English assignments on the topic of human appearance. English theme "Appearance

Baltabaeva K.G.

Description of appearance and character

English language workshop to help middle and high school students

Considered and approved at the meeting of the PMK FL

Compiled by:

Lecturer PMK IA OLTK GA branch

Baltabaeva K.G.


teacher PMK IA OLTK GA branch of FGBOU HE UIGA)

Baltabaeva K.G. Description of appearance and character. Practicum in English - 1st ed., Omsk, 2015.- p.

The workshop was compiled on one of the sections of the discipline "English" in accordance with the working curriculum. It is aimed at cadets of the 1st year of specialties 210420, 162108, 162105. The workshop includes texts, thematic vocabulary, dialogues and a detailed system of exercises.


Unit 1

Task 1.1 Write the new words and learn them:……………………………………

Task 1.2 Read and translate the text “My Friend”………………………………..

Task 1.3: Answer the questions…………………………………………………..

Task 1.5 Read the idioms, make a story, using some of them…………………….

Task 1.6 Translate the words, write the antonyms:……………………………….


Task 1.8 Make your own dialogues “Talking the best friends”………………….

Task 1.9 Make a story about your best friend…………………………………….

Unit 2………………………………………………………………………………

Task 2.1 Read and translate the text………………………………………………

Task 2.2 Translate the sentences from Russian into English:……………………

Task 2.2 Retell the text «British character”……………………………………….

Unit 3………………………………………………………………………………

Task 3.1. Task 3.1.readthe text and translate it………………………………...

Task 3.2 Find these words and expressions in the text, read the sentences ………..

Task 3.3 Choose 5 expressions and make 5 sentences, using them………………..

Task 3.4 Describe the appearance of these people:………………………………..

Unit 4………………………………………………………………………………

Task 4.1Write the comparative and the superlative degree……………………..

Task 4.2 Make the sentence ,using these words, translate them……………………

Task 4.3 Translate the sentences: ………………………………………………….

Task 4.4 Translate from Russian into English…………………………………….

Task 4.5 Translate the sentences: …………………………………………………

Task 4.6 Write the comparative and the superlative degree………………………..

Task 4.7 Translate these sentences:……………………………………………………

Task 4.8 Open the brackets, using the correct form of the adjective:………………

Unit 1

Task 1.1 Write the new words and learn them:

clever, intelligent - smart

foolish, silly, stupid - stupid

modest - modest

aggressive - aggressive

frank, sincere frank, sincere

noisy - noisy

ambitious - ambitious

scurpulous /contemptuous - scrupulous

generous - generous

stubborn - stubborn

witty - witty

gentle soft - noble

patient - patient

haughty - arrogant

gloomy, moody - gloomy


boastful - boastful

curious - curious

selfish selfish

brave, courageous, fearless - brave, courageous, fearless

dishonest / honest - dishonest / honest

greedy - greedy

boring, dull - boring

naughty - naughty

shy - timid

envious - envious

jealous - jealous

sociable, talkative - sociable, talkative

cheerful - cheerful

evil, wicked - evil, shameless

lazy - lazy

wise - wise

Task 1.2 Read and translate the text “My Friend”

I have a very good friend. His name is Nick. Friends are very important in our life. I think one cannot live without friends. The most important thing for being good friends, to my mind, is to be ready to help one another in any situation, nevertheless how difficult it is, to support one another and to solve all the problems together. And never mind, that the friends may have different interests and hobbies, different likes and dislikes. They say that the friend in need is a friend indeed. I think it is really so.

My friend and I always do our best to help one another. We discuss all our troubles and try to find the best decision in any situation. My friend is a very good, kind and clever boy .We often spend our free time together. It is not very easy now, because both of us are very busy - we are going to enter institutes and have a lot of work to do.

My friend is going to become a lawyer. Our future professions are different and the subjects we have to study are different too, but we like to work together and to help one another in our study.

When we have some free time, we go for walks, read and discuss books, watch films, go to discos or play computer games. Playing computer games is our hobby. Both of us are fond of sports. We go in for swimming and often go to the swimming pool together. We are football fans and we like to watch and discuss football matches on TV or to go to the stadium. I love my friend very much. I think he is a true friend. Our friendship is very dear to me and I try to do my best to be a good friend too.

Task 1.3: Answer the questions

    What is the most important thing for being good friends?

    What does mean "friendship" for you?

    How do you spend time with your friends?

    Do you have many friends?

    Do you have any friends from your group?

Task 1.4 Read the expressions and make sentences with them

1. to admire smb for smth - to admire someone for something

2.to appreciate smth- appreciate something

3.to be a peson of strong (weak) character - have a strong / weak character

4.to be kind of person you like at first sight

5.to be a sunny soul - kind soul

6.to have a bunch of bad habits - have a bunch of bad habits

7.to have a sense of humor - have a sense of humor

8.to keep one's promise/word

9. to make friends - make friends

10. to be like and soul of the party - to be the soul of the party

11. to tell lies - to lie

12. to be devoted to - devote, serve something, give yourself all

Task 1.5 Read the idioms, make a story, using some of them


1. to be the black sheep of the family - to be a black sheep

2. to be close to smb - to be congenial

3. to be in the public eye - to be in sight

4. to get to the top - reach the top

5. to get one's own way

6. to have a heart of gold - to have a heart of gold

7. to have a mind of your own - to have your own opinion

8. to have a memory like a sieve - have a leaky memory

9. to keep oneself to oneself - be yourself

10. to know one's own mind - to know what you want

11. to put oneself in smb's shoes - put yourself in the place of another

12. to see eye to eye - agree on opinions

13. to see things in black and white - judge categorically

14. a shoulder to cry on

15. to take smth to heart - take to heart

16. to take one's side - to take sides

17. to have a lot of faults - have a lot of flaws

18. to bottle up your feelings

19.to be born with a silver spoon

20. to sweet talk - to flatter.

Task 1.6 Translate the words, write the antonyms:












Task 1.7 Read and translate the di alogue

Dialogue between two friends

Wow! It's only 2 days left till our winter holidays!

Yes, Mark. I can't help waiting for the end of the term. We are going to have a proper rest at last. I'm so tired of my studies.

Me too Jack. It's been a long and hard term. What are you going to do during these holidays?

I'd like to spend a couple of days in a ski-resort for a change but it depends on my parents. And you? Do you have any holiday plans? We should do something interesting together in our free time.

What about going to the movies first?

That sounds perfect. Is there anything special you want to see?

Well, they say that another part of “The Hunger Games” is great. It's a real blockbuster.

It would be wonderful. How about eating out somewhere beforehand?

good idea! You are reading my thoughts! What kind of food shall we try this time?

I'd rather prefer Japanese food.

Well, I don't mind. I haven't tried it for a long time.

And we can shop a little too. You know I need new sneakers.

OK, then. What day shall we choose?

Next Monday would be nice. By the way, don't forget I'm celebrating my birthday in 2 weeks.

sure. I remember that and I'm looking forward to it. How kind of you to invite me.

Come on Mark! You must be joking! You are my best friend.

Task 1.8 Make your own dialogues “Talking the best friends”

Task 1.9 Make a story about your best friend

Task 2.1 Read and translate the text

british character.

Ray has never been to Britain before but she's always wanted to see a typical Englishman. That's what Julia told her about British character. Ray has never been to Britain before but she's always wanted to see a typical Englishman. That's what Julia told her about British character.

British people are naturally polite and are never tired of saying “Thank you” and “I’m sorry.” “Sorry” takes place of “no” when you cannot do something for a person or give a positive answer. British people are generally disciplined and reserved, you never hear loud talk in the street. They don'trushfor seats in buses and trains. British people don't show much emotion. Theyremain good-temperedand cheerful even under difficulties. They will never shut the door in your face but willholdit open for you. They do not readily ask each other to do anything. If they do ask, then they say something like “I hate tobotheryou, but..." British people like jokes. English sense of humor is famous and humor is highly prized in Britain.

British people take a lot of time to make friends. They like to know you before they ask you home.

When British people meet someone for the first time, theyshake hands.They do not usually shake hands with people they know well. Women sometimes kiss their women friends, and men kiss women friends (on one cheek only). When a man meets a man friend, he just smiles, and says “Hello.” Men do not kiss each other, or hold hands. Even fathers and sons do not often kiss each other.

Rush- rush up

Theyremaingood- theme­ transferred- stay in a good mood


hold- Keep

shakehands- say hello to the hand

Task 2.2 Translate the sentences from Russian into English:

    The British are very polite and never get tired of saying "sorry", "thank you"

    Brits don't show much emotion

    They stay in a good mood even when there are difficulties.

    When the British meet someone for the first time, they shake hands.

    Brits love jokes

Task 2.2 Retell the text « british character.

Task 3.1.readthe text and translate it

The way we look means much in our lives. People usually judge us by appearances. So it takes a lot of time to look well. So there are a lot of medical services which help keep beauty. The variety of cosmetics is great.

I am 30 ,but everyone says that I don't look my age . I take much care over my appearance and I have aged quite well. I am of medium height and built. I do a lot of sport and so I look slim. My hair is wavy and blond. My nose is straight and eyes are blue. My ears are not big, the face is oval. What I don't like in myself is freckles. They always come in spring.

I take after my granny. She looked just like me when she was young. I prefer dresses, skirts and romantic style. I try always to be well dressed. To tell the truth I devote much time for my appearance and spend much money for it.

I'd like to add some words about my character. I am even-tempered, rather reserved, calm and modest. Sometimes I can lose my temper and become either angry or sad. At these moments I like staying alone and sometimes I retire into my shell. But I have a lot of friends. I am opened for everything new, appreciate people for honesty and justice. I like to laugh and to joke. I have a good sense of humor.

But remember that appearances can be deceptive. And you mustn't judge people by the first impression.

Task 3.2 Find these words and expressions in the text, read the sentences

judgeby- judge by

appearances- appearance

medicalservices- medical services

don’ tlookmyage- do not look at a certain age

take much care over my appearance - take care of yourself

haveagedquitewell- well preserved (about appearance)

mediumheightandbuilt- average height and build

freckles - freckles

to be close to smb - to be close to someone

takeafter- be like (family members)

well dressed - well dressed

To tell the truth - to tell the truth

even-tempered - balanced

reserved - reserved

lose my temper - lose control / lose your temper

retire into my shell - retire into yourself

appreciate people for - appreciate people for

appearance can be deceptive - appearance can be deceptive

impression - impression

Task 3.3 Choose 5 expressions and make 5 sentences, using them

Task 3.4 Describe the appearance of these people:

long- long

oval- oval

round- round

square- square

thin- bad

fleshy- fleshy

puffy- puffy

wrinkled [ "riŋklt ] - wrinkled

pasty- painful - pale

pimpled- pimply

freckled- freckled

pocket-marked- pockmarked

swarthy ["swɔ:ði] - swarthy

gaunt ["gɔnt] - haggard

sunburned / tanned / browned - tanned

clean- shaven- clean-shaven

Facial features

chiseled [ " tʃ izlt] - turned

clean- cut- sharply defined

delicate ["delikət] - thin

forceful - strong

regular - correct

irregular - incorrect

large / massive - large

small - small

stern- harsh

charming- lovely, charming

engage- charming

happy- happy

pleasant [ " plezə nt] - pleasant

pleased [ " pli: zt] - satisfied

sweet- kind, sweet

broad– wide

cunning- cunning

faint- hardly noticeable

ironical- ironic

sad- sad

strained- made, artificial

wry- curve

enigmatic [ enig" mæ tik] - mysterious

winning– attractive

Face colour

dark– dark

fair- white, light

salvage- sickly yellow

delicate [ " delikə t] - gentle

rough [ " rʌ f] - rough

aquiline [ "æ kwilain] - aquiline

flat- flattened

hooked [ " hukt] - hooked

snub- snub-nosed

fleshy- meaty

full– complete

thick– thick

rosy– pink

painted– made up

parched– caked

parted– semi-open

biteone" slips- bite lips

compositeone" slips- wait lips

curlone" slips- curl lips contemptuously

Purseone" slips- fold lips into a bow

chubby / plump– plump

hollow / sunken- sunken

pale– pale

pink– pink

roughed [ " rʌ ft] - rouged

Ruddy– ruddy

stubby / unshaven– unshaven

wrinkled [ " riŋ klt] - wrinkled

dimples in one "s cheeks - dimples on the cheeks

firm - solid

large / big - large

small - small

stern - severe

toothless - toothless

strong - strong, energetic

vivid- expressive, lively

arched- arc

bushy- thick

penciled- finely defined

beetling- hanging

shaggy- shaggy

knit / frownone" seyebrows- to frown

raiseone" seyebrows- raise eyebrows

broad- wide

doomed- convex

high / tall- tall

large- large

open– open

low- short

narrow [ " næ rə u] - narrow

retreating- sloping

black– black

jet- black- jet black

dark– dark

brown– chestnut

auburn [ "ɔ: bə n] - reddish chestnut

fair- fair-haired

blond– light

golden- golden

red- redheads

reddish- reddish

gray– gray-haired

grizzling / grizzled- graying / graying

Ash- blonde- ashy (usually used in relation to a woman's hair)

crisp– curly

waved- curled waves

curled– curled

curly– curly

land / straight– straight

thick- thick

plentiful- thick and long

scanty / thin- rare

short– short

sleek / smooth– smoothed

silky– silky

luxury [ lʌ gjuə riə nt] - lush

rumpled- disheveled

disheveled- disheveled

long– long

dyed– painted

bobbed / shingled- short haired

bald / bald-headed - bald

braids / plaits - braids

lock / curl / ringlet - curl, curl

forelock - lock of hair on the forehead

brunette - brunette

blond (e) - blond, blonde

close-set - frequent

even [ "i: vən] - even

uneven [ʌn "i: vən] - uneven

large - large

small / tiny - small

sparse - rare

set of teeth - a row of teeth

square– square

strong- strong

The chin

double– double

pointed- spicy

protruding- outstanding

round– round

massive [ " mæ siv] - massive

kind / good- kind

warm- from which breathes warmth

blue– blue

brown– brown

dark- dark, black

gray– gray

hazel- light brown

steel- gray– steel

bulging- bulging

close- set- closely spaced

deep-set / sunken - sunken

blue-eyed - blue-eyed

cross-eyed - cross-eyed

curving - curved

straight ["streit] - straight

thick - thick

fat - fat

paunchy [ "pɔ: ntʃi] - with a belly

plump - complete

stout - fat

well-fed - well-fed

lathy [ " lɑ: θi] - lanky

lean- thin (usually used in relation to men)

slender- thin, slender

slim- thin, slender (usually used in relation to women)

slight- fragile

neat- graceful, slender (usually used in relation to women)

graceful- elegant, graceful

diminutive [ di" minjutiv] - miniature

tall - high

short- short

middle- sized- average

calloused ["kæləst] - coarsened (calloused)

hairy- hairy

large– large

small- small

puffy– plump

soft– soft

long– long

short– short

slender– slender

shapely- beautiful shape

Unit 4

Degrees of comparison of adjectives and adverbs in English

(Degrees of Comparison)

Qualitative adjectives and adverbs of mode of action in English, as well as in Russian, have three degrees of comparison: positive, comparative and superlative. One-syllable adjectives and adverbs, as well as two-syllable adjectives ending in -y, -e, -er, -ow, form a comparative degree by adding the suffix -er to the positive degree, and a superlative degree using the suffix -est.

small small - positive degree

smaller - comparative degree

thesmallest superlative degree

easy easy- positive degree

easier - comparative degree

theeasiest - superlative


1. If an adjective or adverb in a positive degree ends in an unreadable letter -e, then when adding -er and -est this letter is omitted

large -larger more -thelargest

2. If an adjective or adverb ends in a consonant letter preceded by a short stressed sound, then the final consonant is doubled

hot hot -hotter hot -thehottest

3. If an adjective or adverb ends in -y with a preceding consonant, then when forming a comparative and superlative degree, -y changes to -i-

busy -busier busier -thebusiest

4. If -y is preceded by a vowel, then -y remains unchanged

gray gray -greyer grayer -thegrayest

Polysyllabic adjectives and adverbs, as well as most disyllabic ones (except those ending in -y, -e, -er, -ow) form a comparative degree with the word more more, and a superlative degree with the word most, most, which are placed before the adjective or an adverb in the form of a positive degree.

interesting interesting more interesting more interesting

the most interesting most interesting

easily easily more easily easier the most easily easiest

active active moreactive more active themostactive the most active


good better betterthebest

bad bad worse worse theworst


little less lesstheleast

much more morethemost

farfar furtherthefurthest is the farthest (in time)

old – oldertheoldest(old - older - oldest)

old – eldertheeldest(old - older - oldest) - about family members

near – nearerthenearest(close - closer - closest) - by distance

near – nearerthenext(close - closer - next in line, in time, in order)

The remaining adverbs ending in -ly form degrees of comparison using the words more and most, for example: correctly correctly - more correctly more correctly - most correctly most correctly.

Task 4.1Write the comparative and the superlative degree

Example:: wet - wetter - the wettest, expensive - more expensive - the most expensive

1. big( large ) 2. clever ( clever ) 3. good ( good ) 4. pleasant ( nice ) 5. poor ( poor ) 6. bad ( bad ) 7. funny ( funny ) 8.important ( important ) 9. sunny ( solar ) 10. far ( far ) 11. comfortable ( convenient ) 12. wise ( wise )

Task 4.2 Make the sentence ,using these words, translate them

1. most - the Mona Lisa - in - is - painting - the - famous - the - world.

2. longer - the Don - is - the Volga - than.

3.more - Spain - Germany - than - beautiful - is.

4. London - city - in - biggest - the - England - is.

5. the - team - Adam - is - worst - the - player - in.

The positive degree of adjectives in English is used in the following constructions:

as … as- "so (oh) the same ... as"

For example:

Jane is as tall as John.

Jane is the same height as John. (= Jane and John are the same height.)

not as ... as / not so ... as - "not the same ... as".

For example:

John is not as tall as Arnie.

John is not as tall as Arnie.

Task 4.3 Translate the sentences:

1. English is as difficult as German. 2. My essay is not as long as yours. 3. It isn't as warm today as it was yesterday. 4. The house his aunt lives in is as old as the one his uncle lives in. 5. His apartment isn't as elegant as her apartment, but it's much bigger. 6. Johnny isn't as rich as Don but he is younger and much happier. 7. My dog ​​isn't as friendly as your dog. 8. Ice hockey is as popular as football in Russia. 9. A football match isn't as exciting as a hockey match. 10. The hotel isn't as cheap as we expected. 11. The results of the experiment were not as bad as they had expected. 12. This book is as expensive as my dictionary.

Task 4.4 Translate from Russian into English

1. This is a very easy task. Give me a harder task. 2. In summer, the days are long and the nights are short. 3. June 22 is the longest day. 4. In July the days are shorter. 5. In December, the days are the shortest. 6. "Four" is a good mark, but "five" is better. 7. "Five" - ​​the best mark. 8. The worst mark is “deuce”. 9. Your dress, of course, is very beautiful, but my dress is more beautiful. 10. My dad is a tall man. 11. This is a warmer coat. 12. I think our English teacher was very patient.13. Our old doctor was very busy. Our new doctor is even busier. 14. My German teacher is the most energetic person. 15. We know your neighbor is a very boring person. 16. I think your grandfather is the most generous person I have ever met. 17. Ronald's watch is accurate, but his aunt's is more accurate. 18. She bought a watch in Switzerland because she believes that Swiss watches are the most accurate in the world. 19. That television movie is much worse than today's. 20. What is the funniest TV program? 21. Those were the happiest days of her life.

Task 4.5 Translate the sentences:

1. The new cinema in our district is much bigger than the old one. 2. He is one of the most dangerous criminals in the world. 3. Nevsky Prospect is much more beautiful than our street. 4. Our house isn't as big as yours. 5. That's the funniest story I've ever heard. 6. She's getting better. That's the most important thing. 7. What is your height? You are taller than me. 8. She felt as strong as her brother. 9. We started earlier than you. 10. He was more careful than I was. 11. This student is the most attentive in our group. 12. I need a warmer coat. 13. He is as tired as you. 14. He was one of the most experienced workers at the factory. 15. Better late than never. 16. She was not so attractive as her mother. 17. His work is not so difficult as mine. 18. He was the eldest in the family. 19. It is easier to swim in the sea than in the river. 20. This is the smallest room in our flat.

Task 4.6 Write the comparative and the superlative degree

Hot, long, short, clever, silly, great, red, black, white, thin, thick, fat, nice, warm, cold, merry, small, tall, high, weak, strong, heavy, light, green, dry, clean, dirty, wide, deep, brave.

Task 4.7 Translate these sentences:

a. I know an interesting story.

b. He knows a more interesting story.

in. She knows the most interesting story.

a. It's a long way.

b. This is a longer path.

in. This is the longest path.

a. Her job is very important.

b. His work is more important.

in. My work is the most important.

a. This is a bad song.

b. This song is even worse.

in. This is the worst song ever.

a. He is a good engineer.

b. He is better engineer.

in. He is the best engineer.

6. a. He brought her a beautiful flower.

b. He brought her a more beautiful flower.

in. He brought her the most beautiful flower.

7. a. He told us about a happy man.

b. He told us about a happier man.

in. He told us about the happiest person.

Task 4.8 Open the brackets, using the correct form of the adjective:

1. This man is (tall) than that one.

2. Asia is (large) than Australia

3. The Volga is (short) than the Mississippi

5. This garden is the (beautiful) in our town.

6. She speaks Italian (good) than English

7.Spanish is (easy) than German

8.This book is (interesting) of all I have read this year

10.Which is the (hot) month of the year?

11. My sister speaks English (bad) than I do

12.A bus is (fast) than a tram.

13. The (tall) trees in the world grow in California

14.Who is the (attentive) student in your group?

15. It is autumn. Every day the air becomes (cold , the leaves (yellow) .

You can build a story about a person's appearance on two main speech structures: classical and more colloquial. Let's consider each of them in more detail.

The classic form of describing a person in English

I am slender. I am slim.

She is short. She is not tall.

He is slightly overweight. He's a little overweight.

More characteristic form for conversational style


To be (personal verb)

sign (adjective)

have got (abbr.: 've got) big blue eyes.
He, she has got (abbr.: 's got) big blue eyes.
You, we, they have got (abbr.: 've got) big blue eyes.

We talk about human hair in English

With hair length, as in Russian, everything is simple. Long hair - long, short - short. Everything in between these two options can be said medium length . In addition, there is an expression for the “shoulder-length hair” option - shoulder length. Zero length, that is, bald, is bald.

He has short-haired. He has short cut hair.

She has straight medium length hair. Her hair is brown. She has medium length straight hair. She is a brownie.

She has shoulder length curly hair. Her hair color is fair. She has medium length wavy hair. Her hair color is light.

She has short dark hair. She has short dark hair.

She has long wavy red hair. She has long wavy red hair.

Please note: when writing a description of a person's appearance in English, we can also mention what kind of hairstyle he/she wears. As in the story about clothes, you can use the verb wear - to wear.

She wears her hair in a ponytail. She wears her hair in a ponytail.

Hair shape in English

Straight - straight, the same word as in straight ahead - go straight ahead and do not turn anywhere. Curly (they can also be called wavy - that's what their English name sounds like) - wavy. Curly (those with rings) - curly, this word is related to the original and already Olympic sport - curling (curling). To win in curling, you need to send a special stone "in an arc", as if to "curl" its path.

Naturally curly hair is a rarity. Naturally curly hair is rare.

hair color in english

With hair colors in English, a little more complicated. The dark ones have everything the same as in Russian: black - black, dark - dark. And for blond hair there are special words: fair hair, or blond hair, i.e. Literally "blonde". "Blonde" in English will be almost the same, with one more e at the end of the word: blonde.

It is great to be a blonde. With low expectations it's very easy to surprise people. (Pamela Anderson) It's great to be blonde. With low expectations, it's very easy to surprise people.

Redheads, do not be surprised, in English they have red hair, i.e. red hair. And “redhead” in the sense of a noun, “a girl with red hair” - redhead, i.e. literally "red head".

Red hair, sir, in my opinion, is dangerous. I love redheads. It's not the hair color, it's the crazy. Red hair, sir, is dangerous in my opinion. I love redheads. It's not the hair color, it's the madness.

Gray hair in English is “gray” or “white”, i.e. gray hair or white hair. For a graying person who has both gray and dark hair on his head, there is a curious expression - salt and pepper.

Gray hair is god's graffiti. (Bill Cosby) Gray hair is a graffiti of God. (Bill Cosby)

Adjective order

Please note that you need to describe a person’s hair in this order - first the length, then the shape, and finally the color. The English language likes to arrange adjectives in some sort of logical order, and this is how this order appears in the description of hair.

She has long straight black hair. She has long straight black hair.

Description of human eyes in English

Eye shape

  • Almond - almond-shaped.
  • Round - round.
  • Asian / upturned - Asian (raised corners).
  • Downturned - lowered corners.
  • Close-set - set wide.
  • Wide-set - closely set.
  • Hooded - with overhanging eyelids.
  • Deep-set - deeply planted.
  • Protruding - convex.

When compiling a description of appearance in English, we can also mention eyelashes ( eyelashes) and eyebrows ( eyebrows), which can be long ( long), short ( short), thick (thick), rare (thin) and rounded (curved).

About eyebrows (eyebrows) we can say that they have the shape of a soft angle (soft angled), sharp angle (hard angled), be rounded (round curved) or straight (flat).

eye color

  • Black eyes - Black eyes.
  • Gray eyes - Gray eyes.
  • Brown eyes - Brown eyes.
  • Blue eyes - Blue eyes.
  • Green eyes - Green eyes.
  • Hazel eyes - Brown eyes.

Let's talk about other equally important aspects in describing a person

face shape in english

Characteristics of human skin in English

baby-soft - tender, like a child's rough - rough
callused - calloused ruddy - ruddy (about the face)
dark - dark salallow - earthy color
dry - dry silky - silky
fair - light smooth - smooth
florid - blooming soft - tender
freckled - freckled spotless - healthy
glowing - shining sunburnt - tanned, sunburned
olive - olive color swarthy - swarthy
pale - pale tanned - tanned
paper-thin - as thin as paper translucent - transparent
pasty - pale wrinkled - wrinkled
rosy - pink

The figure of a man in English

bony - bony plump - plump
clumsy - clumsy shapeless - shapeless
flawed - flawed slender - slender
graceful - graceful slight - fragile
ill-made - disproportionate slim - slim
lean - toasty stocky - stocky
lithe - flexible stout - full, dense
neat - neat superb - superb
ordinary - ordinary tattooed - tattooed (about the body)

About human fingers in English

arthritic - arthritic lean - thin
blunt - stupid little finger - little finger
bony - bony middle finger - middle finger
capable - skillful nerveless - weak
chubby - chubby nervous - nervous
clumsy - clumsy nimble - dexterous
deft - dexterous plump - plump
delicate - delicate, graceful podgy - short and thick
dirty - dirty ring finger - ring finger
elegant - graceful skillful, skilled - skillful
fat - thick skinny - thin
slim - thin finger nail - nail
finger-pad - fingertips forefinger - index finger
gentle - gentle sticky - sticky
gnarled - clumsy toe - toe
grubby - unkempt thumb - thumb
index finger - index finger

Human forehead in English

human gait in english

Appearance (in general) of a person in English

appearance - appearance nice - cute
attractive - attractive not look oneself - to be different from yourself
beautiful - beautiful plain - rustic
charming - charming pleasant-looking - pleasant
common - common posh - chic (about a woman)
eyesore - ugly pretty - pretty
repulsive - repulsive good-looking - cute
handsome - handsome (about a man) impressive - impressive
ugly - ugly unattractive - unattractive
unimpressive - inexpressive unpleasant-looking - unpleasant
unsightly - unsightly look wretched - look miserable
usual - normal lovely - lovely, charming

All about human hands in English

arthritic - arthritic nervous - nervous
beautiful - beautiful skilled - skillful
outspread - outstretched careless - careless
plump - plump clammy - sticky
clean - clean ringless - without rings
clumsy - clumsy shaking - trembling
coarse - rough short - short
delicate - tender soft - soft
dirty - dirty fat - fatty
sticky - sticky filthy - dirty
sweaty - sweaty firm - solid
thick - thick frail - fragile
gnarled - clumsy unwashed - unwashed
well-manicured - well-groomed grubby - sloppy
hairy - hairy work-roughened - coarsened from work
limp - sluggish work-reddened - reddened from work

All about the human head and neck in English

Characteristics of the human jaw in English

About human legs in English

Description of human lips

Moles, wrinkles, scars, etc.

dimple (with a dimple in the chin) - dimple (with a dimple on the chin) mole (with a mole) - mole (with a mole)
scar - scar spot - pimple
wrinkle - wrinkle wound - wound

Description of the human mouth in English

Description of the human nose in English

aquiline - aquiline aristocratic - aristocratic
pointed - pointed beaky - beak-shaped
prominent - speaker large - large
bridge of the nose - bridge of the nose sharp - sharp
curved - curved shiny - shiny
elegant - elegant small - small
snub - snub-nosed flat - flat
straight - straight flattened - flattened
stubby - short and fat hooked
tiny - tiny tip of the nose - tip of the nose
nostrils - nostrils narrow - narrow

Shoulders - Shoulders

Stature, height & shape - Height, height and shape

Teeth - Teeth

baby - baby needle-sharp - sharp as needles
pearl-white - pearl white perfect - ideal
broken - broken prominent - speakers
crooked - curves razor-sharp - razor sharp
decayed - bad rotten - rotten
sharp - sharp even - even
artificial - artificial sparse - rare
front - front back - rear
splendid - gorgeous healthy - healthy
imperfect - imperfect uneven - uneven
wisdom tooth - wisdom tooth milk - dairy

Weight and Height - Body weight and height of a person

Body mass:

1 pound (lb.) = 0.4536 kilograms (kg)

Alex is pale-skinned. His hair is red. It is of medium length, curly and very thick. He has got handsome roundish face. his forehead is quite low; he has got thick eyebrows. Alex has got bright green almond-shaped eyes. His nose is not very big and it is a little snub. He has got small ears. His lips are neither full nor thin. He is usually clean-shaven and wears a neat small beard on his chin. As many people with red hair, Alex has got freckles on his face. He also has got a small scar on his forehead.

Alex usually wears casual or sport clothes. He likes wearing jeans very much. He prefers wide blue jeans. He enjoys wearing sports shoes too. He often chooses clothes of brown, green or blue colors. These colors suit him very well.

You will surely find useful words and phrases that will help you compose description of a person's appearance in English. We advise you to pay attention not only to vocabulary, but also to examples. After all, they can be an excellent base for creating your own proposals.

Words to describe a person's appearance in English

Let's start with the most common words for descriptions of a person's appearance in English. If your girlfriend looks great, then you can please her with the following lexical units: beautiful (beautiful), pretty (beautiful), wonderful (beautiful), attractive (attractive), gorgeous (spectacular), good-looking (attractive). In order to emphasize that a man looks good, and not a woman, they usually use handsome (beautiful). Also, you can use good looking and attractive. What if you suddenly need to emphasize the opposite? Remember ugly (ugly, ugly) and unsightly (unsightly).

When describing a person's appearance in English, do not forget to pay attention to the following points:

1. Growth

tall (high), short (low), quite tall (quite tall), medium height (medium height)

2. Figure

slim (slim), fat (thick), skinny (skinny), thin (thin), plump (full, plump)

3. Age

young (young), old (old), middle-aged (middle-aged)

4. Face

round (round), oval (oval), thin (thin), a double chin (double chin), long nose (long nose), straight nose (straight nose), turned up nose (upturned nose)

5. Hair

long (long), short (short), curly (curly), bald (bald), straight (straight), untidy (unkempt), haircut (haircut), hairdo (women's hairstyle)

6. Hair color

a blonde (blonde, blond), fair-haired (fair-haired), fair (blond), brown-haired (brown-haired, brown-haired), dark-haired (brunette), red (red), gray (gray-haired)

How to describe the appearance of a person in English?

Now let's look at examples of as can describe a person's appearance in English.

This is a young man. He is rather attractive. The guy is of medium-height. He looks tired. He has short dark hair. His face is oval. His nose is turned up. The young man is thin. He is dressed neatly. He is wearing jeans, a shirt, a T-shirt and training shoes.

This is a young man. He is quite attractive. Medium height guy. He looks tired. He has short dark hair. Oval face. The nose is upturned. The young man is thin. He is neatly dressed. He's wearing jeans, a shirt, a T-shirt and sneakers.

When we talk about a person, what exactly? That he is good, kind, cheerful, tall or handsome? A person is subject to description in two senses - according to the qualities of character and appearance. We can say that a person is hospitable and carefree, or angry and sullen, or we can describe him as a tall and blue-eyed blond or a short boy with green eyes. In any case, we describe a person. And here you can’t do without specialized vocabulary. Let's say right away that the description of a person's appearance in English is a huge section, in order to learn it, you will need several classes.

But! The lessons will be very exciting and informative. You will learn how to say that a girl has green eyes and a boy has red hair, that a man has thick and shaggy eyebrows, and a woman has well-groomed ones, and much more. We will also tell you in what cases the words pretty, enough, quite etc. are used. Forward for the next portion of knowledge! And stock up on a pen and a notebook: we recommend that you write down interesting words and phrases and put them into practice every day. How exactly? We will talk about this and much more in more detail. Go!

Speech constructions and words pretty, enough, quite, rather, too, very

Telling about yourself is very good. A story about appearance in English is the first thing that is asked at an interview (if the job requires compulsory knowledge of English) or an exam. But in order to do this, you must first understand what you have been asked. So, when you are asked to talk about your external data, you will hear:

  • What do you look like?(How do you look?) or
  • How would you describe your physical appearance?(How would you describe your appearance?)

But! Do not forget that describing a person does not mean talking only about yourself, the one and only. You may be asked to describe another person or group of people, then you will hear:

  • How does he/she look like?(What does he/she look like?) or
  • How do they look like?(How do they look?)

And here on this subject it is possible to speak ad infinitum. Let's give examples with translation to find out how you can beautifully, colorfully and flawlessly describe yourself or others. Let's start with the basics - speech constructions, since it is very important for children to understand the construction of a sentence.

If we want to build a primitive sentence ->to be + feature :

  • I am slim - I am slim.
  • She is tall - She is tall.
  • He is fat - He is fat.
  • The child is red-headed - The child is red-haired.

note that to be changes depending on the pronoun with which we use it. But you should have already gone through this topic, it is basic. If something is forgotten, we strongly recommend repeating it. Your speech must be correct!

Another speech construction is used, which is more suitable for conversational style. But in any case, you need to know about it:

pronoun + to have got + adjective (sign)

  • She has got big green eyes - She has big green eyes.
  • I have got dark hair - I have dark hair.
  • You have got red hair - You have red hair.
  • They have got long noses - They have long noses.

Please note that with he/she we use has got, not have got. And one more thing: do not translate the construction literally! The phrase should be translated as a whole, so that the translation is beautiful and competent. You have got red hair - You have red hair; I have got dark hair - I have dark hair. Also note that red hair translates as Red hair , a not red.

Reference: often the characteristics of a person are described with words such as pretty, enough, quite, rather; too, very, which are translated as enough (enough); too much too.

Here are some examples:

  • They are rather tall - They are quite tall.
  • She is quite lanky - She is quite thin.
  • She is rather delicate - She is rather delicate.
  • They are quite fat - They are quite full (thick).
  • You are pretty neat - You are quite slim.

Description of a person's appearance in English - Physique

Let's talk about the features of a person's physique, and give examples:

  • She is so small I doubt whether she is 15 - She is so petite (small build) that I doubt if she is 15.
  • He is quite fat and our trainer will not take him in our group - He fairly complete and our coach will not take him to our group.
  • This girl is skinny but she really could be a model. But the problem is - she has got some problems with her skin. No one will be eager to take her in model agency — This girl skinny and she really could be a model. But the thing is, she has skin problems. No one wants to take her to a modeling agency.
  • She is so graceful that she really could be an actress! - She is so graceful that she really could become an actress!
  • Your children are quite chubby . Why don't you give them at some dancing group? - your children pretty plump . Why don't you send them to some dance club?
  • This man is so heavy I'm afraid even to come close to him - This man is so overweight that I'm afraid to even get close to him.
  • This group is with those who are overweight . They are to be provided with special menu – no fat, fried meat, smoked food and cookies! - In this group, people with overweight . They need to be offered a special menu - no fat, fried meat, smoked meats and cookies!
  • This young man is really sturdy ! I'm not afraid to come home with him late at night - This young man really strong (hefty ) ! I'm not afraid to return home with him late at night.
  • These athletes are wellbuilt . I'm sure they will win. But… the other athletes are also muscular . So, good luck to everybody! - These athletes well built . I am sure they will win. But… other athletes too muscular . Well, good luck to all of them!
  • This boy is a little bit stocky … I don't like him. I like tall boys - This guy is pretty stocky… I do not like him. I love tall guys.
  • These guys are so funny! They are chubby ! These guys are so funny! They are pot-bellied !
  • Your uncle is plump . It is not healthy - Your uncle full . It's not great.

From the examples, you should notice that there are especially many synonyms for the word full:

  • fat - fat man, fat,
  • plump - plump, chubby, plump,
  • chubby - chubby, plump, chubby,
  • overweight - overweight,
  • heavy - heavy, heavy,

Pay attention to similar words sturdyandstocky, which mean strong, burly, stocky.

They also have synonyms:

  • powerful - strong, strong, powerful,
  • wellbuilt - well built,
  • strong - strong

There is also an adjective solid, which means dense. But the sign means wrong thick, as stocky, downed. And indeed, the English language is rich in synonyms. This allows you to make speech colorful and varied.

to the adjective thin you can also pick up several synonyms at once :

  • underweight - with a lack of weight,
  • slim - thin, slender, thin, skinny, skinny,
  • slender - slender, thin, thin, thin, thin, thin, slender,
  • skinny - skinny
  • and even anorexic, which means anorexic

There are similar words that mean graceful, graceful:

  • slight - light, weak, thin, thin,
  • graceful - graceful, graceful, elegant,
  • neat - neat, tidy, clean, neat, clean, neat

You need to select a word based on the situation, the age of the person we are describing, mood, etc.

Description of appearance - Eyes, eyelashes, eyebrows:

Eyebrows - Eyebrows

Now let's talk about eyebrows. Eyebrows mean a lot in the appearance of a person, especially for girls. They make the face more expressive and attractive. Consider the main adjectives that are used to describe eyebrows:

  • She wants to be beautiful. She likes attention and that is why her eyebrows are always pencil led with dark pencil - She wants to be beautiful. She loves attention and therefore her eyebrows are always summed up dark pencil.
  • I can't stand that girl! Her eyebrows are always mocking ! I can't stand that girl! She always has mocking brows!
  • When I looked at him his eyebrows were querying When I looked at him, his eyebrows were inquiringly upbeat .
  • Children laugh at him because his eyebrows are thick and shaggy The children laugh at him because he has thick and shaggy brows.
  • She is so elegant and her eyebrows are always well-shaped – She is so elegant and her eyebrows are always well decorated .

The rest of the adjectives that can be applied to eyebrows are given in the table:

Also remember that eyebrows can be thin (thin), direct (straight), thick (bushy or thick), arched (arched) etc.


  • She is so funny. She wants to be like a doll, that is why she always wear false lashes - She's so funny. She wants to be like a doll, so she always wears invoices eyelashes.
  • She is lucky one. Her lashes are long and thick from nature, she does not need any mascara - She is lucky. her eyelashes long and thick from nature, so she doesn't need mascara.
  • I have got rather short eyelashes so I need very good mascara to make my look more dramatic - I have quite short eyelashes, so I need a really good mascara to make the look more expressive.
  • I want my lashes to be more curling . Give me please another mascara. This gives no effect - I want my eyelashes to be more twisted . Give me another ink, please. This one has no effect.

Eyes - Describing the mirror of the soul

Any description of a person in English would be incomplete without talking about his eyes. The next category of adjectives to describe a person is eyes. This subtopic is very voluminous, but we will point out the main examples and try to cover it as much as possible.

  • Her eyes were so lustrous at first I thought she cried, but then I understood – she was shining with happiness shiny eyes that at first I thought she was crying, but then I realized that she was glowing with happiness.
  • He is really very angry. His eyes are blookshot “He is really, really evil. His eyes bloodshot .
  • Your sister is so pretty and her eyes are mesmerizing Your sister is very pretty and she has bewitching eyes.
  • He is quite strange man. He has got pale eyes - He is a rather strange person. Him colorless eyes.
  • She is sick and her eyes become puffy and redrimmed => She is sick and her eyes have become swollen and inflamed (flushed).
  • That old lady has cold and piercing eyes - This old lady cold and piercing eyes.
  • Your eyes are something bleary . And what? You have got piggy ones! - Your eyes are something hazy . So what? But you have piglet eyes!

The eyes may also be:

  • bright - bright,
  • mad - insane
  • beady - beady eyes,
  • sharp - sharp (it's about the look),
  • enormous - huge,
  • dry - dry,
  • deep-set, downcast - deep-set,
  • slanted - slanted,
  • soft - gentle,
  • expressionless, hollow, vacant - empty,
  • sad - sad,
  • round - round,
  • cruel - cruel,
  • curious - curious,
  • bdiamond- shiny, etc.

Summing up

Describing a person in English is an interesting and exciting activity. First, try to describe yourself in as much detail as possible. When describing yourself, use all possible characteristics to create the most detailed portrait. Then start describing others. First, take the faces of relatives and friends, and then begin to mentally describe the people on the street. Expand your knowledge and constantly learn new things! The limits of your possibilities are boundless!

Good luck and inspiration!

Views: 405

Appearance - appearance



Charming - charming

Beautiful - beautiful

Handsome- handsome (about men)

Ugly - ugly

Unpleasant - unpleasant

Attractive - attractive


Straight - straight

Wavy- wavy

Curly - curly

Thick - thick

Thin - rare, thin

Long - long

Shoulder length

Black hair - black hair

Red hair - red hair

Brown hair

Blonde, fair - blonde hair

Brunette- brunette, brunette

Brown-brown (ka)

Blond, blonde (blonde, blonde)

Red - red, roaring


Round - round

Square- square

Oval - oval

Angular- angular

Wrinkles - wrinkled

freckled freckled

Pale - pale

Fair - light

Swarthy - swarthy


Blue - blue


Green - green

Dark - dark



Broad - wide

High- high

Low- low

Narrow- narrow


Small - small



Snub- snub-nosed

Long - long

Pointed - pointed



Thin - thin


Chubby (plump) - plump

Hollow (sunken) - sunken

Physique (Build)

Slim - slender

Skinny - skinny

Fat- thick

plump- full


To have a good figure- have a good figure


- Look at that slim girl with fair hair, full lips and blue eyes

Yes, she is good-looking. I know her. She`s sister of my friend

May you introduce me to her


Look at that slender girl with blonde hair, full lips and blue eyes

Yes, pretty girl. I know her, she is my friend's sister

Can you introduce me to her


- I want to dye my hair

Which color would you like? Brown, red or black?

I don`t know. Can we help me choose?

I think brown is better for you


I want to dye my hair

What color would you like? Brown, red or black?

I don't know. Could you help me choose?

I think black suits you better


- I think I`m too fat. I'm going to go to the sport club

You're not fat. You're a little plump

And I have a very long nose. I need a plastic surgery

Are you crazy?

No, I'm joking

- I think I'm very fat. I'm going to go to the sports club

You are not fat. You are a little overweight

And I have a very long nose. I need plastic surgery

You are crazy?

No I'm kidding