Can a person live without feelings? Isn't it easier to live without feelings?

Municipal budgetary educational institution

gymnasium them. Academician N.G. Basov


on this topic:

"Can a person live without feelings?"

Completed: student 4 "G" class

Yastrebov Fedor

Supervisor: PhD Stepannikova E.P.

Voronezh 2015



1.1 Language of the soul

1.2.From emotions to feelings

1.3. Types of emotions and feelings


2.1. Emotions as a source of energy

2.2. How to manage your mood


List of used sources and literature

Object of study: Man and his feelings

Subject of study: The influence of emotions on a person


  • analyze the types of emotions;
  • consider the behavior of a person experiencing different emotions and feelings;
  • find out the difference between emotions and feelings.
  • learn how to manage your mood;

Methods used in the work:

  • study of children's special literature and encyclopedias on the topic;
  • research of scientific and educational sites on the Internet;
  • watching documentaries on the topic of this work;
  • survey of adults and interested people;
  • independent analysis of materials and sources.

Research hypothesis: A person cannot live without feelings and remain indifferent to the world around him, since objects and events evoke various emotions in him.


A typical weekday morning in an urban apartment building. Residents rush to work, to work, to school. They have a busy day ahead, a night behind them. Someone well rested and gained strength. Someone had a crying baby or a toothache. Some meet the day with interest, others with anxiety or despondency. Opening the entrance door, they all see a familiar courtyard... But do they really see the same thing at that moment? One person who wakes up cheerful and cheerful will notice the gentle sun, his sleepy neighbor - autumn mud, the child - a striped cat, and his mother - a collapsed step, to which his son's attention should be paid. Each of them sees what seems to him the most important, or, more precisely, what the emotional state directs his gaze to - joy, irritation, curiosity, concern.

Every moment of our existence, we are in some emotional state. It significantly affects everything that and how we do, what we think about, what we see or, conversely, do not notice. Every our judgment about the world around us is saturated with emotions and feelings.


  1. Soul Language

Emotions are the language of our inner world. They tell us what significance those objects, events, relationships with people have for us, which at the given moment are in the field of our attention. A person only imagines a situation, and emotions already determine it as desirable or unpleasant.

  1. From emotions to feelings

As a rule, emotions and feelings are usually separated. Emotions arise immediately and change very quickly. Feelings do not appear immediately, and they are longer. Feeling can accompany us for many years. It can be a feeling of love, trust in the world, self-confidence, or, on the contrary, hatred, rejection.

  1. Types of emotions and feelings

Scientists identify 10 basic emotions :joy, interest (excitement), surprise, grief (suffering), anger, disgust, contempt, fear, shame and guilt (repentance).

Joy - an inner feeling of satisfaction, pleasure and happiness.

Excitement - nervous excitement, strong anxiety caused by something (fear, joy, expectation, etc.).

Astonishment is a short-term, quickly passing reaction to a sudden, unexpected event.

Shame - a feeling that arises in a person when he performs actions that contradict the requirements of morality, norms of behavior.

Fear - an internal state due to a threatening real or perceived disaster

Anger - a sharp and strong negative feeling; irritable-hostile state.

In psychology, it is customary to distinguish three kinds of feelings : moral, intellectual and aesthetic.

Moral (ethical) feelings - compassion and conscience, love and affection. They regulate a person's behavior, determining his actions.

Intellectual Feelings - curiosity, surprise, joy from gaining knowledge and experience.

aesthetic feelings from pleasure to disgust. They are manifested in artistic assessments and tastes.

Emotions largely determine our perception of the environment. In joy, we see the world through rose-colored glasses and find harmony everywhere. In grief, everything appears to us in a gloomy light. In anger, it seems that there are only obstacles and obstacles around. In fear, the most ordinary things become frightening.


2.1. Emotions as a source of energy

Humans are by nature primarily emotional beings. Even learning is most effective when it comes through experience.

Emotions increase a person's capabilities, as if connecting additional sources of energy. Both positive and some negative experiences have this ability: a tired worker can feel a surge of strength and work fruitfully for some time, both from sudden joy and from great anger.

Conversely, a person who often experiences anxiety, fear, runs the risk of falling into stress. This is manifested in a change in general well-being, in a deterioration in health. Stress reduces the creative abilities of a person and leads to the fact that his activity becomes less successful.

2.2. How to manage your mood

A joyful day, a bright state of mind, low spirits, quiet sadness... All this is a mood that can be good and bad, calm and irritated, upbeat and decadent.

It is very important to be aware of your mood. It signals what is happening in the depths of the soul, which is preferable for it. Given this, it is easier to plan your time.

2.Children's encyclopedia "WhatThis". Man. Brain.

3.Man. Great children's encyclopedia.

4. Giant children's encyclopedia.

5.Children's encyclopedia. Volume 7. Man.

Let's work on a project can a person live without feelings?


No. Feelings experienced in various forms of a person's attitude to objects and phenomena of reality. Feelings are formed throughout a person's life in society. They meet the highest social needs, they are called higher feelings. For many people, feelings are their own business. Therefore, feelings are often brushed aside as "spiritual trash" that does not deserve attention. It is believed that it is better to hide your feelings, since they arise as a "by-product" of mental life. There is another point of view. In accordance with it, feeling is considered as an internal experience arising as a result of external influence - like waves from a stone thrown into water. For such people, the feeling is not "one's own", but a kind of alien body, like a "pebble in a shoe." Hence the desire to get rid of feelings as soon as they arise. In everyday life, we sometimes do not know what to do with our feelings. They are not always easy to understand or explain, it is often difficult to cope with their intensity and strength - for example, when insecure, embarrassed or offended. If we take a closer look at feelings, we can see that they are indeed an important area of ​​human existence. They play out a lot of our lives. Our whole life is permeated with feelings, they are equally present both during wakefulness and in dreams during sleep. Perhaps we are not even fully aware that feelings accompany all our thoughts, sensations, actions and memories. Moreover, to experience something - just means to have feelings in relation to something. Only then do we "experience." When we wake up in the morning, the first thing we notice is our mood. We are happy or sad, happy or upset, cheerful or irritated. Feelings are constantly present and their influence on a person is very great. If you do not recognize feelings, then they will hide their strength behind bodily manifestations, and then sleep disorders, migraine and other disorders in the body will make themselves felt. One thing is important - a person does not exist at all without feelings. And this is a fact. It is thanks to the feelings that life enters us!

Can a person live without feelings and is it life?

    I don't believe that such people really exist. But still they love themselves, and this is already a feeling. And in general, if a person does not seem to have feelings, this does not mean that he does not really experience them.

    No person can live completely without feelings. It's not a robot!

    Every day, every hour, every minute a person experiences some kind of feeling - pain, fear, jealousy, love, anger, joy, sadness, longing and many others. If a person does not experience feelings, then he died.

    Life is feelings.

    And the wider the range of feelings, from the strongest to the subtlest, the richer the inner life of a person.

    Cooks have a professional term brednessquot ;, meaning rudeness and primitiveness of taste sensations. A cook with a bredness will not feel the nuances of tastes and aromas when tasting dishes.

    So it is with us, may the raving of feelings pass when tasting life!)

    It is simply impossible to live without feelings and sensations. Emotions, various sensations, ranging from the most pleasant to painful, are characteristic of all living beings without exception. This is how our nature and essence is arranged. Only robots can't feel, and neither can the dead. Honestly, I can’t even imagine life without feelings and sensations.

    A man without feelings is a dead man. The soul is dead, the heart is empty. A person does not feel the pain of his own, someone else's, forgets what compassion is, does not know greed and does not feel anger. mechanical life, the body continues to work, but without emotions.

    It's hard to call it life.

    A person is called a person for that, because he lives with emotions and feelings, and this gives him meaning in life and helps him grow morally and spiritually. Our heart and soul will become dead if they do not experience any emotions or feelings.

    In principle, they do not live without emotions, which means that a person does not experience anything, he knows neither joy nor sorrow, he is just a mask that sits on him without movement.

    Any emotions are a coloring of everyday life of a person, and depending on emotions, paints can be of different colors and shades.

    And while a person feels emotions and feelings, then in fact he lives and he has a meaning in this life.

    Depending on what feelings are meant. It is quite possible to live without love. Every day a person experiences a lot of positive and negative emotions. Usually women are more emotional. compared to men. It is the manifestation of various feelings that gives us the feeling that we live a full life and are happy.

    If there are no feelings, then there is no life. I wanted to write that then a person is like a robot, but I remembered a recently read story by Isaac Asimov. So there the robots have the beginnings of feelings. So the robot is not suitable. Love, hate, joy, fear, experience - you can list our feelings and sensations for a long time. And all of them are present in a person, a person cannot exist without them.

    A person cannot live without feelings, as nature intended. I would like to try to live like this, otherwise the nervous system is already no good. I think I would have liked it. When an old person says that he is tired, most likely, he is tired of feelings.

    Feelings, emotions, thoughts distinguish us from animals. After all, we experience sincere joy, enthusiasm, love, and other feelings, saturating our life with bright colors. To feel means to live. Imagine that all of us humans suddenly lose consciousness. We will not care, we will be indifferent to everything, nothing will please us. Then we will stop striving for the better, for change. Life will freeze.

Can a person live without feelings? This question sooner or later arises in every person. Is it worth replacing emotions with reason? In the world you can find thousands of people who believe that life is worth living, including common sense, because it's calmer and more stable. Others, on the contrary, cannot imagine their lives without constant bright outbursts of emotions. As always, the truth lies somewhere in the middle. Let's find out how to try to balance these two antipodes: rationality and emotionality?


Every person tends to fear something and doubt something. Cold reason often “helps us out”: it protects us from tragedies, helps us comprehend difficult situations and come to a certain conclusion. Life without feelings saves us from disappointment, but it also does not allow us to sincerely rejoice. Can a person live without feelings? Definitely - it can't. That's why we are human beings to show emotions.

Another thing is that inside us there is a constant struggle between reason and feelings. A person is not perfect, he almost every day has to think about what to do. Very often we react to this or that situation, guided by generally accepted rules.

For example, if our boss undeservedly criticizes us, then we, as a rule, do not react very violently, but agree or calmly try to justify ourselves. With this scenario, the mind wins, which awakens in us the instinct of self-preservation. Of course, feelings in a person's life play an important role, but being able to control them if necessary is a good quality.


Can a person live without feelings? We are not robots, each of us is constantly experiencing a variety of emotions. Reason is given to people so that they can show emotions. Anger, joy, love, fear, sadness - who does not know all these feelings? The characteristics of human feelings are very broad and multifaceted. It's just that people show them differently. Someone immediately splashes out all their joy or anger on others, while someone hides their emotions very deeply.

In our time, the manifestation of feelings is not considered "fashionable." If a guy sings songs under the balcony of his beloved, then this is more likely to be called eccentricity, and not a manifestation of the most sincere feelings. We have become afraid to show our feelings even to the closest people. Very often, in pursuit of a prosperous life, we forget about our emotional state. Many people really try to hide their feelings as far as possible. In modern society, it is believed that the ability to show emotions is a sign of weakness. A person who has feelings will always be more vulnerable than a person who has everything built on the calculation. But at the same time, an emotional person can be happier than a rationalist.

Various emotions can bring both great happiness and excruciating pain. Can a person live without feelings? Can't and shouldn't! If you know how to feel, then you are living an interesting life. Know how to rejoice in simple things, not be upset over trifles and look at the world with optimism. If you can be “friends” with your emotional and rational “I”, then you will definitely achieve harmony and happiness.

Task 48. How do you understand the expression "laughter heals"? Tell me if you had such cases.

Answer. Laughter, according to scientific research, first arose more than 10 million years ago, and even then not in humans, but in great apes. But when we laugh, we hardly think about how we would express our joy and pleasure now, if laughter did not come into the world one day. After all, the ability to smile and, moreover, to laugh, is given to us by nature as an inheritance, and for nothing. Having told a good joke, we are immediately morally satisfied with the reaction of a person: the wider the smile and the longer the laughter, the more pleasant we are. This means that it is more pleasant for the body.

So what happens in the body when we laugh? This is what happens: when laughing, “useful” impulses go from the muscles of the face into the body. They not only have a beneficial effect on our nervous system, but also relieve stress. Even a fake, feigned smile brings a little relief to a person, what can we say about a sincere one? The merry fellows and laughter-lovers are much less likely to suffer from heart disease than the harsh unsociable ones. This is because laughter strengthens the heart cells. But, of course, the measure is needed in everything.

Another important detail: there is some connection between intelligence and humor, albeit an indirect one - the higher the IQ, the better the person understands jokes and jokes himself.

The hormone of joy has an amazing property to smooth wrinkles on the face. And also - smooth out sharp corners. Well, and most importantly, to resolve any conflicts, because humor is our most formidable peaceful “weapon”.

Task 49. Prepare scenes without words on the following topics: "Joy", "Grieving", "Shame".

Joy - when meeting friends.

Disappointing - a glass of water spilled onto the notebook.

Shame - the boy drew something in his classmate's textbook.

Task 50. Tell me: What upsets you? When are you happy? What day do you consider successful? When is a person ashamed? When is he happy? What does the expression "heartache" mean?

It saddens me that forests burn every day, waste is dumped into rivers and lakes, animals are deprived of their habitats.

I am happy when I get good grades, I win sports competitions when my grandparents come.

I consider the day successful when everyone in our family is happy.

A person is ashamed of his actions, which bring experiences and suffering to someone.

He is happy when all the students in his class on 4th and 5th have passed their exams.

The soul hurts - a person is worried for any reason. Worried about someone or something. This is when you got really hurt. The person is worried about something. something prevents you from living a normal life, and not worrying about something or someone.

Task 51. Give examples of musical works that evoke different emotions: joy, sadness, calmness.

Answer. Serenity - "Moonlight Sonata" - Beethoven, Gershwin "Rhapsody in Blue" ("Rhapsody in Blues"),

Joy - "Flight of the Bumblebee" - Nicholas of Rome, Mozart "Lacrimosa",

Sadness - "Saint-sans" Swan ".

Human Emotion Story Plan:

1. What are emotions

2. Types of emotions

3. The influence of emotions on human health

4. How to manage emotions

Task 52. Underlining words denoting negative emotions of a person.

Answer. Anxiety, grief, anger, horror, despair, annoyance, resentment, fear.

Task 53. Think of situations on any of the topics: “We rejoiced ...”; “We were surprised…”, “We were offended…”.

Answer. Today we rejoiced when we learned that our school won first place in the competition.

We were surprised when we learned that water can also cause fire.

We were offended when we were told that we did not work well enough on the subbotnik.

Task 54. Write down positive emotions opposite to those listed.

Hate is love;

Despair is delight;

Sorrow - jubilation;

Sadness is joy;

Disappointment is inspiration.

Task 55. Write what feelings the heroes of fairy tales A.S. Pushkin. Explain what words in the text help us understand this.

1. The king is sad, worries, falls into despair. Helps to understand - the word "griefs."

2. Joy, delight, exultation. Helps to understand the word "sobbed."

3. Despair, sadness. Helps to understand the word "eats".

4. Dislike. Helps to understand the words "angry, jealous."

Question. How was task 10 completed? Mark only one statement.

Quickly, correctly, independently. (+)

Task 56. Color the circles - convey the emotional state of a person:

1) Crying;

2) Gets scared;

3) Sick;

4) Got a five;

5) Won the competition;

6) Met a friend;

7) got into a fight;

8) Broke a cup.

Question. Write down what will upset and what will please your parents.

Answer. Disappointing: got a deuce, got into a fight, told a lie.

He will please: he got an A, won the competition, did the cleaning at home.

Let's work on a project

Project topics

2. Feelings of a person in paintings.

3. Animal emotions in drawings and photographs.

1. Can a person live without feelings? This question sooner or later arises in every person. Is it worth replacing emotions with reason? In the world you can find thousands of people who believe that life is worth living, including common sense, because it's calmer and more stable. Others, on the contrary, cannot imagine their lives without constant bright outbursts of emotions. As always, the truth lies somewhere in the middle. Let's find out how to try to balance these two opposites: rationality and emotionality? Every person tends to fear something and doubt something. Cold reason often “helps us out”: it protects us from tragedies, helps us comprehend difficult situations and come to a certain conclusion. Life without feelings saves us from disappointment, but it also does not allow us to sincerely rejoice. Can a person live without feelings? Definitely - it can't. That's why we are human beings to show emotions.

Can a person live without feelings? We are not robots, each of us is constantly experiencing a variety of emotions. Reason is given to people so that they can show emotions. Anger, joy, love, fear, sadness - who does not know all these feelings? The characteristics of human feelings are very broad and multifaceted. It's just that people show them differently. Someone immediately splashes out all their joy or anger on others, while someone hides their emotions very deeply. We have become afraid to show our feelings even to the closest people. Very often, in pursuit of a prosperous life, we forget about our emotional state. Many people really try to hide their feelings as far as possible. In modern society, it is believed that the ability to show emotions is a sign of weakness. A person who has feelings will always be more vulnerable than a person who has everything built on the calculation. But at the same time, an emotional person can be happier than a rationalist.

2. Creative people are the most emotional. Some of the artists prefer to live "walking high" with "open wide eyes and soul." And some - successfully sublimate the feelings of a person in the works of painting. For example, let's look at one of these paintings that describe such emotions.

Example 1. V. Vasnetsov, "Alyonushka" This Russian fairy tale is familiar to many children from childhood. The disobedient Ivanushka drank water from a puddle and became a kid. His sister Alyonushka warns of what may happen, but her brother does not heed her. When this happens to Ivan, the sister experiences feelings of grief, hopelessness, despair, grief and sadness. In the picture, she is depicted by the pond on a “combustible” stone. Sheltered from human eyes, the girl experiences a complex range of emotions masterfully shown by the artist.

Example 2. K. Bryullov, "Horsewoman" Human feelings in paintings can be expressed in different ways. Bryullov's painting depicts a young beauty riding a horse to the veranda of a house. She is greeted by dogs and a little girl. The whole picture is imbued with emotions: a sense of joy of meeting, admiration for the festive diversity and adoration of life in its brightest manifestations of beauty and grace.

Example 3.I. Aivazovsky, "The Ninth Wave" Human feelings in paintings can be expressed through the depiction of natural phenomena. So, in the picture of Aivazovsky we see a feeling of strength, power and power of nature. At the same time, the realization of the insignificance of everything human before the elements comes to mind. The artist embodies such a complex storm of feelings in this work.

3. We are used to the fact that when it comes to emotions, ranging from deep sadness to boundless joy, they mean a person. It would seem, what other creature can so coolly reflect their feelings outwardly. Well, not only people really have this ability - animals are also endowed with it. It seems unreal, but just look at the variety of expressions on their "faces".

The emotions of animals include surprise, sadness, joy, emotion, modesty, and in general a complete set, so similar to ours. There is even a special difference in favor of our smaller brothers - their faces look so cute when they try to depict something.