remote treatment. Remote treatment of a person by phantom

Distance treatment or remote treatment is treatment in which the patient and the healer are at a remote distance from each other. At the same time, the distance itself can be completely different - another room, another city or country on the opposite side of the globe. The remoteness of the patient from the healer does not affect the quality of treatment at all.

Benefits of remote treatment:

1. The healer can conduct a Reiki session at a convenient time and place for him, and the patient can receive energy at a convenient time and place for him.
2. A distance treatment is usually a little shorter than an in-person Reiki session. Often 15-20 minutes is enough for one treatment session at a distance, although this depends on the patient.
3. A large group of patients can be treated simultaneously.

Distance healing with the help of Reiki energy can be carried out, for example, in the following cases:

  • continue the course of treatment remotely if your patient left unexpectedly;
  • help people when they are far away from you, for example, in a hospital or live in another city;
  • treat an area that for some reason cannot be touched with your hands, for example, if you find it difficult to put your hands on the area of ​​​​the shoulder blades or touching causes pain to the patient;
  • your patient is next to you, but you find it difficult to stand or sit in any position during a contact Reiki session;
  • with a lack of time to conduct a full face-to-face session;
  • in the treatment of animals.

Distance healing is just as effective as contact Reiki sessions. And sometimes even more, because a person, taking a session, is in his usual conditions and can relax much more, which allows the Reiki energy to work out more efficiently.

In both cases we are dealing with the same energy. Many remote healers are sensitive to changes in the flow of Reiki energy as they treat different areas of the patient's body. With practice, many develop an intuitive feeling or understanding of what exactly hurts the patient and how he perceives the treatment at the moment.

You can also use remote treatment only with the permission of the patient to conduct it. Every person has the right to both health and illness, and we must respect his decision.

Of course, you cannot ask permission from a person if he is unconscious. In this case, you can send healing with a clear intention, so that it is accepted only at the request of the one to whom it is directed. When saying the intent, add that if the person forgoes the energy, it can instead be used to heal the Earth or someone else who needs it. Unwanted Reiki energy can thus be redirected for positive use without violating anyone's free will.

In addition to the patient's consent to treatment, agree with him on the time when he will receive a healing session. As practice shows, it is much more effective when the patient consciously accepts a remote treatment session, and does not sleep or is busy with other things. He may fall asleep during the session, this is normal.

For the duration of the session, it is advisable for the patient to sit or lie down in a relaxed position, close their eyes, express their intention to receive the healing energy and immerse themselves in their feelings. Also, it does not hurt at all - although it is not necessary - if during a session at a distance the patient enters into resonance with the treatment with his thoughts, if he simply allows himself to flow with the process, allows himself to be carried away by the flowing flow of energy.

The possibility of treatment at a distance is provided by the use of the third symbol of Reiki - Khon-Sha-Ze-Sho-Nen. The third symbol of Reiki can be called a symbol of unity and infinity. Translated from Japanese into Russian, Hon-Sha-Ze-Sho-Nen means "No past, no present, no future." It is the key to go beyond any limitations at all levels. This is contact with the highest level, where everything is one, where there is neither space nor time. After visualizing this symbol, an exact contact is established over a person or situation - a bridge for transferring Reiki to this person or situation.

In cases where an enhanced energy impact on the physical body is required, the Cho-Ku-Rei symbol is added to the third symbol. In situations requiring the resolution of some psychological problems, the Sei-He-Ki symbol is added. This is precisely Mikao Usui's approach to remote treatment. It has now become a tradition in Western Reiki to use all the symbols at the same time.

Distance Reiki Treatment Technique:

  1. Take care that no one disturbs you, sit comfortably, fold your palms in Gassho in front of your chest, take a few calm breaths in and out and invoke Reiki.
  2. Draw in a way convenient for you and activate the remote treatment symbol - Khon-Sha-Ze-Sho-Nen.
  3. Express your intention to heal.
  4. Transmit Reiki energy by focusing your attention on the patient or situation in one of the following ways.
  5. If necessary, add the first or second Reiki symbols.
  6. At the end of the session, again join the palms in front of the chest and thank Reiki.
  7. When you are finished with the treatment, come back to the present and let go of thoughts about the treatment. If you continue to think about him, you are holding on to the energy meant for the patient.

Ways to transfer Reiki energy at a distance and focus on the patient:

1. By positions. Imagine that you are near the person you are treating and you are doing a classic laying on of hands session. In this case, you can place your real palms in front of you one above the other at a distance of 10-15 cm and conduct Reiki between the palms. This method requires a lot of time to perform the Reiki positions, and, therefore, the healer has to maintain the visualization of the patient for quite a long time, which can be quite difficult without the acquired skill of holding the visualization. To make the session shorter, you can imagine that you have grown one or more additional pairs of hands and put them in position during the session. This will shorten the session considerably, but still requires a lot of effort to concentrate.

2. By phantom. Visualize the image of the patient. Imagine that it decreases in size and becomes very small so that it can fit between your palms. Place it mentally in the palm of your left hand. With your right hand, draw symbols over the image of the patient and pass Reiki between the palms, holding the palm of the right hand over the left at a distance of 10-15 cm.

3. In the image. If it is difficult for you to imagine a specific person, you can imagine, for example, a rose flower that will express this person, imagine it in your imagination, smell it. Place it mentally in the palm of your left hand. With your right hand, draw symbols above the image and pass Reiki between the palms, holding the palm of your right hand over your left at a distance of 10-15 cm.

4. On the thigh. Visualize the image of the patient or just think about it. Then mentally say: "I use my left knee and thigh to mimic the front of the body (name of the patient), and my right knee and thigh to mimic the back of his body." Perform the treatment by laying hands on your legs. Change the position of the hands according to the sensations of sufficiency.

5. According to the photo. For this purpose, take a photograph of the patient, on its reverse side you can write the full name, date of birth and location of the person. Then place the photo in the palm of your left hand, draw symbols over it, and give Reiki between the palms while holding the palm of your right hand over the photo. You can use this method even if you don't have a photo of the person. In this case, write his full name, date of birth and location on a piece of paper, and then give him Reiki by following the same steps.

6. By subject. With this method, you can use a real object, such as a soft toy, doll, or pillow. Say mentally: "I use this item in the role of (patient's name)." Do a Reiki treatment session on this object, moving your palms from one position to another, feeling enough.

As you can see, there are many ways to perform a remote session. Choose the one you like best, or try all the ways and choose the one that suits you best now.

How to correctly formulate the intention for treatment at a distance?

When formulating an intention, you need to answer 3 questions: Who? Where? When?
Who? – last name and first name of the patient, you can also indicate his age or date of birth.
Where? – the location of the patient during the reception of the session.
When? – session reception time. If you agree with the patient in advance about some time, then in the intention you name this time. When conducting regular treatment sessions at a distance, it is more convenient to agree on an arbitrary time for taking sessions, and in this case the wording is suitable: "at any time suitable for him."

For example: “This session is intended for Svetlana Mikhailova, 26 years old, in Moscow, right now” or: “Reiki healing for Andrey Georgievich Stolz, 57 years old, in the Irkutsk region, the village of Sredny, at any time suitable for him.”

What is the best way to treat my back if it is difficult for me to reach it?

In order to act at a distance on your back with Reiki energy, you first need to mentally draw the symbol of Khon-Sha-Ze-Sho-Nen over it, and then put your hands on your hips, palms down. Soon you will begin to feel the energy flow in your back, although your hands will be in a different position. In this way, you can give Reiki to any part of the body that you cannot touch.

Remote treatment technique for several people at the same time:

  1. On a piece of paper, write the name, age, and location of the people you will be doing Reiki to.
  2. Sit in a comfortable position for you, with a straight back. Clasp your palms in Gassho in front of your chest and say the intention to heal these people, listing each one by name.
  3. Place the list of names in the palm of your left hand.
  4. Draw the symbol of Khon-Sha-Ze-Sho-Nen over it and activate it by saying its name three times.
  5. Then, holding the palm of your right hand over the sheet, give Reiki to this group of people for the time that feels necessary.
  6. At the end of the session, fold your palms in Gassho and thank Reiki.

Remote treatment sessions, like face-to-face, are best done in courses, taking breaks between them. For example, you can conduct a course of remote therapy of 10 sessions in a row, one per day. Then take a week break, allowing the patient's body to carry out the process of assimilation and recovery. And further, depending on his condition and desire, sessions can be carried out daily or in 1-2 days, until complete recovery or the desired result is achieved.

Sometimes you may encounter the fact that people who have never tried Reiki energy treatment are very skeptical about the possibility of treatment at a distance. But after they receive a regular face-to-face Reiki session, most of them agree to a method of treatment at a distance.

It is also possible for two or more healers to send Reiki energy to the same person at the same time. In this case, the patient must necessarily take a lying position during the session, since the effect on the body will be very strong and it will be much easier to take it lying down.

As practice is acquired, the process of distance healing becomes easy and, with regular use, becomes more and more powerful. It is difficult to overestimate the benefits it brings.

Remote treatment of a person by phantom

The Encyclopedia gives two interpretations of the word " phantom»:

1) bizarre vision, ghost, creation of the imagination, fiction;

2) life-size model of the human body or its parts, a visual aid in educational institutions, museums.

And it is completely incomprehensible: a phantom is what; no, or something that is, but we do not see it? Let us see how theoretical physics relates to this question.

Quantum physics has proven that particles and antiparticles are hidden in the physical vacuum. The physical vacuum is the carrier of all other fields. Russian scientists managed to combine the interactions of all known fields into the Unified Field Theory after the introduction of a new interaction - informational. Its source turned out to be torsion fields (or torsion fields) acting as a carrier of information in the Subtle World. Torsion fields propagate instantly and without energy consumption.

The invisible world is incomprehensible from the usual point of view, inaccessible to ordinary means of cognition, but this does not mean that it does not exist. The existence of the invisible (Subtle) World is fully confirmed by new scientific concepts. Any most rational, no matter how scientific, version is, first of all, a projection of the mind onto the world, therefore, it is not a reflection of the world, but of the mind itself.

Science has come to understand the knowledge that esotericism owns. Repeatedly tested and experimentally confirmed psi-phenomena, such as telepathy, telekinesis, clairvoyance, materialization and dematerialization, made us recognize the reality of new, previously unknown to science, fundamental laws based on the close interaction of human consciousness with the world around him.

More than once, scientists instantly received answers to questions that they had been looking for in vain for many years. So, Friedrich August Kekula dreamed of the formula, D.I. Mendeleev - the periodic system of elements, Niels Bohr - the structure of the atom, Nostradamus saw the future as a result of trance. Many prominent scientists believe that the emergence of new knowledge cannot be explained without assuming the presence of some kind of Higher power, some kind of World Data Bank, from where this knowledge is drawn. The famous theoretical physicist G.I. Shilov writes: “Intuition is the ability to penetrate the barrier between consciousness and subconsciousness. The subconscious is connected to the Universal Consciousness. Intuition allows you to establish a connection with the subconscious and, thereby, gain access to the source of knowledge.

The impact on the vacuum by consciousness causes the development of events that can lead to the birth of elementary particles from the vacuum, from which atoms are built, rallying into molecules that form all possible states of matter. Torsion fields have memory. Any source of torsion field polarizes the vacuum. As a result, the spins of the physical vacuum elements are oriented along the torsion field of this source, repeating its structure. A spin spatial structure invisible to the naked eye is commonly called a phantom. Since all bodies of living nature have their own torsion field, phantoms are formed by human objects. The article by Professor A. Chernetsky "Energy of the Void" says: " If you create a mental image anywhere, for example, in the corner of a room, then the device will fix the "shells" (aura) of this phantom, but if you mentally blur this image, then the "shells" will disappear - the device will not show anything". According to Academician Shipov: A person can directly perceive and transform torsion fields. Thought has a torsion nature».

The information layer contains all the information about our planet and about every person living on it. According to the doctor of physical and mathematical sciences A.V. Moscow: " The world is a colossal hologram. Each of its points has completeness of information about the world as a whole.».

You need to exclude thoughts of failure from your mind, switch yourself only to success in everything. After all, consciousness creates thought forms - some stable field formations that carry certain information. The very thought of a person is a universal energy-field substance that can transform into any kind of matter and interact with particles of the physical vacuum.

Numerous experiments have made it possible to establish that psychics realize their abilities precisely through torsion fields. If he gives you a “recovery” attitude, then his brain acts as a torsion field emitter. It polarizes the vacuum around your head. The external torsion field causes spin polarization of the elementary particles of your brain. These "setting" reflexes are converted into neurochemical and hormonal processes that promote recovery.

Scientists have carried out numerous experiments to detect and study the phantom. So, it was found that during a violent death, an energy-informational explosion occurs, generating a wave clot of energy - a torsion field. The spins of the elements of the physical vacuum are oriented along the spins of this powerful field, repeating its structure. A phantom is formed, which persists for a long time and is tied to the place of death. The spectrometer recorded the phantom for exactly 40 days - it is after such a period that a wake is held for the deceased. Then the dense shells of the phantom disintegrate. Such results were obtained independently by American and Japanese scientists.

The phantom is biologically active. It can damage the field protection of "healthy" molecules, affect the genetic programs recorded in them. For example, if doctors try to kill pathogens in the patient's body, then their phantoms are formed, which can damage the heredity molecules of a healthy person - a doctor, a relative caring for a sick person, etc. The genetic apparatus of such a person can be upset so that, at his commands, the body will synthesize pathogens on its own.

Doctors are often infected in this wave way, despite the most careful precautions. Many people know what phantom pains are: a limb is amputated, an “empty” place starts to hurt, as if it is there. Something similar happens when a baby is killed in the womb. When the vacuum pump tears apart the body of the fetus, its phantom is formed, which remains in the uterus, no matter how the doctors clean it out, the biological activity of this phantom is so great that it distorts the genetic apparatus of the woman, and then the man who will have sexual intercourse with her proximity. Although in forty days the dense frame of the phantom will disintegrate, this time is enough for a wave wound to form in the uterus, which, unlike the bodily wound, does not heal. If a woman becomes pregnant again and the embryo attaches to a sore spot, then her child will be doomed to serious illness and premature death.

The phantom may have another origin. In many religions and esoteric schools, special techniques are described for a person to “exit” his physical body. The experiments of scientists have proven that such a “phantom double” (or it is also called astral) is not only a mental, but also a physical reality..

Professor A.V. Chernetsky experimentally proved that the “double” allocated by a person has many characteristics of living objects (for example, mass and density) and there is a biofield around it that is recorded by devices.

This astral double, when "exiting" the physical body, performs the tasks assigned to it, such as: visits certain places, collects the necessary information, analyzes it, even affects devices.

The human subconscious is a fragment of the Universal Consciousness, or the Information Field of the Universe. Each person can be considered as a source of a strictly individual torsion field. With its torsion field, it influences the physical vacuum in a certain volume around itself. The torsion field of a person, which carries all the information about him and his health, under certain conditions, leaves a copy - a phantom in a physical vacuum and his prints on clothes and objects.

In the space surrounding us there is a huge number of phantoms of people (like radio waves) living at the present time and already dead. These phantoms are a kind of information formations. Due to the holographic structure of the Universe, complete information about each phantom is present at any point in it. One phantom differs from another by the parameters of the torsion field (frequency, amplitude, information, etc.). And if, for example, a psychic tunes his brain to receive precisely this torsion field, then the field, acting on the backs of the elements of the psychic's brain, will force them to organize their copy, which will be perceived by a person as an image.

By turning the knob of the radio receiver, we can receive the information of interest to us, transmitted on a certain wave, despite the huge number of radio waves penetrating space. The difficulty lies only in the possibility of customization. Knowing the wave of a working radio station, the search can be significantly reduced. To this end, the psychic, in order to tune in to the right person, uses some thing that belongs to this person and carries information about him: a photograph; a piece of paper with his signature, an item of clothing, the sound of his voice.

Any person, thinking about someone and mentally imagining his image, creates a phantom of this person, without even knowing it. That is, creating (or summoning) a phantom of someone is not particularly difficult, especially for a healer. And here is the phantom in front of you. What to do with him next? And everything is the same and the same as if you were conducting a session with a real person.

First of all, determine where the phantom should be located so that it is convenient for you to work with it. You can mentally put him in front of you, put him on a chair, put him on the couch. Moreover, a chair or a couch can be both real and imaginary. If you are treating a child, then for the convenience of work, you can put him on an imaginary bedside table or table. When you need to be from the back; phantom, then it is not necessary to bypass it - mentally or with the help of your hands unfold it. You can mentally make him hover in front of you in any position convenient for you, for example, with your right leg extended forward. For the convenience of work, you can change its size or work with a single part of the body or organ.

Making phantom diagnostics, a healer (especially a beginner) may look at a poster with images of human organs and imagine that these are the organs of his patient, or mentally imagine the organs of the patient and examine them sequentially. If, when diagnosing a phantom, you suddenly discover that the flow of heat from all the patient's organs has increased, this means that the patient has felt your influence on him. To verify this, you can check the patient’s pulse “by countdown”. It will be higher than at the beginning of the diagnosis. Those patients who, during a face-to-face session, experienced certain sensations in the form of the appearance of heat, cold, the flow of energy through them, tingling, rocking, etc., often experience the same sensations when working with their phantom.

Energy is primary and matter is secondary. Matter is condensed energy. If you treat only the physical body (matter), then the effect may not be.

A person, like any living object, has an energy matrix, the parameters of which are embedded in the DNA molecule. This is an energy frame that determines the growth, complexion, size and relative position of all organs and systems of the body. Any deviation from this matrix is ​​the beginning of the disease. The elimination of these deviations leads to the normal functioning of human organs and systems. This is the task of bioenergy therapy.

We start working with the phantom, of course, with diagnostics.

First of all, we identify whether there are traces of negative influences of other people on it. We ask the question: “Is there an evil eye on a person? (i.e. suspension of someone else's energy with negative information)? If, using the dowsing method available to you, you are convinced of the presence of the evil eye, eliminate it. This can be achieved both by local removal of the identified alien pendant, by burning the phantom with a flame, and by other energy methods. Of course, when working with a phantom, you cannot use techniques such as egg rolling or wax pouring.

Make sure that the polarity of the phantom is not violated, i.e. that the energy has a “+” sign on top and a “-” sign on the bottom. If, nevertheless, as a result of the negative emotions of another person, a sign change occurred, then turn the phantom 180 degrees clockwise, mentally or with the help of your hands.

Check the phantom for energy holes that appear as a result of directed energy vibrations of negatively minded people. If you find them, then immediately eliminate them using the methods available to you..

After eliminating negative human influences (just do not undertake to eliminate damage and expel the settled entities - leave this work to professionals, at least for your own safety), diagnose the condition of all organs, systems and parts of the patient's body. Diagnosis, carry out sequentially, from top to bottom, paying special attention to those organs or parts of the body that bother the patient. If you are interested in this, then you can determine the time of the onset of the disease by looking at the energy for the time preceding the disease.

Of course, when diagnosing, you need to clearly understand the size and relative position of all human organs. If you need to find out in which part of the organ there is a deviation from the norm, then involve a qualified doctor in the diagnosis to correctly pose questions. If you do not have such an opportunity, then arm yourself with at least an anatomical reference book. And keep in mind that the cause of the disease may not be in the organ that worries the patient. After all, for example, spikes on the heels are caused by a violation of the metabolic processes of the body, and the treatment of the heels themselves will be completely ineffective. It is necessary to identify which organs are causing violations, and treat them first of all. When they begin to work normally, metabolic processes will be restored, and the body itself will eliminate the consequences of this - spikes on the heels. If there are disorders in the spinal column, then energy problems will certainly arise that will impede the circulation of energy in the body. This will cause a lack of energy in the organs located at the level of these plugs and below, and the appearance of excess energy above them. Both cases are abnormal and can cause the onset of the disease. In case of kidney disease, for example, blood, draining from them, spreads negative information throughout the body. If it enters the brain, it can cause a headache. In the first three to four months of pregnancy, the mother's thoughts about the possibility of an abortion can lead to cerebral palsy. Strabismus and myopia in a newborn child may be caused by parents' desires to have a boy or a girl that do not match each other..

Any negative desires or thoughts necessarily leave their informational trace on one of the subtle bodies of a person that surrounds him like "matryoshka dolls" inserted into each other. The same repeated negative emotions reinforce them, overlapping each other.

These information imprints distort the subtle bodies, which, in turn, affects the physical body of a person. Thus, ulcers, adhesions, tissue deformations, neoplasms, etc. can appear. Doctors or healers can heal organs at the physical level, but after some time information traces on subtle bodies that still remain will cause the same processes, as before. To eliminate these information traces, you need to change your attitude towards the world, that is, become cleaner, kinder, understand and forgive those who, in your opinion, deserve only a negative attitude towards themselves. There are cases of complete healing from cancer, any stage of leukemia and other so-called "incurable diseases" after a complete spiritual purification of a person. So a person's health to a large extent depends only on himself, and doctors or healers only contribute to the cure. If you want to be healthy, be it. Of course, the phantom with which you are working cannot explain this, but try to convey this to the patient as soon as possible.

Let's return to the phantom we left behind. Using the dowsing method, diagnose the condition of the eyes, nose, and mouth on the phantom. maxillary sinuses, ears. Separately, carefully "look through" the head. Mark for yourself those areas where negative energy comes from. By asking correctly posed questions, you will receive answers to them, by which you can determine the cause and timing of the appearance of this “center” in your head. Diagnose all organs and parts of the body, first from the front of the phantom, and then from the back. If you understand the causes of the disease, proceed to treatment. Well, if you have any doubts, consult with a specialist. The main commandment of a healer, like a doctor, is do no harm!

Phantom treatment can be done using the same passes as with a real patient, or on a mental level, that is, a thought. Mentally, you can send energy from your hands, the "third eye", the solar plexus, or simply from your eyes to those organs and parts of the body that require the removal of negative energy from them and filling them with pure energy. At the same time, you must mentally clearly imagine what happens as a result of your actions. That is, to “see” how the organ is cleansed and brightened, how adhesions are burned out or resolved, the edges of ulcers are sewn or glued together, various neoplasms are burned out, and so on. Without a clear understanding of all this, treatment will be ineffective. You can mentally remove stones from the kidneys, gallbladder, or bladder. Strain your imagination and imagine that you pour acid on the stones and they dissolve, crush them with your hands into powder, crush them with a hammer on an anvil, spray them in a coffee grinder, etc. It is important that you have a clear idea of ​​\u200b\u200bthe end result. At the end, imagine that all the organs and parts of the body have become white, like some ancient marble sculpture. Fill the entire body with pure white energy and place it in a ball, also filled with dazzling white energy. You can now re-diagnose the phantom and make sure that the session did not result in a simple wave of the hands. After all, the patient standing in front of you cannot express his opinion about the session you conducted.

According to the phantom, it is also possible to make a quantitative assessment of the functioning of the patient's body, i.e. to change the temperature, pressure, sugar and hemoglobin levels in the blood, protein levels in the urine, etc.

You can work with a phantom in a fundamentally different way.. If you performed a face-to-face treatment session for a patient, and he saw and understood your actions, then he, too, can use your phantom. To do this, it is advisable for him to retire, exclude all sources that distract his attention and mentally turn to you for help. He must imagine that you appeared in front of him and began to perform a healing session, as you did it with him really. With a clear visualization of this, your phantom will help him. Let only at the end of the patient do not forget to thank you for it.

According to the phantom, you can remove negative radiation from objects, clothes, jewelry, food, medicines, etc. Clearly imagine this object in your mind and work with it as with a real object. You can try to destroy the phantom of the viruses that caused the disease in the patient. Imagine that you are holding an energy grid above his head with both hands, the cells of which are so small that biofields of viruses get stuck in them. Slowly stretch this grid from top to bottom through the person, imagining how it captures the biofields of viruses and drags them down. Bring this mesh through your legs and burn it in a mentally created fire. Repeat this procedure many times, and you will see that the recovery of the patient's body goes much faster.

In what cases is it advisable to use phantom treatment?

For example, in connection with the departure of your patient, you can continue the course of treatment according to the phantom. At the request of a person or his relatives, help recover a patient who is in the hospital after an operation, a heart attack, a stroke, etc. The phantom effect is very effective when providing an ambulance, when for some reason there was a sharp pain, a complete breakdown, vomiting etc. Perhaps this person has become a victim of the negative impact of another person, and in a matter of minutes you are able to rid him of this.

By working with the phantoms of people, you can promote their friendly attitude towards each other. To do this, clean and brighten their energy, place them in a white ball and fill it with white luminous energy. This will harmonize the vibrations coming from these people, and, thereby, lay sympathy for each other.

Several people can act on the patient's phantom at the same time. The more people send their positive energy, the more amazing the results of the joint efforts. Each “donor” of positive energy that joins enhances the impact.

According to the phantom, it is possible to treat not only people, but also animals. Here is how William Hewitt, a well-known psychic and hypnotherapist in the USA, describes an example of such assistance. His daughter's favorite, a husky, who became seriously ill, became his patient. All the efforts of veterinarians were in vain, and antibiotics were powerless.

« I ordered my mind to form the image of Takra very clearly. I carefully scanned her body inside and out and noted all the violations that I was able to establish. Takra's intestines were a continuous clot of pus and blood - it was inflamed. The inflammation was caused by bacteria that are extremely resistant to antibiotics. I have taken concrete action. It was a real operation, the tools for which I created with the power of imagination. In order to remove pus from the intestines, I had to create an image of a powerful pump. With the help of this device, I sucked out the pus from the intestines, all to the last drop. I mentally scraped off the entire infection from the inside of the intestines with an imaginary steel brush and treated it with an extremely powerful antibiotic from a jar that said "Cures absolutely everything." I made sure that Takra's blood was completely cleansed by hemosorption, and filled it with glucose and nutrients. I eliminated the redness and swelling of the intestines by spraying it with coolant. Then I took a syringe with "Strength and Energy" written on it and gave Tacre an injection. After examining Takra in my mind's eye and making sure that I managed to cope with the disease, I finally opened my eyes. My daughter, noticing this, immediately ran to the room where Takra was lying. Entering, she was surprised to find that Takra was already on his feet and looking around in bewilderment. as if waking up from a long sleep. The disease did not leave a trace, which was confirmed the next day by the veterinarian.

Your powerful imagination and clear visualization can work wonders. A clear visualization from your consciousness is transmitted to the consciousness of the patient and has a healing effect on his body.

Many people who are far from esoteric knowledge, especially scientists blinded by the paradigms of their sciences, may be very skeptical about the above. But, as the outstanding theoretical physicist Lev Landau said: “Try to understand what is impossible to imagine. And then you took place as a true scientist.

A certain person falls ill and goes to the doctor for help. The doctor examines him, then writes out a prescription. The patient firmly believes his doctor. He returns home and in the room, in the red corner, places a beautiful portrait or statue of the doctor. Then he sits down and pays respect to a portrait or a statue: bows three times, lays flowers at the foot, burns incense; then he takes out the prescription prescribed by the doctor and very solemnly reads it aloud:
- Two pills in the morning! Two pills tonight!
All day long he continues to read the recipe - and so
lasts a lifetime because he firmly believes in the doctor. However, the recipe doesn't work for him.
The patient decides that he needs to learn more about this recipe; and so he runs to the doctor and asks him:
Why did you prescribe this medicine for me? How will it help me?
Being a smart man, the doctor explains:
- Here, listen: this is your disease, and this is its cause. If you take the remedy I have prescribed for you, it will root out the root cause of the disease. When the cause is removed, the disease will disappear by itself.
The patient thinks: "Oh, how wonderful! How smart my doctor is! His prescriptions are so useful!" And he goes home, and there he begins to quarrel with his neighbors and acquaintances, insisting:
- My doctor is the best! All other doctors are useless!
Well, what does he gain by such arguments? He can go on fighting all his life, but still it won't help him at all. And if he begins to take medicine, only then can this person be freed from his illness, from his misfortune. And only then the medicine will help him.
Every liberated person is like a doctor. Out of compassion, he prescribes a recipe, gives people advice, tells how to get rid of suffering. If people develop blind faith in this person, they turn his recipe into scripture and begin to quarrel with other faiths, claiming that the teaching of the founder of their religion is the highest. But nobody bothers to practice the teaching, to take the medicine prescribed to eliminate the disease. Having faith in a doctor is helpful if that faith encourages you to follow his advice. Understanding the action of a medicine is also beneficial if this understanding encourages the patient to take the medicine. But without actually taking the medicine, the disease cannot be cured. You must take the medicine yourself.

The key to remote Reiki treatment is also the desire and will of the patient. One of the postulates of Reiki is this: we do not give Reiki, in reality, but the person himself receives Reiki. This system, again, is fundamentally different from any method of extrasensory, cosmic energy or bioenergetic influence. And here we will stop.

(By the way……..

Noticed the word, IMPACT, I think we did.

*It is enough to be a little conscious and a deep understanding of everything will come, even before diving into the topic*.

Look here.

The word impact and derivatives by type - affected, made an impact, produced an impact, etc. in Reiki is not. Such a word can only be spoken by a person who controls something, in this case, energy. Energy management, no matter what level it was, has always been related to magical practices. Based on this, we can conclude that any yogi is a magician, any psychic is a magician, any cosmoenergy or boenergy therapist is a magician, just the level is different for everyone. The level of not only work, but also training and admission.

Since we mentioned the postulates of Reiki, let's remember another basic principle of this system, which says that Reiki has its own consciousness, and we cannot control this energy. She, from the height of her level of consciousness (and remember that this is the level of God, the level of creation and harmony), determines on her own where it is necessary, first of all, to flow, in order for the patient to recover, for example. If this is analyzed using the example of resolving situations, then, from the level of CONSCIOUSNESS of Reiki, this energy is more visible, what is more needed at the moment. And what’s better, for all the participants in the events, in simple terms, to sort everything out so that no one gets too hard, and so that the necessary harmony that is needed from the point of view of UNIVERSAL FUNCTIONALITY comes.

* A small clarification: the harmony that is necessary from the point of view of the Higher is, to put it mildly, not the harmony that you usually imagine, but, in the end, that suits everyone and (after time) you understand what exactly this is how it should have been . *….)

A Reiki practitioner does not work with energy, but gives. The patient, in turn, does not allow to work with him, but accepts. Feel where is the passive and where is the active beginning of the healing process. Everything is contained in these two sentences. And where will the treatment process go more harmoniously and holistically? Where you are ACTIVELY influenced and you practically PASSIVEly obey this influence, or where you are ACTIVELY given energy, and you ACTIVELY accept this help from outside. You are in control of the entire treatment process. At any time, you can safely exit the reception-transmission, saying, for example, to yourself - everything is enough. And everything really stops. As opposed to impact. Here, as they say, what is paid for will be transferred, regardless of your desire, since the contract must be executed exactly, to the last paragraph.

Why am I dwelling in such detail on the topic of how Reiki energy works?

In order for you to have a complete understanding that not only contact treatment according to the Reiki system, but also remote work is going on in the same way.

I think that no one doubts the fact that for energy there is neither time nor space nor distance. Reiki energy is not an exception in this regard, but, I would even say, the very first example. It is thanks to these properties that it became possible to conduct remote Reiki treatment.

Where does it all begin?

Naturally, there is a person who practices Reiki at least in the second degree and there is a patient who would like to undergo remote treatment.

Let's stop here again to dot the i's.

We will dwell on the fact that only those practitioners who have completed at least the second level of training can remotely transmit Reiki energy, and, accordingly, conduct remote sessions.

You can find in books, on forums and simply in conversations of people practicing Reiki that they have already worked remotely at the first stage. You should not take these statements seriously, because, remember, at the first stage of Reiki there are no tools that would allow a Reiki practitioner to transmit Reiki energy at a distance.

They don't exist anymore, by definition. The second step is secret knowledge and a completely different level of access and at the same time responsibility. The system itself protects its knowledge, methods of work and techniques from falling into the hands of random people. And as practice shows, random people simply do not get to the second stage, in traditional Reiki. Only at the second stage are the practitioners given the tools to work with space and time. They are given, as it should be, along with instructions on what and how it works and what and how can be done, and what is better not worth it.

Once again I will repeat. Remember, in the first step there is no way to transmit Reiki at a distance. What is there? And then what do the practitioners of Reiki of the first stage, who decided to work remotely with the help of THEIR methods, convey? I think you already guessed. Yes exactly. They transmit their life energy like ordinary people working with their life energy. These practitioners (especially men), especially at the very beginning of their efforts, may not feel that they are working with their own energy. Men - by definition, they are, remember, like generators - they always give back. And not to feel at first, because in the evening they give themselves a full Reiki session (correct practitioners) and restore the completely spent resource. The most interesting thing is that the patient will feel that he had a session, and if he had no experience of receiving energy from other Reiki practitioners before (at least the second stage), then he may well believe that they worked with him just for Reiki. But. Feeling, sensations, and most importantly, the result of working out for him will be exactly the same as usually happens when a healer works with his energy.

Sometimes I hear, even from Reiki Masters, that it is possible to give Reiki at the first stage, but under certain conditions and in a certain way. When I ask for clarification on what these conditions are and what they mean, I usually hear in response that for remote work, the intention of the practitioner is enough and work will already begin. This is naturally not so. And if the Master already speaks about this, it is immediately clear that he himself has not yet learned to distinguish work with his personal energy (which, of course, no one has canceled) with work with Reiki energy.

Even though intention, even desire, even though a specially invented technique (since this is simply not the case at the first stage in the tradition) will remain just an intention to transfer Reiki energy, a desire to make a remote Reiki session and a technique that promotes energy transfer, but not Reiki naturally, but own.

I have a lot of experience in bringing out my students who have completed the first stage training and have experimented with remote work. When already, after the crisis, we calmly begin to understand what was done and how, in not a single case, I emphasize - not a single one, as a result, there were no signs of the practitioner working with Reiki energy. There was anything, from the energy of minerals, one's own life energy, concentration and redistribution of the life energy of patients, the use of the energies of animals, the elements, the energies of subtle entities, etc. Anything, only Reiki, in the form in which we are now We are talking about this energy with you, it was not there and could not be.

(By the way……I remember one incident now.

Let's start a little with the background of this event.

At my interview there was one girl who had already gone through a lot of things, I mean all kinds of schools of working with energies. Her last place of energy work was the Norbekov Institute, where she headed the regional branch and taught relevant courses. Even at the first glance, it was quite clear that she was doing something wrong, since she had disharmony in all areas of life, including naturally and in her body and her own energy shell. She came to meet me with the aim of further teaching Reiki and attending a seminar.

During the conversation, it turned out that once a long time ago, about two years ago, she had already been trained by someone in the first stage of Reiki. The training was free and after one initiation (!) (already a sign of non-traditional Reiki), she was given a book on Reiki and was told that she would understand everything and learn further. This, by the way, very often happens, but we will not talk about it now. Since that time, the girl practically did not practice, because, according to her, as soon as she began to do Reiki for herself, she got worse and worse.

After some time, she made her choice and took my first stage training at a seminar. Due to the fact that she had something to compare with, and from the height of the fact that she had already learned to feel the flows of energies, and the way it flows through the body, she, after the first initiation, concluded that this is a completely different Reiki and that it is very strong, again - from her words.

The two days of the seminar were wonderful for her. In the field of Reiki, everyone feels great, especially beginners, who, as a rule, like this girl, for example, do not have enough energy in life. It was clear to me, and I told her about this at the end of the seminar, that for her now, the most difficult time in her life would come, since the usual World Pictures would simply collapse, and she would have to build everything anew. And that can be very, very painful. Well, imagine, a person is used to managing, and they tell him that it’s different here, that you come here and give. And what they might not take. How does the healer's own ego feel about it? And do not forget, she was not only an active healer, but also a teacher in her own direction. These are two Pictures of the World, which, when destroyed, can bury even stronger people, as the same practice shows.

And so. The first Reiki Circle is about three weeks from now. We all meet and share our studies, those who, what and how, where, what time and when, in general, those who understood what and how at the seminar. Everything seems to be nothing, but I feel that the girl is not there - no, and she brings her into her past. In the one where she almost mediocrely wasted her own energy, which, in general, undermined her. I try my best to convey to her mind what and where she is doing wrong. Everyone seemed to understand. End of the Circle. We hug, we say goodbye.

The next meeting is in a month and a half.

Same with the Reiki Circle.

Look, we don't have a girl. It seems to be holding on, but the energy is zero, in addition, the plan of thoughts and emotions began to rebuild, and it is clear that she can barely cope with it. I mentally ask myself the question: What is the reason?

The question has not yet ceased to sound in my head, as she informs everyone that she is already working remotely with Reiki and treating other people. The answer came. Everything fell into place. I asked her to tell in more detail how she does it, since I really like the details in this matter. She told and I, after that, asked her to demonstrate to us her ability to work remotely, using the example of remote water charging. She did it.

On the Circle, besides the practitioners of the first stage, there were also three Practicing Masters and two practitioners of the second stage of Reiki, and of course I did. Needless to say, none of us found signs of working specifically with Reiki. We honestly told her about it. Remember that I said that this girl was undergoing a restructuring of thoughts and emotions. And what did it consist of? The fact that she has already begun to consider herself a great healer and a great teacher, rolled into one. She directly stated from the threshold that she wants to become the Master of ALL ENERGIES. Well, we, mortals, say to this great man that something is not working out for her. The result was not long in coming. She did not come to the next Circle, and, by the way, she did not hug after the end.

Sometimes it happens.

When a person comes to me and says that he knows nothing about energies and has never done anything like that, I tell him that it's just great. A clean slate is what is needed. This is, as they say, optimal. And imagine how strong this person’s guardian angel is, which led him immediately to one of the oldest systems of working with energy and to one of the most effective and safe, and, as we have already seen in our own system.

Relearning is always difficult.

To retrain if the Student himself does not want it, in general, is a disastrous business. What for? The law of conservation of energy should work in this case too.

Here it is appropriate to recall the parable of the three types of disciples:

One day a man came to Buddha, very cultured, very educated and very learned. And he asked the Buddha a question. Buddha said:

- I'm sorry, but right now I can't answer your question.

The man was surprised
- Why can't you answer? Are you busy or something else?

Let's talk a little about treatment at a distance (remote - DL, resonant, biodynamic treatment).

DL is an energy treatment. It is no secret that everything in this world is connected by energy fields.

Every person radiates energy. It is emitted in the form of heat waves (our body temperature) - and in the form of electromagnetic radiation.

Electromagnetic radiation is an individual "map" of a person, inherent only to him.

With the help of special techniques, a remote doctor (I just came up with this name, funny, right?) Is able to feel the directed flow coming from the patient, "calculate" the problems of the patient's body - and have a therapeutic effect on the problem.

What is the principle of this action?

Around us there is a single electromagnetic field, the so-called flow. Otherwise it is called the flow of health. This is what is given to us from the beginning - the original health.

A remote doctor enters this stream, tunes in to the electromagnetic field emitted by the patient - and feels changes in the patient's stream, which differ from the initially healthy ones.

This is usually perceived as a "swirl" of the stream, which in the "normal" is felt by the doctor as a boundless, calm river.

The task of a remote doctor is to track these eddies, establish their cause - and wait until these eddies disappear.

At the same time, the main task of a remote doctor is to be an observer of ongoing processes.

This is the whole point of remote treatment. As if a remote doctor concentrates the attention of the "health flow" on the problems in the patient's body - and the flow eliminates the health problem.

It is important to know that no more than one problem is solved in one session.

In general, distance healing, like any other energy treatment, can be compared with the process of "peeling the onion": we remove one layer of "husk", and under it we find another. We remove it - and under it is the third layer. And so on until the "bulb of the disease" disappears.

Sounds a bit odd, I get it. But how much we still do not know about our body - and about the world and the processes taking place inside and outside of us!

The flow is a single, original information field of health. It is sent to us by God - or by higher forces that stimulate life as such.

Recently, all the secret, previously hidden teachings about energy and its impact on humans have become clear. And this has a deep meaning. After all, Nature (God) initially invested in man huge reserves of energy and healing abilities.

Medicines treat only the superficial symptoms of deep-seated damage to the body. Symptoms of diseases also refer to the "superficial" manifestations of deep processes occurring in the human body.

And only the "flow" knows where the root cause of the disease and pain is located. And only HE is able to fully show its healing effect, returning the patient's body to the original, healthy plan of Nature.

The role of a remote doctor comes down "only" to attuning to the patient's electromagnetic radiation and including it in a single flow of health.

Believe me, it's not that easy. This training takes months and years. A remote doctor is a person who does not have psychic abilities. It is important to know that anyone can learn this technique.

Remote treatment of any diseases is a real method of treatment aimed at returning the state of a living organism to the starting point of health, up to injuries received by a person in the intrauterine development process, that is, before his birth.

In the modern world, such work is called biodynamic. Bio is life, dynamics is movement.

Applying a remote, biodynamic, impact on the patient, the remote doctor "connects" the patient's body to the original flow of health - and thereby has a therapeutic effect on diseases.

The time will come - and science will be able to explain all these processes. However, we should not forget that for many millennia, thousands of healers have been successfully treating their patients without drugs and operations.

Times change and terminology changes. Sorcery, healing... Now these concepts are being replaced by "bioenergetics", biodynamics. But the change of names does not change the essence: the basis is the ability of a remote doctor to connect the patient's body to a single stream of health.

Think about it.

Decide for yourself whether you want you - or your children - to be healthy without drugs or surgeries.

Biodynamic remote exposure can not only effectively treat diseases, but also prevent (prevention is our EVERYTHING!) their occurrence.

I hope this article will allow you to believe that Nature has given us an unlimited arsenal of self-healing methods. The role of a biodynamist doctor is reduced to external assistance to those who, due to their employment, do not have the opportunity to devote much time to studying self-healing methods. After all, you go to the clinic for a "miraculous" prescription - and swallow "chemistry" in the hope of a miraculous recovery?

So why not once again believe that Nature is smarter and wiser than "chemistry", giving us biodynamic, remotely acting, effective methods of healing?

Think about it.

And - be healthy!

A working group under the presidential administration has developed a document that contains measures for the development of electronic medicine in Russia. Currently, the provision of medical services and the sale of medicines via the Internet is prohibited.

Photo: Vladimir Astapkovich / TASS

Doctor from the web

In 2018, 25% of state medical organizations will be able to introduce telemedicine technologies and provide assistance to patients remotely. Thus, telemedicine services will be available to 20% of residents of hard-to-reach regions of Russia. In addition, by the end of 2017, 5% of medicines will be sold in the country via the Internet, and in 2018 the share of online sales will reach 10%. Such plans are described in the "road map" (available from RBC), developed by the subgroup "Internet + Medicine", which is part of the working group on the development of the Internet under the presidential administration. The head of the group is Presidential Aide Igor Shchegolev, and experts from the Internet Development Institute (IRI), the Internet Initiatives Development Foundation (IIDF) and Yandex worked on the map.

The legalization of telemedicine may occur as early as the first quarter of 2017, and the remote sale of over-the-counter drugs and medical devices in the second, according to a document that RBC has. Compulsory health insurance tariffs will be developed for remote medical services in the third quarter of next year, the authors of the document note.

What is remote treatment?

Telemedicine, as defined by the World Health Organization, is the provision of healthcare services by healthcare professionals who use information and communication technologies to share the necessary information for the diagnosis, treatment and prevention of diseases and injuries.

The roadmap also provides for the implementation of pilot projects on the use of "big data" in the healthcare system - for scientific purposes and for obtaining statistics. Moreover, if at first we are talking about access to arrays of depersonalized medical data, then later - about working with personalized information. To do this, the Ministry of Health should, in particular, develop an order on the creation of a certification system for medical wearable devices (such as, for example, gadgets for the treatment of such serious diseases as epilepsy and diabetes).

Now the map of the IRI, IIDF and Yandex is being approved by the Russian Ministry of Health, a representative of the ministry confirmed to RBC. He also noted that employees of the Ministry of Health are taking part in the discussion.

According to one of the developers of the document, now the task is for it "to be taken into action or its key provisions are included in other strategic documents, the development of which is being carried out on the basis of the government."

In August 2016, the Open Government developed its action plan for the development of telemedicine on behalf of Deputy Prime Minister Arkady Dvorkovich. In general, both documents pursue the same goal and see its implementation by similar methods, the interlocutor of RBC from the Internet + Medicine working group makes a reservation.

Double bills

There are also two bills to legalize telemedicine. The first was developed by the Ministry of Health and in the spring of 2016 posted on the website of legal information. It allows the exchange of medical documents between physicians, who can decide whether a patient needs a face-to-face consultation. However, doctors are still prohibited from writing prescriptions, changing drug doses, or making a diagnosis based on remote communication with a patient.

The second bill was also introduced to the State Duma in the spring by the chairman of the Committee on Information Policy, Information Technologies and Communications, Leonid Levin. It gives physicians much greater powers. This document was developed by the same experts from the IRI, IIDF and Yandex.

In addition, since the end of 2015, a draft law of the Ministry of Health has been posted on the website of legal information, which proposes to allow online sales of medicines to licensed pharmacies. As conceived by its initiators, it should come into force on January 1, 2017.

Ambitious expectations

The future of telemedicine depends on the format of the law that will be adopted, Denis Yudchits, the head of the Online Doctor and Pediatrician 24/7 Internet projects, does not hide. If the law does not indicate the possibility of conducting the initial appointment remotely, then the forecasts of the working group regarding the coverage of telemedicine are too ambitious, Yudchits notes.

It will be difficult to achieve these figures, even if the law on telemedicine is adopted this year, which is unlikely, says Alexander Ledovsky, managing director of the Ramsey Diagnostics clinic network. It is necessary to develop and implement the basic parameters of a telemedicine service, doctors will have to reduce face-to-face appointments or raise rates, explains Ledovsky. According to his forecast, only a year after the adoption of the law, all parameters of the provision of services will be regulated.

Provided that distance selling is allowed only for over-the-counter drugs, online sales will take 10% of the market only in three to four years, says Nikolai Demidov, CEO of IMS Health in Russia.

Currently, only pre-orders for medicines can be made remotely, and their payment on the Internet and delivery are prohibited in accordance with the Law on the Circulation of Medicines. But the market is already ready to allow such trading. For example, the largest pharmaceutical retailer Pharmacy Chain 36.6 and the Ozon online store have already agreed to sell medicines online.

According to a representative of Pharmacy Chain 36.6, the company assesses the prospects for the remote drug trade market very highly and, if the relevant law is passed, intends to become its leader as soon as possible. However, after the legalization of the service, aggregators, and not the sites of existing pharmacy chains, will become the main market participants, Demidov believes.