What are isolated members of the sentence examples. What prepositions are used in prepositional case combinations that are separate objects? What can be isolated in Russian

The general concept of isolation.

The secondary members of the sentence, distinguished by meaning and intonation, are called isolated.

Compare: 1) There was a shot who awakened the silence of the forest. 2) A shot rang out, waking the silence forests. 3) resounded loud shot. In these sentences, with the word shot there are definitions. In the first sentence, the definition awakened the silence of the forest expressed by a subordinate clause; this subordinate attributive sentence is distinguished by intonation: there is a pause and a rise in voice before it, it has a logical stress on the word woke up. In the second sentence, the definition awakened the silence of the forest expressed by the participial phrase behind the word being defined; this definition stands out intonationally in exactly the same way as the subordinate clause; before it there is a pause and a rise in voice, it has a logical stress on the word woke up. In the third sentence, the definition loud, expressed by the adjective in front of the word being defined, is not isolated.

Different members of the sentence are isolated for different reasons. In one case, the members of the sentence are isolated because, in their meaning in the sentence, they approach the predicate, they are, as it were, secondary, weakened predicates. Approaching in meaning to the predicate, they have greater semantic independence, which is expressed in pronunciation. In terms of meaning, gerunds are closest to the predicate; therefore, they are usually isolated, for example: clouds, redea, crawled lazily across the sky. (M. G.) In the yard, reflected in the puddles between the stones, the spring sun shines joyfully. (M. G.) Agreed definitions and applications are often isolated, since participles, adjectives and nouns act in the sentence and as predicates. Compare: 1) Michael- blacksmith(blacksmith- predicate). Michael, blacksmith, working today in the field (blacksmith - separate application). 2) March night was cloudy and foggy(cloudy and foggy - predicates).- March night cloudy and foggy enveloped the earth (cloudy and foggy - separate definitions).

In another case, the members of the sentence - circumstances - are isolated because, being common, they have semantic independence, stand out in pronunciation, in meaning and in pronunciation they approach the subordinate parts of a complex sentence, for example: Fortunately , due to unsuccessful hunting, our horses were not exhausted. (L.)(An isolated circumstance of a reason. Compare the expression of the same thought using the subordinate clause of a complex sentence: Since the hunt was unsuccessful, our horses, fortunately, were not exhausted ..)

In the third case, the members of the sentence are isolated because they are used in the sentence as something additional, introduced to clarify any member of the sentence or to report something additional about it. The pronunciation indicates the additional nature of these members of the sentence, for example: 1) a little way off, around the fire , fighters stretched like a fan. (BUT.) (Separate clarifying circumstance of place.) 2) There was something new in that look, and indeed in Lydia's whole behavior. (M. G.)(Separate connecting addition.)

Separation of agreed definitions.

Agreed definitions expressed by participles and adjectives are separated in the following cases:

1. Definitions expressed by participles and adjectives are usually isolated if they are after the words being defined and have dependent members with them.

EXAMPLES. We were surrounded on all sides by a continuous secular forest, equal in size to a good principality.(Cupr.)

small night bird inaudibly and low rushing on its soft wings, almost bumped into me and timidly ducked to the side. I often think of this dark river now. shaded by rocky mountains, and this living light. (Kor.)

2. Two or more uncommon definitions are separated when they appear after the word being defined, especially if there is already a definition before this word.

EXAMPLES. I like his calmness and flat speech, simple and clear.(M. G.) Then spring came, bright , sunny.(M. G.)

In two cases, definitions expressed by participles or adjectives and standing after the word being defined are not isolated.

1) When the word being defined requires the obligatory addition of a definition, then there is no separation.

In a sentence His face had an expression pleasant , but pretty picaresque(P.) definitions are pleasant, but rather picaresque; the expression cannot be isolated from the noun being defined, since it will be nonsense; the lexical meaning of this word requires the obligatory addition of definitions. It is impossible to isolate the definitions in the following sentence: A young officer with a swarthy face and remarkably ugly.(P.) And here the separation of definitions swarthy and perfectly ugly face from the word creates nonsense.

2) When the whole combination of the definition with the defined is important for the speaker, he does not isolate the definition.

In a sentence Who made you such a sonorous violin and weird?(M. G.) important for the author violin by itself, and the violin is so sonorous and sensitive, therefore the author does not isolate the definitions.

In a sentence On the way to winter, boring three greyhound runs (P.) definitions are not separate. For the author, it is not important road by itself, and the road is winter, boring.

3. Definitions, common and single, standing in front of the defined subject, stand apart if there are other members of the sentence between them and the subject niya, for example: Illuminated by hidden reflectors multi-colored drops of fire burn. (Cupr.) On the bench, scattered, there were pistons, a gun, a dagger, a bag, a wet dress, rags. (L. T.)

4. Definitions, common and single, standing directly before the subject, stand apart only when they have an additional circumstantial value (causal, concessive, temporary); these definitions apply not only to the subject, but also to the rest of the content of the sentence.

Encouraged by signs of universal pleasure, the hawker was completely flustered. (T.) Definition to the subject hawker at the same time serves as a circumstance of reason to the rest of the content of the sentence. (Why totally screwed up?)

wide, free, the alley leads into the distance. (V. B.)(Which alley? Why does the alley lead into the distance?

Notes. 1. Definitions that have circumstantial significance arose in speech under the influence of adverbial phrases, consisting of passive participles or adjectives with a verbal copula being, type Being naturally unforgiving I sincerely forgave him and our quarrel, and wound. (P.) When skipping a bunch, adjectives and passive participles retained their adverbial meaning.

2. Serving to clarify the predicate, isolated definitions that have adverbial significance are often placed away from the subject:

Mitya put on a cap with a cockade and, triumphant, joyful, ran out into the street. (Ch.)

5. Definitions are always isolated if they refer to personal pronouns (common and single, standing in front of and behind the word being defined). Definitions related to personal pronouns usually have an additional adverbial meaning and at the same time explain the predicate.

EXAMPLES: Tired, she fell silent. (M. G.) (Since she was tired, she fell silent.) No one will go to you, angry. (Sharp) (To you, when you are angry, no one will go.)

Notes. 1. The peculiar meaning of some categories of pronouns causes features in the isolation of definitions with them. As a rule, definitions are not isolated for indefinite pronouns; in these combinations, the definition, complementing the meaning of the pronoun, merges with him into one, for example: In his eyes was something disturbing and very sad.

As a rule, definitions after the definitive pronoun are not separated. all, meaningful generalization, for example: All those present at the meeting The pioneers were warmly welcomed.

But if the definitive pronoun is used in the meaning of a noun, then the definition with it can be isolated, for example: Everything, blooming, fragrant, young, made me happy.

2. Adjectives and participles, regardless of any conditions, are not isolated if they are part of a compound predicate: He came especially excited and cheerful.(L. T.) It is not said that "he came", but that "he came especially excited and cheerful." The predicate is came excited and cheerful.

Separation of inconsistent definitions.

1. Inconsistent definitions expressed by the comparative degree of adjectives are usually isolated, since they are close in meaning to a weakened predicate; they usually come after the word they define and have dependent words, for example: short beard, slightly darker hair slightly shaded the lips and chin. (ACT.)

2. Definitions expressed by indirect cases of nouns, as a rule, are after the words being defined.

They are usually not isolated, uniting with the word being defined into a phrase-naming, for example: Find a lady there in a gray hat with a white bird and tell me I'm here. (Ch.) They are isolated if they only supplement and clarify the idea of ​​​​an already known object or person, for example:

Mother came out majestically in a lilac dress, in lace, with a long string of pearls around her neck.(M. G.) Defining noun mother denotes an already known person, the definitions only complement our idea of ​​\u200b\u200bthe mother at the moment; so the definitions are separate.

Attributes expressed by nouns in oblique cases are usually isolated when they refer to personal pronouns and proper names: Today she in a new blue hood, She was especially young and impressively beautiful. (M. G.) Ferapontov, in a vest, in a cotton shirt, stood by a shop that overlooked the street. (L. T.)

Personal pronouns indicate a person already known from the previous presentation. Proper names accurately designate a person or object in order to distinguish it from a number of similar ones.

Finally, definitions expressed by indirect cases of nouns are usually isolated:

a) when they follow isolated definitions expressed by adjectives and participles, for example: This rotting man skinny, with a stick in his hand, sparkled and smoked, burning with an insatiable greed for the game of deeds (M. G.);

b) when they stand in front of these definitions and are connected with them by coordinating conjunctions, for example: poor guest, with a torn hem and scratched to the point of blood, soon found a safe corner. (P.)

Exercise 97 Put the definitions together with their dependent words (where they are) so that they are separate, and write. Insert the missing letters.

1) Autumn ... tree-lined road meanders ... around the mountain. 2) The sun rose over the mountains and burned down the in...th still lying in the shadow. 3) In the yard there was a cart ... harnessed by two oxen. 4) A brook writhed silently near the half-naked trees in autumn. 5) All the walls were full of cutouts from magazines of pictures. 6) His long thick hair did not hide the bulges of a spacious skull.

98. Write off. Explain punctuation; Explain the spelling of the endings of adjectives and participles.

1) She met her son with a joy unexpected for him. (M. G.) 2) And on the deserted seashore there was nothing left in memory of the little drama that played out between two people. (M. G.) 3) Her questions, loud and clear, seemed to wake people up. (M. G.) 4) On a gentle Indian summer day, Artamonov, tired and angry, went out into the garden. (M. G.) 5) Large trees, devoid of branches below, rose from the water, muddy and black. (A.N.T.) 6) Pale, he was lying on the floor, holding a pistol in his right hand. (L.) 7) The detachment that left early in the morning has already covered four miles. (L. T.) 8) Shaken by a night storm, the sea turned white to the very horizon with lambs. 9) At the sight of Kalinovich, the footman, stupid in appearance, but in a livery with galloons, stretched himself into a duty pose. (Pisemsk and y.) 10) The whole village, quiet and thoughtful, with willows, elderberries and mountain ash looking out from the yards, had a pleasant appearance. (Ch.)

11) Barefoot, in one shirt, she quickly went downstairs. (M. G.) 12) One of the Cossacks spoke, dusty and on a sweaty horse. ("L. T.) 13) Varvara Pavlovna, in a hat and shawl, hastily returned from her walk. (T.) 14) In a white dress, with braids not untwisted over her shoulders, she quietly approached the table. (M. G.) 15) In front of me, in a long blue overcoat, stood an old man of medium height, with white hair, a kind smile and beautiful blue eyes. (T.)

99. Read, indicate isolated and non-isolated definitions; explain why the definitions are separate; then copy by inserting the missing letters and punctuation marks

1) The young month ... that shone first ... went ... over the mountains. 2) Soft ... steps of people shod not in boots were approaching. 3) The soldiers now n ... only heard but also saw ... two shadows passing in the span between the trees. 4) Hadji Murad restrained his white horse, which was panting heavily and turned gray with sweat, and stopped. 5) One of the people sitting by the fire quickly got up and went up to Hadji Murad. 6) Hadji Murad took out one of the Khozyrs, took out a bullet from the gag ... and from under the bullet a note folded into a tube. 7) Hadji Murad raised his head and looked at the sky in the east, already shining through the trunks of trees, and asked the murid, who was sitting at some distance from him, about Khan Magom. 8) He was awakened by the cheerful voice of Khan-Magoma, who was returning ... going with Bata from his embassy. 9) The sun shone ... and on the newly blossomed ... foliage and on the young virgin grass and on the shoots of bread and on the ripples of the fast river visible ... to the left of the road.

(L. N. T o l s t o y.)

100. Write with punctuation marks. Fill in the missing letters and explain their spelling.


It was the busiest time. The entire population of the villages swarmed on watermelon melons and vineyards. On the dusty road leading to the gardens, creaky carts stretched on horseback ... filled with black ... grapes. Brushes were scattered on the dusty road, crumpled by the wheels. Boys and girls ... in shirts stained with grape juice ... with tassels in their hands and in their mouths ran after their mothers. Tied up to the eyes with handkerchiefs, mamuks led bulls harnessed to carts highly overlaid with grapes. There was a stench in the air above the gardens. A warm strong wind passing through the branches did not bring coolness, but only monotonously bent the tops of the pear-peach and mulberry trees scattered through the orchards. The working time had already begun... two weeks ago, and hard... barking n... incessant work occupied... the whole life of a young girl. But as soon as the dawn went out, she was already walking into the hut and, having had dinner in a dark hut with her father, mother and brother, a carefree healthy woman entered the hut, sat on the stove and half-asleep listened to the conversation of the guest. Sometimes she was affectionate, but for the most part, every look, every word, every movement of her expressed this indifference, not conspicuous ... visual, but ... influencing and bewitching.

(According to L. N. T o l s t o m u.)

101. Write with punctuation marks. Underline isolated definitions. Insert missing n or nn.

Behind the house there was an old garden, already wild, drowned out by weeds and bushes. I walked along the terrace, still strong and beautiful; through the glass... .the th door one could see a room with a parquet floor, it must have been a living room.... Only peonies and poppies survived from the former flower beds, which raised their white and bright red heads from the grass; along the paths, stretching out, interfering with each other, grew young maples and elms already plucked by cows. It was dense, and the garden seemed impassable, but it was only near the house, where there were still poplars, pines and old lindens of the same age that had survived from the former alleys, and further behind them the garden was cleared for haymaking. The further inland, the more spacious, and sprawling apple trees, disfigured by props, and old pears so tall that they could not even believe that they were pears, were already growing in the expanse of cherry plums. The garden, more and more thinned, turning into a real meadow, descended to the river overgrown with green reeds and willows; near the mill dam there was a deep and fishy pool, a small mill angrily roared frogs furiously. On the water, smooth as a mirror, circles occasionally went round and river lilies trembled, alarmed by cheerful fish. A quiet stretch beckoned to itself, promising coolness and peace.

(A.P. Chekhov)

102. Write off, inserting separate definitions placed in brackets, agreeing them with the nouns to which they should be attributed in meaning. Break out the commas.

1) Dark blue patches of the sky shone affectionately between the clouds (decorated with golden dots of stars). 2) The air was saturated with the pungent smell of the sea and the greasy fumes of the earth. (shortly before evening, abundantly moistened with rain).

3) A wide cloud began to grow and appear from behind the tops of the trees (for a long time lying like a lead veil on the very edge of the sky). 4) The desert surrounding hillocks sparkle (showered with swan down of young snow). 5) Lukashka sat somewhat sideways on his well-fed bay horse (lightly stepping on a hard road and throwing up his beautiful head with a glossy thin withers). 6) After driving a few steps, they saw a Cossack (sitting behind a sandy mound and loading a gun).

Separation of applications.

1. A common application is always isolated if it refers to a common noun or a pronoun. If it refers to a proper name, then it stands apart when it stands behind it.

In all these cases, the application is, as it were, a weakened secondary predicate.

EXAMPLES. light rain, harbinger of autumn sprinkles the earth. (M. G.) Unfortunately faithful sister, hope in a gloomy dungeon will awaken cheerfulness and fun. (P.) I, your old matchmaker and godfather, came to make peace with you. (Cr.)

4) A. S. Pushkin, great Russian poet, was born in Moscow. (Compare: Great Russian poet A. S. Pushkin was born in Moscow.)

2. A proper name (common and non-common), standing after a common noun, is isolated if it serves to clarify. In this case, it is sometimes attached with the help of words by name, nickname, surname, nickname etc.

EXAMPLES. my father Andrey Petrovich Grinev, served under Count Munnich. (P.) At the second boy, Pavlushi, hair was tousled. (T.) One of Troekurov's hounds. named Paramoshka , offended by the words of Dubrovsky.

3. An uncommon application, expressed by a common noun, is isolated in the following cases:

1) If it refers to a personal pronoun, for example:

kind, he could not refuse anyone's request. We, gunners, fussed about the guns. (L. T.)

Note. A defined personal pronoun may be absent: eka, bum, how he paints! (G.)(Appendix loafer refers to the missing pronoun he.)

2) If it refers to proper nouns and stands after them, for example: There was a captain, and a lieutenant, and Onisim Mikhailovich, sergeant major.(L. T.)

Note. The application in front of a proper name is isolated only when it has an additional adverbial value (causal) and at the same time explains the predicate, for example: Between topics rustic mechanic, Zaretsky condemned millstones (P.)(i.e. "being a village mechanic ...").

3) If it refers to a common noun, common explanatory words, for example: Then on a wide street they met the cook of General Zhukov, old man.(Ch.)

If both the application and the word it explains are common nouns and do not have dependent words, then they merge in meaning and in pronunciation, as it were, into one word and are combined in writing with a def and with m, for example: And here she goes sorceress-winter.(P.) The street winds snake. (V. M.)

In some cases, the common noun, standing after the proper one, also merges with it, as it were, into one word and a def is added to the letter, for example:

Go to the yard hut, or else to Agrafena- housekeeper. (T.) Stenka Razin went to Astrakhan- city. (P.)

Note. The hyphen is not put if the application denoting the profession, rank, social affiliation, etc., refers to the words citizen and comrade: citizen judge, comrade professor. The names of classes of objects or creatures are also written separately with the names of the types of these objects and creatures: shark fish, poltavka wheat.

4. Applications joined by union as, are isolated if they indicate a reason, for example: Pine, like a resinous tree, hard to rot. (A.) (Pine, because she is a resinous tree, hard to rot.)

Separate applications are separated by commas and or dashes: In the hut, singing, the maiden spins, and, winter friend nights, a splinter crackles in front of her. (P.) Senior officer - gallant elderly Cossack with stripes for extra-long service- commanded "to build". (Shol.)

Note: Instead of commas, a common application may use dashes in the following cases:

1) If before the application it is possible to imply a union without changing the meaning of speech namely: The main directive is product quality improvement- is executed successfully.

2) If the application is at the end of the sentence and is attached as would in in order of adding to what has been said: I had a cast iron kettle my only joy in traveling through the Caucasus.(L.)

3) If there are several applications, to establish a line between applications and the noun being defined: The fiercest scourge of heaven, nature's horror - Pestilence rages in the forests. (Cr.)

4) If the application belongs to one of the homogeneous members, so as not to confuse applications with a homogeneous member: My grandmother was sitting in the room, my brother - five-year-old Petya, sister Nina and me.

Exercise 103. Write off. Explain punctuation marks.

1) My little sister Lyubochka was sitting in front of the piano. (L. T.) 2) The owner of the sakli, Sado, was a man of about forty. (L. T.) 3) Malasha, a six-year-old girl, remained in the hut. (L. T.) 4) He thought about his life in comparison with the life of Ivan Matveyevich, captain. (L. T.) 5) Vladimir recognized Arkhip the blacksmith. (P.) 6) Teenage girls on the other corner of the square were already dancing. (L. T.) 7) Her father, a botanist, was sent to the Canary Islands and died there. (M. G.) 8) Marya Vasilievna, together with her son, a six-year-old handsome, curly-haired boy, met Hadji Murad in the drawing room. (L. T.) 9) He laid a new garden and a new building, a building for courtyards. (L. T.) 10) We, doctors, are struck by this truly boundless patience. (N. O.) 11) I quarreled with Alexei Ivanovich, and I ask him, Ivan Ignatich, to be my second. (P.) 12) This student, named Mikhalevich, an enthusiast and poet, sincerely fell in love with Lavretsky. (T.) 13) Olenin looked at Vanyusha only as a servant. (L. T.)

104. Write with punctuation marks. Insert the missing letters.

1) Funny ... fussy jumper Uncle Alex. 2) Her cozy house is filled with her daughter's friends, girls of the best families of the city. 3) The second son Yakov, round and ruddy, looked like his mother. 4) The fat coachman Yakim, a meek man, kindly and timidly soothes ... the horses. 5) My cousin works there as a foreman. 6) In the far corner, a yellow spot of fire shone in Seraphim's apartment. 7) Just five years ago, he was burned ... a handsome, healthy man came to the factory with his lively wife. 8) Pomyalov and Voropaev asked me to persuade you brothers to sell the factory to them. 9) In a gray cloud ... lightning flashed across the Moscow River. 10) In anger ... thunder, a clear demon, he has long heard fatigue ... that is.

(From the works of M. G o r k o g o.)

Isolation of the circumstances expressed by the participle.

Participles denote additional actions that explain the main action or state expressed by the predicate. The relationship between the action expressed by the predicate, on the one hand, and the action expressed by the participle, on the other hand, can be different. These relations are close to those that exist between the predicates of the main and subordinate clauses, and in some cases between homogeneous predicates in a simple sentence. The participle alone or with dependent words can denote the preceding action, for example: Zakarkav, a gang of black ravens flew off. (P.) It can denote an action at the same time, for example: Boy, looking out the car window smiling happily. In these cases, gerunds answer the question when? and are conditions of time. A gerund or participle can express an action that is the cause of the main action, for example: Vasilisa Yegorovna left me alone,seeing my perseverance . In this example, the adverbial phrase answers the question why? and is the circumstance of the cause.

The participle can denote the way (image) of the main action, for example: Trezor ran ahead waving his tail.(BUT.) Here the adverbial phrase answers the question

as? how? and is a condition of the mode of action.

The adverb can also have other meanings. Approaching in meaning to the predicate of a subordinate clause or to a homogeneous predicate, single gerunds and with dependent words, as a rule, are isolated and separated by commas in writing: 1) Leaning on the velvet of the lodge, the girl did not move. (T.) 2) She sat by the window turning away and looked pale. (T.) 3) Chertophanov, without stopping and without looking back walked with big steps. (T.)

The independence of the participle is indicated by the fact that it can be attached, as a subordinate clause, by a comparative union, for example: An invisible brook chattered peacefully with iridescent and booming sounds, as if flowing into an empty bottle.(T.)

N o t e. After the union and there is no pause before the adverbial turnover (or gerund), and a comma is placed to show the beginning of the adverbial turnover in writing: 1) Khor sat down on a bench and, calmly stroking his curly beard, entered into a conversation with me. (T.) 2) Hadji Murad stopped throwing the reins and, unfastening the rifle case with the usual movement of the left hand, took it out with his right hand. (L. T.)

The participle is not isolated when it merges with the verb-predicate into one semantic whole. For example, in a sentence Walked Nikonov bending back(M. G.) the author wants to say something Nikonov walked, but what he walked with a bent back.

2. A group of homogeneous members is not isolated, consisting of a gerund and an adverb connected by a coordinating conjunction, for example: 1) Klim Samghin walked down the street cheerfully and without giving way to oncoming people.(M. G.) 2) He answered him not embarrassed and frankly. (Rem.)

3. Single gerunds that are directly adjacent to the predicate and have the meaning of the circumstances of the mode of action are not isolated, for example: 1) You enter the hall dancing(L.T.) (dancing, i.e. fun, with movements resembling dances). 2) Until two o'clock classes were supposed to go without interruption(L.T.) (without interruption, i.e. nonstop). 3) Why, sir, are you crying? live laughing(Gr.) (laughing, i.e. without worries, fun). In this case, gerunds begin to acquire the meaning of adverbs. (Compare: In the towns we began to play, having bathed, where having bathed - gerund, adverb of time.)

In some cases, gerunds and participles finally turn into adverbs or into whole adverbial combinations that are not isolated, for example: reluctantly, lying, standing, sitting; arms folded, sleeves down, headlong, mouth open.

EXAMPLES. one) He began to mend feathers, yes sitting fell asleep. (T.) 2) Gregory is standing bowing my head.(N.)

Note. If the gerund is preceded by an adversative union a, which refers to this gerund, then a comma is not placed between the union a and the gerund, for example: He did not think about meeting Sofya Antonovna, but unexpectedly colliding with her at the entrance to the theater, he was at a loss.

Exercise 105. Read. Explain punctuation marks. Specify the meaning of adverbs. Explain the merged and separate spelling of the particle not .

1) Waving a silver ax in the sun, he deftly chop the stake and hummed softly. 2) He left reluctantly, shuffling heavily with his feet. 3) With a squeal and laughter, pushing, the girls ran into the garden and, surrounding the table with a bright wreath of sarafans, sang a magnificence. Pyotr chuckled cautiously, glancing at the girls and tugging at his ear. 4) He spoke without agitation and, remembering suitable proverbs, generously smeared his speech with the fat of wisdom. 5) Baimakov listened, silently looking into the corner. 6) Thoughts interfered with him, suddenly arising at inconvenient hours, attacking during work. 7) Yakov Artamonov walked slowly, putting his hands in his pockets, holding a stick under his arm. 8) Zinaida walked behind the coffin frowning, but without tears. 9) You can live without showing off your mind, without these conversations. 10) A golden web flutters in the air, weaving into transparent flame patterns, and freezes, admiring its beauty reflected in the water.

(M. Gorky.)

106. Write with punctuation marks; underline gerunds together with dependent words (if any); orally indicate which additional actions denote gerunds.

The sun was setting behind the mound. The bitter wormwood smell of the mowed steppe intensified in the evening, but became softer and more desirable, having lost its half-day suffocating sharpness. The heat subsided. The bulls walked willingly, and the insipid dust whipped up by their hooves on the couch rose and settled on the bushes of the roadside Tatar. The tops of the tartar with blooming crimson tops shone fieryly. Bumblebees circled above them. To a distant steppe pond, calling to one another, lapwings flew. Daria lay face down on the swaying wagon, leaning on her elbows, occasionally glancing at Natalia. She was looking at the sunset, thinking about something, on her calm, clean face, copper-red reflections wandered.

(M. S o l o h o v.)

107. Read, indicate from which work of M. Gorky this passage is taken. Indicate sentences with adverbial phrases and the meaning of these phrases. Write with missing punctuation marks. Insert the missing letters.

Pretending, pulling his yellow shirt, the Gypsy was cautiously going out into the middle of the kitchen as if on nails ... The guitar rang furiously, the heels on the table were rattling and the dishes rattled in the closet, and in the middle of the kitchen the Gypsy was on fire with a kite, waving his arms, like wings, moving imperceptibly legs; hiccupping, squatted ... gave it to the floor and m ... thrashed about with a golden swift, illuminating everything around with the brilliance of silk, and the silk was shivering ... shaking and

flowing as if warm ... rel and melted ...

Suddenly she [grandmother] got up young, straightened her skirt... lifted up her heavy head and went through the kitchen... Uncle threw himself up, stretched out, covered his eyes and played more slowly;

The gypsy stopped for a minute and jumped ... chiv went crouching around the grandmother and she floated silently on the floor, as if on air, spreading her arms, raising her eyebrows, looking somewhere into the distance with her dark eyes ... Grandmother did not dance, but seemed to be telling something. Here she goes quietly thinking, swaying, looking around from under her arm, and her whole large body sways indecisively, her legs feel the road carefully. She suddenly stopped, frightened of something, her face trembled, frowned, and immediately covered with a kind, friendly smile. She rolled aside, giving way to someone, moving someone away with her hand; lowering her head, she froze, listening, smiling more and more cheerfully - and suddenly she was torn from her place, whirling in a whirlwind, she became slimmer and taller, and it was already impossible to take her eyes off her: she was becoming so violently beautiful and sweet ... she was growing at that moment wonderful return to youth!

(M. Gorky.)

Separation of circumstances expressed by nouns with prepositions.

The isolation of circumstances expressed by nouns with prepositions is caused by the following reasons: the meaning of the circumstance, the presence of explanatory words under the circumstance, its position in front of the predicate and the intention of the speaker. The circumstance of the mode of action and the circumstance of the place are separated less often than the circumstances of the cause and concessions. Circumstances that are common with explanatory words stand apart more often than non-common circumstances, for example: 1) Petya in the evening went to a friend. 2) Petya, after receiving a decisive refusal, he went to his room and there, locking himself away from everyone, wept bitterly. (L. T.) In the case of isolation, common circumstances in meaning and pronunciation are close to subordinate clauses.

1. The circumstance with the preposition is always isolated and highlighted with commas in spite of, concessive meaning, for example: Despite all my efforts, I couldn't sleep at all. (T.)

2. Separation of other circumstances depends on stylistic tasks, on the intention of the author. Authors usually separate them if they attach special importance to them or, on the contrary, consider them as incidental remarks, for example: cruisers, due to lack of space in the bay, kept out to sea. (New-Rev.)

The following are especially common:

a) the circumstances of the case with the words owing to, owing to, owing to, due to lack of and etc.;

b) concessive circumstances with a preposition contrary to;

c) circumstances in the condition and I with the words in the presence, in the absence and etc.

EXAMPLES: 1) Old and gray-bearded Janusz, behind lack of apartments, sheltered in one of the cellars of the castle. (Kor.) 2) If the weather is favorable, Tomorrow we leave for Kazan. 3) Contrary to my companion's prediction, the weather cleared up. (L.)

Separation of add-ons.

Of the additions, very few are isolated, namely the following:

a) additions with prepositions except, besides, excluding etc., denoting items excluded from a number of other items: All, except for the wife consider him guilty of everything (M. G.);

b) additions with prepositions besides, beyond, including, besides, denoting items included in a number of other items: Besides Velenchuk, Five more soldiers were warming themselves near the fire.(L. T.)

Exercise 108. Find circumstances, indicate what these circumstances are, how they are expressed, and think about why they are isolated or not isolated. Write out examples with isolated circumstances, underline the prepositions in them.

1) Forests, despite the tropical heat, did not differ in tropical splendor. (New-Rev.) 2) I was riding on the postal ones, and he, due to the heavy luggage, could not follow me. (L.)

3) My Cossack, contrary to orders, slept soundly. (L.)

4) Savelich, in accordance with the opinion of the coachman, advised to return. (P.) 5) Despite the abundance of fuss in the store and work at home, I seemed to fall asleep in heavy boredom. (M. G.) 6) Nothing was visible for a long time, except for the rain and a long man lying on the sand by the sea. (M. G.) 7) No one, except the valet, saw him unpowdered. (T.) 8) In addition to his handsome and pleasant appearance, he had good manners. (T.)

109. Write with punctuation marks. Explain spelling not and neither.

1) The occupation of the hunter Noskov could not be known to anyone except you and me. (M. G.) 2) In addition to the useful, Safron also cared about the pleasant. (T.) 3) Instead of her former credulity, confusion appeared in her. (T.) 4) Everyone got up and went to the terrace with the exception of Gedeonovsky. (T.) 5) Everyone, not excluding the coachman himself, came to his senses only when a carriage with six horses jumped on them. (G.) 6) I think except for Russia in the month of September there are no such days anywhere. 7) She came to the meeting instead of Osip and began to scold. (Ch.) 8) Despite all my efforts, I could not sleep at all. (T.) 9) In the absence of a room for travelers at the station, we were given an overnight stay in a smoky hut. (L.) 10) Pyotr Vasilyevich liked to see guests at his place and treat them despite the scarcity of his funds. (T.) 11) Verochka's small bedroom overlooked the garden, and besides her clean bed and a washstand with a mirror and one chair, there was no furniture in it. (T.)

Separation of clarifying members of the proposal.

A clarifying member is a member of a sentence that answers the same question as the other member after which it stands, but is not homogeneous with it, but serves to clarify. Qualifier members can be common. The clarifying members of the sentence are, as it were, incomplete sentences introduced into the main one.

In a sentence Here, on the field of Borodino, the Russian army covered itself with unfading glory qualifying circumstance of place on the field of Borodino answers the same question (where?) as the circumstance of place here, after which it stands; it serves to clarify the content: here(namely), on the field of Borodino.

Clarifying members can join the words they refine by means of explanatory unions that is, or(meaning i.e.), namely and others, for example: They before , that is, before arriving in the village lived in great harmony. (T.) When there are no explanatory conjunctions, they can be implied, for example:

Alexey fights famously, these are his own(namely), city, beat. (M.G.)

The qualifying member may belong to the same part of speech as the word being specified, but may also be expressed in another part of speech: 1) Sometimes, rarely, Peter was joking (M. G.) - adverb sometimes specified by adverbs rarely. 2) He spoke for a long time, ten minutes(M. G.) - adverb for a long time is specified by combining a numeral with a noun: ten minutes.

Clarifying members can refer to both the main and minor members of the sentence.

EXAMPLES. 1) Clarifying member to the predicate: He made I'm honored visited me (P.); 2) clarifying member to the subject: Onegin, my good friend, born on the banks of the Neva (P.); 3) clarifying member to the addition: He always wished with all the strength of his soul one is to be quite good(L. T.);

4) qualifying member to definition: If you please, I mine bring a glass special(L. T.); 5) clarifying member to the circumstance: she felt as if she lived in these parts a long time ago, a hundred years.(Ch.)

When qualifying members are joined using explanatory unions, commas are separated and: Until six o'clock in the evening that is, three hours in a row, Sevastopol, in the excitement of the struggle, did not lag behind the enemy in terms of firepower. (S.-C.) If they join without unions, then they are distinguished by commas and, dashes or brackets: 1) I now I'm talking about myself calmly, without any gall.(T.) 2) He himself spoke to the students and tried to seem completely his own, simple - soul wide open.(S.-Ts.) 3) Rich deposits of selenite (varieties of gypsum) we have in the Urals.

Circumstances may or may not be isolated, depending on whether or not the speaker wishes to emphasize their clarifying meaning; compare: 1) Before the fire, on an overturned boat, the miller's wife was sitting. (T.) 2) We decided to rest at the edge of a birch.

Clarifying definitions may not be highlighted on both sides, but only separated by a comma from the definitions they refine: Thick brands stuck out, remnants of the former, burnt baths. (M. G.)

Exercise 110. Write by opening brackets and inserting missing letters. Underline the qualifying parts of the sentence.

1) (AT) gave, closer to the groves ..., muffled thumping ... then. 2) This is the bedroom, and there, behind it, is still a girl's. 3) He (neither) when he ... laughed, but sometimes, very rarely, he laughed hysterically. 4) We walked for quite a long time, until evening. 5) Straight (before) me, in the corner, figurative ... of that cliff and river ... in the valley, near the river, which stood in this place (not) a mobile, dark mirror, under the very steep of the hill, a red flame ... it glowed ... two lights burned and smoked next to each other. 6) About five years ago, in the autumn, on the road ... from Moscow to Tula, I had to spend the whole day ... in the post office ..., (behind) lack of horses.

(From the works of I. S. Turgenev a.)

Repeat exercise 111. Read. Write with punctuation marks. Insert the missing letters.

Below, under the iron network of the "air road" in the dust and mud of the pavements, silently moving ... children, silently, although they laugh ... and shout, like the children of the whole world, but their voices are drowned in a roar ... over them, like raindrops in the sea.... They seem to be flowers that some rough hand has thrown out of the windows of the houses into the dirt of the street. Feeding their bodies with the fatty fumes of the city, they are pale and yellow, their blood is poisoned, their nerves are irritated by the ominous scream of rusty metal, the sullen howl of enslaved..th lightning.

Do healthy, bold, proud people grow out of these children? - you ask yourself. In response, an angry squeal rattles laughter from everywhere.

Cars rush... past the East Side of the poor quarter of the city's compost pit... All these people flock there... and there they boil gold out of them. The ditches of the streets are teeming with children.

I have seen a lot of poverty, I am well acquainted with her green, white, bony face. Her eyes are dull with hunger and burning with greed ... cunning and vengeful or slavishly submissive and always n ... human I have seen everywhere but the horror of the poverty of the East Side is darker than anything I know.

In these streets filled with people like sacks of cereals, children eagerly search for rotten vegetables in boxes with garbage standing at the panels and devour them, along with mold, right there in caustic dust and stuffiness.

When they find a crust of rotten bread, it arouses ... wild enmity among them; seized by the desire to swallow it, they fight like little dogs. They cover the pavements in flocks, like voracious pigeons; at one o'clock in the morning at two and later they are still rummaging in the mud, miserable microbes of poverty, living reproaches of the greed of the rich slaves of the Yellow Devil.

(M. Gorky, City of the Yellow Devil.)

Separation of connecting words.

Attaching words and combinations are separated, which are additional comments and explanations. They are somewhat reminiscent of introductory words, but differ from them in meaning: introductory words express the speaker's attitude to the thought expressed, and connecting words, being additional remarks, either clarify any member of the sentence, or highlight it; they are the same members of the sentence as the members of the sentence that they single out or explain. Attaching words and combinations are usually attached using the following words and particles: for example, in particular, including, in general, and in general, even, especially, in particular, mainly, mainly, primarily, primarily etc. Attaching words and combinations are separated by commas.

EXAMPLES. one) His eyes were sunk deep into his dry face, like the heads of machine nails into soft wood. for example in lime.(M. G.) 2) Never, even during a fistfight, he did not speed up his movements. (Kor.) 3) All three of them especially the old Cossack, were redder than usual. (L. T.) 4) Other weak-character natures, if they keep their notes, do it in fits and starts, in illegible handwriting, without adding words, generally careless.(S.-C.)

An exercise 112. Read and write the isolated connecting words. Write by inserting the missing letters.

1) The next day, from early morning, the view of the boulevard, in general the appearance of Paris, n ... occupied by insurgents, changed, as if by magic. (T.) 2) Ba...ikads arose...kali everywhere, especially...on the other side of the Seine. (T.) 3) On the northern side closest to the Inkerman heights, all, even the smallest, huts were long and firmly occupied by officers from the headquarters. (S.-C.) 4) Sick and wounded ... were treated by their own Cossack ... doctors, mostly k ... shevars. (S.-C.)

113. Write by punctuating and inserting missing letters.

1) As soon as the water trembles ... that is, it starts to wane, the fish turns back and with the same fear ... rolls down ... with which it has so far gone up. (BUT.) 2) It was still early around noon. (M. G.) 3) He dined merrily and after dinner he wrote nothing on ... no papers. (G.) 4) He immediately spoke about it in the very first minutes. (M. G.) 5) I have always and everywhere a special ... but in the Caucasus I noticed a special ... tact in our soldier. (L. T.) 6) My inclination to intellectual pleasures, for example, to the theater and reading, was developed in me to a passion. (Ch.) 7) We did various outdoor work, mainly painting the roofs. (Ch.) 8) She wanted to work and live independently on her own account (Ch.) 9) The conveniences of life can be combined with anything, even with the most difficult and dirty work. (Ch.)


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You can simply say that this is the selection of sections of text on the letter. But, as elsewhere, there are many nuances. In particular, there are different types of isolation.

Separation of minor members of the proposal

Almost any part of speech, including secondary ones, can stand out in a letter.
First of all, highlighting circumstances with commas depends on how they are expressed. The following cases are possible.

The circumstance is expressed by the adverb

The circumstance is isolated regardless of the place it occupies in relation to the predicate expressed by the verb. That is, the isolation of revolutions, including participles, occurs together with the isolation of the circumstance.

For example: Frightened by a thunderstorm, he returned to the house.

If the circumstance is located in the middle of the sentence, then it must be separated from both sides by commas. This once again confirms that the answer to the question, what is isolation, is simple. This is the selection of a piece of a phrase in a letter.

In the autumn, leaving the house, he felt longing for his native land.

The circumstance, which is expressed by a participle or participle, can be replaced by a subordinate clause or a predicate, since it is close in meaning to a secondary predicate.

Wed: In the fall, leaving the house, he felt longing for his native land. - In the fall, he left the house and felt longing for his native land.

1. Particles only are included in a separate design and are also distinguished:

The light came on, illuminating everything around for a moment, and went out again.

That is, this is an example of the isolation of secondary members of the sentence, which include particles.

2. If the adverbial construction is after a coordinative / or allied word, then it must be separated from the union with a comma.

Wed: She opened the window and, leaning out into the air, began to watch the rising sun. She opened the window and leaned out into the air to watch the rising sun.

3. The union does not require separation with a comma with a gerund or participle turnover in the event that the gerund construction is inseparable from the union or allied word, i.e. it cannot be removed without violating the structure of the sentence.

Compare: He loved to make unusual gifts, and congratulating a friend, he broke into a smile of satisfaction (impossible: He loved to make unusual gifts, but congratulated a friend ...). But! The teacher did not announce the grades for the control, but, having collected the diaries, put them there. - The teacher did not announce the grades for the control, but put them in the diaries.

Homogeneous participles and participles that are connected by single coordinating or disjunctive conjunctions and, or, or, no need to separate with a comma.

The linguist worked on the translation by reading the text and listening to its recording.

But if the union connects not two gerunds, but other constructions, commas are put:

I took the letter and opened it and began to read.

When is this part of speech not isolated?

1. The adverbial construction is represented by a phraseological unit:

He sat back.

But if a phraseological unit is an introductory word in a sentence, it is highlighted with commas.

2. There is an amplifying particle in front of the adverbial construction and:

You can achieve success without having wealth.

3. The gerund is included in and has a dependent allied word which(a comma separates the main clause from the subordinate clause):

The state faces the most important issues, without understanding which it will not be able to reach a new level in the economy.

4. The adverbial turnover includes the subject (a comma separates the entire turnover from the predicate):

Perched on the spruce tree, Crow was about to have breakfast.

5. The participle is a homogeneous member with a non-isolated circumstance and is associated with it with the help of the union and:

He ran quickly and did not look around.

When else is isolation of revolutions not required?

Do not require single gerunds, which:

1. Having finally lost their verbal meaning, they moved into the category of adverbs:

We walked slowly. (It is impossible: We walked and were in no hurry).

2. Lost connection with the verb and moved into the category of function words: n starting from, proceeding from, according to:

Documents are compiled based on the results of the study. However, in other contextual situations, turns can sometimes be isolated.

1) turnover from beginning with is isolated if it has a clarifying character and is not related to time:

She speaks many languages, starting with English and German.

2) turnover from based is isolated in the event that in meaning it correlates with the one who performs the action:

We have compiled documents based on the results of your research.

3) turnover from according to is isolated if it has a clarifying or connecting meaning:

I had to act carefully, depending on the circumstances.

Isolation if the circumstance is expressed by a noun

The circumstance of concession, expressed by a noun with a preposition, is always isolated despite / in spite of(easily replaced by subordinate clauses of concession with an allied word although).

Wed: Despite the bad weather, the rest was a success. - Although the weather was bad, the rest was a success.

Special cases of separation

In the following cases, circumstances may be separated by commas:

1. Reasons with prepositions owing to, in the absence of, owing to, owing to etc. (easily replaced by a subordinate clause with an allied word as).

Wed: The son, according to the opinion of his father, entered the Faculty of Law. - Since the son agreed with the opinion of his father, he entered the Faculty of Law.

2. Concessions with prepositions in spite of, with although).

Wed: Against the advice of his father, the son entered the Faculty of Medicine. - Although the father gave advice, the son entered the medical faculty.

3. Conditions with prepositional constructions in the presence, in the absence, in case etc. (easily replaced by a subordinate clause with a union if).

Wed: Employers, in the event of a decrease in profits, decided to reduce the headquarters. - If the employers' profits decrease, they decided to reduce the staff.

4. Purposes and prepositional combination to avoid(easily replaced by a subordinate clause with a union to).

Wed: Payment, in order to avoid inconvenience, make by card. - To avoid inconvenience, pay by card.

5. Comparisons with the allied word like.

Wed: Tanya graduated from school with excellent grades, like her older sister.

In general, the isolation of phrases with the above prepositions and prepositional constructions is variable.

What is isolation in the acquisition of semantic load?

Circumstances that are expressed by nouns without prepositions or with other prepositions are isolated only if they acquire an additional semantic load, an explanatory meaning, or a combination of several adverbial meanings.

Katya, after receiving a negative answer, left the living room.

Here the circumstance combines two meanings (time and reason, that is, when did he leave? and in connection with what did he leave?)

Pay special attention to the fact that which are expressed by nouns, you should always emphasize intonation. But the presence of a pause does not always indicate the presence of a comma. Thus, it is always intonationally necessary to highlight circumstances located at the beginning of a sentence with isolations.

However, a comma after such a circumstance is not required.

The circumstance is expressed by the adverb

If the circumstances are expressed by adverbs (the presence of dependent words does not matter), then they are isolated only when the author wants to pay more attention to them, when they have the meaning of an accompanying remark, etc.:

A minute later, by no means known how, he reached the village.

In this sentence, with the help of isolation, the unexpectedness and strangeness of the action performed are emphasized. However, such separations in the Russian language always have an authorial, optional character.

We hope that in the article we were able to reveal the answer to the question of what isolation is.

1. What is isolation? What members of a sentence are called isolated?

Isolation is the allocation of sentence members by intonation and writing in order to give them syntactic and semantic independence. Any members of the sentence can be isolated.

2. What are the conditions for the separation of minor members of the proposal?

To isolate the secondary members of the proposal, they must:
Arrange in a special order;
Clarify the nature of the relationship of one member of the proposal to another;
Have a certain semantic load;
Intentionally stand out in a sentence by the author;
Stand near other isolated members;
Do not combine syntactically and in meaning with other members of the sentence.

3. What are the punctuation rules for separating definitions and applications?

O Definitions are isolated:
If it refers to the personal pronoun I, you, you, we, he, she, they, it. For example: How could she, beloved, do this?
If expressed as a participle or adjective with dependent words and stands after the word being defined: The house, built recently, still needed finishing.
Has additional meanings of cause or concession. For example: Tired after a working day, my mother went to rest.
A few uncommon adjectives come after the word they define. For example: I like her character, fair and funny.
They are expressed by a noun in the indirect case and are in the sentence after the word being defined. For example: The grandfather already familiar to us, with a long beard, slowly wandered towards the rising sun.

O Applications are decoupled if:
They are common and are expressed by a common noun with dependent words, but stand after the word being defined: May, the last month of spring, pleased with warmth.
Single and refer to a common noun with dependent words. For example: Our granddaughter, an artist, wants to be famous.
refer to their own noun and come after it. For example: The poems of Tsvetaeva, the great Russian poet, cannot but leave a deep imprint on the heart of the reader.
They refer to the personal pronoun: They, the loons, do not have access to the pleasure of the battle of life ...

4. What are the rules of punctuation when separating circumstances?

Circumstances are always isolated, which are represented by phrases with prepositional combinations “regardless of”, “despite”. For example: Despite the bad weather, she still went to the post office.
o The participle is isolated if:
It is used in the form of turnover. For example: Closing the window, she continued her story.
The turnover is after the union a. For example: You need to correct the mistake, and after correcting it, give the notebook back to the teacher.
A single gerund is isolated if the meaning of the action is not lost (there is no transition to an adverb).

5. What members of the proposal are called clarifying?

Clarifying members of a sentence are words that explain the meaning of the preceding words. In speech, they are distinguished by intonation, and in writing by commas. Example: Today, at two o'clock in the afternoon, come to the assembly hall.

6. With what intonation are the isolated members of the sentence pronounced?

Separate members are pronounced with an accentuating intonation: they are distinguished by pauses and are accompanied by an increase or decrease in tone, depending on where the sentences are located.

Isolation is a selected secondary member of the sentence, intonation and semantic content and words dependent on it. Due to the presence of dependent words, isolation acquires syntactic independence and communicative meaning.

Separation components most often perform the following functions: application, definition, circumstance, and form weakly controlled case forms. For the first time, the term "isolation" began to be used in the Russian language in 1914, and was introduced by the linguist A. Peshkovsky.

Signs of isolation

In Russian linguistics, the following main signs of the existence of isolation in a sentence are distinguished:

1) the presence of words that depend on isolation

2) inverse word order.

3) the presence of complementary semantic verbal turns.

Partition functions

The main function that isolation performs is to provide an additional characteristic of a person, object, or action. With the help of isolation, the sentence is filled with clarifying semantic content, as it explains in detail what is said in its main part.

Example: Great and unexpected happiness came to Mary's life - Great and unexpected happiness came to Mary's life.

Often isolation saturates the sentence with an expressive character.

In writing, isolation is always distinguished by punctuation marks - dashes and commas. Example with a comma: An unfamiliar young man approached us, the inhabitants of the village, and asked about the location of the village council. Dash example: We watched with interest a jay, a small bird with a hooked beak.

Separation types

Depending on the functions performed in the sentence, isolations are divided into two groups: explanatory and semi-predicative isolated turns. Semi-predicative isolations often resemble independent sentences, as they are filled with a logical, sometimes completely complete, meaning.

In russian language There are four types of semi-predicative isolated turns:

  • - participial. In the distance one could see a mill standing under a mountain.
  • - participial turnover. She ran, waving her arms.
  • - substantive turnover. Poor people, they had a hard time enduring the cold.
  • - adjectival turnover. The girl's dress, reminiscent of the spring sky, developed in the wind.

Explanatory phrases always depend on secondary members and perform mainly a concretizing function or supplement the sentence with additional information. The types of explanatory isolations are distinguished by the part of speech to which the main word - isolation belongs.

Types of explanatory separations

  • - substantive: Near the forest, in a clearing, mushrooms grew.
  • - adjective: Everyone left except Alice.
  • - verbal: The rain took people by surprise, did not wait.
  • - infinitive: Vera Ivanovna came without a purpose - to sit and talk.
  • - adverbs: In the middle of the night, unexpectedly for everyone, he ran away.

The role of isolation can be proper nouns or animal names.

Separate secondary members of the sentence, depending on the strengthening or weakening of their semantic role, can be separated from the rest of the members with the help of intonation.
The members of the sentence, distinguished by meaning and isolated in pronunciation, are called isolated members of the sentence.
Most often, common (expanded) members of the sentence, as well as groups of homogeneous members, are isolated.
Separated words on both sides are separated by commas. For example: It was September, windy and wet. Feeling the bottom with his feet, Grigory plunged waist-deep into the soda.
Separate definitions.
A common definition is isolated if it comes after the noun with which it is agreed. For example: The forests, full of darkness, stood motionless. Every work, large and small, argued in the hands of Lukashka. There were trees covered with frost in the garden.
A separate definition, expressed by a participle with words related to it, is called a participial turnover. For example: A garden littered with snow was visible through the windows. The hunters got out into a clearing overgrown with reeds.
Two or more definitions without dependent words standing after the defined word are separated. For example: March night, cloudy and foggy, enveloped the earth.
Definitions expressed by participles and adjectives with dependent words and standing in front of the noun being defined are isolated when the speaker gives them a causal or concessive meaning. For example: Touched by the devotion of an old friend, Dubrovsky fell silent.
Definitions are always isolated if they refer to personal pronouns (usually they have an additional circumstantial value). For example: Tired, she fell silent. To you, angry, no one will come up.
Less commonly, inconsistent definitions expressed by a noun are isolated. Such definitions usually stand after the word being defined and closely merge with it in meaning. For example: An old man with a blue beard came out.
Definitions after the word being defined and expressed by nouns in oblique cases are usually isolated if they refer to personal pronouns or proper names. For example: He stands, pale, in the middle of the main road.
Separate "applications.
Applications are isolated in any position if they carry dependent words and refer to a common noun. For example: Light rain, a harbinger of autumn, sprinkles the ground.
Applications, single and with dependent words, are isolated: if they refer to a proper name, they stand after it and have a pronounced clarifying meaning. For example: A. S. Popov, the inventor of the radio, was born in 1859.
Applications, single and with dependent words, are isolated in any position if they refer to a personal pronoun. For example: I, your old matchmaker and godfather, came to put up with you. We, the gunners, were busy around the guns.
Separate circumstances expressed by gerunds.
The circumstances expressed by gerunds with dependent words are isolated. For example: Pushing me away, my grandmother rushed to the dbury. Grandmother, pushing me away, rushed to the door. Grandma rushed to the door, pushing me away.
Two or more gerunds without dependent words are also isolated. For example: Swaying and sparkling, the shelves are moving. Moving, swaying and sparkling, shelves. Shelves move, swaying and sparkling.
Single gerunds are not isolated, answering the question k and k? and standing at the end of the sentence, since in this case the participles take on the meaning of adverbs. For example: The boy was reading a book lying down.
Separate circumstances expressed by nouns with
Circumstances expressed by nouns with prepositions can be isolated if they are common and come before the predicate. For example: Due to the lack of space in the bay, the cruisers kept to the open sea.
Circumstances of place and time, clarifying the circumstances after which they stand are usually isolated. For example: In the evening, after dinner, we left.
Circumstances are always isolated with the pretext despite (Forests, despite the tropical heat, were not distinguished by tropical splendor.)
Circumstances expressed by nouns with prepositions thanks to, according to, contrary to, in the presence of, etc. are often isolated. For example: Thanks to my mother, I know foreign languages. Savelich, in accordance with the coachman's opinion, advised him to turn back.