What stone was worn by the priests of Jupiter. “Fear is one of the basic emotions

Helpful Hints

Mid-Autumn will bring you many new and interesting events in the love sphere. Moreover, these events can be both positive and very tense. Some may expect relationship breakups, others may face major relationship changes.

We will see the first half of the month Venus in Virgo , where she entered last month. Virgo is a serious and practical sign, so any relationship that can start until October 14, 2017 will be taken very seriously. Even the most frivolous people in these first two weeks of the month, the choice of acquaintances or existing relationships will be taken seriously.

Read also:General astrological forecast for all signs of the Zodiac for OCTOBER 2017

Virgo is also quite picky, so dislikes random connections. On days when Venus is in Virgo, people will be less likely to rush into a quick one-day relationship.

Important aspects of Venus in October 2017

In October Venus and Mars- two planets important for relationships will meet in the sign of Virgo. This will happen at the beginning of the month - October 5, 2017. On days close to this conjunction, people of the opposite sex will pull each other stronger than usual. The desire to love and be loved at this time will especially intensify. Although Virgo is not a very passionate sign, there is no need to wait for big passions now. However, strong passions can be completely dispensed with.

There is now a high likelihood of office romances, that is, this is the ideal time when a business relationship can develop into a love one. However, be careful about flirting at work too much: you may be misunderstood.

7 and 8 October 2017 can be expected very conflicting emotions: it will be difficult to understand your feelings and desires. In some couples, coldness, detachment and indifference to the feelings of the other party may grow. These days, we do not recommend sorting things out, demanding something from a partner, as pressure can worsen relations. Breaks of weak ties are not ruled out, and strong relationships will also be tested for strength.

Valid days for wedding: 1, 2, 4, 6, 8, 9, 11, 15, 16, 18, 20, 22, 23, 25, 29, 30 October 2017.

Astrological forecast: love life of the zodiac signs in October 2017

♈ Love horoscope Aries for October 2017

This month, your relationship with partners can be quite difficult, especially towards the end of the month, when Venus and Pluto will make a negative aspect. There may be quarrels and disagreements: partners will not understand your goals and aspirations. Your relationship may deteriorate. If you correctly perceive the situations that you will face with your partners, and are not too categorical and harsh with them, serious problems can be avoided. Take care of your partners, do not make important decisions, they may be premature.

Luck : average.

Events in personal life : disagreements with partners, showdown, misunderstandings with partners.

♉ Love horoscope Taurus for October 2017

The beginning of the month can be very successful for you: love life will be in full swing, there are chances to make new acquaintances and even meet your other half. Use first 5 days months in order to get the most positive emotions: communicate more, be in sight, get acquainted on the Internet. And now closer to October 8, 2017 Try to limit communication with the opposite sex. October 6-11, 2017 it is dangerous to sort things out and demand something from partners. In existing relationships, there is a risk of a break or very serious crises, leading to coldness and alienation of partners.

Luck : average.

Events in personal life : dating, romantic relationships, pleasant pastime, breaks, quarrels, separation.

♊ Love horoscope Gemini for October 2017

This month will not bring you success in love, rather, it will be quite stressful and make you think. The events of this month in your love life may not seem the most pleasant at the beginning, but you will appreciate their meaning a little later. If your relationship is too tense or you feel like it's time for a major change, then there's no better time. Moreover, situations can help you, and you can make the right choice, albeit a painful one.

Luck : low.

Events in personal life : separation, breakups, serious changes in personal life.

♋ Love horoscope Cancer for October 2017

In general, this month is not suitable for dating and establishing a serious relationship, as they will not be the most successful for you. You will find fault with trifles and will hardly be able to perceive new acquaintances as potential partners. But still, the chance to meet love is small, but there is. If you are single and want to find a partner, it is better to go looking for him in the first 5 days of the month: then more likely to make a romantic acquaintance. Later, the risks of unsuccessful and disappointing meetings increase.

Luck : average.

Events in personal life : low probability of new romantic acquaintances, disappointing relationships.

♌ Love horoscope Leo for October 2017

This month, your personal life can seriously change. If earlier you were quite careless and frivolous in relationships with your partners, now you have to seriously think about what needs to be changed in your personal life. If you are single, you will want to find someone, if you are in a relationship, you will want passion and sharper and brighter emotions. Remember that everything is in your hands and do not be too afraid of the changes that may now occur. Be ready for them.

Luck : high.

Events in personal life : changes in personal life, transition to another level of relationship.

♍ Virgo love horoscope for October 2017

This month you will especially want to love and be loved, but, unfortunately, not everything in your personal life will be cloudless and simple. You may be tormented by a feeling of loneliness, various experiences that you will not demonstrate to others and, as always, will be rather stingy with emotions. The events that contribute to this can be very different: from a banal quarrel and disagreement with a partner, coldness in a relationship, misunderstanding to a temporary separation or break.

Luck : low.

Events in personal life : various problems in personal life, obstacles to understanding.

♎ Libra love horoscope for October 2017

This month can bring events that will sharpen your feelings and inner feelings. You will dream and fantasize a lot, so some experiences will not be particularly supported by events from the outside, rather, they will be your memories or fantasies, and not something specific. There may be secret love dates and meetings, it is also possible to get acquainted with a person with whom you will not advertise a relationship. In the second half of the month, everything can open up, the secret will become clear, and at the same time you may experience not the most pleasant emotions.

Luck : average.

Events in personal life : dreams and fantasies prevent a sober look at the world, secret events in personal life, betrayal, complex emotions and feelings.

♏ Love horoscope Scorpio for October 2017

This month you will be very firm in your convictions, you will want to persevere and insist on your opinion. This can aggravate and even ruin relationships with existing partners. Lonely Scorpios can start relationships with people from a friendly team: friendships can develop into love ones. In the second half of the month, you will want to hide your feelings more. You may be tormented by experiences and strong internal contradictions. It may be difficult for you to make any decision regarding your partners. If you decide to break up with someone, it will be very difficult for you.

Luck : average.

Events in personal life : communication and flirting in a friendly team, inner feelings, suspicion and anxiety, obsessive thoughts about personal partners, parting and separation from loved ones.

♐ Love horoscope Sagittarius for October 2017

In the first half of the month, you will be more concerned with work and career issues. Personal life may fade into the background, or the events of personal life will not be as bright as events in the professional sphere. In the second half of the month, there may be disagreements and misunderstandings with partners who are also associated with your hobbies and friends. For example, partners may not understand your desire to spend more time with friends and like-minded people.

Luck : low.

Events in personal life : there are no particularly important events, but there may be quarrels and disagreements with partners.

♑ Love horoscope Capricorn for October 2017

This month, it will be more difficult for you to restrain your negative emotions: you can become more picky and critical towards partners, which can lead to serious quarrels, disagreements, and even a break! If you value your relationship, it is better to remain silent once again and do not find fault with trifles. In case of serious conflicts, restrain yourself and try to be alone for some time so that all passions subside and you can look at situations with a more sober look, without criticism.

Luck : low.

Events in personal life : quarrels and disagreements with partners.

♒ Love horoscope Aquarius for October 2017

At the beginning of the month, your feelings and emotions will be very heightened. Events are possible that will affect the future development of your relationship with partners, and fatal meetings are not excluded. Your desires can be fulfilled by themselves, you may be surprised by this. Your relationships with partners may become closer and more intimate, and deeper feelings will appear. But at the same time, not the most favorable events may await you this month: there may be one-sided love, or insufficient attention from partners. Not the best month for dating, especially with foreigners and people from afar.

Luck : average.

Events in personal life : changes in relationships with partners, dissatisfaction with personal life, unhappy love.

♓ Pisces love horoscope for October 2017

The first week of the month will be very successful for you and your partners: you will be in a good mood, your partners will please you and take care of you. You will feel special affection and gratitude. But closer to the middle of the month, the situation may change. Any little thing can piss you off and ruin your relationship. Increased risk of breakup or serious crises in the partnership. New relationships will be difficult to start.

Luck : average.

Events in personal life : mood swings, very different events - both good and unfavorable.

In October 2017, the favorable impact of the aspects of the three most influential planets on the main areas of our life: Jupiter, Venus and Mars, will bring many joyful events and changes to almost all representatives of the zodiac circle. These events, which will positively affect the usual course of life, will begin to occur in the second and third decade of the month. During this period, there will be many wonderful opportunities and prospects for achieving success both in the field of love and family life, and in professional and creative development. The time is very favorable for the manifestation of talents, the disclosure of creativity and self-expression. Stars strongly recommend in October to do only those things that bring not only benefit, but also pleasure. This does not mean that you can not go to work and sit in front of the TV all day long, watching tearful TV shows. Rather, it suggests that you need to look for a new job in an area that is really interesting, unless, of course, the old one does not give pleasure or does not meet your needs. Or, at least, try to find those moments in your professional activity that you like the most, and continue to work in this direction.

In the first ten days of October 2017, those of us who previously doubted our abilities will believe in our strengths, which will greatly spur us to new achievements and conquering new peaks. The beginning of October will be harmonious and calm enough to deliberately and without haste to clearly plan everything, set priorities and understand where to go next. People who make a living from their creative abilities will be financially lucky, their creations will become known outside the close circle of friends, as a result of which the demand for their talent will increase many times, which, as a result, will bring considerable profit. Even those who have been pragmatic and practical in their lives will find a creative approach to solving issues that stand in their way. For evil dreamers, it is worthwhile to stop dreaming during this period of the month and take a step towards the realization of your dream, now you have every opportunity to get into the world that you dreamed about. Even the most insignificant trifle undertaken in October will lead to results that will exceed all possible expectations. The beginning of October 2017 is a very prosperous time to expand your horizons. Try to look deeper, very often, unfortunately, the outer shell is deceptive.

The second decade of October 2017 should be devoted to planning or eliminating tails in the professional field. If this is not done now, then in the future there will simply not be time for this. The middle of the month, under the influence of Saturn, Mars and Jupiter, will provide all the prerequisites to pursue your career and personal growth. For those who are used to looking at everything that happens around them through rose-colored glasses, the stars advise you to open your eyes wider and become realistic. To avoid disappointment, do not waste your time and energy, be careful and do not build illusions, do not take only a word, always look for confirmation, and in several sources at once. This is the only way you can secure your transactions, contracts and projects.

In the third decade of October 2017, many of us, in search of our own vocation, may naively believe in beautiful slogans and advertising signs. Try not to give in to temptation and remember that free cheese is only in a mousetrap, be wiser. For those who are looking for a job, relatives, friends and acquaintances can be an excellent and reliable source of information. Tell them as often as possible that you are looking for a suitable job and this will soon give results. Avoid any investment projects during this period, any operations related to investing money and capital should be postponed until the end of the month, only then there is an opportunity to hit the big jackpot, or at least do it on fairly favorable terms. In love, at the end of October, everything will be quite quiet and calm. Relations will be smooth and harmonious, no emotional activity is expected. Lonely people should not hope to start a serious relationship during this period, they can be short-lived, it is better to direct your energy to self-development and self-improvement. But couples in love and legal spouses need to learn to be more loyal to each other in order to avoid conflict situations. In general, in the sphere of family, love and relationships, the final period of October will be a quiet and peaceful time.

Month October 2017, monthly horoscope

Read the zodiac horoscope for the month of October 2017 for each zodiac sign published on the website "Kaleidoscope of Horoscopes".

In the word "sacrifice" we hear a shade of doom, disastrous, in the word "sacrifice" - voluntary self-giving, high feelings. How not to become a victim and what is sacrifice?

The concepts of sacrifice and sacrifice, at first glance, seem similar. They are based on one root, but they are separated by millennia of the development of the emotional world of a person from its lowest point (fear) to its highest point (love). In the word "sacrifice" we hear a shade of doom, disastrous, in the word "sacrifice" - voluntary self-giving, high feelings. The victim, driven by fear for his life, will always find his sadist, strangler, murderer. Sacrifice is a manifestation of the highest love for man and mankind.

The system-vector psychology of Yuri Burlan teaches to distinguish the subtlest shades of states, to see the deep motives of human actions. Consider these two concepts from the point of view of the science of vectors.

Victim driven by fear

A vector in the system-vector psychology of Yuri Burlan is a set of innate desires and mental properties of a person that determine his view of the world, behavior, basic life values ​​and way of thinking. There are eight vectors in total. Their names are due to the leading sensor - skin, visual, sound, olfactory, and so on.

The desires and properties of people with are determined by a particularly sensitive visual analyzer, which in their case is responsible for an exceptionally subtle visual perception of the world around them, light, color, beauty, as well as emotions.

In ancient times, it was a person with a visual vector who first began to feel emotion. And it was an emotion of fear for one's own life.

Unusually sharp eyesight determined the species role of the day guard of the flock. A woman with a skin-visual bundle of vectors went hunting and war with men. Admiring the faded and bright colors of the savannah and the play of light, she was the first to notice a lurking predator or enemy and was very frightened, screamed, emitted fear pheromones and thereby warned the pack of danger. If she did not have time to notice the danger in time, she was the first to become a victim of a predator.

The life of the first representative of the visual vector among men was also the least protected. He was born weak, unsuitable for hunting and war. The visual vector gave him increased emotional sensitivity, which did not create the prerequisites for the realization of the male species role. He could not kill, take the life of any creature: from a mosquito to a mammoth, not to mention a person.

Therefore, such a boy was most often identified as a victim by the chief adviser of the leader. It was eaten to reduce the hostility between our ancestors in times of famine. Why an extra mouth that does not bring any benefit? The act of ritual cannibalism gave a powerful outlet for the accumulated hostility, relieved tension in the pack and thus preserved its integrity.

So, the early representatives of the visual vector experienced the emotion of fear for their own lives and often acted as a victim. However, today the constant presence of the viewer in the lower part of his emotional amplitude - in fears - due to insufficient development of the visual vector in childhood or because of stress provokes him to archetypal behavior that is inadequate to the current level of development of society.

So, a skin-visual woman, swaying her emotions from a sharp sense of fear, often becomes a victim of a maniac, walking at night in deserted neighborhoods or city parks. Fear, like any other emotion, has its own unconscious smell that attracts its executioner.

The victimological complex, which is based on the state of fear in the visual vector and in the skin vector, is the complex of the victim, which will always attract a sadist, rapist, tormentor or murderer.

Today, men with a cutaneous-visual bundle of vectors in the state of a victim also have their own stereotypes of behavior. For example, there are cases when they themselves offered themselves to be eaten by a cannibal or took someone else's guilt upon themselves, striving for condemnation for something they did not actually do.

The path of development of emotions

A person, like an animal, has four basic desires - to eat, drink, breathe, sleep. But unlike an animal, he has additional desires that make him a man. The desire to create emotional connections, which made it possible to limit hostility between people, appeared in a visual vector. And the reason for its appearance is the fear for one's own life.

The skin-visual woman, terrified and afraid for herself, stood up for the skin-visual boy before the leader, achieving a ban on ritual cannibalism. This restriction of hostility between people became the germ of culture - a new condition for human coexistence, which made it possible for humanity to develop further.

Culture became more complex and grew along with humanity, passing through four levels of its development - inanimate, vegetative, animal and human. On the inanimate level - appreciating the beauty of forms, on the plant and animal levels - complicating the emotional connection with the entire living world, on the human level - putting forward humanistic ideas of the highest value of human life.

This happened gradually: from the first rock inscriptions to the worldwide manifestos for the protection of the life of laboratory mice. Art, architecture, creativity - these are all the developments of visual people for all mankind, as well as the development of the emotional sphere. Now representatives of all vectors are able to experience emotions, and even a muscle man can confess his love to his chosen one. The only difference is that the strength of emotions in the visual vector is orders of magnitude greater than in others. After all, it is through emotions that viewers comprehend life.

Origins of sacrifice

Thanks to the many thousands of years of development, a person with a visual vector has learned to transform fear for himself into fear for others. This became a prerequisite for the emergence of such feelings as empathy, compassion, sympathy, love.

Having reached the highest point of his emotional amplitude - love, a visual person becomes able to put the life of another person above his own. This is the origin of sacrifice - the main virtue in culture.

We observed examples of the highest degree of sacrifice during the Great Patriotic War, when skin-visual nurses, fragile girls, carried the wounded from the battlefield to the whistle of bullets and the roar of shells, forgetting about the fear for their lives. They were driven by the desire to save someone else's life, the life of their neighbor.

Today we see the manifestation of sacrifice in the volunteer movement, when people with a visual vector take care of the socially unprotected segments of the population - orphans, the elderly, the sick - absolutely voluntarily and free of charge, at the call of the heart. They strive only to love and give this love to others, receiving the greatest fulfillment of their desires and realizing the highest realization of visual properties.

System-vector psychology of Yuri Burlan helps to see your potential, your pros and cons and choose the best of what nature has given us. To continue to be a victim or to become a source of love, to feel happiness from our highest realization - the choice is ours. More about this at the trainings of Yuri Burlan. Register for free online classes.

The article was written based on the materials of the training " System-Vector Psychology»

Questions and answers to the crossword "AiF" No. 11 (2017). Below you can see the answers to the crossword number 11 in the Argumenty i Fakty newspaper for 2017. In brackets, according to the tradition of the Sprint Answer site, the number of letters in a word and its place vertically or horizontally are indicated.


  • 1. An island country where there is a tradition of temporary matrimonial divorces (10 horizontal).
  • 6. Horse Sancho Panza (4 horizontal).
  • 9. What did Britney Spears teach at the gym? (8 horizontal).
  • 10. Catching criminals (4 horizontal).
  • 11. What flower do the Chinese consider a vegetable? (9 horizontal).
  • 14. Plexus on a tie (4th horizontal).
  • 16 Magus among the Chukchi (5th horizontal line).
  • 17. The highest country in the world (5th horizontal).
  • 18. "The first truly American writer" (4 horizontal).
  • 19. Knight drummer (3rd horizontal).
  • 20. Hospital in the field (7 horizontal).
  • 21. "Armchair from the palace" (4 horizontal).
  • 23. What seasoning "financed" the Punic Wars? (4 horizontal).
  • 25. Historical "hulk" (5 horizontal).
  • 29. Genius from Salzburg (6 horizontal).
  • 31. "Whirlwinds of snow twisting" (5 horizontal).
  • 32. "Wholesale ticket" (9 horizontal).
  • 34. Why is the wardrobe updated? (4 horizontal).
  • 37. “Flag in your hands and ... on your neck” (7 horizontal).
  • 38. What stone did the priests of the god Jupiter wear? (6 horizontal).
  • 40. "Top" of the week (5 horizontal).
  • 42 The most poisonous snake in Africa (5 horizontal).
  • 44. Approving (7 horizontal).
  • 45. The French classic Victor Hugo said that humanity has three keys that open all doors: the first is a number, the second is a letter, and the third (4th horizontal).
  • 46. ​​"... young fighters from the Budyonnovsk troops galloped into the fields for reconnaissance" (5th horizontal line).
  • 47. Literacy test (7th horizontal).
  • 48. Master of flirting (7 horizontal).
  • 49. Elite felt (4 horizontal).
  • 50. Favorite fruit of canaries (5th horizontal).
  • 51. Mother of cartoon Bambi (7 horizontal).
  • 52. Pouring (5 horizontal).
  • 53. Which halogen was useful to pharmacists to prepare sleeping pills? (4 horizontal).
  • 54. Royal delicacy (5 horizontal).


  • 1. Which of our cities is divided by the Ural River almost in half between Europe and Asia? (12 vertical).
  • 2. "That world" with angels (3rd vertical).
  • 3. The era of the great Dante (13th vertical).
  • 4 "If ... exactly on the leg, it costs too much" (vertical 5).
  • 5. What animal do Americans consider the main spreader of rabies? (5 vertical).
  • 7. "Meeting point" of two parts (4th vertical).
  • 8. What is “not knitted” in hops? (4 vertical).
  • 10. Steep Steven, in love with Russia (5th vertical).
  • 12. "Density" of hair (7th vertical).
  • 13. Student from the barracks (vertical 5).
  • 15. "Blizzard State" from the US map (vertical 5).
  • 16. Writer who brought camp inmates with metal teeth to Alexander Galich's house (vertical 7).
  • 19. "Electric screamer" (7th vertical).
  • 22. Crystal from Swarovski (5 vertical).
  • 24. Interest "in other people's nonsense" (11th vertical).
  • 26. Sheepdog with a Hungarian shepherd (4th vertical).
  • 27. "Creative pause" of the mysterious Russian soul (6th vertical).
  • 28. The third largest cat in the world (vertical 5).
  • 30. What "scenes" dramatically raise the age limit for the film's viewers? (5 vertical).
  • 33. "... silence" (7th vertical).
  • 34. A sex symbol of world cinema, whose wife, being a very wise woman, deliberately does not watch those films in which her husband is filmed completely naked (9th vertical).
  • 35. The victim of "fear of the unusual" (8th vertical).
  • 36. A fool brought to perfection (5th vertical).
  • 39 The playback device from the song about Lenka Korolev by Bulat Okudzhava (7th vertical).
  • 40. Russian folk mulled wine (7th vertical).
  • 41. Hibiscus tea (vertical 7).
  • 43. The best source of natural vitamins for cores (6 vertical).
  • 46. ​​Who poisoned the merchant Boris Izmailov in Nikolai Leskov's story? (5 vertical).
  • 48. Where is Klara Novikova from? (4 vertical).

There are questions for the crossword puzzle No. 11 in the Arguments and Facts newspaper, now it remains to solve it. Answers to the crossword "AiF" No. 11 can be seen below in the process of solving, I hope the crossword will be solved before nightfall.

1. An island country where there is a tradition of temporary matrimonial divorces. Answer: Madagascar.
6. Horse Sancho Panza. Answer: Donkey.
9. What did Britney Spears teach at the gym? Answer: Aerobics.
10. Catching criminals. Answer: Detective.
11. What flower do the Chinese consider a vegetable? Answer: Dandelion.
14. Plexus on a tie. Answer: Node.
16. Magus among the Chukchi. Answer: Shaman.
17. The highest country in the world. Answer: Nepal.
18. "The first truly American writer." Answer: Twain.
19. Knight drummer. Answer: Sword.
20. Hospital in the field. Answer: Infirmary.
21. "Armchair from the palace." Answer: Throne.
23. What seasoning "financed" the Punic Wars? Answer: Salt.
25. Historical "hulk". Answer: Epoch.
29. Genius from Salzburg. Answer: Mozart.
31. "Whirlwinds of snow twisting." Answer: Blizzard.
32. "Wholesale ticket". Answer: Subscription.
34. Why is the wardrobe updated? Answer: fashion.
37. "Flag in your hands and ... around your neck." Answer: drum.
38. What stone did the priests of the god Jupiter wear? Answer: Sapphire.
40. "Top" of the week. Answer: Wednesday.
42. The most poisonous snake in Africa. Answer: Mamba.
44. Approving. Answer: Exclamation.
45. The French classic Victor Hugo said that humanity has three keys that open all doors: the first is a number, the second is a letter, and the third .... Answer: Note.
46. ​​"... young soldiers from the Budyonnovsky troops jumped into the fields for reconnaissance." Answer: Hundred.
47. Literacy test. Answer: Dictation.
48. Master of flirting. Answer: Coquette.
49. Elite felt. Answer: Felt.
50. Favorite fruit of canaries. Answer: Figs.
51. Cartoon Bambi's mom. The answer has 7 letters: Deer.
52. Pouring. Answer: Rain.
53. Which halogen was useful to pharmacists to prepare sleeping pills? Answer: Brom.
54. Royal delicacy. Answer: Yeast.
1. Which of our cities is divided by the Ural River almost in half between Europe and Asia? Answer: Magnitogorsk.
2. "That world" with angels. Answer: Ray.
3. The era of the great Dante. Answer: Medieval.
4. "If ... exactly on the leg, it costs too much." Answer: Shoes.
5. What animal do Americans consider the main spreader of rabies? Answer: Skunk.
7. "Meeting place" of two details. Answer: Joint.
8. What is “not knitted” in hops? Answer: Lyko.
10. Cool Steven, in love with Russia. Answer: Segal.
12. "Density" of hair. Answer: Density.
13. Student from the barracks. Answer: Cadet.
15. "Blizzard State" from the US map. Answer: Texas.
16. The writer who brought camp inmates with metal teeth to the house of Alexander Galich. Answer: Shalamov
19. "Electric screamer." Answer: Megaphone.
22. Crystal from Swarovski. Answer: Strass.
24. Interest "in other people's nonsense." Answer: Curiosity.
26. Sheepdog with a Hungarian shepherd. Answer: Pumi.
27. "Creative pause" of the mysterious Russian soul. Answer: Khandra.
28. The third largest cat in the world. Answer: Jaguar.
30. What "scenes" dramatically raise the age limit for the film's viewers? Answer: intimate.
33. "... silence." Answer: conspiracy.
34. The sex symbol of world cinema, whose wife, being a very wise woman, deliberately does not watch those films in which her husband is filmed completely naked. Answer: McGregor.
35. A victim of "fear of the unusual." Answer: Xenophobe.
36. A fool brought to perfection. Answer: Idiot.
39. A playback device from a song about Lenka Korolev by Bulat Okudzhava. Answer: Radiola.
40. Russian folk mulled wine. Answer: Sbiten.
41. Hibiscus tea. Answer: Carcade.
43. The best source of natural vitamins for cores. Answer: Pineapple.
46. ​​Who poisoned the merchant Boris Izmailov in Nikolai Leskov's story? Answer: Daughter.
48. Where is Klara Novikova from? Answer: Kyiv.