Class hour on the afternoon of May 9th. History of the St. George Ribbon

Target: to form a respectful attitude towards the heroes of the Second World War, the past of our Motherland.
1. introduce the historical facts of the Great Patriotic War;
2. expand knowledge about the Great Patriotic War;
3. cultivate patriotic feelings; respect for the older generation, a sense of pride in their homeland.
This material was developed as part of the preparation of the week "Memory of the participants in the Second World War ..." ... The material is suitable for extracurricular activities with students of various ages, both with younger students, and with students of the middle and senior levels of the school. This lesson includes the alternation of various activities: conversation, reading poems on a military theme, viewing military photographs and books, as well as listening to audio recordings.
The event is aimed at the civil and patriotic education of the younger generation, from which the future of our country is curled.

Lesson progress

The song sounds A. Zatsepin, L. Derbenev - “Once upon a time there was a war”
-Hello guys! Today our class hour is dedicated to a holiday that is celebrated in our country with a special feeling - with tears in our eyes, a holiday that people all over the world know and remember.
- Can anyone tell me what holiday is coming up? (9th May)
What is this holiday, what is it dedicated to? (Victory in the Great Patriotic War)
-That's right, it's May 9 - Victory Day. We were born and raised in a peaceful land. For us, war is history. The memory of the war is, first of all, the memory of people. Years, decades will pass, many bright and important events will happen in the life of the people, but the legendary feat - Victory in the Great Patriotic War - will forever remain in our memory.
- The Great Patriotic War is an event over which time has no power, an event that we will never forget.
Why do you think people fight?
- On the ground people fought a lot. The wars were beneficial to the kings - they received new lands, filled their wallets with gold.
- What is war?
What words do you associate with war? (pain, tears, hero, patriot, blood, victory, memory, spring).
- In the 20th century, Adolf Hitler started the most terrible war in the world. (portrait)
- Let's go through the roads of war and remember how it was.
- It was a summer Sunday June 22, 1941. The sun shone gently, warming the earth with its rays. The birds were singing with all their voices. People woke up, made plans for the day off. Thousands of boys and girls across the country met the dawn. Nothing foreshadowed trouble.
Everything breathed such silence,
That the whole earth was still asleep, it seemed
Who knew that between peace and war
There are only five minutes left.
- And suddenly, on the radio came the terrible news that Nazi Germany had attacked our country. Our country is under threat.
The longest day of the year
With its cloudless weather
He gave us a common misfortune
For all 4 long years.
- The country has turned into a huge fighting camp. Everyone, young and old, stood up to defend their homeland, our grandfathers went to war, schoolchildren became soldiers.
(Ermakovich Alexander)
It was forty-one...
In that quiet peaceful time
Nobody knew that the war would start.
Nobody knew that
The Nazis will come here.
Everyone heard about it on the radio
And for a second the country froze.
Airplanes are flying. shelling. Crashes.
Our land is on fire.
- Every day spent in the war was a real feat.
- How do you understand the word - "feat"?
- A feat is when a person gives himself to people, sacrifices everything for the sake of people, even his own life.
-There is a feat of one person, two, three, and there is a feat of the PEOPLE - when the people rise to defend the Fatherland, to defend their homeland.

According to the German plan, the war was to last 3-4 months. But the enemy miscalculated. And as many as 4 sleepless years were before the Victory Day.
-In the first months of the war, our Army retreated. For three weeks, our troops lost a lot of aircraft and tanks. A lot of our soldiers died, many were taken prisoner.
-The feats of those who had to take the first blow of the enemy are great.
-The Soviet border guards were the first to take the blow. A small detachment of the Brest Fortress (illustration) fought a fierce battle with huge forces of enemy troops for more than a month. The Nazis surrounded the fortress, brought down a lot of bombs on it, but its defenders continued to repel enemy attacks.
- Never before has an enemy army suffered such heavy defeats as in battles with Soviet soldiers.
-On the wall of the Brest Fortress, a simple Russian soldier wrote in blood: “I am dying, but I do not give up. Farewell Motherland!
1 child
It was the beginning of the battles
It was the beginning of the war
Retreated, suffered defeat,
The German drove us into the depths of our country.
2 child
And one "island" on the border,
The one that was not taken by the enemies,
He is on the map like a grain,
The Brest fortress could not be taken for a long time.
-Hitler went to Moscow. He believed that if his troops entered Moscow, our people would be subdued. The Nazis called their plan to capture Moscow "Typhoon".
- Guys, what do you think, what is a typhoon? (A hurricane that destroys everything in its path).
-That's how Hitler wanted to surround and destroy our army with three powerful blows.
But the capital met the impending danger courageously. Muscovites turned the capital into an impregnable fortress.
Our people survived. By the end of 1941, the enemy was stopped near Moscow. The battle of Moscow was won.
-Let's get some rest.
The plane flies through the sky
Wings, exposing the wind.
He floats lightly
And spins through the air.
Now it's time to get down
Landing for landing.
We went down lightly
And sit down slowly.
-So, the capital was free, but Leningrad (now St. Petersburg) was captured by enemies. Famine began in Leningrad. A lot of people died from starvation in Leningrad.
-Among the heroes of Leningrad there were also young residents of the city. One of them is 11-year-old schoolgirl Tanya Savicheva (portrait). She did not shoot at the Nazis, she was not. She was just living in her hometown at a very difficult time. Nine pages from a small notebook, found in one of the Leningrad houses, shocked the whole world. Exhausted by hunger, Tanya kept these notes in large letters day after day:
"Zhenya died on December 28"
"Grandma died on January 25"
"Uncle Vasya died on April 13"
"Uncle Lesha died on May 10"
"Mom - May 13"
And the last three lines conclude her diary:
The Savichevs are dead. All died. Only Tanya remained.
This is how a large Leningrad family perished. Tanya herself did not survive. She was taken out of Leningrad, but the hunger so ruined the girl's health that she died.
-Despite everything, Leningrad survived.
- In those distant and terrible years, there was not a single family that would not have been affected by the war. Fathers, grandfathers, brothers fought at the front. Women who did not go to war worked day and night in hospitals, treated the wounded, and the children helped them.
For exploits at the front, behind enemy lines, for work in factories and fields, boys and girls were awarded orders and medals on an equal basis with adults.
young heroes,
You have remained young forever.
Before your suddenly revived formation
We stand without raising our eyelids.

- 4 years there was a war! In May 1945, after fierce battles, our troops stormed the capital of Germany and hoisted the flag of their fatherland in the center of Berlin. And on the night of May 8-9, the German command signed an act of capitulation of Germany, that is, a cessation of hostilities.
On June 24, 1945, a parade was held on Red Square in Moscow to commemorate the victory. He was received by Marshal Zhukov. During the war, he proved himself to be one of the greatest leaders of the troops. Soldiers and officers took part in the parade.
A flickering candle burns.
Don't blow on the flame in a rush.
And you, magic light,
What could you tell us?

-Look, children, at a burning candle. What does a flame flame look like? (children's answers).
But this fire can go out at any moment. Where did you see the fire that always burns? What is it called?
-That's right, there is a fire that evokes special feelings and special memories in people. This is the fire on the grave of the Unknown Soldier - "Eternal Flame". Why is the grave so called? (children's answers).
- There are many such graves in our land. These graves contain the remains of soldiers who died on the battlefield during the war.
- I suggest that you "light" your Eternal Flame (Students cut out "tongues" of flame using the template. Glue them onto a sheet of drawing paper prepared earlier). Let the same bright fire burn in our hearts in memory of the heroes of the Great Patriotic War
- Motherland remembers its heroes. In every city, village there are monuments to the heroes of the Great Patriotic War.
- Do you guys remember what it was like this morning, and yesterday, and every day! How good it is to wake up and know that you have a wonderful day and a whole life ahead of you. That you are not in danger.
(Semenova Sofia)
For happiness and life in the world,
For the sake of the soldiers who fell then,
Let there be no war on the planet.
Never! Never! Never!
-Now listen to another poem prepared by your comrades.
1. All over the country, among friends
Thundering solemn date -
Great, Glorious Anniversary
The victories of the Soviet soldier.

2. Days pass, years go by,
And the sons of their fathers succeed.
But never over us
Salute of Victory does not stop.

3. Then we were not in the world,
When fireworks rumbled from end to end.
Soldiers! You gave the planet
Great May! Victorious May!

4. Throughout the country from end to end,
There is no such city and village,
Wherever Victory comes in May
Great ninth.
- In the end, let's listen to a song dedicated to the victory in the Great Patriotic War. Maybe someone knows what it's called?
- "Victory Day!"
- On this our meeting came to an end. Goodbye! See you soon!

Municipal State Educational Institution "Kireevsky Education Center No. 3"

Municipal Formation Kireevsky District


On the topic: “Parents are happy,

children and grandfathers to a proud holiday

our Victory!

Cl. leader: Kuleva Yu.A.

May 2016

Topic class hour: “Parents, children and grandfathers are happy for the proud holiday of our Victory!”.

Class: 3 B

Number of students: 20

Conduct form: conversation.

Lesson Objectives:

Give an idea about the May 9 holiday, explain what the Victory meant for our country;

Explain the meaning of words related to the topic, work on remembering important dates;

To cultivate respect for the older generation, for veterans;

Develop speech, continue work to enrich vocabulary;

To cultivate love for the motherland, respect for the history of Russia;

To develop the creative abilities of students;

Activate the cognitive activity of students, develop skills of independent work;

Develop the ability to work in a team;

Be able to express your thoughts, argue your point of view.

Planned results:

Students must learn the history of the origin of the holiday, remember memorable dates;

Cultivate a respectful attitude towards elders, towards veterans.

Equipment: PC, projector, presentation on the topic, dictionary, photo of the hometown, list of hero cities, table of important dates, records of songs of the war years, the movie "Stalingrad", a candle

Interdisciplinary connections: literature, history, music.

During the classes

I. Org. Moment

II. Update

Opening talk:


What season is outside the window? (Spring)

And what does the expression "red day of the calendar" mean? (Holiday)

Holidays are different: state and family, religious and city. For example, March 8 is a state holiday, we celebrate it all over the country. Easter is a religious holiday, because it is connected with the church calendar.

But we have a holiday, which is both state and family. This is the holiday that is called "the holiday with tears in the eyes." It's Victory Day.

What do you know about this holiday? What does the date "May 9" mean? (This is the Victory Day. On May 9, 1945, our soldiers won the war against the Nazis.)

III. Preparation for the perception of the topic

Teacher: Our country has experienced the greatest tragedy - the war. What does "war" mean? How do you understand this word? (Horror, death, fear, loss, hunger, tears, grief)

Here is what our great writer L. Tolstoy said about the war: "War is the greatest of misfortunes that a person could invent."

IV. Setting goals and objectives of the lesson

Teacher: We live in a wonderful country, in a wonderful time. The sky above our country is peaceful. And this is happiness, because there is nothing worse than war in the world! And we live with you, because in those distant forties our grandfathers and great-grandfathers, grandmothers and great-grandmothers sacrificed themselves.

Now it is our duty to remember this, not to forget those terrible years when millions of people in our country demonstrated incredible fortitude, courage and bravery, courage and desperate courage. When millions of people went to their death so that we could live.

V. Explanation of the topic

Teacher: Today I invite you to take a walk into the past. It won't be an easy walk. But we need it so that we can see for ourselves what war is and what victory cost us.

Working with a presentation (See appendix)

The melody of the waltz "School graduation" sounds

Teacher: It was the summer of 1941. On June 21, high school students celebrated graduation in all schools of the country. Laughter and happiness, dreams of a wonderful future, dancing until the morning, fun. And suddenly! At dawn, an ominous sound sounded ....Recording sounds of flying planes, explosions.

On June 22, 1941, the fascist invaders invaded our Motherland. The war has begun. Thousands of boys and girls went straight from the graduation ball to the war.An excerpt from the song "Holy War" sounds.

The defenders of the border city of Brest were the first to take the blow.

Many poems have been written about the feat of the soldiers who served in the Brest Fortress, and films are still being made. In memory of those who were the first to defend the Motherland, the poet S. Shchipachev wrote.

1) Working with a dictionary:

Words on the board: Nazi invaders, Great Patriotic War, country, Motherland, Fatherland.


Why was the war called Patriotic War? (People defended the Fatherland)

What does Fatherland mean? (Motherland, Fatherland)

Who are the Nazi invaders? What did they want? (These are fascists who wanted to enslave our people, make them work for themselves. They did not recognize anyone except their nation).

How do you understand the expression "Hero City"? (The city, famous for its heroic defense in the Great Patriotic War).

Teacher: Our warriors fought not for life, but for death. But the Nazis were well prepared for the war, they had more weapons, more soldiers. Despite desperate resistance, our troops retreated farther and farther.

The Nazis were counting on a quick victory. They began to attack in three directions at once: on Kyiv, on Moscow and Leningrad, on cities near the Black Sea.

2) Conversation:

Why do you think the Nazis sought to immediately capture Moscow? (This is the main city of our country, the capital of the state)

What is the name of the city of Leningrad now? (St. Petersburg)

Why did the Nazis want to cut off the path to the Black Sea? (They wanted to destroy the fleet)

But we could not allow the Nazis to roam the streets of our capital. And everyone stood up to defend Moscow - from young to old. In September 1941, when the invaders had already come close to Moscow, the words of commander V. Klochkov flew around the country: "Russia is great, but there is nowhere to retreat. Moscow is behind!" Defended.

Sounds like an excerpt from the song "March of the Defenders of Moscow"

The Nazis could not defeat Leningrad either. And for a long 871 days they put the city in a blockade ring.

3) Work with the table and dictionary:

A blockade is the isolation of a city in order to cut it off from the world.

And on the shores of the Black Sea, bloody battles broke out for every piece of land, for every ship. In this series, there are many cities that have made a significant contribution to the future victory: Kerch and Sevastopol, Odessa and Novorossiysk.

In 1943, a turning point came. And it all started with the battle of Stalingrad. For the first time, Soviet troops managed to win such a significant victory.

The Battle of Stalingrad is the largest land battle in the history of mankind. About 2 million people died in this battle. But it was our victory. And since then, February 2 has been celebrated as the Day of Military Glory of Russia.

What is the name of the city of Stalingrad now? (Volgograd)

What war films have you watched?

Since that time, the victorious offensive of our troops on all fronts begins. The Nazis began to retreat to the borders, and then our soldiers drove these conquerors through the cities of Europe, freeing them from the Nazis.

Sounds like an excerpt from the song "Road to Berlin"

And then came the spring of 1945. Our soldiers drove the Nazis all the way to Berlin. Above the main building of the Nazis - above the Reichstag, our banner flew up. On May 9, 1945, Victory was declared!

The people greeted the first day of peace with rejoicing. Everyone poured out into the street. Strangers hugged each other and congratulated. Wept with happiness.

And at midnight in Moscow fireworks burst. 30 volleys from 1000 guns announced to the world that the bloodiest and most brutal war in the world was over. And ended with our Victory!

Sounds like an excerpt from the song "May Waltz"

The teacher lights a candle.

Teacher: Look at this candle. What does fire look like? What does it symbolize?

There is a fire that symbolizes memory. Look at the photo "Tomb of the Unknown Soldier in Moscow". A fire is always burning near this grave. And every day the Guard of Honor is lined up. And the post is called "Post #1". He is the most important and the most honorable.

Where does this name come from: Tomb of the Unknown Soldier?

Why is fire always burning near such graves?

Why are there always fresh flowers near these graves?

Is there a grave of an unknown soldier in our city?

What monuments in our city are erected in honor of the great Victory?

What does the inscription "Your feat is eternal" mean?

More than 20 million Soviet people died during the war. We will never forget those who defended our Motherland in these terrible days. In memory of all the dead, I ask you to stand up. Let's honor their memory with a moment of silence.

Teacher: 70 years have passed since then. There are few people left who fought, who lived and worked in the rear. These are our veterans. They are heroes. It is to them that we owe the fact that we live peacefully and happily in such a beautiful country. They won our freedom.

How is May 9th celebrated in our country? (Parades, concerts, everyone congratulates veterans)

The song "Victory Day" sounds

VI. Fixing the topic. Blitz Poll


1) What are the important dates of the Great Patriotic War

2) What is the title of "Hero City" awarded for?

3) List these cities.

4) What streets in our city are named after the Victory? What monuments have been erected?

An excerpt from the song "Let's bow to those great years" sounds

VII. Reflection

What new did you learn at the lesson today?

How do you congratulate our veterans?

VIII. Homework

1) Supplement the list of hero cities.

2) Learn a poem about the war.

3) Creative task: Write a letter to an unknown soldier.

Goals: to form a sense of patriotism, love for the Motherland, a sense of pride in one's country on the example of the heroic deeds of people in wartime, to cultivate a respectful attitude towards the older generation, war monuments.

Members: class students, class teacher, parents, WWII veterans.

Equipment: laptop, speakers, sheet with a selection of military songs

Event progress

Reading a poem Beloborodova Xenia:

When it will be, I don't know
In the land of white-legged birches
Victory May 9
People will celebrate without tears.
Raise the old marches
Army pipes of the country.
And the marshal will go to the army,
not seen this war.
And I don't even think
What kind of fireworks will hit there,
What tales will they tell
And the songs they will sing.
But we know for sure
We had a chance to know,
What happened on May 9
Morning at 45.
(S. Orlov)

A fragment of the song "Victory Day" performed by D. Tukhmanov sounds.

Cl. hands: Hello. Victory Day… May 9… This is a holiday with tears in our eyes. We are generally not able today to grasp the whole meaning of the event with the mind. Only over the years, it is possible to comprehend the harsh grandeur of the days lived, the lethality of the battles that died down, the full depth of the labor feat of veterans.

On the difficult roads of the war, at the cost of millions of lives, a victory was won, a victory over fascist Germany, which enslaved half of the world, considering itself a nation of masters. For some, the war ended there, on the battlefield, along with life, but for some, it still lives in the hearts and terrible nightmares.

Eternal memory of the dead! Eternal glory to the living!

A fragment of the song “Let's bow to those great years” performed by I. Kobzon sounds.

Reading a poem Zhiryakov Anton:

Through the centuries, through the years - remember!
About those who will never come again -
Be worthy of the memory of the fallen!
Forever worthy!
As long as hearts are beating - remember!
At what price is happiness won, -
Please remember!
Tell your children about them
to be remembered!
Tell the children of children about them,
to remember too!
(R. Rozhdestvensky)

Cl. hands: 1941 “A heavy roar hit the ground. The light went out instantly. The walls of the casemate shook. Stucco was falling from the ceiling. And through the deafening howl and roar, the rolling explosions of heavy shells broke through more and more clearly. Ran somewhere very close.

War! someone shouted.
- This is war, comrades, war!

…The outer door was blown away by the blast, and orange flashes of fires could be seen through it. The casemate trembled heavily. All around howled and groaned. And it was June 22, 1941 at 4:15 Moscow time.

Carefree peaceful life was replaced by military everyday life. 4 years of war. 1418 days of unprecedented national feat. 1418 days of blood and death, pain and bitterness of loss, death of the best sons and daughters of Russia.

Song "Cranes"
(singing Starikov Alexander, Borisova Anastasia, Volkova Anastasia, Beloborodova Ksenia, Davydova Polina, Atamanova Ksenia)

Cl. hands: It was hard to say goodbye to relatives, and especially to loved ones, to those with whom it was desirable to be near every minute, forgetting about bitter separations from friends on the front.

Reading a poem Glazov Danil:

... Both Kama and Volga saw off their sons to the battle,
And the mothers waved their colored scarves for a long time.
The brides said goodbye - the girl's pigtails crumpled,
For the first time, they kissed their loved ones like a woman.
Wheels rattled, cast wheels rattled,
And the soldiers sang, quite boyishly sang
About white huts, about the faithful Katya-Katyusha ...
And they tore those songs of the battalion commander's father
(M. Griezane)

Cl. hands: Songs ... Indeed, songs sometimes warmed the soul of a soldier. What songs about the war have survived to this day? Let's drink some of them. (Song selection -Attachment 1 )

Cl. hands: Thoughts about home, relatives and loved ones warmed the soldiers after the battle, gave them strength.

Reading a poem Eranov Vladislav:

Wait for me and I will come back,
Just wait a lot.
Wait for sadness
Yellow rain.
Wait for the snow to come
Wait when it's hot
Wait when others are not expected
Forgetting yesterday.
Wait when from distant places
Letters will not come.
Wait until you get tired of those
Who are waiting together.
Wait for me and I will come back.
Do not wish well to those
Who knows by heart
It's time to forget.
Let the son and mother believe
That there is no me.
Let friends get tired of waiting
Sit by the fire
They will drink bitter wine for the memory of the soul.
Wait, and do not rush to drink with them at the same time.

Wait for me and I will return to all deaths in spite.
Whoever did not wait for me, let him say: “Lucky!”
Do not understand those who did not wait for them, as in the midst of fire
By waiting, you saved me.
How I survived, only you and I will know.
You just knew how to wait like no one else.
(K. Simonov)

A fragment of the song “If there was no war” performed by V. Tolkunova sounds.

Cl. hands: Only with a heart that has survived the mortal grief of irretrievable loss, longing for parting, a heart that has mourned countless graves, ruins and ashes of thousands of cities and villages, a heart that carries love for the fallen brothers and sons, only a heart that has known great sadness and hot soulful hatred can was to embrace what had happened. Peace has been restored to the world.

Dance "Waltz"
(dancing Vizgalin Dmitry and Vysotskaya Ekaterina)

Cl. hands: I hope that our class hour touched your hearts and made you feel proud of your people. In conclusion of our event, I would like to wish you a peaceful sky over your head. And it depends only on you and me whether we will preserve the memory for our children of those already distant events, whether we will not allow a new bloody battle.

After this event, the children congratulated the veterans, together with their parents laid flowers at the Victory Monument.


  1. Journalism and essays of the war years. Leonid LEONOV "The Name of Joy".
  2. B. Vasiliev. "Not on the list."

Purpose of the event: Education of historical literacy and a sense of patriotism in the younger generation, the formation of a sense of belonging to the historical events that took place during the war years.

Event progress

Leading: Every year in May, our country celebrates Victory Day


Our bright May!
Our May is coming!
All the people went to the feast,
The whole Red Square sings,
Sings about joyful spring
And about a distant glorious day
About Victory Day in the war!

Leading:- Long, painful 4 years this war lasted on the territory of our state, which was then called the Soviet Union. All the people rose to defend their fatherland, so the war was called domestic. Everyone, young and old, went to fight the enemy who came to our land with a war: to seize, destroy, wipe out, burn villages and villages, drive captive in echelons and kill the Russian people.


Through the centuries, through the years
About those who will never come again -

War - there is no tougher word,
War - there is no sadder word,
War - there is no brighter word
In the anguish and glory of these years.
And on our lips is different
It can't be and isn't.

The song “Holy War” is performed, words by V. Lebedev-Kumach, music by A. Aleksandrov.

Leading: On June 22, 1941, without declaring war, treacherously violating the attack treaty between Germany and the USSR, the Nazi troops suddenly invaded the territory of our Motherland. Thus began the Great Patriotic War.

"Attention! Moscow speaking! We are transmitting an important government message. Citizens and citizens of the Soviet Union! Today at 4 o'clock in the morning, without any declaration of war, the German armed forces attacked the borders of the Soviet Union.

The country flourished. But the enemy from around the corner
He made a raid, went to war with us.
In that stormy hour
Becoming a steel wall
All youth took up arms to defend their native Fatherland.

Not only adults, but also children stood up to defend the Motherland. Going into battle, the fighters swore an oath to the Motherland that they would act swiftly and boldly, not sparing their lives for the sake of defeating the enemy. They will give their will, their strength and their blood drop by drop for the happiness of their people and their beloved Motherland!


Here is the forty-first year, the end of June,
And people went to bed peacefully the night before.
But in the morning the whole country already knew
That a terrible war began


June… The sunset was fading into the evening.
And the sea overflowed during the white night,
And there was a sonorous laughter of the guys,
Not knowing, not knowing grief.


June. We didn't know then
Walking from school evenings
That tomorrow will be the first day of the war,
And it will end only in the 45th. in May.


Everything breathed such silence,
That the whole earth was still asleep, it seemed
Who knew that between peace and war,
Just some 5 minutes left.

Leading: The short night ended on June 22, 1941. Dawn was approaching ... and suddenly the border guards of our western outposts noticed that a dark cloud seemed to be moving from abroad, which was quickly approaching and filling everything with an ominous rumble. No, it was not a thundercloud, it was an armada of fascist planes. She crossed the air borders of the Soviet Union and began her terrible business - the bombing of cities, railway stations, military and civilian facilities.

Following the fascist planes, enemy artillery struck, tanks with crosses on the towers went into action, and after them the infantry. The most bloody and cruel, the most difficult and tragic war of all the wars that had previously been on earth began.

The Great Patriotic War began...


The longest day of the year
With its cloudless weather
He gave us a common misfortune
For everything, for all four years.
Leading: War and youth... War and mothers... and widows... But the worst, the most inhuman is War and children. Children of war... They were children of the war toiling at the machines, burying their loved ones, freezing, dying of hunger in besieged Leningrad


Children of war - and blows cold.
Children of war - and it smells of hunger
Children of war - and hair on end:
On the bangs of children ... gray stripes.


The eyes of a seven year old girl
Like two faded lights.
More noticeable on a child's face
Great, heavy sadness.


She is silent, no matter what you ask,
You joke with her - she is silent in response,
Like she's not seven, not eight
And many, many bitter years.

1st host: Children met the war at different ages. Some are tiny, some are teenagers. Some were on the verge of adolescence. The war found them in capital cities and small villages, at home and visiting their grandmothers, in a country camp, at the forefront and in the rear.

2nd leader: From the school bench, the guys went to the front. Those who fought at the front gave all their strength to achieve victory over the enemy. Many of them did not return. Only women and children remained at home.

The song "Dark Night" is performed.

Leading: Over 26 million of our citizens died during the war years. We will honor the memory of those who gave their lives in the struggle for peace and happiness on earth, for our life with you, with a minute of silence.

I ask everyone to stand up! (A moment of silence passes)


Eternal glory and eternal memory
Fallen in a fierce battle!
Fought bravely and steadfastly with enemies
You are for your homeland!

Do not Cry!
Keep moans, bitter moans in your throat.
Be worthy of the memory of the fallen!
Forever worthy!

As long as hearts are beating - remember!
At what price is happiness won, -
Please remember!

Leading: In the spring of 1945, the Great Patriotic War ended.
On May 8, 1945, an act of complete and unconditional surrender of Nazi Germany was signed, and May 9 was declared the day of the Great Victory of the great Soviet people over Nazi Germany. Our army defeated the fascists and freed the peoples of the whole world from this greatest evil. And so far in our country on May 9, Victory Day is celebrated!

The cost of victory is made up of many factors:

    Thanks to the talent of military leaders and commanders, a powerful military army was created, which was able to give a worthy rebuff to the enemy.

    The desperate faith of our people in Victory.

    And the most terrible payment for the Victory is 27 million Soviet people who died in battles, died of wounds and starvation, died in death camps and under bombing.


So that again on the earthly planet
That disaster did not happen again.
We need,
So that our children
This was remembered
Like us!
I don't need to worry
So that that war is not forgotten:
After all, this memory is our conscience
She is
How much power do we need...


We haven't been around yet
When fireworks rumbled from end to end.
Soldiers. You gave the planet
Great May!
Victorious May!


Today, the holiday enters every home.
And joy to people with him comes next.
We congratulate you on a great day,
Happy day of our glory!
Happy Victory Day!

The song "Victory Day" is performed. Sl.V Kharitonov, music. D. Tukhmanova.


Victory! Glorious Victory!
What happiness she had!
May the sky be forever clear.
And the grass will be greener.

Victory! Victory!
In the name of the motherland - victory!
In the name of the living - victory!
In the name of the future - victory!

Let's not forget this date
that ended the war
Winner - soldier
Hundreds of bows to the earth!

Thank you soldiers
For life, for childhood and spring
For the silence
For a peaceful home
For the world we live in.

Class hour for Victory Day "Even then we were not in the world ..."

Target: the formation of schoolchildren's knowledge about the events of the Great Patriotic War, about Soviet heroes, to contribute to the formation of an active civic position; instilling patriotism.
- educational: to acquaint schoolchildren with the events and heroes of the Great Patriotic War;
- educational: fostering a sense of love for the motherland, pride in one's country;
- developing: development of skills to highlight the main thing, to form the skills of working with text.
Lesson type: a lesson in the formation of new knowledge (multimedia-lessons)
Equipment: A projector, a computer with speakers, the song “Holy War”, a presentation “Victory Day”, handouts “Katya Susanina”, “Tongues of flame” (adhesive tape) according to the number of children (possible in pairs).
On the desk: Eternal flame.
Preparatory work: preparation by schoolchildren of messages about Alexander Matveevich Matrosov, Ulyana Gromova, Zina Portnova, preparation of posters by children of the 1st grade and memorization of lines from a poem by Andrei Kolachev

Course of the classroom lesson:

I. Organizational moment.

II. New topic.

teacher's word.
Dear teachers and students! Today we have gathered to honor the memory of those who died during the Great Patriotic War.
Slide #1
The 70th anniversary of the Great Victory is approaching.
On this day, both joy and sorrow are near. There is no family in Russia that the war bypassed. Therefore, on this day, Victory Day, every family remembers those who remained on the battlefields, and those who, after the war, established a peaceful, kind life.
And I want to start this class hour with the words:
Slide #2

The song "Holy War" sounds Composer: A. Alexandrov, lyrics: V. Lebedev-Kuma

We just breathed war...

Slide #3

These words can characterize the memories of every veteran of the Great Patriotic War.

For four long years, 1418 days, the bloodiest and most terrible war in the history of mankind went on on earth.
Slide #4

On June 22, 1941, at 3:15 am, German troops crossed the border of the Soviet Union. Thus began the Great Patriotic War.
Slide #5

“Russia must be liquidated,” Hitler announced at his headquarters on August 1, 1940. He told the soldiers of the German army: “You must be aware that you are a representative of great Germany. In the interests of the German people, you must apply the most cruel and most ruthless measures. Kill every Russian. Do not stop if there is an old man, woman or girl in front of you.
Slide #6

And thousands of German guns opened fire on the ground, where apples ripened, where children slept.
Slide number 7

Adolf Hitler's army bombed Soviet airfields, railway junctions, naval bases and peaceful cities.
Hundreds of thousands of Soviet people rose to defend their native land. For a long 4 years and until May 9, 1945, our grandfathers and great-grandfathers fought for the liberation of the Motherland from fascism. They did it for future generations, for us. Video(“The First Days of the War” / Video CD From the Kremlin to the Rechstag, - M .: Republican Media Center, 2000)
Every day of the Great War was a feat at the front and behind enemy lines, the appearance of boundless courage and stamina of the Soviet people, loyalty to the Motherland.
Slide #8

The first months of the war were exorbitantly difficult: the Soviet troops suffered heavy losses, and it was very difficult to move forward. But go ahead!
One of such difficult battles was the battles in the winter of 1943 in the Pskov region, where they had to die for every meter of their native land. Heroes died. One of them was Alexander Matrosov.

Student Message
Slide #9

"Alexander Matveevich Matrosov"
The feat of Alexander Matrosov entered the history of the Great Patriotic War, and became a vivid example of true valor, love for the Motherland and his people.
In 1941, after the Nazi invaders attacked the Soviet Union, Matrosov volunteered and after some time was enrolled as a cadet of a military school. In 1943, given the extremely difficult situation at the front, he, as part of the same cadets, was sent to the front ahead of schedule.
On February 27, 1943, fierce battles were fought near the small village of Chernushki in the Pskov region. Krasnoarmeytsev did not miss the machine-gun fire of the enemies, and a continuous machine-gun fire from one of the bunkers became a serious obstacle. Despite desperate attempts to destroy enemy fire, they all ended in failure. Three soldiers tried to take the firing point, all three died the death of the brave.
Then Guards Private Alexander Matrosov began to make his way with grenades and a machine gun to the fascist machine gunner, who had settled in the bunker. Despite the fact that he was noticed by the fascist, Matrosov stubbornly made his way to the firing point when the enemy shifted the fire to the side. Finally, he managed to get to the bunker as close as possible - grenades flew one after another, but, unfortunately, they exploded at the bunker itself, without causing any harm to the enemy.
Literally in seconds of calm, the private made a long jump to the firing point. Immediately, the enemy responded to his movement with a long machine-gun burst. Matrosov lay down, the cartridges were running out, the grenades were all over, and only a few seconds remained for reflection.
Having fired at the embrasure, the soldiers distracted the enemy, and immediately rushed forward with a cry of “Forward”, the rest of the soldiers ran after him. The revived enemy machine gun forced everyone to lie down again, and then Alexander Matrosov rushed to the bunker, covering the enemy's firing point with his chest.

The path for the Soviet soldiers was open, and an hour later the village was taken. This feat of Matrosov, like many feats of other soldiers of the Red Army, has become a real symbol of Courage, love for the Motherland. It was these feats that contributed a significant part to the victory of the Soviet people against the fascist invaders.
Alexander Matrosov in 1943 was awarded the title of Hero of the Soviet Union, posthumously.
In Ufa there is a monument to Alexander Matrosov.

- Guys, what was the feat of Alexander Matrosov? ( Alexander Matrosov in 1943 at the Chernushki point, so that Soviet soldiers could go further, he closed the enemy’s firing point with his chest, which opened the way for the Red Army).

teacher's word
Slide #10

The melody “Farewell of the Slav” by V.I. Agapkina
The Nazis turned our cities and villages into ruins, mocked the civilian population, our prisoners of war, starved us, burned them in furnaces. In the occupied (captured) territories, the fascist enemies established a "new order". The local population was used for forced labor: clearing roads, building fortifications, etc. They were punished for everything: for refusing to work, for moving at night. In these territories, death camps, concentration camps, and prisons were created. Atrocious massacres were carried out against people.
But people resisted with all their might!

Student Message
Slide #11

Message "Ulyana Gromova"
Ulyana was a tenth grader when the Great Patriotic War began. Ulyana Gromova was a resolute, courageous underground worker, distinguished by her firm convictions and the ability to instill confidence in others.
She takes an active part in the preparation of military operations of the Young Guard, distributes leaflets, collects medicines, works among the population, agitating Krasnodontsy to disrupt the plans of the occupiers to supply food, to recruit young people to Germany. In October 1942, she was introduced to the headquarters of the underground Komsomol organization Young Guard.
When arrests began in Krasnodon, Ulya, together with Maya Peglivanova, tried to contact the prisoners and developed escape plans. But on January 10, they themselves were arrested by the police, she ended up in fascist dungeons. Ulyana Gromova behaved with dignity during interrogations, refusing to give any evidence about the activities of the underground.
"...Ulyana Gromova was hung up by her hair, a five-pointed star was carved on her back, her chest was cut off, her body was burned with a red-hot iron and salt was sprinkled on her wounds, she was put on a red-hot stove. The torture continued for a long time and mercilessly, but she was silent. When, after another beating, the investigator Cherenkov asked Ulyana why she behaved so defiantly, the girl replied: “I didn’t join the organization in order to ask your forgiveness later; I regret only one thing, that little we managed to do! But nothing, perhaps the Red Army will still have time to rescue us!..." From A.F. Gordeev's book "Feat for the sake of life"
After severe torture on January 16, 1943, the executioners executed her and threw her into the pit of mine No. 5.
"Ulyana Gromova, 19 years old, a five-pointed star was carved on her back, her right arm was broken, her ribs were broken" (KGB Archive under the USSR Council of Ministers, d. 100-275, vol. 8).
She was buried in the mass grave of heroes in the central square of the city of Krasnodon.
By a decree of the Presidium of the Supreme Soviet of the USSR of September 13, 1943, a member of the headquarters of the underground Komsomol organization "Young Guard" Ulyana Matveevna Gromova was posthumously awarded the title of Hero of the Soviet Union.

- Guys, what is the feat of Ulyana Gromova? ( Despite ruthless torture, Ulyana Gromova, a member of the underground organization "Young Guard", turned out to give any evidence about the activities of the underground)
It was especially difficult for children to survive this war. Let's remember the world-famous diaries of Tanya Savicheva.
- What are they about? ( They talk about how people survived in besieged Leningrad and how Tanya's family died).

Slide #12

Children and war are incompatible concepts. There is a saying: "There are no children in war."
- How do you understand it? ( When there is a war in the country, which is accompanied by shooting and hunger, then there is no difference whether you are an adult or a child, it does not spare anyone.)

With the beginning of the Great Patriotic War, children had to part with their childhood:
The teacher reads a poem.
I did not recognize him from books -
Cruel word - war!
Spotlights furious flash
She broke into our childhood.
Deadly tons of steel
Serena alarm night
In those days we did not play war -
We just breathed war...

These words, taken by us in the epigraph of the lesson, vividly depict the life of children, your peers in the difficult years of the war. But they did not hide, but stood shoulder to shoulder next to the adults and carried out the tasks assigned to them.

student performance.
Slide #13

Message "Zina Portnova".
From the first days of the war, throughout the country, millions of people rushed to the front.
Yesterday's schoolchildren, students, youth besieged the military registration and enlistment offices, they demanded - they did not ask! - they convinced, and when this did not help, then with a sincere feeling they went for forgery - they overestimated (years) for a year, or even two, their age.
War is the business of men, but young citizens felt in their hearts that they were involved in what was happening in their native land, and they, true patriots, could not stay away from the tragedy unfolding before their eyes. They literally went to any lengths to become the defenders of the Motherland. In parts they were also called in their own way: brother, daughter, pupil. At the front, all of them, as far as possible, on an equal footing with adults, did their soldierly work.
For courage, fearlessness and heroism, tens of thousands of sons and daughters of regiments, juniors and young partisans were awarded orders and medals. And Zina Portnova was awarded the high title of Hero of the Soviet Union.
Zina Portnova was born in Leningrad, studied at school number 396. In 1941 she graduated from the 7th grade. Immediately after the exams, Zina, along with her younger sister Galya, went on vacation to her aunt in Belarus. Here they found the war and the Nazi occupation. The girls walked the most difficult path of 60 km to get to their grandmother in the village of Zui. Zina tracked down the underground youth organization "Young Avenger". From that moment began her difficult, full of dangers life. She distributed leaflets and reports on the course of the battles of our army. Knowing the German language well, the girl obtained very important information about the enemy, learned to shoot accurately, and observe the strictest secrecy. Soon she was entrusted with a difficult and dangerous task - under the guise of a kitchen worker, she was constantly in the school for the retraining of the command staff of the Nazi troops. She learned top secret data about the forces of the enemy. With her participation, more than a dozen officers were destroyed. When it became dangerous to be in the dining room, Zina and her sister were transferred to a partisan detachment.
One day, after completing the task, Zina was captured by enemies. She was subjected to severe torture and torture. But all in vain. The young partisan was silent. Then the chief of staff himself took up the interrogation. But he didn't succeed either. Taking advantage of the fact that the Gestapo man turned to the window, Zina grabbed a pistol from the table and killed the officer with one shot. But she was seized and thrown into the basement. On a frosty January morning in 1944, Zina was taken to be executed. They put it on the edge of the hole. Zina didn't see anything. She had her eyes gouged out. Zina was awarded the title of Hero of the Soviet Union. In the port of Vladivostok there was a ship named after her.

- Guys, what is Zina's feat? ( Zina performed dangerous tasks, infiltrated the organization to obtain information about officers. When she was arrested. During interrogations, even under torture, she was silent)

teacher's word
Slide #14

In January 1944, the liberation of the territories of the USSR from the Nazi invaders began. On January 27, the blockade of Leningrad was finally lifted. But a huge number of Russian, Soviet people remained in fascist captivity, where life was not sweet. You will learn about life in German captivity from Katya Susanina's letter.

Group work
Handout "Katya Susanina".
Reading conversation:
- Guys, what event struck you from Katya's story?
- Was it easy to live in military captivity? ( In captivity, life was very hard: they were poorly fed, forced to work hard and kicked)
- What happened to Katya's mom? Why? ( Katya's mother was killed by the Germans because she did not want to betray her husband and said that he would come and throw them out of here)
What did the girl believe in? What did you dream about? ( Katya believed that her father was alive and he would take revenge on the Germans for her and for her mother.)
- Did her dream come true? ( Yes, the Russians won and "thrown out" the Nazis from our country)

teacher's word
Slide #15

Like Katya, all Soviet people from 1941 to 1945 dreamed of only one thing - victory!
On April 21, 1945, the Red Army broke into the Berlin outskirts, and on April 25 they took the city. On May 8, 1945, Germany signed the act of unconditional surrender.

III. Anchoring

teacher's word.
Let's remember those heroes that we talked about today and fill the cluster. The guys answer questions.
Slide #16(on click, the names of the characters appear, which the children recognize by their actions)

1st grade students come out with posters with pictures of the sun, sky, leaves, etc. and voice them with lines from a poem by Andrei Kolachev.
Student No. 1 (poster with the sun): I will draw a bright sun!
Student #2 (sky poster): I will paint the blue sky!
Student No. 3 (Drawing of a school, a sunny sky and autumn leaves):
We'll draw autumn leaves
School, stream, restless friends.
And cross out with our common brush
Shots, explosions, fire and wars

teacher's word
Let's honor the memory of all the Soviet heroes who gave us a peaceful sky.
Everyone gets up. MINUTE SILENCE

teacher's word:
Slide #17(The song “Victory Day” by composer D. Tukhmanov and poet V Kharitonov sounds on click)

The peoples of the USSR were subjected to a severe test. The victory came at a high price. Killed, died from wounds, died in captivity - 27 million people.


On the board is the inscription: "Eternal Flame - - the memory of the dead" and the image of the muzzle of the Eternal Flame is pasted.
In memory of the heroes, the Eternal Flame always burns at the Tomb of the Unknown Soldier. And next to it are plates with the names of those soldiers who defended us, but died.
Let's honor the memory and express words of gratitude in the flames of the Eternal Flame (On the "tongues of flame" children write words of gratitude and attach them to the "eternal flame" on the board with adhesive tape)