How to prepare for the Unified State Exam in biology and chemistry from scratch in a year? Preparation for the Unified State Exam: chemistry, biology, mathematics, Russian language Options for chemistry and biology separately.

In 2009, the Unified State Exam (USE) became the main form of final state certification of all school graduates in the Russian Federation.

Based on the results of the Unified State Examination, applicants are admitted to all Russian universities.
Therefore, tutors working with high school students and applicants should currently focus on targeted preparation specifically for the Unified State Exam.

Of course, preparation for the Unified State Exam has its own specifics; it is quite obvious that a specialist tutor must take this specificity into account.

For example, the Unified State Examination is quite difficult for a student who is a prize-winner or winner of the All-Russian Olympiad to pass with a high score; here, as they say, “woe from mind” manifests itself. On the other hand, an ordinary student whose performance at school leaves much to be desired, with the help of a specialist, can pass the Unified State Exam with a fairly high score.

It is known that a student usually begins studying with a tutor a year before the exam, at best two. There are even cases, which, unfortunately, are not uncommon, when the child’s parents “grab their heads” a month before the exam.
In such a difficult situation, when time is running out and the student’s knowledge is virtually zero, the tutor must be able to competently organize the child’s educational and cognitive activities. In addition, you need to be able to select from the content of the academic subject important, key points on which the attention of the compilers of Unified State Examination tickets is focused.

In this article we will not go into the intricacies of the technique. Let’s just give a look at the problem and summarize our personal experience.
So, where to start and how to plan a student’s preparation for the Unified State Exam in chemistry and biology?
Depending on the level of preparation, which is checked in the first lesson, an individual curriculum is drawn up for each student. Training is carried out according to individual educational trajectories.
It is known that the Unified State Exam in chemistry and biology consists of three parts of different levels of complexity. Each question is dedicated to a specific topic. The content of academic disciplines is grouped into several blocks.

  In biology

1. Biology is the science of living nature.

2. Cell as a biological system.

3. The organism as a biological system.

4. Diversity of organisms.

5. Man and his health.

6. Supraorganismal systems. Evolution of the organic world.

7. Ecosystems and their inherent patterns.

    In chemistry

1. Chemical element.

2. Substance.

3. Chemical reaction.

4. Knowledge and application of substances and chemical reactions.

Based on the strict structure of the content, it becomes possible training in five basic approaches:

Preparation for content blocks (for students with a high level of preparation (from 60% on trial testing) and planning classes 1-2 years before the exam);

Preparation for Unified State Examination questions of all three parts (for students with an average level of preparation (30-60%) and planning classes less than a year before the exam).

Preparation for parts A and B (for students with a low level of preparation and large gaps in knowledge);

Preparation for Part C (for those who did an excellent job preparing for Parts A and B);

Combined preparation for the Unified State Exam (as a rule, it can only be implemented with students planning classes 2 years before the exam). This includes preparation for content blocks and preparation for questions in all three parts.

Please note that preparation for content blocks is variable. That is, for specific purposes and for specific students, the blocks can be “rearranged”. For example, from our experience it follows that it is better to start preparing for an exam in biology with the block “Biology - the science of living nature”, and then start studying (repeating) the block “Supraorganismal systems. Evolution of the organic world", i.e. follow the path of deduction (from the general to the specific), which is very fruitful when working with strong students. For schoolchildren with a low level of preparation, it is more advisable to start repetition from the “Botany” section, i.e. follow the path of induction (from the particular to the general).

It is more advisable to start preparing for the chemistry exam with schoolchildren with low and intermediate levels of preparation with the topic “Basic concepts of chemistry. Nomenclature of inorganic and organic substances".
With strong students, it is better to follow the deductive path, i.e. start repetition with the topic “Structure of the atom. Chemical bond."

  Particular attention is paid to the following topics:

Main classes of inorganic substances;

Redox reactions, electrolysis;

Reactions in electrolyte solutions, hydrolysis;

Chemical kinetics and chemical equilibrium.

Let us note that at the moment the vast majority of schoolchildren have poor knowledge of the “Organic Chemistry” section, which may well be due to the transition to a concentric system for constructing school curricula, i.e. Some of the material in this section is studied in the 9th grade, and knowledge is deepened in the 10th grade. In the students’ minds, let’s not be afraid of this word, “porridge.” Therefore, it is best to start preparing for this section with a “blank sheet” and pay special attention to it.
In chemistry, special attention should also be paid to solving calculation problems and exercises of the “chain of transformations” type. “Chains of transformations” are good, in our opinion, because with their help you can study a fairly large number of chemical reactions in a short time. And not only study, but also consolidate the acquired knowledge.

What else can a tutor use to intensify the preparation course for the Unified State Exam?

Currently, distance learning for schoolchildren is intensively developing. And it would be, at the very least, unreasonable not to take advantage of her achievements in the practice of tutoring.
In the 2009-2010 academic years, we tested a model for integrating full-time and distance learning. What does it mean?
Everything is extremely simple. Part of the content of educational material (relatively simple topics, tests, homework, etc.) is transferred to distance learning. In face-to-face classes, attention is paid only to complex theoretical issues. A huge portion of valuable study time is freed up.

The student can no longer treat homework carelessly, or simply not complete it. He knows perfectly well that any of his actions, any step, any task will be checked and evaluated by the teacher. In addition, the Moodle system specially developed for this purpose has the ability to automatically evaluate test tasks. At the same time, the teacher does not need to spend precious time checking closed-type assignments; the system itself will evaluate everything and “give” the result. Parents, as well as the tutor, can monitor the child’s work.
There are times when a student gets sick, but what to do, it doesn’t happen to anyone. In this situation, classes can also be conducted remotely without wasting time.

At the end of the article, we emphasize that a modern tutor has a lot of opportunities to improve his activities; he just needs to take advantage of these opportunities in a timely and competent manner.

© The article was written specifically for the website "Repetit-center"

Firstly, it seems to me that the most important thing in preparing for exams is regularity. Initially, you need to distribute all the topics that are reflected in the Unified State Exam, literally by day. Day after day, fulfill the minimum that you have set for yourself, and never deviate from the plan. If you didn’t do something that was planned, you will be fined.

Secondly, start now. It doesn’t matter how much time is left before the exam starts, it doesn’t matter what time of year it is outside, it doesn’t matter what time it is at the moment, even if it’s 3 in the morning. Just raise your butt right now and move forward.

Biology and chemistry are quite extensive subjects. I advise you to make notes on each topic, then memorize them and understand them. It is better to support each topic covered with all sorts of thematic tests.

School biology includes botany, zoology, anatomy (it’s funny to call this section anatomy) and general biology. It is better to focus on general biology (about 70% of questions in KIM in this section), followed by anatomy and zoology. Least of all nerds. It is better to compile notes on each topic from several books at once, so run to the library before they are sorted out. Directly based on books, I can recommend:

  1. Dmitry Solovkov "Unified State Examination in Biology. Practical preparation." The book is quite popular, so it’s a little expensive, but it’s worth it. Personally, I took it as a basis.
  2. R.G. Hare "Biology manual for applicants." It’s also a good book with theory, I haven’t read it personally, but they say it’s good.
  3. Chebyshev "Biology. A manual for those entering universities. In 2 parts." Written by the head of the biology department of PMSMU. The information is quite complicated, but you can master it.
  4. Shustanova T.A. "Biology Tutor"

If we talk about each department separately, then in botany it is best to take 1) Korchagina (6th grade), 2) Traitak (6th grade). In zoology 1) Traitak (7th grade), 2) Bykhovsky (7-8th grade), 3) Nikishov (7-8th grade). In anatomy, I prepared according to Solovkov, but Rokhlov is also good. In general biology Teremov, Petrosova (grades 10, 11).

Textbooks alone are boring. Now internet:

  1. Daniel Darwin is clearly a master of his craft. He always explains the most complex things in the simplest language. He has a group in contact. He conducts classes in the form of webinars (there are both free and paid).
  2. Zhanna Freud - there is a channel on YouTube
  3. Maria Semochkina - also YouTube

Now chemistry. In chemistry, as for me, there is less theory than in biology. Of the textbooks, Gabrielyan's profile is better. Serious manuals include “Chemistry Tutor” by Egorov, “Big Reference Book” by Doronkin. It is better to decide on KIMs from Kaverina, if the masochist is a thematic training from the same Doronkin. Let’s also add some internet: Liya Mendeleeva also conducts webinars

Chemistry and biology are quite complex sciences; not every student chooses them as their favorites during their studies. On the other hand, at all times they belonged to a popular industry and required certain knowledge, character and predisposition. It is believed that these sciences are given to a few, because they are complex, but in fact, it is often enough to understand their basics for interest to arise, and it becomes clear that this is not just calculations and memorization of terms, but a whole interesting and fascinating world.

On the one hand, graduates, knowing such disciplines, are ready to realize themselves in many areas in the future. On the other hand, the exams are difficult, and you can enter many universities only by passing additional subjects. The fact is that these directions alone are not enough. In most cases, you are required to have results in the following subjects:

  1. Mathematics.
  2. Russian language.
  3. Chemistry.
  4. Biology.
  5. Physics or natural science are often added here.

As a result, a graduate can enroll in many places, but to do this they need to take many subjects. Not every applicant will agree to prepare for four subjects where they can get by with basic mathematics and language.

Where can you go if you passed biology and chemistry?

In fact, there are quite a few professions that require only one of these subjects. But if you come to the admissions committee not only with biology, but also with chemistry, your chances of admission (especially on a budget basis) increase. But where can you go if you have passed both chemistry and biology? Absolutely - to a medical university. Today, many leading medical universities require not only these two disciplines, but also the Unified State Examination in the Russian language. These include:

  1. First Moscow State Medical University named after. Sechenov.
  2. IMU im. Pirogov.
  3. State Medical and Dental University.
  4. State Medical University named after Pavlova.

These are universities in Moscow and St. Petersburg, but almost all large cities have prestigious and large educational institutions in this field. But you should understand that even after passing the necessary exams, you can apply to the budget with great difficulty. The competition for one place is large; first of all, people who get the highest scores in biology and chemistry go through; language plays a lesser role here. Priority is given to students who have participated in Olympiads and won prizes, and can also confirm participation in other competitions and conferences.

Other options for both disciplines

Where else can you go if you pass these two disciplines? After all, becoming a doctor is very difficult; not every applicant is ready to go to such a university, especially since the workload and responsibility in it are colossal. Another option is to go to a veterinary academy.

If you are not indifferent to animals, are not squeamish, and want to get a profession that is profitable and in demand at all times, then the question is “Where can I go?” disappears by itself. Veterinarians have a never-ending supply of clients, especially considering that almost every family now has a pet. It is easier to study at such a university than at a medical institute.

Definitely both biology and chemistry are needed to become a biochemist. Such a specialist also quickly finds where to go to work. Having a diploma from the Faculty of Biochemistry, you can go to work in many laboratories related to medicine, the food industry, and pharmacology. Biochemists often find work in cosmetic centers, and they may even work in a hospital.

In addition, the profession of an agronomist is now gaining enormous popularity. In Russia, the agricultural sector is constantly developing and is promising. This requires both chemistry and biology. As a result, a student can study to become a vegetable grower, botanist, agricultural technician, or breeder.

Options for chemistry and biology separately

There are certain specialties where you can take only chemistry or only biology, but the presence of a second discipline plays a certain role and is a priority for the commission. Taking chemistry, you can easily go in the following directions:

  • pharmacology;
  • theoretical chemistry;
  • industrial chemistry;
  • agronomy (some specialties do not require biology);
  • Fire safety.

Fire safety engineers are required in almost any enterprise or company. This will require not only knowledge of chemistry, mathematics and language, but also excellent physical training. As a result, you can become an employee of the Ministry of Emergency Situations, a fire inspector, or an engineer. All these professions are prestigious and in demand.

Pharmacology is a promising industry at any time. You can get a job as a pharmacist, or develop and create new medicines. Specialists go to work in pharmacies, hospitals, and factories.

Theoretical chemistry is required for laboratory workers, as well as chemists who want to stay in science. Unlike industrial, where it is possible to become an engineer, technologist in many fields of both organic and inorganic compounds. You can work in almost any factory and industrial facility in the laboratory and workshop, in the technology sector.

Biology: what is it for?

Biology is also taken for many specialties. For example, it is needed for psychology. This profession is now in demand; many universities have or are opening psychological departments. As a result, you can become such a specialist:

  • speech pathologist;
  • psychologist;
  • psychoanalyst;
  • psychotherapist.

Every academic year, hundreds of thousands of Russian graduates, and along with them graduates of previous years, who for some reason were unable to get into universities earlier, begin to frantically rush around in search of “their” institution - the university, which is the best and most profitable in terms of further careers and where exactly your profession is.

These issues need to be resolved as soon as possible, because you need to register for the Unified State Exam, and each profession has its own set of subjects. You also need to combine the choice with the interests and abilities of the student. After all, a humanist will not study effectively with natural science disciplines, and a technician is unlikely to be happy with the Unified State Examination in literature.

Here, each graduate has his own path - both according to his abilities and needs. You can give examples of applicants who, having passed the Unified State Exam in chemistry, biology, and Russian, are wondering where to apply.

Natural sciences

School time is not only a happy childhood and first love, it is also an educational reality with examples of “the reaction of aggressive sulfuric acid and alkali” and “the structure of a group of brothers in mind - monkeys.” And only adults, twenty years after graduating from school, can laugh at pistils and stamens.

Even if you take the subjects chemistry and biology - two quite complex disciplines, not every high school student prefers them as their favorites during the period of study. It is easier to work with humanities subjects that do not require a large number of special terms and numbers. Moreover, won’t you begin to suffer after passing biology, Russian language, chemistry, where to apply. The country is large, there are many universities and specialties.

However, at the same time, natural science disciplines in all eras (from the Russian tsars to recent years) met the requirements of the level of highly scientific subjects, a strong character and a penchant for skills. There is an opinion among teachers that only selected students can be submissive, how difficult and incomprehensible they are to schoolchildren. That is, in order to be considered smart and talented, it is enough to become a “biologist” and “chemist”.

In addition, specialization in these disciplines at school gives good prospects in the future. After all, many professions, highly paid and interesting, are based on these sciences.

So, after passing the Unified State Exam (chemistry, biology, Russian language), where to apply?

Entrance exams

But, falling from heaven to earth, we must understand that there is one serious obstacle, which teachers will begin to talk about in high school. And here the problem is not only the complexity of the entrance exams. Mainly, the difficulty in the interaction of sciences, and therefore academic disciplines. When entering various Russian universities, in addition to these two subjects, you must also take compulsory ones, most often Russian language and mathematics.

And this is already a serious problem. Even on our fertile land, Lomonosovs are not born through one in order to pass the most difficult exams as a whole set. Is it worth suffering after passing the Unified State Exam in the disciplines "biology", "Russian language", "chemistry", where to apply? As they say, the skin is not worth the candle.

Fortunately, both university leaders and admissions committees understand this, offering possible options.

For the first, the most difficult, it is proposed to take biology and chemistry (major subjects) in parallel with the Russian language and mathematics, which are also taken as almost major subjects. If the competition is big, then the risk is justified and the newly-minted students are all, as one, smart, capable and eager to gnaw on the granite of science. So, for example, applicants do not have to suffer by passing the Unified State Exam in the disciplines “chemistry”, “biology”, “Russian language”, where to apply. Chelyabinsk presents a range of natural science disciplines to applicants.

However, in our time and the decline in the level of knowledge, we have to adhere to more modest requirements for applicants. In practice, there are quite a lot of specialties for which only one of these disciplines is enough for admission.


So, driven by your abilities along the first, most difficult path, you passed the Unified State Exam in all subjects of this cycle. All that remains is to decide where biology, Russian language, and chemistry are needed for admission?

The first (and probably the most correct) impulse is medicine. Unfortunately, people will always get sick, and with the development of science, the number of specialties in this area is only increasing. There are quite a lot of medical universities, both in terms of popularity, difficulty of admission, and in terms of the number of specialties and opportunities for future scientific and administrative careers.

So, you passed chemistry, biology, Russian. and St. Petersburg in medical specialties? There are several medical universities in the capital, known for their history, traditions, experienced personnel and the latest technologies. For admission to these educational institutions, the Unified State Examination is required in these three disciplines. Among them are:

  • Medical University named after. Sechenov.
  • Medical University named after. Pirogov.
  • GMSU.
  • Medical University named after. Pavlova.

These are universities in the two largest cities of Russia, but in almost all big cities there are popular and large educational institutions of a similar direction. And to guarantee (there is a lot of competition for one place), you need to get high grades on the Unified State Examination in biology and chemistry, have a good portfolio of certificates and first places at school and district olympiads and diplomas in various competitions.

Medicine in other regions

Russian education has always been famous for medicine. Currently, this trend is gaining momentum again. For example, you shouldn’t suffer while deciding where to go after passing the Unified State Exam in chemistry, biology, or the Russian language in Bashkiria. Ufa is the largest city in the region and has many opportunities:

  • Specialty “Medical and preventive care”, full-time study based on 11 classes at the microbiology department of BSMU in Ufa.
  • The specialty "Pediatrics" trains pediatricians - doctors in the field of clinical medicine, studying the state of health of the child during his development.
  • The specialty "Pharmacy" trains specialists in the field of handling medicines, including development, scientific study, production, application and other specialties.

There is no need to look for where to apply after passing the Unified State Exam in the disciplines “biology”, “Russian language”, “chemistry”. There are a lot of training options.

Where else to go with such a set of Unified State Exam subjects?

The training options considered represent only the tip of the iceberg of modern education. There is no need to suffer by passing the Unified State Exam in the disciplines “chemistry”, “biology”, “Russian language”, “mathematics”. The websites of admissions committees and universities will tell graduates where to apply.

There is only one direction - biology.

Biological disciplines will always be an important part of human education. Because of this, graduates in this field are constantly in demand. The Higher School offers several variations of biological disciplines:

  1. Anthropology (or paleontology) combines a number of scientific branches associated with the study of the genesis of humanity. The acquired material will be borrowed from many parts of science. The field of activity is very interesting, but getting a job in the specialty is quite difficult.
  2. Genetics. Discipline of theoretical orientation. The applicant should be interested in different types of genes and understand the problems of heredity. After completing your education, you can get a job as a genetic consultant or genetic engineer.
  3. Zoology is a science aimed at the study of animals. The specialist takes on the task of studying the life activity of animals. In addition, he makes experiments and studies the habits of animals in different conditions.
  4. Biophysics is a form of scientific activity that refers to the analysis of the effects of various physical factors on the body. The specialist must be able to work with equipment to conduct experiments.
  5. Soil science is the science of studying and organizing activities aimed at preserving and improving soil fertility. Such specialists develop the characteristics of the studied layers of the earth, etc.

These specialties show that there is no need to doubt when deciding where to apply after passing the Unified State Exam in the disciplines “biology”, “Russian language”, “chemistry”.


In addition to classical medicine, there are a large number of specialties that are very popular due to their value and usefulness. In Russia there is a large number of livestock in agriculture, many pets in the form of dogs and cats, and there is also a wide variety of exotic animals: chameleons, snakes and motley pigs. And they also get sick quite often.

If you love animals and don’t like to tinker with them and treat them, then you can get a profitable and always in demand specialty. Veterinarians have a permanent job and the opportunity to earn a decent income. It is easier to study in such a university than in a medical one.

For example, applicants from the north-west of Russia do not have to think about how to become a veterinarian by passing the Unified State Examination in the disciplines “chemistry”, “biology”, “Russian language”, and where to apply. St. Petersburg provides great opportunities in this regard. There are 320 places in veterinary medicine at St. Petersburg State University. The Academy trains good, versatile specialists - veterinarians.


Since the twentieth century, the profession of a biochemist has become increasingly known and increasingly necessary. Already from the name it is obvious that this specialty is at the intersection of biology and chemistry. After graduating from the Faculty of Biochemistry, you can find a wide range of vacancies. A biochemist diploma will open the doors to a large number of laboratories related to medical research, the food industry, and pharmacology. Specialists in this area often receive vacancies in cosmetic centers; they are also in demand in clinics.

Biochemical research for the purpose of quality control and the creation of new products is in many ways leading in various sectors of the economy, and this determines the profession of a biochemist.

This specialty is quite profitable. So, after passing the Unified State Exam in the disciplines “chemistry”, “biology”, “Russian language”, you don’t need to think about where to apply. Novosibirsk is a scientific city and many universities have a specialty in “Medical Biochemistry”. Applicants can enter such a university only on the basis of 11 classes. The area of ​​interest of specialists includes many living beings - from microorganisms to large mammals.


Having passed the Unified State Exam in the subjects "biology", "Russian language", "chemistry", upon admission you can plunge into the field of agriculture.

Good old agronomy. After becoming one of the most unpromising professions, the rebirth of agronomy has begun in recent years. The specialty is very popular and seems very promising. This is due to the rise of the domestic agricultural industry. Sanctions, government attention, and the appetite of the citizens of our country lead to the fact that agriculture is developing at an accelerated pace. And agronomists, as leading specialists, not only bear the brunt of the work, but also receive a good income.

Agriculture is multifaceted. Both chemistry and biology are in demand here. As a result, within the framework of the specialty “Agronomy”, a student can obtain certain professions: vegetable grower, botanist, agricultural technician, breeder.

Based on chemistry

In addition to the integrated use of natural science disciplines, there are a number of specialties for admission to which you only need to prepare for passing either chemistry or biology (however, the study of the second discipline has a conditional role and can be an important factor for the admissions committee).

It’s worth considering, after receiving the Unified State Exam results in several disciplines (Russian language, biology, chemistry), where you can enroll. The applicant has the right (if he/she has a Unified State Exam in non-core subjects marked for passing on the admissions committee lists) to apply for training in the following specialties:

  • pharmacology;
  • theoretical chemistry;
  • industrial chemistry;
  • agronomy (some specialties do not require biology);
  • Fire safety.

Pharmacology in any era will be a promising activity. A graduate of this specialty can either be a pharmacist in a pharmacy or work in a laboratory and develop more effective and safe medications. Specialists go to work in pharmacies, hospitals, and factories. Specialists in this field will never be left without work.

Theoretical chemistry is needed by laboratory workers, as well as by those graduates who plan to work in science in the future.

Unlike the industrial sphere, where you can become a technical worker, a technologist in many areas of both organic and inorganic chemistry, you can work at almost any enterprise in the laboratory and in production, in the technological department.

Administrative and technical regulations and the state of the modern economy have led to the fact that fire safety engineers are needed in almost any institution, regardless of specialization. Such an engineer will need not only theoretical knowledge in natural science subjects, but also good physical training. If successful, the education received will allow the graduate to be an employee of the Ministry of Emergency Situations, a fire inspector, or an engineer. All these professions are very highly valued and in demand.

Many qualified specialists are trained in the Sverdlovsk region. There, the applicant does not need to search, having passed the Unified State Examination in the disciplines “chemistry”, “biology”, “Russian language”, where to apply. Yekaterinburg offers training in the specialty "Fire Safety". This is a very difficult and responsible profession, which involves a cycle of measures to prevent fires, eliminate fires and evacuate people in difficult situations. This is where fire departments are trained.

Based on biology

Are you wondering where you can go after passing the Unified State Exam in the disciplines “Russian language”, “biology”, “chemistry”? You don't have to take all of these items. You can highlight the main discipline.

Biology (in addition to the classic version) is also required for a large number of specialties. So, in particular, it is required for psychological sciences. Nowadays, biology is in great demand; many domestic and foreign universities have or are starting to recruit psychological departments. As a result, you can become such a specialist:

  • speech pathologist;
  • psychologist;
  • psychoanalyst;
  • psychotherapist.

Biology is also necessary for teachers. There is a profession of psychologist-educator - a specialist who can simultaneously teach and treat children and adults. We must also remember about the rather multifaceted specialty of a biologist. Often, out of long-standing habit, biology is combined with the theoretical basis of the science, but in practice, in our time, you can also be a zoologist, ecologist, or biotechnologist. All such professions are needed in various sectors of the economy: industry, transport, and the agricultural sector.

Preparation courses for the Unified State Exam 2020 in chemistry, biology, Russian language and mathematics at the Paramita Educational Center will help you effectively prepare for the exams.

Recruitment continues for mini-groups (4-6 people)

How are classes conducted to prepare for the Unified State Exam:

1. Classes are held mini-groups of 4-6 people. We have the smallest groups among the Unified State Exam preparation centers! Therefore our teachers manage to pay attention to EVERY student.

2. The teachers of the center are professional teachers - university teachers(candidates and doctors of science) with extensive and successful work experience, leading active teaching activities at Moscow State University. M.V. Lomonosov, Perm State Medical University named after. THEM. Sechenov, Russian National Research Medical University named after. N.I. Pirogov and other leading universities in Moscow, Unified State Exam experts.

3. When preparing and conducting classes, the latest literature is used, as well as author's developments for preparing for the Unified State Exam: video materials, educational presentations, mannequins, etc.

Areas of preparation for the Unified State Exam:

- biology(10-11 grade, applicants)
- mathematics(10-11 grade, applicants)
- chemistry(10-11 grade, applicants)
- Russian language (10-11 grade, applicants)

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Prepare for the Unified State Exam

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Lesson on preparing for the Unified State Exam includes:
. mastering theoretical material using multimedia presentations, educational models and other demonstration objects;
. repetition of the mastered material in the format of an open discussion, as well as when solving tests and conducting laboratory workshops (for chemistry and biology);
. solving training Unified State Exam tests on the topic of the lesson;
. compulsory homework.

The main difference between the teaching methodology in our training center is not only teaching the principles of solving Unified State Exam tests, but also presenting real systemic knowledge on the subject, since, unfortunately, solving the Unified State Exam 100% does not mean having the full knowledge of the discipline being studied.

Preparation programs for the Unified State Exam

Basic preparation for the Unified State Exam 2020

Classes: September 2019 - May 2020
Reception: 10th, 11th grade and applicants
Program: mastering the full course of the subject (chemistry, biology or mathematics), training on test tasks of the unified exam of levels “A”, “B” and “C”.
Increase in the effectiveness of solving the Unified State Exam: + 40-63%

Express preparation

Classes: November 2019 - May 2020
Reception: 10th, 11th grade and applicants
Program: mastering the basic course of the subject with an emphasis on topics on which questions are most common in the Unified State Exam; intensive solution of tasks of parts “A” and “B”, training in the algorithm for composing answers to tasks of part “C”.
Performance increase: + 25-51%

Program for 9th grade

Classes: September 2019 - May 2020
Reception: 9th grade
For those who have decided in advance to take care of the successful passing of the Unified State Exam, our educational center is recruiting 9th graders for progressive, thorough preparation for passing the exam in the 11th grade. The preparation program for 9th grade is adapted to the initial level of knowledge of students and builds learning according to the principle of a pyramid: each new topic is logically connected with the previous one. As a result of such preparation, students begin to develop logical thinking, which allows them to easily navigate the entire course of the subject being studied.

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