceive. This transit is well suited for recreation with a view to recovery.

Transiting Jupiter conjunct natal Saturn

During this period, chronic and sluggish diseases are exacerbated. This time is well suited for a complete examination of the body. Bad period for conception.

Transiting Saturn conjunct natal Jupiter has the same meaning but lasts much longer.

Transiting Jupiter sextiles

Transiting Jupiter sextile natal Jupiter

During this transit, a person is prone to overeating, possibly gaining weight in a short period of time. A good time to improve the liver. Favorable time for conception. This transit is well suited for a trip for the purpose of recovery, recreation.

Transiting Jupiter sextile natal Saturn

During this period, you can undergo an examination, start a course of treatment or a health complex. This time is suitable for the treatment and prevention of osteoporosis. The course of many chronic diseases improves, but in some cases the symptoms of accumulation diseases (cholelithiasis) progress. A good time for trips related to relaxation and recreation. Effective massage, physical activity.

Transiting Saturn sextile natal Jupiter has the same meaning but lasts much longer.

Squares of transiting Jupiter

Transiting Jupiter square natal Jupiter

During this transit, a person is prone to overeating, alcohol abuse, which has a bad effect on metabolism. Possible complication of diseases of the liver, skin. This is a bad time for their treatment. An unfavorable period for examination, trips for the purpose of recovery. There is a danger during pregnancy.

Transiting Jupiter square natal Saturn

Difficult period in human health. Possible complication of chronic diseases. The course of skin, vascular diseases and diseases of the skeletal system, joints, ligaments is aggravated. Transiting Saturn square natal Jupiter has the same effect, but has a longer duration.

Trines transit Jupiter

Transiting Jupiter trine natal Jupiter

During this transit, a person is prone to overeating, which is why he quickly gains excess weight. Favorable time to start a course of treatment for diseases of the liver, blood. Good time to conceive. A good period for trips related to recovery.

Transiting Jupiter trine natal Saturn

During this transit, it is good to conduct an examination, to begin complex treatment. The course of diseases of the skeletal system, joints, ligaments, spine, as well as skin diseases improves. Massage recommended. Favorable time for the treatment of infertility, as well as measures aimed at maintaining pregnancy. Transiting Saturn trine natal Jupiter has the same meaning but lasts much longer.

Oppositions of transiting Jupiter

Transit Jupiter Opposition Natal Jupiter

This transit is unfavorable for examinations and travel. At this time, a person is prone to overeating. Possible problems with metabolism, complication of chronic diseases of the liver, skin. This time is not suitable for the treatment of these diseases. There may be complications during pregnancy.

Transiting Jupiter opposition natal Jupiter Saturn

During this period, there is a high probability of a deterioration in human health, a complication of any chronic diseases. An exacerbation of the course of skin and osteoarticular diseases, allergic reactions is likely. Transiting Saturn in opposition to natal Jupiter has the same effect, but has a longer duration.

Transit conjunctions of Saturn

Transiting Saturn conjunct natal Saturn

With such a transit, a person may experience a difficult physical and mental state. During this period, the course of a number of diseases is exacerbated, which in the future can become chronic.

With negative aspects, injuries and accidents are possible. The person may become seriously ill.

Transiting Saturn Sextiles

Transiting Saturn sextile natal Saturn

This transit is favorable for examination, as well as for determining the course of treatment. It is possible to exacerbate the symptoms of all chronic diseases, as well as the development of acute forms into chronic ones. Chronic skin diseases and diseases of the musculoskeletal system are complicated. This time is suitable for carrying out activities related to the preservation of pregnancy.

Squares of transiting Saturn

Transiting Saturn square natal Saturn

This is one of the most critical periods in a person's life and state of health. Chronic diseases are on the rise. There is a danger of accidents, injuries, bruises. Bad period for conception and pregnancy.

Trines of transiting Saturn

Transiting Saturn trine natal Saturn

During this period, it is desirable to diagnose and draw up a long-term treatment plan for any chronic diseases, realizing that the effect will not be quick and easy. Nevertheless, one can hope for the productivity of the efforts expended.

Transiting Saturn Oppositions

Transiting Saturn Opposition Natal Saturn

A very serious period in relation to health, when a crisis is most likely. Diseases that lead to limited mobility (arthritis), as well as diseases associated with cold and dampness (rheumatic diseases, prolonged colds) become aggravated and progress. Unforeseen situations that threaten life are possible. It is advisable to prepare for transit in advance, take preventive measures, observe moderation and caution in everything.

I woke up early to walk around longer with a disgruntled face.

The passage of Saturn through the 1st house as a whole resembles a period of growing up - the native becomes more serious, wiser, somewhat more pessimistic. This is how he sees himself. For the rest, he is a harmful grouch who has ceased to enjoy life. Often irritated, loses his temper, becomes nasty. But it seems to the native that he "knew life", and this knowledge now weighs him down, disciplines him. How can others enjoy life when life is so difficult/serious/difficult/harsh/depressive?! (Underline whatever applicable).

The responsibilities of the native also increase. Voluntarily or involuntarily, a person introduces new restrictions (depending on the house where natal Saturn is located and ruled). Also, the period is characterized by injuries, because. the first house is the appearance of a person, first of all, the face. Often the passage of Saturn through the 1st house is marked by a period of weight loss. This is a good time to get in shape. However, it is necessary to carefully monitor your well-being, since Saturn can reduce vitality, reduce energy.
A very important note: the sensations from the passage of transiting Saturn will depend on the strength (good/evil/damaged/weak) of Saturn in the chart and its development by the native.
In general, it is with such sensations that the transit of Saturn through the 1st house will be remembered.

Depending on whether he aspects the planets from the first house or not, the sensations from the passage of Saturn will also develop. Usually, the more planets, the stronger the emotions and the brighter the events. Events occur when the passage of Saturn coincides with other predictive events, otherwise there may not be events, but the psychological perception of the transit will remain. Now let's look at cases when transiting Saturn makes aspects to natal points and planets (be sure to take into account the significance of the houses of the transiting / transiting planet). I will dwell on the aspects of connection, opposition, quadrature. So,

COMPOUND . Saturn irons the natal planet. Since the transit goes through the 1st house, the planet aspected by Saturn will also be in the first house, so the qualities of the planet change somewhat: Saturn gives it seriousness, responsibility, coldness, callousness, discipline, wisdom, common sense.
SUN- "gloom". A person seems to be worthless, incapable of anything. If he was a king and a god, the center of the universe, then the transit of Saturn can be perceived very painfully - "my ego is limited"; either goes into the shadows, or becomes more mature and serious, less selfish.
MOON- "coldness". It seems to a person that there are not butterflies in the soul, but stones. I want to be alone with myself more often, sometimes I want to build my own house. Charm is replaced by harmfulness and capriciousness. Problems with women, or communication with older women. Example: Moon in 1 - communication was reduced, the feeling of "emptiness inside" was reduced to a minimum.
MERCURY- "reasonableness". This is a good time for sobriety of mind and assessment of self-perception. Since things are happening in the 1st house, you can learn objectivity, a logical sequence, go to language courses, oratory.
VENUS- "hardened feelings". Usually a nice and pleasant person, becomes serious and prudent during this period; critically evaluates her appearance - "I'm not beautiful enough." There can be love relationships with a big difference in age. Thoughts may arise: “I stayed too long in the girls, it’s time to get married.”
MARS- "steel". Here nervousness, aggression can coexist with discipline. You can start training. Traumatic situations are likely.
JUPITER— "serious jolly fellow." It gives an increase in social status, gives the native a certain social role.
SATURN- Saturn return occurs at the age of 28-29 years. Usually, this is the time of transition to a new level of personality development. At this time, the results are summed up. Depending on which natal Saturn, such a period will be remembered. Example: Saturn in 1 - the native had to take a sober look at himself and be "horrified" - the restructuring of values. Since Saturn in the 1st house endows a person with criticality, the qualities are intensified - heaviness, categoricalness, pickiness.

OPPOSITION . Saturn prioritizes. "flies - separately, cutlets - separately", "you - to me, I - to you", "one of your own among strangers, a stranger among your own." Here, relationships are formed between the first house - the personality and other people - partners. The opposition of Saturn in personal houses usually leads to parting with a partner. Whether the separation will be peaceful or not, natal will show. But in any case, you will have to refuse someone or something, even if it is a very symbolic refusal. Sometimes people make enemies and end up in court.
SUN- "you +\- me." The identity of the native, his essence is claimed. This can be both a marital situation and a divorce, i.e. the partner wins back part of his personal space, claims to be a person (especially in the female chart). In the male card, a conflict may occur with the father, the authorities. Example: Transiting Saturn opposing natal Sun at 7 led to a first marriage that proved difficult and ended in divorce.
MOON- not mother. Enmity with women in the women's map. In a male chart, it can mean choosing a partner much older / younger in age.
MERCURY- "I'm a fool." The period when it is difficult to agree with a partner, paper proceedings are possible. Example: Mercury at 7 - work deals are broken, which the native used to conclude without effort, partners do not agree to the conditions.
VENUS- "heart pain". The period of falling in love, or cooling of feelings. Example: Venus at 7 - there was a separation, it feels like the shackles have fallen off. Despite the loss of the relationship, the native did not survive for long.
MARS- "enmity". Here the enmity reaches its climax, because. personal houses are affected, and malefic planets are involved. Broken dishes are not the worst thing that can happen on such a transit.
JUPITER- "not a decree." The period of struggle with authority, a person realizes himself as a separate person, but wants to adapt to the norms of a “correct” society. Example: Jupiter at 7 - a person is aware of his individuality, with the growth of popularity comes the understanding that popularity is possible not stereotyped, but individual.
SATURN- "fitness". The opposition of Saturn occurs at the age of 18-19, 46-47 years. At the first opposition, this can be a serious passion for an older partner, and the beginning of adulthood, the beginning of the first serious relationship. In the second - parting, lawsuits, meeting a new serious person.

SQUARE . Transiting Saturn makes the natal planet "angry". It is necessary to take into account the position of the natal planet in the house, because. if everything is clear with opposition and conjunction, then the square can be not only 4 or 10 to, but also 3 and 11, and other houses, depending on the length of the houses.
SUN"The king is angry." The person is under pressure from the ego. Example: Sun at 10 - circumstances do not allow a career to grow, a person wants to get to the top, but it doesn’t work out, hence the anger and dissatisfaction with himself - he didn’t get what he wanted.
MOON- "skunk". Will experience discomfort, confrontation with women, anger of women and women. A period of depression, apathy, sadness and melancholy. You can start a lengthy repair. Example: Moon at 10 - a serious conflict with the boss, female authority presses, tests patience for strength, because of this, self-confidence and self-presentation in society suffer.
MERCURY- "nerd". Will aggressively and structuredly express thoughts, read scientific literature, watch scientific films; treat yourself aggressively - a strict diet, cleansing procedures. Example: Mercury at 10 - interest in the exact sciences, natural science, self-study.
VENUS- Critic. The native will be angry at partners, at women, he does not like the aesthetic environment. Example: Venus at 4 - dissatisfaction with the curtains led to a lengthy repair in the apartment.
MARS- "ham." Dissatisfaction with appearance can spur the native both to new achievements and become embittered. On such a transit, they often go to the doctor to treat something - more often, teeth. Conflicts with superiors, mostly with men.
JUPITER- "loafer". He experiences pressure on authority, the native is imposed a social role that he does not want to take on, so there is a feeling of uselessness and misunderstanding by society.
SATURN- "Away with growing up." Dissatisfaction with the status quo due to the fact that another cycle of Saturn is underway. Saturn squares itself around the age of 21, 36, and so on. If at this time transit Saturn goes through the 1st house, then at the age of 21 people on the square in the 4th house can move out from their parents, the personality is separated from the family, the personality becomes an independent unit. Example: Saturn at 10 - at the age of 36, the native does not like that there is no promotion in his career. There is a feeling of anger at the leadership "I'm not appreciated."

It is necessary to understand in which house the natal Saturn is located and which house it rules. It is on this that the interpretation of transit depends. Do not forget about the aspected planet - its house and government are also important (!). So, Saturn stands / governs:
in the 1st house - the native feels as if he himself is forced to take on responsibilities - a “heavy burden”. Whether this is good or bad is up to the native to decide.
in the 2nd house - the native changes the value picture of the perception of the world. What used to be acceptable must now go. For example, the attitude to money, the way of earning it, is changing. Since Saturn moves through the 1st house, a person has the thought “I myself must earn so much and in such and such a way.”
in the 3rd house - the native may decide to go to school, or will engage in self-study (as an option, driving courses); the attitude towards others and those around to the native changes.
in the 4th house - the affairs of the house and family, family responsibilities fall on the native; the dominant role of the parent.
in the 5th house - the beginning of courses of interest, competitions: admission to a choreographic circle, the beginning of a chess tournament, etc. classes that require endurance and patience; the child may require attention.
in the 6th house - new responsibilities, for example, the first job, preventive procedures and treatment.
in the 7th house - the attitude towards partnership changes. Depending on the natal position, the partner is perceived as hostile or as a necessary person.
in the 8th house, the native learns to cope with the crisis.
in the 9th house - the revision of higher values, the beginning / end of study - the year is remembered as a difficult one in learning (do not wait for freebies).
in the 10th house - personal and professional growth, the first job in the profession, the pressing role of the parent.
in the 11th house - the native reconsiders plans for the future, friends can influence.
in the 12th house - the whole burden of the 12th house flows onto the personality. secrets, intrigues, deceptions can be revealed, and not always in favor of the native.

As for working out, the most important thing is to remember 2 things: 1. Saturn will not go anywhere from the chart, it will simply move to another house. 2. Saturn is a great teacher, if you like, exactly the same magic pendel that makes us pick up a lazy body and start doing something. Therefore, while Saturn is moving through your 1st house, get together and get busy: go in for sports, start running in the morning, get a job, set a new record, in general, work and remember Saturn loves hardworking people!