Bound by one chain: how universities are united. What ended the unification of universities

A few months ago, a scandal broke out in one of the Russian cities related to the inspection of higher educational institutions by the Ministry of Education. The unification of universities in Samara shocked many students, teachers and parents, because they believed that all three institutions justified themselves by 100%.

How did it all start?

In February 2015, the authorities announced their intention to merge the three institutions of higher education into one. They were not at all embarrassed by the fact that we are talking about the three oldest institutions in the region, each of which has its own history, scientific school and tradition.

The union of the three is considered by the authorities to help all institutions get rid of the financial problems that have arisen and reach a self-sustaining level. The leadership of all opposed the unification and formed a response letter to the authorities of the region, not forgetting to send a copy to the President of the Russian Federation - V.V. Putin.

Who will be united?

The merger of universities in Samara, the list of which includes SSAU (aerospace (state) and Samara State Technical University (technical), could jeopardize education throughout the region, according to university leaders. The regional governor explained that SSAU is currently one of the 15 leading universities country, therefore, is eligible to apply for additional funding.

But the remaining two educational institutions receive less money, and if the merger is carried out, then SSAU will be able to improve performance and receive more funding, part of which will be spent on maintaining the existence of other universities. The governor also fears that SamSU will not be able to maintain its position as one of the higher schools in Russia due to the reform that was announced by the Ministry of Education and Science in the summer of 2014. According to her, postgraduate and master's programs will remain only in the strongest universities in the country, and SamSU does not belong to them due to its low rates.

First reaction

Teachers, students and parents are outraged by the current situation. Heads of universities fully support them. Each university has its own foundations, habits and traditions, the staff of admissions committees say. According to them, even the contingent that enters the three universities is fundamentally different from each other.

According to media publications, the initiator of the event called "Unification of three universities of Samara" is Merkushin, the governor of the Samara region. There is a hypothesis that this is only a temporary measure, and as soon as the situation in the country returns to normal, universities will disperse again, but no one believes this and does not plan to agree to a merger.

Development of the situation

In April 2015, it became known that SamSTU would continue to function as a separate university. But SSAU and SamSU will still be merged, and on the basis of the first institution, the second will simply be abolished. Such a union of universities in Samara, reviews of which were already unflattering, only whipped up the discontent of citizens.

Representatives of SamSTU are not supporters of such an association, as they have repeatedly stated in the media. To resolve this issue, a special working group was created, which, after a brief consideration of the situation, approved the proposed scheme for optimizing universities.

Minister of education

The governor of the region met with the Minister of Education and discussed this issue. The merger of universities in Samara, according to the minister, is possible, but without the participation of Samara State Technical University. Nevertheless, it is planned that SamSTU will later become part of the two merged universities, but it is not known when this will happen.

The management of educational institutions does not comment on this situation, however, in the spring of 2015, the academic councils of SamSU and SSAU supported the initiative to unite universities. Thus, the only university that officially disagrees with the merger is the Samara State Technical University, all the remaining ones will be merged one way or another.

Citizens' opinions

Merging universities in Samara (the opinions of citizens and authorities are very contradictory) is a problem that has many fundamental nuances. Representatives of the Union of Employers note that due to the merger, it will be possible to achieve when the departments and universities will interact with each other most closely, and this will be much more beneficial. In their opinion, with the help of such a measure, it will also be possible to establish interaction between universities, business and schools.

Some deputies point out that the combination of even two universities is wrong, not to mention three. They believe that a split within one university will exist for many decades, and it is unlikely that a united educational institution will develop. SSAU, in their opinion, should not be considered as a university at all, since it received this status only because of its prestige, but in fact remains the same institution as before.

The reaction of teachers

Some officials suggest that the incident has its own reasons, and, commenting on the merger of three Samara universities (with what this is connected, in particular), they say that we can talk about an order from other regions. In June, the governor visited SamSU, where he spoke for a very long time about the benefits of the association.

As a result, a noisy scandal erupted due to the fact that one of the university professors did not applaud the governor after the end of his speech, but directly stated that he had been working here for 45 years and did not expect anything good from the prospect of a merger. According to politician Mikhail Matveev, this is the only person who is openly fighting against the merger of the two universities, all the rest have long resigned themselves to the inevitability.


The unification of universities in Samara even led to a rally that took place in early July. Samara Duma deputy Mikhail Matveev, who is actively fighting against the unification of universities, noted that more than 500 citizens attended the rally, which lasted more than two hours. The press service of the regional Main Directorate of the Ministry of Internal Affairs notes that no more than 150 people took part in the rally.

The protesters demanded that the authorities cancel the joining of SamSU to SSAU and asked to stop this optimization process until it was too late. Political slogans also sounded from the crowd, in particular, there were those who demanded the resignation of the governor of the region, calling him incompetent in matters of education and administration.

Actions of activists

Teachers and students, even after explaining all the benefits, do not agree to the unification of universities in Samara. It was they who came up with the idea to collect signatures for the country's leadership with a request to keep all three establishments as independent units. The creators of the petition noted in it that each university has its own unique history. The petition has collected over 20,000 signatures.

At the end of June, Dmitry Livanov, who holds the post of Minister of Science and Education, signed an order to merge SamSU and SSAU on the basis of the latter. Whether the petition will affect this decision is still unknown, but students and teachers are ready to go all the way and ensure that universities remain in their places.

Benefits of association

According to the leadership of the region, the fact that due to the merger it will be possible to achieve higher performance and increase funding should be considered as an obvious plus. Among other things, the prestige of SSAU diplomas is highly valued all over the world, so the students of the united university will have much more opportunities to find work not only in Russia, but also abroad.

Also, as obvious advantages, the opportunity to save money using the same infrastructure stands out. According to the authorities, if two universities are located in the same premises, this will help to significantly save costs on electricity and building maintenance. The released funds can be spent on current needs.

Cons of merging

But the minuses are more often talked about by university employees and students than by the government. In their opinion, the merger will inevitably entail a reduction in the teaching staff. As a result, for small salaries, the remaining teachers will have to bear a double burden, and the quality of the education provided in this case will be very low.

A similar situation is also feared by students, especially those who receive education on a budgetary basis. After the unification of universities, some of the budget places will be reduced, which means that it will be possible to get an education only on a paid basis, which not everyone can afford.

Will two universities get along in one lair?

About the protests of universities, forcibly merged into others, very often non-core ones, "MK" wrote repeatedly: the latest example of this is the misadventures of the Moscow Geological Exploration Institute. However, in some cases, as other universities assure, mergers have their advantages. MK tried to figure out what they are.

Glory is smoke, as the old man Herostrat used to say, and he, you see, knew this like no one else. That's the glory of the Mining Institute, which was merged into the MISiS several years ago, according to many, has passed like smoke. Meanwhile, the merger, as MK was assured at the united university, has its pluses. And a lot.

Thus, in the field of education, the quality of student enrollment has noticeably increased. If before joining the average score of an applicant in Gorny was 61, then in 2015 it increased to 76.9, or by 15.9 points, and the average competition - from 4 people to 7 places. At the time of the merger, only foreign students from Kazakhstan studied in Gorny, but now - representatives of more than 10 states of near and far abroad. Yes, and there are more foreign internships: in 2012, 20 people left Gorny for internships, practices and training, and in 2015 - already 120, ”the MISiS clarified to MK.

University science has also won, they assure in the united university. Thus, the publication activity of research scientists of the Mining Institute more than doubled, and funding for this area in the Mining Institute increased from 101 million rubles. in 2013 to 172 million rubles. in 2015 What can we say about the fresh overhaul in hostels for 100 million rubles. with the installation of new furniture and plumbing, repair of educational buildings and modernization of classrooms, including their provision with modern audiovisual equipment, computers and multimedia systems.

Another positive example is the merger of the Moscow State Engineering University with the Moscow State University of Printing. Its main plus, the rector of the united Polytechnic University Andrey Nikolaenko explained to MK, is “the ability of a large team to implement large projects that are unbearable for each individual university. For example, grants from the Russian State Science Foundation. This symbiosis is very interesting and allows you to participate in large projects. Another plus for employees and students is the powerful infrastructure of a large university - from ultra-modern laboratories to dormitories and recreation centers. The third is the improvement of the financial situation. For example, from September 1, we raised the salaries of teachers at the University of Printing Arts to our level.”

Or take the merger of the Moscow Institute of Electronics and Mathematics (MIEM) with the National Research University - Higher School of Economics (NRU - HSE), which, as Alexander Tikhonov, director and scientific director of MIEM as a structural unit of the Higher School of Economics, told MK, "gave a synergistic effect, which allowed MIEM to get out of the serious crisis it has been in for a number of recent years, and HSE has also brought tangible benefits.”

So, for MIEM, the merger immediately turned into a sharp increase in the quality of enrollment of applicants: if before the merger the average passing score was at the level of 130, now it has doubled, exceeding 250. MIEM received new educational buildings and even started its own hostel, which it did not have before. So now 50% of the recruitment is made up of nonresident guys with their highest motivation for study and subsequent careers, who, according to Tikhonov, "pull the rest along with them." The organization of the educational process has also risen to a qualitatively different level. Here and a massive study of English from the 1st year; and regular - several during each training module - lectures by leading foreign experts; and supplementing natural science courses with social and humanitarian ones. As a result, MIEM regained its former position as a university that was traditionally included in the top 10 engineering universities.

However, HSE also did not lose out, he noted: “MIEM's accession stimulated the creation of a computer technology department here, and also provided HSE with the current highest places in the ratings in the “mathematics” direction. The foregoing leaves no doubt: the merger of universities brings with it not only minuses, but also pluses. True, under one condition, Tikhonov emphasized: “Such decisions should be made only on the basis of a policy developed in advance and calculated in terms of their consequences, and not simply to unite universities and only then think about what to do with these associations.”

This section presents the main news and documents on the reorganization of the University of Mechanical Engineering

In accordance with by order of the Ministry of Education and Science of the Russian Federation dated March 21, 2016 No. 261 reorganization of the federal state budgetary educational institution of higher education "Moscow State Engineering University (MAMI)" and the federal state budgetary educational institution of higher professional education "Moscow State University of Printing named after Ivan Fedorov" in the form of a merger with the formation on their basis of the federal state budgetary educational institution of higher education education "Moscow Polytechnic University".

Reorganization notices:
For students of the University of Mechanical Engineering
For employees of the University of Mechanical Engineering

Administrative structure

Management structure

Orders and directives:

Order No. 671-OD dated August 1, 2017 “On making changes to the composition of the university administration”

To ensure interaction with employees, students and partners of the reorganized MGIU, a feedback system has been organized on our website. open special section, where everyone can express their vision of the way for the further development of the united university and offer specific ideas. All information will be carefully reviewed.

On January 13, 2015, the rector of the University of Mechanical Engineering A.V. Nikolaenko met with employees and students of MGIU, dedicated to the reorganization of universities. During the meeting, A. V. Nikolaenko spoke about the merger procedure and the basic principles for the formation of a merged structure, and also answered numerous questions.

The Federal State Budgetary Educational Institution of Higher Professional Education "Moscow State Engineering University (MAMI)" announces a competition for filling vacant positions of the teaching staff.

Applications and documents for participation in the competition are submitted to the personnel and records management department, located at the address: 107023, Moscow, st. Bolshaya Semenovskaya, 38, room. 301.302, tel.: 8 495 223-05-20.

The deadline for submission is 22.06.2015 inclusive until 17:00. Detailed information on the official website of the university

Orders and directives
Decree No. 940-OD dated December 24, 2015 “On the composition of the university administration”

Order No. 708-OD of 02.10.2015 "On the composition of the university administration"

Dear colleagues!

A significant part of the proposals concerned the fate of the Energy Department of the Moscow State Open University named after V.S. Chernomyrdin. A decision was made to merge it with the Energy Department of the Automotive Institute. Many students, teachers, graduates expressed concern about the possible loss of experience and a decrease in the quality of training of specialists, failure to fulfill obligations to students in those chosen at Moscow State Educational Institution. V.S. Chernomyrdin "energy" areas of training.

On behalf of the leadership of the University of Mechanical Engineering and the working group, I want to assure all interested parties that the Energy Department of the Automotive Institute of the United University of Mechanical Engineering and the departments that make up it, using the base of the merged universities, will allow to concentrate human, organizational and material and technical resources to improve the quality of training of highly qualified personnel for the energy industry.

Orders and directives
Order No. 146-OD dated April 9, 2014 “On the completion of the reorganization of the Moscow State Educational Institution named after V.S. Chernomyrdin"

Liquidation of the branch in Likino-Dulyovo
In accordance with the order of the Ministry of Education and Science of the Russian Federation of September 02, 2011 No. 2256 and the order of the rector of May 31, 2012 No. 209-OD, the branch of MSTU "MAMI" in Likino-Dulev is subject to liquidation before August 31, 2012 of the year.

Affiliation of the Federal Museum of Vocational Education
In accordance with the order of the Ministry of Education and Science of Russia dated February 28, 2012 No. 152, the Moscow State Engineering University (MAMI) and the Federal Museum of Vocational Education are being reorganized in the form of joining the museum to the university as a separate structural unit (branch).

Affiliation of the Tuchkov Motor Transport College
By order of the Ministry of Education and Science of Russia No. 2256 dated September 2, 2011, the Tuchkov Motor Transport College (Tuchkovo, Moscow Region) was attached to MSTU "MAMI" as a branch.

The process of merging universities, which began under Dmitry Livanov, will be suspended, Minister of Education and Science Olga Vasilyeva said at a recent meeting in the Federation Council. the site recalls how the university merger project was implemented and what results were obtained.

What happened?

The new Minister of Education and Science did not say why the decision was made to terminate the merger process, but immediately after the statement she added that the department would continue to ensure that budgetary funds in universities were spent rationally. In general, the termination of the merger of educational institutions looks like the cancellation of another initiative of the former Minister of Education and Science Dmitry Livanov, because it was at his suggestion that the program of merging and reorganizing universities was partially implemented. According to the project, unpopular educational institutions, for example, those whose diplomas are less highly rated by employers, or which, according to monitoring, do not have the finances necessary for effective work, are subject to merger. According to the plan of the reformers, about 20% of Russian universities were to be reorganized. According to the results of monitoring in 2012, 136 universities and 450 branches needed reorganization. To date, in connection with the reorganization, 96 universities have actually ceased their activities, six of which are located in St. Petersburg and 22 in Moscow.

Unite and Conquer

So far, there have been four models of merging institutes and universities in Russia. In the framework of the first model, the absorption of the university takes place on a voluntary basis, which allows it to retain some of its capabilities and increase funding. It is curious that, according to the Ministry, associations were possible only on a voluntary basis, while in most cases the reorganization was accompanied by protests from the teaching staff and the students themselves. The second model of reorganization is the takeover of a smaller university by the parent institute. The third model practically does not differ from the previous one, except that the merger took place primarily with the support of the regional authorities. This often led to conflicts. The fourth reorganization model is a merger, when one new institution with a new name is actually formed from two institutions.

The very idea of ​​uniting educational institutions, oddly enough, came from the West: the University of California is an association of 10 universities, which, in particular, include the University of Berkeley, which gave the world 61 Nobel Prize winners. But how effective the unification of universities in Russia was is a moot point. One of the first Russian universities that emerged as a result of the merger was the Southern Federal University in Rostov-on-Don, which included Rostov State University, Taganrog State Radio Engineering University, Rostov State Pedagogical University and Rostov State Academy of Architecture and Arts. A similar transformation took place in Krasnoyarsk, where the Siberian Federal University operates on the basis of six universities.

One for all and all for one

Not all universities that were on the hit list were satisfied with the state of affairs. So, in 2012, students and teachers of the Tambov State Technical University (TSTU) and Tambov State University named after G.R. Derzhavin held a large-scale protest action against the merger of educational institutions. The desire of the regional authorities to optimize costs and increase the rating of the university could lead to the accession of the technical university to the humanitarian one with the complete deprivation of the material and technical base and the independent status of TSTU. In addition, students and teachers were simply presented with a fact about the unification program. However, the authorities paid attention to the dissatisfaction of the protesters, and Tambov universities avoided reorganization.

Strikes were also carried out by students of Moscow higher schools: at the end of 2012, students of the Russian State University of Trade and Economics protested against their joining the G.V. Plekhanov, but, unlike Tambov, the university could not avoid the fate of reorganization. In 2015, the Moscow State University of Economics, Statistics and Informatics (MESI) also joined the PRUE. Protest events were accompanied by the accession of the Moscow State Mining University (MGGU) to the National Research Technological University "Moscow Institute of Steel and Alloys" (MISiS). Students and teachers of Moscow State University of Humanities, speaking out against integration, called it a kind of "raider capture", recalling the vocabulary of the 1990s. Another problem was related to the fact that the students of Moscow State University of Civil Engineering and Moscow State University of Science and Technology studied in different education systems with different terms of study - bachelors were trained at Moscow State University of Science and Technology, while Moscow State University of Science and Technology graduated specialists.

The controversy also accompanied the merger of the Moscow State Law Academy named after O.E. Kutafin (MGYuA) and the State University of Management (GUU). Both sides opposed it: "lawyers" were afraid of losing prestige, and "managers" - autonomy. The educational institution would have to receive a new name, which could be chosen by the universities themselves. The students sadly joked that as a result of the merger, the “United State Law University (OGPU) named after comrade Livanov". How the academy relates to the accession of the State University of Management, the Moscow State Law Academy does not comment.

Chemistry and tin

At the beginning of 2016, there were reports in the media about the possible merger of the Russian University of Chemical Technology named after D.I. Mendeleev (RCTU) and MISiS. Teachers and students of the RCTU began to protest even before the official confirmation in the Ministry of Education, collecting signatures in a petition against joining. "Mendelevka" was afraid that after joining MISiS it would lose its own scientific school, remembering the situation with the merger of the Moscow Institute of Fine Chemical Technology named after M.V. Lomonosov (MITHT) and the "non-core" Moscow State University of Information Technologies, Radio Engineering and Electronics (MGTU MIREA). Later, the Ministry denied the message about the merger of universities. However, the sediment remained. the site turned to Mendeleevka with a request to comment on the looming prospect of merging with MISiS: “Nobody told us anything. Everything remained at that level. Now everything depends on the minister, what policy she will pursue. As Livanova was replaced, there was not even talk about it. ”

Consolidation of universities in Russia


The merger of Russian universities is another attempt to reform education

Vadim Avanesov

Ch. ed. Russian scientific and methodological journal

"Pedagogical Dimensions"

[email protected]

Consolidation or merger?

In Russia, there is a process that is officially called the unification of universities. However, other names have also appeared. For example, "merger of universities", "merger and acquisition of universities" and others.

In the rector's environment, the name "merger of universities" is used more often than others. It allows you to distance yourself from extremes, but at the same time, to get away from the concept of "association", which can carry the meaning of voluntariness.

Reality gives us examples of the merger of universities, voluntary, voluntary-compulsory, or even simply forced, ordered, causing noisy protests.

Indeed, the beginning of the real process of merging is given by a special, for each university, order of the Ministry of Education and Science.

event space

It is believed that now there are about 3.5 thousand universities and their branches in Russia. This fact confirms some redundancy of universities. For comparison, note that beforeAfter the collapse of the Soviet Union, there were 514 universities in the country, in which 2.8 million students studied. Now almost 7.9 million students study in 3.5 thousand Russian universities and branches.

Purpose and task of the merger

Almost everyone agrees that many universities and branches provide education that does not meet the modern needs of the individual, society and the state. Overcoming this state is considered the main goal of the merger of universities and branches. “It is expected that a program to reduce inefficient universities will be adopted,” said Academician V.A. Sadovnichy. - The Rector's community could act as experts in this matter. We have work to do. We are interested in seeing the perception of higher education improve.” Earlier, the rector of Moscow State University has repeatedly said that there are many universities in the country that provide “lightweight” education.

Self cleaning- this is how the rector of the Financial University under the Government of the Russian Federation M. ikhail Eskindarov. “The process of merging universities cannot be stopped,” he said. It is necessary to reduce the number of universities and focus on supporting advanced universities. We have already attached three educational institutions to our university, now two more will enter our structure.

main reason

The main reason for the merger of universities is the opinion of the supreme authorities about the inefficiency of Russian universities and branches. The costs are high, but the returnslow. Not a single Russian university is included in the ranking of the best hundred universities in the world.

Few people doubt the need to reduce the number of universities and branches. There is also a positive international experience of consolidation of many US universities, the experienceNational University of Singapore (National University of Singapore) , formed in 1980 as a result of the merger of the University of Singapore and Nanyang. He has already managed to gain a brilliant reputation in the world. According to the latest ranking of The Times newspaper, this university was in the top twenty of the two hundred best universities in the world.

In Russia, due to the enormous social significance of higher education and the presence of a large territory, increased political prudence, a correct scientific forecast, careful forecasting and discussion of possible consequences, a publicly approved, clear and understandable program of merging universities are needed. None of the above is present in the currently observed merging process.

According to the Deputy Minister of Education and ScienceAlexandra Klimova, now there are about 120 instructions from the president and government related to higher education reforms. It is necessary to prescribe ways to achieve the main goals facing universities. In particular, one of the most ambitious tasks that the president outlined in his decree is that by 2020, five Russian universities should be in the top 100 best universities in the world, according to recognized international rankings. It is planned that a competition will be held among universities that can potentially achieve this goal, and it is possible that they will be allocated additional money from the budget for this .

Confluence basis

No answer to the main question arising from the merger of universitieson what basis should it be done?

The similarity of curricula, territorial proximity, considerations of relative financial savings when teaching a large number of students at a large university, the commercialization of education up to its full self-sufficiency and profit, the possibility of concentrating highly qualified teaching staff, the possibility of getting rid of pedagogical ballast, etc.

In Germany, the initiative to unite 15 universities has shown itself positively. But there it came from the universities themselves, on a voluntary basis, with clearly defined and tangible positive consequences for each of the parties mentioned. In our country, the process of merging universities is not regulated by any significant document. In such conditions, the expected results can be both positive and negative.

Sides of a quality educational process

It must be understood, and world experience convinces us of this, that the education sector cannot function normally without the effective interaction of seven equal sides:

1) students and student associations;

2) parents and their associations;

3) university administration, which has clearly defined rights and obligations;

4) faculty members who have the right to choose the best methods and teaching aids, who are able to create new teaching materials and methods for organizing students' independent work;

5) Creators of a new educational and software-instrumental learning environment. These should be teachers who have gained experience in creating new quantized educational texts, as well as thousands of tasks in test form for each course studied. These educators should have opportunities for this kind of creative work. However, the existing organization of Russian universities does not see the need for this;

6) employers;

7) government bodies in the field of education.

Apparently, the ministry understands the importance of interaction, if not all, then at least some of the parties mentioned. For example, Deputy Minister of Education and Science Alexander Klimov recently stated: “We position ourselves as an open ministry. Only in partnership with rectors, students and employers will we be able to effectively develop the university system.” This is an inspiring position. It would be good if it were combined with the position of the minister and other senior officials of the Ministry of Education and Science.

In the meantime, in Russia, we often see only one of the parties listed above as dominant: this is the state. It is no coincidence that when conducting the Unified State Examination, when developing a system of objective assessment of knowledge, when merging universities, when closing state and non-state universities, we everywhere come across the overwhelming role of only the state. The rest they just don't hear. But such reforms are clearly doomed to failure.

Education is effective but of poor quality

Regarding the inefficiency of Russian higher education, a different point of view was also expressed. If we keep in mind the purely financial costs of maintaining universities and branches, then Russian education looks quite effective.

According to Yevgeny Primakov,per capita, the United States in 2010 spent $3,600 on education, Japan - $1,500, Brazil - $550, we have $400. US public and private spending on science per capita researchers amounted to 293 thousand dollars, in Japan - 264 thousand, China - 74 thousand, in Russia - 39 thousand. At the same time, there are three and a half times more scientists in the USA than in Russia.

But Russian higher education in a number of universities and branches often turns out to be of poor quality.

Expected outcome of the merge

The main result of such a reform is the improvement of the quality of education and the entry of the country's leading universities into the rankings of the best universities in the world. It is very likely that several Russian universities will be able to get into such ratings.

There are also possible negative aspects of the excessive enlargement of universities, if the rules for merging are not developed and the limits for such activities are not established. Then the country will be left with several giant universities headed by rectors-managers obedient to the authorities. For such a large country as Russia, the course of an unlimited merger of universities, without a project approved by society for their optimal distribution, taking into account territorial needs, the merger of universities can be disastrous.

As the historical experience of pre-war Germany shows, the verticalization of management had a detrimental effect on the state of science and education. Due to the administrative pressure that arose, some of the physicists then emigrated. Over the past 20 years, many scientists have also left Russia, mainly for material reasons. The figure is said to be around 2 million. It is difficult to confirm or refute this figure. But it is clear that losses of this magnitude are irreparable. At the same time, there are still many scientists left in the country who, for a number of reasons, are not in demand.

We already know the negative consequences of the initial stage of the merger of universities on the examples of the speeches of students from Tambov universities, RGTEU, etc.

Another look

My view of the current process of merging universities is that it looks like the beginning of a new version of higher education reform. This reform was initiated by the top leadership of the country, carried out by the Ministry of Education and Science, carried out in many cases by force, by order and even by force.

Such a reform may turn out to be of poor quality and ineffective, more harmful than useful. Nevertheless, to correct things in the field of education, reforms are needed, but others.

We need a new educational system

Now the main task in the field of education is the reform of the Ministry of Education and Science of the Russian Federation. It is no coincidence that he is considered the worst ministry in the current Government of the Russian Federation. But first it will be necessary to significantly limit the number of functions performed by the ministry. Especially those that are assigned to public and professional bodies abroad.

Examples of such functions are the professional examination of the quality of dissertations at the Higher Attestation Commission, the conduct of the Unified State Examination, the development of standards, and much more, where the participation of officials should be limited only to coordinating the work of specialists. No more.

Reducing pressure from the ministry on the higher education system will free universities from excessive bureaucratic guardianship, from issuing state diplomas and from related state certification and state accreditation. The interesting experience of the absence of the Federal Office of Higher Education in the United States can be especially useful here. And what, American universities, without instructions from the US Department of Education, work worse than Russian ones?

It is time, not in words, but in deeds, to restore the autonomy of all Russian universities, without which there is no high quality of educational work.