After the child comes the last thing, I will say. Training workshop for kindergarten teachers

This ritual exercise is not, strictly speaking, an “exercise.” It should not be used specifically, as something separate, “psychological”, under the supervision of a psychotherapist or training leader, in group trainings and seminars.

This is an “exercise”, this game (and the most precise word that can be chosen for this language game there will be the word “ritual”), so this ritual should crown your long meeting and precede the words “Bye!”, “Goodbye”, “See you tomorrow”... Because if you don’t get yourself such a habit, then once you say “See you tomorrow,” you can have no “tomorrow” never see this person again... By the way, this is exactly what happened once in my own life, and all because neither I nor the person with whom I was communicating gave each other feedback. They considered themselves very smart. And most importantly - cunning.

Yes. That's her. All psychologists and those who visit them are fed up with “feedback.” , which will be discussed now, is strictly aimed at teaching us, learning, training us in one very important matter, without which healthy and LONG-TERM communication seems completely impossible. We must learn to give to each other specifically in this case - direct feedback, that is, conversation using WORDS.

During communication between us and other participants, misunderstandings often arise about certain “moments”. It's clear.

  • we suspected someone had mercenary intent,
  • we thought they wanted to insult us,
  • we thought we were annoying someone.

But there are other situations that have nothing to do with misunderstanding, with negativity .

It happens that something good happened between you (which happens less often), and for some reason we are carelessly in no hurry to capture this moment, “to stop a beautiful moment,” to express the fast-flowing present - in good, kind and precise words that will be remembered for a long time.

So. Let's get ourselves a sometimes useful and sometimes pleasant habit - to summarize your meeting verbally. (Where it is necessary, possible and appropriate, of course).

Let it first be presented, framed, as some kind of artificial game, as your whim, as a conscious act required from both parties. Before parting, say a few phrases to each other, each of which should begin with the following wording: “I noticed that you...”, “I notice that you...”.

  • Let our friends at first shy away from an honest and direct answer (I'm not sad, I'm not angry with you), but over time they will still say what they really felt and feel at the moment,
  • Let these phrases be initially perceived as somewhat “artificial” and even sounding “not Russian.”

After all, before we naturally, easily and gracefully dance a new dance, we mechanically master movements that at first seem ridiculous and unnatural to us... We somehow twist our legs...

Don’t forget not only to note all the “difficult” moments, but also be sure to say out loud the really good and joyful things that amazed (or quietly pleased) you today during this meeting!

Learning to be a toastmaster

Unfortunately, in our culture, where there was and is no psychology, there is only one person who is perceived as “normal” when he immediately expresses in words everything that he sees good in other people.

This is our “legalized psychotherapist” - toastmaster. When a hundred people drink and eat, without bothering with the psychological stroking of their neighbors, the toastmaster alone takes on the role of “an expert in psychotherapy” who sees with a keen eye everything that is happening around and knows how to accurately (targetedly) praise those who whom necessary and precisely for this reason What necessary (and also to put down the rioters).

Imagine that you can live in a society where almost every one of us will have such a useful skill as a “toastmaster”...

If it’s hard for you to start with “difficult moments” (that is, speaking out loud our suspicions and having conversations about what “scares” someone, “hurts” or is simply unimaginably “annoying”), then always start with this - with “positive ”, from the speech of the “toastmaster”, who knows how to subtly praise each guest. (I'm talking about a good toastmaster)

By the way, here, as always, a nuance is important: don’t even think about telling people cheap, routine compliments “about nothing” that are hard to believe. Say only precisely calibrated things that can surprise. Praise - sincerely. Express your delight only when you really have a reason to be delighted about something.

(By the way, develop a positive vision of the world - then you will have something to say in the genre of praise and you will not be lying when giving a compliment)

Otherwise, people will not believe you, they will suspect you of some kind of self-interest, of an attempt to weave a cunning intrigue, of humiliating and suspicious ingratiation, finally. The least possible bad thing that people will think about you (if you start “pleasing” them with forced compliments with inept enthusiasm) is the idea that you are currently sitting on some kind of “positive”, and When this whim will pass is still unknown...

Why is the ritual exercise “I noticed that you...” taught in psychological trainings?

The fact is that, firstly, there is nowhere to get this information except at psychological training. Well, this is the most obvious and banal explanation.

But, secondly... Secondly, a person is designed in such a way that instilling in him the necessary skill, and even bringing this skill to automatism, is possible only by immersing that person in an “intensive learning environment,” which is psychological training .

After all, the exercise-ritual that you have now received has a chance to settle as another layer of “useful information” in your head and soon be safely covered there with a layer of soft house dust. It turns out that the benefits of attending a training, as well as visiting a gym, are obvious. The trainer forces entire groups of people (breaking them into pairs this way and that) to quickly master the skill of proper communication.

The benefits of this “psychological etiquette lesson” are not immediately clear; this ritual has a long cumulative effect. Just one day you will feel that you have been communicating for a long time (at least with the people most important to you) without omissions, which means without conflicts, and therefore without the risk of ridiculous quarrels that separate people forever.

And finally... Very briefly.

What is “healthy” communication (interaction) from a psychological point of view?

From a psychological point of view, healthy communication can be called such communication, during which you DO NOT MAKE ASSUMPTIONS (one more absurd than the other) ABOUT THE MOTIVES OF THE OTHER PERSON’S BEHAVIOR.

In the course of healthy communication, you must provide a summary at the end of the meeting. (In rare cases, this ritual can be postponed “for later” by discussing over the phone in the evening what happened during the day or in the morning what happened in the evening)

During healthy communication, you talk to your interlocutor about facts that took place. About what happened to you In fact, and not about what each of you came up with for yourself.

Now you know in which cases silence is not always “golden”. Start playing this exciting game: “I notice that you...”.

How quickly time flies... It seems like just yesterday I entered tenth grade, and I’m already finishing school. This stage has almost already been passed - it’s time to take stock.
To be honest, I didn’t want to go to tenth grade: many teachers had changed, I didn’t communicate with the guys from the parallel class, and there were two people with me from the previous team. Therefore, of course, in the first literature lessons I felt out of place: I prepared for the lessons, but did not show initiative. Now, however, I can freely express my opinion on this or that work.
Over the course of two years, I remember a lot, for example, lessons on Goncharov’s work “Oblomov,” which made me think about the value and irreversibility of our existence. How stupid is a person who vegetates every minute of his life! A year ago it was not clear to me: why should we read Astafiev’s work “Lyudochka”? After all, we are already surrounded by evil, why talk about it in class? But thanks to the textual study of the story, I not only changed my opinion, but also learned to pay more attention to the author’s word, which the electives on Bunin’s works in the eleventh grade also helped me with. Speaking about the lessons you liked, of course, one cannot fail to mention the conversation about “Lonely Old Age”. As I already said, this topic interested me because of its topicality, so it was very nice to see interested, caring people defending my work. This project gave me a lot, made me think about a lot... Previously, I was not interested in the work of our fellow countryman V. G. Rasputin, but now, having understood the author’s style, I enjoy reading his works outside the school curriculum.
I also remember our recent lesson on Astafiev’s short story “The Fish Tsar”... Of course, at times our discussion turned into a farce, but the main thing is that the topic of the ecology of the soul touched many. After the lesson, I thought about this problem for a long time and came to the conclusion that I probably expressed my thoughts incorrectly, since someone mentioned the Stone Age. No, when I said that in essence a person does not need technical equipment, I meant that the world is not moving towards progress, as many believe. Yes, holding in our hand the latest phone, in which receiving calls is not the first function, we are amazed at the human mind! But it turns out that only the one who created this very phone develops. And we? what are we? Most people regress: technology becomes not a means of help, but an addiction. Yes, the ecology of the soul directly depends on the environment around us, and it would probably be unnecessary to talk about anthropogenic factors. One man in the field is not a warrior, so what can be said about even promising power if people are morally corrupt? Indeed, besides knowledge and status (if you don’t go into details), how does a ruler differ from an ordinary person? NOTHING. Therefore, I believe that only faith can change people. After all, if a person believes in punishment, but ABOVE, only then will he adhere to moral standards. But, of course, this does not relieve the authorities of responsibility, and one cannot fail to note the positive things associated with their activities. And, as they say, the world is not without good people, so I hope that the hearts of the children in our class will not become callous from a well-fed life.
In conclusion, I would like to thank you, Oksana Petrovna, for all our lessons! Thanks a lot! I think that over these two years we have all grown morally. Teacher is a calling! And, of course, I would like to wish you thoughtful, caring, inquisitive students!

Answer Delete

Yes.....As Lisa said, time really does go by quickly. It seemed like just yesterday I came to grade 7B and met all the teachers and kids. And now the time has come to say goodbye...During all this time, I have discovered a lot for myself thanks to you and your interesting literature lessons. I especially loved the retreats when you told us life stories, advised us on many things, or consulted with us. After all, almost all the teachers treat us only as students, but you seemed to see each of us in our own way, as a person. I remember the lessons on the work "War and Peace". When I read it, due to the fact that it is very voluminous, I did not quite understand all the events that were taking place. But after I left your lessons, something new opened up, and all the questions were resolved for me. There were many such lessons, and after each one there were a lot of all sorts of thoughts in my head. You taught us to see subtext, read “between the lines” and think deeper. For this I am very grateful to you! You knew how to support us, make us laugh or give us some advice. I think a student simply needs such a teacher, but you won’t find such a teacher in every school. I am very lucky to have you as my teacher. I can’t even imagine literature lessons with some other teacher. I would like to wish that your students value your work, that they are readers and know how to think, and that you have the pleasure of coming and listening to their reflections, the main thing is that there is dedication and work of the heart. But I would like to ask you one last time: after all, every episode is remembered for something, and what will you remember about us? How will we remain in your memory?

Answer Delete

Let me start with the fact that each of your lessons is unique and memorable! I am happy that I had the opportunity to study with you. Unfortunately, we met only recently, but these two years were bright and full of emotions for me.
Frankly speaking, I don’t like the Russian language, and it’s difficult for me, but I love literature lessons. My love for reading has grown more and more thanks to you! Initially, when I entered your office, I was in a negative mood, I was scared off by your emotionality and bright appearance. Over time, I realized that personal relationships should fade into the background and I should take up my studies. But that’s not it, I liked you, and you literally hypnotized me! Every day I woke up thinking: “What day of the week is it today? Will Russian language and literature be on schedule today? Am I ready for them? Is love for literature lessons related to the personality of the teacher? Definitely - YES! I am sure that I am not the first child who has thanked and will thank you for high-quality and indelible knowledge. Not every teacher will be able to “chew” this topic in such a way without stressing the student. I really enjoy working in your lessons, discussing literary works, just chatting about nothing but everything, expressing opinions, arguing. I can say that all the works I read according to the program and according to your advice were not in vain. Every book has a little life, a little story from which the reader extracts something for himself. It will probably sound banal, but voluminous works, as a rule, are remembered much more than others. “Warrior and Peace” is an amazing novel that I am delighted with! When reading such masterpieces, you really think about it, worry about the characters and become immersed in the atmosphere of the moment taking place on the pages of the book. I also couldn’t tear myself away from “The Master and Margarita” - a novel that makes readers excited. Valentin Rasputin’s story “Farewell to Matera”, which we recently read, also aroused in me a storm of emotions and great interest.
And finally, I will say... I will say that I am sorry to part with you, with your office in which it is always fresh, I will miss our conversations, even if they were not always on pleasant topics. Parting with school is always sad, especially if there is someone to miss... Thank you very much Oksana Petrovna for all the lessons, they push us to make the right choice.

P.S: These are just some of my words that I would like to fact, there is much more hidden in me and perhaps in class when we say goodbye, I will tell you something else...
I apologize for any errors, if any.

Answer Delete

I first met you in the 4th grade.. And as I remember now, then absolutely all the school teachers refused us, and for some reason it was you who decided to take on us. When you entered the office, I can speak for the whole class, we were all in a negative mood, and were confident that we would teach Oksana Petrovna a lesson. But that was not the case, as soon as you shouted at us, everyone immediately realized that such pranks would not work with you. And starting from the 4th grade, you developed in me a love for the Russian language. Sometimes I didn’t prepare for lessons. But when I came to school, I was sure that Oksana Petrovna would explain the new topic in such a way that even a felt boot would be understandable. As for literature, I would prefer not to read anything, because... There is a lot of laziness, but just come and listen to you. I would like to note that over these 2 years, I still remember Astafiev’s lessons “Lyudochka”, which touches on the topic of morality. Just like Ivan Bunin’s “Easy Breathing”. Well, I especially remember Bulgakov’s lessons, where we analyzed his work “The Master and Margarita”. When I read it, a lot of things were unclear to me. But I knew that Oksana Petrovna would help us reveal all the cards and answer questions. And how relevant are the themes from these works today? I also want to say that you have an amazing command of words, in this you are my idol. After all, you can become so interested in some work that you go home and read the book you assigned with great interest. And I always liked your “lyrical digressions”. Moreover, you always have a conversation with us on the topic of the lesson. Conversations about life.. about the future.. about children.. about adults.. arguments.. misunderstandings.. and you leave the office, thinking about something that you would never think about just like that. Of course, the love of the Russian language and literature is directly related to the teacher. Because personally, when someone replaced you, I couldn’t accept another teacher at all... I’m very glad that school life brought us together. I will definitely miss you, your lessons, and school. I will always remember office 17 and how we rushed there, just so as not to be late. And finally, I wish you more smart, kind, sympathetic, diligent and interested in your subject children. Thanks for all.

Answer Delete

Time, time... How fast you rush. I remember when Zinaida Yakovlevna said in sixth grade that tenth and eleventh grade would fly by like a blink. They really flew by. I am absolutely not sorry that I went to tenth grade. At first I was worried, I thought that I didn’t have a good enough knowledge base, I was afraid of you, Oksana Petrovna. I always prepared thoroughly for Russian language and literature lessons. Gradually I got used to it, and I remembered every lesson, they were all interesting and unique. I was looking forward to talking about new works. What's next? How's that? But I think differently. I told myself all this in every lesson, without exception. You, Oksana Petrovna, interested me in the poetry of Asadov and Mayakovsky, you memorized so many of their poems! I am very interested and important in your opinion about certain things. Thank you for the lessons. It seems to me that the children in our class have blossomed spiritually thanks to you. I would like to wish you to be as exceptional in everything.

Answer Delete

The school years are coming to an end. I came to you in 10th grade and at first I couldn’t understand you; it was difficult for me to enter into dialogue with you. After a while, I began to get used to you, it became very interesting for me to listen to you, because you talk very emotionally, give life examples, and the main thing that I like is that you express your opinion without fear that someone will judge you , or will misunderstand.
I remember many lessons, but I would especially like to highlight the open lesson “About old age”. It was not only interesting to listen, but also to think about many things, about the future. This lesson brought me to strong emotions, to the point of tears, although I don’t allow myself to cry in front of people, but I didn’t have the strength to hold back.
Thanks to you, many works opened up differently for me, as you taught me to pay attention to details. But I couldn’t read all of War and Peace.
Oksana Petrovna You are a very good teacher, I hope that when I have children you will still work at school and I would definitely send the child to you.
As a person, you are a very strong woman, I respect such people. I even wanted to be like you in some way. For you, you are an authority, you yourself, and this delights me.
Thank you very much. I wish you to remain as interesting, emotional and beautiful.

Results of the exercise:

What did you like and what didn’t you like about the last game?

What tactics did you use during the bargaining: active search, waiting for counter offers, “aggressive marketing”, mutual exchange, attempt to deceive your partner?

Now try to name the names of the comrades that you managed to remember!

Exercise “Metaphor”

Target: express your attitude to the problem in a metaphorical form.

Continue the phrases: “In the morning, getting ready for work, I think...”, “At work, I feel like...”, “Coming home from work, I...” (15 min)

Exercise “I want - I can - I must” [ 16 ]

Target: activation and strengthening of the teacher’s confidence in himself, in his own desires and needs.

Teachers are divided into pairs: one is a listener, the other is a speaker. The latter pronounces three sentences that begin with the words: “I must...”, “I can...”, “I want...”. The listener should notice which of the three proposals was expressed most convincingly and which with doubt. Then the roles in the pair change.

As a rule, it turns out that the majority of participants live by the principle “I must...”. There is neither time nor energy left to realize one’s own desires and capabilities. Every teacher needs to devote some time to “living for themselves” in order to maintain optimism and mental health. Therefore, from this day on, all participants must keep a diary, in which at the end of the day they must indicate what they did for themselves personally, how much time they allocated for this. (20 minutes)

Exercise “Silence”[ 16 ]

Target: developing the ability to concentrate on sounds from outside and on sensations inside the body, relieving tension.

Exercise "Slowdown"

Target: slowing down internal rhythms, creating energy balance, a state of balance and stability.

The psychologist invites group members to take off their watches. For 5 minutes, everyone writes free associations for the word “relax” on a piece of paper. Then everyone sits down in pairs and shares their associations with each other. At the same time, you need to speak slowly, as if weighing each word, not keep track of time, but enjoy the communication. You can spend 10-15 minutes on this. Then group discussion:

Who felt that he was rested?

Who enjoyed the conversation?

How much time do you think has passed since the beginning of our exercise?

Many teachers with families and children are under constant stress because they strive to do as much as possible and be on time everywhere. Some people make a list of things to do and then cross them off. They experience constant fear that “they won’t make it in time”; they speed up the rhythm of their own lives, forgetting about rest. (30 min)

Exercise "I'm at work"

Target: identifying and clarifying the problems of each teacher related to professional activities.

Each participant in the lesson must draw two drawings, on the first - me at work in reality, on the second - me at work ideally. Then everyone demonstrates their drawings, explaining their content.

Often, teachers who are very tired at work see a significant difference between these two drawings, which provide additional information about the problem of each. (30 min)

Exercise "Pie"

Target: relax, become more active, more attentive to each other.

Participants must remove watches, rings and other sharp objects. The psychologist warns that the person lying down should not be crushed in the liver area. One of the participants is wrapped in a blanket and placed on his stomach. The others knead it like pie dough. First, we “clean the table” - we stroke the shoulders, the back, then sprinkle with flour and begin to slowly knead the dough, sprinkle more - knead more, then sprinkle with poppy seeds and raisins - pat with our fingers, knead and knead some more. Then the pie is “put in the oven” - the one lying on it is unwrapped and pressed down with heated palms, you can sizzle so that the pie is well “baked”. Usually the “pie” itself tells you when it’s “ready.” (15 minutes)

Exercise “And finally, I’ll say...”

Target: identify participants’ attitudes towards the lesson.

Group participants need to continue the sentences in writing: “During the lesson, I realized...”, “I didn’t like...”, “If I were the presenter, I...”, “The most useful thing for me was...”. Each participant can voice their statements if they wish. (10 min)


Bring photos of your children.

Stage II. Reconstructive

Lesson 2

Target: development of the ability to recognize and describe one’s emotional state.

Progress of the lesson:

1. Exercise “What did you come with?”

Target: understanding your state of mind, relieving tension.

Each group member should tell what mood he came with, what worries him, what makes him happy. (10 min)

2. Game “Piano Tuning”


Progress of the game: Participants sit in a circle, each placing their hands on the hips of their neighbors to the right and left. The one with whom the game begins slaps his neighbor on the right on the thigh. The neighbor must react instantly, quickly slap the first player on the thigh and immediately slap the next one on the right, as if passing the baton to him. And so on in a circle, gradually speeding up the pace. If anyone makes a mistake, the game starts with the first player. (5 minutes)

3. Exercise “Emotion”[ 8 ]

Target: development of the teacher’s technique of lively and imaginative communication with students, plasticity, and emotionality.

The group members sit in a semicircle, and the psychologist invites everyone to make their own psychological riddle: using facial expressions, gestures, posture and some neutral phrases, play out the intended emotional state, which must be guessed by the group. Then a discussion is organized about how accurately each participant managed to guess his riddle and what means of external expression of his state are the most expressive, and what needs to be changed. (25 min)

4. Exercise “My good mood”

Target: improving mood, developing the ability to psychologically prepare for work.

You need to take two blank sheets of paper. On the first, write down events, types of actions and activities that worsen your mood, make you weak, and not ready for work. On the second sheet, write at least 10 positions that indicate the most pleasant human contacts for you, as well as 10 types of activities in which you find relaxation. The following is a group discussion:

Do you often do things that bring you inner satisfaction and improve your mood?

If not, why not?

Are there any entries in the diary that need to be kept? (35 min)

5. Exercise “Podium”

Target: expanding the boundaries of self-expression, developing bodily and emotional self-awareness.

Group members are asked to imagine themselves as a model. They are given the following tasks: walk along an impromptu podium with a natural gait; demonstrate the beauty and grace of your body; show the way the models move. Then it is discussed how the participants felt while performing this task, how their body felt. (10 min)

6. Exercise “Unconditional love”[ 16 ]

Target: Discuss with teachers the importance of loving your children unconditionally.

Many teachers transfer the actions of assessment and control, which are important for pedagogical activity, into relationships with their own children. In their families, women teachers remain teachers, continuing to internally evaluate their child: this is good, and this is bad. The child begins to feel that he is loved only when he behaves well, and not loved if he commits an act. Such a child either always tries to please a strict mother, or rebels, behaves defiantly aggressively, trying to show that he does not need maternal love.

The psychologist organizes a group discussion of the difficulties in raising their own children. Which of these difficulties were overcome and which were not? What changes in her child's behavior might the teacher notice? How has she changed? During the discussion, teachers show photographs of their children.

The group talks about the idea of ​​unconditional love. You can read a quote from R. Campbell: “Loving a child unconditionally means loving him no matter what. Regardless of his appearance, abilities, advantages and disadvantages, pros and cons, beauty and ugliness. No matter what we expect from him in the future and, most importantly, no matter how he behaves now...Unconditional love means that we love the child, even if his behavior disgusts us.”

It is important that the discussion highlights the benefits of unconditional love over judgmental attitudes. A child who is loved only because he exists feels protected, he is self-confident, has self-esteem, is stable, and has a developed sense of internal balance and positive self-esteem. (40 min)

9. Exercise “Candle”

Target: learning to relax, establishing a calm state to complete the lesson.

Psychologist: “Close your eyes, imagine that there is a candle in front of you. Try to mentally fan the flame and then reduce it. When you expand it, it becomes lighter, when you reduce it, it becomes darker. Alternate darkness with light. Imagine that the light becomes brighter, more radiant. Try to make it so bright that it becomes as bright as day around. Now dim the light of the flame very slowly.” (5 minutes)

10. Exercise “And finally, I’ll say...”(10 min)


Lesson 3

Target: developing the skills of effective verbal communication and conveying experienced emotions

Progress of the lesson:

1. Exercise "Crossing"[ 7 ]

Target: creating positive emotional unity of the group.

Psychologist: “Take each a chair and put them in a tight circle with the seats facing inward. You are a group of travelers who have set out together on an exciting but dangerous route. You will pass it successfully only if you help each other and take care of your comrades.

During the crossing, it is forbidden to push, be selfish, or disregard the interests of the group. Giving your comrades a helping hand, giving up your seat, supporting with advice and action - all this is not only allowed, but desirable...

You will have to climb onto the chairs and start moving clockwise. From time to time I will remove chairs from the circle, which will greatly complicate your task. The group is considered to have completed the transition when all participants are seated in groups of three on the chairs remaining in the circle. When all threes are ready, I will start counting down from the number 10 and, having reached 0, I will be glad to congratulate you on your victory. Those who fell or touched the floor with their feet are considered out of the game. Try to reach the finish line in full force.”

At the end, a discussion of the difficulties of the crossing is held, the participants express their feelings and experiences. (15 minutes)

2. Exercise “Speak correctly”

Target: draw patterns that increase the likelihood that you will be heard and understood correctly.

A) Each participant is asked to say one phrase common to all: the first - like a turtle, the second - like a small child, the third - like a robot, the fourth - like a machine gun burst, etc.

Discussion: What is the most beneficial conversational pace in communication? What feelings arise when the pace of speech changes?

B) Say the phrase: “People find themselves lonely because they themselves do not show interest in others” - with different intonations (edification, complaints, ingratiation, neglect and anger).

Discussion: The role of intonation in achieving the goal (accepting a point of view, the desire to understand and continue the conversation). 10 min.

3. Exercise “Let’s talk”[ 3 ]

Target: practice ways to help maintain communication; Find out your own capabilities in increasing the duration of contact.

A) The group is divided into pairs. Partners need to tell each other about mutual acquaintances, avoiding judgments. Statements should be in a descriptive style.

Discussion: What were the difficulties? What helped you avoid judgmental statements? What new qualities have you discovered in yourself?

B) Participants are divided into groups of three. Of these, 2 will play the role of interlocutors, and the third will be an observer of the communication process. The interlocutors need to exchange opinions: about the weather, about a friend, about returning home in the evening.

Discussion: What really happened here? Was it a process of exchanging opinions or drawing conclusions about...What new experience was gained through training in non-judgmental exchange of opinions?

C) Participants are divided into groups of three. Of these, 2 will play the role of interlocutors, and the third will be an observer of the communication process. The first interlocutor talks about his problem, the second listens carefully, shows his participation and desire to help.

Discussion: What helped or hindered understanding the problem? In what forms was participation and assistance most often shown? What helped prolong the contact? What irritated the narrator most? What personal communication opportunities did all participants note?

4. Exercise “Muscle armor”

Target: developing the ability to cope with muscle mechanisms that block a person’s emotional activity.

Psychologist: “After the lesson ends, you need to change your position: from the position “above” to the position “equal”, this position is softer and emotionally rich. Therefore, you need to “free” your own emotions. How to do it?"

It is known that at the physical level there are muscle mechanisms that block human emotional activity. Seven circles of “muscular armor” are described that cross the body and suppress the manifestation of immediate emotions: at the level of the eyes, mouth, neck, chest, diaphragm, abdomen and pelvis. With a dominant “above” position, energy is usually concentrated in the upper part of the body: the eyes tense (gaze), the mouth contracts, and the neck and chest are covered in armor. In order to change position, you first need to relieve tension in the eyes, mouth, neck and chest.

Psychologist: “I suggest a few simple exercises for this.

Breath. Take a deep breath. As you exhale, with a sharp movement in your imagination, it’s as if you “tear off” the tense mask from your face: “extinguish” your eyes, relax your lips, free your neck and chest. Imagine that through exhalation you remove the muscle “rings” enveloping your body and throw them away - from your eyes, lips, neck and chest.

Massaging. Before starting a conversation with a student, touch your eyes with your fingertips, run your palms over your face from forehead to chin, as if removing an old mask. This gesture, which will take you 1-1.5 seconds, will become for you the limit to which you were in the “above” position. Having crossed the border, you found yourself in a position of “equal” and began to fulfill a different role. A role transformation has occurred: during the lesson you were the teacher, and now you become an interlocutor.” (10 min)

5. Game "Aquarium"

Target: strengthening the group's goodwill and mutual assistance towards each other.

The circle is divided in half, creating two circles. Participants in the inner circle pass a plate of water to each other, while group members in the outer circle watch without any comments or emotional reactions. It is forbidden to help or comment. Then an analysis of the received impressions, well-being, and states is carried out.

6. Exercise “Neutralization”

Target: development of effective verbal communication skills.

The exercise is aimed at ensuring that the teacher does not fall under the influence of parents. Psychologist: “Let’s play out several situations from your experience in which you had a difficult conversation. In the first “phase” of communication, you resist its emotional impact. Do not get emotionally involved in the situation of your conversation, be psychologically detached from it, maintain a calm and cool neutrality within yourself. As practice shows, this phase lasts approximately 10-15 minutes, during which the parent will either express his complaints about the school and you personally, or complain about his helplessness. In the first case, try to listen silently and remain calm, confident, without losing polite goodwill. In the second case, calmly nod to your interlocutor, insert some neutral phrases, for example, “Calm down,” “I’m listening to you,” “I understand you.” Sensing your neutral position and emotional detachment, the parent will gradually “speak out.” “In the end, he will calm down, and psychological readiness for a constructive conversation will begin to form.”

The psychologist suggests role-playing a situation of difficult interaction with a parent (the situations are taken from the experience of the training participants). (40 min)

7. Exercise “Pasta”


Instructions: Stand together, close to each other, and lower your arms down. Imagine you are a bunch of pasta being served for lunch. You are in a pot of water. Now I'll turn on the stove and the pasta will start cooking. The pasta is cooked and becomes softer and softer. They slowly, very slowly sink to the bottom of the pan in a light, beautiful ball...And when I shout: “Ketchup!”, you can get up again, look at your palms, arms and legs and feel how wonderful you are. (5 minutes)

Lesson 4


Progress of the lesson:

1. Game "Me too..."

Target: raising the mood in the group, creating a working environment.

The teachers sit in a circle, each in turn continuing the phrase “I love...” Everyone who shares his affections sits on his lap. Then the next participant, and so on in a circle. Everyone tries to name something individual so that less people sit on their laps. (15 minutes)

2. Exercise “How to understand yourself”

Target: activation of knowledge of how a state of tension arises in the audience when you have to speak.

Imagine this situation: the atmosphere of the assembly hall or office and the faces of the listeners. You are heading to your performance venue. As you walk, what do you begin to feel? Move slowly through your inner images, without missing any of the subtleties of your sensations.

What images come to your mind?

Who among those present is your concern?

With listeners? (“They're looking at me...”, “They won't listen...”)

With myself? (“I’m afraid of criticism”, “I’m afraid of saying something wrong”)

So, have you determined where your anxiety and tension “live”?

Specific tips:

When giving a lecture, choose a friendly listener and speak as if only for him;

As soon as you feel that contact has arisen between you and your listener, turn your eyes to his neighbor, establish eye contact with him.

If your anxiety is about yourself:

- “gain experience in lecturing”;

Before giving a lecture, “warm up” - talk to someone from the audience, walk slowly around the audience;

About a day before the lecture, give yourself a “dress rehearsal” without witnesses;

In the evening before going to bed, set yourself the intention of seeing the whole situation in a dream: how the listeners gather, how you get to the place, how you start. The main thing is to feel that the performance will be successful. (25 min)

3. Exercise "Wanted"[ 8 ]

Target: developing the ability to highlight in oneself and notice bright individual traits in others.

Many have seen American films, where in every town you can see portraits posted with the inscription “Wanted Criminal”. What would our faces look like in these portraits?

Participants sit opposite each other in pairs and draw a portrait of their partner, without talking to each other. They try to indicate the internal qualities of the partner that they noticed. Then the portraits are presented to the group; they need to guess who is drawn. (30 min)


5. Exercise “Magic Shop”

Target: expansion of self-image, installation for self-improvement.

The psychologist suggests imagining that teachers are in a store, but not a simple one, but a magical one, in which they can buy everything they want, but not buy it, but exchange it for their one negative quality. It is necessary to discuss why this particular quality was changed and why it interferes. What will the new acquisition give? (25 min)

6. Exercise “Vampire People”

Target: relieving emotional stress.

One person is selected from the group to be a vampire, the rest are people. People close their eyes and slowly, chaotically move around the hall, the vampire walks among them, also closing his eyes. A vampire, having encountered one of the people, “bites” him (lightly touches his neck with one hand from behind). The vampire's victim should scream loudly in horror, now she is also a vampire. Now there are two vampires among people. Game continues. If a vampire is “bitten” by another vampire, he becomes human again and must scream loudly with joy. Etc.

During the discussion, the feelings of “vampires” and “people” are analyzed. How do the group members feel now? (10 min)

7. Exercise “Counterarguments”

Target: draw the attention of teachers not only to shortcomings, but also to the positive qualities of your character.

It is necessary to divide the sheet of paper into two halves: on the left - “dissatisfaction with oneself”, on the right - “counterarguments”. Next, you should write down on the left everything that you don’t like about yourself, and on the right - everything that can be opposed to this, with which you and those around you are happy.

All participants are divided into micro groups of three people. In the general final discussion, teachers should come to the conclusion that good can always be found in bad things. (20 min)

8. Exercise “Look at yourself through the eyes of someone who loves you”

Target: activating teachers' self-confidence, a positive attitude towards their personality, and achieving internal harmony.

The exercise is carried out in accordance with meditation technology. The psychologist addresses the group: “Identify for yourself the person who loves you or once loved you. In your inner imagination, imagine it as clearly as possible: appearance, character. Now try to change your observation position. It’s as if you enter into this person and become him for a while. By entering into him, you acquire the ability to see yourself from the outside through his loving eyes. You discover qualities in yourself that you didn’t even know you had or even thought were flaws. You find yourself lovable and admired. While maintaining such a positive vision of yourself, return to your starting position, become yourself, remember only about the person who loves you, and try to maintain a positive attitude towards yourself.” (10 min)

9. Exercise “And finally, I’ll say...”( 10 min)

(See lesson 1)

Lesson 5

Target: awareness of one’s personal characteristics and optimization of one’s attitude towards oneself.

Progress of the lesson:

1. Game "Glass"

Target: raising the mood in the group, developing the creative thinking of participants.

Participants sit in a circle. The coach gives the first player a plastic cup. Task: pass the cup around in a circle in such a way that the method of passing it from player to player is never repeated. For those who can’t come up with an original way to pass a cup that has not yet been used in the game, the team comes up with funny penalties. All penalties are processed at the end of the game. The game ends when a full circle has been completed, or continues as long as new original ideas exist.

Completion: discussion of the exercise and performance of the “penalties”. (15 minutes)

2. Exercise “Looking for a secret”

Target: knowledge of one's hidden characteristics.

Try to find hidden features in yourself as follows. Imagine that a mad scientist created a robot that is an exact copy of you. Your double is identical to you in every detail. But since he is an instrument of evil, you would not want people to mistake him for you.

What is it about you that cannot be duplicated? How might people who know you well detect the substitution?

You discovered all the secrets, but the robot managed to reproduce everything exactly. What is the last most important secret you will reveal in order to at least make sure that you are you and not your copy? (20 min.)

3. Exercise “Conversation of subpersonalities”

Target: awareness of the contradictory tendencies of one’s inner “I”.

The main idea of ​​the exercise and the technology for its implementation were proposed by the famous psychotherapist D. Rainwater. In fact, this technique was created at the intersection of three directions: Gestalt therapy by F. Perls, psychosynthesis by R. Assagioli and psychodrama by J. Moreno. The presented modification is proposed.

Psychologist: “Every day a person finds himself in situations where it is necessary to make a choice, sometimes difficult. For example, a high school student is thinking about whether to go to a disco or study for a test; The teacher, coming home from work, is wondering whether to read a book, or cook dinner, or check his notebooks. And these are only the simplest situations of everyday choice, but sometimes our conflicting motives literally tear us apart. It seems that the voices of different people are heard in the inner world. The creator of psychosynthesis, R. Assagioli, called such “inner people” subpersonalities. It is they who disrupt the harmony within us. You and I can try to understand those subpersonalities that live within us and help them find contact with each other. Maybe we will be able to give each subpersonality its due place in our inner world.”

Stage 1. Psychologist: “On a piece of paper, write down all your desires that come to your mind today, now, at this moment. Absolutely everything, any! Give any of your desires the opportunity to spill out onto paper, do not limit yourself. If you don’t want to, you don’t have to show your recordings to anyone; no one will demand this from you. Number each wish, starting to write each on a new line. Leave small margins of 2 - 3 cm on the left. Work continues for 10 - 15 minutes. If it seems to you that all your desires have dried up, don’t stop, let your hand continue moving, simply drawing a wavy line, for sure another thought will come.”

Stage 2. Psychologist: “Name the number of desires you have recorded. Re-read the desires you wrote, they turned out to be diverse: some are related to material needs, others to romantic dreams, and others to a focus on personal development. Each one is special. Choose criteria by which you can divide them into groups. Indicate desires belonging to one group with some symbol (for this, leave the fields on the left). Do not strive for fractional classification. It’s not bad if you get from one to three groups.”

Stage 3. Psychologist: “Psychologist: Each of the groups of desires you have obtained is connected with some aspect of your personality, with some main motives operating in your life. Each of these groups reflects a subpersonality that has manifested itself here and now. How can you name each one? Try giving them names. For example, a group of material desires could be called “Raking Hands,” and romantic desires could be called “Sinbad the Sailor.” Write down the names under the wish list, providing them with the appropriate icons. Then everyone makes a “diagram of subpersonalities”, distributing the names into sectors.” (Annex 1). After this, the psychologist invites those who wish to tell the group the names of their subpersonalities and the number of desires that fall into the corresponding group. As a rule, the one who volunteered can become the protagonist in the next stage.

Stage 4. Climax. The tasks completed up to this point are in themselves useful and significant. At the previous stages, all group members took an active part in the work. Here the protagonist becomes the most important character, and a psychodramatic procedure unfolds with the involvement of auxiliary persons.

Psychologist: “So, we managed to isolate some subpersonalities that appeared here and now. How many of you would like to get to know them better and try to find out which one is most meaningful to you? I warn you that this person will have to reveal his wish list to others.”

The psychologist says to the protagonist: “Now you need to choose from among the group members those who, in your opinion, could fulfill the roles of subpersonalities.” The protagonist selects the “actors” and names the roles that are offered to them. After this, the psychologist continues: “The protagonist stands in the middle of the circle, subpersonalities take places around him at the same distance. The protagonist’s task is simply to listen, and the task of each subpersonality is to convince the protagonist that it is the most important, the most important in his personality. To know what to say and how to convince, you must understand well what each subpersonality is and what desires are concentrated in it. Therefore, I ask the protagonist to explain to the subpersonalities the essence of their roles and desires.

All subpersonalities must speak at the same time. The protagonist will have the opportunity to regulate this process as follows: raising his hand - asking to speak louder; lowering your hand - speak more quietly; clap - request to shut up; pulling away movement of the hand - move away a little; movement of the hand towards oneself - approach; hands crossed above the head - asking everyone to be silent.”

Despite the apparent simplicity of this procedure, the power of its emotional impact is unusually great. Immediately after the protagonist gives the signal to stop speaking, the psychologist asks him to arrange the subpersonalities around him so that he feels comfortable. Then you need to find out what feelings the protagonist and the people playing the roles of subpersonalities are experiencing now. Sometimes it is necessary to carry out traditional psychodramatic procedures - deroling (taking off a role), sharing (verbal and non-verbal empathy for the protagonist).

It is possible to carry out a procedure for conversation of subpersonalities with two or three protagonists. Comparing their feelings and experiences provides an interesting experience for the group. (90 min.)

4. Exercise “Fantasy on the topic: I...”

Target: development of imagination, the ability to talk about oneself through painting.

Each participant receives a sketchbook sheet and paints. You need to fantasize on the topic: “I”. The flight of fancy is not limited. Then an exhibition of drawings is organized. The presenter points to each drawing in turn, and the group suggests what the author wanted to say about himself. (30 min.)

5. Exercise “Forgive yourself”

Target: activation of childhood memories among teachers.

Participants need to write down on a piece of paper actions or incidents from childhood that they are still ashamed of and have never told anyone about. The slips must be handed in without signing. The psychologist reads these notes out loud and it turns out that these actions do not cause negative emotions at all, and they are not worth being ashamed of. (25 min)

6. Exercise “And finally, I’ll say...”(5 minutes.)

(See lesson 1)

Lesson 6

Target: awareness of one’s personal characteristics and optimization of one’s attitude towards oneself.

Progress of the lesson:

1. Exercise “Kind animal”

Target: raising the mood in the group, strengthening friendly relationships.

Psychologist: “All group members stand in a circle. Imagine that you are one kind animal that is sleeping, now it stretches, yawns, stands on its feet and jumps high, then runs, hides, flies high into the sky, sits on a branch, and cheerfully looks around.” (5 minutes.)

2. Exercise “I would like to meet you”

Target: learn to separate professional activities from personal life, highlight the best in yourself.

Participants need to compose the text of the advertisement in the “I would like to meet you” column, indicating what your character, habits, hobbies, and communication characteristics are. Be sure to describe your ideal by indicating how you imagine it to be.

Then everyone reads out their announcement and shares the feelings they experienced while completing this task. (30 min.)

3. Exercise “What am I?”

Target: to update teachers’ knowledge that the same person can be perceived by people differently.

If desired, one person is asked to write 10-12 answers to the question “What am I?” on a white sheet of paper. Everyone else writes the same thing about this person on their pieces of paper. Then the one who was guessed reads out statements about himself, the rest complement what he did not name.

During the discussion, pay attention to what sensations the participants experienced during the exercise. (20 minutes.)

4. Exercise “Melt patterns on glass”

Target: learning to relax through breathing.

Inhale deeply, without raising your shoulders, direct the air into your stomach, while exhaling, keep your lips slightly parted. Your breath flows as if you were about to melt patterns on glass or scatter plant seeds with your lips. You feel your warm breath flowing through your lips. Repeat several times. (5 min)

5. Game “Fair of Virtues”

Target: improving the ability to accept yourself with all your strengths and weaknesses.

Participants receive two sheets with the inscriptions “Sell” and “Buy”. The psychologist suggests that on one sheet of paper, under the inscription “Selling,” write all his shortcomings that he would like to get rid of, and on the other, under the inscription “Buying,” write down the advantages that he lacks.

Then both sheets are attached to the chest of each participant, and they become visitors to the “fair”. Visitors start walking around and offering to buy (or sell) what they need. The game continues until everyone has gone around and read all the possible options for buying and selling the qualities required for him.

Fill every moment with meaning
Hours and days are an inexorable rush, --
Then you will take possession of the whole world,
Then, my son, you will be a Man!
(R. Kipling)

June. The most exciting and amazing time that children love so much. Holidays. But this is not for all residents of such a wonderful school country. The last school bell rang with a cheerful ringing, which marked farewell to childhood, to school, teachers and classmates, the important time of final exams ended and a new independent life was already on the horizon.

So happy or sad? Trying to answer this question, which is not only trivial for me, I peer into the faces of my grown-up boys and girls. Whatever you say, children are the cutest part of humanity! So what am I thinking about?

Maybe about how in 2006 I made a responsible decision to become their cool mom. Parents trust the teaching staff of the school with their children, but they trust the class teacher even more. It’s amazing and wonderful to realize that somewhere you and your help, your experience, your word are needed.

In pedagogy there are always eternal debates about continuity. After all, the transition from primary school to basic school is difficult and responsible. We are talking, first of all, about age, and age is not only a biological concept, but also a psychological one. And at every stage a person passes, an age-related crisis awaits, which is associated with mental breakdowns, reassessment of the path of life and the discovery of new opportunities. Adults must understand that boys and girls find themselves at these crossroads of fate regardless of their will and desire.

A properly developing team is of no small importance, because it creates all the conditions for the formation of a personality, improving its qualities, developing abilities and talents. And I was doubly lucky. From the experienced hands of primary school teacher Natalya Gennadievna Nagibina, I received not only purposeful and enthusiastic children, but most importantly, a well-formed children's team. And, mind you, this is already at the elementary school level. And this, believe me, is worth a lot. It was only necessary to choose a new trajectory for the development of the individual and the team. After all, a Child is a human sprout. It initially contains an indefatigable desire for development. The goal of the developing personality is to affirm his unique “I” and to identify his unique purpose. And the goal of the teacher is to help him with this.

My fifth graders did not come defenseless and scared, they crossed the threshold of the fifth grade with burning and curious eyes. But they had one drawback: they were too small to solve complex issues of their development. And there were always reliable adults next to them - the teaching staff and parents.

We continued our joint movement along the difficult route “School Life”. All this time we studied together, learned from each other. We learned not only school science, but also how to be friends, understand, trust, help, empathize, and support each other in difficult times. Every year was different and brought its own sorrows and joys. But the fact that in the process of our communication we learned a lot and learned to be wise is very important.

Gradually, the team formed its own excellent students and activists, athletes and musicians, artists of various genres and simply ordinary children. Everything happened: victories at school, district, regional and all-Russian Olympiads and competitions, in sports competitions of various levels, participation in shows, concerts, exhibitions, scientific conferences. Active school life filled my children's world with colors. They were never bored, because there were so many interesting things to do around them! Clubs, sports sections, competitions, competitions, hikes, evenings, holidays. And the most interesting things happened during the lessons! What the subject teachers could then so emotionally tell me, the class teacher. This is a truly talented class.

And, of course, it was very pleasant to see them always smart, in uniform, and with their heads held high, and standing silently at the Eternal Flame, and when they were presented with passports, and during the review of the song and formation. I remember all the holidays, classes, competitions. We have something to remember, something to be proud of. Over the years we have become a close-knit family. I have warm feelings and memories associated with trips to the theater and our tourist routes. It was here, in a relaxed atmosphere, that I got to know my students even better. Their friendliness, independence, mutual respect and support always made me happy.

I also remember how, before the next school year, three teenagers from other schools in the village crossed the threshold of our school, making their choice together with their parents to continue their studies at our educational institution. The moments were exciting when the classes in the high school were being united and the next addition of newcomers was taking place. And now in front of me are fourteen girls and seven boys, who have suddenly become adults at once. Well, that's how it should be, that's life.

There have been many people in my life who have had a strong influence on me. My graduating class is a special case. Next to them, my life was amazing and multifaceted. All these years they have never ceased to amaze me with more and more surprises... and leave a tender, reverent trace in my memory. I was very lucky with my parents. Communication, cooperation, mutual understanding in raising our children is the result of our common efforts.

“School is your second home!” - Isn’t that what I always tirelessly repeated to my children? They were teenagers, with all the difficulties of this period of growing up, clearly aware of the meaning of the words once spoken by the class teacher, but sometimes doing things in their own way. Now they are boys and girls, and this is the age of transition to independence, a period of self-determination, acquisition of mental, ideological and civic maturity, formation of a worldview, moral consciousness and self-awareness.

School ball. I'm excitedly rushing to the next meeting with my graduation. I see their festive mood, smiles and wide-open eyes, full of joyful, mischievous lights. Your soul becomes warm and calm. No one suspected that in seven years we would become one big family, that we wouldn’t want to leave.

My class is a sea of ​​talent, enthusiasm, and creativity. My class is a friendly team of children and parents. My class is a part of my life. I cultivated humanity, kindness, sincerity, confidence, and tolerance in my students. I wanted them to become cultural, spiritual and moral, worthy citizens of Russia. At the same time, I myself learned from the guys every day creativity, optimism, and the ability to find positive moments in any situation.

So why is it so sad? How else! Isn’t it sad sometimes, remembering all the wonderful things that fate has given me - to be a class teacher in this particular class, to realize that the next seven years are in the past? It came and went. Gone forever? But no... I am sure that my children will be very attentive in their life lessons. They will, as before, think, reflect and analyze... Unique, inimitable human personalities emerge from the walls of the educational institution. The school can rightfully be proud of its anniversary, truly golden, fifteenth graduation.

…I look carefully at each of my graduates, analyze their successes and calmly release them into adulthood. I believe that they will be able to achieve their goal, find answers to difficult questions, overcome difficulties, help a friend, and be able to take responsibility.

My grown-up boys and girls will have to remember that they came into this world to increase goodness, to fill it with truth and beauty. Live consciously, always think. To know that their actions and thoughts today are their personal destiny tomorrow. Do not forget the people who helped them become adults and always lent a helping hand and support. I say thank you to my parents for their unique cooperation and advice on our common upbringing.

Years will pass, I am sure of this, my children’s dreams will come true. They are young, beautiful, energetic and educated. And they understand well that they themselves have everything to make their life useful, amazing and valuable. And let it be so!

My children! I have, I think, the right to say just that. I love you all, and each of you is dear to me in their own way. You are best. Over these years, you have become a part of my life and my heart. I will never forget you. Thank you for the love you gave me, understanding, sincerity and kindness. Thank you for being here! I will miss you very much! Good luck! Happy travels to you!

Galina Mikhailovna Remennikova, mathematics teacher of the highest category, MBOU "Lubinskaya Secondary School No. 3", b. Lyubinsky village, Omsk region. Winner of PNPO "Education" "Best Teacher of the Russian Federation", Honorary Worker of General Education of the Russian Federation, Laureate of the All-Russian competition "Modern Class Teacher", Laureate of the National Educational Program "Intellectual and Creative Potential of Russia".

Training for teachers “If you…”

Good afternoon I have cards with pictures on my table. Everyone take one or more for yourself. Look at them carefully. What do you like about them? What's not to like? You chose these cards for a reason. This is a reflection of your emotional state, mood. Now let's take turns showing everyone what card you took and explain why.
Wonderful! Why do you think we have done this to you now? This task was so that you understand that we are all different, with our own characters, with different moods. And every person should accept other people as they are. So we smoothly moved on to the topic of our training - tolerance. You've been hearing this word a lot lately, do you know its meaning? This is, first of all, patience with other people - with different nationalities, with people with disabilities, etc.
Tolerance is presented in the form of an internal attitude, a voluntary choice. Tolerance is not imposed in adulthood, but is cultivated in childhood. A deeper understanding of “tolerance” can be understood through its opposite “intolerance”. This is rejection of another person for looking or thinking differently. Intolerance includes humiliation of people and ignorance. Tolerance is very important in the professional activity of any teacher.
No one can love another
if you haven't loved yourself before...

And now I suggest you take a little break from work and play.
1. Exercise 1. “The meaning of the name”
All group members are required to make business cards with their name on them during class. Everyone has the right to take for themselves any name that they want to be called in the group: their real name, their play name, the name of a literary character, their image name.
At the same time as preparing business cards, participants need to think about the task: name a quality that is characteristic of you, which begins with the first letter of your name. (For example, Larisa is affectionate). Then, when the business cards are ready, everyone is asked to say their name one by one.
The main idea of ​​this exercise is to give you the opportunity to emphasize your individuality.
2. Exercise 2. “How are we similar?”
This exercise will help create a relaxed, friendly atmosphere in the group, increase mutual trust and team cohesion.
Participants sit in a circle. The psychologist invites one of them to the center of the circle, using the principle of real or imaginary similarity with himself, with approximately the following words: “...., please come out here, because we have the same hair color (or our names begin with “u”; or we work in the same institution; we are the same height...).” The participant stands in a circle and also invites one of the teachers based on some common characteristic. The game continues until everyone is inside the circle.

3. Watching the cartoon “Day and Night”.
Reflection: what do you think he’s talking about? (about accepting yourself and others).
4. Exercise 3. “Who are we talking about?”
You need to write 3 sentences about yourself:
- appearance
- cloth
- skills and achievements
Sign the piece of paper and hand it in, now I will read out the characteristics, and the group will try to guess who it is about.
What does this exercise teach us? (see yourself as an individual, know your colleagues better)
5. Exercise 4. “I love you.”
“Tolerance towards others is possible only if you have a tolerant attitude towards yourself. Now each of you will try to confess your love... to yourself. This is not an easy task.
You must say: “I love you...”, say your name and explain why you love yourself.
(For example, I love you, Larisa, because you pay a lot of attention to your children). These words must be pronounced in such a way that everyone believes your declaration of love for yourself.
Remember that this task is quite difficult and requires great respect for yourself and others.”
Questions after completing the exercise.
1. Was it easy for you to confess your love for yourself?
2. How did you feel?
1. Exercise 5.“I wish for myself and others...” ()
To conclude our lesson, I offer one last exercise. The ball is passed in a circle. The participant holding the ball says good wishes to himself and others, then passes the ball to his neighbor.
And finally, I would like to read the words.
“To be strong, you have to be like water.
There are no obstacles - it flows;
dam - it will stop;
if the dam breaks, it will flow again;
in a quadrangular vessel it is quadrangular;
in the round she is round.
Because she is so compliant, she is the gentlest of all and the strongest of all.” (L.N. Tolstoy)