Homework not done? Let's try to give them a new format.

Merkulov Philip

Homework not done? Let's try to give them a new format

The main verbs are not “learn” and “retell”, but “create” and “invent”

In recent weeks, there has been a heated discussion in the media about whether homework for high school students should be made voluntary. On the one hand, teenagers are overwhelmed. They really want to save. On the other hand, teachers have a poor idea of ​​how students will master the program without daily homework. Maybe, without abandoning the usual homework, we will try to make them more creative and less laborious?

Homework is more beneficial if...

... it can be done by the student completely independently. This means that the teacher will have to think over the level of complexity and requirements for the quality of the result.
... there is an opportunity to choose an option that is suitable for complexity or type of activity (that is, homework consists of several options).
... a strict time limit was set (“check how many questions you can answer in 20 minutes”, “read / write for exactly 20 minutes”) instead of volume.
... as a result, the structure of the material becomes clear in the mind of the child (“create a diagram, table ...”).
...to practice some skills, the student is asked to fill in the cards, circle the correct answer, a drawing - instead of writing out the pages of a notebook. This significantly saves time and effort.
... the student can show his individuality (“think up your own way, formulate your position ...”).

How to evaluate homework?

"Deuce" for unfinished homework is unlikely to motivate children to further exploits. It may be more effective to discuss the conditions under which the work will still be done.
To set marks for tasks correctly solved at home or brilliantly written essays - to encourage students to cheat, use the help of relatives and tutors. It is better for the very fact of having this work in the child's notebook, and at the agreed time, to add some bonus points to him. The real level of children's abilities will be checked by class work. At the same time, it will become clear what task to give for the next lesson.

Seven boring homework assignments

Instead of the traditional “read, answer the questions at the end of the paragraph”, “learn” - we will offer students tasks that are a little more creative, unexpected, allowing them to show their individuality. Perhaps it will take the children no less time, but it will bring more pleasure. And it will not harm the quality of mastering the material.

– Write a short speech in defense of a character, a theory, an event…
- Make a lesson plan (think up a game: a quiz, a memo, a quest ...) on the topic covered for elementary school students (ideally, the lesson is conducted for real, for mutual pleasure and benefit).
- Create a diagram (basic outline, slide presentation) based on a textbook paragraph.
- Write out the 5 most important ideas (facts) from the paragraph (chapter) of the textbook. Write down three questions you would like to ask the teacher (discuss in class).
- Which of the modern actors could play the hero of the book you read? Why do you think so?
- Describe a life situation (think up a task) in which the knowledge gained in the lesson would be useful. Come up with sentences in which you can’t do without the words learned in the lesson.
- Come up with (describe your own) way of memorizing a table (list, rules): "memory" rhymes and songs, stories, pictures, cards ...

If the teacher often offers interesting, unusual tasks to the class, at some point he has the right to ask the students to come up with homework on their own, once again specifying its purpose: to repeat what has been covered, to understand, to learn something new, to develop a skill, to learn the rules ...

Why didn't they do something again?

If a student does not complete homework, this is not the problem itself, but only its symptom. For an "accurate diagnosis" it is useful to listen to the idler. There are four significant reasons for childish exculpatory babble:

Training: I didn’t understand the task, it didn’t work out.
Organizational: forgot, lost, did not have time, there were guests at home.
Motivational: I'm bored, I won't succeed anyway (i.e. scared).
Personal: I'm going through a difficult period now, I can't concentrate, I'm worried about family problems.

The teacher always has magic wands in stock:

Educational: consultation hours and / or consultation telephones. Pupils who did not understand and failed to do something can do their homework at regular consultations. An additional lesson is conducted by the teacher himself or one of the older students, sometimes it is enough - more experienced. You can also consult by phone. Of course, the teacher should only be called as a last resort. It is better to agree on which of the classmates this week answers questions in mathematics, and which in English.

Organizational: most homework assignments can have two deadlines - at the next lesson (maximum bonus) and at the end of the next week (month) - for half the "bonus". Let's assign a kind of deadline, after which bonus points are no longer awarded.

Motivational: the educational meaning of each homework, its role in achieving a specific goal (high marks on a test, for example) sometimes has to be explained not only to the class, but also to an individual student. Methods of implementation also need to be discussed repeatedly and personally.

You can’t deal with a person’s personal problems according to the scheme. Unless you listen, if you want to tell, sympathize, help as much as you can. And, if possible, offer the child a flexible scheme for mastering the material, compensating for the missed. After all, homework is the reality of the modern educational process. And in this common reality we have to work together to find reasonable solutions.

Teacher workbook

Answering these questions, you can finally realize and formulate your own position on the sore problem: why and how much do we ask students to take home? And why do children do or don't do our tasks?

1. How often do you set homework for tomorrow (for example, Monday - Tuesday).
2. How often do you set tasks for the weekend (from Saturday to Monday), for the holidays. Of course, this does not apply to the proposal to read "Woe from Wit" on Sunday, and "War and Peace" in the summer.
3. Why do you give homework? From the proposed options, you can choose as much as you see fit: developing subject skills; checking understanding of what has been learned; updating the topic of the next lesson; the formation of the ability to work independently; developing a sense of responsibility; following the tradition; following the requirements of the administration (parents of students); its own wording.
4. To what extent do the tasks you assign affect the quality of students' knowledge? To what extent do they help to achieve the goals stated in the previous paragraph?
5. In your opinion, is homework an important part of the learning process? Why?
6. Do many of your students complete their homework on time (as a percentage)?
7. Do many people turn in their homework later than the deadline (also as a percentage)?
8. How many students never or almost never do their homework (as a percentage)?
9. How do you deal with the problem of a student failing to do homework on a regular basis?
10. What methods do you use to encourage children to do their homework?
11. In your opinion, do homework irritate parents of students?
12. How do your students feel about how well they did on their homework?
13. Do you grade your students' homework? How?
14. Last year, how many students got C's in the end in your subject? What is the percentage of them who regularly do not do their homework?

(V.A. Sukhomlinsky)

Purpose and task:



Why students don't want to do their homework

The work was carried out by: Pivalkina T. A., Osipova F. A., Tsvetkova T. A.,


(V.A. Sukhomlinsky)

Purpose and task:

Identification of the reasons for not completing homework

Studying at school, doing homework is a serious and hard work. We all know what homework is. More than one generation of students homework is called "homework". What is a "home"? "Homework" is what prevents the "poor" students from doing what they want after the end of all the lessons. “Homework” is a bondage into which “terrible” teachers and “harmful” parents are driven ... Why do teachers insist on doing homework from year to year, and why so many generations of unfortunate schoolchildren with the same constancy try to avoid this “ bitter fate, ”going to any tricks?

Reasons for not doing homework

1. The student is afraid that he will not be able to cope with the task assigned to him.

Many children are afraid of failure, thereby forming various types of behavior.

(irritability, detachment, "inhibition" of the reaction).

2. Inability to do homework.

The student does not know how to approach the problem. Often a task done in class is not like homework. Unbearable tasks undermine the student's faith in his own strength, kill interest in the subject and, thus, become the cause of poor progress. From this follows the conclusion: to give tasks, using the material of the textbook, well-learned by the children.

3. Large volume of tasks.

The student does not have time to complete and, as a rule, interest in completing tasks disappears.

4. Insufficient instruction of the teacher.

“On call” are the numbers of examples and tasks, paragraphs, etc., and explanations for them do not have time to be given. Basically, with this order, the homework is written down in a hurry, without thinking about what is to be done. As a result, few of the guys at home will figure it out and do it themselves. Someone will be helped by parents or smarter comrades, and someone, being face to face with an incomprehensible task, will not complete it. This can enter the system and as one of the options - neglect begins, poor progress is born.

5. Inability to work independently.

The independent performance of any task requires, first of all, that the student be able to correctly and quickly prepare the workplace so that everything necessary for classes is conveniently located and there is nothing superfluous on the table. The student should develop the habit of maintaining the necessary order on the table throughout the work. It is important that the student be able to think in advance about the course of the upcoming work: determine in what order lessons should be prepared in different subjects, understand the meaning and purpose of each task, outline the most rational way to complete it, and then act in accordance with this plan.

6. Relationship with the teacher.

Constant clarification of relationships in the classroom and outside it; biased grading, etc.

As a result, “dislike” for the subject and unwillingness to do

7. Family circumstances, social status.

Dysfunctional family


Parents do not pay due attention, etc.

8. Doesn't do homework out of spite.

The reason for this behavior is different, but one of the main ones is to attract attention.

9. The education system in our country.

Namely, overestimation. The student is well aware that he will still be given three - so why "steam"?

10. Laziness, unwillingness to do homework.

When asked why you didn’t do your homework, the most common answer is:

- - "Reluctance!"

- - "Reluctance to do difficult tasks"

- - "I don't understand how to do this homework"

- - "Just too lazy to do any tasks - what for?" etc.

How to get a child to do homework if he refuses to comply and why don't kids do their homework? There may be several reasons for this, not necessarily. Perhaps the child simply has not developed the habit of learning and doing homework, because. he is a primary school student and is only mastering the educational process and, probably, he is not yet ready to do his homework. He does not yet have this experience, therefore, he needs to patiently and calmly form this habit in him. To facilitate the learning process, you need to form this habit in him. To do this, make homework more varied, interesting and fun.

Also, unwillingness to learn can be the result of laziness, lack of activity and any responsibility. Here it is important to explain to the child that studying is part of his work, the same as yours, and doing homework is part of him, if he does not do this, he will lose certain benefits in life. There is no need to physically punish the child. Deprive him of something important to him so that he understands that idleness is ineffective.

In addition, in the educational process important role plays while doing homework by a schoolboy. Therefore, when performing it, you do not need to be distracted by anything. If a child constantly refuses any one school subject, then this is due to the fact that he has difficulty completing tasks on it and mastering materials on this subject. In such a situation, it is very important not to miss the moment. If a child has difficulties, please help him to deal with a difficult subject for him. Don't let these difficulties discourage him from doing this subject.

Sometimes out of fear. He is afraid of his possible failures. At school they criticize him, at home they scold him because he does not succeed. And then he can feel himself and take an extreme position: "I can't do anything, so I won't do anything, and they won't scold me." How to force a child to do homework in such a situation? It is also important not to miss such a moment and help the child. In this case, it must be remembered that parental love is love without conditions, regardless of whether the child is lucky or, conversely, fails. He brings fives, or deuces. You should always, and he should feel it.

Some kids do poorly in school and refuse to do their homework because they want to get your attention. This behavior is akin to frequent illnesses, when children do not want to go to school, but want to be with their parents. Here, again, any punishment is contraindicated. It will only help here. Dedicate your time to the child without any conditions, and push other, less important things aside.

How should a child do homework?

Homework Rules

There are several rules that help organize the process of doing homework in the most efficient way. Perhaps doing them will help you deal with the question: "How to get a child to do homework"?

Rule one. The child should start doing homework in a cheerful state and in a good mood. If the child is studying in the first shift, then at home he should, first of all, have lunch, then rest, and only then start classes.

Rule two. Teach your child to plan the order of doing homework. Give him the opportunity to choose the order of homework and when to take a break. Give him the opportunity to start with what he does well and easily. Difficult assignments take a lot of time. It is not possible to do them right away, the child feels failure and he loses the desire to work further.

Rule three. independence and properly organize your help with homework. It is very important to find a middle ground in this. You should not completely do it yourself, but you should not give the child complete independence in its implementation, without any of your help. Get involved in those tasks that the child is not yet able to complete on his own, but is ready to find a solution with some help from you.

Be patient, do not rush, and do not judge the child if something does not work out for him. Otherwise, he can simply psychologically close himself off from you, and you will discourage him from any desire to engage in further, especially with your participation. You can also discourage him from any desire to ask questions and admit that something is not working out for him. But making mistakes and asking questions is an integral part of effective learning.

Rule four. The child must do homework with breaks. After thirty minutes of intensive work, the child, especially the younger student, gets tired and begins to be distracted. A ten-minute break will do him good. During it, you can listen to music, move around, eat an apple, drink juice, or do a warm-up.

Never turn homework into a punishment. If the child did something wrong, do not force him to redo the work. It is best to discuss the execution plan before the start so that he makes as few mistakes as possible. Empty rewriting only kills the child's self-confidence and makes homework very boring.

Of course, ideally, you should always prepare for class and do your homework. However, sometimes there are times when, for various life circumstances, we simply do not have time to prepare. There are a number of ways to come up with an excuse for your teacher to explain why you didn't do your homework, ranging from something that's more or less true to something that's completely fake.


Well think of an excuse

    Come up with the most plausible excuse possible. If your only option is to come up with some kind of sophisticated excuse (or you just dare to take such a gamble) - do it very carefully. Many common excuses (such as "the dog ate my homework") have long been familiar to teachers, and they certainly won't believe you. It's hard to outsmart a teacher who has years of experience with students and students and their endless sly excuses.

    Try to get rid of the assignment altogether so that the teacher does not accuse you of not doing this work. For example, try writing a task in a very clumsy and incomprehensible way, or tear the notebook halfway through the task - this will be proof of your excuse.

    • Crumple and tear your homework sheets. Then it will be possible to say that the notebook fell out of your backpack (or out of the window), and the wind carried it along the sidewalk.
    • Dirty your notebook in a puddle of mud and say that it fell out on your street and fell into the mud.
    • Spill something dark (such as juice, coffee, or pen ink) on your homework to make it illegible.
  1. Come up with an excuse, referring to the failure of the equipment.

    Try less creative excuses that might work too. For example, say that you accidentally took another notebook, that a piece of paper with your homework fell out of your bag, that your friend had a funeral and you had to go to them.

    If you can, fake your homework or copy it. For example, if it's math homework, just write random numbers or answers to make it look like you actually did the work. This can take a long time, and if the teacher carefully checks your work, he will definitely get to know you.

    Do not resort to excuses that can threaten unpleasant consequences. For example, if you tell your teacher that you forgot your homework in another classroom, he or he can ask you to go there and bring work - then they will definitely figure you out.

    Play for time

    1. Make it look like you completed your homework on time, even if you didn't.

      • If you haven't done your homework for that lesson, which will only be in the afternoon and not in the morning, you can try to do this homework before school, during other classes, or at recess.
      • You can simply take the wrong homework, for example, homework in another subject or old homework in the same subject. By the time the teacher notices the mistake, you may have finished your actual homework. Or you can ask permission to bring the work in another day and apologize for the confusion.
      • Copy the answers from a friend so that you have at least something. Find out if he's willing to help you. Of course, this method is applicable only to those subjects where all students should get the same answers. In some schools, copying homework exactly the same can arouse suspicion. Always evaluate the situation and make the right decision about whether to cheat your homework.
    2. Pretend to be sick. Keep in mind that in most cases you will need a doctor's note that will confirm the fact of the illness that caused you to not complete your homework.

    3. Ask the parents to write a note to the teacher.

      • Risky move: Fake a note from your parents explaining why you didn't do your homework.
      • If you decide to forge a note, be aware that your teacher may figure out it's a fake. If you are caught, most likely, you will be punished by both the teacher and the parents.

    tell the truth

    1. Try to be honest. Sometimes it's better to just tell the truth and explain to the teacher why you didn't do your homework. Sincerity can do you a good turn.

      • You can say something like, "I'm sorry, but I was running around yesterday and didn't have time to finish my homework. Can you forgive me this time? I'll definitely bring this homework tomorrow."
      • Try to be direct and simple - this is much better than annoying the teacher with a long boring speech.
    2. Take responsibility for insufficient preparation. Admit that you did not finish the work and admit your guilt - this is better than blaming other people or circumstances for your mistake.

      • This means that you need to say something like: "I know I have no excuse, and I fully accept the responsibility, I had to do my homework. I'm sorry that I'm not ready for class, but this is no longer happen."
      • In this way, you will demonstrate your maturity to the teacher, and he will respect your honesty.
    3. Think of good reasons why you couldn't do your homework. For more persuasiveness, you need something more weighty than just "I forgot."

      • Perhaps you are too busy and face constant stress (this is especially true during exams).
      • If you haven't done your homework because of circumstances you can't control (for example, illness or death of a loved one), say so.
      • You can also explain that you just didn't understand your homework, or that you didn't get it done, that you're desperate and you need more time.
    4. Remember that your teacher is also busy. Try to warn him ahead of time that you won't be able to do your homework.

      • Chances are your teacher will be more lenient with you if you don't procrastinate and warn them at the last minute.
      • You can also ask permission to show your homework later.
      • Get to know your teacher as a person better. How condescending and kind he is. When talking to the teacher, try to look sad, serious, depressed, excited (depending on the excuse you choose).
    • The best solution is to try to get homework done on time rather than resorting to excuses. You should not use excuses too often, otherwise, at the moment when you really need to somehow justify yourself, the teacher simply will not believe you.
    • Show completed homework next time, even if you had to make excuses and ask for another day to check homework.
    • If you can do your homework (at least some of it, at least somehow), consider doing it after all. It is much better if you have at least something - then the teacher will credit you with a partial assignment. You can also explain to the teacher that you would like to do this work better, and therefore you are going to redo it and show it next time.
    • If you have done this work but really forgot it at home, tell the teacher that you did it with your parents and bring it back the next day if the teacher allows you.
    • Do not get confused in your excuse and do not pull - this is a sign that you are lying.
    • Do your homework in the morning (before you go to school).
    • If you have free time (for example, recess, lunch break) or just time when you have already completed all the tasks, start doing homework.
    • Never lie that you have already completed this assignment, because then the teacher will understand that you simply do not want to do it.
    • Don't rely on excuses all the time. Use them only as needed, because your teacher is attentive and remembers everything. In addition, you can act very depressed so that the teacher shows you sympathy.
    • If necessary, practice your excuse with a friend. Then you will definitely do well!
    • If you have only done part of your homework and the class has already started, you can simply explain to the teacher that you need help, and you decide to ask the teacher about the points you are not clear on.


    • Be prepared to face the consequences if you are caught making a false excuse. Talk to your teacher in a grown-up way, explain that you have problems with self-organization, that you feel overwhelmed, that you have difficulty with these types of assignments, and so on.
    • Try not to lie, usually rehearsed lies backfire.
    • If you are caught lying, there may be repercussions from your teacher, parents, and friends.

Doesn't want to do homework

School is not only one of the most important stages in the life of every person, but also one of the checks for parents. Kids shed tears unable to cope with the amount of homework, and parents spoil their nerves, trying to put at least something in the heads of their children. But a special moment is homework, which can literally drive both children and parents crazy.
Why does the child flatly refuse to do homework? Why is it so difficult to make your child finally sit down at the textbook and learn the right paragraph? Psychologists say that there may be several reasons for this.
Reason 1. The child is afraid that he will not be able to cope with the task assigned to him.
Many children are simply terrified of failure. In most children, this fear provokes chaotic, inexplicable behavior: the child turns from side to side, cannot focus on one thing and calmly answer the question. But there is also that part of the kids in whom the reaction of the body to fear manifests itself differently: these kids, on the contrary, “slow down”.
At the same time, the baby looks detached, almost serene. He can sit quietly and look at the book, but does not react in any way to your remarks. If you yell at a child in such a situation, scold him, you can scare him even more, thereby worsening the situation. Stock up on patience and endurance, help your child solve problems and write grammar exercises. As soon as the child understands that he has nothing to fear, that you are always there and ready to help him, then he will relax and it will be much easier to work with him.
Reason 2. Some guys do not want to do homework in certain subjects, because they are incomprehensible and difficult for them.
For example, a child refuses to solve math problems, because he is not given logical thinking. Scolding a child is useless. There is only one way to solve this problem: to help cope with the existing difficulties. Start working with your child, solve difficult problems together, try to convey to him the model of their solution, their meaning. If you can not cope with the existing difficulties of the child on your own, then hire a tutor for him. Let the specialist work with the child. As soon as the threshold called "difficult" is overcome, the desire to shirk from work will pass by itself.
Reason 3. Paradoxically, sometimes it is adults who are to blame for the fact that a child refuses to do homework.
It's no secret that children can openly clash with the will of adults, violate prohibitions and show disobedience only in order to attract the attention of their parents. Sometimes a child decides to get attention to his person by refusing to do homework. How to solve this problem? The conclusion seems to be obvious: you need to surround the child with care, attention and love, even if it seems to you that the child already receives all this with a vengeance. Remember that parents are the most important people for a child, more important than whom he has no one. Your baby needs your attention just as much as you once needed attention from your mom. A separate group should be allocated to children studying in elementary grades. They also often refuse to do homework, but in order to solve this problem, they need a special approach. One way to get a child to do their homework regularly is...letting them not do it. According to child psychologists, it is much more difficult for a primary school student than for high school students to admit to everyone that the lesson has not been learned. So do not prevent the child from feeling all the negative consequences of unfulfilled homework, which is called "on their own skin." Let the child do his homework and go to school. Having received one or two "deuces", the baby will understand how unpleasant it is and, most likely, he will want to "rehabilitate himself." This method is more effective than persuasion and scandals known and widely used by parents. Another way is to deprive the child of important benefits. Psychologists believe that parents should strictly adhere to the principle: study is the child's business, and only he has the right to decide whether to do homework or not. At the same time, parents have the right to demand positive marks from their child. If a child gets a “deuce” not because the subject is difficult for him, but because he is not prepared for the lesson, then you can afford to deprive him of any benefits that are important to him. For example, you can not give pocket money for a certain period of time, ban computer games or watch TV. Then the child will consciously make a choice between pleasant idleness and not so pleasant, but encouraged work. And you can avoid direct coercion.
It should also be remembered that strange spelling errors or a difficult reading process are not always associated with a child’s unwillingness or stupidity.
In medicine, there are such concepts as dysgraphia and dyslexia. Dyslexia and dysgraphia are certain disorders in which one part of the brain is faster or more developed than another. The presence of the following errors in the child's notebook will help you determine the presence of these disorders: constant omission of letters, duplication of letters, mirror spelling of letters, confusion with voiced and deaf consonants in a strong position. In addition, the child can change the letters in the word in places, not see the boundaries of words and make other inexplicable mistakes. If you notice these writing disorders, then contact your school speech therapist as soon as possible. If your child's school does not have a speech therapist, find out which school in your area has one.

The sooner a specialist begins to deal with your child, the greater the chance that the child will be able to write without errors in the future. But don't panic. Dyslexia and dysgraphia are disorders that most often do not bring any trouble to the child. We are not talking about any deviations in the development of speech here.

To make your mission easier LISTEN basic rules for organizing individual assistance to a child at home, which are capable of actually benefiting him, and not harming him.

    1. Do homework with your child, not instead . Try to convince the child that the conscientious completion of the lessons greatly facilitates the completion of class assignments, that at home you can find out everything that he could not ask at school and practice without hesitation in what is still not working out.
    2. Do with your child only what is given in school . Do not overload the student with additional tasks. Remember that the child is at school for 4-5 hours, and then his working day continues when he continues to do his homework. A child's life should not consist only of school assignments.
    3. Work calmly, without hassle, reproaches, censures . Try every time to find something for which you can praise the child. If you fail, repeat the tasks, giving similar ones.
    4. Never start with difficult tasks, increase the complexity of tasks gradually . In the course of classes, it is very important to reinforce each correct step of the child, since confidence in the correct execution helps.
    5. Complicate tasks only when the previous ones have been successfully completed. Do not rush to get the result, success will come if the child is self-confident.
    6. If you need to make adjustments along the way, do it immediately, because the child can “memorize” the mistake. But avoid the words “you are doing wrong”, “this is wrong”.
    7. In order for your work with a child to be more effective, it must be systematic, but short lived. In addition, it is necessary that this work should not be a tedious, additional, heavy load, the purpose of which the child does not know and does not understand.

In the process of learning, and especially when there are problems, the child needs support, encouragement, approval, which allow him to understand that he is acting correctly, give confidence that difficulties can be overcome, and you appreciate his efforts. It is very easy to pay attention only to problems, but it is not easy to see the emerging improvement, but without the support of an adult, the child will not notice it either. “I am sure that you will succeed”, “I will help you, and you will definitely do it ...”, “Correct”, “Good”, “Young, you make me happy” - these approval formulas are standard, and everyone can use their own. Approval, support and praise stimulate the child, increase motivation. Abuse (negative encouragement, remarks, reproaches, threats, punishments) can have a short-term effect, but in most children it causes resentment, anxiety, and increases the fear of failure. Moreover, anxiety and fear give rise to new failures, although the fear of censure and punishment often creates the illusion of a positive change in the situation. Compliance and obedience is often achieved through bitterness, the accumulation of negative emotions and disruption of relationships. Any threat is based on the assumption that fear can be a sufficient motive to achieve some result. But feelings of resentment, especially if it is not recognized as undeserved resentment, can backfire. Therefore, I recommend that you praise more often than condemn, encourage rather than emphasize failures, inspire hope, and not repeat that changing the situation is impossible. But for that in order for a child to believe in his success, in the possibility of overcoming problems, we, adults, must believe in this.