How can you achieve the necessary self-discipline? People with low self-esteem protect themselves by not taking risks. However, a person who takes no risks, does nothing, has nothing - and is nothing himself.

Bodo Schaefer: Breakthrough to financial success


Do you know what keeps most people from living the life they have always dreamed of? Money, nothing but money.

Because money is a certain symbol of behavior associated with life, a certain measure of spiritual behavior. It is no coincidence that money is present in our lives. Money is rather a certain kind of energy: the more energy we invest in vital affairs, the more money flocks to us. Indeed, successful people have, among other things, those qualities that they are able to accumulate a lot of money. Some of them save them, others use them to serve other people. However, each of us has the ability to move money.

The importance of money should not be overestimated. Do you know when money really matters? When they are never enough. For those who have financial difficulties, all thoughts are occupied with money. This problem should one day be thoroughly dealt with in order to properly handle money and not return to this issue again. After that, money should become the backbone of our whole life.

We all have dreams. We have an accurate idea of ​​how we want to live and what is given to us. We want to deeply believe in the ability to accomplish a special task, to make the world a pleasant place to be. Very often I see, however, that the usual everyday life and reality, step by step, kill this dream. Many forget that they have a right to a place in the sun, believing that they are not able to make themselves free.

Section 1. The basis of the first million

Given a choice, what would you prefer to receive 50,000 in the next six months? or 1,000,000? in seven years? Do you want to have 50,000 more? cash or "a whole suitcase of abilities"? In order to earn a little more in a short period of time, it is probably enough for you to do a little more. But in order for you to own more than 1,000,000 ? within seven years, "do a little more" means that you did nothing.

Five levels of change

There are many such levels at which changes can be made. In this book, I want to influence you on five levels. Indeed, all encompassing changes come only when something changes on each of the five levels.

1st level: You suddenly realize that you are unhappy with some position. Are you able to do something to change it?

Example: A lot of papers have accumulated on your desk, and you decide to work until you see what color the desk is.

2 level: The expected results did not come. You have learned that action alone is not enough. You must act on the solution. You asked yourself the question: “How can you improve the result? How can you work smarter rather than harder?"

Example: You work and work, but by the end of the month you still haven't earned enough.

The solution will come from a new technique and strategy. Many just expect this from special literature: a formula that will lead to a result. In the following sections you will find many techniques, strategies and recipes. Sustained and significant changes will come, however, at higher levels.

3rd level: Techniques helped you to a small extent, but if you compare yourself with other successful people, it seems that they achieved the goal at a lower cost. They have influential friends who are able to open doors for them.

Example: Suddenly you are faced with an unexpected problem. Essentially, all your time and energy is taken up by the case, but first you need to solve the problem. Everything else is pushed into the background.

The solution is no longer so simple: Personal development and growth. It doesn't seem to happen quickly, not to mention that techniques don't make powerful and successful friends. Here you need to invest time in order to become the person you always wanted to be. How it could happen: Perhaps you have idols, people you admire. You, too, can become admired if you organize your life accordingly.

4th level: If you are busy with yourself and others, you figure out how to evaluate the world. Glasses, through which many observe our beautiful world, deform it into a jungle, where everyone has to fight with everyone.

Example: There are people who don't trust anyone. They were deceived several times and have been on the alert ever since. Everything and everyone is skeptical and find fault with anything. Most often they invent everything themselves; since their image is not at all pleasant and attractive, so people avoid them.

Recipe: new glasses, new lenses through which you look at the world differently. There is no single reality. There is only the reality that we ourselves observe. If you look through the new glasses, then for us the world will consist of other samples. The well-known management specialist Stephen Covey describes such a case:

Once he was traveling by train to some event where he was to speak. He intended to use the travel time to prepare for the report. A man with three children suddenly appeared in the carriage. The children immediately began to play pranks. They rioted and screamed. They jumped on the seats and interfered with the rest. The man who was apparently their father did nothing but stare indifferently out the window. The children were becoming more and more ill-mannered. They kicked the seats, one of the passengers, even pulled on the clothes. Finally, one of the passengers was pulled by the hair. Father was still looking out the window indifferently. By this point Stephen Covey was pretty tired of it all. With difficulty restraining himself, he decided that something had to be done. He vigorously stood up to effectively draw attention to himself and said:

“Excuse me, mister, can't you see that your children are a big nuisance to passengers? Please stop them!"

After making a restrained but decisive statement, Kovey proudly sat down. Father slowly came to his senses from his daze. Finally, he turned to the gentleman who turned to him and answered quietly: “I am very sorry that children behave like this. I didn't pay attention to it. My wife, the mother of the children, died a few hours ago. I can't imagine how it will be. None of them have yet figured out what happened. I think kids try to figure it out in their own way. Excuse me, please.

Perhaps there are glasses that make you and others happier than those who see the world only in black and white. There are glasses that allow you to see opportunities, not mistakes and pitfalls.

There are glasses through which you can see that money produces weapons, causes wars, gives rise to envy and makes a person lonely. We must realize, however, that here we are talking only about glasses. Money can also be viewed from a different perspective. You can also wear glasses through which you can see that money is being used to build hospitals, tame hunger, or create conditions that significantly lengthen life. Money allows you to create better living conditions. You can do a lot of good things with money.

What do you think, what glasses do you attract money with, what glasses do you use to become happy?

5th level: The biggest change will come when we change our personality.

Example: Heinz Hartig is a salesman who works conscientiously. He is able to use any important technique. His personality is developed, people feel good next to him. He also sees buyers not only through “greedy glasses”. As a result, he has a poor opinion of the "attack, rob, rip" method. He gives advice to his customers and enjoys their trust. It's all very good, but not great. Buyers don't come to him on their own. The most important thing is how Heinz Hartig sees himself. If he considers himself a seller, then he himself must find buyers, but if he is a specialist consultant, then people themselves come to him for advice, and not for a purchase!

The decision will depend on whether Heinz Hartig sees himself as a salesperson or has an idea of ​​becoming a specialist.

The self-image is essentially our prediction of self-realization.


Have you noticed that rich people always have a library in their homes? Do you think these rich people have a library because they had money? Or are they rich because they read a lot in their time?

A wise man once said: "A man is the totality of those books that he has read." Why is reading so important? On the one hand, because words mean thoughts. And thoughts are priceless. On the other hand, a person's income often grows along with an increase in vocabulary. We have a great advantage: today books are part of life. How are you using this chance? Do you read books from all five areas of life? That means two books a week and one hundred books a year. In seven years, that's seven hundred books. Do you think 700 books will change you? You ask: “How to do all this? I don't have that much time!" The first book you read should be about the science of speed reading, as time is precious. If you practice only for three hours, then you will gradually increase your reading speed. It is possible to achieve fluent reading of 1000 words per minute. Thanks to this, a book of 300 pages can be read even in less than two hours. One example of how to save time: If you met an interesting person, then instead of wasting time on chatter, spend it usefully. Ask which of the 2-3 books he read, he considers the best. Going further, ask why he thinks they are good. So you get a free reference from a competent person. After a few minutes, you will determine whether these books are worth reading. In this way, I found several jewels in the form of books.


Seminars take precedence over books. We hear, see, feel and experience everything at the same time. The more our senses are involved, the better we learn. In addition, you can chat with the presenter. More often than not, at large seminars, I was able to get to know the trainers and establish a connection with them.

In addition, seminars provide an opportunity to completely retire and observe yourself from a distance. This facilitates the so-called "lateral thinking", which means the ability to give your thoughts a new, unfamiliar direction. Sometimes we follow our intuition more.

The atmosphere of concentrated learning is further strengthened by the fact that we meet other like-minded participants, and these acquaintances develop into useful connections.

Good seminars are expensive and therefore few attend them. I decided early enough, when I didn't have enough money, that I would take part in four seminars every year. Often I couldn't afford it, but I knew that, in fact, I couldn't afford not to develop, because the cost of education is not proportional to the cost that we pay for forgoing further education. Over time, even the high price did not stop me from participating. I took part in seminars costing 15,000, and in each case, in the next two months, my income increased by an amount twice as much as the cost of the seminar.


From the first minute of our lives, we learn most by imitating. The environment affects us to a much greater extent than we would like to believe today. No book or study influences and shapes us with even approximately the same power as the people around us.

We are able to develop if we are surrounded by the best people. If we are surrounded by the worst people, then we have stagnation.

Whoever is mixed with bran will be eaten by pigs.


You need an environment that reminds you of the right decisions over and over again. You probably already suspect that this desired environment does not necessarily consist of those people who surround us at the moment.

Do you know the old proverb: tell me who your friend is, and I will tell you who you are. We tend to overestimate ourselves. We think that we are strong enough to resist the influence of acquaintances. However, we learn from childhood by imitating, most often unconsciously. Acquaintances and friends influence us much more than it seems, without us realizing it.

Stand on the table, ask someone who is weaker than you to take part in a power game. Try to pull the other person onto the table as they try to pull you off the table. Who won?

It follows from the laws of physics that it is easier to pull someone down than to pull another up. You will not win for a long time, since it is enough for the other to lower himself and wait until your strength runs out.

Our life is always useful to others. We serve as an example or a warning. What do you choose?



One day a man went to the chicken coop to his chickens. I found a golden egg in the nest of one of the hens. My first thought was, "Someone was trying to play a trick on me." To be sure, he took the egg and took it to the jeweler. The jeweler checked the egg and said: "Pure gold, outside - gold inside." The owner sold the egg and returned home with a lot of money. In the evening he arranged a magnificent feast. In the morning the whole family woke up and went out to check if the hen laid the golden egg. And a miracle happened: there was a golden egg in the chicken coop again. From that moment on, the owner found a golden egg every morning, which he sold and thus became rich.

However, our host was a greedy man. He pondered why a hen only lays one egg a day. And in general, I wanted to know how she does it in order to learn how to make golden eggs myself. He got more and more excited. Finally, he ran into the chicken coop and cut the hen in half with a large knife. All he managed to find was an underdeveloped egg. What is the moral: don't kill the laying hen.

Isn't that what most people do? Chickens are capital, and golden eggs are interest. Without capital, there is no interest. Most people spend all their money. Therefore, they are never able to raise a chicken. A chicken will be slaughtered before it lays even one egg.

As long as you don't have a chicken or a money machine, it doesn't matter how much you earn. Spending less than earning doesn't sound sensational. But you'll notice that saving is fun and makes sense.


Money is not everything. Do you know when money becomes too important? If they are not enough, if our thoughts constantly revolve around financial difficulties. On the other hand, thanks to money, we have new opportunities. Think about what would change in your life if you had 5 million? more money? What has become different?

There are five important areas in life: health, connections, finances, feelings (spiritual) and vocation (goal). All areas of life are important. If we come out ahead in one area, it will definitely affect the others. If we solve our financial affairs well, then the whole life will move to a higher level.

Our wise actions accompany us throughout our lives, cause joy and help. Unreasonable deeds haunt us with torment and scolding. The decision is in our hands. Money is a business like any other, it can work for us, but it can also work against us.

There are people who have never dealt with money matters and therefore their financial situation is complete chaos. This is unworthy. We must develop a financial culture in ourselves. Money cannot be the bottleneck in our lives. Money should work as a positive force.

The winner, however, knows that money in itself does not make a person happy, but their wise spending. Money flows to the one who creates himself for this.



Do you know the story of Noah? Noah lived in a place where it hadn't rained since time immemorial. Once the Almighty ordered him to build an ark. The ark, which in case of a great flood will help to be saved.

Can you imagine what people said and thought about Noah when he started building the ark in the wilderness? In these places there were not even small rivers and Noah built the ark... His friends and acquaintances tried to convince him that this was a completely useless exercise. It’s as if I can hear them saying to him, “Why waste time on this pointless project? We only live once!”

However, Noah did not heed the advice, and his friends turned away from him. Sages and experts have explained in detail why no flood can come. Noah was considered possessed and crazy. It's not easy to insist on a project if everyone thinks you're crazy! However, history justified Noah: The Flood has come!


The coach often told me: “Excuses are the words that losers utter.”

If you blame another, it means that you have let go of power. There is no point in saying, “Stagnation is to blame. I'm too young or old. The government is to blame for everything. Parents…". There will be no wealth if responsibility is avoided. There will be no prosperity if we do not trust ourselves if, instead of looking for solutions, we spend all our energy on finding excuses.

Excuses are self-given lies. The more we accept responsibility, the more we trust ourselves. Many people think: “There is no time to learn how to invest properly.” Is it so? Is this really true? Can these people be honest with themselves? You shouldn't have said directly: "I'm not ready to spend more time on this." A real person does not use life circumstances as excuses or explanations. Excuses make us poorer.

Continued in the next issue!!! Do you want to know what will be discussed there? Next, Bodo Schäfer talks about "overclocking" - a concept that makes millions! How to create overclocking is a successful way to solve problems and difficulties. Where to get the perfect strategy? What to focus on? Why do many fail and how to become a winner? Difference between eagles and ducks. After all, Bodo Schäfer will make his millions without you, whether you read his book or not.


Have you tried to stop a train that is moving along the rails at a speed of 200 km/h? Even if you erect thick walls, the train will overcome them without any difficulty. The reason for this is that the train is in acceleration, in motion, it is driven by force.

The power of the locomotive is many thousands of horsepower. It is powerful enough to pull the entire train along with it. When the train is stopped, even the smallest obstacle will not allow it to move. If you put a heel under the wheel, the locomotive will not be able to move. All efforts will be in vain.

Without overclocking, small enough to make the whole thing crash. In acceleration, everything seems to go by itself, and obstacles do not create problems.

It's hard to break the habit. It is often hard to accept something new because it is unknown. However, any small problem can stop you. Start speeding up immediately! The earlier the better. You will never be able to get all the little obstacles and disadvantages out of the way. A completely problem-free time will never come.

Problems do not mean serious obstacles if you are in overclocking. Creating an overclock is the only successful way to solve problems and difficulties. If you are moving at full speed, problems and new unknown circumstances will bring you less harm.

In fact, all the time you have invested in your business or professional career is helping to create momentum. Everything you do reduces or increases acceleration.

Especially at the beginning of a new business, it is important to quickly achieve acceleration. This is the same position when you need to push the car. The first meters are the most difficult. You need to make every effort. When the car is already rolling, much less effort is needed. Again and again we are convinced that people do not create overclocking because they fall into the following trap:

I'll try.

I'll start with half strength.

I work with a focus on success.

First, I'll work out the right strategy.

Below we will show why these statements prevent success and overclocking.


Unable to try to push the car. Either you push the car with full force, or you do nothing. Trying to do "something" is essentially impossible. We either do something or we don't. If you have read these lines and do not complain about your health, then you are able to get up. "Try" to get up - there is no such thing. You either stood up or remained seated.

Those who say they will try to do something often do nothing. They seem to be waiting for obstacles that will not allow them to act. If someone does something, he expects success. If someone tries to do, he waits: something prevents him from acting.

The example of a stationary car further clarifies the situation. If you push it with less force, it will never really roll. Therefore, you will never notice that if the car has already moved, then things have gone relatively easy, because you have not even moved. Half efforts do not lead to half success: there will be no success at all.


It's good to start a new business at full throttle. However, don't set your expectations too high! At this time, it is not important to get the result. The result can be deceiving. It can be obtained through a happy or unfortunate game of circumstances. Acceleration is not created by circumstances. Overclocking always leads to success. Concentrate on overclocking, not on the result!

Anyone who focuses on big results, and not on overclocking, always remains below their capabilities. Results-oriented work becomes problematic especially when you wait for results to do nothing. Therefore, many lazy people use the excuse: "I focus on the result."

People who hunt for results see themselves as brilliant, but don't understand the power of overclocking. If there is already acceleration, then such means and forces become available that are hidden from the average person. They allow you to achieve unforeseen and, therefore, not planned results. Acceleration becomes self-sustaining.

There is another motive against results-oriented work: results-oriented people must constantly motivate their actions. They never have the feeling that things are going by themselves. They often ask themselves why some people are "disciplined" with even a little effort, yet need to push themselves over and over again. Answer: for such people, their apparent genius becomes their small obstacle. They take away the possibility of persistent motivation. The result is an automatic consequence of movement.

It's important to accelerate. For someone who is really moving, it is easier to move on than to stop. Acceleration keeps moving.


Attention! Acceleration is a two-faced phenomenon. It can work both for us and against us. There are people who have created a rampage in trampling, grumbling, gluttony and spending money. Suppose someone eats a bar of chocolate daily with "great self-discipline" and a few weeks later goes on a rampage as a chocolate eater. Therefore, one should not be surprised that he can hardly restrain the desire to eat chocolate. From time to time, we should critically review our position: are we becoming slaves to bad habits. You need to ask yourself: what habits would you like to quit. After that, you need to prepare an action plan.


In order for your acceleration to be stable, you need to develop a mental muscle: self-discipline. If you want to be successful in any new venture, you must be familiar with the basics. To learn the basics, you must be disciplined. The more training, the more perfect you become, and the more perfect you are, the more interesting your results. The better the results, the more motivated you become. The more motivated you are, the more you work and the more you accelerate… But it all starts with self-discipline, with which you learned the basics.

Discipline on the fun scale of most people is somewhere between a dentist and diarrhea. But we need it to get going. Before overclocking occurs, the choice is simple: immediate entertainment or long-term reward.

The good news is that the "fight" against bad habits doesn't last forever. Strong self-discipline is only needed for a short transitional period until you have developed new habits. You will be in overdrive, which means that it will be easier for you to do something than to do nothing. An activity that at first you performed only with iron discipline becomes entertainment.


How is it that someone gave up a good long-term habit? This is because the above statement is not entirely correct. In fact, it always takes a little self-discipline, at least from time to time, even if we are in full swing. Self-discipline has three levels.

Imagine that you hate physical education and yet decide that you will run every day!

The first stage is the initial stage. It lasts approximately three to six weeks. During this period, you often have to fight with yourself in order to get together and go on the track.

Second stage: You have acquired overclocking and put on running shoes for granted in the morning. But not every day, but only five days a week. The other two days still need some self-discipline. But not the same as at the first stage. Once you're out on the street, you enjoy running. Although in the first weeks it was not so at all.

Third stage: starts in about a year. You are already automatically tripping over your sneakers every morning. You even wake up because you rejoice in the run ahead. Every day of the month…except one or two days. These days, it still takes some discipline to start running. This stage lasts a lifetime. Sometimes some self-discipline is needed, but overclocking is almost continuously self-sustaining.


If you have created a real overclock, it is enough to support it. This rarely requires self-discipline. The created acceleration gives you more strength than you need to spend to maintain it.

A large enterprise spent many millions on an advertising campaign. The company was successful and turnover skyrocketed. However, the enterprise did not interrupt the advertising campaign. The head of the firm was asked why they did not stop the expensive advertising campaign. After all, the company even exceeded the planned turnover. The head of the concern answered this way: “Imagine that you are flying in an airplane. It takes a lot of energy to get up in the air. After a while, you fly calmly. Do you agree to stop the engines?

Acceleration is the same as the snowball in the proverb, from which an avalanche grows. It takes time and energy to make a snowball, put it on a slope and push it down a mountain. But if he rolled, watch him! He keeps rolling down, growing and sweeping away everything and everyone who dares to stand in his way, and rolls without any effort.

The winners are working at full steam to create overclocking. They spend a lot of time and effort until a worthwhile enterprise is launched. But, if it is finally launched, no one and nothing will stop it except yourself.


Winners are used to living with rejection. They know that there are always three groups:

One group that doesn't accept you

The other group is unable to make a decision and, in the end, does nothing

The third group that accepts you, i.e. Your project or your ideas.

Whatever you do, you always meet with these three groups. This is the original truth and has nothing to do with your products, services, company or you. It just comes from human nature.


Every idea and every project consists of three stages of development, which have nothing to do with the quality of the project. These three steps are:

Stage 1: mock. Not taken seriously, some make loud remarks.

Stage 2: criticism. The mockery is no longer relevant, as success is noticeable, therefore criticism follows. The second stage is essentially considered progress, because criticism must be earned.

Stage 3: recognition. Whoever has enough endurance and remains true to his principles is no longer criticized. The place of criticism is occupied by recognition. True, there are still those who criticize anyway, but this is simply no longer fashionable.

Fortunately, all three stages are characterized by the three groups described above. Not everyone will scoff, and not everyone will criticize. Unfortunately, however, those from whom you expected support can also do this. But at each stage there will be others who will give a positive assessment, just like you.


Discipline is not necessarily a matter of iron will. Our goals are much more important. Those without goals may not be disciplined. What would it be for? However, the more specific the goal, the more it seems reasonable to stick to our plans. The more honest we have about goals, the less "discipline" is needed. Passion will replace iron discipline.

In any case, you need to choose tasks for yourself and check their implementation. Question: How can this be achieved? Answer: the fact that you are both a boss and a subordinate in one person. Even then, if you are a private entrepreneur, do any work as if you were an employee and your boss will check you.

As a private entrepreneur, you must mentally play two roles: a boss and a subordinate. As a boss, develop a strategy, and as a subordinate, execute it with discipline.

When you choose a task for yourself, you should understand that you will have to complete it.

You have to be tough on yourself. You cannot afford to relax so that you do not follow the plan. The boss living in you must eradicate all those unproductive habits that the subordinate living in you has acquired over the years.


If you are a boss and a subordinate in one person, then first of all you must give up that bad habit that you deceive yourself if. The one who sits dreamily at home, making plans and telling stories, without actually carrying out the plan and creating anything, is lying to himself.

It's easy to confuse being busy with progress. We easily deceive ourselves if we are busy with something all day. The question is: What are we doing?

So that you do not get into a position where you are deceiving yourself, you, as a boss, need to ask yourself every evening: What is the productive result obtained today? What income-generating activity did I perform, what specific result did I get?

To answer this question, it is not important what you did yesterday, six months or five years ago, nor is it important what you want to do tomorrow or in three weeks, "if the situation changes." It also doesn't matter why you didn't complete today's plan. The only thing that matters: Did you complete today's plan? What have you done today? Only targeted plans affect your income.


If you look superficially at things, then the duck looks like an eagle. In reality, however, we are talking about two completely different animals. If you know what you need to pay attention to, immediately distinguish the duck. Both birds can fly. But while the eagle soars high, the duck flies near the water.

The most noticeable characteristic of a duck is its quacking. In the morning, when he wakes up, he quacks, if he wants to eat, he quacks. If something is dissatisfied, quacks. If other ducks take food from her, she quacks. If it does not achieve the desired result, it quacks. Quacking instead of business is a bad concept.


Consider a few examples in which the nature of the duck is clearly distinguishable.

Have you ever walked into a hotel restaurant 15 minutes after breakfast was officially over? If at the same time you met with a duck, you will hear: “I'm sorry, but you were late. Didn't you see the sign outside? Breakfast is served until 10 am. Quack-quack-quack…”

The eagle, on the contrary, will say: “Unfortunately, we have already removed the buffet. Do you cook something in the kitchen for you? What do you want?".

Are you familiar with building materials stores? On an area of ​​5000 square meters, the only seller is busy with another buyer. Most often with someone who wants to build a skyscraper. What happens when you politely intervene: “Sorry, I have only one question, where can I find brown paint?”.

In this case, the duck will answer like this: “Don't you see that I am serving a client? I can only work with one customer at a time! Wait until I'm done. Quack-quack-quack…”

A few months ago I wanted to check into a hotel in Atlanta. The place was booked and the hotel confirmed it. When I approached the counter, the administrator said that the reservation, unfortunately, was not valid, and the hotel was full. She left me with this.

I insisted on my rights. But the only thing the administrator could say was: “If the hotel is full, then it is full. I can't create a number for you. Quack-quack-quack…” She didn't want to deal with me anymore. "Yeah," I thought, "it's a duck." That's why I said I wanted to talk to the boss. She said blankly, "He'll say the same." With these words, she wanted to disappear through the door. There must have been a duck pond behind that door, and she would have returned with another duck.

I asked her to call the eagle. "Who is that?" she asked. I explained to her: "Call anyone who does not know in advance that nothing will work." She already understood that. The manager who rushed to me was really an eagle and said the following: “Really, the hotel is full. We made a mistake, sorry. I would like to find a solution for you as soon as possible. I will call immediately to find a hotel of the same level with apartments for you. Of course, we will pay the difference in cost. Can I invite you to our restaurant for lunch while we call?”.


Do you recognize the eagle? The eagle acts while the duck quacks. Her quacking consists of continuous excuses, explanations, meaningless chatter, grumbling and marking time. Ducks will one day be fired. They are the first to be sacrificed in a crisis. And then she will say: “What an injustice! The boss probably didn't like my face." And Orlov is promoted. It is important not to be ducks and not to quack instead of striving for results. And in a department, firm, or group, avoid ducks! There are those who read that ducks can be motivated. But do you know what will happen then from the duck? Motivated duck.

Here are some differences between ducks and eagles:

Ducks say: "I can't afford it!". Eagles ask: "What to do to afford it?".

Ducks are pessimists and eagles are optimists.

Ducks tell each other negative impressions. For this purpose, even duck meetings are arranged. Eagles mostly talk about positive deeds.

Ducks do only what is obligatory and necessary, and often they don't even do that. The eagles will pass the next mile after the last. They do more than what is expected of them.

Ducks work slowly. Their job motto is "I'm at work, not on the run." Eagles do everything as quickly as possible. Ducks know everything better than others and will always find a reason not to do anything. Eagles can be trained, they will just do what is necessary.

Ducks are looking for excuses, and eagles are looking for solutions.

Ducks do not take any risk, eagles are sometimes afraid, but they act. They are brave.

Ducks work from ten to six. And eagles are often from six to ten.

Ducks in every possible

Bodo Schaefer

Breakthrough to financial success.

Special report on the book "The Path to Financial Independence".

Introduction................................................. ............................................

section: The basis of the first million .............................................. ......

section: Pay yourself .............................................................. .......................

section: Overclocking .................................................. ....................................

section: Don't be discouraged by rejection.................................................... ..

section: Be in one person the boss and the subordinate ........

section: Be an eagle, not a duck .............................................. ..........

section: What would you do? .................


Do you know what keeps most people from living the life they have always dreamed of? Money, nothing but money. Because money is a certain symbol of behavior associated with life, a certain measure of spiritual behavior. It is no coincidence that money is present in our lives. Money is rather a certain kind of energy: the more energy we invest in vital affairs, the more money flocks to us. Indeed, successful people have, among other things, those qualities that they are able to accumulate a lot of money. Some of them save them, others use them to serve other people. However, each of us has the ability to move money.

The importance of money should not be overestimated. Do you know when money really matters? When they are not enough everywhere. For those who have financial difficulties, all thoughts are occupied with money. This problem should one day be thoroughly dealt with in order to properly handle money. After that, money should become the backbone of our whole life.

We all have dreams. We have a precise idea of ​​how we want to live and what is given to us. We want to have deep faith in the ability to fulfill the special task of making the world a pleasant place to be. Very often I see, however, that the usual everyday life and reality, step by step, kill this dream. Many forget that they are entitled to a place in the sun, believing that they are unable to make themselves free.

We all often put on the skin of the victim. We make compromises and before we come to our senses - life practically flashed by. Many often blame their financial situation for not living the way they would like. In this book, I want to introduce myself to you as a private coach and pass on to you all that I have learned, as well as all the experience that I have gained. I want to help you in purchasing a money machine. Possession of money, first of all, makes it possible to live a freer and more independent life. As soon as I understood this, I felt the need to pass on my knowledge. I made a commitment that I will help all the people with whom fate brings me along the path that will lead them to financial freedom. Because any person who has learned to fly, swim or program can learn those basic elements with the help of which he will become wealthy and even rich.

For sure, it will not always be easy for you to walk the path of financial freedom. It is much more difficult, however, to live in financial dependence. If you follow the recommendations in this book, you will surely reach your goal. I have helped many thousands of people in my seminars through this method. I experienced again and again the sensation of how these people were literally transformed.

It is my sincere hope that this book will not only help you achieve prosperity, but will touch you deeply and profoundly. Without knowing you personally, I am sure that, having picked up this book. You are a person who is not content with data. You are a special person who wants to write his own story. You are a person who wants to create his own future and create a masterpiece from his life. With all my heart I wish that this book will contribute to this and help you.

Sincerely yours, Bodo Schaefer.


Given a choice, which do you prefer: $50,000 in the next six months or $1,000,000 in seven years? Would you rather have $50,000 in cash or "a whole suitcase of abilities"? In order to earn a little more in a short period. It's probably enough for you to do a little more. But in order for you to own more than $1,000,000 within seven years, "doing a little more" means you did nothing.


There are many such levels at which changes can be made. In this book, I want to influence you on all five levels. Indeed, pervasive change only comes about if something changes at each of the five levels.

Level 1: You suddenly realize that you are unhappy with some position. Is there anything you can do to change it.

Example: A lot of papers have accumulated on your desk, and you decide to work until you see what color the desk is.

Level 2: The expected results have not come. You have learned that action alone is not enough. You must act on the solution. You asked yourself the question: How can you improve the result? How can you work smarter rather than harder?

Example: You work and work, but by the end of the month you still haven't earned enough.

The solution will come from a new technique and strategy. Many just expect this from special literature: a formula that will lead to a result. In the following sections you will find many techniques, strategies and recipes.

Sustained and significant changes will come, however, at higher levels.

Level 3: Techniques helped you to a small extent, but if you compare yourself with other successful people, it seems that they achieved the goal at a lower cost. They have influential friends who are able to open doors for them.

Example: Suddenly you are faced with an unexpected problem. Essentially, all your time and energy is taken up by the case, but first you need to solve the problem. Everything else is pushed into the background.

The solution is no longer so simple: Development of personal growth. It doesn't seem to happen quickly, not to mention that techniques don't make powerful and successful friends. Here you need to invest time in order to become the person you always wanted to be. How it could happen: Perhaps you have idols, people you admire. You, too, can become admired if you organize your life accordingly.

Level 4: If you are busy with yourself and others, think over how to evaluate the world. Glasses, through which many observe our beautiful world, deform it into a jungle, where everyone has to fight with everyone.

Example: There are people who don't trust anyone. They were deceived several times and have been on the alert ever since. Everything and everyone is skeptical and find fault with anything. Most often, they themselves invent everything, since their image is not at all pleasant and attractive, so people avoid them. Recipe: new glasses, with new lenses through which you look at the world differently. There is no single reality. There is only the reality that we ourselves observe. If you look through the new glasses, then for us the world will consist of other samples. Renowned management specialist Stephen Covey describes such a case:

Once he was traveling by train to some event where he was to speak. He intended to use the travel time to prepare for the report. A man suddenly appeared in the compartment with three children. The children immediately began to play pranks. They rioted and screamed. They jumped on the seats and interfered with the rest. The man who was apparently their father did nothing but stare indifferently out the window. The children were becoming more and more ill-mannered. They kicked the seats, one of the passengers was even pulled by the clothes. Finally, one of the passengers was pulled by the hair. Father was still not indifferently looking out the window. By this point, Stefan Covey was pretty tired of all this. With difficulty, restraining himself, he decided that something had to be done. He vigorously stood up to effectively draw attention to himself and said:

“Excuse me, mister, can't you see that your children are a big nuisance to passengers? Please stop them!" After making a restrained but decisive statement, Kovey proudly sat down. Father slowly came to his senses from his daze. Finally, he turned to the gentleman who turned to him and answered quietly: “I am very sorry that children behave like this. I didn't pay attention to it. My wife, the mother of the children, died a few hours ago. I can't imagine how it will be. None of them have yet figured out what happened. I think kids try to figure it out in their own way. Excuse me, please".

Perhaps there are glasses that make you and others happier than those who see the world only in black and white.

There are glasses that allow you to see opportunities, not mistakes and pitfalls. There are glasses through which you can see that money produces weapons, causes wars, gives rise to envy and makes a person lonely. We must realize, however, that we are only talking about points here. Money can also be viewed from a different perspective. You can also wear glasses through which you can see that money is being used to build hospitals, tame hunger, or create conditions that significantly lengthen life. Money allows you to create better living conditions. You can do a lot of good things with money. What do you think, what glasses do you attract money with, what glasses do you use to become happy?

Level 5: The biggest change will come when we change our personality. Example: Heinz Hartig is a salesman who works conscientiously. He is able to use any important technique. His personality is developed, people feel good next to him. He also sees buyers not only through “greedy glasses”. As a result of this, he has a poor opinion of the "attack rob rip" method. He gives advice to his customers and enjoys their trust. This one is very good, but not great. Buyers don't come to him on their own. The most important thing is how Heinz Hartig sees himself. If he considers himself a seller, then he himself must find buyers, but if he is a specialist, then the buyers themselves come to him. The decision will depend on whether Heinz Hartig sees himself as a salesperson or wants to become a specialist.

The self-image is essentially our prediction of self-realization.

Once my interlocutor, who gladly saw himself in the role of a victim, was sure that no one had ever been deceived and pushed aside as often as he was. To do this, he put on glasses "all scoundrels." One of the firms, in fact, deceived him three times in such a way that it could not be proven and therefore he lost a lot of money. This convinced him that he magically attracted deceit. He's too kind for this world, he thought to himself. Unfortunately, due to contractual obligations, he could not part with this firm.

Apparently, he did not want this because it strengthened him in his assessment of himself as a victim.

Soon he tuned me to his negative wave: "Mr. Schafer, a person can never be careful enough." A little later, I caught myself on the fact that together with him I was developing a “Protection Plan”. This, however, is not entirely successful as a first step in a new business. First of all, you need a turnover in order to have something to protect. Secondly, this is not

corresponds to my image of myself: I want to see something positive in every mistake. I firmly believe that everything has a positive side. So I banged my fist on the table and said, “I don't want to talk like that. Let's try to find what's good about being deceived three times. My interlocutor blushed and began to choke:

“Good? You lost your mind?". To put it simply: We were looking for the good in this failure and we actually found it. The firm's executives, after all, were ready for an unusual solution. With one conversation, we "earned" a large sum.


If you want to make your million with a few techniques, quickly and without hard work, you must be disappointed. This book is not a ready-made dish that needs to be warmed up enough. In other words, in order for you to become rich, it is not enough to read it. It doesn't work that way because significant changes can happen on all five levels and must happen on all five levels. However, if you are attentive on all five levels, a miracle will happen.

One day Saint Peter came up to Jesus and said, “Master, we have a problem. Tomorrow we have to pay tax, and we have no money.” To which Jesus replied:

"No problem". Peter was a little embarrassed: “Master, maybe You didn’t understand, I said that tomorrow we need to pay tax and we don’t have money. This is our problem. Jesus again replied, "No problem." It is good if we are surrounded by people who will do everything possible to solve a given problem. Wake up as early and go to bed as late as necessary. Read as many special articles and books as necessary. Ask as many people as needed. In these people, the word problem does not trigger a program of desperation. They don't complain, "No. Why did this have to happen to me." Jesus solved the problem very simply. He ordered Peter to go fishing. Since Peter was a fisherman, this was not a bad idea. There was enough money in the mouth of the first fish Peter caught to pay the tax.

The moral is simple:

Level 1: A miracle happens if you do something for it.

Level 2: Anyone who is going to fish must be able to use


Level 3: Be the person others are drawn to because they know you are strong and competent.

Level 4: Taxes are not a problem. The state exists not only to rip you off.

5th level: Self-esteem: "man - no problem."

The world is full of miracle workers. For them, a miracle is a phenomenon in time and space that is contrary to their experience. All that today you are unable to imagine, based on your experience, is a miracle. A certain state, earnings for many seems like a miracle. Most people can imagine no more than double the monthly salary, but five or ten times the income would be a miracle.

There was a time when it would have been a miracle for me to make $10,000 a month. The amount of $25,000 seemed absolutely incredible. Two and a half years later, for the first time, I made over $50,000 a month. Looking back, it doesn’t seem like such a miracle at all, because I know how I did it, having worked hard for this “disposable miracle”.

A miracle happens when changes occur on the third, fourth and fifth levels. We are capable of preparing these changes ourselves. Sitting with folded hands and waiting for a miracle is as stupid as if an athlete, sitting at home in front of the TV, was hoping for an Olympic medal. We must create miracles ourselves. A miracle is created through learning and development with the help of four tools.

Continuous learning and growth has become a philosophy of life for me. Without growth, we will die. Growth is life itself. Continuously learning and growing means feeling alive. This means that we are as good as can be.

Have you noticed that rich people always have a library in their homes? Do you think these rich people have a library because they had money? Or are they rich because they read a lot in their time? A wise man once said: "A man is the totality of those books that he has read." Why is reading so important? On the one hand, because words mean thoughts. And thoughts are priceless. On the other hand, a person's income often grows along with an increase in vocabulary. We have a big advantage: Today books are part of life. But it wasn't always like that. If you were studying in the 19th century, few of you would have your own books. I consider it a great advantage that within a few hours we can read the quintessence of many years of experience and research. We don't have to make all the mistakes ourselves. All knowledge is described somewhere. But they must be sought. Information does not come into its own. We have freedom of opinion and freedom of the press, we invented the printing press. How do you use

this chance? Do you read books from all five areas of life? That means two books a week and one hundred books a year. For seven years, this is 700 books. Do you think 700 books will change you? You ask: “How to do all this? I don't have that much time!" The first book you read should be about the science of speed reading, because time is precious. If you only practice for three hours, you will gradually increase your reading speed. It is possible to achieve fluent reading of 1000 words per minute. Thanks to this, a book of 300 pages can be read even in less than two hours. One example of how to save time: if you met an interesting person, then instead of wasting time on chatting, spend it usefully. Ask which of the 2-3 books he read he considers the best. Going further, ask why he thinks they are good. So you get a free reference from a competent reader. After a few minutes, you will determine whether these books are worth reading. In this way, I found several jewels in the form of books.


Here I am at a loss, because I can not accurately translate the word "magazine". Further, the word diary is used, so I settled on it.

Diaries are pure books that you write, and for yourself. Every person should keep a daily diary of success. Write down everything that you managed to do during the day: all the praise and recognition that you received during the day, write down if you were disciplined, solved a problem, made someone happy.

Unfortunately, you can't always trust your brain. Mistakes and misses are remembered eleven times easier and longer than successes. Therefore, the current picture of myself is too bad. Environment and upbringing confirm this negative trend. A child under the age of twelve for every "yes" seventeen times we get "no". 89% of all news is negative. Therefore, it is important to work against this trend and correct at least the image of yourself.

The diaries of many celebrities have survived to this day. Interestingly, these individuals began to keep diaries at a young age, much earlier than how to create something and become famous. At that time, they did not yet suspect that they would become famous in the future. Is it possible that these daily entries contributed to later becoming famous? In any case, what they wrote down prolonged the life of their positive thoughts.

Take yourself seriously enough to write about yourself. Before I start my work day, I make notes in my success diary and systematically build my self-confidence. (In Section 7 you will learn why your income

depends on self-confidence).

Over the years, this diary has been joined by an idea diary (a record of all my ideas), a connection diary (a record of what I was very happy about), a discovery diary (what I learned from my mistakes so that the experience turned out to be useful), and several other diaries.

Self-confidence is not the result of chance. We never have enough self-confidence. Whether we stop or move on always depends on whether we are confident enough in ourselves to take the next step. We experience the following over and over again:

People with low self-esteem protect themselves by not taking risks. However, the person who takes no risks does nothing, has nothing, and is nothing himself.

Difference is always a consequence of self-confidence, and nothing gives more self-confidence than a systematic diary of success.

Please think now about what you managed to do today or yesterday really well. What has been resolved? What to build? Who praised?

If now you do not remember anything, then you have too low a level of self-esteem. The less you are able to write now, the more important it is for you to keep a diary of success.

Even if you are bursting with self-confidence. The next task awaits you, to which you still need to grow. The question of whether you will take on this task is decided by self-assessment. To experience how true this is, ask yourself: What would you like to achieve if you knew for sure that you would achieve it anyway (Prime Minister, writer, Formula 1 world champion, savior of the jungle, rich man in Canada, partner of a certain faces, ...)?

We often think that because of comfort or satiety we will not take the next decisive step. The truth, however, is that comfort is only a camouflage, and the bottom line is that we do not believe in success.

Reinforcing idea.

Boost your confidence by keeping a diary of your successes.

- Self-confidence decides whether the risk is worth it.

- There is no growth without risk.

“I really hope that this book will not only bring you closer to well-being, but also deeply affect you.

I do not know you personally, but I know that if you are holding the book Breakthrough to Financial Success in your hands, then you are an unusual person who is not satisfied with what is available.

You are a person who wants to write his own story, wants to turn his life into a fairy tale.

I wish from the bottom of my heart that the Breakthrough to Financial Success book will help you in all this.


Do you know what keeps most people from living the life they have always dreamed of? Money, nothing but money.

Because money is a certain symbol of behavior associated with life, a certain measure of spiritual behavior.

It is no coincidence that money is present in our lives. Money is rather a certain kind of energy: the more energy we invest in vital affairs, the more money flocks to us.

Indeed, successful people have, among other things, those qualities that they are able to accumulate a lot of money. Some of them save them, others use them to serve other people. However, each of us has the ability to move money.

The importance of money should not be overestimated. Do you know when money really matters? When they are not enough everywhere. For those who have financial difficulties, all thoughts are occupied with money. This problem should one day be thoroughly dealt with in order to properly handle money. After that, money should become the backbone of our whole life.

We all have dreams. We have an accurate idea of ​​how we want to live and what is given to us. We want to have deep faith in the ability to fulfill the special task of making the world a pleasant place to be. Very often I see, however, that the usual everyday life and reality, step by step, kill this dream. Many forget that they have a right to a place in the sun, believing that they are not able to make themselves free.

We all often put on the skin of the victim. We make compromises, and before we come to our senses, life practically flashed by. Many often blame their financial situation for not living the way they would like.

In this book, I want to introduce myself to you as a private coach and pass on to you all that I have learned, as well as all the experience that I have gained.

Finally got around to write about the read book by Bodo Schaefer "Breakthrough to Financial Success". Bodo Schaefer, the author of the book, writes that money is a measure of spiritual behavior. The more energy we invest in vital matters, the more money flows to us. Amazing idea right? It is consistent with the fact that money is a kind of .

The most interesting thing that I remember from this book is the 5 levels of change according to Bodo Schaefer.

Breakthrough to Financial Success – Change happens at 5 levels:

1st level: Actions. You suddenly realize that you are unhappy with something in your life and you want to change your life. Previously, you thought that a positive attitude and your desires would be enough. But then we realized that in order to realize your dream, you need real action. You start doing something.

Level 2: Skills. You realized that simple actions do not bring what you want. You need special skills, you need to learn how to do things right. Are you asking yourself how you can improve your actions, how to do it more efficiently? You need new knowledge, and you also need to change approaches and strategies.

Level 3: Personality. Training and new secret techniques have paid off, but you want more. You realized that you need to become Someone, to become a strong personality, a person to whom people will reach out for advice. Your next level is self-development and personal growth. Here you become the person you have always dreamed of becoming.

Level 4: New worldview. After you changed, you realized that you also need to change your attitude to the world. You understand that the whole world is striving for your prosperity, that the Universe is Abundant. Your attitude to taxes, sales, the state has changed. You understand that for financial success, you need to change your relationship with the state and start mastering sales. Taxes and sales are two of the most disliked things businessmen do. You accept the world as it is.

Level 5: A person without problems. You need to become a person for whom there are no problems. Nothing can limit you, you can always decide everything. You say that there are no unsolvable problems. While some see problems and difficulties, you see new opportunities for development.

The book says that True Miracles happen at levels 3-4-5. It is that state of mind or prosperity that is considered a miracle to others. Ordinary people say that you were just lucky, but only you know that you yourself created this luck and miracle and changes in life.

This is a small part of the book that I remember. But Bodo Schaefer's book also talks about overclocking (motivation), changing your environment, self-discipline, charity, and saving money. I think it will be necessary to re-read it again, especially when there are no fresh ideas for the article.

I wanted to talk about energy again. It turns out that the more energy I put into my blog or writing useful articles, the more money will come to me. And they will come from different sources. Maybe from affiliate programs. or winning a contest or in the form of an increase in attendance!

This is very cool, only now I need to understand how I can better and more invest energy in the blog).

It is now on the list of favorite and inspiring books!

About Breakthrough to Financial Success

“I really hope that this book will not only bring you closer to well-being, but also deeply affect you.

I do not know you personally, but I know that if you are holding the book Breakthrough to Financial Success in your hands, then you are an unusual person who is not satisfied with what is available.

You are a person who wants to write his own story, wants to turn his life into a fairy tale.

I wish from the bottom of my heart that the Breakthrough to Financial Success book will help you in all this ....

...Money does not come to us by chance. We can say that in money matters we are talking about some form of energy: the more this energy we direct to really important goals, the more money we will receive.

Truly successful people have the ability to accumulate a large number of of money. Some only save and multiply them for themselves, others use them to serve society and their neighbor. But they all know how to make money work.

I would like to convey what I once learned and experienced myself. Owning money means, first of all, being able to lead a much freer and more independent lifestyle. When I realized this, a deep need arose in me to pass on my knowledge to others. I made a promise to myself to support everyone I come into contact with on their journey to financial independence. Money in good hands makes not only its owner happy, but society as a whole."

About Bodo Schaefer, author of Breakthrough to Financial Success

Bodo Schaefer– is rightfully considered the number one financial advisor in Europe. He is both a businessman and a writer.

Seminars of Bodo Schaefer are successfully held in many countries of the world - Germany, Belgium, USA, Australia, Turkey, as well as in Russia.

Bodo Schaefer is an unsurpassed practitioner in the field of financial management, has an extraordinary way of thinking, for which he has become widely known.

In his homeland, in Germany, Bodo Schaefer was dubbed the "Mozart of Finance".

Books and recordings of Bodo Schaefer's seminars are popular all over the world, including in Russia, for many they have become teaching aids on financial issues and time management.

Bodo Schaefer did not come to his success immediately. At the age of 16, he left for the United States, and by the age of 26, his erroneous actions and life principles led to the fact that he became a complete bankrupt and debtor.

Bodo Schaefer found an unusual way out of this difficult situation. Drawing an analogy with sports, he decided that he needed a "financial coach."

Bodo Schäfer later wrote:

Each of us needs a person who is able to take our hand and lead us forward, constantly actively helping us. All rich people had their coaches.

After a long search, Bodo Schaeffer found his mentor by attending an event where the American billionaire spoke. This successful entrepreneur once founded an oil firm with less than a thousand dollars of net worth. And in eight years he brought it to 800 million.

The American spoke convincingly about how the most fantastic projects can be realized with the help of other people and their money. Bodo Schaeffer managed to win his trust and they founded a joint company.

Two and a half years later, under the guidance of an American mentor, Bodo Schaefer, for the first time in his life, he earned 100,000 marks in a month. After that, he increased his capital and made a million, and later he became a brilliant coach.

For more than a decade, Bodo Schaefer has been working on issues such as money, success, happiness, and claims that learning to create wealth is as easy as learning to fly, dive or program.