Types of parent meetings in elementary school. Parent meeting

Organization and holding

parent meeting

Class teacher 7B class

Pogodaeva Tatyana Nikolaevna

MBOU "Lyceum №3"

G. Bratsk 2015

Organizing and holding a parent meeting

A parent meeting is a group of people united to jointly solve problems and tasks, adapt, educate, develop and educate their children. It was created to help the educational institution, and most importantly - to their children.

The parent meeting is a universal form of work, as it allows you to implement many functions: solving the most important, pressing problems, organizing a team of parents, managing the upbringing process, etc.

Among the many forms of work with parents (organization of "open doors" days, various forms of participation of parents in the affairs of the school, etc.), the parent meeting remains the leading party in all forms of cooperation with parents.

The basics of interaction between teachers and parents were formulated by V.A. Sukhomlinsky: “As few calls as possible to the school of parents for moral notations to children, to intimidate sons with a father’s “strong hand”, to warn of dangers, “if this continues”, - and how there can be more such spiritual communication between children and parents, which brings joy to mothers and fathers. Everything that a child has in his head, soul, notebook, diary - we must consider all this from the point of view of the relationship between children and parents, and it is completely unacceptable for a child to bring grief to his mother and father - this is an ugly upbringing.

Preparing and holding a parent meeting is an extremely important part of the work of the class teacher. In this he should be assisted by administrators, specialists of the psychological and pedagogical medical and social center, teachers of the service of additional education, etc.

The interaction of the teacher with the parents of students is aimed at creating a single educational space. The activities of parents and teachers in the interests of the child are successful only if they become allies. Thanks to this interaction, the teacher gets to know the child better, comes closer to understanding his individual characteristics, develops the right approach to developing abilities, forming life guidelines, and correcting negative manifestations in the student's behavior.

It is important for teachers to establish partnerships with the family of each pupil, to create an atmosphere of mutual support and common interests. Successful work of an educational institution is possible only when all participants in the educational process - teachers, children, parents - become a single whole, large and close-knit team.

Preparation of the parent meeting goes in the following main directions. The topic of the parent meeting (which should be relevant for parents) and its content (in accordance with the age characteristics of students, the level of education and interest of parents, the goals and objectives of the educational process at this time stage) are determined in advance. Then the form of holding the parent meeting is selected. Modern requirements have significantly diversified this choice.

The main forms of parent meetings:

* assembly-lecturion;

* "round table";

* thematic discussion with the invitation of experts;

* consultation with specialists;

* parent discussion;

* all-school and all-class conference, etc.

Any meeting should include five mandatory components:

1. Analysis of the educational achievements of students in the class. The teacher acquaints parents with the general results of the class's learning activities.

2. Familiarization of parents with the state of the socio-economic climate of the class. The teacher shares his observations about the behavior of the children in the classroom, breaks, in the canteen, on excursions, etc. The topic of conversation can be relationships, speech, the appearance of students and other issues. Here you need to be extremely delicate, avoid negative assessments of a particular student, and even more so a parent.

3. Psychological and pedagogical education. It is important to remember that the task of raising the level of psychological and pedagogical competence of parents is one of the most important tasks of the teacher. It would be nice to offer parents information about the latest in pedagogical literature.

4. Discussion of organizational issues (excursions, matinees, purchase of teaching aids) consists of two components: a report on the work done and information on upcoming cases.

5. Personal conversations with parents. At this stage, the object of attention should be the parents of children with problems in learning and development. The difficulty lies in the fact that very often these parents, fearing criticism, avoid meetings. The class teacher should make it clear that they are not being judged here, but are trying to help. The tactic of joining is very effective: “I understand you!”, “I agree with you!”.

Parent meetings are divided into organizational and thematic.

Organizational- these are standard parent meetings dedicated to current events in school life: organizing events, the beginning of the school year, learning outcomes based on the results of quarters, semesters, a year, etc.

Thematic meetings are devoted to topical issues of education. Usually, parents visit them with interest and often initiate discussion of a particular topic themselves.

1. The parent meeting should educate parents, and not state the mistakes and failures of children in their studies.

2. The theme of the meeting should take into account the age characteristics of children.

3. The meeting should be both theoretical and practical: analysis of situations, trainings, discussions, etc.

4. The meeting should not engage in discussion and condemnation of the personalities of students.

Stages of preparation for the parent meeting:

1.Choose the topic of the meeting.

2. Determining the goals of the parent meeting.

3. Study by the class teacher and other organizers of the collection of scientific and methodological literature on the problem under consideration.

4. Conducting micro-research in the community of children and parents (questionnaires, conversations, testing).

5.Determination of the type, form and stages of the parent meeting. Ways and methods of joint work of its participants.

6.Invitation of parents and other participants of the meeting.

8. Equipment and design of the venue for the parent meeting.

Determining the goals of the parent meeting:

Improving the pedagogical culture of parents, replenishing their arsenal of knowledge on the specific issue of raising a child in the family and school;

Contributing to the rallying of the parent team, involving them in the life of the class community;

Development of collective decisions and uniform requirements for the upbringing of children, the integration of the efforts of the family and teachers in the development of the child's personality;

Promotion of the experience of successful family upbringing, prevention of incorrect actions towards children by parents;

Summing up the results of the joint activities of teachers, students and parents for a certain period of time

Ten secrets of a successful parent-teacher meeting (reminder for the teacher)

Parent meeting is a necessary attribute of school life. How to make it interesting and productive? They can be especially useful to a beginning class teacher.

1. To hold a parent meeting, select the most favorable day and hour and try to ensure that neither you nor the parents of your students have any important affairs, interesting TV shows, etc. planned for this time.

2. Identify the one most important issue for the students in your class and build a conversation with the parents around it.

3. Pay special attention to the placement of parents in the classroom. For example, you can arrange tables and chairs in a circle so that all participants in the parent meeting can see and hear each other well.

4. Prepare business cards with the names of the parents, especially if they do not yet know each other well enough.

5. Work with your parents to come up with rules for meeting attendees. For example: it is obligatory to take off outerwear; silence is not allowed when discussing the problem; rejecting the proposal (opinion), it is necessary to make a counter; call each other by name and patronymic or only by name, etc.

6. Take care of the time of the people invited to the meeting. For this purpose, establish a regulation and strictly monitor its observance.

7. During the meeting, use games and group forms of organizing parent interaction.

8. A cup of tea can help make communication in a meeting casual and frank.

9. When discussing problematic issues, rely on the life and pedagogical experience of the most authoritative parents, on the opinion of members of the parent committee and the school council.

10. Strive for concrete decisions to be made at the meeting.

Rules of conduct for the class teacher at the parent meeting

1. The teacher needs to relieve his own tension and anxiety before meeting with the parents.

2. Through speech, intonation, gestures and other means, let your parents feel your respect and attention to them.

3. Try to understand your parents; correctly identify the issues that concern them most. Convince them that the school and the family have the same problems, the same tasks, the same children.

4. Talk to your parents calmly and kindly. It is important that the parents of all students - both well-to-do and at-risk children - leave the meeting with faith in their child.

5. The result of your joint work at the parent meeting should be the confidence of parents that in raising children they can always count on your support and the help of other school teachers.


memo for the teacher "Conducting parent-teacher meetings"

1. Leave your bad mood at the door.

2. Allocate no more than 1.5 hours for the parent meeting, clearly control the time, listen to the parents, avoiding empty conversations, accusations and trials.

3. Thank everyone who took the time to come.

4. Do not judge the parents present for the non-appearance of those absent.

5. Do not choose a didactic tone for communication.

6. A person is very pleased when his name sounds. Put a list of parents in front of you and refer to them by their first and middle names more often.

7. At the beginning of the parent-teacher meeting, list the questions you are going to discuss.

8. Remember the "golden rule" of pedagogical analysis: start with the positive, then talk about the negative, end the conversation with suggestions for the future.

9. Only in a personal conversation with parents evaluate the success and potential of their children.

10. Warn parents that not all information should be known to children.

11. Let parents know that you understand how difficult it is for their children to learn.

12. Explain to parents that "bad student" does not mean "bad person."

13. Do not give a negative assessment to the whole class.

14. Don't compare the progress of individual students in different grades.

15. Do not overestimate the value of individual items.

16. Parents should leave the meeting feeling they can help their children and wanting to do so.


A child is a holiday that is always with you.

1. Don't expect your child to be like you, or the way you want. Help him become not you, but himself.

2. Do not ask your child to pay for everything you have done for him. You gave him life - how can he thank you? He will give life to another, that third, and this is an irreversible law of gratitude.

3. Do not take out your grievances on the child, so that in old age you do not eat bitter bread. For what you sow, that will come up.

4. Don't look down on his problems. Life is given to everyone according to their strength, and be sure that it is no less difficult for him than for you, and maybe even more, because he has no experience.

5. Do not humiliate!

6. Do not forget that the most important meetings of a person are his meetings with children. Pay more attention to them - we can never know who we meet in a child.

7. Don't beat yourself up if you can't do something for your child. Torture if you can, but you don't. Remember: not enough is done for a child if everything is not done.

8. A child is not a tyrant who takes over your whole life, not only the fruit of flesh and blood. This is the precious cup that Life has given you for keeping and developing the creative fire in it. This is the liberated love of a mother and father, in whom not “our”, “our” child will grow, but a soul given for safekeeping.

9. Know how to love someone else's child. Never do to someone else what you would not like to be done to yours.

10. Love your child in any way - untalented, unlucky, adult. When dealing with him, rejoice, because the child is a holiday that is still with you.

It happens that parents do not always accept a teacher because he is unnecessarily strict with children, in their opinion unfair. There are parents who have a consumerist attitude towards the school and are not inclined to cooperate with the teacher. It is not easy to break the wall of alienation, but it is also impossible to leave it as it is. Try to understand the reason, to understand the essence of rejection, because without this it is impossible to form benevolence and a sense of responsibility for the child in parents. Every grain of indifference must be noticed, put into action in order to convince parents in word and deed: "I want your child to feel good." Parents must believe this. Parents and teachers are brought together by school holidays, trips, hikes.

All families, of course, are different in moral and cultural level. And yet, the family has the responsibility and obligation to master all the skills, create a healthy climate of relationships, and take care of the children. And if parents become our like-minded people, colleagues, this will give a positive result.

Questionnaire "Identification of the degree of trust of parents in the school"

Dear parents! The school administration asks you to answer the following questions. Your answers will help build understanding and trust between the school and the parent community in the process of educating our students - your children.

    Do you like our school?

Not really.

2. Do you trust your son's or daughter's class teacher?

Not really.

3. What kind of relationship prevails between teachers and parents in our school?





4. Are the pedagogical requirements for your child the same for you and the teachers of the school?

Not really.

5. Was there a class teacher or one of the teachers at your home this year?

6. If one of the teachers was at your home, what was the purpose of the visit?

7. What was the situation in the family immediately after the visit of the class teacher?

Calm conversation between parent and child.

The child was praised.

The child was scolded.

The child was punished.

Conflict between parents.

8. Do you attend parent meetings at school?


If you don't attend, why not?


9. Do parent-teacher conferences help you raise your child?

Not really.

10. What features in the character and behavior of your child are you most concerned about?

11. Name 3-4 personal and professional qualities of a teacher, which, from your point of view, are the main ones for his high authority among students and parents:


Note: Signing the form is not required. If for some reason you do not want to send the questionnaire through your child, you can send it personally to the teacher.

Municipal educational budgetary institution of the Vyshnevolotsky district "Yesenovichskaya secondary school"

Working with parents.

At present, the interest of teachers and heads of educational institutions in the problems of education has noticeably increased. In turn, the strengthening of the educational function of an educational institution necessitates the improvement of the forms and methods of interaction between the school and the family, teachers and parents.

Traditional forms of work with parents:

parent meetings

individual consultations of the teacher

home visits

A universal form of interaction between a teacher and parents is a parent meeting.

Parent meeting - this is the main form of joint work of parents, where decisions are discussed and made on the most important issues of the life of the class community and the education of students at school and at home. Its main purpose is to harmonize, coordinate and unite the efforts of the school and family in creating conditions for the development of a spiritually rich, morally clean and physically healthy personality of the child. Parent meetings are also held in order to improve the pedagogical culture of parents, activate their role in the life of the class, and increase responsibility for the upbringing of their children.

Goals and objectives of parent meetings.

v Education of parents, parent team

v Formation of parental public opinion.

v Enlightenment of parents in matters of pedagogy and psychology.

Types of parent meetings.

There are the following types of parent meetings:


· Thematic;


· Final;

· Meetings-consultations;

· Meetings-interviews.

There are many options for holding parent-teacher conferences. Their character and orientation are prompted by life itself, the system of organizing work in a children's team. The topics and methods of the meeting should take into account the age characteristics of students, the level of education and interest of parents, the goals and objectives of education facing the school.

Select a meeting topic. The topic chosen for discussion at the parent meeting should not be random. Its choice is determined by the target guidelines for the life of the class team, the patterns of development of the student's personality, the peculiarities of the course of the processes of education and upbringing, the logic of the formation of the pedagogical culture of parents, the strategy for building and improving the relationship between the school and the family. Experienced teachers are well aware that the conversation at the parents' meeting cannot be limited to the consideration of schoolchildren's educational affairs, therefore they seek to discuss with parents a wide range of issues affecting various aspects of the intellectual, spiritual, moral and physical development of children.

Technology for preparing and holding parent meetings.

1. General provisions

Great parent meeting- the highest self-government body of parents in the class - is convened as needed, but at least once per academic quarter.

2. Cool parent meeting

2.1. Determines the main activities of parents in the classroom, forms of interaction with teachers, class teacher, self-government bodies of students in the class, with the class council;

2.2. Elects a class parent committee, delegates to the school parent conference;

2.3. Considers issues related to the implementation of decisions of self-government bodies;

2.4. Decides on the participation of parents in managing the life of the class, discusses draft school documents and expresses their views on them;

2.5. Listens to reports and information about the work of the class parent committee, its commissions and evaluates them;

2.6. Discusses the proposals of parents to improve the educational process in the classroom;

2.7. Considers the organization of pedagogical self-education of parents;

2.8. Takes measures to stimulate the social work of parents in an educational institution.

3. Meeting Rules

3.1. The class teacher is obliged to thoroughly think over and prepare all the necessary information and documents for the meeting.

3.2. Each meeting requires its own “scenario” and extremely accessible settings, recommendations and advice.

3.3. The main method of carrying out is dialog

3.4. Parents are invited to the meeting and notified of the agenda no later than three days before the date of the meeting.

3.5. The school administration must be informed of the date and agenda no later than 4 days before the meeting.

3.6. Subject teachers must be present at the parent meeting at the invitation of the class teacher.

3.7. The class teacher must clearly articulate the purpose of the invitation to the meeting of subject teachers.

3.8. The class teacher solves organizational issues on the eve of the meeting (a place to store outerwear, organizing a meeting, preparing an office).

3.9. The class teacher informs the deputy director for water resources management, VR about the results of the parent meeting, about the questions and problems raised by the parents at the meeting, the next day after the meeting.

4. Principles of holding a parent meeting

4.1. The parent meeting is not just a form of communication between the family and the school, it is a place for obtaining important pedagogical information, a platform for promoting the best work experience and relationships with children.

4.2. Parents at the meeting should feel respect for themselves, be sure that there will be no tactless conversations.

4.3. The family and the school have the same problems and concerns - these are the problems of children and caring for children. The task of meetings of parents and teachers is to look for joint ways to solve them.

Approximate structure of the parent meeting.

1. Opening speech of the class teacher (Introduction of guests) (5 min)

2. Speech on the topic of the meeting (specialist or class teacher) should be bright, concise, accessible (min).

3. Discussion of the problem by parents (20 min)

4. Analysis by the class teacher of class performance. You need to start only with positive results. You should never call lagging behind, undisciplined children by their last names, you should not “stigmatize them.” The analysis should express confidence that joint work will correct the situation.

5. In the final part of the meeting, the class teacher thanks the parents for their participation and joint work. Offers to take a memo about the last meeting. He asks those parents whose children have problems in learning or behavior to stay for a minute to find out the causes of these problems and find a joint solution.

How can a teacher communicate with parents?

1. The responsibility for the success or failure of the meeting rests with the teacher.

2. Arrange the meeting in such a way that there are no interruptions.

3. Mutual understanding will improve faster if the teacher does not sit at the table. For, sitting at the table, he puts himself in the position of superiors, and not a partner.

4. A calm, friendly introductory word from the teacher is important.

5. You need to ask the parent to speak and listen carefully.

6. You need to find out what the parent thinks about his child and how he perceives him. The teacher will not be able to understand the behavior of the child before he understands the attitude of the parent towards him.

7. If a parent proposes a plan of action, you need to accept it and do everything possible to implement it. This is better than imposing your teacher's opinion on a parent.

8. Don't argue with your parents. Litter can cause resentment and alienation.

9. Let any decision be the result of mutual reflection and be a guide to action on the part of the parents.

10. Try to "feel the sore strings" of the parents and do not hurt them.

11. Accept everything your parents say without expressing your amazement or disapproval.

Parent meetings are required:

v To quickly obtain a variety of information about children. In this case, the class teacher needs to carefully consider and clearly formulate the questions to which they want to have answers;

v As orientation, instructive meetings in case of changes in the life and activities of the class team, requirements for children, work schedule, etc. At such meetings, you can find out the opinion of parents about the issues raised at the meetings;

v As advisory for career guidance, employment of children, employment in the system of additional education, according to the vacation program. It is good to invite a psychologist, a teacher of additional education, subject teachers, etc. to such meetings. Remember that these are consultations, and not claims against parents and children;

v As an emergency, emergency in an acute conflict situation, in an extremely difficult case with one of the children. This is a collective advice of adults on how to help a child in trouble, or a mother in need of help;

v As a show of “goods in person”, when children show their parents their creative abilities, sports achievements, applied skills, etc. Such meetings are very useful and interesting for both parents and children;

v Meetings - lectures, psychological trainings, role-playing games on various topics and problems of education and training. Such meetings can be held frequently (once a month), like a school for parents.

Meeting preparation.

1. Determine the theme, main issue, and main objectives of the meeting.

2. Clarify the rules, think over the course of the meeting.

3. Send respectful invitations to parents indicating the issues to be brought to the meeting;

4. Think over, exhibition or informational material.

5. Determine which subject teachers or other specialists can be invited.

6. Thinking over your appearance is an important detail: after all, every time a meeting is an event and a little bit of a holiday.

Rules of conduct for the class teacher

at parent meeting

1. Relieve stress, anxiety, expectation of an unpleasant conversation.

2. Let your parents feel your respect and attention to them.

3. Try to understand your parents, put yourself in their place.

4. Be able to speak with parents calmly, respectfully, kindly, interested. It is important that parents of both good students and underachieving or deviant children leave the meeting with faith in their child.

Topics for class parent meetings held according to the plan for the school year.

Meeting theme

Conduct form

Who conducts

Second class

"How to organize the educational work of a student"

Traditional collection

Classroom teacher

“Success in teaching younger students. Help him learn


Classroom teacher

"Ten Parenting Mistakes Everyone Ever Makes"


Classroom teacher

"About styles of family education"

Traditional collection

Classroom teacher

Used Books.

1. , . Parent meetings in elementary school (lectures, conversations, developments). Volgograd: Teacher, 2007

2. , . Parent meetings in elementary school. Volgograd: Teacher, 2006.

3. . Parent meetings in elementary school. Volgograd: Teacher, 2007.

4. , . Reference book of the psychologist of elementary school. Rostov-on-Don: Phoenix, 2008.

5. Internet resources.

6. Periodicals of the journal "Classroom Guide".

Parent meeting number 1.

Dates: September-October

Topic: How to organize the student's educational work

Target: to draw the attention of parents to the need for proper organization of the student's educational work.

Materials for the meeting

Assimilation of educational material in the Russian language, reading, mathematics and other academic subjects is quite difficult for modern children. Therefore, such an organization of the child's educational work is required, in which the necessary mental stress would give him not difficult, unpleasant experiences, but joy from the efforts, "discovery", comprehension of the new, previously unknown.

The lessons of reading, the Russian language, speech development, acquaintance with the outside world provide an opportunity to enrich children's ideas about people's relationships, acquaint them with the norms and rules of life in society, help the child form a moral ideal, which he tries to imitate.

In the first grade, the child learned (to one degree or another) to communicate with classmates, parents helped to master (again, to one degree or another) the specifics of a new activity - study.

We have seen that the unwillingness of parents to help their children in their studies leads to the most unpleasant consequences, among which one of the most important is the unwillingness to study.

But there is another area of ​​work that parents should not lose sight of when it comes to improving their child's learning. In the first grade, the child practically did not receive homework. Parents themselves could regulate: read to the child, practice writing additionally, or be satisfied with what was done in the class. In the second grade, the student already receives homework that needs to be completed, and this falls entirely on the family, because the teacher can only help with advice: this is the development of the habit of rigorous and systematic preparation of lessons. No matter how good the weather is, no matter what an interesting TV show, no matter whose birthday is celebrated. Often there is a situation that causes the smile of the teacher and the laughter of comrades. When asked why he didn’t do his homework, the student gives a very “touching” answer: “Mom had a birthday.” Or: “We had guests yesterday,” etc. In short, no matter what happens, the lessons must always be done and done well. In ancient Rome, there was a good proverb: "Justice must be done, even if the world perishes!" With the same rigor with which, according to the ancient Romans, justice should have been administered, the child should be taught to prepare his homework. There is no justification for unprepared lessons and there cannot be - this must be made clear to the little schoolboy from his first steps in the field of study.

It would not be an exaggeration to say that this moment is perhaps the most important among the preventive measures taken by parents so that the child does not develop an unwillingness to learn. Indeed, if the habit of studying is firmly developed in him, if it really becomes, as they say, second nature, then where does a steady unwillingness to study come from? There is simply no ground left for him. Difficulties in learning are likely to be, like most schoolchildren, but they will not outgrow in unwillingness to learn. That is why forming such a habit is of paramount importance.

Let's talk about how this is achieved. In the first grade, it was already discussed that it is very important even at preschool age to teach a child, when necessary, to do what is required, and not what he wants. Now let's talk about the second grader. The general line of behavior of parents here is, in principle, clear. If we set ourselves the goal of teaching a child to wash his neck or brush his teeth, despite the fact that he does not like it much, then we simply make him do this every morning, day after day, for several years, until both will not become a habit until he himself begins to properly wash and brush his teeth, not because adults demand it, but because, without doing this, he feels out of place. It's the same with studying. We should not be surprised (this has already been said) that home lessons arouse no more enthusiasm in the baby than the upcoming washing of the neck in a three-year-old child. However, if in relation to washing and other hygiene skills, parents are always ready to insist on their own, then when the question of preparing lessons is on the agenda, they often make all sorts of concessions and indulgences. Doing homework tasks in during the day several times at the request of the student is transferred and postponed. Often it is thus transferred to the very evening, when there is simply little time left for him, as the time for supper and bed is approaching. The desire to take a longer walk, play with friends, watch an interesting program is perceived by parents as a well-founded reason for postponing lessons “for later”. As a result, the student is taken to homework tired, overexcited, distracted, and in addition, even in a situation of "time pressure".

Of course, this attitude to homework is simply unacceptable. It instills in the student an attitude to the lessons, if not entirely as something optional, then, in any case, as a matter of secondary importance. Is it surprising that after this he will not understand the frustrations and chagrins of adults about his failures in these minor things?

Is it surprising that, faced with the very first difficulties in studying, he does not want to strain himself for the sake of secondary matters, and since at the same time they begin to become a source of more and more grief, in the end, he will dislike study?

The development of the habit of rigorous homework must be accompanied by the development of an approach to the lessons as an important and serious matter that causes a respectful attitude on the part of adults. With this, perhaps, we should start. But it is not uncommon to observe families where a mother considers it possible to interrupt her son’s or daughter’s classes several times, then to offer to take out the trash, then send her to the store for bread, not to mention the fact that they always interrupt if lunch or dinner is warmed up. Similarly, dad, fascinated by TV, offers to watch an interesting program “In the Animal World”, and only then finish his homework. It can be difficult to convince parents that in this way they educate their child about lessons as an unimportant and secondary matter: it turns out that it is better to go to the garbage chute or to the store than to develop in the child the idea that lessons come first in the “hierarchy” of household chores and responsibilities.

Those parents who make it clear from the very beginning that, in terms of their importance, the lessons are on the same level with the most serious matters that parents are busy with, are doing the right thing: for example, they go to work on time, do not miss it without particularly good reasons.

Giving lessons a preferred status becomes especially effective when two conditions are met.

The first of them: Even at preschool age, the child is accustomed to the fact that when parents are busy, they should not be disturbed.

Second condition contributing to the increase of this importance is the development in the family of respect for mental work. The child should be familiar with this at an early age. Studying is, after all, mental work par excellence.

The question arises: how to educate in their children respect for mental work. Even a simple reading of the newspaper by the parents should not be interrupted by all sorts of requests from the child - he sees that the parents are reading, they are discussing some important matters for them. You can often notice that reading a book by a mother is not perceived by a child as a rest or an activity, he distracts her, makes noise, draws attention to herself, demands something. This is where it is worth explaining to parents that simply reading a book requires attention and that it is very bad, if you distract from reading, the essence of what you read may not be clear.

A very important point in developing the habit of rigor in classes is a clear setting of the time for them. Classes must always start at the same time. Only some extraordinary circumstances can cause a shift in class time.

Such a requirement is by no means bureaucratically formal in nature, as it may seem at first glance. The neuropsychic organization of a 7-8-year-old child is quite plastic, but at the same time quite fragile. The child is easily accepted to fulfill the requirements addressed to him, but at the same time, it is difficult for him to make any adjustments and alterations within these innovations that introduce an element of uncertainty. The child relatively easily accepts a change in his position in connection with entering school, in particular, the need to engage in such an unpleasant task as preparing lessons. But he almost always experiences a state of discomfort, often leading to a negative attitude towards the classes themselves, if today he is required to prepare lessons almost immediately after coming from school, tomorrow a walk is wedged in between returning home and these lessons, and the day after tomorrow they are postponed for the most evening before the return of dad or mom from work.

Here it is necessary to keep in mind the following. The most difficult period is the period of inclusion in work. It is not easy even for an adult to force oneself to take on it, and then to force oneself to work with full dedication of one's strength. Remember how we start to play for time, postponing “for later”, finding all sorts of supposedly necessary things, just to postpone the start of unpleasant work. How often, when we finally get down to it, we experience internal irritation, we spend our strength not so much on the work itself, but on overcoming this irritation. And at the same time, we all well understand that, no matter how unpleasant the work, as we continue to do it, overcoming our discontent, this irritation gradually fades away. We, as they say, are drawn into the work, and then we carry it out without any coercion, without violence against ourselves. Often even with awakened interest.

All of the above is very typical for a child. For him, too, the most difficult and unpleasant is the initial period of work. So, the constancy of the time allotted for classes, to a very large extent, contributes to the fact that the period of inclusion in work is as short and light as possible. Specially conducted studies have shown that a schoolchild who has a fixed time for classes, by the corresponding hour, has a state of special predisposition to mental work. He loses the desire to continue playing, walking, there is something like slight anxiety and not too strong, but still quite distinct feeling: "It's time to take lessons." What comes into play in the language of psychology is called the developed attitude. With this attitude, the child practically does not have to overcome himself or force himself, taking up lessons. The formed attitude allows to reduce to almost zero a particularly painful period of being drawn into work.

It is clear that a student who does not have a constant time for classes, such an attitude simply cannot be developed. The initial period during which it is necessary to fight with oneself, until a gradual involvement in work takes place, can be very extended for him. Often it turns out to be longer than the period of productive work following it, which flows without self-coercion. Is it surprising that such a student begins to remember the lessons as torment? And the longer the student takes time, the longer will be the period of entry into the work. The negative impression from the classes will intensify even more, the desire to delay them too, and then the process will go in a circle, gaining more and more strength. Is it any wonder that the result of this is a persistent aversion to lessons and an unwillingness to learn?

The second point, which is just as important for developing the habit of rigorous task preparation, is the following. It is necessary that the student has a permanent place to complete the lessons. Those parents who, along with a school uniform, a portfolio, textbooks and notebooks, acquire at least a small table and a shelf for books are doing the right thing.

If living conditions do not allow for a separate desk for the child, then you need to allocate some permanent place for him to always keep books and notebooks there, and it was not necessary to shift them back and forth several times a day. If this is not possible either, then it is necessary at least to set the time that is allocated to him for preparing lessons at the common table. And no one should at this time interfere with him or distract him from his studies. It is ridiculous to separate half of the table, and cook dinner on the second grandmother: traces of "pancakes" will be all over the notebook! Some parents argue: does it matter where he does his homework, we so they sat down with him in the kitchen, I cook dinner, and he is under supervision. No, it doesn't matter! The fact is that for every person, and for a younger student, due to the already mentioned age characteristics, an attitude is necessarily developed not only for a certain time, but also for a certain place for work. When it has become familiar, it is enough to sit down at the usual table, as there is a desire to get to work.

Both of these installations thus act in the same direction - minimizing the most unpleasant and difficult stage. classes , namely the period of involvement in work.

Thus, it cannot be denied that it is very important to teach a child to study, without being distracted by extraneous matters, in a collected manner and at a good pace. This should also be taught to him by his elders. Without their help, only a few children are capable of cultivating these qualities in themselves.

Usually, younger students have two types of distractions: 1) the game - now the game is electronic; the game the so-called "non-recouped" children: in soldiers, in cars, in the details of the designer, but you never know such very interesting games. At the same time, the child is drawn into the game imperceptibly. At first, I just wanted to remove the toy so that it would not interfere, then something attracted attention, suppose the doll does not sit well, etc. As a result, the child is drawn into the game;

2) a business occasion, let's call it that. Then the pencil needs to be sharpened and urgently, insert the rod into the pen, there is a search for a notebook, a textbook, you want to drink here or go to the toilet - and the more there are all kinds of such distractions, the more painful the next time you remember what you need to do.

For a child, for whom frequent distractions have become commonplace, work never leaves the initial unpleasant phase. Is it any wonder that he begins to regard the preparation of lessons as a torment awaiting him and slowly hate them?

To avoid this, a clear rule should be established: before the start of classes, everything that has nothing to do with them should be removed from the table, and everything that is needed for work should be prepared. If home conditions allow, then it is better not to use a table intended for classes at all for anything else - neither for games, nor for cutting and gluing, etc. It is good to establish a clear and permanent order on the desktop that does not change every day.

Less dangerous at first and less noticeable to parents is the developing habit of doing half-heartedly. Such children do not seem to be distracted by anything else, but their thoughts flow lazily, constantly interrupted and, because of this, constantly returning to what has already been passed. And this increases the time for preparing homework. The baby does not have time for a walk, for games. And the child begins to be burdened by the lessons. Therefore, it is necessary to fit in 1.5-2 hours when preparing homework.

From all that has been said, we can see how important it is not to miss the moment when the desire to learn is just being laid in children, when the child is imbued with the desire to be ahead of everyone. With an attentive and thoughtful attitude of parents towards their children, the appearance of this difficult phenomenon - unwillingness to learn - can be completely prevented. But; Regrettably, it happens that the necessary measures were not taken in time and the child, as they say, was overlooked, but this could not have happened!


Let's talk about what worries you, if a similar situation has arisen, we will decide together what can be done “step by step”.

What and how to help the child?

What else would you like to talk about? What worries you?

Be sure to announce the date of the next parent meeting so that parents can not plan or reschedule their other affairs on this day.

Parent Meeting #2

Dates: November-December

Topic: The success of the primary school student. Help him learn (workshop)

Discuss the difficulties that arise in the learning process, their causes;

Show the importance of developing the cognitive sphere in younger students;

Participants: class teacher, parents of second grade students, school psychologist.

Preparatory work:

1. Diagnosis of the level of formation of cognitive
processes (memory, thinking, attention, imagination).

2. Selection of games for the workshop, preparation of sheets with their descriptions.

3. Invitation of a school psychologist to participate in a parent meeting.

Decoration, equipment and supplies:

1) playing places for three groups of parents - participants in the workshop (tables with album sheets attached to them
him, red and green, paper, pens, pencils);

2) tables for games, ball;

3) writing on the board the topic of the meeting, epigraph:

If a child succeeds in school, he has every chance of success in life.

W. Glasser

4) Sheets with descriptions of games.

Proceedings of the meeting

I. Organizational part.

Music sounds. Parents voluntarily take seats in the audience at the “blue”, “red” and “green” tables, as a result of which three working groups of meeting participants are formed.

The class teacher greets the parents, opens the meeting, announces its topic, emphasizes its relevance, giving examples from the press and pedagogical practice about the problem of pedagogical support and assistance to children in their studies, in acquiring life experience.

Classroom teacher. In the dictionary of the Russian language, the word "success" is considered in three meanings: as luck in achieving something, as public recognition, and as good results in work, study and other types of socially useful activities.

Success is realized by a person in the process of acquiring social experience and is achieved by him through his efforts and diligence.

With regard to primary school age, the success of upbringing and education can be spoken of as some achievements of the child in socially significant activities (study) and their recognition by other participants in the educational process (teachers, parents, reference group).

Crossing the threshold of the school, the child turns from a preschooler into a student, which means that his social status changes, for the first time in his life he becomes a member of society, endowed with specific responsibilities. The teacher acts as a representative of society: he orients the child in how to behave, what and how to do. Every student wants to be successful: get good grades, make new friends in the class, etc. Having such a conscious desire in school life is a prerequisite for achieving the desired success, receiving approval and support from significant people. In this case, the productivity of helping the child on the part of the teacher and the family increases significantly.

school, university ... (educational institutions);

mathematics, history ... (school subjects);

Asia, Africa...(parts of the world), etc.

Game 6

Target: develop the ability to distribute attention, enrich vocabulary and expand knowledge about the world around us with information about the rivers of the world.

Exercise. The names of the rivers of the world are written in the cells. Find them. The names can be read in cells, both horizontally and vertically.

Answers: Mississippi, Lena, Odra, Oka, Ural, Rhine, Rhone, Vistula, Amu Darya, Missouri, Main, Volga, Irtysh, Ob, Dnieper, Seine, Parana, Don.

Game 7. Anagrams.

Target: train logical thinking, especially the ability to analyze and synthesize; enrich vocabulary; expand horizons.

Description. From the given words, by rearranging the letters, you need to make the name of an animal, bird or plant. All letters must be used.

1) Arab + mind

6) pen + fret

11) so + bough

2) lira + goal

7) spruce + gas

12) lesson + sneaker

3) fa + fat

8) grade + Alba

13) fa + dwarf + silt

4) linden + note

5) tank + boom

9) face + foam

10) before + rabbit

14) skin + raven

Answers: marabou, gorilla, giraffe, antelope, bamboo, leopard, gazelle, albatross, pelican, crocodile, cactus, partridge, flamingo, lark, puma.

The class teacher summarizes the results of the workshop. Small prizes are awarded to the winning team and the most active parents.

V. Final stage. Discussion and decision-making of the parent meeting in the form of recommendations to parents.

1) It is necessary to pay attention to the development of the following mental operations in children: generalization, identification of essential features of objects and phenomena, establishment of logical relationships between concepts.

2) Use special developmental exercises to correct voluntary attention.

3) To enrich the vocabulary of children, it is recommended to focus on reading, to use modern terms and concepts of scientific, cultural and socio-political content more often in speech, to give explanations to them, to repeat them many times; if necessary, together with the child, seek help from the family library.

4) Use various popular developmental literature to organize activities with children (arrange children's morning performances, family traditional holidays, joint classes on weekends, etc., various games and exercises).

2. A moment of gratitude.

Classroom teacher. Today it is important to teach children to resist stressful situations, not to become discouraged in case of "failures. From an early age, they need to be educated to be cheerful, optimistic, develop the ability not to be afraid of feasible work, the ability to communicate with peers and adults, the desire to be a competitive person in a reforming society while remaining humane.

Elementary school is the whole world! The years spent in the first 4 classes should remain in the memory of a person as a time of familiarization with adult life, in which everything was for the first time - both victories and defeats. It is important that there be more victories, and defeats would not leave injuries for the rest of their lives, but only expand the life and humanistic horizons of a person - a citizen of the new Russia.

We thank you for your active participation in the meeting and wish you success in the education and upbringing of children.

Parent Meeting #3

Dates: February - March.

Topic: Ten Parenting Mistakes Everyone Has Ever Made (Workshop).

Consider typical mistakes in raising children;

Members: class teacher, parents of second grade students, school psychologist.

Preparatory work:

1. Invitation of a school teacher-psychologist to participate in a parent-teacher meeting.

2. Development and compilation, together with a psychologist, of a memo to parents on the topic of the meeting.

3. The study of pedagogical literature on the topic of the meeting.

4 . Selection of pedagogical tasks for the workshop with

5 . Equipping workplaces for three microgroups of parents.


2) ten envelopes with pedagogical tasks;

3) equipped workplaces;

4) test "What kind of educator are you?";

5) record on the board of the topic of the meeting, epigraph:

Forgive others a lot, nothing for yourself.

Publius Cyrus

Proceedings of the meeting

I. Organizational part.

Parents take places in the classroom, equipped for the work of three microgroups.

The chairman of the parent committee and the class teacher meet the parents and invite them to sit comfortably, feel comfortable and relaxed.

The class teacher opens the meeting, announces its topic and the reasons that prompted a parent meeting on this topic.

II. Fulfillment of the task by parents "Continue the phrase."

Classroom teacher. I suggest you, dear parents, continue the following phrase: “Education is ...” (Time to complete the task is 3 minutes.)

After the specified time, the representatives of each group read aloud the continued phrase collectively. The class teacher summarizes the opinions of the meeting participants.

III. The message of the school psychologist teacher on the topic "The role predetermined for the child by adults."

Today we will consider the mistakes of education, made by adults mainly subconsciously, sometimes even with a deep conviction that they are doing good to the child. Sometimes an adult remembers that this is how he himself was brought up. And he argues as follows: “After all, they “chased” me and even beat me in childhood, but they made me a man!”

Often in the family, the child fulfills the role predetermined for him by adults.

Conventionally, the following roles of children in the family are distinguished:

1) "family idol";

2) "treasure";

2) sorry;

3) admit your mistake, explain that adults can
make mistakes.

4. The child overwhelms you with questions, requests, and you, tired, ...

1) cut it off: “Give me a break from you for at least a minute!”;

2) answer without thinking seriously, just to answer;

3) explain that you are very tired and ask to reschedule the conversation
at another time, immediately appointing an hour.

5. The child asks for help in writing an essay. How are you

1) Write a draft, he will only have to rewrite the essay.

2) Strictly say: "Work yourself, only then you can learn something."

3) You will help to choose a topic, pick up literature, and offer to write on your own.

6. “Mommy, I beg you, let's get some fish,” asks the son or
daughter. What will you answer?

1) No way. This will take you a lot of time.

2) “Well then, go ahead if you want to. I'll help you take care of the aquarium."

3) “Think first: have you foreseen everything, is your aspiration serious? If yes, then I will buy fish, but remember that only you will have to take care of the aquarium.

Classroom teacher. If you chose the answer under the number 3 all six times), then you are a good educator and psychologist.

If you “guessed” half, you need to reconsider your beliefs in some way.

If even less, you will have to seriously think about your methods of raising a child.

V. Practicum for parents "Ten mistakes in parenting that everyone has ever made."

Educational psychologist. All parents raise their children to the best of their ability and understanding of life and rarely think about why in certain situations they act this way and not otherwise. However, every mother has moments in her life when the behavior of her beloved child puzzles her. Or maybe the adults themselves, using radical methods of education, do something that makes them ashamed later. You are not alone in your mistakes, all parents make them from time to time. But it's always better to learn from someone else's mistakes, isn't it?

Each microgroup of parents receives two pedagogical tasks with a description of everyday situations in which mistakes were made in raising children.

It is necessary to correct mistakes and answer the question: what would you do?

After a joint discussion, representatives of each microgroup acquaint the parents of the class with the content of the pedagogical situation and its solution (they give an answer to the question posed).

Pedagogical task 1 .

Why do children so often argue about any of our requests? Maybe they do it to spite us? How to be? Call for common sense? Yes, they just do not hear what adults tell them. Threaten? It doesn't work anymore. In such cases, many use a kind of trump card: "Now mommy will no longer love you." How often many of us have said this phrase!


The promise to never love your baby again is one of the most powerful means of parenting. However, this threat is usually not carried out. And children perfectly feel falseness. Having deceived once, you can lose the trust of the child for a long time - the baby will perceive you as deceitful people.

It is much better to say this: "I will still love you, but I do not approve of your behavior."

Pedagogical task 2.

Why stress? Arguing, looking for arguments, proving something to the baby, getting nervous? The child must learn to solve his own problems. And in general, the child must be prepared for adulthood, let him soon become independent. And leave us alone.


Never show your child that you don't care what he does. The baby, sensing your indifference, will immediately begin to check how "real" it is. And, most likely, the test will consist in committing acts that are inherently bad. The child waits to see whether criticism will follow or not. In a word, a vicious circle. Therefore, instead of ostentatious indifference, it is better to try to establish friendly relations with the child, even if his behavior does not suit you at all.

You can say, for example, like this: “You know, I completely disagree with you on this issue. But I want to help you because I love you. Anytime you need it, you can ask me for advice."

Pedagogical task 3.

Children must obey their elders unquestioningly - this is the most important principle in education. Discussions are not allowed here. It doesn't matter how old the child is - 6 or 16 years old. Children should not be given concessions, otherwise they will finally sit on our necks.


Children must understand why and why they do something. Too strict upbringing, based on principles that are not always clear to the child, resembles training. A child can unquestioningly do everything when you are around, and "spit" on all prohibitions when you are not around. Persuasion is better than rigor. If necessary, you can say this: “Now you are doing as I say, and in the evening we will calmly discuss why and why” make the child happy, and the realization that he is “the most - the most ...” for you.

Pedagogical task 4.

Many adults dreamed of doing ballet, learning to play the piano or playing tennis as children, but they never had the opportunity. And now the main goal of dads and moms is to give children the best education. It does not matter if the kids do not really want this - time will pass, and they will appreciate the efforts of adults.


Unfortunately, children do not always appreciate the efforts of their parents. And often a brilliant future, drawn by adults in their imagination, is shattered by the complete unwillingness of the child to engage in, say, music. While the baby is still small, he obeys adults, but then, wanting to break out of the cage of parental love, he begins to protest in the ways available to him - it can be drug use, or just a hobby for hard rock at night. Therefore, filling the child's day with necessary and useful activities, do not forget to leave him some time for personal affairs.

Pedagogical task 5 .

Many adults believe that caresses in childhood can lead to sexual orientation problems later on. In short, no hugs and kisses - there are more necessary and serious things.


Children of all ages crave affection, it helps them feel loved and gives them self-confidence. But remember, the desire to caress should still, in most cases, come from the child himself. Do not force your love on children too actively - this can alienate them.

Pedagogical task 6.

Troubles at work, bad relationships in the family... How often adults "let off steam" on a child. Many people believe that there is nothing to worry about. It is enough then to caress the baby and buy a long-promised toy, and everything will be in order.


Parents should show the kid that they are pleased with his good deeds and upset bad ones. This creates in children a consciousness of the steadfastness of life values. When adults, for the sake of their egoism and mood, allow something today, and prohibit it tomorrow, the child can understand only one thing: it doesn’t matter what I do, the main thing is what mood my mother has. However, if you feel that you cannot change yourself, it is better to agree with the child in advance: “So, when I am in a good mood, you will not be allowed to do whatever you want. And if it’s bad, try to be lenient with me.”

VI. The final stage. Discussion and decision-making of the parent meeting in the form of a memo for parents.

Memo-advice to parents

"ABC of Education"

Never tell your child that you won't love him.

1. Don't be indifferent.

2. There should not be too much strictness in education.

3. Don't spoil the kids.

5. Do not impose any particular

6. A good upbringing does not depend on the amount of money.

7. Do not build "Napoleonic" plans.

8. Show affection to your children, show them your love.

9. Raising and communicating with a child should not depend on your mood.

10. Make time for your child every day, be open to communication with the child.

Parent Meeting #4

Dates: April - May.

Topic: About styles of family education

Target: talk to parents about parenting styles.

Materials for the meeting

Under the style of family education, psychologists mean those ways of influencing adults on children that have the greatest impact on the mental development of the child and the development of his personality: the attitude of parents towards the child, the nature of control over his actions, methods of making demands, forms of encouragement and punishment. Most of all, in psychology, the influence on the development of the child's personality of the relationship of parents and the nature of control has been studied.

Parents who give their children a certain independence, treat them with warmth and respect, apply a minimum of punishment, often give children the opportunity to regulate their own behavior - this democratic parents. They bring up socially adapted, independent children, active, creative, able to cooperate with other children.

Authoritarian parents demand from their children unquestioning obedience, observance of order, submission to traditions and authorities. If authoritarianism is combined with the coldness of parents, this causes in children a desire for self-affirmation, aggressiveness, and conflict. Such children hardly adapt to new conditions.

Parents who treat their children with warmth, but control every step, take care of them, grow up dependent, indecisive, unsociable, infantile, self-centered children.

If parents are indifferent to children, do not give them any warmth or attention, do not control them, such children may have serious behavioral disorders up to illegal actions. Among juvenile delinquents there are many children whose position in the family can be characterized as neglected.

The problem of parental control has been widely discussed lately, and this is really not an easy question. According to the researchers of family education, control is necessary for a child of any age, because there can be no purposeful education outside the control of adults. The child is lost in the world around him, among people, things and rules. At the same time, control conflicts with the child's need for independence. Adult supervision is necessary for development in the child's own control over his actions, but at the same time he should not suppress the personality of the child.

The difficulty of educating a child's ability to control his behavior lies in the fact that an adult is faced with the task of finding developmental control that would correspond to the child's age, would not infringe on his need to be protected, and at the same time would encourage him to be independent.

American psychologists believe that, as opposed to directive overwhelming control (“do as I say”), which is used by authoritarian parents, it is effective to apply instructive control.

Instructive control would be properly called "offering help": "Maybe you will do as I suggest." Instructional control is applied by democratic parents. It develops in children initiative diligence, self-discipline.

Obviously, the type of control is naturally related to the attitude of parents towards children. Respecting the personality of the child, his own position, the adult sees his task in participating in the child's activities, directing his behavior. If an adult considers himself the owner of a small person, he seeks to control him, dictate to him.

According to the results research, experience psychologists-practitioners, in the families of younger schoolchildren, discipline-oriented education prevails as a variant of the authoritarian one. If you ask discipline-oriented parents what they blame and punish their children for, it turns out that the parents' attention is focused on the children's observance of order and on their school marks. Disciplined parents care little if their child is kind, helpful, or willing to give up their own pleasure for another person.

Discipline-Oriented Parents Are Not Always Cold or Indifferent to your child. As a rule, they are not they know how to show their warmth to the child or are inconsistent in expressing their feelings: either they caress the children, or they shout at them. Majority our parents in modern social conditions just like that relates to his children. As they say, "according to the method of a stick, and a carrot."

This kind of upbringing is especially pronounced in the way parents of younger students do lessons with them.

The modern system of primary education is such that the whole family is included in the education of the child. Some parents check the lessons. Others make them with them. Preparing and checking lessons is the main source of conflict between parents and younger students. If the children did their homework incorrectly, parents do their best to “squeeze” out of the child independent actions aimed at eliminating mistakes. Children respond to parental pressure with a variety of tricks: crying, unexpected "stupidity", helplessness.

If the children do not want to learn, they hardly concentrate their attention during the teacher's explanation or the preparation of lessons, this is often due to excessive strictness and exactingness of parents. Authoritarian parents create in children an anxious attitude towards grades, praise or blame of the teacher.

Parents who are ready to help, patient and indulgent to mistakes, quickly achieve independence of the younger student in preparing lessons. A child of this age needs the support of elders and the belief that if today he cannot do something, then tomorrow he will definitely succeed.

Where traditions of authoritarian upbringing reign, parents are convinced that they have the right to a child - to punish him at their discretion, limit his freedom, impose their tastes on him, control his friendly affections.

Do we understand children today? Do we respect their rights? Are we able to give them freedom? Are we not afraid of the very word "freedom"?

freedom is the right to have oneself. Own yourself. The relentless control of parents over the actions of the child, his sympathies and even thoughts excludes the possibility of freedom for the child. Moreover, it excludes trust. Distrust on the part of adults gives rise to a child's reciprocal distrust of adults. In conditions of distrust and limited freedom, the search activity of boys is suppressed, disciplinary control extinguishes the initiative and imagination of a gifted child.

The issue of control and the freedom provided, their role in the development of the child is a problem not only of family, but also of public education. Our efforts are aimed at ensuring that the behavior of children is in line with the general routine as much as possible. Adults stop any non-standard forms of behavior of children that go beyond the manifestation of individuality.

It has long been noticed that the more strictly the adult world prescribes the laws of obedience to the children's world, the more audaciously the children's world responds with disobedience.


Let's now talk about what kind of parenting style you have in your family.

Do you agree with what we talked about today, or do you have other views on raising a child in a family?

Let's go back to childhood for a while, remember ourselves.

Do you listen to me when...

You quietly enter my world without disturbing it.

You really try to understand me, even when what I say doesn't make much sense.

You understand my point of view when it contradicts your deep convictions.

You understand that after the hour that I took from you, you are a little tired and feel a little empty.

You restrained yourself and did not immediately interrupt me with the story that you so wanted to tell me.

You have maintained my self-esteem by giving me the opportunity to make my own decision, despite the fact that you felt that I was wrong.

You were going to solve my problem for me, but you trusted me by letting me solve it my way.

You have given me enough space to understand why I was so upset and enough time for me to decide what is the best thing to do.

You restrained your desire to give me wise advice.

You accepted my gratitude, saying that you were pleased to hear that you could help me.

You don't listen to me when...

You are indifferent to me, and remain indifferent until you learn something about me that deserves your attention.

You say you understand before you know me well enough.

You already have the solution to my problem before I can tell you what it is.

You interrupted me before I had even finished speaking.

You don't like the grammatical errors in my speech and my accent.

You are simultaneously talking to someone else who is in our room.

You burst with impatience to tell me something or correct me.

You don't like my emotionally charged and harsh words.

You are trying to understand the details and do not see the feelings behind my words.

You feel that my problem may cause you embarrassment and avoid it.

You are so excited and aroused by what I am talking about that you are ready to immediately express your reaction before I invite you to do so.

You have a need to feel that you have succeeded.

You talk about your own experience, and that makes my experience seem irrelevant.

You don't accept my thanks by saying that you didn't actually do anything.

Based on the results of the answers to this questionnaire, it can be determined whether the principle of raising children is chosen correctly.

And I want to end our meeting with these words Janusz Korczak: "... the child has the right to be who he is, this is his right today."

Thank you!

Questionnaire for parents.

Can you:

1. At any time, leave all your affairs and take care of the child?

2. To consult with the child, despite his age?

3. Confess to the child in the mistake made in relation to him?

4. Apologize to your child if you were wrong?

6. Put yourself in the shoes of a child?

7. Believe for a moment that you are a good fairy or a handsome prince?

8. Tell your child an instructive incident from childhood that casts you in a bad light?

9. Always refrain from words and expressions that can hurt the child?

10. Promise a child to fulfill his wish for good behavior?

I. Give the child one day when he can do what he wants, and you do not interfere in anything?

12. Would you react if your child hit, pushed or unfairly offended another child?

13. Resist tears, whims, requests, if you know that this is a whim?

Answer options:

a) I can and always do - 3 points;

b) I can, but I don't always do it - 2 points;

c) I can't - 1 point.

From 30 points to 39 points- you adhere to the correct principles of education.

16 to 30 points- your method of education is a stick and a carrot.

Less than 16 points- you do not have pedagogical skills and desire to raise a child.

1. Introduction.

2. Technology for preparing and holding parent meetings.

2.1. General provisions

2.2. Cool parent meeting

2.3. Meeting rules.

2.4. Principles of holding a parent meeting.

3. The structure of the parent meeting.

4. How can a teacher communicate with parents?

5. Meeting preparation.

6. Topics for parent-teacher conferences.

7. Application

Forms of parent meetings.

The following forms of parent meetings can be distinguished:

  1. The meeting is a conversation.

One of the interpretations of the word "conversation" is "official conversation". This is how a parent-teacher meeting should be perceived in the form of a conversation. There is an official conversation between the teacher and parents on this topic.

A conversation is a traditional form of holding parent-teacher meetings. The conversation is of great importance in the educational plan. The conversation is best used for preventive purposes, preventing possible conflict situations. Good conversation to build relationships between parents and children and between parents and teachers. Meeting-conversation helps to create a trusting atmosphere, to identify problem points in relationships. The structure of such a meeting, as a rule, consists of a short speech by the teacher, a dialogue between the teacher and parents, and a debriefing.

  1. Assembly discussion.

The interpretation of the word "discussion" is the discussion of an issue at a meeting or in a conversation. Thus, the discussion is part of the conversation.

This form of holding a parent meeting can be used if there is a need to discuss any controversial issue, any controversial problem of raising and educating children. In this case, the teacher's speech at the meeting is reduced, and most of the time is devoted to discussion and analysis of different points of view.

Meeting - discussion allows parents to participate in the discussion of the most important problems of upbringing and education of children, contributing to the formation of the ability to analyze the problem from different points of view. The discussion begins after an introductory speech by the teacher or other specialist, in which the topic under discussion is indicated. As a rule, after the end of the discussion, the opinion of experts is heard in order to analyze the different points of view expressed during the discussion, and only then sums up the meeting.

  1. Round table.

A round table is, in fact, a meeting-conversation at which opinions are exchanged on special issues with the participation of various specialists. In order to justify this form of holding the meeting, the participants of the meeting may sit at the "round" table. Psychologists, social educators, a doctor, a speech therapist, representatives of the parent and pedagogical community, and the school administration can be invited to a parent meeting held in the form of a round table. This form of meeting allows you to discuss any pressing issues, learn the opinions of all participants in the meeting.

  1. The meeting is a conference.

A conference meeting is an extended parent meeting. The conference is held with the participation of representatives of various organizations (children's polyclinic, commission for minors, counseling psychological centers, traffic police, etc.) that are of interest to parents, school administration, psychologists, social teachers. Parents have the opportunity to hear competent answers from professionals.

A feature of the meeting-conference is that it makes certain decisions and can determine a set of measures for the implementation of decisions.

At parent meetings-conferences, the problems of society are most often discussed, of which students will become active members. These may be the problems of drunkenness and drugs, sexual education in the family, the problems of religion in society and its role in the upbringing of the younger generation, and others.

Parent conferences should be prepared thoroughly, with the obligatory involvement of conference participants. You can first conduct sociological or psychological research on the problem of the conference and analyze them, and then use the results of the research during the conference. Parents, as active participants in the conferences, can also prepare an analysis of the problem from the standpoint of their own experience.

  1. Press conference.

A press conference is an officially convened meeting of representatives of the press: press, radio, television to provide any information or answer questions. Why not organize a meeting of the editorial board of the school newspaper, school radio album with participation in the presence of parents to prepare school news releases? Or not to interview the school "press" from specialists who are of interest to parents?

  1. Meeting-seminar (workshop)

Seminar - group practical classes under the guidance of a teacher. At the parent meeting, held in the form of a seminar, the teacher acts as a teacher, and parents act as students who collectively try to solve a particular task in a practical way. Conducting a parent meeting in the form of a seminar requires preliminary “theoretical” work with parents. It is advisable to give informational materials to parents so that at the meeting they can not only discuss ways to solve the problem, but also learn how to apply the information received in practice.

  1. Meeting-training.

Training is a training system. Parent trainings can hardly be attributed to meetings. This is an active form of work with a small group of parents, consisting of 10-12 people who want to change or improve interaction with the child, make him more trusting. In order for the training to be effective, both parents must actively participate in it. In addition, trainings should be regular and include 5-8 sessions. Parent training is usually carried out by a psychologist..

  1. The meeting is an organizational and activity game.

An organizational-activity, or business, game is a type of activity when the problem posed is solved during the game, and its participants try on different roles and try to see the problem through the eyes of different people. During the game, participants look for ways and means of solving the problem by uniting in groups, for example, "children", "school administration", "teachers", "parents", "experts". Each group prepares their analysis of the problem and outlines a solution. As a result of the collective analysis of the problem, one or more solutions are found.

  1. Pedagogical workshop.

A workshop is, everyone knows, a place where masters of their craft work. The teacher can organize a parent meeting in the form of a pedagogical workshop, where "masters" - parents, "masters" - teachers will share their skills, show pedagogical techniques that contribute to the development of the child's personality. Participants of the workshop can try on certain roles, which will help reveal their creative abilities.

  1. Meeting-competition.

The name of such a parent meeting says that it will be a competition of someone or something, for example, fathers, ideas, or works, or family achievements in order to identify the best participants. At the parent meeting, it is advisable to listen to stories about how such success was achieved. Of course, during the competition, a jury works and selects the winners. For example, you can hold a competition "Dad, Mom, I am a Reading Family", during which parents will get acquainted with the experience of family education in a child's interest in reading.

  1. Meeting-presentation.

Presentation, or public presentation of something new, recently created with an unusual experience of family education, with non-traditional teaching methods, with new healing methods, newly created publications, teaching aids and others. It is desirable to conduct presentations with the involvement of psychologists, lawyers, doctors and other specialists.

  1. Oral journal.

A magazine is, as everyone knows, a periodical publication in the form of a book containing works by various authors, scientific articles, notes, humor, tests, illustrations, useful tips and much more. At the parent meeting, you can “flip through” the pages of the oral journal, which is prepared in advance or directly during the meeting. Here the teacher, parents and students have a field for creativity.

  1. Evening of questions and answers.

It is a completely understandable form of holding a parent-teacher meeting. Parents prepare questions within the framework of the stated topic, and the participants of the meeting have to choose the most characteristic and interesting questions, select comprehensive answers to them or invite those specialists who can competently answer them.

  1. parent ring

The ring is a boxing ground, so the parent meeting in the form of a ring is a kind of competition. Here, for example, two families can compete, answering questions on pedagogical problems. Competing parents may have different positions, different opinions. The rest of the parent audience does not enter into controversy, but only supports with applause. Students of the class, parents, teachers can act as judges in parental rings.

  1. Intellectual marathon.

A marathon is any kind of long-term activity. Given this, a parent meeting in the form of an intellectual marathon can be planned if the problem discussed at the parent meeting requires a sufficiently long discussion, and if the teacher has enough information for this discussion. An intellectual marathon requires serious preparation.

  1. Talk show.

A talk show is interpreted as an interview with a famous person or group of people. Based on this, people of interest to parents who can help in solving pedagogical problems are invited to the parent meeting, held in the form of a talk show. At the same time, it should be borne in mind that the show is always a bright performance, designed for external effects.

  1. Living room

A parent meeting in the form of a living room is a rather interesting form of work with a parent team that unites parents well. This is a meeting-conversation with the inclusion of poetry, music, which create an atmosphere of celebration. Poetic and musical works are selected in such a way that they help in finding answers to the questions that their own child poses to parents. Living rooms can be held 2-3 times a year.

  1. Cafe.

The parent meeting, held in the form of a cafe, is very close in form to the living room. Only in the design of such a meeting, in addition to sounding music, there will be steaming tea in cups, sweets, fruits in vases, maybe dishes offered by parents for tasting.

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City (town):

Nizhnevartovsk, KhMAO-UGRA

1 .Why parent meetings are needed

Parent meetings are required:

To quickly obtain a variety of information about children. In this case, the class teacher needs to carefully consider and clearly formulate the questions to which he wants to get answers;

As installation, instructive meetings with changes in the life and activities of the class team, requirements for children, work schedule, etc. At such meetings, you can find out the opinion of parents about the issues submitted to the meeting;

To familiarize parents with the analysis of academic performance, attendance, the results of medical examinations, etc.

As advisory on career guidance, employment of children, employment in the system of additional education, vacation program.

As an emergency, emergency in an acute conflict situation, an extremely difficult case with any of the children.

As a joint discussion with students of fundamental issues

As meetings, lectures, psychological training, role-playing games on various topics and problems of education and training.

2.Organization and holding of parent meetings

Parent meeting: preparation and conduct

The parent meeting is the most important form of work of the class teacher with the student's family, a means of increasing the effectiveness of the educational process. However, in order for it to really fulfill its role, it must be properly prepared and carried out. Many parents complain that in modern educational institutions at meetings, class teachers, forgetting about the variety of functions of the class teacher, discuss only organizational and material and technical issues.

Parent meetings form not only the public opinion of parents, but also the parent team. In pedagogical practice, meetings are distinguished at which conversations are held on educational topics, parental consultations, results are summed up, etc. Parental meetings of a combined type are most effective. They conduct pedagogical education of parents, sum up the results of educational work over the past time, outline new goals and objectives for the next period.

Parent meetings are held to:

familiarization of parents with the content and organization of the educational process in an educational institution

psychological and pedagogical education, which can be expressed in informing parents about the characteristics of a particular age of children and the conditions for successful interaction with them, etc.;

involving parents in joint extracurricular activities with students (competitions, excursions, trips, etc.);

joint solution of organizational issues (nutrition, duty, discipline, etc.).

The choice of the type and form of the parent meeting depends on its subject and goals.

Among species can be distinguished:

organizational (dedicated, for example, to the upcoming long-distance excursion of children or preparation for a multi-day hike),

meetings according to the plan of psychological and pedagogical education (for example, a lecture with the involvement of a psychologist on the conditions for successful communication with adolescents),


discussion meetings on topical issues of the educational process,

final (quarter), etc.

Topics for parent meetings usually determined by teachers and can be discussed at the parent committee.

Parent meetings can also be divided into school-wide meetings, parallel meetings and classroom meetings.

School-wide parent meetings are usually held less frequently than class ones, once or twice a year, and then only if necessary. Dads and moms are introduced to the new statutory documents of the school, regulations in the field of education, the main directions, tasks and results of the work of the educational institution.

Meeting of Parents of a Certain Parallel can be held if it is necessary to discuss the most important problem, an issue that concerns only students of these classes (for example, a meeting of parents of senior classes, fathers and mothers of first graders).

Cool parent meetings are organized several times a year, usually at the end of a quarter, trimester, semester. They discuss the most important tasks of educational work in this class, plan educational work, determine the ways and methods of effective cooperation between the family and the school, sum up the work done.

3. How does the preparation for the parent meeting begin?

From the definition of its subject. Necessary topics are often reported by the administration, determined independently by teachers (class teacher, or subject teachers), proposed by parents.

It is very important to consult with the parents of children about what issues and problems they are interested in.

Often, parent meetings are reduced to a teacher's monologue, but parents should be actively involved in the discussion of educational and organizational problems. Meetings may be held in the form lectures (in the role of a lecturer - a teacher, psychologist, doctor), discussions, group work to discuss the most important issues of work, etc. Most often, the traditional form of holding parent-teacher meetings is used - the speech of the class teacher with his subsequent answers to questions from parents.

You should agree in advance with specialists who will help you conduct the meeting - subject teachers, social pedagogue, school psychologist, medical workers. It would be great if parents could be involved in the preparation of the meeting. If the plans include the speech of the parents, it is necessary at least in general terms to discuss the main theses, directions of the speech.

Having decided on the subject, form of holding and content of the meeting, it is necessary to prepare funds- illustrations, documents (for example, magazines, normative documents - the Charter of the educational institution, Rules of students). It is also important to set the time for the meeting and prepare the premises for it, taking care of its cleanliness, ventilation and providing places for all participants.

Information about the time and place of the meeting. It is required to notify parents in advance of the date, time and place of the meeting. This will allow them to adjust their plans and find time to visit. You can notify parents, for example, using the notification form below. The child in a few days will have to bring a notice to the teacher with the signature of the parents.

Keynote address at the meeting should not take much time - in the evening after work, most parents are unlikely to adequately perceive it. It is necessary to have a clear meeting plan- after the speech, set aside time for questions from parents, discussion of other topics. It is advisable to report the tricks of individual students to their parents individually (for example, in a conversation after a general meeting).

In order for parents to be good helpers from the very beginning, they must be actively involved in solving topical issues of the educational process, involved in extracurricular activities jointly with children. Parental committee, elected at parent meetings, is an important support for the class teacher. It is the members of the parent committee that will help the teacher solve many questions. At the meeting, after discussing organizational issues (nutrition, financial and material aspects of organizing extracurricular activities, preparing for exams, graduation parties, etc.), it is necessary to immediately determine the degree and forms of parental participation in solving these problems.

The teacher should not forget that the parent meeting, at which a personal meeting of the class teacher with the parents of his wards takes place, is an important means of forming the opinion of fathers and mothers about the school, the teachers whom they trust their child. The meeting should be carefully prepared, thoroughly thinking through its methodology and content.

4. Methodological recommendations for preparing and holding a parent meeting

1. The meeting is organized once a month or a quarter, depending on the age of the children and the characteristics of the class. The meeting must start at the fixed time. Parents get used to this requirement and try to stick to it. The maximum duration of the meeting is 1-1.5 hours.

2. The effectiveness of the parent meeting largely depends on the focus, thoughtfulness and thoroughness of the preparatory work of the teacher and members of the parent committee.

3. The main elements of preparing a meeting of parents include the following:

a) Choosing a topic for the meeting.

b) determining the goals of the parent meeting.

c) study by the class teacher and other organizers of the collection of scientific and methodological literature on the problem under consideration.

d) conducting a micro-study in the community of children and parents.

e) determination of the type, form, stages of the parent meeting, methods and techniques for the joint work of its participants.

d) invitation of parents and other participants of the meeting.

h) equipment and design of the venue for the parent meeting.

Sample parent meeting structure

1. Opening speech of the class teacher (introduction of guests) (5 min).

2. Analysis of parents' questionnaires (by a class teacher, psychologist, teacher) in order to more clearly present the problem discussed at the meeting (5-7 minutes).

3. Speech on the topic of the meeting (specialist or class teacher). It should be bright, concise, accessible (10-15 minutes).

4. Discussion of the problem by parents (20 min).

5. Analysis by the class teacher of the progress of the class. You need to start only with positive results. You should never call lagging behind, undisciplined children by their last names, do not “stigmatize them.” The analysis should express confidence that joint work will correct the situation.

6. In the final part of the meeting, the class teacher thanks the parents for their participation and joint work. Offers to take a memo about the last meeting. He asks those parents whose children have problems in learning or behavior to stay for a moment to find out the causes of these problems and jointly find a solution.

Reminder for parents

Commandments of reasonable education

1. Never parent in a bad mood.

2. Be clear about what you want from the child (and explain it to him), and also find out what he thinks about it.

3. Give the child independence, do not control his every step.

4. Do not suggest a ready-made solution, but suggest possible paths to it and sort out with the child his correct and false paths to the goal.

5. Do not miss the moment when the first success is achieved.

6. Point out to the child the mistake he made and try to make him realize it.

7. Evaluate the act, not the person. The essence of a person and his individual actions are not the same thing.

8. Let the child feel (smile, touch) that you sympathize with him, believe in him, despite his oversight.

9. Education is a sequence of goals.

10. The teacher must be firm, but kind.

How can a teacher communicate with parents?

1. Responsibility for the success or failure of the meeting lies with the teacher.

2. It is necessary to organize a meeting so that there are no breaks in it.

3. Mutual understanding will improve faster if the teacher does not sit at the table. For, sitting at the table, he puts himself in the position of superiors, and not a partner.

4. It is important to have a calm, friendly introductory word from the teacher.

5. You need to ask the parent to speak and listen carefully.

6. You need to find out what the parent thinks about his child and how he perceives him. The teacher will not be able to understand the behavior of the child before he understands the attitude of the parent towards him.

7. If a parent proposes a plan of action, you need to accept it and do everything possible to implement it. This is better than imposing the teacher's opinion on the parent.

8. Don't argue with your parents. An argument can cause resentment and alienation.

9. Let any decision be the result of mutual reflection and be a guide to action on the part of the parents.

10. Try to "feel the sore strings" of the parents and do not hurt them.

11. Accept everything your parents say without expressing your amazement or disapproval.

Meeting preparation

1. Determine the topic, main issue, and main objectives of the meeting.

2. Clarify the rules, think over the course of the meeting.

3. Send respectful invitations to parents indicating the issues to be brought to the meeting.

4. Think about where parents will leave outerwear, who and how will meet them at the educational institution.

5. Think over exhibition or informational material.

6. Determine which of the subject teachers or other specialists can be invited.

7. Thinking over your appearance is an important detail: after all, every time a meeting is an event and a little bit of a holiday.

Rules of conduct for class teachers at the parent meeting

1. Relieve tension, anxiety, expectation of an unpleasant conversation.

2. Let your parents feel your respect and attention to them.

3. Make it clear that the school and the family have the same problems, the same tasks, the same children.

4. Suggest how to find ways out of problem situations. Find these paths together.

5. Try to understand your parents, put yourself in their place.

6. Be able to talk to parents calmly, respectfully, kindly, interested. It is important that parents of both good students and underachieving or deviant children leave the meeting with faith in their child.

Some Secrets to a Successful Parent Meeting

1. Arrange tables and chairs in a circle: everyone can see and hear each other well.

2. Prepare business cards with the names of the parents, especially if they don't know each other yet.

3. Use the form of conversation over a cup of tea.

4. Determine one of the most difficult problems of the conversation and build a meeting on its discussion.

5. Rigidly determine the rules of the meeting. Take care of your parents time.

6. Skillfully determine the day and hour of the parent meeting (when there are no important events or situations, interesting TV shows, etc.).

7. Come up with your own simple rules for the parent meeting, bring them to the attention of the parents, for example: it is obligatory to take off outerwear; do not remain silent; rejecting the proposal, make a counter; be silent when someone speaks; call each other by name, patronymic, and not "Katya's mother ...".

8. Use group forms of work of parents, game elements.

10. It is desirable to end the meeting with a concrete decision.

Note to the teacher

1. The parents' meeting should educate parents, and not state the mistakes and failures of children in their studies.

2. The theme of the meeting is developed taking into account the age characteristics of children.

3. The meeting should be both theoretical and practical: case studies, training exercises, discussions, etc.

Note to parents

A favorable psychological atmosphere is associated with such communication, which is not a burden to any of the family members. And in order for your family's barometer to always show good weather, try to master the following skills:

1. "Keep a smile" (because the face is your business card).

2. Pay attention to others (the happiness of the family depends on your knowledge of the family).

3. Listen to what others say (because it is difficult to talk to the deaf).

4. Say “no” without offending (and diplomacy is also needed in the family).

5. Do not enter into conflicts (note that the best way to get out of the conflict is not to enter into it).

6. Encourage others (life is easier for optimists).

7. Give compliments (keep in mind that even a deaf person will hear a compliment).

Approximate position on the class parent meeting

1. General Provisions

The class parent meeting - the highest self-governing body of parents in the class - is convened as needed, but at least once a quarter.

2. Cool parent meeting

2.1. Determines the main activities of parents in the classroom, forms of interaction with teachers, class teacher, self-government bodies of students in the class, with the class council.

2.2. Elects a class parent committee, delegates to the school parent conference.

2.3. Considers issues related to the implementation of decisions of self-government bodies.

2.4. Decides on the participation of parents in managing the life of the class, discusses draft school documents and expresses his views on them.

2.5. Listens to reports and information about the work of the class parent committee, its commissions and evaluates them.

2.6. Discusses the proposals of parents to improve the educational process in the classroom.

2.7. Considers the organization of pedagogical self-education of parents.

2.8. Approves the procedure for providing material and financial assistance to families in need, decides on the creation of a financial fund to pay for additional educational services of teachers and involved specialists,

2.9. Takes measures to stimulate the social work of parents in an educational institution.

3. Rules for holding meetings

3.1. The class teacher is obliged to thoroughly think over and prepare all the necessary information and documents for the meeting.

3.2. Each meeting requires its own "scenario" and extremely accessible settings, recommendations and advice.

3.3. Dialogue is the main method of holding a meeting.

3.4. Parents are invited to the meeting and notified of the agenda no later than three days before the date of the meeting.

3.5. The school administration must be informed of the date and agenda no later than four days before the meeting.

3.6. Subject teachers must attend the parent meeting at the invitation of the class teacher.

3.7. The class teacher must formulate the purpose of the invitation to the meeting of subject teachers.

3.8. The class teacher solves organizational issues on the eve of the meeting (a place to store outerwear, organizing a meeting, preparing an office),

3.9. The class teacher informs the deputy director for water resources management, VR about the results of the parent meeting, about the questions and problems raised by the parents at the meeting, the next day after the meeting.

4. Principles of holding a parent meeting

4.1. The parent meeting is not just a form of communication between the family and the school, it is a place for obtaining important pedagogical information, a platform for promoting the best work experience and relationships with children.

4.2. Parents at the meeting should feel respect for themselves, be sure that there will be no tactless conversations.

4.3. The family and the school have the same problems and concerns - these are the problems of children and caring for children. The task of meetings between parents and teachers is to look for joint ways to solve them.

5. Topics of parent-teacher meetings and their brief description

To help, several topics for parent meetings, with methodological materials and recommendations.

Topic: "A child learns what he sees in his home"

Form of the meeting - "round table"

Meeting plan.

1. Introductory speech of the teacher.

2. Analysis of parent questionnaires.

3. Analysis of student questionnaires.

4. Free discussion on the questions: "What does home mean for a person? What do people especially value in their home? We, our children and our home. Communication and leisure with children. Family traditions and holidays."

5. Exchange of experience in holding family holidays.

Topic: "Education of industriousness in the family. How to educate yourself an assistant?"

Meeting plan.

1. Tour of the exhibition of children's (family) crafts and acquaintance with fragments of schoolchildren's compositions.

2. Teacher's conversation about the importance of work in the family.

3. Analysis of questionnaires of parents and schoolchildren.

4. Free discussion on the theme "Labor traditions and labor education in the family".

6. Summing up the results of the meeting.

Topic: "Encouragement and punishment"

Meeting plan.

1. Pedagogical situations from the life of the class.

2. Teacher's message about the importance of methods of encouragement and punishment in the upbringing of children.

3. Discussion and analysis of pedagogical situations.

4. Questionnaire interview.

5. Talk about rewards.

6. Summing up.

The following forms of parent meetings can be distinguished:

1. Meeting - conversation. One of the interpretations of the word "conversation" is "official conversation". This is how a parent-teacher meeting should be perceived in the form of a conversation. There is an official conversation between the teacher and parents on this topic.

A conversation is a traditional form of holding parent-teacher meetings. The conversation is of great importance in the educational plan. The conversation is best used for preventive purposes, preventing possible conflict situations. Good conversation to build relationships between parents and children and between parents and teachers. Meeting-conversation helps to create a trusting atmosphere, to identify problematic points of relationships. The structure of such a meeting, as a rule, consists of a short speech by the teacher, a dialogue between the teacher and parents, and a debriefing.

2. Meeting discussion. The interpretation of the word "discussion" is the discussion of an issue at a meeting or in a conversation. Thus, the discussion is part of the conversation.

This form of holding a parent meeting can be used if there is a need to discuss any controversial issue, any controversial problem of raising and educating children. In this case, the teacher's speech at the meeting is reduced, and most of the time is devoted to discussion and analysis of different points of view.

Meeting-discussion allows parents to participate in the discussion of the most important problems of upbringing and education of children, contributing to the formation of the ability to analyze the problem from different points of view. The discussion begins after an introductory speech by the teacher or other specialist, in which the topic under discussion is indicated. As a rule, after the end of the discussion, the opinion of experts is heard in order to analyze the different points of view expressed during the discussion, and only then sums up the meeting.

3. Round table. A round table is, in fact, a meeting-conversation at which opinions are exchanged on special issues with the participation of various specialists. In order to justify this form of holding the meeting, the participants of the meeting may sit at the "round" table. Psychologists, social educators, a doctor, a speech therapist, representatives of the parent and pedagogical community, and the school administration can be invited to a parent meeting held in the form of a round table. This form of meeting allows you to discuss any pressing issues, learn the opinions of all participants in the meeting.

4. Meeting - conference. A conference meeting is an extended parent meeting. The conference is held with the participation of representatives of various organizations (children's polyclinic, commission for minors, counseling psychological centers, traffic police, etc.) that are of interest to parents, school administration, psychologists, social teachers. Parents have the opportunity to hear competent answers from professionals.

A feature of the meeting-conference is that it makes certain decisions and can determine a set of measures for the implementation of decisions.

At parent meetings-conferences, the problems of society are most often discussed, of which students will become active members. These may be the problems of drunkenness and drugs, sexual education in the family, the problems of religion in society and its role in the upbringing of the younger generation, and others.

Parent conferences should be prepared thoroughly, with the obligatory involvement of conference participants. You can first conduct sociological or psychological research on the problem of the conference and analyze them, and then use the results of the research during the conference. Parents, as active participants in the conferences, can also prepare an analysis of the problem from the standpoint of their own experience.

5.Press conference. A press conference is an officially convened meeting of representatives of the press: press, radio, television to provide any information or answer questions. Why not organize a meeting of the editorial board of the school newspaper, school radio album with participation in the presence of parents to prepare school news releases? Or not to interview the school "press" from specialists who are of interest to parents?

6. Meeting-seminar (workshop) Seminar - group practical classes under the guidance of a teacher. At the parent meeting, held in the form of a seminar, the teacher acts as a teacher, and parents act as students who collectively try to solve a particular task in a practical way. Conducting a parent meeting in the form of a seminar requires preliminary “theoretical” work with parents. It is advisable to give informational materials to parents so that at the meeting they can not only discuss ways to solve the problem, but also learn how to apply the information received in practice.

7. Meeting-training. Training is a training system. Parent trainings can hardly be attributed to meetings. This is an active form of work with a small group of parents, consisting of 10-12 people who want to change or improve interaction with the child, make him more trusting. In order for the training to be effective, both parents must actively participate in it. In addition, trainings should be regular and include 5-8 sessions. Parent training is usually conducted by a psychologist.

8. Assembly organizational - activity game. An organizational-activity, or business, game is a type of activity when the problem posed is solved during the game, and its participants try on different roles and try to see the problem through the eyes of different people. During the game, participants look for ways and means of solving the problem, uniting in groups, for example, “children”, “school administration”, “teachers”, “parents”, “experts”. Each group prepares its own analysis of the problem and sets out a solution. As a result of the collective analysis of the problem, one or more solutions are found.

9. Pedagogical workshop. A workshop is, everyone knows, a place where masters of their craft work. The teacher can organize a parent meeting in the form of a pedagogical workshop, where "masters" - parents, "masters" - teachers will share their skills, show pedagogical techniques that contribute to the development of the child's personality. Participants of the workshop can try on certain roles, which will help reveal their creative abilities.

10. Meeting-competition. The name of such a parent meeting says that it will be a competition of someone or something, for example, fathers, ideas, or works, or family achievements in order to identify the best participants. At the parent meeting, it is advisable to listen to stories about how such success was achieved. Of course, during the competition, a jury works and selects the winners. For example, you can hold a competition "Dad, Mom, Me - Reading Family", during which parents will get acquainted with the experience of family education in a child's interest in reading.

11. Meeting-presentation. Presentation, or public presentation of something new, recently created with an unusual experience of family education, with non-traditional teaching methods, with new healing methods, newly created publications, teaching aids and others. It is desirable to conduct presentations with the involvement of psychologists, lawyers, doctors and other specialists.

12. Oral journal. A magazine is, everyone knows, a periodical publication in the form of a book containing works by various authors, scientific articles, notes, humor, tests, illustrations, useful tips and much more. directly during the meeting. Here the teacher, parents and students have a field for creativity.

13. Evening of questions and answers. It is a completely understandable form of holding a parent-teacher meeting. Parents prepare questions within the framework of the stated topic, and the participants of the meeting have to choose the most characteristic and interesting questions, select comprehensive answers to them or invite those specialists who can competently answer them.

14. Parental ring. The ring is a boxing ground, so the parent meeting in the form of a ring is a kind of competition. Here, for example, two families can compete, answering questions on pedagogical problems. Competing parents may have different positions, different opinions. The rest of the parent audience does not enter into controversy, but only supports with applause. Students of the class, parents, teachers can act as judges in parental rings.

15. Intellectual marathon. A marathon is any kind of long-term activity. Given this, a parent meeting in the form of an intellectual marathon can be planned if the problem discussed at the parent meeting requires a sufficiently long discussion, and if the teacher has enough information for this discussion. An intellectual marathon requires serious preparation.

16. Talk show. A talk show is interpreted as an interview with a famous person or group of people. Based on this, people of interest to parents who can help in solving pedagogical problems are invited to the parent meeting, held in the form of a talk show. At the same time, it should be borne in mind that the show is always a bright performance, designed for external effects.

17. Living room. A parent meeting in the form of a living room is a rather interesting form of work with a parent team that unites parents well. This is a meeting-conversation with the inclusion of poetry, music, which create an atmosphere of celebration. Poetic and musical works are selected in such a way that they help in finding answers to the questions that their own child poses to parents. Living rooms can be held 2-3 times a year.