What is the name of the traffic controller in military uniform. Who has the right to regulate traffic

Nowadays, seeing a traffic controller with a striped staff on the road is a rarity. And once they were an integral part of the urban landscape. Probably because putting a person was cheaper than an iron pole of a traffic light.

Let's remember how it was.

According to historical sources, the first traffic controllers in our country appeared back in tsarist times. In 1908, first in the capital of the empire, St. Petersburg, and then in Moscow, policemen “on the busier streets were given white canes to regulate traffic and ensure the safety of pedestrians.”
Unfortunately, I have not yet found pictures with pre-revolutionary traffic controllers. As well as their colleagues in the first years of Soviet power.

The earliest photographs known to me date back to the second half of the 1920s, when there were more traffic controllers due to the intensification of traffic.

1926 Regulator in Moscow:

1929 The traffic controller on Arbatskaya Square in Moscow:

Glowing stand-stump - it's cool! In later photographs, these are no longer found.
At the same time and legs warmed, probably.

On the other hand, the wands were for some reason abolished in the late 1920s (they would be returned only before the war).

1930s Guard on Zubovskaya in Moscow:

1931 Yalta:

Sometimes wands were still encountered (obviously, the issue was resolved at the local level).

1932 Kyiv. Police Officer:

1932 Kharkov. Policeman-regulator with a new staff-lantern:

1936 Policeman-regulator at night on Arbat Square in Moscow:

1937 Kyiv. The policeman regulates the movement of ships on the Dnieper:

1941 Moscow:

During the Great Patriotic War, traffic controllers were replaced by traffic controllers.

1943 traffic controller I. Pazhinskaya in Leningrad:

In the military photographs, everyone already has wands (they were returned before the war).

1945 Regulator on the street of Moscow:

1946 Rostov-on-Don. traffic controller:

1947 Kyiv:

She also:

But then again this hard work began to be done almost exclusively by men.

1955 Moscow, Kutuzovsky pr-t:

Please note that in the frame there is a traffic controller and a working traffic light at the same time!

1956 Odessa:

1956 Traffic controller on Red Square:

1956-57 Manezhnaya Square in Moscow:

1958, turn to Matsesta.

The gestures of the traffic controller are considered by novice motorists to be one of the most difficult points of traffic standards. When preparing and passing exams, they are not given much attention - future drivers think that they will not need it. Often, instead of special gestures, the traffic police officers themselves use waved hands and instructions with a baton that are more understandable to others. But on the road, you need to be prepared for any situation, including the fact that instead of a traffic light, traffic at the intersection will be controlled by a person from the Highway Patrol Service. What signals does the regulator give?

In total, there are three signals of the traffic controller, regulated by clause 6.10 of the SDA:

  • The hand with the wand is raised up;
  • Both arms are extended to the left and right or lowered;
  • The right hand is extended forward.

Many people ask the question What is the significance of the whistle signal given by the traffic controller?". Answer - The whistle signal is given by the traffic controller to attract the attention of traffic participants.

Let us consider separately what the signal of the traffic controller means for pedestrians and drivers with explanations.

signal traffic controller - raised his hand up

In this case, the movement of everyone is prohibited - both vehicles and people, regardless of direction. To warn drivers, the traffic police officer must blow a whistle. You can not stop with your hand raised only in two cases - if your car is already at the intersection and if you have to brake urgently to stop, creating an emergency. In terms of its meaning, the signal is equivalent to a yellow traffic light signal for all road users.

The gesture of the traffic controller - lowered his hands or stretched them to the sides

The rules state that in this case, in front of and behind the traffic police officer “red light” - the movement of cars, motorcycles, rail vehicles and pedestrians is prohibited. On the left and right sides, vehicles are allowed to move without crossing the conditional "line" of hands - that is, only forward and to the right. Pedestrians are crossing a direction that is currently prohibited.

Signal of the traffic controller - stretched his right hand forward

With this gesture of the traffic controller, all wheeled vehicles on the left side of him get the opportunity to move forward, left and right. Trams are only on the left. From the side of the chest, all modes of transport can only go to the right. Cars and trams from the back and right side of the traffic police officer must stand - the "red light" works for them. Pedestrians can cross the road on the "zebra" only behind his back.

Other signals and gestures of the traffic controller

According to paragraph 6.10 of the SDA, a traffic police officer can give other signs with the help of hands, a baton, a whistle and a loudspeaker, but on condition that they are understandable to drivers.

In practice, the traffic controller often works in this way, and does not resort to standard gestures. This is due to the fact that most drivers either do not remember them, or do not understand them well and get confused. And this is fraught with the emergence of dangerous situations, because the traffic police officer resorts to a convenient and understandable way both for himself and for those around him to regulate traffic at the intersection.

The priority of the traffic controller in traffic rules and responsibility for violations

Paragraph 6.15 states that the signals of the traffic controller are priority for drivers, even if they contradict the requirements of road markings, signs and even traffic signals. The instructions of the traffic police officer are binding on all road users, even for cars with special signals (siren and flashing beacon).

Failure to comply with its instructions and passage, despite the prohibition signal, is a violation of the law. Punishment is determined in accordance with Article 12.12 of the Code of Administrative Offenses.

The amount of the fine can range from 800-1000 rubles for the first offense and up to 5 thousand rubles and 6 months without a driver's license in case of repeated cases.

Video lesson: how easy it is to remember the meaning of traffic controller signals.

An artillery gunner is a member of the gun crew and is a deputy gun commander. It carries out its activities in the course of the direct execution of a combat mission, making calculations of goniometers, pointing the gun at the target and firing at the destruction of manpower and firepower of the enemy

The artillery gunner is obliged to:

know well the design of the gun, prepare the gun, sights, ammunition for combat use in a timely and high-quality manner;

quickly find and eliminate emerging breakdowns and malfunctions;

accurately determine the range to the target, choose the aiming point, set the sight scale, accurately aim the gun at the target and conduct accurate fire

As a deputy gun commander, he must know in full his duties (relevant sections of military regulations and manuals, tactics and capabilities of enemy artillery)

In the course of combat training, the gunner works out the standards for pointing the gun at the target, studies the design of the guidance mechanisms, sighting device, methods for calculating goniometers, etc.

The most stressful moments in the gunner's activity are the monotonous and accurate pointing of the gun at the target and the firing of a shot.

The activity of an artillery gunner is associated with significant energy, dynamic and static loads, and is carried out at a tense pace set by the conditions of the combat situation. The volume of processed information is average. The type of activity is predominantly performing. Business contacts with calculation numbers – frequent and direct

The main means of labor - optical instruments and mechanisms for pointing artillery pieces

To effectively perform his duties, the gunner must have: the ability to quickly count in his mind and quickly perform complex motor actions, self-control and endurance, resourcefulness, quick perception and understanding of oral speech, accurate and coordinated movements with both hands, finger mobility, quickly and accurately manipulate with with the help of fingers, to maintain intense attention for a long time, despite fatigue and the action of constant stimuli, a quick reaction to a moving object

To master a specialty, a secondary (complete) general education is required.

Artillery gunners are trained in a training military unit

The gunner can improve his class qualification, and in the service he can be appointed to the position of gun commander or deputy platoon commander

Related civilian specialties: submachine gunner, gear cutter, gear grinder, optician, optician-mechanic, mechanical assembly fitter, mechanic-repairman, jeweler-fitter, adjuster

  • 6. Ways to deploy the road commandant service.
  • 7. Requirements for the road commandant service, its elements.
  • 8. Organization of road commandant service in the area of ​​crossings.
  • 9. Organization of road commandant service in large settlements.
  • 10.Organization of the road commandant service in conditions of mass destruction, infection, fires and at night.
  • 11. Purpose, organization, capabilities, armament and equipment of the traffic control post.
  • Schedule of duty at the traffic control post No. _______
  • 12. Purpose, organization, capabilities, armament and equipment of the road commandant's office.
  • Tactical and technical characteristics
  • 13. Purpose, device, main characteristics of technical means of traffic control. General information about technical means of traffic control
  • Electrified Wands
  • Main characteristics and device of wands
  • Preparation for work
  • Wand work
  • Wand care and storage
  • electrified milestones
  • Main characteristics and arrangement of electrified milestones
  • floating milestones
  • Small traffic light afr-2
  • The main characteristics and device of the traffic light afr-2
  • Preparing traffic light afr-2 for work
  • Installation of a traffic light afr-2
  • Care and storage of traffic light afr-2
  • Portable electric megaphones
  • The main characteristics and device of the electromegaphone em-2
  • The main characteristics and device of the electromegaphone zpem-5
  • Preparing the electric megaphone for work
  • Working with an electric megaphone
  • Care and storage of an electric megaphone
  • Features of caring for the electromegaphone zpem-5
  • Typical malfunctions and their elimination
  • Loud-speaking installation gu-20m
  • Main characteristics and arrangement of the gu-20m installation
  • Preparation for work gu-20m
  • Work with installation gu-20m
  • Care and storage of the gu-20m installation
  • Collapsible barrier
  • Main characteristics and device of a collapsible barrier
  • Preparing for the work of a collapsible barrier
  • Road signs
  • Commandant's cars
  • 14. Tasks and methods of traffic control.
  • 15. Regulation posts on military highways.
  • Stationary control posts
  • 1. At the railway crossing (guarded):
  • Technical means and accessories for the traffic controller and traffic control post
  • Movable control posts
  • The procedure for the detention of vehicles by control posts
  • 16. The order of deployment and equipment of traffic control posts. Locations of fixed control posts
  • Technical means and accessories for the traffic controller and traffic control post
  • Procedure for equipping a fixed control station
  • 17. Regulation of traffic at the railway crossing and at the crossroads.
  • 18. Duties of the head of the traffic control post.
  • 19. General duties of the traffic controller. Responsibilities under special conditions.
  • 20. Modern military movement and its characteristics.
  • Characteristics of the military movement
  • 21. The order of movement. Restoration of the interrupted movement.
  • The order of movement to the wad
  • Restoration of the interrupted movement on the wad
  • 22. Standard road collapsible bridges and their performance characteristics.
  • Small road collapsible marm bridge
  • Marma characteristics
  • Medium road collapsible bridge sarm
  • Characteristics of sarms
  • Features of the design of the material part and completeness of the bridge sarm-m
  • Large road collapsible barm bridge
  • Barm characteristics
  • 23. General information about traffic rules.
  • 24. Causes of traffic accidents and measures to prevent them.
  • All accidents are divided into the following types according to the nature of the mechanism of their commission: collisions, rollovers, collisions and other incidents.
  • 25. Appointment, composition and tasks of control rooms.
  • 26. Placement and equipment of control rooms.
  • 27. Organization of work of control points.
  • 28. Types and purpose of service points on military highways.
  • 29. The main tasks of the operational maintenance of roads.
  • Question 6. Medical center, its location in the field, the duties of officials.
  • 30. Operational maintenance of military highways at different times of the year. Water maintenance in spring
  • Keeping wads in autumn
  • Maintenance of wads in summer
  • Water maintenance in winter
  • 31. Means of communication used in road commandant units.
  • 32. Road signs.
  • warning signs
  • 2. Forbidding
  • 3.Information and index
  • 4. Service marks
  • Question 3
  • 34. Objects on military highways subject to protection, protection and defense, methods and means of influencing the enemy on them.
  • 35. Measures for the protection, protection and defense of military highways. Protection on military highways
  • 36. Actions of the personnel of the road commandant platoon for the protection, protection and defense of the area where the platoon garrison is located.
  • 19. General duties of the traffic controller. Responsibilities under special conditions.

    Adjuster subordinate to the chief or (when it completes the task on its own) the person who put it lo . Except for them, no one has the right to give instructions to the traffic controller regarding his work, to remove him from his post. His demands and the signals he gives must be strictly observed by all to whom they are addressed.

    The traffic controller is responsible for the passage of columns in the right direction and, being constantly at the place indicated to him, is obliged:

      be able to use the traffic controller's baton, signal flags, signal lamp;

      clearly give signals, let through only the type of military equipment and vehicles permitted for movement on this road strictly in the direction indicated by the head of the post, in the established sequence, facilitate the unhindered passage of command vehicles, vehicles equipped with special signaling devices and signs;

      immediately take measures to eliminate traffic delays;

      know the identification marks of the columns;

      carefully observe the traffic and the situation in the area of ​​the control post, demand that drivers comply with traffic rules and observe camouflage measures;

      in case of violation of traffic rules by drivers, detain the following cars alone, write down their numbers and report to the head of the post,

      know the condition of the road in the area of ​​your post, the available detours, places of possible shelters, service points, the names of the nearest settlements and the distance to them, the location of the site commandant;

      warn, if necessary, the heads of columns, senior vehicles and drivers about the order and features of traffic on the road, about difficult and dangerous places on it;

      when attacking a post, take measures to repel the attack.

    To accompany columns in conditions of limited visibility (at night, in fog, snowstorm), as well as in areas where you can lose the direction of movement (during bypasses of destroyed sections of roads when passing through contaminated areas, large settlements, etc.), if necessary, from the composition of traffic control posts stand out conductors.

    The conductor must:

      know the route assigned for the movement of columns, and its features

      meet the column indicated to him and lead it along the required route.

    Heads of traffic control posts and traffic controllers and the commandant of the road commandant section to whom they are subordinate are issued a special certificate of the established form.

    20. Modern military movement and its characteristics.

    Every year more and more cars and road trains take to the roads of the country. A significant increase in the intensity and speed of traffic, as well as an increase in the share of very heavy and oversized trucks in the composition of traffic, has dramatically complicated the situation on roads and put forward the problem of organizing and managing traffic as one of the most important for improving the efficiency of using road transport and reducing the number of traffic accidents (accident).

    When designing and building roads, traffic safety requirements are increasingly taken into account. In the areas of mass road transport, the most advanced motorways such as motorways with multi-lane traffic, widened roadsides are being created; special coatings are being sought to ensure maximum grip of tires with the road surface; roads are carefully marked and equipped with bright, clearly visible signaling devices and road signs.

    Along the highways under construction, communication lines are being created with local switches that have access to road maintenance units, medical institutions, technical assistance points and the bodies of the State Automobile Inspectorate (GAI). Many official cars, taxi cars, police cars, emergency services and ambulances are equipped with radiotelephone communications.

    The measures taken contribute to better organization of traffic and reduce the number of road accidents.

    Traffic on military highways is different from traffic on roads in peacetime.

    If the flow of traffic on the roads in peacetime consists of trucks and cars, then on WAD is moving into the core rated freight transport in columns, including a significant a special place is occupied by special heavy-duty vehicles containers and heavy road trains .

    Military roads are being prepared for military movement. WAD is a road prepared for a military movement zheniya with deployed for its operation, recovery and technical cover by the forces and means of the road troops.

    Columns of troops and rear make a march in the order of march established by the command. marching order - This is a grouping of forces and means created for movement in columns.

    He must provide :

      movement speed,

      rapid deployment in the event of an enemy attack,

      the least vulnerability to weapons of mass destruction and enemy air strikes,

      the ability to quickly maneuver,

      maintaining a solid interaction within the column,

      saving forces of personnel and preservation of equipment,

      maintaining sound management.

    The most important feature of the military movement on military highways is its columnar construction . Single cars move along the VAD, joining the car columns, or are combined into separate columns of the required composition.

    So, for the transportation of material resources movement is typical in platoon and company columns, in which 30-50% of cars with trailers and road trains.

    Troops are marching predominantly at night, in the composition of their columns, part of the cars with trailers is 15-25%. However, these convoys may contain heavy-duty, bulky semi-trailers with tanks, towed vehicular-drawn artillery systems, and rocket launchers.

    Features of traffic construction and restoration parts are a high proportion of heavy trucks and special vehicles, the presence of trailers of various types, including heavy ones.

    The average length of an automobile column in a company, subject to established distances, is several kilometers. If there is a delay on the route for any reason, even for a short time, the distances between the columns can be reduced so much that a continuous flow is formed at the RAD.

    Accumulations of vehicles on the VAD become a good target for the enemy, especially when they use high-precision weapons. But even without delays, with an increase in traffic intensity, the time intervals between the columns are so small that any unorganized exit of the columns of units (subdivisions) to the VAD is practically excluded or leads to disorganization of the general order of movement.

    Heads of columns are appointed commanders of units or officers of the unit from whose vehicles the column is formed.

    The military movement is greatly influenced by view of the enemy , which will seek to destroy the most important road objects in order to cause traffic interruptions and defeat troops and vehicles passing along the roads. The experience of local wars and ongoing military exercises shows that in the conditions of a modern war, centers of mass destruction, flooding, fires, dangerous radioactive, chemical and bacteriological contamination can occur on the VAD, and road units and many objects on the VAD can be subjected to constant attacks by sabotage and reconnaissance groups enemy.

    As a result of the influence of the enemy, the capacity of roads can be significantly reduced, while the volume of traffic can simultaneously increase. Under these conditions, for the further movement of troops and transport, along with work on direct preparation and restoration, the role of the operation of the VAD increases.

    For traffic control on military highways organized road commandant service . The direct organization of traffic on the VAD is assigned to the commanders of the road commandant units and subunits. They organize a road command service and, if necessary, can direct convoys to alternate routes and detours without changing the general direction, as well as establish the order of movement in certain sections of the VAD (crossing areas, crossing sections, single-track sections, etc.).

    The order of movement on military highways, as well as mutual obligations of traffic participants among themselves and with officials of the road commandant service at the VAD are defined:

      traffic rules,

      instructions on the procedure for planning military road transport in the Armed Forces of the Republic of Belarus,

      guidance on the commandant's service.

    Today we will talk about a very important topic, namely, who has the right to regulate traffic and control it, but as you understand, there is a difference between control and regulation, and this is what I want to focus your attention on. Often I had to deal with the illegal actions of some kind of road services, which, for no reason at all, rolling asphalt near a private house, suddenly blocked the entire road completely unreasonably and began to regulate traffic, and to my surprise, all drivers succumbed and were guided by the instructions of some completely left-wing people who had nothing to do with road services, and even more so did not have the right and permission to block the road in the indicated place, and according to the rules, people should be notified about such actions.

    And so, we will understand what is the difference between the concepts.

    Traffic can be regulated by law:

    • Regular and non-staff police officers;
    • Vigilantes;
    • Duty at the railway crossing;
    • Employees of the road maintenance service;
    • Employees of the military traffic police (you can distinguish them by special equipment);

    In the case of regulation, these persons should have one of the following attributes in their hands:

    • Wand;
    • Disc with a red signal or with a built-in retroreflector;
    • Red lantern;
    • checkbox;

    The instructions of these persons are mandatory for all drivers without exception, everyone must follow these instructions.

    Remember that to regulate traffic means to carry out activities that ensure the organization of traffic. For example, the concept of a traffic controller will help us to disassemble and understand this concept.

    The traffic controller is a person endowed in the prescribed manner with the appropriate powers, which give him the right to regulate traffic by giving special signals established by the Rules. The traffic controller must be dressed in uniform and have a distinctive badge or appropriate equipment. Traffic controllers include police officers and employees of the military automobile inspectorate, and this category also includes employees of road maintenance services who are on duty only at railway crossings or ferry crossings and only if they fulfill their official duties.

    Who has the right to control the rules of the road?

    Persons entitled to exercise traffic control include only traffic police officers, as well as district police inspectors. But members of other police services can also exercise traffic control, but only if special plans are put in place. Also, these police units have the right to perform, together with the traffic police, the assigned tasks that are directly related to the implementation of public order and the safety of others (but such actions are performed only with the permission of the head of internal affairs).

    If you put everything in its place and explain in simple terms, then the police officer, not being an employee in the traffic police, has the right to redirect your movement and also stop you. But he has absolutely no right to check that you have any things that are mandatory for a motorist, for example, a fire extinguisher, and this employee, not being a traffic police official, does not have the right to draw up a protocol on an administrative offense, in Russian speaking to fine you ( but as always there is an exception, it appears in the case of special plans). Only exclusively in the case of special plans, a simple police officer receives powers that greatly expand his capabilities and he can no longer just regulate traffic, but also control it.

    Also, if a police officer has the authority to control traffic, then he, like an ordinary traffic police officer, is obliged to introduce himself when stopping the car and contacting the driver, because the driver has every right to know who stopped him and whether this employee also has police powers to control traffic. After all, there are often cases when an ordinary employee of the teaching staff or just a person in uniform or some kind of private security officer took a baton and went to monitor compliance with traffic rules.

    The problem with today's drivers is that many people think that if a person is wearing a uniform, then he has every right to stop you and check documents or do something for which he is not authorized. Always if you feel a catch, ask the employee to present his official ID, because at the first request they are required to present it and ask if he has the authority of a traffic police officer and, most importantly, in case of refusal to present a certificate, he becomes for you just a werewolf in uniform and you can easily call "02" and report that on such and such a section of the road a person in the form of a policeman stopped you and does not show an official ID.

    I hope that I have sufficiently fully revealed the essence of the issue to you, because in our time it is simple to know your rights so as not to become a victim of abuse of power. I wish you good luck on the roads!