Checking intuition is a test of who is the maniac to play here. How to calculate a maniac: seven main signs

A maniac is a man possessed by mania. It can have a sexual nature, a desire to dominate, mock, kill ... People with such a mental disorder should be under the supervision of specialists. However, without having an adequate assessment of their behavior, maniacs often live in society until they are caught. In order not to become a victim, you need to know how to recognize a maniac. It turns out that psychologists have compiled a clear list of signs that will help bring the obsessed to clean water.

Who becomes a maniac?

Before you start compiling a psychological portrait of a maniac, you need to find out who is prone to this disorder and what drives such people. As a rule, such mental disorders are always accompanied by genetic abnormalities, childhood traumas associated with or too harsh upbringing. Sometimes it appears against the background of complexes or wounds in the head. This is true for sexually obsessed people. Their victims are usually the weaker sex or children. The situation becomes more complicated with the advent of alcohol or drug addiction. Much of this can be learned by meeting a person. However, it is worthwhile to correctly understand the rejection of moral and ethical standards, which, unfortunately, is inherent in many people today, and mental deviation. That is why, in the course of long studies and scientific experiments, experts compiled a description. It is designed to explain how to recognize a maniac and protect yourself from undesirable consequences.

By correspondence

The age of high technology allows people to get acquainted at a distance through social networks and forums. On the one hand, this is a safe way to get to know a person and, after some observations, decide whether to continue communication or not. On the other hand, it forces maniacs to be more inventive, carefully sneaking up on the victim. How to recognize a maniac by correspondence?

Psychologists advise paying attention to how open and simple a person is in communication, what topics he likes to raise, and which ones cause him tension, and he tries to quickly “jump over” to others. In a conversation about hobbies, obsessed people inadvertently share information that they collect something. Of course, a normal person can also collect stamps or antiques, but when secrecy, curiosity and a desire to meet soon join this item, you should be wary.

However, as psychologists believe, virtual correspondence provides little information about a person. Maniacs are masters of disguise, so it's hard to guess exactly who is sitting on the other side of the monitor.

By behavior

Behavior can betray a predatory nature. It happens that a harmless and friendly neighbor looks like an ordinary person during the day, and literally turns into a monster at night. It is sometimes difficult to imagine this. However, there are certain signals. So, how to recognize a maniac by behavior?

  • Let's imagine a situation. You agreed to go to the movies with a stranger. The film shows scenes of violence, murders, fights, etc., and your companion watches it indifferently. Do not rush to admire his endurance. American scientists in the course of research found that maniacs calmly perceive such pictures due to certain deviations in the cerebral cortex. Of course, such composure can be feigned in order to show their masculinity. But by the expression on the face, one can determine whether a person is looking at these horrors with pleasure or seriousness.
  • Such people like to carefully consider their victim without a smile or other assessment. While you will be nervous and tell something quickly, not a single muscle will flinch on his body.
  • Maniacs don't like to draw attention. They say little, dress modestly in dark clothes, try not to stand out from the crowd, and watch their appearance moderately. Often such people are pedantic, adhere to certain rules. This is exactly what women like, who see in such homely, slightly boring men an ideal husband, father.

By speech

Even if at the meeting you found some characteristic qualities and doubted, you should still look for other signs of a maniac. How to recognize them will be prompted by speech features and exciting topics for conversation.

  • are not emotional. Even talking about some turning points in their lives, they do not feel regret, sadness, as if this did not happen to them. Maniacs pay increased attention to cause-and-effect relationships. Their speech is devoid of imagery, jokes.
  • Satisfaction of basic needs is the main goal of the life of maniacs. Therefore, people with mental disorders like to talk about what they ate and how they slept. Frequent, long conversations about money can also be an alarming signal.
  • Despite popular belief, obsessed people do not always talk openly about sex, use ambiguous phrases, allusions, diminutives. On the contrary, frank topics may be banned and cause a clear protest. Therefore, in the question of how to recognize a maniac, one should rely on a holistic portrait of a person.

Maniac or...

Often, women succumb to the tricks of pikapers or manipulators. No, meeting them does not threaten rape or something even worse, but communication can be unpleasant. Such people are persistent, do not compromise, love to talk about sex, do not want to spend money on courtship. They are original in dating methods and dating ideas. They may well be confused with a maniac, but in essence they are not. All manners, actions and words are realized by them and are conditioned by the purpose of flirting, a frivolous hobby for acquiring another "star" or profit. So, for example, manipulators are often hunters for other people's wallets.

Unlike true maniacs, these types of people look flawless, witty and love everyone's attention. Knowing perfectly well how to recognize a maniac, cracking down on such "daffodils" will not be difficult.

What to do?

  • If you met a person on the street or on a social network, do not rush to be frank and lay out all your personal information about where you live, study, work, phone number, etc. This is the first thing a maniac wants to know.
  • It is better to make an appointment in a public place. And just in case, arrange a test call with a friend or girlfriend during a date. If the acquaintance does not arouse suspicion, then you can safely continue the conversation. If doubts arise, then such a call will be a reason to stop it.
  • If the fan is too intrusive and quick-tempered, he should not be rude. It is better to laugh it off, season it all with a portion of flattery and politely leave.
  • If you know how to recognize a sexual maniac, then do not forget that they will not let the victim go so easily and will definitely arrange surveillance. Therefore, you should not leave the date, but leave. Preferably by taxi, indicating a different address first. And then transfer to public transport and safely go home.


Manic syndrome is a complex disorder. People suffering from it are dangerous and cunning. They are ingenious in disguise and creating figurative traps for their prey. Having met such a person, it is not always easy to determine who is in front of you: a shy modest fellow or a prudent and treacherous type.

If you do not yet know how to recognize a maniac, psychology will help with this. Be observant and do not rush to open your heart to the first person you meet.

characteristic of maniacs. Often serial killers seem to be ordinary people, they have families and even children, which is why investigators have been unsuccessfully trying to figure them out for years. Real maniacs are often educated people with a vulnerable psyche, so they see a certain meaning or even a mission in their own. So don't fall for classical music and Picasso's early work, but try to see the following main traits of a serial killer.


Maniacs in most cases have very strong energy. Such a person does not stand out from the crowd, but, communicating with him, you immediately find yourself under his influence.

Advice:If you feel discomfort in communicating with a person, you understand that in his presence you feel insecure and weak, do not follow his lead.


Often the cause of mental deviations is childish resentment and complexes, so maniacs in adulthood try to assert themselves by manipulating other people. They perfectly feel your weaknesses and use it.

Advice:When communicating with strangers, always keep your eyes open and do not allow your opinions and actions to be manipulated. Always firmly go to your goal and do not deviate from the intended path.


When meeting, this person will be the sweetest, most polite and gallant. Maniacs do everything possible to win over the victim. He can entertain you with jokes, talk about incredible adventures while relaxing with friends and about his interesting work. After such a detailed story of a person about himself, you can easily lose your guard and also become too frank.

Advice:Such people do not like to shine. Ask him to take a selfie and tell him you'll post it on Instagram or send it to a friend.


Most people expect danger from vagrants or drunkards, but according to statistics, most maniacs are men from 25 to 30 years of European appearance. Most of them have an average income or above average.

Advice:Making your way home late at night through dark back streets, you should not trust a neat driver of a foreign car who stopped to give a lift to a "nice girl home."

Psychologists say that people with a quiet voice are most often extremely secretive. They enter into trust more easily, while not leaving any vivid image in the memory of the victim.

Advice:Of course, we do not call to suspect all people with a quiet voice that they reincarnate at night as Jack the Ripper. But if you take all of the above signs and add a quiet voice to them, you get a very truthful portrait of a maniac.


Many maniacs had full-fledged families, wives and children. Such people can lead a double life, which even the closest relatives do not know about.

Advice:Such people are almost impossible to calculate. Most importantly, remember that you can only trust those whom you have known for many years. Anyone can be a serial killer, even that nice couple you met on vacation.


Quite confidently playing the role of a normal person, a maniac from time to time can still accidentally get out of the image, faced with some kind of irritant. For example, such a person can react in a completely non-standard way to the most common situation: laughing long and loudly at a fallen child, trying to catch up and kick a cat that ran across his path, etc.

Advice:If you begin to notice oddities in the behavior of a new acquaintance that confuse you, try to say goodbye to him under a plausible pretext and do not agree to a new meeting.

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Psychologists believe that a simple ten-minute psychological test will soon be enough to identify any serial killer, even a potential one. British experts wrote about this back in May 2003 in the journal Nature. During the development of the test, all the features of psychopaths were taken into account.

Rice. serial killer test

A group of researchers led by Nicola Gray from Cardiff University believes that using a special psychological test to expose a psychopathic killer is not so difficult, since he does not have established emotional ties with the meaning of a particular word. Dr. Gray's team has edited a test commonly used by psychologists to detect any hidden prejudice in a person - in relation to race, nationality, gender or sexual orientation. This is the so-called indirect association test.

The new modification of the test uses words that flash on the screen one after another. The subject must classify them into two groups - either "pleasant" or "unpleasant". And in another case - "violent" or "peaceful".

At the disposal of the subject are two buttons, each with the corresponding signatures. When the labels “pleasant” and “peaceful” are on one button, and “unpleasant” and “violent” are on the other, everything goes smoothly, i.e. classifying words is easy. For example, the word "kill" is easily associated with violence, while the word "vomit" is easily associated with something unpleasant. However, if you slightly change the buttons so that “pleasant” and “violent” or “unpleasant” and “peaceful” are together, things get more complicated.

And here the time factor is extremely important. For example, if the word “blood” flashes on the screen, then ordinary people need some time to think about the meaning of this word, more precisely, about the options for its meanings. After all, let's say, there is nothing unpleasant in the combination "native blood", which cannot be said about the combination of the words "blood of the murdered."

So the relative difference in the time spent on the answer is what is of decisive importance in this test. The psychopathic killer does not think long about the meaning of the presented word, since the meanings of "pleasant" and "violent" or "unpleasant" and "peaceful" evoke close associations in him. It classifies all words without much difficulty, i.e. does it faster than normal people.

This study confirms the fact that not all psychopaths are potential killers, and some non-psychopathic killers also happen to have no regrets about what they have done. The compiled test, obviously, will help to distinguish from the total number of all psychopaths exactly those who have a “taste” for extreme manifestations of violence.

The co-author of this work, Robert Snowden, says that a standard was developed some time ago to test psychopaths, but it takes from three to five hours (!), And after that it takes about 8 hours to analyze and evaluate the results. In addition, such a test should be carried out by narrow specialists who have access to all the details of the medical history. The test, developed by Gray's group, takes only five to ten minutes and can even be administered by a police investigator who tests a suspect, although the results must still be deciphered by a psychologist.

It is believed that the integrity of the personality of a psychopath is destroyed, although outwardly he gives the impression of a completely healthy person. Conversely, people suffering from psychoses, manic-depressive states, have hallucinations, manias, etc., and they are considered mentally ill, but these patients very rarely commit acts of violence. On the other hand, as previous studies have shown, 90 percent of serial killers are still psychopaths.

Agree that the union of science and law enforcement agencies is a welcome phenomenon. New scientific developments should significantly help law enforcement services, which means all of us. And let's hope that the new testing method will be adopted everywhere - this will help isolate the most dangerous bloodthirsty types from society in time.