Characterizing society as a dynamic system must be shown. Cognition and knowledge

1. Name any three characteristics of society as a dynamic system.

2. What socio-economic formations do Marxists single out?

3. Name three historical types of society. By what signs they are allocated?

4. There is a statement: “Everything is for a person. It is necessary to produce as many goods for it as possible, and for this it is necessary to "invade" nature, violating the natural laws of its development. Either man is his well-being, or nature and her well-being.

There is no third".

What is your attitude to this judgment? Justify your answer, based on the knowledge of the social science course, the facts of social life and personal experience.

5. Give three examples of the relationship between global j problems of mankind.

6. Read the text and do the tasks for it. “Gaining more and more strength, civilization often showed a clear tendency to impose ideas with the help of missionary activities or direct violence coming from religious, in particular Christian, traditions ... Thus, civilization steadily spread across the planet, using all possible ways and means for this - migration, colonization, conquest, trade, industrial development, financial control and cultural influence. Little by little, all countries and peoples began to live according to its laws or created them according to the model established by it ...

The development of civilization, however, was accompanied by the flowering of bright hopes and illusions that could not come true ... At the heart of her philosophy and her actions was always elitism. And the Earth, no matter how generous it is, is still not able to accommodate an ever-growing population and satisfy its more and more new needs, desires and whims. That is why a new, deeper split has now emerged - between super-developed and underdeveloped countries. But even this rebellion of the world proletariat, which seeks to partake of the riches of its more prosperous brethren, proceeds within the framework of the same dominant civilization...

It is unlikely that she will be able to withstand this new test, especially now, when her own body is torn apart by numerous ailments. NTR, on the other hand, is becoming more and more obstinate, and it is becoming more and more difficult to pacify it. Having endowed us with unprecedented strength and instilled a taste for a level of life that we did not even think about, NTR sometimes does not give us the wisdom to keep our abilities and demands under control. And it’s time for our generation to finally understand that now it depends only on us ... the fate of not individual countries and regions, but of all mankind as a whole.”

A. Lenchey

1) What global problems of modern society does the author highlight? List two or three issues.

2) What does the author mean when he says: “Having endowed us with unprecedented strength and instilled a taste for a level of life that we did not even think about, the scientific and technological revolution does not sometimes give us the wisdom to keep our abilities and demands under control”? Make two guesses.

3) Illustrate with examples (at least three) the author's statement: "The development of civilization ... was accompanied by the flowering of bright hopes and illusions that could not be realized."

4) Is it possible in the foreseeable future to overcome the contrast between rich and poor countries, in your opinion. Justify the answer.

7. Choose one of the proposed statements and express your thoughts on the issue raised in the form of a short essay.

1. "I am a citizen of the world" (Diogenes of Sinop).

2. "I am too proud of my country to be a nationalist" (J. Voltaire)

3. “Civilization does not consist in more or less refinement. Not in the consciousness common to the whole people. And this consciousness is never refined. On the contrary, it is quite healthy. To represent civilization as the creation of an elite means to identify it with culture, while these are completely different things. (A. Camus).


Society and nature

Culture and civilization

The most important institutions of society

society- This a certain group of people

Can be defined society and how big

society and nature.

Society and nature


1. “Exactly

the question arose about legal protection of nature .

Legal protection of nature



Public relations

play an important role in the functioning of society public relations. This concept refers to the diverse connections that arise between social groups, classes, nations, as well as within them in the process of economic, social, political, cultural life and activity.

Material social relations are formed in the sphere of production, in the course of practical activity. Material relations are divided into production, environmental and office relations.

spiritual relationship are formed as a result of the interaction of people in the process of creating and disseminating spiritual and cultural values. They are divided into moral, political, legal, artistic, philosophical and religious social relations.

A special type of social relations are interpersonal(i.e. relationships between separate individuals).

Evolution and revolution

There are two main ways of change - evolution and revolution. Evolution comes from the Latin word for "unfolding" -

they are slow, constant changes in a previous state. The revolution(from the Latin turn, change) is a change in all or most aspects of public life, affecting the foundations of the existing social order.

At first glance, revolution differs from evolution only in the rate of change. However, in philosophy there is a point of view about the relationship between these two phenomena: the growth of quantitative changes in development (evolution) eventually leads to a qualitative change (revolution).

In this regard, the concept of evolution is close to the evolutionary path in social development. reform. Reform- this is a transformation, reorganization, a change in any aspect of social life that does not destroy the foundations of the existing social structure.

Reforms in Marxism were opposed to political revolution, as an active political action of the masses, leading to the transfer of leadership of society into the hands of a new class. At the same time, revolutions were always recognized as a more radical and progressive way of transformation in Marxism, and reforms were viewed as half-hearted, painful for the masses, transformations, which in the majority were allegedly due to the potential threat of revolution. Revolutions are inevitable and natural in a society where timely reforms are not carried out.

However, political revolutions usually lead to great social upheaval and casualties. Some scientists generally denied the possibility of creative activity to revolutions. Thus, one of the historians of the 19th century compared the Great French Revolution with a hammer, which only broke the old clay molds, opening the already cast bell of the new social order to the world. That is, in his opinion, a new social system was born in the course of evolutionary transformations, and the revolution only swept away the barriers for it,

On the other hand, history knows reforms that led to fundamental changes in society. F. Engels, for example, called the "revolution from above" Bismarck's reforms in Germany. The reforms of the late 80s - early 90s can also be considered a “revolution from above”. XX century, which led to a change in the existing system in our country.

Modern Russian scientists have recognized the equivalence of reforms and revolutions. At the same time, revolutions were criticized as extremely inefficient, bloody, full of numerous costs and leading to dictatorship. Moreover, great reforms (i.e. revolutions from above) are recognized as the same social anomalies as great revolutions. Both of these ways of resolving social contradictions are opposed to the normal, healthy practice of "permanent reform in a self-regulating society."

Both reforms and revolutions treat an already neglected disease (the first - by therapeutic methods, the second - by surgical intervention. Therefore, constant innovation- as a one-time improvement associated with an increase in the adaptability of society to changing conditions. In this sense, innovation is like preventing the onset of a disease (i.e., a social contradiction). Innovation in this regard refers to the evolutionary path of development.

This point of view comes from opportunities for alternative social development. Neither the revolutionary nor the evolutionary path of development can be accepted as the only natural one.

Culture and civilization have long been identified. However Culture and civilization

already in the 19th century, the scientific meaning of these concepts differed. And at the beginning of XX

century, the German philosopher O. Spengler in his work “The Decline of Europe”

and completely opposed them. Civilization appeared to him as the highest stage of culture, on which its final decline takes place. Culture is a civilization that has not reached its maturity and has not ensured its growth.

The differences between the concepts of "culture" and "civilization" were also emphasized by other thinkers. So, N. K. Roerich reduced the difference between culture and civilization to the opposition of the heart to the mind. He associated culture with the self-organization of the spirit, the world of spirituality, and civilization - with the civil, social structure of our life. Indeed, the word "culture" goes back to the Latin word meaning cultivation, cultivation, processing. However, the word upbringing, veneration, as well as cult (as worship and veneration of something) also goes back to the same root (cult-). The word "civilization" comes from the Latin civilis - civil, state, but the word "citizen, resident of the city" also goes back to the same root.

Culture is the core, the soul, and civilization is the shell, the body. P.K. Grechko believes that civilization fixes the level and result of the progressive development of society, and culture expresses the mechanism and process of mastering this level - the result. Civilization equips the earth, our life, makes it convenient, comfortable, pleasant. Culture is “responsible” for the constant dissatisfaction with what has been achieved, the search for something unattainable, worthy, first of all, of the soul, and not of the body. Culture is a process of humanization of social relations, human life, while civilization is their gradual but steady technologization.

Civilization cannot exist without culture, because the system of cultural values ​​is the feature that distinguishes one civilization from another. However, culture is a polysyllabic concept, it includes the culture of production, material relations and political culture and spiritual values. Depending on which sign we single out as the main criterion, the division of civilizations into separate types also changes.

Types of civilization

Depending on their concept and the criteria put forward, various researchers offer their own versions of the typology of civilization.

Types of civilizations

However, in the journalistic literature, the division into civilizations is widely established. Western (innovative, rationalistic) and Eastern (traditional) type. Sometimes so-called intermediate civilizations are added to them. What features characterize them? Let's take a look at the following table as an example.

Main features of traditional society and Western society

traditional society Western society
The “continuity” of the historical process, the absence of clear boundaries between individual eras, sharp shifts and shocks History moves unevenly, in “leaps”, gaps between eras are obvious, transitions from one to another often take the form of revolutions
Inapplicability of the concept of linear progress Social progress is quite obvious, especially in the sphere of material production
The relationship of society to nature is based on the principle of merging with it, and not dominating it. Society seeks to maximize the use of natural resources for its needs
The basis of the economic system is community-state forms of ownership with a weak development of the institution of private property The basis of the economy is private property. The right to property is seen as natural and inalienable
The level of social mobility is low, the partitions between castes and estates are not very permeable The social mobility of the population is high, the social status of a person can change significantly throughout life
The state subjugates society, controls many aspects of people's lives. The community (state, ethnic group, social group) has priority over the individual A civil society emerged, largely autonomous from the state. Individual rights are a priority and are constitutionally enshrined. Relationships between the individual and society are built on the basis of mutual responsibility.
The main regulator of social life is tradition, custom Readiness for change, innovation is of particular value.

Modern Civilizations

Currently, there are different types of civilizations on Earth. In the remote corners of the planet, the development of a number of peoples still retained the features of a primitive society, where life is entirely subordinate to the natural cycle (Central Africa, Amazonia, Oceania, etc.). Some peoples in their way of life have retained the features of eastern (traditional) civilizations. The influence of post-industrial society on these countries is reflected in the growth of crisis phenomena and the instability of life.

Active promotion of the values ​​of the post-industrial society by the media, raising them to the rank of universal human values ​​causes a certain negative reaction from traditional civilizations, seeking not only to preserve their values, but also to revive the values ​​of the bygone past.

Thus, Iran, Afghanistan, Pakistan, the United Arab Emirates, Saudi Arabia, etc. are referred to the Arab-Islamic civilization. Between individual Islamic countries and even within these countries, the struggle between supporters of rapprochement with Western civilization and Islamic fundamentalists is intensifying. If the former allow the expansion of secular education, the rationalization of life, the widespread introduction of modern achievements in science and technology, then the latter believe that the basis (foundation) of all spheres of life are the religious values ​​of Islam and take an aggressive position in relation to any innovations and borrowings from Western civilization.

India, Mongolia, Nepal, Thailand, etc. can be attributed to the Indo-Buddhist civilization. The traditions of Hinduism and Buddhism prevail here, and religious tolerance is characteristic. In these countries, on the one hand, economic and political structures characteristic of an industrial society have developed, on the other hand, a significant part of the population lives by the values ​​of a traditional society.

The Far East Confucian civilization includes China, Korea, Japan, etc. The cultural traditions of Taoism, Confucianism and Shintoism prevail here. Despite the traditions that have been preserved, these countries have been drawing closer in recent years to developed Western countries (especially in the economic sphere).

To what type of civilizational development can Russia be attributed? In science, there are several points of view on this matter:

Russia is a European country and Russian civilization is close to the Western type, although it has its own characteristics;

Russia is an original and self-sufficient civilization that occupies its own special place in the world. This is neither Eastern nor Western, but Eurasian civilization, which is characterized by superethnicity, intercultural exchange, supranational nature of spiritual values;

Russia is an internally split, "pendulum" civilization, which is characterized by a constant confrontation between western and eastern features. In its history, cycles of rapprochement with Western and Eastern civilizations are clearly marked;

To determine which point of view is more objective, let us turn to the characteristics of Western civilization. Researchers believe that within it there are several local civilizations (Western European, North American, Latin American, etc.). Modern Western civilization is a post-industrial civilization. Its features are determined by the consequences of the scientific and technological revolution (NTR), which took place in the 60-70s. XX century.

Global problems

The global problems of mankind are called problems that concern all people living on Earth, the solution of which depends not only on further social progress, but also on the fate of all mankind.

Global problems appeared in the conditions of the scientific and technological revolution in the second half of the twentieth century, they are interconnected, cover all aspects of people's lives and concern all countries of the world without exception.

We list the main problems and show their relationship with each other.

The threat of a thermonuclear catastrophe is closely interconnected with the threat of nuclear war, as well as man-made disasters. In turn, these problems are interconnected with the threat of a third world war. All this is connected with the depletion of traditional sources of raw materials and the search for alternative forms of energy. Failure to resolve this problem leads to an ecological catastrophe (depletion of natural resources, environmental pollution, food problem, lack of drinking water, etc.). The problem of climate change on the planet is acute, which can lead to catastrophic consequences. The ecological crisis, in turn, is connected with the demographic problem. The demographic problem is characterized by a deep contradiction: in developing countries there is an intensive population growth, and in developed countries there is a demographic decline, which creates enormous difficulties for economic and social development.

At the same time, the “North-South” problem is aggravating, i.e. contradictions are growing between developed countries and developing countries of the “third world”. The problems of protecting health and preventing the spread of AIDS and drug addiction are also becoming increasingly important. The problem of the revival of cultural and moral values ​​is of great importance.

After the events in New York on September 11, 2001, the problem of combating international terrorism sharply escalated. The next innocent victims of terrorists can be residents of any country in the world.

In general, the global problems of mankind can be schematically represented as a tangle of contradictions, where from each problem various threads stretch to all other problems. What is the a strategy for the survival of mankind in the face of exacerbation of global problems? The solution of global problems is possible only through the joint efforts of all countries coordinating their actions at the international level. Self-isolation and peculiarities of development will not allow individual countries to stay away from the economic crisis, nuclear war, the threat of terrorism or the AIDS epidemic. To solve global problems, overcome the danger that threatens all of humanity, it is necessary to further strengthen the interconnection of the diverse modern world, change interaction with the environment, abandon the cult of consumption, and develop new values.

In preparing this chapter, materials from the following tutorials were used:

  1. Grechko P.K. Introduction to social science. – M.: Pomatur, 2000.
  2. Kravchenko A. I. Social science. - M .: "Russian Word - RS" - 2001.
  3. Kurbatov V.I. Social science. - Rostov-on-Don: "Phoenix", 1999.
  4. Man and Society: Textbook on social science for students in grades 10-11 / Ed. L.N. Bogolyubova, A.Yu. Lazebnikova. M., 2001
  5. Lazebnikova A.Yu. Modern school social science. Questions of theory and methodology. - M .: School - Press, 2000.
  6. Klimenko A.V., Rumynina V.V. Exam in social studies: Notes of answers. – M.: 2000.
  7. Social science. 100 examination answers./Ed. B.Yu. Serbinovsky. Rostov-on-Don.: "Mar.T", 2000.


Society as a dynamic system

Society and nature

Culture and civilization

The relationship of economic, social, political and spiritual spheres of society

The most important institutions of society

Variety of ways and forms of social development

The problem of social progress

The integrity of the modern world, its contradictions

Global problems of mankind

The concept of "society" is ambiguous. In its original meaning, it is a kind of community, union, cooperation, association of individuals.

From a sociological point of view society- This a certain group of people, united by common interests (goal) for joint activities (for example, a society for the protection of animals or, conversely, a society of hunters and fishermen).

The historical approach to understanding society is associated with the allocation a specific stage in the historical development of a people or of all mankind(for example: primitive society, medieval society, etc.).

The ethnographic meaning of the concept "society" focuses on ethnic characteristics and cultural traditions of a certain population of people(eg: Bushmen Society, American Indian Society, etc.).

Can be defined society and how big a stable group of people occupying a certain territory, having a common culture, experiencing a sense of unity and considering themselves as a completely independent entity(for example, Russian society, European society, etc.).

What unites the above interpretations of society?

  • society consists of individuals with will and consciousness;
  • You can't call a society just a certain number of people. People are united in society by joint activities, common interests and goals;
  • any society is a way of organizing human life;
  • the connecting link of society, its framework, are the connections established between people in the process of their interaction (public relations).

Society as a complex dynamic system

In general, a system is a collection of interconnected elements. For example, a pile of bricks cannot be called a system, but a house built from them is a system where each brick takes its place, is interconnected with other elements, has its own functional significance and serves a common goal - the existence of a durable, warm, beautiful building. But a building is an example of a static system. After all, a house cannot improve, develop by itself (it can only collapse if the functional connections between the elements - bricks) are broken.

An example of a dynamic self-developing system is a living organism. Already in the embryo of any living organism, the main features are laid down, which, under the influence of the environment, determine the essential aspects of changes in the organism throughout life.

Similarly, society is a complex dynamic system that can exist only by constantly changing, but at the same time retaining its main features and qualitative certainty.

There is also a broad, philosophical point of view on society.

Society is a form of organization of individuals that has arisen in opposition to the environment (nature), lives and develops according to its own objective laws. In this sense, society is a set of forms of unification of people, a “collective of collectives”, all of humanity in its past, present and future.

Based on this broad interpretation, let us consider the relationship society and nature.

Society and nature

Both society and nature are part of the real world. Nature is the basis on which society has arisen and develops. If nature is understood as the whole of reality, the world as a whole, then society is part of it. But often the word "nature" refers to the natural habitat of people. With this understanding of nature, society can be considered as a part of the real world that has become isolated from it, but society and nature have not lost their relationship. This relationship has always existed, but has changed over the centuries.

Once upon a time in primitive times, small societies of hunters and gatherers were completely dependent on the cataclysms of nature. Trying to protect themselves from these cataclysms, people created culture, as the totality of all the material and spiritual values ​​of society that have an artificial (i.e., not natural) origin. Below we will talk more than once about the diversity of the concept of “culture”. Now we emphasize that culture is something created by society, but opposite to the natural environment, nature. So, the manufacture of the first tools of labor, the skills of making fire are the first cultural achievements of mankind. The appearance of agriculture and cattle breeding is also the fruits of culture (the word culture itself comes from the Latin “tillage”, “cultivation”).

1. “Exactly because of the dangers that nature threatens us, we have united and created a culture designed, among other things, to make our social life possible. - wrote Z. Freud. “After all, the main task of culture, the true rationale, is to protect us from nature.”

2. With the development of cultural achievements, society was no longer so dependent on nature. Wherein society did not adapt to nature, but actively changed the environment, transforming it in its own interests. This change in nature has led to impressive results. Let us remember thousands of species of cultivated plants, new species of animals, drained swamps and flowering deserts. However, society transforming nature, exposing it to cultural influence, was often guided by momentary benefits. So, the first environmental problems began to arise in antiquity: many species of plants and animals completely disappeared, most of the forests in Western Europe were cut down in the Middle Ages. In the 20th century, the negative impact of society on nature became especially noticeable. Now we are talking about an ecological catastrophe, which can lead to the destruction of both nature and society. So the question arose about legal protection of nature .

The protection of the natural environment is understood as the preservation of its quality, which makes it possible, firstly, to preserve, protect and restore the healthy state and integrity of the Earth's ecosystem, and secondly, to preserve the biological diversity of the planet.

Environmental law deals with the legal protection of nature. Ecology (from the word “ekos” - home, residence; and “logos” knowledge) is the science of the interaction of man and society with the natural habitat.

The environmental legislation of the Russian Federation includes a number of provisions of the Constitution, 5 federal laws on environmental protection, 11 natural resource legislation, as well as decrees of the President of the Russian Federation, decrees of the Government of the Russian Federation, etc.

Legal protection of nature

So in the Constitution of the Russian Federation in Art. 42 speaks of the right of every person to a favorable environment, to reliable information about its condition. Article 58 speaks of the obligation of everyone to preserve nature and the environment, to take care of the natural resources of Russia.

The federal laws “On Environmental Protection” (1991), “On Ecological Expertise” (1995), “On Protection of Atmospheric Air” (1999), etc. are devoted to the legal protection of nature. Attempts are being made to conclude an international treaty on the protection of nature. On December 12, 1997, the International Protocol on the Control of Industrial Waste Emissions into the Atmosphere (Kyoto Protocol) was signed in Kyoto.

Thus, the relationship of nature, society and culture can be described as follows:

society and nature in interconnection form the material world. However, society separated itself from nature, creating culture as a second artificial nature, a new habitat. However, even having protected itself from nature by a kind of boundary of cultural traditions, society is not able to break ties with nature.

V. I. Vernadsky wrote that with the emergence and development of society the biosphere (the earthly shell covered by life) passes into the noosphere (the area of ​​the planet covered by intelligent human activity).

Nature still has an active impact on society. So, A. L. Chizhevsky established the relationship between the cycles of solar activity and social upheavals in society (wars, uprisings, revolutions, social transformations, etc.). L. N. Gumilyov wrote about the impact of nature on society in his work “Ethnogenesis and the Biosphere of the Earth”.

The relationship of society and nature we see in a variety of ways. So, improvement of agrotechnical methods of soil cultivation results in higher yields, but an increase in air pollution from industrial waste can lead to the death of plants.

Society is a complex dynamic system.

Man is a rational being. He chooses housing, food and where to apply his strength. However, it is pointless to have freedom of choice if no one evaluates your choice.

We need a community. Nature has endowed us with an invariable feature - the thirst for communication. Thanks to this feature, we think not only about ourselves. Within a family or a whole planet, a person makes decisions for the sake of common progress. Thanks to the thirst for communication, we push the world forward.

As soon as our ancestors descended from the palm tree, they faced the increasing hostility of nature. The little primate could not defeat the mammoth. Natural skin is not enough to keep warm in winter. Sleeping outdoors is triple dangerous.

The emerging consciousness understood - we can only survive together. The forefathers created a primitive language to understand each other. They gathered in communities. Communities were divided into castes. The strong and fearless went hunting. The offspring were raised soft and understanding. The shacks were built smart and practical. Even then, a person was doing what he was predisposed to.

But nature gave only rough raw materials. You can't build a city out of stones alone. Stones are hard to kill an animal. The ancestors learned how to process materials in order to work more efficiently and live longer.

Broadly defined society- a part of nature that has tamed nature, using the will and consciousness for survival.

In a group, we can not scatter on superficial knowledge. We each have our own inclinations. A professional plumber will not be happy to grow bonsai even for a million dollar salary - his brains are technically sharpened. The union allows us to do what we love and leave the rest to others.

Now we understand the narrow definition societies - a conscious gathering of individuals to work towards a common goal.

Society as a dynamic system

We are cogs in the social mechanism. Goals are not set by just one person. They come as common needs. Society, at the expense of the strength of its individual members, solves an endless stream of problems. The search for solutions makes society better and gives rise to new complex problems. Mankind builds itself, which characterizes society as a dynamic system capable of self-development.

Society has a complex dynamic structure. Like any system, it consists of subsystems. Subsystems in the group are divided into spheres of influence. Sociologists note four subsystems of society:

  1. Spiritual- Responsible for culture.
  2. Political- regulates relations by laws.
  3. Social- caste division: nation, class, social stratum.
  4. Economic- production and distribution of goods.

Subsystems are systems in relation to their individual members. They only work when all elements are in place. Both subsystems and individual parts are inextricably linked. Without production and regulation, spiritual life loses its meaning. Without a person, life is not sweet to another.

The social system is constantly moving. It is set in motion by subsystems. Subsystems move at the expense of elements. Elements are divided into:

  1. Material - factories, dwellings, resources.
  2. Ideal - values, ideals, beliefs, traditions.

Material values ​​are more characteristic of subsystems, while ideal values ​​are a human trait. Man is the only indivisible element in the social system. A person has a will, aspirations and beliefs.

The system works thanks to communication - social relations. Social relations are the main link between people and subsystems.

People play roles. In the family, we play an exemplary father. At work, we are expected to obey unquestioningly. In the circle of friends we are the soul of the company. We don't choose roles. They are dictated to us by society.

Each person has more than one personality, but several at once. Each person behaves differently in different situations. You can't scold your boss like you would a child, right?

Animals have a fixed social role: if the leader “said” that you would sleep below and eat last, it would be like that for the rest of your life. And even in another pack, an individual will never be able to take on the role of leader.

Man is universal. Every day we put on dozens of masks. Thanks to this, we can easily adapt to different situations. You are the master of what you know. You will never demand obedience from a competent leader. Great survival gear!

Scientists divide social relations:

  • between individuals;
  • within the group;
  • between groups;
  • local (indoors);
  • ethnic (within a race or nation);
  • within the organization;
  • institutional (within the boundaries of a social institution);
  • inside the country;
  • international.

We communicate not only with whom we want, but also when necessary. For example, we do not want to communicate with a colleague, but he sits with us in the same office. And we must work. So relationships are:

  • informal- with friends and relatives whom we ourselves have chosen;
  • formalized- with whom we are obliged to contact if necessary.

You can communicate with like-minded people and with enemies. there are:

  • cooperative- cooperation relations;
  • competitive- confrontations.


Society - complex dynamic system. People only once launched it, and now it defines every stage of our lives.

  • flexibility- regulates all spheres of life, even if they have not yet appeared;
  • mobility- constantly changing as needed;
  • complicated well-oiled mechanism from subsystems and elements;
  • independence- society itself creates the conditions for existence;
  • relationship all elements;
  • adequate response for changes.

Thanks to the dynamic social mechanism, man is the most enduring creature on the planet. For only man changes the world around him.


From the video you will learn that there is a society, its concept and the relationship between man and society.

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Section "Society". Topic #1

Society as a social system

Society- a part of the world isolated from nature, but closely connected with it, which includes ways of interaction between people and forms of their unification.

In a narrower sense, society:

- the historical stage of the development of society (ancient society);

- a group of people united by a common territory

(Russian society, European society);

- a circle of people united by a common origin (noble society), interests and activities (book lovers society).

The country- a part of the world or territory that has certain boundaries and enjoys state sovereignty.

State- the central political organization of a given country, which has supreme power.

System- this is a single whole, consisting of interconnected elements, where each element performs its function.

Society is a single social system consisting of people, social groups, social institutions and social (public) relations. Also, as elements of society, one can distinguish subsystems(areas) of society:

- economic (production, distribution, exchange, consumption of material goods);

- social (interaction of social groups, layers, classes, nations;

as well as the activities of the social infrastructure of society);

– political (state forms, state power, law and order, laws, security);

- spiritual (science, education, art, morality, religion).

A person enters society through a collective, being a member of several social groups: family, school class, sports team, labor collective. Also, a person is included in larger communities of people: a class, a nation, a country.

Public relations(social relations) - diverse connections that arise between people, social groups, classes, nations, as well as within them, in the process of society's life. Public relations arise in the economic, social, political, spiritual life of society.

Public relations include:

a) subjects (individuals, social groups, social communities);

b) objects (material, spiritual);

Society as a dynamic system

Society is a dynamic system, it is constantly evolving.

1. Changing society can be seen in the following aspects:

- changing the stage of development of the whole society as a whole

(agrarian, industrial, post-industrial),

- changes occur in certain areas of society,

- social institutions are changing (family, army, education),

- some elements of society die off (serfs, feudal lords), other elements of society appear (new professional groups),

- social relations between elements of society are changing

(between state and church).

2. The nature of the development of society can be different:

Evolution is a slow, gradual, natural process of development.

The revolution- a radical, qualitative, rapid, violent change in the social system.

Reform- partial improvement in any sphere of social life, a series of gradual transformations that do not affect the foundations of the existing social system. The reform is carried out by state bodies. Modernization- a significant update, a change in accordance with modern requirements.

3. Directions for the development of society:

Progress- the process of change from simple to complex, from lower to higher. Regression- the process of change from higher to lower, the process of degradation and collapse of the system, the return to obsolete forms.

Progress is an ambiguous social phenomenon, because it has a side effect: the "reverse side of the coin" or the "price" of progress.

The founders of the theory of progress in the XVIII century (Montesquieu, Condorcet, Turgot, Comte, Spencer) believed that the main engine of progress is the human mind. They believed that with the development of science and education, society would be progressive, social injustice would be eliminated, and a “kingdom of harmony” would be established. Today, faith in progress is undermined by global problems.

What is the criterion for progress?

The most important goal of all social development is man, his all-round development. A progressive society can be considered a society in which conditions for the harmonious development of the individual are created. Proceeding from the idea of ​​humanism, progressive is what is done for the benefit of man. As humanistic criteria, such indicators of the progressive development of society are put forward: average life expectancy, mortality rate, level of education and culture, a sense of satisfaction with life, the degree of observance of human rights, attitude towards nature.

Ticket number 1

What is a society?

There are many definitions of the term "society". In a narrow sense under society can be understood as a certain group of people united for communication and joint performance of any activity, as well as a specific stage in the historical development of a people or country.

Broadly speaking, society- this is a part of the material world isolated from nature, but closely connected with it, which consists of individuals with will and consciousness, and includes ways of interacting people and forms of their unification.
In philosophical society is characterized by science as a dynamic self-developing system, i.e., such a system that is capable, while seriously changing, at the same time retaining its essence and qualitative certainty. The system is defined as a complex of interacting elements. In turn, an element is some further indecomposable component of the system that takes direct involvement in its creation.
Signs of society:

  • A collection of individuals endowed with will and consciousness.
  • General interest, which is permanent and objective. The organization of society depends on the harmonious combination of common and individual interests of its members.
  • Interaction and cooperation based on common interests. There must be an interest in each other, giving the opportunity to implement the interests of each.
  • Regulation of the public interest through binding rules of conduct.
  • The presence of an organized force (power) capable of providing society with internal order and external security.

Each of these spheres, being itself an element of the system called "society", in turn turns out to be a system in relation to the elements that make it up. All four spheres of social life are interconnected and mutually condition each other. The division of society into spheres is somewhat arbitrary, but it helps to isolate and study individual areas of a truly integral society, a diverse and complex social life.

  1. Politics and power

Power- the right and opportunity to influence other people, to subordinate them to your will. Power appeared with the emergence of human society and will always accompany its development in one form or another.

Sources of power:

  • Violence (physical force, weapons, organized group, threat of force)
  • Authority (family and social ties, deep knowledge in some area, etc.)
  • Law (position and authority, control over resources, custom and tradition)

Subject of power- one who gives orders

Object of power- the one who performs.

To date researchers identify various public authorities:
depending on the prevailing resource, power is divided into political, economic, social, information;
depending on the subjects of power, power is divided into state, military, party, trade union, family;
depending on the ways of interaction between subjects and objects of power, power is distinguished as dictatorial, totalitarian and democratic.

Politics- the activities of social classes, parties, groups, determined by their interests and goals, as well as the activities of state authorities. Political struggle is often understood as a struggle for power.

Allocate the following types of authority:

  • Legislative (parliament)
  • Executive (government)
  • Judicial (courts)
  • Recently, the media have been characterized as the “fourth estate” (ownership of information)

Policy Subjects: individuals, social groups, classes, organizations, political parties, state

Policy objects: 1. internal (society as a whole, economy, social sphere, culture, national relations, ecology, personnel)

2. external (international relations, the world community (global problems)

Policy features: organizational base of society, controlling, communicative, integrative, educational


1. according to the direction of political decisions - economic, social, national, cultural, religious, state-legal, youth

2. by the scale of impact - local, regional, nationwide (national), international, global (global problems)

3. according to the prospects for impact - strategic (long-term), tactical (urgent tasks to achieve the strategy), opportunistic or current (urgent)

Ticket number 2

Society as a complex dynamic system

Society- a complex dynamic self-developing system, which consists of subsystems (spheres of public life), which are usually distinguished by four:
1) economic (its elements are material production and relations that arise between people in the process of production of material goods, their exchange and distribution);
2) social (consists of such structural formations as classes, social strata, nations, their relationships and interactions with each other);
3) political (includes politics, state, law, their correlation and functioning);
4) spiritual (covers various forms and levels of social consciousness, which in the real life of society form a phenomenon of spiritual culture).

Characteristic features (signs) of society as a dynamic system:

  • dynamism (the ability to change over time both society and its individual elements).
  • a complex of interacting elements (subsystems, social institutions).
  • self-sufficiency (the ability of the system to independently create and recreate the conditions necessary for its own existence, to produce everything necessary for people's lives).
  • integration (the relationship of all components of the system).
  • self-governance (responding to changes in the natural environment and the world community).

Ticket number 3

  1. human nature

Until now, there is no clarity as to what is the nature of man, which determines his essence. Modern science recognizes the dual nature of man, the combination of biological and social.

From the point of view of biology, man belongs to the class of mammals, the order of primates. A person is subject to the same biological laws as animals: he needs food, physical activity, and rest. A person grows, is subject to disease, ages and dies.

The "animal" personality of a person is influenced by innate programs of behavior (instincts, unconditioned reflexes) and acquired throughout life. This side of the personality is "responsible" for nutrition, preservation of life and health, and procreation.

Proponents of the theory of the origin of man from animals as a result of evolution
explain the features of the appearance and behavior of a person by a long struggle for existence (2.5 million years), as a result of which the fittest individuals survived and left offspring.

The social essence of a person is formed under the influence of a social way of life, communication with others. Thanks to communication, a person can convey to others what he is aware of, what he is thinking about. The means of communication between people in society is primarily language. There are cases when small children were brought up by animals. Once in human society already in adulthood, they could not master articulate human speech. This may indicate that speech and the abstract thinking associated with it are formed only in society.

Social forms of behavior include a person's ability to empathize, caring for the weak and needy members of society, self-sacrifice for the sake of saving other people, the struggle for truth, justice, etc.

The highest form of manifestation of the spiritual side of the human personality is love for one's neighbor, not associated with material rewards or social recognition.

Selfless love, altruism are the main conditions for spiritual growth, self-improvement. The spiritual personality, being enriched in the process of communication, limits the egoism of the biological personality, this is how moral perfection occurs.

Characterizing the social essence of a person, as a rule, they call: consciousness, speech, labor activity.

  1. Socialization

Socialization - the process of mastering the knowledge and skills, ways of behavior necessary for a person to become a member of society, act correctly and interact with his social environment.

Socialization is the process by which an infant gradually develops into a self-aware intelligent being who understands the essence of the culture in which he was born.

Socialization is divided into two types - primary and secondary.

Primary socialization concerns the immediate environment of a person and includes, first of all, family and friends, and secondary refers to the mediated, or formal, environment and consists of the impacts of institutions and institutions. The role of primary socialization is great in the early stages of life, and the secondary - in the later stages.

Allocate agents and institutions of socialization. Socialization agents- these are specific people responsible for teaching cultural norms and mastering social roles. Institutes of socialization- social institutions that influence the process of socialization and guide it. Primary socialization agents include parents, relatives, friends and peers, teachers and doctors. To the secondary - officials of the university, enterprise, army, church, journalists, etc. Primary socialization - the sphere of interpersonal relations, secondary - social. The functions of agents of primary socialization are interchangeable and universal, those of secondary socialization are non-interchangeable and specialized.

Along with socialization, it is also possible desocialization- loss or conscious rejection of learned values, norms, social roles (commission of a crime, mental illness). Restoring lost values ​​and roles, retraining, returning to a normal lifestyle is called resocialization(such is the purpose of punishment as a correction) - change and revision of the ideas formed earlier.

Ticket number 4

Economic systems

Economic systems- this is a set of interrelated economic elements that form a certain integrity, the economic structure of society; the unity of relations that develop over the production, distribution, exchange and consumption of economic goods.

Depending on the method of solving the main economic problems and the type of ownership of economic resources, four main types of economic systems can be distinguished:

  • traditional;
  • market (capitalism);
  • command (socialism);
  • mixed.

Ticket number 5

Ticket number 6

Cognition and knowledge

The dictionary of the Russian language Ozhegov S. I. gives two definitions of the concept knowledge:
1) comprehension of reality by consciousness;
2) a set of information, knowledge in some area.
Knowledge- this is a multidimensional result tested by practice, which was confirmed in a logical way, the process of knowing the world around.
There are several criteria for scientific knowledge:
1) systematization of knowledge;
2) consistency of knowledge;
3) validity of knowledge.
Systematization of scientific knowledge means that all the accumulated experience of humanity leads (or should lead) to a certain strict system.
Consistency of scientific knowledge means that knowledge in various fields of science complements each other, not excludes. This criterion follows directly from the previous one. The first criterion to a greater extent helps to eliminate the contradiction - a strict logical system of building knowledge will not allow several contradictory laws to exist simultaneously.
Validity of scientific knowledge. Scientific knowledge can be confirmed by repeated repetition of the same action (ie, empirically). The substantiation of scientific concepts occurs by referring to the data of empirical research or by referring to the ability to describe and predict phenomena (in other words, relying on intuition).

Cognition- this is the process of acquiring knowledge through empirical or sensory research, as well as comprehending the laws of the objective world and the totality of knowledge in some branch of science, art.
There are the following types of knowledge:
1) worldly knowledge;
2) artistic knowledge;
3) sensory knowledge;
4) empirical knowledge.
Worldly knowledge is an experience accumulated over many centuries. It lies in observation and ingenuity. This knowledge, no doubt, is acquired only as a result of practice.
Artistic knowledge. The specificity of artistic knowledge lies in the fact that it is based on a visual image, reflects the world and a person in a holistic state.
Sensory cognition is what we perceive with the help of the senses (for example, I hear a cell phone ring, I see a red apple, etc.).
The main difference between sensory cognition and empirical cognition is that empirical cognition is carried out with the help of observation or experiment. During the experiment, a computer or other device is used.
Knowledge methods:
1) induction;
2) deduction;
3) analysis;
4) synthesis.
Induction is a conclusion made on the basis of two or more premises. Induction can lead to both correct and incorrect conclusions.
Deduction is a transition made from the general to the particular. The method of deduction, unlike the method of induction, always leads to true conclusions.
Analysis is the division of the studied object or phenomenon into parts and components.
Synthesis is a process opposite to analysis, that is, the connection of parts of an object or phenomenon into a single whole.

Ticket number 7

Legal responsibility

Legal responsibility- this is a way by which the interests of the individual, society and the state receive real protection . Legal responsibility means the application to the offender of sanctions of legal norms, specified in them certain penalties. This is the imposition of measures of state coercion on the offender, the application of legal sanctions for the offense. Such responsibility is a kind of relationship between the state and the offender, where the state, represented by its law enforcement agencies, has the right to punish the offender, restore the violated law and order, and the offender is called to be convicted, i.e. to lose certain benefits, to suffer certain unfavorable consequences established by law.

These consequences may vary:

  • personal (death penalty, imprisonment);
  • property (fine, confiscation of property);
  • prestigious (reprimand, deprivation of awards);
  • organizational (closure of the enterprise, dismissal from office);
  • their combination (recognition of the contract as illegal, deprivation of a driver's license).

Ticket number 8

Man in the labor market

A special and unique sphere of socio-economic relations of people is the sphere of relations in the sale of their labor force by people. The place where labor is bought and sold is labor markets. Here the law of supply and demand reigns supreme. The labor market ensures the distribution and redistribution of labor resources, the mutual adaptation of objective and subjective factors of production. In labor markets, a person gets the opportunity to act in accordance with their own interests, to realize their abilities.

Work force- physical and mental capabilities, as well as skills that allow a person to perform a certain type of work.
For the sale of his labor power, the worker receives a wage.
Wage- the amount of monetary remuneration that the employer pays to the employee for the performance of a certain amount of work or the performance of his official duties.
Hence, the price of labor power is wages.

At the same time, the “labor market” means competition for jobs for everyone, a certain freedom of hands for the employer of labor, which, under adverse circumstances (supply exceeds demand), can cause very negative social consequences - wage cuts, unemployment, etc. For a person who is looking for a job or is employed, this means that he must maintain and deepen interest in himself as a work force through advanced training and retraining. This not only provides certain guarantees against unemployment, but represents the basis for further professional development. Of course, this is not a guarantee against unemployment, because in each specific case, one should take into account a variety of personal reasons (for example, desires and claims for certain activities), real conditions (a person’s age, gender, possible obstacles or restrictions, place of residence, and much more). It should be noted that both now and in the future, employees must learn to adapt to the demands that the labor market puts before them and the conditions themselves, which are changing rapidly. In order to meet the conditions of the modern labor market, everyone must be ready for constant changes.

Ticket number 9

  1. Nation and national relations

A nation is the highest form of an ethnic community of people, the most developed, historically stable, united by economic, territorial-state, cultural, psychological and religious features.

Some scholars believe that a nation is a co-citizenship, i.e. people living in the same state-ve. Belonging to a particular nation is called nationality. Nationality is determined not only by origin, but also by upbringing, culture and psychology of a person.
There are 2 trends in the development of the nation:
1. National, which is manifested in the desire of each nation for sovereignty, the development of its economy, science and art. Nationalism is the doctrine of the priority of the interests and values ​​of one's nation, an ideology and politics based on the ideas of superiority and national exclusivity. Nationalism can develop into chauvinism and fascism - aggressive manifestations of nationalism. Nationalism can lead to national discrimination (belittling and infringement of human rights).
2. International - it reflects the desire of nations for interaction, mutual enrichment, expansion of cultural, economic, and other ties.
Both trends are interconnected and contribute to the progress of human

NATIONAL RELATIONS are the relations between the subjects of national and ethnic development - nations, nationalities, national groups and their state formations.

These relations are of three types: equality; domination and submission; destruction of other entities.

National relations reflect the fullness of social relations and are determined by economic and political factors. The main ones are political aspects. This is due to the importance of the state as the most important factor in the formation and development of nations. The political sphere includes such issues of national relations as national self-determination, the combination of national and international interests, the equality of nations, the creation of conditions for the free development of national languages ​​and national cultures, the representation of national personnel in power structures, etc. At the same time, historically emerging traditions, social feelings and moods, geographical and cultural conditions of nations and nationalities have a strong influence on the formation of political attitudes, political behavior, political culture.

The main issues in national relations are equality or subordination; inequality of levels of economic and cultural development; national strife, strife, enmity.

  1. Social problems in the labor market

Ticket number 10

  1. Culture and spiritual life of society

Culture is a very complex phenomenon, which is reflected in the hundreds of definitions and interpretations that exist today. The most common are the following approaches to understanding culture as a phenomenon of social life:
- Technological approach: culture is the totality of all achievements in the development of the material and spiritual life of society.
- Activity approach: culture is a creative activity carried out in the spheres of the material and spiritual life of society.
- Value approach: culture is the practical implementation of universal human values ​​in the affairs and relationships of people.

Starting from the 1st c. before. n. e. the word "culture" (from Latin cultura - care, cultivation, cultivation of the land) meant the upbringing of a person, the development of his soul and education. It finally came into use as a philosophical concept in the 18th - early 19th centuries. and denoted the evolution of mankind, the gradual improvement of language, customs, government, scientific knowledge, art, religion. At that time, it was close in meaning to the concept of "civilization". The concept of "culture" was opposed to the concept of "nature", that is, culture is what a person created, and nature is what exists independently of him.

Based on the numerous works of various scientists, the concept of "culture" in the broad sense of the word can be defined as a historically conditioned dynamic complex of forms, principles, methods and results of active creative activity of people that are constantly updated in all spheres of public life.

Culture in the narrow sense is a process of active creative activity, during which spiritual values ​​are created, distributed and consumed.

In connection with the existence of two types of activity - material and spiritual - two main spheres of existence and development of culture can be distinguished.

Material culture is associated with the production and development of objects and phenomena of the material world, with a change in the physical nature of a person: material and technical means of labor, communication, cultural and community facilities, production experience, skills, skills of people, etc.

Spiritual culture is a set of spiritual values ​​and creative activities for their production, development and application: science, art, religion, morality, politics, law, etc.

Division criterion

The division of culture into material and spiritual is very arbitrary, since it is sometimes very difficult to draw a line between them, because they simply do not exist in a “pure” form: spiritual culture can also be embodied in material media (books, paintings, tools, etc.). d.). Understanding the whole relativity of the difference between material and spiritual culture, most researchers nevertheless believe that it still exists.

The main functions of culture:
1) cognitive - is the formation of a holistic view of the people, country, era;
2) evaluation - the implementation of the differentiation of values, the enrichment of traditions;
3) regulatory (normative) - the formation of a system of norms and requirements of society for all individuals in all areas of life and activity (norms of morality, law, behavior);
4) informative - the transfer and exchange of knowledge, values ​​and experience of previous generations;
5) communicative - preservation, transfer and replication of cultural values; development and improvement of personality through communication;
6) socialization - the assimilation by an individual of a system of knowledge, norms, values, accustoming to social roles, normative behavior, the desire for self-improvement.

The spiritual life of society is usually understood as that area of ​​being in which objective reality is given to people not in the form of opposing objective activity, but as a reality that is present in the person himself, which is an integral part of his personality.

The spiritual life of a person arises on the basis of his practical activity, is a special form of reflection of the surrounding world and a means of interacting with it.

As a rule, knowledge, faith, feelings, experiences, needs, abilities, aspirations and goals of people are referred to spiritual life. Taken in unity, they constitute the spiritual world of the individual.

Spiritual life is closely connected with other spheres of society and is one of its subsystems.

Elements of the spiritual sphere of society: morality, science, art, religion, law.

The spiritual life of society covers various forms and levels of social consciousness: moral, scientific, aesthetic, religious, political, legal consciousness.

The structure of the spiritual life of society:

spiritual needs
They represent an objective need of people and society as a whole to create and master spiritual values.

Spiritual activity (spiritual production)
The production of consciousness in a special social form, carried out by specialized groups of people professionally engaged in skilled mental labor

Spiritual goods (values):
Ideas, theories, images and spiritual values

Spiritual social connections of individuals

Man himself as a spiritual being

Reproduction of public consciousness in its integrity


Its products are ideal formations that cannot be alienated from their direct producer.

The universal nature of its consumption, since spiritual benefits are available to everyone - individuals without exception, being the property of all mankind.

  1. Law in the system of social norms

social norm- a rule of conduct established in society that regulates relations between people, social life.

Society is a system of interrelated social social relations. These relationships are many and varied. Not all of them are regulated by law. Outside of legal regulation are many relationships in the private life of people - in the sphere of love, friendship, leisure, consumption, etc. Although political, public interactions are mostly legal in nature, and in addition to law, they are regulated by other social norms. Thus, law does not have a monopoly on social regulation. Legal norms cover only strategic, socially significant aspects of relations in society. Along with the law, a wide variety of social norms perform a large amount of regulatory functions in society.

A social norm is a general rule that regulates homogeneous, mass, typical social relations.

In addition to law, social norms include morality, religion, corporate rules, customs, fashion, etc. Law is only one of the subsystems of social norms that has its own specifics.

The general purpose of social norms is to streamline the coexistence of people, to ensure and coordinate their social interaction, to give the latter a stable, guaranteed character. Social norms limit the individual freedom of individuals, setting limits on possible, proper and prohibited behavior.

Law regulates social relations in interaction with other norms, as an element of the system of social regulatory regulation.

Signs of a legal norm

The only one in a number of social norms that comes from the state and is the official expression of its will.

Represents measure of freedom of expression and behavior of a person.

Published in specific form.

Is an form of realization and consolidation of rights and obligations participants in social relations.

Supported in its implementation and protected by the power of the state.

Always represents government mandate.

Is an the only state regulator of public relations.

Represents general rule of conduct, i.e. indicates: how, in what direction, during what time, on what territory it is necessary for this or that subject to act; prescribes a correct course of action from the point of view of society and therefore obligatory for each individual.

Ticket number 11

  1. The Constitution of the Russian Federation is the main law of the country

Constitution of the Russian Federation- the highest normative legal act of the Russian Federation. Adopted by the people of the Russian Federation on December 12, 1993.

The Constitution has the highest legal force, fixing the foundations of the constitutional system of Russia, the state structure, the formation of representative, executive, judicial authorities and the system of local self-government, the rights and freedoms of man and citizen.

The Constitution is the fundamental law of the state, which has the highest legal force, fixes and regulates basic social relations in the field of the legal status of the individual, civil society institutions, the organization of the state and the functioning of public authority.
It is with the concept of the constitution that its essence is connected - the basic law of the state is called upon to serve as the main limiter for power in relations with man and society.


· fixes the state system, fundamental rights and freedoms, determines the form of the state and the system of higher bodies of state power;

· has the highest legal force;

Has a direct effect (the provisions of the constitution must be implemented regardless of whether other acts contradict them);

It is distinguished by stability due to a special, complicated procedure for adoption and change;

· is the basis for the current legislation.

The essence of the constitution, in turn, is manifested through its main legal properties (that is, the characteristic features that determine the qualitative originality of this document), which include:
acting as the fundamental law of the state;
legal supremacy;
fulfillment of the role of the basis of the entire legal system of the country;
Sometimes the properties of the constitution include other features - legitimacy, continuity, prospects, reality, etc.
The Constitution of the Russian Federation is the fundamental law of the country. Despite the fact that this term is absent in the official title and text (unlike, for example, the Constitution of the RSFSR of 1978 or the constitutions of the Federal Republic of Germany, Mongolia, Guinea and other states), this follows from the very legal nature and essence of the constitution.
legal supremacy. The Constitution of the Russian Federation has the highest legal force in relation to all other legal acts, not a single legal act adopted in the country (federal law, act of the President of the Russian Federation, the Government of the Russian Federation, an act of regional, municipal or departmental lawmaking, an agreement, a court decision, etc. ), cannot contradict the Basic Law, and in case of contradiction (legal conflicts), the norms of the Constitution have priority.
The Constitution of the Russian Federation is the core of the legal system of the state, the basis for the development of current (industry) legislation. In addition to the fact that the Constitution establishes the competence of various public authorities for rule-making and determines the main goals of such rule-making, it directly defines the areas of public relations that must be regulated by federal constitutional laws, federal laws, decrees of the President of the Russian Federation, regulatory legal acts of state authorities of the constituent entities of the Russian Federation and and so on, it also contains many of the basic provisions underlying the development of other branches of law.
The stability of the constitution is manifested in the establishment of a special procedure for changing it (in comparison with laws and other legal acts). From the point of view of the order of change, the Russian Constitution is “rigid” (in contrast to the “soft” or “flexible” constitutions of some states - Great Britain, Georgia, India, New Zealand and others - where changes to the constitution are made in the same order as into ordinary laws, or at least by a fairly simple procedure).

  1. social mobility

social mobility- change by an individual or group of the place occupied in the social structure (social position), moving from one social stratum (class, group) to another (vertical mobility) or within the same social stratum (horizontal mobility). social mobility is the process by which a person changes his social status. social status- the position occupied by an individual or a social group in society or a separate subsystem of society.

Horizontal mobility- the transition of an individual from one social group to another, located at the same level (example: moving from an Orthodox to a Catholic religious group, from one citizenship to another). Distinguish individual mobility- the movement of one person independently of others, and group- movement occurs collectively. In addition, allocate geographical mobility- moving from one place to another while maintaining the same status (example: international and interregional tourism, moving from city to village and back). As a type of geographic mobility, there are concept of migration- moving from one place to another with a change in status (example: a person moved to the city for permanent residence and changed his profession).

Vertical mobility- moving a person up or down the corporate ladder.

Upward mobility- social uplift, upward movement (For example: promotion).

Downward mobility- social descent, downward movement (For example: demotion).