How to calculate the salary of a teacher in a rural school. Examples of salary calculation for different categories of teaching staff

As you know, a school teacher is a rather broad concept that combines several specialties. Therefore, teachers receive different salaries, depending on many conditions, from a specific position to the specifics of the region and the status of the school. However, the procedure for calculating salaries and allowances for employees of Russian public schools is general, so it can be applied, in particular, when calculating the salary of a primary school teacher.

Components of wages

The salary of teachers consists of:

  • base part;
  • compensatory;
  • incentive payments;
  • premiums.

In ordinary schools, where there are no correction classes and other special conditions, the calculation of the teacher's salary depends on the number of lessons and the number of students. It also takes into account extracurricular workload, for example, checking homework, fulfilling the duties of a class teacher, and so on. There are also coefficients depending on the experience of the teacher and the category of his qualification.

Compensation payments are provided if the teacher works at night, in dangerous conditions, in particular, with chemical reagents. Incentive payments are included in the premiums and are intended to encourage the teacher for the good performance of students in passing exams, the victory of students in olympiads, the introduction of new didactic teaching materials and other successes in work. However such bonus cannot exceed 60% of salary. Bonuses for teachers are carried out according to the principle of other budgetary institutions: quarterly and annual bonuses are paid, and a certain amount is accrued by the holidays.

The salaries of teachers must undergo annual indexation, which amounted, for example, in 2016 to 7%.

How is the salary of a high school teacher calculated?

Today, there are several electronic online programs for calculating the salaries of teachers on the Internet. These programs, of course, require data verification, but on average they are able to suggest how to calculate the teacher's salary. Calculations can also be done manually.

First, you need to take the base rate (20 hours a week for elementary school) salary, which today is 3000-3500 rubles. Increasing coefficients can be applied to the base rate if the teacher:

  • teaches in the village (0.25);
  • in a correctional institution (0.2);
  • in a boarding school for orphans (0.2);
  • in a boarding school (0.15);
  • has skills in teaching local dialects, for example, the Chechen language (0.15).

The available coefficients are added to it:

  • for the teacher's higher education;
  • qualification category;
  • honorary title (up to 0.2);
  • work experience;
  • the presence of a scientific degree (10% for a candidate's and 20% for a doctoral dissertation);
  • the status of an educational institution (lyceum or gymnasium), which gives a supplement of 0.15.

The management of an educational institution has the right to set coefficients for the complexity of the discipline being taught. These payments are made from the funds of the school itself, so the state does not regulate them.

Other types of payments are added to the base rate. So how to calculate the salary of a primary school teacher?

Approximate calculation of the real income of a primary school teacher with secondary qualifications

To make it clear to a person what to expect from work in primary school, an approximate calculation can be made. The data obtained is relevant at the beginning of 2017. To determine the salary, we take the following data:

  • average work experience (from 5 to 10 years), which gives + 10% to the salary;
  • the first category (coefficient 1.5);
  • complete higher pedagogical education, for which an allowance in the amount of a third of the base rate is due;
  • the alleged teacher allegedly works in a regular school and does not have additional merit in the form of honorary titles and academic degrees;
  • schools set coefficients for the complexity of subjects, but there is no such allowance for an ordinary elementary school teacher;
  • 15% of the salary is paid for classroom management in primary school;
  • another 10% is due to compensate for the time spent checking notebooks;
  • exactly the same amount is paid to the head of the study room, which is usually available to the primary school teacher.

As a result of the calculation it turned out the amount of 10115.88 rubles. It is on such income that a person who wants to work in an elementary school should be guided.

Average salary of teachers

As can be seen, the basic salary at school still falls short of the regional averages. Nevertheless, in our time, regional incentive programs are being implemented, under which bonuses are paid to teachers. This allows us to significantly bring the size of teacher salaries closer to the average. In addition, regular mandatory bonuses, which in general serve as a good addition to the basic salary, cannot be ignored.

According to the federal plan to increase the minimum wage, the increase in salaries as of March 2016 is calculated until 2018, and should increase by another one and a half times in the near future. However, the crisis that has been going on since the end of 2014 significantly slows down this process.

In the regional budgets in 2016, there is a decrease in funding for the education sector by 5-10%. However, cuts in the budget of the education system do not affect the salary of teachers in 2016.

Funding the remuneration of school teachers in Russia, unfortunately, is not a priority component of the salary budget for civil servants. Since the end of 2014, teachers' salaries, taking into account inflation and purchasing power, have continued to decline.

March salary increase

In 2016, teachers' incomes will still increase. According to the federal decree of the President, issued in 2012, by the end of 2016, the payment of salaries to teachers in schools should increase by one and a half times. Last year, the indexation of salaries for teachers was not carried out, respectively, during 2016, the remuneration of teachers will increase.

According to the federal plan, on April 1, the salaries of all teachers increased by 5.5%. Given the current inflation rate of 10-12%, such indexation did not increase the actual income of teachers, however, a slight increase in teachers' salaries in 2016 is to be expected.

At the same time, the real remuneration of teachers by the end of 2016 should increase by one and a half times compared to the figure for 2012.

Teacher salary in Russia

All allowances and salaries have been indexed since March 2016, and now the real salary of teachers has increased from 2.7% to 7.6%. Given the latest news, the salary of teachers in Russia is gradually increasing. Although, given that the annual inflation index is 10-12%, the salary increase only maintains the financial situation of teachers at the same level.

Teacher salary in Moscow

The average salary of a teacher in Moscow is much higher than regional indicators, and as of March 2016, it is about 70 thousand rubles. Also, payments in the capital occur without delay, which is the main problem of supplying teachers in the regions. However, the indexation of teachers' salaries in Moscow is not a priority for the government, so the rate increase in 2016 is delayed.

Salary of teachers in St. Petersburg

In St. Petersburg, the teaching profession is also quite highly paid and, as of 2016, averages 65,000 rubles. Taking into account the 5.5% indexation in March 2016, the remuneration of teachers in St. Petersburg is comparable to the average capital payments to teachers for the previous year.

Salary of teachers in Moscow and Leningrad regions

In the regions of cities of administrative significance, teachers earn an average of 44 thousand rubles. At the same time, the Teacher for All program for paying salaries to teachers came into force last year.

Young teachers who graduated with honors can count on a bonus of up to 35 thousand. Thus, professional teachers in the Moscow region and the Leningrad region will be able to receive monetary allowances comparable to the remuneration of teachers in Moscow.

The salary of teachers in Transbaikalia, in Bashkiria and the Altai Territory

In most regions of Russia, salaries in 2016 will not change significantly. At the moment they are 15-20 thousand, depending on the workload and experience in the regions, and about 30 thousand in regional centers. The main increases in payments to teachers in 2016 are aimed at the minimum wage, so during the year salaries in the region will increase by no more than 2,000 rubles.

At the same time, the funds included in the federal budget for the salaries of teachers from January 1, 2016 decreased by 24 billion. At the same time, indexation of wages for employees of the education system is carried out due to the optimization of jobs and the reduction of staff in schools.

Salary of teachers in Crimea

In 2016, in Crimea, the issue of how to calculate the salary of a teacher was finally resolved. The average salary of teachers on the peninsula amounted to 22 thousand rubles, and was indexed in a general manner.

rural teacher salary

Despite the fact that the increase in the minimum wage for employees of the public sector is aimed at equalizing the salaries of teachers, the financial provision of teachers does not change significantly. The average salary of a teacher in towns and villages in 2016 remains in the range of 8-10 thousand. This is primarily due to the percentage recalculation of cash payments.

Primary school teacher salary

In 2016, the salaries of primary school teachers will not increase significantly. The reform regulates an increase in the minimum wage. In schools, salaries will be increased, especially for cleaners, cloakroom attendants and cooks.

physical education teacher salary

According to Minister of Education Fursenko, about 200,000 unclaimed employees work in schools. For this reason, some labor and physical education teachers are at risk of layoffs in 2016.

English teacher salary

Teachers of a narrow profile and highly qualified, staff cuts and salary cuts in 2016 will not affect. However, English teachers may face the problem of delaying teacher salaries.

Teacher salary calculation

The regional location of the place of work has a significant impact on the remuneration of teachers. As of the beginning of 2016, the minimum salary of teachers is 8-10 thousand rubles. quite common in the villages. In large cities, the salary of teachers is 20-40 thousand, and in the northern ones - for example in Yakutia, it reaches 50 thousand.

The rate of a teacher at school and the salary in general, in the cities of administrative significance - Moscow and St. Petersburg, is approximately 70 thousand rubles. As for the upcoming salary increases, given the general increase in prices, there will be no significant change in the level of salaries in 2016.

Salary of teachers in Kazakhstan

The salary of teachers in Kazakhstan in 2016 will increase significantly. Under the new model, the salaries of civil servants employed in the education sector in Kazakhstan will be increased to 29%.

Young teachers, teachers without specialization and staff are expected to increase wages of 15% or more. Narrow specialists, teachers of foreign languages ​​and teachers of the highest category, as well as administrative staff, in Kazakhstan expect a salary increase of 29% during 2016.

Teacher salary in Belarus

The situation with the remuneration of teachers in Belarus in 2016 remains tense. Rewards, which make up a significant part of the salary, are being reduced. In addition, in some regions, teachers are denied payments for the summer period and remove bonuses to teachers' salaries.

However, as of March 2016, the head teachers of schools in Belarus receive about 50 thousand, in terms of Russian rubles, and young teachers - about 18 thousand.

Salaries of teachers of the highest category

For professional teachers, working conditions will not change and the stimulating salary of teachers will not be withdrawn. Teachers of the highest category, whose salaries are at a relatively high level, remain the most sought-after employees in Russian schools.

Salaries of young teachers

An illustrative example is a teacher of elementary grades from Barnaul, Altai Territory. With earnings of 22 thousand rubles. in 2015, the minimum wage increased by 240 rubles, while the financing of the education system in the region was reduced by 5%. So, despite the lack of funding, salary payments to teachers, including young ones, will not be reduced in 2016. Such is the news about teacher salaries.

Perhaps you will be interested.

A philologist teacher works in a city school, has the highest qualification category.

Classroom employment is 28 hours per week, 112 hours per month.

Lessons are taught in the 5th grade of 22 people, the 6th grade of 23 people, the 10th grade of 25 and 20 people, the 11th grade with a humanitarian profile of 25 people.

Out-of-class employment is 8 hours per week (32 hours per month).

Class leadership in the 10th grade of 25 people.

Leads a circle 2 hours a week (8 per month), which is attended by 12 people.

Preparation of winners of the Olympiads - 2 hours a week (8 per month), 4 people are preparing.

He has the title of Honorary Worker of General Education of the Russian Federation; manages an office; is the head of the school methodological association.

A student-hour is equal to 3.05 rubles.

O \u003d 3.05 x (22 (person) x 24 (hour) + 23 (person) x 24 (hour) + 25 (person) x 16 (hour) + 20 (person) x 16 (hour) ) x 1.15 x 1.04 + Dz = 3.05 x 1800 x 1.15 x 1.04 + Dz = 6566 + 1322 (Dz) = 7888

However, we have not yet calculated the payment for hours in the profile class.

Auz (prof. class) \u003d 3.05 x 25 (persons) x 32 (hours) x 1.15 x 1.05 \u003d 2946 rubles.

6566 + 2946 = 9512 rubles

Payment for classroom employment, therefore, is 9512 rubles. Therefore, the total salary will look like this:

O \u003d 9512 (Auz) + 1322 (Dnz) \u003d 10834

Dz \u003d Stp x Chaz x Y x A x K

Dz (class leadership) \u003d 3.05 x 25 (persons) x 4 (hours) x 1.15 x 1 \u003d 351 rubles.

Dz (work with parents) \u003d 3.05 x 25 (persons) x 4 (hours) x 1.15 x 1 \u003d 351 rubles.

Dz (circle) \u003d 3.05 x 12 (persons) x 8 (hours) x 1.15 x 1 \u003d 337 rubles.

Dz (winners) \u003d 3.05 x 4 (persons) x 8 (hours) x 1.15 x 1.5 \u003d 168 rubles.

Dz (preparation for lessons) = 3.05 x 136 x 8 x 1.15 x 0.03 = 115 rubles.

Total Dz \u003d 351 + 351 + 337 + 168 + 115 \u003d 1322 rubles.

Office manager pay

9512 x 0.1 \u003d 951 rubles.

Payment for checking notebooks

9512 x 0.15 \u003d 1427 rubles.

Payment for the leadership of the ShMO

9512 x 0.1 \u003d 951 rubles.

Additional payment for the title of Honorary Worker of General Education of the Russian Federation - 901 rubles.

Total for the special part: 4230 rubles.

The incentive part depends on the monetary value of 1 point and the number of points scored by the teacher in the portfolio. Let's take the average number of points - 50 and the average money weight - 50 rubles.

50 x 50 = 2500 rubles.

Zp \u003d 10834 + 4230 + 2,500 \u003d 17654 rubles.

The primary school teacher has been working in a rural school for the third year and is a young specialist, has a second qualification category.

Class workload is 20 hours per week, 80 hours per month.

Lessons are taught in the 1st class of 15 people.

Classroom leadership in the same class.

Out-of-class employment is 12 hours per week, 48 hours per month.

In the same class, he leads a circle, which is attended by 8 people, conducts additional classes, which are attended by 5 people.

Prepares a large amount of didactic materials and visual aids for class work.

A student-hour is equal to 5.99 rubles.

We calculate the salary according to the formula:

O \u003d Stp x Chaz x Y x A x K + Dz

O \u003d 5.99 x 15 (people) x 80 (hours) x 1.05 x 1.03 + Dz = 7774 + Dz = 7774 + 2085 (Dz) = 9859 rubles.

Calculation of additional payment for non-classroom employment is made according to the formula

Dz \u003d Stp x Chaz x Y x A x K

Each type of non-classroom employment is considered separately, and then all indicators are summed up.

Dz (class leadership) \u003d 5.99 x 15 (persons) x 8 (hours) x 1.05 x 1 \u003d 755 rubles.

Dz (work with parents) \u003d 5.99 x 15 (persons) x 8 (hours) x 1.05 x 1 \u003d 755 rubles.

Dnz (circle) \u003d 5.99 x 8 (persons) x 8 (hours) x 1.05 x 1 \u003d 403 rubles.

Dz (consult.) \u003d 5.99 x 5 (persons) x 8 (hours) x 1.05 x 0.5 \u003d 126 rubles.

Dz (preparation of didactics) \u003d 5.99 x 15 (persons) x 8 (hours) x 1.05 x 0.03 \u003d 23 rubles.

Days (preparation for lessons) \u003d 5.99 x 15 (persons) x 8 (hours) x 1.05 x 0.03 \u003d 23 rubles.

The total remuneration for non-classroom employment is:

Dz \u003d 755 + 755 + 403 + 126 + 23 + 23 \u003d 2085 rubles.

The special part is calculated by multiplying the coefficients by the amount of payment for classroom employment.

Payment for checking notebooks

7774 x 0.1 \u003d 777 rubles.

Total for the special part - 777 rubles.

The incentive part depends on the monetary value of 1 point and the number of points scored by the teacher in the portfolio. Since the teacher is a young specialist, let's take a small number of points - 25 out of 100 possible and an average monetary weight - 50 rubles.

25 x 50 = 1250 rubles.

The total teacher salary will be:

Zp \u003d 9,859 + 777 + 1,250 \u003d 11886 rubles.


The new system of remuneration has introduced significant changes in the procedure for calculating teachers' salaries. The usual tariff scale has sunk into oblivion, and in many regions it has been replaced by an unfamiliar “model methodology”. The new system has a lot of advantages. The good news is that now not only the lessons given by the teacher will be paid, but also those types of activities for which no one had thought to pay before (they are now beautifully called out-of-class employment). A stimulating part of the salary has appeared, which is actually a monthly bonus for the quality of work and directly depends on this very quality. But, perhaps, the most important plus, repeatedly proclaimed by the ideologists of the NSOT, is that those who work well and a lot will now be paid well and a lot, and those who work little will be paid accordingly. It is difficult to disagree with such an argument, but there is “one nuance” here. Wages to a very large extent will depend not only on the quantity and quality of work, but also on the quantity and quality (so to speak) of children. It is the number of children in the institution that will affect the size of its wage fund, as well as the size of the student-hour. And the number of children in the class will directly affect the teacher's salary.

How can a simple teacher, not “burdened” with the knowledge of an accountant, calculate his salary using a new and rather difficult model method? This guide has been developed to answer this question.

What is a student-hour

and what is it for?

A student-hour is a conventional unit that is introduced to determine the amount of guaranteed wages for a teacher who directly carries out the educational process. Each institution calculates it on its own, based on the size of its payroll fund allocated to pay for classroom employment of teaching staff directly involved in the educational process, i.e. the leader of the lessons (hereinafter simply "teachers").

Cost of 1 student-hour - the cost of a budget educational service, including 1 estimated hour of study with 1 calculated student in accordance with the curriculum.

Concepts used on remuneration and labor incentives

In addition to the student-hour, it is necessary to cite a number of concepts involved in the material of this manual.

The basic part of the wage fund or, in other words, the guaranteed wages of all employees of a general education institution: administrative, managerial, pedagogical, educational and support and service personnel.

The incentive part of the payroll fund is payments provided for the purpose of increasing the motivation of high-quality work of employees and their encouragement for the results of work.

Portfolio - a set of materials, certification documents confirming the ability of a teacher to solve the problems of his professional activity, to choose a strategy and tactics of professional behavior in accordance with the priority areas of education development, and designed to assess the level of professionalism. Based on the materials of the portfolio, the level of the content of education, the level of professional culture, the dynamics of educational achievements of students, the effectiveness of non-classroom activities in the subjects taught, class management, participation in methodological and research work, and social activities are assessed. The amount of incentive payments depends on the number of points scored by the teacher in the portfolio.

Classroom employment of pedagogical workers - conducting lessons (training sessions) in accordance with the curriculum and job responsibilities of the teacher.

Out-of-class employment of teachers - all types of educational and upbringing activities with students, not related to the conduct of lessons, organization of work with parents.

Increasing coefficients for the complexity and priority of the subject (K) - coefficients used in calculating the payment for classroom employment of a teacher. They are determined by the institution independently, depending on the specifics of the educational program of this institution, in agreement with the state public administration body, as well as the trade union body, and are recorded in the local act of the institution.

The following criteria influence the size of the priority coefficients:

inclusion of the subject in the state (final) certification;

additional workload of the teacher associated with preparing for lessons (checking notebooks, creating a database of visual aids and didactic materials in the classroom, ensuring the work of the classroom (laboratory) and safety precautions in them, a large informative capacity of the subject, constant updating of the content, the presence of a large number of information sources ( e.g. literature, history, geography), the need to prepare laboratory, demonstration equipment, etc.);

additional workload of the teacher due to unfavorable conditions for his health (for example, chemistry, biology, physics), age characteristics of students and characteristics associated with their development (elementary school);

the specifics of the educational program of the institution, determined by the concept of the development program, and taking into account the contribution of this subject to its implementation.

The methodology for the formation of the payroll fund and the wages of employees of regional state educational institutions, approved by the Decree of the Government of the Saratov Region No. 254-P dated June 16, 2008, gives the following coefficients:

a) subjects in in-depth study programs - up to 1.06;

b) subjects studied under profile level programs, subjects studied within the framework of the use of developmental education technologies (L.V. Zankova, Elkonina-Davydova) - up to 1.05;

c) Russian language, literature, foreign language, mathematics - up to 1.04;

d) history, social studies, geography, biology, computer science, physics, chemistry, grades 1-4 of elementary school - up to 1.03;

e) law, economics, technology - up to 1.02;

f) astronomy, physical education, fine arts, music, drawing, the basics of life safety, psychology, familiarization with the outside world, natural history - 1.0.

However, bearing in mind that the institution sets the coefficients on its own, before you start calculating your own wages, guided by this manual, do not forget to check with the management or chairman of your primary organization whether the above coefficients correspond to those adopted by the local act of your institution.

Increasing coefficient for the qualification category of a teacher (A) - the coefficient used in calculating the salary of a teacher, namely the amount of payment for his classroom and non-classroom employment. It depends on the qualifications of the employee and is:

1.05 - for teachers with the second category;

1.10 - for teaching staff with the first category;

1.15 - for teaching staff with the highest category.

What does it include

teacher salary?

First of all, I would like to recall that the remuneration of employees of institutions is made on the basis of employment contracts between the head of the institution and employees. The appendix to the employment contract must specify the exact size of classroom and non-classroom employment, as well as the size of the base and incentive parts of the salary.

So, what does the salary (Sp) of a teacher consist of? This is the base part, which includes a salary, which, in turn, consists of payment for classroom (Az) and non-classroom employment (Nz), and compensation payments (K), as well as an incentive part (C). This can be shown as a formula:

Zp \u003d Az + Nz + K + C

In some cases, the salary may look like this:

Zp \u003d Az + Nz + K + B + C

As you noticed, the difference is unknown to us "B". What it is?

This is the so-called guarantee of not reducing wages compared to the previous one. It was approved by the same Decree of the Government of the Saratov Region No. 254-P as part of the above Methodology.

In the event that the basic part of the remuneration of employees of an institution established in accordance with the new system of remuneration is lower than the salary established before its introduction, then, provided that they work in the same institution, maintain the scope of the duties of employees and perform work of the same qualifications, the corresponding base part difference. This difference is our "B".

Thus, we see that the new wage system allows the teacher to raise wages in any case, because. even under the condition that the base part of the new salary will be equal to last year's, an incentive part is added to it, which will increase the size of wages.

Teacher salary calculation

The salary of a teacher, as mentioned above, consists of payment for classroom and non-classroom employment and is calculated by the formula:

O \u003d Stp x Chaz x Y x A x K + Dnz, where:

О - the salary of a pedagogical worker directly carrying out the educational process;

Stp - the estimated cost of a student-hour (rub.student-hour);

Chaz - the number of hours in the subject according to the curriculum per month in each class;

Y - the number of students in the subject in each class at the beginning of the next academic year. When calculating the salaries of pedagogical workers who provide individual training, the average class size at the corresponding level of education is used;

K - increasing coefficient for the complexity and priority of the subject, depending on the specifics of the educational program of the institution;

Dz - additional payment for non-classroom employment.

Here I would like to draw your attention to a few "ifs".

If the teacher works in several classes, then the product of Y (number of students) and Chaz (number of hours in the curriculum per month) is calculated separately for each class, and then summed up.

If a teacher teaches several subjects in several classes, then the salary is calculated as the sum of wages for each subject and class.

If the teacher provides individual instruction at home, this is also calculated separately. When substituting the variable Y in the formula, not one homeworker student is taken, but the average number of children in the class according to the parallel to which this student belongs.

If a teacher teaches a subject where teaching is carried out in a group, and not in the whole class, then when substituting the variable Y into the formula, the number of children in the class, and not in the group, is taken, otherwise the salary of this teacher will be half that of the rest.

Extra pay for non-class work

The components of non-classroom employment of pedagogical workers are such types of work as classroom management, holding parent meetings and working with parents, consultations and additional classes with students, circle work, training winners of olympiads, competitions, competitions, reviews, etc., preparation of didactic materials and visual aids for lessons, preparation for lessons and other types of training sessions.

For each teacher, an individual schedule is created, including the size and types of non-classroom employment, approved by the head of the institution.

The amount of the extracurricular work supplement is calculated according to the formula in accordance with this schedule. For each type of non-classroom employment, the calculation is made separately, and then all components are summed up.

The formula for calculating the extra pay for non-classroom employment is as follows:

Dz \u003d Stp x Chaz x Y x A x K, where

Stp - the estimated cost of a student-hour (rubles / student-hour);

Chaz - the number of hours per month for each component of non-classroom employment;

A - increasing coefficient for the qualification category of a teacher;

K is the coefficient for each component of out-of-class employment.

The coefficients of each component of non-classroom employment should be prescribed in the local acts of the institution, namely in the annex to the regulation on remuneration, which, in turn, is an annex to the collective agreement.

An important point is that the total classroom and non-classroom employment of a teacher should not exceed 36 hours per week with the same cost per student-hour of classroom and non-classroom employment. Thus, if the classroom workload of a teacher is 26 hours per week and, accordingly, 104 hours per month, then the non-classroom workload will be 10 hours per week and, accordingly, 40 hours per month.

Compensation payments or a special part of wages

The amount of compensation payments is established by the employer in agreement with the trade union body of employees in the manner prescribed by Article 372 of the Labor Code of the Russian Federation for the adoption of local regulations. They are fixed in the collective and labor contracts and are made in accordance with the established coefficients for teachers to be paid for hours of classroom employment, for other employees - to the official salary.

Compensatory payments are established for work in harmful, dangerous or other special working conditions, as well as for work that is not included in the scope of the employee's main duties. These include payments for checking notebooks, managing an office, a laboratory, a school workshop, for maintaining working computers, for performing the duties of a chairman of a primary trade union organization, etc. A specific list of payments and sizes of coefficients can be found in Appendix No. 1 to the above-mentioned Methodology for Forming a Wage Fund .

In addition, the special part of the salary includes additional payments for the presence of an honorary title, state awards, academic degrees, which have a fixed amount and are established in accordance with the law of the Saratov region "On Education".

Here again it is necessary to clarify that the institution establishes the list and sizes of the coefficients of compensation payments on its own and fixes them in its local act. Therefore, we are forced to repeat ourselves: before proceeding with the calculation of your own salary, guided by this manual, ask the management or chairman of the primary organization of your institution for a list of compensation payments and the size of the coefficients adopted by your local act.

Calculation of the incentive part of wages

When calculating the stimulating part, the teacher's portfolio is very important. How is it compiled?

The administration of the institution, together with public authorities, develops a local regulation that defines the criteria and indicators for the formation of incentive bonuses, the procedure for their calculation and payment. Criteria and indicators have a point system. This local act is adopted by the general meeting of the labor collective and agreed with the trade union committee, and then approved by the head of the institution. In accordance with this local act, the portfolio is filled in by employees, points are calculated.

The cost or monetary value of one point is calculated by each institution independently. To do this, the size of the incentive part of the wage fund for teachers, planned for the period from September to December, is divided by the total score of all teachers. The result obtained should be divided by 4 to obtain a monetary value of 1 point per month. In the same way, the money weight of 1 point is calculated from January to May. The amount of the incentive allowance for a particular teacher is determined by multiplying the value of 1 point by their total number shown in the portfolio.

To calculate vacation pay, the average wage is taken, taking into account incentive payments. The period after vacation before the start of studies is also paid based on the average salary, taking into account incentive payments.

For clarity, see examples of teacher salary calculation taking into account the cost of a student-hour in urban and rural schools.

Svetlana MAYOROVA,

chief specialist of the Saratov Regional Committee of the Trade Union of Public Education and Science Workers of the Russian Federation;

Anastasia TIMOFEEVA,

Leading Specialist

Teaching is a noble and necessary profession. The first teacher is remembered, if not by everyone, then by many for sure. In turn, the teacher remembers each student who pretty much spoiled his nerves. How much does a teacher get, and how is a teacher's salary calculated?

Base salary calculation

Teachers' hard work is paid in three ways: base salary, flat rate, or student hourly wages. Base salary - a method when bonuses are added to the base salary for checking notebooks, conducting electives, the number of students, the number of students who won olympiads, and others.

  • teacher salary;
  • special payments, which include deviations in working conditions from the norm, the presence of supervised classes as a class teacher, the assigned category, holding meetings with students' parents, the need to check notebooks, work on educational and methodological materials, office management;
  • incentive payments (this block includes rewards for the results achieved based on the results of participation in regional and regional olympiads, the success of passing the unified state exam and the absence of facts of deviant behavior among children).

Fixed rate payroll

How to calculate the teacher's salary according to the so-called "All Inclusive" method? This methodology is based on the official salary at the rate of 36 hours of work of the teacher, as well as incentive payments. Incentive payments, as in the first case, are the same. It also takes into account the application of new solutions and approaches in the field of education, the implementation of particularly important management tasks. Work experience is of great importance.

Accountants in many regions of Russia, including Moscow or the Kaliningrad region, are thinking about how to calculate a teacher's salary based on hours worked. In this case, the concepts of the basic and stimulating parts remain, based on the ratio of 70% to 30%. The base part takes into account the load, the number of students. Carrying out research work, participating in conferences and competitions, developing educational and methodological material become the main factors for an accountant who thinks about the question of how to calculate a teacher's salary.

primary school teacher salary

Working with children from 6 to 10 years old is interesting, but nevertheless difficult. At this age, the child first encounters the world of seriousness and responsibility. The task of the teacher is not to harm the child's curiosity, craving for knowledge, to help the child become more diligent, attentive and responsible. How is the salary of a primary school teacher calculated, if the opportunities to participate in major regional and regional events are reduced to a minimum, and a junior high school student is still far from exams?

The main variables in the calculation of wages will be the hourly rate approved by the director of the educational institution, the number of hours worked, the number of children taught by the teacher and the percentage of the allowance, depending on the category of the teacher.

Foreign language teachers and salaries

Today it is fashionable and even necessary to learn foreign languages, because this is a direct path to success and decent earnings, as well as the possibility of free travel. It is easy to imagine how the salary of an English teacher is calculated and what it consists of.

Provided that, for objective reasons, the school management does not have the opportunity to give an additional load to the teacher, he is guaranteed a salary at the same level as if he had assumed additional duties. In this case, there is a good opportunity to help the student learn the material in a foreign language and prepare him for participation in English Olympiads.

How is the salary of English teachers calculated? Just like other teachers. The advantage of teaching English is that a teacher can always earn extra money by tutoring.

Teacher payroll accounting

The salary of a teacher is calculated as the product of the base rate per hour (in this case, the academic hour is taken), the number of hours worked and the percentage of the allowance for the assigned qualification.

The qualification of a teacher includes education and work experience, as well as the results of attestations passed. The higher the qualification, the higher the teacher's income.

The recommended billing frequency is once a year, with the exception of curricula, according to which the hourly load is set in half a year. The volumes of loads are coordinated at the beginning of the first and second academic semesters. On the basis of curricula and developed educational programs, the hourly workload of each teacher is calculated, which is multiplied by the salary rate. Cases when one teacher replaces another are paid additionally. The remuneration of a teacher should remain at the same level if his workload has been reduced for reasons beyond his control.

Billing must be done at the end of the school year before the teachers go on vacation. The rules establish that informing employees about tariffing should take place no later than two months before the date of entry into force.

Teacher payroll

Talk about the salaries of public sector employees does not stop. From TV screens, the public always hears only that the next increase in wages is planned or has already been put into effect. Despite this, the public sector is in constant search of workers.

How to calculate the salary of a teacher in order to attract the attention of young people to this profession in demand on the labor market. In order to address this issue, new wage systems are periodically introduced. The latest system changes came into effect on January 1, 2017.

In the case when a teacher starts work in the middle of the year, the calculation of the average salary is carried out according to the following scheme: the established rate per hour is multiplied by the total volume of the teacher's workload and divided by the number of full months left until the end of the school year. The calculation of wages for an incomplete month is based on the hours actually worked.

How is a teacher's salary calculated under the new system

The new remuneration system assumes the establishment of the base part of wages at the level of 70% in the general structure, the remaining 30% will fall on the compensatory and incentive parts. Also, in order to equalize incomes, it is proposed to cancel the reduction coefficients for teachers without higher education.

The regulation on the remuneration of teachers, which prescribes how the salary of a teacher is calculated, should contain the following main points:

  • definitions of the concept and rates of official salaries of specialists;
  • hourly wage rates;
  • determination of the structure of compensation payments;
  • determining the structure of incentive payments;
  • making payments based on tariffs;
  • set hourly wages;
  • inclusion of replacement hours of other teachers in additional payments.

Salaries of teachers in Moscow and the Moscow region

The level of salaries in Moscow is much higher than regional indicators. Delays in salary payments are also rare for Moscow teachers, compared to their counterparts in the regions. The only negative point for a teacher from Moscow is the delay in indexing.

From the way a teacher's salary is calculated in Moscow, one can see differences in the calculation of salaries for teachers in the capital and for his colleagues from the Moscow region. For example, an accountant of an educational institution in Moscow will apply the “Student-hour9raquo;” methodology, in the Moscow Region they will take the “Basic salary +” methodology as a basis.

How to calculate the salary of a primary school teacher

As you know, a school teacher is a rather broad concept that combines several specialties. Therefore, teachers receive different salaries, depending on many conditions, from a specific position to the specifics of the region and the status of the school. However, the procedure for calculating salaries and allowances for employees of Russian public schools is general, so it can be applied, in particular, when calculating the salary of a primary school teacher.

Components of wages

The salary of teachers consists of:

In ordinary schools, where there are no correction classes and other special conditions, the calculation of the teacher's salary depends on the number of lessons and the number of students. It also takes into account extracurricular workload, for example, checking homework, fulfilling the duties of a class teacher, and so on. There are also coefficients depending on the experience of the teacher and the category of his qualification.

Compensation payments are provided if the teacher works at night, in dangerous conditions, in particular, with chemical reagents. Incentive payments are included in the premiums and are intended to encourage the teacher for the good performance of students in passing exams, the victory of students in olympiads, the introduction of new didactic teaching materials and other successes in work. However such bonus cannot exceed 60% of salary. Bonuses for teachers are carried out according to the principle of other budgetary institutions: quarterly and annual bonuses are paid, and a certain amount is accrued by the holidays.

The salaries of teachers must undergo annual indexation, which amounted, for example, in 2016 to 7%.

How is the salary of a high school teacher calculated?

Today, there are several electronic online programs for calculating the salaries of teachers on the Internet. These programs, of course, require data verification, but on average they are able to suggest how to calculate the teacher's salary. Calculations can also be done manually.

First, you need to take the base rate (20 hours a week for elementary school) salary, which today is 3000-3500 rubles. Increasing coefficients can be applied to the base rate if the teacher:

  • teaches in the village (0.25);
  • in a correctional institution (0.2);
  • in a boarding school for orphans (0.2);
  • in a boarding school (0.15);
  • has skills in teaching local dialects, for example, the Chechen language (0.15).

The available coefficients are added to it:

  • for the teacher's higher education;
  • qualification category;
  • honorary title (up to 0.2);
  • work experience;
  • the presence of a scientific degree (10% for a candidate's and 20% for a doctoral dissertation);
  • the status of an educational institution (lyceum or gymnasium), which gives a supplement of 0.15.

The management of an educational institution has the right to set coefficients for the complexity of the discipline being taught. These payments are made from the funds of the school itself, so the state does not regulate them.

Other types of payments are added to the base rate. So how to calculate the salary of a primary school teacher?

Approximate calculation of the real income of a primary school teacher with secondary qualifications

To make it clear to a person what to expect from work in primary school, an approximate calculation can be made. The data obtained is relevant at the beginning of 2017. To determine the salary, we take the following data:

  • average work experience (from 5 to 10 years), which gives + 10% to the salary;
  • the first category (coefficient 1.5);
  • complete higher pedagogical education, for which an allowance in the amount of a third of the base rate is due;
  • the alleged teacher allegedly works in a regular school and does not have additional merit in the form of honorary titles and academic degrees;
  • schools set coefficients for the complexity of subjects, but there is no such allowance for an ordinary elementary school teacher;
  • 15% of the salary is paid for classroom management in primary school;
  • another 10% is due to compensate for the time spent checking notebooks;
  • exactly the same amount is paid to the head of the study room, which is usually available to the primary school teacher.

As a result of the calculation it turned out the amount of 10115.88 rubles. It is on such income that a person who wants to work in an elementary school should be guided.

As can be seen, the basic salary at school still falls short of the regional averages. Nevertheless, in our time, regional incentive programs are being implemented, under which bonuses are paid to teachers. This allows us to significantly bring the size of teacher salaries closer to the average. In addition, regular mandatory bonuses, which in general serve as a good addition to the basic salary, cannot be ignored.

Below we will determine the coefficients by headings - for the convenience of calculation and the correct calculation:

  1. Base rate and salary

The minimum fixed salary for a teacher is 3,749 rubles.

The following tariff rate for the available education is applied to this salary:

Higher education (maximum coefficient - 1.5), minimum coefficient - basic or secondary education - 1.1). Since among the teaching staff the allowable coefficient is 1.3 (the presence of secondary specialized education), we determine the line of education within 1.3 and 1.5. If you have any degree of education, multiply your coefficient by the base salary.

  1. Daily work schedule

Applicable only for teachers teaching in the evening (is 0.25). Attention, this tariff is used only for persons teaching, including in day classes. Those. when teaching in strictly evening hours, this tariff cannot be used - this is already tutoring and cannot be charged additionally.

  1. Class Composition

Depending on the composition of the class, the presence of certain students, the teacher can count on an increasing coefficient to the salary. For example, the composition of the class is corrective. Those. students from dysfunctional families or those who are brought to the police - the multiplying coefficient will be 0.2 to the base salary. The use of additional motivation for the teacher also applies to the speech therapy class.

  1. Type of educational institution

The professional skill of a teacher is formed not only by the presence of a special education, but by the place where he works. Depending on the status of the institution, children receive the best professional training and the necessary skills to continue their education (higher or secondary specialized educational institutions).

The highest rate is assigned to gymnasiums and lyceums - 0.15. In addition, if a teacher is a class teacher and, in addition to his native language, checks teaching materials, including those in a foreign language (besides his native language), he is also included in this category.

For teachers whose work takes place as part of general education schools, primary or secondary, the calculation of the tariff does not apply. Such incentives are intended for teachers of different categories to improve their skills and ensure constant growth in order to move to lyceums and gymnasiums.

  1. Skill Graduation

After considering all the gradations, you can independently calculate your salary and wages using the step-by-step sections indicated above.

When calculating the base salary, please note that the base salary is separately set by the relevant departments of each region and region. Accordingly, in Moscow it will be slightly higher than in Ulyanovsk (this includes various federal allowances and charges).