Is a balance between work and personal life possible? Work and personal life: how to find balance? Work-life balance economic approach

1. Don’t try to do everything

“It’s impossible to do everything everywhere” - in the race to better yourself, it’s so easy to forget about this fact. Accept it and learn to prioritize honestly. Would you prefer a trip to the zoo to a business lunch with partners? Don't blame yourself. Since you made such a choice, it means that at that very moment family was much more important to you.

If you feel like you’re working to the limit and tasks keep piling up, delegate them: an assistant will help you with your work, and a nanny, housekeeper, or one of your relatives can take on some of the household responsibilities.

2. Analyze how you spend your time

Try a little experiment: every half hour for a week, write down everything you spend your time on. Yes, yes, viewing your social media feed and talking on the phone also needs to be turned on! This list will definitely include activities that are not included in the top list of the most necessary, and even those that are not beneficial at all. Try to give up on them at least for a while and soon you will see: there are much more opportunities to perform truly important tasks.

3. Plan your affairs clearly

Make a plan for the week and plan every working day in accordance with it. This is especially important if you work at home rather than in an office, where the chances of distraction are especially high. Decide how many hours you plan to spend today at work and put a list of tasks in front of you for this time.

Try to schedule your days off for Saturday and Sunday, even if you work a flexible schedule. Your friends and family will enjoy spending your free time with you, and it will help you maintain rhythm and productivity without feeling like you're racing 24/7.

4. Don’t do work and personal things at the same time

Learn to completely relax and disconnect from work. Are you going to play football with your friends? Don't answer work calls. Are you going to the movies with your girlfriend? Please don't check your email for at least one evening. Your personal time is a time of absolute rest from work. Enjoy communication and try to spend these moments without your phone.

5. Value the time of your loved ones

Respect your family and friends as you respect your partners and colleagues. Treat your household responsibilities with the same care as your work tasks. By taking note of these simple rules, you will avoid quarrels, insults and misunderstandings, and in return you will receive many pleasant moments spent with your family. Decorating a Christmas tree with your parents, having breakfast with your wife in a cafe, picking up your son from training - our lives are made up of such priceless little things, and we definitely shouldn’t neglect them.

6. Take care of your health

Without harmony with yourself and your body, there can be no harmony with the world around you, so take care of yourself. Seeking a balance between work and personal life at the expense of your sleep and rest is not even pointless, but simply harmful. Be sure to get enough sleep, watch what you eat, find time for sports and spend more time outdoors, away from the computer. And don't forget about vacation!

Also, allow yourself to be a little lazy sometimes, at least 15 minutes a day. This is very useful for all of us!

7. Share experiences

Sometimes an outside perspective can help us see ourselves in a new way. Talk to colleagues, friends, family, share your observations with them and ask for advice. Surely among them there are those who have found their personal balance and will be happy to share their experience with you.

8. Find your “golden mean”

We are surrounded by many fictitious standards and standards, you can’t argue with that. But we must not forget that your life is your choice, and everyone has their own recipe for happiness. Listen to yourself and understand what is really important to you, and only in this way will you find personal harmony. We are sure that you will succeed!

We are so busy with everyday worries that we do not have time and energy to achieve our goals. They seem somehow distant after problems at work and at home. But Steve McCletchy in his book “From Urgent to Important” assures: it is the desire for goals that will help you not burn out and get everything done.

Why do we burn out?

If you waste energy only on staying busy at work and managing things at home, an imbalance will arise. This in turn leads to burnout.

Burnout occurs when we do the same thing day after day and feel no progress. Life is not improving, there is nothing to be proud of - and this makes you suffer.

Health deteriorates due to stress. We make impulse purchases to please ourselves a little. Or we lose income because due to lack of ambition we work worse.

The answer to the question of how not to completely stall is to let success into your life. The desire for success will eliminate the feeling of running in place. Balance will reign and everything will be possible.

Is there a balance?

The problem of balance is not far-fetched. Steve McCletchy cites research showing that 88% of people find it difficult to choose between work and personal life, 57% consider this a serious problem, and 64% say they feel physically exhausted after work.

At the same time, we are forced to value work. The phrases “record unemployment” and “how to survive the crisis” are heard all around. We have to take on more responsibilities just to stay in the same position. Everyday life has turned into a race: to have time to cross things off the daily list in order to meet other people's expectations. But this is not a search for balance. It's about finding a way to survive.

Distributing a certain number of hours between work and personal life will also not bring balance. The stress that has accumulated during working hours will not disappear if you spend half the day in the office and the second half of the day at home. Balance is an immeasurable value.

Those who work 60 hours a week in high-paying jobs say they love their work. This is because they pursue success every day. The drive to succeed helps them survive grueling work hours and increased demands.


Striving for success means making efforts and making improvements in your life or someone else's. Balance will appear along with pleasure from the achieved result.

This is a balance between “must do” and “don’t have to do”: when we have done what we must do to solve problems, and do what we are not obliged to do, but which will improve life. Such harmony is possible when we reach the goal and see improvements.

Success is not necessarily better or more. The point is to move towards the goal. An effective way to overcome burnout is to never stop seeking to develop aspects of your life.

If you do not strive for success and progress, then time and effort will be spent maintaining the existing order. We become fixated on the aspect that is getting worse. This leads to burnout, stress, and a feeling of despair that today is worse than yesterday.

However, reality does not have to be terrible. If you breathe deeply, work in a prestigious place, live in a happy family, but think that things will not get better, dissatisfaction will overtake you.

Let the pursuit of success become as everyday as solving problems. Wasting energy only on maintaining life is burnout. But when you move towards your goal every day, the efforts are worth it.

With every step towards success, the charge of energy is replenished. The result of your efforts becomes more noticeable. Thoughts revolve around plans for how to achieve the next goal and what improvements will follow. Resources are spent to achieve something greater rather than to maintain the status quo. Striving for success negates burnout and helps balance balance.

This is exactly how we should balance - not between work and life, but between immediate survival and progress.

Find a balance between family and work. This question interests active and developing people no less than “how to become effective.” For some, this is an ordinary current issue. And for some it may be a matter of “life and death”:

  • it is impossible to find boundaries between family and work
  • Paying more attention to family, work begins to suffer, and vice versa
  • as a result, you don’t have time to do anything either here or there

Balance (French balance, literally - scales, from Latin bilanx - having two weighing bowls). (Material from Wikipedia - the free encyclopedia)

What does the ideal balance between family and work look like in my opinion?

For everyone, this will be their own picture of the ideal balance between family and work.

And this is how we balance our whole lives!

In my opinion, this should meet the following criteria:

  • work should not take up personal time and should remain behind closed office doors
  • Family time doesn't mean just being at home. Personal time is planned and full of new ideas and activities (especially for children)
  • to be in your thoughts in the same place where you are physically. You can't play with your child and think about a business presentation!

There were only three points, but they were quite thought out and meaningful. This is the balance I'm looking for. Or rather, I try to come to him.

I remember a bearded joke from my youth:

A student should not marry, because if he devotes time to his wife, his “tail” will grow, if he devotes time to his studies, “horns” will grow, and if he tries to pay attention to both, he will “throw away his hooves!”

There's something about it! But even humor does not remove the issue of balance from the agenda of the day... You must definitely find time for yourself!

How MyLifeOrganized allows me to balance family and work

Look how calm a cat is when there is balance in his life)))

What features of your planner can you use to maintain a balance between work (business) and family?

Here are a few examples that I have been using for several years:

Prioritize areas of your life using importance

One of the important stages when building your task tree! You need to use importance to increase or decrease the weight of one or another area of ​​life.

Thus, we determine which area occupies a leading position in our life.

What is more important: work or family?

For me it is definitely family.

How to check:

  • imagine that you are at work and your wife called, something has happened and you urgently need to drop everything and come home. Will you be thinking about work or will all your attention be focused on your family?
  • imagine that you are spending the weekend with your children, and then you get a call from work - something has happened. Would you sacrifice your children's happiness in order to go to work and solve the work process? There is no clear answer for all situations, but I will do everything possible to stay with my family (I will try to resolve the issue over the phone, involve another person in resolving this issue, etc.)

Focus on the “Work” folder during working hours and on the “Personal” folder during free time

The rule is simple - at work we do work, and at home we do family!

It seems to sound banal, but if you look at what we do during the day:

  • At work, we vigorously discuss some events and activities, chat with colleagues about personal issues, choose new purchases on the Internet, etc.
  • At home we are trying to finish tasks that we didn’t finish during the working day and that are needed for tomorrow (if not yesterday). This could be writing letters, preparing presentations.

To control the “Work-Home” separation, I use the full focus function. Select the desired folder - Ctrl + R - and full speed ahead. What I advise and wish for you

Weekend planning

How good is your weekend? How do you plan them?

For many people they go away as they should. It's a pity - there are so many interesting things around.

As an example, I can offer a monthly option for planning weekends for the next month:

  1. Initially, you need to determine your interests - what options for spending the weekend are generally interesting and acceptable to you. Not everyone can climb mountains...
  2. Based on the characteristics of the time of year and the number of days off in the next month, estimate various options:
  • on the first weekend you can go outdoors
  • on the second weekend you can go to the cinema
  • thirdly, go to a city or place where you have not been
  • fourth, attend a cultural event
  • fifthly, arrange a sports day on bicycles or rollerblades
  • on the sixth weekend it’s stupid to lie on the couch (if, of course, there is a sixth weekend in the month)

There are many options. With the right approach, there will be enough time both for the brightness of life and for lying on the couch.

It would be interesting to know how you divide your work and personal space, how you find a balance between work and family.

The main point of life balance

I would like to end the article with a phrase from the book “Extreme Time Management”, where life was compared to juggling. We manage areas of life like a juggler—focusing on only one ball in the air at a time. But if the “Work” ball is rubber - when you let it go, it will bounce again, then the “Family” ball is crystal. Once you miss it, you can either pick up the chipped ball or collect the fragments...

The picture clearly shows that the juggler at this moment is focused only on one upper ball

What is your highest priority?

Are you setting aside enough time for your priority area of ​​life?

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In recent decades, on the topic work-life balance they write a lot. A lot of practical advice is given: how much time work should take, and how much time should be spent on family, communication with friends and hobbies. It is important that everyone certainly has a stable job and a personal life that is understandable to others. And then - according to the list: cultural trips, holidays in Europe, weekends outside the city, etc.

This “gentleman’s set” is socially approved standards, based on which we, in theory, should realize ourselves in all forms. Otherwise, gaps will appear in the picture of life that there will be nothing to fill, or the canvas will turn out to be one color - dull and boring.

It seems strange to us that someone can be happy without having what they “need” for happiness. And we ourselves begin to develop complexes if something is missing from our picture. In addition, our loved ones, caring about our well-being, constantly set as an example one of our relatives or friends who managed to balance their business and personal lives.

But if we look around, we will find that there are a lot of happy people who do not fit into these meticulously calculated formulas work-life balance— they have their own schemes, absolutely asymmetrical.

There are people for whom happiness comes from work, from doing something they truly love. This is the area where so much personal is concentrated for them that everything else only weighs them down. From the outside, their “gentleman's set” looks meager: work, work and more work. There are no hobbies, and family life, as a rule, hangs by a thread - at least that’s what it seems to others.

It turns out that some not only do not get tired of “standing on one leg,” but also feel quite happy. But among those who follow the standards work-life balance, there are many who feel neither happiness nor harmony.

Many people really try to honestly strike a balance and formally have everything they need to be happy. They pretend that life suits them well, but at the same time they only feel chronic dissatisfaction and fatigue.

One would like to sit at work until late - one really wants to finally devote oneself to what one loves. But you can’t - the family is waiting for dinner, this is a tradition! And so he, poor man, trudges home to “be happy.” And the other, on the contrary, would gladly devote herself to her family. But no: every morning, having dropped the children off at kindergarten and school, she rushes to the office, on Saturdays to the gym, because she needs to keep herself in good shape, and on Sundays to the museum, the theater, to see friends or parents, because she’s good friend and daughter... I just want to say: “Clever girl, a real modern woman!”, but in reality - a woman on the verge of a nervous breakdown.

Before worrying about the fact that we are missing something, we should understand ourselves.

First, we need to understand whether we are happy with the way we live. Let’s say everyone praises me: “Well done, he lives life to the fullest,” but I feel like an excellent student who envyes C-grade students: yes, they don’t receive diplomas for excellent studies, but they live freely and cheerfully. Or, on the contrary, my loved ones persuade me to “correct” my life, and I agree: I start looking for another job, although in fact I like mine, and instead of changing the situation in my old place, I spend my energy looking for a new one.

Secondly, it is worth deciding what is for us work-life balance. After all, the balance between business and personal life is not just the distribution of time between them. This is our internal balance, which cannot be expressed as a percentage. It is flexible and mobile: today we are passionate about work, tomorrow our attention switches to family, the day after tomorrow to friends, etc. At different stages of life, our priorities change.

And finally, thirdly, we must clearly understand what exactly needs to be done if we really want to change something in our lives, and what price we will have to pay for it.

We are accustomed to the fact that personal life is about relationships with the opposite sex: love, family, sex, etc. In fact, “personal” life is the life of our PERSONALITY, it is everything that evokes in us emotions, feelings, movements of the soul. And for some, the source of emotions is family, for others - their “business”, for others - creativity, for others - travel.

The balance between business and personal life is actually a balance between our diet and our emotions. People who are completely immersed in work feel completely harmonious, because they love it, in the process of work they not only receive money, but enter into certain relationships, experience emotions, and give their emotions to others. And, on the contrary, it seems that a person is busy only with his family, but in all this there are so many goals, tasks, plans that this compensates for the lack of formal work.

Often, personal life and work are perceived as competitors, antagonists that need to be reconciled. But if we really live the life that we like, in principle there can be no competition. On the contrary, our emotions and rationality support each other and thereby only increase our effectiveness.

Therefore, if we do not fit into socially approved standards, but feel quite happy, we just need to tell ourselves: “Everything suits me, this is my choice” - and defend our right to live the way we consider best and right for ourselves.

Successfully balancing work and personal life is not an easy task these days. We are torn between home and office, we want to do everything here and there. But it often turns out that as a result, one of the areas of our life ends up on the sidelines. In this article you will find useful tips on how you can find a balance between work and family with minimal damage to both parties.

Set your priorities

Determine for yourself what is most important in life and what is secondary. Just don't lie to yourself. There is no need to fake your principles to match what is “accepted.” Ask yourself this question: if I could only do one thing in this life, what would I choose? And in second place? And on the third? These are your real priorities, remember them.

Keep track of time

Give yourself a test week: track how much time you spend on things that really aren't that important to you. Check your list of priorities and try to cut off unnecessary things or delegate some tasks to someone else.

Don't do two things at once

Forget about multitasking. Only a few of us can equally successfully cope with two or more things in parallel. Most people only perform well when they are fully focused on the task at hand. If you are working, then at this moment think only about work. If you spend time with your family, then there is no question of any work.

Create a ritual for yourself every day

Choose a specific activity that you will definitely devote time to every day. This could be anything: going to the gym, reading books, visiting a museum, getting a massage, or just half an hour of complete solitude and silence - depending on your tastes. Let this activity become part of your mandatory program.

Respect your personal time

Don't try to increase the number of hours in the day at the expense of personal time. Of course, there are all sorts of emergencies and emergency situations, but more often than not, a sudden work problem can easily wait for some time.

If you sleep too little, eat poorly, lead a sedentary lifestyle and rarely spend time in the fresh air, then no amount of advice will help you find harmony. It's corny, but true.

Don't forget about vacation

A person must rest from work for at least two weeks a year. Not counting holidays and weekends. You don’t have to go somewhere far away and spend crazy amounts of money to relax. The main thing is to completely disconnect from thoughts about work. Turn off your work phone, don't open any programs you need for work, pretend you're unemployed and just relax.

Tell others about your actions

Talk to your loved ones, friends, colleagues, tell them that you want to plan your life differently. Ask for support and understanding, and explain that your goal is to succeed on both fronts.

Add some sport to your life

It would seem that adding anything to an already busy schedule is nonsense. However, it is additional physical activity that helps relieve mental stress, relieve stress and ultimately makes you more productive. No one is talking about long hours of grueling workouts; morning exercises, jogging, or just energetic dancing to your favorite music are quite enough. You will be surprised, but your strength will only increase from this.

Set clear boundaries

Thanks to the latest technologies, you can work without even leaving home. Mobile offices, a computer running around the clock - all this is a double-edged sword. Set clear rules for yourself: when you are at work, your loved ones should not disturb you, unless, of course, something extraordinary happens. And when you, for example, go to football with your son or take your girlfriend to a restaurant, no work issues should concern you. If you don't have a separate phone for work, it's best to simply turn off your cell phone during this time, or at least turn off the sound.

Find a role model

Take a look around. Look for a person who, as you think, has found the optimal balance of work and personal time: try to learn from him. If possible, consult with him, ask how he (or she) sets priorities and sets his boundaries.

Learn to say "No"

Don't rush to solve other people's problems at the first call. Know how to refuse help in cases where a person can easily get by on his own. This doesn't mean you have to be a callous idiot, just remember your priorities and learn to say “no” tactfully but firmly.

Analyze the situation and consolidate success

It is impossible to achieve a balance that will maintain itself. A harmonious existence will always require some effort from you. Another thing is that maintaining an existing balance is much easier than starting from scratch. Analyze your actions, observe the resulting effect, do not give up what you started with the first failures.

There will be no immediate results from these actions; this is not the case when from Monday you will become a completely different person. Be patient and look for your “golden mean”, because the most difficult thing is to decide to change and take the first steps. Good luck to you!