Boreev Georgy biography. Techniques for achieving physical immortality

Boreev Georgy - about the author

He served in the Soviet Army in East Germany. After demobilization, he worked as a loader in the ports of the Black Sea and as a ship assembler at the shipyards of the Ukrainian city of Nikolaev. Then he enlisted as a worker at the BAM construction site, worked as a welder, concrete worker, fireman in the cities of Komsomolsk-on-Amur, Khabarovsk, Irkutsk, Yaroslavl. For a long time he taught Russian language and literature at a vocational school, worked as a correspondent and literary consultant in regional newspapers.

He began to make his first attempts at writing at the age of 25, sending his poems to the regional and district newspapers of the city of Nikolaev. After 2 years, he became the Laureate of the Prize of the Ukrainian Komsomol named after. Dovzhenko for a cycle of poems dedicated to native nature and mother. Studied at five institutes. But I only finished one. In 1980 he entered the Literary Institute. Gorky, at the Faculty of Poetry, a seminar by Larisa Vasilyeva. In 1986 he received a diploma from Litin.

Since 1992, Boreev has been practicing Raja yoga exercises. The lack of necessary esoteric books for spiritual development forced G. Boreev to turn to prose. What George could not find in the libraries, he decided to write himself. The first prose book "13 signs of the Zodiac" Boreev wrote and published at his own expense in 1998, in 1999 the books "Alien civilizations of Atlantis" and "Conscious exits from the body" were published, which became bestsellers .... Then yoga books were published "The Secret Energy Exercises of the Atlanteans", "The ABC of Yoga", "Flights of the Soul" and other teaching aids, which are used by thousands of followers of spiritual practices in many countries of the world.

In 2004, George began to erect a five-story house in the Moscow region according to his project with a pyramid built inside the castle. During the construction of the “castle in the air”, workers were not hired: he built everything himself, using the “secret” mathematics of Pythagoras and the technologies of the Atlanteans. The palace of glass and pine wood was built by him in three years. This marvel of architecture is adorned by the iron horse Pegasus, hovering over fields and forests at the height of the fourth floor. George welded the wings for the horse from double sheets of iron - 3 mm and 2 mm. The wingspan of Pegasus is 2 meters. The energies coming from the pyramid protect people and the northern regions of the region from vital and tectonic cataclysms, from spiritual breaks in our difficult transitional time.

Boreev Georgy - books for free:

The new book by Georgy Boreev is about the Pole Shift and the Quantum Leap in December 2012, about the transition of humanity to the Sixth Race, about the global changes that await our planet during the Ascension in 2012-2017. Information about the Flood and planetary...

Boreev G. A. Conscious exits from the body. Nine practical methods. (Techniques for achieving physical immortality). Moscow: Hyperborea, - 224 pages, 2002...

The climax of any Initiation into the mysteries of closed esoteric societies... —

The culminating point of any Initiation into the mysteries of closed esoteric societies is the exit of the astral body from the physical in full consciousness.

The Gheranda Samhita is the most authoritative text on Hatha Yoga that has come down to the reader of our day. The prehistoric manuscript is given in the form of a dialogue between a yoga teacher and an inquiring student. The original text was written in Sanskrit... -

The explosive nature of the development of terrestrial civilizations from the flights of an ancient man into space to its complete degradation in the next Stone Age leads to the idea of ​​the existence of some kind of leadership from the outside ...

The parable is both simple and very complex. On the...

In the book, the author interestingly and informatively reveals unknown pages of the biography of Pythagoras and, in parallel with the plot, tells about the secret life of the esoteric schools of Egypt, Judea, Persia, Babylonia, India, China and Shambhala...


In the second volume of the book "Pythagoras" the author interestingly and informatively describes the path of Pythagoras from Babylon to Shambhala. The volume, called "The Wise Men of the East", introduces the reader to the unknown pages of world religions. A lot of esoteric knowledge can...

The book reveals the secret laws of the subtle worlds, sincerely describes the secrets of the exercises of Kriya Yoga, Karma Yoga and Mantra Yoga. Various explanations and warnings are given to trainees. Techniques from the first and second parts of the book lead to...

Georgy Boreev (Georgy Byazyrev, 09/08/1953-05/05/2010) was born in Irkutsk.

He served in the Soviet Army in East Germany. After demobilization, he worked as a loader in the ports of the Black Sea and as a ship assembler at the shipyards of the Ukrainian city of Nikolaev. Then he enlisted as a worker at the BAM construction site, worked as a welder, concrete worker, fireman in the cities of Komsomolsk-on-Amur, Khabarovsk, Irkutsk, Yaroslavl. For a long time he taught Russian language and literature at a vocational school, worked as a correspondent and literary consultant in regional newspapers.

He began to make his first attempts at writing at the age of 25, sending his poems to the regional and district newspapers of the city of Nikolaev. After 2 years, he became the Laureate of the Prize of the Ukrainian Komsomol named after. Dovzhenko for a cycle of poems dedicated to native nature and mother. Studied at five institutes. But I only finished one. In 1980 he entered the Literary Institute. Gorky, at the Faculty of Poetry, a seminar by Larisa Vasilyeva. In 1986 he received a diploma from Litin.

Since 1992, Boreev has been practicing Raja yoga exercises. The lack of necessary esoteric books for spiritual development forced G. Boreev to turn to prose. What George could not find in the libraries, he decided to write himself. The first prose book "13 signs of the Zodiac" Boreev wrote and published at his own expense in 1998, in 1999 the books "Alien civilizations of Atlantis" and "Conscious exits from the body" were published, which became bestsellers .... Then yoga books were published "The Secret Energy Exercises of the Atlanteans", "The ABC of Yoga", "Flights of the Soul" and other teaching aids, which are used by thousands of followers of spiritual practices in many countries of the world.

In 2004, George began to erect a five-story house in the Moscow region according to his project with a pyramid built inside the castle. During the construction of the “castle in the air”, workers were not hired: he built everything himself, using the “secret” mathematics of Pythagoras and the technologies of the Atlanteans. The palace of glass and pine wood was built by him in three years. This marvel of architecture is adorned by the iron horse Pegasus, hovering over fields and forests at the height of the fourth floor. George welded the wings for the horse from double sheets of iron - 3 mm and 2 mm. The wingspan of Pegasus is 2 meters. The energies coming from the pyramid protect people and the northern regions of the region from vital and tectonic cataclysms, from spiritual breaks in our difficult transitional time.

Books (12)

Fairy tales

In each fairy tale, myth or parable, in addition to the main visible thought, a thoughtful reader has a few more ideas hidden.

The book, in an interesting and entertaining form, gives adults and children hidden knowledge about where certain “winged words”, proverbs, sayings, phraseological turns and Russian folk tales came from.

Alien civilizations of Atlantis

The book tells a fascinating story about the star gods who created seven human civilizations on the sunken Atlantis; about the extraterrestrial origin, fantastic flourishing and tragic death of fabulously beautiful states, unknown to the modern world; about the appearance of the Moon and Pluto; about the periodic shift of the poles; talking crystal turtles; about the colonization of other star worlds by ancient earthlings; about peoples living on the inner surface of the Earth and on other planets.

It also contains geographical maps of the Earth of those times, data from various theosophical and esoteric sources, statements by Helena Blavatsky, Edgar Cayce and Helena Roerich dedicated to Atlantis and Shambhala. The book makes extensive use of the author's experience of time travel and channeling.

The invisible powers of yoga. Secret yoga techniques of the Atlanteans

The book reveals the secret laws of the subtle worlds, sincerely describes the secrets of the exercises of Kriya Yoga, Karma Yoga and Mantra Yoga. Various explanations and warnings are given to trainees. Techniques from the first and second parts of the book lead to conscious exits from the physical body. Many of them are published for the first time.

In the section “Secret Techniques of Atlantean Yoga”, the author vividly depicts the life of students in Atlantis, their studies in an esoteric school. Boreev claims that the migrants from Atlantis brought to India the practices of higher yogas, the ancient proto-language of mankind - Sanskrit and culture.

The editors warn readers: in any case, do not try to practice the exercises from the final chapter without a teacher, as you may misunderstand the techniques described and damage your health. The exercises "White Bird" and "Helicopter" are especially dangerous.

The chapter "Secret Techniques of Yoga of the Atlanteans" is only for a simple acquaintance of readers with the life of the school, and not as a practical guide.

Pythagoras. Life is like learning. Volume 1

In the book, the author interestingly and informatively reveals the unknown pages of the biography of Pythagoras and, in parallel with the plot, tells about the secret life of the esoteric schools of Egypt, Judea, Persia, Babylonia, India, China and Shambhala.

The reader discovers the gray secrets of being, previously inaccessible to mere mortals. The Greek philosopher's initiations into the mysteries of the esoteric schools were accompanied by Pythagoras' exits from the body and his flights in the subtle body to Mars, Venus, Jupiter, Sirius and other distant planets. G. Boreev entertainingly describes the cities of aliens and the communication of the Great Initiate with representatives of extraterrestrial civilizations.

Pythagoras. Wise men of the East. Volume 2

The author introduces the reader to the unknown pages of world religions. A thoughtful reader can acquire much esoteric knowledge while traveling with the Great Initiate through Central Asia, Afghanistan and India.

The reader will get acquainted in this book with the secret pages of history: with the biography of Zoroaster and the religion of fire worshipers; with the first students of the Greek philosopher in the city of Sharaba (Pakistan); with the father of the Jain religion, King Vardhamana; with the teachings of Indian saints about numbers and planets; with the long-liver of the Earth yogi-giant Ravinda Ananda; with the Vedic doctrine of the structure of the world.

flights of the soul

The book interestingly and fascinatingly illuminates the yogic path of human self-realization. The author describes his feelings, conveys his personal experience of mastering the exercises that led him to Samadhi. The chapters are arranged according to the system: from simple to complex; they are presented in such a way that any beginner can find a suitable practice for himself, and do it on his own without harm to his health.

Advanced yoga students will find here the most valuable practical material on Savikalpa Samadhi and Nirvikalpa Samadhi, which has never been published anywhere before. Here, the Cosmic laws governing the Universe and man are revealed in an accessible, interesting and unexpected way.

Aliens from Shambhala

The explosive nature of the development of terrestrial civilizations from the flights of ancient man into space to its complete degradation in the next Stone Age leads to the idea of ​​the existence of some kind of leadership from the outside.

The parable is both simple and very complex. On the surface, she is a story; inside it is a mystery. The parable is beautiful: it gives you exactly as much as you can take. She never gives you more, but if you are ready - or one day you will be ready - then she starts giving you more and more...

The Gheranda Samhita is the most authoritative text on Hatha Yoga that has come down to the reader of our day. The prehistoric manuscript is given in the form of a dialogue between a yoga teacher and an inquiring student. The original text was written in Sanskrit, the universal language of the ancient earthlings. In the book, the author tried to translate, decipher and explain to himself and to the readers the teachings of the great yogi.

The purpose of this book is to give practical instructions, to explain, to direct those who want to study yoga to an achievable goal, to reveal the principles and main rules of yogis invisible to the eye.

Pole reversal and Ascension. The Sixth Race and Nibiru.

Georgy Boreev's book is about the Pole Shift and the Quantum Leap in December 2012, about the transition of humanity to the Sixth Race, about the global changes that await our planet during the Ascension in 2012-2017. Information about the Flood and planetary cataclysms was transmitted to mankind by the Higher Reason through authoritative prophets such as Nostradamus, Helena Roerich, Vanga, Casey, Scallion, and through the author himself, the yogi and writer Boreev.

As always entertaining, simply and briefly, the author explains the reasons for the elliptical orbits of the planet Nibiru (Nemesis), the comet Annanutak and the blue Star, reveals the true goals of the construction of the earthly Pyramids by the Pleiadians, analyzes the reasons for the upcoming Quantum Leap, Ascension in the body and the ongoing activation of additional DNA helices. Boreev does not just describe the pictures of the future: he supplements them with undeniable figures and facts of fundamental science.

Conscious exits from the body. 9 practical methods

The culminating point of any Initiation into the mysteries of closed esoteric societies is the exit of the astral body from the physical in full consciousness.

The author describes nine different ways to consciously leave the body, arranging them one after the other in order of increasing complexity. Everyone can choose the appropriate practice for themselves and apply it without harm to themselves.

Reader Comments

Alexey Norilsk/ 02/27/2019 Although much has been copied from various sources, he is still one of the most accessible systematizers of information today for Our layman in these self-research areas.
Those who say that he died - they didn’t read him in the course of the books .. It is said clearly in white - what is called death - is one of several States and phases of the Soul.

Having myself experienced an out-of-body experience since childhood more than once or twice, and having seen both the future and the deep past of my ancestors, I confirm that his (?) book "9 projection methods" (as it used to be called) is one of the most powerful and specific manuals in this direction.

Naturally, there are few creative people. And that the seeker's karma can manifest itself in different ways. Someone is bursting to shit and say his name in return. Someone does not care about this at all and He goes to the goal immediately, like intuition. Someone begins to write poetry and speak with them .. This is quite normal, gentlemen :) You just do not have enough Live communication with normal people :)

Sergius/ 10/18/2018 And no one was embarrassed that the apocalypse of 2012 had not taken place for 6 years already. A double aftertaste, the only author who offered a more or less logical history of the past, completely screwed up with the future, if he did not do this, there would be no reason not to trust his words.

Konstantin/ 09/17/2018 Let Boreev plagiarize something, but this is not a forum of lawyers (plagiarism is a rather legal concept), but knowledge is already valuable in itself, Boreev is a popularizer of this knowledge - so just great, we would like more people like him .

Konstantin/ 09/17/2018 Of course, I respect him, he is clearly an extraordinary person (not from 99% of the Russian inter-buffalo), however, for an initiated (and enlightened) person, he lived very little. Saint Germain mentions a young man who "discovered the secret of immortality", but it's a pity that he died quite young.

Nataliya/ 09/16/2018 The book "Alien Civilizations of Atlantis" is a plagiarism from Lobsang Rampa's book "The Hermit", rewritten one to one. The rest is also taken from other sources. Of course, you can read, but it is better to read the primary sources so as not to harm yourself. Be extremely careful with Boreev's "practices".


Feel free to follow the link
and read the books of Sivananda Swami. For example, he simply renamed Sivananda Swami's book "The Science of Pranayama" into "The Flight of the Soul" and passed it off as his own. He didn't even have the brains to remake the sentences somehow, he just copied the book one-to-one. Everything else with other books from him is exactly the same, he took from other writers, renamed and passed off as his own books.

He did not possess any knowledge, as well as no abilities, and therefore died very early. Karma, as they say, deeds and consequences!

boogeyman/ 03/20/2017 It burns worse than Castaneda about the Toltecs... Good reading for leisure if there is nothing else to do.

Elena/ 07/14/2016 Very interesting reading, non-standard, often unexpected, not without humor

Alexander/ 01/10/2016 Michael, thank you for the links to the audio files
Unfortunately not all are working. I downloaded 2 books in audio format, the first one
I'm listening now. I recommend to all my best friends for
reading/listening. If possible, please post a link.
for all the books in the audio version again and give it to me. Thank you.
I'm still worried about this moment. Boreev has not yet heard about what
now only the laziest will not hear - today is the Dawn of Svarog,
the return of Love to our planet. heard something about it, what is it
only a 1000-year-old thaw in the Kali Yuga, am I right?

Guest/ 07/27/2015 I thank Georgiy for the cosmic Wisdom and all those who helped to convey It in printed form to all of Us.

Alexander/ 07/11/2015 He was a Yogi with a CAPITAL letter, and those who call him plagiarism are blind and deaf, even the pyramids will not help you

Michael/ 04/24/2015 Boreev The declassified source of yoga-MP3

Michael/ 18.04.2015 Not enough time to read?
LINK-Alien civilizations of Atlantis-mp3-

Michael/ 04/18/2015 Who doesn’t have enough time to read - an audiobook - (Mikhail [email protected]) - there is no audio in the network
LINK -History of humanoid civilizations of the Earth mp3-


Pure Soul goes to the one who works hard

My dear readers, in ancient Egypt, the priests, before healing the sick with the help of the radiation of the Great Pyramids, explained to the parishioners the meaning of mental suffering and the meaning of any illness. Through deep esoteric knowledge, the laws and principles of hermetic philosophy, astrology and psychology, the priests came to the genetic and hellish understanding of the physical person and a subtle understanding of the structure of the human soul. The initiates have discovered the law of attraction of vibrations, as a result of which the embodied soul begins to identify itself with the electromagnetic mechanism called the body. The priests found weighty reasons why the Angels of Karma are forced to send illnesses and sufferings to the soul embodied on Earth. The main reason for the aging of the body and disease is the laziness of a person, his unwillingness to change voluntarily for the better. And as a result of such spiritual laziness - avidya, ignorance. All other sins spring from ignorance. Often a person does not understand that while he identifies himself with the body and mind - everything that he does on this planet does not lead him to God, but in the opposite direction. In order for an earthling to stop, think and correctly condemn himself for his thoughts and actions - the Angel sends a disease, malaise to the embodied soul. Usually the Master sends a mild illness first. If a person does not understand the meaning of the disease, if he runs around psychics and doctors, and does not want to change himself inside, then after the first ailment comes the second - a serious illness. If the embodied soul continues to misunderstand the disease here, and the stubborn unwillingness to work on itself continues, then the Angel sends an incurable disease to the earthling so that he does not occupy a place on Earth that dozens of other non-embodied souls claim.

According to the teachings of Hermeticism, the human body lives according to the laws of three-dimensional space, and the soul lives according to spiritual laws. For a physical body, it is necessary: ​​a constant voltage of the electromagnetic field between the Poles of the planet; water and vegetarian food saturated with good thoughts; fresh air; warmth of green meadows and forests. For a soul embodied in a body, one needs - the energies of the astral and mental world, called pranas; positive impressions, reverent feelings, good emotions, harmonious information. On the subtle plane, any clairvoyant priest sees the causes of the disease - this is the lack of harmony between the auric shells of a person. When there is harmony between the seven subtle twins that make up a person's aura, then the person also has health. If there is no harmony, then there is a disease. The human aura is made up of seven main chakras. Each chakra builds its subtle counterpart with its radiation. If any chakra does not work well, then the subtle body of this chakra does not “sound” in the general aura, and the person becomes ill. All ailments are projected from top to bottom: from the soul - to thoughts, from thoughts - to desires, from desires - to diseases of the body. The soul builds thoughts, and thoughts build the human body...

The auric cocoon is sewn from much finer matter than that from which the physical world and our bodies are molded. The aura of a healthy person looks like an egg-shaped cloud of pure unmixed colors: blue, blue, violet, gold, pink, light green, white. The elastic yellow borders of the aura that I see around the average person are 60-80 centimeters away from the skin. The physical body is cast on the silver matrices of the roughest layer of the aura. This cocoon is called by the occultists the ethereal double, although in fact the physical body is the double. After all, it belatedly copies the multi-colored organs and parts of the subtle body. The living cells of the body are constantly being born and dying. In a month, a physical person is renewed by half. In a year, all the atoms and electrons of the body are replaced with new ones, even in human bones. The etheric body gives the form of compressed space, which the nascent physical cells should joyfully fill. It structures the volumes of the future person with rigid rays, called nadi channels in yoga. The etheric body consists not only of silver rays; it has everything that is in the physical. And it, in turn, is structured by the astral double. The astral body is built by the mental double according to the same principle, and so on. No wonder they say: "As the thoughts, such is the body." What you think about is what you become. If you think like a pig or a dog, then in this life you acquire the habits and desires of this animal, and in the next reincarnation - the corresponding body. The subtle bodies of a person build each other in the direction from the spiritual center towards the coarsening of matter, just as circular waves project each other, diverging from a stone thrown into the water. The farther the wave is from the center, the greater the distortion of the original circle. Therefore, we need to constantly correct all our subtle bodies in the first circle, in the image and likeness of the Spirit.

Any brown or dirty color in the aura, distortion of the egg-shaped oval, a decrease in the distance from the cocoon shell to 40 centimeters tells the clairvoyant that this person is looking forward to health troubles and strained relations with the outside world. Approximately 80% of modern people have an aura not in the form of an egg, as expected, but in the form of an inverted mushroom. The spiritual energy centers of such people are completely blocked, only two chakras work at full strength, two of the seven main energy centers - the center of survival and the center of reproduction. And the third chakra is also included in the work - the chakra of the abdomen - responsible for logical thinking and ego. As a result of blocking the work of the fifth, sixth and seventh chakras, illnesses and misfortunes of most people. Where is the mycelium of these aur-toadstools buried? Clairvoyance allows you to find and uproot it at the level of the mental and karmic body. The evil of the outside world always returns to its parents. After all, the physical world is just a mold of the inner world, a mirror reflection of the thoughts of each individual person. In themselves, all things and events are neutral. But we look at events through a glass called an aura. And the color of glass paints the world around us and our life either in light or in dirty, bleak colors. Therefore, yogis say: "Change yourself - and the whole Universe will change." The aura allows you to see each person as he really is, his essence, and not as he tries with all his might to appear to others for the sake of his selfish intentions.

The aura is built by the soul of a person long before his birth on Earth. The aura is somewhat similar to a metal frame, on which all the floors of the building of human bodies are built up. A clairvoyant, even before the conception of a child, can tell future parents how he will be born and what he will accomplish in his earthly life, if this soul does not have its own Will developed. Will can change fate and karma. Man is first and foremost an immortal spirit. And his bodies are just clothes that the Spirit changes as they wear out, just a tool for studying the laws of various worlds. There are a lot of gross and subtle universes. In each of these worlds, the spirit has its own clothes, its own suit - a body. All these bodies are endowed with their own "I", their consciousness and exist simultaneously. Due to their limitations, these doubles think that they are the only and mortal. Before the death of the physical body from illness, the aura fades and decreases. If a person is killed “unexpectedly” (nothing happens unexpectedly), then the etheric, emotional and astral doubles remain for some time after his death the same as with a living body. And pure people can see the ghost, feel the coldness and humidity coming from the ghost. Then, about the ninth day, the etheric double dies. After a while, the emotional (vital) body also dies. Around the fortieth day, the soul separates from the astral and mental body and goes beyond the karmic plane of being. This is a very important moment, in the occult it is called the second death. If at the same time one is conscious, then by an effort of will one can avoid the separation of the soul from the astral double. After the second death, the astral and mental bodies also gradually begin to decompose.

In spiritually advanced people, the physical, ethereal, astral and mental bodies die immediately, die easily and for a long time. Spiritually developed people reincarnate on Earth again only after 500-1000 years. And young souls are reborn on Earth relatively “quickly”, literally within 1-5 years, before that they have suffered hard in the vital hell.

My dear ones, according to the law of cause and effect, our present incarnation is the result of previous lives: what you sow, you will reap. We come into this life to repay the debts of the past and create our future with our thoughts. The evolution of consciousness continues for millions of years, the soul learns wisdom in human bodies from 30 to 100 thousand incarnations on Earth. Then, having passed the exams for the course of study at the Earth school, the soul is born on the ethereal planets and continues its path of education there. Unfortunately, the path of evolution of the soul on our planet for most people proceeds unconsciously, and any human suffering along this path is the best teacher. And the so-called "earthly happiness" on the contrary - makes the soul more lazy and sick. A series of sufferings sometimes embitters us, makes us aggressive - and this is our huge mistake, coming from a misunderstanding of the meaning of life and the meaning of illness. Each person is what his attention is focused on. What we think about is what we become. Think about angels - and you will become an angel, think about God - and gradually acquire His features ...

The best cure for all diseases is unity with God, that is, yoga

At all times, people have been looking for an answer to the eternal question: what is the meaning of life, what is the meaning of illness, why is there pain in the body and pain in the soul? Some believed that this was fate, chance, others - that this was the punishment of God, the Supreme Court for the sins of man. Common people usually consider disease as a great misfortune, evil, they try to fight infirmities with the help of strangers and eradicate the disease by all possible methods. Ignorance of the true meaning of the disease is tantamount to the rejection of a holistic view of it. The unwillingness of a person to understand the meaning of the disease and cure it on his own is a huge sin of a person before the Spirit. Now there are a lot of new medicines, diagnostic and medical equipment, and the more of them, the further we go from the cause of the disease - the nature of the incarnated soul. However, there have always been and are people who knew about the central role of the disease in the fate of man for our further life development. Hippocrates said: "The medical philosopher is like God." Previously, people were treated by priests who had knowledge of philosophy, religion, exo- and esoteric medicine. In our time, narrow specialists are mainly treated (one - eyes, others - nerves). And a person walks from office to office all his life, not realizing that by doing so he worsens the situation. I would very much like modern medicine to become holistic, so that doctors get deeper and more versatile knowledge about the subtle bodies of a person, and not just knowledge about our “dense body”, so that they understand the meaning of the disease. Earthlings are very dependent on planetary influences, on the unfavorable days of the Moon, which “turn on” and “turn off” us from different situations. We are influenced by the biological mechanisms of the planet Earth, her breathing, the work of her chakras; we, of course, are very dependent on the external environment, on solar flares. In order to get away from dependence on planets and magnetic storms, we must be able to “turn on” our will, constantly monitor our seven subtle twins. Because the “observer”, who is always there, helps us to see ourselves more correctly from the side and correct our states in time for the better.

It seems to us that the world reacts to us incorrectly, but in fact it is we who react incorrectly to the world, and the world around us is neutral. We forgot that the outer world of a person is just a replica of his inner world, just a pale tracing paper from his soul. The inner mood of an earthling should sound like this: “Welcome, an integral world with all its features!” Life is a stream that is favorable for our spiritual development, although the external manifestations of this stream seem unfavorable to us. However, it is the misfortunes and illnesses that highlight what we need to change within ourselves. Dear ones, remember that you are immortal, for the fear of death makes people slaves. All situations and all people constantly teach us something, and we should be grateful to them. Knowledge of the laws of the universe does not bring happiness immediately, it only allows us to live more and more harmoniously. We need to cultivate courage and determination in ourselves to fight our laziness, to change our thoughts and actions for the better, to be responsible before God for our health and for the health of the planet.

It must be remembered that the disease is sent by the Angel as a signal - little man, you are going the wrong way, you are going the wrong way, you are moving away from God. Stop and change your outlook, change yourself - then the disease will recede! Each symptom of the disease indicates to us in which area we have gone astray from the right path. This lack of necessary information in our minds is what makes us sick. Einstein came close to the truth, showing that matter and energy are interchangeable. This is how our physical body is a mirror image of our inner state. Professor Kurt Tepperwein said: "Our body, and indeed our whole life, is nothing but an accurate reflection of our spiritual situation, because the spirit is what shapes the body and determines destiny." A century ago, Edward Bach (English physician, 1886-1936) noted: “Illness is not cruelty and not punishment, but only a corrective and an instrument that our soul uses to point out our mistakes to keep us from even greater delusions, to prevent us from doing more harm and returning us to the path of truth and light.” Diseases of the body force a person to start studying the eternal laws of the Cosmos: the laws of selflessness, compassion and altruistic love. It is diseases that make a person grow wiser, look for the causes of suffering sent to him not in the physical world, but in his thoughts. They make you live more correctly: change your thinking about yourself and understanding of life, change your lifestyle, love your body and take care of it not for the sake of the desires of the ego, but for the sake of the desires of the soul. We are what we eat, and we eat what we think. All the causes of diseases lie in our thoughts.

The attending physician should especially remember that each person is at his own stage of evolution and each needs his own approach. And illness is one of the forms of testing a person, a reason for changing a person for the better, a reason for internal work on oneself, one of the compulsory factors for spiritual growth, which completely depends on the willpower of the person himself.

Egyptian priests said: “Each symptom of a disease is a specific message from an Angel, which must be carefully read in order to understand the meaning of the disease and see behind it what we lack for integrity, for the harmony of the soul, spirit and body.”

My dear readers, I think that in half of the cases the doctor should not treat the illness of the person who turned to him. The task of a real doctor is to diagnose the disease, explain the meaning of the disease to his patient, awaken in him the desire to actively fight for a change in his character and worldview. By changing himself inside, a person will independently heal both his soul and his body. Only in this case the lesson of the Angel will be learned. And if some psychic or a doctor tries to cancel the lesson (illness), then the Angel will punish him, the doctor, and the patient. Someday the Lesson will still be learned by this couple of earthlings. Nobody canceled the Law of Karma. Love your illnesses, for they are your best teachers who give you honest marks for bad behavior. Only these "teachers" put marks not in diaries, but on bodies. Work on yourself, and as you study the meaning and cause of the disease, independently achieve positive marks with the help of mental, mental and physical exercises. Having healed from the disease, do not give up the training of the soul and body, but on the contrary, with the help of the mastered exercises, accelerate your progress towards the Creator.

A spiritual person is not afraid of any disease. Now is the time of Armageddon on Earth. The closer we get to 2012, the more new exotic diseases will appear on Earth. The greatest harvest of death will be gathered in our country by the "Fire Fever" caused by the radiation of the planet Nibiru. The rays of Nibiru, like the sword of Maitreya, will separate spiritual people from the unspiritual. Highly spiritual people will only become stronger and stronger from Heavenly fire, while low-spiritual people will burn from the inside and die from incomprehensible diseases. Real spirituality has very little to do with religion. After all, religion is aimed at the deification of the external God. And spirituality - it is always directed inward, to the most sacred center of the being. Spirituality is the ability to see God inside your being and communicate with Him without intermediaries! Everything else - Love, altruism, kindness, purity, mercy, righteousness - is just a consequence of spirituality. There is no one or nothing in the entire universe that is not spiritual. Everything is from God, and everything is the Creator. If during meditation we raise the vibrations of consciousness from chakra to chakra, then our soul ceases to identify itself with the body and mind - there comes a moment when our soul begins to talk with God.

Recently, many new words have appeared related to the Day of Judgment and Armageddon. When low-spiritual people use beautiful foreign terms, multi-colored labels "Quantum Leap", "Transition in the Body", "Precessional Alignment", "Ascension Spiral" and others, the main and indispensable condition for the successful transition of the soul to the Fourth Dimension is often missed - the need to raise through daily practice Spirituality and the level of vibrations of your body. In other words, few of the newly minted teachers and "doctors" understand that the Ascension process and yoga are one and the same. No need to sit and wait for a magician who will come and with a wave of his hand will make you a highly spiritual person. No one will ever do your work of enlightening the soul for you!

Georgy Aleksandrovich Boreev (Georgy Byazyrev, 09/08/1953-05/05/2010) was born in Irkutsk.

He served in the Soviet Army in East Germany. After demobilization, he worked as a loader in the ports of the Black Sea and as a ship assembler at the shipyards of the Ukrainian city of Nikolaev. Then he enlisted as a worker at the BAM construction site, worked as a welder, concrete worker, fireman in the cities of Komsomolsk-on-Amur, Khabarovsk, Irkutsk, Yaroslavl. For a long time he taught Russian language and literature at a vocational school, worked as a correspondent and literary consultant in regional newspapers.

He began to make his first attempts at writing at the age of 25, sending his poems to the regional and district newspapers of the city of Nikolaev. After 2 years, he became the Laureate of the Prize of the Ukrainian Komsomol named after. Dovzhenko for a cycle of poems dedicated to native nature and mother. Studied at five institutes. But I only finished one. In 1980 he entered the Literary Institute. Gorky, at the Faculty of Poetry, a seminar by Larisa Vasilyeva. In 1986 he received a diploma from Litin.

Since 1992, Boreev has been practicing Raja yoga exercises. The lack of necessary esoteric books for spiritual development forced G. Boreev to turn to prose. What George could not find in the libraries, he decided to write himself. The first prose book "13 signs of the Zodiac" Boreev wrote and published at his own expense in 1998, in 1999 the books "Alien civilizations of Atlantis" and "Conscious exits from the body" were published, which became bestsellers .... Then yoga books were published "The Secret Energy Exercises of the Atlanteans", "The ABC of Yoga", "Flights of the Soul" and other teaching aids, which are used by thousands of followers of spiritual practices in many countries of the world.

In 2004, George began to erect a five-story house in the Moscow region according to his project with a pyramid built inside the castle. During the construction of the “castle in the air”, workers were not hired: he built everything himself, using the “secret” mathematics of Pythagoras and the technologies of the Atlanteans. The palace of glass and pine wood was built by him in three years. This marvel of architecture is adorned by the iron horse Pegasus, hovering over fields and forests at the height of the fourth floor. George welded the wings for the horse from double sheets of iron - 3 mm and 2 mm. The wingspan of Pegasus is 2 meters. The energies coming from the pyramid protect people and the northern regions of the region from vital and tectonic cataclysms, from spiritual breaks in our difficult transitional time.

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