What is the toefl 500 test. What is TOEFL and how is it taken? What to pay attention to when preparing

TOEFL (Test of English as a Foreign Language) is the most popular standardized exam to date, revealing knowledge of English as a foreign language. Passing this exam is mandatory for non-English-speaking foreigners who want to enter universities not only in the United States and Canada, but in Europe and Asia. The abbreviation TOEFL is correctly pronounced "tofl". The TOEFL exam was first held in 1964 and has since become one of the main international language exams. Testing is carried out by Educational Testing Service, the largest privately owned language testing company.

PBT and iBT - two versions of TOEFL

The test was developed in two versions: TOEFL Paper Based (PBT), TOEFL Internet Based (iBT). At the time of TOEFL, the personal computer was a very rare thing. The organization of the test event included printouts, circling the answers and writing tests in pencil. Today, the "paper" version of the exam (PBT) is almost out of use. It is carried out only in those areas where it is impossible to use the Internet (African and island states - Micronesia, Congo, Rwanda and some countries Central Asia- Kazakhstan, Turkmenistan).

When personal computers became quite common, it became possible to take the CBT (computer-based test). And since 2005, this test has been in the iBT format (i.e. internet-based test, test on the Internet). Now TOEFL iBT can be taken in almost any country, test centers are located in many major cities. By the way, in large countries, including Russia, only the iBT version of the test is available.

Test Structure

The format of the exam includes four sections (English sections), testing such basic language skills as Reading, Listening, Speaking, Writing. Each aspect, in turn, contains a number of questions of a peculiar format, which you need to familiarize yourself with in detail if you want to pass this test. On the exam itself, the sections are presented in the same order as mentioned above: first comes reading, then listening, then the examinee is given a break - 10 minutes - then you need to demonstrate speaking skills and at the end you need to complete written tasks. The duration of the test is only about four and a half hours.

Grading system

The total score is from 0 to 120 points (the test does not provide an “excellent” or “satisfactory” grade, each university sets the limits of the passing score independently);

Each of the four aspects is evaluated on a scale from 0 to 30 points.

Evaluation of oral speech is carried out on a gradation scale from 0 to 4 points.

Writing skills are assessed on a scale from 0 to 5 points.

The points are then converted on a scale from 0 to 30 points.

Features and difficulties of TOEFL

The main purpose of testing is to test the knowledge of the English language necessary for the student, both in the learning process and in everyday life. TOEFL exam is designed for people who speak English at a conversational level, able to freely discuss everyday problems. But the proposed material contains academic vocabulary, a lot of scientific terms, abstract concepts and synonyms - this is one of the difficulties.

It should be remembered that the examinee is in contact only with the computer. For many people who are used to taking exams in the presence of a teacher, this may not seem very convenient and even serve as a stress factor.

Another difficulty is related to scheduling the time allotted for the execution of tasks. At the top of the monitor is a timer, inexorably counting down the time. To cope with all the tasks in a certain time period, you need to practice a lot.

TOEFL tests not only the level of knowledge of the English language, but also the ability to analyze information and highlight the main points, the exam provides for assessing the skills of generalization, argumentation, drawing conclusions, and the like. Therefore, it is extremely important for the examinee to understand what is required of him in this or that task. This will help the study of strategies for completing tasks and answering questions.

#1: Learn Exam Structure

TOEFL what is it? An examination test, but which is not even close to those that are held in domestic schools or universities. Therefore, even excellent knowledge of English is not a reason to refuse to prepare for the TOEFL. It is necessary, first of all, to familiarize yourself with the format of the test, with examples of tasks from previous years. No step in the test should be unexpected for the applicant. Trial tasks can become training.

#2: Take a Mock Test

Taking a mock test will help you familiarize yourself with the structure of the exam and understand which sections you still need to work on. There are many free materials on the Internet. You can also practice on the official TOEFL website.

#3 Get Ready for a 4-Hour Marathon

The duration of TOEFL (iBT) is 4.5 hours, and the fatigue and loss of concentration in the average person occurs after only two hours of intensive training. Therefore, it is necessary to allocate one day for a trial test at home. An experiment of this type will help the applicant evaluate his behavior in a stressful situation and become a kind of endurance training before the exam.

#4: Read Academic Texts

An unpleasant surprise for applicants, even with good spoken English, can be texts of an academic type. Learning to perceive academic English will help reading scientific literature. An excellent assistant in this regard will be the English-language Wikipedia. You can also improve the perception of academic texts with the help of popular science journals in English. Recommended journals: Popular Science, Scientific American, Science News, Popular Mechanics, and The Economist.

#5: Listen to academic texts

The key to successfully passing the Listening part is listening to as many scientific texts as possible. The subject must certainly be interesting for the applicant, otherwise learning will not bring him any pleasure. A lot of informative lectures are offered by the TED channel. Watching scientific programs and documentaries on English TV channels BBC and Discovery will help to expand vocabulary.

#6 Use the Scientific Poke Method

Surprised? Even in such a serious exam, guessing the answer is not forbidden. It happens that even re-reading the question does not help to find the correct answer. Then you should exclude deliberately wrong answer options, which will increase the probability of guessing the correct answer by 25% -50%, and this is not bad.

#7 Learn to Take Notes

Three of the four sections of the exam require the applicant to write a small summary of the material read and listened to. The candidate will be required to answer questions or summarize. The text or audio fragment usually consists of 200-500 words. Therefore, you should not rely only on your memory, it is important to mark some points (key words, examples, arguments, introduction and conclusion) on paper.

No. 8 Make standard preparations for the sections Writing and Speaking

Panic can overcome an applicant during the delivery of the Speaking part. What exactly the question will be, it is impossible to predict. However, a couple of standard phrases for each of the three stages are still worth learning. A few phrases will also come in handy for the transition between these stages, it is desirable to use introductory words and constructions. Phrases can be invented independently or found on the Internet. This set of phrases can also be used when writing an essay.

#9: Learn to Paraphrase

Checking the written and oral answers of applicants, members of the commission pay attention not only to the ability to logically and consistently express their thoughts, but also to the ability to paraphrase - to express their thoughts in writing without resorting to the words or structures used in the question. The use of some interesting phrasal verb or idiom is a huge plus.

#10 Get yourself feeling good and physically fit


Hello my dears.

One student comes to me and says: I want to take an international exam. "Which?" I ask her. To which I get the answer: "Let's TOEFL. There is no difference, but it is easier to read than ". Believe it or not, but I was speechless from the realization that for many these are two absolutely identical exams, the difference between which is only in letters!

Therefore, I propose today to figure out what kind of English language TOEFL exam is, what is its fundamental difference from the well-known IELTS, and how to prepare for it.

What is TOEFL, what is it like and what is it for?

This is a test of your knowledge of the English language, which was created specifically for those for whom this English is not native. The country of origin of the test is the United States and, accordingly, it received the widest distribution from the United States and Canada. This is the first difference between the two previously mentioned exams. To enter a US university, you need to have a TOEFL certificate with you, but to enter an Australian university, for example, it must be IELTS.

Of course, all this is said in general terms, and it all depends on the university or company you want to work for. So before you take the exam, make sure you prepare for the right test!

The second important difference is the form of surrender. TOEFL can be taken in paper version- which is becoming less and less popular, - or as an online test(but not at home of course!).

The TOEFL certificate is only valid for 2 years. If during this period of time you were not able to enter a university or get a job, then you will have to take it all over again.

You can take this test with a level intermediate, but what's the point? Of course, if you don't need a lot of points for admission, then feel free to go, as they say, but as a teacher I can say: for admission, you will probably need a high score. Therefore, I advise those who have achieved at least upper intermediate.

Exam Structure

How is the exam graded?

The maximum score you can get is 120 points. You know what else makes you happy? If in , having received a score less than "C" - you do not receive a certificate, then here you will receive it with any result.

How much does it cost to take the TOEFL?

On average, the cost of passing the test is about 18,000 rubles. You can try to pass the exam unlimited number of times a year, but not earlier than 12 days from the last deposit.

Now get some

  • Be fully equipped!
    No, you don’t need to carry all your “weapons” in the form of books. I'm talking about something else! Collect all the information about the test that you can find. This is done so that, having opened some task, you do not lose the gift of speech and the ability to think quickly from surprise.
  • Determine your strengths and weaknesses .
    It is worth doing this, in principle, no matter what exam you take! You initially need to understand which aspects to pay your maximum attention to, and which ones should just be maintained at a good level.

Try to pass mock test, and then it will immediately become clear to you in which direction to move.

  • Keep track of time.
    You won't believe it, but I can tell hundreds of stories about how students received half the points simply because they forgot about the time and did not have time to do anything! Get a "sense of time" during preparation so that at the most important moment all your preparation does not fly past you.
  • Cultivate the strategist in you!
    Find out which task execution strategy will speed up the process. After all, just think: testing takes place at least once every few months, year after year! Do you think that every time they come up with something new and incredible? Not! Everything has been figured out for a long time. Therefore, with enough practice, passing the exam will not be a problem for you!

Well, isn't that scary now?
Here's a sample test just to be sure:

Ready to start getting ready?

Then catch

Training textbooks,

which will help you most in this matter:

Express to the TOEFL iBT Test (+ CD-ROM).
Here is an example of a good textbook on systematic preparation for all parts of the exam. With this book, you can prepare for testing with absolute confidence.

Check your English vocabulary for TOEFL.
The key to success in any exam is good vocabulary. If you have problems with it, pay special attention to it. And this book will help you along the way.

Collins Vocabulary and Grammar for the TOEFL Test

Grammar is the foundation of the basics. Its correct use is immediately felt both in speech and in writing. And without vocabulary, grammar will be lame. This manual provides an opportunity to master these 2 aspects at the same time.

Official guide TOEFL.
The best of the best! If you do not have much time to prepare, then at least study this tutorial. It is published by the same people who make up the tasks for testing. You will have the opportunity to both learn everything about the exam and complete several tests for a complete workout.

Well, my dears, I hope that now, when choosing, you will definitely not rely on the letters in the word, but analyze the goals of passing the exam!

And in order to receive the latest and necessary materials in preparation for this important event, subscribe to my blog newsletter and be always on the alert!
Until we meet again, my dears!

In contact with

It is not enough for ambitious students dreaming of Oxfords and Cambridges to know English at an intermediate level. To enter a foreign university, this is clearly not enough - here you must present a certificate of passing the TOEFL. Actually, everyone who has been tested has a document of this type. The value here is only the score and the year of delivery.

What is this animal?

TOEFL is an international exam in the most demanded language today - English. It's not just some kind of test. TOEFL opens many doors for a high scorer. For example, with a high test score, a student can easily find a job in a foreign company or enter a foreign university.

An excellent knowledge of the language will be an additional bonus. As a result, you will be able to communicate freely with employers from English-speaking countries, write in English, translate fluently, and generally arouse the envy and admiration of others.

Who needs to take the TOEFL

TOEFL may be required:

– ambitious students;
- employees;
- emigrants;
- snobs.

If you plan to join the Harvard or Yale crowd, start classes immediately. The more time you devote to the language, the easier it will be on passing the test. When getting a job in a foreign corporation, it is also worth paying attention to the level of English. Only in some cases a thorough knowledge of the language is required.

You can also pass the test in order to shine in front of the girls and brag to your friends. Just remember that TOEFL scores are valid for two years. Then the certificate in the frame needs to be changed.

Exam Torture Formats

TOEFL is taken today in two versions: traditional paper and electronic. At one point, there were three testing options:

– PBT;
– CBT;
– iBT.

paper based test- This is a standard test that takes place in a regular classroom using traditional paper and a pen. PBT is still relevant today.

computer-based test- a form of surrender, which has already been abolished. The iBT format has replaced computer testing - taking the test online. Most of those who want to take the test turn to the online format.

Internet based test- this is very convenient, you can register for it via the Internet, and this testing format is carried out much more often than PBT. The cost of the test is minimal, because you do not need to go anywhere.

Internet based test

Most likely, you will choose iBT. This testing format has several advantages:

- More frequent testing
- you can register online;
– for delivery it is not required to raise the fifth point from a comfortable chair;
- the costs for this format of delivery are lower.

As in the process of passing many English tests, TOEFL includes four blocks:

– Reading;
– listening;
– speaking;
– Writing.

That is, all skills are tested: reading, listening, "speaking" and writing. There is a short break between two blocks of the four-hour test, which is necessary to restore the student's ability to think rationally.

Reading test

For each of the four parts of the exam, an hour is allocated conditionally. That is how much time will be given to the student when passing the reading test. The Reading category has its own pitfalls. At first glance, everything is simple: the dealer reads 3 or 4 texts in turn and sequentially answers questions for each of them. The texts seem relatively uncomplicated, being about 700-800 words long.

The "pitfalls" of this test are as follows: the student needs to be able to quickly grasp the context. The most obvious answers are not always the right ones. People who have not learned to highlight the main ideas in the text and understand words in context may fail Reading.

insidious audition

Immediately after the texts, the test taker will have to pass an audition. This block is dominated by various dialogues and snippets of lectures. Listened to, you need not only to understand, but also to learn the main thing from what was said. After each of 3-4 dialogues, you will have to answer tricky questions.

It often happens that a person who reads excellently in English and understands what he read gets confused in ordinary lively speech. The essence of this block is the same as the previous one: checking the understanding of the language. After the audition, students are given some time to take a breath and blow off steam.

Conversational section

The spoken section is the shortest. In the Speaking block, the tasks are varied, and this does not make it easier. Here, the dealers are given the opportunity to show their speaking skills, but that's not all. Let's say you read an excerpt from a lecture, and you are required to briefly describe the topic orally. If it were all about reciting what was read only, then the test would resemble a reading section.

But everything is more complicated: in the answer, you also need to give your opinion, consider alternative ways to solve the problem raised. And this is a completely different level of knowledge. That is why, when preparing for the TOEFL, it is recommended to broaden your horizons and increase your competence in different areas. Tasks in the speaking section are given in text and audio format.

Last frontier: writing

The Writing section includes two tasks, one of which is integrated, and the other is independent. An integrated task consists of text and audio on a specific topic. After reading and listening to a short passage, the dealer needs to compare the information received and answer in writing how much the information in both sources matches.

An independent task will seem even easier to someone. According to the rules, it consists of an essay in which the writer is invited to present his point of view on a topic and justify this point of view. Alternatively, a person will be asked to make a choice in a certain situation and explain his act. Of course, this is done in writing in English.

Pride - certificate

Getting a TOEFL certificate is not easy, it won't work here. It will be easier for those people who have already studied English at school or attended courses.

The certificate is issued in paper or electronic form. In addition to the electronic version, you can always order a paper version, it will not require any extra costs. The commission also provides a pdf-version of the certificate, which has the status of a copy, to the person who passed the exam.

The document received after delivery is valid for exactly 2 years. Some universities in the West require that no more than one and a half years have passed since the moment of passing the exam when submitting documents. Therefore, it is advisable to take the test a year or six months before admission. If you fail, you always have the option to try again. According to the rules, it is allowed to take the exam with a break of 12 days. Of course, TOEFL is an expense, you will have to pay $250 for each attempt.

How to prepare for the exam

Preparation for TOEFL is different from university, when a slob student tries to cram as much knowledge as possible overnight. Want to get a good score? Then start preparing a year before the exam, or at least six months if you have a good language level.

You can work on yourself:

- on specialized courses;
- at home.

For home development of the program, there are textbooks, self-study materials and even various simulators. The training materials provide examples of questions and answers that suit the examiners. Judging by the reviews, the answers in the simulators are so perfect that it's disgusting. That is, programs of this type are effective.

Now for the details. The first two TOEFL blocks are good for many people. Most of the problems arise when moving to the Speaking section. Here you will encounter two surprises:

– robotic examiner;
- a nasty timer that measures time.

The block that is shorter than all the others will literally squeeze all the juice out of you. Yes, this type of testing is carried out not by a living person, but by a robot, or rather, a program. She also evaluates the logic of the answers and measures the time for preparation and the answer itself. At the same time, the timer makes an unnerving sound, from which the last remnants of English grammar fly out of my head.

It is necessary to prepare for the exam comprehensively, reading a lot and listening to programs and films. But special attention will have to be paid to communication and the compilation of oral phrases. Friends from English-speaking countries would help here. Lack of conversational practice will cost the student dearly.

Theoretically, you can meet other people who are also preparing for the exam. The main thing is that they have a normal English pronunciation. In parallel, it is recommended to compile various lists of popular everyday expressions that can be included in logical chains of statements - this will make it easier to pass the exam.

Do not forget that you will be given 15 seconds to prepare for the answer to each of the questions, and the timer will be inexorably beeping. Probably, every student should also take up meditation and other programs to strengthen the psyche.

Preparing for the Reading Block

Many students choose for themselves too difficult books in a foreign language. Then they sit with a thick dictionary and try to understand something. Of course, the meaning of what is written eludes them like a bird of happiness, leaving only a feeling of slight bewilderment in their souls. Do not take books that will have to be translated with a dictionary.

Reading fast is just wasting time. Texts, even simple and understandable ones, will have to be worked on. Watch the logic of phrases, structure, dynamics of dialogues. Try to rebuild each phrase, tell it in your own words. This will become an indispensable skill for the exam. Memorize grammatical constructions that will be useful later.

In the process of reading, you can significantly expand your vocabulary, and this will not be a dead set of words. It is the contexts that matter here. Memorizing words outside the contextual environment is possible only in the early stages, when the language is still unfamiliar.


The ideal option for preparing for listening would be to communicate with a native speaker. At the same time, you could also pull up the spike. But not everyone has such happiness, so at the first stages you can get by with watching TV shows, English channels and listening to the radio. English e-books are also suitable.

When English-speaking people begin to understand you without cryptographic analysis, you can start dating on forums and various sites. If you are lucky, you will find a good interlocutor, friend and, as an option, a husband (wife). A friend is enough to pass the TOEFL.

The important thing is to broaden your horizons. This is done in two ways:

- acting out scenes and dialogues;
- expansion of the sphere of interests.

One is closely related to the other. By expanding the scope of interests, you can discover the whole world and seriously replenish your vocabulary.

Literary exercises

Along with training in listening comprehension, reading and communication, you will have to develop your writing skills. They are easy to train while listening to various programs, combining useful with useful. When reading texts, it is worth highlighting the main ideas and also writing them down. Simplify, and it will become much easier for you to live and learn.

The pinnacle of skill is writing a competent and lengthy essay on a specific topic in the allotted 30 minutes. Exactly how much time a person will have for testing. During the preparation period, you can train yourself so that phrases will flow from you in an abundant stream, as from a graphomaniac during a period of exacerbation. The main thing is not to lose the thread of the story.

What will you get?

TOEFL is an exam, the results of which are recognized in 8.5 thousand educational institutions around the world. Some institutions also consider IELTS results as an analogue of TOEFL. If you plan to enter one of the good foreign universities, then you will have to score at least 90 points out of 120 possible on the test. Some prestigious universities set a higher standard. We can say that a good test score is your ticket to a world where the grass is greener and the sky is brighter.

Even if you do not become a student of some Yale, the knowledge of the language, obtained during extreme training on all fronts, will definitely come in handy for you. You will speak English much better than people who have taken ordinary language courses. Such knowledge, as they say, cannot be drunk away.

TOEFL is a test that aims to assess English language proficiency at an academic level in candidates whose first language is not English. The TOEFL test is required for everyone who wants to enroll in English-speaking higher education institutions. TOEFL test results are accepted by more than 8,500 universities (including the top 100 universities in the world) in more than 130 countries, including Canada, Australia, the UK and the USA. Passing the TOEFL test is necessary not only for those wishing to study abroad. Also, the test may be required to be submitted to a company for employment, to licensing authorities, government agencies, business entities and when participating in programs for obtaining financial assistance for education abroad.

History of the TOEFL

For the first time, the idea of ​​the need for such a test arose in the national council, consisting of representatives of thirty government and private organizations. The test was originally developed at the Center for Applied Linguistics, run by Stanford University. The test was tested in 1964 by the Modern Language Association in the USA. The following year, The College Board (a non-profit association of American schools) and ETS (Educational Testing Service) took over the patronage of the TOEFL test. In 1973, the GRE test management joined the two organizations to oversee the program. Officially, the TOEFL test is supervised by ETS.

Variants and structure of TOEFL

In total, there are three options for taking the test: paper-based (TOEFL pBT test), on a computer (cBT) and on the Internet (TOEFL iBT). By the way, the latter gradually replaced the first two options for surrender. Currently, the TOEFL pBT test is only administered in areas where there is no internet access.

TOEFL test: who needs to take it and why?

The TOEFL exam is a serious test for those who have decided to change their lives for the better. Successful passing of this test opens up great prospects for studying, employment or permanent residence abroad. And if you decide to take the TOEFL test, we recommend that you find out where and how its results will be useful to you.

TOEFL test - what is it?

TOEFL stands for Test of English as a Foreign Language. If you know even a little English, then you understand: this is a test for knowledge of English as a non-native language. To date, among the various tests for knowledge of English, TOEFL is used most often, it is required for admission to universities in the United States and Canada, in addition, it is recognized by more than 130 countries and about 8,500 educational institutions.

English TOEFL exam - what is it?

Are you confident in your knowledge of the English language? If you answer yes to this question, it will not be difficult for you to pass the English TOEFL exam. But only special preparation for this test will provide you with a guarantee of a successful result. Its content and scoring criteria are based on the American version of the language, and any academic language structure from British English will be considered a blunder in this test.

TOEFL exam - everything you need to know

Impeccable command of English is good, having a certificate that confirms the level of knowledge is even better, and sometimes even necessary if you plan to enter a Canadian or American university or find employment in an international company. Moreover, the most common assessment system is the TOEFL exam. Its name stands for "English language test for foreigners", and the results are considered as objective as possible.

What is the TOEFL for?

Admissions committees pay attention to the results of TOEFL - a special test developed in the USA. To date, its passage has become one of the most effective ways to assess knowledge of English. Despite the fact that there is a lot of information about it on the Internet, many still do not know what the TOEFL is for.


TOEFL is an international exam, the only one of more than 10 existing ones that determines knowledge of American English. The certificates issued after its passing confirm the ability of their owners to communicate at levels B1-C1 according to the accepted pan-European assessments.

What is TOEFL

TOEFL (Test of English as a Foreign Language) is an international exam in English as a foreign language. TOEFL is prepared by the Educational Testing Service (ETS), Princeton University, New Jersey, USA.
The main goal of TOEFL is to assess the level of preparation of those for whom English is not their native language. Submitting TOEFL scores is a prerequisite for admission to more than 2,400 colleges and universities in the US, Canada and some other countries. The TOEFL certificate is a required document when enrolling in foreign universities to study under the MBA program, when obtaining the right to an internship in English or for applying for a job that requires knowledge of the English language. Some academic and professional certification programs also require applicants to take the TOEFL. The TOEFL certificate is valid for two years.
The main feature of the TOEFL exam is that it is based on American English, so to successfully pass TOEFL, you need to understand the lexical and grammatical subtleties that distinguish American English from British English.
At present, there are two versions of the test in Russia: Paper-based Test (PBT), that is, a written test on paper, and Internet-based Test (iBT) - testing via the Internet. The second option has recently been considered preferable in many universities, as it includes tasks not only for reading, listening and writing, but also for speaking and combined tasks.

The exam consists of four parts: Listening Comprehension, Structure and Written Expression, Reading Comprehension and Test of Written English.

Part 1: Listening Comprehension

The ability to perceive English speech by ear (North American pronunciation), highlight the main idea, the most significant details, and draw conclusions is assessed.

The questions are divided into three groups.

A: Mini dialogues: In this part, you must listen to the dialogue and the question regarding the content of this dialogue, and choose the correct answer among the proposed written options.

B: Long dialogue: In this part, you must listen to the dialogue and a series of questions regarding the content of this dialogue, and choose the correct answers among the proposed written options.

C: Short monologues: In this part, you must listen to a monologue and a series of questions regarding the content of this monologue, and choose the correct answers among the proposed written options.

Part 2: Structure and Written Expression.

The ability to understand written speech, the level of grammar is assessed.

In this group, it is necessary to choose one of the proposed options for filling in the gap in the sentence so that a grammatically correct sentence is obtained.

Written Expressions:
In this group, it is necessary to choose the wrong one among several highlighted parts of the sentence.

Part 3: Reading Comprehension

The ability to understand short passages similar in theme and style to academic texts in colleges and universities is assessed. This part contains questions about the content of five or six passages read. You read passages and answer questions. It also includes questions about the meaning of the words in the context of the passage.

Part 4: Test of Written English

You must write an essay on a given topic. In the essay, you need to agree or disagree with some statement and support your answer with solid evidence and examples.

On September 24, 2005, a new test format was launched in the USA - TOEFL iBT (Internet-based Test), which replaced TOEFL СBT (Computer-based Test). In Russia, a new version was introduced in 2006.
TOEFL iBT involves testing integrated skills. This means that the grammar is checked not through a separate section, but through all the others. In addition, your ability to speak English is tested. Online registration and online results make the test easy.
The change in the test format is aimed at improving the system for assessing the knowledge of the test taker. New section Speaking helps to assess the ability of students to communicate in English, which is important for studying at a business school or college, and new tasks in sections Writing allow assessing the student's ability to combine information.

The test consists of 4 sections: Speaking, Listening, Reading and writing.
The test is completed in four and a half hours, all parts of it can be taken on the same day, which provides additional convenience to those taking the exam.

Features of the new version:

  • Grammar structures are assessed based on students' ability to use them in sections Speaking, Writing and the ability to recognize them when reading complex academic texts in the section Reading.
  • Chapter writing. The new version of TOEFL requires two essays. One of them is also a new "integrated" type of task: read a short text and listen to a lecture on the same topic. The information presented in the lecture either contradicts or supplements/explains the information obtained from the reading text. While reading and listening, it is allowed to make notes. You will have 3 minutes to read a text of approximately 200-220 words and 20 minutes to write a short essay of 150 to 225 words.
  • Chapter Reading has not undergone significant changes, except for the fact that several new types of questions have appeared.
  • In chapter listening the first part (short dialogues) is cancelled; two parts remain: long dialogues representing live colloquial speech, and four lectures, two of which are accompanied by student comments.
  • Unlike the old format, the new TOEFL iBT exam allows and even recommends taking notes and notes (Note Taking) in each section.
  • The new format of the TOEFL exam requires more time to complete, and therefore the introductory part Tutorials (additional exercises before the exam in order to get acquainted with the program and the computer) has been cancelled.
  • Chapter speaking. This new section of the exam includes 6 questions that you will answer into a microphone. You are allowed to make notes!