Places in Russia that give you the chills. Ghost towns in Russia: a list and photos of dead cities for independent visit

On our planet, there are a huge number of ghost towns, empty and creepy, frightening a traveler who accidentally wandered here, with empty eye sockets of windows of rickety buildings ...
In this ranking, we will present the 10 most famous abandoned cities abandoned by people for various reasons: some were abandoned due to bloody wars, others were abandoned under the onslaught of almighty nature.

1. The city of Kolmanskop, buried in the sands (Namibia)


Kolmanskop is an abandoned town in southern Namibia, located a few kilometers from the port of Lüderitz.
In 1908, Zakaris Leval, an employee of the railway company, discovered small diamonds in the sand. This discovery caused a real diamond rush and thousands of people rushed to the hot sands of the Namib Desert, hoping to make a fortune.

Kolmanskop was built in record time. It took people only two years to erect beautiful German-style residential buildings in the desert, rebuild a school, a hospital, and even a casino. But the city's days were already numbered.

After the end of the First World War, the cost of diamonds on the world market fell, and every year the production of precious stones in the mines of Kolmanskop became worse and worse. The lack of drinking water and the constant struggle with the sand dunes made the life of the people of the mining town increasingly unbearable.

In the 1950s, the last inhabitants left Kolmanskop and it turned into another ghost town on the world map. Soon, nature and the desert almost completely buried the town under the sand dunes. A few more old houses and the theater building remained unburied, which is still in good condition.

2. City of nuclear scientists Pripyat (Ukraine)

Pripyat is an abandoned city in the "exclusion zone" in northern Ukraine. Workers and scientists of the Chernobyl nuclear power plant lived here, until the tragic day - April 26, 1986. On this day, the explosion of the 4th power unit of the Chernobyl nuclear power plant put an end to the further existence of the city.

On April 27, the evacuation of people from Pripyat began. Nuclear workers and their families were allowed to take with them only the most necessary things and documents, all the property acquired over the years, people left in their abandoned apartments. Over time, Pripyat turned into a ghost town, visited only by extreme and thrill-seekers.

For those who want to see and appreciate the full scale of the disaster, the Pripyat-Tour company provides excursions to an abandoned city. Due to the high level of radiation, you can safely stay here for no more than a few hours, and most likely, Pripyat will forever remain a dead city.

3 Futuristic San Zhi Resort City (Taiwan)

In the north of Taiwan, not far from the capital of the state, the city of Taipei, there is a ghost town of San Zhi. According to the idea of ​​the developers, very wealthy people should have bought these houses, because the very architecture of the buildings, made in a futuristic style, was so unusual and revolutionary that it should have attracted a large number of wealthy customers.

But during the construction of the city, inexplicable accidents began to occur here and every week there were more and more of them, until the death of workers began to happen every day. Rumor quickly spread the news of a bad city, which had a very bad effect on the reputation of the city for the rich.

The construction was finally completed and even a grand opening was held, but none of the potential clients bought a home here. Massive advertising campaigns and huge discounts did not help, Sang Chih became the new ghost town. Now access is prohibited here, and local residents believe that the city is inhabited by the ghosts of people who died here.

4. The medieval city of Craco (Italy)

About forty kilometers from the Gulf of Taranto in Italy, is the abandoned ancient city of Krako. Located on the picturesque hills, it was the patrimony of farmers and plowmen, its inhabitants were engaged in agriculture, growing wheat and other crops.

The first mention of the city dates back to 1060, when the entire land was owned by the Catholic Archbishop Arnaldo.
In 1981, the population of Krako was just over 2,000 people, and since 1982, due to poor harvests, landslides and constant landslides, the population of the town began to decline rapidly. Between 1892 and 1922, more than 1,300 people left Kracko. Some left to seek happiness in America, others settled in neighboring towns and villages.

The city was finally abandoned after a strong earthquake in 1963, only a few residents remained to while away their lives in the new ghost town. By the way, it was here that Mel Gibson filmed the scene of the execution of Judas for his masterpiece film The Passion of the Christ.

5. The village of Oradour-sur-Glan (France) - a memorial reminiscent of the horrors of fascism

The small ruined village of Oradour-sur-Glan in France stands as a reminder of the monstrous atrocities of the Nazis. During World War II, 642 villagers were brutally murdered by the Nazis as punishment for the capture of SS-Sturmbannführer Helmut Kampf by French resistance fighters.

According to one version, the Nazis simply confused the villages with consonant names.
A high-ranking fascist was in captivity in the neighboring village of Oradur-sur-Vaires. The Germans did not spare anyone - neither the elderly, nor women, nor children ... They drove the men to the sheds, where they accurately beat their legs with machine guns, then doused them with a combustible mixture and set them on fire.

Women, children and old people were locked in the church, then a powerful incendiary device was blown up. People tried to get out of the burning building, but they were mercilessly shot by German machine gunners. Then the Nazis completely destroyed the village.

6. Forbidden Island Gankanjima (Japan)

Gankanjima Island is one of the 505 uninhabited islands in Nagasaki Prefecture, and is located only 15 km from Nagasaki itself. It is also called Battleship Island because of the walls that protect the city from the sea. The history of the settlement of the island began in 1890, when coal was discovered here. Mitsubishi bought the entire area and began to implement a project to extract coal from the bottom of the sea.

In 1916, the first large concrete building was built on the island, and then the buildings began to grow like mushrooms after the rain. And in 1959, the population of the island grew so much that 835 people lived here on one hectare! It was a world record for population density.

In the early 1960s, oil in Japan increasingly began to displace coal in production, its extraction became unprofitable. Coal mines began to close all over the country, and the mines of Gankanjima were no exception.

In 1974, Mitsubishi officially announced the closure of the mines and the cessation of all activities on the island. Gankanjima has become another abandoned ghost town. Currently, visiting the island is prohibited, and in 2003, the famous Japanese action movie Battle Royale was filmed here.

7. Kadykchan - a village in the Magadan region

Kadykchan is an urban-type settlement located in the Susumansky district of the Magadan region. One of the most famous abandoned northern villages on the Internet. In 1986, according to the census, 10,270 people lived here, and in 2002 - only 875. In Soviet times, coal of the highest quality was mined here, which was used to heat almost 2/3 of the Magadan region.

The population of Kadykchan began to decrease rapidly after the mine explosion in 1996. A few years later, the only boiler house heating the village also thawed, and it became simply impossible to live here.

Now it's just a ghost town, one of many in Russia. There are rusty cars in the garages, destroyed furniture, books and children's toys in the rooms. Finally, leaving the dying village, the inhabitants shot the bust of V.I. Lenin installed on the square.

8. The walled city of Kowloon (Hong Kong) - a city of lawlessness and anarchy

One of the most incredible ghost towns that no longer exist is the city of Kowloon, which was located near the former Kaitak Airport, a city where all the vices and base passions of mankind were embodied. In the 1980s, more than 50,000 people lived here.
Probably, there was no longer a place on the planet where prostitution, drug addiction, gambling and underground workshops were ubiquitous.

It was practically impossible to take a step here without running into a drug addict pumped up with dope, or a prostitute who offered her services for a pittance. The authorities of Hong Kong practically did not control the city, there was the highest crime rate in the country.

Eventually, in 1993, the entire population of Kowloon was evicted and briefly became a ghost town. The incredible and creepy settlement was then demolished, and a park of the same name was laid out in its place.

9. The abandoned ghost town of Varosha (Cyprus)

Varosha is a district of Famagusta, a city in Northern Cyprus founded in the 3rd century AD. Until 1974, Varosha was a real "Mecca" for beach lovers. Thousands of tourists from all over the world flocked here to soak up the gentle rays of the Cypriot sun. They say that the Germans and the British booked places in luxury hotels for 20 years ahead!

The resort prospered, building up with new hotels and villas, until everything changed in 1974. That year, the Turks invaded Varosha with NATO support to protect the Turkish minority of Cypriot residents from persecution of ethnic Greeks.

Since then, the Varosha quarter has become a ghost town surrounded by barbed wire, where the Turkish military has not let anyone in for four decades. The houses are dilapidated, the windows are shattered, and the streets of the once bustling quarter are in total ruin. Apartments and shops are empty and completely looted first by the Turkish military and then by local looters.

10. The Lost City of Agdam (Azerbaijan)

Aghdam, a city that was once famous for its wine throughout the Soviet Union, is now dead and uninhabited... The war in Nagorno-Karabakh, which lasted from 1990 to 1994, did not give a chance to exist to the flat city, where excellent cheese was previously brewed and the best port wine in the Union.
The collapse of the USSR led to the outbreak of hostilities in many former republics.

Azerbaijan did not escape this either, the fighters of which were able to seize wagons with rockets located not far from Aghdam. It turned out to be very convenient for them to bomb the Armenian Stepanakert. Such actions eventually led to a sad ending.

In the summer of 1993, Agdam was surrounded by 6,000 soldiers of the Liberation Army of Nagorno-Karabakh. With the support of helicopters and tanks, the Armenians practically wiped out the hated city, and the approaches to it were carefully mined. Therefore, until now, visiting the ghost town of Agdam is not safe for life.

Hello, friends!

You, of course, have heard about dead abandoned cities, abandoned villages, villages and towns, of which there are a lot, not only in the post-Soviet space, but all over the world: in the USA, China, Japan, Germany and so on.

Yes, today I want to talk about the ghost towns of Russia. And not those that, due to their tragic (or not so) fate, have become part of the tourist trails, but about those that are not so well known to the general public, but no less interesting.

So, friends, if you are here hoping to find information about Pripyat, which, frankly, has already set your teeth on edge. Or about the tragic fate of Kadykchan or Kurshi, then I will upset you - in this article they are deliberately ignored. There are several reasons, and one of them, at least the one, is that it is better to share information and impressions about such cities after visiting them.

Dead cities and tourism

A relatively new genre of "post-apocalyptic" (post-apocalyptic) has gained wide popularity over the past half century. This is reflected in films, and in books, and in games. More and more photographers, directors, people of other creative professions, and just thrill-seekers visit abandoned places.

Some people look for inspiration there, for others, dead cities are a blank canvas on which to create. And someone wants impressions and new emotions. Now it is already clear that this, whatever one may say, is another direction for tourism. Let not the most popular, but definitely very interesting. Such cities allow you to see a different life, to touch something mystical and creepy.

Abandoned settlements of the Central Federal District

Most often, such an unenviable fate in small settlements, whose inhabitants worked at one, city-forming, enterprise. It closed - the settlement "closed". Sometimes everything is much more tragic, a vivid example of this is Pripyat.

My list, rather, belongs to the first category. These towns and villages "fell victims of economic recession" rather than natural or man-made disasters. Below are 20 dead settlements in Russia, which are located in the Central Federal District (photo attached).

Not quite a ghost, some houses are still alive. The history of this military town is eerily typical: the military unit was disbanded and everything was abandoned. Barracks, hangars, a canteen and so on, all this is slowly crumbling.

The object is quite well-known in certain circles of lovers of abandoned places.

Remember the forest fire in central Russia in 2010? So, this village stood in the way of the destructive power of fire. The private sector burned out almost completely, the boiler house, garages and gardens burned down. People fled, leaving their property behind.

Almost untouched by the fire were only high-rise buildings. At the time of 2015, Mokhovoe is a completely dead village.

This is Belevsky district. Chelyustino, presumably, has been abandoned since 1985. There are 24 houses left in it, there are no people.

Well preserved. In some houses, even closets with clothes were found.

And this is a residential area. I don’t know what is sadder - a ghost town or THIS.

Glubokovsky has a typical fate for a working mining settlement. After the closure of all the mines, about 1,500 people still lived in it, but in the 90s of the last century, people gradually began to disperse.

The proximity of the district center saves the village from complete extinction, but ... what effort does life in it cost? It's not even a small town.

Kostromka is a completely extinct settlement in central Russia, of which there are hundreds. This village is not one here, there are several more of the same nearby.

There are several houses left, all in disrepair.

The once large village is now living its life. Some houses are well preserved, this can be seen both in their carved architraves and in their internal condition (there are household items in good condition).

Over the past few years, this settlement has been completely deserted. Now Korchmino is a ghost village.

Another of the many dead villages in the Yaroslavl region. Everything that can be taken from there has already been taken away, everything that is impossible is slowly rotting.

The once rich village, with large houses and yards (almost every yard has a barn, a bathhouse, outbuildings) is slowly dying.

The exact name is unknown, there is a possibility that this village is called differently. Nearby is another similar village. It is difficult to find them, since the main mentions remained on old maps.

Inside, everything is as usual: several plundered, destroyed houses, in which you can still find household items.

“This strange place Kamchatka” has been empty for about 10 years. Once this settlement belonged to the collective farm named after. Chapaev. The collective farm collapsed, the same thing happened with the village.

You can't reach this village (except by tank), so it's better to walk. At the moment, several houses in poor condition have been preserved in Dora, but earlier life was in full swing.

The village was connected to the outside world by a narrow gauge railway built in 1946. At the moment, several destroyed bridges in the vicinity remain from it.

A small village with 10 houses, now only 2 have survived. For 4 years the village has been completely dead.

We were in the same house (pictured), on the table there was a letter from the mother from the “zone” from her son.

Another ghost village, but already in the Belozersk region. Empty, presumably, since 1995.

Several houses and baths near the river have been preserved. The houses are of the Northern Russian type - on a high basement with a passage in the back of the house. Inside are some pieces of furniture and household items. Everything is in bad condition.

A very old village in the Vologda region, founded on a water trade route in the 13th century. The settlement flourished in the 18th century, and in 1708 it became the center of the Charond region and received the status of a city. The population at that time was about 10,000. This did not last long.

In the 1770s, the city of Charonda again became a village, and by 1917, less than 1,000 people lived in it. Today, a dozen houses remain in the village, and the number of inhabitants is 2 (more in summer). The village is extremely inconvenient: there is no land road there, there is no electricity (all the poles have long since rotted and fallen into the swamp).

Khmelina is also an old ghost village in the Central Federal District of Russia. It was founded in 1626, there were 700 households, a mill, factories, a collective farm, a school and a shop.

However, since the 70s of the 20th century, the inhabitants gradually began to disperse. As of November 2017, no one lives in the village anymore. Houses are abandoned, only a few are used as country houses.

An almost dead village in the dense forests of the Kostroma region. Average condition: there are several houses almost untouched by time.

There are 4 more abandoned villages near the village.

Remarkable place. In the vicinity of this farm, in the late 1980s, a stone labyrinth was discovered, which is several thousand years old.

By the way, it is believed that this labyrinth is a place of power.

Some of the houses are huts with thatched roofs, they look cool. At the moment, the farm is almost completely abandoned.

Ghost villages on the map

The map is very approximate. Firstly, not all villages could be applied to it, and secondly, those that were applied may not be entirely correct. You understand, abandoned cities in Russia, and not only, are not always easy to find.

But, you can roughly orient yourself, all areas are correct.

On this, perhaps, everything. I am finishing the list of dead cities and villages. But this is just one of many. I have not included many more areas of our vast Motherland.

P.S. All information about the once settlements and photos are taken from

There are places in the world where no one lives now, but before life was in full swing. Today we will talk about cities - ghosts, on the streets of which there is not a soul. Each city has its own unique story, both founding and "death". Most of them became ghosts due to tragedies, accidents, some due to political and economic reforms, while others simply retired. The most mysterious list, in which we will consider 10 stories of the desolation of cities, is called:
TOP 10 abandoned cities in Russia.

1. Kursha-2 (Ryazan region)

The city of Kursha-2 was founded at the beginning of the 20th century in the Ryazan region. The purpose of the founding was the development of a large area of ​​the forest. The population of the city increased rapidly. In the early 1930s, it amounted to more than a thousand people. The city of Kursha-2 became a ghost because of a terrible misfortune. What happened? On August 3, 1936, a large-scale fire engulfed the entire city, and since Kursha-2 was located in the very middle of the forest, only a few survived. Now near the burnt settlement there is a huge mass grave where the victims of the incident are buried. The city itself is now completely destroyed, not a soul on the streets.

2. Kolendo (Sakhalin region)

Kolendo is a village in the very north of Sakhalin. It is also referred to as abandoned territories. Founded in 1963. People went here to the oil and gas fields. In 1979, the number of people living there was more than two thousand. The reason for the death of the village is a mystery of nature - an earthquake that occurred in 1995. After him, people began to leave the village en masse. Also, the reason was the exhaustion of all oil and gas reserves. At present, no one lives in the village, destroyed houses are everywhere.

3. Charonda (Vologda region)

The abandoned city of Charonda belongs to the Volgograd region, is located on the shores of Lake Vozhe with an area of ​​422 km². Previously, its population was about 11,000 people. In the 18th century, the city of Charonda was one of the central trading cities. Over time, trade routes were closed, and at the beginning of the 19th century, the once former city received the status of a village. Over time, the townspeople began to leave, moved to other settlements. And finally, only elderly people began to live in Charonda. Many tourists come to see the once former city.

4. Mologa (Yaroslavl region)

The ghost town of Mologa is located not so far from the city of Rybinsk. The specific location is the area where the Mologa River flows into the Volga. The city was built in the 12th century, it was one of the largest centers of trade in Russia. At the beginning of the 20th century, the number was about five thousand people. The trouble began in 1935, when the authorities decided to build the Rybinsk hydroelectric complex. This construction assumed the flooding of nearby territories, which included the city of Mologa. So, a fully functioning city was destroyed in an instant. There was a complete resettlement of the people living in it. The operation to irrevocably flood the city was carried out in 1941. This led to the worst - mass suicides: most of the living people in the city refused to leave their native lands. Now the city has remained under water and only occasionally, due to fluctuations in the water, its destroyed buildings are visible.

5. Neftegorsk (Sakhalin region)

From the name it is clear that oilmen with their families live in the city. More recently, a functioning city is located in the Sakhalin region. Now deathly silence reigns on these lands. What happened?
On May 28, 1995, an unpredictable grief happened that became known throughout the world. The city was abruptly overtaken by a strong earthquake of 10 points. Over 2,000 people died that day. Following the tragedy, the townspeople were quickly evacuated and the state provided them with material assistance. Now the streets of Neftegorsk are empty, there are ruins of buildings everywhere.

6. Kadychkan (Magadan region)

This village is also called "Death Valley". The settlement is related to the abandoned cities of Russia. 1943 is considered the year of foundation of the settlement Kadychkan. The city was founded after a valuable coal deposit was found there. The number of people recorded in 1986 was more than 10,000. But 1996 was marred by a tragic coal mine explosion that killed more than 1,000 workers. The settlement existed for a couple more years, until the central boiler house was defrosted. Then about 400 residents categorically did not want to leave their native village, due to the lack of infrastructure. By order of the authorities in 2003, all the remaining residents were forced to relocate. Now the village is empty.

7. Iultin (Chukotka Autonomous Okrug)

Also, Iultin can be attributed to the abandoned areas of Russia. Iultin is a settlement in the Chukotka Okrug. Tin deposits were found on this territory back in 1937. Later, from the beginning of the 50s of the 20th century, the land began to be populated by people. Unfortunately, in 1994, tin mining was stopped due to lack of profit. Gradually, residents began to leave Iultin for other settlements. Almost no one has lived in the village since the beginning of 1995. Today, nothing remains of the settlement, only everything is overgrown with grass.

8. Khalmer-Yu (Komi Republic)

Khalmer-Yu is located in the Komi Republic. The development of the area is due to the fact that back in 1942 a coal deposit was found on the Khalmer-Yu River. At the beginning of winter, a group of workers remained to determine the amount of the fossil. Unfortunately, due to unfortunate weather, people were cut off from the nearest city of Vorkuta. The weather did not calm down in any way, and therefore it was not even realistic to bring food for the workers. Those who wanted to help the abandoned people tried to ride on deer. An expedition was organized with a hundred deer and only fourteen deer returned with difficulty due to lack of food. A group of workers was finally found, but in an unthinkably serious state of exhaustion. They were transferred to Vorkuta.

A year later, the necessary material base was created in Khalmer-Yu, and soon people began to inhabit the city. In 1957, a mine was launched and from that moment more and more people began to settle in the city. Two years later, about 7 thousand people could be counted in Khalmer-Yu. The authorities announced their decision to liquidate the mine and forcibly relocate the city's residents in 1993. Now, on the site of the once former city, there is a military training ground.

9. Industrial (Komi Republic)

Promyshlenny is an urban-type settlement located in the Komi Republic, founded in 1956. Almost all the buildings on this territory were built by the prisoners of the city of Lvov. Previously, the city had up to 12 thousand inhabitants. In the 90s of the 20th century, an explosion occurred at the Tsentralnaya mine, working miners died. Now there is not a soul in that place. The history of the Industrial settlement dates back to 1954. The foundation is associated with the opening of two mines - "Central" and "Industrial". The entire infrastructure of the settlement was concentrated on these mines. The accident at the mine was the reason that the miners and other workers of the city-forming enterprise lost their jobs. Over time, people began to leave their homes and go to other settlements in search of work. Later, the Industrial village was destroyed: wooden buildings were burned, and brick buildings were dismantled. At the moment, only ruins remain from the settlement, and it is difficult to imagine that life was once in full swing in this place.

10. Jubilee (Perm Territory)

So we got to the last settlement from our list of abandoned cities in Russia. Yubileiny is a former workers' settlement founded in 1957. The village began its history with the opening of a mine called Shumikhinskaya. But in 1998, the mine was liquidated by order of the authorities, which in turn provoked a lot of discontent among the workers and people living in the village. More than half of the residents have lost their jobs. After that, the village began to rebuild. Some buildings were converted into sawmills, others were completely destroyed. Even the central boiler house, which provided heating to the entire village, was demolished. The people living in the village simply had no other choice but to leave their homes. Only a few people remained to continue to live out their days in their native settlement. Buildings began to turn into a pile of stones literally before our eyes. Marauders also did their job, breaking windows, breaking doors and looting empty houses. At the moment, the workers' settlement has been converted into a place of serving sentences for prisoners in a free settlement.

In conclusion, it should be said that there are not a dozen or even a thousand such ghost towns, abandoned by people completely or in which only a few elderly residents remain, on the territory of the Russian Federation. In fact, there are many more of them - tens of thousands of completely depopulated villages, villages and urban-type settlements. More than 19 thousand settlements (most of them are single-industry towns), in which hundreds of thousands of people once lived and worked for the good of their homeland, were actually destroyed, and in most cases these were not natural or man-made disasters. The reason was a direct instruction or criminal inaction of the authorities. Although, of course, in the media these crimes are called - a bad economic situation in the country or, for example, a crisis.

It was after the destruction of the USSR, in the new country of the Russian Federation, that many sectors of mining and production suddenly turned out to be unprofitable, and speculation began to be called business. All this has had a detrimental effect on many communities across the country.

Below you can see data based on the 2010 All-Russian Population Census. Perhaps they are already outdated, because. It's already 2016 in the yard. But we can say with confidence that if the situation with the “extinction” of Russia has changed, then only for the worse.

Where are the most abandoned cities in Russia?

Top 10 abandoned Russian cities | Video

I would like to end the article with the words of Prime Minister D. A. Medvedev, which he said to pensioners of Crimea - “There is just no money. You stay here, all the best to you, good mood ". 🙂

LIST OF ABANDONED VILLAGES IN RUSSIA - FOR THOSE WHO COULD NOT DECIDE TO LEAVE THE CITY. DECIDE NOW! Many people say that they do not know where to start, where to go, where to try if there is not much money. So the best option is to gather a few people to make it more fun (preferably at least one with experience, handy, who you can learn from), and go to an abandoned village. There you can either buy a house for a penny (30-100 tr.), or rent it, or just live for nothing, because often the owners cannot be found. Traveling to an abandoned village is the easiest first step when moving out of the city to the land. This is almost a turnkey farm, because in many places there are houses already with a story for cattle and with various outbuildings. And this immediately saves on the entire infrastructure - 3-10 million, if you build everything from scratch in an open field. And everything is already there and is here and now. It remains only to come, buy cattle and start working. From our thread on abandoned villages, we have collected all the information and sorted it for your convenience by region. Here they are - SPECIFIC PLACES WHERE YOU CAN GO ALREADY TOMORROW AND START ACTION! And we need to start now in order to have time to settle down and prepare for the sowing season by spring. FINALLY TAKE THE FIRST STEP! PLAN YOUR TRIP AND SET THE DATE TODAY! May God help you! HERE IS A LIST OF ABANDONED VILLAGES (and this is only a few dozen people left the coordinates of villages, there are hundreds of thousands of such villages in the country!): SAMARA REGION Samara region, Klyavlinsky district, with. Podgorka, I think there are 4-5 people left at home, around 400 hectares, at home there in the village council or with the secretary, they allocated it almost next to me under the OKRM program. Near water and fields. Evgeny Solychev KOSTROMA REGION 1. Kostroma region, Kologrivsky district. Located 600 km northeast of Moscow. with its settlements stretches along the Unzha River. most of them are empty or sparsely populated. the city of Kologriv is located in the central part of the district. its population is just over three thousand people. buildings and houses are mostly wooden and mostly one or two storeyed. the city, like the entire region, has not yet been gasified. the roads, as well as throughout the Zakostroma part of the region, are, to put it mildly, very bad, and the communication is exclusively by land, that is, by road. the nearest railway station is 120 km away in the town of Manturovo. the region itself has no transit communication. the road to it is a branch from the highway to Perm, Syktyvkar or Arkhangelsk. There is a station, but there are no trains. There is an airport, but planes do not fly. there is a berth, but steamboats do not go .. This is the truth of Kologriv. all this was, but went into oblivion along with the union of Soviet republics. the reason for the migration of the local population is the lack of any jobs. Apart from logging, there are no enterprises. well, one and a half collective farms in addition. and the houses are empty. but for the last five years, more and more Moscow and St. Petersburg numbers on the killed roads of the region. strange, right? the village flees to the city, and the city to the village .. this is how the reclamation of villages takes place quietly and quietly by those who were once cut off from them in one generation or another ... What else is poor and rich in Kologrivsky Krai. probably the absence for many, many kilometers of all kinds of industries, factories, mines, military units, zones, dams, hydroelectric power stations, nuclear power plants, etc. ... the presence of one of the few places on the ball, near the city, where in the spring from different places on the planet, even from Japan , migratory geese-swans flock and make a multi-day stop. "Kologrivsky forest" is a state nature reserve. the forest itself is very rich in everything that a real living forest should be rich in. even the reindeer runs here to throw off their antlers, not to mention Bigfoot, who has chosen these places. The Unzha River is winding, not very deep, with rifts. and not very wide, somewhere under 100 meters. originates from the Riphean mountains. and since it flows from its source through the Kologrivsky region between forests and semi-abandoned villages, the water in the river is exclusively drinking. nothing, but the local ecology is at a high altitude. which was recently confirmed by an expedition of ecologists visiting the village of Chermenino, saying that in the entire western part of Russia, right up to the Urals, the Kostroma region is the cleanest, and in the Kostroma region the most eco-friendly, there is the Kologrivsky district and swan geese confirm this. . only the roads are not in suit. the way, the ancient, that is, the original Kologriv, is located behind the last populated village of Chermenino. in ancient times, for well-known reasons, as well as many ancient Russian cities such as Ryazan, it was moved. 30-40 km downstream, where it still stands today. Local people are basically kind and sympathetic people. although they were knocked down by the Green Serpent and the habit of walking in formation. Well, in general, if there is a pleasant craving for village life in non-civilization, health, money, a bright and sober little head, then you are here, in Kologrivsky Krai. in short everything. 2. Kostroma region, Chukhlomsky, Soligalichsky district. Already on the way there (200 km from Kostroma) there are many abandoned villages right by the road. There is no need to say what is further from the road. Around the forest, many small rivers. There are also many abandoned fields of former collective farms. It is better to ask the head of a particular settlement for exact information about hectares and their cost. Alexey Plotnikov STAVROPOL REGION Stavropol Territory, Izobilnensky district, farm Kozlov. Living 4-6 houses. I don't know how much land, but it's a lot for sure. PERM REGION 1) Perm Territory, the village of Pozhva. 2) lives according to data for 2010 - 3131 people, now even less. 3) Almost all lands are empty, except for a small number of small farms of 1 cow. 4) a lot of houses are abandoned, some more are for sale. More detailed information is available on Wikipedia "Pozhva village Perm region". Igor Demidov LENINGRAD REGION 1. Leningrad region, Volkhovsky district, Vyndinostrovsky administrative settlement, Khotovo village 2. 3 people have a residence permit, 10-15 people live, about 30 people live in summer with summer residents. 3. there are empty lands in the village itself and in neighboring 4. yes abandoned houses In the village, a temple is being restored, at which an Orthodox farm is planned. Oleg Merkulov KIROV REGION 1. Kirov region. Podosinovsky district, the villages of the empty sea, you can’t list everything. Specifically, I know where houses are sold - the village of Prichalino, the Utmanovsky village council (we ourselves have a house there, we use it as a summer cottage), the most beautiful places, near the river, forest, mushrooms, berries, fish. I also know for sure about the village of Okulovo, Yakhrensky village council, also not a bad place, the river is a little further, but mushrooms and berries are nearby. Let people come! Alexander Vorobyov 2. We have a lot of abandoned villages in the Kirov region. Indescribable landscapes, clean air, no one cares, everything is overgrown. If anyone is interested I can show you. Sergei Zlobin TVER REGION 1. Tver region, village of Borovskoye, there is no population, there are already forests around the village, fields, and a river nearby. Nikita Solovyov 2. Tver region Sonkovsky district. There are many non-residential villages, even more where 2-3 residential buildings remain! Sergei Pletnev 3. Tver region, Torzhoksky district, Lunyakovo village. Abandoned. 1 summer resident. Around 80 hectares of land I own. Around the forest, a stream flows through the site, electricity along the border. Wholesale sale at cadastral value. They took the land for themselves, but while they brought everything to mind, they managed to settle in another area of ​​Tverskaya. More details with plans and photos on the website - Tatyana Lokshina UDMURT REPUBLIC Udmurt r. Glazovsky district of the village of Vasilievka. The houses are still dilapidated, no one lives the status of the village as long as there are fields in the district of 400 hectares, a clean stream, a well with soft water, springs. Mikhail Pak PSKOV REGION 1. Pskov region, Porkhov district, the villages of Rystsevo (about 30 houses), Zarechye (1 person lives, 10 houses are abandoned), Spasskoe district, Medveditsa. The last house was bought there 7 years ago for 30,000, the villages are all one after another, 360 km. from St. Petersburg to Rystsevo there was a bus service from Pskov and Porkhov. Wild boars, I am silent about mushrooms and berries - they always took away blanks in buckets, there is a lot of land, there is a small river (through all the villages). She had not been there for 15 years. Irina Kalinkina 2. We are from the Pskov region ... we lived in Opochka ... but it was crowded ... we left for the Plyussky district of the village of Zayanye ... Chic places ... a maximum of 70 houses and mostly summer residents ... 200 km to St. Petersburg . We have already acquired poultry, grown a crop of very good potatoes and everything else from the ridges ... Now we are also planning to breed rabbits for ourselves ... a goat or a cow in the outline ... We bake bread ourselves ... there is a convent in the village .. .they also have their own farm ... Sergey Skomoroshkin

Ghost towns in Russia: a list and photos of dead cities for independent visit


Hello readers! The ghost towns of Russia are the topic of today's conversation. Have you ever thought about how big our country is? I think not every one of us can really imagine its scale. And almost every city, whether it be Rostov or, is filled with people who often leave their home for various reasons. In every city in Russia there is an abandoned corner, and deserted villages are scattered throughout the country, many of us no longer remember their names.

Ghost towns of Russia: a list of abandoned places

The list is based on my research and likes and information from various sources - all places you can, they are real. If you know other ghost towns, it will be interesting to read about them in the comments, and if there are, upload their photos and names.

Today we will talk about such abandoned and dead places as:

  • Nuclear lighthouse at Cape Aniva (Sakhalin)
  • Abandoned castle in Zaklyuchye (Lykoshino village, Tver region)
  • Hotel "Northern Crown" (St. Petersburg)
  • Eighth workshop of the Dagdiesel plant (Makhachkala)
  • Diamond quarry "Mir" (Yakutia)
  • Khovrinsk hospital (Moscow)
  • The village of Kadykchan (Magadan region)
  • Building of the sanatorium "Energy" (Moscow region)
  • Maternity hospital (Vladimir region)
  • Ghost town Khalmer-Yu (Komi Republic)
  • Ghost town Pripyat (Ukraine)

So let's go. Some places will be illustrated with videos. Let's start with a place like

Nuclear lighthouse at Cape Aniva

it is located in Sakhalin.

The lighthouse was built back in 1939 and, by its design, became the most difficult structure to erect on the entire coast of Sakhalin. Thanks to nuclear maintenance, in the late 90s, the cost of its work was minimal, but soon there were no funds left for this. Since then, the lighthouse has been empty. And in 2006, special installations were also taken out of it, thanks to which it once shone 17 miles into the distance.
Now it is looted and deserted.

You can see the abandoned lighthouse by going to Yuzhno-Sakhalinsk in the city of Korsakov, and then getting on a boat to the cape. You look, and this photo resembles a horror movie, and the lighthouse resembles the movie "Shutter Island" with. But to be honest, I don't think there's anything wrong with it.

Abandoned castle in Zaklyuche

Do you think this is a cursed place or just a superstition that should not be believed? The castle itself is located in a picturesque forest, on the banks of a small river, just between the two capitals, the present and the past. This homestead was built according to the project of the owner of the house. The manor surprises with its asymmetry and the fact that it is made of different types of material, which are not used together in modern construction at all.

What is so mystical about this place

During the day, the estate looks very friendly, especially since it is being reconstructed. There used to be a sanatorium here, so the house cannot be called completely abandoned, but the locals tell legends that people who went to the forest and saw the castle returned from there completely different. I do not really believe in this, but I myself did not dare to stay there for the night.

Although I asked my friend's mother about this place, just before we wanted to go there on an excursion, she told me that she had not seen a more beautiful place in her whole life, her childhood passed here. Her father's parents worked at the sanatorium until the day it closed.

Mom helped her grandmother because her parents left her with her for the summer. She felt like a queen, walking along the alleys and by the river. According to her, it was a real paradise with fountains, a large palace, roses, squirrels. Mom said that there were large flowerpots at the front door, and they were the best flowers in the whole area. Every year, the sanatorium received about 200 people, and it closed simply due to the fact that funding was stopped.

If you have not been there yet and have not seen the castle with your own eyes, I strongly advise you to do this, especially since it is not far from Moscow and St. Petersburg, you can also get there on your own.

By the way! Recently appeared interesting service Vivaster, which allows you to find and take tours of local residents, and not tour agencies. This, in my opinion, is much more interesting and authentic than turning to the giants of the industry. In a word, pay attention.

Hotel "Northern Crown"

If you have ever been to St. Petersburg, you probably know how beautiful and pompous this city is. No, really, it is not for nothing that it is called the cultural capital of Russia. I think many residents and guests of the city know about one abandoned hotel, which is located at the address: Karpovka river embankment, 37

Residents of St. Petersburg, who believe in mysticism, claim that the hotel was abandoned for a reason. You just think that it was already wired, all plumbing was purchased, and then one day, the project was closed. Locals say that everything happened after the death of the priest, who was invited to a big banquet in honor of the anniversary of the largest city bank, where, in addition to him, there were the mayor and his wife. After all the solemn events, the owner of the hotel asked Vladyka to bless the guests and invite everyone to a meal, but then he suddenly became ill, and he died, right in the middle of the hall. Since that time, this place has been called "cursed".

Today they are trying to demolish the building, but for some reason no one dares to do it. Even shabby walls, peeling paint and crumbling plaster did not prevent the hotel from maintaining its luxury. Despite the closed doors, you can get into the hotel through the roof, but be careful, the hotel is carefully guarded by the authorities.
Another place of honor in my ranking is occupied by

Military facility - Eighth workshop of the Dagdiesel plant (Makhachkala)

It is said that many have seen ghosts there.

I haven't been to this place yet, but I would love to go there. Maybe one of my subscribers has already seen these places, if so, please share your impressions. For a long time, it was a station where naval weapons were researched and tested. The workshop is located at a distance of 3 kilometers from the shore, but for reasons unknown to me, it has not been used for a long time.

The construction of the workshop took more than one year, someone says that during the construction a man died there, and has been in the walls of the building for many years, his corpse was never found. It is interesting that the foundation was made on the shore, and only then delivered to the construction site. To all lovers of the Caspian Sea and those who want to tickle their nerves by looking at the abandoned workshops - go there.

Diamond quarry "Mir" in Yakutia

This place fascinates with its grandeur and beauty. It definitely could not have done without mysticism, because the quarry can be included in the list of not only the most mystical places, but also the most beautiful places in our country. Open pit diamond mining ended 12 years ago. This is the second largest and longest mine-canyon in the world. The airspace here is closed due to possible accidents of helicopters, which were drawn here by a large air flow. The "world" looks so mysterious and unexplored.

I was not lucky enough to visit these places, but my friend once visited there, he went down almost to the very bottom. He said that there was a salt-sulphur lake at the bottom and a very unpleasant smell from it, like a decaying corpse. Open pit diamond mining has not been carried out for a long time, but a mine is being built by the locals, which will allow them to go deeper by several hundred meters. The construction is very expensive because the environment inside is unfavorable for human life.

Khovrinskaya hospital in Moscow

These are the places in the capital that inspire horrors. It is not surprising that people die very often in her area. According to unofficial ratings, this place was included in the rating of the most mystical and dangerous places in the world. The hospital was built on the cemetery, but was never opened. This place already has its own folklore, and urban informals often gather there. But what is paradoxical: for many years this building has not saved lives, but on the contrary, it has crippled and killed. Every day the police come here and tragic events occur.

Mysticism is enhanced by the very sinister external characteristics of the hospital-death. If you look at it from a bird's eye view, the located main buildings resemble the international sign of mortal danger Biohazard.

As I said, the hospital was built on a cemetery, because of this the land turned out to be dead: all the basements were flooded, and the main buildings were slowly being destroyed. According to legend, the police wanted to catch sectarians and satanists who performed their rituals in the basements. When they found and took everyone outside, they blew up the tunnel, but they did not take into account that there were still people who were hiding from people in uniform. Some of the Satanists were blown up, and all their remains were never found.

I can say that today the hospital was surrounded by a metal fence made of welded mesh, and on top it was covered with barbed wire. It’s better not to go there, there are plenty of guards there, fighters with dogs are constantly on duty. Would you dare to climb into this mystical place?

Closed village Kadykchan

another place on my list.

In translation, it means "valley of death." I don’t really know who names the cities, but I can’t understand one thing for sure, how can you live in peace and hope for a bright future in a city with such a name? Apparently, the local authorities are not at all interested in mysticism, and do not believe in paranormal phenomena.

This city was built by prisoners, and at the end of the work, about 10 thousand people lived in it, and by 2007 there were not even five hundred left here. 4 years ago, only one elderly person lived here, who did not want to go anywhere. Once coal was mined here, due to which half of the Magadan region received energy.

But the explosion at the mine changed Kadykchan, and people began to leave. Surprisingly, they didn't even take things with them, here you can find books, magazines, toys, clothes and much more. The city was disconnected from heat and electricity, today it is an abandoned place, streets and houses are gradually being destroyed.

Building of the sanatorium "Energy" in the Moscow region

occupies the next line of ghost towns in my ranking.

Do not be surprised, but in our country, working and non-working buildings of one sanatorium can function on the same territory. In the Moscow region, the Energia sanatorium is very popular, which has been welcoming everyone who wants to improve their health for many years.

There is one next to the working buildings that no one wants to reconstruct, and this is not due to a lack of funds. Once the building burned down and took the lives of more than a dozen people, they say that even Energia employees do not enter the burnt building after nightfall. Now there are heaps of garbage, but the mysticism of these places attracts guests and tourists. After the fire, a beautiful staircase was preserved, which was made in the palace style, many people heard voices here at night. (I wonder what people do at night in such places?)

Maternity hospital in the Vladimir region

There is not enough money in the country to build a normal hospital, but in the Vladimir region there is an operating medical institution that just needs to be renovated, but for some reason the locals are in no hurry to go to work there and repair something.

Mystic? It is quite possible, because what could be more mysterious and scarier than an abandoned medical institution? Even a hospital that works causes unpleasant emotions in everyone, simply because of the specifics of its work, especially since every polyclinic, even a children's one, has a morgue, and such places are already scary.

In the building that was built at the beginning of the last century, there is a maternity hospital. It functioned, judging by the documentation 5 years ago, but is protected until today. Much of the hospital remained intact and the locals still do not understand why the maternity hospital stopped accepting pregnant women. You know, in such places it is worth shooting only horror films. Maybe someone has information about this maternity hospital, write in the comments.

Ghost town Halmer-Yu

In the past, it was an urban-type settlement in the Komi Republic. In translation, this city means "River of the Valley of Death" or "Dead River". The settlement appeared when in 1943 a valuable coal deposit was discovered here. A mine was built here, which began working in 1957, 250 thousand kilograms of coal were mined per day.

But the government of the country, for reasons unknown to me, decided to suspend the operation of the mine. People did not want to leave their homes, and even the riot police were used to force them to do so. 11 years ago, bombing equipment began to be tested over the city, and the former recreation center of the village was destroyed by the president himself. Today Halmer-Yu is the "ghost" of our country.

Next on my top

city ​​of Pripyat

Yes, it does not belong to Russia, but it was once part of the former USSR, and it became a ghost town while still part of the Union. Everyone who played Stalker, I think, will understand why I added this city.

Pripyat is a ghost town located on the banks of the river of the same name, a few kilometers from the Chernobyl nuclear power plant. According to the population census, which was carried out in the autumn a year before the disaster, about 50 thousand people lived here. It was planned that by the end of the year the number of residents would increase by another 20 thousand. All residents were evacuated in April 86 due to a tragic accident. Today the city is located in a special exclusion zone. More than one documentary film was made about the accident at the nuclear power plant, it also formed the basis of many performances, computer games.

Today, many inhabitants of our planet dream of getting to Pripyat. Of course, the percentage of interest among people was caused by the game "Stalker", which was played by hundreds of thousands of people. The game completely copies the city, if you have passed it, then you probably know where to go in Pripyat.

In conclusion, I want to say that it would be very interesting for me to read your opinion and find out your rating of ghost towns in Russia and beyond. I also look forward to your videos and photos. Also, I think, is it worth including points on Google maps in the article so that you can find these places on the Internet yourself? Please write in the comments!

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