Houses made of old kondovy tree. ​17 amazing treehouses from all over the world

Each of us in childhood dreamed of a secret place where you can hide from the outside world and keep your little secrets there. Some dream about it as adults. Although tree houses in places like New Guinea are quite common, because some forest tribes live in them so that wild animals do not eat them at night.

Here are 17 great examples of how to build a tree house if you still believe in your dream.

Three Stories House (British Columbia, Canada)

Why build just one house in a tree when three can fit in there! As the locals say, this is the tallest tree in British Columbia. You can find him somewhere near Revelstoke.

Mirror House (Sweden)

Almost invisible and ideal as a hiding place, the House of Mirrors is part of the Tree Hotel project in the North of Sweden. It was developed by Tham & Videgard.

Tree house - nest (Sweden)

This tree house is also part of the project of the aforementioned hotel. Although this is not quite a house, because it is a large nest, but inside it is a standard room.

Tree Loft (Whistler, Canada)

After retiring at the age of 26, software engineer Joel Allen became a carpenter and made his dream come true. He never thought that this personal project of his would be featured in international design magazines!

Treehouse at Lake Muskoka (Ontario, Canada)

Designed by Lukasz Kos, the lodge was built on four trees near Muskoka Lake in Ontario. It seems to float in the air like a large Japanese lantern on stilts.

Minister's House (Crossville, Tennessee, USA)

This house is perhaps the largest of all existing in the trees. Minister Horace Burgess began building it back in 1993 and has not stopped to this day. The house is built around a massive old oak tree, with six more trees used to support the unusual structure.

Yellow Treehouse Restaurant (Auckland, New Zealand)

This organic restaurant in Auckland, New Zealand offers an amazing dining experience and can accommodate up to 18 guests at a time.

Treehouse in Seattle (USA)

One of the fabulous houses of the complex, located in Seattle. This place has six rooms for those wishing to plunge into the magical atmosphere.

Free Spirit Sphere (Canada)

Built by hand, this house occupies a truly unique place in the world and provides a habitat for the wild spirit that still exists in all of us.

Tree House by Takashi Kobayashi (Japan)

Designed by the famous Takashi Kobayashi, this home is for people who seek to "break the sense of separation that exists between them and nature."

Tree Cottage (Ghent, Belgium)

This sculptural tree house in Belgium was made for an art festival TRACK: A Contemporary City Conversion. He is a miniature version of the buildings behind him.

O2 Tree House (USA)

The O2 House aims to "inspire humanity to think about how we can coexist more safely with nature" by building international treehouse communities.

Tree house for birds and people (Japan)

Nendo sees the modern concept of “home” differently. The guys offer you the opportunity to look at the privacy of birds. The house inside is divided into two parts by a wall with small holes, which allows people to see how the birds live in wooden houses.

Sustainable Bellavista (Costa Rica)

This tree house is part of an ecological tree village in Costa Rica. It covers over 600 acres!

Treehouse Airplane (Costa Rica)

This vintage Boeing 727 was originally purchased by Joanne Assary for $2,000,000 to build the Presidential Tree Suite. The jacuzzi in the cockpit is just one of the intriguing ideas she has implemented in her new home.

Tea House (Yamanashi, Japan)

The creation of Japanese architect Terunobu Fujimori looks like a fabulous gingerbread house. However, inside this amazing tree house has a very modern minimalistic design.

UFO Tree House (Sweden)

The Swedish hotel Tree House decided to take a new path in the construction of hotels. After the Nest House and the House of Mirrors, they built this alien ship.

Please help, I really need it!!! Continue each given example to make sentences of the following types:

parts of which you need to put commas, a simple sentence with homogeneous members (without unions), an union-free complex sentence, between the parts of which you need to put a semicolon (;). Here are the suggestions: 1) Behind the village rises the Urals. 2) The house is built from an old kondo tree. 3) The little house peeps good-naturedly from under its rusty boarded roof through narrow windows with white shutters. 4) Fields spread around the village.

continue each given example to get a sentence of the following types: 1) a simple sentence with homogeneous members (without unions); 2) non-union

a complex sentence, between the parts of which commas must be placed; 3) an union-free complex sentence, between the parts of which a semicolon must be placed.

1.behind the village rose the Urals

2. the house is built from an old kondo tree

3. the house looks good-naturedly from under its reddish plank roof with narrow windows with white shutters

4.fields spread around the village

Continue each given example Continue each given example to make sentences of the following types please:

an union-free complex sentence, between the parts of which commas must be placed, a simple sentence with homogeneous members (without unions), an union-free complex sentence, between the parts of which a semicolon (;) must be placed. Here are the pre Suggestions: 1) Behind the village rises the Urals. 2) The house is built from an old kondo tree. 3) The little house peeps good-naturedly from under its rusty boarded roof through narrow windows with white shutters. 4) Fields spread around the village. Please, help! At least what you can

Find and write out examples of epithets, comparisons, metaphors from the text of I.S. Turgenev.

A quarter of an hour before sunset, in the spring, you enter the thicket, with a gun, without a dog. You are looking for a place for yourself somewhere near the edge ... A quarter of an hour has passed. The sun has set, but it is still light in the forest; the air is clean and transparent; birds chattering babble, young grass gleams with a merry gleam of emerald... You are waiting. The interior of the forest gradually darkens; the scarlet light of the evening dawn slowly glides over the roots and trunks of trees, rises higher and higher ... Here are the very tops dimmed; the ruddy sky turns blue. The forest smell intensifies, the wind that has flown in around you freezes

please answer honestly! I beg you to urgently send me from school! 1. Find sentences that have a part of speech,

denoting an additional action to the main one.

A) The astronaut listens and smiles.

b) Landing, he joyfully looked around.

C) Landed paratroopers surrounded a comrade.

D) Birds flap their wings and fly up.

D) Bending their long necks, the birds rise up.

2. Find sentences that have a gerund.

a) Mom was sitting back in her chair.

b) I opened the window and admired the view.

C) The brother bowed his head and wrote something.

D) Having laid out the games, the children sat in a circle.

3. Find sentences with participles. Place punctuation marks.

Vitya was washing the dishes, whistling some song.

A man came out of the house and went to the car.

The man left the house and walked towards the car.

The man who left the house went to the car.

The shores surrounding the lake are densely overgrown with reeds.

Lightning flashed brightly and thunder boomed.

War-scorched forests keep many secrets.

The lake, agitated by the wind, rustled along the shores.

Dahlias, blackened from frost, sadly hung their heads.

Without recognizing grief, you will not recognize joy either. The boy walked and did not understand the road.

4. Find a phrase with a gerund.

wrapped in a sheepskin coat;

laid by geologists;

strengthened the bolt;

locked up;

growing a crop;

swaying in the wind.

Painted with paint;

painted with paint;

arranged according to the project;

settling down for the night;

locked at home;

lock up the house.

5. Divide the sentences into groups: in the first (1) place sentences with gerunds, in the second (2) with other parts of speech. Place punctuation marks.

A) Looking at the stars and a star lit up for me.

B) My poems scattered in the dust in the shops will have their turn. C) And smile to all eyes without lowering your eyes.

D) I am going up the white road.

E) Without leaning on a swarthy hand, I spoke.

6. Form gerunds from verbs and highlight the suffixes of gerunds:

Rising -

Curve -

warm -

woke up -

described -

pondered -

7. Determine the type of gerunds:

1. And, hanging over the fence stakes, I see open spaces.

2. And, sobbing, there is no strength to calm down.

3. Breaking the ice with the Dnieper ...

4. By surprise, not preparing ...

5. Freezing Sunsets…

6. Squeezing your head, you need to listen ...

A comma is placed between the parts of a non-union complex sentence with the value of the enumeration.

The sky is dressed in black haze, in the fog the moon shines a little. (M. Lermontov.)

A semicolon in these non-union complex sentences is placed if there are already commas or other punctuation marks inside the parts of the complex sentence.

The road wound before me between thick hazel bushes, already filled with darkness; I moved forward with difficulty. (I. Turgenev.)

Note. Sometimes a semicolon is also placed in the case when there are no punctuation marks inside the parts of an asyndetic complex sentence, but these parts are less related in meaning, more independent.

For example: It was seven o'clock in the afternoon; The prince was about to go to the park. (F. Dostoevsky.)

Putting a semicolon, reason like this: in a complex non-union sentence The log in the huts was dark and old; many roofs blew through like a sieve two parts. First: the log in the huts was dark and old; second: many roofs blew through like a sieve. It has a comparative turn, which is separated by a comma. Therefore, a semicolon is placed between the parts of an union-free complex sentence.

191. Write out, placing the missing punctuation marks, first simple sentences with homogeneous members, and then non-union complex sentences. K. G. Paustovsky in his works recreates the color picture of the world by means of language. Indicate in the text the verbs and adjectives denoting color.

1. In (unusual (never) when (unheard-of silence, the dawn (t, t) is born. The sky in the east is turning green. Everything is still sleeping. Water is sleeping, water lilies are sleeping, fish are sleeping with their noses in snags, birds are sleeping. 2. In the west, the sun is still smoldering) ..rya in the dawn of wolf berries the bittern screams 3. The sunset heavy ..lo burns on the crowns of trees gilds them with old (n, n) gilding 4. Drizzling rains, the Volga water became cloudy 5. Russian summer the closer to autumn, the more it is colored (n, nn) ​​about in ripe colors. Already in August, the foliage of apple orchards turns pink with .. a bl .. zero zero. the city collapsed a heavy wind tore the gray stripes of water.

(According to K. Paustovsky.)

192. Presentation. Read an excerpt from N. V. Gogol's poem "Dead Souls". The artistic prose of N.V. Gogol is characterized by careful reproduction and writing out everyday details in detail. What sentence structure does the writer use to paint a picture of the village of Manilovka? What subjects of this general picture are described in each of the non-union proposals?

Explain punctuation marks (comma or semicolon) in non-union complex sentences.

Write a detailed essay with an additional task.

Answer the question, what character traits of the landowner Manilov are described by the description of his estate.

The village of Manilovka could lure a few with its location. The master's house stood alone in the south, that is, on a hill, open to all the winds, whichever it takes to blow; the slope of the mountain on which he stood was dressed in trimmed turf. Two or three flower beds with lilac and yellow acacia bushes were scattered on it in English; here and there five or six birches in small clusters raised their small-leaved thin tops. Beneath two of them was a gazebo with a flat green dome, wooden blue columns and the inscription: "Temple of Solitary Reflection"; lower down is a pond covered with greenery... At the foot of this elevation, and partly along the very slope, gray log huts darkened up and down...

193. Continue each given example to get sentences of the following types: 1) a simple sentence with homogeneous members (without unions); 2) non-union complex sentence, between the parts of which commas must be placed; 3) non-union complex sentence, between the parts of which it is necessary to put a semicolon.

Sample: The wide street of the village is furnished with rows of huts - 1. The wide street of the village is furnished with rows of huts, descends to the river. 2. The wide street of the village is lined with rows of huts; they look beautiful on the hilly bank of the river. 3. The wide street of the village is lined with rows of huts; they look beautiful on the hilly bank of the river, hiding in the dense greenery of bird cherry, linden, birch.

1. Behind the village rose the Urals.

2. The house is built from an old kondo tree.

3. The house peeps good-naturedly from under its reddish plank roof through narrow windows with white shutters.

4. Fields spread around the village.

194. Boris Viktorovich Tomashevsky, a Russian literary critic, researcher of the life and work of A. S. Pushkin, wrote that "Pushkin's prose has a much simpler syntax than poetry." To verify this, count the number of simple and complex sentences in one of the chapters of the prose and poetic works of A. S. Pushkin, for example, in the first paragraph of the II chapter of the story "The Captain's Daughter" and in XL, XLI stanzas of the IV chapter of the novel "Eugene Onegin". Self-dictation. Get ready to write from memory the indicated stanzas of the novel by A. S. Pushkin.