Does a person feel if he is being treated remotely. Energy Information Healing

First of all, it is important to understand that telemedicine does not cancel a visit to the clinic. The dream that a doctor, having just talked to you in a video chat, will immediately make a diagnosis and write a prescription is not only unrealistic, but also harmful. Even with chronic diseases, an initial examination by a specialist is necessary. And here comes the innovation.

Without leaving home

Who advises
Unlike the already existing medical sites and forums, where everyone who wishes consults, within the framework of telemedicine, only those medical institutions and doctors who receive permission for this will be able to provide remote services. Moreover, both public clinics and private ones, if they have passed state registration and acquired the necessary equipment. Consultations under the CHI policy will be free of charge. First of all, these are the services of therapists, pediatricians, cardiologists, rehabilitation specialists, etc.

What is being treated
The main convenience for patients is that after the initial appointment, it is not necessary to return to the doctor. He can remotely monitor how the recovery is going and adjust the treatment. And also write out online prescriptions. Of course, if necessary, the doctor will recommend an internal examination and invite you to the clinic. Consultations before a planned hospitalization will also be in demand: those that are usually carried out by a therapist, prescribing an examination plan, various tests.

From January 1, 2019, the permission to remotely issue online prescriptions will also be extended to drugs with narcotic and psychotropic effects. That will save seriously ill people or their relatives from having to sit in queues at the clinic.

A consultation of doctors, if necessary, can also be held remotely.

Additional amenities
You can remotely collect certificates - the results of examinations, extracts from the medical history, etc.

Norway - the birthplace of telemedicine

The history of telemedicine dates back to the 1920s, when a Norwegian hospital used a radio signal to provide medical surveillance for seafarers far from shore. It was Norway that began to actively develop telemedicine earlier than others. In many ways, also because in this country there are many villages and towns that are difficult to get to.

Just fantastic

In the future, online consultations will be supplemented by remote monitoring of health parameters - control of pressure, heart rate, etc. This is very convenient for those who are recovering from hospitalization at home or have chronic diseases, especially in old age. For control, wireless systems for recording the main vital signs in the mode required by the attending physician will be used.

How it works

To use telemedicine services, you will need to install a special application on your smartphone and register. Prior to the consultation, the patient can write in the chat the reasons for his appeal and attach research files.

At the appointed time, the doctor starts a video chat with the patient. Then, at the end of the consultation, he writes a conclusion, recommendations and sends them to the patient in his personal account.

Protection against self-medication

Olga DOROSHENKO, Director of the Department of Family Medicine, MEDSI

« Anxious mothers often look for answers to their questions about the health of their baby on the Web instead of going to the doctor in a timely manner. Telemedicine is a kind of protection against unprofessional and often harmful discussion of treatment methods on forums, when people ask for advice from the same Internet users due to the inability to promptly contact the attending physician.

Do you chat? Be careful!

Be on the lookout for "doctors" on sites that provide only informational services

✔︎ Choose right
Unlike telemedicine specialists, doctors who register on many medical information portals and forums where there is no serious control are not responsible for your health. In addition, there is no guarantee that a professional physician is talking to you, and not a person from the street. When choosing a consultant, first of all, weed out those who hide information about themselves. You must see the name of the doctor, his specialty, academic degree, as well as contact details (phone, mail) for feedback.

✔︎ Listen carefully
Do not trust a consultant who immediately, without further ado, begins to give specific recommendations. An experienced doctor will definitely ask a few leading questions, ask about the availability of tests, and clarify the symptoms. And most importantly, not a single professional doctor who is responsible for his work will make an accurate diagnosis only on the basis of an online consultation. Rather, after a detailed conversation and studying the results of the tests, he will point out the possible causes of your ailment and advise you to contact the clinic to the right specialist to confirm your assumptions.

✔︎ No appointments
Also, a good doctor will not prescribe you certain drugs only after a consultation in a video chat. Often, commercial representatives of pharmaceutical companies hide under the guise of online doctors. If they begin to actively impose an expensive miracle remedy on you, you should politely turn off the conversation and say goodbye.

✔︎ Be precise
The only benefit of such communication on the Web is the ability to navigate, to understand which specialist, first of all, you need to contact. To do this, in a conversation, try to formulate the problem as accurately as possible. Not “stomach hurts”, but “I have aching pains in the lower abdomen”, etc. Indicate your age, if there are test results, this will also help the case.

Photo: ShutterStock/; MEDSI


The Encyclopedia gives two interpretations of the word "phantom":

1) bizarre vision, ghost, creation of the imagination, fiction;

2) life-size model of the human body or its parts, a visual aid in educational institutions, museums.

And it is completely incomprehensible: is a phantom something that does not exist, or something that exists, but we do not see it?

Let us see how theoretical physics relates to this question. Quantum physics has proven that particles and antiparticles are hidden in the physical vacuum. The physical vacuum is the carrier of all other fields. Russian scientists managed to combine the interactions of all known fields into the Unified Field Theory after the introduction of a new interaction - informational. Its source turned out to be torsion fields (or torsion fields) acting as a carrier of information in the Subtle World. Torsion fields propagate instantly and without energy consumption.

The invisible world is incomprehensible from the usual point of view, inaccessible to ordinary means of cognition, but this does not mean that it does not exist. The existence of the invisible (Subtle) World is fully confirmed by new scientific concepts. Any most rational, no matter how scientific, version is, first of all, a projection of the mind onto the world, therefore, it is not a reflection of the world, but of the mind itself.

At the International Congress "Planet 2000" (1997, St. Petersburg) from the lips of its president, Professor G. N. Dulnev, it was said: "Consciousness, and this has been proven many times, affects the material world." According to Yu. Osipov, President of the Russian Academy of Sciences, the creation of any coherent scientific system leads to the idea of ​​the existence of Absolute Being or God.

Science has come to understand the knowledge that esotericism owns. Repeatedly verified and experimentally confirmed phenomena, such as telepathy, telekinesis, clairvoyance, materialization and dematerialization, made us recognize the reality of new, previously unknown to science, fundamental laws based on the close interaction of human consciousness with the world around him.

More than once, scientists instantly received answers to questions that they had been looking for in vain for many years. So, Friedrich August Kekula dreamed of a formula, D. I. Mendeleev - a periodic system of elements, Niels Bohr - the structure of an atom, Nostradamus saw the future as a result of a trance. Many prominent scientists believe that the emergence of new knowledge cannot be explained without assuming the presence of some kind of Higher power, some kind of World Data Bank, from where this knowledge is drawn. The well-known theoretical physicist G.I. Shipov writes: “Intuition is the ability to penetrate the barrier between consciousness and subconsciousness. The subconscious is connected to the Universal Consciousness. Intuition allows you to establish a connection with the subconscious and, thereby, gain access to the source of knowledge. P. F. Uspensky in the book “A New Model of the Universe” states: “Mysticism is the penetration of hidden knowledge into our consciousness.” Religion and science are not antipodes, but native forms of knowledge that complement each other.

The impact on the vacuum by consciousness causes the development of events that can lead to the birth of elementary particles from the vacuum, from which atoms are built, rallying into molecules that form all possible states of matter.

Torsion fields have memory. Any source of torsion field polarizes the vacuum. As a result, the spokes of the physical vacuum elements are oriented along the torsion field of this source, repeating its structure. A spin spatial structure invisible to the naked eye is commonly called a phantom. Since all bodies of living nature have their own torsion field, phantoms are formed by people and objects. Professor A. Chernetsky's article “Energy of the Void” says: “If you create a mental image anywhere, for example, in the corner of a room, then the device will fix the “shells” (aura) of this phantom, but if you mentally blur this image, then the “shells” disappear - the device will not show anything. According to Academician Shipov: “A person can directly perceive and transform torsion fields. Thought has a torsion nature.

The information layer contains all the information about our planet and about every person living on it. According to the doctor of physical and mathematical sciences A. V. Moskovsky:

“The world is a colossal hologram. Each of its points has the completeness of information about the world as a whole.

You need to exclude thoughts of failure from your mind, switch yourself only to success in everything. After all, consciousness creates thought forms - some stable field formations that carry certain information. The very thought of a person is a universal energy field substance that can transform into any kind of matter and interact with particles of the physical vacuum.

Numerous experiments have made it possible to establish that psychics realize their abilities precisely through torsion fields. If he gives you a “recovery” attitude, then his brain acts as a torsion field emitter. It polarizes the vacuum around your head. The external torsion field causes spin polarization of the elementary particles of your brain. These "setting" reflexes are converted into neurochemical and hormonal processes that promote recovery.

Scientists have carried out numerous experiments to detect and study the phantom. So, it was found that during a violent death, an energy-informational explosion occurs, generating a wave clot of energy - a torsion field. The spins of the elements of the physical vacuum are oriented along the spins of this powerful field, repeating its structure. A phantom is formed, which persists for a long time and is tied to the place of death. The spectrometer recorded the phantom for exactly 40 days - it is after such a period that a commemoration for the deceased is arranged. Then the dense shells of the phantom disintegrate. Such results were obtained independently by American and Japanese scientists.

The phantom is biologically active. It can damage the field protection of "healthy" molecules, affect the genetic programs recorded in them. For example, if doctors try to kill pathogens in the patient's body, then their phantoms are formed, which can damage the heredity molecules of a healthy person - a doctor, a relative caring for the patient, etc. The genetic apparatus of such a person can be upset so that, at his commands, the body will synthesize pathogens on its own. Doctors are often infected in this wave way, despite the most careful precautions. Many people know what phantom pains are: a limb is amputated, an “empty” place starts to hurt, as if it is there. Something similar happens when a baby is killed in the womb. When the vacuum pump tears apart the body of the fetus, its phantom is formed, which remains in the uterus, no matter how the doctors clean it out. The biological activity of this phantom is so great that it distorts the genetic apparatus of a woman, and then of a man who will have sexual intimacy with her. Although in forty days the dense frame of the phantom will disintegrate, this time is enough for a wave wound to form in the uterus, which, unlike the body, does not heal. If a woman becomes pregnant again and the embryo attaches to a sore spot, then her child will be doomed to serious illness and premature death.

The phantom may have another origin. In many religions and esoteric schools, special techniques are described for a person to “exit” his physical body. The experiments of scientists have proved that such a "phantom double" (or it is also called astral) is not only a mental, but also a physical reality.

Professor A. V. Chernetsky experimentally proved that the “double” allocated by a person has many characteristics of living objects (for example, mass and density) and there is a biofield around it that is recorded by devices.

This astral double, when "exiting" from the physical body, performs the tasks assigned to it, such as: visits certain places, collects the necessary information, analyzes it, even affects devices. Careful and repeated studies have shown that the astral exit is facilitated by the state of sleep, physical weakness, accidents, clinical death, as well as trance states consciously controlled by individuals with certain mental abilities.

The human subconscious is a fragment of the Universal Consciousness, or the Information Field of the Universe. Each person can be considered as a source of a strictly individual torsion field. With its torsion field, it influences the physical vacuum in a certain volume around itself. The torsion field of a person, carrying all the information about him and his health, under certain conditions, leaves a copy - a phantom in a physical vacuum and his prints on clothes and objects. In the space surrounding us there is a huge number of phantoms of people (like radio waves) living at the present time and already dead. These phantoms are original information formations. Due to the holographic structure of the Universe, complete information about each phantom is present at any point in it. One phantom differs from another by the parameters of the torsion field (frequency, amplitude, information, etc.). And if, for example, a psychic tunes his brain to receive precisely this torsion field, then the field, acting on the backs of the elements of the psychic's brain, will force them to organize their copy, which will be perceived by a person as an image.

By turning the knob of the radio receiver, we can receive information of interest to us, transmitted on a certain wave, despite the huge number of radio waves penetrating space. The difficulty lies only in the possibility of customization. Knowing the wave of a working radio station, the search can be significantly reduced. To tune in to the right person, a psychic uses some thing that belongs to this person and carries information about him: a photograph, a piece of paper with his signature, an item of clothing, the sound of his voice. You can use his relationship with a specific person (for example, the grandmother Varya of this person, who lives in Saratov) or the mental representation of this person by someone present. After all, any image of this person, voice, performance, etc. causes a distortion of the physical vacuum and creates a background torsion field of the owner.

Any person, thinking about someone and mentally imagining his image, creates a phantom of this person, without even knowing it. That is, creating (or summoning) a phantom of someone is not particularly difficult, especially for a healer. And here is the phantom in front of you. What to do with him next? And everything is the same and the same as if you were conducting a session with a real person.

First of all, determine where the phantom should be located so that it is convenient for you to work with it. You can mentally put him in front of you, put him on a chair, put him on the couch. Moreover, a chair or couch can be both real and imaginary. If you are treating a child, then for the convenience of work, you can put him on an imaginary bedside table or table. When you need to be from the back of the phantom, it is not necessary to bypass it - mentally or with the help of your hands turn it around. You can mentally make him hover in front of you in any position convenient for you, for example, with your right leg extended forward. For the convenience of work, you can change its size or work with a single part of the body or organ.

When diagnosing by phantom, a healer (especially a beginner) can look at a poster with images of human organs and imagine that these are the organs of his patient, or mentally imagine the patient's organs and examine them sequentially. If, when diagnosing a phantom, you suddenly discover that the flow of heat from all the patient's organs has increased, this means that the patient has felt your influence on him. To verify this, you can check the patient’s pulse “by countdown”. It will be higher than at the beginning of the diagnosis. Those patients who during the face-to-face session experienced certain sensations in the form of the appearance of heat, cold, the flow of energy through them, tingling, rocking, etc., often experience the same sensations when working with their phantom.

Energy is primary and matter is secondary. Matter is condensed energy. If only the physical body (matter) is treated, then there may be no effect.

A person, like any living object, has an energy matrix, the parameters of which are embedded in the DNA molecule. This is an energy frame that determines the growth, complexion, size and relative position of all organs and systems of the body. Any deviation from this matrix is ​​the beginning of the disease. The elimination of these deviations leads to the normal functioning of human organs and systems. This is the task of bioenergy therapy.

We begin our work with the phantom, of course, with diagnostics. First of all, we identify whether there are traces of negative influences of other people on it. We ask the question: “Is there an evil eye on a person? (i.e. suspension of someone else's energy with negative information)? If, using the dowsing method available to you, you are convinced of the presence of the evil eye, eliminate it. This can be achieved both by local removal of the identified alien pendant, by burning the phantom with a flame, and by other energy methods. Of course, when working with a phantom, you cannot use techniques such as egg rolling or wax pouring.

Make sure that the polarity of the phantom is not violated, i.e. that the energy has a “+” sign on top, and “-” on the bottom. If, nevertheless, as a result of the negative emotions of another person, a sign change occurred, then turn the phantom 180 degrees clockwise, mentally or with the help of your hands.

Check the phantom for energy holes that appear as a result of directed energy vibrations of negatively minded people. If you find them, then immediately eliminate them using the methods available to you.

If you need to find out the date of the appearance of the evil eye, hole, polarity reversal and other human influences, then you can view the state of the phantom for any lived day. To do this, mentally or aloud give a command to the phantom, for example: "Energy on February 1, 2000." After that, you can examine the state of the phantom on that particular day, and from that day on, view the state of the phantom in the past or future, approaching the date of the appearance of this negative impact. After all, information about what happened, is happening and will happen is eternal, and the task is to be able to read it from the energy field of the Universe.

After eliminating negative human influences (just don’t undertake to eliminate damage and expel settled entities - leave this work to professionals, at least for your own safety), diagnose the condition of all organs, systems and parts of the patient’s body. Carry out diagnostics sequentially, from top to bottom, paying special attention to those organs or parts of the body that bother the patient. If you are interested in this, then you can determine the time of the onset of the disease by looking at the energy for the time preceding the disease.

Of course, when diagnosing, you need to clearly understand the size and relative position of all human organs. If you need to find out in which part of the organ there is a deviation from the norm, then involve a qualified doctor in the diagnosis to correctly pose questions. If you do not have such an opportunity, then arm yourself with at least an anatomical reference book. And keep in mind that the cause of the disease may not be in the organ that worries the patient. After all, for example, spikes on the heels are caused by a violation of the metabolic processes of the body, and the treatment of the heels themselves will be completely ineffective. It is necessary to identify which organs are causing violations, and treat them first of all. When they begin to work normally, metabolic processes will be restored, and the body itself will eliminate the consequences of this - spikes on the heels. If there are violations in the spinal column, then there will definitely be energy plugs that will impede the circulation of energy in the body. - This will cause a lack of energy in the organs located at the level of these plugs and below, and the appearance of excess energy above them. Both cases are abnormal and can cause the onset of the disease. In case of kidney disease, for example, blood, draining from them, spreads negative information throughout the body. If it enters the brain, it can cause a headache. In the first three to four months of pregnancy, the mother's thoughts about the possibility of an abortion can lead to cerebral palsy. Strabismus and myopia in a newborn child may be caused by the desires of parents to have a boy or a girl that do not coincide with each other.

Any negative desires or thoughts necessarily leave their informational trace on one of the subtle bodies of a person that surrounds him like "matryoshka dolls" inserted into each other. The same repeated negative emotions reinforce them, overlapping each other.

These information imprints distort the subtle bodies, which, in turn, affects the physical body of a person. Thus, ulcers, adhesions, tissue deformations, neoplasms, etc. can appear. Doctors or healers can heal organs at the physical level, but after some time information traces on subtle bodies that still remain will cause the same processes that and before. To eliminate these information traces, you need to change your attitude towards the world, that is, become cleaner, kinder, understand and forgive those who, in your opinion, deserve only a negative attitude towards themselves. There are known cases of complete healing from cancer, any stage of leukemia and other so-called "incurable diseases" after a complete spiritual purification of a person. So a person's health to a large extent depends only on himself, and doctors or healers only contribute to the cure. If you want to be healthy - be it. Of course, the phantom with which you are working cannot explain this, but try to convey this to the patient as soon as possible.

Let's return to the phantom we left behind. Using the dowsing method, diagnose the condition of the eyes, nose, mouth, maxillary sinuses, and ears on the phantom. Separately, carefully "look through" the head. Mark for yourself those areas where negative energy comes from. By asking correctly posed questions, you will receive answers to them, by which you can determine the cause and timing of the appearance of this “center” in your head. Diagnose all organs and parts of the body, first from the front of the phantom, and then from the back. If you understand the causes of the disease, proceed to treatment. Well, if you have any doubts, consult with a specialist. The main commandment of a healer, like a doctor, is do no harm!

Phantom treatment can be done using the same passes as with a real patient, or on a mental level, that is, a thought. Mentally, you can send energy from your hands, third eye, solar plexus, or simply from your eyes to those organs and parts of the body that require the removal of negative energy from them and filling them with pure energy. At the same time, you must mentally clearly imagine what happens as a result of your actions. That is, to “see” how the organ is cleansed and brightened, how adhesions are burned out or resolved, the edges of ulcers are sewn or glued together, various neoplasms are burned out, and so on. Without a clear understanding of all this, treatment will be ineffective. You can mentally remove stones from the kidneys, gallbladder, or bladder. Strain your imagination and imagine that you pour acid on the stones and they dissolve, crush them with your hands into powder, crush them with a hammer on an anvil, spray them in a coffee grinder, etc. It is important that you have a clear idea of ​​\u200b\u200bthe end result. At the end, imagine that all the organs and parts of the body have become white, like some ancient marble sculpture. Fill the entire body with pure white energy and place it in a ball, also filled with dazzling white energy. You can now re-diagnose the phantom and make sure that the session did not result in a simple wave of the hands. After all, the patient standing in front of you cannot express his opinion about the session you conducted.

According to the phantom, it is also possible to make a quantitative assessment of the functioning of the patient's body, i.e. change the temperature, pressure, sugar and hemoglobin levels in the blood, protein levels in the urine, etc.

You can work with a phantom in a fundamentally different way. If you performed a face-to-face treatment session for a patient, and he saw and understood your actions, then he, too, can use your phantom. To do this, it is advisable for him to retire, exclude all sources that distract his attention and mentally turn to you for help. He must imagine that you appeared in front of him and began to perform a healing session, as you did it with him really. With a clear visualization of this, your phantom will help him. Let only at the end of the patient do not forget to thank you for it.

According to the phantom, you can remove negative radiation from objects, clothes, jewelry, food, medicines, etc. Clearly imagine this object in your mind and work with it as with a real object. How do you think Alan Chumak increased the temperature of the liquid in the thermostat in the other room? The principle is simple: mentally place a thermostat phantom and a fire and imagine how the liquid heats up in it.

You can try to destroy the phantom of the viruses that caused the disease in the patient. Imagine that you are holding an energy grid above his head with both hands, the cells of which are so small that biofields of viruses get stuck in them. Slowly stretch this grid from top to bottom through the person, imagining how it captures the biofields of viruses and drags them down. Bring this mesh through your legs and burn it in a mentally created fire. Repeat this procedure many times, and you will see that the recovery of the patient's body goes much faster.

In what cases is it advisable to use phantom treatment? For example, in connection with the departure of your patient, you can continue the course of treatment according to the phantom. At the request of a person or his relatives, help recover a patient who is in the hospital after an operation, a heart attack, a stroke, etc. The phantom effect is very effective when providing an ambulance, when for some reason there was a sharp pain, a complete breakdown, vomiting etc. Perhaps this person has become a victim of the negative impact of another person, and in a matter of minutes you are able to rid him of this.

By working with the phantoms of people, you can promote their friendly attitude towards each other. To do this, clean and brighten their energy, place them in a white ball and fill it with white luminous energy. This will harmonize the vibrations coming from these people, and, thereby, lay sympathy for each other.

Several people can act on the patient's phantom at the same time. The more people send their positive energy, the more amazing the results of the joint efforts. Each joined "donor" of positive energy enhances the impact.

According to the phantom, it is possible to treat not only people, but also animals. Here is how William Hewitt, a well-known psychic and hypnotist in the USA, describes an example of such assistance. His daughter's favorite, a husky, who became seriously ill, became his patient. All the efforts of veterinarians were in vain, and antibiotics were powerless.

“I ordered my mind to form the image of Takra very clearly. I carefully scanned her body inside and out and noted all the violations that I was able to establish. Takra's intestines were a solid clot of pus and blood - he was inflamed. The inflammation was caused by bacteria that are extremely resistant to antibiotics. I have taken concrete action. It was a real operation, the tools for which I created with the power of imagination. In order to remove pus from the intestines, I had to create an image of a powerful pump. With the help of this device, I sucked pus out of the intestines. all to the last drop. I mentally scraped off the entire infection from the inner walls of the intestines with an imaginary steel brush and treated it with an extremely powerful antibiotic from a jar that said “Cures absolutely everything.” I made sure that Takra's blood was completely cleansed by hemosorption, and filled it with glucose and nutrients. I eliminated the redness and swelling of the intestines by spraying it with coolant. Then I took a syringe with "Strength and Energy" written on it and gave Tacre an injection. After examining Takra in my mind's eye and making sure that I managed to cope with the disease, I finally opened my eyes. My daughter, noticing this, immediately ran to the room where Takra was lying. Entering, she was surprised to find that Takra was already on his feet and looking around in bewilderment, as if waking up from a long sleep. The disease did not leave a trace, which was confirmed the next day by the veterinarian.

Starting extrasensory treatment, you symbolically, in your imagination, must perform actions that restore the efficiency of organs. For example, if you notice a swollen, reddened kidney, you should mentally squeeze it and restore its normal color. You can try to cure leukemia by imagining millions of piranhas greedily devouring cancer cells. Intestinal obstruction can be removed with an imaginary artificial bandage. A damaged nerve fiber can be replaced with a new one.

Your powerful imagination and clear visualization can work wonders. A clear visualization from your consciousness is transmitted to the consciousness of the patient and has a healing effect on his body.

Many people who are far from esoteric knowledge, especially scientists blinded by the paradigms of their sciences, may be very skeptical about the above. But, as the outstanding theoretical physicist Lev Landau said: “Try to understand what is impossible to imagine. And then you took place as a true scientist. Well, those who begin to provide assistance according to the phantom, of course, will not wait for the phantom to sing to them in the voice of Angelica Varum: “Listen, everything is in your hands, and even me,” but the patient’s gratitude will certainly be received.

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Remote treatment of a person by phantom

The Encyclopedia gives two interpretations of the word " phantom»:

1) bizarre vision, ghost, creation of the imagination, fiction;

2) life-size model of the human body or its parts, a visual aid in educational institutions, museums.

And it is completely incomprehensible: a phantom is what; no, or something that is, but we do not see it? Let us see how theoretical physics relates to this question.

Quantum physics has proven that particles and antiparticles are hidden in the physical vacuum. The physical vacuum is the carrier of all other fields. Russian scientists managed to combine the interactions of all known fields into the Unified Field Theory after the introduction of a new interaction - informational. Its source turned out to be torsion fields (or torsion fields) acting as a carrier of information in the Subtle World. Torsion fields propagate instantly and without energy consumption.

The invisible world is incomprehensible from the usual point of view, inaccessible to ordinary means of cognition, but this does not mean that it does not exist. The existence of the invisible (Subtle) World is fully confirmed by new scientific concepts. Any most rational, no matter how scientific, version is, first of all, a projection of the mind onto the world, therefore, it is not a reflection of the world, but of the mind itself.

Science has come to understand the knowledge that esotericism owns. Repeatedly verified and experimentally confirmed psi-phenomena, such as telepathy, telekinesis, clairvoyance, materialization and dematerialization, forced to recognize the reality of new, previously unknown to science, fundamental laws based on the close interaction of human consciousness with the world around him.

More than once, scientists instantly received answers to questions that they had been looking for in vain for many years. So, Friedrich August Kekula dreamed of the formula, D.I. Mendeleev - the periodic system of elements, Niels Bohr - the structure of the atom, Nostradamus saw the future as a result of trance. Many prominent scientists believe that the emergence of new knowledge cannot be explained without assuming the presence of some kind of Higher power, some kind of World Data Bank, from where this knowledge is drawn. The famous theoretical physicist G.I. Shilov writes: “Intuition is the ability to penetrate the barrier between consciousness and subconsciousness. The subconscious is connected to the Universal Consciousness. Intuition allows you to establish a connection with the subconscious and, thereby, gain access to the source of knowledge.

The impact on the vacuum by consciousness causes the development of events that can lead to the birth of elementary particles from the vacuum, from which atoms are built, rallying into molecules that form all possible states of matter. Torsion fields have memory. Any source of torsion field polarizes the vacuum. As a result, the spins of the physical vacuum elements are oriented along the torsion field of this source, repeating its structure. A spin spatial structure invisible to the naked eye is commonly called a phantom. Since all bodies of living nature have their own torsion field, phantoms are formed by human objects. The article by Professor A. Chernetsky "Energy of the Void" says: " If you create a mental image anywhere, for example, in the corner of a room, then the device will fix the "shells" (aura) of this phantom, but if you mentally blur this image, then the "shells" will disappear - the device will not show anything". According to Academician Shipov: A person can directly perceive and transform torsion fields. Thought has a torsion nature».

The information layer contains all the information about our planet and about every person living on it. According to the doctor of physical and mathematical sciences A.V. Moscow: " The world is a colossal hologram. Each of its points has completeness of information about the world as a whole.».

You need to exclude thoughts of failure from your mind, switch yourself only to success in everything. After all, consciousness creates thought forms - some stable field formations that carry certain information. The very thought of a person is a universal energy-field substance that can transform into any kind of matter and interact with particles of the physical vacuum.

Numerous experiments have made it possible to establish that psychics realize their abilities precisely through torsion fields. If he gives you a “recovery” attitude, then his brain acts as a torsion field emitter. It polarizes the vacuum around your head. The external torsion field causes spin polarization of the elementary particles of your brain. These "setting" reflexes are converted into neurochemical and hormonal processes that promote recovery.

Scientists have carried out numerous experiments to detect and study the phantom. So, it was found that during a violent death, an energy-informational explosion occurs, generating a wave clot of energy - a torsion field. The spins of the elements of the physical vacuum are oriented along the spins of this powerful field, repeating its structure. A phantom is formed, which persists for a long time and is tied to the place of death. The spectrometer recorded the phantom for exactly 40 days - it is after such a period that a wake is held for the deceased. Then the dense shells of the phantom disintegrate. Such results were obtained independently by American and Japanese scientists.

The phantom is biologically active. It can damage the field protection of "healthy" molecules, affect the genetic programs recorded in them. For example, if doctors try to kill pathogens in the patient's body, then their phantoms are formed, which can damage the heredity molecules of a healthy person - a doctor, a relative caring for the patient, etc. The genetic apparatus of such a person can be upset so that, at his commands, the body will synthesize pathogens on its own.

Doctors are often infected in this wave way, despite the most careful precautions. Many people know what phantom pains are: a limb is amputated, an “empty” place starts to hurt, as if it is there. Something similar happens when a baby is killed in the womb. When the vacuum pump tears apart the body of the fetus, its phantom is formed, which remains in the uterus, no matter how the doctors clean it out, the biological activity of this phantom is so great that it distorts the genetic apparatus of the woman, and then the man who will have sexual intercourse with her proximity. Although in forty days the dense frame of the phantom will disintegrate, this time is enough for a wave wound to form in the uterus, which, unlike the bodily wound, does not heal. If a woman becomes pregnant again and the embryo attaches to a sore spot, then her child will be doomed to serious illness and premature death.

The phantom may have another origin. In many religions and esoteric schools, special techniques are described for a person to “exit” his physical body. The experiments of scientists have proven that such a “phantom double” (or it is also called astral) is not only a mental, but also a physical reality..

Professor A.V. Chernetsky experimentally proved that the “double” allocated by a person has many characteristics of living objects (for example, mass and density) and there is a biofield around it that is recorded by devices.

This astral double, when "exiting" from the physical body, performs the tasks assigned to it, such as: visits certain places, collects the necessary information, analyzes it, even affects devices.

The human subconscious is a fragment of the Universal Consciousness, or the Information Field of the Universe. Each person can be considered as a source of a strictly individual torsion field. With its torsion field, it influences the physical vacuum in a certain volume around itself. The torsion field of a person, which carries all the information about him and his health, under certain conditions, leaves a copy - a phantom in a physical vacuum and his prints on clothes and objects.

In the space surrounding us there is a huge number of phantoms of people (like radio waves) living at the present time and already dead. These phantoms are a kind of information formations. Due to the holographic structure of the Universe, complete information about each phantom is present at any point in it. One phantom differs from another by the parameters of the torsion field (frequency, amplitude, information, etc.). And if, for example, a psychic tunes his brain to receive precisely this torsion field, then the field, acting on the backs of the elements of the psychic's brain, will force them to organize their copy, which will be perceived by a person as an image.

By turning the knob of the radio receiver, we can receive information of interest to us, transmitted on a certain wave, despite the huge number of radio waves penetrating space. The difficulty lies only in the possibility of customization. Knowing the wave of a working radio station, the search can be significantly reduced. To this end, the psychic, in order to tune in to the right person, uses some thing that belongs to this person and carries information about him: a photograph; a piece of paper with his signature, an item of clothing, the sound of his voice.

Any person, thinking about someone and mentally imagining his image, creates a phantom of this person, without even knowing it. That is, creating (or summoning) a phantom of someone is not particularly difficult, especially for a healer. And here is the phantom in front of you. What to do with him next? And everything is the same and the same as if you were conducting a session with a real person.

First of all, determine where the phantom should be located so that it is convenient for you to work with it. You can mentally put him in front of you, put him on a chair, put him on the couch. Moreover, a chair or a couch can be both real and imaginary. If you are treating a child, then for the convenience of work, you can put him on an imaginary bedside table or table. When you need to be from the back; phantom, then it is not necessary to bypass it - mentally or with the help of your hands unfold it. You can mentally make him hover in front of you in any position convenient for you, for example, with your right leg extended forward. For the convenience of work, you can change its size or work with a single part of the body or organ.

Making phantom diagnostics, a healer (especially a beginner) may look at a poster with images of human organs and imagine that these are the organs of his patient, or mentally imagine the organs of the patient and examine them sequentially. If, when diagnosing a phantom, you suddenly discover that the flow of heat from all the patient's organs has increased, this means that the patient has felt your influence on him. To verify this, you can check the patient’s pulse “by countdown”. It will be higher than at the beginning of the diagnosis. Those patients who, during a face-to-face session, experienced certain sensations in the form of the appearance of heat, cold, the flow of energy through them, tingling, rocking, etc., often experience the same sensations when working with their phantom.

Energy is primary and matter is secondary. Matter is condensed energy. If you treat only the physical body (matter), then the effect may not be.

A person, like any living object, has an energy matrix, the parameters of which are embedded in the DNA molecule. This is an energy frame that determines the growth, complexion, size and relative position of all organs and systems of the body. Any deviation from this matrix is ​​the beginning of the disease. The elimination of these deviations leads to the normal functioning of human organs and systems. This is the task of bioenergy therapy.

We start working with the phantom, of course, with diagnostics.

First of all, we identify whether there are traces of negative influences of other people on it. We ask the question: “Is there an evil eye on a person? (i.e. suspension of someone else's energy with negative information)? If, using the dowsing method available to you, you are convinced of the presence of the evil eye, eliminate it. This can be achieved both by local removal of the identified alien pendant, by burning the phantom with a flame, and by other energy methods. Of course, when working with a phantom, you cannot use techniques such as egg rolling or wax pouring.

Make sure that the polarity of the phantom is not violated, i.e. that the energy has a “+” sign on top and a “-” sign on the bottom. If, nevertheless, as a result of the negative emotions of another person, a sign change occurred, then turn the phantom 180 degrees clockwise, mentally or with the help of your hands.

Check the phantom for energy holes that appear as a result of directed energy vibrations of negatively minded people. If you find them, then immediately eliminate them using the methods available to you..

After eliminating negative human influences (just do not undertake to eliminate damage and expel the settled entities - leave this work to professionals, at least for your own safety), diagnose the condition of all organs, systems and parts of the patient's body. Diagnosis, carry out sequentially, from top to bottom, paying special attention to those organs or parts of the body that bother the patient. If you are interested in this, then you can determine the time of the onset of the disease by looking at the energy for the time preceding the disease.

Of course, when diagnosing, you need to clearly understand the size and relative position of all human organs. If you need to find out in which part of the organ there is a deviation from the norm, then involve a qualified doctor in the diagnosis to correctly pose questions. If you do not have such an opportunity, then arm yourself with at least an anatomical reference book. And keep in mind that the cause of the disease may not be in the organ that worries the patient. After all, for example, spikes on the heels are caused by a violation of the metabolic processes of the body, and the treatment of the heels themselves will be completely ineffective. It is necessary to identify which organs are causing violations, and treat them first of all. When they begin to work normally, metabolic processes will be restored, and the body itself will eliminate the consequences of this - spikes on the heels. If there are disorders in the spinal column, then energy problems will certainly arise that will impede the circulation of energy in the body. This will cause a lack of energy in the organs located at the level of these plugs and below, and the appearance of excess energy above them. Both cases are abnormal and can cause the onset of the disease. In case of kidney disease, for example, blood, draining from them, spreads negative information throughout the body. If it enters the brain, it can cause a headache. In the first three to four months of pregnancy, the mother's thoughts about the possibility of an abortion can lead to cerebral palsy. Strabismus and myopia in a newborn child may be caused by the desire of parents to have a boy or a girl that does not match each other..

Any negative desires or thoughts necessarily leave their informational trace on one of the subtle bodies of a person that surrounds him like "matryoshka dolls" inserted into each other. The same repeated negative emotions reinforce them, overlapping each other.

These information imprints distort the subtle bodies, which, in turn, affects the physical body of a person. Thus, ulcers, adhesions, tissue deformations, neoplasms, etc. can appear. Doctors or healers can heal organs at the physical level, but after some time information traces on subtle bodies that still remain will cause the same processes, as before. To eliminate these information traces, you need to change your attitude towards the world, that is, become cleaner, kinder, understand and forgive those who, in your opinion, deserve only a negative attitude towards themselves. There are known cases of complete healing from cancer, any stage of leukemia and other so-called "incurable diseases" after a complete spiritual purification of a person. So a person's health to a large extent depends only on himself, and doctors or healers only contribute to the cure. If you want to be healthy, be it. Of course, the phantom with which you are working cannot explain this, but try to convey this to the patient as soon as possible.

Let's return to the phantom we left behind. Using the dowsing method, diagnose the condition of the eyes, nose, and mouth on the phantom. maxillary sinuses, ears. Separately, carefully "look through" the head. Mark for yourself those areas where negative energy comes from. By asking correctly posed questions, you will receive answers to them, by which you can determine the cause and timing of the appearance of this “center” in your head. Diagnose all organs and parts of the body, first from the front of the phantom, and then from the back. If you understand the causes of the disease, proceed to treatment. Well, if you have any doubts, consult with a specialist. The main commandment of a healer, like a doctor, is do no harm!

Phantom treatment can be done using the same passes as with a real patient, or on a mental level, that is, a thought. Mentally, you can send energy from your hands, the "third eye", the solar plexus, or simply from your eyes to those organs and parts of the body that require the removal of negative energy from them and filling them with pure energy. At the same time, you must mentally clearly imagine what happens as a result of your actions. That is, to “see” how the organ is cleansed and brightened, how adhesions are burned out or resolved, the edges of ulcers are sewn or glued together, various neoplasms are burned out, and so on. Without a clear understanding of all this, treatment will be ineffective. You can mentally remove stones from the kidneys, gallbladder, or bladder. Strain your imagination and imagine that you pour acid on the stones and they dissolve, crush them with your hands into powder, crush them with a hammer on an anvil, spray them in a coffee grinder, etc. It is important that you have a clear idea of ​​\u200b\u200bthe end result. At the end, imagine that all the organs and parts of the body have become white, like some ancient marble sculpture. Fill the entire body with pure white energy and place it in a ball, also filled with dazzling white energy. You can now re-diagnose the phantom and make sure that the session did not result in a simple wave of the hands. After all, the patient standing in front of you cannot express his opinion about the session you conducted.

According to the phantom, it is also possible to make a quantitative assessment of the functioning of the patient's body, i.e. change the temperature, pressure, sugar and hemoglobin levels in the blood, protein levels in the urine, etc.

You can work with a phantom in a fundamentally different way.. If you performed a face-to-face treatment session for a patient, and he saw and understood your actions, then he, too, can use your phantom. To do this, it is advisable for him to retire, exclude all sources that distract his attention and mentally turn to you for help. He must imagine that you appeared in front of him and began to perform a healing session, as you did it with him really. With a clear visualization of this, your phantom will help him. Let only at the end of the patient do not forget to thank you for it.

According to the phantom, you can remove negative radiation from objects, clothes, jewelry, food, medicines, etc. Clearly imagine this object in your mind and work with it as with a real object. You can try to destroy the phantom of the viruses that caused the disease in the patient. Imagine that you are holding an energy grid above his head with both hands, the cells of which are so small that biofields of viruses get stuck in them. Slowly stretch this grid from top to bottom through the person, imagining how it captures the biofields of viruses and drags them down. Bring this mesh through your legs and burn it in a mentally created fire. Repeat this procedure many times, and you will see that the recovery of the patient's body goes much faster.

In what cases is it advisable to use phantom treatment?

For example, in connection with the departure of your patient, you can continue the course of treatment according to the phantom. At the request of a person or his relatives, help recover a patient who is in the hospital after an operation, a heart attack, a stroke, etc. The phantom effect is very effective when providing an ambulance, when for some reason there was a sharp pain, a complete breakdown, vomiting etc. Perhaps this person has become a victim of the negative impact of another person, and in a matter of minutes you are able to rid him of this.

By working with the phantoms of people, you can promote their friendly attitude towards each other. To do this, clean and brighten their energy, place them in a white ball and fill it with white luminous energy. This will harmonize the vibrations coming from these people, and, thereby, lay sympathy for each other.

Several people can act on the patient's phantom at the same time. The more people send their positive energy, the more amazing the results of the joint efforts. Each “donor” of positive energy that joins enhances the impact.

According to the phantom, it is possible to treat not only people, but also animals. Here is how William Hewitt, a well-known psychic and hypnotherapist in the USA, describes an example of such assistance. His daughter's favorite, a husky, who became seriously ill, became his patient. All the efforts of veterinarians were in vain, and antibiotics were powerless.

« I ordered my mind to form the image of Takra very clearly. I carefully scanned her body inside and out and noted all the violations that I was able to establish. Takra's intestines were a continuous clot of pus and blood - it was inflamed. The inflammation was caused by bacteria that are extremely resistant to antibiotics. I have taken concrete action. It was a real operation, the tools for which I created with the power of imagination. In order to remove pus from the intestines, I had to create an image of a powerful pump. With the help of this device, I sucked out the pus from the intestines, all to the last drop. I mentally scraped off the entire infection from the inside of the intestines with an imaginary steel brush and treated it with an extremely powerful antibiotic from a jar that said "Cures absolutely everything." I made sure that Takra's blood was completely cleansed by hemosorption, and filled it with glucose and nutrients. I eliminated the redness and swelling of the intestines by spraying it with coolant. Then I took a syringe with "Strength and Energy" written on it and gave Tacre an injection. After examining Takra in my mind's eye and making sure that I managed to cope with the disease, I finally opened my eyes. My daughter, noticing this, immediately ran to the room where Takra was lying. Entering, she was surprised to find that Takra was already on his feet and looking around in bewilderment. as if waking up from a long sleep. The disease did not leave a trace, which was confirmed the next day by the veterinarian.

Your powerful imagination and clear visualization can work wonders. A clear visualization from your consciousness is transmitted to the consciousness of the patient and has a healing effect on his body.

Many people who are far from esoteric knowledge, especially scientists blinded by the paradigms of their sciences, may be very skeptical about the above. But, as the outstanding theoretical physicist Lev Landau said: “Try to understand what is impossible to imagine. And then you took place as a true scientist.

Half a century ago, only science fiction writers could talk about telemedicine and only in the future tense. But we, who have stepped into this future, are not surprised by such prospects. What do doctors themselves think about telemedicine? We asked this question to our experts.

Georgy Lebedev, Doctor of Medical Sciences, Head of the Department of Information and Internet Technologies of the First Moscow State Medical University named after M.V. THEM. Sechenov; Konstantin Lyadov, Doctor of Medical Sciences, Academician of the Russian Academy of Sciences; Pavel Rasner, MD, Professor, Department of Urology, Moscow State Medical University named after A.I. A.I. Evdokimov.

Many are convinced that remote treatment (in modern terms, telemedicine) is the know-how of our time. However, back in the 30s of the last century, there was an experience of remote delivery at a distant Arctic station. A mainland doctor guided the process using a radio station and Morse code. Later, in the 70s, doctors began to use the telegraph for remote consultations. Well, now, in the era of the Internet, the possibilities of telemedicine are completely endless.

Telemedicine – medicine of the future or...?

Telemedicine is booming today, especially in the US and Europe. There, over the past eight years, information technology has been introduced into almost all branches of healthcare. Home telemedicine is developing especially rapidly: developers come up with devices, programs and applications for all occasions. Gadgets track heart rate, blood pressure, blood oxygen levels and transmit data to the attending physician. He monitors the patient remotely, but is ready to intervene at any time - adjust the treatment (change the dose, drug) or send the person to the clinic. This method of communication between the doctor and the patient is especially convenient for asthmatics and diabetics. This is how even psychiatric care works: a virtual doctor at a distance helps people manage their emotions. Or here is such a completely fantastic way: a camera that allows you to shoot the throat and ear canal (in case a sore throat or otitis occurs, and there is no doctor nearby). The data from the device is transmitted to the doctor, and he gives clear CC.

And such treatment, as many experts believe, is beneficial. Firstly, remote consultations are cheaper than face-to-face appointments. Secondly, thanks to the remote “safety net”, the number of these same face-to-face appointments, and at the same time hospitalizations, is reduced (which again reduces the cost of treatment). And thirdly, the person feels better. After all, the doctor can timely adjust the treatment, not allowing the disease to develop. For example, in the Netherlands, thanks to telemedicine, the number of hospitalizations decreased by 64%, outpatient visits - by 39%. In the United States, according to the American Telemedicine Association for 2015, by 19 and 70%, respectively. That is, people receive high-quality medical care without leaving their homes. This is especially true for the elderly, women with children, people with chronic diseases, and those who live far from high-class medical centers and clinics. By the way, the doctors themselves also accepted telemedicine. Doctors conduct medical consultations, conferences, lectures, and broadcast surgeries online. And not only for the purpose of education and exchange of experience, but also for control, when a more experienced doctor monitors the actions of his student or young colleague.

And what about telemedicine in Russia?

Telemedicine technologies are also developing in our country. Electronic cards and online doctor appointments are already in demand even a few hundred kilometers from the capital. But not only that. High technologies have “sneaked” into many medical specialties. In cardiology, technical devices monitor the work of the heart, transmitting important information to the doctor. In endocrinology, they monitor the condition of patients with diabetes. Rehabilitologists use IT technologies to minimize the consequences of strokes and severe injuries by creating individual rehabilitation programs. Doctors have learned to help such patients not only in person - in a hospital or clinic - but also at home. “Before discharge, the doctor selects a rehabilitation program for the patient, and then teaches him to work with an instructor who will be on the other side of the screen from him,” says Konstantin Lyadov. - At the patient's home, the necessary equipment is installed - simulators, a computer, a video camera. Classes are held via video conferencing. The instructor watches the patient perform the exercises. Can remotely change the settings of the simulator using both Wi-Fi and mobile Internet.

What does the adopted law on telemedicine say

The successful development of telemedicine, before the State Duma passed a law on its use in clinics, was a kind of preparatory stage. Readiness check. But now the law has been passed and will come into force on January 1, 2018. “The law on telemedicine provides for the possibility of providing medical care using telemedicine technologies, including consultations, consultations and remote monitoring,” explains Georgy Lebedev. “Also, amendments to the law “On the Fundamentals of the Health of Citizens in the Russian Federation” provide for electronic document management between medical workers and patients, including certificates, prescriptions, extracts from a medical record.” Moreover, according to the new law, it will be possible to obtain a prescription in electronic form even for narcotic drugs and psychotropic substances.

Pitfalls of telemedicine

However, the adoption of the law on telemedicine did not reduce the skepticism towards remote treatment among many doctors and patients. They believe that it is possible to treat (and be treated) only under the supervision of a doctor, that is, in person. And they are wary of correspondence therapy. “Telemedicine has many advantages: you can remotely manage a preliminary examination so that the first visit to the doctor becomes as effective as possible,” shares his opinion Pavel Rasner. - You can plan the date of the visit and hospitalization, which is especially important for out-of-town patients. Remote communication can be used to replace control visits. For example, if three months after the operation, the patient needs to inform the doctor of the data of the examinations planned at discharge, it is not necessary to meet in person - the correction of therapy and the evaluation of the data obtained can be carried out remotely. However, online consultations cannot completely replace a visit to the doctor. Indeed, in the examination of a doctor, the key word is “examination”! In addition to the fact that the patient himself talks about his well-being, the doctor also evaluates the accompanying symptoms - the general condition, the absence or presence of shortness of breath, skin color, the shape of the nails, the presence of edema, and who knows what else! The mood of the patient, finally! It is from all these little things, and not just from the main complaints, that the overall picture of the disease is formed. Not to mention that the doctor's task is to form a trusting relationship with the patient. It's hard to do it remotely."

One of the main tasks of Russian telemedicine is to “deliver” medical services to the most remote corners of the country, to provide an opportunity to receive advice from several specialists. For example, if a local hospital says that an abdominal operation cannot be avoided, and Moscow or St. Petersburg doctors believe that it is possible to get by with a low-traumatic intervention and suggest where it is better to go, a person will most likely opt for a gentle operation. A plus? Undoubtedly! However, not in all corners of our country (especially in the most remote ones) there is a normal Internet connection. Somewhere it doesn't exist at all. As well as mobile. And there is no communication - there is no telemedicine. In addition, how can you check that the medical luminary who consults remotely is really a luminary? “You can write anything about yourself on the Internet,” notes Pavel Rasner. - Though "thrice academician". But how will the patient check this? Yes, and the doctor cannot unconditionally trust all the data of analyzes and examinations - who and how in a distant village did or described CT or MRI? There is more trust in “our” specialists.” This is especially true of the descriptive part of surveys - the one where the experience and knowledge of a particular person become decisive. For example, the prognosis and the choice of treatment tactics depend on the pathomorphological conclusion in oncology. The slightest inaccuracy can be fatal, and in the course of remote communication, the doctor is forced to focus on the documents that the patient provided him. How well is the histological picture described? How to check? It is also not clear how the doctor should transfer the signature at a distance, what the official conclusion formed on the basis of the teleconsultation will look like, whether the doctor needs to receive additional education. And most importantly: if the treatment is ineffective, who will be responsible?

Positive aspects of telemedicine

Despite all the existing gaps in the law, many experts are optimistic, believing that most of them can be solved. “In everything, one must adhere to common sense, both on the part of the patient and on the part of the doctor,” believes Georgy Lebedev.- If the doctor is illiterate, he will heal the patient anyway, without telemedicine. Therefore, the Ministry of Health should clearly regulate which cases are subject to remote consultation and which are not. And the doctor must understand with all responsibility where the line is between the need for full-time and remote reception, where not consultation is needed, but urgent help - an ambulance, sanitation. This is achieved by obligatory recording of the consultation, keeping the protocol with the doctor and the patient in the medical record (including electronic). Certainly, there is some specificity in remote reception, but a doctor does not need a special education. A doctor should be allowed to work in a "virtual" clinic after five years of normal face-to-face practice. It's even better if he has a mixed reception."

In any case, the new medicine is aimed solely at the benefit of man. “If it is not possible to provide the patient with other medical care, except for telemedicine, you need to help,” believes Georgy Lebedev.- And remotely monitor the condition of a person who, after treatment in the federal center, left for a distant region. After all, there may not be the necessary specialists (or specialists of this level). And of course, always remember the main principle of the doctor: "do no harm."