Who in history could change the date of death. What to do with depression after the death of a loved one? Striking with an iron weapon

Is it possible to predict the date of your death, to feel that the end is near? Is it possible to avoid "accidental" death? Parapsychologist and winner of the "Best Esoteric" award Anton Malinor answers this question.

Is it possible to predict the date of your death, feel that the end is near and change the course of fate? Is it possible to avoid "accidental" death? Correspondents of iReactor asked this exciting question to a magician, psychic, doctor of metaphysical sciences, parapsychologist and

“The phenomenon of premonition of death has been known since ancient times. Many great people predicted the duration of their lives shortly before its end, and most esotericists specifically recognize this date in advance, such as the famous hypnotist and telepath Wolf Messing. However, ordinary people also have this ability, if their consciousness is sufficiently open to the sensation of probabilities in time. And this ability extends not only to loved ones, but also to a premonition of parting with loved ones - many feel the departure of relatives and friends in advance, when nothing foreshadows yet ...

Long before a person finishes his earthly journey, his higher, spiritual Self begins to leave the material reality, cutting off energy ties with it, which is very noticeable for clairvoyant and extrasensory people. It is possible to develop the ability of magical perception of the future and its correction in authoritative schools of magic, for example, in seminaries under the Church of Magic and its exarchates in the Russian Federation and different countries. However, I would not recommend anyone to develop one-sidedly, trying only to find out the life span of people - those who have such a gift from nature consider it a curse! Always learn to perceive both the flow of time and the inevitability of the transition from the material state of existence, to the true free state of spiritual life.

In addition, it is worth adding that very often, having foresight, you can save a person from accidental death (the moment of entropy, at which there is no conscious choice to leave the material world, but the decision is made by other forces), and also, having certain knowledge, if desired the person himself, who is in danger, can not only postpone the moment of physical death, but even return the soul back to earthly existence.

People often ask about whether there are harbingers of death, any signs and signs. The unequivocal answer is yes, there are. But they are usually known only to the initiates, and are the secret of occult orders. Although, in history there is not a little evidence of various warnings about unexpected deaths - from announcements by angels and prophetic dreams, to the simplest ones. For example, a dog howls in front of the house of the future deceased. But these signs are not very accurate, and must be confirmed by other signs, the same dog can notify with its howl not about the visit of the demons of death, but about the presence of simply malicious creatures from the other world.

Premonition of the death of loved ones usually manifests itself in the form of a feeling of longing, pain of loss, a desire to protect against an unknown threat at any cost, a feeling of sharply cold alienation that has arisen, with relations that have not changed outwardly (energy channels are torn). If such sensations are repeated often and over a period of time, then at this time it is too late to rush to learn extrasensory perception, it is necessary to turn to an experienced magician for prediction and help.

Very often, after the death of a person, one hears: “He didn’t die if…”, “If on that day he didn’t leave the house / didn’t get into the car / didn’t go down that street”, etc. etc. At such a moment, people forget one simple truth - death is predetermined in advance, and no matter what path a person takes, whether he leaves the house or not, it will overtake him only when Allah has indicated.

Belief in predestination is an important component of Islam, as it implies the insignificance of a person in deciding his fate and recognizes Allah as the only one, according to whose direction every thing happens.

Allah Almighty said in the Holy Quran: “No soul dies except by the permission of Allah, at the prescribed time” (3:145).

Another verse says: “Allah will not grant respite to the soul if its time has come. Allah is Aware of what you do” (63:11).

Allah has ordained for each person his own destiny, and a person will not leave this world until he uses it. The destiny (subsistence, rizq) is given to a person exactly the same as prescribed by Allah. The life of each of us will last exactly as long as it is predetermined, the hour of the last breath in this world does not approach and does not move away, the hour comes exactly when it should happen. That is why faith in predestination is a condition of faith.

The Almighty said: “Each community has its own term. When their time comes, they cannot delay or bring it forward even for an hour” (7:34).

But this hour, the last hour of a man's life is hidden for him, he does not know when, where and under what circumstances death will befall him. This is the all-embracing wisdom of Allah Almighty. This life until the last breath is the road to Allah, and everyone has a different length of time, a person will not be responsible for the length of his life, he will be responsible for how he spent it. We do not know when we will die, and this is the wisdom of Allah and His mercy, that every next moment is only from Him.

The Almighty said: “He is the Overpowering One and is above His servants. He sends guardians to you. When death comes to any of you, Our messengers put him to death, and they do not neglect” (6:61).

Another verse says: “Death will overtake you wherever you are, even if you are in erected towers” ​​(4:78).

The place and time of a person's death and the circumstances under which it will happen are predetermined by Allah. On this occasion, the question may arise whether a person is just a puppet of his own destiny. Of course not, because Allah knows everything with his comprehensive knowledge. Allah knows everything that happened in the past and will happen in the future, every event of our life, how we acted, how we will act, what decisions we will make, where we will go wrong and where it will lead us.

The Qur'an says: "The angel of death to whom you are entrusted will kill you, and then you will be returned to your Lord" (32:11).

The Messenger of Allah (peace be upon him) said: “Indeed, each of you is formed in the womb of your mother for forty days in the form of a drop of semen. Then he remains there as much as a clot and as much as a piece of flesh. After that, an angel is sent to him, who blows the spirit into him. And he receives an order to write down four things: the inheritance (material wealth of a person), his (life) period, his deeds, and also whether he will be happy or unhappy ... "

From the above verses of the Qur'an and the sunnah of the Messenger of Allah (peace be upon him) it follows that the exact time, date and place of death of each person is predetermined and established by All-Knowing Allah, even before the soul of a person is infused into his body, even before he is born into the world.

The Qur'an says: “Indeed, only Allah has the knowledge of the Hour, sends down rain and knows what is in the wombs. No man knows what he will gain tomorrow, and no man knows in what land he will die. Indeed, Allah is All-Knowing, All-Aware” (31:34).

Such questions, the existence of fate, whether it is possible to change fate, at one’s own discretion, whether a person himself is able to attract his death, or, on the contrary, to increase the time of life - a person has been trying to comprehend these sacred and mysterious secrets since time immemorial.

Magicians and psychics assure that the future has many options, and at their receptions they promise that they will change the events in your life in one direction or another.
Of course, a person has a choice of life path. But from the evidence of numerous facts and ancient treatises, we are able to influence the quality of our life, but we are not able to change the most important dates.

In the book "Vanga: confession of a blind clairvoyant", Krasimira Stoyanova, niece and personal biographer of the Bulgarian fortuneteller, led the following dialogue:

" Questions:

- If it so happens that you see, with your inner vision given to you from above, an imminent misfortune or even the death of a person who has come to you, can you do something to avoid misfortune?

No, neither I nor anyone else can do anything.

- And if troubles, and even catastrophic ones, threaten not one person, but a group of people, a whole city, a state, is it possible to prepare something in advance?

- It's useless.

- Does the fate of a person depend on his inner, moral strength, physical abilities? Is it possible to influence fate?

- It is forbidden. Everyone will go his own way, and only his own way.

Predictions of death

Some people have a latent premonition of approaching death. It manifests itself in everyone in their own way. Some are trying to get their affairs in order. Others try to understand the structure of the universe, thinking about the meaning of being, the soul, God. Others, falling into despondency, lose interest in life, as if psychologically and physically preparing themselves for the transition to another form of existence.
The ability to predict the date of one's death is more clearly manifested in the work of poets and writers. Moreover, often the authors in their works not only foresee the approach of their death, but also described the circumstances of their death in detail and in detail.

In one of the poems of Nikolai Rubtsov, there were such prophetic lines:

"I will die in Epiphany frosts,
I will die when the birches crack."

In a 1913 poem, Fyodor Sologub, 14 years before his death, predicted to himself:

The darkness will destroy me in December.
In December, I will stop living."

In the poem "Dream" M. Yu. Lermontov wrote:

» In the afternoon heat in the valley of Dagestan
With lead in my chest, I lay motionless."
Everything happened as the poet predicted. He was killed in a duel by a shot by Martynov.
But here a controversial question arises: either the poets actually "saw" something from the future, or, again, with the help of the gift of imagination and the ability to create their own worlds, they formed their own model of death. ?
Apparently, the poets to some extent received information about the future from their own subconscious, listening to their inner "I", which is closely connected with the Higher Mind - a repository where you can find answers to all questions that exist.
This fact is also surprising: many people who do not have the gift of foresight and who do not know when their earthly existence will end can easily say how this will happen.

But it also happens that people are afraid of something and these fears attract tragic events to themselves. After all, it was not in vain that the ancients said: "We ourselves invite guests to the feast of our thoughts."
Venedikt Erofeev, a writer, wrapped himself in scarves throughout his life, buttoning his collar tightly, as if protecting himself from a future incurable disease that overtook him in the future. He died of throat cancer.
Shortly before his death, the legendary musician John Lennon suddenly becomes a recluse, hiding in his house. As if he had a premonition of the impending assassination attempt, he stopped communicating with the world, he stopped going out into the street. And most of all, from the memories of loved ones, he begins to be interested in the topic of murder, imagining with fear the feelings of a person whose body is hit by a bullet.
It has been noticed that a person to whom a short life is destined by fate lives it very brightly and fruitfully, in a hurry to do everything. They say about such people: they were in a hurry to live. Many brilliant poets passed away at a young age, leaving behind the greatest creations (Sergey Yesenin passed away at the age of 30, M.Yu. Lermontov dies at the age of 26). And while other talented - centenarians - began to be realized only after 40-50 years. Many artists who have created their works have stepped over 70 years. The best paintings by Titian were written at almost 100 years old. Strauss, Verdi and many other composers composed music until the age of 80.

American researchers from Stanford (California) recently completed an experiment called "Life Span", and started it over ... 90 years ago, in 1921. More than 1,500 children took part in the experiment, which were monitored throughout their lives. The results surprised the researchers. As it turned out, people who had a good sense of humor, who had a happy childhood, their life expectancy, on average, was less than the rest. Also found out, contrary to the opinion that the love of pets prolongs life, it is not. And marriages, like divorces, do not affect health. Those who are loved during their lifetime and who are taken care of, they are happy throughout their lives, but this does not affect their longevity.

There is an assumption that the human soul knows about the time allotted to us, and when such time has come, it pushes people to a critical situation. Let us recall the story of the death of the wonderful singer and poet Igor Talkov. The tragedy happened backstage at the Yubileiny Sports Palace. Talkov was asked by the singer Aziz through her friend Igor Malakhov to perform in front of her, because she did not have time to prepare for the performance. But Talkov did not agree. There was a conflict, as a result of which, after a pistol shot, the singer was killed. The director of the singer, Valery Shlyafman, was accused of unintentional murder, who tried to snatch the gun from the hands of another person and accidentally pulled the trigger. Only, as you know, there are no accidents.

From the memoirs of the widow of the singer Tatyana, Talkov never took a weapon with him, but on that day, for some reason, he took a gas pistol to a concert. And when an essentially harmless dispute took place, the first one took out a weapon and began to shoot into the air, provoking Malakhov to draw out his pistol with live ammunition. And, who knows, if Talkov had not taken a gun with him, maybe nothing would have happened? Or maybe this is fate, on that day the inner command of the soul worked - “the time has come”, and in accordance with this, a consistent chain of what is happening was built.

The ancient Eastern texts contain knowledge that a person comes into this world just when there is a need for this for the general evolutionary development, and leaves this world at the hour when his mission is completed. Not earlier and not later. And it is very important to realize that death is not only inevitable and is part of the universal world order, but also that the end does not come with death, it is the transition of consciousness to a higher spiritual level.


>Very often, after the death of loved ones, it is not only the pain of loss as such that prevents us from returning to normal life, but also the feeling of guilt that haunts us. Almost everyone, without exception, goes through this - it seems that we did not do everything we could to prevent this death, or that we did not behave well enough towards the deceased during his lifetime, were bad daughters, wives, sisters, that we could treat the deceased better, show him more attention, take care of him more, and then he would be alive ...

The feeling of guilt, on the one hand, is quite natural, because it goes back to childhood. On the other hand, there is no more pernicious and more unfair feeling towards oneself. As adults, we can figure out the falsity of our beliefs about our own guilt. After all, the truth is that in fact we are not to blame for anything!

Life and death are two phenomena that only God can truly rule over. No mere mortal person simply has the power to influence in any way such an event as the death of another person.

After all, the death of a person just like that, for no reason, does not come. This only happens in bad detective stories. In life, everything is completely different. The reasons for the departure of a person from life are always great and serious - although they are often not obvious.

So, if the reasons for death have already ripened within the person himself, then the other person, be it you or someone else, does not have such power to add to them some other decisive, fatal reason from which he will die. No, you do not have such power - and your influence on this person is not able to change anything.

Therefore, now you just have to come to terms with it and get rid of an unjustified feeling of guilt, which has no real basis and which completely spoils your life in vain.

"Guilt Relief"

Find an hour when no one will disturb you. Get into a comfortable position, sitting or lying down, close your eyes, take a few deep breaths to relax. Think about the deceased, remember him, imagine him in front of you as vividly as possible. Remember how you felt about this person when he was alive, how you felt and thought when he died. You will feel that some painful memories and sensations come up. Gently, calmly, without aggression and anger towards yourself, without self-blame, ask yourself the question: were you really somehow responsible for the death of this person? Take your time with the answer, wait until it arises as if by itself, rises to the surface of your consciousness.

If it turns out that you feel some kind of your guilt, your responsibility for the death of this person, remember once again all the circumstances of his departure. And now mentally talk to yourself - as if the adult part of you is talking to the child part. Yes, talk to yourself the way an adult talks to a child. Ask yourself: did you really think badly about this person, wished him dead? Even if it turns out that this is the case, do you really think that your thoughts have such power that they are capable of killing? Do you really think that you could have caused the person to get sick, it was you who caused them to get cancer, it was you who caused them to have a heart attack? If it happened that your loved one committed suicide, explain to your childish part that his death was due to the fact that he did not love deep down in his soul, even hated himself, and not because of what happened before his death. events that may have led to death. No, these events have nothing to do with it, the reason was ready long before them! Just like the cause of any death was ready long before those events, or your words, or your behavior, which, as you think, could provoke a sad outcome. No, it would have happened anyway. Even if you quarreled the day before, a single quarrel cannot cause death. He did not die because of this, the causes of his death ripened much earlier. Explain all this to yourself as an adult explains to a child.

Now imagine this person again, think about his life. Did you really have such a gigantic, inhuman influence on him that he could even die because of you? Do you exaggerate your abilities? Do you think anyone can make you die - do you really allow someone to take such a huge power over you?

Convince the childish part of your soul that no one can be to blame for the death of another - convince until you feel that the feeling of guilt recedes and your mind and your soul calm down.

For some reason, it is sometimes believed that it is better to pass grief in silence - many are afraid that such conversations will only cause the mourner extra pain. In fact, a person mourning the loss, such conversations are very necessary. Therefore, one should not be afraid to talk about the deceased, to remember him. You can even specially gather guests for this purpose - those who knew the deceased closely, and arrange an evening of memory: talk about him, remember all the good things that were connected with him, and if necessary, then the bad, do not be afraid of this. The main thing is that these feelings should be "spoken out", released, not settled in your soul as a heavy burden.

All kinds of ceremonies, rituals are a good way to honor the memory of the deceased and say goodbye to him. Here is one of these rituals that can be performed both in the cemetery and at home.


If you are at home - make yourself comfortable in a cozy corner, light a candle, relax, close your eyes. Breathe calmly and measuredly. Imagine that in front of you is a picture, canvas or sheet of paper, which depicts a burial stone, a monument on the grave of your loved one, or another symbol of his memory. In front of this stone or monument you see a lit candle. Mentally reduce this image in size so that it takes up only a small part of your imaginary canvas and so that there is plenty of room for the landscape that opens behind the monument. But this, contrary to reality, is not a cemetery landscape at all. Behind the monument, forests and meadows open up to the eye, in the distance - high mountains. A whole vast world lies before you in your picture. The sun shines brightly in a clear blue sky. You can clearly see the light of its rays streaming onto the earth.

Now bring your attention back to the candle flame that you placed in front of the gravestone with the power of your imagination. Again, look at the falling rays of the sun. Now concentrate and mentally connect the candle flame at the gravestone with the sunbeam falling from above.

So you connected the memory of a departed person with the symbol of eternal life - the sun. Say three times aloud or silently: "Eternal memory." You have placed a loved one in eternity itself! Now it is his home.

He is there and you remain here. Therefore, you need to mentally separate from the resulting picture. To do this, in your imagination, place the picture you have drawn in a frame. Try to imagine this frame in every detail - what color is it, what kind of wood is it, varnished or not, simple or with curls ... Now the picture in the frame is reduced in size to such an extent that you can hold it in your hands. Imagine imagine that you are hanging this picture on a nail in a museum. This is not a simple museum - it is a museum of your heart, your memory. You hang a picture, look at it for a few moments, then turn and leave, closing the door behind you. Mentally place this museum in your heart. Now you can go there at any time to pay tribute to your memory. But in your daily life, pain and suffering will no longer haunt you. The image of a deceased person has finally become your memory, your past. This is how you reconcile the past with the present and gain strength to live on.

Open your eyes, look for a few moments at a real lit candle, you can cry if there are tears, you can pray if you know the prayers. Mentally say goodbye to the departed person, tell him that you will never forget him, he will live in your memory, but you leave him in eternity, and you yourself go to your earthly life. Ask his forgiveness and tell him that you forgive him too. You can wait until the candle burns out, you can blow it out earlier - depending on your well-being and inner feeling.



After the departure of your loved one, it can be painful not only for you, but, strange as it may sound, for your home. In fact, you can stumble upon things that belonged to the deceased in the house and feel the streams of pain coming from them. The walls themselves seem to radiate sadness - this can be felt especially strongly if a person has died at home. Therefore, after the death of a loved one, it is necessary to release from pain and revive to a new life not only your soul, but also your home.

What needs to be done for this?

First of all, you need to free the house from things that the deceased person has recently used. And first of all, from the things that he directly came into contact with before his death - a bed, a blanket, pillows, bedding, towels, from the things that he wore - slippers, a dressing gown, as well as from things that he loved and to which was tied. Resist the temptation to leave something for yourself as a memory, no matter how much you want it - along with the memory you will leave yourself endless pain. The kind of pain that can lead to the destruction of your soul and your health. After all, a thing that has witnessed the death of its owner literally absorbs the very spirit of death, a kind of deadly program. The person no longer exists, and his thing still carries this disastrous program and passes it on to the one who inherits this thing, puts it on after the deceased person. So this program begins to work already in relation to its new owner, inevitably leading him to death.

Remember this and never put on things that once belonged to dead people, do not sleep on the bed on which the person was dying, do not use his things. If your health, your life is dear to you, do not feel sorry for old things, take them out of the house, do not leave yourself.

In memory of a departed loved one, you can leave photographs (but do not rush to hang them on the walls, it is better to store them in a secluded place, in a separate album), jewelry, personal items (but not clothes, but, for example, items of equipment, stationery, badges , awards, any special things - such as an icon, or a kind of "amulets", which may include antiques, various kinds of valuable, antique things), with which the deceased did not come into direct contact in the last moments of life.

Having freed yourself from old things, you must certainly do a wet cleaning and carry out the ritual of cleansing the house, which is necessary in order to free the house from the energy of death. For this, such a powerful natural cleaner as fire is suitable.

"Cleansing by Fire"

First you need to do a wet cleaning in the house, then take a candle, preferably a church one, stand at the threshold of your apartment, light a candle. If you know the prayer, it is good to pray, looking at the flame, if not, just ask the Higher Powers for help. Then you need to go around the entire apartment, each room, clockwise, simultaneously baptizing the walls with a candle flame, and baptizing the corners, windows, doors, mirrors and sleeping places three times. Then you need to go to the place where the deceased was most often before death, and if he died at home, then to the place where the deathbed was. In this place, you need to put a new lit candle - let it burn until all of it burns out. After that, you need to light a new candle and make circular movements with it clockwise, as if you are burning out a dark spot of negative energy left in this place. Then put a candle nearby and make such movements with your hands as if you were grabbing a handful of flame and filling it with an imaginary hole in the place where the person died. Mentally and with the help of hands, you need to level this hole, fill it with the light energy of fire.

When you get the feeling that the pit is full, sit near this place, look at the flame of the candle, waiting for it to burn out, you can just pray at this time, you can remember the good things about the deceased that connected you during his lifetime.

It is advisable to carry out such cleansing several times with interruptions of several days, until the feeling appears that the energy of the apartment itself has become lighter, that the walls have ceased to crush.



It is very important that depression after the loss of loved ones - such a natural state in such circumstances - does not become our constant companion, does not drag on for a long time. Depression can also come in if you are left alone for reasons other than the death of a loved one. Divorce, betrayal by loved ones, grown-up children who have begun their own lives are some of the possible causes of depression. But it is in our power to prevent depression from becoming the mistress of our lives. It is in our power to curb it.

To do this, do not forget to take care of yourself, help yourself survive stress, use all possible means to get out of depression.

To fight the enemy, you must first recognize him. How to recognize depression, how to understand that it has already entered your life? Here are some signs by which you can judge how depressed a person is.

The most typical sign of depression is a dreary mood, depression and apathy, loss of interest in everything that happens around. A person in a state of depression can be tearful for no obvious reason, or, conversely, becomes as if insensitive - he cannot cry even in difficult circumstances, when tears are natural. Other signs are insomnia or other trouble sleeping, such as when you keep waking up in the middle of the night and can't get back to sleep; lack of appetite or unhealthy excessive appetite, while most often not even the taste of food is felt, a person eats automatically, not understanding what he is eating; constant fatigue. In a state of depression, a person often has a negative view of himself - he considers himself worthless, weak, helpless, bad and useless, he executes himself even for the most insignificant mistakes.

How can you help yourself get out of depression? First of all, you need to understand that the depressive state is based on a distorted idea of ​​reality. A sad event happened in your life, and it made you perceive your whole life in general as a continuous sad event. Your consciousness simply began to ignore, skip past positive moments, which, of course, are very numerous in life, and they constantly meet on your way - but the "black glasses" of your sadness do not allow you to see this positive.

So, the main thing for you now is to take off these "black glasses" and try to look at life more objectively, to see the positive, the good that is in it.

Here's how you can help yourself.

The first step is to plan your day as carefully as possible. Think over and plan your whole day so that every minute you have something to do. Do not invent very complex tasks for yourself - start with the simplest ones: washing, cleaning, going to the store, visiting a friend, reading an exciting interesting book ... Make a plan of your affairs for literally every minute every day, draw it up in writing, point by point , indicating the time.

At the end of the day, be sure to check what you have done and what you haven’t. Please tick off what you have done.

Now, review your to-do list again with a different goal - to note what you consider to be even a small, but your achievement. For example, for a long time your hands did not reach the point of washing windows - and today you gathered your courage, planned window washing and did it. Or, finally, they rented a cassette and watched a masterpiece of world cinematography, with which they should have become acquainted a long time ago. Or they simply overcame apathy and went for a walk, although the weather was not conducive to this at all. The thing that you consider at least a small achievement, mark in your schedule with the letter "D".

Now try, remembering the events of the day, to note what YOU did with at least a barely perceptible pleasure. Even if you experienced even the smallest hint of pleasure in the process of completing this task, even a barely perceptible pleasant sensation - make a special note of this: you received positive emotions. Mark it in your routine with the letter "U" - pleasure.

Do this every day. Do not forget to mentally praise yourself for your achievements and for everything that you do for your pleasure.

Try following tips to help you overcome depression.

During this period, do not set yourself very difficult tasks and do not take on too much responsibility.

Don't make very big decisions like moving or changing jobs. Try to postpone making decisions on important issues until you get out of depression.

Try to communicate with other people as much as possible, do not withdraw into yourself and your grief.

Choose activities that improve your mood at least a little: do physical education, go to the cinema, theater, go out into nature, take water treatments. Outdoor sports have a very serious positive effect in the fight against depression!

Eliminate caffeine and refined sugar from your diet. Their use contributes to the deepening of depression.

Watch your diet, try not to overeat and do not refuse food.

Try to avoid the abuse of various drugs - antidepressants and tranquilizers. The fact is that although these drugs have a quick sedative effect, in the future their use can do you a disservice: drugs only help relieve the external symptoms of grief, they do not eliminate the feeling of grief itself, but only suppress it, and, driven inside, it can cause chronic depression.

Stop taking strong drugs, limiting yourself to harmless valerian, and use natural, natural remedies to overcome depression. Such as, for example, soothing baths, contrast showers. One should not ignore such a wonderful, centuries-old remedy as meditation.

Soothing baths

Sea salt bath. There are many varieties of sea salt - choose the one you like best. About 40 minutes before bedtime, immerse yourself in a warm bath in which sea salt is dissolved. You need to be in the bath for 15-20 minutes. Sea salt will help you relax, soothe, relieve fatigue. After such a bath, you will feel that irritation has gone away, sadness and longing have dulled - salt has an excellent property, as it were, to absorb everything negative.

Pine bath. Coniferous extract can be bought at a pharmacy, or you can cook it yourself. To do this, you need to collect pine needles, branches, cones, grind it all, pour cold water over it, put it on fire, bring to a boil and cook on low heat for half an hour. After the broth should be infused for 12 hours. Then it is filtered and added to a bath of warm water - about 1.5 liters of decoction per bath. Coniferous bath not only helps with insomnia, but also calms the nerves, strengthens the heart.

Bath with valerian. Having bought valerian roots and leaves in a pharmacy, prepare about half a liter of decoction from them and add them to a bath of warm water. This bath relaxes the muscles, calms the nerves, normalizes the heartbeat. But if you have low blood pressure, taking such a bath is not recommended.

Combined bath. Take 50 grams of calendula flowers, string grass, mint and oregano. Pour all this with three liters of boiling water and heat for 15 minutes in a water bath. Then let it brew for 45 minutes, strain and add to a bath of warm water.

Please note: when taking a soothing bath, a washcloth and shampoo are useless. Now your goal is different: to calm down, relax, save yourself from anxiety and insomnia. You just need to lie quietly in the bath for 15-20 minutes, trying to drive away worries and worries, and think only about pleasant things. In no case should the water in the bath be either hot or too cool - it is best if it is at a temperature that is comfortable for you, slightly warm, approximately corresponding to body temperature - about 37-38 degrees. After the bath, you do not need to rinse. Coming out of it, blot the body with a dry towel - there is no need to rub too hard.


Meditation is an excellent tool for relieving tension, stress, anxiety, it increases vitality, improves sleep. Now we will learn how to conduct the simplest meditation.

Find a calm, quiet place where no one will disturb you for at least twenty minutes. Sit in a comfortable position, without tension, so that your back is absolutely straight. Now choose a word that you would like to focus on - let it denote the state that you would like to achieve: "love", "peace", "peace".

Close your eyes. Now you need to release the body from tension. To do this, start breathing calmly, measuredly, focusing on your breathing: inhale - hold your breath a little - exhale - inhale - hold - exhale, and so on. Concentrate on the soles of your feet, and as you exhale, release all tension from them. Feel your feet relax and become warm. Take a few more such breaths and exhalations until you feel that the feet have relaxed enough. Then, in the same way, release the tension in the ankles and knees, as you exhale imagine how the tension goes away and these parts of the body relax.

Then focus on the tension in your hips and release it. Now move your attention up the body, continuing to breathe in a measured way and simultaneously releasing tension in the abdomen, chest, back, arms, shoulders, neck, face, head. Then take a quick mental look at your whole body at once and release the remnants of tension from it with exhalations. Enjoy the feeling of comfort and relaxation that you yourself have created in your body.

Continue to focus on your breath. During each exhalation, mentally repeat the word you have chosen. Breathe through your nose, slowly and naturally. If extraneous thoughts appear, just let them freely float away from your consciousness, go aside, do not try to drive them away by force. Do not forget to pronounce the word you have mentally chosen on each exhalation. If it is difficult for you to concentrate, if you are distracted or feel some kind of anxiety, say the word you have chosen both on the inhale and on the exhale. Gradually, you will find that extraneous thoughts become less and less, and the state designated by the word you have chosen enters your being, fills you from the inside, and you feel more and more comfortable. The best duration of meditation is 15-20 minutes. Get out of it slowly, gradually, do not try to get up too quickly. Enjoy the state of rest, then stretch your muscles, then slowly open your eyes, sit still for a while. Get up carefully, calmly, jump up abruptly is not necessary. Before returning to everyday worries, you can think about something good for another five minutes, or look at a beautiful picture, or remember your favorite poem. Thus, you will be filled with positive feelings.

If you do the meditation twice a day, you will soon see how your condition changes for the better.

If, despite all the measures you take, your depression deepens and drags on, do not refuse a visit to a specialist - a psychologist or psychotherapist. It is possible that you need help to get out of depression, because it is not always possible to cope with this condition alone.

Faith, with whose history this chapter began, managed to help without the intervention of specialists, although this was not so easy. Now she is coming back to life, realizing that she is young and that her husband would only be glad if she were happy, and not bury herself alive. After the grief experienced, rediscovering the colors of the world is not a real miracle?

Every day we negotiate with death: “Not today!”, and many of us are lucky. Most people cross the threshold of the next day. But what about those who have already been touched by the icy breath of death and it's time to buy? The bony old woman is already on the threshold and is preparing to take her soul to the realm of the dead. And if a person is completely unprepared to say goodbye to life? What can keep a person in this world?

There is a version that one can negotiate with death. What do I need to do? Give her something really very expensive, but not pay off, as one might think. Material values ​​​​for death are not important at all, because they say that death equalizes everyone. To “negotiate” a delay, you can, for example, go to a monastery, start a charitable organization, or do something else that undoubtedly benefits others. After such a rethinking of one's own life, the emergence of an important goal, perhaps thoughts of imminent death will recede.

How to avoid death

In any case, if you want to negotiate with death, you will have to give something valuable in return. For some, the “ransom” for dying parents is the years of their own lives. A person voluntarily gives up, for example, ten years, and in return receives a recovering relative. It is important that the desire for healing is sincere and from the heart, and that your sacrifice is truly worthwhile. Sometimes miracles can happen, and it would seem that people who are near death recover, thereby, death recedes for a while.

You can try to negotiate with death personally. Many terminally ill people take vows to live a little longer. They sincerely pray to see the wedding of their grandchildren, the birth of great-grandchildren, or another significant event. Often they say to their loved ones: “How can I die without making sure that you arranged your life the way it should be?” And indeed, for many older people, such a goal becomes a hook that helps them stay in this world.

American scientist Donn Jung conducted a study of 300,000 deaths in Ohio, and came to the conclusion that almost 1% of patients with cancer in the last stage still managed to negotiate with death. He calculated that they died the day after one of the three most important American holidays: Thanksgiving, Christmas, or their own birthday. Albeit not for long, but these people managed to delay the inevitable.

Faith gives a lot to people, especially the elderly or seriously ill. If at the age of 18 47% of Russians call themselves religious, after 60 their number increases to approximately 60%. The proximity of death, experienced grief or illness lead a person to think about faith. Prayer helps not only to distract from sad thoughts, it can normalize the heart rate, calm the nerves, even the level of bacteria in the water decreases after reading “Our Father” over it.

Another way to come to terms with death is to accept it. You need to feel that life is finite, and death is always next to a person (on the left shoulder or behind the back). To understand this, it is enough to visit the most terrible places in Russia or the world.

Another way to come to terms with death is meditation. It is done so that everyone can feel how close he is to the edge of the abyss. It is necessary to perform it only for a person who has serious problems and lacks motivation to continue life. In absolute silence, you need to meditate in front of a burning candle until you feel the grave cold from behind and see a silhouette in a black hoodie. Those who have undergone such a practice assure that a life filled with important events immediately flashed before their eyes, and the main desire was to stay in it as long as possible. If a person saw his own death, her constant presence nearby and the fear of meeting her face to face prematurely becomes the main motivator. Getting into extreme situations also makes it possible to understand the special value of each lived moment. It is not recommended to be interested in those who live calmly and prosperously in such extreme ways of deliberately "calling" death.

Is it possible to negotiate with death

There are two points of view on death. Some are sure that she sits on each of us on the left shoulder and protects us from cases that can lead us to death. The main goal of "own" death is to prevent a person from dying by accident. It is unlikely that it will be possible to agree with her, because she is just waiting in the wings. Others say that death is a being sent to earth only at a certain moment. She can make a mistake, and appear at the wrong address, so you can negotiate with her when she came to another person.

Scientists have come to the conclusion that, in general, “negotiating” with death is more likely for those who sincerely believe. Specific indications of Christianity, Buddhism or other beliefs are not made. Fellowship with God gives, first of all, calmness and a simpler attitude to life, which also helps in accepting death. Those who adhere to religious canons, as a rule, do not drink, do not smoke, do not change their spouse, do not use foul language, which in itself should guarantee a longer life. And with death, believers, as a rule, have a less tense relationship. If a person strives for a righteous life, he is not so afraid of going to hell as someone who thoughtlessly spent his days on empty studies and did not think about what awaits him beyond.