Why do we always run out of time? No time - what does it really mean.

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There is not enough time ... There is always not enough time ... How often this phrase is said aloud or carried through thoughts by a dreary tornado. In today's constant time pressure, it is very difficult to keep up with everything, but there are ways to cope with the lack of a precious resource. One of the methods is called "Slivers of Time". When used correctly, this method will be the answer to the question “what to do if there is not enough time” and will serve as a salvation for many.

Why is there not enough time?

If you ask anyone why he does not have enough time, then most likely the answers will be something like this:

  • a lot of work
  • housework
  • caring for relatives
  • parents

The list may differ in wording and depth of analysis, but the essence is clear. Moreover, such chronophages as:

Well, you get the idea...

Why is this happening? The answer actually lies on the surface and looks like this: as soon as we have a minute (5-10-15 minutes - it doesn’t matter) of free time, we try to relax during this period and use our favorite and simple ways to do this. All of the above - something that requires a minimum of effort, helps to occupy the brain and at the same time spends a lot of time. Much more allotted "for rest". Everyone knows the state: “I went to the forum in the morning for five minutes, closed the tab and went to lunch.” Or have you even been in that situation yourself?

We will not delve into the topic of chronophages and an incorrectly planned day now, but this digression was necessary to give an understanding of two things:

  1. Show why the majority do not have enough time for children, work, husband, parents - and the reason is not at all in absolute employment
  2. Demonstrate that everyone DOES have time for the right things - it's just being spent in the wrong place

And here we come to the main point: what to do if there is not enough time! The answer has already been given, let's look at it in more detail.

"Slivers of time". Gathering minutes to find hours!

If after the description and, most importantly, after the honest implementation of this method, you still say that there is not enough time for anything, then you are definitely a mega-busy person. But this is unlikely.

So, what are "slivers of time"?

"Slivers of Time"- these are the time intervals that appear with us constantly as small intervals of 1-5-10 minutes. Where do they come from? Very simple, here are a few examples:

  • put the pasta to boil and wait 7-10 minutes, while away the time on the forum
  • came to the school for the child and wait 5-10 minutes for a call from the lesson for idle chatter
  • finished the block according to plan a little earlier and with a "clear conscience" climbed into the social network

Enough? Is the point clear? So these 5-7-10 minutes are those “chips of time” that we uselessly waste, provoking the development of chronophages and driving ourselves into constant time pressure. If you use these “slivers” or “time crumbs” wisely, you can significantly reduce the frequency of panic about “not enough time”. In what way?

  1. We forbid ourselves for the time of addiction - for 7-30 days - to be distracted in the presence of micro-free time for chronophages and their analogues
  2. We find cases that do not require long-term attention - for this it is best to make a list using the Autofocus method or another system of planning or time management.
  3. We use all the "crumbs of time"

And now the main and most frequent question: what can be done in such a short interval? O! A lot of things:

  • talk to the child about business;
  • call your parents and relieve yourself of anxiety about them;
  • learn a few foreign words and advance in language learning;
  • stand in a plank
  • push up, pull up, squat;
  • write a plan for the next day, month, year, 15 years;
  • wipe the dust;
  • put laundry;
  • kiss your loved one...

Still need options? It seems that everything is clear and so. “Slivers of time” is a huge selection of useful actions that will help you move forward in business, improve relationships with loved ones, improve your life, and come up with a new idea. This is a huge potential for action, which most of us simply ignore, hiding behind the usual groan: "there is a catastrophic lack of time - for business, life, a child, a family ..."

And now an interesting bonus! If you take into account the "chips of time" and live without complaining about "not enough time", then the number of free minutes and hours increases. Obligatory tasks are reduced, mood improves, everyday life becomes more positive and richer. And, most importantly, there is time for a full-fledged high-quality rest, which previously could only be dreamed of!

Still feel like there's never enough time? Then try to live at least a couple of weeks using such a precious resource by 99-100%, and you will see how your life will improve qualitatively!

"Cause time - fun hour",- folk wisdom.

What to do when there is no time? Of course, the question is not quite correct: time is an abstract quantity that invariably exists in our life. There is always time, the problem is how we allocate it. There are leaders who manage to do everything: they manage to get the job done, and manage to sleep during the day, and they manage to play tennis in the morning, and swim in the pool, and their company is in the top ten companies. Moreover, they have enough time for family and friends.

But this is not the case for everyone. Not everyone has learned to manage their time, prioritize, isolate the most important. People spend a lot of their time on useless and ineffective activities. I know a plant manager who spends a good half of the day at the computer on the Internet, visiting dubious dating sites and social networks like "classmates". How happy this makes him, we will not discuss, but obviously a useless pastime. I think that such leaders need to start with training in time management and decide on the goals of their work and personal life in the future. You can develop a vision of yourself, a loved one, in the future for several years, and then build a strategy of behavior and assignment of tasks.

We will talk about those who work to their fullest, in real time pressure and at the limit of their strength. Those who get up after dark and go to bed after midnight! Being at the peak of the tension of emotional and physical strength, such leaders experience enormous stress on the body and psyche. As a rule, the result of working to wear out is stress, which rapidly develops into physical exhaustion and depression. As a result, interest in work, personal life is lost, goals cease to be interesting, a person is looking for fuel in alcohol, cigarettes, coffee. What is more debilitating and destroys the body? The peak of activity after taking artificial energy drinks is quickly replaced by even greater passivity, and the circle closes. The lack of a resource of vitality and internal energy leads to disastrous results. What about those who work hard? There is a solution! Of course, you need to streamline your time, consider priorities, deal with goals, but at the same time you need to learn to relax. Resting more effectively during the time you already use to rest.

To begin with, let's try to streamline the rest time you have now. Make a list of those minutes and hours when you take a break from work and other things. Think about how you spend your day. You may remember quite a few moments of rest or possible rest in your daily schedule. Carefully analyze the schedule, look through the diary, look at the organizer, incoming and outgoing calls on the phone, scroll through your morning and evening like in a video.

Let's analyze what this time is and write down how much of it you have. How many points did you get? Two, five, ten? All this time can be used more effectively and learn to relax in free minutes. Even if you sit in line at the bank every day for 15-30 minutes, this time can be used to great advantage. I want to note that it is not at all necessary to sleep in order to rest. You can just relax and disconnect from the outside world for a few minutes. Now I want to offer a test of your inner resource, showing how much you are under the influence of fatigue and stress:

  • If, after relaxing during the day, you fall asleep;
  • If, having started reading, you fall asleep;
  • If, while visualizing something along the way, you fall asleep;
  • If, concentrating on something, you fall asleep;
  • If, while communicating with someone, you lose the thread of the conversation;
  • If you fall asleep while watching TV;
  • If you fall asleep while at the cinema,

probably, your strength is running out and it's time to recharge your inner energy!

We often do not notice these signals from our body, telling us that our strength is running out and it's time to rest. We do not give our body rest, and then the body itself begins to take the situation into its own hands. A person literally falls asleep on the go, anywhere, at any time. Of course, this is not the best way out of the situation. You need to learn to read these signs and give the body the opportunity to rest. Every time you fall asleep against your will during the performance of any action, mark it for yourself, remember this event. Let your awareness turn on from now on. Give yourself the opportunity to take into account your fatigue when you go to bed or rest in another way. Do not let it accumulate and become your normal state. This not only prevents you from living and working more fruitfully, but also undermines your physical and mental health. Learn to appreciate your body and its energy. Let one of your tasks be to constantly monitor the state of the forces of your body!

Try to get creative with this. Don't be afraid that you won't succeed. Do not limit yourself in advance by thinking that "it's not real", "they won't understand me", "will not work"… The main thing is to see that the possibility (maybe even the probability) exists! Start small, try. Don't stop even if you don't succeed. When you learned to walk, speak, write, it didn’t work out for you right away either ... Be persistent. Experiment, change vacation options, learn from yourself.

I always hear the same answer: "I have no time!". How I got tired of hearing that. I remember asking a girl at the gym why she doesn't go to the pool after the gym. Her response: "No time". Or maybe she just doesn't want to show her physical flaws? Yes, who knows! In this article, I will talk about what to do when there is not enough time. I will give materials on time management.

Usually there is not enough time for something specific. When a person says - "I don't have time for this", this does not mean at all that he really does not have it for this. Most likely, there is not enough desire. In other words, this phrase is an excuse to do nothing. If you have been reading me for a long time, then you should know that now I will begin to give an example of such an excuse. I remember how four years ago I met a girl in the hospital. She liked me, and after we were cured, we started dating. At first everything was fine, we both had a desire to spend a lot of time with each other, but then there was a sharp decline. Suddenly she began to avoid the meeting. I called her and offered to meet, but she still did not. Three weeks later I was able to meet her. I tried to figure out what was wrong. And do you know what she said? I don't have time for my personal life. She has everything, she just doesn't like me. If she liked me, she would definitely find time for meetings. Well, of course, I understood everything and just left her life forever.

Perhaps you also excuse yourself by saying that you do not have time for this. I do that sometimes. BUT, most people don't really have time for things like family, hobbies, travel and so on. Most of the time of our lives is taken up by work + sleep. Let's calculate how many hours a week it is. If a person works 40 hours a week and sleeps an average of 9 hours a day (63 hours a week), then 65 out of 168 hours of free time remain for the week. Not enough. I have not taken into account the traffic jams yet, so as not to upset you much. If a person has a family, then time becomes even less. Many husbands blame their family for not having time to start earning more because of them.

To be honest, this is partly true. After all, a lot of time is also spent on children. With such a schedule, it is difficult to build your business. But there are still friends who also take a lot of time. If we count everything, then we will go into the red. So where is the way out of this situation? How to get rid of the eternal lack of time? You can move to another planet. For example, the planet Venus. There are 2803 hours in a day. But that's not an option, is it?

Lack of time. What to do?

What does a person mean by this? The fact is that we all evaluate our deeds as necessary and as desirable. For example, going to work and earning money is a necessity. There is no getting away from this, because you need to live on something, but the money will not earn itself. It's the same with studying. It turns out that a person spends his free time on obyazalovka. What is free time? Here you are now reading this article, at what time do you do it: free or forced? Leisure time is usually considered to be the time when a person has the opportunity to spend on what he wants. For example, a hobby. When I have free time, I go for a walk. Very often I walk alone in order to be in peace. Now I have free time, and I am writing this article for those who do not have it. The conclusions are as follows: there is free time, and there is forced time. Sleep is also a forced time.

One of the first reasons for lack of time is not being able to plan your day. I watch my mother, how she gets up, walks from corner to corner, then looks at her watch, and then everything in a hurry begins to do everything: eat, dress, chat on the phone, shouting at the same time: "I do not have time for anything". I always advised her to go to bed earlier and wake up earlier, as well as start planning your day. People who can't even look at the clock always have the problem of lack of time.

Now let's talk about work. Jobs are different: 6, 8, 12-hour. Some work 16 hours a day (for example, Hollywood actors). What can I say? You will have to change jobs or start working part-time. There's just no need to fight. I suggest one way. Imagine how much more time you get if you cut your sleep time by 2-4 hours and find a 6 hour job with 3 days off! For example, I have a lot of free time because I have my own business that works on autopilot, I don’t have my own family, I work 2-5 hours a day, and even then not always. If you are interested in such work, take up blogging and. I spend a lot of time on useful things: I study English at two schools, go to dance, go to the gym, play playstation.

The next step is to start delegating responsibilities. If you have a family, then you need to agree with your spouse. That is, you should start giving some things to other people, even if not for free. Money saves your time, and what is more valuable to you - money or your time? In my business, I always pay money for this or that work, and I spend my free time on my own affairs. If you spare money, then you will never have free time.

If a person is doing what he loves, then he is also inclined to complain that there are only 24 hours in a day. However, he gets up early and stays up late, as he sees the meaning in what he does. Such people manage to do a lot of things, while others, looking at them, open their jaws in surprise. You need to decide what you need free time for and how much. Then use all the tips that I gave you above to free up time.

lack of time, lack of time


guest post

Reading is useful and enjoyable, but it requires a certain amount of free time. We have already talked about this in the article. Now we will prove once again that you always have time for a good book! Our regular reader and beloved client will help us in this, Natalia Voskoboynikova, head of content studio WordFactory, who shares her personal reading rules today.

Combine pleasant with pleasant

  • Life hack 1. Combine pleasant with pleasant. You can read while you get a manicure, pedicure, styling. Plus a cup of tea and a candy - and an hour of total pleasure is provided. Men, envy 🙂

Combine useful with useful

  • Life hack 2. Combine useful with useful. That's how easily I fry pancakes and read "Atlas Shrugged." Yes, one pancake burned, but it was worth it 🙂

  • Life hack 3. Now I will say a terrible thing for those who do not just read, but love books, the smell of fresh printing ink, high-quality paper, beautiful covers ...

Buy paperback editions, lightweight, "pocket". The book that you always have at hand will “fly away” in a matter of days: while you are standing in line at the bank, cooling down between sauna visits, drinking cappuccino in your favorite coffee shop.

Go to the right places

  • Life hack 4. Go to the right places. There are such coffee-reading rooms at every step in Krakow and Warsaw.

And this is how unusual, in the book, they bring a check in one of the cafes in the Diocletian's Palace, in Split. And drinks are normal, and, as it were, hint: “read, your division!”

Reading + sports

  • Life hack 5. Perhaps my best life hack of 2015 is reading + sports. With double benefit and pleasure, you can stand in the plank, stretch and flip through the pages.

  • Life hack 6. And if you don’t manage to find time for reading at all, it’s time to go on vacation. Waiting at the airport, at the border, will turn into a pleasure if you take a fascinating book with you. And reading to the sound of the surf and the chirping of cicadas is almost meditation 🙂

Time- that is something that is out of our control. It cannot be stopped, and even more so, it cannot be reversed. But you can and should learn how to manage it. You need to be able to plan your time. This is what time management teaches us. But when we study it, we have no time.

Remember how many things you left for later, just saying to yourself: "I'll do it later, I don't have time now." But putting everything aside, you understand, although you don’t want to admit it to yourself, that all this will remain there. This answer is " no time“, has become a part of our life. But understand that this is just an excuse and it is not at all necessary. It’s just that it’s more convenient for us – “there is no time” and the problem is, as it were, solved. But this is far from being the case. And, for sure, tomorrow you will regret what you could have done today, but did not, because you did not find the time for this.

I increasingly notice that the older you get, the more acute the issue of lack of free time becomes. You are no longer able to do anything. Time seems to be speeding up. It slips away like sand through fingers.

Time seems to have gone slower in the past. I remember how as a child the school week stretched painfully long in anticipation of the weekend. How I didn’t know where to spend my free time, waiting for my favorite cartoon. Or he could chat for hours with friends about nothing, sitting on a bench and clicking seeds.

It was a golden time - our carefree childhood. Adults felt sorry for us: “You will still have time to become big. That’s what childhood is for, to play and not think about anything. ” And what a pity that no one from an early age explained to us what needs to be done in order to achieve success in the future. We were not taught the harsh truth of life. And those who have understood that it is impossible to waste their time ineptly and that the foundation for future success must be laid from childhood have already achieved a lot.

After all, we were all born the same - two arms, two legs. But someone is now in charge of large companies, and someone is employed in them. The sooner we realize that we can’t be so irresponsible with our time, the more success we will achieve in life. No wonder they say that time is money.

Now I am reminded of an old Odessa anecdote:

A woman is crying on the platform. An elderly inhabitant of Odessa comes up to her and asks:
- What happened?
I missed the train and it left without me.
- For how long?
- For one minute.
- Wow, just one minute. And you scream as if for an hour.

It doesn't matter how late we are. It does not matter when we did not take our first step towards success: many years ago or today. The main thing is that we didn't. And every day, there is less and less time to fix it. Therefore, it is so important for us not to be late, it is important that the train does not leave without us. We need to have time to jump even into the last car, because we can always go through the train and be in the first one. And the sooner we are on the platform, the sooner we will reach our goal. For the first to come is not the one who runs faster, but the one who gets out first.

A few years ago, having become interested in video editing and looking at the work of professionals, I thought: “Oh, I would have started doing this five years ago, now I would also be able to do it.” Now I am trying my hand at the Internet business and I also think: “Oh, if only five years ago…” But what will I say in another five years if I don’t use my chance today. That I should have started earlier, but now it's too late and my train has left.

But better late than never. You just need to strenuously catch up, devoting all your free time to this.

And where to get it, free time, if we “have no time”?

I will talk about this on the pages in the next article, where I will tell about when I have “ no time“. Do not miss.