Personal self-improvement: program, ways and means. A special kind of self-development

Walking towards the Truth!
Don't get stuck on the path.
Spiritual Gift do not turn into a frozen paradise


With self-improvement and similar in their goals. They guide a person along the path of spiritual development. When we want to change, improve the quality of our lives, diversify our daily events, increase our professional and personal effectiveness, we think about how to change ourselves and our environment. How to use our best qualities with the greatest benefit and at the same time neutralize the weaknesses of nature or correct them, work so that they do not introduce imbalance in the even course of life.

How to maximize your strengths and improve your less developed ones is one of the main questions, with the solution of which you can turn life for the better. But in order to answer it, you need to dive inside yourself. To get started you need:

  • understand yourself;
  • identify the strengths and weaknesses of nature;
  • analyze professional qualities;
  • form a detailed plan for the development of skills or personal characteristics that need improvement;
  • start implementing the plan.

Everything is pretty clear and understandable. The main thing is to take the first step on the path of self-improvement, and it must be done today.

Personal and professional growth

First of all, we will choose what kind of self-improvement we are interested in - professional or personal. As for professional skills, their correction and development is in many ways easier to implement, and here's why. They are more concrete and visible, while personal qualities are so deeply rooted in your very nature that it can be quite difficult to identify their origins (and work on correction and improvement begins precisely with identifying the root of the problem).

Many personal qualities are fixed by habit, because it is from it that character is formed, so the work will not be easy, not only in terms of time costs (here you will need to be patient), but energy-consuming: you will need to collect all your spiritual energy, desire and will in order to achieve set goals and be able to change yourself.

Attempts to change yourself with the help of programs for self-development and self-realization

It is easier to try to change the situation than to change yourself. Working on yourself is both interesting and difficult at the same time. This is the challenge for you. You are that observer, or researcher, who looks from the outside at himself being investigated and will work on himself as if you were your own instructor and guru.

The task is high, but the goal is worth it. By working on creating an improved version of yourself, you are reconstructing the image of your "I", giving it a new desired shape, correcting and removing the shortcomings of the previous version - in a word, you are creating a model of "I 2.0".

This is exactly what personal growth courses are designed to improve your efficiency and productivity; personal coaching; seminars on building business relationships; all sorts of business courses, the purpose of which is to make you a more effective participant in the system, whether in business, marketing, and the like.

Modeling instead of self-improvement

The tactics used in such courses are always the same - to turn a person into a more highly effective element of the game so that this element brings more benefit to the owner. If you yourself are the owner, that is, you own a business or you are an individual entrepreneur, then you will be taught how to manipulate others more effectively to achieve your goals.

At the same time, you will receive the status of a more worthy player who fits well into the system called "mass production and consumption", with even greater dedication you will continue to invest your energy in the common cause of building a society of a deeply materialistic persuasion, where everyone and everyone is forced to serve mammon.

So much for increasing personal effectiveness, learning time management techniques, business planning, increasing motivation, a new approach to developing business ideas and other pretty useful things.

However, what is the use of all this if a person still does not know himself. He is offered to consider himself as a mechanism, as a function that can be updated, increase the productivity of this mechanism, replace old programs with new ones. But in the end, any mechanism comes to an end, it has an expiration date. A permanent upgrade is impossible, and if it is offered by the organizers of such business trainings and programs for personal growth, then only for the purpose of their own benefit.

Self-improvement of the individual

And this world does not exist without you, therefore - know yourself


We must look at the problem of personal growth deeper, from a philosophical point of view, and here we cannot do without considering the issue from the point of view of existentialism, i.e., the beingness of a person. Man and the eternal problems of his being are questions of the meaning of life, the desire to realize all the potential that is inherent in him. First of all, we are talking about personal self-realization.

Our craving for self-development, and with it for self-improvement always comes from the depths of the soul, from our inner world. The desire to know, to learn are qualities inherent only in a human being. Only he, not prompted by external factors and motives, is capable of a deep study of the subject that interests him. An internal stimulus to reveal the spiritual principle leads a person to self-knowledge.

From self-knowledge to self-development

“Know yourself and you will understand the whole world” - this is what ancient wisdom tells us. Having passed through the secrets of self-knowledge, we come to the idea of ​​self-development and self-improvement. There is no final stop on the path of self-knowledge, it is limitless, and therefore beautiful. This is a process, and one who decides to follow the path of self-knowledge will discover an unprecedented world of inner life, take the first step into the vast expanses of the unknown - where no traveler has ever set foot; because for each person his own inner world is a unique country, always open for study. But there can be only one researcher - it's you.

The path of self-improvement. Development and self-improvement

Truth is a country without roads, and therefore the road to your inner world is a journey without fellow travelers.

On the path of self-improvement, you are left to your own devices. No one can tell you how and what to do, how to understand yourself correctly, or where to start. This is the beauty of self-development through self-knowledge. It is impossible to impose someone else's point of view here, just as it is impossible to accept it, otherwise self-knowledge will cease to be self-knowledge and will not lead to any self-development.

But, being yourself both a guide and an explorer of the unknown, you will learn to hear the inner voice that is in each of us, and you need to learn to listen to it. This inner knowing connects us to something higher, an ideal, a higher being. Yogis have called it Ishvara.

Spiritual practices on the path of self-development, their influence and goals

When we apply meditation techniques, new knowledge becomes available to us, coming directly from the Source. allows you to stop the conversation of the mind, calm it down, so the connection with inner knowledge is restored. It is finally possible to hear it. You just need to plunge into silence - the real silence of the mind. Often we seem to be left alone with ourselves, and begin to think and reflect, which in itself is already a great achievement in our society of ultra-high speeds and advanced technologies.

Silence internal and external

Being alone in silence is already a good start. Just being silent and thinking is the first step in the practice of mouna, or silence, which is used by yogis. But the essence of this silence is to stop the verbal noise, not only external, but also internal, to stop the flow of thoughts. If you have never thought about this, then stop yourself at any thought right now. You see, it worked. Perhaps you were conducting your internal dialogue with the author of the article about what was written or thinking about your own affairs. All this is just an illustration of the fact that the brain never stops, it talks all the time, draws conclusions, evaluates, compares and generalizes.

Everything would be fine if this internal process of dialogue did not separate us from true knowledge, direct perception of information: not with the help of the mind, but through obtaining direct knowledge. This is exactly what happens during the process of meditation.

Goals of meditation:

  • merging with the Absolute;
  • stopping the thought process;
  • complete disidentification with one's "I", and even with consciousness;
  • self-knowledge;
  • knowledge of the world.

It helps to clear the mind of unnecessary things, calm it down, and, if possible, even stop the "talk" of the mind. At the exit from meditation, you will notice how your thinking has cleared up and thoughts are already less swarming in your head. On the contrary, you now control them more easily, as well as your emotions.

These are all so-called "side" effects of meditation practice.

Personal development and self-improvement through the practice of meditation

You can start your own inner spiritual development by studying Vipassana, as this course is the basis of any meditation method. It can be used at more advanced levels of practice, but the practitioner will have slightly different goals during the execution of the techniques.

First, the ability to consciously focus on one thing - an object or an image - is trained. Then, when the mind is calm and can easily keep any object or idea in focus for a long time, the main stage of the meditation process begins - turning off the flow of one's own thoughts and emotions and penetrating into the object of meditation - merging with it.

Other techniques are also considered that facilitate the first acquaintance with meditation and immerse the practitioner in a completely different atmosphere than the one that surrounds him in ordinary reality. This course is remarkable for the fact that during the retreat a person is offered to plunge into a new world, where nothing bothers him, the effect of external stimuli is reduced to zero, silence is not only inside, but also outside. Thus, all conditions favorable for learning and mastering new practices have been created. In turn, they lead to the expansion of the horizons of the cognizer and fill his life with new content.

Continuous self-improvement

The path of self-improvement is limitless, there is no time frame. Once embarking on this path, the seeker will not come back, he will always strive to search for a new one, his desire for development cannot be stopped.

Are there any goals for self-improvement? There are too many of them to even begin to list, and the reader himself is well aware of them, because for each they are individual, sometimes it is difficult to express them in words, since many of them can be in the emotional-figurative sphere, but inside each of us knows them and feels.

What is the meaning of self-improvement

Why are you trying to improve yourself, what do you want to achieve? “I like the process itself” - this may sound like a short answer to the question posed. A creative path is always hidden in self-improvement, because the essence of any creativity is the creation of a new one, probably on the basis of what is already known, but no one has canceled the use of the accumulated knowledge of centuries in order to create new unique works.

Rethinking the experience of the past, a new approach to it - all this is an expression of the creative beginning of each person.

Much depends on what we understand by creativity. It is not limited to masterpieces of literature, music and theater or the creation of new technologies and designs. Creativity is also present in everyday life. A new approach to the implementation of any business is already a manifestation of creativity.

So, yoga classes, performing asanas from hatha yoga allows the practitioner to connect to the creative energy flow, expressed by a certain asana.

Creative approach to the practice of hatha yoga

Each posture is a physical exercise and at the same time, through its implementation, you connect to a source of energy that stimulates creativity in the practitioner. static, unshakable, but the energy passing through you in the process of doing it is the key to everything.

Your body becomes a conductor of vital energies, which also affects consciousness. Many practitioners note that with the beginning of the practice of yoga, something elusive appeared in their lives, that element of novelty that makes every moment of life unique, when every detail is filled with meaning.

It is your view that has changed, you began to notice what you had not paid attention to before. Looking inward, into the depths of your consciousness, through spiritual practices has opened a new world outside for you. First of all, your perception has changed.

Self-improvement of a person through the practice of hatha yoga

Choosing hatha yoga for yourself as a way for self-knowledge and self-improvement, you are also immersed in the traditions of the ancient teachings. a spiritual practice where through body awareness, cleansing and breathing practices you can master your mind and body.

The enormous benefits of doing physical exercises in yoga are obvious. It, like no other practice, will help to cope with many problems of the musculoskeletal system, correct posture, tighten the muscle corset. The therapeutic effect of performing yoga asanas is also well known, it is only important to choose the right complex in order to evenly distribute the load on those areas that you would like to work with first of all.

Personal transformation through yoga practices

In psycho-emotional terms, yoga is indispensable in our age of stress. Practicing mindfulness, immersion in yourself and concentration at each lesson, you thereby help yourself to break out of the circle of daily fuss, look at yourself and the situations of your life with an open mind, detachedly. This will help you find a new approach to seemingly unsolvable oppressive problems, or you will simply appreciate the present in a different way. What seemed significant will cease to occupy the forefront of your consciousness. Other goals and objectives will come to the fore.

Your attitudes in life will change, transforming you and the space around you. Yoga classes are this constant source of inspiration that opens the door to the world of self-knowledge. Improving yourself with the help of yoga and meditation practices, you create a new image of yourself, change from the inside. These changes are profound as you work with all the layers of your psyche that are not available in your normal state of consciousness.

Yoga gradually changes your inner world, consciousness. Once you get acquainted with the ancient tradition, you will never be the same. The knowledge acquired through practice will help your individuality to open up, and you will finally find yourself.

This article continues the theme of peace of mind, because. in order to find peace of mind, it is necessary to go through the path of self-development.

Self-development is a process of personal growth and self-knowledge at the expense of one's own moral and physical resources.

A person who has embarked on the path of development, first of all, needs to free his consciousness from the conventions of everyday life and stereotyped standards of thinking. Obeying the generally accepted rules of society, people involuntarily transfer their lives under the control of bosses, friends, and others, falling into complete dependence on their opinions and views.

Self-development should start with reading relevant books or go to special training. You should not dwell on any one source, there is a huge amount of relevant literature in this direction in the world. Also, I would advise you to look at your numerology in order to understand whether you are on the right path, whether you need to go where you are striving for. Quickly calculate and .

Carlos Castaneda and Osho (Bhagwan Shree Rajneesh) are considered especially prominent mentors of the 20th century. Their teachings broaden the horizon and open up new horizons of vision. A revolution in my mind occurred after reading the books of Vadim Zeland. I highly recommend his book Reality Transurfing. After reading this book, everything fell into place. But you need to be ready for this.

The first step towards self-improvement is self-knowledge. Most people are afraid to look inside themselves, to stir up what they are ashamed to admit even to their closest and dearest. Once committed actions, day by day burden the soul, causing a feeling of shame or even disgust. You can get rid of the remnants of the past by reconsidering your life.

Meditation will help curb negative thoughts, focus on positive moments and bring harmony to life. Systematic meditation practices will teach you to listen to the main teacher and source of wisdom - the inner voice of your soul.

Creativity will contribute to filling your existence with meaning and achieving heights in development. A certain talent is laid down and lies in the depths of everyone from birth. But hidden phobias and fears prevent you from finding new hobbies and developing your skills. Creativity does not only mean drawing, poetry or acting. It can be any activity that makes a person happy and relieves melancholy and boredom.

Another essential factor in self-development is the ability to apply the law of attraction. It lies in the art of correctly formulating intentions, programming the subconscious for success and setting yourself up for the fulfillment of desires.

The path of self-development consists of several stages. These include:

  1. Awareness of the need.

First you need to understand whether you need to take this path at all and why. How great is the desire to make radical changes in your life.

  1. Study of needs.

Here it is important to realize what exactly you want to change for the better. It is desirable to present a specific goal as clearly as possible, whether it is financial stability, strong relationships or career growth. You do not need to change everything at once, it is better to achieve your goals one by one.

3.Knowing yourself.

Here it is proposed with the utmost honesty to engage in introspection. To reveal the positive and negative traits of your character, advantages and disadvantages. Be able to realistically look at your strengths without overestimating them.

4. Drawing up a strategy for self-development.

This paragraph is characterized by the need to determine further actions. Ideas that come to mind should be fixed and tried to be implemented. Discipline and daily practice, healthy food and proper sleep contribute to the birth of clear and bright thoughts in the head.

5. Actions.

It is important not to amuse yourself with excuses “from Monday” or “from next month”, but purposefully move forward right here and now, with the firm conviction that everything will certainly work out!

On the path of self-knowledge, one should learn to adequately perceive all difficulties and failures. Do not escape from reality in depression, do not look for the guilty, but try to analyze and correct the situation. Failures are lessons on the path of life, without which success is not possible.

True enjoyment of your activities and a positive attitude towards the world around you can work wonders.

A constantly improving personality attracts useful connections, good work, successful acquaintances. In other words, it forms the quality of life itself, getting the maximum benefit from it. And success and happiness will appear as a result of passing the path of self-improvement.

In the following articles, I will help you walk the path of self-development with the least amount of time. Searching for the right information and re-reading all the right books takes a lot of time. I've been walking this path for almost 10 years now. It was very difficult at first, I sat at the books for days, selected and outlined the information that evoked a response in my soul and moved me forward. I attended self-development trainings, bought CDs with meditations, studied Reiki and Cosmoenergetics techniques. This information, filtered and bringing real results, I will share in my articles on this site. Trainings and meditations will be received by my subscribers absolutely free of charge. Subscription form on the right panel of the site.

Each person would like to be an ideal for others or for those people whose opinion you care about, not everyone succeeds. In order to strive to become an ideal, one must constantly improve oneself. Believe me, it is not as easy and not as easy as it might seem at first glance. Take, for example, the stresses and troubles that are an integral part of human life, not everyone is able to overcome these obstacles with a “smile on their face”. It is necessary to train your willpower, character and be resistant to everything that can happen. On the one hand, this seems to be a complex process, and on the other hand, character and personality as a whole are nurtured. For example, while studying at the institute, I could not understand the basics of higher mathematics. This surprised me, because there were no problems with this science at school. I gathered all my will into a fist and decided to sit over textbooks and notes until I got positive results. My torment lasted about a week (day - study at the institute, night - knowledge of higher mathematics), in the end I got an excellent result and the remaining 1.5 years after the end of the course I did not know any worries. The conclusion is that if you really want to get something in life, you need to improve yourself. What exist ways of self-improvement?

Self-improvement is a process of continuous effort to improve yourself and overcome your weaknesses and shortcomings. You can't do everything in one day. It takes a lot of patience, perseverance and constant striving to get better. And this is only a small part of what accelerates the movement of a person forward. So where do you start self-improvement?

1. Tidy up

Our environment greatly influences our thoughts and consciousness. So if your house is cluttered and dirty, then what will be your thoughts? You don't have to do it once a year. Try to clean regularly. Then there will always be clarity in thoughts. So if you are thinking about where to start self-improvement, then put things in order around you. But that is not all. Perhaps the most important thing is to put things in order in your own head. It means defining your goals and dreams. Moreover, the final result must be formulated, to which it is necessary to move every day. Set 5-7 ambitious goals and determine the steps needed to achieve them.

2. Take action!

Self-improvement is a favorite topic for many people. They have read many books about it and love to speculate and express their opinions. Just reading is not enough to make real changes in life. In books, we can only find inspiration and advice. You can talk very eloquently about what needs to be done to make changes. The hardest part is putting it into practice. Therefore, after reading any useful book, immediately act, applying the advice received in real life.

3. Maintain regularity and discipline

Regularity and discipline are the two things in our actions that self-improvement requires. How to start working on the implementation of these qualities? We need to change our attitude towards them. For many people, discipline is perceived as something that forces you to act against your own will. For example, if we do something to improve our health, then at first the body will resist with the help of laziness. Think of your regular activities as a short-term investment. It will take only a month for the things you do every day to become a habit and not contrary to your nature.

4. Find like-minded people

It happens that a person knows where to start self-improvement, but cannot take the necessary steps alone. In this case, you can try to find a team of like-minded people with similar tasks. Unification is one of the greatest forces. While working with others, you will receive inspiration and support. This can also be achieved by studying the biographies of prominent personalities. They have a lot to learn.

The paradox of self-improvement is that if we give most of our attention not to our own ego, but to those around us, then we achieve greater progress in personal development. So think about others more often. After all, a person is a social being, and the well-being of everyone depends both on himself and on the way he interacts with others.

Now you know where to start self-improvement. Be active and positive creators of your own life! Treat it like a game, and then you will succeed!

This process is a conscious management of personal growth, learning new knowledge and skills, modeling behavior, which should be traced in all areas of life. This is an essential attribute of every day lived in an effort to become better.

Ways of personal development


This process includes knowledge of the world, improvement of acquired qualities and skills that correspond to life goals. Psychologists argue that the basis for self-development is the function of adaptability of human nervous activity to the conditions in which each individual develops. Since the motives and abilities for self-esteem are different for all of us, the goals of self-development can also be different: spiritual interests and beliefs, material wealth, professional development, etc.

Almost all books of self-development and self-improvement systematize the following conditions for starting work on oneself:

  • conducting self-analysis and self-observation in order to compare yourself with others and identify "weak" places;
  • goal setting for self-development;
  • developing a program to improve one's personality;
  • manifestation of will and strength of character.

Ways of self-improvement

Considering the specific directions of self-development of the individual, it is possible to identify several main ways of this process:

1. Improving morality

This process is somewhat similar to the methods taught by teachers - laying the norms of tact, politeness, the concepts of good and bad. Undoubtedly, all this knowledge remains relevant throughout life. However, the older a person becomes, the more serious situations he has to get into. Moral values ​​and guidelines are no longer divided into "black" and "white", so you often have to engage in psychoanalysis and be as objective as possible, find the right solution.

2. The development of the mind is another direction for the self-improvement of the individual

Learning new skills and knowledge not only makes us erudite specialists, but also very interesting interlocutors anywhere, at any time. In addition, this is a great help in old age, because a trained mind does not lose its sharpness and concentration.

3. Aesthetic self-improvement

This process involves the study of the highest values ​​of society and art. Visits to art galleries, museums, exhibitions, theaters form personal opinion and taste. You should not think that if you were not born into a family of landscape painters and are not a connoisseur of art, then you will never be able to appreciate musical masterpieces or artistic canvases.

4. Development of physical fitness

This way of self-development and self-improvement of the personality involves keeping the body in good shape and in harmony with emotions. In addition to the medical benefits for the body, physical training allows you to feel more confident and love yourself.

5. Professional self-development

In the context of the rapid growth of technical capabilities, the adaptation of society to new ideas and values, it is necessary to maintain competitiveness in the labor market. A competent, creative and self-confident specialist is worth its weight in gold. Therefore, the purpose of such self-improvement is to develop qualities and skills that are useful for professional activities.

Thus, we have considered the main ways of personal self-development that will help you find your purpose in life and become better every day you live.