Place of execution of the royal family. Almost a detective story with the remains

Nicholas II - the last Russian emperor. He took the Russian throne at the age of 27. In addition to the Russian crown, the emperor also got a huge country torn apart by contradictions and all sorts of conflicts. A difficult reign awaited him. The second half of the life of Nikolai Alexandrovich took a very difficult and long-suffering turn, the result of which was the execution of the Romanov family, which, in turn, meant the end of their reign.

Dear Nicky

Nicky (that was the name of Nikolai at home) was born in 1868 in Tsarskoye Selo. In honor of his birth, 101 gun salvos were fired in the northern capital. At the christening, the future emperor was awarded the highest Russian awards. His mother - Maria Fedorovna - from early childhood instilled in her children religiosity, modesty, courtesy, good manners. In addition, she did not allow Nicky to forget for a minute that he was a future monarch.

Nikolai Alexandrovich heeded her requirements enough, having learned the lessons of education perfectly. The future emperor was always distinguished by tact, modesty and good breeding. He was surrounded by love from relatives. They called him "darling Nicky".

Military career

At a young age, the Tsarevich began to notice a huge craving for military affairs. Nikolai willingly took part in all parades and parades, in camp gatherings. He strictly observed the military regulations. Curiously, his military career began at... 5 years old! Soon the crown prince received the rank of second lieutenant, and a year later he was appointed chieftain in the Cossack troops.

At the age of 16, the Tsarevich took an oath "of allegiance to the Fatherland and the Throne." He served in the rank of colonel. This rank was the last in his military career, since, as emperor, Nicholas II believed that he did not have "any quietest and not the quietest right" to independently assign military ranks.

Ascension to the throne

Nikolai Alexandrovich took the Russian throne at the age of 27. In addition to the Russian crown, the emperor also got a huge country, torn apart by contradictions and all sorts of conflicts.

Emperor's coronation

It took place in the Assumption Cathedral (in Moscow). During the solemn event, when Nicholas approached the altar, the chain of the Order of St. Andrew the First-Called flew off his right shoulder and fell to the floor. All who were present at that moment at the ceremony unanimously took this as a bad omen.

Tragedy on the Khodynka field

The execution of the Romanov family today is perceived differently by everyone. Many believe that the beginning of the "royal persecution" was laid precisely on the holidays on the occasion of the coronation of the emperor, when one of the worst stampedes in history occurred on the Khodynka field. More than one and a half thousand (!) People died and were injured in it! Later, significant amounts were paid from the imperial treasury to the families of the victims. Despite the Khodynskaya tragedy, the planned ball took place in the evening of the same day.

This event made many people speak of Nicholas II as a heartless and cruel tsar.

Mistake of Nicholas II

The emperor understood that something urgently needed to be changed in the government of the state. Historians say that is why he declared war on Japan. That was 1904. Nikolai Aleksandrovich seriously hoped to win quickly, thereby stirring up patriotism in the Russians. This was his fatal mistake ... Russia was forced to suffer a shameful defeat in the Russo-Japanese War, having lost such lands as Southern and Far Sakhalin, as well as the fortress of Port Arthur.

A family

Shortly before the execution of the Romanov family took place, Emperor Nicholas II married his only lover, the German princess Alice of Hesse (Alexandra Feodorovna). The wedding ceremony took place in 1894 at the Winter Palace. Throughout his life, a warm, tender and touching relationship remained between Nikolai and his wife. Only death separated them. They died together. But more on that later.

In exactly the time of the Russo-Japanese War, the heir to the throne, Tsarevich Alexei, was born in the family of the emperor. This is the first boy, before that Nikolai had four girls! In honor of this, a volley of 300 guns was fired. But soon the doctors determined that the boy was sick with an incurable disease - hemophilia (blood incoagulability). In other words, the crown prince could bleed even from a cut on his finger and die.

Bloody Sunday and World War I

After the shameful defeat in the war, unrest and protests began to arise throughout the country. The people demanded the overthrow of the monarchy. Dissatisfaction with Nicholas II grew with every hour. On Sunday afternoon, January 9, 1905, crowds of people came to demand that they accept their complaints about a terrible and hard life. At that time, the emperor and his family were not in the Winter Palace. They rested in Tsarskoye Selo. The troops stationed in St. Petersburg, without the order of the emperor, opened fire on the civilian population. Everyone died: women, old people and children ... Together with them, the faith of the people in their king was forever killed! On that "Bloody Sunday" 130 people were shot and several hundred were wounded.

The emperor was very shocked by the tragedy. Now nothing and no one could calm the public dissatisfaction with the entire royal family. Unrest and rallies began all over Russia. In addition, Russia entered the First World War, which Germany declared to it. The fact is that in 1914 hostilities began between Serbia and Austria-Hungary, and Russia decided to protect the small Slavic state, for which Germany was called "to a duel". The country was simply fading before our eyes, everything was flying into tartar. Nikolai did not yet know that the price for all this would be the execution of the royal family of the Romanovs!


The First World War dragged on for many years. The army and the country were extremely dissatisfied with such a foul tsarist regime. People In the northern capital, the imperial power has actually lost its power. A Provisional Government was created (in Petrograd), which included the enemies of the tsar - Guchkov, Kerensky and Milyukov. The Tsar was told about everything that was happening in the country as a whole and in the capital in particular, after which Nicholas II decided to abdicate his throne.

October year and the execution of the Romanov family

On the day when Nikolai Alexandrovich officially abdicated, his entire family was arrested. The provisional government assured his wife that all this was being done for their own safety, promising to send them abroad. After some time, the former emperor himself was arrested. He and his family were brought to Tsarskoye Selo under guard. Then they were sent to Siberia to the city of Tobolsk in order to finally stop any attempt to restore royal power. The whole royal family lived there until October 1917 ...

It was then that the Provisional Government fell, and after the October Revolution, the life of the royal family deteriorated sharply. They were transported to Yekaterinburg and kept in harsh conditions. The Bolsheviks, who came to power, wanted to arrange a show trial of the royal family, but they were afraid that it would again warm up the feelings of the people, and they themselves would be defeated. After the regional council in Yekaterinburg, a positive decision was made on the subject of the execution of the imperial family. The Ural Executive Committee granted the request for execution. Less than a day remained before the last Romanov family disappeared from the face of the earth.

The execution (no photo for obvious reasons) was committed at night. Nikolai and his family were lifted out of bed, saying that they were being transported to another place. A Bolshevik by the name of Yurovsky quickly said that the White Army wanted to free the former emperor, so the Council of Soldiers' and Workers' Deputies decided to immediately execute the entire royal family in order to put an end to the Romanovs once and for all. Nicholas II did not have time to understand anything, as random shooting was immediately heard at him and his family. Thus ended the earthly path of the last Russian emperor and his family.

Nicholas II and his family

The execution of Nicholas II and his family members is one of the many crimes of the terrible twentieth century. Russian Emperor Nicholas II shared the fate of other autocrats - Charles I of England, Louis XVI of France. But both were executed according to the verdict of the court, and their relatives were not touched. The Bolsheviks destroyed Nikolai along with his wife and children, even his faithful servants paid with their lives. What caused such animal cruelty, who was its initiator, historians are still guessing

The man who was unlucky

The ruler should be not so much wise, just, merciful as lucky. Because it is impossible to take everything into account, and many important decisions are made guessing. And this is a hit or miss, fifty-fifty. Nicholas II on the throne was no worse and no better than his predecessors, but in matters crucial for Russia, choosing this or that path of its development, he was mistaken, he simply did not guess. Not out of malice, not out of stupidity, or out of unprofessionalism, but solely according to the law of heads and tails

“This means dooming hundreds of thousands of Russian people to death,” the Emperor hesitated. “I sat opposite him, carefully following the expression of his pale face, on which I could read the terrible internal struggle that was going on in him at that moment. Finally, the sovereign, as if pronouncing the words with difficulty, said to me: “You are right. There is nothing left for us to do but to expect an attack. Give the Chief of the General Staff my order to mobilize "(Foreign Minister Sergey Dmitrievich Sazonov on the beginning of the First World War)

Could the king choose a different solution? Could. Russia was not ready for war. And, in the end, the war began with a local conflict between Austria and Serbia. The first declared war on the second on July 28. There was no need for Russia to intervene drastically, but on July 29, Russia began a partial mobilization in the four western districts. On July 30, Germany presented an ultimatum to Russia demanding that all military preparations be stopped. Minister Sazonov persuaded Nicholas II to continue. July 30 at 17:00 Russia began a general mobilization. At midnight from July 31 to August 1, the German ambassador informed Sazonov that if Russia did not demobilize on August 1 at 12 noon, Germany would also announce mobilization. Sazonov asked if this meant war. No, the ambassador replied, but we are very close to her. Russia did not stop the mobilization. On August 1, Germany began mobilization.

On August 1, in the evening, the German ambassador again came to Sazonov. He asked if the Russian government intended to give a favorable answer to yesterday's note to stop the mobilization. Sazonov answered in the negative. Count Pourtales was showing signs of growing agitation. He took a folded paper out of his pocket and repeated his question once more. Sazonov again refused. Pourtales asked the same question a third time. "I can't give you any other answer," Sazonov repeated again. “In that case,” said Pourtales, breathless with excitement, “I must give you this note.” With these words, he handed Sazonov the paper. It was a note declaring war. The Russo-German War Began (History of Diplomacy, Volume 2)

Brief biography of Nicholas II

  • 1868, May 6 - in Tsarskoye Selo
  • 1878, November 22 - Nikolai's brother, Grand Duke Mikhail Alexandrovich was born
  • 1881, March 1 - death of Emperor Alexander II
  • March 2, 1881 - Grand Duke Nikolai Alexandrovich was declared heir to the throne with the title "Tsesarevich"
  • 1894, October 20 - death of Emperor Alexander III, accession to the throne of Nicholas II
  • 1895, January 17 - Nicholas II delivers a speech in the Nicholas Hall of the Winter Palace. Policy Continuity Statement
  • 1896, May 14 - coronation in Moscow.
  • 1896, May 18 - Khodynka disaster. More than 1,300 people died in a stampede on the Khodynka field during the coronation holiday

The coronation festivities continued in the evening at the Kremlin Palace, and then with a ball at the reception of the French ambassador. Many expected that if the ball was not canceled, then at least it would take place without the sovereign. According to Sergei Alexandrovich, although Nicholas II was advised not to come to the ball, the tsar spoke out that although the Khodynka disaster was the greatest misfortune, it should not overshadow the coronation holiday. According to another version, the entourage persuaded the king to attend a ball at the French embassy due to foreign policy considerations.(Wikipedia).

  • 1898, August - Nicholas II's proposal to convene a conference and discuss the possibilities of "putting a limit on the growth of armaments" and "protecting" world peace
  • 1898, March 15 - Russian occupation of the Liaodong Peninsula.
  • 1899, February 3 - Nicholas II signed the Manifesto on Finland and published the "Basic Provisions on the Drafting, Consideration and Promulgation of Laws Issued for the Empire with the Inclusion of the Grand Duchy of Finland".
  • 1899, May 18 - the beginning of the "peace" conference in The Hague, initiated by Nicholas II. The conference discussed the issues of limiting arms and ensuring a lasting peace; representatives of 26 countries took part in its work
  • 1900, June 12 - decree on the abolition of exile to Siberia for a settlement
  • 1900, July - August - the participation of Russian troops in the suppression of the "Boxer Rebellion" in China. Occupation of all Manchuria by Russia - from the border of the empire to the Liaodong Peninsula
  • 1904, January 27 - beginning
  • 1905, January 9 - Bloody Sunday in St. Petersburg. Start

Diary of Nicholas II

January 6th. Thursday.
Until 9 o'clock. let's go to the city. The day was gray and quiet at -8° below zero. Changed clothes at home in the Winter. AT 10 O'CLOCK? went into the halls to greet the troops. Until 11 o'clock. moved to the church. The service lasted an hour and a half. We went out to Jordan in a coat. During the salute, one of the guns of my 1st cavalry battery fired buckshot from Vasiliev [sky] Ostr. and doused it with the area closest to the Jordan and part of the palace. One policeman was wounded. Several bullets were found on the platform; the banner of the Naval Corps was pierced.
After breakfast, the ambassadors and envoys were received in the Golden Room. At 4 o'clock we left for Tsarskoye. Walked. Engaged. We had lunch together and went to bed early.
January 7th. Friday.
The weather was calm and sunny with wonderful frost on the trees. In the morning I had a conference with D. Alexei and some ministers on the case of the Argentine and Chilean courts (1). He had breakfast with us. Hosted nine people.
The two of us went to venerate the icon of the Sign of the Mother of God. I read a lot. The evening was spent together.
January 8th. Saturday.
Clear frosty day. There were many cases and reports. Fredericks had breakfast. Walked for a long time. Since yesterday, all plants and factories have gone on strike in St. Petersburg. Troops were called in from the surrounding area to reinforce the garrison. The workers have been calm so far. Their number is determined at 120,000 hours. At the head of the workers' union is some kind of priest - the socialist Gapon. Mirsky came in the evening to report on the measures taken.
January 9th. Sunday.
Hard day! Serious riots broke out in St. Petersburg as a result of the desire of the workers to reach the Winter Palace. The troops had to shoot in different parts of the city, there were many killed and wounded. Lord, how painful and hard! Mom came to us from the city right in time for Mass. We had breakfast with everyone. Walked with Misha. Mom stayed with us for the night.
January 10th. Monday.
Today there were no special incidents in the city. There were reports. Uncle Alexei had breakfast. He accepted a deputation of the Ural Cossacks who came with caviar. Walked. We drank tea at Mom's. To unite actions to stop the unrest in St. Petersburg, he decided to appoint Gen.-m. Trepov as governor-general of the capital and province. In the evening I had a conference on this subject with him, Mirsky and Hesse. Dabich (dej.) dined.
January 11th. Tuesday.
During the day there were no special disturbances in the city. Had the usual reports. After breakfast, he received Rear Adm. Nebogatov, appointed commander of an additional detachment of the Pacific squadron. Walked. It was a cold gray day. Did a lot. We spent the evening together, reading aloud.

  • January 11, 1905 - Nicholas II signed a decree on the establishment of the St. Petersburg Governor General. Petersburg and the province were transferred to the jurisdiction of the governor-general; all civil institutions were subordinated to him and the right to call in troops independently was granted. On the same day, the former Moscow police chief D.F. Trepov was appointed to the post of governor general.
  • 1905, January 19 - Reception in Tsarskoe Selo by Nicholas II of the deputation of the workers of St. Petersburg. On January 9, the Tsar allocated 50 thousand rubles from his own funds to help the families of those killed and wounded.
  • 1905, April 17 - signing of the Manifesto "On the approval of the principles of religious tolerance"
  • 1905, August 23 - the conclusion of the Portsmouth Peace, which put an end to the Russo-Japanese War
  • 1905, October 17 - the signing of the Manifesto on political freedoms, the establishment of the State Duma
  • 1914, August 1 - the beginning of World War I
  • 1915, August 23 - Nicholas II assumed the duties of the Supreme Commander
  • 1916, November 26 and 30 - The State Council and the Congress of the United Nobility joined the demand of the deputies of the State Duma to eliminate the influence of "dark irresponsible forces" and create a government ready to rely on a majority in both chambers of the State Duma
  • 1916, December 17 - the murder of Rasputin
  • 1917, end of February - Nicholas II decided on Wednesday to go to Headquarters, located in Mogilev

The palace commandant, General Voeikov, asked why the emperor made such a decision when it was relatively calm at the front, while there was little calm in the capital and his presence in Petrograd would be very important. The emperor replied that the Chief of Staff of the Supreme Commander-in-Chief, General Alekseev, was waiting for him at Headquarters and wanted to discuss some issues .... Meanwhile, Chairman of the State Duma Mikhail Vladimirovich Rodzianko asked the emperor for an audience: with my most loyal duty as chairman of the State Duma to report to you in full on the danger threatening the Russian state. The emperor accepted him, but rejected the advice not to dissolve the Duma and form a "ministry of trust" that would enjoy the support of the whole society. Rodzianko called on the emperor in vain: “The hour that decides the fate of yours and your homeland has come. Tomorrow it may be too late ”(L. Mlechin“ Krupskaya ”)

  • February 22, 1917 - the imperial train left Tsarskoye Selo for Headquarters
  • February 23, 1917 - Began
  • 1917, February 28 - adoption by the Provisional Committee of the State Duma of the final decision on the need to abdicate the king in favor of the heir to the throne under the regency of Grand Duke Mikhail Alexandrovich; departure of Nicholas II from Headquarters to Petrograd.
  • 1917, March 1 - the arrival of the royal train in Pskov.
  • 1917, March 2 - signing of the Manifesto on abdication for himself and for Tsarevich Alexei Nikolaevich in favor of his brother - Grand Duke Mikhail Alexandrovich.
  • 1917, March 3 - Grand Duke Mikhail Alexandrovich's refusal to accept the throne

Family of Nicholas II. Briefly

  • 1889, January - the first acquaintance at a court ball in St. Petersburg with his future wife, Princess Alice of Hesse
  • 1894, April 8 - the engagement of Nikolai Alexandrovich and Alice of Hesse in Coburg (Germany)
  • 1894, October 21 - chrismation of the bride of Nicholas II and the naming of her "Blessed Grand Duchess Alexandra Feodorovna"
  • 1894, November 14 - the wedding of Emperor Nicholas II and Alexandra Feodorovna

In front of me stood a tall, slender lady of about 50 in a simple gray sister's suit and a white scarf. The empress greeted me affectionately and asked me where I was wounded, in what business and on what front. A little worried, I answered all Her questions without taking my eyes off Her face. Almost classically correct, this face in youth was undoubtedly beautiful, very beautiful, but this beauty was obviously cold and impassive. And now, aged with age and with small wrinkles around the eyes and corners of the lips, this face was very interesting, but too stern and too thoughtful. I thought so: what a correct, intelligent, strict and energetic face (memories of the empress ensign of the machine-gun team of the 10th Kuban plastun battalion S.P. Pavlov. Being wounded in January 1916, he ended up in Her Majesty's Own infirmary in Tsarskoye Selo)

  • 1895, November 3 - the birth of a daughter, Grand Duchess Olga Nikolaevna
  • 1897, May 29 - the birth of a daughter, Grand Duchess Tatyana Nikolaevna
  • 1899, June 14 - the birth of a daughter, Grand Duchess Maria Nikolaevna
  • 1901, June 5 - the birth of a daughter, Grand Duchess Anastasia Nikolaevna
  • 1904, July 30 - the birth of a son, heir to the throne, Tsarevich and Grand Duke Alexei Nikolaevich

Diary of Nicholas II: “An unforgettable great day for us, on which the mercy of God so clearly visited us,” Nicholas II wrote in his diary. - Alix had a son, who was named Alexei during prayer ... There are no words to be able to thank God enough for the consolation sent down by Him in this time of difficult trials!
The German Kaiser Wilhelm II telegraphed Nicholas II: “Dear Niki, how nice that you offered me to be your boy's godfather! Well, what is long awaited, says the German proverb, so be it with this dear little one! May he grow up to be a brave soldier, a wise and strong statesman, may the blessing of God always keep his body and soul. May he be the same ray of sunshine for both of you all his life, as he is now, during trials!

  • 1904, August - on the fortieth day after his birth, Alexei was diagnosed with hemophilia. The palace commandant, General Voeikov: “For the royal parents, life has lost its meaning. We were afraid to smile in their presence. We behaved in the palace as in a house where someone had died.”
  • 1905, November 1 - the acquaintance of Nicholas II and Alexandra Feodorovna with Grigory Rasputin. Rasputin somehow positively influenced the well-being of the Tsarevich, therefore Nicholas II and the Empress favored him

The execution of the royal family. Briefly

  • 1917, March 3–8 - stay of Nicholas II in Headquarters (Mogilev)
  • 1917, March 6 - decision of the Provisional Government to arrest Nicholas II
  • 1917, March 9 - after wandering around Russia, Nicholas II returned to Tsarskoye Selo
  • 1917, March 9-July 31 - Nicholas II and his family live under house arrest in Tsarskoe Selo
  • 1917, July 16-18 - July days - powerful spontaneous popular anti-government demonstrations in Petrograd
  • 1917, August 1 - Nicholas II and his family went into exile in Tobolsk, where he was sent by the Provisional Government after the July days
  • 1917, December 19 - formed after. The Soldiers' Committee of Tobolsk forbade Nicholas II to attend church
  • 1917, December - The Soldiers' Committee decided to remove the epaulettes from the king, which was perceived by him as a humiliation
  • 1918, February 13 - Commissioner Karelin decided to pay from the treasury only soldiers' rations, heating and lighting, and everything else - at the expense of prisoners, and the use of personal capital was limited to 600 rubles per month
  • 1918, February 19 - an ice slide built in the garden for riding the royal children was destroyed at night with picks. The pretext for this was that from the hill it was possible to "look over the fence"
  • March 7, 1918 - Church ban lifted
  • April 26, 1918 - Nicholas II and his family set off from Tobolsk to Yekaterinburg

The main condition for the existence of immortality is death itself.

Stanislav Jerzy Lec

The execution of the Romanov royal family on the night of July 17, 1918 is one of the most important events of the era of the Civil War, the formation of Soviet power, as well as Russia's exit from the First World War. The murder of Nicholas 2 and his family was largely predetermined by the seizure of power by the Bolsheviks. But in this story, not everything is as simple as it is commonly said. In this article, I will present all the facts that are known in this case in order to assess the events of those days.

History of events

We should start with the fact that Nicholas 2 was not the last Russian emperor, as many believe today. He abdicated (for himself and for his son Alexei) in favor of his brother, Mikhail Romanov. So he is the last emperor. This is important to remember, we will return to this fact later. Also, in most textbooks, the execution of the royal family is equated with the murder of the family of Nicholas 2. But these were far from all the Romanovs. To understand how many people we are talking about, I will give only data on the last Russian emperors:

  • Nicholas 1 - 4 sons and 4 daughters.
  • Alexander 2 - 6 sons and 2 daughters.
  • Alexander 3 - 4 sons and 2 daughters.
  • Nicholas 2 - son and 4 daughters.

That is, the family is very large, and any of the list above is a direct descendant of the imperial branch, which means a direct contender for the throne. But most of them also had children of their own ...

Arrest of members of the royal family

Nicholas 2, having abdicated the throne, put forward rather simple demands, the fulfillment of which the Provisional Government guaranteed. The requirements were as follows:

  • Safe transfer of the emperor to Tsarskoe Selo to his family, where at that time Tsarevich Alexei was more.
  • The safety of the whole family at the time of their stay in Tsarskoye Selo until the full recovery of Tsarevich Alexei.
  • The safety of the road to the northern ports of Russia, from where Nicholas 2 and his family should cross to England.
  • After the end of the Civil War, the royal family will return to Russia and live in Livadia (Crimea).

It is important to understand these points in order to see the intentions of Nicholas 2 and later the Bolsheviks. The emperor abdicated the throne so that the current government would provide him with a safe exit to England.

What is the role of the British government?

The provisional government of Russia, after receiving the demands of Nicholas 2, turned to England with the question of the consent of the latter to host the Russian monarch. A positive response was received. But here it is important to understand that the request itself was a formality. The fact is that at that time an investigation was underway against the royal family, for the period of which it was impossible to leave Russia. Therefore, England, giving consent, did not risk anything at all. Something else is much more interesting. After the complete justification of Nicholas 2, the Provisional Government again makes a request to England, but more specific. This time the question was no longer posed abstractly, but concretely, because everything was ready for the move to the island. But then England refused.

Therefore, when today Western countries and people, screaming at every corner about the innocently killed, talk about the execution of Nicholas 2, this only causes a reaction of disgust at their hypocrisy. One word from the British government that they agree to accept Nicholas 2 with his family, and in principle there would be no execution. But they refused...

In the photo on the left is Nicholas 2, on the right is George 4, King of England. They were distant relatives and had an obvious resemblance in appearance.

When was the royal family of the Romanovs executed?

Michael's murder

After the October Revolution, Mikhail Romanov approached the Bolsheviks with a request to remain in Russia as an ordinary citizen. This request was granted. But the last Russian emperor was not destined to live "quietly" for long. Already in March 1918 he was arrested. There is no reason for the arrest. Until now, not a single historian has been able to find a single historical document explaining the reason for the arrest of Mikhail Romanov.

After his arrest, on March 17 he was sent to Perm, where he lived for several months in a hotel. On the night of July 13, 1918, he was taken away from the hotel and shot. This was the first victim of the Romanov family by the Bolsheviks. The official reaction of the USSR to this event was ambivalent:

  • It was announced to its citizens that Mikhail shamefully fled from Russia abroad. Thus, the authorities got rid of unnecessary questions, and, most importantly, received a legitimate reason to toughen the maintenance of the rest of the members of the royal family.
  • For foreign countries, it was announced through the media that Mikhail was missing. They say he went out on the night of July 13 for a walk and did not return.

The execution of the family of Nicholas 2

The backstory here is quite interesting. Immediately after the October Revolution, the Romanov royal family was arrested. The investigation did not reveal the guilt of Nicholas 2, so the charges were dropped. At the same time, it was impossible to let the family go to England (the British refused), and the Bolsheviks really did not want to send them to the Crimea, because there were “whites” very close by. Yes, and throughout almost the entire Civil War, Crimea was under the control of the white movement, and all the Romanovs who were on the peninsula were saved by moving to Europe. Therefore, they decided to send them to Tobolsk. The fact of secrecy of the dispatch is noted in his diaries by Nikolay 2, who writes that they were taken to ONE of the cities in the depths of the country.

Until March, the royal family lived relatively calmly in Tobolsk, but on March 24 an investigator arrived here, and on March 26 a reinforced detachment of Red Army soldiers arrived. In fact, since that time, enhanced security measures have begun. The basis is the imaginary flight of Michael.

Subsequently, the family was moved to Yekaterinburg, where she settled in the Ipatiev house. On the night of July 17, 1918, the Romanov royal family was shot. Together with them, their servants were also shot. In total that day died:

  • Nicholas 2,
  • His wife, Alexandra
  • The emperor's children are Tsarevich Alexei, Maria, Tatiana and Anastasia.
  • Family doctor - Botkin
  • Maid - Demidova
  • Personal chef - Kharitonov
  • Footman - Troupe.

In total, 10 people were shot. The corpses, according to the official version, were thrown into the mine and filled with acid.

Who killed the family of Nicholas 2?

I have already said above that since March, the protection of the royal family has been significantly increased. After moving to Yekaterinburg, it was already a full-fledged arrest. The family was settled in the house of Ipatiev, and a guard was presented to them, the head of the garrison of which was Avdeev. On July 4, almost the entire composition of the guard was replaced, as was his chief. In the future, it was these people who were accused of murdering the royal family:

  • Yakov Yurovsky. Supervised the execution.
  • Grigory Nikulin. Yurovsky's assistant.
  • Peter Ermakov. Head of the Emperor's Guard.
  • Mikhail Medvedev-Kudrin. Cheka representative.

These are the main persons, but there were also ordinary performers. It is noteworthy that all of them significantly survived this event. Most later took part in the Second World War, received a pension from the USSR.

Reprisal against the rest of the family

Since March 1918, other members of the royal family have been gathering in Alapaevsk (Perm province). In particular, Princess Elizabeth Feodorovna, Princes John, Konstantin and Igor, as well as Vladimir Paley are imprisoned here. The latter was the grandson of Alexander 2, but had a different surname. Subsequently, all of them were transported to Vologda, where on July 19, 1918 they were thrown alive into the mine.

The latest events in the destruction of the Romanov dynastic family date back to January 19, 1919, when princes Nikolai and Georgy Mikhailovich, Pavel Alexandrovich and Dmitry Konstantinovich were shot in the Peter and Paul Fortress.

Reaction to the assassination of the Romanov imperial family

The murder of the family of Nicholas 2 had the greatest resonance, which is why it needs to be studied. There are many sources indicating that when Lenin was informed about the murder of Nicholas 2, he did not seem to even react to it. It is impossible to verify such judgments, but one can refer to archival documents. In particular, we are interested in Protocol No. 159 of the meeting of the Council of People's Commissars of July 18, 1918. The protocol is very short. Heard the question of the murder of Nicholas 2. Decided - to take note. That's it, just take note. There are no other documents regarding this case! This is complete absurdity. In the yard of the 20th century, but not a single document is preserved regarding such an important historical event, except for one note “Take note” ...

However, the underlying reaction to the murder is investigation. They started

Investigations into the murder of the family of Nicholas 2

The leadership of the Bolsheviks, as expected, began an investigation into the murder of the family. The official investigation began on 21 July. She conducted an investigation quickly enough, since Kolchak's troops approached Yekaterinburg. The main conclusion of this official investigation is that there was no murder. Only Nikolai 2 was shot by the verdict of the Yekaterinburg Soviet. But there are a number of very weak points that still cast doubt on the veracity of the investigation:

  • The investigation began a week later. In Russia, the former emperor is being killed, and the authorities react to this a week later! Why was this week of pause?
  • Why conduct an investigation if there was a shooting on the orders of the Soviets? In this case, right on July 17, the Bolsheviks were supposed to report that “the execution of the Romanov royal family took place on the orders of the Yekaterinburg Soviet. Nikolai 2 was shot, but his family was not touched.
  • There are no supporting documents. Even today, all references to the decision of the Yekaterinburg Council are oral. Even in Stalin's times, when they were shot by the millions, documents remained, they say, "by the decision of the troika and so on" ...

On the 20th of July 1918, Kolchak's army entered Yekaterinburg, and one of the first orders was to begin an investigation into the tragedy. Today everyone is talking about investigator Sokolov, but before him there were 2 more investigators with the names Nametkin and Sergeev. No one has officially seen their reports. Yes, and Sokolov's report was published only in 1924. According to the investigator, the entire royal family was shot. By this time (back in 1921), the Soviet leadership had voiced the same data.

The sequence of the destruction of the Romanov dynasty

In the story of the execution of the royal family, it is very important to observe the chronology, otherwise it is very easy to get confused. And the chronology here is this - the dynasty was destroyed in the order of contenders for succession to the throne.

Who was the first pretender to the throne? That's right, Mikhail Romanov. I remind you again - back in 1917, Nicholas 2 abdicated the throne for himself and for his son in favor of Mikhail. Therefore, he was the last emperor, and he was the first claimant to the throne, in the event of the restoration of the Empire. Mikhail Romanov was killed on July 13, 1918.

Who was next in line of succession? Nicholas 2 and his son, Tsarevich Alexei. The candidacy of Nicholas 2 is controversial here, in the end he renounced power on his own. Although in his attitude everyone could play the other way, because in those days almost all laws were violated. But Tsarevich Alexei was a clear contender. The father had no legal right to relinquish the throne for his son. As a result, the entire family of Nicholas 2 was shot on July 17, 1918.

Next in line were all the other princes, of whom there were quite a few. Most of them were gathered in Alapaevsk and killed on July 19, 1918. As they say, rate the speed: 13, 17, 19. If we were talking about random murders that were not related to each other, then there would simply not be such a similarity. In less than 1 week, almost all pretenders to the throne were killed, and in order of succession, but history today considers these events isolated from each other, and absolutely not paying attention to disputed places.

Alternative versions of the tragedy

A key alternative version of this historical event is set forth in Tom Mangold and Anthony Summers' book The Murder That Wasn't. It hypothesizes that there was no execution. In general terms, the situation is as follows ...

  • The reasons for the events of those days should be sought in the Brest peace treaty between Russia and Germany. The argument is that despite the fact that the secrecy stamp from the documents has long been removed (it was 60 years old, that is, in 1978 there should have been a publication), there is not a single full version of this document. An indirect confirmation of this is that the “executions” began precisely after the signing of the peace treaty.
  • It is a well-known fact that the wife of Nicholas 2, Alexandra, was a relative of the German Kaiser Wilhelm 2. It is assumed that Wilhelm 2 introduced a clause into the Treaty of Brest, according to which Russia undertakes to ensure the safe departure to Germany of Alexandra and her daughters.
  • As a result, the Bolsheviks extradited women to Germany, and Nicholas 2 and his son Alexei were left hostage. Subsequently, Tsarevich Alexei grew up in Alexei Kosygin.

A new round of this version was given by Stalin. It is a well-known fact that one of his favorites was Alexei Kosygin. There are no big reasons to believe this theory, but there is one detail. It is known that Stalin always called Kosygin nothing more than "tsarevich".

Canonization of the royal family

In 1981, the Russian Orthodox Church Abroad canonized Nicholas 2 and his family as great martyrs. In 2000, this happened in Russia as well. To date, Nicholas 2 and his family are great martyrs and innocently killed, therefore they are saints.

A few words about the Ipatiev house

The Ipatiev House is the place where the family of Nicholas 2 was imprisoned. There is a very well-reasoned hypothesis that it was possible to escape from this house. Moreover, unlike the unfounded alternative version, there is one significant fact. So, the general version is that there was an underground passage from the basement of the Ipatiev house, which no one knew about, and which led to a factory located nearby. Proof of this has already been provided in our day. Boris Yeltsin gave the order to demolish the house and build a church in its place. This was done, but one of the bulldozers during the work fell into this same underground passage. There is no other evidence of a possible escape of the royal family, but the fact itself is curious. At the very least, it leaves room for thought.

To date, the house has been demolished, and the Church on the Blood has been erected in its place.


In 2008, the Supreme Court of the Russian Federation recognized the family of Nicholas 2 as a victim of repression. Case is closed.

Sergei Osipov, AiF: Which of the Bolshevik leaders made the decision to execute the royal family?

This question is still the subject of debate among historians. There is a version: Lenin and Sverdlov they did not sanction regicide, the initiative of which allegedly belonged only to members of the executive committee of the Ural Regional Council. Indeed, direct documents signed by Ulyanov are still unknown to us. However Leon Trotsky in exile, he recalled how he asked Yakov Sverdlov a question: “- And who decided? - We decided here. Ilyich believed that it was impossible to leave us a living banner for them, especially in the current difficult conditions. The role of Lenin, without any embarrassment, was unequivocally pointed out by Nadezhda Krupskaya.

In early July, I urgently left for Moscow from Yekaterinburg party "owner" of the Urals and military commissar of the Urals military district Shaya Goloshchekin. On the 14th, he returned, apparently with final instructions from Lenin, Dzerzhinsky and Sverdlov to destroy the entire family Nicholas II.

- Why did the Bolsheviks need the death of not only the already abdicated Nicholas, but also women and children?

- Trotsky cynically stated: “In essence, the decision was not only expedient, but also necessary,” and in 1935 he specified in his diary: “The royal family was a victim of the principle that constitutes the axis of the monarchy: dynastic heredity.”

The extermination of members of the House of Romanov not only destroyed the legal basis for the restoration of legitimate power in Russia, but also bound the Leninists with mutual responsibility.

Could they survive?

- What would happen if the Czechs approaching the city released Nicholas II?

The sovereign, members of his family and their faithful servants would have survived. I doubt that Nicholas II would have been able to disavow the act of renunciation of March 2, 1917 in the part that concerned him personally. However, it is obvious that no one could question the rights of the heir to the throne, Tsarevich Alexei Nikolaevich. A living heir, despite his illness, would personify the legitimate power in Russia engulfed in turmoil. In addition, along with the accession to the rights of Alexei Nikolayevich, the order of succession to the throne, destroyed during the events of March 2-3, 1917, would automatically be restored. It was this option that the Bolsheviks were desperately afraid of.

Why were some of the royal remains buried (and the murdered themselves canonized) in the 90s of the last century, some - quite recently, and is there any certainty that this part is really the last?

Let's start with the fact that the absence of relics (remains) does not serve as a formal basis for refusing canonization. The canonization of the royal family by the Church would have taken place even if the Bolsheviks had completely destroyed the bodies in the basement of the Ipatiev House. By the way, in emigration, many thought so. There is nothing surprising in the fact that the remains were found in parts. Both the murder itself and the cover-up took place in a terrible hurry, the killers were nervous, the preparation and organization turned out to be bad. Therefore, they could not completely destroy the bodies. I have no doubt that the remains of two people found in the summer of 2007 in the town of Porosenkov log near Yekaterinburg belong to the emperor's children. Therefore, the point in the tragedy of the royal family, most likely, has been set. But, unfortunately, both she and the tragedies of millions of other Russian families that followed her left our modern society practically indifferent.

We do not claim the reliability of all the facts that are presented in this article, however, the arguments that are given below are very curious.

There was no execution of the royal family.Alyosha Romanov, heir to the throne, became People's Commissar Alexei Kosygin.
The royal family was separated in 1918, but not shot. Maria Feodorovna left for Germany, while Nicholas II and the heir to the throne Alexei remained hostages in Russia.

In April of this year, the Rosarkhiv, which was under the jurisdiction of the Ministry of Culture, was reassigned directly to the head of state. The change in status was explained by the special state value of the materials stored there. While experts were wondering what all this would mean, a historical investigation appeared in the newspaper “President” registered on the platform of the Presidential Administration. Its essence lies in the fact that no one shot the royal family. All of them lived a long life, and Tsarevich Alexei even made a nomenclature career in the USSR.

The transformation of Tsarevich Alexei Nikolaevich Romanov into Chairman of the Council of Ministers of the USSR Alexei Nikolaevich Kosygin was first discussed during perestroika. They referred to a leak from the party archive. The information was perceived as a historical anecdote, although the thought - and suddenly the truth - stirred in many. After all, no one saw the remains of the royal family at that time, and there were always a lot of rumors about their miraculous salvation. And suddenly, on you, - a publication about the life of the royal family after the imaginary execution is published in a publication that is as far as possible from the pursuit of a sensation.

- Was it possible to escape or be taken out of the Ipatiev house? It turns out yes! - writes the historian Sergei Zhelenkov to the newspaper "President". - There was a factory nearby. In 1905, the owner dug an underground passage to it in case of capture by the revolutionaries. During the destruction of the house by Boris Yeltsin, after the decision of the Politburo, the bulldozer fell into the tunnel that no one knew about.

STALIN often called KOSYGIN (left) a prince in front of everyone

Left hostage

What grounds did the Bolsheviks have to save the life of the royal family?

Researchers Tom Mangold and Anthony Summers published in 1979 the book The Romanov Case, or the Execution That Wasn't. They began with the fact that in 1978 the 60-year-old secrecy stamp from the Brest peace treaty signed in 1918 expires, and it would be interesting to look into the declassified archives.

The first thing they dug up were telegrams from the British ambassador announcing the evacuation of the royal family from Yekaterinburg to Perm by the Bolsheviks.

According to British intelligence agents in the army of Alexander Kolchak, entering Yekaterinburg on July 25, 1918, the admiral immediately appointed an investigator in the case of the execution of the royal family. Three months later, Captain Nametkin put a report on his desk, where he said that instead of being shot, it was his staging. Not believing, Kolchak appointed a second investigator Sergeev and soon got the same results.

In parallel with them, the commission of Captain Malinovsky worked, who in June 1919 gave the following instructions to the third investigator Nikolai Sokolov: “As a result of my work on the case, I became convinced that the august family is alive ... all the facts that I observed during the investigation are simulated murder.

Admiral Kolchak, who had already proclaimed himself the Supreme Ruler of Russia, did not need a living tsar at all, so Sokolov receives very clear instructions - to find evidence of the death of the emperor.

Sokolov does not think of anything better than to say: "The bodies were thrown into the mine, filled with acid."

Tom Mangold and Anthony Summers felt that the solution must be sought in the Brest-Litovsk Treaty itself. However, its full text is not in the declassified archives of London or Berlin. And they came to the conclusion that there are points relating to the royal family.

Probably, Emperor Wilhelm II, who was a close relative of Empress Alexandra Feodorovna, demanded that all august women be transferred to Germany. The girls had no rights to the Russian throne and, therefore, could not threaten the Bolsheviks. The men remained hostages - as guarantors that the German army would not go to St. Petersburg and Moscow.

This explanation seems quite logical. Especially if you remember that the tsar was overthrown not by the Reds, but by their own liberal-minded aristocracy, the bourgeoisie and the top of the army. The Bolsheviks did not have much hatred for Nicholas II. He did not threaten them with anything, but at the same time he was an excellent trump card in the sleeve and a good bargaining chip in negotiations.

In addition, Lenin was well aware that Nicholas II was a chicken that, if shaken well, could lay many golden eggs so necessary for the young Soviet state. After all, the secrets of many family and state deposits in Western banks were kept in the head of the king. Later, these riches of the Russian Empire were used for industrialization.

In the cemetery in the Italian village of Marcotta, there was a gravestone on which Princess Olga Nikolaevna, the eldest daughter of the Russian Tsar Nicholas II, rested. In 1995, the grave, under the pretext of non-payment of rent, was destroyed, and the ashes were transferred.

Life after death"

If you believe the newspaper "President", in the KGB of the USSR on the basis of the 2nd Main Directorate there was a special department that monitored all the movements of the royal family and their descendants across the territory of the USSR:

“Stalin built a dacha in Sukhumi next to the dacha of the royal family and came there to meet with the emperor. In the form of an officer, Nicholas II visited the Kremlin, which was confirmed by General Vatov, who served in the guards of Joseph Vissarionovich.

According to the newspaper, in order to honor the memory of the last emperor, monarchists can go to Nizhny Novgorod to the Krasnaya Etna cemetery, where he was buried on 12/26/1958. The famous Nizhny Novgorod elder Grigory served the burial service and buried the sovereign.

Much more surprising is the fate of the heir to the throne, Tsarevich Alexei Nikolaevich.

Over time, he, like many, came to terms with the revolution and came to the conclusion that one must serve the Fatherland regardless of one's political convictions. However, he had no other choice.

Historian Sergei Zhelenkov cites a lot of evidence of the transformation of Tsarevich Alexei into the Red Army soldier Kosygin. In the thundering years of the Civil War, and even under the cover of the Cheka, it really was not difficult to do this. Much more interesting is his future career. Stalin considered a great future in the young man and far-sightedly moved along the economic line. Not according to the party.

In 1942, authorized by the State Defense Committee in besieged Leningrad, Kosygin led the evacuation of the population and industrial enterprises and property of Tsarskoe Selo. Alexei walked along Ladoga many times on the Shtandart yacht and knew the surroundings of the lake well, therefore he organized the Road of Life to supply the city.

In 1949, during the promotion of the "Leningrad case" by Malenkov, Kosygin "miraculously" survived. Stalin, who called him a prince in front of everyone, sent Alexei Nikolaevich on a long trip to Siberia in connection with the need to strengthen the activities of cooperation, to improve matters with the procurement of agricultural products.

Kosygin was so removed from internal party affairs that he retained his positions after the death of his patron. Khrushchev and Brezhnev needed a good proven business executive, as a result, Kosygin served as head of government for the longest time in the history of the Russian Empire, the USSR and the Russian Federation - 16 years.

As for the wife of Nicholas II and daughters, their trace cannot be called lost either.

In the 90s, in the Italian newspaper La Repubblica, there was a note telling about the death of a nun, sister Pascalina Lenart, who from 1939 to 1958 held an important post under Pope Pius XII.

Before her death, she called a notary and told that Olga Romanova, daughter of Nicholas II, was not shot by the Bolsheviks, but lived a long life under the auspices of the Vatican and was buried in a cemetery in the village of Marcotte in northern Italy.

The journalists who went to the indicated address actually found a slab on the graveyard, where it was written in German: “ Olga Nikolaevna, eldest daughter of the Russian Tsar Nikolai Romanov, 1895 - 1976».

In this regard, the question arises: who was buried in 1998 in the Peter and Paul Cathedral? President Boris Yeltsin assured the public that these were the remains of the royal family. But the Russian Orthodox Church then refused to recognize this fact. Let us recall that in Sofia, in the building of the Holy Synod on St. Alexander Nevsky Square, the confessor of the Most High Family, Vladyka Feofan, who fled from the horrors of the revolution, lived. He never served a memorial service for the august family and said that the royal family was alive!

The result of the economic reforms developed by Alexei Kosygin was the so-called golden eighth five-year plan of 1966-1970. Over this time:

- national income increased by 42 percent,

- the volume of gross industrial output increased by 51 percent,

– the profitability of agriculture increased by 21 percent,

- the formation of the Unified Energy System of the European part of the USSR was completed, the unified energy system of Central Siberia was created,

— the development of the Tyumen oil and gas complex began,

- the Bratsk, Krasnoyarsk and Saratov hydroelectric power stations, Pridneprovskaya GRES,

- the West Siberian Metallurgical and Karaganda Metallurgical Plants started working,

- the first Zhiguli were released,

- the provision of the population with televisions has doubled, with washing machines - by two and a half, refrigerators - by three times.